Your conclusion reminded me of an undercurrent that most of us who were born in the 1950s recognize: there is so much less freedom now in so many ways. It is a huge change, and i guess has happened gradually. I think it is partly due to mass programming, and it is why most young people don't even seem to want to be free. Most of them believe the mainstream media via tech or TV. Like my late 30-ish stepson said, masked and vaxxed-up in 2021: I don't make the rules, i just follow them". Chilling. . . . . and Orwellian.
I purchased some DMSO, belle chemical, off Amazon to treat my arthritic thumb. Just a while ago I opened it and turned over to apply directly to my thumb area, which caused it to spill out on my wood stained side table too. I did it this way because the inside cap which seemed to be there to allow a slow application to come out, didn’t seemed to work. Anyhow, even though I wiped the residue off within a few minutes, it took the stain off my table. I was surprised it was that strong. Anyhow, be careful folks when you use it. I have been using about a week, so change yet.
Quite a lot of different dosage for different purpose. For nebulising? external uses? drinkable? eyes and ears? These are totally different but we have to mix with the real pure water as well. I have been tested and using with different dosage for my patients.
Here is my story on the loss of freedom. I have told this to dozens of police officers or corporate security officers. Most people today, and especially young people would say this was impossible.
My good friend, Dan Sisson, was a student of a Catholic military high school in Washington DC which was in an old building near the White House. He rode the train and walked from there to school. One day Harry Truman was walking around the White House alone. For the next semester, two or three times per week, he and Harry walked until Dan reached his school. One day Truman was walking with Dean Acheson, introduced him and the three walked the block all the way around the White House. My friend was late and the principal of the HS was at his desk at the top of the stairs of the entrance and shouted "why are you late" and Dan responded about his walk. The principle said that was the biggest whopper he had heard. Dan said he shoulsd contact the white house. A history book that I don't recall mentions that Truman walked with a cadet a few days a week.
The second story was on a video. A man, not a government employee, works some kind of security. He said that in 1967, when in high school, he had no money so he and his girlfriend went to Love Field, the airport in Dallas Texas. They walked out on the tarmac and up the stairs and sat down in an airplane. They pretended they were going on a vacation to Paris. A stewardess gave them some snacks. Later they went back into the terminal and explored. One door opened and they were in the control tower. The operator invited them in and described the equipment.
I am 81 years old and I recall being what is now called "a free range child" in the 1950's. My wife, also 81, right out of high school, went on a 6 week trip to Europe alone.
Most people could recall these similar free events. In 1960 our family vacationed in New York City for three weeks in a 23 floor hotel. My sister and I at 6 & 11 would run up and down the stairs without any supervision or concern. Times have changed.
Thanks to AMD for all he is doing. And thanks to Don for his examples.
Born in the 60's and I agree. It is actually very sad how the youth of today are inundated with constant media 24/7. They have never known anything else and the examples being set for them by popular media personalties is not always positive (the news is downright negative in just about everything). It is quite possible there are entities in our government who want to push an agenda using the media so they can maintain control. They took control of our educational system for the same reason. They don't want our schools producing critical thinkers because they cannot be controlled. For these reasons I have come to the conclusion that the people behind all of this are just plain evil.
I'm a 1966 baby...I home schooled my daughter...I saw the Marxism taking over the school system even as I was growing up. I was laughed at for home schooling my child back in the day but I was just ahead of my it's actually gaining traction and recognition as a viable option. You see these adorable and super smart home schooled children winning spelling bees and it's pretty awesome.
It's concentrated power. Once you set up an organization and give them unchecked power, that's it. That power will expand as well as eventually get corrupted which is exactly what happened with the FDA and CDC. Our Federal government has been expanding its (essentially unchecked) power for decades. How many 3 letter agencies were there in the 1950's and how many people did they employ? How many 3 and 4 letter agencies are there today and how many people do they employ?
One interesting side note to this expansion of power (and corruption) at the capital of the empire happened during the financial crisis. As you know that crisis had its roots in real estate and mortgages. Every real estate market in the US was hit, home prices dropped a significant amount, millions lost their homes to foreclosure. Every real estate market was hit... well, not exactly. There was one market where housing prices did not decline. Guess where that was. At the capital of the empire of course, the center of concentrated power.
“… and it now seems there is a temporary supply shortage of DMSO because so many people (and their friends) have been buying the brands I recommended.“
I think this amazing occurrence exemplifies the kind of transformative power we can have when we unite around, and amplify, something that is truly beneficial. The ripple effect is enormous.
AMD, God bless you for being a catalyst, and tip of the spear in this journey towards reviving healthcare.
PS- I think the compassionate, level-headed, and non-vitriolic approach that you express via your writings is sorely needed in all areas of resisting the elites. … It saddens me to see how many people are at each other’s throats on social media, especially when it occurs between prominent voices within the resistance. … I truly believe that uniting around the mindset of how we can help empower our fellow human beings is our most potent ticket for defeating the aspiring tyrannical technocrats, as well as for creating a society that restores autonomy to (and empathy between) the people… and I think your Substack embodies exactly that.
Even if it comes with a dropper, use a separate sterile container to store the
dropper and put the original lid back on the main bottle of DMSO.
I usually get a dropper full and put that dropper in a sterilized matching bottle for the dropper I've labeled DMSO and put the original lid tightly on the main bottle of DMSO to avoid any kind of contamination to occur. DMSO is supposed to last at least as long as two years under proper storage. I've never personally tested it's half-life but I wouldn't doubt it could last much much longer than that.
I know I sound hyper anal about being all clean and such but this is serious medicine and you've got to treat it with respect and great caution so that you can keep it as pure as possible and extending it's viability.
Also, make sure your skin is super clean if you plan on using it on your skin. DMSO can send whatever is on your skin right into your blood system. I use only really good quality unscented castile liquid soap and rinse it off really well afterwards. Then apply your DMSO.
Dmso can be a bit drying on the skin so after the DMSO has been on your skin for about an hour, putting some colloidal silver gel helps a lot.
Another tool for your healthcare arsenal is Manna Pro MicrocynAH...the opthalmic gel made for pet's's a super gentle version of Hypochlorous for skin and eyes.
Sorry about this cobbled together text but I wanted to include as much helpful info as possible while hopefully remaining cogent. If any typos are in here which I'm sure there are, my apologies but I wanted to share what my hyperactive brain wanted to share as fast as I was thinking it. :))
It seems rather silly that all the protocols on this substack end up paywalled when MANY other sites have them available however there are articles with a lot of information at least it is VERY strange however with some of that so be careful and be WELL people
One of the features of a paywall that I would like to highlight is that it’s very effective in preventing trolls from infesting AMD’s Substack ecosystem. Among the trolls that attack AMD on platforms like Twitter, are medical doctors and other healthcare practitioners. Notoriety is a two way street… while it allows AMD to help an ever increasing amount of people, it also paints a larger bullseye on his back for trolls with an axe to grind.
Certainly there are some negatives that come along with having a paywall, but very few things in life that involve large groups of people have mechanisms for sustainment and maintenance that have a price tag of zero dollars. Furthermore, the paywall provides all of us an overwhelmingly positive arena every time we come to one of AMD’s publications. The article is of academic-level quality, the comment section is abundantly positive and supportive, and we don’t have to deal with trolls trying to get under our skin when we share stories of very personal content. … the time required to monitor the comment section and remove trolls would make AMD’s project much less impactful, and probably would simply not be possible to maintain in its current form.
Much of what AMD writes about is scoffed at by the medical community at large, not because it isn’t built upon sound science, but because it’s so different than what the vast majority of doctors are comfortable with acknowledging. I remember that when AMD published his article on zeta potential (shortly after the paywall went up), he was hounded by doctors on Twitter. These doctors would have assuredly lashed out with their vacuous attacks right underneath the zeta potential article on Substack, and would have littered the comment section with toxic vitriol, greatly diminishing the impact of the article… but the paywall has kept them at bay, beginning around the time of the zeta potential article, and every article since then.
Lastly, I believe that we all need to do our part in spreading the information that AMD has organized and shared. Word of mouth is still one of the greatest,, if not the greatest, way to enact and amplify meaningful change. We have to print out these articles and hand them to our family and friends. The paywall has an overwhelmingly net-positive effect for the AMD ecosystem… and in regards to the remaining negatives (eg: cuts down on reach) that the paywall brings, I believe that’s where we all have to step up and do our part in the movement that AMD has cultivated.
•I didn't want to cause a supply shortage. If I'd publicly listed the brands, 90% of the people who tried to get them would not have been able to and that would have them completely ruined how I was trying to introduce all of this (I wanted a smaller group who really thought it through to do it first so they could provide proof to everyone else this works).
•I didn't want people to get DMSO, use it incorrectly, and then poison the well on other people trying it because of their negative experiences. By having it walled off, they had to make an investment to get the information and think it through, rather than just buying it. I had a few people still do that (e.g., two red heads putting 70% DMSO gel on their face and then reacting) but it was almost none of the respondents.
•I don't like to publicly promote products because the moment I do that, I get written off as a supplement pusher.
•I value the comment community too and it continually amazes me there are almost no trolls here. I've only had to ban 2 people so far, and in both cases it was because of continual anti-semitic vitriol and them being unwilling to stop when I asked.
I am incredibly appreciative of your reply. I always enjoy and look forward to hearing your thoughts, and the philosophy behind how you arrived at them.
Ever since you published the article that I linked in the comment you replied to, I’ve been viewing paywalls (in general) with greater nuance. The tremendous net positive “filter-effects” are something I wasn’t aware of until you brought attention to it. I would imagine there’s opportunity for research in this area, and finding a “paywall sweet spot” akin to how consumer theory helps explain/guide/forecast the pricing sweet spot of goods and services.
We used it all the time on the horses to enhance the effect of liniment and reduce swelling & pain from over work or injuries. However my vet was very concerned that I wear gloves when applying it as I was pregnant and she said it could cause cataracts over time. Have you heard of this? There was also a vet that supposedly died from handling horse tranquilizer when he had liniment on his hands as the DMSO caused him to absorb a large amount of it.
Not really. The protocols listed are linked to outside the site, reads the same. There's not much in the way of protocols - it's more about understanding how it works, and finding your own way through the protocols. Here's the gist: start small %, start topical. Work up from there. None of us behind the paywall got a "do this" protocol, if that's what you're looking for.
The government is actively against any product, especially natural things that are therapeutic in nature and work well for the benefit of mankind and by guilty association their corporate sponsors if there is profit for them to insert themselves and use bogus excuses like "harmful" or by prescription only, etc.
Ivermectin was actually discovered in Japanese soil...another wonder of nature that can treat so many ailments.
All of these amazing things that have been here all along and of course let's not forget herbs and spices! I literally stopped and reversed macular degeneration by taking saffron in my coffee. I don't take it every day...just a couple of times a week. Like with any supplement regime, moderation is key. I can even read teensy tiny print in proper light without the need of reading glasses which is pretty cool. I also restored my sense of smell with Ivermectin. Now I could probably smell a tic fart. haha
Great story about saffron and Ivermectin. I feel fortunate to have stumbled across two books by Stephen Buhner at our public library, Herbal Antibiotics and Herbal Antivirals. There is so much information about plants and herbs in those two books that I bought my own copies to have as reference. Buhner tells the story of the hubris of doctors and scientists in the 1950's and 1960's proclaiming that because of the miracle of antibiotics all infectious disease would be eliminated by the year 2000. He goes on to say that lucky for us all they were wrong or we'd all be dead because as we know bacteria are essential for all life on this planet. He also talks about the intelligence of bacteria, how they share genetic material even across species, how they can develop resistance to a single chemical antibiotic in mere weeks or months, and how plants, not having an immune system, used biochemistry to neutralize pathogenic bacteria. And they do this with not just ONE chemical but with dozens or even hundreds of biochemicals. It's very very difficult for bacteria to develop resistance against hundreds of biochemicals that are all hitting them at the same time versus just one single chemical. Plants!!
Sorry for answering so late, I’m only able to see replies on the webpage when I log-in…not getting replies by email any longer even though I have the settings right. :\
I honestly don’t know if the coffee is boosting the efficacy of the saffron? I bet black pepper would though…black pepper seems to boost a lot of spices!
thanks. i agree about bl pepper and may try saffron just for vision improvement. I understand re substack replies - no worries - at times that has happened to me, tho i think that time i found them in my spam. Other times ss has stopped sending me MWD's artticles for several weeks until she fixed it for me. Also their DM direct mesaging feature is VERY unreliable.
Thank you, yantra…just finding your reply (oy lol).Yes saffron is amazing. I realize this is again getting late to you but I hope you find it. I was recently sitting on the loo (overshare lol) and I was reading a magazine and I was shocked at how I was able to read some of the teensy weensy print that was not the regular print size for the magazine (you know when they do teensier print for images that describe the scene et al)? Black pepper is amazing at how it can supercharge other spices like turmeric and saffron and cinnamon etc. I wish you bountiful blessings and incredibly good health. XOXO
great and thanks. I have been putting a little saffron in my food regularly recently. Also just now put some black pepper in with it, which i haven't been using much recently. My up-close vision is very good, but not as good as ~30 yrs ago, when i could easily and clearly see the legs of newborn pill-bug babies (!)
Be careful buying that too. I’ve heard “they’ve” caught on and are add unnecessary ingredients that are actually harmful. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen with the lotion and gel DMSO products online.
I walked into a chemist today, to see what I could find in the way of zinc cream to combine with my DMSO. Every product was chockers full of stuff. I walked out.
My question is….how do we find a doctor that knows how to help us use DMSO correctly? Ive purchased a couple of books on it, but I dont feel Im ready to use it on myself without the help and knowledge of a medical practitioner. Is there a site that gives us doctors names and numbers like the FLLC has for covid ect?
Go to Amandha Vollmer's website. There are publicly available videos that give a lot of info. She also wrote a book which is available on Amazon -- DMSO, the Complete Guide... You don't have to pay for a membership on her website, just search the videos.
Ditto. I purchased a bottle recently and have only used one ounce of the 70% DMSO gell topically however my trick knee is much more stable now and I don't have the same fears of it unexpectedly giving out. Similarly my mouse hand thumb ache has almost disappeared. TAS, if you have possible reaction concerns with other pharmaceuticals then you might try a the amount that would sit on the head of a pin topically and work up gradually to assess your tolerance.
i use an old-style (extended) mechanical mouse with a roller ball - no problem from it. When i used to use a regular mouse, it was bad, and worse yet when i had my hands on the actual laptop keyboard/imbedded mouse - i would get bad wrist pain that would last long after i was off the computer.
so you use one too? mine is pretty old - at least 10 yrs, probably a lot more - i don't remember if my dear one got it (2nd hand) on the internet then because they were no longer available new, or if it was an old one he had around. i think "carpal tunnel syndrome" is probably largely from hands-on keyboard usage.
It has always caused skin itching and irritation for me. But I use it anyway because it provides almost instant relief for muscles, tendon, ligament, and joint pain and/or injuries. What I've found is that that prickly itching goes away as soon as the DMSO dries, which takes only a few minutes using the 70% liquid. The gel takes a lot longer to dry and prolongs the itching, so I no longer use the gel. If the itching gets too intense such that I can't stand to wait for it to stop on its own, I just wipe the area with a clean damp wash cloth. But lately, I just bear it because with the liquid it doesn't last that long.
Hubs and I eliminated the prickly itching thing by using some type of herbal salve with the DMSO. For my arthritis and general joint pain, we either use Willow Balm or one of those warming salves you can get at a CBD place. Might just be that oils or anything greasy helps soothe that prickly stuff away.
I just think it tastes appalling. I use a straw so I taste it the least. But I'm a veteran of 9 years of having a TCM herbalist as a GP. If you can drink their stuff, you can drink anything.
That's hilarious! Your story is amazing. Good on you! And, a TCM herbalist? *swoon*
I'm sorry for this late reply btw... I'm seeing all of these messages and replies to me late and only when I log into the substack app. Normally, I'm supposed to get all replies routed to me through my email but I haven't been getting them all. I feel so bad because I'm sure some people have been wondering why I haven't been replying to them.
There's something seriously strange going on in the Matrix...I'll just leave it at that.
Have a gorgeous remainder of your week and if any other peeps see this post, know that if I missed your reply it's because something is glitchy... XOXO
right - and actually the dmso i got has very little smell: 99.995% dmso, brand DMSOstore (from amazon). They claim: "Purified to be very Low odor by using a special cold process that helps remove any excess Dimethyl Sulfide which is the compound making it smell similiar to garlic".
I have just today started to gargle a small amount of extra virgin olive oil and swallow that just before taking the DMSO as my throat had been made a little sore by it I found, so the oil is to coat throat tissues first and prevent any potential harsh drying effects on the throat tissue.
I have also just started taking 500 mg Calcium Disodium EDTA powder dissolved in a little hot water every morning on an empty stomach for Long COVID/nanotech removal, it really works and you can really feel that it does, and the DMSO is making further big differences too. Calcium Disodium EDTA is the only specific molecular formula of EDTA that is safe for human use (there is more than one molecular formula of EDTA).
I first started 2 x 5 ml DMSO a day but have now cautiously cut back to drinking just 5 ml 99.99% DMSO in the mornings first thing, using 1 inch of orange juice added to it in the bottom of a coffee mug, just enough orange juice so that I can knock the whole lot back in one single swig. This leaves a very bitter taste so I follow this with a few more small cupfulls of straight orange juice to rinse out the cup and rinse away all the taste, or any smoothie drink will do really, sweeter-tasting ones are better to get rid of the lingering bitterness.
I spilt some DMSO on the plastic top of my washing machine while transferring it to a dark brown glass bottle and it took the surface clean off that softer type of plastic straight away, leaving marks there, and when I scrubbed my fingernail over those markings the marked surface plastic came straight off, powerful stuff! But that is a softer plastic than Dr Jacobs sells his DMSO in, but I still don't trust any type of plastic at all.
Different plastics are more stable with DMSO and some manufacturers sell it in plastic bottles, though dark brown glass is the ultimate non-reactive safety container for it really to store it in long-term.
It is good to experiment with DMSO to see its effect on a small patch of skin to teach yourself what it can do, then you can be sure to be very careful with it in future, if you put neat DMSO on a small inconspicuous non-visible test area of your skin and leave it, for a few days afterwards you get really thick dry heavily wrinkled skin there appearing like the soles of your feet do when you have been swimming for ages (this will happen to your fingers too), and that can be quite itchy and sore, but this fully returns to normal skin after a few days further, but do not rub this when sore and itchy, as the skin can come off making it worse, been there, done it.
But the good effects on my body have been amazing so far.
My tongue suddenly seems to be almost devoid of fur in the mornings now just since starting the DMSO, I used to get a lot of thick yellow fur in the middle and back of the top of my tongue every morning, now there is only a very delicate frosting of very thin white fur covering a much smaller area that is almost negligible, which I clean off with a freshly-washed very thin microfibre cloth every morning which works vastly better than anything else for cleaning the tongue, as tongue scrapers are pretty useless really in comparison.
My hands have stopped contracting and locking in a painful cramp when I try to grip something, this is an effect of Long COVID/chronic neuropathy caused by 2 months ICU treatment that has persisted now for 3 years - a Long COVID specialist I managed to finally see in a different area to where I live after nearly 3 years after my own local health authority repeatedly lied and refused to offer me any help at all told me much of the damage I have now been left with was actually caused by the treatment in ICU rather than the COVID (bioweapon) itself, he told me many of his patients have very similar injuries to mine.
I have had very bad highly painful frequent leg cramps since COVID too, possibly related to the widespread resultant chronic neuropathy I have been diagnosed with, or maybe the cramps have been due to some other related as-yet undiagnosed developing neurological condition but do not seem to have had any cramps in my legs for a few days now, maybe that state of relief will continue, I certainly hope so. The improved blood circulation from the DMSO and Calcium Disodium EDTA will do a lot to help that I am sure.
My legs were very cyanotic, or bluish purple in colour from a hole in my heart newly-acquired from COVID damage in ICU, but now the blue purple discolouration is suddenly greatly improved, though this is just October in the UK and quite mild still, so when it gets really cold I will see if my legs still stay normal colour then too as they are now, a healthy white all over, but so far so good, my legs look a normal healthy colour now with no cyanotic discolouration for the first time in 3 years.
My tinnitus has lessened. Ever since COVID I have suffered a constant 3 tone tinnitus, like jets on a runway, like a dentist's drill, and like a car engine standing running at the same time 24/7, but the whole of my body has seemed to be buzzing at the same time, and my blood has felt highly toxic ever since COVID, but I have noticed that only just since starting drinking a little DMSO a few days after starting Calcium Disodium EDTA, only just after starting DMSO the tinnitus buzzing/vibrating noise/sensation in my head that seems to extend throughout my body is markedly lessened, though I do not know if I will be able to tolerate drinking DMSO on a continual basis every day as my throat is now quite sore and the glands a little hard and swollen, but having just started the olive oil gargling and drinking today I will see if that sorts that problem out, though that will likely take a few days to resolve, bearing in mind what DMSO does to skin neat for days after. And if my throat settles down, I will try going back up to 2 x 5 ml DMSO a day as I first started off with, which gave me most quietening and peace from tinnitus.
I seem to be able to breathe more slowly now too, so the way my body processes oxygen seems to be changing for the better when I use DMSO, scientists have found that the way people's lungs process air is very different following COVID, but I seem to be able to get oxygen from the air I breathe a little easier now after taking DMSO and my breathing at last now seems markedly less asthmatic and rapid all the time these last few days after 3 years of bad breathlessness and dizziness. Asthma and dizziness are other little 'gifts' from the COVID bioweapon that the government left me with that I had never suffered from before in all of my life.
EDTA can reduce certain important minerals such as zinc and magnesium. I trust you have done your research and are ensuring you are getting them later in the day? The locking of your fingers sounds a little like trigger finger. There are some good PT exercises online for that which may help. Glad you are recovering!
Thankyou, yes, I supplement anyway with a multivit containing selenium and zinc but also take a litte extra zinc, magnesium, boron and manganese, though some say EDTA will only strip minerals from the body that are not biologically integrated in our tissues and should not be there anyawy, like calcium in the arteries, though of course we need specific amounts of calcium in the blood for example for brain and nervous system neurotransmitters etc., too little calcium causes convulsions, too much calcium causes psychosis, though glands keep that regulated normally when they are in good health, but a parathyroid problem can cause calcium to build up in the blood that can even be fatal. I think coffee strips more from the body than EDTA, when I drink coffee I can actually feel my knees grinding afterwards, haha, no kidding.
I have had bottles of EDTA for many years already having it mainly in case of having a major stroke and needing it for emergency treatment as it can reverse stroke effects if taken regularly every 20 minutes or so after a stroke for a couple of hours or so I read years ago, though I forget the exact amounts that were mentioned now, and have just bought some fresh stock after reading these most interesting and helpul articles on this site.
Thankyou for the kind suggestions on the hands, I wonder if trigger finger is what it is, either of my entire hands has been suddenly cramping when engaged in the slightest effort sometimes and then all the fingers and hand painfully cramp and lock and twist, arching right up and back towards the wrist, I get some relief from these kinds of cramps with potassium but I seem to be getting very good relief at the moment from the EDTA/DMSO. Cramping/neurological problems are very common parts of the Long COVID syndrome, I will look into the PT thing, cheers.
PS the olive oil (and I have even starting using hemp oil) to gargle with before drinking the DMSO solution seems to have rapidly resolved the sore throat and swollen gland problem. I remember the same thing happening a few years back when I drank some DMSO back then too, so the gargle with oil is a great idea if you intend to drink DMSO, and so far so good.
Wow! A way to save as a pdf without copy into WORD and mess around to get things lined up and then printed.
For what it is worth here is what I found out. I did a search and found a couple of ways to do it. I use Chrome. I have no idea about other browsers.
From the hints on the web, I went to the Three Dots in the upper right hand corner, clicked and scrolled down to Print. The Print Preview screen came up.
I had NEVER NOTICED DESTINATION!!! Option to save as a pdf in a print preview screen. I have used the Destination to change printers on occasion.
Easiest way to do it is to bring up a clean copy of the substack, do a Control P holding control key down and hitting p, and it brings up print preview.
I was fooling around and first got a page count in the thirty's and then I got a page count of 63. I realized that when I had a larger screen font, it generated more pages. You can change screen font size with CTL + for larger and CTL - for smaller, the same trick of holding down the control key. The smallest I could get was a pdf page count of 43 pages. I looked at the print preview and 36 pages were all that was needed. I then saved the pdf. I can now print it all out at 36 pages.
I understand your point but if you have a good relationship with your docs and they know you are an "educated consumer," they yare more likely to read it or at least skim the relevant parts. I know mine will.
There are a couple of groups on Telegram that I follow and they are volunteers that give advice on how to use it depending on ailment. They also provide this, just go under DMSO and it lists protocols. So far I have used externally and have ingested it. They recommend doing a patch test first as there’s a small number who are allergic to it.
actually maybe we don't need doctors so much - i was a little leery too, then just started rubbing a 50% solution (half water, half (99% pure) dmso) on problem areas. You could even test it on a very small area first. Your body will give you the information you need to continue, increase, decrease or even stop. I wouldn't try internal usage until you have tested it externally. I guess if you have serious neurological issues, or are trying to cure paralysis, down's syndrome or a severed spinal chord, you might want to consult a knowledgeable doctor, but really what is the downside of experimenting yourself?
My problem is most of my upper back and all my neck muscles are atrophied and stiff due to a spinal injury. I was bedridden for years….long story….but Im up and around and living life again. But always in pain. And sleeping is a challenge. So i really dont know where to begin to start with the dmso.
I've been taking lidocaine ointment (roller bottle) and then rolling on some DMSO. Let dry. I'm still on 1%, but hope to make up a 10% when my new amber bottles come in.
I think what is most striking about this series of DMSO articles is the “nothing new under the sun” aspect of them. The FDA is still engaged in suppressing efficacious treatments (e.g. - ivermectin, et al. for COVID) in order to promote expensive pharmaceuticals (remdesivir, et al.). Until the FDA is dissolved (could DMSO handle that?!), the US public will be kept ill and addicted.
Just imagine a protest of thousands with Super Soakers spraying DMSO onto the FDA headquarters... perhaps it'd cause it to be more rapidly swallowed up into the earth?
My husband is a young 92 year old and after reading your article bought DMSO with small glass dropper bottles. 70/30 with distilled water or caster oil. In less than a month the calcification in his knuckles has reduced and a bad sore on his leg has nearly disappeared. He now is working on veins and heart op scars. A new man! So grateful that you have put the effort into educating us.
Two things in this really stick out. As someone else stated elsewhere, I have long known that there were corrupt individuals and occasionally small groups with in out government. What I did not know was that the whole system is corrupt and that this corruption is not only recent.
I too did not know for how long the FDA has been corrupt. Another commenter posted that the problem is concentrated power which always becomes corrupt over time. I am in favor of shutting down ALL the 3 and 4 letter bureaucracies in Washington and return the power to regulate (or not regulate) to the states or even to local governments. Imagine how much more difficult it would be for Pharma to capture the entire country if they had to capture hundreds of local regulatory agencies. And the locals who don't regulate, how would Pharma capture them?
I use DMSO Store from Amazon. It is good, I've used DMSO for over 30 years, but just recently because of AMD and several others heard other uses. It has almost gotten rid of the scar from my total knee replacement, and using it for the neuropathy on my knee from a cut nerve there.
I have scarring from my total knee replacement that prevents me from getting more than a 90 degree bend. As a result of your self treatment are you able to bend your knee more or did you already have sufficient flexion?
I am bending a little better. I never made to the actual 90 degrees. I got close, but not to 90. my nerve was severed or twisted or something at the knee, so my leg goes to sleep at night while immobile. Neuropathy they say. So the DMSO is helping some on it too as well as the scar. I think the DMSO will help the scar tissue for you.
Hey, Midwestern Doc, I hope you catch this post...
I hope you do a series on the toxicity of fillings and root canals. I was so traumatized as a child and forced to get multiple fillings as a poor child, I think some unsavory dentists took advantage of single mother's on welfare...back then, they had 'medical coupons'...the dentist was so cruel to me when I was so scared to go under his drill (ugh) that when I kept sitting up terrified, he held me down and suffocated me with his hand and the female attending dental assistant had to pull him off of me. I cried through the whole thing...tears streaming down my face as he drilled on me with anger in his eyes.
I've mentioned this before, but it's always good to repeat good news...that's how the magic of good news works, but, I've healed my infected tooth (you know, when you get that zit on your gum and you know that you need it treated ASAP)...
I used this method to heal my infected tooth:
First, I took doxycycline which is a very safe antibiotic but I probably didn't need to but it did help kick the infection until I could get my ingredients I had ordered.
The ingredients were:
Citric acid and sodium chlorite and distilled water to make chlorine dioxide.
I prefer the 'gassing' method...where I take a small glass container and put it in a bigger glass container and pour the water in the bigger container just enough that can keep the smaller container steady and no overflow (also, make sure to properly sterilize your containers before doing this). Then I put equal parts sodium chlorite and citric acid in the small container and immediately lid it and then let it sit for 24 hours and carefully remove the tiny container and dump that in my sink or use it to kill fungus on my tile (lol) and I have this miraculous super vibrant green chlorine dioxide to use for germ killing. BTW, just as a PSA, always do this method in a well ventilated room and keep your pets out of the room you're doing this in. Then, when you want to treat a tooth infection you pour a teensy bit of chlorine dioxide with DMSO...and swish in your mouth. Do this every few hours at first to kill the infection. My mouth feels so good and my teeth feel so free of disease now!
Also, it's super important to quit all sugar and starchy foods when you are curing your tooth infection. The sugar just keeps feeding it and keeping it alive. (shudder).
I also used a cheap laser light (cat toy haha) that I aimed at my cheek. The red light therapy helps heal the harmed tissues.
I hope that all made senses. I'm still waking up (it's only 7am my time).
ETA: Also, you only have a 10 minute window to use chlorine dioxide with DMSO...they cancel each other out because one is an antioxidant and one is an oxidant. Now that's some cool science!
I used a different protocol to clear an extremely painful tooth infection when I was in the States in 2016.
Found some dmso, food grade hydrogen peroxide and organic coconut oil.
First, I did oil pulling.
Next: rubbed dmso on infected molar. Then applied the h2o2.
One application. Pain disappeared. As did the infection.
Note: A year or so
later, while chewing on a carne asada burrito, a large percentege of that (now dead) tooth cracked off and I bit into it. (Spit it out, thinking it was piece of bone...)
Slowly but surely, most of that tooth is now gone, lost it in bits and sots, but most importantly: zero pain and no infection.
Man, I wish I could stomach oil pulling but I can only do it for about 5 minutes tops and then I start to get grossed out by the foamy/oily concoction in my my mouth and I have to spit it out. Obviously, I'd have never made it in the porn industry. LMAO!
Yes, and I cannot download the "app" that the particular article has the brands listed. My phone and I both try to degoogle as much as possible....Dear doctor, it would be helpful not to lock up the ends of your articles to the QR code or to paid subscription. I for one cannot upgrade to paid for any substack these days, but your is one I would do so if I could.
Ditto, get “Insufficient funds” message here and another substack tho that same card has been aok in the past. Have now tried three different cards, two different banks. If it’s not a Substack issue I have no idea what it is.
The FDA persecution reminds me of what they did to Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski and his work on antineoplastons. Seems he was having ~28% success on non operable cancers and the FDA would have none of it. I would be very interested to know what the procedure for administering DMSO is. Specifically for Reynauds. I read the other articles and the best I can tell is just topically? Thanks,
Start low dose (I'm on 1%, getting ready to graduate to 10%, and looking forward to making up a 33%) apply as often as you like. I'm currently combining with lidocaine for pain, but - one could use ginger, turmeric, CBD, mag oil as well. I spread the lidocaine, then coat in DMSO. Still at 1%; I'm at the ends of the earth, and sourcing what I need (I'm waiting on roller bottles) is taking awhile.
But the more I read of Doc's articles, the more confident I am at trying different applications. That little niggly thing on my arm? Let's treat it. Ankle & foot hurting again? Treat it. Funky little skin barb on my finger? Treat it. Where did that bruise come from? Let's treat it!
At 1% I'm getting good enough results that I'm eager to keep going. It's experimenting, biohacking. When you run your own body, you have to listen to your body - not rely on experts saying do this or do that.
I've had the stuff in my house in one form or another (Australia is a nanny state, that's why the 1%) for 40 years - but no confidence on HOW it works and HOW to use it. Like Doc said, it's actually a new treatment paradigm, and I believe that my very low dose use has made my pain medicine more effective.
The only thing is - the treated area needs to air dry before putting anything else (like clothes) on.
I bought mine from Amazon Australia. It’s 99.9% DMSO gel. Have had the most painful osteoarthritis for the last ~10 years on and off (it moves around from one joint into another. My knee pain is severely limiting my life. So I felt I had little to lose. Seems to be working a treat so far - I just rub the gel into both knees, and my left hip (currently). The pain is DEFINITELY less!
Your conclusion reminded me of an undercurrent that most of us who were born in the 1950s recognize: there is so much less freedom now in so many ways. It is a huge change, and i guess has happened gradually. I think it is partly due to mass programming, and it is why most young people don't even seem to want to be free. Most of them believe the mainstream media via tech or TV. Like my late 30-ish stepson said, masked and vaxxed-up in 2021: I don't make the rules, i just follow them". Chilling. . . . . and Orwellian.
These types of things are always done in a slow an incremental manner so most people don't realize what's happening.
I purchased some DMSO, belle chemical, off Amazon to treat my arthritic thumb. Just a while ago I opened it and turned over to apply directly to my thumb area, which caused it to spill out on my wood stained side table too. I did it this way because the inside cap which seemed to be there to allow a slow application to come out, didn’t seemed to work. Anyhow, even though I wiped the residue off within a few minutes, it took the stain off my table. I was surprised it was that strong. Anyhow, be careful folks when you use it. I have been using about a week, so change yet.
50%+0.00ppm pure water formula would be the best.
Do you know where we can read about dosage?
Quite a lot of different dosage for different purpose. For nebulising? external uses? drinkable? eyes and ears? These are totally different but we have to mix with the real pure water as well. I have been tested and using with different dosage for my patients.
I use the same dmso. 100% medical grade. It will strip the first layer of skin off your body. Not only wood stain!
I recommend cutting it by 50% or 30% with a good ingestible (Sic?) oil for topical applications, or some type of juice or honey if drinking it.
Wow, can't believe I read this within just a few minutes of burning a ring in my table with DMSO ... wish I had read it before I sat the bottle down!
at least you know it's real ( ; - a little scary though
Boiled frog anyone? 😝🐸😝
Thanks for taking the time to assemble this massive historical piece, very impressive, Doc.
And thanks for having the courage to continue exposing the enemy of freedom everywhere, which is of course, government.
Since there will be no voting our way out of this (gone too far), here's my Lifeline to Liberty:
Best of luck,
~~ Doc
MMMmmmmmm! Undercurrents can be powerful.
Here is my story on the loss of freedom. I have told this to dozens of police officers or corporate security officers. Most people today, and especially young people would say this was impossible.
My good friend, Dan Sisson, was a student of a Catholic military high school in Washington DC which was in an old building near the White House. He rode the train and walked from there to school. One day Harry Truman was walking around the White House alone. For the next semester, two or three times per week, he and Harry walked until Dan reached his school. One day Truman was walking with Dean Acheson, introduced him and the three walked the block all the way around the White House. My friend was late and the principal of the HS was at his desk at the top of the stairs of the entrance and shouted "why are you late" and Dan responded about his walk. The principle said that was the biggest whopper he had heard. Dan said he shoulsd contact the white house. A history book that I don't recall mentions that Truman walked with a cadet a few days a week.
The second story was on a video. A man, not a government employee, works some kind of security. He said that in 1967, when in high school, he had no money so he and his girlfriend went to Love Field, the airport in Dallas Texas. They walked out on the tarmac and up the stairs and sat down in an airplane. They pretended they were going on a vacation to Paris. A stewardess gave them some snacks. Later they went back into the terminal and explored. One door opened and they were in the control tower. The operator invited them in and described the equipment.
I am 81 years old and I recall being what is now called "a free range child" in the 1950's. My wife, also 81, right out of high school, went on a 6 week trip to Europe alone.
Most people could recall these similar free events. In 1960 our family vacationed in New York City for three weeks in a 23 floor hotel. My sister and I at 6 & 11 would run up and down the stairs without any supervision or concern. Times have changed.
Thanks to AMD for all he is doing. And thanks to Don for his examples.
What delightful stories Don. Thank you.
Born in the 60's and I agree. It is actually very sad how the youth of today are inundated with constant media 24/7. They have never known anything else and the examples being set for them by popular media personalties is not always positive (the news is downright negative in just about everything). It is quite possible there are entities in our government who want to push an agenda using the media so they can maintain control. They took control of our educational system for the same reason. They don't want our schools producing critical thinkers because they cannot be controlled. For these reasons I have come to the conclusion that the people behind all of this are just plain evil.
I'm a 1966 baby...I home schooled my daughter...I saw the Marxism taking over the school system even as I was growing up. I was laughed at for home schooling my child back in the day but I was just ahead of my it's actually gaining traction and recognition as a viable option. You see these adorable and super smart home schooled children winning spelling bees and it's pretty awesome.
I have 2 friends, brothers, parents of India origin. Both were home schooled.
Elder brother earned his PhD from Cambridge Uni in England at the age of 21. His younger brother got his around age 24.
Their mother is teaching other parents/groups how to successfully homeschool.
It's concentrated power. Once you set up an organization and give them unchecked power, that's it. That power will expand as well as eventually get corrupted which is exactly what happened with the FDA and CDC. Our Federal government has been expanding its (essentially unchecked) power for decades. How many 3 letter agencies were there in the 1950's and how many people did they employ? How many 3 and 4 letter agencies are there today and how many people do they employ?
One interesting side note to this expansion of power (and corruption) at the capital of the empire happened during the financial crisis. As you know that crisis had its roots in real estate and mortgages. Every real estate market in the US was hit, home prices dropped a significant amount, millions lost their homes to foreclosure. Every real estate market was hit... well, not exactly. There was one market where housing prices did not decline. Guess where that was. At the capital of the empire of course, the center of concentrated power.
Mortgage= mort (death) gage (grip).. there, fixed it for you!
"the american dream"
That’s why we must vote for Trump. He’s our last hope.
“… and it now seems there is a temporary supply shortage of DMSO because so many people (and their friends) have been buying the brands I recommended.“
I think this amazing occurrence exemplifies the kind of transformative power we can have when we unite around, and amplify, something that is truly beneficial. The ripple effect is enormous.
AMD, God bless you for being a catalyst, and tip of the spear in this journey towards reviving healthcare.
PS- I think the compassionate, level-headed, and non-vitriolic approach that you express via your writings is sorely needed in all areas of resisting the elites. … It saddens me to see how many people are at each other’s throats on social media, especially when it occurs between prominent voices within the resistance. … I truly believe that uniting around the mindset of how we can help empower our fellow human beings is our most potent ticket for defeating the aspiring tyrannical technocrats, as well as for creating a society that restores autonomy to (and empathy between) the people… and I think your Substack embodies exactly that.
Hey, just some tips for everyone:
Don't allow your DMSO to get contaminated
Keep it air tight
Even if it comes with a dropper, use a separate sterile container to store the
dropper and put the original lid back on the main bottle of DMSO.
I usually get a dropper full and put that dropper in a sterilized matching bottle for the dropper I've labeled DMSO and put the original lid tightly on the main bottle of DMSO to avoid any kind of contamination to occur. DMSO is supposed to last at least as long as two years under proper storage. I've never personally tested it's half-life but I wouldn't doubt it could last much much longer than that.
I know I sound hyper anal about being all clean and such but this is serious medicine and you've got to treat it with respect and great caution so that you can keep it as pure as possible and extending it's viability.
Also, make sure your skin is super clean if you plan on using it on your skin. DMSO can send whatever is on your skin right into your blood system. I use only really good quality unscented castile liquid soap and rinse it off really well afterwards. Then apply your DMSO.
Dmso can be a bit drying on the skin so after the DMSO has been on your skin for about an hour, putting some colloidal silver gel helps a lot.
Another tool for your healthcare arsenal is Manna Pro MicrocynAH...the opthalmic gel made for pet's's a super gentle version of Hypochlorous for skin and eyes.
Sorry about this cobbled together text but I wanted to include as much helpful info as possible while hopefully remaining cogent. If any typos are in here which I'm sure there are, my apologies but I wanted to share what my hyperactive brain wanted to share as fast as I was thinking it. :))
So, pardon the derps in between. LOL XOXO
All great ideas. Thank you 🙏
It seems rather silly that all the protocols on this substack end up paywalled when MANY other sites have them available however there are articles with a lot of information at least it is VERY strange however with some of that so be careful and be WELL people
I can understand how the paywall might come across in a negative light, but AMD wrote an article in February of 2022 about his thought process behind including a paywall. I humbly implore you to read it:
One of the features of a paywall that I would like to highlight is that it’s very effective in preventing trolls from infesting AMD’s Substack ecosystem. Among the trolls that attack AMD on platforms like Twitter, are medical doctors and other healthcare practitioners. Notoriety is a two way street… while it allows AMD to help an ever increasing amount of people, it also paints a larger bullseye on his back for trolls with an axe to grind.
Certainly there are some negatives that come along with having a paywall, but very few things in life that involve large groups of people have mechanisms for sustainment and maintenance that have a price tag of zero dollars. Furthermore, the paywall provides all of us an overwhelmingly positive arena every time we come to one of AMD’s publications. The article is of academic-level quality, the comment section is abundantly positive and supportive, and we don’t have to deal with trolls trying to get under our skin when we share stories of very personal content. … the time required to monitor the comment section and remove trolls would make AMD’s project much less impactful, and probably would simply not be possible to maintain in its current form.
Much of what AMD writes about is scoffed at by the medical community at large, not because it isn’t built upon sound science, but because it’s so different than what the vast majority of doctors are comfortable with acknowledging. I remember that when AMD published his article on zeta potential (shortly after the paywall went up), he was hounded by doctors on Twitter. These doctors would have assuredly lashed out with their vacuous attacks right underneath the zeta potential article on Substack, and would have littered the comment section with toxic vitriol, greatly diminishing the impact of the article… but the paywall has kept them at bay, beginning around the time of the zeta potential article, and every article since then.
Lastly, I believe that we all need to do our part in spreading the information that AMD has organized and shared. Word of mouth is still one of the greatest,, if not the greatest, way to enact and amplify meaningful change. We have to print out these articles and hand them to our family and friends. The paywall has an overwhelmingly net-positive effect for the AMD ecosystem… and in regards to the remaining negatives (eg: cuts down on reach) that the paywall brings, I believe that’s where we all have to step up and do our part in the movement that AMD has cultivated.
The key issues on this were:
•I didn't want to cause a supply shortage. If I'd publicly listed the brands, 90% of the people who tried to get them would not have been able to and that would have them completely ruined how I was trying to introduce all of this (I wanted a smaller group who really thought it through to do it first so they could provide proof to everyone else this works).
•I didn't want people to get DMSO, use it incorrectly, and then poison the well on other people trying it because of their negative experiences. By having it walled off, they had to make an investment to get the information and think it through, rather than just buying it. I had a few people still do that (e.g., two red heads putting 70% DMSO gel on their face and then reacting) but it was almost none of the respondents.
•I don't like to publicly promote products because the moment I do that, I get written off as a supplement pusher.
•I value the comment community too and it continually amazes me there are almost no trolls here. I've only had to ban 2 people so far, and in both cases it was because of continual anti-semitic vitriol and them being unwilling to stop when I asked.
I am incredibly appreciative of your reply. I always enjoy and look forward to hearing your thoughts, and the philosophy behind how you arrived at them.
Ever since you published the article that I linked in the comment you replied to, I’ve been viewing paywalls (in general) with greater nuance. The tremendous net positive “filter-effects” are something I wasn’t aware of until you brought attention to it. I would imagine there’s opportunity for research in this area, and finding a “paywall sweet spot” akin to how consumer theory helps explain/guide/forecast the pricing sweet spot of goods and services.
We used it all the time on the horses to enhance the effect of liniment and reduce swelling & pain from over work or injuries. However my vet was very concerned that I wear gloves when applying it as I was pregnant and she said it could cause cataracts over time. Have you heard of this? There was also a vet that supposedly died from handling horse tranquilizer when he had liniment on his hands as the DMSO caused him to absorb a large amount of it.
Sorry not liniment on his hands it was horse tranquilizer with DMSO combined.
Not really. The protocols listed are linked to outside the site, reads the same. There's not much in the way of protocols - it's more about understanding how it works, and finding your own way through the protocols. Here's the gist: start small %, start topical. Work up from there. None of us behind the paywall got a "do this" protocol, if that's what you're looking for.
The government is actively against any product, especially natural things that are therapeutic in nature and work well for the benefit of mankind and by guilty association their corporate sponsors if there is profit for them to insert themselves and use bogus excuses like "harmful" or by prescription only, etc.
Ivermectin was actually discovered in Japanese soil...another wonder of nature that can treat so many ailments.
All of these amazing things that have been here all along and of course let's not forget herbs and spices! I literally stopped and reversed macular degeneration by taking saffron in my coffee. I don't take it every day...just a couple of times a week. Like with any supplement regime, moderation is key. I can even read teensy tiny print in proper light without the need of reading glasses which is pretty cool. I also restored my sense of smell with Ivermectin. Now I could probably smell a tic fart. haha
Great story about saffron and Ivermectin. I feel fortunate to have stumbled across two books by Stephen Buhner at our public library, Herbal Antibiotics and Herbal Antivirals. There is so much information about plants and herbs in those two books that I bought my own copies to have as reference. Buhner tells the story of the hubris of doctors and scientists in the 1950's and 1960's proclaiming that because of the miracle of antibiotics all infectious disease would be eliminated by the year 2000. He goes on to say that lucky for us all they were wrong or we'd all be dead because as we know bacteria are essential for all life on this planet. He also talks about the intelligence of bacteria, how they share genetic material even across species, how they can develop resistance to a single chemical antibiotic in mere weeks or months, and how plants, not having an immune system, used biochemistry to neutralize pathogenic bacteria. And they do this with not just ONE chemical but with dozens or even hundreds of biochemicals. It's very very difficult for bacteria to develop resistance against hundreds of biochemicals that are all hitting them at the same time versus just one single chemical. Plants!!
do you think it was primarily the saffron? or the combo w coffee?
Sorry for answering so late, I’m only able to see replies on the webpage when I log-in…not getting replies by email any longer even though I have the settings right. :\
I honestly don’t know if the coffee is boosting the efficacy of the saffron? I bet black pepper would though…black pepper seems to boost a lot of spices!
thanks. i agree about bl pepper and may try saffron just for vision improvement. I understand re substack replies - no worries - at times that has happened to me, tho i think that time i found them in my spam. Other times ss has stopped sending me MWD's artticles for several weeks until she fixed it for me. Also their DM direct mesaging feature is VERY unreliable.
Thank you, yantra…just finding your reply (oy lol).Yes saffron is amazing. I realize this is again getting late to you but I hope you find it. I was recently sitting on the loo (overshare lol) and I was reading a magazine and I was shocked at how I was able to read some of the teensy weensy print that was not the regular print size for the magazine (you know when they do teensier print for images that describe the scene et al)? Black pepper is amazing at how it can supercharge other spices like turmeric and saffron and cinnamon etc. I wish you bountiful blessings and incredibly good health. XOXO
great and thanks. I have been putting a little saffron in my food regularly recently. Also just now put some black pepper in with it, which i haven't been using much recently. My up-close vision is very good, but not as good as ~30 yrs ago, when i could easily and clearly see the legs of newborn pill-bug babies (!)
Be careful buying that too. I’ve heard “they’ve” caught on and are add unnecessary ingredients that are actually harmful. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen with the lotion and gel DMSO products online.
I walked into a chemist today, to see what I could find in the way of zinc cream to combine with my DMSO. Every product was chockers full of stuff. I walked out.
What ever happened to simples?
My question is….how do we find a doctor that knows how to help us use DMSO correctly? Ive purchased a couple of books on it, but I dont feel Im ready to use it on myself without the help and knowledge of a medical practitioner. Is there a site that gives us doctors names and numbers like the FLLC has for covid ect?
Go to Amandha Vollmer's website. There are publicly available videos that give a lot of info. She also wrote a book which is available on Amazon -- DMSO, the Complete Guide... You don't have to pay for a membership on her website, just search the videos.
External use, rub onto your skin.
You have nothing to lose.
Unless you can’t tolerate a mild garlicky smell.
Ditto. I purchased a bottle recently and have only used one ounce of the 70% DMSO gell topically however my trick knee is much more stable now and I don't have the same fears of it unexpectedly giving out. Similarly my mouse hand thumb ache has almost disappeared. TAS, if you have possible reaction concerns with other pharmaceuticals then you might try a the amount that would sit on the head of a pin topically and work up gradually to assess your tolerance.
My knee is so much better using very little. It helps my thumb (not mouse hand but newest area of arthritis) but Devils Claw herb helps too.
Oh, that mouse hand!
Good grief! Very few people talk about that thumb pain.
Every now and then I wonder how today’s youngsters are handling it.
i use an old-style (extended) mechanical mouse with a roller ball - no problem from it. When i used to use a regular mouse, it was bad, and worse yet when i had my hands on the actual laptop keyboard/imbedded mouse - i would get bad wrist pain that would last long after i was off the computer.
Yeh, love the track-ball. Worried they've gone out of fashion!
so you use one too? mine is pretty old - at least 10 yrs, probably a lot more - i don't remember if my dear one got it (2nd hand) on the internet then because they were no longer available new, or if it was an old one he had around. i think "carpal tunnel syndrome" is probably largely from hands-on keyboard usage.
Just make sure you do not have anything else on your skin (like lotion, etc) or the DMSO will absorb it into your bloodstream.
I believe it is recommended to try it on a very small area of skin first, to see if your skin is sensitive to it. It can cause skin irritation.
It has always caused skin itching and irritation for me. But I use it anyway because it provides almost instant relief for muscles, tendon, ligament, and joint pain and/or injuries. What I've found is that that prickly itching goes away as soon as the DMSO dries, which takes only a few minutes using the 70% liquid. The gel takes a lot longer to dry and prolongs the itching, so I no longer use the gel. If the itching gets too intense such that I can't stand to wait for it to stop on its own, I just wipe the area with a clean damp wash cloth. But lately, I just bear it because with the liquid it doesn't last that long.
Hubs and I eliminated the prickly itching thing by using some type of herbal salve with the DMSO. For my arthritis and general joint pain, we either use Willow Balm or one of those warming salves you can get at a CBD place. Might just be that oils or anything greasy helps soothe that prickly stuff away.
I'm a foodie and I don't think it tastes garlicky as much as it tastes like sulphur. :)
I just think it tastes appalling. I use a straw so I taste it the least. But I'm a veteran of 9 years of having a TCM herbalist as a GP. If you can drink their stuff, you can drink anything.
That's hilarious! Your story is amazing. Good on you! And, a TCM herbalist? *swoon*
I'm sorry for this late reply btw... I'm seeing all of these messages and replies to me late and only when I log into the substack app. Normally, I'm supposed to get all replies routed to me through my email but I haven't been getting them all. I feel so bad because I'm sure some people have been wondering why I haven't been replying to them.
There's something seriously strange going on in the Matrix...I'll just leave it at that.
Have a gorgeous remainder of your week and if any other peeps see this post, know that if I missed your reply it's because something is glitchy... XOXO
I agree! Something curious for sure. 👍
so true!!!!
right - and actually the dmso i got has very little smell: 99.995% dmso, brand DMSOstore (from amazon). They claim: "Purified to be very Low odor by using a special cold process that helps remove any excess Dimethyl Sulfide which is the compound making it smell similiar to garlic".
I have just today started to gargle a small amount of extra virgin olive oil and swallow that just before taking the DMSO as my throat had been made a little sore by it I found, so the oil is to coat throat tissues first and prevent any potential harsh drying effects on the throat tissue.
I have also just started taking 500 mg Calcium Disodium EDTA powder dissolved in a little hot water every morning on an empty stomach for Long COVID/nanotech removal, it really works and you can really feel that it does, and the DMSO is making further big differences too. Calcium Disodium EDTA is the only specific molecular formula of EDTA that is safe for human use (there is more than one molecular formula of EDTA).
I first started 2 x 5 ml DMSO a day but have now cautiously cut back to drinking just 5 ml 99.99% DMSO in the mornings first thing, using 1 inch of orange juice added to it in the bottom of a coffee mug, just enough orange juice so that I can knock the whole lot back in one single swig. This leaves a very bitter taste so I follow this with a few more small cupfulls of straight orange juice to rinse out the cup and rinse away all the taste, or any smoothie drink will do really, sweeter-tasting ones are better to get rid of the lingering bitterness.
I spilt some DMSO on the plastic top of my washing machine while transferring it to a dark brown glass bottle and it took the surface clean off that softer type of plastic straight away, leaving marks there, and when I scrubbed my fingernail over those markings the marked surface plastic came straight off, powerful stuff! But that is a softer plastic than Dr Jacobs sells his DMSO in, but I still don't trust any type of plastic at all.
Different plastics are more stable with DMSO and some manufacturers sell it in plastic bottles, though dark brown glass is the ultimate non-reactive safety container for it really to store it in long-term.
It is good to experiment with DMSO to see its effect on a small patch of skin to teach yourself what it can do, then you can be sure to be very careful with it in future, if you put neat DMSO on a small inconspicuous non-visible test area of your skin and leave it, for a few days afterwards you get really thick dry heavily wrinkled skin there appearing like the soles of your feet do when you have been swimming for ages (this will happen to your fingers too), and that can be quite itchy and sore, but this fully returns to normal skin after a few days further, but do not rub this when sore and itchy, as the skin can come off making it worse, been there, done it.
But the good effects on my body have been amazing so far.
My tongue suddenly seems to be almost devoid of fur in the mornings now just since starting the DMSO, I used to get a lot of thick yellow fur in the middle and back of the top of my tongue every morning, now there is only a very delicate frosting of very thin white fur covering a much smaller area that is almost negligible, which I clean off with a freshly-washed very thin microfibre cloth every morning which works vastly better than anything else for cleaning the tongue, as tongue scrapers are pretty useless really in comparison.
My hands have stopped contracting and locking in a painful cramp when I try to grip something, this is an effect of Long COVID/chronic neuropathy caused by 2 months ICU treatment that has persisted now for 3 years - a Long COVID specialist I managed to finally see in a different area to where I live after nearly 3 years after my own local health authority repeatedly lied and refused to offer me any help at all told me much of the damage I have now been left with was actually caused by the treatment in ICU rather than the COVID (bioweapon) itself, he told me many of his patients have very similar injuries to mine.
I have had very bad highly painful frequent leg cramps since COVID too, possibly related to the widespread resultant chronic neuropathy I have been diagnosed with, or maybe the cramps have been due to some other related as-yet undiagnosed developing neurological condition but do not seem to have had any cramps in my legs for a few days now, maybe that state of relief will continue, I certainly hope so. The improved blood circulation from the DMSO and Calcium Disodium EDTA will do a lot to help that I am sure.
My legs were very cyanotic, or bluish purple in colour from a hole in my heart newly-acquired from COVID damage in ICU, but now the blue purple discolouration is suddenly greatly improved, though this is just October in the UK and quite mild still, so when it gets really cold I will see if my legs still stay normal colour then too as they are now, a healthy white all over, but so far so good, my legs look a normal healthy colour now with no cyanotic discolouration for the first time in 3 years.
My tinnitus has lessened. Ever since COVID I have suffered a constant 3 tone tinnitus, like jets on a runway, like a dentist's drill, and like a car engine standing running at the same time 24/7, but the whole of my body has seemed to be buzzing at the same time, and my blood has felt highly toxic ever since COVID, but I have noticed that only just since starting drinking a little DMSO a few days after starting Calcium Disodium EDTA, only just after starting DMSO the tinnitus buzzing/vibrating noise/sensation in my head that seems to extend throughout my body is markedly lessened, though I do not know if I will be able to tolerate drinking DMSO on a continual basis every day as my throat is now quite sore and the glands a little hard and swollen, but having just started the olive oil gargling and drinking today I will see if that sorts that problem out, though that will likely take a few days to resolve, bearing in mind what DMSO does to skin neat for days after. And if my throat settles down, I will try going back up to 2 x 5 ml DMSO a day as I first started off with, which gave me most quietening and peace from tinnitus.
I seem to be able to breathe more slowly now too, so the way my body processes oxygen seems to be changing for the better when I use DMSO, scientists have found that the way people's lungs process air is very different following COVID, but I seem to be able to get oxygen from the air I breathe a little easier now after taking DMSO and my breathing at last now seems markedly less asthmatic and rapid all the time these last few days after 3 years of bad breathlessness and dizziness. Asthma and dizziness are other little 'gifts' from the COVID bioweapon that the government left me with that I had never suffered from before in all of my life.
EDTA can reduce certain important minerals such as zinc and magnesium. I trust you have done your research and are ensuring you are getting them later in the day? The locking of your fingers sounds a little like trigger finger. There are some good PT exercises online for that which may help. Glad you are recovering!
Thankyou, yes, I supplement anyway with a multivit containing selenium and zinc but also take a litte extra zinc, magnesium, boron and manganese, though some say EDTA will only strip minerals from the body that are not biologically integrated in our tissues and should not be there anyawy, like calcium in the arteries, though of course we need specific amounts of calcium in the blood for example for brain and nervous system neurotransmitters etc., too little calcium causes convulsions, too much calcium causes psychosis, though glands keep that regulated normally when they are in good health, but a parathyroid problem can cause calcium to build up in the blood that can even be fatal. I think coffee strips more from the body than EDTA, when I drink coffee I can actually feel my knees grinding afterwards, haha, no kidding.
I have had bottles of EDTA for many years already having it mainly in case of having a major stroke and needing it for emergency treatment as it can reverse stroke effects if taken regularly every 20 minutes or so after a stroke for a couple of hours or so I read years ago, though I forget the exact amounts that were mentioned now, and have just bought some fresh stock after reading these most interesting and helpul articles on this site.
Thankyou for the kind suggestions on the hands, I wonder if trigger finger is what it is, either of my entire hands has been suddenly cramping when engaged in the slightest effort sometimes and then all the fingers and hand painfully cramp and lock and twist, arching right up and back towards the wrist, I get some relief from these kinds of cramps with potassium but I seem to be getting very good relief at the moment from the EDTA/DMSO. Cramping/neurological problems are very common parts of the Long COVID syndrome, I will look into the PT thing, cheers.
PS the olive oil (and I have even starting using hemp oil) to gargle with before drinking the DMSO solution seems to have rapidly resolved the sore throat and swollen gland problem. I remember the same thing happening a few years back when I drank some DMSO back then too, so the gargle with oil is a great idea if you intend to drink DMSO, and so far so good.
Thank you for taking the time to share your pearls of wisdom.
I'm starting by saving this post as a pdf and giving a copy of it to my doctors.
Wow! A way to save as a pdf without copy into WORD and mess around to get things lined up and then printed.
For what it is worth here is what I found out. I did a search and found a couple of ways to do it. I use Chrome. I have no idea about other browsers.
From the hints on the web, I went to the Three Dots in the upper right hand corner, clicked and scrolled down to Print. The Print Preview screen came up.
I had NEVER NOTICED DESTINATION!!! Option to save as a pdf in a print preview screen. I have used the Destination to change printers on occasion.
Easiest way to do it is to bring up a clean copy of the substack, do a Control P holding control key down and hitting p, and it brings up print preview.
I was fooling around and first got a page count in the thirty's and then I got a page count of 63. I realized that when I had a larger screen font, it generated more pages. You can change screen font size with CTL + for larger and CTL - for smaller, the same trick of holding down the control key. The smallest I could get was a pdf page count of 43 pages. I looked at the print preview and 36 pages were all that was needed. I then saved the pdf. I can now print it all out at 36 pages.
Thanks for sharing to help others.
good luck getting them to actually read it
I understand your point but if you have a good relationship with your docs and they know you are an "educated consumer," they yare more likely to read it or at least skim the relevant parts. I know mine will.
There are a couple of groups on Telegram that I follow and they are volunteers that give advice on how to use it depending on ailment. They also provide this, just go under DMSO and it lists protocols. So far I have used externally and have ingested it. They recommend doing a patch test first as there’s a small number who are allergic to it.
Lots online if you look
actually maybe we don't need doctors so much - i was a little leery too, then just started rubbing a 50% solution (half water, half (99% pure) dmso) on problem areas. You could even test it on a very small area first. Your body will give you the information you need to continue, increase, decrease or even stop. I wouldn't try internal usage until you have tested it externally. I guess if you have serious neurological issues, or are trying to cure paralysis, down's syndrome or a severed spinal chord, you might want to consult a knowledgeable doctor, but really what is the downside of experimenting yourself?
My problem is most of my upper back and all my neck muscles are atrophied and stiff due to a spinal injury. I was bedridden for years….long story….but Im up and around and living life again. But always in pain. And sleeping is a challenge. So i really dont know where to begin to start with the dmso.
I've been taking lidocaine ointment (roller bottle) and then rolling on some DMSO. Let dry. I'm still on 1%, but hope to make up a 10% when my new amber bottles come in.
I see no replys. Did someone give you an answer? Thank you .
Yes, test your skin for will have a mildly hot sensation where applied.
I was thinking the same. But, I’ll do as I always do. Start with a very small dose.
I can’t wait for an expert to guild me through this. From what I’m reading is side effects are minimal.
I would def be careful about what’s in my system before using and if used topically def not use with other products.
That is one obnoxious avatar! :-(
Freakiness is in the eye of the beholder, no doubt!
I am betting you are an extrovert...
Erin does have a point, it's hard on the eyes of the other readers trying to go through the comments.
I think what is most striking about this series of DMSO articles is the “nothing new under the sun” aspect of them. The FDA is still engaged in suppressing efficacious treatments (e.g. - ivermectin, et al. for COVID) in order to promote expensive pharmaceuticals (remdesivir, et al.). Until the FDA is dissolved (could DMSO handle that?!), the US public will be kept ill and addicted.
Just imagine a protest of thousands with Super Soakers spraying DMSO onto the FDA headquarters... perhaps it'd cause it to be more rapidly swallowed up into the earth?
My husband is a young 92 year old and after reading your article bought DMSO with small glass dropper bottles. 70/30 with distilled water or caster oil. In less than a month the calcification in his knuckles has reduced and a bad sore on his leg has nearly disappeared. He now is working on veins and heart op scars. A new man! So grateful that you have put the effort into educating us.
Wow, that is amazing. And very hopeful for us 50's and 60's children.
Two things in this really stick out. As someone else stated elsewhere, I have long known that there were corrupt individuals and occasionally small groups with in out government. What I did not know was that the whole system is corrupt and that this corruption is not only recent.
I too did not know for how long the FDA has been corrupt. Another commenter posted that the problem is concentrated power which always becomes corrupt over time. I am in favor of shutting down ALL the 3 and 4 letter bureaucracies in Washington and return the power to regulate (or not regulate) to the states or even to local governments. Imagine how much more difficult it would be for Pharma to capture the entire country if they had to capture hundreds of local regulatory agencies. And the locals who don't regulate, how would Pharma capture them?
They certainly are not doing what they are supposed to be doing, so yes, let’s eliminate them. All of them.
"The natural remedies must be prohibited so the the unnatural ones may be profitable."
- Ned B.
You just keep hitting it out of the park! Have you been in touch with RFK Jr.? He'll probably want you on his staff if the election goes as I hope....
Yes! I was thinking that too. Also Musk stopping waste with these money wasting agencies. ..we need the "bureau of read up and try at your own risk".
I use DMSO Store from Amazon. It is good, I've used DMSO for over 30 years, but just recently because of AMD and several others heard other uses. It has almost gotten rid of the scar from my total knee replacement, and using it for the neuropathy on my knee from a cut nerve there.
I have scarring from my total knee replacement that prevents me from getting more than a 90 degree bend. As a result of your self treatment are you able to bend your knee more or did you already have sufficient flexion?
I am bending a little better. I never made to the actual 90 degrees. I got close, but not to 90. my nerve was severed or twisted or something at the knee, so my leg goes to sleep at night while immobile. Neuropathy they say. So the DMSO is helping some on it too as well as the scar. I think the DMSO will help the scar tissue for you.
Thank you for your reply. I hope you can get some relief or a solution for your neuropathy.
As long as it is illness that is profitable, medicine will continue to serve those who make us ill.
Change the incentives, and you will open a whole new world of healing.
Well said!
Hello, AMD!
Your work is terrific! You are making a real difference to the public - thank you!
I chased down what I believe would be the link to the clip thumbnail you posted today:
Krebiozen and Cancer - Thirteen Years of Bitter Conflict - YouTube
I hope this is helpful…
All the best to you!
I posted that one here. The one I was trying to find was mike wallace's interview.
Hey, Midwestern Doc, I hope you catch this post...
I hope you do a series on the toxicity of fillings and root canals. I was so traumatized as a child and forced to get multiple fillings as a poor child, I think some unsavory dentists took advantage of single mother's on welfare...back then, they had 'medical coupons'...the dentist was so cruel to me when I was so scared to go under his drill (ugh) that when I kept sitting up terrified, he held me down and suffocated me with his hand and the female attending dental assistant had to pull him off of me. I cried through the whole thing...tears streaming down my face as he drilled on me with anger in his eyes.
I've mentioned this before, but it's always good to repeat good news...that's how the magic of good news works, but, I've healed my infected tooth (you know, when you get that zit on your gum and you know that you need it treated ASAP)...
I used this method to heal my infected tooth:
First, I took doxycycline which is a very safe antibiotic but I probably didn't need to but it did help kick the infection until I could get my ingredients I had ordered.
The ingredients were:
Citric acid and sodium chlorite and distilled water to make chlorine dioxide.
I prefer the 'gassing' method...where I take a small glass container and put it in a bigger glass container and pour the water in the bigger container just enough that can keep the smaller container steady and no overflow (also, make sure to properly sterilize your containers before doing this). Then I put equal parts sodium chlorite and citric acid in the small container and immediately lid it and then let it sit for 24 hours and carefully remove the tiny container and dump that in my sink or use it to kill fungus on my tile (lol) and I have this miraculous super vibrant green chlorine dioxide to use for germ killing. BTW, just as a PSA, always do this method in a well ventilated room and keep your pets out of the room you're doing this in. Then, when you want to treat a tooth infection you pour a teensy bit of chlorine dioxide with DMSO...and swish in your mouth. Do this every few hours at first to kill the infection. My mouth feels so good and my teeth feel so free of disease now!
Also, it's super important to quit all sugar and starchy foods when you are curing your tooth infection. The sugar just keeps feeding it and keeping it alive. (shudder).
I also used a cheap laser light (cat toy haha) that I aimed at my cheek. The red light therapy helps heal the harmed tissues.
I hope that all made senses. I'm still waking up (it's only 7am my time).
ETA: Also, you only have a 10 minute window to use chlorine dioxide with DMSO...they cancel each other out because one is an antioxidant and one is an oxidant. Now that's some cool science!
I used a different protocol to clear an extremely painful tooth infection when I was in the States in 2016.
Found some dmso, food grade hydrogen peroxide and organic coconut oil.
First, I did oil pulling.
Next: rubbed dmso on infected molar. Then applied the h2o2.
One application. Pain disappeared. As did the infection.
Note: A year or so
later, while chewing on a carne asada burrito, a large percentege of that (now dead) tooth cracked off and I bit into it. (Spit it out, thinking it was piece of bone...)
Slowly but surely, most of that tooth is now gone, lost it in bits and sots, but most importantly: zero pain and no infection.
This is the DMSO I use now:
This is so awesome! Sorry I’m replying so late! What a valuable healing tool to add to our arsenal. Thank you so much for sharing this! XOXO!
Man, I wish I could stomach oil pulling but I can only do it for about 5 minutes tops and then I start to get grossed out by the foamy/oily concoction in my my mouth and I have to spit it out. Obviously, I'd have never made it in the porn industry. LMAO!
I have been pouring over several of these articles, looking for the brand of DMSO that you said that you recommend could somebody help me out?
Yes, and I cannot download the "app" that the particular article has the brands listed. My phone and I both try to degoogle as much as possible....Dear doctor, it would be helpful not to lock up the ends of your articles to the QR code or to paid subscription. I for one cannot upgrade to paid for any substack these days, but your is one I would do so if I could.
Totally agree! (Substack telling me my correctly entered credit card number is incorrect!)
That same thing happened to me twice. Tried it a third time a bit later and it worked.
Ditto, get “Insufficient funds” message here and another substack tho that same card has been aok in the past. Have now tried three different cards, two different banks. If it’s not a Substack issue I have no idea what it is.
Rain11 - Brand : NewRoots. This is the brand that I take for the last two years. Few drops a day once in a while.
DMSO Liquid - Pain Reduction · Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments, Knees, Hips, Shoulders, Elbows, and Wrists
DMSO Store
Here you go.
I can highly recommend Belle Chemical in Bllings Montana.
Very nice people, great customer service. and they also manufacturer other interesting products. Have a boo!
Very inexpensive for 4 oz of 100% pure medical grade dmso too. Sold in dark glass bottle
The FDA persecution reminds me of what they did to Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski and his work on antineoplastons. Seems he was having ~28% success on non operable cancers and the FDA would have none of it. I would be very interested to know what the procedure for administering DMSO is. Specifically for Reynauds. I read the other articles and the best I can tell is just topically? Thanks,
We are each an experiment of N=1.
Start low dose (I'm on 1%, getting ready to graduate to 10%, and looking forward to making up a 33%) apply as often as you like. I'm currently combining with lidocaine for pain, but - one could use ginger, turmeric, CBD, mag oil as well. I spread the lidocaine, then coat in DMSO. Still at 1%; I'm at the ends of the earth, and sourcing what I need (I'm waiting on roller bottles) is taking awhile.
But the more I read of Doc's articles, the more confident I am at trying different applications. That little niggly thing on my arm? Let's treat it. Ankle & foot hurting again? Treat it. Funky little skin barb on my finger? Treat it. Where did that bruise come from? Let's treat it!
At 1% I'm getting good enough results that I'm eager to keep going. It's experimenting, biohacking. When you run your own body, you have to listen to your body - not rely on experts saying do this or do that.
I've had the stuff in my house in one form or another (Australia is a nanny state, that's why the 1%) for 40 years - but no confidence on HOW it works and HOW to use it. Like Doc said, it's actually a new treatment paradigm, and I believe that my very low dose use has made my pain medicine more effective.
The only thing is - the treated area needs to air dry before putting anything else (like clothes) on.
Doctor, thank you for sharing the (infuriating) history behind DMSO and the severely flawed government agencies.
I bought mine from Amazon Australia. It’s 99.9% DMSO gel. Have had the most painful osteoarthritis for the last ~10 years on and off (it moves around from one joint into another. My knee pain is severely limiting my life. So I felt I had little to lose. Seems to be working a treat so far - I just rub the gel into both knees, and my left hip (currently). The pain is DEFINITELY less!
is the gel sold in glass container?