My mother started me on Prozac as a teenager. I transitioned to Zoloft due to side effects and kept a diary in college. The contents are incredibly difficult to read and appear to me now, even though they are in my own handwriting, as if they were written by another person.
The manic, narcissistic and solipsistic themes in the diary closely parallel and prefigure Eliott Rodger's manifesto (like him, I also attended UCSB, several years before his rampage). It included suicidal and homicidal ideations that I rejected at the time only for being impractical. It was as though I had no sense of the personhood of other people and there are many episodes in the diary illustrating that I was completely unable to fathom other people's perfectly normal reactions to my antisocial behavior.
Halfway through the diary, I stopped taking Zoloft cold turkey, aware that it was deranging my thoughts. The narcissism and solipsism vanished, replaced by self-aware humility. I never took antidepressants again. I graduated, got a job, got married and had three normal, healthy children.
I largely forgot about that period in my life until I discovered the diary 25 years later while moving. I nearly destroyed it, but forced myself to read through it, and now I have a deeper grasp of how evil and dangerous these pharmaceuticals can be. I will never let my children take these dangerous poisons and I will use my own story as a cautionary tale if I have to.
The takeaway I want to share with you is that a great deal of the solipsistic and narcissistic behavior we witness in the world today may entirely be an artifact of antidepressants.
When we who don't use drugs are walking around in public, we assume that people are normal, but it's plausible that 80% or more are either acutely high or coming down from some kind of psychotropic substance. Once we start seeing the world this way, everything from culture to economics to politics starts making a lot more sense.
Thank you. It was hard to disclose. I would like to add that there was never anything wrong with my mental health that proper nutrition and exercise couldn’t, and did, cure.
Dr. Breggin has addressed the Prozac issue and more. No one in DC is listening. Meet Gwen Olsen about 30 years ago and she wrote a book called "Confessions of a RX Drug Pusher" It was all about her pharmaceutical career which she rejected when she learned that her niece who was on SSRI"s had committed suicide. It has been documented that over 90% of all school shooters are on psychotropic drugs that create mental derangement and they act out over the issue in harmful ways. MASS media will not expose the truth! Here is my critique of Gwen book below. She spent her adulthood after resigning from Big Pharma giving lectures on the great harm of SSRI's Unfortunately, FDA is brain dead and those they should regulate are regulating the FDA and beyond into the halls of Congress.
My Critique: Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher is an exploration into the dark side of mental illness. Gwen Olsen is brave enough and angry enough to welcome the reader into her world of emotional trauma caused by drugs, alcohol and genetics.
Gwen weaves her stories of personal tragedies and the use of prescription mind controlling drugs that she sold into a shocking review of how drugs are used not to cure, but to control those with emotional and social behavior problems without any real concern about the potential deadly side effects. Drug marketing trumps good medicine.
The impetus for an insider to reject a financially rewarding career in pharmaceutical sales is the fiery self-immolation death of her bright, beautiful and beloved niece Megan.
Her extensive research into deadly events caused by mind altering prescription drugs brings into reality the gravity of the medical decision to prescribe a treatment routine that doesn't explore ways to reverse the medical condition.
The following quote by Dr. Candace Perth, the co-discover of the SSRI pathway which was the impetus for the creation of the multi-billion dollar SSRI class of mind altering drugs is a chilling statement.
"I am alarmed at the monster that John Hopkins neuroscientist, Solomon Snyder and I created when we discovered the simple binding assay for drug receptors 25 years ago."
Anyone who is or has a loved one taking these prescription drugs will be compelled to read Gwen's Saga and detailed investigation into this twilight world of drugging.
Only by knowing the truth can we change course and improve the quality of healthcare in the United States. Gwen helps us focus on a critical area of needed improvement and pleads for us to save our children from drugging.
Sadly NO ONE IS LISTERNING IN WASHINGTON! We need RFK Jr in DC to fix the problem! I pray that President Trump triumphs!
I too had a similar experience. Now I know it wasn’t me! It was the drugs!! I and my children are so lucky to be alive. It could’ve been really bad as I too stopped by antidepressants ‘cold turkey’ and I was living in an extremely water/sewage damage rental. Vaccines, birth control, antidepressants and a standard American diet is a recipe for death to myself and potentially others. Everyone needs to know Our Story and the Truth!!!
Very good! It also makes me shudder to think how my children might never have been born. Interestingly, I don’t recall any withdrawal symptoms after going cold turkey off Zoloft. Did you have any? It seems in retrospect that if I had sandpapered the dose away gradually, it might have afforded me the opportunity to change my mind.
I don’t quit Zoloft cold turkey as I was put on other brands: Paxil, Lyrica, Cymbalta and then Effexor. I quit Effexor cold turkey. It was horrible. Lyrica was also a horrible experience. It was while on it that I almost killed my kids. My gut was a mess for a long time after being off the meds. Things got better after going Carnivore for a couple years. I can tell when I don’t eat clean as my mental health takes a dive quickly. Food, sun, movement, sleep and connection…these are my meds now!
Thank You for sharing your story. Recently there was a Psychologist on You Tube. He was sharing the podcast with former psych med patients and their stories of the horrible effects of their Psychiatric Drug history and how difficult it was to get off the drugs. It was very eye opening for the less educated about this industry. Not sure if it is still on You Tube I would not be surprised if he was taken down. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights International has been fighting at the legislative level for decades against Psychiatric Abuse and has been instrumental in closing down Psychiatric facilities around the World that demonstrated very corrupt abuses of Human Rights.
CCHR sadly has that Scientology connection which discredits a lot of their work.
I'm not saying that their work isn't good - it is. They've got some excellent (if dramatic, pushy, etc.) docos. Their Prozac lawsuits were also excellent.
But their answer to the problem is Scientology (which is not a recommended way to come off antidepressants - they focus on the "detox" protocols of it).
Most of us in the anti-psychiatry movement are very careful about quoting CCHR, and look for other sources, because of that burden of association.
I have associated with CCHR for 30 years. And I know of other Medical Detox programs. The Church of Scientology does not do a Medical Detox Program. My understanding is that someone who has been on Psych Meds for any length of time should do a medically supervised slow gradient detox. I have also read of many that came off the meds on their own, however also read where this can be very hard mentally and physically on the individual. There may be some social noise about the Church of Scientology because L. Ron Hubbard helped create The Citizens Commission on Human Rights as a watchdog on the Industry ( it is a seperate Corporation ) and has done so with massive cases closing down Large Institutions that were literally killing their patients. In Australia for example. The Church of Scientology has what is called The Purification Rundown this is a general detox for people of all ages that are not on MEDS., it is totally different and a totally different public service., this program has been used by the Fire Fighters of 9/11 and many vets to simply clean up the toxins in the body, I have done it twice over a span of about 30 years, it results in improved mental clarity, and energy, but is not a "direct service for pysch meds". If CCHR is recommending detox it would be a true fact that one does need to detox from medical toxins, psych meds are very volatile to get off of, witness the testimonies of Stevie Nicks who said " it was worst time of her life and thanks God for finally getting off the Pysch Meds" and that it saved her life. And just so ya know there has been social noise on Scientology on and off by a very small fraction of society over Decades. The Church of Scientology is a valid Church providing services all over the World in 47 languages, services like courses to improve one's life, counseling to rid one of painful past situation, Marriage Counseling, How to Study effectively, How to Achieve Your Goals, Organization and Business Courses, many many services that help people, witness the Expansion across the Planet on Scientology Media Productions one of the largest Websites in the World. Also the Church does Community Outreach Programs for times of trouble and Disaster all over the World like in Katrina, and 9/11 our Volunteer Ministers are called upon by The Red Cross in times of Disaster for their good works. There are always going to be a small % that will forward uneducated information about people that actually do good works, the Church has received thousands of accolades and awards over the years for their work. Citizens Commission on Human Rights is just what it says it is - protecting Human Rights.
Have you ever considered writing and publishing a book based on your experience and your journal? Even if done anonymously it would really do some good!
The journal is much too intense for me to share even with my closest intimates. It really does read like a shooter manifesto. For professional and personal reasons I would not want to go public with it.
Your story is the perfect reflexion of what Krishnamurti had described as "profoundly sick society". As a person with ASD, taking any substance of which I did not know what it would do to me, was impossible. Although I was 'advised' many times by 'specialists' to take anti-depressants, I never did. As You stated, walking among people deemed "normal", was always like a stroll through an asylum. It remained that way and as I am now in Germany spending time with my dementia stricken Mom, it has obviously only gotten worse.
People here seem to be on whatever mind-altering substance exists.
However, in quintessence, I know who owns the pharmaceutical industrial complex. It is the same people that own the military industrial complex, the surveillance and media complexes, the frankenfood complex and genetics manipulatory kast.
The owners of these complexes have only one goal: to remove as many - in their eyes - useless inhabitants as possible as quickly as possible. These individuals and their machine have been doing that for a very long time and we are confronted with the final countdown to their "end-lösung" ("final solution"). May You (and all others here) be safe and sound during the coming battle between psychopathy and humanity.
I believe you are right, that antidepressants are a very useful tool to wreck reproductive fitness if not ruin people outright. We are constantly bombarded with metabolic, pharmaceutical and cultural poisons, all of which have the effect of wrecking our ability to raise families and grow into healthy and independent adults. Like you I believe this is not a coincidence.
The situation can be likened to a world war in terms of human cost. But we don’t fight it with weapons and industry. We fight it with nutrition and healthy lifestyles for ourselves and our children.
The first step must be the willingness to face the truth. Then, based on this revelation, poeple must do whatever is in their might to return to a healthy lifestyle. The unity of a healthy body, a healthy mind and a loving spirit is the best armor in the confrontation with psychopathy, or - as people like to call it - "evil".
We are definitely on the same page and I am convinced that we will overcome the assault on our humanity.
It could be a good light shined on the topic to work with a ghost writer to create a publishable book using your diary as material. If you could bring yourself to do it and find a good writer who has a motivation for the project.
But only in America. SSRI's are prescribed on mass all throughout the western world, and yet only in American is their an epidemic of mass shootings. Australia had one mass shooter about 20 or 30 years ago, and they haven't had on since. In New Zealand we have on mass shooter about once every 10 years. In England they don't seem to have them at all, but they have the very occasional mass stabber. Only in America do people on Prozac with guns kill people.
Only in America yes, the SSRI’s and other psychotropics + the whole schedule of vaccines 72+….criminalize the American mind according to Coulter, no where else you’ll find this deadly combination.
In Belgium where I used to live, 2 or 3 vaccinations are common, polio and pox, and I think nowadays measles. When I was at school long time ago only the first 2 were mandatory, and I was very sick from one and in hospital for a day - too young to remember. No one in Europe believes you when you tell them school children in the US are used as pincushions. Prozac was given there only on inpatients. I remember an article in a popular magazine that described the dangers of it. But bigpharma 's hands are grabbing Europeans by the throat nowadays. I just read a Steve Kirch article how the Netherlands keep a separate set of books about the harms and deaths by covid jab. Still, Algemeen Dagblad had a questionnaire this weekend and lots of people said NO we do not want more jabs, and lots testified about harm and mayhem. The truth will come out but for many it will be too late. And all that stuff injected, stays in the body. For life. No wonder all these children are sick.
Don't know if you've seen any of Dr. Ana Mihalcea's substacks, but she does darkfield microscopy live blood analysis. She has been seeing all the nano-tech & hydrogels in NON-vaxxed blood for a year or two. It was even in the blood of a cow & deer that she checked. Due to the chemtrails -- the geoengineering -- they're spraying in our skies. These things are in the soil, our waters, crops, food-animals that eat the grass & drink the water. They are getting to ALL of us, & WILL continue unless stopped. The four doctors from the Healing For The A.G.E.S. conference (last Sept, several masterclasses over the months, & another conference at the end of this month) have been studying what works against these harmful things the evil ones are getting into our bodies...our blood. They're learning what degrades the nanotech, what keeps the body health amid all the toxins, etc. Detoxifying the body is huge, especially the liver.
Here in greater Seattle I have seen chemtrails overhead multiple times this summer, most recently several days ago. In one event there were two small planes laying down a checkboard pattern --- if that's not proof of saturation of the environment, I don't know what is. I am desperate to find out what we are being sprayed with, but don't even know where to go for information. Anyone have suggestions???
Yep -- go to Dane Wigington has captured air from the chemtrails & had it analyzed. Heavy metals & such. Very bad for us to be breathing & eating/drinking! Watch his documentary, The Dimming, on that site.
Small planes aren't used for chem spraying - can't hold enough and don't fly high enough to make visible contrails. The can crop dust but that isn't the same as making chemtrails because they can't go high enough to make visible trails. What they spray while crop dusting is very low so it hits the right field with minimal overspray so as not to waste expensive chemicals.
PS -- Thus far, Tennessee is the wisest state with the wisest governor -- they've banned the chemtrails!! I wish Georgia would do this, but our leadership is corrupt. Other states have tried to pass this, but their governors vetoed the bills. SO much corruption.
Pincushion-yes-a horror & a religion! If you have a good Dutch source to share with me, please do. I have some Dutch friends, one who was proudly sharing her last vax. I tried to explain why she needs to rethink her injections & we were interrupted~ & I’m not sure my explanation would stand up to all the “authorities” who have so very well indoctrinated patients.
Pincushion-yes-a horror & a religion! If you have a good Dutch source re the dangers of vaccines to share with me, please do. I have some Dutch friends, one who was proudly sharing with me her last vax. I tried to explain why she might want to skip the next one & we were interrupted & I’m not sure my explanation would stand up to all the “authorities” who have done such a great job indoctrinating patients.
Yes, I found that out firsthand, which I commented on above. Have to taper off in minute amounts over time! Dr. Alice W. Lee, Utah, also supports with supplements like Lithium Orotate, Gaba, etc., before beginning withdrawal from the meds. Dr. Mark Horowitz in England also weans patients off SSRIs.
Yes, someone who has been on Psychiatric drugs, must wean off them like a heroine drug to allow the body to adjust and repair tissue. There are Doctors that specialize in this referred to as Medical Detox.
Heroin is easier to taper off of than antidepressants.
Okay, I've never tapered off of heroin, but I have come off months of oxycodone use post surgery, in less than a month.
SSRI's should be much much slower. 10% of previous dose per month (Horowitz calls that 'parabolic taper'). So - at least a year of tapering, if not 3. And if you are on multiple drugs - only taper one at a time. So even longer.
Only in the US and New Zealand (where we have about one mass shooting every 10 years). Therefore, there must be something else happening which is unique to American men.
You can add….the list is endless, Endocrine Disruptors, being too much on steroids, more aggressive commercials, the i-Doll-isation of the American female and loss of feminity, rape going through the roof as in Sweden and France, I’d like to know the data for the US? Still I stay with the opinion of the booster effect of psy drugs and vaccines, no other country comes close to 72 and in short 82 jabs + a brew of several psychotropics that drive the AKATISIA and AHEDONIA, the incapacity to enjoy anything in life out of control.
And US has higher autism rates, as well as double the ADHD of other developed Western countries (8% in US, 4% average elsewhere). Starting off with that kind of brain damage/delay could also play a part.
I have adhd, so I know very well the feeling of dissociation, lack of impulse control, feeling a weak sense of self, and being able to compartmentalize my empathy. Neurodivergance also tends to lead to more intense feelings of anger and injustice, increases our chances of being bullied or abused, and makes us 6-10x more likely to experience PTSD...
So I'd say it's a factor we can't rule out. That said, only 1/2 the neurodivergance is hereditary, and the other half are thought to be caused environmentally. But nobody can agree on the environmental factors (like vaccines, food additives, plastic exposures, hormone disruptors, electrical signals, and more)
Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality, the Medical Assault on the American Mind by HARRIS L. COULTER written in 1990. You can find the book on Amazon. Also very educative DTP a Shot In the Dark 1985 with Coulter and Barbara L. Harris
But, they are being sprayed downwind from the States around them, so you still see the chem trails in Tennessee! We all know that. Florida had a bill tbat was supposed to halt the spraying, but I haven't heard that it was ever passed.
it is just amazing how many people are totally unaware, sleepwalking zombies. How many are still running to the doctors that poison them. It turns me off in disgust to see all these obituaries ending with 'thanks to the oncologist' 'please donate to the cancer society'... these people thank the doc for killing their loved ones, and then beg for money to keep the killing going...
Yes. In the aftermath of J6 [when shear outrage could have broken the paralysis ] I suggested that anyone who saw what was happening as a quintessential moment - stand up and start waking to DC. I kept posting and posting. If 200milliom people had just begun, the momentum would be unstoppable. I believe that was our last chance. Now it's all about litigation. lawsuits ad nauseum. It's the language of the defeated.
Didn’t Australia take away their guns after that? Same in Britain. Cops there don’t carry but call in special armed police. Here in US it’s very easy to get a gun. I’m against mass gun confiscation by the government.
That's because in the UK and Aus they took our guns away after "events" which frightened the populace into giving them up. In Aus it was the Port Arthur Massacre, supposedly 30 head shots in 3 minutes performed by an intellectually challenged boy with an IQ of 62. I know more about this one than the one in the UK which also resulted in melting the guns. (interesting - they "bought back" the guns from Australians, but funny how those serial numbers ended up committing future crimes.....)
I'm a Yank in Oz, and there is a certain amount of pride here, and in the UK, of "gunless society." "We don't have those here." Yes, there are problems that come with an armed society, but I lived with it half my life and didn't die. There are bigger problems, I reckon, when Authority has ALL the guns. Legalized violence in concentration of power.
They still kill each other here - but the tools for mass murder are indeed more limited.
Take care that they don't take away your guns, too.
They did the same thing to us too (in 2019, good timing aye?), using the Christchurch mosque massacre (committed by an Australian with a lot of ties to security ties) as an excuse for implementing a lot of gun controls (which would not have prevented the massacre). They passed the law about a week after the event, because they just happened to have it all written up and ready to go.
True. In the UK and most of Europe, guns are almost impossible for the population to obtain — good guys or bad guys. So of course, guns are not the weapon of choice there. In those countries, the phrases would be:
Knives don’t stab people. People on Prozac stab people.
Clubs don’t bludgeon people. People on Prozac bludgeon people.
Cyanide doesn’t poison people. People on Prozac poison people.
Acid doesn’t disfigure faces. People on Prozac disfigure faces.
If SSRIs were a problem in darkest Africa, the phrase would be:
Poison-tipped blow gun darts don’t kill people. People on Prozac kill people.
The point is that people on SSRIs kill people, and gun-grabbers aren’t going to stop the killing. They will just change the weapon of choice, as shown elsewhere.
Ok I got the numbers. NZ has a population right now of about 5,399,000. US, 314,814,995 as of a year ago. We have a population something like 62 times greater than NZ. But we don't have 62 times more mass shootings than NZ even putting all of them together. So I would ask, what's causing New Zealand people to do even more mass shootings than in the US?
According to the BBC you guys have two mass shooters every day. (Most of them just don't get media coverage, presumably). That's way more then us. If you were having the equivalent of us, you would have one every 58 days. That means that you have 116 times more mass shooters then us.
The BBC isn't reporting the number of NZ mass shootings: I'm reporting them from my memory (and could easily have missed one. There could easily be 5 in my 50 year life time, not the 4 I remember). A mass shooter event is a huge deal in my country. It happens so rarely that it dominates the news for months (sometimes even years or decades). It's not like a two times a day thing that you don't bother to even report on most of the time like your country.
In terms of the BBC's credibility, I don't necessarily disagree with you, though I don't know why they would be lying about US shootings stats. Feel free to provide some other less biased source of stats instead.
New Zealand, one mass shooter every 10 years? What proportion of the population would that be in comparison to the US? A ratio of number of shootings per person per year might be informative.
If you accept the "one shooting every ten years" claimed for NZ above, they actually have much higher numbers of shooters per capita than the US. And that's without a constitutional right to bear arms!
Sorry, but no. The one shooter every 10 years vs your two a day (according to the BBC) means that you have 116 times more shooters per head of the population then us.
The BBC is a British govt propaganda/news agency, not a New Zealand one. New Zealand has no ability to control what the BBC does. One right we do have in New Zealand that you don't have is the right to free healthcare. That could go part of the way towards explaining why you guys have so many more mass shootings then we do. As a community mental health nurse, I was involved in hospitalizing multiple men who would otherwise have had a high risk of murdering people with guns (because they were paranoid, psychotic, expressing homicidal ideation, and collecting guns). If you provide mentally unwell people with mental health care (which involves talking to them on a regular basis), then you can prevent a lot of this. Maybe the way you think about what your rights contributes to your mass shooter problem. It's notable that Canada, Britian and Australia, who also don't have a mass shooter problem, also have free healthcare as a human right.
So, AMD, how do you address this? If the SSRIs make people homicidal, how come it does not translate into other countries? You can get guns illegally, or do a homicidal rampage via cars or knives... etc. If the link holds, there should be rampages in other high SSRI lands, no?
I'm going to suggest income inequality. Aus, & NZ, and less so the UK, have less income inequality than the US.
The US is largely poor and getting poorer. Conditions are ripe for rioting and violence. And men in particular - suffer, when their ability to make a living is smashed.
There is also some evidence that several of the US shootings were staged in order to guilt/shame Americans into giving up their guns. "They'd" HAVE to apply more pressure to us here, since the 'revolutionary' spirit is such a bigger part of our culture. Several reporters have wound up dead in mysterious circumstances for investigating the more fishy ones, the ones with the same crisis actors show up again and again pretending to be different people, or shooting up closed schools where locals are confused about the location. With some of the reporters, even their families and children were killed or disappeared.
We do have school shootings in the US, but I wonder how many of the teens here are influenced and encouraged by seeing the fake/CIA/FBI setup ones.
And teens especially are likely to copy what they think is getting attention (it's all over our media, of course). So it's really hard to say how many there would be on the vaccine injuries, heavy metal posioning and SSRIs, alone.
Good point. And mandatory vaccines are similar across the west so i dismiss that as a factor …..I think the consistent factor is always bullying. The ultra competitive society which leaves out the less attractive and geeky boys. if considered a geek but don’t excel at anything then you’re in real trouble fitting in. So Other students and teachers don’t care for you. Teenage years are some of the harshest, puberty, identity issues, finding friends, girls. Add in the American ego (“I deserve X”) and guns, there is your recipe for a school shooting. At least for a moment they feel they matter. While I have heard some ssri do give suicidal thoughts, it can’t explain all of them as you rightly say the rest of the world doesn’t these shootings .
does the rest of the world take SSRI's the way Americans take them? What percentage of Americans are on SSRI's compared to other countries? And if bullying is the cause, did bullying just start in the 1990's? I grew up in the 1950's and 1960's and bullying happened then, but there were no mass shootings in those decades. When was the first mass shooting that was perpetrated by a school child or children? Columbine was one of the early ones and that was 1999 and they were both on "anti-depressants".
Who hasn’t been bullied while growing up? Bullying is a common human trait. When I was a little girl (and I was little for my age), when someone messed with me I would beat him up! I was not a violent kid, but that other kid never picked on me again.
You are right except we didn't have the social media angle. Just talking about this very subject last night with someone. I was bullied badly, but to have to see things on social media and texting would be so horrible.
Not really. It usually isolation, bullying. While ssris could be a factor (because it is likely a common denominator) without doubt they all were not the popular kids, outcasts etc. No HS star or cheerleader goes on a rampage do they?
I believe that SSRIs and other medications were enabled (and promoted) by the myth that depression and other mental illnesses were the result of "chemical imbalances" in the brain. The connection of psychiatry with medicine has always been tenuous at best. This became carte blanche for the pharmaceutical companies to crank out chemical "solutions" to psychiatric problems. This has evolved into the disasters we see today where young people (especially males) are put on medication for behaviors that are essentially a normal phase of the maturation process. In my opinion this is part and parcel of the movement to devalue the role of family and parental control.
This is exactly it. They had us convinced that our three kids each with multiple neurological disabilities had chemical imbalances that led to their extreme anxiety and constant depression. All meds were marketed to us as safe and simply balancing out their imbalances. The meds actually led to worse conditions and created new ones. I regret not knowing all I know today about proper nutrition and psychotropic drugs. I wish I hadn’t trusted the medical establishment as much as I did. They “seemed” to care and when you have no support from anyone you’re hungry for anyone to care and provide help. It never occurred to me back then that our doctors weren’t doing their own diligent research first. In truth they just touted “proven methods” they saw in practice, and whatever the pharma companies trained them to believe.
It is a shame that so many children and their families suffered the consequences of the acceptance by the medical establishment of the pharmacological equivalent of voodoo. People tend to invest a lot more confidence in their doctors than is warranted. Doctors are trained in anatomy and physiology and how to apply that knowledge to the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Critical thinking and logic are not required to make the journey to a medical degree. Everyone would be better served finding a doctor with common sense and not be overly impressed by the letters after their name.
I know a Psych NP who tells me parents of "hyperactive" children usually want pills to solve the problem of their kids' behavior. The last thing they want to hear is that changes in their own behavior and treatment of their kids could fix most of their problems. I would add, changes in diet also.
And some cohort of them don't mind harming people. My wife's vitality, speaking and work ability was taken by a MD who wasn't a surgeon, who mangled her during surgery. At least 10 doctors had been trying to clean up his messes, but zero reported him.
Eventually angry people made him leave our state and eventually other states began pulling his license.
I would not be surprised if he isn't involved in organized crime now.
You missed a crucial piece of this. Depression is real and physiological. Vaccines aka brain inflammation and damage, cause depression. Infections [ think Lyme ] cause severe depression. Auto immune diseases cause depression. Nutritional deficiency causes depression. Cancer causes depression. Please think! Psychiatry and medicine are one and the same. The mind is an organ of the body the last time I looked and uses more energy than any other part of the entire system. Separating them was the 1st 2nd and last 'mistake' and was deliberate to simply make a lot of money. It is the economic model of specialization of treatment by 6 different 'specialists' for one patient, who never talk to each other about that patient and are completely ignorant of what the other is doing and how it might affect treatments being given by any of them.
It is true that lots of different things can make a person feel depressed. There is not a scintilla of proof that any of them involve "chemical imbalance" in the brain.
Joanna Moncrieff has some interesting videos on YouTube describing just how psych meds "work". It sounds like they create pathological conditions in the brain that then get labeled and sold as "improvements".
She has an interesting theory of drugs. She calls them drug effects, not side effects, and - believes that if the effect of a drug is useful, then it should be used. However, she does not believe that they fix any native condition.
If " It is true that lots of different things can make a person feel depressed." then you cannot rule out chemical imbalance, but let's unpack the definitions:
Chemical: A substance with a distinct molecular composition that is produced by or used in a chemical process.
Imbalance: A lack of balance, as in distribution or functioning.
About 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Only about 0.85% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All 11 are necessary for life.
So tell me again that there is no evidence - except for the existence of everything that must remain in the most excruciating and exacting relation with everything else. The mindset you represent is the lucrative modern medical model that has completely severed us from the elements out of which we are made in order to groom us to love our chains.
I would rephrase "There is not a scintilla of proof that any of them involve "chemical imbalance" in the brain" to read "There is not a scintilla of proof that Pharma drugs can cure depression without producing serious debilitating and sometimes life threatening side effects."
Mostly true. I think that historically things went south when money and power became involved as it always does. When you contemplate having control over life and death and the potential to make millions by controlling your journey from the one to the other, it was a forgone conclusion.
First, I would like to extend my very real empathy. I too have struggled with life long depression. Much of it from sever trauma at the hands of my mother who was also clinically depressed from suboptimal thyroid replacement after thyroidectomy from Graves disease. The genetics are there for me as her father was also mentally ill and an abuser. I was in a state of almost complete dysfunction at 14 - unable to sit up for more than 3 minutes in the psychiatrist's office and was hospitalized at 18 and again at 19 . Tofronil saved my life. I had regressed to an almost vegetative state with my first hospitalization at 18. I had been given Tofronil at 14 by the doctor and it had NO effect. At 18 it blew me right out of the ballpark. The last round of the hospital at 19 was sort of a tour de force. As my depression abated my energy returned [ depression is almost always a response to the exhaustion of carrying the weight of trauma ] and with the only form of psychological locomotion being compared to a 1940's Ford farm truck with only 2 working pistons and 4 flat tires, my mental apparatus was too much for the doctors on the day program. I was kicked out! Within 5 weeks, I had job that I chose to ride a bike to and back from - 16 miles total everyday. I lost 10 lbs and that was with a thyroid already in the beginning of decline and taking a medication known for weight gain. I am not trying to be the devil's advocate here. I agree with this post completely, BUT, chronic stress especially in very early childhood triggers a cascade of abnormally circulating chemical processes. Living as an only child with a depressed psychotic from infancy [ not to mention feeding from HER unbalanced chemical processes for 9 months ] and moving through all the critical developmental periods, building tissue, brain cells organs etc. in that toxic soup cannot fail to have consequences. I had chronic strep, chronic UTI's and chronic ear infections. Several times the antibiotics did not work and had to be continued for several courses. So my gut was a mess as well. By the time I was 4, I was hospitalized with bleeding ulcers. Sheesh! Can anyone say 'chemical imbalance'????
The bigger picture here though is that trauma leads to stress and stress causes dysregulation of everything and sadly, if you brooch the subject with just about anybody, you will find my story becomes a blur in the like stories of many people agonizing over why they literally cannot be happy in the exact same way that a man without eyes can't understand color Then there is the trauma of malnutrition. All of the essential ingredients to thriving and healing are poisoned, but not actually being taken away. This is to maintain the illusion of choice and abundance. But the choice between a hundred different vegetables, fruits, proteins etc. that are not only laced with carcinogenic metals and devoid of all the life giving nutrients is NOT a choice. What can be a choice is to first find a nutrient test that will give you a clear picture of your unique physiology. I will post a link to a video that you should watch anyway, but also mentions such a test. You might be surprised. I was severely anorexic and bulimic for 17 years.. On 2 occasions my heart just simply stopped beating. It was surreal. I had never heard of an electrolyte. LOL! Because of that and continuing nutrient deficiencies and now no functioning thyroid, I have been forced to do the deep dive into supplementation and I have found quite of few nuggets of gold to strengthen me on the journey, but I had to shoot in the dark. With the information of a really good nutrient test, you can avoid alot of discouraging failures and being chronically depressed, there is the very real danger of giving up. Do not give up! I would start there and also walk in nature. It sounds so trite, but the trite is usually true. Bring up the demons [ whatever they are ] and dissect them one at a time. You really do have everything you need to heal and if you see that more is required YOU make that choice. Also PLEASE get your thyroid tested. Underactive thyroid is an epidemic in this country [ another story ] and it's premeditated invisibility and [ if diagnosed ] criminal undertreatment is now one of the most lucrative conditions to medically ignore. This one disease is like the root and trunk of the money tree. Depression! Fatigue! Weight gain. High cholesterol. High blood pressure. Hormone dysregulation. Constipation. Menstrual issues. Infertility. Arrhythmias. Anemia [ more fatigue ] Insomnia! Brain fog. In short - everything. Do NOT go to an endocrinologist! Go to "Stop the Thyroid Madness" and join. You will not be sorry. If you miss this one and there is a problem, nothing after that will help.
If you can't stand Trump or Tucker Carlson or both PLEASE watch anyway. The information is VITAL to navigating the 'killing ' fields of the medical industry. Nutrient test is mentioned by name. Join the digest. They will read your labs and recommend treatment. My post is too long now as it is, but STTM saved my life. Buy the book and support Janie. 35 years of the most meticulous research on absolutely everything thyroid and it's interactions with all the systems of the body including [ to your initial question ] supplements and how they work, don't work or overwhelm you.
So you start by fixing your foundation. All attempts at a remodel above ground will ultimately fail if the concrete is crumbling underneath. Sorry for the long post. When I read your words:
"Which of those if supplemented stop depression.
I"ve had it on a very serious scale for 40 years" my heart just broke and I felt I had to respond with whatever jumbled answers/information I could give, but there is so much more. I began my journey of depression at the age of 3. I am 64. Certainly not all the issues I related will apply to your situation, but depressed people usually don't have many friends as the world is loathe to end the bread and circuses to listen. So I am just a voice over the internet, but new information opens the mind and information acted upon results in tangible change. Last video is pertinent.
"chemical imbalance in the brain". It's just another example of how we in the West have lost faith in our bodies, our immune systems, and our brains to keep us healthy. Pharma to the rescue to correct all the mistakes that these flawed bodies have. ugh!
If you enquire closely most people that are depressed are actually being harassed or abused by someone and the depression can be reversed definitively if they are removed from those situations. Dogma about expected social arrangements or financial necessity is what prevents their rescue from those situations.
And sadly, in some cases of domestic abuse, the victim refuses to testify against the abuser, so the police can do nothing except watch the abuse escalate to the point of death.
Years ago, Ignatius Piazza, in several of his blogs, identified scientific research identifying 100% (truly 100%) of the school shooters at that time were ALL raised in day care and were ALL on psychometric medications.
These poor children grew up with no one, single adult who was a consistent source of love and discipline. It doesn't have to be Mom; it could be Dad, Grandpa, etc. Those boys, especially, needed a father figure in their formative years. A mother cannot help her sons grow to be men.
Add in bullying at school. All these kids looked geeky, skinny etc. you will never get an attractive young female as a school shorter because they are in a privileged position.
In fact the whole medical system needs a strong take down. Recently in the New York post there were 2 monstrous medical debacles. In New York a depraved urologist was revealed to have done sexual torture on thousands of men and boys. A second surgeon was scheduled to remove a spleen (which is on the left side of the body)( a feasible and known operation) and instead tried to cut out the liver which is on the right side of the body. Even a first year medical student knows more. This is of course manslaughter and caused the instantaneous death of the patient. They are going to prison but only after these disasters. How God awful.
When my son had to have surgery on his hip, I was visiting him before he went in. His legs were marked 'left' and 'right' Perhaps instead of medical school folks could play the old game of "Operation' and just be done with it.
wow .... I don't remember what year it was but my dr prescribed Prozac for me. I was (at the time) a USN spouse dealing with 2 children, working & a deployed sailor. I was "having a tough time" and the dr gave me the script. One of my friends convinced me that she's heard NOTHING good about it and a LOT of bad and would I consider not taking it. I really respected her, so I dumped the pills and never looked back. I guess I need to find her and thank you again for talking me into walking away from meds to help something that she was SURE I could do on my own! (Navy gives you friends and then moves them away - our you!) Thanks Anne!
When I first moved to my current state, I made friends with a lady in her late 40's. We were out walking one evening and she mentioned she was having bad symptoms (memory, etc) and her internal medicine doctor was going to give her Prozac. I about jumped out of my skin. I remembered reading an article in Newsweek (when it was a good magazine) describing something like what she was dealing with. It was. It is called Perimenopause. Moron doctor who is a "I can do anything" doctor was going to put her on freaking Prozac. Thankfully I stopped her.
I used to have the nickname of "Doctor ______" because I would listen to symptoms someone was having look it up and refer them to a qualified doctor. My most famous (to be fair was less than 10 times) one was I had a choir member who had horrible tremors. I worked for a great neurology group at the time. He didn't have Parkinson's or any other know ailment. Poor man could barely hold a coffee cup. I asked how long them symptoms had been happening. "Ever since my cardiologist put me on a new med." DING DING DING.
I got him an appointment with one doctor I worked with (truly great physician). I moved to my current state before the appointment. I received a letter from his wife. Turned out the new med was causing the tremors because it was reacting with an existing med and the guy DIDN'T NEED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Stopped the med and the tremors disappeared.
While I'm on it - another one was when I was having thyroid symptoms. I was in graduate school and primary care doctor wanted me to do the old "swallow two radioactive capsules and we will measure the levels" test at the hospital. Thank God (literally) the appointment line was busy. I went to a physician family I babysat for for the evening. Told the wife what was going on and she thought it was odd a primary care was ordering that type of test. Called her father (well known doctor who I'm sad to say had in his 2021 obituary that he trained Fauci) who was head of her old medical school and he said "wait a minute! You never, ever put anything radioactive in your body unless you have to. That doctor is outside his wheel house. Get her an appointment with an endocrinologist." (Never forgot that advice about radioactive stuff). Made an appointment, had bloodwork, (good looking) doctor felt my thyroid as I drank some water and diagnosed the problem right there.
I suspect I have minor thryoid trouble ever since MANopause at about age 55, lol. But the blood tests never show anything. I'm always cold. However, Im skinny which makes them not even listen to me.
So, I have said this in different postings. I did a short-term consumer healthcare, primarily OTC products detailed in physicians' offices. I had no budget for lunches. I would occasionally get into an office to see someone to talk to. Mostly leaving samples of OTC products. I overheard a pharma rep tell a physician to put their pregnant patients on an antidepressant to get ahead of "the baby blues" as almost all women experience it. I knew that was really bad as I was pregnant and could NOT BELIEVE what I was hearing. I also thought women were under attacked and labeled as depressed all the time. I ended up being a stay-at-home mom and never went back to pharma or consumer "health" sales. It was a short-term position. I do not remember the office or the rep or product. Whatever was heavily marketed back in 2000-2002 was probably used then. I could not believe an antidepressant was used for smoking cessation.
Don't worry. They moved on to the young boys who have already been harmed by vaccines. Now half our boys are like mentally ill girls. Because they aren't girls, but the pills and the culture are pushing them to act so.
My vaccine free grandkids are the healthiest, happiest grade schoolers I know. I showed their dad how to be a good, loving dad, but he decided against vaccines on his own.
One huge bad side effect, a very very little noticed one is the natural amount of risk a boy will take. I was a shy, sensitive boy by nature but I played sports, rode motorcycles, boxed, and drove stupidly. Because boys don't mind a little risk.
Modern boys are afraid to ask a girl out, start a business, go meet in a social setting, even to the point of "I won't play if I can't dominate" at a sport! They are afraid of failure, risk, and belittlement. Who does that sound like? Little girls!
I mostly got turned down by girls and lost and sports, LOL. And it rarely bothered me ! It was part of life.
So glad I had a girl. I don’t know what the future holds for boys. Tbh, I can see the issue the “scientists” have been attacking by so many different vectors. Say whatever you want, peace is much less likely in a world of General Jack Rippers. There’s some wildness in testosterone that is incredibly beautiful and creative and bold but also reckless and violent and destructive. I was a tad on the feminine side growing up, and my peers really hurt my feelings about that repeatedly. It wasn’t my fault, but they stuck the dagger in me and twisted it over and over again. Boys do this, in groups and with glee. They hop around like apes and rejoice in brutalizing the other, the thing that doesn’t conform. Heroes or villains, either way there’s gonna be a fight. They were designed for a different environment, a different time. Not saying the answer is to poison the shit out of them to weaken and confuse them. Just saying I’m glad I had a girl. I can’t solve that problem. Glad my little slice of whatever life I have left isn’t too much affected by it.
By so many methods the drug kingpins are maiming and killing our children. Your wise and caring reporting of truth about the Medical Mafia is priceless, especially for our kids, thank you!
The relationship betwn gut health and depression cannot be overstated, as it is one of the first symptoms of gut dybiosis. With toxic residue in commercially grown foods, gmo'd grains, bioweapon shots aka vaxxns, and antibiotics and other drugs that rip, melt or disturb the protective layer of gut lining over time, its a wonder any N American kids' gut and mind survives this toxic onslaught unaffected.
I applaud you for being one of the only places I've ever seen touch on the SSRI problem -- it's largely wrong dose or cold-turkey withdrawal symptoms.
Allow me to connect the final dot: SSRI's have a combination that will especially mess with men specifically:
1) You don't care about much of anything - or anyONE - on them. Nothing matters. No one matters.
2) They don't make men impotent, but they do make it so orgasms are difficult to downright impossible to achieve.
3) Any guy experiencing this will absolutely hate it, and become very angry about it.
4) They'll rightly blame the SSRI, so they'll quit cold turkey. After all, they're feeling GREAT! As you said, it's basically like they snorted a big honking table of cocaine.
5) Except -- oops -- if you quit cold turkey, you're much more likely to become violently insane and homicidal. Even if you don't act on it, you're probably feeling it, intensely.
They might or might not be fine on their own in any particular case, but they have to be monitored and micromanaged extremely closely.
This needs to be a standard warning. I had very good family and we watched everything closely. I always think young people with no support are in for a bad time with this stuff.
Way back in the mid 1970's, the swine flu vaccine was pulled from use after about 25 deaths. Today, it would take at least 10 million deaths before these murdering clowns would even consider taking action. The list of dangerous drugs grows every year and the FDA and CDC laugh all the way to the bank as they are paid off by big pharma to promote their deadly drugs.
more than 10. Rancourt's analysis concluded 17 million killed globally as of September 2023. A year later it's likely well above 20 million by now. They are nowhere near pulling the injections. In fact, they are continuing manufacturing of them, not only for covid but also for RSV, the flu, monkeypox. They are blaming the deaths on lockdown stress or long covid.
Thanks for taking this on. When getting off SSRIs what many doctors do is wean their patients too fast, and when the patient is at their worst and most vulnerable the horrendous withdrawal effects are used as evidence the SSRI is needed and they are yoyoed back on (sometimes at a higher dose).
Many doctors are useless in this regard not understanding the long half-life of the brain's adjustment to the removal of the medication that was distorting it. A great non-profit crowdsourced support resource for safely weaning off SSRIs is:
The Inner Compass charges. Surviving Antidepressants, the site from whence she graduated, offers the same information for free. (in other words, she learned it from us, and now she charges people to make a living from it.)
Do not pay for tapering information. I'll say it for free: 10% of previous dose per month. No faster. You can go slower, but no faster. One drug at a time.
My mother started me on Prozac as a teenager. I transitioned to Zoloft due to side effects and kept a diary in college. The contents are incredibly difficult to read and appear to me now, even though they are in my own handwriting, as if they were written by another person.
The manic, narcissistic and solipsistic themes in the diary closely parallel and prefigure Eliott Rodger's manifesto (like him, I also attended UCSB, several years before his rampage). It included suicidal and homicidal ideations that I rejected at the time only for being impractical. It was as though I had no sense of the personhood of other people and there are many episodes in the diary illustrating that I was completely unable to fathom other people's perfectly normal reactions to my antisocial behavior.
Halfway through the diary, I stopped taking Zoloft cold turkey, aware that it was deranging my thoughts. The narcissism and solipsism vanished, replaced by self-aware humility. I never took antidepressants again. I graduated, got a job, got married and had three normal, healthy children.
I largely forgot about that period in my life until I discovered the diary 25 years later while moving. I nearly destroyed it, but forced myself to read through it, and now I have a deeper grasp of how evil and dangerous these pharmaceuticals can be. I will never let my children take these dangerous poisons and I will use my own story as a cautionary tale if I have to.
The takeaway I want to share with you is that a great deal of the solipsistic and narcissistic behavior we witness in the world today may entirely be an artifact of antidepressants.
When we who don't use drugs are walking around in public, we assume that people are normal, but it's plausible that 80% or more are either acutely high or coming down from some kind of psychotropic substance. Once we start seeing the world this way, everything from culture to economics to politics starts making a lot more sense.
Thank you for this comment, I am pinning it.
Thank you. It was hard to disclose. I would like to add that there was never anything wrong with my mental health that proper nutrition and exercise couldn’t, and did, cure.
Dr. Breggin has addressed the Prozac issue and more. No one in DC is listening. Meet Gwen Olsen about 30 years ago and she wrote a book called "Confessions of a RX Drug Pusher" It was all about her pharmaceutical career which she rejected when she learned that her niece who was on SSRI"s had committed suicide. It has been documented that over 90% of all school shooters are on psychotropic drugs that create mental derangement and they act out over the issue in harmful ways. MASS media will not expose the truth! Here is my critique of Gwen book below. She spent her adulthood after resigning from Big Pharma giving lectures on the great harm of SSRI's Unfortunately, FDA is brain dead and those they should regulate are regulating the FDA and beyond into the halls of Congress.
My Critique: Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher is an exploration into the dark side of mental illness. Gwen Olsen is brave enough and angry enough to welcome the reader into her world of emotional trauma caused by drugs, alcohol and genetics.
Gwen weaves her stories of personal tragedies and the use of prescription mind controlling drugs that she sold into a shocking review of how drugs are used not to cure, but to control those with emotional and social behavior problems without any real concern about the potential deadly side effects. Drug marketing trumps good medicine.
The impetus for an insider to reject a financially rewarding career in pharmaceutical sales is the fiery self-immolation death of her bright, beautiful and beloved niece Megan.
Her extensive research into deadly events caused by mind altering prescription drugs brings into reality the gravity of the medical decision to prescribe a treatment routine that doesn't explore ways to reverse the medical condition.
The following quote by Dr. Candace Perth, the co-discover of the SSRI pathway which was the impetus for the creation of the multi-billion dollar SSRI class of mind altering drugs is a chilling statement.
"I am alarmed at the monster that John Hopkins neuroscientist, Solomon Snyder and I created when we discovered the simple binding assay for drug receptors 25 years ago."
Anyone who is or has a loved one taking these prescription drugs will be compelled to read Gwen's Saga and detailed investigation into this twilight world of drugging.
Only by knowing the truth can we change course and improve the quality of healthcare in the United States. Gwen helps us focus on a critical area of needed improvement and pleads for us to save our children from drugging.
Sadly NO ONE IS LISTERNING IN WASHINGTON! We need RFK Jr in DC to fix the problem! I pray that President Trump triumphs!
Same is true of the INJECTONS and Vaccines.
Other essential books: Anatomy of an Epidemic, Robert Whitaker
The Pill that Steals Lives, Katinka Blackford Newman
...there are, of course, more.
I too had a similar experience. Now I know it wasn’t me! It was the drugs!! I and my children are so lucky to be alive. It could’ve been really bad as I too stopped by antidepressants ‘cold turkey’ and I was living in an extremely water/sewage damage rental. Vaccines, birth control, antidepressants and a standard American diet is a recipe for death to myself and potentially others. Everyone needs to know Our Story and the Truth!!!
Very good! It also makes me shudder to think how my children might never have been born. Interestingly, I don’t recall any withdrawal symptoms after going cold turkey off Zoloft. Did you have any? It seems in retrospect that if I had sandpapered the dose away gradually, it might have afforded me the opportunity to change my mind.
I don’t quit Zoloft cold turkey as I was put on other brands: Paxil, Lyrica, Cymbalta and then Effexor. I quit Effexor cold turkey. It was horrible. Lyrica was also a horrible experience. It was while on it that I almost killed my kids. My gut was a mess for a long time after being off the meds. Things got better after going Carnivore for a couple years. I can tell when I don’t eat clean as my mental health takes a dive quickly. Food, sun, movement, sleep and connection…these are my meds now!
Thank You for sharing your story. Recently there was a Psychologist on You Tube. He was sharing the podcast with former psych med patients and their stories of the horrible effects of their Psychiatric Drug history and how difficult it was to get off the drugs. It was very eye opening for the less educated about this industry. Not sure if it is still on You Tube I would not be surprised if he was taken down. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights International has been fighting at the legislative level for decades against Psychiatric Abuse and has been instrumental in closing down Psychiatric facilities around the World that demonstrated very corrupt abuses of Human Rights.
CCHR sadly has that Scientology connection which discredits a lot of their work.
I'm not saying that their work isn't good - it is. They've got some excellent (if dramatic, pushy, etc.) docos. Their Prozac lawsuits were also excellent.
But their answer to the problem is Scientology (which is not a recommended way to come off antidepressants - they focus on the "detox" protocols of it).
Most of us in the anti-psychiatry movement are very careful about quoting CCHR, and look for other sources, because of that burden of association.
Hi JC,
I have associated with CCHR for 30 years. And I know of other Medical Detox programs. The Church of Scientology does not do a Medical Detox Program. My understanding is that someone who has been on Psych Meds for any length of time should do a medically supervised slow gradient detox. I have also read of many that came off the meds on their own, however also read where this can be very hard mentally and physically on the individual. There may be some social noise about the Church of Scientology because L. Ron Hubbard helped create The Citizens Commission on Human Rights as a watchdog on the Industry ( it is a seperate Corporation ) and has done so with massive cases closing down Large Institutions that were literally killing their patients. In Australia for example. The Church of Scientology has what is called The Purification Rundown this is a general detox for people of all ages that are not on MEDS., it is totally different and a totally different public service., this program has been used by the Fire Fighters of 9/11 and many vets to simply clean up the toxins in the body, I have done it twice over a span of about 30 years, it results in improved mental clarity, and energy, but is not a "direct service for pysch meds". If CCHR is recommending detox it would be a true fact that one does need to detox from medical toxins, psych meds are very volatile to get off of, witness the testimonies of Stevie Nicks who said " it was worst time of her life and thanks God for finally getting off the Pysch Meds" and that it saved her life. And just so ya know there has been social noise on Scientology on and off by a very small fraction of society over Decades. The Church of Scientology is a valid Church providing services all over the World in 47 languages, services like courses to improve one's life, counseling to rid one of painful past situation, Marriage Counseling, How to Study effectively, How to Achieve Your Goals, Organization and Business Courses, many many services that help people, witness the Expansion across the Planet on Scientology Media Productions one of the largest Websites in the World. Also the Church does Community Outreach Programs for times of trouble and Disaster all over the World like in Katrina, and 9/11 our Volunteer Ministers are called upon by The Red Cross in times of Disaster for their good works. There are always going to be a small % that will forward uneducated information about people that actually do good works, the Church has received thousands of accolades and awards over the years for their work. Citizens Commission on Human Rights is just what it says it is - protecting Human Rights.
Have you ever considered writing and publishing a book based on your experience and your journal? Even if done anonymously it would really do some good!
The journal is much too intense for me to share even with my closest intimates. It really does read like a shooter manifesto. For professional and personal reasons I would not want to go public with it.
It could be done as a work of fiction with a ghost writer taking the credit.
Your story is the perfect reflexion of what Krishnamurti had described as "profoundly sick society". As a person with ASD, taking any substance of which I did not know what it would do to me, was impossible. Although I was 'advised' many times by 'specialists' to take anti-depressants, I never did. As You stated, walking among people deemed "normal", was always like a stroll through an asylum. It remained that way and as I am now in Germany spending time with my dementia stricken Mom, it has obviously only gotten worse.
People here seem to be on whatever mind-altering substance exists.
However, in quintessence, I know who owns the pharmaceutical industrial complex. It is the same people that own the military industrial complex, the surveillance and media complexes, the frankenfood complex and genetics manipulatory kast.
The owners of these complexes have only one goal: to remove as many - in their eyes - useless inhabitants as possible as quickly as possible. These individuals and their machine have been doing that for a very long time and we are confronted with the final countdown to their "end-lösung" ("final solution"). May You (and all others here) be safe and sound during the coming battle between psychopathy and humanity.
I believe you are right, that antidepressants are a very useful tool to wreck reproductive fitness if not ruin people outright. We are constantly bombarded with metabolic, pharmaceutical and cultural poisons, all of which have the effect of wrecking our ability to raise families and grow into healthy and independent adults. Like you I believe this is not a coincidence.
The situation can be likened to a world war in terms of human cost. But we don’t fight it with weapons and industry. We fight it with nutrition and healthy lifestyles for ourselves and our children.
The first step must be the willingness to face the truth. Then, based on this revelation, poeple must do whatever is in their might to return to a healthy lifestyle. The unity of a healthy body, a healthy mind and a loving spirit is the best armor in the confrontation with psychopathy, or - as people like to call it - "evil".
We are definitely on the same page and I am convinced that we will overcome the assault on our humanity.
Don’t blame your mother! Blame the physician who was gas lite by Lilly! Blame Lilly.
It could be a good light shined on the topic to work with a ghost writer to create a publishable book using your diary as material. If you could bring yourself to do it and find a good writer who has a motivation for the project.
Guns don’t kill people. People on Prozac kill people.
But only in America. SSRI's are prescribed on mass all throughout the western world, and yet only in American is their an epidemic of mass shootings. Australia had one mass shooter about 20 or 30 years ago, and they haven't had on since. In New Zealand we have on mass shooter about once every 10 years. In England they don't seem to have them at all, but they have the very occasional mass stabber. Only in America do people on Prozac with guns kill people.
Only in America yes, the SSRI’s and other psychotropics + the whole schedule of vaccines 72+….criminalize the American mind according to Coulter, no where else you’ll find this deadly combination.
In Belgium where I used to live, 2 or 3 vaccinations are common, polio and pox, and I think nowadays measles. When I was at school long time ago only the first 2 were mandatory, and I was very sick from one and in hospital for a day - too young to remember. No one in Europe believes you when you tell them school children in the US are used as pincushions. Prozac was given there only on inpatients. I remember an article in a popular magazine that described the dangers of it. But bigpharma 's hands are grabbing Europeans by the throat nowadays. I just read a Steve Kirch article how the Netherlands keep a separate set of books about the harms and deaths by covid jab. Still, Algemeen Dagblad had a questionnaire this weekend and lots of people said NO we do not want more jabs, and lots testified about harm and mayhem. The truth will come out but for many it will be too late. And all that stuff injected, stays in the body. For life. No wonder all these children are sick.
Don't know if you've seen any of Dr. Ana Mihalcea's substacks, but she does darkfield microscopy live blood analysis. She has been seeing all the nano-tech & hydrogels in NON-vaxxed blood for a year or two. It was even in the blood of a cow & deer that she checked. Due to the chemtrails -- the geoengineering -- they're spraying in our skies. These things are in the soil, our waters, crops, food-animals that eat the grass & drink the water. They are getting to ALL of us, & WILL continue unless stopped. The four doctors from the Healing For The A.G.E.S. conference (last Sept, several masterclasses over the months, & another conference at the end of this month) have been studying what works against these harmful things the evil ones are getting into our bodies...our blood. They're learning what degrades the nanotech, what keeps the body health amid all the toxins, etc. Detoxifying the body is huge, especially the liver.
Don’t forget about the shedding by the jabbed onto the non jabbed.
Absolutely! Thank you for that reminder!
Here in greater Seattle I have seen chemtrails overhead multiple times this summer, most recently several days ago. In one event there were two small planes laying down a checkboard pattern --- if that's not proof of saturation of the environment, I don't know what is. I am desperate to find out what we are being sprayed with, but don't even know where to go for information. Anyone have suggestions???
Yep -- go to Dane Wigington has captured air from the chemtrails & had it analyzed. Heavy metals & such. Very bad for us to be breathing & eating/drinking! Watch his documentary, The Dimming, on that site.
Small planes aren't used for chem spraying - can't hold enough and don't fly high enough to make visible contrails. The can crop dust but that isn't the same as making chemtrails because they can't go high enough to make visible trails. What they spray while crop dusting is very low so it hits the right field with minimal overspray so as not to waste expensive chemicals.
PS -- Thus far, Tennessee is the wisest state with the wisest governor -- they've banned the chemtrails!! I wish Georgia would do this, but our leadership is corrupt. Other states have tried to pass this, but their governors vetoed the bills. SO much corruption.
Pincushion-yes-a horror & a religion! If you have a good Dutch source to share with me, please do. I have some Dutch friends, one who was proudly sharing her last vax. I tried to explain why she needs to rethink her injections & we were interrupted~ & I’m not sure my explanation would stand up to all the “authorities” who have so very well indoctrinated patients.
Pincushion-yes-a horror & a religion! If you have a good Dutch source re the dangers of vaccines to share with me, please do. I have some Dutch friends, one who was proudly sharing with me her last vax. I tried to explain why she might want to skip the next one & we were interrupted & I’m not sure my explanation would stand up to all the “authorities” who have done such a great job indoctrinating patients.
Running out of Paxil may be even worse, according to people who ran-out-of-Paxil...
Absolutely…Tapering off many times worse than being on SSRI’s, more homicides, suicides, aggression, despair and depersonalization
Yes, I found that out firsthand, which I commented on above. Have to taper off in minute amounts over time! Dr. Alice W. Lee, Utah, also supports with supplements like Lithium Orotate, Gaba, etc., before beginning withdrawal from the meds. Dr. Mark Horowitz in England also weans patients off SSRIs.
I have to mention Surviving Antidepressants ( where the information is available for free.
Please don't pay anyone to taper, if you have a prescriber, you can do it more safely with good advice.
Or not tapering off but just stopping. I tore our dresser apart with my bare hands after going on too quick of a taper. And that had been over weeks.
These need handled with extreme care and only given to the sickest people.
A boyfriend of mine who went off cigarettes cold turkey destroyed a coffee table in his misery.
Yes, someone who has been on Psychiatric drugs, must wean off them like a heroine drug to allow the body to adjust and repair tissue. There are Doctors that specialize in this referred to as Medical Detox.
Heroin is easier to taper off of than antidepressants.
Okay, I've never tapered off of heroin, but I have come off months of oxycodone use post surgery, in less than a month.
SSRI's should be much much slower. 10% of previous dose per month (Horowitz calls that 'parabolic taper'). So - at least a year of tapering, if not 3. And if you are on multiple drugs - only taper one at a time. So even longer.
All those same things are available in the English speaking western countries
Not the full schedule of 72 vaccines and commercials of SSRI’s and other homicide, suicide and zombificator pills are not free, only in the US and NZ.
Only in the US and New Zealand (where we have about one mass shooting every 10 years). Therefore, there must be something else happening which is unique to American men.
You can add….the list is endless, Endocrine Disruptors, being too much on steroids, more aggressive commercials, the i-Doll-isation of the American female and loss of feminity, rape going through the roof as in Sweden and France, I’d like to know the data for the US? Still I stay with the opinion of the booster effect of psy drugs and vaccines, no other country comes close to 72 and in short 82 jabs + a brew of several psychotropics that drive the AKATISIA and AHEDONIA, the incapacity to enjoy anything in life out of control.
And US has higher autism rates, as well as double the ADHD of other developed Western countries (8% in US, 4% average elsewhere). Starting off with that kind of brain damage/delay could also play a part.
I have adhd, so I know very well the feeling of dissociation, lack of impulse control, feeling a weak sense of self, and being able to compartmentalize my empathy. Neurodivergance also tends to lead to more intense feelings of anger and injustice, increases our chances of being bullied or abused, and makes us 6-10x more likely to experience PTSD...
So I'd say it's a factor we can't rule out. That said, only 1/2 the neurodivergance is hereditary, and the other half are thought to be caused environmentally. But nobody can agree on the environmental factors (like vaccines, food additives, plastic exposures, hormone disruptors, electrical signals, and more)
Coulter as in Ann Coulter?
Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality, the Medical Assault on the American Mind by HARRIS L. COULTER written in 1990. You can find the book on Amazon. Also very educative DTP a Shot In the Dark 1985 with Coulter and Barbara L. Harris
But, they are being sprayed downwind from the States around them, so you still see the chem trails in Tennessee! We all know that. Florida had a bill tbat was supposed to halt the spraying, but I haven't heard that it was ever passed.
Sorry, I'm new here. What's Coulter's full name so I can research this further?
My Google search turned up dead-ends
They say the reason to own guns... is to be able to fight back when the state goes rogue.
It would seem that now would be the time to fight back....
But nothing
it is just amazing how many people are totally unaware, sleepwalking zombies. How many are still running to the doctors that poison them. It turns me off in disgust to see all these obituaries ending with 'thanks to the oncologist' 'please donate to the cancer society'... these people thank the doc for killing their loved ones, and then beg for money to keep the killing going...
The weapons being used against us aren't bullets.
Yes. In the aftermath of J6 [when shear outrage could have broken the paralysis ] I suggested that anyone who saw what was happening as a quintessential moment - stand up and start waking to DC. I kept posting and posting. If 200milliom people had just begun, the momentum would be unstoppable. I believe that was our last chance. Now it's all about litigation. lawsuits ad nauseum. It's the language of the defeated.
Didn’t Australia take away their guns after that? Same in Britain. Cops there don’t carry but call in special armed police. Here in US it’s very easy to get a gun. I’m against mass gun confiscation by the government.
That's because in the UK and Aus they took our guns away after "events" which frightened the populace into giving them up. In Aus it was the Port Arthur Massacre, supposedly 30 head shots in 3 minutes performed by an intellectually challenged boy with an IQ of 62. I know more about this one than the one in the UK which also resulted in melting the guns. (interesting - they "bought back" the guns from Australians, but funny how those serial numbers ended up committing future crimes.....)
I'm a Yank in Oz, and there is a certain amount of pride here, and in the UK, of "gunless society." "We don't have those here." Yes, there are problems that come with an armed society, but I lived with it half my life and didn't die. There are bigger problems, I reckon, when Authority has ALL the guns. Legalized violence in concentration of power.
They still kill each other here - but the tools for mass murder are indeed more limited.
Take care that they don't take away your guns, too.
They did the same thing to us too (in 2019, good timing aye?), using the Christchurch mosque massacre (committed by an Australian with a lot of ties to security ties) as an excuse for implementing a lot of gun controls (which would not have prevented the massacre). They passed the law about a week after the event, because they just happened to have it all written up and ready to go.
Yar, the post Port Arthur laws were hot off the presses, too.
True. In the UK and most of Europe, guns are almost impossible for the population to obtain — good guys or bad guys. So of course, guns are not the weapon of choice there. In those countries, the phrases would be:
Knives don’t stab people. People on Prozac stab people.
Clubs don’t bludgeon people. People on Prozac bludgeon people.
Cyanide doesn’t poison people. People on Prozac poison people.
Acid doesn’t disfigure faces. People on Prozac disfigure faces.
If SSRIs were a problem in darkest Africa, the phrase would be:
Poison-tipped blow gun darts don’t kill people. People on Prozac kill people.
The point is that people on SSRIs kill people, and gun-grabbers aren’t going to stop the killing. They will just change the weapon of choice, as shown elsewhere.
It would be interesting to compare the rate per capita. NZ is a lot smaller than the US but I think you'd still be right 🙂
Ok I got the numbers. NZ has a population right now of about 5,399,000. US, 314,814,995 as of a year ago. We have a population something like 62 times greater than NZ. But we don't have 62 times more mass shootings than NZ even putting all of them together. So I would ask, what's causing New Zealand people to do even more mass shootings than in the US?
According to the BBC you guys have two mass shooters every day. (Most of them just don't get media coverage, presumably). That's way more then us. If you were having the equivalent of us, you would have one every 58 days. That means that you have 116 times more mass shooters then us.
BBC is not to be trusted. That's a flat out lie. And come to that, they may be underreporting the number of NZ mass shootings.
The BBC isn't reporting the number of NZ mass shootings: I'm reporting them from my memory (and could easily have missed one. There could easily be 5 in my 50 year life time, not the 4 I remember). A mass shooter event is a huge deal in my country. It happens so rarely that it dominates the news for months (sometimes even years or decades). It's not like a two times a day thing that you don't bother to even report on most of the time like your country.
In terms of the BBC's credibility, I don't necessarily disagree with you, though I don't know why they would be lying about US shootings stats. Feel free to provide some other less biased source of stats instead.
New Zealand, one mass shooter every 10 years? What proportion of the population would that be in comparison to the US? A ratio of number of shootings per person per year might be informative.
That could have something to do with the fact that you've all been neutered.
If you accept the "one shooting every ten years" claimed for NZ above, they actually have much higher numbers of shooters per capita than the US. And that's without a constitutional right to bear arms!
Sorry, but no. The one shooter every 10 years vs your two a day (according to the BBC) means that you have 116 times more shooters per head of the population then us.
The BBC is underestimating the number of NZ mass shooters. I get it, you have fewer rights than US citizens and massaging the stats is a consolation.
The BBC is a British govt propaganda/news agency, not a New Zealand one. New Zealand has no ability to control what the BBC does. One right we do have in New Zealand that you don't have is the right to free healthcare. That could go part of the way towards explaining why you guys have so many more mass shootings then we do. As a community mental health nurse, I was involved in hospitalizing multiple men who would otherwise have had a high risk of murdering people with guns (because they were paranoid, psychotic, expressing homicidal ideation, and collecting guns). If you provide mentally unwell people with mental health care (which involves talking to them on a regular basis), then you can prevent a lot of this. Maybe the way you think about what your rights contributes to your mass shooter problem. It's notable that Canada, Britian and Australia, who also don't have a mass shooter problem, also have free healthcare as a human right.
Go watch the All Blacks play against your pathetic ass rugby team and then say that we're the ones who've been neutered.
So, AMD, how do you address this? If the SSRIs make people homicidal, how come it does not translate into other countries? You can get guns illegally, or do a homicidal rampage via cars or knives... etc. If the link holds, there should be rampages in other high SSRI lands, no?
I'm going to suggest income inequality. Aus, & NZ, and less so the UK, have less income inequality than the US.
The US is largely poor and getting poorer. Conditions are ripe for rioting and violence. And men in particular - suffer, when their ability to make a living is smashed.
There is also some evidence that several of the US shootings were staged in order to guilt/shame Americans into giving up their guns. "They'd" HAVE to apply more pressure to us here, since the 'revolutionary' spirit is such a bigger part of our culture. Several reporters have wound up dead in mysterious circumstances for investigating the more fishy ones, the ones with the same crisis actors show up again and again pretending to be different people, or shooting up closed schools where locals are confused about the location. With some of the reporters, even their families and children were killed or disappeared.
We do have school shootings in the US, but I wonder how many of the teens here are influenced and encouraged by seeing the fake/CIA/FBI setup ones.
And teens especially are likely to copy what they think is getting attention (it's all over our media, of course). So it's really hard to say how many there would be on the vaccine injuries, heavy metal posioning and SSRIs, alone.
They're underreported.
i just said exactly this, but far wordier fashion - then saw your post. Kiwi here also.
Good point. And mandatory vaccines are similar across the west so i dismiss that as a factor …..I think the consistent factor is always bullying. The ultra competitive society which leaves out the less attractive and geeky boys. if considered a geek but don’t excel at anything then you’re in real trouble fitting in. So Other students and teachers don’t care for you. Teenage years are some of the harshest, puberty, identity issues, finding friends, girls. Add in the American ego (“I deserve X”) and guns, there is your recipe for a school shooting. At least for a moment they feel they matter. While I have heard some ssri do give suicidal thoughts, it can’t explain all of them as you rightly say the rest of the world doesn’t these shootings .
does the rest of the world take SSRI's the way Americans take them? What percentage of Americans are on SSRI's compared to other countries? And if bullying is the cause, did bullying just start in the 1990's? I grew up in the 1950's and 1960's and bullying happened then, but there were no mass shootings in those decades. When was the first mass shooting that was perpetrated by a school child or children? Columbine was one of the early ones and that was 1999 and they were both on "anti-depressants".
Who hasn’t been bullied while growing up? Bullying is a common human trait. When I was a little girl (and I was little for my age), when someone messed with me I would beat him up! I was not a violent kid, but that other kid never picked on me again.
You are right except we didn't have the social media angle. Just talking about this very subject last night with someone. I was bullied badly, but to have to see things on social media and texting would be so horrible.
Same here.
Not really. It usually isolation, bullying. While ssris could be a factor (because it is likely a common denominator) without doubt they all were not the popular kids, outcasts etc. No HS star or cheerleader goes on a rampage do they?
I believe that SSRIs and other medications were enabled (and promoted) by the myth that depression and other mental illnesses were the result of "chemical imbalances" in the brain. The connection of psychiatry with medicine has always been tenuous at best. This became carte blanche for the pharmaceutical companies to crank out chemical "solutions" to psychiatric problems. This has evolved into the disasters we see today where young people (especially males) are put on medication for behaviors that are essentially a normal phase of the maturation process. In my opinion this is part and parcel of the movement to devalue the role of family and parental control.
This is exactly it. They had us convinced that our three kids each with multiple neurological disabilities had chemical imbalances that led to their extreme anxiety and constant depression. All meds were marketed to us as safe and simply balancing out their imbalances. The meds actually led to worse conditions and created new ones. I regret not knowing all I know today about proper nutrition and psychotropic drugs. I wish I hadn’t trusted the medical establishment as much as I did. They “seemed” to care and when you have no support from anyone you’re hungry for anyone to care and provide help. It never occurred to me back then that our doctors weren’t doing their own diligent research first. In truth they just touted “proven methods” they saw in practice, and whatever the pharma companies trained them to believe.
It is a shame that so many children and their families suffered the consequences of the acceptance by the medical establishment of the pharmacological equivalent of voodoo. People tend to invest a lot more confidence in their doctors than is warranted. Doctors are trained in anatomy and physiology and how to apply that knowledge to the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Critical thinking and logic are not required to make the journey to a medical degree. Everyone would be better served finding a doctor with common sense and not be overly impressed by the letters after their name.
I know a Psych NP who tells me parents of "hyperactive" children usually want pills to solve the problem of their kids' behavior. The last thing they want to hear is that changes in their own behavior and treatment of their kids could fix most of their problems. I would add, changes in diet also.
And some cohort of them don't mind harming people. My wife's vitality, speaking and work ability was taken by a MD who wasn't a surgeon, who mangled her during surgery. At least 10 doctors had been trying to clean up his messes, but zero reported him.
Eventually angry people made him leave our state and eventually other states began pulling his license.
I would not be surprised if he isn't involved in organized crime now.
You missed a crucial piece of this. Depression is real and physiological. Vaccines aka brain inflammation and damage, cause depression. Infections [ think Lyme ] cause severe depression. Auto immune diseases cause depression. Nutritional deficiency causes depression. Cancer causes depression. Please think! Psychiatry and medicine are one and the same. The mind is an organ of the body the last time I looked and uses more energy than any other part of the entire system. Separating them was the 1st 2nd and last 'mistake' and was deliberate to simply make a lot of money. It is the economic model of specialization of treatment by 6 different 'specialists' for one patient, who never talk to each other about that patient and are completely ignorant of what the other is doing and how it might affect treatments being given by any of them.
It is true that lots of different things can make a person feel depressed. There is not a scintilla of proof that any of them involve "chemical imbalance" in the brain.
Joanna Moncrieff has some interesting videos on YouTube describing just how psych meds "work". It sounds like they create pathological conditions in the brain that then get labeled and sold as "improvements".
She has an interesting theory of drugs. She calls them drug effects, not side effects, and - believes that if the effect of a drug is useful, then it should be used. However, she does not believe that they fix any native condition.
I thought you might say that.....
If " It is true that lots of different things can make a person feel depressed." then you cannot rule out chemical imbalance, but let's unpack the definitions:
Chemical: A substance with a distinct molecular composition that is produced by or used in a chemical process.
Imbalance: A lack of balance, as in distribution or functioning.
About 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Only about 0.85% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All 11 are necessary for life.
So tell me again that there is no evidence - except for the existence of everything that must remain in the most excruciating and exacting relation with everything else. The mindset you represent is the lucrative modern medical model that has completely severed us from the elements out of which we are made in order to groom us to love our chains.
I would rephrase "There is not a scintilla of proof that any of them involve "chemical imbalance" in the brain" to read "There is not a scintilla of proof that Pharma drugs can cure depression without producing serious debilitating and sometimes life threatening side effects."
Mostly true. I think that historically things went south when money and power became involved as it always does. When you contemplate having control over life and death and the potential to make millions by controlling your journey from the one to the other, it was a forgone conclusion.
Both statements are true.
Which of those if supplemented stop depression.
I"ve had it on a very serious scale for 40 years.
Most supplements overwhelm my system and make me feel worse.
Except Vitamin D.
First, I would like to extend my very real empathy. I too have struggled with life long depression. Much of it from sever trauma at the hands of my mother who was also clinically depressed from suboptimal thyroid replacement after thyroidectomy from Graves disease. The genetics are there for me as her father was also mentally ill and an abuser. I was in a state of almost complete dysfunction at 14 - unable to sit up for more than 3 minutes in the psychiatrist's office and was hospitalized at 18 and again at 19 . Tofronil saved my life. I had regressed to an almost vegetative state with my first hospitalization at 18. I had been given Tofronil at 14 by the doctor and it had NO effect. At 18 it blew me right out of the ballpark. The last round of the hospital at 19 was sort of a tour de force. As my depression abated my energy returned [ depression is almost always a response to the exhaustion of carrying the weight of trauma ] and with the only form of psychological locomotion being compared to a 1940's Ford farm truck with only 2 working pistons and 4 flat tires, my mental apparatus was too much for the doctors on the day program. I was kicked out! Within 5 weeks, I had job that I chose to ride a bike to and back from - 16 miles total everyday. I lost 10 lbs and that was with a thyroid already in the beginning of decline and taking a medication known for weight gain. I am not trying to be the devil's advocate here. I agree with this post completely, BUT, chronic stress especially in very early childhood triggers a cascade of abnormally circulating chemical processes. Living as an only child with a depressed psychotic from infancy [ not to mention feeding from HER unbalanced chemical processes for 9 months ] and moving through all the critical developmental periods, building tissue, brain cells organs etc. in that toxic soup cannot fail to have consequences. I had chronic strep, chronic UTI's and chronic ear infections. Several times the antibiotics did not work and had to be continued for several courses. So my gut was a mess as well. By the time I was 4, I was hospitalized with bleeding ulcers. Sheesh! Can anyone say 'chemical imbalance'????
The bigger picture here though is that trauma leads to stress and stress causes dysregulation of everything and sadly, if you brooch the subject with just about anybody, you will find my story becomes a blur in the like stories of many people agonizing over why they literally cannot be happy in the exact same way that a man without eyes can't understand color Then there is the trauma of malnutrition. All of the essential ingredients to thriving and healing are poisoned, but not actually being taken away. This is to maintain the illusion of choice and abundance. But the choice between a hundred different vegetables, fruits, proteins etc. that are not only laced with carcinogenic metals and devoid of all the life giving nutrients is NOT a choice. What can be a choice is to first find a nutrient test that will give you a clear picture of your unique physiology. I will post a link to a video that you should watch anyway, but also mentions such a test. You might be surprised. I was severely anorexic and bulimic for 17 years.. On 2 occasions my heart just simply stopped beating. It was surreal. I had never heard of an electrolyte. LOL! Because of that and continuing nutrient deficiencies and now no functioning thyroid, I have been forced to do the deep dive into supplementation and I have found quite of few nuggets of gold to strengthen me on the journey, but I had to shoot in the dark. With the information of a really good nutrient test, you can avoid alot of discouraging failures and being chronically depressed, there is the very real danger of giving up. Do not give up! I would start there and also walk in nature. It sounds so trite, but the trite is usually true. Bring up the demons [ whatever they are ] and dissect them one at a time. You really do have everything you need to heal and if you see that more is required YOU make that choice. Also PLEASE get your thyroid tested. Underactive thyroid is an epidemic in this country [ another story ] and it's premeditated invisibility and [ if diagnosed ] criminal undertreatment is now one of the most lucrative conditions to medically ignore. This one disease is like the root and trunk of the money tree. Depression! Fatigue! Weight gain. High cholesterol. High blood pressure. Hormone dysregulation. Constipation. Menstrual issues. Infertility. Arrhythmias. Anemia [ more fatigue ] Insomnia! Brain fog. In short - everything. Do NOT go to an endocrinologist! Go to "Stop the Thyroid Madness" and join. You will not be sorry. If you miss this one and there is a problem, nothing after that will help.
If you can't stand Trump or Tucker Carlson or both PLEASE watch anyway. The information is VITAL to navigating the 'killing ' fields of the medical industry. Nutrient test is mentioned by name. Join the digest. They will read your labs and recommend treatment. My post is too long now as it is, but STTM saved my life. Buy the book and support Janie. 35 years of the most meticulous research on absolutely everything thyroid and it's interactions with all the systems of the body including [ to your initial question ] supplements and how they work, don't work or overwhelm you.
So you start by fixing your foundation. All attempts at a remodel above ground will ultimately fail if the concrete is crumbling underneath. Sorry for the long post. When I read your words:
"Which of those if supplemented stop depression.
I"ve had it on a very serious scale for 40 years" my heart just broke and I felt I had to respond with whatever jumbled answers/information I could give, but there is so much more. I began my journey of depression at the age of 3. I am 64. Certainly not all the issues I related will apply to your situation, but depressed people usually don't have many friends as the world is loathe to end the bread and circuses to listen. So I am just a voice over the internet, but new information opens the mind and information acted upon results in tangible change. Last video is pertinent.
Big fan of STTM here!
Not acting according to your Inner Truth is also depressing.
What is the Medicine for that?
If you are still following your inner truth, there is no medicine for that.
"A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself. Proverbs 18:2"
"chemical imbalance in the brain". It's just another example of how we in the West have lost faith in our bodies, our immune systems, and our brains to keep us healthy. Pharma to the rescue to correct all the mistakes that these flawed bodies have. ugh!
If you enquire closely most people that are depressed are actually being harassed or abused by someone and the depression can be reversed definitively if they are removed from those situations. Dogma about expected social arrangements or financial necessity is what prevents their rescue from those situations.
And sadly, in some cases of domestic abuse, the victim refuses to testify against the abuser, so the police can do nothing except watch the abuse escalate to the point of death.
Years ago, Ignatius Piazza, in several of his blogs, identified scientific research identifying 100% (truly 100%) of the school shooters at that time were ALL raised in day care and were ALL on psychometric medications.
These poor children grew up with no one, single adult who was a consistent source of love and discipline. It doesn't have to be Mom; it could be Dad, Grandpa, etc. Those boys, especially, needed a father figure in their formative years. A mother cannot help her sons grow to be men.
Add in bullying at school. All these kids looked geeky, skinny etc. you will never get an attractive young female as a school shorter because they are in a privileged position.
Sure. Ben Carson comes to mind. Come on Charlie. Please don't start down the stairs to Mommy's basement.
In fact the whole medical system needs a strong take down. Recently in the New York post there were 2 monstrous medical debacles. In New York a depraved urologist was revealed to have done sexual torture on thousands of men and boys. A second surgeon was scheduled to remove a spleen (which is on the left side of the body)( a feasible and known operation) and instead tried to cut out the liver which is on the right side of the body. Even a first year medical student knows more. This is of course manslaughter and caused the instantaneous death of the patient. They are going to prison but only after these disasters. How God awful.
When my son had to have surgery on his hip, I was visiting him before he went in. His legs were marked 'left' and 'right' Perhaps instead of medical school folks could play the old game of "Operation' and just be done with it.
wow .... I don't remember what year it was but my dr prescribed Prozac for me. I was (at the time) a USN spouse dealing with 2 children, working & a deployed sailor. I was "having a tough time" and the dr gave me the script. One of my friends convinced me that she's heard NOTHING good about it and a LOT of bad and would I consider not taking it. I really respected her, so I dumped the pills and never looked back. I guess I need to find her and thank you again for talking me into walking away from meds to help something that she was SURE I could do on my own! (Navy gives you friends and then moves them away - our you!) Thanks Anne!
When I first moved to my current state, I made friends with a lady in her late 40's. We were out walking one evening and she mentioned she was having bad symptoms (memory, etc) and her internal medicine doctor was going to give her Prozac. I about jumped out of my skin. I remembered reading an article in Newsweek (when it was a good magazine) describing something like what she was dealing with. It was. It is called Perimenopause. Moron doctor who is a "I can do anything" doctor was going to put her on freaking Prozac. Thankfully I stopped her.
I used to have the nickname of "Doctor ______" because I would listen to symptoms someone was having look it up and refer them to a qualified doctor. My most famous (to be fair was less than 10 times) one was I had a choir member who had horrible tremors. I worked for a great neurology group at the time. He didn't have Parkinson's or any other know ailment. Poor man could barely hold a coffee cup. I asked how long them symptoms had been happening. "Ever since my cardiologist put me on a new med." DING DING DING.
I got him an appointment with one doctor I worked with (truly great physician). I moved to my current state before the appointment. I received a letter from his wife. Turned out the new med was causing the tremors because it was reacting with an existing med and the guy DIDN'T NEED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Stopped the med and the tremors disappeared.
While I'm on it - another one was when I was having thyroid symptoms. I was in graduate school and primary care doctor wanted me to do the old "swallow two radioactive capsules and we will measure the levels" test at the hospital. Thank God (literally) the appointment line was busy. I went to a physician family I babysat for for the evening. Told the wife what was going on and she thought it was odd a primary care was ordering that type of test. Called her father (well known doctor who I'm sad to say had in his 2021 obituary that he trained Fauci) who was head of her old medical school and he said "wait a minute! You never, ever put anything radioactive in your body unless you have to. That doctor is outside his wheel house. Get her an appointment with an endocrinologist." (Never forgot that advice about radioactive stuff). Made an appointment, had bloodwork, (good looking) doctor felt my thyroid as I drank some water and diagnosed the problem right there.
Doctors don't think anymore. They don't know how.
Altostrata, the founder of Surviving Antidepressants (.org) was started on Paxil for exactly that. Menopause.
The good side of that, is her distress caused her to do something about it, and she has helped thousands, if not tens of thousands.
Doctors are an algorithm. Once you recognise that, you can choose which programs to run.
This was in 1999.
I suspect I have minor thryoid trouble ever since MANopause at about age 55, lol. But the blood tests never show anything. I'm always cold. However, Im skinny which makes them not even listen to me.
I don't get the joke.
Please explain.
So, I have said this in different postings. I did a short-term consumer healthcare, primarily OTC products detailed in physicians' offices. I had no budget for lunches. I would occasionally get into an office to see someone to talk to. Mostly leaving samples of OTC products. I overheard a pharma rep tell a physician to put their pregnant patients on an antidepressant to get ahead of "the baby blues" as almost all women experience it. I knew that was really bad as I was pregnant and could NOT BELIEVE what I was hearing. I also thought women were under attacked and labeled as depressed all the time. I ended up being a stay-at-home mom and never went back to pharma or consumer "health" sales. It was a short-term position. I do not remember the office or the rep or product. Whatever was heavily marketed back in 2000-2002 was probably used then. I could not believe an antidepressant was used for smoking cessation.
Don't worry. They moved on to the young boys who have already been harmed by vaccines. Now half our boys are like mentally ill girls. Because they aren't girls, but the pills and the culture are pushing them to act so.
My vaccine free grandkids are the healthiest, happiest grade schoolers I know. I showed their dad how to be a good, loving dad, but he decided against vaccines on his own.
One huge bad side effect, a very very little noticed one is the natural amount of risk a boy will take. I was a shy, sensitive boy by nature but I played sports, rode motorcycles, boxed, and drove stupidly. Because boys don't mind a little risk.
Modern boys are afraid to ask a girl out, start a business, go meet in a social setting, even to the point of "I won't play if I can't dominate" at a sport! They are afraid of failure, risk, and belittlement. Who does that sound like? Little girls!
I mostly got turned down by girls and lost and sports, LOL. And it rarely bothered me ! It was part of life.
So glad I had a girl. I don’t know what the future holds for boys. Tbh, I can see the issue the “scientists” have been attacking by so many different vectors. Say whatever you want, peace is much less likely in a world of General Jack Rippers. There’s some wildness in testosterone that is incredibly beautiful and creative and bold but also reckless and violent and destructive. I was a tad on the feminine side growing up, and my peers really hurt my feelings about that repeatedly. It wasn’t my fault, but they stuck the dagger in me and twisted it over and over again. Boys do this, in groups and with glee. They hop around like apes and rejoice in brutalizing the other, the thing that doesn’t conform. Heroes or villains, either way there’s gonna be a fight. They were designed for a different environment, a different time. Not saying the answer is to poison the shit out of them to weaken and confuse them. Just saying I’m glad I had a girl. I can’t solve that problem. Glad my little slice of whatever life I have left isn’t too much affected by it.
You are right. I worked for an OB/GYN practice for a very short time in the early 1990's.
By so many methods the drug kingpins are maiming and killing our children. Your wise and caring reporting of truth about the Medical Mafia is priceless, especially for our kids, thank you!
The relationship betwn gut health and depression cannot be overstated, as it is one of the first symptoms of gut dybiosis. With toxic residue in commercially grown foods, gmo'd grains, bioweapon shots aka vaxxns, and antibiotics and other drugs that rip, melt or disturb the protective layer of gut lining over time, its a wonder any N American kids' gut and mind survives this toxic onslaught unaffected.
which also begs the question: what do SSRI's do to the gut microbiome?
OH nothing good!
90% of your serotonin is in the gut. Let's start there.
Warning: "If you shoot or stab more than 6 people, consult your physician immediately."
I literally laughed out loud at that one. When the body count reaches six, the patient’s dosage may need to be tweaked a bit. ;-)
Or trialled on another brand....
I applaud you for being one of the only places I've ever seen touch on the SSRI problem -- it's largely wrong dose or cold-turkey withdrawal symptoms.
Allow me to connect the final dot: SSRI's have a combination that will especially mess with men specifically:
1) You don't care about much of anything - or anyONE - on them. Nothing matters. No one matters.
2) They don't make men impotent, but they do make it so orgasms are difficult to downright impossible to achieve.
3) Any guy experiencing this will absolutely hate it, and become very angry about it.
4) They'll rightly blame the SSRI, so they'll quit cold turkey. After all, they're feeling GREAT! As you said, it's basically like they snorted a big honking table of cocaine.
5) Except -- oops -- if you quit cold turkey, you're much more likely to become violently insane and homicidal. Even if you don't act on it, you're probably feeling it, intensely.
They might or might not be fine on their own in any particular case, but they have to be monitored and micromanaged extremely closely.
This needs to be a standard warning. I had very good family and we watched everything closely. I always think young people with no support are in for a bad time with this stuff.
Spot on! #2 particularly resonates!
Way back in the mid 1970's, the swine flu vaccine was pulled from use after about 25 deaths. Today, it would take at least 10 million deaths before these murdering clowns would even consider taking action. The list of dangerous drugs grows every year and the FDA and CDC laugh all the way to the bank as they are paid off by big pharma to promote their deadly drugs.
more than 10. Rancourt's analysis concluded 17 million killed globally as of September 2023. A year later it's likely well above 20 million by now. They are nowhere near pulling the injections. In fact, they are continuing manufacturing of them, not only for covid but also for RSV, the flu, monkeypox. They are blaming the deaths on lockdown stress or long covid.
Thanks for taking this on. When getting off SSRIs what many doctors do is wean their patients too fast, and when the patient is at their worst and most vulnerable the horrendous withdrawal effects are used as evidence the SSRI is needed and they are yoyoed back on (sometimes at a higher dose).
Many doctors are useless in this regard not understanding the long half-life of the brain's adjustment to the removal of the medication that was distorting it. A great non-profit crowdsourced support resource for safely weaning off SSRIs is:
The Inner Compass charges. Surviving Antidepressants, the site from whence she graduated, offers the same information for free. (in other words, she learned it from us, and now she charges people to make a living from it.)
Do not pay for tapering information. I'll say it for free: 10% of previous dose per month. No faster. You can go slower, but no faster. One drug at a time.
Hope I saved someone some money.
Thank you for this excellent work and the update!
I think the message is getting out. I have noticed a dramatic decrease in patients on SSRI’s and related medications over the past few years.
That's amazing! : )