Dear Midwestern Doc,

My 32 year-old thrice vaccinated daughter has been trying for a year to get pregnant. She’s an extremely healthy young woman—eats very well, exercises, has a great job and a stable environment. She is heartbroken as she comes from a very fertile family. Her best friend, who had a healthy baby after trying once to get pregnant pre-Covid, has also spent a year trying to conceive post-vax.

I feel as if we are watching the world unravel in real time. We have four daughters and intuitively know they have a difficult future ahead—-notwithstanding not being able to have families. Three of four were vaxed. I pray their problems don’t extend into illness or death while dealing with young bodies full of spike proteins.

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My sincere sympathies to your daughters struggle. I saw many in my circle struggle to conceive as well for a time that were forced for the current MRNA jabs. To give u hope I now know at least 3 people that have been able to conceive and give birth to healthy babies that were jabbed.

My fear is not just the mRNA jabs causing the infertility it’s all the other ones as well TDap, HPV, can cause infertility as well as the numerous factors that A midwestern Dr. Pointed out in the article.

I would recommend a deep heavy detox for both her and her husband and go all organic for a several week cleanse NAC, milk thistle, black seed oil numerous antioxidants to help the body cleanse itself. Seek out a natural path.

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We are all screwed even if we didn’t get the shot. There’s now mRNA being injected in much of the food supply, planes blocking the Sun using who-knows-what’s-in-the-chemicals, etc. I was a very happy and optimistic guy up til 2020. Not anymore.

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Jason, We Shall NOT Allow Those People To Sadden Us !!! Do Not Allow Them To Rule Our Emotions Too !!

My husband and I made a pack that we SHALL be happier than before. We now laugh louder, tell each other funny things which are happening on our little farm, and pay more attention to each other, and appreciate every minute we do have.

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Meet Jesus and He will brighten your eternal future.

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Exactly what I was thinking and about to comment - thank you!🙏🏻✝️

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Jason, 🎯💯

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Not alone. I wasn't all gloom n doom until I watched Covid 19 un leash itself -- and people's reactions. I was trying so hard to educate - but my institution / county was ALL IN for forced vax. Eventually I shut up, but now, oh now, I let em know. Not feeling well? That turbo cancer came back hun? But gee Louise you won't get Covid! They don't connect the dots of course.

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No they don’t. And “doctors” & “scientists” are puzzled & gobsmacked - I guess cuz they’re “following the science”!

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Dear Everybody, I hate it. I really do, but...... quacks like a Duck....... It's most likely a Duck.

If it barks like a Dog..

...Its probably a Dog.

lf it swims like a Fish..... We'll safely conclude fish!!

if it

If it...

... well then it would seem to follow...

No more hiding from reality folks, or as Aseem Malhotra challenges..



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My son just married, both are vax’d & i have the same concerns for their ability to have a child when they’re ready. I’m not even sure I would have the courage (or if it would even be appropriate) to broach the jab because at this point, it’s too late & would just add to their grief, to know they’d unwittingly done this to themselves.... 😔

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I hope you will find the courage to speak up. Others have mentioned detox approaches from FLCCC and McCullough. However, it’s important to note that many of the side effects are dose-specific: More Jabs = More Risk. So it may not be too late for your son and his wife. Not getting more vaxxes, going vaxx free, and doing the same for any kids that are born are essential.

So speak up. The worst that can happen is people won’t listen or they may not talk with you again. That hurts! Both things happened to me, but I realize that not speaking up is worse.

Even those who are injured and grieving can find some solace in warning others and preventing the tragedy from befalling those willing to hear the message. Some injured or parents of injured are starting to speak out. Dr. Peter McCullough has implored those folks to speak up. So has Del Bigtree of The Highwire. Children’s Health Defense also has a new series of injured who are speaking out. All might give people some courage. Links:

McCullough: https://www.americaoutloud.news/an-epidemic-of-cardiac-arrests-in-the-fit-and-strong-and-q-a-77-on-america-out-loud-pulse/

Highwire interview with pilot snow: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/vaxxed-pilot-suffers-cardiac-arrest-after-flight/

Most Recent Episode of The Highwire (330): https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/collateral-damage/

Children’s Health Defense: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/the-peoples-testaments/

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Thx Big E. My son took 1 J&J & said never again; DIL, in pharmacy school (!) is a true believer, unfortunately. I read McCullough & watch Highwire regularly

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Please speak up to them if they are open to it. It may help them dodge the NEXT trap.

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Sorry to hear about your daughter. Both the FLCCC docs, Dr Peter McCullough and others have detox protocols to help rid your body of the spike protein. To give you hope I know of two young women, both jabbed at least once, who have has successfully delivered healthy babies. 🙏🏻

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http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v17n24.shtml FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 18, 2021

Canceling the Spike Protein

Striking Visual Evidence

Editorial by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

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My heart goes out to your daughter. Has she looked into Restorative reproductive medicine doctors? Eg Napro or FEMM trained. They aim to correct underlying issues.

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Recently spent time with friends whose daughter-in-law spent a year trying to get pregnant only to miscarry.

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Wow! What an incredible resource about historical population control efforts! Thank you so much!

One thing I wish more people in America knew is that all the COVID vaxx mandates, and all the vaxx mandates for children as a trade-off for a public education have all been clearly illegal since at least 1992, when Congress ratified a treaty known as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [ICCPR].

The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the "supreme Law of the Land", and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws. AND ARTICLE 7 OF THE ICCPR IS THE NUREMBERG CODE, WHICH MAKES IT UNLAWFUL TO PRESSURE ANYONE TO BE IN A HUMAN MEDICAL EXPERIMENT.

Remember, ALL medical treatments are ALWAYS an experiment for the individual human who tries them, because of "side effects." So these laws protect people in America from all such medical efforts -- but only if they stand on those rights and say "NO." As an attorney, I helped hundreds of people not lose their jobs when they said NO to masks, vaxxes, AND testing, using those laws (and the Fourth amendment proscription against unreasonable searches and seizures -- it's unreasonable to demand that a person with no symptoms submit to testing that also takes their genetic fingerprints). Most, not all, of those people banded together in a workplace and when 10% of a workforce did that, the business couldn't fire them because it couldn't run with that many employees gone.

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Letitia, how can we get rid of the laws that give the govt emergency powers, suspend the consstitution, as well as the Cares and PREP acts, which also deprives us of our rights.

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Write your state representative as well as those in congress. it is up to the people. Join a health freedom group in your state to magnify your power, and a national one for the same reason. I recommend for nation ICAN, https://icandecide.org/.

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Our lawmakers were NOT mandated to take the jab, not sure why anyone else thought they had to take it.

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Thank you so much for this comment and information. I have 3 beautiful step children- their father and I fought extremely hard against their bio mom to keep them from getting the Covid shot. We are also fighting against her continuing to shoot them up with unnecessary flu and HPV vaxxes and boosters (as well as whatever else California requires for schooling). This note about the illegality of the requirement of vaccination as a trade off for public education is extremely helpful in our fight. Unfortunately leaving California and/or home schooling is not an option for us as she is the custodial parent and my husband had to fight (at the time of their divorce) for a mere 27.5% custody....so we will continue to do our best to protect our kids' health and fertility.

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Jul 29, 2023
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This is one of the most frustrating ironies of all of it.

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Most assured. The shareholders, at least at the Corporate Hospital level, were responsible. See Klaus Schwab. This was Lock Step Evil 101, like goose stepping evil.

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Jul 29, 2023
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Please pass this on! Thanks!

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These were my top callouts from this article:

1. thalidomide and pregnancy risks: i remember this in organic chemistry and the harmful results that ensured.

2. people really need to understand that there are "bad guys" that want to control the population and reducing the population is a goal. these people run our country:


3. i think you should watch the movie "what happened to monday" because it shows what happens when we take climate change and population control and put them together:


Overall, thanks for this work. Climate change is the next plan for control the population and as soon as we know it's a fallacy, hopefully we can be more proactive with it than we were agaisnt the pandemic


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The Green Engery scam as well. This has been pushed since 1970s and the 'oil shock'. Meantime no word on if oil maybe an abiotic substance and thus.. RENEWABLE. Just that thinking it is biotic, the geologists look in the wrong places....

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"Second Wave Feminism was essential for our country and corrected many serious injustices towards women..."

I have to disagree. Feminism was always rotten from the root: first wave, second wave, third wave all destroyed the basis of the family.

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~ I remember being of legal voting age (21), having a regular job, and being told my father had to sign for me to get a bank account.

~ I remember my friend, who needed surgery, worked extra hours to save enough money in addition to running her home and raising kids. Even though the savings account was in her name, her husband took it all out to buy a very expensive stereo, and there was nothing she could do about it legally.

~ I remember my mother taking money she earned to purchase a cabin for the family. The bank kept sending the mortage bills to my father, and when he asked they be sent to mom, the bank said they couldn't because of the law. He loved and was proud of my mother.

~ I remember the laws that let the husband not provide after death from his retirement (ERISA) for his spouse who may have stayed home to raise the family and support him in his career. And when I worked in benefits, I had to apply the man's wishes to cut off the wife and not inform her. I saw devastated women left on the curb after the jerks' deaths.

~ I remember joining NOW, to support changes in the law that helped women, such as being able to have their own credit rating especially after divorce. And I remember many Christian women in the movement, which at the time supported the right to make a life choice of working, staying home, both.

I could list a whole lot more. But I particularly remember, about the time Clinton won the presidency, NOW was flooded with nasty anti Christians, left wing crazies, pro abortion, lesbians, pro career only women that drove me and others out.

I don't know how old you are, but I have no doubt you don't know history because you did not live it. Or if you did, you were blind as a bat and dumb as a door knob.

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Bad behavior happens. You are also conflating issues like the bank requiring a co-signer with sexism, when banks treat both sexes that way.

I can also provide you with a litany of men I know who have been screwed over by no-fault divorce and wives who poisoned their children against them. Cases of wives who secretly applied for credit cards and ran up $150,000 of debt that the husband had to pay off.

Feminism has been devoted to overturning the relationship of men and women and the existence of authority in the family since the beginning. There will always be some bad husbands, bad wives, bad fathers, and bad mothers. However, if you ask a child who grew up on the street without a father or mother, or with only a mother, he would much prefer a bad father to no father at all.

The fact that some people do bad things, and a few people do really bad things does not justify tearing down the institution of marriage.

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Except for the bank and me, which was about my being a women, everything I mentioned was based on law, which you blindly overlook and blame on someone's "bad behavior." And as I stated, the early parts were not about the left's narratives. As far as the bank, I know of no one opening a checking account who requires a co-signer.

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I worked and saved for years to buy a house. And married at the time of my house purchase. We both contributed to the mortgage monthly and equally though I was having a baby. We later divorced. The bank I’d dealt with my whole life which knew full well from their records that I’d bought the house and as part of their mortgage criteria, we had to both contribute, informed me that my ex husband got our credit rating because he was a man. I was left with no credit rating and so could not buy another house for years after.

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Your comment was interesting and informative until the unnecessarily nasty last sentence.

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If the commenter did not live the history, then it didn't apply. I stand by my statement and Rhino's response shows me correct. And, Rhino's nasty comment making those like me destroyers of marriage deserves a similar retort. But I don't see anyone saying anything about that.

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Thank you Susanna, a reminder to all of us to retain our civility is always welcome. 🕊️🐾

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Tone policing women's words, but not men's, Susanna. Really?

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Seriously? If by "the family" you mean patriarchy, which was itself quite rotten from its inception 7000 or so years ago, that is technically true. And long overdue, I might add.

Or are you just trolling?

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Seriously, indeed. And I can defend it. But, I don't care to hijack the good doctor's thread.

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Sure, you can defend your misogynistic argument that has nothing going for it at all, you just choose to take the moral high ground and not do so. Sure.

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My argument was not misogynistic. Patriarchy is not misogynistic. Patriarchy is the way that God designed the world. God created woman in His image. Feminism is a twisted cult that misuses words like misogyny and "male chauvinism" to browbeat evyone into kowtowing to them. Chauvin was a French nationalist. When feminists coined the term "male chauvinist" they meant male nationalist, as in men whose first loyalty is to the male sex, as if it was a nation. However, it is actually feminists who act like female nationalists, who put their objectives of sexual liberation above all, above family, above God. Men rarely think or act that way, because men are more individualistic. Bad men there are a plenty, but bad men do not view themselves as acting as part of a male collective. Bad men are simply selfish and cruel.

Returning to the good doctor's thread, the logical outcome of feminism has always been mass sterility. We are merely seeing the poisonous sterile fruit 140 years after the seed of feminism as a political ideology was germinated.

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Of course you believe that it was a male god who designed it all, because reasons. Natch. Funny how the supposed "Will of God" always seems to coincide with the desires of those who proclaim to know it.

Patriarchy is the world's oldest Ponzi scheme (hence the need for high birthrates and thus using women as breeding slaves) and protection racket. It is the real cult(ure) of death that has brought war, genocide, gynocide, ecocide, slavery, and stuff like that. But it is neither natural nor timeless. It has a beginning, and it has an end. The beginning was about 7000 years ago, give or take a couple thousand, and the end is coming soon.

(Mic drop)

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Yes, I was right. Your misogynistic argument has nothing going for it. BTW your imaginary friend/"God" sounds like he's got a misogyny problem too. Please give my sympathies to your daughters: they have clearly had a lot to put up with.

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My two cents for which I will be clobbered. The fatal flaw of feminism is that women ARE NOT EQUAL to men. They COMPLEMENT men. Feminists seek to be equal to. And that is how you end up with Tranny Women (biological males with berries and twigs and boobs) competing against Women? Women have not a chance .... boxing, biking, swimming... they just are different physically to the Tranny (male body). Also mentally in brains there are differences between sexes...it isn't because women are discouraged from maths... it is that many women don't do calculus well! Is this sexist? No. It is a fact of brain structure, genes and the XX chromosome perhaps. Does this invalidate or make impossible for women to perform 'work' that is traditionally male? Not at all. Just that fewer will because fewer CAN DO IT. If they want to use their God given talents and CAN DO IT, no they are not unequal at all. But if they wish to not have to bear the responsibility of pregnancy from sex and children and raising them? Sorry Ladies, you got to own it. Because IT MORE THAN ANYTHING it is what makes you a female, a MOTHER and a FORCE OF NATURE! Those females who want pleasure irresponsibly even using birth control (as many males do) are out of luck. Or who see children and child support as a means of destroying a man and getting 'free money'? Or those who say, I can be equal... I'll get an abortion they say. Just typically male thinking. Just stop being pregnant. Not an issue. Until it is, and you suddenly can't have the kid you wanted with the partner you want to because.. too many prior abortions. Your reproductive health is shot. Things ARE different. You are not a man. You don't get to be like a dolphin and have sex, food, fun on the brain just like a man does (and not in that order every time). End of Story. Accept the differences, celebrate them, VALUE YOURSELF and move on to valuing everyone for the abilities and NOT their sexes and harping endlessly on how 'unfair' things are. Because news flash: Life is unfair and it ain't equal by a long shot.

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I mean thanks to the patriarchy I have running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, and historically low infant mortality rates so forgive me if I’m not in a hurry to trade it for your imaginary utopian matriarchy that existed 8000 years ago.

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None of those nice things are inherently patriarchal though. I believe there is a name for that logical fallacy or fallacies....

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It’s not surprising that a feminist can’t tell the difference between actual facts and logic/rhetoric. The proof is in the pudding. We live in a patriarchy and have those things. Multiple patriarchies throughout human history have had comparable infrastructural achievements but every single matriarchy in human history has a low level of infrastructure. Even in modern times the more egalitarian the society the less women gravitate toward STEM which is why Jordan has a higher percentage of female engineers than Sweden does. So I have literally all of human history as my evidence.

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All of human history, of course, except that which has been suppressed and/or that you conveniently choose to ignore. Cherry-pick all you want though.

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This binary thinking is what the internet and social media cause. There's a Goldilocks zone, like the fine-tuning of the universe, in which women are freed from subjugation, male projections of their sexuality, domination, forced child-bearing, but which doesn't reject tradition, evolved kinship structures like the family etc. It really is true, as you say, that so much of history is repressed. Women were targeted by the Inquisition for centuries, and though, somehow everyone accepts that the Bible is the word of God (who ascertains that?), I think the whole garden of Eden story is suspicious. William Irwin Thompson thinks males have been enraged since the shift from estrus to menstruation, or ostensible sexual availability all the time. But both men and women are under attack these days, and motherhood and fertility itself, as this article demonstrates. Men have far lower IQ's than women, and far higher on the bell curve. Whole realm is deeply complex, but we must defend biological sex itself these days, and we must be complex educated thinkers instead of blaming isms. The forces against us have synthesized all that is known about humanity to target lock on and take us down. Men may be from Mars, women from Venus, but they are from the Death Star.

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Please provide us all with a single example of a matriarchal culture that has anything resembling a strong infrastructure. Which of the great ancient architectural or engineering feats were accomplished by matriarchal societies? All of the pyramid and mound building societies were patriarchal; those in North and South America, Egypt, Mesopotamia, sub-Saharan Africa, all were patriarchal. The Great Wall, Library of Alexandria, Stone Henge, the Silk Road, Roman roads and aqueducts, all were the products of patriarchal societies. So please list for us these magnificent matriarchal societies and their magnificent infrastructure achievements, but before you do remember that a society can be patriarchal and matrilineal.

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You seem to have got the scientific method confused with patriarchy. Only imagine how further advanced science might be by now if half the potential scientists hadn't been systematically excluded from participating right up until... that's right, right up until second wave feminism.

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Marie Curie was what then, a trans man? What about Ruth Benerito? Edith Clark? Ada Lovelace? Somehow they managed to be scientists without second wave feminism.

The question is, in a matriarchy would enough women pursue the scientific method to advance society? Or would women continue to pursue more liberal arts fields of study. If women ran the country do you think that would increase the number of women in STEM or the number of women in political sciences?

Before second wave feminism truly gifted women were able to make their contributions, now we have the same number of women making incredible contributions just more taking up space which is truly a tragedy. Being a mediocre engineer is far worse than being an excellent mother or teacher.

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How do you know that 8000 years of misogyny/patriarchy has left us better off then we would have been if the last 8000 years had not been dedicated to controlling and oppressing women? Do you have some kind of special machine that can travel to alternate realities? Well done you for building that. That's certainly an achievement for womenkind.

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The final “Tell” for me that the mRNA CV vaccines were meant harm the human race was the inclusion of of original Wuhan spike in the bivalent booster.

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Indeed. That certainly did not logically belong in there!

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Don't disagree with the conclusion that the Injections were meant to cause harm.. but I remember reading the spike protein was added because they couldn't get an antibody response otherwise. ( Not that it was beneficial, but they needed to show some response for FDA marketing)

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Social changes that discourage having children are the most important innovation in the history of eugenic science. They are the best way to enlist a population in its own destruction. Tribal affinities only motivated the elimination of perceived inferiors. Concepts of sexual freedom, transsexualism, and economic advantage have motivated self-sterilization and non-reproduction. I think the most important social eugenic tool will be climate change hysteria which encourages people to "save the planet" by not reproducing. Alex Epstein (in Fossil Future) estimates that moving away from using fossil fuels will directly kill hundreds of millions of people by depriving them of energy resources (like air conditioning) that are needed to keep them alive. "Climate science" has the dual eugenic benefit of stopping reproduction and killing large numbers of people already born. After the Covid debacle people have grown more skeptical of taking experimental sterilizing injections to "save lives," but "climate science" will continue enlisting people to volunteer for their own extinction to "save the planet."

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I've been meditating on women's health, patriarchy, religion. When I see the women in Catholic families who bear decades of children, it looks extremely hard on the woman, her emotions & her body (it also makes for some very tough-arsed women!). Noting that tribal cultures didn't seem to have this massive breeding culture - smaller families, I guess because, they didn't need to work the farms, factories, or shops. Then, the opposite, the Western woman who got her career and didn't try for babies until she was in her 30's....

Those women who don't have children have a special set of health concerns - as the woman's body is, indeed, built to create children.

Both extremes seem harmful for women's health. In a discussion with friends, we determined that the optimum childbearing is 2-3 children per family. I suspect that the "be fruitful and multiply" commands are about propagating religion - not necessarily for the good of the people.

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Thank you for the clarification. I agree completely that not all social change is bad. Not having ten children seems like a good idea. Not having any children and undergoing castration is probably going overboard. Likewise, taking care of the environment is a great thing. Weaponizing doomsday "climate science" to scare people into abandoning human relationships and families is going way overboard. I think we both believe that moderation is the key.

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Nothing wrong with not having kids if you don't want them. Also nothing wrong with telling people to reflect carefully before making that decision either way,and its important not to just have kids to complete the "life script" that "everyone" is "supposed to" complete. I know I'm not suited for parenthood, knew it a long time ago, and chose not to procreate. And now I have time and money to help my sister with her kids, both in terms of free babysitting and paying for the music lessons they begged for. I'd be miserable and unpleasant as a mom, but I love being an aunt who has the resources to help give my nieces a much more fulfilling childhood.

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Yes. It's like with many things. Yes, global warming is a real thing - but the militarisation of it is evil. Yes, you are welcome to express yourself as male, female, whatever - but the medicalisation of trans is evil. I think we are objecting to the -ization of our culture!

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Jul 29, 2023
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I am glad to hear that. Sadly the most gullible portion of the population appears to be of childbearing age (18-34 yo). https://www.statista.com/statistics/492507/concerns-about-climate-change-united-states-by-age-group/

I generally don't believe polling data, but my experience suggests this data is real. With age comes wisdom, but by then it may not matter.

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MDJD, I guess I’d argue that if a good 70% or so of the US population rolled up their sleeves the past few years, age of stupidity & gullibility isn’t a factor

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That was true of covid, but I was just referring to the poll that showed mostly people in the 18-34 yo age range thought "climate change" was a serious problem. Another poll showed that 67% of Gen Zers are worried about the impact of "climate change" on their mental health, only 42% of Baby Boomers are somewhat or very concerned (2020 American Psychiatric Association poll). My point was that the longer you live the more personal experience you have with weather variations, but younger people are more easily falsely convinced that every heat wave represents a brand new threat to civilization. It has nothing to do with stupidity so sorry if you interpreted it that way.

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Well, you can also add in indoctrination public education. Kids are no longer taught critical thinking - just the opposite. Plus common sense & rationality seem to be breeding out

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This is more than a "heat wave," but - I agree that the media is pumping up the fear and concern to levels which will make the populace susceptible to the next levels of "intervention" and "do something."

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I lost my career bc my employer said my APs and previous arterial thrombosis wasn’t a condition that was worthy of an exemption. No physicians spoke out either. Oddly, the physician from the U ofM colleague told me it was totally safe to get jabbed with aps. Wish there was a physician who would speak on my behalf at the human rights tribunal of Ontario. Wink wink

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Re problems conceiving: It's not just the various injections, it's also the food supply. The GMO corn is a big problem. Researchers found a new pest that only afflicts GMO corn, not heritage corn, a new mold. Molds produce toxins, which are not destroyed by processing (which is why you can get poisoned by even heat-processed canned green beans -- botulism). I believe based on other news stories that the toxin produced by the mold on GMO corn affects fertility, and causes stillbirths and spontaneous abortions.

I told a friend who had been unable to conceive to cut out ALL corn products -- cornstarch, corn sweeteners, etc. are ubiquitous. He and his wife did, and a year late conceived.

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MwD... One of you best yet. Simply superb summary of a genuinely terrifying subject. It is difficult for most humans to comprehend the evil that walks among us. The power of these "people" over the masses is stunning and speaks more to spiritual attacks upon Humankind more than mere flesh-and-blood psychopaths.

Thanks for posting this. Excellent.

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Thank you.

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I really, really, really like you - your writings, your thinking, your clear communication of ideas. Alas, I have left the Midwest, or I'd have to invite you to tea (and show up at your clinic when I need help). I do have a doctor-friend in the Midwest who is floundering - and wonder if I could connect the two of you, perhaps you have some solutions for her incredible diagnostic skill and gentle human touch. (she is functional MD, but working at a university because the corporate thing was disgusting)

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Human reproduction wasn't exactly in a good situation before the pandemic. I recently finished reading a book by Shanna H. Swan, PhD called Countdown: How our modern world is threatening sperm counts, altering male and female reproductive development, and imperiling the future of the human race. Quite an interesting read, part of which goes into how sperm counts and fertility rates have been declining over the last few decades. I imagine that post covid, that decline probably looks like it's nose dived of a cliff. As for depopulation being planned, as well as the Kissinger report, we only need to listen to the words of those like Prince Philip and Evelyn de Rothschild to know it's been on the elites wishlist for a very long time. In fact it was the first of the ten commandment-esque rules of the Georgia Guidestones -"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature". Who knows how they arrived at that being the optimum population size for humanity to be in balance with nature. Personally, I think their depopulation agenda has far more to do with control and them losing it than it does being in balance with nature.

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Sadly, if a vaccine is not an immediate lethal injection, most people figure that means it is safe. But the potential effects on reproduction have been known for years, and proven by Edward Dowd among others. The japanese bio-kinetics study gotten by a FOIA from Children’s Health Defense proved that the shots move throughout the body. Wherever they go tissue will be subject to autoimmune attack. Turned out the testes and ovaries have particularly high concentrations. If CDC studies are ever done, they ( literally) immediately rule out vaccines because they know they cannot cause that. How? Because they know they are safe and effective. How do they know? They just know. What data? They don’t need any data- they know already. Turtles All The Way Down is a book that explains that one assumption after another is what supposedly proves vaccine safety. And data driven studies overwhelmingly prove the opposite, the mRNA shots being the most dangerous yet, as RFKjr pointed out they would be in his interview in the April 2020

edition of ‘ Inside the Vatican.’

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It's not that "they know." It's that "they said so." And how dare we disagree?

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Yes, Del Bigtree noted that they ‘assume’ vaccines are safe and so rule them out as culprits for Autism and more. Yet as RFKjr has been shouting for years, vaccine safety data focuses only on if the shot creates antibodies, not on all cause mortality and all illness. Yet a study of a version of DTAP used on African kids showed vaccinated kids died of all causes at ten times the rate of unvaccinated. They cook the books, and usually put an authoritative looking individual on TV. Most Americans will believe that blindly. They wonder, “ who are you listening to?”, rather than “ show me the data”, which is what we should focus on.

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Duchess asked me, "how can we get rid of the laws that give the govt emergency powers, suspend the constitution, as well as the Cares and PREP acts, which also deprives us of our rights?"

That's a question many and more people are asking. Here are some ideas. First, please notice that there were no "laws," meaning a statute adopted by a legislative body, that "mandated" the COVID-19 vaxxes. The vaxx mandates were called "mandates" for a reason: a mandate is a decree issued by a dictator or emperor.

Second, what happened to us during COVID was just like in the Wizard of Oz -- the answer to our problem was already there, right under our noses (or on our feet, so to speak), but we were so distracted by flying monkeys and intentionally ramped-up fear created by censorship and propaganda and inadequate public education that we didn't see the answer : REAL laws, the American Constitution and the treaty that Congress ratified in 1992: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 7, the Nuremberg Code.

Third, because the American Constitution outranks any other conflicting laws adopted by the States or federal government, it means that any law adopted by anyone that violates the American Constitution, can be attacked in court or ignored as unconstitutional. People must be brave to stand up to governments that behave as though the laws they adopt and impose on us are valid and constitutional. One way to be braver is to learn the language and meaning of the American Constitution as thoroughly as possible, and to encourage other people and our children to do the same thing.

A good starting place to learn about the weapon and shield provided by our Constitution is the series of six videos "The Constitution Is the Solution" that can be found, with many other educational videos, at JBS.org. Something very basic to keep in mind is that the Constitution divided up areas of jurisdiction into three categories: the central government, the state governments, and the People. Anything not assigned to the Central government or the States was left to We the People. Read the American Constitution and look to see who got jurisdiction over agriculture, food and health. That helps to explain why, as stated in the series "The Constitution Is the Solution," 80% of the money spent by our federal government is unconstitutional.

People in power have gradually seized control over things that were left to the People -- so the People need to take them back, using the Constitution. FYI, the Constitution does not provide that its provisions can be suspended for emergencies. States can adopt laws related to "the police powers," because the Constitution's Tenth Amendment states that “[t]he powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” But those police powers are not unlimited, because (1) they can only be used to "to protect public health and safety," and (2) the 14th Amendment prevents the States from infringing on "the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States" without due process of law.

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And remember, some knew that immediately, and said so, notably RFKjr. He said the mandates were unconstitutional, would be challenged in court, etc. He said “do not comply” early and often. He also said, “ You cannot comply your way out of a dictatorship.” Compliance strengthens the dictatorship; they add more edicts when sheeple comply.

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Read some Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt to see the DOD legal framework which overrides national laws. We were under "martial law" and didn't know it. Under martial law, a mandate is "acceptable," even legal.

I agree that the Constitution is a sacred document, and needs to be empowered and fought for. They've been suspending the Constitution at least since Patriot Act ("free speech zones," blah blah) - and likely before, according to Sasha and Katherine. Our Constitution is powerful and protective - we need to feed this wolf!

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Some really testy comments about feminism...i got tired of reading them after the third use of the word "misogyny". When are women going to realize that it is not possible to have it all? Either your job will get your best self or your family will get your best self. As a woman I value being a traditional wife. Other women place great value on their careers. Not for me to judge. What upsets me is that women are making life altering decisions based on inaccurate information and political agendas with no awareness that it's happening, no awareness that forces behind the scenes are encouraging certain life choices and denigrating others.

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A great piece Doc. Unfortunately on a topic that has caused countless layers of unecessary suffering. Why unecessary?🤔 because it's another case of "narrative" shifting and manipulation of the masses.🤐

Go actually look at the data on fertility. Our populations were declining at detrimental rates PRE-COVID.😐

Westernized countries obviously declining faster than developing and definitely faster than underdeveloped countries. Look at the data.

Reasoning, not because your not right about the factors you laid out here, but two larger aspects have not been included- glysophate (specifically over and above atrazine- Look at the Italian studies on F1-F3 mice.) AND circaidian deregulation. Look at the literature on circaidian biology and the impacts on fertility. I'm not going to be popular in either camp for saying this, but we didn't have population crisis, not in the last 50 years anyway. But we have one now, because we are now unable to reproduce enough to perpetuate each countries population. But that was PRE-COVID. Now since the advent of these shots we have a population extinction event.☹🤐

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Here you'll find a free book of important data and studies conducted by top molecular biologists detailing the exact mechanisms by which the mRNA experimental drugs kill:


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How many doctors like Dr. Thorp have been fired for speaking their findings, observations and expert opinions? How many other doctors have been vilified and falsely discredited for the same "crimes?" Even the most esteemed, expert and published doctors lIke Dr. Peter McCullough are under heavy attack by the medical "establishment."

The anecdotal evidence that mRNA products cause fertility and pregnancy problems is overwhelming, coming from several doctors besides Dr. Thorp. At what point does "anecdotal" become conclusive? I'm not a doctor, but I believe we passed that point many months ago.

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