The first lie that must be dispensed with is that there ever was a pandemic.

Repeating that lie covers up the criminal acts that occurred in hospitals and nursing homes which were the justification for the phony pandemic and falsely catapulted the Big Lie that there was some dangerous "novel virus" that threatened people- there wasn't.

There was no "pandemic."

It’s imperative that everyone stop ceding ground to these fascists by reifying the Big Lie that "Covid" is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic.

"Covid" the disease is pure fiction. All the rest of it (biolabs / batsoup / bioweapons / lableaks) is political theatre and bread and circuses. They gamed the system to code for "covid deaths."

This has never had anything to with what is nothing more than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen. It is a global conspiracy by the worlds transnational ruling class which was planned out and war-gamed at the WEF, the central bankers summit in Jackson Hole, and at Event 201.

Once you get people to assent to a world that makes no sense you can get them to do anything. That's precisely what the Covid Cult is: it competes with the real world. Strategy of tension, mass mind manipulation, a psychological operation, the general population hypnotised right in front of your eyes.

99% of people falsely certified as having ‘died from covid’ actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and ‘public health’ despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.

Translation: No one has "died from Covid" as “Covid” is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, “flu” and many other disease conditions

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I wouldn't say it's pure fiction, but while the virus itself is real, regardless of its origin (natural or manmade in a lab), it really wasn't all that special. At worst, it was a super flu with a very high age gradient. Otherwise, the rest of the whole debacle was iatrogenic: essentially manufactured and socially constructed.

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I habe NEVER seen a virus or whatever crap doing such a sum of long-acting perverse stuff like VAIDS, cow madness, clots that can not be resolved by our enzyme system, and crippling the amygdala so empathy decreases and autism sprectral disorders shoot up. It de-masks ANYONE having a prevalence for MCAS, MAS, or many more chonificised inflammation diseases into the chronic illness, puts a heavy losd of water in the bucket of life, and if it floats over, you have expired all lightness and joy of life till you learned to do fancy meditational/prayer stuff the hard way.

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Agree, one gigantic LIE... If it were possible to create a virus to wipe out the world, you wouldn't need a (Fascist) rabid vaccination program. ‘They’ knew their FLU vaccination campaign was failing, so let’s freak people out about something most have not heard of before, good ole coronavirus of which we humans have, and start a pan-coronavirus vaccination campaign...

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Indeed, before Covid, there was a plan to create a "universal flu vaccine" that would work against ALL strains. One of the platforms being tested for that was.....wait for it....mRNA. There were non-mRNA candidates as well for that, of course, and mRNA would not have ever been approved without a crisis to promote it. Fauci himself said something to that effect in 2019. Ipse dixit!

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"We probably would have had a 95% refusal rate’ for these shots two years ago, but the pandemic and marketing of the injections as ‘vaccines’ has made them popular with the public.

Without help from the global pandemic people may never have been convinced to inject themselves with an experimental mRNA gene therapy."

- Bayer Pharmaceuticals Division President Stefan Oelrich speaking at the World Health Summit (Nov. 2021)


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Sounds like something an archetypal Bond villain would say. Only in this case, it's NOT fiction!

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No kidding! I guess reality is sometimes stranger than fiction. We are living in interesting times, indeed.

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Ups, wasn‘t that the worst spell you could wish someone on disc world‘s down under? May you live in interesting times!?

Good ol‘ terry pratchett.

„Witches are ther to give people what the need, and wizards what they like. Most suffering on the world stems from what we like.


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Jan 26, 2023
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There are way too many ways to trick people.

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'COVID-19' was/is a proxy virus used to justify the massive and swift funding of new mRNA vaccine technology and its eventual usage, at the same time slowly indoctrinating everyone into a new medical tyranny to come. The religion of world government shall be based around a new science, and it will be unquestionable. Vaccination in many forms will serve as a pillar of this new system.

Without a contrived virus, there could be no path to quickly entering the world into a paradigm shift. Therefore, CoV-2 would serve as the justification for all that you see taking place before you now. It is an artificial lab construct that is a political weapon. It exists only in literature.

Everyone would do well to understand that viruses are non-living, non-contagious agents produced by cells in order to cleanse in the face of modern industrial toxicity. Most all viral replication is a mode of cleansing by cells in the body in order to dissolve inorganic toxicity that living agents cannot, lest they be poisoned to death. Viruses are wholly created by cells from beginning to end and are minutely different between each person. Thus, there exists endless amounts of variants. A few hundred thousand variants have been discovered, yet in actuality, researchers could spend an eternity and find an endless array of variants in each person on earth. The claim that there is a major circulating strain or variant is a lie.


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Love your site. You have a lot of great information on it........GREAT WORK!!!

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Thanks Russ...

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Great comment.

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Thought you might be interested in this stack:


He posits the real reason the “pandemic” was initially denied/delayed had to do with some bonds held by the World Bank. He also shows the evidence of enterprise fraud, his expertise.

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Remember the repo crisis in late 2019? The global financial system, having been artificially goosed with trillions in funny money (QE and bailouts) since 2008, was on the verge of collapse, and "something had to be done". Quickly. Unfortunately, the "cure" (manufactured pandemic, lockdowns, shutdowns, and unprecedented levels of even more fiscal and monetary goosing, and removing the reserve requirement entirely) was predictably worse than the disease, and at best only kicked the can down the road a little bit longer.

And here we are today......

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Thanks for sharing!

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I am generally in agreement that the "pandemic" was fabricated by a surge in iatrogenic harm caused by panic and harmful treatment protocols in the "1st wave" and reassignment of jab deaths to Covid in the "2nd wave" (as I mentioned in separate comment.)

To my mind there clearly is a SARS-CoV-2 virus ("swarm" as Couey would say) which was circulating much earlier than Jan'20 but the plandemic was fabricated by the WHO and lockstep response of governments worldwide.

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I once read an analysis of an evolutionary biologist that measured the mutational distance of the strains of wuhan, italian, australia, etc, and he concluded that EACH had a mutational distance ca. 18 MONTHS between each other.

IF you have the link, please tell me.

Same for omicron „falling out of the skies“. Assumed it was thawed and the again drawn through separation lines covered with recovered‘ plasma.

So perhaps, if we assume deliberate seeding, it was seeded in muntiple pre-fabricated strains to test spread speed and proper virality and desth rste.

Just a conspiratorial theory.

For a pity, I lost the link to the site.

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Omicron was apparently taken from the reject pile of April 2020. And Delta was taken from another, different reject pile of March 2020. And yet they just stayed put, until something boosted them via selective pressure, that is, the jabs. Delta a year later, and Omicron over a year and a half later.

And the bivalent boosters gave us XBB.

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Indeed, the virus was around much earlier than 2020. And yet in most of the world, no excess deaths overall in 2019.

So what to make of this paradox?

1) The virus was happily slow burning until lockdowns and NPIs temporarily knocked out any competition for the virus AND selected for nastier and more contagious strains.

2) Iatrogenic protocols made it much worse. Including most notably the denial of antibiotics for secondary bacterial pneumonia. And also the denial and censorship of early treatment and prophylaxis with things like HCQ, IVM, vitamins, etc. And ventilators and "run death is near."

3) Since it was global, even places that largely ignored the virus (i.e. South Dakota, Amish Country, Belarus, Nicaragua, Tanzania, etc) or were less strict (Sweden, Faeroe Islands, Brazil, Uruguay) sooner or later caught it second-hand, and saw some excess all-cause deaths sometime in 2020 as well. But even then, they notably didn't do any worse than their stricter neighbors as a rule, at least in the long run.

4) Lockdowns and NPIs themselves caused massive collateral damage as well.

5) Excess deaths in 2021 and later cannot be disentangled from the jabs.

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I completely agree with all of these points and have tried to cover them in earlier articles.

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Absolutely nailed it, spot on!

As long as the virus fraud exists, the masses will accept the 'vaccines' and any measures to counter the 'virus', as much as illogical and heavy-handed they may be.

Take away the virus, and you take one of the biggest tool in the globalist toolbox.

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Especially since we are now told that asymptomatic folks are ‘spreading viruses.’

Did you see the government now has a medical code to denote that a patient ‘needs vaccination against Covid-19?’ QC01.9

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O yes there are asymptomatic spreaders: the nK compromised multi-boostered vaccinees show bad signs of desensitisation or „immune tolerance“ induced by IG-4. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/booster-caused-immune-tolerance-explains?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=email

While at the same time:

It was shown, on day 10 of CoV, a vaxed person has 5x the viral load of viable virus (tested by breeding cells) than non-injected.


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I am attracting lots of learned responses to simple statements such as key to selling the fake pandemic was making people believe asymptomatic folks could be spreaders of the ‘virus.’

Totally agree on shedders.

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Yeah, something was going around. Just another flu? Not quite. I'm on board with what you're saying, but SOMETHING was different about cv19

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I've had 'COVID'. It was nothing different than most normal flu symptoms. What's going around is a massive increase in worldwide pollution levels leading to widespread toxin accumulations. A simple look at a world map of the air quality index will prove this. Those in power simply timed their proxy virus to coincide with this easily predictable rise in illness, and subsequent detoxification period, in order to lend more credibility to their intended vaccines and 'security' measures to follow. It was all planned well in advance.

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I had symptoms with covid 19 that were completely different than anything that I've ever had before. Lingering symptoms. The way it spread wasn't pollution, that's absurd.

It's ok, you're just wrong. Planned in advance. Pollution. No.

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There are multiple studies showing that pollution, such as industrial pollutants, smoke, etc., all highly increase your chance of developing viruses like coronavirus. Viruses are non-living solvent dissolvers. You must study the biology of the body and its relation to the natural world to understand why this is happening.

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Yeah pollution pre dates covid by centuries.

Go back to the drawing board

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Viruses have existed forever and are an intrinsic part of the body of all living organisms, serving as survival mechanisms by living cells to reverse a toxic state.

Pollution and its many toxins take time to accumulate in living organisms. When high sedimentation of toxin levels is reached, organisms will begin to go through modes of detoxification. When toxins are industrial non-water soluble and non-biodegradable, they poison living microbes in the microbiome of living organisms. Therefore, non-living enzymes (virus) must be produced by cells to cleanse, or the organism will perish.

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I'm surprised that you haven't mentioned the massive increase in EMF radiation. I've never heard that exposure to pollution can cause cold-like symptoms, but I have heard that radiation exposure can. Since when does a cold cause loss of taste and smell? That's a symptom of radiation exposure.

My theory is that anyone with long-Covid is being exposed to too much radiation - either they sleep with their Wi-Fi router in their bedroom or their is a cell tower blasting their bedroom (especially if their room is in the primary radiation lobule of the tower). If you have a Wi-Fi router in your bedroom it is like sleeping in a radar facility that's broadcasting at 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz.

Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury


Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G


Check out the microwave injured vets website. https://www.microwavedvets.com/

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You say all this with such calm assurance I'm guessing you must have some pretty impressive evidence to back it up. You know, like a testable theory that's actually been tested, and repeated, along with convincing data that has no other logical explanation. You do understand how evidence based science works, right?

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There is plenty of data to show that respiratory viruses increase due to pollution levels. It is a fact.

Read the inserts to the major antigen tests. They cannot differentiate between CoV-1 and CoV-2. These are not unique viruses. They are normally occurring coronaviruses that occur in the population due to bodies expressing themselves biochemically in relation to seasonal weather changes. What causes the need for those expressions is entirely due to the rate and level of toxin accumulation in the population.

Feel free to click my name and visit my Substack and website. I have plenty of scientific studies that back up my assertions.

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I will do that, and sorry if I came of as sarcastic or cynical. I attribute that to battle fatigue, as I've been fighting this war since day 1.

We appear to have scored a victory in the UK, and also in California by the looks of it, so that's good news. That's what staying focused can achieve.



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"Something" has been "going around" since the beginning of life.

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No. This was weaponized. I've had colds...the flu. This was different.

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People who believe as you do are why it remains ongoing.

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No, it remains ongoing because the MSM won't stop reporting on it. You can't simply deny what I went through simply because you didn't go through it. I know what I went through and I know what the history of it is.

The Delta didn't appear until after the vaccine rollout. Fact. Something was weaponized. You're probably a pro pharma troll who's spreading this crap for the sake of tamping down the fact that it was weaponized.

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Your mistake is alleging that anyone is denying you went through anything. No one is denying that. It empirically just wasn't anything more deadly than the same things we have dealt with forever. Thats fact. The costume of Cov2 was placed on a melange of seasonal respiratory distress to fool you. And you bought it.

I've had multiple "worst-ever" flus in my life. Completely lost my taste and sense of smell 3X from a "flu". ALL long before the Plandemonium.

Hilarious I'm a pro pharma troll. Good day.

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Delta was yet another so-called variant to scare the children. I had hoped by the time people got to Omicron, the moronic variant (anagram of Omicron), people would have understood.

But sadly not it seems.



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It was weaponised but it was the 'flu, added to by insane chemical additions like fanatically cleaning surfaces with toxic chemicals.

In any event each individual is different with immune systems in different states of health, but it is still toxic poisoning.

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Your comments really seem to dovetail with this: https://thehighwire.com/editorial/mrna-is-not-going-away/

And I agree with you.

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The way they talk you'd think that the fn shot was working. It's not. Clearly.

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Covid is nothing but the flu rebranded.........PERIOD!!. Every step of the PLANdemic was carefully planned and executed, how else can you get zero govts, medical institutions, media corps, etc speaking out against lockdowns, masks, vax, etc. Unfortunately, none of this is a surprise. So many of us knew from the get-go that this was a scam. There was no discussion about boosting our immune system. We have one and it can be greatly strengthened. We heard about the false PCR results, like a goat and a papaya tested positive. We heard about the overstating of COVID deaths, like there weren't that many people sick with COVID in the hospitals, like people who had other causes of death were being included in a COVID death count, like seeing someone who went undercover in Brazil and found that coffin boxes supposedly full of COVID deaths were empty.

We learned that Remdesivir was being given to people in the hospitals and it was killing them. This practice is still going on and hospitals are still getting paid for doing this - literally kidnapping patients there for other reasons and killing them.

I don't understand how so many people accepted an EXPERIMENTAL "vaccine" into their healthy bodies. I pay attention and research things constantly, and triple check everything, especially sources.

Sad that I now live in a society(world) of walking dead people who trusted their government, media and doctors.............Education and common sense seem to be issues here.

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No boosting immune systems and instead of urging people to lose weight and get healthier, TPTB celebrated heavy people on magazines, film and on tv. The bigger the better. No matter that obesity is a leading contributor to early death.

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Are you sure? How about the possibility fatty tissue divert and dilute vitamin D3? Do you campaign against the use of Risperdal, Zyprexa, HCFS, and partially hydrogenated seed oils, as well as their excessive use in general? (Okay, granted, the Establishment at least pretended to have greatly reduced exposure to what they mistermed "trans fats".)

Funny thing; most of these athletes I see drop dead or suffer heart attacks, etc. are super fit and not the least bit obese. Have you seen a plague of sumo wrestlers dying?

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Wow. Okay. I was responding to a comment made by Russ about how a caring government could have, in the early days of what they made out to be a scary pandemic, suggested citizens boost immunity.

I added that they could have suggested losing weight, as obesity is a risk factor

for a number of health problems, including seasonal influenza and pneumonia.

My comments had nothing to do with the shot. So your sarcasm is unnecessary.

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Loosing weight is inflammatory stress. Many people starving thebfirst time with excess weight get some stroke. Prepare it, eg drinking cure of CIO2 (aq) 60ppm 1L per day on empty stomach, tonfissolve blood clots, etc. Put blood under microscope to monitor for micro-clotting esp. if „shot“ by certsin injections, then also do I-RECOVER…

Let yourself be accompanied by someone experienced.

You have to do it the zen way „without intent“, by making the cause of the symptom „excess weight“ obsolete, on level/axis of soul, information exchange, and all the physiology (inc. genes, epigenetics, whatever. Diet plans, diary, fn food, liposomal Vit. C cures,…. Do not forget herbs.

Leave out the heroine like sugar stuff or concentrated processed carbohydrates, fight addiction to it 4x stronger than to heroine, if you ask rats:).

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Okay, you didn't, but to some extent the Establishment did. While I don't encourage obesity, it strikes me as something of a straw man.

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Well I’m sure you know more than I do.

I was just chiming in.

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No. It's not just the flu. Sorry, I don't need the outside research. I had it. I know. Period.

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B. Brown did a theory: perhaps it is the flu AND CoV. All the time. If lungs were hit badly, flu was there.

He sais CoV floods thebtests so sensitivity to get a positive test for some flu antigens is highly reduced. Still have to verify this with our lab.

Perhaps by design.

Wer misst, misst Mist.

The one who measures,measures rubbish.

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Well stated! I do the same as you.. it is indeed sad and I keep trying to inform others, if they are open to learning and not fearing... Cheers to good health, Russ!

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Explain why Symmetrel did nothing for it.

And who wants an unselectively, or incorrectly, boosted immune system? Do you enjoy allergies and autoimmunities? Original Antigenic Sin is a "boosted immune system".

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What? Symmetrel? I'm living proof of a boosted immune system. Over 13 years ago I had cancer and instead taking the medical route I took the alternative route and boosted my immune system through diet, exercise and reducing toxins in my life.

It can be done, but it has to be done exactly as I said!

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Down selection! What "PCR test"? You really think I'd go to a hospital when sick? That was the only place to get a PCR test. And these now-ubiquitous azide tests (yet you can't buy an airbag inflator at a junkyard) weren't available. I could have got a serotest at my own expense afterwards, but this covid crap has convinced me, no needles.

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I strongly believe one could quite easily do nK trsining vaccines for topical mucosal application, while some endogenic pathogens not pressured to mutate and not able to do so much could be vaccinated by tolerable classical attenuated virusues approach in the right window of immune system developement.

Still there is something we do not measure yet: how many naive memory cells are left, and do we wear the reserve out by vaccinations and cause „immune system ageing“ mainly irreversible by normal western medicine and cause of „inflammaging“.

In short, we play god if we want to foresee what some society may optimally need as immunity, and suffer failure of arrogance there.

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How do you distinguish a "pandemic" from biotrailing? Do you also consider the lead poisoning from leaded gasoline AMD refers to as a "pandemic"? Biotrailing hides above the overcast of the winter inversion chemtrailing exacerbates. Not everyone can see it from above when skiing (now exorbitantly expensive) or flying. What have badly run PCRs to do with it, other than continuing the delusion hidden biotrails may have started? One had to be admitted to a hospital to even have access in February 2020.

And BTW, people technically died from choking bronchial spasms. The way you stated it looks like a despicable lie. (Flu is far more likely to bring on pneumonia.) That is NEVER mentioned in mass, or even alternative such as Substack, media. Polymerase Chain Reaction misuse is just a mass delusion of crowds. You'd do far better heeding Paul Craig Roberts.

Please unpin Allen's misleading comment I reply to, AMD.

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Did I pin it? It doesn't show as pinned. I think it's just the top comment because it was posted early and got the most interaction. My rule is to do everything I can to avoid censoring people here, so I am not going to interfere with Allen's comment if it made it to the top naturally regardless of my own views on the subject.

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The spasms can be explained by the highly „Mast Cell Activation Syndrom“ MCAS like triggering/emulating properties of the spike especially, and the bad load of autoantibodies it evokes due to mimicries to our own constituents.

If you filter out the autoantibodies recovered plasma very much heals. If not, it even damages.

Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld has tried this technology, able to be used for vaccinal antigens without autoimmune potential.

See literature list of his “Time

Musings” and many more.


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Thank you for mentioning him! At some point I am going to do an article on his textbook.

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It would be nice if A Midwestern Doctor read Denis Rancourt's statistical demolition of the pandemic illusion. There was no pandemic.

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Jan 26, 2023
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You're talking to the wall with these people. They've adopted a belief system based on some crackpot theory for which no solid evidence exists, and nothing will convince them otherwise. Ironically, they resemble the very people they're opposed to for treating 'vaccines' like a religion. True Believers.

I've seen this view expressed so many times now that I'm convinced it's a psyop. Wouldn't be the first time that false information was intentionally planted in the debate to sew discord and distract attention from the central issue, which I believe is the alarming drift towards authoritarianism in western society. If there's a bigger elephant in the room I haven't seen it.

Personally, I'd respond exactly the same way we're treated on social media. Karl Denninger is the model for this. If you go on his site spouting BS, you're gone. As with Zuckerberg et al, it's his site and he can do whatever he wants with it. I know it goes against the grain of what we're trying to do, but if you allow this sort of nonsense it will only get worse, and you'll end up with a herd of true believers while the rational people are drowned out and eventually leave in disgust.

This sort of thing illustrates a basic flaw in Substack messages which I've tried to draw their attention to, i.e. you can only up-vote. I see 23 up-votes in this case, but how many down-votes would this get if you had that option? Also, where are those votes coming from? Scroll through the comments and tell me how many posts you see with 23 votes. That's a tell if you ask me.

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The only people acting religiously are the virus believers, those which think viruses are tiny bombs, flying around and infecting people.

That's nonsense and anyone with a schred of common sense can see that.

Unfortunately, people have been brainwashed to believe anything.. and they rarely give up their ideas, even if you show them evidence of the contrary.

Contagion is a myth, so that takes away the premise that viruses are pathogenic and contagious. That's all I need to know. I don't care if they really exist or not, or if they are created by the body's cells as response to toxins or whatnot.

All I need to know is if the viruses are pathogenic and contagious.

And the answer is NO:


So then I don't need to fear viruses being spread by someone else, or wear a mask or take a 'vaccine'.

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"That's nonsense and anyone with a schred (sic) of common sense can see that."

That's what we in the evidence based community call a Thought-Terminating Cliché.


Those experiments you cite are so flawed I can't even be bothered to debunk them.

Which is another example of a Thought-Terminating Cliché (see how that works?) except in this case it's true. Absence of proof is not proof of absence. Science 101.

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"Absence of proof is not proof of absence. Science 101."

Agreed 100%.

Therefore, please present the experiments that prove viruses are contagious and pathogenic.

I sent a link referencing a number of studies, which you claim they are flawed, but you don't want to say what the issue is with them.

For example, what's flawed about the Rosenau experiments, where they expose healthy individuals to sick individuals, and NONE of the healthy individuals got sick?

If that doesn't prove the flu isn't contagious, I don't know what else does. And that's not the only experiment done to prove the viruses are contagious. Pretty much ALL experiments done to prove that, have failed.

Now, please DO provide YOUR accepted experiments which prove the flu (or other diseases caused by viruses) are contagious and pathogenic.

P.S. talking about cognitive dissonance, isn't that what you're engaging in, when I present supportive evidence for my position, while you dismiss it without even looking at it, but say they the studies are flawed? Food for thought 🤔

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Dear #ebear and dear @Marius alike, would it be too big an ask to allot precious ~20 min of your lives, and read this without screaming at screen? 🙂 --> https://tessa.substack.com/p/mfm-healing 👌

You won't even need to create an account 😉

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Dear ebear

The problem is that virology is fundamentally flawed. I do not say to people viruses don't exist, merely that something has been taken and corrupted.

Virus as a word meant 'poison, slime, venom' at one time. The meaning of the word though can be derived from the Latin thus:

Vi = force

Vir = man

The relation of these two words is that a man is a 'force' i.e. strong.

Add 'us' and you have 'force/man us', strength of us, mankind.


What people see through the electron microscope is the exosome, part of the body's own defense mechanism.


As regards diseases I used to believe that these could be 'caught' until early in 2020 I saw briefly a comment on YouTube that there were no such things as infectious diseases. I thought in very strange that anyone should say this but kept it in mind.

By June 2020 I had worked out that virology as it was understood was false and we had been lied to for decades.

I then came to the conclusion that 'flu could not be 'caught' as it is an internal poisoning of the body, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water.


The whole 'disease is catching' propaganda is without substance as it merely appears people are catching something when in reality they are typically suffering from toxic poisoning around the same time of year, typically when vitamin D levels are low in the northern hemisphere when the sun is low in winter.

Wuhan was a psyop based on the dumbing down of the masses and people lack of critical thinking and not bothering to double check the circumstances or indeed history.


It took me 2 months solid research to work out what I did in June 2020 and it has taken all my effort to refine my articles on my WordPress site. I have done this despite suffering from extreme fatigue due to toxic poisoning from food, mainly bacon, I ate containing sodium nitrite (E250).

I have been, as it were, my own guinea pig. I even underwent immuno-therapy for alleged cancer until I worked out what was really wrong in September 2020, the issue above. And no thanks to the NHS doctors who never once asked about my diet.

I voted Allen up as of today, 26/1/23 and count stands at 34. That's a tell that people believe him as I do with good reason, even if perhaps the statement 'viruses don't exist' we hear is misleading.

But the faked variants etc. certainly don't exist, they are just a figment of someone fertile imagination. If viewed correctly then they can be ridiculed as I do.


Covid 19 was merely a re-branding exercise by big pharma to make more money as much as anything else, whilst causing mayhem and death into the bargain.

Added to which is the control of everything by the elites as they exploit the chaos.

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If I appear to be stubborn on this issue it's because I know something about the underlying physics and biology. Not a PhD, but educated in the sciences, able to read scientific papers, and I've focused on the theory of science and epistemology for over 30 years now. I also drive a truck as I mentioned elsewhere, but that came later after I bailed on some other stuff that's not relevant to the discussion.

I also have military training and tend to use military analogies, like this one: When engaging an enemy that has vast resources at their disposal you have to stay focused. It's no use if each individual soldier, tank commander or aviator focuses on their favourite target with no reference to the objective, or the leadership that defines that objective. Without focus and a coordinated effort, you'll just get picked off, one by one.

I spend time on Steve Kirsch's site, where I put the same effort into keeping things focused there that I try to do here. It's an unrewarding task, but it has to be done. Maybe I'm not the best person to do that, but at the moment I don't see any other way to make a contribution.

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That's great thanks! Keep at it. You don't need a PhD for all this, I do not have one. I do have a BSc in Land Management but that was a long time ago.

I do have a broad education in sciences and arts, critical thinking, around 40 odd years of surveying buildings of all sorts including electrical substations and other infrastructure and some at least practical application and using my hands renovating my homes.

I am not that good at it, but at least I can speak to the tradesmen with some authority, although they will know more than me on their trade.

The military analogy is spot on because if nothing else there is a war on, albeit primarily a war of words. And by my observation we follow a pattern after WW2 only 80 years ago. I consider the states also follows the American Civil War only 160 years ago.

Whilst I know the vaccination situation still needs attention there are a lot of other issues which need to be addressed. For consideration.



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Agree fully. They just spout the same talking points endlessly and refuse to address any arguments with their points.

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And anyone arguing for the existence of SARS-CoV2 who hasn’t bothered to examine the scientific evidence in this paper is fooling themselves and everyone around them:


"virology has been characterised by a lack of valid control experiments and none of its foundational claims have been established through proper exercise of the scientific method."

"It is thus a reasonable question to ask has virology ever been a scientific pursuit? With regard to the scientific method, the virologists create unfalsifiable hypotheses by setting up paradigms where any number of observations, whether it be illness or alleged test results can be attributed to their ‘viruses’. The observations are passed off as proof of virus existence in the manner of a circular loop of reasoning that no longer requires the demonstrable existence of a virus. Any claims of reproducibility, for example, in the form of a PCR process or a purported viral genome, are simply more circuits of the same loop."

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My comments on your first article:

"…the ideology that viruses do not exist seems insane…"

"…passively condoning this belief system…"

"…a delusional belief the COVID-19 virus does not exist…"

"…condoning a radical view like rejecting the existence viruses…"

Are you showing you are biased here and that is preventing you from seeing the Not-A-Virus arguments clearly?

"It is extremely important to remember that just because some scientific positions are wrong, this does not mean all scientific positions are wrong."

Agreed, but none should be above questioning.

"Why is this message problematic?

"First, it divides those who are opposed to the existing COVID policies into polarized camps that are in opposition to each other.

"Second, it casts the entire anti-mandate movement in a very bad light.

"Third, it pushes many of the more moderate authority figures who would want to support fighting the pandemic policies away from supporting the cause because they do not want to be associated with the virus debunkers perspective and challenged by the virus debunkers.

"Fourth, one of the unique characteristics of COVID-19 is that it can simmer in the background for a while and then suddenly become very bad…

"By promoting the virus debunking message, it directly harms the people who catch COVID-19 and in those cases, creates the hospitalization and deaths amongst the unvaccinated that are needed to sustain the narrative supporting mandatory vaccinations.

"Fifth, there are certain aspects of terrain theory (the foundation of the argument against the existence of viruses) that are valid and relevant to COVID-19. By aggressively promoting an extremist version of terrain theory, it is poisoning the well for the important parts of terrain theory to enter the discussion. I have wanted to write about terrain theory, but have specifically avoided doing so for this reason."

These arguments have no bearing whatsoever on whether SARS-CoV-2 actually exists.

There are polarized camps everywhere on every aspect of this operation and you assume a cohesive “movement?” There is no “we.” “We” are all individuals trying to navigate a huge web of lies. This does not alleviate us from our responsibility to determine what is true and real.

You appear to have already assumed A VIRUS, so is there no room for any debate on the existence of SARS-CoV-2 or ANY OTHER CAUSE of the illness and disease you are seeing?

See here: https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/02/05/my-bottom-lines-on-the-china-epidemic/

"THE VIRUS is a fake propaganda idea that has traditionally been used to cover up vast crimes and the destruction of human life in ways that have nothing to do with germs. THE VIRUS is one of the greatest cover stories ever invented. I’ve explained how propaganda about viruses is made to stand in for corporate and government crimes that make people sick and kill them: contaminated water supplies; lack of basic sanitation; giant toxic agricultural farms; industrial poison-pollution; hunger; starvation; protein-calorie malnutrition; fertile farm land stolen from native people by corporations and governments; toxic medical drugs and vaccines; and now, in Wuhan and other Chinese cities, unprecedented mixtures of toxic air pollution, causing lung damage. The basic theme is: DON’T LOOK AT ALL THOSE CRIMES, JUST FOCUS ON THE VIRUS AS THE ONLY PROBLEM. This is sheer invention."

You claim those making critiques of the methodology of virology are arguing in bad faith. But when you state the following, you seem unaware that the below is exactly what Not-A-Virus folks are saying:

"The core concept of the scientific method is having a hypothesis, devising ways to test that hypothesis by attempting to disprove it, and over time adopting the hypotheses that survive attempts to disprove them. For this approach to work, there must be a way to disprove each hypothesis and for independent outside parties to reproduce the results of others."

The hypothesis of virology is: a "virus" is a particle containing DNA or RNA wrapped in a protein coat, which gains entry to a cell in order to hijack its machinery in order to make copies of itself, which blow up the cell from the inside, killing it. Those copies go on to infect other cells and do the same thing. Per the model, it's a particle of a certain size with a very specific mode of operation.

In what way would you disprove this hypothesis?

If you actually look at the Farewell to Virology document, the NAV crew is pointing out the methodology of virology is NOT following the scientific method by NOT using an independent variable in a controlled experiment.


If you will not address this specific critique, how are lay people with no scientific background or training supposed to?

What I see is a list of reasons why YOU will not address these critiques, specifically (includes suggested update):

"We are all [I am] in a situation where there is a lot we [I] want to do for this cause that we are [I am] not able to because we [I] don’t have the time to, so when time gets sucked into addressing the small number of loud voices in the virus debunking crowd, it directly takes away from things we need to [I prefer to] be doing."

This appears to be the crux of your argument. You put out a ton of very helpful information. You are not obligated to run down every rabbit hole. However, if you choose not to run down this one, why opine on it and attempt to discredit those who do? Wouldn't it be more honest to simply make this statement and move on?

Your further comments in the article regarding the genomes and micrographs do not provide any details or links to papers where the scientific method was followed, where a hypothesis was stated, an independent variable was identified, and a controlled experiment was done.

That is the challenge the NAV crew is presenting. They are earnestly looking for this. They have "shown their work" with respect to reviewing dozens, if not hundreds, of "scientific" and "peer reviewed" "studies" and pointed out exactly how these papers do not follow the scientific method.

So, how exactly does your article address this such that a lay person who is following along with the NAV crew can be "set straight?"

You equate those who are making these critique with Faith in a Creator, yet you seem to be employing faith in virology by not specifically addressing these critiques. Your further comments on pseudoscience and Dunning-Kruger effects are helpful when applied to virology as well.

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The primary reason I wrote these articles was because people who didn't believe viruses didn't exist were hijacking comment threads in a beligerant manner to try and reframe every discussion to attacking people who believed in viruses.

The core point of the articles is that when you work with things that small, a certain degree of inference is always required, which means that there is always the wiggle room to state anything produced with inference is flawed since it is my nature an inference.

I believe most of the arguments made to attack the subject of viruses existing are not made in good faith because examples that clearly invalidate those arguments are easily available (e.g., viruses can't be due to EM artifacts because viruses large enough to be seen on optical microscopes exist) and no due diligence was made to establish if they were valid.

I have done a lot of debate so I am fully aware that you can argue for or against anything irrespective of how true it is, and none of the arguments I've seen have met the threshold I believe is needed to call the entire existence of virology into question.

For example, no one has ever been able to explain how highly unusually shaped viruses (bacteriophages) once introduced to a bacteria culture can rapidly destroy the entire culture and be observed doing that in under electron microscopy (along with it being possible to introduce to cure bacterial infections).

What I've left it at is that since 2019, some people have clearly gotten very sick in a matter that appears to follow an infectious chain of transmission, and anyone this has happened to immediately decides the idea COVID is a hoax is nonsensical (especially if they've seen early treatment help those people)....so, to advance your position, you have to provide a alternative model that can explain why this is happening instead of flinging arbitrary arguments. No such model exists, so every time this topic is raised, an excuse is made to avoid it.

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Please take a few minutes to read Coppolino’s article. Your links above fail to address the real issues. I would love to hear your rebuttal, but only if you take into account the real arguments, not strawman arguments as above.


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I felt they did as I made a point to address all of the common arguments raised by the virus debunkers in those two articles (including yours). Over 90% of the people who read those articles felt I was very fair and open minded to your position (much more so than anyone else here), so if that still meets your bar of "not a real argument" or "strawmans" I don't know if anything will work for you.

You have to ask yourself:

Is your goal to "win" or to "discover what is true" ? If your goal is the former, nothing besides an acknowledgment you are right will be seen as acceptable and it is hence not a discussion whereas if it's the latter, my articles should meet the bar for what you need.

Additional thoughts:

•The issues with Massie's FOIA's is that she did not prove they never isolated the virus, she proved that they did not isolate the virus to her standards, which is essentially meaningless because no one else follows her standards.

•I held the belief the reason why the virus debunkers were so aggressive and close minded was because their following and brand is based around be right on this issue so they can't afford to ever admit an error on their part here.

•We also all wondered if this was a deliberate campaign to derail the antivaccine message and get us wedged into arguing over this issue. Igor Chudov found proof this was indeed what happened a few months ago:


Because of this, the general consensus now is that this is a bunch of trolling and I don't believe anyone in the future with a large platform will give a more thoughtful or detailed rebuttal as I did in the previous articles.

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Probably pushing my luck here as you’ve been more that gracious with your time responding to my comments.

There’s nothing for me to “win” except more clarity. Working with models and questioning assumptions is in my wheelhouse as an actuary.

"The issues with Massie's FOIA's is that she did not prove they never isolated the virus, she proved that they did not isolate the virus to her standards, which is essentially meaningless because no one else follows her standards."

This appears to be a mischaracterization (strawman?) of what is being asked in those FOIs. From my understanding, she’s not attempting to prove anything except that every institution that backed the masking/lockdowns/mandates/etc. did so without any proof of a virus, other than an “in silico genome,” which is just a computer model of a virus, not a real virus taken from a human host (regardless of whether natural or lab-created). From the Farewell to Virology paper:

"In June 2022, in response to an Official Information Act (OIA) request concerning the paper, “Characterization of the First SARS-CoV-2 Isolates from Aotearoa New Zealand as Part of a Rapid Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic,” the University of Otago stated, “the paper published by Professor Quiñones-Mateu and colleagues was a descriptive paper...This means there was no hypothesis to prove or disprove.”

So why is it verboten to question the standards of the methodology?

"I held the belief the reason why the virus debunkers were so aggressive and close minded was because their following and brand is based around be[ing] right on this issue so they can't afford to ever admit an error on their part here."

I don’t assume anyone’s motives because I have Aspergers. I haven’t got a clue as to why anyone does anything, that occasionally applies to myself as well.

But from my viewpoint, there is so much evidence of enterprise fraud that it’s not really a stretch to question whether the existence of SARS-CoV2 is also fraudulent:


"We also all wondered if this was a deliberate campaign to derail the antivaccine message and get us wedged into arguing over this issue."

Well, that’s one perspective. Another perspective is that without a virus, no masking/lockdowns/mandates and especially no vaccine is necessary. Therefore, the Not-A-Virus position is by default an anti-vaccine position.

"…the general consensus now is that this is a bunch of trolling…"

I don't doubt there is a lot of trolling regarding this issue, however, this has no bearing whatsoever on whether SARS-CoV2 actually exists. This debate continues and appears to be picking up steam so maybe figuring out how I think about this might help you decide that it’s not ALL just trolling. I’ll cover the arguments in your articles specifically in another comment so you can see where I’m just not getting it.

Thank you for allowing this exchange.

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Agree with you on all of this.

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"All models are wrong. Some models are useful." Picked up that quote somewhere and I like to use it.

The model of a "virus" is a particle containing DNA or RNA wrapped in a protein coat, which gains entry to a cell in order to hijack its machinery in order to make copies of itself, which blow up the cell from the inside, killing it. Those copies go on to infect other cells and do the same thing. Per the model, it's a particle of a certain size with a very specific mode of operation.

Here's how I think about this issue: Not-A-Virus crew has some serious critiques of the METHODOLOGY of virology. If we ask the very simple question - HOW do you know a particular virus exists? - virologists will tell you one or more of three very specific things:

1) we "isolated" it - which does not mean they separated it from all other particles which would allow them to characterize, photograph, and sequence the DNA/RNA of said particles in order to test their theory. It means that they took a sample from a human and added it to usually diseased monkey kidney cells, which were then starved of nutrients and dosed with kidney-toxic antibiotics, and when the cells start to die, they point and say, "see, the cells die because of the virus" but they don't bother to do a control experiment with every step except the actual human sample. So how exactly do they know what is killing those cells? I don't know. I can't find anyone who can really defend this method or respond to the specific critique, other than "a virus needs a cell to replicate." Okay, but that is just the part where it's making copies, does the virus exist outside of the cell? It would have to according to their model because how else does the "virus" pass between cells and between people? Where are you addressing the specific METHODOLOGY critique of not using CONTROLLED EXPERIMENTS?

2) we took pictures - but again, the process involved in taking those pictures is to put the results of step one through further insults with alcohol, chemicals and resin, to dry it out then form it into a block, slice it really thin and then bombard it with electrons. What they're taking a picture of is clearly dead, but if they haven't separated out the specific particle they are claiming is a virus before taking a picture (like, ever) how the heck do they know what a "virus" particle even looks like? They just look for something they think fits the bill and add an arrow. How do they know what that specific arrow is pointing at? The result of the METHOD of taking those pictures seems very destructive and likely doesn't represent what actually happens to live tissue inside a body. Again, I can't find a decent rebuttal to a logical critique. Where are you addressing the METHODOLOGY used to produce the micrographs and where are the CONTROLLED EXPERIMENTS?

3) we have the genome sequenced - but again, the METHOD of puting the results of step one in a blender to then take out millions of tiny pieces of genetic code and use a computer program to splice them back together. But again, if they've never separated out the particles and sequenced them whole, what the heck is the computer program constructing? And how do they know which particles are from a "virus" versus the rest of whatever the human coughed up and whatever else is in the soup? Where are you addressing the METHODOLOGY used to produce the sequences and where are the CONTROLLED EXPERIMENTS?

These are the questions Massie et. al. are asking in the FOIs. Now, if these are invalid critiques, why are they invalid? Why won't anyone address them? What questions should I/we be asking? Most of the defenders of virology don't even bother to understand these issues at all, I think because of the militant wing of team NAV that makes asking basic questions seem like crazy talk. I have no dog in this fight except I care about what is real, true and where the evidence leads. I don’t get these questions answered by reading your posts above. If I missed it, I sincerely apologize for my lack of understanding.

The whole question of whether any disease can be passed between humans has logical critiques as well, but it's so ingrained in the paradigm, most people can't even think outside of it in order to genuinely question it. It's a really basic assumption that appears to be unquestionable. And I don't think any assumptions are beyond question.

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I believe these points were addressed in those articles so I am not sure why you raised these arguments and said you could not find anything that addressed them. For example, certain viruses have been seen with optical microscopes and have very distinct appearances that are not otherwise seen in the body.

If you wish to advance this debate you have to be able to provide stronger evidence for your side. I was able to reach a consensus with most of the people I discussed this subject with, and I am fine having a certain number like you who nonetheless disagree with me because I do not feel I hold the burden of proof to refute every single aspect of your hypothesis by the standards you are requesting.

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And I’m anxiously awaiting the results of this investigation from Denis. Rancourt:


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One thing, viruses do exist and are not the bad guys! We could be rid of all these nefarious people/groups, if we all got rid of the fear of viruses being the bad guys. Our own cells make them to dissolve our own toxins as needed. They are not contagious or we ALL would be sick ALL the time, no breaks. They are the non-living to aid when the living (bacteria, parasites, etc.) could not quite get the job done in our inorganic world.

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There is a huge (necessary) microbiome of viruses in the body that most people are not aware exists.

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The grip that big pharma has on the masses could be blown open wide! If folks knew that viruses are a part of you, made by your own cells for your own detoxification from what you have taken in (be it meds/drugs/vaccines/antibiotics/crap food/pollution, etc.)

We have been conned into testing for the common cold! (I am an MT (ASCP)) Testing labs made 50% more last year, and test manufacturers and jab makers are bringing in the cash! All the while folks are guinea pigs/lab rats, being kept $ick and di$ea$ed in the medical and pharma cartel$ (by their drugs/meds/vaccines/antibiotics/poor care, etc.)

Viruses do not fly around in the air. They are non-living, made by YOUR cells to break down tissue toxins wherever they may reside after your lil bacteria/parasites (living) could not get the job done w/o dying themselves. YOUR viruses are not compatible with others’ viruses (RNA/DNA that they are imbedded with is not compatible with your RNA/DNA). FEAR not! And don’t get any jabs either!!! 😊

Learn, be happy, and fear not virusesarenotcontagious.com

Just slow down and think about it…

IF viruses were contagious, we ALL should be sick ALL the time!!! Or extinct by now! We are being kept in fear of germs, nature, ourselves…how convenient for the cartels of big medical/pharma/gov’t…

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I test for the common cold by seeing whether zinc (with vitamin C, of course) abate it. Just as I test for the flu with Symmetrel. (Fever break 1.5 hours after taking it.) Should I get another cold (none since this covid thing), I'll add an ionophore to the regimen.

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I firmly believe that virus’ do not ‘attack’ people, it is due to the individuals susceptibility at that moment in time that disease manifests. Of course the inheritance/genes can play a great role. Thank you for your most informative writings

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If you have ever witnessed an acute outbreak of Noro Virus, you know that viruses can perfectly attack very healthy people.

Also, I have seen respiratory infections blast through our community, with nearly everyone getting sick within a few weeks.

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Novo virus is a foodborne illness virus. That is, it occurs due to food poisoning from chemical preservatives and additives in processed, cooked foods. Those chemicals irritate the sensitive gut mucosal membranes and cells in the stomach and lead to cells producing viruses in the immediate area in order to cleanse. Expulsion then occurs to throw up toxins or pass them out the bowels.

Respiratory viruses and the illusion of contagiousness is explained by understanding the causative factors that bring about viral detoxifications; rate and level of toxin accumulation, and weather conditions. There is an annual virus season for a reason, and it is not because viruses are contagious.


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Could not agree more, although it is down to your susceptibility at that time in point. Not all people infected will display the same severity of symptoms, recovery time etc. Absolutely you have outbreaks of gastro enteritis, same as you do ‘ flu.

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Jan 26, 2023
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show me an electron and then I'll believe in electricity.

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Electricity doesn't need big pharma/mainstream medical profession to scare you as the consequences are clear if you stick wet fingers onto live wires.

If the cartoon images of viruses being alien creatures who will gobble you to death aren't a big clue to the viruses are evil scam, then I don't know what is.

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Quite so. As I say they are the exosome, part of the body's own defense system. It is typical of big pharma lies to try at vilify and damage the very things that would protect us!

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Well, we have some kids, and if you got a crap not responding to common anti-bacterial stuff, it may be something smaller:))

Yet I agree: the problem is policy-corruption-made:

If we would behave naturally, let „running nose“ be passed on, BUT cry „STOP“ to all your contacts when we really feel sick, telling them to treat „as if having a flu“ and „do not pass on“ so disinfect mucosa by some inorganic antiseptic 2x/day preventively for a week, we would UP-SELECT harmless variants of whatever pathogen in circulation in NO TIME, as all possible variants are existing in parallel. They are a massively parallel, and distributed, and probably QM machinery hacking our immune systems and behaviour. . .

And we MUST have some pathogens in circulation, otherwise some people’s immune systems really begin to eat themselves up. So give them something to do. If nothing is around, some bacterial cultures will do for a while, like fermenting something and eating it alive, often called yoghurt etc.

But not a real replacement.

And still I believe in Prof. Bossches „Infect-then-treat“.

For this it is helpful what really works. See flccc.net/protocols

Only addition :

For us it is gargling, spraying, and most efficient: inhalation of inorganic antiseptics.


Just make sure they don‘t taste sour (buffer by trickling in baking soda till „just not tasting sour any more“, pH 6.5, and inhale a dosing that does not irritate lungs in any way or impair free breathing (further above illness symptoms). Done. Seems 19/20 of possible treatment points if started really early.

We use 800ppm 0,7ml NaHClO (plasm@ liq., or diy electrolytically like salt chlorine pool generators attached to barrel destilled purified water with purified salt, or from dental antiseptic hypochlorite diluted by salt water) per session „breathing in“ only - double if letting nebulizer run, for adult. Estimate lungs volume for youngsters. 20 breath cycles for young ones, 12 deep ones with holding breath a bit for elderly ones 16+ is a good rule-of-thumb. Quickly done, repeat to symptoms as often as you like. Prevention once per evening is ok. Necessary 2-3 mths after infection to give immune System time to calm down.

Babies get inhalation at the end of a nap, by membrane inhaler just filling a bath of nebula we contain by rolled blankets or bathing towels or nursing pillows; so coughing out is during waking time. For the quite strong 800ppm limit to 2mins of nebula sea, or dilute 1:4 by dead sea or stone salt water 0,6-2% depending on desired level of astringent property, for the 10‘ auto-off of most machines.

(Others are CIO2 (CDS, but only up to 5ppm. Never accept irritation while inhaling. Then thin down by salt water step by step.

PVP-I 10% 0.7ml „only breathing in“ session dose, perhaps thin. Only if not on a low on iodine diet.

H2O2 see Dr. Thomas Levy.

Tried 1.5% after buffering the supply of a few days to pH near neutral. Do always buy H2O2 „stabilized“, mostly by 0.05% phosphoric acid (like in a coke), as it would degrade quickly upon shaking or bumps. Try strenghts for H2O2 by the foaming effect of a drop in the mouth, compared to the unbuffered. Store in fridge if buffering larger supply.



There are excellent bur little papers on inhalation.

Compared to the efficacy of inhaling the RIGHT thing, this is incredible.

Imagine you have a substance paradkng ALL major 3 CoV symptoms :

- clotting

- high pthogen load

- immune system irritation

There you go. ALL inorganic antiseptics do this.

NaHCIO the best for therapeutic inhalation.

CIO2 the best for up to 5ppm rather preventive inhalation, and best for gsrgling, sprays, cotton patches on stings and (tick) bites (drops of DMSO added enhance penetration up to 2cm killing lyme pathogens as well.

See, there are NO resistances and there never will be. Done with hospital multi-resistances-pathogens. It is a crime people have to suffer from this just to make antibiotics producing companies richer. And hospitals. No one is profiting from healing, that‘s the whole problem.

Let us move away from hospitals as enterprises.

Let us install healthcare like we built infrastructure like roads. If it is not needed now, we are still happy to pay for it. One day we will need it.

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I have used quite a few things mentioned in your comment!

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When I came down with ‘Covid 19’ (if that’s what it was...the tests are such crap, who knows?) in January 2022, my functional medicine MD had me get a nebulizer and do the inhalation therapy with the hydrogen peroxide/saline solution. P.S. No injections, of any type, for me. Ever.

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Yes, please buffer the H2O2 solution (containing 0.05% phosphoric acid like coke: pH=2.3, very sour: much too sour for lungs liking 6.5).

Do it with supply of a few days by trickling in baking soda solution ca. 0.5% to „just not tasting sour any more” which is pH=6.5 precise enough.

I needed just ca 1% of the 0.5% solution.

(Used 1/2 ml insulin syringe, very precise.)

In doubt ask pharmacy to measure pH of a probe you test buffered in a reproducible way.

I also can repeat it with a glass pH probe if you like.

If you can verify yours also has 0.05% phosphoric acid. I asked the manufacturer and was put to lab that helped me out.

Do NOT buy unbuffered, which is offered, but fraud: shaking or bumps on transport already let H2O2 degrade.

But you want the 3% strenghts of the solution printed on the label reliably.

Do comparison tests of a measured drop on “foaming strengths” on tongue, to get a feel.

After buffering, I thinned 1:1 with 1.8% dead sea or stone salt, yielding a 0.9% salt and 1.5% H2O2 solution.

3% was too strong for me, which I liked better after adding a few drops of 8% salt solution tonrise salt content to neutral for mucosa (0.4%, the higher you mix over osmotic equality, the more astringet it is).

But please ensure you always can breath as free as before starting inhaling, otherwise dilute further and/or take less breath draws; it is OK for some to also inhale 3%. They are done faster:).

The effective range for topical therapy is 0.1-3%.

The higher, the more you get for systemic use per breathing .

See Dr. Thomas Levy : „An at home treatment that can cure any virus“ https://www.janssendentalclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/H2O2-nebulization-therapy-3.19.2020.pdf

It also kills everything else smaller that a human cell.

Yeast/mold bacteria, spirochetae (lyme), other one-celled prasites, also those riding with the jabs from production, 0.3%.

It dissolves even unsolveable (tonournenzymes) spike-knitted (micro) blood clots.

I soothes the immune system.

____ p.s: _____

CIO2 Inhaling - without machine:

Yesterday, I tried inhaling without inhaler, pouring 4ml 0.3% CIO2 (aq) = CDS on a even plate, distributing it (13cm D circle), bending over it, and then I put a tight blanket over my head. Like doing vapour bath. It was working well and I breathed freely, little sensation in nose that it was working.

4g * 0.003 = 12mg CIO2 dose that went in the air in ca. 3mins (color of solution was already very faded, ca only 10% left.

Do not exceed 1/5ths ca of NOAEL which is 3mg/kg/day distributed over day in portions. Eg 5 portions for 70kg would make 210mg/5=42mg ^= 14ml 0.3% CIO2 (aq) per inhalation session.

Pleast start way below. Stay below. Start with low dose like the mentioned 4ml. Add slowly more. Control perception of free breath before and while inhaling.

As with any treatment, test and memorise effect in test runs while healthy.

Only tested interventions may go to your personal armory arsenal against eg. flu-like stuff.

(One would have to expand this to all interventions some ER in hospital may wanting to apply to me in emergency. In a world full of allergies and intolerances. Hm…)

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I wish I knew what this all meant (therapeutic inhalation )👆, for a mom at home?

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What do you want to know?

If you want to prevent before journeys or visiting immune compromised or after heavy infections (we need time to soothe immune systems!), inhale inorganic antiseptic once a day some time after dinner eg, perhaps twice.

If having symptoms, repeat as often as you like, min. 5x a day or every half hour.

Go to pharmacy, order you mouthwash gargle solution by Regen0 called Plasm@ Liqui and -d, please type and draw together @ to a, store in fridge once open, and fill a bit in a smaller pipette glass for daily use to inhale.

(As we need only 0.7ml per inhalation session, you open it 360 times. A tiny bit seems to float away upon opening. You can taste the chlorine on the tongue, try to remember the dtrenghts when it was new.

That‘s why we store some 20-50ml in a smaller airtight flask not necessarily in fridge, but shaded from light. So you have to open main supply only a limited number of times. Much more important for CIO2, but I felt we once had a solution that was stored to „ineffectiveness“. One can buy testing stripes or thin 1:150 and use a pool tester. But tongue tells you if you ask politely:)

We just put in in an therapeutic inhaler, our pari (compressed air based, very robust), and have an omron membrane inhaler. Very liked by kids as operating silent.

Take 12 deep breaths and hold breath a bit for high repeatable resorption. Done.

Or let eg kids just inhale 20 normal deep breaths.

Or let a little one float in a nebula sea eg 2-3 mins for undiluted or 10mins for 1:4 dilutiön with dead sea, stone salt etc salt solution, the higher concentrated the salt, the more adstringent if excessive mucus is produced, useful before eating or at night.

Inhaling while sleeping, just hinder the nebula from floating away by some barrier, like naturally stroller baby carrier bags resemble, or rolled blankets;

Time it at the end of a sleeping phase, as salt inhalation helps secreting and evoles some coughing it out. At night, reduce inhalation time a bit to maximise calm sleep while still doing some antiviral care. Hang up a wet towel so the air is more humid. Cook out the towel against mould after eg 2 days.

So while sleeping, you don‘t have to track-and-trace the mouth of some jumping awake teasing you, distributing the nebula jet as we did some 15yrs ago with our active boy on the sofa. For him it was fun :))

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Question. What is your background? I just read the comments you left today and you seem very knowledgeable.

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Physics with 20 medicine students in HD, DE:)



Surface and nano physics.

Dad of some kids. THIS is the main motivation.

Self-taught immunology a bit, Janeway.

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Yes, it sounds intriguing, but I couldn’t quite follow it.

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Thank you!

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Well, there is something that can make people sick and, unlike bacteria, it doesn't respond to antibiotics, it can spread by other means than bacteria and particularly seasonally, and generally the symptoms differ from bacterial infections. Perhaps we should call it "unbacteria." C'mon man.

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Vitamin D deficiency is the principle seasonal issue. This causes toxic poisoning,, i.e the 'flu as your body lacks the resources to process the toxins adequately.

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See, I perceive both regularly. Irritated immune systems can do all the symptoms of CoV just without the virus. Even p(O)<85 due to unrecognised delayed food intolerance, nerve endings problems, and lungs scarring.

But still I felt a very distinct difference when I got the crap last spring, and it certainly took me much longer to calm down though we did very good multi modal therapy than from regular „ate something wrong“ episodes..

We measured incubation time quite precisely to 2.5 days then, in 5 near hops, and measured a rise in aerosol exhalation by FACTOR 7 one day BEFORE infectiousness by a simple fine dust sensor then.

So IF you want to test, use these simple devices 20-50$ to measure „mucosal integrity“ if low and „mucosa needs care“ if rising. Possibly contagious, bot often you just ate the wrong spices or drank too much whatever :).

It is all a matter of introspection.

We even took some mucus to freezer, so we can any time sterilise it and put it in some nasal spray to remind our immune system that this crap is still around. Spray 5 d 5x/d to nose breathing in, done.

Write „bio lev. 4“ on the box and you have same level of security as wuhan and SA and US „research“ bloweap0n facilities.

Would make more sense to find a current donor, but not all people are as open minded and see the stringent logic of training your nK on mucosa - but without the costs (especially of adjuvants or the real infection).

This is inspired by the proof of shedding there:


Of course the antigens have to be transmitted, or the lipid nanobubbles in the case of the two major shots.

To sum it up:

Spike has nothing to do in blood.

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This is all just so insane.

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But on the bright side it is getting exposed!

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Excellent. ...Big pharma, "(which is now desperate for new proprietary drugs)." Why? Because most of their crappy drugs over the last 40 years have been failures.

Every time I have been prescribed a drug, they tell me I will be on it for life. No way...I don't take any drugs anymore.

Modern stone age medicine is one big pile of KA-KA. Be very careful where you step and in no way get your annual mRNA injections. There is no verifiable proof that any vaccine works let alone mRNA injections.

Are they going to do trials every year for new boosters to see if they are compatible with previous boosters? No fricking way. The risk factor, as always will remain hidden or unknown.

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Thank you. Some drugs work really well, but they are in the minority, and you have to really understand a lot about how they all work to be able to appreciate the gems.

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Do they force the flu "vaccine" on people? I've never taken it in my entire life.

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Not yet. But …

New diagnosis codes for COVID-19 immunization status

Just what does ICD code Z28.310: Unvaccinated for COVID-19 mean?

“Code Number Z28.310 listed above is not a code for an illness or diagnosis, but rather for non-compliance of a medical procedure. This is an invasion of our right to privacy.”

In this country, not having your vaccine records “up-to-date” might mean:

* The government will not restrict your travel, airlines will.

* The government will not restrict your travel, other nations will.

* The government will not restrict your travel, auto rental companies will.

* The government will not restrict your travel, public transport will.

* The government will not restrict your travel, private companies will.

(Sound familiar)…


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Thank you, I completely forgot to add that one in!

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Yes, in the healthcare ‘industry’ they do, gotta have something like 95% compliance so the hospital system gets paid by the gov’t, unless you file a religious exemption and then be forced to wear the ridiculous/unnecessary mask for the months of Dec-March. So do not miss that crap...

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Forgive me if I am misreading you here but are you suggesting that Covid-19 was a problem at some time?

If so where and what's the evidence for this?

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That ICD code Z28.310 is going to be used to inform WHO of your vaccination status. In fact, many doctors will have to provide that info for every patient or they will not get paid by insurance or the government. Be careful what you tell your doctor or the hospital...whether or not you have been injected with mRNA crap is none of their business.

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I don't believe they will need to provide it but many will and once one does it will permanently be in your chart and get copied over to every future visit.

There is also a possibility they are also doing this to:

A) Determine why people don't want to vaccinated (so more vaccines can be sold).

B) Have a way to determine the injuries in the vaccinated population.

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Z28.310 This needs to be a t=shirt and a bumpersticker and a baseball cap!

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Don't go to hospital, there are a lot of stupid people there and sadly many of them call themselves doctors.

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Most hospitals are a part of a corporate group and as a part of their systems they provide people the ability to log into their account and view upcoming appointments, test results, communicate with doctors, pay bills and on the account we have you can also check your vaxx 'rankings'. I submit that they already know and I don't give a flip because I have a red line that once crossed, it's on for keeps.

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Not if enough people refuse to comply :)

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Good point. The model of the "Civil Rights" Regime, whereby the government outsources the enforcement of its anticonstitutional edicts to "private" companies in order to enforce rules that flaunt free association and so on. DEI and Covid "Vaccines," or else!

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its worse than that... as a doc i am required to follow state law to practice and have a license. If they make that kind of data gathering part of state law or federal medicare legislation then if I dont comply I could be sanctioned by a state board lose my license, or lose access to medicare which for many docs who treat older patients is 1/2 their revenue or more. We are heading towards a biomedical fascist security state. I never got any of those shots and I will not participate in gathering info like this

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This is one of the many reasons why I stopped taking insurance or using EMRs.

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Good for u. Thats not an option 4 me right now. But im working to change my situation

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After the ACA was in place, does anyone remember their GP (aka primary care physician) asking “Do you have any firearms in you home?”

I do. Yes, they will ask. Absolutely.

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I never asked that! But I did hear about that.

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My personal physician never asked me that because I already have firearms in my home and they know that ha ha ha ha. But I knew that many of my primary care colleagues now supposedly required to ask this but most of them told me that they were not going to

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I need to ask how they handle this in CA and NY.

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Just ask the question, then immediately tell them they don't have to answer if they don't want to, only that you're required to ask.

Think of it as your medical Miranda rights, and if I was defending a case, that's exactly the strategy I'd use.

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Good for you. You are one of the few brave ones with honorable principles. Most doctors disgust me now, to be frank.

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Believe me I feel the same way. There’s a small group of us here in northern New Jersey close rinks around each other. But by and large I’m disgusted by my colleagues

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Move to the Midwest!

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I'm in the UK and the NHS is generally rubbish. The doctors misdiagnosed me, despite the fact that the toxic effects of sodium nitrite and the far more toxic derivative nitro-samines has been know about for decades!


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Cheers. Thanks for the link. I'm sorry the (unts misdiagnosed you.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): The three most heavily abused words in the entire Newspeak language!

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Do you remember when they decided to ration the monoclonal antibodies (the only conventional COVID treatment that worked) after a few governors like DeSantis started working to make them be available to the general public rather than languishing in stockpiles, and once that rationing started, the decision in all the liberal states (which had previously essentially refused to use the monoclonals) was to have them only be given to marginalized communities to correct systemic injustices in public health?

They then also decided to just pull the EUA on them later on and dispose of the entire supply, which I thought was a shame since they seemed to really help vaccine injuries.

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I remember that. The pretext for pulling them was that they no longer worked for the new variants, starting with the first Omicron I think.

But since the monovalent jabs have the original Wuhan spike, and even the bivalent ones contain some of that same spike along with Omicron spike, the monoclonal antibodies would indeed still be a good way to neutralize that spike that causes the vaccine injuries, even if useless against new virus variants. Really a shame they pulled them.

There is always NAC to neutralize the spike, however. No wonder the FDA tried (so far unsuccessfully) to ban it. And resveratrol and fisetin. And Niacin. And Vitamin C megadoses.

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Mmm...reminds me of Opus Dei...I wonder...

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This is what they want. The idea is to stop travel. They believe that resources will run out and they need to preserve them for the precious few. I have read the UK govt documents which outline when and where airports will be shut down. They want only 3 remaining open in the UK by 2030. They are Heathrow, Dublin and Glasgow. These three are then to be stopped completely by 2050 at the latest. At the same time shipping is to be stopped. With so many people being sick, as well as the pilots, this stated goal will come about naturally of its own accord if everything goes to the plan they have implemented.

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That would be insane if they closed that many airports...Could you show me those documents?

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I shall have to go looking and get back to you. It was fairly early last year that I sighted them, twice. And I’m not sure now where they came from. I did pass the documents onto a number of people though so if I can’t find them then maybe an English friend will be able to find them.

What I find crazy is that they intend to stop shipping?? Why do that? I was well prepared for them to cut out the flights but thought people would still be able to get round by ship at least. I suppose the thinking is that they use up a lot of fuel as well.

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'Oo arrgh me hearties, we will 'ave to get the sails out!"

Not the January ones as i guess they are still on. :)

Seriously though, some ships were seriously polluting. Some of the cruise liners were very, very bad I gather but are being scrapped thankfully.

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Yes, I have read the official uk plan about the airports (long ago) and globaly are wanted no cars on gas or diesel , 15 min cities, all kind of bs. Just to stop people to travel. Stopping them to travel will have some huge impact on socialising, culture, education, on dividing groups, on controlling people, on manipulating and controlling the informations etc. Their dream for us is to go back to tribes, but not free tribes.

Soon like the marxist vision was, they will come with eating at the cantina, children are belonging to the state, everybody own nothing and be happy. Can be something worse than communism? Belive me that yes, I lived in communism 30 years and everything I see today is worse.

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Can you remember what the document was called? I have looked for it but can’t find it.

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Is a battle on this subject. I see many airports applyed for extension and they cannot take the approval. On the other hand, the future of what airports will remain is planed, from what I read, to be there everything digital, sensored, controlled and tracked like in SF movies :)

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Thank you. I hope The Midwestern Doctor sees this. I remember it was definitely from a govt document/website. I was shocked at how fast they wanted the transition.

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AKA climate lockdown. So creepy and horrifying. Susan Cooper's dystopian novel "Mandrake" comes to mind.

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Have you ever considered that these carefully crafted plans they discuss so openly are designed to get you thinking a certain way? Consider it from a military standpoint. If I was planning to storm the beaches at Normandy, would I broadcast my intention, or would I want you to think I was planning to land at Blankenberge?

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The documents I sighted were govt docs and were not released openly. I don’t believe anyone I showed them to knew anything about them. I forget the title of the documents but it was something along the lines of the UK Govt plans for the next 30 years. It did not just cover transport. It covered many things and was a fairly large document.

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"The documents I sighted were govt docs and were not released openly."

I'll try again. Have you ever wondered why those documents happened to fall into your lap? I'm not trying to be cute here, just pointing out that there are many ways to get a "meme" started, and "secret" documents are a well established method. Bear in mind, we're dealing with people who do this stuff for a living, and have been at it for a long time.

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Dublin is in Ireland.

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Yes, what this sounds like?? Perpetual vaccination scrutiny. So, if they make it "like the flu shot", say it should be annual, does the requirement for the two initial doses go away?

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Good question

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Yes, in the healthcare ‘industry’ they do, gotta have something like 95% compliance so the hospital system gets paid by the gov’t, unless you file a religious exemption and then be forced to wear the ridiculous/unnecessary mask for the months of Dec-March. So do not miss that crap...

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This is why you have to take a stand early on before it goes too far.

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Already did. This year they did not mandate the CV jab. Still a religious exemption for FLU and CV jabs, things for which they should have to ask us if we want to opt into (not the other way around, having to get an exemption)...and still so many follow as sheep w/o doing any research...for fear of losing jobs or never questioning..

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I think the exemption process for the Covid shots took years off my life. It was so stressful!

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They have to make it stressful so people give up.

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Oh I agree!!! We had to write a ‘novel’! Unlike previous years of FLU exemptions where all that was needed was name, number, manager name, and fax/email it in... had they not made the CV exemption process more involved, I think MANY more would have gone that route. AND THEN we had to test twice/week which they finally paused to never re-start and no reason given (so strange). I was relieved!!!

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If I could do it again, I would have fought against the flu shot harder. I griped about it to anyone who would listen, but I never really took a stand. I regret that.

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My husband had to take the flu shot every year while active duty military. It’s a relief for him to be retired and not get sick from the shot for a few days every year.

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If you get the chance, please read this article I linked to:


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Explains SO much. Thank you for all you do!

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Thank you for reading it! :)

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Thank you for the info. This says it all. I Used to think that vaccines were of some use due to exactly the effects you describe so I said what's the point. I know know what was going on and that I was right but only about the 'flu shots being pointless at best.


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Some health care workers are compelled to take flu shots to work in hospitals. There was one place where I was on staff that wanted the staff to take it and I dropped my privileges there.

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Now that you mention it, I have heard of that. Damn. I'm sorry.

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I recall (years ago), hearing naturally minded medical friends discuss which doctor they could go to within their work circle who would 'sign off' on their flu shot (the implication was they pitched the dose into the trash). I expect this is why thousands of nurses quit during covid due to mandates, but few doctors did. (Rules for thee, but not for me.)

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Did you see what I added to this article on the subject of doing that? As you would imagine a lot of people asked me about faking records.

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If you work in healthcare, they do. I’ve been a RN for 20 years, and for years I could just ignore the suggestions to get the flu shot. Then they said, well if you don’t take the shot you have to wear a mask all flu season, which I did. Then they said, well if you don’t take the shot you‘ll get fired. So I begrudgingly started taking the shots. I never felt compelled to fight against it like I did the Covid shots. I love my job and caring for people, but I don’t think I’d encourage my daughter to go into nursing.

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If you get the chance please read this article I wrote previously: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/why-do-vaccines-consistently-fail

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They often cause the very thing they are said to prevent. It is wholly, entirely, unnatural to vaccinate. How could nothing go wrong from being injected with man-made viruses+animal tissues they are grown in+chemical adjuvants?!?! And with the childhood schedule of 72+ doses, OMG! Health is not through vaccination... it is obvious, if people would slow down and observe.

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72 plus doses? I know it was a lot in the US but I struggled to come near that.

However, one dose of poison for a child is child abuse let alone 72 which unbelievably evil.


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Exactly, unfortunately I don’t recommend anyone to go into HC...don’t take the shots, detrimental effects long term, such as joint pain for months! Gillian Barré syndrome, others listed, as it is one of the worst vaccines...most do not know, sadly. And have the numbers of FLU cases ever receded in all of this time?

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I know multiple people who had a patient or a relative who got Gillian Barré from a flu shot so I do not believe it's 1/1,000,000

Also I wrote more on the topic you mentioned here:


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I am one of those HC workers, working in the lab back in the day when they talked us into the Hep B series as we were so exposed to mass amounts of sera... that is the 3rd worst jab (and now they give to newborns!!!) and I believe may be the cause of my autoimmune problem, BUT that is the beauty of vaccines, they are removed far enough in time to make the connection/correlation as the cause... and ‘they’ know this...

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Yes, in the healthcare ‘industry’ they do, gotta have something like 95% compliance so the hospital system gets paid by the gov’t, unless you file a religious exemption and then be forced to wear the ridiculous/unnecessary mask for the months of Dec-March. So do not miss that crap...

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Also in the military and many educational settings.

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Not yet but they have always wanted to. So they gave it a new costume and purposely killed a lot of people to scare enough people enough to bully the resistant. They even got legislation passes to PAY them to sicken treat and kill people and have the govt pay for the pseudo trials and provide the lab rats. Us!

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I wish I had found this substack earlier. I realized by April 2020 that covid was not dangerous to young otherwise healthy people. My medical office opened back up and I went back to work. I offered to help anyone who was sick or felt they needed to stay home. When the masks went on I knew something was wrong and the whole masking issue quickly became a creepy cultish delusional nightmare. Then this operation warp speed started and I had a HUGE sense of dread.

MIdwestern doc, you said you underestimated how dangerous the shots would be. I will tell you again I wish I knew you back then. Because what I thought when Trump et al announced Warp speed , was that we were going to have a government induced mass casualty evenT. Because when in the history of humanity has government ever actually really solved or fixed a problem?

Inflation is created by gov and everything gov does makes it worse. Drug abuse is exacerbated by the fact that these substances are illegal and the so called "drug war" makes the problem worse.

Everything gov touches it destroys its practically a fact of nature.

SO these vaxes were rushed and then ... then ... they started MANDATING them. So a non-sterilizing shot being forced on otherwise healthy not at risk people for an absolute risk reduction of less than one percent at best?! When those mandates were announced I was sick! I was horrified. I thought back to when I was 14 -15 years old sitting in an after school Jewish program learning about totalitarian movements, genocides, human medical experimentation.

I thought that the Obama care act was the last straw for me. With obamacare, the government was forcing you to buy a private product and claiming the right to punish you if you didnt. But with the covid shots, the gov was forcing you to inject yourself with an experimental substance or risk persecution.

I immediately thought ( I tend to catastrophize) that this will not end well.

And it is most definitely NOT ending well!

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Also by any chance are you part of the AAPS?

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yes in AAPS for many years. Send me an email at rd68@nym.hush.com

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The AAPS is one of my favorite physician organizations!

I asked because it seemed like a perfect fit for you.

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in like 2004 I met Lew Rockwell at a Mises institute event in NYC and he told me about AAPS. I 've been in touch with Andrew Schlafly as he lives in NJ and we have discussed starting lawsuits against these hospitals for firing and dismissing staff and doc for deferring the covid shot. We will see how it works out

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That makes me so happy!

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Thanks! I've only had it since 2/12/22 (so earlier may not have helped) and I never intended to be an author here, it just sort of happened and I came up with the name off the top of my head because I needed something accurate which would be easy to keep separate from my public writings that are done under my own name.

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I'm looking forward to this "‘Never Again Is Now Global,’ a five-part docuseries directed by holocaust survivor Vera Sharav highlights the parallels between Nazi Germany and global pandemic policies, will premier exclusively, for free on CHD.TV beginning Monday, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m. EST." preview here https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/chd-tv-exclusive-with-vera-sharav2/

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It hits the mainstream, though, in Au...


Americans call for safety check on Covid vaccines

Almost 60 per cent of Americans want Congress to investigate Covid-19 vaccines and 7 per cent say they’ve experienced ‘major side effect.’


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The Australian piece is paywalled ☹️

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A lot of times you can bypass paywalls using archive.is

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“Almost a 60 per cent of Americans want congress to investigate the safety of Covid-19 vaccines and 7 per cent, or around 12 million, say they have experienced a “major side effect”, according to two new polls that reveal the stark contrast between popular and official views of the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson shots………The US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends all Americans aged six months and up be vaccinated against Covid-19 maintains Covid-19 vaccines are “safe and effective” and injuries “rare”.”

- The Australian


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💬 When you look at the chronology [...] it should be clear that this was all methodologically planned out from the start.

Speaking of chronology, here’s a fascinating timeline of the progenitor of covid deceptions’ clade, in all its monumental glory --> https://brownstone.org/articles/timeline-the-proximal-origin-of-sars-cov-2/ 🤦

Naturally, it takes a longread to chart 🙂

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Another great article Doc. Thank you. On your question of whether depopulation is part of this fiasco. I believe yes, of course it is, because it’s happening and the powers that be are taking no steps to stop it. In fact they’re encouraging more uptake. There’s only so many ways we can take that.

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I hesitate to share this, but first off I want to say I feel doctors do more harm than good


Now,when I was maybe seven or e eight years old, living in my second foster home , the Jewish family agency asked me, had I been circumcised.

I did not have a way to know that this literally means cutting a circcle of skin off the tip of my penis.

The social workers sic said, when I asked. What does that mean, they said, well, then you haven't.

Then they did it and badly.

I bled for two weeks after.

I remember the goddammm drugs they knocked my under with.

Count back from 100, I got to like 97.

I woke up bleeding.

Two weeks later I was still bleeding.

Then the foster father, Eugene Horowitz, married to Lotte Horowitz, beat me with a towel,left a mark on my face,he told me to say it was from the foster brother Stueart if anyone asked in school.

No one asked.

No one ever cared about me at all

The Harmacide scamdemic has always been the story of my life

I wish you doctors were not the murderous terrorists you have indeed proven to be

Thank you for being honest

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I am so sorry that happened to you. 😥

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Eugene Horowitz also did this evil thing of hitting his cupped hands outside both my ears, at the same time , that left my ears ringing for days. Goddammm Jewish family agency paid him to do this.

When they stopped paying, the foster parents told me they couldn't afford to keep me.

I have always been abandoned

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As far as I am concerned not any more, which is why we are all here.

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Jan 26, 2023
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What's the difference between God and a surgeon?

God doesn't think he's a surgeon..

My dad's favourite joke of all time.

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My favorite was always that MD stands for minor deity.

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What is the protocol with the Siberian Pine Nut Oil?

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Not my comment.... I hope that author responds

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Jan 26, 2023
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Thank you. I really appreciate you sharing this. As I am sure you know, a lot of people have serious issues with their mucus membranes.

Quite a few people I know have gotten really into the turpentine thing for parasites and I've read up on it, but I've been reluctant to touch it because of my underlying fears about its toxicity.

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Doctors are competing with lawyers for most evill

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This is one of your best, and honestly, all of your articles have been dynamite. Thank you for what you do to keep the public informed.

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Thank you! I try to emphasize quality over quantity so these take a while. I'm currently writing one on the O.G. Pfizer whistleblower.

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thank you for this article. I hope you could avoid the jabs. I totally agree, that unless an emergency occurs, doctors should not jab or operate on people who cannot decide for themselves. No child should be mutilated, and I think circumcision is a mutilation. Of course I had my ears pierced at age 2. I love wearing earrings but don't know if I would have done it when adult LOL. I avoid piercings of all kinds including syringes when possible, but understand some are necessary (like when a tooth is pulled or a surgery is unavoidable). As to propaganda, there is an excellent Youtube from Sharyl Attkisson from about 6 years ago, explaining how it is done.

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The Pharma business model includes now the planned engineering of the virus, as the Pfizer exec caught on camera explains:


Meanwhile, the ICD10 codex was just populated with a designation for unvaccinated for Covid, and subcategories to annotate whether the status is religious based...Welcome to the CCP.

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My folks refused to ever support UNICEF as far back as the 60’s

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Excellent article as usual! Just ordered Too Much Magic on my kindle.

Yes, please do write more about the FDA! 🙏

And finally... Febreze is completely terrible.🤢

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Please let me know what you think of that book. Sometimes I read quite random ones that find their way to me and I was pleasantly surprised by what I learned from it.

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I really don't like Febreeze...

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Febreeze makes me feel nauseated the moment I get a whiff of it.

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Businesses without ethics, whose single goal is maximum and rapid profit for their owners, are not good; first of all they are not good for their own employees. Depending of the business, they can be harmful for human populations-(pharma, food industry) and ecosystems.

There is no perfect social order, only in utopian dreams. I do not think the problem is with governments, but with the fact they are not independent. National govs are loosing their power, they act mostly for the interest of multinational corporations, and not in the interest of their people.

Political figures became a sort of marketing agents. They are just puppets acting not for the public good, but for those who pay and blackmail them. I think you agree that it is very disturbing that people like Bill Gates who has no medical education gives orders regarding vaccination, threatens us with new pandemics; Ursula von der Leyen, EU comission president (elected by nobody) urged the entire EU population to get vaccinated and signed contracts for 10 doses/ EU citizen, contracts that nobody saw, even repeatedly requested by EU parliament.

During the past 3 years we observed governments which lacked any power, they just implemented useless and harmful rules, breaking their own laws. How was this possible? By corruption and intimidation, which has been developped during past decades.

A reestablishment of independent political power who can regulate and mediate all activities, including the economical sphere, for the benefit of those who are governed, may be the solution. Not the state is the problem, but the state used by and for the interests of the few.

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"... the state used by and for the few...." , ie those few who have been harmed in the extreme by centuries old generational trauma, due to overt abuse and/or neglect, and the far more insidious and all pervasive practice of imposing completely INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on each and every new generation....



"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, childhood adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...

Aware Parenting website:



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



Why males are more violent:



Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:



The Medical Mafia (2002)

~ Ghislaine Lanctôt


Direct link to PDF file:




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"the FDA is suggesting biannual vaccines for “high-risk” groups"

Biannual is every two years; I think you mean semiannual (twice a year)?

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You're right: the word can go either way. For that reason I would tend to avoid using it, but its use in the column was not incorrect.

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I've never heard people use semiannual. A lot of times with these things I'm just trying to figure out how to concisely make the point without taking up too much space since there is so much ground to cover.

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I believe the word 'biannual' should be be described as 'Nu bianal' vaccines as they will be no more use than.....now what's the word?

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