Agree heavily with the first part of this article. As someone with CFS/ME I spent a number years arguing with myself over the need to get a disability allowance and the shame and embarrassment of it all. Which resulted in me most probably worsening my condition with the anxiety and extra activity which resulted. Along with damaging my finances and prior savings which could potentially have been spared if it was addressed earlier.

And secondly, if those with an iatrogenic injury were to claim it was something else. Eg spontaneos onset of lupus, CFS/M.E or FND etcetera and get disability on those grounds, would that help tie them over financially? At least somewhat.

Or could this just muddy the statistics making the vaccine mandates seem less damaging than they really are?

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Can you edit your comment so the bottom paragraph is at the start of it so it makes sense to people why I pinned it.

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Try taking TTFD or a B complex with extra B1 for a while and see if it helps the CFS.

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This is absolutely right. In addition, vaccinations disrupted immune systems of many people, and thus when they have Covid, or several, the infection results in a disability. The authorities simply blame Covid, but the disability would not have happened, had not the person been vaccinated prior.

This results in a complicated situation that authorities want to keep complicated and unresearched.

Thank you for clarifying what you are seeing in your practice.

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Yup that too.

Also very few of my patients are vaccinated. I was referencing disabled patients I saw well before COVID, experiences of friends with disabiling conditions and reports I'd read online is facebook groups for COVID vaccine injuries and a few other pharmaceutical injuries.

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I think you'll want to peruse this list of waxcine studies and gov't data. It's not pretty. All sources provided. https://wordsalad.info/tag-vaccinebadstudy.html

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Link doesn't work

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Copy the link address, paste it into your browser address bar, and remove any spaces, and try again.

I don't use Substack much, so I don't know how bad their censorship is.

Ok I just fixed the above link. We'll see how it goes. I think most of us are aware of how much factual evidence gets censored in the US and US-based social media.

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This is great thank you

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Hey I messed up. This dataset wasn't the SSI payments. Point still holds but I had to significantly revise the article.

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Only very low-to-zero income disabled persons are eligible for SSI benefits; as such, SSI recipients would be expected to be a very narrow subset of both vaccinated and vaccine injured populations. I would think broader samples of disabled/vaccine injured persons (as you unwittingly used) would make your (original) points stronger. I plan to read the article carefully (and judge better what impact the SSI-error had).

However, I know from the law practice I work at that the "pandemic" did greatly impact the disability-adjudication procedure; SSA basically stopped that for many months. The "massive spike" could reflect some catch up effect.

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The reverse is true too. Those who had covid early on (I had it in early February 2020) and later received the poison injections are also subject to extremely adverse reactions. (I got vaxed in March / April 2021.) Also, those who have autoimmune conditions are at high risk for extremely adverse reactions. I'm in that cohort too. Plus, my second shot came from one of the "bad batches."

Had I known that autoimmunity is a risk factor for adverse reaction to vaccines of any kind, I would never have even dreamed of getting vaxed. As it is, I became very sick and have lasting injuries from the Pfizer poison. I have not recovered my previous level of health nor do I expect I will.

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I read about this pattern online and observed it with people I knew (covid prior to vax=worse vax reaction).

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That would be my SIL. Had Covid Oct 2020. Back at work no problems. End of Dec got vax ( she was a nurse). Hasn’t been back since. Finally got on disability. Well known clinic in Midwest called it vaccine injury. She can hardly walk across room w/o getting out of breath. 😢

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Any idea if this seems to hold for those who had Omicron prior to vax? I find it very difficult to find meaningful data.

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It's most likely the case, but all the data I had for this was with the original variants and every now and then in medicine something you assume must be the case ends up not holding true in reality.

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Sorry to hear that. Hope you have checked the FLCCC protocol for vax injury.

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Sorry to hear. I know there are doctors working on things to ameliorate injuries and boost immunes systems post vax. Judy Mikovits and the Front line doctors I believe have things posted on their respective sites. Best to you.

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Any area that the authorities want to keep complicated and unresearched is where the crimes are committed.

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Except Covid doesn't exist. It has never been isolated. The whole deception of this lie is based on Germ theory

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Yes, for some reason the general public has still only been shown computer generated models of "COVID-19" and we still are unable to see the actual virus in real time anywhere. You don't see any of these doctors asking to see samples of "COVID-19" do you? Why aren't doctors and scientists asking for samples? Why are they not giving presentations for the public? Why aren't biology labs across the country receiving samples of "COVID-19" for future study?

You won't see any doctors answering these simple questions or showcasing "COVID-19" to the general public.

You are quite right in that this is a massive deception and the "dumb-asses" have bought into it in a major way. They don't realize that there is a conspiracy against them and yes there is a world conspiracy.

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I haven't been able to work in months. It's like all of the sudden I was faced with a progressive form of physical sickness, brain fog, supreme fatigue and the list goes on and on. I'm a black girl. Why do I always get dismissed when I only go to the Dr. as infrequently as possible, because they're just hateful?

I don't think it's a race thing. I think it's something else. Like the audacity of a peasant like me to ask for an encephalogram to check for swelling of my vagus nerve, because of my symptoms got so severe so quickly, and they were ADHD adjacent.

Instead my doctor laughed at me, and repeated with a snide tone, "You want me to put you up in a big machine and scan your brain to see if you have swelling in your neck? Because you're tired?"

I had another doctor snap at me and tell me basically I was stupid because I was expecting the medication to work.

It's gotten pretty bad and some parts of this country. I do believe I am pretty sick. I'm starting to show more and more symptoms of a more serious issue, and still, I have no diagnosis except for ADHD, persistent depressive disorder and complex post-traumatic disorder. Isn't it funny that just because I've had a weird bizarre life, it now negates me from ever being able to get adequate medical care due to implicit bias. It's so sad.

I cry everytime I go. They make me feel like I don't know what I'm talking about. But I do.

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I'm sorry that happened to you. Were you vaccinated? Also, I don't think EEG is the test you use to detect vagal nerve swelling so that may play a small part in why docs are being difficult.

I recently completed a long series for people in your situation. Could you take a look at it when you get the chance?






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yes! I knew I had it wrong! I'm lazy, (forgot to fix it) but you,,,,, do a great job, man. also, thank you for linking me! that was super considerate. I'm on my second time reading them. Excellent type of writing voice. Not preachy or dripping with distain, just a few facts for folks to read if they haven't been super brainwashed yet or if they care about the state of the world at all. 💪 if you ever need help with busy work, hit me up.💛

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I'm glad I can help you. Basically if you ever catch errors or typos in anything I write and want to send them my way, that is appreciated (in a way that's quick for me to see them and then search the doc for where the typoes are so I can correct them)

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you got it, doc. 🧐

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No vax. Not because I'm anti vax, but because they rushed it and they know they did.

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Baggy eyes and a pale complexion

Staggered speach with strain

"You look like you need to sleep"

If only you really knew my pain.

Chronic fatigue syndrome they call it

"So you are tired all the time?"

Tired, yes and no, I say

But let me explain it to you another way.

You know that feeling when you are getting really sick?

Like a bout of influenza or some other nasty bug

Not the headaches or nausea, but the ague and woes

That sense of dread that lingers deep.

Take a good dash of that and mix in some confusion

They call it brain fog, a mental delusion

And foggy thoughts is ...

Like the glitching computer is actually me.

Thats another symptom of the illness also called M.E.

"Maybe you should have a nap, and not stay up so late at night"

Its the seventh day of this torment now, with no end in sight.

I sleep 10 hours a night and wake up feeling hungover and lost

My body feels stiffer than a midwinter frost.

But yes.. maybe I am just a litle bit tired.

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Unfortunately I totally understand this as I have experienced it for years. I will choose in this moment not to go into a complete western medicine rant on this. An ND saved my life and is continuing to offer me the best medical care I have ever experienced, and as I'm continuing to heal, neither one of us is giving up.

Thank you for posting.

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I mostly just get angry when I see someone especially a doctor dismiss fatigue symptoms or being tired as trivial. They simply relate it to their limited experience of what being tired is like which to many is a nuisance at best.

Versus what clinical fatigue feels like... eg more along the lines of if you ever experience hypothermia (uncanny similarities IMHO) or a severe hangover (which is actually more pleasant in my opinion) or the bone aching fatigue of a decent infection (if you don't fixate on the other symptoms that come from it)

But imagine those symptoms every day no matter how much you rest. It is not trivial. Its hard to bloody function. And by function I mean everything. From focusing and concentrating to physically moving. And you can't fight it. Otherwise it gets worse and for longer.

I manage my CFS/M.E holistically and not pharmaceutically but it is essentially a full time job doing just that. If I am disciplined I can function and write and hold down a part time job. A single lapse of discipline can easily result in weeks of bedridden fatigue and anxiety. And guess what. Chores don't get done. They instead pile up. So you might get better but then have to spend the next month playing catch up, whilst concurrently trying not to end up over working and putting yourself back into the same situation.

Just fatigue. Just tired. Pffft.

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^ this is really common, but people who don't go through it really have no ability to conceive of what this is like. A big part of what I'm trying to do in medicine is set something up to come potentially help this demographic.

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Tbh I understand how and why. When I was an army medic I would have probably issued them with a couple of concrete pills so they would just harden the f**k up.

But I saw the world quite differently back then.

On a random note... hypothermia and brain fog/confusion that results from hypothermia is still the single most similar experience I have ever had to what I get now. It just also is something most people don't ever experience thus it's not easy to talk to anyone about. I just find that observation interesting as to a clue perhaps as to what is actually going on in the brain to cause brain fog. As they are in my opinion one of the same. From my personal experience anyway.

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A few people I know with traumatic brain injuries have difficulty Thermo regulating their bodies (primarily staying warm when it's cold) when they get sleep deprived or following subsequent concussions. One of my friends who had a more severe injury to his central and developed arachnoiditis (which is a terrible thing to have to deal with) cannot keep his body warm and we're going to convulsions or seizures if he's in a slightly colder area, so during the winter, he has to live in the tropics. My belief is that all this is either due to damage to the hypothalamus or damage to the pituitary gland. To some extent if you have someone who really knows what they're doing, the damage in these glands can be improved and the thermal regulation issues also resolved. I'm not sure if that's quite the same thing as your scenario, but it is the closest thing I know of.

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Totally get it! Black currant bud extract and licorice with extra b5/b6 are godsends for me..among others and correct natural thyroid meds.

Have you looked into any autoimmune/inflammation dna testing? For me it has revealed a lot that I'm starting to work on.

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I don't say this often here but I live in New Zealand.

A lot of therapy options available elsewhere are more accessible over there, than here.

Here there is no way I could afford that or likely find many of the therapy options found in North America or Europe.

Because of this I have essentially just studied the field of functional medicine, nutrition and herbal medicines myself for a number of years and essentially made a DIY solution. I am my own guinea pig. And it works. It's just quite a lot of work.

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I said for years: If you go hiking and you go way too far, and wake up the next morning not only sore from that but with the flu starting... That's how I wake up every morning and it only gets worse as the day goes on.

"Fatigue" or "tired" are not the right words for that. At all.

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Conway Judge do you have a compassionate integrative health provider in your area?

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It's much harder to get that type of care in England due to the entire medical system being socialized.

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People are from all over the world here … so grateful to hear everyone’s plights.

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Not really. They might be out there and I have chanced upon a good GP in the past. But they are very hard to find here. I have had to learn and teach myself over the years.

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My son has Lyme disease and experienced very similar symptoms before and during treatment. And occasionally has flareups. This is very real. If you ever end up going down the Lyme diagnosis pathway (as there is often crossover with these diseases), check out Dr. Marty Ross at https://www.treatlyme.net/ . He holds Q&A webinars most Thursdays where you can type in and ask questions. He might even address CFS/ME questions.

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This sounds EXACTLY like my husband. To a “T”. Since 2008.

There are millions of you.

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Avrin Kelly, my heart goes out to you. I do understand what you are saying because I have experienced it.

Since my horrendous (unvaxxed) COVID hospitalization experience, I am hesitant to seek care for ANYTHING.

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Please consider seeking out a naturopathic doctor or a really fabulous functional medicine doc...it's a whole different world. So sorry to hear about your hospital experience and hope you're better.

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Thanks, Seeking Truth.

I am currently under care of a naturopath and would live to find a new Functional or Integrative Doc for some complex issues Naturopathy hasn't successfully addressed.

A friend who is an FNP kept us alive when Delta hit our community. I am a trained RN who left the profession before I began it because I had seen enough.

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Constance, would you want to go into more detail about your negatory hospital experience?

I think others would want to hear about it - and I know I would.

If not, no worries.

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praying you find someone who listens to you and treats you humanely.

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Avrin Kelly- I agree with you in that I don’t think it’s a race thing… but I for sure think it’s a gender issue. Let me preface by saying I am the furthest thing from a feminist or a crying “gender victim”, but studies have shown women are not taken as seriously by the medical profession as men are. For 10 years I was misdiagnosed for my symptoms… told everything from “perimenopause” to I am

just not handling the stress of my high-stress job well. 🙄. After a decade of significant worsening, I finally demanded a consult with a neuro and an MRI. The end result was 17 lesions in my spinal cord and “TNTC” (too numerous to count) lesions in my brain—— a raging case of MS that was allowed to pacman my CNS for a DECADE. By the time I was finally diagnosed I was already secondary progressive, robbing me of that window of time where treatments like HSCT could have possibly helped with remission.

This all happened while I had top of the line Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance that I was paying a lot of $$$ for. 🙄

Segueing into the issue at hand (appropriate too because my MS blew right after I had to get a bunch of vaxxes for a new job…. And this was WAY before COVID)….. until or unless doctors have “skin in the game” for being dismissive of patients complaints and symptoms, nothing will change. Lives like mine get ruined (I’ve lost everything I worked for

my whole life) and absolutely no consequences happen to the medical apparatus that allowed it to happen.

After the horror of the current situation with the jabs, I am hopeful there will be meaningful changes made to the liability of the medical industrial complex as a whole. You shouldn’t be allowed to send a patient home with an “anti anxiety scrip” because you assume she’s an over reacting female, while a progressive disease destroys her nervous system and not ever have to worry about consequences.

The medical profession was fantastic until the late 90’s. That’s when the shift happened where doctors became owned by insurance companies and pharma and stopped bothering to have even a little intellectual curiosity to diagnose.

The true clinician minded medical professionals are a dying breed. There are no more “Dr. Houses” anymore.

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This was part of what I was trying to cover in the medical gaslighting series. Robert Mendelson wrote a book a while back called Male Practice: How Doctors Manipulate Women which also gave a very good synopsis of the issue.

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Female doctors manipulate women, as well.

The lady gyn/oncologist who performed my ovarian-cancer surgery completely dismissed my reactions to her subsequent chemotherapy as being "menopausal" symptoms. Flashing, stabbing pains all over my body such that I was bedridden for a week, couldn't sleep, and was considering suicide? It felt like my body was a pinball machine and I was getting "lit up" by unavoidable pain (morphine barely touched) with no particular rhyme or reason in the most improbable of places. Eyelid! Vagina! Big Toe! Elbow! Thigh! Sole of foot! Ear! Chin! Wrist! No sweats or anything "hormonal" like that... just neurological.

I caught this doctor in a grievous error pre-surgery, as well. She wanted to have a separate surgeon excise an adenoma *at the same time* I was getting a tumor removal, hysterectomy, oophorosalpingectomy, appendectomy (they seem to do this as a matter of course, for some reason), and removal of the omentum. (If you guessed this was a teaching hospital, you were right.)

Problem was, Dr. Google told me that a timed-contrast CT scan could sort out benign adrenal growths (that occur in 8-11% of the population, I read) from malignant ones. I resorted to faxing her this info since the gate-keeping is extreme. She wrote back sheepishly that I was correct, and that yes-the techs knew how to do this- and so I got another scan (ka-ching), but at least I denied them the opportunity to bill me for a second, completely unnecessary, surgical operation and denied them the satisfaction of the two-ring circus of duelling surgeons (which double-header I'm sure would have been entertaining for the student peanut gallery: butts in seats!.. I mean otherwise you'd've enrolled at Kentucky State or something).

When it came time for a post-op check-up, she did *not* want to do a physical exam! She seemed squeamish about feeling around inside me, and would rather have avoided it, I could tell. I thought this was strange. The docs (and other practitioners) these days only seem to want to look at their laptops.

Then, the post-op chemo protocol was presented to me in the following fashion. I will remember this sleight-of-hand wording until the day I die: "If you go ahead with the chemotherapy, you have an excellent chance of being *cured*; however, if you have a recurrence, it will be *fatal*." As though these things followed from one another!!

For my stage and grade of cancer, I'd already read the papers indicating that chemotherapy increased (I forget if it was 5- or 10-year) mortality rate by a whopping 2%. Over a sample of -iirc- 14 patients, so -uhm- noise? The literature showed it was the surgery to be curative in the main for my situation. When I brought up this paper, I was made to feel that a decision contrary to the chemo protocol was suicidal, and that my sanity was in question. Plus, they would "fire" me as a patient if I did not comply.

In hindsight, what did me in and made me concede was my PRIDE. I didn't want to have a recurrence and then have everyone blame me for it, because I didn't go through with the toxic protocol. I would look like an idiot!

Anyway, I think women can be much worse towards other women than one would tend to think. The nurse head of chemo was also a crazy piece of work. Dartmouth-Hitchcock. I think my doc was/is a good surgeon, and I appreciate her liberating me from a fairly large tumor. The rest of it sucked donkey balls. Having had a surgeon father, I know surgeons have to be sort of sociopathic in order to cut into people with supreme confidence/arrogance (you really wouldn't want them to be mushy and hesitant).

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Jun 8, 2022
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Reserve in the medical field, it is always continuously fascinating for me to observe how the field changes over and over again.

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Part of the reason they dismiss you is you're female.

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yeah, I just figured that out recently. Psssht hysterical.

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Well, you know "women"..... 1. Don't know what they're talking about. 2. Aren't smart enough to understand what they're reading or talking about. 3. Get upset too easily. (Hysterical.) 4. Aren't doctors. 5. Are "crazy."

--- I just want to slap the crap out of them. 🙄😡

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I don't know how this outlet came to be, but is here now. Medical trap /hate rap.

Oh my God what have I done.

Don't worry, in fact many people will love my raunchy rhymes about medical cruelty, but it will never take off because I invented it 🤣🤣🤣.

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He's probably going to ban me for this, but check out my YouTube:


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I will only ban people who are actively disruptive and refuse to stop. This is nowhere close to that. That said, you gotta watch this one.


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I like your video idea. I wish someone would make it.

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You make some good points.

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I was extremely ill back in the 80’s and was told repeatedly that it was entirely a mind/emotional disorder. Just because a human being has letters behind their name and is government approved does not mean that they are actually intelligent and capable of reasoning. I had a background of employment working in odd places full of possibilities re disease but they choose mental/emotional illness. Lack of compassion and the ‘female gender’ card gets pulled as well. Things change over time and also remain the same. Don’t you give up and you hold your head up high. If you refuse to doubt yourself and keep looking for ways to find support you will make progress eventually. very best to you….

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Please read the gaslighting series I linked to in this thread

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Thank you so much for your kind words. I haven't known or had an idea what the problem has been/is for a long long time.

Well, today, among several other questionable cutaneous lesions that I can't even really describe to you other than they are open sores, unprovoked and kept clean and they've been here for a months.

Doctor says don't worry it's nothing, as she doesn't look at me.

Well this morning, I've found my first cutaneous ear lesion. Gosh, it's so funny, I've been asking for an ANA test for 2 years now, but that's ridiculous, of course I couldn't have lupus I'm only ---fill in the blank. So I couldn't possibly have that, right?

I should probably seek help, my anger issues are out of control 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Avrin Kelly+ , sorry to hear that. A Midwestern Doctor… I know neither of us know Arvin but ultrasound neck? Lymphadenopathy? Or is it cardiovascular? …thank you for all your articles and kindness and love for humanity.

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I'm sorry to hear you are having problems with doctors. I suggest you write up a one page summary with links to studies that they can read which are relevant to your situation with the doctor that day. With some other issues I've had (not vaccine related) the doctors would sometimes be dismissive too, until I showed them the studies.

Most people actually don't understand even the most basic medical stuff, and have no studies to back up their position, so naturally doctors and professionals might dismiss them a bit. Even Natural News has plenty of articles based on studies, they just don't provide the link to the study! So I ignore NN. And I don't share any article unless it provides source links. This author (a midwestern doctor) is different, they have source links and explanations, and a logical argument.

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I used to read NN but I noticed they'd often make claims that weren't true so I don't read them as often now. Mercola has had the best track record online for giving accurate information and I learned an enormous amount from his website, so I'm trying to model what I'm writing here off of the standard that he set, and having a good balance between not too many and not few sources.

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is this ironic?

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Prayers for all of these disabled people…it’s just heartbreaking 😢

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Thank you so much for this carefully written piece. It feels like I've been waiting for this for months while holding my breath. Exhaling now.....

I keep a list of these "product's" estimated trial date completions by the phone to explain to anyone interested, "Yes, these are trials. YOU ARE PART OF A DRUG TRIAL".

Very few are interested. How can you talk to friends and family about the hell you're watching happening in real time when you're worried they may be ticking time bombs? I listen and am mute.

By May 2021 I'd heard from friends (all vaccinated) about new diagnoses in themselves and their families of skin cancers, breast cancers, prostate cancers, sudden vision failure, muscle weakness, heart arrhythmia, strokes, and completely debilitating week long headaches and two deaths. By late summer last year there were arms still not working right after 9 months, reoccurring blood clots around hearts, lungs and in legs and three cases of what seems to be demyelinating disease causing severe loss of mobility. Immediately after the second or third shots, several got covid and nearly died yet praised the vaccine for saving their lives. Every single one was so pleased to have been inoculated and not a one seemed to consider any connection. And not a one had any of these problems previously. Last month two from the group above died, one from very sudden aggressive breast cancer, and the other from a heart attack.

But one of the saddest stories is that of a young Tunisian woman in her twenties, a friend of my son, being forcibly rounded up with about a hundred other people from a suburb of Sousse, cellphones confiscated, held in a facility for several days, and inoculated with Pfizer. Another young woman next to my son's friend was dead on the second morning. I don't know if informed consent happened in this anecdotal Tunisian arm of Pfizer's clinical trial but our young friend was completely traumatized by the time she got hold of my son.

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Jun 8, 2022
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I have sympathy for the people who got the vaccine, because we witnessed one of the most powerful propaganda campaigns in history to push it on them, and without a background and understanding how these scams work, I think it is completely reasonable most people would've fallen for it. However it is very hard for me to sympathize with people who got the boosters, because at that point it should be abundantly clear something is wrong with the picture and the initial promises you were given did not hold up.

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Exactly! My own family did not have to get jabbed , they are self employed…they chose their destiny and did not listen. Hope that wasn’t a gaslight comment AMD.

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I agree. A friend, a dentist, went ahead and got the booster even though I tried to warn him. He came back to me and thanked me bc he didn’t get the 4th. During a routine blood draw in Feb., she said oh, “you have covid blood, black blood”. He was like what??? He had an invasive dental procedure 2 weeks earlier and sick for a few days after. He then believed it was actually covid. He also told me the blood isn’t black but dark purple. I think this incident showed him there was indeed, a MASSIVE COVERUP!!!! Although, I have yet to meet anyone who has heard of this phenomena of deep purple blood???? I cant imagine him telling this tale and it not being factual. He was more or less forced to get the vaxes to work although he retired last Nov. and didn’t have to get the 3rd vax. Back then he was totally Pro-vax.

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Every once in a while I see this when I do ultraviolet blood irradiation on someone, particularly when they're quite ill with Covid. I believe the phenomena is either due to the red blood cells being clump together find a positively charged things that should not be there like spike proteins or the red blood cells being deoxygenated or both.

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That is what I immediately thought of that is was deoxygenated. Any ideas about whether or what it might mean for the blood healthinesses? Do you think its a temporary thing until the spike proteins are out of a person’s body permanently?

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It completely depends on the person, and some people the spike proteins appear to persist for a long period.

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Thank you for your reply mzlizzi. It's been VERY hard for me to be mute - family and friends had always called me for medical advice.....and I was an outspoken environmental speaker and writer. Outspoken on everything. I almost took the "product", but asked that I be screened first for inflammatory markers because I thought I'd already had covid. The medical people looked at me like I was speaking Greek. So I waited. Thank God. I don't judge, but yes, when those I loved were demeaning of me, actively sneering at my warnings after asking for my opinion and running even faster for the next injection......I'm still stunned. The most miraculous thing about my big time out from the human race has been praying and listening to God/Creator like I did when I was a child. God soothes my sore soul even as I still stomp and yell and vent my anger. There is no better or freer guidance than that from the maker of our bodies, the designer of our biology. Second best thing to happen to me has been finding all of you! When MWD wrote 'Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines', I thought I'd died and gone to heaven, finding like minds and hearts.

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Thank you. I'm still really sad I had to write that piece (and periodically update it).

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Ive suffered from friends who mostly have snickered at me and considered me a conspiracy theorist/addict or anti-vaxer. They don’t realize how I have cried for them (and humanity overall for this most incredulous evil) thinking How they might suffer, or might lose them to sickness or death. Forgive them for they know not. Yes, these blogs and the few VERY BRAVE, HONORABLE, COURAGEOUS Drs. who have and continue to do their job for which they took an oath, have saved me & my sanity!

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Agree!! And I find comfort in knowing I am here to bear witness. I think MWD mentioned this as well...... "This too shall pass". All will be well in the end.

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So agree horrible

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The last part of the second graph, the steady state from Feb (? - hard to discern exact beginning) through April, is interesting. Wondering what trend the May data and upcoming months will take. Every day I just don't know what to say anymore...everything appears so obvious.

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20+ years as an Autism Dad, and this was on target all ways. Thanks MidWest Doc.

My Dad was a Navy Doctor, ran hospitals in Philly (when Doctors ran hospitals), brought the Polio Vaxx to Philly as an Infectious Disease Doc. It took me probably 10 years to accept that the DPT Vaxx was my son with Autism's trigger https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DPT_vaccine Then it was 10 years being labeled as an "anti-vaxxer", when I am in truth a Jesuit and Ivy League educated "critical thinker".

My hopes are: 1) Doctors like yourself break away from #CorporateMedicine 2) We, as a Society, start to have REAL conversations about lifestyle (food, water, exercise...) and stop pretending that some shot(s) is going to fix us.

Autism Families - This is my mission in life for my son and others -https://www.carousel51.com/aeternusumbra

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Sorry about your son. Normally people describe the MMR vaccine to causing autism, but at least in my extended family the problematic vaccine was the old DPT one (which is now just given to people in Africa where kills lots of children each year).

There was a period of time where I had to work within the corporate medical system, but I was fully aware of the issues with it and I got out of it as quickly as I could. One of the major changes that has happened in Madison most people do not appreciate is that a lot of laws have been put into place (and regulations) which make it extremely difficult for physicians to have independent private practices. Since I have a fairly detailed background in integrative medicine, this was not an issue for me because it was easy enough for me too be able to provide good results that got word of mouth referrals with holistic care, but if I had not had that in my back pocket I am not sure if I would've ever been able to start an independent private practice. I know a lot of very good conventional doctors who have long-term private practices they had built up that subsequently had to close them because they could not compete with the corporate McDonald'sbut if I had not had that in my back pocket I am not sure if I would've ever been able to start an independent private practice. I know a lot of very good conventional doctors who have long-term private practices they had built up that subsequently had to close them because they could not compete with the corporate McDonald's like medical practices in the area.

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I remember reading years ago the health was one fifth of the gdp(?). Where the money is The criminals go!!! Just tough to fathom the degree of it nowadays though the past 2 years has proven it is undeniably deep. With 54 million seniors I imagine that plays heavily into the overall picture.

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Thanks for your generous reply and Substack Blog.

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Sure thing. I wrote an a longer comment on the autism thing and I can't remember where the comment was so I just did this one here on the spot. Sorry again about what happened to your son

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Thank you once again for your insights

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You are a brave soul. "Thank you" seems ineloquent, but thank you!! Ever so grateful for your insights, knowledge, and fine prose. (Yours is my absolute favorite substack, by the way!)

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Thanks! I've never blogged before so I'm glad it's appreciated. It's really helpful for me to have an anonymous forum where I can make my best shot at saying my truth and seeing what happens

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I think your truth resonates with many. But especially relevant is the way you lay things out, so those of us trying to "red pill" others have some great things to share. It is an uphill battle. For me, only after two (out of three!) brothers had sudden and serious heart issues (one requiring a pace maker) after their Moderna shots would they read things I've sent their way.

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Part of why I am putting so much work into this is so I can give the arguments everyone is trying to express the best possible phrasing to express themselves.

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You have a knack for blogging. I once commented about related facts to the article you posted. Your reply proved the knack - you knew to keep the focus and which topic was actually more important for you to address at that time. Can't teach that.

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I have a pretty big picture or tapestry I'd like to try to weave out, and what I've essentially been trying to figure out is what articles I need to write before others so that the necessary premises are in place for the later articles I want to write. Ben, I am basically working on the ones I feel are the highest priority (because they are continually relevant to each situation that occurs, so I can cite a reference them instead of needing to say all the points again), and I'm paying attention to current events that I think are important, and then when one comes up that is and it relates to the theme I wanted to write about, I do the same at that time. Otherwise I work on one of the things I think is necessary for the tapestry I'm trying to put together. I'm honestly surprised I have been able to sequence everything in a reasonable manner so far (sequencing of treatments is very important for getting good clinical outcomes in integrative medicine).

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Absolutely right!

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It is so appreciated 😃

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Another of your articles that make me cry.

The doctor I was sent to to check and see if I was disabled upset me badly. I thought, before I went in, "Oh good! They'll check and see what is actually going on, and tell the court so I can get some help!" Wrong. He did various tests, I'd say things like "not that one, but if you check THIS area with that test, it'll show up" He said "No." After a couple of exchanges like that I said something about my actual symptoms again and he interrupted me "Look lady, I don't CARE what's wrong with you! I am here to fill out this form, that's IT!"

So, yeah, his form said I was fine, I was turned down for any help, it was several years before I got disability and it cost me a large percentage of my back pay to a lawyer to get it. And with all that mess, and years I that I starved, I was very grateful, and still am) for the 600.00 a month I get after they take out Medicare. That's all I live on, but it was better than what I WAS living on. I had run my savings out, and sold off everything I could. And was too sick to manage to walk the 25 feet to my mailbox for months on end. But hey, I'm fine.

The autoimmune diseases are really bad for that, add iatrogenic damage and it's just flat hell. Even better when part of the iatrogenic damage was reaction to a antibiotic which caused "severe persistent hallucinations" which devastated me and got me on psychiatric meds, which added to the autoimmune problems. (And when, years later, I wanted to try getting off all the meds, I was fired as a patient by all my doctors for non-compliance, and weaned myself off them slowly, with no medical assistance by the people who had prescribed them so casually. I had complied for over 10 years, and only gotten worse, I thought it was a reasonable request, silly me.)

I spent a lot of time on the fibromyalgia boards on the net, I don't have the right symptoms, but it's a good trash can diagnosis to shut me up (she's crazy you know, that's why the psychiatric meds! No, turned out to be your antibiotic.) One of the things I heard people say a lot there that just broke my heart every time was "I wish I had cancer, then maybe someone would listen, would care, and would help me." And we couldn't even get disability to buy groceries... The article talks of people who have been failed by the system, and as one of the people who was badly failed by the system, I REALLY wish I knew how to fix it, but I don't have the energy, even now, to attempt to do so, but hey, I'm fine. They told me so. Many times.

I have been watching the effects of the jab, and I sorrow for the people who take damage, all I can think of is "more of us in this category, and it was a horrifying category to start with." I hurt for them, because I know that if they end up like my life, they have a lot of hell to go through, and the system will not be helpful to them.

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That is precisely why I wanted to write about this topic and I just folded it into those statistics (which I then found out were referring to a different type of disability besides SSI payments).

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i just got done watching Edward Dowd interview on New American (might be one word) where they in the brief discuss exactly this, as well as elevated death, etc., . Interview was with a lovely Russian girl. Russia is great. i love Russia. Glad i was born there, and if they stop mandating hacksxxxxines, maybe i can return. a bit off topic, i know. just saying.


you can't possibly be the first, i'll find the link for you... Ed Dowd beat you to it

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Same here... but Putin's Russia :)... He is the person that made the difference, a true patriot!

... and this is exactly what we miss here, in US: patriots... instead, we have corrupt politicians.

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There is a lot of corrupting in Russia too. My understanding was part of how Putin was able to build Russia back up was by going after some of the corrupt Oligarch's but there are still many of them.

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Agreed; they had vaccine mandates after all... but at least they have something that is missing here: HOPE. I saw Russian army of engineers at work to rebuild Mariupol... the feeling was one of hope and trust... In Russia, human lives are valuable, in the Western world we are "useless eaters"... The "usefulness" is measured in bank accounts, in bits OF COURSE.

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Russia needs ukraine to be their ally and friend. I am sure they did everything they could to avoid the invasion and they will likely do everything they can to make things right once the war wraps up (whereas the US seeks to colonize and profit off countries so they normally don't fix the damage that gets done).

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"Russia needs ukraine to be their ally and friend". 1) Russia is going to incorporate all areas where ethnic Russians live, 25million back into the Russian Federation. 2) Russia will have a puppet government in Kiev. 3) Ukraine will be a neutral nation, i.e. a buffer region.

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I've seen this in other videos; definitely result of education, but it says something...

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Russia has had more money to put into their military so they're better trained. It's also entirely possible that's a war propaganda video, and I fundamentally dislike war (it's an incredibly sad and horrific thing when you see it first hand rather than from a distance) so I try not to watch that type of material.

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Jun 8, 2022
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I know a lot of them got revoked because people were boycotting businesses that enforced the mandates, and the businesses were able to lobby the government to take the mandates down because the state could not afford to lose their tax revenue.

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Thank you for this update MD. You unwittingly reveal a huge financial racket: the pharmaceutical companies are inflicting this damage and profiting while they do it. But the taxpayer is paying for disability payouts. Appalling. It’s one more way to bankrupt the US.

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Thank you. If you get the chance please read the revision I gave to this article, since the data here does not directly correlate to disability payouts.

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Midwest Doc, Article by Patrick Wood 6.7.2022: For a minute, forget case numbers, hospital beds and epidemiological studies. The Expose provides a back-door look at what’s going on by analyzing ambulance call-outs, all of which are nicely recorded and detailed:


Expose charts: https://expose-news.com/2022/06/06/nhs-ambulance-call-outs-heart-doubled-since-covid-vaccination/

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The Spectator recently published stats that show a huge spike in disability payments made in Britain starting last year. Same data but the article did not connect the dots. I fear that this is the beginning of a long, tortuous road towards admitting that the so called vaccines are killers. It will take years before the medical and pharmaceutical establishment will begin to admit this. It's a crime.

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Oh wow... please get me that article.

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I tried to find it but could not. That would really help this post.

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I really appreciate your transparency and showing your work. That's a major heuristic I use to decide who to listen to - transparency. Making and admitting mistakes increases, rather than decreases, credibility, while a lack of transparency completely eviscerates credibility.

The establishment media and health agencies fail miserably in this respect! Just the way that they talk and present information - "I am the authority, this is the truth, anyone who challenges me is spreading misinformation, you're not an expert so you just have to take my word for it, the raw data would only confuse your feeble mind" - without presenting contrary information or equivocation or showing their work, makes me dismiss everything they have to say. I don't understand how anyone takes the Dr. Faucis, the mini-me Faucis, and the mainstream "science journalists" seriously anymore. Thanks for what you're doing.

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Most doctors Will never admit to not knowing something, and throughout my medical training I continually watched the other medical students and residents I trained with BS stuff when they were asked questions, whereas I would say "I don't know "and continually get reprimanded for it. as a physician, I have an above average knowledge base, but every day when patients ask me questions things, where I say "I don't know "or "I need to look it up and get back to you." I also will sometimes mention that without prompting. What continually fascinates me is that my patients often saying I am one of the only doctors they've ever met we will do that, and it makes them trust me more.

There is this mythology that has been put together in the society that doctors know everything there is to know and they are final arbiters of medical truth, but very few of them get that acting this way makes people trust him last not more. That all sad, on here I feel I have a specific responsibility not to spread misinformation, so in general I am avoiding subjects where I am not positive the information I'm using is accurate, and I made an exception for this one because I thought the message needed to get out there.... Which raises an interesting question if I should do that in the future.

Thank you for your support and understanding!

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This is so well laid out, thank you!

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The Walgreens data shows that vaccinated are likelier to contract Omicron:

https://www.walgreens.com/businesssolutions/covid-19-index.jsp See page 3

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