
Since this point was raised by many commentators:

As the article tried to show, I believe bad actors tried to direct a pandemic response that would hurt America for their own benefit and they knew exactly what they were doing.

Conversely many others followed their advice, either because they didn't understand it, believed it or felt they had no option but to go along with it-and in many cases have since admitted doing so was a mistake.

Since the original subtitle could be interpreted to imply the individuals who orchestrated this were simply misguided, I changed the subtitle to remove that message.

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

You and I were tracking the data and drawing the same conclusions, since before the Diamond Princess, which was sort of an ideal lab experiment in some ways.

Until May of 2020 or so I was just astounded at how stupid and political the government and CDC were, but then I realized it was much worse than that, they were intentionally witholding even information about vitamin-D, and basically outlawing Dr. Zelenko's protocol of HCQ, zinc, azithromycin and Vitamin-D, which was effectively saving lives and reducing morbidity.

I was taken aback in April or May 2021 when somebody first said to me "the vaccine is the bioweapon", because, of course I knew all about how the virus was a bioweapon, and it just never occurred to me that it would just be the entre'...

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I have really wondered if the CCP designed COVID-19 because they knew the most likely vaccine for it would be very dangerous and they never used our approach in their vaccine.

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It was co-designed by US/Canada/China for something like 8 years as I understand it.

I am not sure who planned what, how and when, but having your own cells pump out spike-protein for 6 months, and then again, and again just increases your odds of myocarditis, heart attack, stroke, autoimmune disease and various cancers each time.

It's like Russian Roulette and they keep saying "Pull the trigger again", and people do...


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I suggest whole-heartedly, and whole-mindfully, to listen to Dr David Martin. From the get-go he has been extraordinarily examining what has been going on (over decades, and more) ...and has so much to remarkably offer... with information and inspiration... to contribute to our sense-making conversations.

This interview is from a day or two ago...


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In China, a good number of citizens ended up believing that the mRNA shots were the most superior form of vaccination. Some even traveled to the US/Canada with intent of receiving them.

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One point worth mentioning: back in March 2020 when the lockdowns were being marketed with the "14 days to flatten the curve" slogan, they had already started talking about "The Vaccine" - as in, "Let's wait for The Vaccine to save us."

However, there had never been a successful vaccine developed against a coronavirus, though they tried, with SARS. There were many studies with different animals, all showing that while the vaccinated animals developed antibodies to the virus, they all became ill and died when challenged with the native virus, eg this one:


So at best, it was going to be difficult - and impossible to do the necessary safety testing in any useful timeframe.

But that didn't stop them. Or even give them pause. This new mRNA technology was going to work - never mind that it couldn't be properly tested.

The whole thing was flawed from the start - as many of us realised. And somehow, there was a massive concerted global effort to suppress anyone who questioned the narrative.

It's going to be worse next time, not better. Because that global narrative machinery has been streamlined with legislation being put in place, in every country that counts, to more effectively suppress "misinformation" and more easily facilitate "emergency measures".

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Already i 1994, after trying, it was found and stated that there could not be made a vaccine against coronavirus.

Concerning the SARS-CoV-2, Swedish research in the start of 2020 found that probably all of the citizens already had met SARS 1, and thereby their immune systems knowing 85% of the SARS-CoV-2, and thereby well protected.

But WHO, and Fauci, cried out that it was a totally new disease/virus which now would result in an epidemic and killing 4%. Ended at as for average Flu.

Back in January 2020 I said "forget it, be healthy, and look at it as a Flu.

Since 1970 I have said that with time all of the normal vaccinations probably will be stopped, as instead of helping, they harms. Think on diseases which has waked up by vaccinations. And CDC, WHO, and around the World, the meaning of the word "vaccination", no longer means protecting against a disease.

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Yes, it played out just as I feared it would from those prior animal studies, and worse in brand-new ways, also.


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Reid Sheftall MD, writes in his excellent book "Heroes and Villains" that the 15th of January 2021, 1 month after the "vaccines" started to come, he send a message to internet telling that the vaccines were made wrong, and didn't work as normal vaccines. Of cause a mRNA vaccines for humans we had not met before, but explain what is wrong, and pointed out and asking, with so many persons working in Pfizer and Moderna, there should be less than 1/million chance to make this failure. And to me, this looks like the vaccines were meant as a bioweapons. Among other we know about the plan to decrease the number humans on Earth to only 1/2 to 1 billion. Or as Bill Gates, on an news paper from 2011 tells, "We aught to vaccinate and thereby by 10 - 15% decease the number of persons on Earth".

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Thank you for sharing.

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I stored the picture the 20.02.2022, which shows a woman holding the "Sovereign Independent" from 2011, which she had stored back then. On the frontside a picture of BG, and a big heading "Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination. The Zero Carbon Solution!". And it's written, that only her copy exist, as the newspapers own copy has "disappeared".

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

MDR, we have all just eyewitnessed the world largest premediated slaughter. Thank you for everything you do with extreme precision and detail. God bless you.

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My belief is the most important thing is to have precision and detail when the issues are outlined so the accusations you make have a footing to stand on.

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Dr David Martin exempifies this approach... i just shared the link....here it is again. He outlines the issues to next level, and doesn't hold back with his accusations, directly or indirectly.


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"Largest premeditated slaughter YET", is what I think you meant, right?

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The only 'mistake' is letting your normaly bias think there were mistakes. They were not mistakes.

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John, well the Bible speaks to this in book of Revelation. 1/4 earths population will perish from pestilence, plague and even wild animals gone looney. I agree this is opening salvo. Be close to Jesus is my recommendation.

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I always seek Divine Guidance these days.

I have been given much in this life (broadly speaking).

"Of he to whom much is given, much will be required."

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Hi, a lot of readers on here do not like it anti-semetic material is spammed in the comments. I am generally opposed to censoring anyone, but if long time readers report comments here and state they do not feel comfortable with them, I listen.

So very briefly, please stop this line of discourse. If you cannot I will have to delete your comments and ban you from the page.

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Actually "Esther" features those of the tribe of Benjamin, even though they are called "Jews". Those in 2023 who call themselves "Jews" may or may not be genetically related to those in the Bible, many of their temples appear more to be social groups using religion for psychological or as a network for gain as could well be said of Christian churches. If you were able to do complete DNA and genealogical mapping you may be able to get to the truth. And certainly Israel is nothing more than a fascist police state. I've been there many years ago and saw how fear rules them.

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The only 'mistake' is letting your normaly bias think there were mistakes. They were not mistakes.

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I think it should be even clearer. Fauci was funding the research that became COVID-19. He knew it and everything else afterwards is because of his efforts to CYA. He lied to the President and the American public. He denied us effective early treatments. Everything was nothing more than Fauci trying to hide his involvement in something that should have never been done to begin with. Fauci and all that helped him pull this lie off need to suffer a consequence that fits the crime of causing millions of deaths and millions of injuries from the Vaccines. Jail time and Fines are not suitable punishment for such a crime.

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That's why we need to compile all the evidence proving it.

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Yes but the swamp is protecting him. The politicians aren’t interested in getting to the truth.

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which is why we need to do what we can to support the people who are

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CYA is not a sufficient motive to explain Fauci's misdeeds. He did need to cover up Wuhan. But suppressing off-patent drugs was pure greed and empire building on his part. Even during his CYA activity he was still trying to get rich and gain even more personal power. He may be the most egregious psychopath since Mao or Stalin.

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As much as I dislike Fauci (he basically has acted like a mob boss), Mao and Stalin were on a completely different level

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You are actually politically and historic correct.

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As I understand it, they had to suppress off-patent drugs (that WORK) because otherwise, the fake nRNA would not get the ‘emergency use’ classification it needed - if something else works, they can’t mandate and Big Pharma would lose out on selling billions of $$ worth of poison to governments around the world. They HAD to get it into children’s arms by a certain date b/c once approved for kids, Pharma cannot be sued for injuries. And now we know how dangerous this mRNA is, we are idiots to ever allow it’s use. It should be removed from the market and banned, as many doctors are demanding.

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The only 'mistake' is letting your normaly bias think there were mistakes. They were not mistakes.

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Regardless, we need RFK Jr in office as President because he knows exactly how to reform this system. I encourage everyone to join RFK & spread the word. Please support him by donating whatever you can. If he’s brave enough to run, let’s be brave enough to stand by him! RFK Jr Donation Link:


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I have given as much as I can for now. When Thich Nhat Hanh died I had the weirdest perception that he hadn't really changed all that much, that he was so aligned with the divine, and had spent so much time in that alignment, that his being was so not of this world already, that losing his body was different for him than it would be for the rest of us. I support RFK jr as he is deeply aligned with the divine, and only secondarily because he is a candidate for president. I know that is really weird lol, but in supporting him I think we pull in the opposite direction from this contagion of greed and pedophilia and sadism.

I loved this post Midwestern Doctor and shared it and have seen it shared on many substacks. You have such a calm persuasiveness and equanimity that I am phase shifted enough not to jump in and engage with these anti-semitic trolls lol.

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I have a lot of mutual friends with RFK and they believe he is sincerely interested in fixing this mess.

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Propaganda 101- acceptance of the false premise under the guise of tactical critique.

There's no such thing as a "Covid death" as there is no scientifically established clinical condition called "Covid" which is nothing more than a nebulous rebranding of millennia-old disease symptoms and/or perfect health in the presence of a fraudulent PCR test.

99% of people falsely certified as having ‘died from covid’ actually died from their pre-existing conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and ‘public health’ despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.

From the CDC itself 7/16/21:

“Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021).

A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record. Most patients who "died from COVID" had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions.”

Translation: No one has ‘died from covid’ as “Covid” is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, “flu” and many other disease conditions.

Perpetuating this utter pseudoscience serves no one but Big Pharma and the biofascists intent on fabricating new imaginary viral pathogens.

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A key issue with this argument is that the majority of Americans have chronic health conditions: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/health_policy/adult_chronic_conditions.htm

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What are you even saying?

Why don't you look into the hospital data evidence in NYC Spring 2020 for example. Or N Italy for that matter.

It was all fake- lies piled on top of lies. The chronic conditions have nothing to do with the Covid Operation.

Where in the world was there some pandemic? If you can't prove there was one in NYC you can't prove it anywhere. Give it a try.

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It was in response to this line:

"A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record. Most patients who "died from COVID" had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions.”

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I know.

Let's get back to the topic of you assertion that there was a "pandemic in some places not in others."

Let's go right to the epicenter of the epicenter- NYC Spring 2020.

Please provide evidence to substantiate your statement.

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The primary evidence for me is that I knew multiple people who were there and watched it all happen. Many of them I fully trust and what they described to me they had never seen before. I think what happened was worsened by the fear that overtook the place, but that was not the underlying issue.

The alternative evidence was the death count in the area and the increase in overall mortality. I know you know all of that data and there is no way it can be presented to you that would refute your existing belief--so I'm not sure where this discussion can go besides taking up a lot of both of our time.

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Since that data, known to the CDC, was from 2008, it is all the more diabolical that they mandated the masks, lockdowns, and pushed the bioweapon jabs knowing it would further diminish the immune system of so many Americans!

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COVID killed some healthy young people, too. My daughter volunteered to take the first COVID ward at San Antonio's county hospital, and those were her patients. They included some young parents without health conditions. She and others were using HCQ at first, until they were forbidden to. Their mortality went up.

I was treating outpatients, and was able to switch to ivermectin, zinc, doxycycline and vitamin-D when I was forbidden to prescribe any more HCQ in my Federally Qualified Health Center clinic. It worked even better, and was easier to prescribe and use.

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Do you have the data to support that?

Can your daughter provide that data? No names are needed.

Should be easy if it actually happened. Will your daughter do an interview?

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This was her impression. She has not compiled data. She does not want to be politically involved. She is over-extended, and will become a mother early next year.

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No it didn't. There's no such thing as "Covid."

Substantiate your comment, "COVID killed some healthy young people, too."

I want exact details or will assume you are fabricating this statement. Don't need names so there would be no violation of patient anonymity.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Hi Allen. You appear to have strong fixed beliefs, and I don't think I will be able to convince you.

What I wrote is completely true, but you don't have to accept it.

I live by truth and seek Divine Guidance. I accepted firing for COVID-vaccine refusal, when I would have been granted a "conscience exemption". The moral problem of creating an "underclass", like "untermenschen" in WW-2, was what I had to stand against. I explained openly that "I would stand naked with the Jews". Some took offense, as you might imagine.

Here is the tale of the day I was fired while planting the fall-winter vegetable garden I grew at the clinic: https://www.johndayblog.com/2021/10/go-down-gardening.html

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I don't have strong fixed beliefs at all John. False. It's also a logical fallacy.

What I do have though is over 900,000 coded "Covid-19" U07.1 death certs, several thousand hours of research on HHS data, CDC data, NY health dpeartment hopsital data, the state of NY HH data and that's the tip of the iceberg.

I also colloborate with a few dozen other researchers who are immersed in data and evidence not "beliefs." I have no preconceived notions nor any sacred cows.

You made a claim and seem to have nothing to back it up. I would not do so nor have I ever in these past three years.

There's no such things as "Covid" John and that is not a belief that is the factual evidence. That it is false attribution via a replication device that has no diagnostic capabilities should at the very least cause you to look further into this fraud.

What we do have in common is being "released" from our jobs due to rejecting the mRNA injections and also rejecting an offer to get an exemption- sounds like for similar reasons. I respect you for this stance.

Still I do reject your statement until evidence is provided.

Hope you are able to start another garden and it flourishes- hoping the same about mine.

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I keep two gardens, one was a backyard behind our small duplex in Austin, where my wife is a school librarian, and a larger one at our modest rural place in the town of Yoakum, in the Texas coastal plains. I put in and kept up the garden at the clinic purely as a service to my coworkers, so that a nice vegetable garden could be a thing in their lives and their minds. It was completely my work and my expense for over 5 years.

We don't have to see everything the same to be seeking and serving the same master in this life.

Since I was fired I cashed in my retirement and built (largely myself on the inside) the house I had been planning and drawing for years.

It's in Yoakum. I like it. It's very sturdy and well insulated.

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All credit and respect to you and your daughter for doing your best to treat those ill people. But if you were able to take, say, a more homeopathic outlook towards health and dx you would be better able to dispel your compulsion to lay blame on a notion termed 'covid'.

No one individual ever ever has the same dis-ease as another. Humans may share common basic response and re-balance mechanisms like fever and inflammation in response to external environment disrupting/poisoning aspects impinging on their well-being, but each has their unique self-regulating mechanism exhibiting as symptoms of illness, their manifestation of imbalance.

These very personal symptoms are ones that ordinary doctors dont look for as it takes too much time and energy to know the patient better and individualise treatment.

Please drop terms like 'covid killed people'...as each person had their own susceptibility to the assault perpetrated by 'who knows what' ,wherever one in the world was living, which was served up as a 1st course undefined physical/mental/spiritual soup of attrition... to get maim on the way, and set the scene for the intro of the real killers...the jabs.

Those who died of 'covid' had their demise assisted by anyone following, and adding fuel to, the false narratives based on the incredible and insidious range of 'the virus' mentality been at large since the 1800's

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A few of my colleagues had a lot of success treating COVID-19 homeopathically.

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How did you determine they had "Covid?"

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Pleased to hear of your colleagues orienting themselves to the patients exhibiting their particular range of sxs, their particular expression of illness (or detox?...anyways it would be the Vital Force off-kilter and flagging that up).

Thereupon the practitioners were successful in their prescribing of particular homeopathic rx(s) they judged to correspond best to each individual's unique expression.

No need for any concepts of 'covid-19', 'flu', 'cold', 'pneumonia', 'blah-blah' to get in the way. It is holistic medicine, as opposed to divide and rule.

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As long as you believe there existed a health emergency wrought by the novel appearance of some deadly virus, one that called for a global pandemic declaration, the perpetrators retain the power to do all of it again and again.

The Feds want us to believe COVID is disease borne of a virus named SARS-CoV-2, that came from a Wuhan lab, went off like a bomb in NYC and then went away for the rest of the year.

They want us to believe that a pathogen leaked, jumped or escaped from Wuhan, China, and “spread” person-to-person with lightning speed from around Fall 2019 to the rest of the world.

It’s absurd and only serves to advance lies and cover up the truth.

Oddly there was nothing going on in daily all-cause deaths before “15 Days to Slow the Spread” was announced.

And then- a bomb went off. Pathogens by any narrative one chooses aren't bombs

The claim that 37K New York City residents died in 11 weeks is specious, multiple data points suggest the death curves are fraudulent.

We know NYC hospitals were never overrun and that ED visits tanked.

Where are the names of the dead, New York? Or at least the de-identified death certificates? “Covid deaths” aside, can New York actually prove that 37K+ people died in 11 weeks, on the days they are claimed to have died?

Why are we expected to accept this without proof?

Didn’t hospitals get extra funding if they classified a death a Covid death? Is it possible that New York used that $$$ incentive to overstate their numbers?

Were there were a bunch of deaths in NYC that were classified as something else, but then CARES Act funding kicked in, so NYC reclassified them (and changed date of death?) to get COVID money – which is why we see that spike in deaths in NYC?

If not, why not? What are they hiding?

What about the record uptick in rates of Midazolam, propofol, fentanyl usage in hospitals that corresponds exactly with the NYC "spike?"

Who were these "travelling nurses?"

Where are the New York City doctors who will stand behind the NYC Spring 2020 inpatient death curve as a true, real-time representation of deaths that occurred on each day?

Why is it NYC EMT's aren't willing to speak about spring 2020? They should be creating an oral history for future generations to understand the pandemic. Where are they?

You can't just claim something happened without having substantiated whether it occurred the way you said it did.

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Hi Allen; this was the upcoming article I mentioned.

Please let me know what you think I clearly got wrong here and which available datasets I should have mentioned which challenge/refute what I put forward:


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I've read through the piece.

Before I offer any analysis be it refutation or otherwise we need to agree that you are not going to bugger off and you will offer what you believe to be solid evidence which will substantiate some of the fundamental assertions you have made in this piece.

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1) As before, I cannot give you the time you want me to, so I will not commit myself to that.

2) What I'd like is for you to present the evidence that either refutes or adds to what I put in there so I can decide if I want to incorporate it.

My goal with these pieces is to be accurate (and that accuracy is why a lot of people are willing to republish my work) so if you can provide anything to me which shows what I said is inaccurate, and I can utilize it in a meaningful way to improve what I've put a lot of work into, I would like to. I specifically mentioned that piece because I feel it's an area you probably have some very useful things to contribute to. That said I have the final say on what I do and don't change because I cannot put things out I feel are inaccurate (even if you disagree with me).

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Doc, I love what you’re doing and while Allen seems to be pounding you, I think he has some solid points to consider. Also John Beudion, aka Coquien de Chen (forgive the likely spelling errors on both name and pen name here). Both Allen and you should join forces with him to obliterate this charade that we've endured. And to help prevent the next one.

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Allen does this all the time and I cannot cite a single time on any post where he has been willing to consider something he put forward might not be correct.

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Beaudoin, chien

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When back in the 2020, we in the news read, and were told about in the hospitals enormous numbers of patients hit by Covid -19, I told friends that this was nonsense, and probable all of the hit by fly, RSV and other normal diseases. And during the following years I have said that numbers of dead's by Covid-19, original told will be corrected more and more down to reach zero.

Concerning which names diseases can be told to have, we for example can look at AIDS, which is a mixture of other diseases, and just constructed to sell AZT, and earn money.

And back in the 30's or 50's, in US, in one case of local Polio epidemic, there was made research which persons hit by 59 different diseases, including syphilis.

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Most people still don’t fully grasp the magnitude of the deception and lies.

No ventilators were ever rationed.

No bodies ever piled up in the streets.

No health care systems ever collapsed.

No hospitals anywhere in the world were ever overwhelmed.

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Those overwhelmed ER’s put out some really cool dance move video. I applaud them for being able to choreograph all that while being overwhelmed by COVID…

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Did you see the NYC doctors "live storytelling event" that was recorded in June 2020?

This included Colleen Smith, Cameron Kyle-Siddell and about ten others who claim to have been involved in the Covid wards of various "overhwhelmed" NYC hospitals.

They taped 'video stories' and presented them at this event. It's quite surreal.

Colleen Smith, if you remember, was the individual who was featured prominently in the NY Times headline video article speaking to the "war zone" in her hospital.

As it turns out, among other things, she is a medical simulation specialist.

I won't say anything more about it so as to not present a bias. If you want to see it I will send it to you.

One simple point is that if there was a pandemic of the sort being sold to the public in 2020 it wouldn't have such an advertising budget and we wouldn't even be having this conversation. I was living in NY State throughout 2020-2022 about three hours from NYC and had multiple encounters in-person with people who were from NYC (but attending university at the time) and who were speaking to their families in NYC on a daily basis.

Absolutely NOTHING out of the ordinary was going on anywhere in NY State in Jan-Feb-March 2020 and beyond. We were talking about this constantly.

The data and evidence corroborate this conclusively.

And where was the 3 year media blitz interviewing doctors/nurses as they recounted all the horrors they faced? If things had actually happened as they stated they would have been bombarding us with such programs 24/7.

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I am familiar with the medical simulation specialist. Have not seen vid you reference and yes, please send. I know the Elmhurst epicenter BS was regularly touted also.

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The only 'mistake' is letting your normaly bias think there were mistakes. They were not mistakes.

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Timothy, why do you keep typing ‘normaly’? I’m confused why you keep using it, as it is not a word…can you clarify, please?

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Fat fingers. Normalcy!

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Normalcy maybe?

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In retrospect, unfortunately as someone vaccinated + booster, I've wondered if these individuals (unethical, incompetent, often highly protected, successful, etc) were selected/planted.. The work of so-called experts incl Neil Ferguson (here in the UK) was hardly reliable prior to this. Chris Whitty too - whom I initially believed - turned out to be another professional liar. All this had deadly consequences:-(

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Ferguson's institute was taking money from Gates.

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Ah. Well, no surprise there!

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The most cursory biography of Birx for example, would answer your question. It's likely these people are selected not for competence, but obedience to hidden masters.

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AMD... Don't forget Sheftall's razor: "Never attribute to stupidity what can easily be attributed to malice (and no, I don't have it backwards.)"

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Yes, i came on here from the email notification to comment that i am unsubscribing. 'MISTAKE' is not an operative word to apply to the, yes, orchestrated 'covid' shenanigans. If you are doing a dissection of events unfold, and highlighting the lies, in this article then i might read it. But if you are supporting virus narrative etc (any false premises) I am baling out fast!

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

The pandemic carnage was no Bob Ross "happy accident" for the globalists seeking a new world order. It was the result of endless modelling and game theorizing on how to best destroy our health, wealth, economies, education, our wisest members, and the next generation. The end goal being global tyranny punctuated by the crushed spirit of mankind ushering in abject slavery.

"If You Have To Be:

Persuaded, Reminded, Pressured, Lied To, Incentivized, Coerced, Bullied, Socially Shamed

Guilt Tripped, Threatened, Paid, Punished, & Criminalized...

If All Of This Is Necessary To Gain Your Compliance You Can Be Absolutely Certain That What Is Being Promoted Is Not In Your Best Interest." —Prof Ian Watson

The beatings will continue until morale improves... The Big Club responsible for this coup against mankind and everything good, right, & true: the CEOs all sit on each others boards and attend the same meetings (and pizza parties) at Davos and Bilderberg. What you’re witnessing with the world falling into ruin is their global reset plan in action where one narrow entity will own and control everything on earth and you will eat the bugs and be happy about it or else.

Unless we stop them. And stop them we must.

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You are 100,000% CORRECT.

The biggest battle ahead is proving this to the "good-natured" who while aware of the destruction created by the "Covid Measures" cannot, because of their innate decency, cannot comprehend that EVERYTHING was planned, intentional and EXACTLY what the perpetrators intended.

Billionaires Balloning in Wealth And Power.

Independent Businesses Destroyed (If I depend upon the Government or a Corporation for a paycheck I'm MUCH less likely to "make waves!")

Millions killed and disabled, worldwide.

Liberties Destroyed, COMPLETELY.


Women, and men sterilized.

Money and more money for Pharma for all the new diseases created.

Destruction of the US Currency to bring about Digital Money faster.

On and on and on.

The Evildoers got EVERYTHING on their Christmas list.

Now, the question is, how do we take it all back, and more!?

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The leaders of the covid response did NOT make mistakes, nor did they lack critical thinking. They acted intentionally and WITH critical thinking.

Only after understanding that, can we find our next steps.

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I understand, please see the pinned comment.

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Please, all readers, visit this Website and learn about a large group of Lawyers, Doctors, scientists, researchers and others who have been working since the beginning on bringing the perpetrators of this man-made Plandemic to trial. Nuremberg2 is 100% required.

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This is the most important aspect of fully understanding what has happened. In the email subline it read "We must understand the mistakes that were made..." and now "the mistakes" are missing from the subline.

Nobody of those not involved should delude themselves that everything was carefully planned and executed (pun intended). No slack was given to responses by health care entities. It was all perfectly orchestrated like the Berlin Philharmonic. And remains to be pushed relentlessly in spite of waves of people waking up to the crime. It is the only thing criminals can do - to double down on their crimes, since they must not lose the initiative. Their biggest trump however is the systemic corruption of society. There are plainly speaking way too many rotten fruits in the basket called humanity.

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Agreed, it is a crime. It was intentional. People need to be put on trial and as necessary, capital punishment applied. As in Nuremburg, Dr's and lawyers need to be called out because they knew better. See this epic scene from the movie Judgment at Nuremburg with Spencer Tracy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRSw_0zpNE8

Recommend watching this version as opposed to the politically correct version.

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Yes. The part that weighs heaviest is the reluctance of the global populations to actually create these tribunals - that are needed in all nations - without wasting any time arriving there. My question has always been why this reluctance exists. Without justice, life is meaningless. It devolves into a period of perceived time with no value in itself. The value is then purely subjective, but in the larger context such life becomes irrelevant, as it has abandoned the principles that enabled it to exist in the first place.

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I am not sure we Earthly humans have any jurisdiction over 'justice' in such awesome existential times. What is wreaking this havoc upon us?

Looked upon as a spiritual battle, I am more inclined to view 'the bad actors' as possessed by demons. So is a tribunal effecting justice, or judging the messengers? A public hanging has always evoked the worst emotions in the most unenlightened bystanders...all the more loosh for the evil realm to carry on thriving! I dont have answers, but to engage in retribution and harm has its own shortcomings...

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Of course, "Justice" is a human concept no less. And it is subject to the individual's point of view about any actions another takes. For the longest time - growing up in a Christian family - the basic assumption about justice was simply "What you don't want to be done upon you - don't do upon others". Hence, when someone does something to another that is harm or hurtful, justice needs to equalize this imbalance. The person that caused harm and/or hurt needs to be punished.

However, when it comes to real punishment, it was always understood that God made it perfectly clear that it is his realm to bring about justice - for humans simply don't know the underlying fabric of such harm and/or hurtful actions towards others. Allow me to recommend a book that I have re-read just recently after decades. It is Gurdjieff's "Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson" and available to borrow on archive.org. It is a marvelous work of inspection - the inspection of human behavior as witnessed over a long period of time and explained to a young being. At one point one gets the impression as to how it is possible for another human being to so profoundly understand what drives homo sapiens/man to act against his own best interest in myriad ways. As if - as Jesus allegedly said - the present day does not provide enough challenges and possible hardship to create worries about "tomorrow", a time that never comes?

There is an inescapable justice and in my personal opinion - I do not want to know what it is and it is for that reason that I treat others with respect, not harming and/or hurting another, not creating division and in the sum of just try to be like Love is. Which is challenging, but much better than worrying about what the ultimate justice may bring about.

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Interesting Wolfgang you grew up with the basic assumption about justice as a 'double negative'... "What you don't want to be done upon you - don't do upon others".

I grew up with the 'double positive'... something like..."do unto others as wished be done to oneself".

Both have their limitations of outlook (our wants and wishes are something altogether different from what we may have to have happen to us to help us learn!)

But in terms of the (christian/societal) interpretation of your quote, I am resistant to go with more 'negatives'... that "the person that caused harm and/or hurt needs to be punished". (can punishment, as opposed to a truely owned accountability , ever be a positive?)

Maybe you answer this in your following paragraph..... saying humans are ill-equipped to frame justice, it is but in the realm of God.

And I am pondering what is differentiation between 'harm' and 'hurt' our human behaviour can effect/affect another. 'Harm' has to be result of non-loving intent foisted upon, 'hurt' is more a discomfort stimulated, probably a healthy discomfort to learn from.

I commented in other threads here about 'decisive loving' and 'convicted, combative views'. All great if coming with "I wish you well" sentiment....thus maybe hurting but not harmful?

I also said now is not a time to be 'pussy-footing' around. We need get ourselves defined, and share that. We all need to find our way, our boundaries, our 'yesses' and 'no's', what to tolerate and trust, what not. True?

Thanks for your Gurdieff recommendation...

Funnily enough someone (Gigi Young on youtube?) recently made a passing reference to him, and i resonated with that content, and noted to check him out (been on my list....and finally i have started, most satisfyingly, to check out Rudolph Steiner too).

So let me get off to seek "Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson"!...

But I agree, the best we can do is to hold as our primary purpose the realisation and expression of the love and compassion we are. Immensely challenging eh!

'Justice' can only emerge from the individual focus of humans on their inner process/spiritualisation?

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Wolfgang, any other Gurdjieff material you can suggest I start with? I dont like reading off a screen, and the book is expensive nowadays to get hold of....

It was interesting to read various reviews of the Beelzebub book. A remarkable tome seems for sure....

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WEW, my take is the world's leaders and much of the wealthy and those that should have known better, have made their god money, status and possessions. To expose the culpability of personal actions is expose oneself to humiliation and loss of everything. For Christians, Christ calls us to take up His cross and to die to self, but for the majority of mankind, as the laws of God have gotten further and further out of the minds of men and women, mankind will revert to protecting themselves at all cost and to stay in their lifeboats. Expect to see more and more narcissism as people begin to realize that the party is rapidly coming to an end--think of the last moments of the quiet panic that set in on Titanic but set it in uncivil times like we are living in. Jesus said in the end "the love of many will grow cold." it seems like we are there.

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The truth is - we have been there for a very long time. Voices that whispered, that spoke, that screamed the truth out time and time again - were discarded as sore losers.

The only true meaning of life is to understand that one and other is the same. But that is a painful assessment for narcissists, as they dwell in a perverted form of self-'admiration' and self-'love'. It is neither the one nor the other.

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Thank You! We need to realize this fact. There are plenty of smart people out there and to STILL THINK mistakes were made is an incredible naivety that CANNOT be afforded:


I invite everyone to familiarize themselves with the topic of MENTICIDE. Menticide is the systemic destruction using techniques to hide the destruction. It occurred in Ireland with the Irish Famine of 1845. It occurred in Russia with Ukraine Famine in 1932. This is menticide - the systemic annihilation of a population.


When we understand that, we will STOP asking WHY things happen -- and begin to TAKE ACTION to prevent these things from happening again.

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Indeed, the response went well beyond incompetence. Pretty much every action taken was not sensible if you take public health as the goal. If you take vaccinating as many people as possible as a goal, the response makes a lot more sense.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

This is the principal-agent problem at work. Lots of us knew the policies being crammed down on us were sh*t. We were not then (and are not now) in a position to change them. What percentage of the population has to say, "F you" and walk into a store without a mask for the mask mandate to end? Probably north of 80 percent. And the restaurant owners and gym owners who kept opening up (at least in Pa., where I lived at the time) had nothing but fines and bankruptcy to show for their fight. It has to be nearly the whole population to fight the power of the state. The state has fines, guns, and jail, and it can take your kids. Ain't nothing you printed here that I didn't know by the end of April 2020, and it didn't do me a damned bit of good. I had to move to save my kid's sanity (and my own, because although as a single person, I'd have gone ahead and gotten arrested, but with a kid to lose, I couldn't take the risk).

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Isn't it an amazing coincidence that our MSM to whom the populace is addicted is owned by 6 corporations, who without subsidies and BIG PHARMA money, would be already extinct?

And isn't it a coincidence that Obama reversed the Smith Mundt act, now allowing our government to propogandize and brainwash us?

And wasn't it amazing that these techniques that have been refined since the PATRIOT ACT scraped up EVERY US CITIZENS COMPLETE DATA (inlcuding seraches, phone conversations and text, etc. all stored in Utah) were DEMONSTRATED against TRUMP? The most successful brainwashing techniques that still have Trump haters who CANNOT ARTICULATE WHAT THEY HATE ABOUT HIM?

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Sadly, one of the reasons people don't stand up is because they think it requires huge numbers, yet the number of people who need to rebel for it to have an effect is nearer 10% than 80% particularly if those people have some influence.

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It only takes one person to rebel. The only one you have control over -- that's you. Please do "count the cost" berfore doing so, since it's also you will will have to pay any prices.

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I've been doing so from the beginning. I have no idea what shapes other peoples ethical codes, even less so after this, but I shall not be abandoning my grasp on reality and what it means to be a cogent, sentient human to 'go along' with this decent into madness.

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Even 10 percent of a population is a huge number. NYC has 8 million residents; 10 percent standing up against (for example) the outdoor mask mandate would have been 800,000 people. That is a huge number, so what we got instead was cops slamming black people into the sidewalk for not wearing a mask outside.

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TOB : Yes! This is such a frustration of mine, that people don’t seem to realize that we individuals have the power to stop this evilness. We need to ALL refuse to comply, rather than a small percentage of ‘outliers’. If all employees, parents of students, store customers, etc. would simply do this, it would stop. People need to stop being afraid of ‘awkward moments’, and just stick up for their free will and basic human rights! I for one am NOT going to ever again wear a mask to a store, submit to a lockdown, etc.

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I am not sure we can 'stop this evilness', (as in eradicate) but to take a stance as you urge will have ramification, wending its way.....and change how processes evolve beyond our individual empowerment and sovereignty gain from this, our essential grasping of self-responsibility.

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Digging in: yes, self-responsibility is key.

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I just listened to Dr David Martin....he exemplifies this....so much he offers by example... https://rumble.com/v3lflua-episode-8-silenced-with-tommy-robinson-dr-david-martin.html

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I just finished watching this, also. Just excellent.

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the only way to make progress is to be authentic to self, and that takes courage...all the more as one can't take any refuge in saying a quiet 'yes' when your authentic self is blaring 'NO'.

The no's have to be acted upon with avoidance and non-compliance at the least, as a starter eh.

I think we will increasingly 'know' how to act further as we get individual guidance... there is patience and coolness needed in the meantime(.whilst being keen to sieve out from our other human influences, and the wiliness of our ego's, and the taptapping of Wetiko out to subvert!)

I dont have a child so I cant comment if my view/idea of a way to 'be ' would change according to that situation. At the end of the day it is our relationship with Source which is primary focus...and so much has to be let go of to take full responsibility for evolving self.

(I am long emerged from my youthful prediliction to 'save the world'!)

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For the record, I did stick it out and fight, for months. I started a (no mask, no BS) separate sports league and had a grand total of four participants (including my own kid). I signed my kid up for another separate league started by another mom, which had about 20 kids participating. When I talked to that mom about what we could do for spring sports, she said that she hoped it would all be over by then, and she wasn't planning to do anything. EVERY SINGLE DAY that we lived in a place surrounded by mask and distancing lunacy was damaging to my kid. We left in January, and although it was not easy, I have never regretted our decision. After the move, we went to a church where people hugged each other. My kid went to a spring formal dance (yes, indoors). She joined a gym (no masks required) and worked out with an amazing group of women every week. She made friends and went to pool parties. Mask wearers were rare, and generally (sorry, but it's true) Boomers. Nobody was kicked off the basketball team for not wearing a mask (which actually happened in the fall of 2021 in our old school district), because masks weren't required. I cannot overemphasize the psychological damage of not seeing another human being's face. Just to be free from that, and to stop inflicting that on my child, was worth every expense and challenge of the move. If I had it to do all over again, I would have left sooner. I should never have hoped my neighbors would be decent or even sane human beings. I thought I might initially be in the minority; I never imagined I'd be in a minority of 0.0000001 percent. That was my mistake.

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You sound like an amazing parent. I’m so glad you took your family to another place. I’m sure it was extremely challenging, but yay for you. At least you didn’t stay there to be victimized by hysterical covidians. I wish more people were as brave as you are.

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Not a mistake. Good move! We are the same. I won’t comply with anything these un-elected bozos come up with next...and there will be a next. They were SO successful last time, they have to test us to see if they can pull more off. FYI the Public Health Druid in B.C. Canada has mandated that all hospital workers must wear masks. If they all refused and walked off the job, responses like that would END any more ‘mandate’ forays. Time for the majority to refuse to comply to anything ridiculous. And we know ridiculous when we see it.

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I sure do admire you, TOB! Where did you move from, and to?

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Bravo to you....that is mindfulness, conviction and care in action. In fact can call it decisive loving...and in so doing you opened up new vistas

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If you took the risk, you don't risk losing your kid in the near future by these tyrants, this is war, one must take risks to SAVE LIVES

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No, what you must understand is that there was no pandemic and that there are never any pandemics and there is no covid or other viral calamity. That is why the entire fake covid response was fake also. None of these clowns were ever going to save anyone from anything.

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And these clowns (although I'd argue with the term) had (and still have) all the power. The state has armed police, the power to fine and to jail, and the power to take your kids. Knowing that it's BS doesn't help prevent it. I don't know what does, other than truly mass action.

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Exactly! Power should rest with the people. But it doesn’t seem to at this point in history.

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Crixcyon -- if I were to dive deeper on what you mean when you say "there is no covid or other viral calamity," you are referring to the idea that there is no virus.

And to that I would say that I can agree with that and that this is a rabbit hole that few are willing to dive down in. However, if we want to truly tear everything open at the seams, we need to dive down this rabbit hole.

It makes perfect sense actually. When you understand the history of the current pharmaceutical cartel (from physicians to schools to the drugs) and you realize that it was created from the start to be a cartel for petrochemicals, this all begins to make sense:

Read How Billionaires created Health Care in the 1900s:


When you understand that this cartel - even back then - practiced FAKE science - as in "there's this thing called a virus, and for that virus, you need this PRODUCT" then you realize these early billionaires have manufactured diseases in order to sell products:


So i think you're exactly right in your thinking. Our modern day "drug care" is built off of lies and fallacies. It should NOT be called "HEALTH" care because it is "DRUG" care.

Then people begin to see WHY policies and practices are being pushed.

It is NOT about Health Care. It's about DRUG Care.

There is a difference.

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Rabbit hole doesnt matter. If there is a virus an RNA virus cannot spread around the world because it mutates too fast and becomes a cold. If viruses don't exist, I agree most people are not willing to go there.

But the officials saying OMERTA about vitamin D, was ALSO DELIBERATE. It was bandied about Uk for a while, and then died a $$$$ bribed death.

So put the entire virus no virus debate aside.


Every the good Midwestern Doctor wrote happened.


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I suggest people who still believe there are viruses look at any of these videos from my favourite doctor (after Dr Midwestern). She will explain clearly with accurate scientific and medical knowledge. Dr Samantha Bailey from New Zealand.


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Rabbit holes there are too many, just as there are viruses. In the early fifties the first foot-and-mouth virus was sequenced and visibly shown with a very primitive electro microscope. Afterwards they were fully aware that there are more viruses than any research can detect, millions now they talk about billions! If we also count for every virus narrative there’s a non virus narrative we might get in the trillions. The safest thing since the descent of our planet should be, let these viruses have their course like they always had, any interference is causing a lot more trouble. But talking about rabbit holes, you might getting started in the wrong one, this is no natural virus and no vaccine as all those before, and no mistakes were made, the greatest mistake and it’s out in the open for everyone to see, our intelligence agency blundered, they blundered enormously. It’s so bad that even Fauci must help to stop the holes in the Titanic and as far as I can see, everyone has to become part or a member of a failing CIA experiment. There’s no other option, they go down and want to take us all with them.

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Thanks for saying it.

We are beyond the point of wilfull ignorance or naivete if someone doesn't understand what you just said.

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Just stop! "Pandemic" does not necessarily mean lethal. Colds (yes, with human rhinoVIRUS involvement) can be pandemic.

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The WHO needs to stop changing the meaning of words like "pandemic"! We see what you've done.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Me? I'm the WHO? While dictionary.com has changed immensely during the Covid era (I don't know what definitions they had previously), see https://www.dictionary.com/browse/pandemic

Please cite dictionary definitions requiring high mortality. Perhaps you and Crixcyon meant "plague"? https://www.dictionary.com/browse/plague

1 an epidemic disease that causes high mortality; pestilence.

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You're a WHO apologist, obviously. Don't know why, don't care but get behind me Satan.

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This is abusive, Miss Diba (Slanderess).

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I own a dictionary from 1970 with the correct definition of vaccine.

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In the modern age, with antibiotics, there is no chance in hell a pandemic especially an RNA based one, can spread around the world. Flu's come in the wintertime up north and in OUR summertime down in the southern hemisphere, when sunlight leads to vitamin D deficencies.

We don't die anymore most of us BECAUSE WE HAVE ANTIBIOTICS, which we know now do help against viruses,.

No one dies of flu..they die of pneumonia...viral or bacterial (like from vents).

There was a 50 percent drop in antibiotic prescriptions in 2020.

And of course, we overuse antibiotics...something that was put in widespread propoganda a while back. Doesn't work on COVID, they said, so no antibiotics for your viral or vent induced pneumonia.

Some say it is because we have passed Peak Oil....Some say it is because our Dollar, the worlds reserve currency, is at an end, and the fiat dollar must be replaced.

Why is Larry Fink buying up every bitcoin he can?

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Antibiotics fight bacteria, not viruses.

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True, but in many (most, perhaps?) cases of fatal "flu" or other virus respiratory illness, it is a secondary (bacterial) infeciton that kills.

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NO, we have learned that they do HAVE antiviral power. Specifically Doxy, Zithro, and a few others.They have ANTI viral properties. That was one thing we learned a while ago, in Feb 2020 from Dr. Didier Raoult at first, then others.

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Antibiotics were/are appropriate to treat the bacterial pneumonia that resulted from the ventilators, but not the virus itself. HCQ and IVM were the appropriate treatments for the virus.

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It has been shown that AZM has significant antiviral properties. In contrast with CQ or HCQ, its antiviral activity has been shown in vitro and/or in vivo on a large panel of viruses: Ebola, Zika, respiratory syncytial virus, influenzae H1N1 virus, enterovirus, and rhinovirus [4–13].Jun 12, 2020

Azithromycin for COVID-19: More Than Just an Antimicrobial?

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True, but in the case of coronavirus, they die of choking, paroxysmal bronchial spasms.

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Yeah, those hospital protocols were murder.

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Sadly and infuriatingly, I do not believe any mistakes were made. This was all intentional and carefully planned/coordinated ahead of time from the Covid origin cover-up, the mass media fear campaign, denying early treatment protocols (HCQ/IVM), Covid Cares Act (Fraud), lockdowns, money printing and hospital protocols (ventilators/remdesivir), etc. Simply put, nothing I have read, heard or seen has indicated any mistakes were made. And they're recommending this "new" untested fall Covid vaccine for infants six months and older. It really tells you all you need to know. Anyone who thinks this is incompetency is incredibly gullible and naive. Thanks for all you do doctor. You are a hero. You are one of the good ones. I wish there were more like you. Sadly, that does not seem to be the case. Many have spines made of jelly and hearts made of stone.

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Brett Weinstein has talked about this on his podcast many times. Incompetency has a random chance at being right or wrong and we would expect them to get some things right and some things wrong.

Instead, they consistently pushed the inverse of an appropriate or reasonable response. A consistently and persistently bad response cannot be attributed to incompetency.

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I have enjoyed listening to Bret Weinstein. He seems very reasonable and fair. Yes, I absolutely agree with him saying that the authority figures consistently pushed the inverse of an appropriate or reasonable response. They still continue to do so. I have known people to have heart attacks, aneurysms, strokes, etc. after taking the vaccine. Many of these people were healthy. Some were not. I have read countless tragic stories from people who have suffered from these vaccines. The authorities know full well what they are doing. I am amazed that some intelligent people still believe it's a result of incompetence. They're still pushing the vaccine. They know it's deadly. I saw Kansas City Chiefs star, Travis Kelce, promoting the vaccine on a CBS "Pfizer" commercial during the NFL games on Sunday. It's beyond shameful.

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Ed Dowd has been screaming about the excess deaths for a while.

Look at the numbers. They are BARELY going down.

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According to Dowd, they are not going down per his recent interview with Naomi Wolf.

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I'm an occasional listener to Weinstein. Despite his delving into pithy topics, I can't help but notice there is at least one hot-button topic he won't touch*. Brendan O'Neill (UK blogger and compilation "A Heretic's Manifesto") is another. I won't say what the topic is, just to keep an air of mystery. Suffice to say that there are some topics that are simply off limits, even among self-styled heretics.

*"Won't touch" would be more accurately described as: In passing, these guys will offer a "truth" that more accurately would be called a dominant social dogma that, if examined even cursorily would quickly be revealed to be false. You'd be surprised how many such beliefs there are. Not all of them get-banned-for-life controversial, but it's by turns amusing and exasperating the utter bullshit that even highly intelligent human beings believe in. Or in many cases, I suspect “claim to believe, to keep peace with friends and family” would be more accurate.

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I understand, please see the pinned comment.

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And in the second Presidential debate airing this very evening, we won’t hear one syllable uttered about this travesty committed against humanity. The silence from our government and the media is deafening.

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Nope. I'm not even watching those clowns tonight. They might as well be wearing face paint.

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Everything on mainstream tv looks staged

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The debates are a farce. In my opinion, they serve no meaningful purpose…mainly because how they are run.

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There were no mistakes. Zero. Nothing in this manufactured crisis was chosen by mistake.

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Thank you for commenting Sasha! Love your work; please see the pinned comment here.

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AMD, you know Dr. Malone has some issues with Sasha, you might want to investigate those...

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I admit I have not--I don't feel I should be investigating others; just focusing on supporting the work I feel moves us all forward. I simply like a lot of the work she put out throughout the pandemic I looked at. I made an exception for Malone (forming an opinion on who he was) because so many people attacked him and after I got to know him I realized he was a wonderful person who has been put in a very difficult position but nonetheless tried to do the right thing while there.

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I feel like I stepped out of line in my comment with Malone. My protective feelings towards him after all the unjust attacks promoted my comment, altho he has mentioned a few people here and there who have actions that he disagrees with.

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I don't know what Dr. Malone's issues with me, maybe you can point them out? My only interactions with him were 1) he reviewed very positively my paper on Pfizer fraud in animal studies, and 2) came up on stage after my talk in Sweden and gave me a hug.

He doesn't seem to have issues with me, but I disagree with his position on biodefense. He seems to want more of it, and I believe that it needs to be dismantled as WMD.

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023

Here's another little tidbit that is slowly surfacing.

My comment here relates only to NYC hospitals Spring 2020 though I know firsthand there was data fraud in multiple other locations in the US in nursing homes.

The evidence that approx. 37,000 died in NYC during that 10 week "spike" is being looked at more closely and several questions are surfacing not simply as to how they were killed (around 83% of the official figure came from hospitals) but as to whether this number stands up under close scrutiny.

This is not to say there wasn't excess mortality (not from "covid" but from public health despotism) but not quite in the numbers being sold to the public. The indicators are pointing to data fraud to gin up the numbers and heighten the fear.

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Keep saying it sister. Just have to love Sasha L.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Bottom Line: Preplanned medical agenda and a biowarfare exercise all rolled into one. We can dissect it forever, and nothing will change until our Congressman in DC take action!

Anthony Fauci has publicly claimed he has saved millions with his decision making. If this was true, then I would believe that NIH and all its branches would be publishing all the medical data on what has transpired over the last 3 years, since there is no reason to hide the data. Instead, they are stone walling all the truth seekers looking for the truth. We instead have a LOCKED block chain of bad actors all involved in continuing to push the RNA injections. It's reported that Pfizer tested their latest RNA injection on 10 mice and found the injections to be SAFE! IMO, if the truth was known, the majority of deaths from the Covid crisis can be contributed to the WRONG financial incentivized medical protocols, lack of early treatment with known medical protocols that work, and the direct fatal reactions from the injections. They have stopped adding to the VAERS system that has reported the tip of the fatal RNA iceberg at around 32,000. Less than 5% of an iceberg is above the water line! Instead, the Biden administration is 100% behind pushing the need for more RNA injections! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/my-blood-boils

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That is a great point

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Bless your heart, our congress is Controlled by the WEF and the WEF is controlled by mercenaries

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Thank you Ann....needed saying, but I didn't want to be the one to point it out to him.

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Congress has repeatedly and clearly demonstrated that they’re not going to do anything. Corrupted to the core.

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These were "not" bumbling mistakes, but a well-executed plan thought out over decades.

"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development [PDF here] is a Rockefeller Foundation paper published over two decades ago in 2010. The paper lays out various schemes to advance globalist technocracy, shoddily disguised as “theoretical scenarios.”

Essentially, the document describes various factors that may play into the implementation of the United Nations’ Agenda 21 plan (also known as Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development Goals, and so on)."



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I understand; please see the pinned comment.

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I heard Klaus Schwab & UN just updated Agenda 2030 to Agenda 2025

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The ghouls are impatient. 😁

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“it is critical we reflect on the systemic mistakes that were made so we do not repeat those mistakes again.”

I know you know this, AMD, and I know you know I couldn’t resist responding with Mistakes Were NOT Made ;-)

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

As Bret Weinstein said in response to watching Tess Lawrie’s reading of my poem (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a):

“Incompetence will produce an arbitrary response. It will NOT produce the inverse of an excellent response. Question after question the advice was upside down. Stay inside. Wait to treat. Ignore natural immunity. Ignore Vit-D. Mask and Vaccinate your kids. Mistakes Were Not Made” (https://twitter.com/BretWeinstein/status/1637625021651890176)

If you haven’t yet seen it, you may appreciate my “Retrospective in Whys” in the following piece, where I cataloged all of the upside-down advice, policies, and protocols that contravened all past responses to public health crises and pandemics (your article makes a stellar companion):

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

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Please see the pinned comment ;)

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The mistakes were made by the Physicians who knew better, but decided they would go along to get along and keep their income intact! With AI coming, we will have medicine by the numbers and the input from physicians will be side lined! In 1985 I reviewed a computer program that used decision tree algorithms to determine most likely diagnosis. We are now light years ahead. The Covid exercise demonstrates the ability to control the medical narrative for profit and not good health!

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The incentives were put in place to drive the behavior.

It worked.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

A reminder too about the deliberate sabotage of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, the law states that EUA won't be granted to a novel drug or vaccine, if suitable treatments already exist. So the suitable drugs that treated Covid had to be torpedoed in order to have the EUA for the new Covid "vaccines" "Emergency Use Authorization"

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

This is indeed something we should be discussing with school-aged children so they will develop critical thinking skills. Thank you for writing this.

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Thank you.

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Interesting, they could set some exam questions.....Is Fauci a narcissistic sociopathic fraud or our pandemic prince. Discuss !

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Midwestern Doc, I first subscribed to you because I grew up in the cornfields of Illinois :) Then found that you write very detailed and well thought articles. Thank you, and keep it up.

A mis-take, mis-step implies you are moving away from your goal; while I see that most of the measures taken moved those in power closer to their goals. In other words, the goals are exactly what took place.

Those in power did not care about health, they cared about power, profit, surveillance, control, and this is exactly what they got.

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I agree; please see the pinned comment.

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And to cruelly break us down (the entire world) by a thousand cuts until there is little resistance was & is their motive! I saw it several years ago. I don’t understand why so many still don’t get it?

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Birx came from the DOD.

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Odder still no one knew how she ended up on the task force.

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She was a Lt to Fauci in the AIDS/HIV business. As I recall via RFK's book. From Atlas, she was a min-tyrant, emotionally charged and IMHO clueless.

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Yes…SOMEONE has to know…just not gonna tell us, I suppose.

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I read that Pottinger put her there.

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Mmmhmmm. Since the contracts were all from the DOD for the clotshot they had to have someone in the room with Trump.

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Most Of These Doctors

Could've And Should've

Been Gym Teachers.


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That is highly unfair to gym teachers.... ;)

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Actually no, the dangers of injured students would be too big of a risk.

Now, if You would have said Jehova witnesses with a watchtower in their hands at the corner, I would have agreed. Those seem to do little harm.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

We might try remembering that in the U.S.A. we are citizens of a constitutional republic with democratically elected (mis)leaders who each took an oath to uphold and defend our constitution. There never should have been a "lock down" for ANY reason. Why did we forget that?

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They used declaration of a so-called ‘emergency’ to circumvent the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And we let them! Never again…for me, at least.

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