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As long as you believe there existed a health emergency wrought by the novel appearance of some deadly virus, one that called for a global pandemic declaration, the perpetrators retain the power to do all of it again and again.

The Feds want us to believe COVID is disease borne of a virus named SARS-CoV-2, that came from a Wuhan lab, went off like a bomb in NYC and then went away for the rest of the year.

They want us to believe that a pathogen leaked, jumped or escaped from Wuhan, China, and “spread” person-to-person with lightning speed from around Fall 2019 to the rest of the world.

It’s absurd and only serves to advance lies and cover up the truth.

Oddly there was nothing going on in daily all-cause deaths before “15 Days to Slow the Spread” was announced.

And then- a bomb went off. Pathogens by any narrative one chooses aren't bombs

The claim that 37K New York City residents died in 11 weeks is specious, multiple data points suggest the death curves are fraudulent.

We know NYC hospitals were never overrun and that ED visits tanked.

Where are the names of the dead, New York? Or at least the de-identified death certificates? “Covid deaths” aside, can New York actually prove that 37K+ people died in 11 weeks, on the days they are claimed to have died?

Why are we expected to accept this without proof?

Didn’t hospitals get extra funding if they classified a death a Covid death? Is it possible that New York used that $$$ incentive to overstate their numbers?

Were there were a bunch of deaths in NYC that were classified as something else, but then CARES Act funding kicked in, so NYC reclassified them (and changed date of death?) to get COVID money – which is why we see that spike in deaths in NYC?

If not, why not? What are they hiding?

What about the record uptick in rates of Midazolam, propofol, fentanyl usage in hospitals that corresponds exactly with the NYC "spike?"

Who were these "travelling nurses?"

Where are the New York City doctors who will stand behind the NYC Spring 2020 inpatient death curve as a true, real-time representation of deaths that occurred on each day?

Why is it NYC EMT's aren't willing to speak about spring 2020? They should be creating an oral history for future generations to understand the pandemic. Where are they?

You can't just claim something happened without having substantiated whether it occurred the way you said it did.

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Hi Allen; this was the upcoming article I mentioned.

Please let me know what you think I clearly got wrong here and which available datasets I should have mentioned which challenge/refute what I put forward:


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I've read through the piece.

Before I offer any analysis be it refutation or otherwise we need to agree that you are not going to bugger off and you will offer what you believe to be solid evidence which will substantiate some of the fundamental assertions you have made in this piece.

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1) As before, I cannot give you the time you want me to, so I will not commit myself to that.

2) What I'd like is for you to present the evidence that either refutes or adds to what I put in there so I can decide if I want to incorporate it.

My goal with these pieces is to be accurate (and that accuracy is why a lot of people are willing to republish my work) so if you can provide anything to me which shows what I said is inaccurate, and I can utilize it in a meaningful way to improve what I've put a lot of work into, I would like to. I specifically mentioned that piece because I feel it's an area you probably have some very useful things to contribute to. That said I have the final say on what I do and don't change because I cannot put things out I feel are inaccurate (even if you disagree with me).

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You are beyond amazing.

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Doc, I love what you’re doing and while Allen seems to be pounding you, I think he has some solid points to consider. Also John Beudion, aka Coquien de Chen (forgive the likely spelling errors on both name and pen name here). Both Allen and you should join forces with him to obliterate this charade that we've endured. And to help prevent the next one.

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Allen does this all the time and I cannot cite a single time on any post where he has been willing to consider something he put forward might not be correct.

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That's false.

I always consider that what I am asserting may not be correct but I DEMAND evidence to refute my claims AND demand evidence that you substanitate yours.

Not once have you ever done this.

You are being evasive and dishonest here.

Anyone can look through this thread for example and objectively note that you are not presenting any solid evidence whatsoever and running off through various tactics when confronted with this reality.

Why don't you just put some solid data and evidence on the table for once?

And don't cop out again and say nonsense like, "nothing I put forth will ever please you" etc.

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With respect Doc, someone claiming to have the receipts he has would be worth listening to, even just to determine that they’re full of it. Are you aware of John Bedouin? He has asked some of the same questions as Allen, has done the research, and is fighting this madness best he can. My instinct says Allen is also.

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The broader context is that I've spent hours discussing these topics with Allen. None of it went anywhere so if all of my time goes into that then it doesn't amount to anything and I can't write here (the majority of the topics everyone wants me to cover I haven't covered because I haven't had the time to do them), so at the end of the day its not ethical for me to go into circles on it because doing that diverts me from doing things which can positive impact a lot of people. As far as I know, I'm the only person on here with a large platform who actively engages and discusses with commentators who both agree and disagree with me (as that is very time consuming to do) because I feel it is important to be considering the opposite side and because I do not like the fact that patients are silenced by the medical system and don't have a voice....but....there's a limit to what I can do and I've already way over extended myself into what I do for everyone through this Substack.

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We have not spent hours discussing this.

Why are you exaggerating.

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Appreciate the response and your candor, and more so what you are providing for those of us on this side of the narrative. I guess I’m just looking for more hands in the battle and look at the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” mentality here.

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Just so you see it here is my comment to MD.

The problem is quite fundamental in that he/she asserts there was a pandemic without EVER providing evidence. He/she is challenged on this most essential point and ALWAYS runs off using various strawmen and diversions. This thread is another example.

I colloborate with several others who are only ALLOWED to present our case using data and evidence so I do not traffic in or tolerate such loose speculative crackpot "theories" that are presented AS accepted facts.

On an issue of this magnitude it is imperative to get the fundamental assumptions correct.

This individual has consistently and stubbornly refused to look at copious documentation despite their protestations.

Here is my response:

"That's false.

I always consider that what I am asserting may not be correct but I DEMAND evidence to refute my claims AND demand evidence that you substanitate yours.

Not once have you ever done this.

You are being evasive and dishonest here.

Anyone can look through this thread for example and objectively note that you are not presenting any solid evidence whatsoever and running off through various tactics when confronted with this reality.

Why don't you just put some solid data and evidence on the table for once?

And don't cop out again and say nonsense like, "nothing I put forth will ever please you" etc."

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Also, please keep this line of communication and discussion, both simpatico and argumentative, open. It is in all of our best interests.

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Allen, I appreciate both what you and AMD are saying. He/she has been a rare voice questioning the established narrative. I put huge stock in that, along with your digging into what you say you have. I know nothing of you, but what you state resonates with me as fact. And I’d like AMD to take what you’re offering into account, while still respecting the wish to remain anonymous to avoid backlash. I’d say that smacks of cowardice if I didn’t agree that sometimes pays to fight covertly when stakes are high. I mentioned John Beaudoin aka Coquin de Chien as someone AMD should research, and I ask you do also. He is here on Substack. Appreciate what you bring to the table. I’m hoping your info can help me awaken those still sleeping in my life. I pray for peace in this movement for truth and freedom. Please continue your fight for truth.

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I know John fairly well.

We have been in discussions over the phone on Zoom and via email over the last three years.

John, like Jessica, traffic almost exclusively in evidence and data- I am the same way. Denis Rancourt is the same way. We will follow where that leads rather than coming into this with a-priori assumptions.

I may speculate or theorize but when I do so I make it clear that that is all it is.

Another important aspect of this discussion is that I (and many others) have been tracking these activities of the pharma/bio-security state for over two decades so we place all of his in context and have the data to back this up.

This is to say "Covid-19" is not new. It is not a unique viral pathogen nor is the criminal conspiracy "Covid" a new phenomenon it has simply been executed more elaborately and expertly and is a much grander operation than previous attempts.

This has been in the works for many years and had to be unleashed (prematurely from the operators perspecitve) in early 2020 due to the fact that the Western financial system completel collapsed in Fall/Winter 2019.

Discussing this in terms of an epidemiological event is absurd and exactly what those who have executed this operation desire. "Covid" was and is a smokescreen for a much larger operation, akin to the War on Terror, and has nothing to do with anything medical.

AMD has had the opportunity to investigate this beyond their narrow perspective for three years now and has stubbornly refused as far as I can tell.

And sorry but they get some of the very basics terribly wrong and also have not and will not provide evidence for any of their larger claims. That's not okay.

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Allen, where do you post? I’m not on Twitter or any platform outside of Truth and here, after the purge of conservative thought, but I’d appreciate this open communication with you. I agree with your assessment of this entire sham. I had an awakening switch thrown in my head several years ago, just prior to the Convid/Coldvid scam. I’m not sure I’m happy about it, until I think of what would be if I hadn’t had that occur.

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Will leave this here:

The COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system.

The "timely" arrival of the Covid-19 “emergency” provided the rationale and the opportunity to freeze the US banking collapse with massive injections of cash. Somewhere in the neighborhood of $8-10 trillion was paid to US banks up until March 2020 with an additional $5 trillion in economic stimulus promised by the Fed.

The Covid-19 Pandemic story makes little sense when viewed through the lens of health, safety and science. Viewed through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, however, then all of it makes perfect sense.

Manufactured pandemics are now mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.

As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphs into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of FALSE ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.


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Allen, the issue basically is that that idea is a theory rather than a proven fact, and you are making inferences from the available data to argue a specific intent is proven to have occurred.

In the case of COVID, I could put numerous plausible theories like that together and provide "facts" to support them (e.g., this was for depopulation, Gates wanted to make a lot of money, big pharma was willing to do anything to open the mRNA market), but I can't actually say with certainty any of them were the underlying explanation for why all of this happened.

I'm not at all opposed to that idea (and I am a fan of Ed Dowd's), but I have to file it under "compelling potential explanation of what happened" rather than "this is why it happened."

The journalistic standard I'm held to here is that I have to be able to back up what I assert to be true, so I can't assert theories that only have tangental evidence which argue in favor of them.

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I have to go James. Maybe we can figure out a way to get in touch tomorrow.

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Editing out.

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Beaudoin, chien

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