I took 2 Moderna vaccines because they had us locked down and mentally scared. Totally mental manipulation 🥵🥵😜😜. I got a deadly batch according to howbadismybatch.com. I survived, but am severely vaccine 💉 injured and have multiple symptomatology that debilitates me. I don’t know how much longer I will live, because I know that it is and will kill me in the end. Thank you very much for this excellent information!!!👍👍. I have done hours of research but I have never read about any of this information before. God bless you for sharing ❤️❤️😇.

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I'm so sorry that happened to you and I'm pinning your comment.

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Olivia Shaw is a troll. If "she" had been seriously vax-injured by the covid "vaccines" she (or he) would have researched what was going on years ago! Please do not believe every post you get on your substack. The numerous emojis give "her" away. No serious poster uses emojis to communicate heartfelt, serious, genuine reality.

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I cannot speak to whether Olivia Shaw is a 'troll.' or whether you, my dear, are a 'troll.' I do agree with your statement, "Please do not believe every post you get on your substack."

I may make a mistake with my next statement. If I do, humblest apologies from someone nearing 70. I don't believe 'young' people say 'troll.' Back when the internet was new - say, in the 1990s - we would sometimes say, "Don't feed the trolls." We thought we could get trolls to go away if we ignored them. Boy, was that a mistake.

If you are a troll, my dear Truthbird, well, I am feeding you. That's okay. I think trolls need love as much as the rest of us. Here's a bit of love from a woman who is rather old.

Now here's the other half of my reasoning behind my guess that you might be near my age: "No serious poster uses emojis to communicate heartfelt, serious, genuine reality." No one under, say, 50, uses emojis to communicate heartfelt, serious, genuine reality? I think that might be wrong. Also, anyone over 50 who uses emojis that way, please accept my heartfelt apologies.

Why do I write these long drawn out comments on posts? Because we are living in the midst of so much harsh and uncaring language that I like to take my time and ever so gently disagree with those who may be struggling. That includes you, dear Truthbird. Most of the responses I get to my comments are positive. Most people probably don't ever read some thing that is TLDR. lol

I still don't know if there are any trolls here. Maybe I'm the troll. I am certainly starting to look like something that would live under a bridge and scare people when I crawl out. Yes, I really am nearly 70. And I have a sense of humour. Hugs and kisses - AZ Parhelia

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I am no troll! That person is a total moron!!

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Voice of reason.


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I doubt that Olivia is a troll.

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I am definitely not! Thank you very much

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Your logic is absurd. Not to mention that you're doing far too good an impersonation of an asshole to be posting here without being paid for it. You should consider turning pro.


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boscohorowitz: I am a Targeted Individual. Please study this website in depth for information about what that means: TargetedJustice.com/

One of the innumerable aspects of the harassment / victimization / vandalism / sabotage, to which I've been and continue to be subjected to is that my computer has been totally infiltrated by the gang harassing and stalking me. I know the real name of the ringleader of this gang. She uses an endlessly proliferating number of "handles" (online personas) to harass me online. The post I mentioned feels to me like just one more of her innumerable posts.

If computer hacking and total lack of privacy of any kind whatsoever were the only thing to which I've been subjected to for 34 years, (that is half my entire life) that would be bad enough. Unfortunately, it's only the barest tip of the iceberg of malevolence, violence, and injury I am forced to endure on a daily basis. It would require many thousands of single-typed pages to even begin to describe all of the manifestations of the torture to which I have been and continue to be subjected to. It has gone on for half my entire life.

The perpetrators have connections to the "intellligence" agencies, state and local authorities, and street gangs, criminal syndicates, etc. Think CIA, DARPA, FBI, as well as many other agencies allied with them. I realize if you know nothing about any of this, it sounds fantastical. The United States Department of Defense readily admits it has "lost" trillions of dollars. That dark money funds torture programs such as what I am referring to. It is conservatively estimated that there are 400,000 targeted individuals in the United States, and 6 million worldwide. I and many others believe this is a low estimate. Most TIs never become consciously aware that they are being targeted, though that does not keep them from being injured, often to the point that they commit suicide. I know a targeted individual to whom this happened. He was driven crazy by relentless directed energy attacks and vicious, obscene, hideous, extremely violent voice-to-skull attacks. Most TIs eventually kill themselves because of the continual torture they are forced to endure.

You may have heard of a CIA progrm called MK-ULTRA. Theoretically it was shut down decades ago, after congress investigated it and was horrified by what they learned. The truth is that MK-ULTRA was never stopped. It has continued under numerous other names, and it has been continually evolving into ever more nefarious, vicious attacks, and ever more diabolical weaponry, etc. The original MK-ULTRA program was child's play compared to the kinds of torture that is being perpetrated today on millions of innocent people.


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Turn off your computer*, go outside, and smile at the sky. It won't shoot you. There are no snipers on the sun. I promise.

*and don't turn it back on.

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If what he says is true your answer was a bit of an insult.

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Thank you very much! I am definitely NOT a troll

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i have to admit, i also think the olivia shaw post appears to be contrived - for many objective reasons, but actually to me, it just doesn't pass the smell test (or the gut reaction).

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Someone would have taken the M shots in 2021... and only now they start to realize what a cascade of issues it causes? Either they woke up a long time ago, or they aren't going to wake up. That much is clear, and someone who figured out something wasn't kosher back in 2021 would have been trying different types of therapies.

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I use imogis and I am definitely not a troll!! I am a real person!!! You are not accurate and are an idiot to call me a troll!! I used imojis because I have been suffering and continue to be suffering from “the jab”!!!!! I laid in bed for a whole year- 365 days. Couldn’t walk without running into walls. Try laying in bed for a full year and you will use emoji’s too!! Get lost! You are a total jerk and you are the troll!! I take at least 40 pills a day because, even after a year I am pretty much a vegetable!!! Go screw yourself!!!!

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Olivia, I am SO sorry that you are going through this. If you feel up to it, I think that you should start a substack that discusses your injuries. You will be surprised how therapeutic to write what you experience and to know you are not alone in this fight for your life. I bet others will find you eventually and you will build community with people that are experiencing many of the same problems you are.

I was in your shoes once with a medical device that stole 10 years of my life, caused me to have to have 2 major surgeries and almost killed me. I healed myself with homegrown food, quitting all prescriptions, got fit and getting my feet and hands in soil to grow those foods to nourish my sick body. Homegrown food is medicine and saved my life.

I am not sure how religious you are, but I will say some prayers for you for healing and good health for you. Know you are not alone.

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I know gardening helps. I used to volunteer in a community garden in Manchester, in the United Kingdom. I was one of the retired volunteers and I helped other volunteers with issues like mental health, and drug and alcohol abuse.

Even the volunteers who had little idea of how to do basic gardening tasks seemed to benefit from spending time, often on our hands and knees, doing hand weeding and other simple gardening tasks. There was a lot of comradery and gentle humour and caring.

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I believe you'll need more than tending a garden to recover from vaccine injuries.

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I agree that you need other things to heal your body. A garden will help heal your soul or spirit or whatever you want to call it. No jabs for me, but I know what it's like to have your heart ache from loss or whatever we want to call it.

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You know hope goes a long way.

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AZ, there is definitely a healing effect of gardening. There is a serotonin and dopamine release and because you are doing something fulfilling with an end result that will be delicious. Gardening is peaceful and tranquil which heals the mind and soul. Not to mention being in the sunshine you also benefit from the natural vitamin D3 which helps increase more levels of dopamine and serotonin and of course brings color to your skin and increases natural melanin. The when the veggies start coming in, it feels good to the soul to prepare a meal for yourself and your family knowing exactly where that food came from that it is perfect and delicious. Plus being barefoot in the soil and grass also grounds the body to the earth. It is all so wonderful, so peaceful and anyone can do it. Seeds are cheap and even if someone lives in an apartment with no land, you could get 5 gallon buckets and grow food on the balcony. There is no reason why people cant grow SOMETHING to eat and be rewarded with food and good health!

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Thank you very much!!

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So sorry to hear that Olivia.

Psychological operations have a history of being very well planned and orchestrated, this particular one began many yrs ago…

“We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical counter measures such as a Pan Coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues, investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.” Peter Daszak 2015, reported in the National academy’s of press publication Feb 12th 2016.

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Thank you very much

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If you live in the Portland, OR area, I could do nice things like bring you home-baked bread and seriously good beef stew. Otherwise, I'll only thank you for sharing and suggest deep breathing and singing loud to stimulate your vagus nerve. Stimulating the vagus nerve is a good way to increase your essential health level. I do it myself. It helps.

Here is some uniquely gentle music played by a fairy, a guitar stud, and a big drummer in a cowboy hat:


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You might want to try chlorine dioxide and powdered zeolite. They are working for people. There are a lot of other supplements including methylene blue (but depending on your genetic makeup, you might accumulate too much dopamine because it increases dopamine).

So sorry.

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How is chlorine dioxide to be used to help?

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Thank you for being humble enough to admit you made a mistake in judgement. That alone makes you healthier! Hope you live long healthy and prosper!

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Olivia .. you are brave to come out and tell your story. There are places where you can register your testimony of death and damage by jabs. We need all witness testimonies as we can get as they are evidence of a crime. Be Blessed and thank you.

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I was banned (temporarily) almost instantly from Linkedin in the early mRNA genetic therapy (its not a vaccine) roll out when I stated that dose response therapuetic curve trials have been bypassed. Nothing is a surprise with any of this... it is just now that the info is not censored. Unfortunately its all after the fact now....for far too many victims.

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There was a smart ass Linkedin physician (Goldstein) who actively "reported" people to the Linkedin police resulting in many many people being prevented from posting legitimate plandemic counter narratives. Literally everything he championed being censored has been proven true. I sure hope he likes apples....

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yep, we identified the nazi's in our lives...hopefully they took lots of boosters and self destructed.

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I have put my latest free cure (also on my substack) for all viruses here, it seemed appropriate given this topic and the latest update which you will find at the bottom with respect to GOF and Moderna's Covid-19 virus made with DARPA's help and patented in 2013, which you can also find on my substack, here is the patented formula for it which a European Court recently has said BionTech for Pfizer stole from Moderna: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG

UPDATED: 5 August 2024 My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus.

Refuse all vaccines.

Join me in NEVER being ill with my free salt water cure.

It is that simple.

3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, in small lots, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure

The ”deliberative process” to make GOF safer, called for by Congress and hundreds of scientists, which took 3 years and which was cleverly ended during the Trump administration, because some people knew gain-of-function research projects SARS-2, monkeypox and H5N1 bird flu were coming and the USG/Fauci establishment needed to be able to blame them on lab leaks? Meryl Nass

Bird Flu Symptoms range from asymptomatic or mild cases, with conjunctivitis or mild flulike "upper respiratory symptoms", to severe conditions requiring hospitalization, such as pneumonia. Commonly reported symptoms include fever or feeling feverish, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Less frequent symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or seizures - for a GOF Bird Flu which up to now, we can't catch, apparently.

Vaccine Medication Common side effects in adults include pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, malaise, myalgia, and arthralgia. In children aged 6-18 years, prevalent side effects include injection site pain, myalgia, fatigue, malaise, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, and arthralgia. In children 6 months to less than 6 years old, tenderness at the injection site, irritability, sleepiness, changes in eating habits, and fever are the most common side effects.

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Interesting that you have done all this healing work on yourself. I do not take any medications. I do take vitamin D and K2 and a couple other supplements semi-regularly. Personally, I do not feel comfortable sticking any liquid up my nose. Eek!

If I feel unwell, I take a nap. Of course, for a lot of people, taking a nap is a luxury. I have a low income, but I am rich in naps. I also cannot remember the last time I had, well, really any illness. Of course, I didn't take the covid vaccine.

My other secret weapon is walking outdoors, preferably in green surroundings. I live in the UK where it is often easier to find someplace pleasant to walk than in, say, the US.

I think there are many paths to health. I prefer the least dogmatic one: Pay attention to your body and mind (which really are one).

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anything wrong with a neti pot instead of sucking it from your palm?

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Can non-iodized salt be used?

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Himalayan (pink) salt?

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Nope. Neti pot works just fine!

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A Neti Pot is like using a garden hose to put out a fire and I'm not sure it goes deep enough into the head, in the nasal passages, to be totally effective - using your hand, as I have specified, is like using a fire hose to put out a fire, but it is your life after all, so what works for you is fine with me and if you get it wrong, well that's on you too, as well.

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or you can just "drink it" through your nostrils from a glass - easy once you get the hang of it, and easier than using your hand i think.

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I've tried the snort-from-palm and didn't have results as good as from a neti bottle. You can tilt your head back after squeezing the saline solution up your nose, and snort a little bit then blow it out. I can knock out an incipient cold doing this.

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When I started doing Yoga, I was still a child, and so - had no means to acquire strange things like neti pots (in the 70's, they were not at the pharmacy!). I never took it so far as to swallow gauze to cleanse my stomach, but - I did want to do the sinus cleanse.

So I naturally did what Christine suggests, mixing my salt in a glass (as close to body temperature helps), pouring into palm and snorting. This improved my hay fever immensely, and I continued the practice for about 20 years. THE MIX OF SALT TO WATER is important. Not enough salt, and the water actually burns. Too much salt is shocking, too.

Don't remember how / why / when I stopped doing this, but now that there are fancy implements & jet streamed saline sprays, I'd forgotten about my simple palm-to-nose technique.

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They say laughter is the best medicine, so thanks for this,"The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears..."

Escutcheon? I'm trying to picture that and I hope I don't die laughing!

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Substantive evidence to support the linked claim? Perhaps you feel better when you cling to certainty about where 'the enemy within' lies.

I wondered why that phrase came to mind and searched. I got two statements that helped me understand my reasoning:

"People in a society etc that other people think are trying to secretly destroy or damage it."

“When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm.”

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This was a Democide, so given the goal was to cull the population, one can't really follow logic beyond a certain point. I submit "THEY" expected CoV2 would be far more lethal than it was... it was not an infectious disease hellion. The clot shots were only meant to clean up the survivors, but there were far too many survivors and if the clot shot was unleashed as originally designed for, too many would be dropping dead and it would have been all too obvious what was going on. So, they played arouind with doses, placebos (blanks), potencies, graphene oxide, etc...

Never told anyone the modRNA platform makes undisclosed proteins. Do we actually know how many or what they do in the human body? NO.

But let's go to the root issue of creating an injection that would make the cells of the human body manufacture an known pathogen (the SPike Protein). One didn't need a degree in immunology to know that would cause the body to turn on those cells an destroy them. "THEY" knew what would happen, but why were others silent? They knew those lipid nanoparticles would head straight for gonads.

Do you know how many years they have been playing around with this technology which would never have been allowed to come on the market but for COVID All the research indicated it would cause potential lethal untoward reactions...

But they didn't care... this was a DEMOCIDE.

Drop me a note when someone is held accountable

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I agree and Gates told us in 2015 what was coming when he said we were a way over populated world and then headed up the dry run for the plandemic in 2019. Later I learned he and Fauci took out patent on the technology for Mrna vac. in 2000. Yes DEMOCIDE.

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they were all correcting their patents as late as 2019!! getting the verbage correct for current times. fkrs

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not mRNA DNA - mRNA is natural and can't be patented. ModRNA DNA is made in a lab and synthetic and is patented, as my latest posts show - for GOF viruses, of course.

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Re: Do we actually know how many or what they do in the human body? NO.

Actually yes. The Gene Therapy Injections target the Dentric Cells in the Lymph nodes after spreading Spike Priteins through the body and all of the organs in 12 hours from injection, deliberately - but why, no idea.

Helped, I imagine by this: June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled in favor of protecting individual human rights and bodily sovereignty of teachers and other staff of the Los Angeles School Unified District’s (LAUSD), reversing a lower court’s dismissal of their case against the LA County’s School District vaccine mandate for employees.

Announcing this huge win on behalf of their clients, Health Freedom Defense Fund issued a press release, stating that the case was won;

“On the merits, the majority ruled that the district court had misapplied the Supreme Court’s 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts when it dismissed LAUSD’s lawsuit on grounds that the mandate was rationally related to a legitimate state interest. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a smallpox vaccination mandate because it related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox.

The majority, however, noted that HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the COVID jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine.

The court recognized that mitigating symptoms rather than preventing the spread of disease “distinguishes Jacobson, thus presenting a different government interest.” Based on this reasoning, the majority disapproved the trial court’s contention that, even if the jabs do not prevent the spread, “Jacobson still dictates that the vaccine mandate is subject to, and survives, the rational basis test.”

The court held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.”

When HFDF asked the court to opine as to whether or not the CDC’s claim that the COVID-19 vaccines were ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?”

Legal Precedent for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment

Per the HFDF press release, “Judge Collins wrote that the district court “further erred by failing to realize that [HFDF’s] allegations directly implicate a distinct and more recent line of Supreme Court authority” for the proposition that “a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment[.]” Citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Washington v. Glucksberg, Judge Collins noted that the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is “entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions,” and that HFDF’s allegations in this case “are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.”

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I know what they tell us those proteins do, but they have no credibility and when they say there are 4 proteins being made beyond the spike, do we believe them... it could be 400 proteins.

Jacobson has been misapplied for a very long time... it was about whether a fee or penalty could be issued for not getting vaxxed, it did not have to do with the loss of body autonomy, which is what we had to deal with with the COIVDians.

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It is not about the mRNA DNA - that is natural to nature and The US Supreme Court in 2013 ruled that nothing from nature can be patented, these vaccines are, because they are ModRNA DNA, synthetic, made in a laboratory, never existed previously 'alien" and thus are patented: Supreme Court: Pfizer, Moderna et al own your genes once you’re injected with their lab-created mRNA, DNA - Simplification

“The Supreme Court ruled that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part or all of you as a human. That means Bill and Melinda Gates, The Department of Defense, [and others] can literally own a human being. If this synthetic code is taken up into your genome, by law, you could be owned overnight.”

The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life”

Viral vectors do the same thing.

So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being. Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se. But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human. Gene therapy is irreversible. Do the math yourself.

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sorry about the spelling mistakes - protein - i thought I'd checked, but i did not, apologies once again.

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I signed up to be a tester for the Pfizer vax in the summer of 2020. The day before my appt. I called my friend the Pediatrician and asked her what she thought about the idea. She told me “I wouldn’t do it”, because it was new tech. Advised me to wait for the Novavax which used traditional tech. I listened to her advice, and then I read Alex Berenson’s Unreported Truths, skipped it all despite the enormous pressure and discrimination done to us. In fact I have family members who still won’t have anything to do with me because of it. I really owe her a huge debt of gratitude, Alex too I suppose. I skipped the vax and unmasked my family members.

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I had so many people I was close to who didn't listen me :(

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It is strange to trust nameless, faceless people over your own friends. A very strange phenomenon.

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Same. My mom was the hardest. Still sad about it today, but she is still here so grateful.

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At least Doc wears a white coat (or I assume so) -

I didn't even have the white coat, so people listened to whitecoats instead of me. Guess what they were all saying?

(I was just looking again at Australian COVID vaccination recommendations, and they STILL have stronger recommendations for the "immunocompromised" than for the non-immunocompromised. WTF? That was my first red flag = autoimmune people should go nowhere near this thing....)

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I have a motto: only a fool chooses politics over friends/family. Apparently, there are a lot of fools among us, and increasingly less family and friends. I announce with great joy that I somehow managed to convince my very conformist wife (opposites attract?) not to get vaccinated. Hallelujah! https://youtu.be/OWPqe9cucrk

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It's always a heartwarming experience when your family members are unmasked.

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I just read your story about your husband's appendix. oy vey. I avoid doctors like the plague. https://youtu.be/9CdVTCDdEwI

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I think I should upgrade to paid. I rarely do so. Your medical advice is, imo, simply the best.

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Thank you! I try really hard to write the newsletter I would want to read and only publish things I feel are a good use of people's time to read.

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AMD: You are amazing, astonishing, and precious. I am in awe of the consistently high quality of your posts. Your work, in all of its manifestations, is precious, holy, and incalculable. You have brought an astonishing large quantity of radically important information to the public, or rather, to those who desire to know the truth.

I wish to God I were able to meet you in person, and were able to express my deeply heartfelt appreciation to you. Alas, that will never happen. So I have no choice but to attempt to express my deep appreciation of you in a short post over the interet. This is the obscene reality of our lives today.

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We shall endeavor to entertain you for your work.


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Indeed, you should indeed upgrade to paid!

AMD is one of the most righteous, brilliant, intelligent, holy writers on Substack, or for that matter, on any online platform.

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Holy? Well then, good think I already subbed. I wouldn't want to miss out on holy.


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I did this earlier this year, with the intent that I would pay for a few months, and then go back to unpaid (Doc is generous with freebies).

BUT - the value of what I have received here - and the fact that Doc is only going to do this for a few years before returning to Real Life - I'm in for the duration.

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I wish people had listened. When I first heard about an impending vaccine rapidly being developed I predicted a disaster. Why? Because the idea of mass injections into healthy bodies is a bankrupt philosophy. Health comes from within, not from the point of a needle. Sadly, even today, most would still roll up their sleeves for a jab. Few use logic in their health decisions, mandates or not.

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I first heard of covid in 12/2019 from accuweather of all places. Just a blurb about a virus in China. I remember a chill going up my spine and I thought This is to take down Trump and it won't be local. THIS will unite the world and we will all be much closer to the planetary dictatorship foretold in the Holy Scriptures. And now avian flu. Millions of shots already waiting for a virus that is not transmissible [ YET ]. The globe is under a sick and evil thrall. This will end very badly.

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ANY 'dose' of mRMA is TOXIC!

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I see dead people.

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90%+ of my neighbors got the jab, so did 99%+ of my coworkers.

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REEEEEALLY sucks to be THEM!

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I work at a Fortune 100 co that required the jab (I managed to dodge it).

I don't see how we survive this.

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Well, if you dodged the jab, you may be that lucky part of the population that *does* survive.

Remember when it was touted that if you took the shot you wouldn't get sick, then it was "less sick", then if you died "it could've been worse". My small sample size of folks I know, many got the shot, most either had a reaction to it, getting sick for 3-5 days. But then they still ended up getting the koof anyway, sometimes multiple times. Or had a miscarriage, or turbo cancer, etc.

We'll see who's left after 2030 and is still either fertile or functional. Spoiler alert: your overlords don't like you.

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I live in Australia. That's what it's like here.

Makes me nervous - still - going to gatherings. Went to a funeral last week - and - all jabbed, in fact, talked to people who got the jab AFTER infection (WTF? they didn't need it!)

It's like being an alien among humans. Or the last human among mutated humans.

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My wife had a very bad reaction to the Moderna (against my recommendation). Hives, one eye swollen almost completely shut and a swollen arm. The MD claimed it was due to poison ivy or some other contact dermatitis. I explained that I am very familiar with Rhus sensitivity and have successfully treated many. She asked which version and we told her Moderna. The MD confided that she too had the Moderna and developed hives and strange swelling (identical symptoms) in her body, stating she refused further Moderna. She went on to conclude that my wife's was most certainly a topical reaction. So, not reported vaccine reaction. I attempted to report but was denied access.

PS. one may choose to not believe this post, possibly illustrating a different kind of problem

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I believe you.

I felt at the time that I ought to "test" the shots before having the rest of my family do them. I went to the local hospital specifically for Pfizer, but when I got there we were all told they were switching it out to Moderna. I complained, a lot of people did. The first shot gave me a very bad reaction - lymph nodes in my neck swollen and hard, hives, pain at site, swelling. It really threw me for a loop and I used to get flu shots annually, never said no to a vaccine, never reacted! After a few weeks I was mostly back to normal and they kept calling me for the second - Moderna again! - and I asked friends and family what they thought. People said "oh if you get a bad reaction to the first usually you won't to the second" again - I stupidly believed them! I wish every day I could take it back. When I went back the tech said a lot of people didn't come back. Moderna was a bear. Afterwards I felt odd. By the next day every single joint was painful and swollen. I could barely walk for 2 weeks. And I had recurring rashes starting at injection site but spreading all over, that lasted over a year. And terrible itchiness and swelling and I also was told I must have touched something (did not). Also told "oh well arthritis runs in your family" - yeah but when you're old! and not all over your body, all at once!

Anyway M.D. thank you for this post. I'm still waiting for just doctors to believe me, to try to help us. The good news is the rest of my family didn't get the stuff! So, it was good I was the guinea pig. I have done courses of IVM which helped a ton. Now I live zero sugar and am painfree - back to running and lifting etc. Generally feel good. I can't have alcohol or any sugar tho, but that's ok. Glad honestly I just had an autoimmune response - it could have been much worse.

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Big thanks for your report! I hope you stay well!

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I hope your wife is doing better and stays well also!

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In law, someone can be found guilty on a preponderance of the evidence. As far as I am concerned vaccines, their makers, and government officials are guilty of crimes against humanity using the same standard. That includes politicians who take no action to correct the laws facilitating the crimes. I am tired of all the howling about gold standard studies in science, like the one about autism above, when so many are manipulated to get the desired result while proper studies are censored.

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Not to mention the delusion that the courts [ who are equally captured ] are somehow going to fix this. The truth is that the US has such a sick, fatigued and chronically diseased population that the premeditated upheaval that is so desperately required will not take place AND we still haven't navigated the bird flu and disease X. The nail in the collective coffin will be the suddenly non functional social media when the lights finally go out. Since we have lost all capacity to talk to our neighbors and have no plans for building communities NOW while we have a chance, suffering will be exponentially greater. I tried to get a man and his wife down my street to share emails after we talked and discovered we were all on the same page in order to just get a loosely connected group to be able to communicate if someone was having an emergency. Well that was the end of that. It was like I was a stalker. I see more clearly every day that WE have allowed this situation to develop. Nothing is going to be done and the time is fast approaching when it will be too late, if it isn't already.

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The burden of proof should lie upon them: PROVE it is "safe" PROVE it is "effective"

Never done.

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The “vaccine” deployment was a military operation using military countermeasures aka biological weapons worldwide hence Moderna are legally allowed to do whatever they want.

The whole thing was carefully planned by the spooks so most of the “scientists” we see on the TV are also CIA assets.


Our politicians (except Andrew Bridgen) are all complicit in war crimes, crimes against humanity and war crimes.


My best guess is that SarsCov2 was definitely not a “lab leak”.

There has never been a worldwide viral “pandemic” because they are not that contagious, it at all, so the only way to fake a worldwide pandemic is to deliberately kill people all over the world by poisoning and hospital protocols (NG163).

The poison they used may have been SarsCov2 clones (JJ Couey),


or biological nanoparticles (Karen Kingston).


It is going to be very hard to prosecute any of these criminals or even get accurate information because of the fog of war.

Tax rebellion is probably the only way to stop these murderers because protests are ignored and riots give them an excuse to pass even more draconian laws, i.e. they are deliberately provoking riots because they want even more power.


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Hmm... interestingly and by coincidence this is the brand tagged to NIH for which Trump partnered with Moderna.

Ivanka Trump spilled the beans on Twitter (bk then) on 16 Nov 2020 stated

"Fact Check: This Moderna /NIH vaccine is literally the one that President @realDonaldTrump partnered with Moderna to create on January 13, 2020... I repeat January 13th, 2020.

Just be happy. This is great news for America and for the world!🇺🇸"

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Trump was such a disappointment. Not that I liked him overly much, but I thought if he could just enact some of the solutions he spoke about, things would be alot better now. How naïve I was.

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You are not the only one. He (& family) is in on it.

Messiah Complex.

Ppl need to stop idol worshiping.

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All this marvellous research on dosages and relative toxicity can deflect from the core issue: transfection injections are always going to be harmful. Not only do they transgress the immunological boundary, introducing a foreign substance directly into the body, but they then engineer an attack on one's own tissues (autoimmunity) which eventually destroys regions exposed to this assault. Scientists using transfection on experimental animals do not use it on any animal which they want to live a long life, because they know that eventually such autoimmune attack will cause the region being studied to atrophy. Putting such a technology inside lipid nanoparticles is nothing less than an immunological shotgun blast into multiple vulnerable tissues. "Mistakes" (like wrong dosages, contamination issues, etc) are just a distraction for us to focus on, and a justification for continuing to "refine" the platform and "get it right next time", while the transfection shot factories are going up full steam ahead.

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I felt I addressed those points here too.

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Yes, your link to this thorough dive into autoimmunity is great https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-can-megyn-kellys-adverse-reaction

but why did you phrase your first summary point in this article:

"One of the major problems facing mRNA technology was finding a dose that was strong enough to elicit the desired effect but simultaneously not unbearably toxic. Moderna in turn chose a dose that was 3.3X greater than what even Pfizer felt was safe enough to use."

in such a way that (i) implies that mRNA technology COULD get "the desired effect" if tweaked right (this is exactly the rhetoric that enables the platform to push ahead); (ii) that the Pfizer judgment of "safe enough to use" was even POSSIBLE? Surely a summary point should not imply false assumptions?

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There is no way to establish a therapeutic response curve for the mRNA platform so Pfizer, Moderna, etc just "winged-it"... simply because the PREP Act and EUA statute provided all the legal cover they would ever need. Zero risk litigation will billions and billions in ROI. A bona fide big pharma carte blanche to literally kill and injury people in order to profit handsomely. All thanks to the convenient pre-plandemic Prep Act and bastardized EUA.

Thats AMD's point IMO.

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the PERP Act

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You make an important observation. That first summary point title is very troubling to me, and causes me to question the author! Perhaps there is a subtle psychological reason, but I am now losing trust in the author.

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Very well said.

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Thanks for this. It's going to be a long fight to bring a reckoning for this fraud. Just saw this recently:

"Army Specialist harmed by Moderna 2nd dose, discharged, “I was left behind and trampled” – $70,000 medical debt, Army & National Guard denied “in line of duty” status and being kept in service until cured; 24 year old former marathon runner getting pacemaker" CBS special Catherine Herridge https://twitter.com/C__Herridge/status/1805241369033650255

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In mid-2021 I did a very easy proportional comparison of Moderna vs Pfizer vaccine uptake statistics in the USA and Moderna vs Pfizer VAERS reports of injury/death in the USA. Long story short, it was clear from very early on that Moderna was markedly more dangerous on average. It never occurred to me then that this would be an interesting angle of attack on overall vaccine safety, but it certainly is. Thanks M.D. and Kirsch.

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It fits more clearly into the mentality of medical doctors.

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Loved this. Send it to our politicians and anyone who is running for President.

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the pandemic treaty is NOT dead in the water as many believe in fact its going to be back much sooner than you think check out the james roguski substack for the details

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Because that’s what was needed to meet the efficacy standard set in the trials. BioNTech and Pfizer cheated to meet the efficacy standard set in the trials, but virtually all the observational studies show that its efficacy is lower than Moderna and drops like a stone, becoming negative by 6 months. Remember that BioNTech and Pfizer got to add a 3rd dose to the pediatric trial? Why? Because they could not meet the efficacy standard without it.

And BioNTech and Pfizer managed to produce a dirtier product in terms of DNA contamination that could still be highly lethal and, according to some data, was even more lethal to Moderna.

This is just a replay of a discussion that was already going on during rollout and was as misleading then as it is now. You can’t talk about risk without talking about benefit. And the risk/benefit of both of these “vaccines” was shit. Neither should have ever have been authorized. BioNTech might even have been shittier…


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