This is your best piece yet. Stripped of the personal anecdotes, it is an excellent primer on the state of the world at this point. (I have learned over hundreds of papers that no one cares about my personal experience as such...lol. The antibodies to anecdotes are strong.) Many thanks for doing this.

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Still editing it! I'm trying to get a good balance between having the immunology be accurate, cover the key points and not be too lengthy or detailed for the lay reader. It's really challenging...

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As a lay reader, you have been successful. Thank you for all your work.

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This lay reader is still reading it, section by section, and sharing sections with friends and family. I appreciate the format; the length cannot be helped if you want to be thorough. This is excellent. No criticism at all.

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I completely agree. I also feel all md's should read this. I kinda have a feeling they wouldn't stomach it as well as the layperson though! Minds set, programmed, perhaps. Following a herd of their own. I have a couple laypeople in mind I can pass this along to, yet I sincerely doubt they will read it. They keep putting these "important sharings" on the back burner. I haven't given up yet though.

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Gotta be persistent. One of the reasons I am putting so much time into this is so I can share the things that best make the arguments everyone is trying to express.

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How do you insist that you don't like the Grass Green PA. You need to see the Doctor, in this case a Gastro, I have 3 more than likely 4 Barrett's Esophagus precancerous spots REMOVED, as Barrett's cancer is on the rise. And age has to be factored in. This is a 14 Gastro Stand A Lone practice with a complete center, at least 4 of them do the removal with 20-30 experience. I am not your typical niave patient. My every 3 year Upper endscope is in Nov.

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1st modern Scamdemic declared by US CDC

1976 | CDC Director Sencer Questioned On Swine Flu Vaccine. Vaccine X53A Was Never Field Tested. https://youtu.be/Zn5AE09kKOA

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As a budding writer, I find it daunting. I'm nearly 74, and learned much about the medical system the very hard way. I'm the eldest of four kids, of a WW2 Army Airborne Sgt, of Itillian descent, US Citizen, under Gen. MacArthur, who after the war worked as a boilermaker in a large steel mill, until he fell off a scalfold and damaged neck discs. Strange back then the surgeon didn't do the now usual Metal hardware, but used bone taken from his hips to make new discs. Dispite the more primitave Malaria prevention, he had Malaria bouts. He died of VA Care missed, 6 weeks became 3 months of Hospice at home Lung Cancer, constant exposure of toxic air, along with being a heavy smoker.

And you draw on that knowledge, and weave it in. 50 years of self learning, and learning the hard way. We all have stories to tell.

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Perhaps try a few short of paragraphs?

Experimental emergency use authorized injections end up circulating mRNA Spike proteins in blood serum and "Can Not" prevent infection from a "airborne" lab created bioweapon Sars2-Cov (virus)!

AIRBORNE lab created bioweapon Sars2-Cov by design (targets) attaches to "Mucus Cells" that are lining nasal passages, sinus, bronchial airways, lungs and the intestinal track etc.

Take a drinking straw and plug one end with chewing gum, use a syringe filled with red colored water and fill the straw. Then plug that open end with chewing gum. The red colored water cannot reach the outside (airways-mucus cells) of the drinking straw, i.e. the exp. injections are in the wrong place to prevent infection from the lab created airborne Sars2-Cov bioweapon.

Every person involved with this Fraud is guilty of Treason by supporting acts of Bioterrorism against the Security of their sovereign nation(s).

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It's neither treason nor sedition, it's more likely fraud and potentially reckless homicide, and perhaps conspiracy to commit those crimes - that's how I'd charge it. Reckless homicide would probably be the charge most likely for convictions, because the evidence shows that there is a lethal risk of what looks to be fairly high probability, this risk was well known, and yet the dangerous advice was still given to those who had no knowledge of the lethal risk...

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Agreed, a masterpiece. This article could justifiably be appended to RFK Jr.'s book as a final chapter. What is most potently revealed here, and elsewhere, is that the perpetrators of what can only be called mass premeditated murder, crimes against humanity, an abomination in every sense, comprise the near entirety of BigPharma, all the 3-letter agencies such as WHO, FDA, all the hospitals and administrators, a great majority of doctors who work in these institutions, a great majority of doctors in private practice as well, BigMedia,... it is indeed more difficult to name someone who was not among the perpetrators as even a great majority of the public at large bought the "vaccine" lies hook, line, and sinker, provided cover for the crime, agitated against those who had doubts, made it difficult for friends and family to refuse "vaccination"...

So, we are between a rock and a hard place: were the crimes to be admitted, there are few indeed who could get a not guilty verdict in crimes ranging from genocide, all the way "down" to non-assistance in an emergency. The only way out of all this would be to declare a general amnesty, at least for all those citizens below a certain level of complicity, to be determined. But BigPharma and its henchmen will never back down, the consequences would be horrific for the entire system we call "The West". Game Over.

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I honestly have no idea how old this is going to play out, I'm just trying to do what I can to help shift the final result in a positive direction, but at the same time I feel like a drop in the ocean compared all the forces that are moving around me.

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I know the feeling, but whatever can be done is what we try to do - none are expected to achieve anything further. As for me, I find that various projections of what may happen helps in knowing what might be done, so I read widely. RFK's book in the final chapter 12 provides some astonishing and well-referenced scenarios of what is to come, and it is not enjoyable reading. Nevertheless, and although Yogi Berra famously said, "Predictions are hard to make, especially about the future," I urge absolutely everyone to read this entire book. An accurate and totally referenced history of 30 years of abominations all leading to the present one, all devised, created and patented by BigPharma and BP's lackeys and henchmen, and finally, in chapter twelve, in their own words what they now intend to do. All for 3 bucks in digital, readable with the Amazon app. No excuse for ignoring it, neither is it a valid excuse by thinking you already know most of the story: BELIEVE ME, YOU DO NOT.

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Quite a bit of what I've written here is sourced from that book. I was familiar with most of it's content before it was written, but RFK accomplished the extremely impressive feat of unraveling a very tangled web of corruption. I am trying to do the same thing here, but in smaller portions so people's brains can process it and don't overload and turn off.

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We are indeed b/w a rock and a hard place! We are not getting to a "general amnesty" with out real action and tension. How many years did Mandela spend in prison on the island? 27 or something. They got to Truth and Reconciliation only after decades of struggles. And what good did it do. According to Thomas Piketty, wealth and income inequality in South Africa 30 years after the end of apartheid resulted in absolutely no change in inequality. Let me repeat, after the change in regime from white to black the distribution of wealth in income was no different - just as stratified and unequal. We are experiencing a complete corruption and capture of all aspects of our culture, society and economy. Who wants to take the radical step and admit that to themselves. Too crushing. And if we do admit and try to do something, the forces of evil and power are incredibly sophisticated and resourced. They have all the media and messaging and public relations mechanisms behind them.

We have a very well crafted run through here by our good Midwestern Doctor. Share it widely. Who will listen? Gonna take some time. This is a collapse of a moral vision of life.

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Somewhat unrelated, but a lot of really great alternative medical innovations come out of South Africa!

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First of all, I really appreciate your work. Experience, knowledge, compassion, intelligence, insight, and a good amount of fierceness!! I have never been to South Africa, but would like to. Piketty's point in Capital and Ideology is that wealth and income distribution has little to do w political systems or social systems. The Communist Party, 5% of China's pop, controls most of the wealth. In SoAfrica blacks took over from whites and abolished apartheid but the distribution of wealth and income remains exactly what it was, which is not very fair. Gini coefficient. It is interesting also to ruminate on the UK's diaspora - US, Canada, Australia, NZ, and So Africa. Thanks for the Dutch/Boers. So Af did not abjectly capitulate like Canada, Auz and NZ. Isn't it interesting that three of the anglo saxon settler regimes flipped to whuzzy WEF New Leaders. So much for Banjo Patterson and the Outback. But So Africa has held in there. 35% vaxxed, maybe. Good data, reasonably good healthcare, survivor of the scourge of AIDS and wiser for it. And Tim Noakes lives there!! He was tried and prevailed. Thanks for all you do!!

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Long before I was born, my parents lived in Johannesburg (diplomats). This was the 1950s, the golden age of South Africa (at least for Whites; let's not sugar coat it -- this was Apartheid when Whites ran things). I'm sure there was what bleeding hearts would today term "racial inequality," but consider the following anecdote: At one of the diamond mines, they would routinely transport diamonds worth a huge sum via an ordinary (non-white) bike courier. The risk of theft or robbery was near zero. Yes folks, the "law and order" was that good. Those days are long gone, never to return. The USA and Europe have deteriorated somewhat in the intervening 70 years too.

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Unless the clinical trials cabe shown to be fraudulent, and this fraudulent result was presented to induce Congress to do something it otherwise would not do, there aren't going to be any legal remedies for any of this for anyone you mention - and add to that sovereign immunity for Federal three-letter agencies - due to the existence of the PREP Act: "In a declaration effective February 4, 2020 (the HHS Declaration), the Secretary of HHS (the Secretary) invoked the PREP Act and declared Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) to be a public health emergency

warranting liability protections for covered countermeasures. Under the HHS Declaration and its amendments, covered persons are generally immune from legal liability (i.e., they cannot be sued for money damages in court) for losses relating to the administration or use of covered countermeasures against COVID-19. The sole exception to PREP Act immunity is for death or serious physical injury caused by “willful misconduct.” However, individuals who die or suffer serious injuries directly caused by the administration of covered countermeasures may be eligible to receive compensation through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

Courts have characterized PREP Act immunity as “sweeping.” It applies to all types of legal claims under state and federal law. For example, under state tort law, individuals who suffer injuries caused by the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of another person may generally sue that person to recover monetary compensation. Thus, in the health care context, if a health care provider negligently administers a drug or device that causes a foreseeable injury to a patient, the injured person may be able to sue the provider for compensation under state tort law.

Federal laws such as the PREP Act may preempt state tort laws—as well as other state and federal laws—in certain contexts. Preemptive federal legislation displaces state law to alter the usual liability rules or immunize certain individuals from liability. In the PREP Act, Congress made the judgment that, in the context of a public health emergency, immunizing certain persons and entities from liability was necessary to ensure that potentially life-saving countermeasures will be efficiently developed, deployed, and administered." https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10443

About the only way you could change that would be to retroactively repeal the law by showing that the emergency declaration was induced by fraud. But you'd have to show willful misconduct beyond a reasonable doubt, essentially a crime and its requisite intent, and then to the standard of proof required by criminal proceedings, to get any other sort of relief in any other sort of matter. Of course, if you're contemplating legal action, the best advice is for you to seek legal counsel licensed in the state where you intend to file suit, preferably counsel who has practiced before the judge(s) who would be most likely to hear the matter. Appellate experience up to and including SCOTUS wouldn't be a bad idea, either. This is not a legal opinion and should not be construed as such.

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"badly designed vaccines"

Vaccines are never designed. They are developed using trial and error. Any product must be designed for safety. Vaccines are therefore unsafe by definition.

Vaccines and Biologics injury table based on mechanistic evidence – Feb 2020 Covering over 125 conditions


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How can one "catch" a "virus" that has never been isolated? (Not a single "virus" has ever been isolated.)

Why is the theory of "viral infection" taken for granted, while no such infection has ever been successfully generated among volunteers, including the ones during the 1918 fake "pandemic"? (In an NIH paper in 2018, Fuxxi himself admitted after exhuming the 1918 victims that up to 95% of them had died of bacterial pneumonia, most likely caused by the mandatory muzzles.)

How can a "viral infection" be diagnosed, if the virus has not been isolated? Antigens? Not a single “antigen” has ever been isolated, either…

Why is a PCR test used for "diagnosis" that even its Nobel-Prize-winning inventor said was useless for diagnosis (but it's excellent for acquiring the test subjects' DNA, because that is exactly what it was made for)? Why is the same fraudulent "test" used for the other two invented illnesses (that are actually real conditions caused by poisoning), "monkeypox" and the "bird flu"?

No "vaccination" is possible for an illness that doesn't exist, especially because all "vaccines" are basically poisons without ANY benefits whatsoever...

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It has been isolated. The issue is that the definition of what constitutes being isolated keeps on being changed to sustain the argument you are raising. It is true that there are a lot of holes in the viral theory and a variety of incorrect assumption made from it, but that does not prove viruses do not exist in the first place.

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Thank you for this. We need more people in the counter-narrative space sticking to the evidence. Many people make a mistake of going from "the establishment is lying to us" to "everything the establishment says is a lie." This reasoning causes people to jump from "the Covid vaccines are not safe and effective" to "germ theory is a hoax." It is hard to sort out truth from falsehood in the current environment. But the evidence for some mainstream views, like that viruses make people sick, is pretty solid.

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Thank you. Every though I am doing this anonymously and I hold some fairly unconventional views, I am trying to do everything on here responsibly since I have a large platform. One of my biggest fears is perpetuating an actual falsehood on here.

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Don't worry, Doc, I am sure most of us, including me, appreciate your efforts!

If that's some consolation, human epistemology sucks! :) Based on the mechanisms and limitations of human understanding, we can never be completely right.

Still, it might be a good idea to stick to things that work, instead of stuff that works towards killing most of humanity and enslaving the rest, while turning them into cyborgs.

The only thing that might prevent that from happening is the abandonment or, at least, a temporary suspension, of Germ Theory. It shouldn't be hard, because it has been proven to be wrong in many ways...

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Epistomology is one of my favorite subjects!

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Sometime around 1985, I settled for cognitive science (of my flavor), because I got sick (it may have been a variant of “covid”! :) ) of the intellectual masturbation of "philosophers." Delved into computers, linguistics, physics, mathematics, and even to biology to a certain extent (although I was always unhappy about the lack of consistent working paradigms in chemistry and biology).

By the time I turned 19, I had accumulated a shitload of "knowledge" from the thousands of books I had read and the subsequent considerations. I felt literally suffocated and I felt I was about to die, unless I let go. Letting go also felt like a leap in the dark, an intellectual salto mortale, but I had no choice. All of a sudden, the stuffy and dark inner place of my soul was filled with light and felt like living in a miracle. After that, I never had a problem about letting go and starting over from scratch. It ALWAYS brought about something better! :)

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Thank you for saying this. Every time I see somebody claim that viruses are a hoax, my eyes roll all by themselves.

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Why don't you try to assemble evidence instead? You might need your eyes for that and rolling them will not help. :) This does NOT have to be a faith-based system...

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I can't waste any more effort on people who are brainwashed. You know where I am, I know where you are, (our pages), so let's carry on and keep in touch. We tried! I'm tired of beating my head against brick walls. xo

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I handle them by making fun of them for a while, and ignore them afterwards. Still, as you are saying it, too, sometimes, they are too much.

Actually, I had a troll today whom I simply told, "This was painful, but at least revealing." and left it at that. :)

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Well, that's scientific proof that you're right!! ;)

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Dear TWH:

Ray Horvath is correct, according to our basic understanding of logic. We work on the concept of falsifiability. Declarations of the existence of invisible things that cause illness is NOT proof. The onus of proof is on those who advocate germ theory. There are no contagious viruses. Please read Flexner (1909) on polio. They could not infect monkeys with "polio" until they injected toxic matter directly into their brains!!! Hardly a "virus."

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And what if Germ Theory IS a hoax? But I don't see that anyone on this thread is saying that "everything the establishment says is a lie." Even if that's the case, nobody has said that. So... logical fallacy of over-generalization.

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Something doesn't become true even if millions are saying it...

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Right. But false arguments annoy me.

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It bothered me to the point that I even posted an article about it today (the same as one of my previous comments here):


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You see, David, people think in systems (cognitive models geared towards addressing problems), when trying to think consistently.

Systems vary in complexity, but they all require an initial premise that is accepted without questioning.

That is where the fraudulent "science," Virology fails; the initial premise is simply not believable, because there are more functional explanations to the phenomena Virology is supposed to address than the ones codified and institutionalized... Even the subsequent segmentation of the findings fails to convince...

FYI, in 1918, many volunteers tried to "get infected" by the "virus," but all attempts failed (blood transfusion and inhaling sick people's coughs come to mind).

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NO, it hasn't been isolated. So many LIES... You are hypnotized. You are incapable of facing the reality that is going on. Read about MASS FORMATION-- that is what you and many, many doctors are enveloped in. You've been absorbed by the Borg of Big Pharma from the beginning. I don't blame you, I blame the BORG. But only you can break free. You have to have the courage to QUESTION.

>>>> VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST in the way Big Pharma and the Medical Community has been training doctors to think. YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED, and you are a distraction from the Truth. What Ray says above is right on. Wake up, if you want to be a true healer, because right now you are part of the problem, even if you think you are helping. You are being a TOOL FOR EVIL, by distracting from the truth.

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Conversely, if your argument is incorrect, then by endorsing it, that results in me espousing disinformation that derails and prevents important non-conventional information from reaching the light of day and that conduct harms a lot of people.

I have personally spent time with many of the doctors who are leading advocates of this theory and I've listened to their case with an open mind. Some of what they say is accurate, but they can't substantiate or prove many of claims they make.

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DO SOME RESEARCH. You don't have to believe Ray or myself. It's "out there." But it's being CENSORED. When can you remember, before 2019, censorship to this degree, so blatantly? Of DOCTORS?

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That's the point. I have done a lot of research on this area and what I've shared is how I presently feel on this subject.

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And until you're willing to consider the possibility that this is indeed a giant fraud, you will continue to "feel" this way. I have seen intelligent, educated people, over and over, simply look right through all sorts of evidence of foul play and they just can't take it in... It's a question of how to deprogram someone, like cult members, it's a kind of hypnosis and those who are hypnotized simply CANNOT see it.

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Maybe not to this degree, but those of us interested in nutritional research are familiar with the concept.

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I would also like to keep the discussion within the perimeter of civility. I'm sure Jaan means well, too.

The question is, "what is the objective?" The controllers imprisoned and poisoned half of the world's population for no good reason. They have failed to prove their premises in the last 100 years, but they control the media and they control "medical" training as well. Something is stinking in Denmark...

Terrain Theory leaves much to be desired, but it still has explanatory power that Germ Theory fails to provide.

The burden of proof lies on the fraudsters (it is obvious that the worldwide genocide has been promoted based on lies and more lies).

Fighting the monsters on their home turf with their own tools is doomed to fail...

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Terrain theory being true does not disprove the existence of viruses!

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But is disproves the possibility of viral infections... Toxic overload, still, as far as I can see, can result in shedding that can poison other people, too. Thinking about Semmelweis...

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The burden of proof for a scientist or scholar who asserts the existence of something is on them to prove this existence.

Virtually all of those in the current debates on this matter (Bailey's, Cowan, Kaufman et al) are not saying that viruses don't exist they are saying that there has never been any concrete scientific proof of their existence.

That is a big difference from point blank asserting they do not exist.

Using established scientific methodology germ theory is at best just that- a nascent theory waiting for actual evidence to arrive that it is valid.

The manner in which "virus isolation" is currently done is not just hilariously absurd it is profoundly dishonest and serves a deeply destructive agenda.

I will say I'm surprised that anyone who has read Dissolving Illusions isn't a bit more critical of germ theory. If nothing else (and it did much more) Humphrie's book showed that not only are the "proofs" of the vaccine story complete rubbish but the very story which birthed these poisonous injections is a complete crock that served political ends.

Due to this (and other factors) your profession has been turned into a wrecking ball that produces far more pain and suffering than it allays.

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Some people think of "viruses" as evil killer invisible thingies that come from somewhere (?? where??) and attack and kill you for no apparent reason (unlike the nasties that inhabit, say, old food, or dead bodies...). Some people think of them as exosomes, created by our own bodies, to help cleanse the body of toxins and diseased cells... HELPERS, not KILLERS.

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Jaan is a very excitable dog. I may sound angry, but I'm not. I'm just frustrated and trying to SHOUT in silent type! I have supported AMWD for as long as I've read this page... S/he is smart, and I think a good heart. It's just frustrating, as you know, Ray, to see all these smart, educated people blindly running into the same wall, repeatedly, and not seeing it. Plus I'm really stressed out. So, I apologize to everyone for seeming to be out of my civil suit, as it were.

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Some of them CAN and DO prove their claims. But who of the doctors that claim the other side can substantiate and prove THEIR claims? We are supposed to take all these long years of Germ Theory as FACT, when much of it has never been proven. Contagion, for instance.

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I think you getting trolled here...ignore it or delete it

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The good doc can do as they wish. I ain't no troll, I LIKE this page, and doc knows that.

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Bro, you just posted on this thread earlier "DARPA has been working on bioweapons for YEARS. Test runs with all these previous "viruses" like Bird Flu, Swine Flu, West Nile, Ebola, Zika... Testing on little children, Fauci has basically murdered foster kids to "test" his jabs... This shit has been going on for decades... all leading up to this Globalist takeover..."

And now you're saying viruses dosent exist? So DARPA has been developing many bio weapons that actually dosent exist? If not, what are the zika, bird flu, and etc? I'm a little confused here, if you could further elabored on that, i'll be thankfull :)

I'm not very convinced of the argument that virus arent real and so on, but, most of the things that i took for truth were proven to be wrong during my lifetime....so i always keep an open mind. Do you have any good source, scientific based, to support that?

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The Word Herder and Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) do not exist.

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We're not real! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

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LOL I'm right freakin' here! And trust me, I exist.

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This contributor reads like AI-generated text... Quite rudimentary at that... :)

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Right; I caught the 5G. :) Do you listen to Jeff Rense? He and Erica Kahn portray "viruses don't exist" people as ribbeting bullfrogs.

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Can you ask your programmer to reprogram you into someone more intelligent or, at least, more entertaining, please?

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It is definitely a question of definition, whether it changes or not.

At this point, I am inclined to believe Pasteur, who admitted in his dairy (donated to Princeton University by his last descendant in 2014) that he was a fraud.

When the foundation stinks, the whole house does.

It is a logical fallacy to try to prove that something doesn't exist. Think about how Wittgenstein got onto Bertrand Russell's nerves in Cambridge by challenging him that "it is impossible to prove that there is no rhinoceros in the room!" :)

The burden of evidence is on the fraudsters and they have had over 100 years to provide proof; they haven't.

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Pasteur was far worse than a fraud, he was a well connected con artist, plagiarizer and among other things super secretive with his scientific "discoveries." He disallowed scrutiny of his work which was wise of him for it would have revealed the medieval ramblings of a mediocre mind.

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Kinda reminds me of Rockefeller's great-granddaddy or Edison. :)

It is still a bit embarrassing that Beuchamp was not exactly an angel, either, although his Terrain Theory possesses a lot more explanatory power than Pasteur's Germ Theory does.

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But, but, but, .... Money.

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I think Pasteur was a fraud, too. And like now, "virus" theory and Germ Theory generally became accepted because MONEY.

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The monsters have all the money in the world; after all, it is they, who make the taxpayer "borrow" the money at an interest, while distributing it among themselves.

These days, it's more about control, but the killers apparently enjoy taunting their victims and what can be more humiliating than making the person to be hanged to pay for the rope?

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"the killers apparently enjoy taunting their victims"

Their narcissism will be their downfall, because it makes their intentions transparent to the emotionally intelligent. More and more people are waking up. I'm just waiting for the tipping point.

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Yes, and today I got caught up, AGAIN, in trying to talk someone I like a lot into opening the eyes and seeing, knowing full well it's an exercise in futility. This Globalist Attack on the entire species is teaching me Zen-- how to let go-- I can't save anybody who doesn't ask-- but I have my moments of weakness...

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To me, it seems that their over-confidence will be their undoing, but not until they manage to exterminate much, if not all, of humanity.

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Could you tell us who isolated it and where? Doesn't it also have to be purified? I can't remember the name of the doctors who said it has not been isolated and purified?

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It has been shown on eletron microscopy, it has been photographed infecting living cells and it has been able to contaminate cells that are innoculated with it. At the end of the day it isn't really possible to prove more than that.

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It should be possible to sequence the purported genome from a sample from a sick individual. As far as I can find, the genome is assembled from genetic fragments with computer software, not sequenced from an intact viral particle. If they can't do this first step, how can any of the rest follow? How can you design a PCR test when you have not identified the particle you are looking for first?

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I concur. "Covid" as a "viral infection" existed and exists only on TV and in computer simulations...

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If you know how they "isolate" a virus, it has to do with putting a lot of other stuff in there, dead cells from monkey kidneys and all kind of trashy stuff... It's pretty funny, really, but they don't advertise all that...

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The problem is that it is unclear what has been shown and photographed and no infection has ever been proven... Some particles moving around prove literally nothing...

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Dude, what is the point of your NONSENSICAL and vacuous declarations. "It has been shown ..." Point to a PUBLISHED reference. Photographs of living cells?

Were those cells inside a living mammal?

Contaminate cells that are "inoculated"?

One cannot inoculate a CELL. The word "inoculate" means to place something that is not/cannot be seen. To inoculate someone was to put something UNDER their skin.

This does not sound like the same guy who was writing months ago about smallpox. Why all the lack of specificity? Now you sound like a shill for pharma. Where is the commitment to truth and falsifiability (aka positivistic science)?

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By "isolation," they mean the "virus" is somewhere in a toxic brew with dying cells and deducing that the cells are dying because of the "virus," while the cells are being poisoned and/or deprived of nutrients necessary for life.

Scientific fraud, if there has ever been one...

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There are many. Some top names that come to mind are Sam Baily, Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman...

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This particular response [Ray Horvath] is really not helpful for purposes of lay readers. One respondent called it a rabbit hole. I agree. Way down in the weeds.

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Please, ask for clarification, as needed. I do have the habit of implying too much that is hard to infer for some. Still, I don't believe there are too many "lay readers" here. Most visitors, in my experience, possess the intellectual capacity to process the information posted on this site...

Also, for more details about my current stance (it changes as new information keeps coming in), you can read my articles on my Substack.

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This line is seen from time to time and is a rather pointless misdirection. I am unsure what the point of the argument really is about.

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Which argument? :)

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Dear AMD:

Sorry, you offered a logical fallacy. We do not prove a negative. The onus of proof is on those who applied the term virus to mean a microscopic pathogen.

Have you reviewed the changes in the meaning of the word "virus" - from the 1700s into the 20th century?

Until the 20th century, virus meant the pus - clearly seen in a vesicle. Read Jenner (1798; 1799) or White (1885).

The idea that viruses were invisible things that somehow floated in the ether and made people sick was developed with the invention of "poliomyelitis". Please note that Flexner was one of the first to declare that he had pictures of "polio virus".

Infantile paralysis (aka polio), like Guillain-Barre syndrome, was caused by injections, and or heavy metal poisoning - hence, Klenner was able to CURE kids with IV vitamin C. Because there was no exogenous virus that was contagious, and hence no virus caused paralysis, the "photos" of the white spheres were NOT polio - disease causing - viruses. Where is the measles virus? Stefan Lanka made the bet. Why not demonstrate it. Same with so-called SARS-CoV-2. If YOU think that it has been "isolated", then tell us where we can find ONE governmental office that has a copy or the genetic make-up of said virus.

Best wishes

John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD

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What you're saying isn't obvious to most people. It took me a year to accept the possibility that pretty much everything I'd been made to believe about "viruses" and vaccines was wrong. I had to do my own research and connect the dots. People aren't typically willing to change their worldview overnight, it's a process ;)

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They are running late to complete the process...

In December, 2019, I also believed in viruses and pandemics, mostly because of the predictive programming for decades and the homogeneous lies of Rockefellerian "Medicine." As I expected a military-grade bioweapon, I assumed it would have a built-in date of expiry of no more than three months, so I stocked up on reserves for six.

Still, I immediately decided that even if the "virus" would kill 98-99 out of a hundred, I would refuse to live in fear, because I had grown up in a neighborhood, where one learns that living in fear is worse than death at an early age.

Of course, it soon turned out that mortality rates in several countries were lower than usual up until September, 2020, when the controllers noticed they had screwed up the figures and started doctoring them retroactively. There was no pandemic.

In the meanwhile, I had plenty of time to investigate and there was no doubt about the conclusion, which is what I keep posting all over the place.

If Germ Theory were eliminated, there would be no excuse for criminal edicts and the general poisoning of the population would become quite obvious (5G, chemtrails, and a large number of traditional chemicals).

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Thanks for sharing your story. I am with you 100%. Started researching the AIDS hoax. WOW. Eye opening to say the least. Way too many similarities here. The people with SNOTS (Socialism.Nazi.Olygarchy.Totalitarian.Syndrome) just dusted off their AIDS hoax, polished it up with better propaganda and psyops, and away they went. Not to be trite, but once you see it, you can't unsee it.

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I learned a lot from Peter Deusberg's book.

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You are walking a tightrope over the truth. JUST TRUST AND JUMP.

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Yup, and AZT was also Fuxxi:


Remdesivir must not be forgotten, either...

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His fingerprints go deep and wide. Hollywood's lack of creativity, Superhero Movie, Superhero Movie 2, 3, 4, 5, Redux...is a tell. The people with SNOTS just dust off the old, repackage it, getter better marketing, um, I mean psyops, and sell it. This is their Achilles heel. We just need to be better at saying, the Superman story is the same no matter how many remakes there are.

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Yup, there is a lot of predictive programming about "viruses" and "pandemics" in movies in the last 50 years that include conditioning viewers to place their trust in the "medical" establishment. The "Superman" stories are meant to make people believe that they cannot do anything without superhuman abilities. :)

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Preach it, Ray. xo You are ON IT.

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The truth is never popular. :)

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I fell down that rabbit hole once.

Maybe this helps you climb out.

Its a pretty technical subject but isolating nanoparticles who only replicate in cells isn't like filtering coffee or even bacteria


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Thank you for posting this.

I personally I believe there is a lot that is not entirely correct with the existing viral model, and I believe in both the pleomorphic model of biology and terrain theory... But neither of those in anyway disprove the existence of viruses. The Best example I've ever come across for obvious invalidating example to the viruses do not exist theory is one:ebola due to its unique microscopic appearance and it's immediate distinct severe illness (I also have friends who helped with the Ebola response in Africa) and two: the fact that bacteriophages work as effective anti-microbial therapies.

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Ebola? The "super" infectious but NOT really contagious disease, that just so happens to pop up in war-torn areas, and places with selenium deficient diets? Hmm. Scurvy was contagious too ... er, never mind. I see, hear, smell, think, believe, VIRUS!!!

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There isn't really anything else I can say on this topic, so I am not debating it further (it eats a lot of time and goes nowhere). The two things I will specifically ask you to ponder is what:

-What brought you to the place where you are actively accusing someone who is clearly opposed to big Pharma and taking a leadership role against them of being a shill?

-How can you claim to understand what happened with Ebola if you were never there and did not see the carnage firsthand? This is like claiming to be an invincible fighter who has never actually actually fought a single match (which is very common to observe on the internet). The ebola outbreaks were horrific, and nothing like you are describing.

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Dear AMD,

Please forgive me. I did not mean to say that I think you are a shill for Pharma.

As for Ebola, I would challenge you to dig into the facts. Much like "monkey pox" which suddenly appeared in 1970 - after Europeans and WHO representatives both injected monkeys and people with "vaccines", Ebola arrived after the "HIV/AIDS" campaigns. It was found in war torn areas, where people had limited access to food, clean water, and or were subjected to a lot of allopathic toxicity.


John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD

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I know very little about monkey box so I cannot comment on it. There is a good case to be made that HIV was spread and Africa through contaminated polio vaccinations. There is also a case to be made that ebola was engineered in a weapons lab. However, none of that negates the fact that ebola has been catastrophic in places where it has gotten out, and much of the spread from it is not through contaminated vaccinations.

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Yes, bacteriophages! I have read about those. I am just a lay person, but I found them such an interesting and fascinating topic. I read a book, unfortunately do not remember title or author at the moment, but weren't there even pictures of bacteriophages from microscopes? I am sorry I can't explain it better, English is not my native language.

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Yes there are!

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What a pity this blog is being miused by impractical ideologists who deny virusses and their abilities.

Do they deny the existence of electronics? Have they ever isolated and seen an electron? Should they use computers then?

In the end everything is an abstraction and certain anti-virals have been proven to work in certain conditions. Which terrain theory medical interventions have proof of better practical accomplishments?

It's a silly discussion anyway. It's like the discussion whether light is a wave or a particle. If both theories of the nature of something can be used practically then they can also both be right.

The discussion is a diversion and I suspect people who try to change the subject to it are either trolls for the narrative or need to see their shrink.

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I'm a bit stuck on that question because I know this is a common tactic used to derail voices who challenge the prevailing narrative, but some of the people pushing the "viruses aren't real message" were here from the very start before there was an incentive for trolls to surface and have been sincere throughout their history on here. My aim with this thread is to say what I have to say on this issue and when it's brought up in the future to refer people to this comment thread.

There are terrain theory inventions that are remarkably effective I use in my clinical practice, but very few people are aware they exist.

That all said "It's a silly discussion anyway. It's like the discussion whether light is a wave or a particle. If both theories of the nature of something can be used practically then they can also both be right" PRECISELY summarizes my feelings on this entire topic!

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What is silly about questioning a paradigm that is being used for maiming and exterminating people?

Who would pay a "troll" who would be willing to expose themselves in opposition to the official narrative?

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An extremely common approach used to destabilize anti-establishment movements is to place agents within them who advocate for significantly more absurd concepts and then fracture the movement into factions while discrediting the entire movement to outside observers because these agents are able to make a scene and attract the majority of the focus the community gets. I've worked with a variety of season activists, and they've all found for their movement to succeed, they have to be able to spot these agents and kick them out before they derail the movement. Likewise, within the conspiracy field, I feel around 30-40% of the conspiracies out there are made up for the purpose of derailing and discrediting the movement because enough people who innately distrust the system will pick up anything that disagrees with it.

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I agree. I seen "vaccine" injury facebook groups that have picked up a couple people who I suspect are trolls sent there to make mischief. They claim there is no such thing as germ theory and totally ignore just how much modern medicine that would invalidate, and have no alternative explanations for diseases or how things like antibiotics appear to have cured infections.

I don't think all the "No germ theory" people are shills or trolls though. Some of them are sincere, just less-than-rational. I've been there (on other issues), being bipolar 2.

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Thank you for the explanation.

It works the other way around, too. In order to maintain the official (murderous) narrative, fake opposition can be installed, whose only job is to maintain the narrative by not questioning the paradigm or the terminology.

My original question still stands unanswered:

What's so absurd (previously labeled "silly") about questioning a genocidal paradigm? Perhaps supporting it is the really absurd choice, wouldn't you say?

Moreover, I cannot see any "movement" here that could be "discredited," only a cautious alternative within the official narrative (Rand Paul, Mallone, or Yeadon comes to mind, too) that would still force people to stay within the range of thinking that ensures that the genocide will succeed... Even if these lethal injections are "defeated," the next ones will surely keep coming...

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Thank you for hearing it. I likewise accept your viewpoints and I hold no agenda in changing them. You are level-headed and give good pieces of advice to people who comment here.

As far as your question goes, I agree the contagion theory has been used to justify ethnic cleansing in the past, but I don't believe that means the theory must be abandoned. Any tool can be misused and if one tool is banned another will be adopted for the same purpose. If that is taken to the extreme and we lived in a society that banned all tools, we would be suffering from the wide range of problems those tools have solved and consigned to the dustbin of history.

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You go completely off topic and don't seem to onderstand that it's sabotaging because the attention and energy is taken away from the real topic in this article. And what the author writes about is simply facts from official FDA/EMA/BioNTech.. documents.

If people fully understand those points they are fundamental to deal with the real issues.

If you deny virusses you should start your own blog about that because you indirectly invalidate almost everything in the article by your stance.

It's like going to discussion on football teams and writing that you hate football and everyone should be doing ballet instead.

But I know your kind. You are as dogmatic and obsessed like the "all vaccines are great" scientism believers.

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Dear Glenn,

I have been shocked plenty of times. In that sense, it matters not if I can see an electron - after all, such is just a theoretical framework to help us understand what Steinmetz called the electric and dialectric fields. (Please see Eric Dollard). But to sat that anti-virals work? Uh, like Remdesivir? Dude, anti-viral is a name, it does not mean that there is a virus.

Please read the work of Frederick Klenner (1949). He cured measles, polio, mumps, and flu, with vitamin C. Our primary opposition to viral theory is that is undergirds the death cult of vaccinology. Vaccinology declares that somehow the human immune system needs help, via injections of polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, proteins of monkeys, cows, and humans, in order to "fight off infectious viral pathogens." But vaccinology is a lie. Which invented the notion of viruses to underscore it.

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That was painful, but at least revealing. :)

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"How can one "catch" a "virus" that has never been isolated? (Not a single "virus" has ever been isolated.)" STOP

Lab created bioweapon Sars2-Cov (virus-Fly Bat AIDS) was/is release as a Aerosol presumably by Mossad-CIA-US military around thousands of bases in 190 countries. Agenda = massive population reduction!

Dissuasion, debate blah, blah about "germ theory, viruses exist or not, virus isolation etc accomplish ZERO regarding the successful Sars2-Cov Agenda = massive population reduction!

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I just finished reading. This article, like all of your articles is a joy to read, well written, extremely informative, and very complete. Thank you for bringing up flu vaccines.

To support your assertion about flu vax making flu worse, it happened to me. In a moment of weakness I agreed to a "flu shot", many years ago. Within a couple of weeks I developed the absolutely worst flu ever. I enjoyed most of my previous flus as I like mild fever, being wrapped in blankets etc. But that post-vax flu was absolutely brutal.

No more flu vaccines for me and I actually did not have another flu for years.

I am worried for Covid and repeat Covid sufferers, as Covid seems to be getting stronger with every Omicron variant (Ba1 < Ba2 < Ba4), probably for a reason related to vaccination. I hope that Covid somehow ends, although I cannot understand how that could happen.

Please keep writing, I love your articles.

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Thank you very much for all you support of this substack too; I never expected it to get this popular. I changed quite a few things in this after you read it (either from your direct suggestions or from things you wrote on the topic). It dawned me after doing the last few edits that if the OAS thing pans out (and everyone who was boosted permanently looses immunity to COVID), it's very possible Moderna's staff will be tried for crimes against humanity. Almost certainly it's going to be first be preceded by them interpreting their lack of immunity as insufficient boosting and I have no idea how many people will wake up before permanent damage to their immune system happens. A lot of my life has been watching slow motion train wrecks I was powerless to stop (no one would listen to me etc.) but even with that background, this whole thing has been hard and writing this substack has been a form of therapy for me so I feel less bad about what I have to bear witness to.

As far as flu shots go, every f***ing time they are given (including throughout my medical training), I see multiple people around me come down with the flu or something similar after which everyone repeats as a mantra "the flu vaccine cannot cause you to get the flu, it's just confirmation bias."

I also periodically run into people who have developed permanent issues from flu shots (and I've admitted a few adults to the hospital for Influenza or Pneumococcal vaccination reactions).

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Thank you!

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“While rarely publicized, China’s vaccine, which is used around the world has subsequently proven itself to be the most effective vaccination on the market.”

I’ve been wanting someone in independent media or medicine to do a deep dive on the Chinese vaccines. I live in Asia, and many of us got them. Anecdotally, I’m unaware of any adverse reactions to these vaccines, though basically everyone I know who got one of the Western vaccines had some sort of systemic adverse reaction. People out here joke that the Chinese vaccines are just saline solution, and many mistake the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines as evidence that they must be more effective, which has prompted many to get mRNA boosters.

I personally got the Sinopharm vaccine and did not have any noticeable reactions to it, though I still regret having gotten it just because all things Covid appear more and more rotten by the day. I did not get boosted (2 shots was already a mistake. I’m definitely not getting a third, and definitely not getting an mRNA booster) and finally got a mild case of Covid about 7 months after my second shot. Hopefully I won’t be as susceptible to constant reinfection as mRNA recipients seem to be.

Anyway, an independent deep dive on the Chinese vaccines would be interesting. Any takers?

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I knew a bunch of people in Nepal who got it, and they told me people would often get sick (but not critically ill) with COVID like symptoms after receiving it, which seemed congruent with a live attenuated vaccination, but I did not hear of anyone suffering severe complications.

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So officially at least, the Chinese vaccines are inactivated, not live attenuated. https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/sinopharm-vero-cell---inactivated-covid-19-vaccine. The two widely distributed were Sinovac and Sinopharm. Anecdotally, Sinovac had higher levels of adverse events. I wonder if that’s what your contacts in Nepal had, and if it was a reaction to the adjuvants rather than to an attenuated virus.

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Yes that was an error on my part. I updated it in the article when I was checking what type of vaccine each one in Cuba, India and Iran was.

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No worries. You’re doing great work here. Errors are understandable and forgivable. It’s the mainstream media and BigPharma lies that are unforgivable and unconscionable.

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You have the most informative and interesting articles. Thank you!

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Thank you for your support!

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Excellent writing and very informative! Thank you so much for such an honest assessment of the current situation.

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I'm trying to be as accurate as I can here and not exaggerate anything.

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Well, you're doing an excellent job!😊

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Also as lay reader, thank you - most of it I could follow (but I've been reading Ethical Skeptic, boriquagato, Kevin McKernan on genomics & pseudouridine, et al. for 2 years.) I knew abt regulatory capture for over 20 yrs but didn't know all the vaccination harms data until 2021. Also wondered why we couldn't have an attenuated virus vaccine in US (Cuba has one also), & assumed darker reasons than timeline for why not. Also have read the lawyers (Robt Barnes et al.), because I expected to be unemployable over the mandate issue. Thank you again.

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Oh wow... I did not know about Cuba...

I am going to need to look into that.

Since Cuba has limited economic means and a commitment to provide medical care for everyone because of their constitution, they often come up with very clever medical innovations. Thank you for pointing out this oversight.

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Cuba and Iran have developed C-19 attenuated virus vaccines. They have one thing in common - under western sanctions!!

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The same has been claimed about Sputnik V and it turned out to be a lie...

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That one is an adenovirus vector spike protein vaccine

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At least on paper. :)

It doesn't matter, because the logistics of "vaccination" itself is based on fraud...

By the way, I don't believe they have released mRNA tech (although it has been around since the early 1970s) in public, because they couldn't control the chain reaction (I concur with Dr. Andreas Noack that mRNA is a red herring). Still, I'm pretty sure such human experiments will take place in the "Green Zones" (that is, death camps) under severe isolation.

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SS is no longer taking my "likes," so here's LIKE for all your comments.

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Even India has its whole inactivated virus-based COVID-19 vaccine called Covaxin:


As of October 2021, 110.6 million people in India have received Covaxin

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India knows all about "vaccines" via Bill Stinkin' Gates... He's wanted for murder there.

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I know. There are at least 2 court cases against Bull Gates in India. He maimed ~500K poor Indian girls in remote areas using them as guinea pigs for his quackcines.

The latest case was about C-19 quackcine death - he's also behind a company producing the Chimpanzee adenovirus toxins in India!!!

Bull Gates has sterilized millions of Africans using quackcines since he started his depopulation crusade after leaving Microsoft. He labels himself as Philanthropist but is a MONSTER - a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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Ain't that cute! :D

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Schizer and Murderna quackcines are not used in India.

Only homegrown inactivated virus and adenovirus-based quackcines are used + Sputnik V (adenovirus from Russia)

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Iranian C-19 quackcine called FAKHRAVAC can be found here:


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Yes - I'm trying to remember the source of info (usually careful to only follow reliable sources), but yes, I knew abt their medical innovations. Many others as well, due to their hardships (organics, etc.)

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Something sinister is going on with all the varieties of the lethal injections; they all have in common that they track, maim, or kill.

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Well, like MWD, I am more sanguine, but I believe in a darker origin for SARS-COV-2 than MWD - it seems to have been a multinational project, not blamable (is that a word?) on any one country.

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One person I spoke with (who had some direct knowledge of what occurred in Wuhan) told me that the Chinese government got Fauci to help them make the virus not because they needed Fauci's help but rather because they wanted to have blackmail that would cause the NIH to cover up the lab origins of the virus.

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Nooo. In the worldwide biolabs, logically speaking, the lethal injections were/are developed and tested...

There is no virus...

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It has nothing to do with countries; it comes from the dominant interest group that controls the money flow worldwide.

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as i was afraid to lose the link that brought me here, as has happened before, i copied the integral text into my word processor and saved it on my computer.

i will now print it out and take it with me to be distributed amongst the protesters in a small german town that i join in a protest march each thursday.

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My sincere hope for this blog is that it can help in situations like the one you just described.

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A Midwestern Doctor.. I pray you can continue to help your patients and continue the good fight.

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The Church brought us the first Hospitals. The Church has always maintained that there are seven deadly sins. Greed is among them. we are witnessing greed feeding upon slothfulness and gluttony.

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THE PLAN shows the official agenda of the World Health Organization to have ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. This is revealed by a WHO virologist, Marion Koopmans. You will also see shocking evidence that the first pandemic was planned and abundantly announced right before it happened.


More information, and to see all the documents in THE PLAN, go to: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/proof

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Thank you Brain!

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I always look forward to your eye opening posts. I learn so much and your genuine care and concern is evident. Thank you.

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Thank you. It's quite a challenge to straddle the immense ideological divide on this issue while remaining in integrity with the truth.

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👏👏👏👏 Bravo!

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RE: viruses don't exist.

When you start taking flak, you know you're over the target.

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