In 2009 -2011 it was my job (working for Fauci) to evaluate the H1N1 vaccine data in kids. Across three flu seasons, I was fortunate to be able to follow a cohort that we trialed.

It clearly showed negative efficacy, in fact I asked, "is this inducing tolerance, like those allergy shots?"

The reaction was swift and furious and not beneficial, at all, to me and my career. And of course it all got buried.

- Laura Kragie MD, biomedworks.substack.com

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Hi I pinned this. Please don't change the comment. If you could provide a more detail summary of what happened at some point to me I would greatly appreciate it.

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Midwest Doc

Just going memory. No records were allowed for me to keep.

This was back in 2011. In 2010 I received the NIH Dir Team Award for the Pandemic Response.

In early 2011 Fauci et al tried to make me work with CCP in Wuhan to develop and trial a hemorrhagic fever chimeric virus.

I refused because I called it treason. And I subsequently contacted many senators, including Grassley. Filed Complaint with Office Special Counsel. Rejected because I was “a contract hire’ , and thus ignored.

I was brought in to NIH early in 2009 to run H1N1 pandemic clinical trials remotely for pregnant women and pediatrics. Then worked with the hospital ‘partners’, VA, Europe, WHO and Pharma databases to evaluate responses.

Kids were trialed for first time for a flu vax. H1N1 was put in the next two flu cycles. Endpoints were reported, as open label. Antibody levels and adverse events, flu and respiratory infections. I do remember discussing this with a Pharma colleague who agreed that he got sick and sicker after each flu vax. He was very surprised.

When I tried to submit my analysis, the project was taken away from me.

In March 2011 I I was marched out of NIH, my office contents seized.

Serious threats came from Collins and others, got blacklisted from feds and Pharma for jobs.

Grassley et al: said will just watch them all to see who they can flush out. Obama had gutted all Inspector General Offices. But when Trump came in, he identified 300K Chinese grad students at all the institutions and universities and Pharma who were actually PLA/CCP. He kicked them out.

The shadow govt is still going on … to identify the collaborators and major bad actors.


-Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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What are you doing now?

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I am semi retired living in the Berkshires. Writing substacks, some telemed consultations, some small biz consultations. Mostly being a Digital Warrior ... waiting for the world to change.

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Got it. Thank you for the good effort you gave to help the bureaucracy from the inside. I wanted to do what you did, but I heard so many bad stories from people inside the federal government I decided to never try to apply to any of these institutions.

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As I told Robert Malone MD back in 2021, "We can only take one step at a time, one day at a time, taking into account each one's own responsibilities and burdens." Look at what you have accomplished here. Your reach is wide and global. Now is your time.

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God bless. We need more like you. Many more.

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Thank you for sharing this.

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Thanks for being a good guy. No good deed goes unpunished...

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Ditto to what all above said. There was no C19 and no mandates and no ‘othering’ back then, and you stood up like a real US Citizen. Thank you for that. I hope you have kids! How did you fare during this c19 fiasco? How has family treated you? You should go on Joe Rogan, speak to folks on dark Horse podcast. How do you feel about voting and politicians now?

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Rebecca, I am just one of many. I joined the Digital Soldiers and fight against misinformation. We all get pummelled, it comes with the role. And yes, we do this for our children's future. And their children. Thank you for standing up, too.

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Thank you so much for sharing your experience and for your courageous work.

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Thanks for all you do. I hate to ask you for more, but if you could review my page of potential vaccine damage repair protocols and let me know your opinion (should/should not include). It may help others (it's currently at the top of at least one search engine's results).


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Good to hear it from someone with personal experience, but in the last two years, anyone interested and able to read could have found out that ALL "vaccines" are poisons with absolutely no "benefits."

Why is it that "the truth," especially recently, tends to come out only after nothing can be done about it?


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BTW, "herd immunity" is nonsense...

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I am an unvaccinated ophthalmologist in northern New Jersey. I lost hospital privileges over this whole thing and I was treated exactly the way you described here. The entire board of the Valley Hosp in Ridgewood New Jersey is oblivious and blind. I’ve been as non-confrontational as possible but sometimes I’ve had to stand up and really defend myself.

I was called irresponsible, reckless some people made comments about my “manhood“, that somehow I was a coward

And this was all from medical colleagues

Their brains were broken by fear. They failed the greatest moral test of their lives

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I am so sorry you had to endure such unjust treatment, yet each time I read a reply like yours, it gladdens my heart to know that there are those in the medical community who have critical thinking skills and thus have the fortitude to stand on principle. I hope you regain the respect of your colleagues as more and more truths about the harms of the vaccine come to light.

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thanks. back when the obamacare act was passed. I thought that was the last straw. The gov was asserting the right to force people to buy a private product and asserting the right to punish them if they didnt. hardly a more unconstitutional and immoral thing could be imagined. And obama did it entirely , 100% to buy the votes of the 40-50 million people who at the time didnt have health insurance for one reason or another.

And the supreme court OK this abomination. The SCOTUS is the MOST failed institution in the world.

Now we witness the government trying to force you take an experimental drug that you dont want and dont need and threatening to punish you if you dont or empowering private businesses to punish you if you dont and bribing and threatening private businesses to coerce you .

plus the governement forced millions of people to cover their faces with useless masks just because .... well because they said so. Masks are useless at stopping covid.

It was a form of extortion. take the jab and wear a mask or else you cant go to school , travel or access the health care system or even work in some cases.

Hardly a more evil fascistic program could be imagined and where was the SCOTUS? largely ON BOARD. THE CMS vax mandate was OKs by scotus. The masks were not stopped by scotus or any state supremem court. it took one conservative florida judge to beat down the mask mandates on airplane remember.

So as a 55 year old doc with 25 years of clinical experience , who grew up in a consiervative jewish hom in the 1970s. I rememeber when the US was actually a free country . When the word democracry actually meant something and our public officials were generally informed cirsumspect thoughful public servants who actually wanted to serve the people and took the ideas of freedom and liberty seriously , not a group of lunatic hyperpartisans

SO this jab mandate and mask madates were the last straw

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Very sorry for how you have been treated. I lost my job over this also.

I'm going to keep working to expose this madness. I appreciate your

moral compass at a time when many in the medical industry have

completely lost theirs.

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Thank you. You made the right choice. This was the greatest moral test of our lives and you passed it.

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Thanks. The more we learn about these mystery clotshot injections, the clearer it is that we shouldn’t take them under any circumstances. Unless Jesus himself comes down to tell me to do it...

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Thank you for speaking out about this. It means a lot to know that there are still doctors out there with common sense and integrity. Best of luck to you in the future!

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Very well stated, Doctor. With all that, it’s hard to not feel incredibly discouraged at times. How do we correct this? Is it possible? The greed and corruption runs so deep.

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We have to be tireless advocates for rolling back the state cutting taxes eliminating agencies and departments

We have to be warriors for freedom limited small government

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I have some former New Yorker Jewish friends living here in the South. All are Liberal. Hated Trump. Vaxed 4x. One is starting to question what is going on?? She wouldn’t listen to me two years ago and still barely will, even though she knows something isn’t right. Now, they should see that Trump was doing a much better job, but they don’t! Not that the repubs have stood up for us much at all in all this. Only Trump seemed to have the B***s to attempt to fight back what he knew was happening.. America & many past freedoms being destroyed!

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I tried to outline some ideas in here for the most helpful ways to deal with those types of situations (both within medicine but also in politics):


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So well said, and we unvaxxed can be so proud that we were immune to brainwashing, intimidation, social shaming, coercion, discrimination and threats. And only because we refused to take an experimental injection, which isnt only preventing transmission or infection, but also is highly dangerous and can be even deadly.

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Wow, so powerful and prophetic! TY for all you do!

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Thank you for your support!

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Thank you so much for sharing your story. I would like to get your thoughts on two things.

#1 Could you read these two articles when you have a chance?



#2 Could you read this and give me your opinion on the scleral examination I outlined (it can also be done with the conjunctiva)?


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Good for you. Thanks for taking a stand. We will need doctors alive after all the vaccinated ones die. It's a mass psychosis. Group insanity. And they will all pay the ultimate price for their affliction.

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Like you said, they failed the greatest moral test of their lives...and you DID NOT. Congratulate yourself, and love & respect yourself for standing-up not only for yourself, but for the myriad millions of us who also share your beliefs. Hail to you!!! Cheers!!! Congratulations for having the fortitude and strength to stand-up when you could have just easily stood-down!

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And you!

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I am sorry for what you endured. And thankful you were strong. Some of them will realize what they did, and hopefully learn. I am a recently retired RN, forty years! I have been so saddened, shocked at what I have witnessed in the medical community these past two years. Never would have thought that I worked with so many pretty dumb individuals that were so quick to go down the path of demonizing people, It has been utterly shocking. Thank you for being brave, and telling your story.

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Thank you for standing your ground when you had so much to lose.

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Fortunately im in a position professionally financially and socially where i could make a stand . I was so disgusted and enraged i felt like i hd choice but to so NO. There were so many people who wanted to resist who couldnt afford to or were too afraid. People have confided in me that they were afraid, intimidated and even depressed . Some people told we when they learned that they had to take the shot or lose their jobs they cried. So many of these people were disgusted and enraged as well and now they will have a voice

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Pretty much everyone who speaks out about this stuff only does so because they are a doctor near retirement. A lot of the most interesting papers I've read were by doctors in that position.

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That's how it should be. There are plenty of older physicians who made more for far longer and it falls on them (more) morally to understand this. I say this as a doc who has worked only 6 years after a longer training (PGY) than most historically, who was the lone light in the dark tunnel that got extinguished... for now. Keep up the good work.

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There is proof! Corneal transplants are failing for the vaccinated. Corneas are one of the most successful, readily accepted transplants of the human body. Now showing rejections in unseen numbers. Talk about canary in the coal mine. Feel grateful that you are strong, have good instincts, and understand medicine well.

I worked for a Neuro Ophthalmologist who was so impressive. The man diagnosed a cardiac event through an eye exam one time.

He was patient and understood fear. We could use an open minded detective like him about now.

You must be from the same ilk. Stay true and strong as you are representing all of us.

I am sorry for the rotten attitude that they have demonstrated. They are children emotionally and they are behaving badly. That can hurt us, but as long as we fight as adults we will be fine.

Critical thinking, or reasoning of any kind, has taken a back seat to flaring egos and childish tantrums.

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Do you have a source for the corneal implant claim? That is very interesting.

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This was the article that alerted me. It was written by Dr. Mary Gillis, D. Ed. September 13, 2022. I am not tech savvy by any means..

"Japanese researchers compiled data from 23 studies. A total of 23 eyes from 21 patients who had undergone corneal graft procedures were assessed. Graft rejection occurred anywhere from one day to six weeks after vaccination in all patients–some who underwent the procedure as far back as twenty years ago."

This is unheard of. Imagine if this starts occurring for other transplants.

An unrelated note: I experienced an image verified takotsubo event in March with many lasting effects. Memory and deductive reasoning have suffered which has slowed but has not quelled my desire to understand.

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Hi, Pub Med, American Academy of Ophthalmology, Journal of Cornea and External Disease all have documentation with advisement to wait a prescribed number of weeks after vaccination before procedure.

I thought that I read a Mercola article first but it could have been NEJM.

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Thank you. Its been a rough few years

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We will see plenty of suffering as the vaccines take their toll. We, the unvaccinated, may be their only hope.

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Me too with all those expressing admiration. Sorry for your troubles, but I hope time restores what you lost. Ironically you were the bravest.

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I’m sorry you had to experience all of that. Thanks fir standing strong.

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Thank you so much for speaking out. As much as it pains me to say so, because I have friends who are MDs and RNs and believe they are good and moral people, I will never trust any allopathic doctor or hospital again. I am in the process of creating a "no blood or plasma transfusion" order to keep with me in case of emergencies and have told my nearest and dearest not to take me to a hospital unless I am conscious and ask them to myself, no matter what has happened to me. I have stopped going to yearly screenings, which I no longer trust to give me honest results about my health, and will focus on using natural remedies like fasting, herbs, and nutrition (along with certain banned anti-parasitics that have proven to stop tumor growth, among many other things).

You are doing important work here and I'm grateful that you're here to tell us what's going on from the other side of the curtain. But until those responsible for this crime against humanity are brought to trial and hanged by the neck until they are dead, for all to see, I fear that many millions of us will never again trust anyone in any position of authority. Why should we? It has been made clear over the last two years that our governments and the massive global corporations that prop them up are actively trying to murder us. All we can do is pray that God's justice is furious and swift.

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Thank you. One thing I wanna mention is that I have known numerous famous and very talented naturopathic doctors who developed a medical condition that was relatively easy to treat with conventional medicine but they chose not to go to the hospital (as they were deathly afraid of them) and the individual died as a result. Although many things on Western medicine are harmful, there are some things that are very useful, so you need to be mindful to not avoid going to the ER if something seems seriously wrong. That said, other than physicals I was required to do, I have only seen a conventional doctor once in the last 20 years. However, at the same time I'm fortunate to have the medical knowledge that allows me to know which things you actually need help for (which is a knowledge base most people don't have), and even with that, a few years ago, I had an issue I was very close to seeing a surgeon for I was able to figure out about 12 hours before is planning on to the ER.

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TKU - Indeed, a word to the wise is sufficient. That said, concerning Dr.'s and hospitals, it is now imperative to think ahead of any and all possible options. I moved from the PNW to Midwest, thinking the people here would be much more sensible, conservative, practical, down to earth, and I am very happy to report those values seem to be in evidence. That gives me hope and faith, because I was getting very very nervous to see what was happening to everyday life & general circumstances, in Western WA. Seriously, and I am not easily intimidated. It's the horrible protocol(s) and "systems" we have to navigate when dealing with hospitals and medical personnel, how ever well meaning they might be. A PATIENTS BILL OF RIGHTS, is an absolute necessity to have in one's possession as well as an ADVOCATE by your side. And the fact that it is so difficult to check yourself out, and the surrender of all of your privacy etc. It just seems to me like it is not worth it. I'm about to order and read the award winning book: BIG BROTHER IN THE EXAM ROOM.

Definitely a personal risk analysis for each possible or probable scenario one might encounter with their own health, with some kind of flow chart, is a very worthwhile thought exercise, and maybe even worth putting pen to paper. As much as I hate tele-medicine, it might have it's place, if you were able to prearrange with a physician you absolutely trusted and was someone who appreciated the (insanity of) new normal and could suggest possible ideas for avoiding or mitigating a serious situation. I've thought about possible candidates for such a relationship.

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The Midwest is also cheaper!

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@Blue Skies, you stated, "I fear...many will never again trust anyone in a position of authority." I think that this loss represents one of the greatest gift to have arisen from the past three years. Within each of we resides the capacity for recognizing our individual self as a being with the ultimate authority. Fear is indeed the mind killer. Many minds have been laid waste for reasons I do not fully understand, but my curiosity and desire to persist remains. I was fortunate to be born by a mother who was able to love and raise me despite being a victim of horrific childhood trauma. I learned early in life that trust was contingent upon performance and not title. I am still learning to love what I represent.

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I am really hopeful that all the changes of the last few years will make it possible for our culture to evolve rather than going in a very dark direction, and that is the primary reason why I'm putting so much effort into this substack.

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Two good things coming out of this covid me-too freakout: 1) increase in home-schooling and 2) decrease in use of medical industrial complex. Let both continue in this evolution to a better society.

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Thank you AMD, it must be terribly time consuming. My hopes is such that if we get through this tyranny, that insurance companies with acknowledge and approve services that you and your office give!👍🏼🙏

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Insurance will never pay for anything that is useful...

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Terrible, I was glad they made an effort with Silver Sneakers at the gym and Blue Cross HMO had patients see a nutritionist and exercise physiologist for weight loss. But there is so much more , it’s shameful on insurances’ part. Society would feel so much better , with their mind , body and spirit.

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All 3 are very important but often forgotten sides of medicine

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It's so sad that it has come to this. Like you, I can never trust another doctor again (and definitely can't trust the hospital). The last doctor's appt. I made was back in early 2021 just as things were beginning to re-open and it was for a mammogram. When I called to make the appointment, I was told I could only get this cancer screening IF I was fully vaccinated which I was not. When I brought up the fact that I had already lost a year of screenings due to the lockdowns and that this policy is just going to cause more women to skip screenings in general leading to undiagnosed cancers, the office said that I could go to another doctor and get a PCR test and show them a copy of it, and IF and only if that was negative, could I get the mammogram.

I was so livid that I reached out to a local breast cancer survivor network telling them that these policies discriminate against women based on their vax status, and that it is forcing them to pay more $ (that they may not have) to see another doc and get a PCR test, and I asked what happens if a woman finds a lump and then tests positive for Covid. She will be forced to delay a diagnosis and treatment for weeks. A doctor from this survivor network wrote me back and said that she would look into it, but never indicated that it concerned her one bit, and I never heard from her again after repeated attempts. The group ghosted me.

I have ceased all screenings with allopathic docs and am in the process of trying to find a naturopath. I feel many will be going in this direction.

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There are a lot of issues with mammogram screening, and I do not believe it's the best way to evaluate for breast cancer. That said, most of the facilities are dropping the vaccine requirement now because it's causing them to lose money which is all that really matters in healthcare at an administrative level.

That said, the one thing that I think will motivate the medical field to behave better is if they start losing a lot of money from patients not wanting to see them, so I am praying what has happened now will result in a better practice of medicine in the future.

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What is your opinion on thermography as a screening tool? My functional medicine MD has mentioned it. I don’t do mammograms, since I was much younger. Got tired of my breasts being smashed to the extreme...didn’t seem ‘safe’ to me. I am 66 years old.

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It can often be extremely helpful, but there's a lot of variation in how its done and you need to get it done by the right person.

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I agree regarding the problems with yearly mammograms especially as they relate to false positives and diagnosing cancers that lead to unnecessary invasive treatments.

Several years back I opted to switch to tomography mammo's which are supposed to detect the tiniest smallest cancers that 2D mammo's can't. Well, the tomo showed a suspicious place on my breast. Docs said it is most likely cancer and that I needed to get a stereotactic biopsy (very $$). I get the biopsy and then after a week of hellish waiting for results (I was literally convinced I was going to die) it turns out that the suspicious spot was nothing at all. No cancer. Nothing. Icing on the cake came two weeks later when I got a bill for $15,000 for the biopsy.

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Was that with or without insurance?

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Mammograms are another of the allopathic scams. How can it be healthy to squeeze and radiate your breast? It’s not. I gave them up years ago because there is no history of breast cancer in my family. Just out of curiosity as much as anything, I did have thermography done a couple of years ago. I go to a naturopathic doctor and it was done in his office for about $150. Of course insurance doesn’t pay for that, but it’s a much healthier option for women who have concerns about breast cancer.

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Insurance doesn’t seem to cover any medical stuff I do. Tells us a lot, sadly. My FM doctor in our small city doesn’t take insurance. S/he is so busy, it takes many months to get an appointment. Even though the practice recently expanded, with many new staff added (most of whom were either fired/quit from Mayo).

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That is how it always goes...

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Oct 18, 2022
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Agree; also important to remember that, by not accepting insurance, my FM doc has more freedom of treatment choices.

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I stopped getting pap smears 25 years ago and never got a mammogram. The whole thing seemed like a scam to me. All my pap smears were irregular and required additional tests I never took. Here I am still alive 25 years later. Go figure.

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There is some degree of benefit that can be attributed to Pap smears, as they dramatically decreased the death rate from cervical cancer, whereas it's very difficult to argue significant benefit has emerged from mammogram screening.

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The death rate from cervical cancer was already going down prior due to cleaner water and better hygiene and nutrition (as it's caused by a virus that a healthy immune system clears with no problem), then a low accuracy (seriously,using the wrong frikking soap can cause a positive result, its one of the most changeable parts of a woman's body and equating any small anomaly cancer is as absurd as reprogramming your cells to imitate not just a single antigen of a virus but the most toxic one at that) high false positive test took credit for it partway through--like many unnecessary yet somehow blanket applied and sworn-by medical interventions that transform healthy people into permanent patients. Only thing pap smears contribute to is over treatment (which can cause complications and no surprise every woman I know who has trouble keeping her cork in through the pregnancy is a pap fanatic who has "had something done" to her cervix) and more money in the medical industry's pockets.

Forget whether its Norway or Finland, but one of those countries doesn't even offer paps to anyone unless they are over 30, not monogamous, and are HPV positive (which is only about 5% of women), and they haven't suffered high deaths from lack of regular paps. Its just not a prevalent cancer outside of over treatment victims believing they've been saved (much like vaxxed people getting severe covid and congratulating themselves that without their shots it would have been worse) and the number needed to to test to save one life is on the same level as the covid vaxxes.

Moreover, the hatred and violent wishes us pap-refusers get has been similar to that given to those who refused the covid vax,based on the idea that it is not only a life-saving test but crucial to any sort of survival and that to fail to submit to it is "selfish" and telling anyone the little known facts about it is "evil" and we should be silenced because we are "murdering people with misinformation". Also had people gleefully look forward to our horrible and inevitable death from CC (I'm 44, unsmeared, and still waiting for that horrible death that would inevitably happen "in the next year or two" wished on me over a decade ago). I've also been called an irresponsible child and had it suggested that I should be mandated to submit.

The For Women's Eyes Only website and wedeservebetter reddit has had a lot of good information and conversation on that subject outside of the mainstream information most are aware of (the website, I believe, has a lot of citations and links, if I remember correctly--my battle against medical tyranny got a bit sidetracked to a different subject over the last three years). But a lot of them fell for the covid vax, which is a phenomenon I've been noticing over the years--that groups who reject one unnecessary intervention based on the non-industry data against it and the massive industry propaganda and censorship against honest discussion will uncritically believe in another similar unnecessary intervention based on industry data and reject anything contradicting it, despite it being the same profits based industry-funded source they rejected before.

But as far as I've seen, pap smears are on the same level as the covid vax. Unnecessary, damaging, yet automatically believed to be necessary based largely on claims and data from industries that stand to profit--and those who push them have worked hard to prevent any discussion about them outside of "they are 100 safe and effective" through all manner of censorship and propaganda. And its cult is no less zealous or dismissive of bodily autonomy and informed consent as those who worship the vaccines.

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I stopped getting paps as well once I hit menopause. I got them every year from age 16 on and never once had an abnormal one and knowing cervical cancer is so slow growing I never saw the point of getting them past a certain age.

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I agree on that too. I've been told "well, if you ever had a lump in your breast you'd change your tune fast!"

My response is "no I wouldn't, because the worst thing I could think if doing to a cancerous tumor is crushing it so it can spread even easier! If I had enough concern about breast cancer to get checked, I'd do thermography only." Which leads to an opportunity to explain what thermography is. Also point out that I'd take no needle biopsy so the cancer can grow back along the needle path, if its establishing a blood supply, its no good, cut it out clean.

Alternate/additional response: "I already had a scare. Had discharge that went bloody, then scaly rash on the areola. Bandaged it up and went about my day without a worry. Within a year the rash went away and the discharge cleared then dried. Only recently found out those were symptoms of acute dcis-- the most common diagnosis of "cancer" obtained by mammogram, which even in acute firm largely clears and only rarely progressed to anything like cancer."

I always get a horrified "but how can you be sure, you could be terminal!"

To which I say "this was ten (now twenty) years ago, if that was cancer I'd already be dead. But had I gone the hysterical hypochondriac route,I'd have been poisoned and mutilated in my early twenties and spent the last twenty years as a permanent chronic patient. So im.pretty confident I made the right decision."

I learned at an early age that anyone who tries to instill hysterical uncritical terror in you is usually doing so because if you dud your own research or even spent five minutes thinking calmly about it you'd realize they are full of it. So the more you try to scare me,the more inclined I become to not take your word (or your sources) for anything.

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I will look into thermography, thank you.

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Yes exactly: the WarpSpeed project is designed to depopulate, and centralise control and turn 98% of us into strange cyborg transhuman slaves that are happy making no money and living in rabbit hutches eating fake good made lab grown bugs/bacteria. Greed will never be happy unless the workforce is completely cowed, culled and turned into docile sheep, happy to be end of life'd at any time.

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I think operation warp speed was modeled off of a financial blueprint Bill Gates put together. Peter Breggin made a very good case for that which I try to summarize here: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/californias-misinformation-epidemic

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A cull would collapse the global supply chains and those surviving it would starve

This is all about extermination - total extermination

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Totally agree.

Now step this back 20, 50, 100 years...and lets ask ourselves a question. Did this activity only begin in 2020?

Highly unlikely. How many decades of Rockefellerian allopathic medicine has been largely profit and control based?

What % would you assign?

My guess...we have been suckered and experimented on in a Mengele fashion...by often totally unwitting doctors...for generations.

Medicine has for years now been a holy sacred cow in our culture...hence we have all been fitted with cultural blinders. Very few have penetrated the lie...and those that do have all been maliciously attacked...for decades.

Today is merely the culmination of years of groundwork being laid...not some bizzare aparition in time.

Hence the masses eagerly follow whatever edict is delivered. The more ridiculous and demonstrably false...the more likely it will be worshipped. We are fully engaged in an inverse world...and nothing will deter the devotees of their reward.

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A lot of what I have been able to predict has simply been based on modeling past precedents into the future.

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If you haven't read Kennedy's book The Real Anthony Fauci, I highly recommend it. He dives deep into the origins of allopathic medicine and how it came to dominate.

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Ditto Blue Skies! I've been thinking and ruminating about how to insure that these drone like medical & paramedical human being(s) are forbidden to lay their hands on me!! I have thought of wearing a medical bracelet, along the lines of the order you stated. I'm planning on boycotting Medicare, and will only pay cash. Fortunately I'm quite healthy and take responsibility for doing the research to stay that way. Slowly but sure adding to my naturopathic library for reference. The excellent book resource: Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch, has been my (what's up with me??) bible for many years, and kept me out of trouble and Dr's offices, more times than I can count! Raised in a medical family, I know better. All medical personel, however well meaning, have feet of clay. Know Thyself!!

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I left this comment somewhere else but I want to share it with you as well:

One thing I wanna mention is that I have known numerous famous and very talented naturopathic doctors who developed a medical condition that was relatively easy to treat with conventional medicine but they chose not to go to the hospital (as they were deathly afraid of them) and the individual died as a result. Although many things on Western medicine are harmful, there are some things that are very useful, so you need to be mindful to not avoid going to the ER if something seems seriously wrong. That said, other than physicals I was required to do, I have only seen a conventional doctor once in the last 20 years. However, at the same time I'm fortunate to have the medical knowledge that allows me to know which things you actually need help for (which is a knowledge base most people don't have), and even with that, a few years ago, I had an issue I was very close to seeing a surgeon for I was able to figure out about 12 hours before is planning on to the ER.

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Good common sense. "However, at the same time I'm fortunate to have the medical knowledge that allows me to know which things you actually need help for (which is a knowledge base most people don't have)." I think a great future post would be how us non-medical people can gain a knowledge base of when and how to use the medical industrial complex.

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That is one of my goals, but it is an immensely complicated topic to break down so I am not sure if I I am going to be able to do it. It's really important to me to feel good about what I'm writing on here, and with some topics I feel relatively confident I can convey them in such a way that they will not provide harmful information or information that can be interpreted incorrectly (and hence result in harm to the reader) where is there are other topics I do not feel as confident I will be able to do that for… And essentially since I can't ever have the time to write about everything I want to cover, I am avoiding the topics that I feel I may have difficulty presenting correctly because I do not want to harm anyone.

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Napoleon - That knowledge used to be known as Dr. Google. Sadly, we now know that has gone to the dark side as well - very little truth found there.

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Though I still use the internet to decide if something needs medical attention, I just try to look over multiple sources. A number of times an injury or other problem.wasn't actually serious enough and didn't need medical help, but looked scary enough that without that guidance I would have wasted my time and money.

Of course I haven't needed it fir that since before the mass censorship effort.

But even pre-covid I got a ton of crap for using Dr Google from medical cultists.

For my own part, I choose to avoid any and all contact with the medical establishment, and if that ever results in a death by something that could have been treated by a regular doctor, I have no regrets and would not appreciate being used as some object lesson as to why it's "necessary" to go to a doctor. Because I made an informed decision and chose quality over quantity of life, and everyone is going to die no matte what, so if I live a shorter life based on my own values and principles there is no shame or failure in that nor am I wrong for living and dying on my own terms.

Despite never going to a doctor, often for issues others insist I "need medical attention" for, I am 44 and able bodied and everyone I know who started to go to doctors regularly and additionally for any and all symptoms has a ton of issues since getting on that merry go round and need my help a lot--yes, its a one way thing, I help me and I help them. Marinating in pharma products with a myriad of side effects they also medicate for. Yet one of them seriously told me that I have the right to avoid doctors, pharma, statins, etc but should be left to suffer and die without help should I become ill or disabled because I selfishly chose to burden others rather than submit to the medicos. I asked him if the same applies to those who get ill or disabled due to their uncritical submission to doctors since they "chose" that. Never got an answer.

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"All we can do is pray that God's justice is furious and swift." Swift? Probably not. Certain? You can be sure of it.

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Thank you for your reply; my position exactly.

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Is it time to say "I told you so" or is it still too soon?

Everyone. Absolutely everyone tried to convince me to take the jab and when I protested, they ridiculed me.

They told me I was arrogant for thinking I knew better than 99% of the experts. They told me I was probably just damaged from trauma I experienced in the army (PTSD)

The irony is, within my circles (non medical mostly construction/trades) I am easily the most medically experienced. I am also the health and safety specialist. And a former specialist medic in military CBRN response (pretty relevant). I have formal emergency management training and coordinated incident response.

I explained what I thought honestly. I went back to make sure my understanding of virology (eg how quick they can mutate) and immunology (IgA vs IgG antibodies) was right because my training in these fields was both relatively short and also roughly 10 years ago and so getting a bit hazy.

When it turned out it was still roughly right (science changes and evolves too) I saw no obvious logic for the vaccine passports. I told everyone this. I explained everything.

Did they listen?

Will they now?

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What I still cannot understand is that many of the doctors I talked to about this at the start did not grasp the IgA versus IgG issue, or the selective pressure that would be placed upon the viruses to mutate.

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I’ve seen a couple of “wake-up” stories, which is encouraging. My daughter works at a small law firm in Dallas. Out of the 20 people who work there, she was one of two who did not take the vaccine. The head of the firm asked her why not, and she respectfully told him that 1) she didn’t trust it, and 2) she didn’t need it. She’s an extremely healthy 50 year old who cycles 15 miles a day and often 50 or more on weekends.

In the ensuing year, every one of the vaxxed employees caught covid, her boss had it twice - post vax. Thankfully, he went to a doctor who gave him not only safe medicine, but good advice. He told him to read Dr. Peter McCullough’s book. He did, and it made a convert of him. The last I heard, he had purchased and given away 25 of those books. He’s like a covid/vaccine truth evangelist. And of course he now congratulates my daughter on having the foresight to not take the vaccine.

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I am really hoping that this tidal wave peaks before the midterm elections.

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That's a wonderful story! I've had no such luck

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I recently heard RFK, Jr. (Children's Health Defense) make the inspirational point that:

People who have a change of mind, subsequently will be changing "sides" so to speak. There won't be any from our side, going the other way. In that way our ranks are gaining day by day!!

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Our side has inevitability, so I am really curious to see what the counter will be to the wave that is building. I am really hoping it will not be a major war with Russia.

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Lovely message. Thanks for sharing this.

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No... They still won't listen.

I have a friend who almost died from injection related blood clots, yet still can't see it.

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It's a cult. I have family members with bell's palsy, heart attacks, strokes, sperm counts going to zero, sepsis, autoimmune, and severe shingles (despite getting the shingles vax) happening weeks after their second jabs and to them it's nothing but a crazy coincidence. They all went on to get their boosters, too.

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Wow, Mike Adams can see into the future. Great post.

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Same scams always repeat :(

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Yes - willfully NOT wanting to know the truth. I actually can't argue with them anymore - as I get either depressed or angry.

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This highlights the best approach I have found to that immensely frustrating issue:


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Just in the past few months, a then-employee (female, mid-40s, vax and boosted) had a heart attack, was off couple and apparently treated OK and returned to work.

I know a man, mid-40s, who recently died unexpectedly. I do not know his health history (he was reportedly vaxxed per a common friend). In any event he was healthy enough to walk dogs a few times a week. Now he's dead.

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Happens way too frequently :(

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Yeah they're hypnotized. They did a bloody good job with the programming and NLP.

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Learning to observe people entering hypnotic trances really changed my life.

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I explain the phenomenon in this post: https://newzealanddoc.substack.com/p/mass-formation-psychosis-not-even

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Subbing. If you could take a look at my vaccine repair protocol page and give your opinion, I'd appreciate it.


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have done so, great job

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There's a great cartoon by "BOB" - (I think he's a UK artist). A search engine will find his site.

It shows two people looking up at a HUGE signage construction on the top of a hill, that says,

"I TOLD YOU SO". One person says to the other,...... "It's not big enough"........:)....

Have a copy on my fridge!!

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The thing is ...

You can lash the CovIDIOTS with the clip from the Pfizer directing admitting they did not test for transmission.

But the CovIDIOTS already know it doesn't stop transmission - most of them have had covid after their injections at least once.

The PR Team was on this early --- they actually admitted that the injections were not purposed to stop transmission - don't be a silly goose --- they were purposed to STOP severe illness and death!

Yes of course a few folks are dying from Covid ... but hey -- it's not 100% effective is it! And some folks are getting injured ... but the injections have saved many millions of lives (or is it billions?)... so this is the price we pay for salvation.

You have about as much of a chance of beating the PR Team at their game --- as you do beating the world chess champ in a match. Zero.

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I tried to lay out the whole case here. Anyone who reads it will be outraged against Pfizer, and the goal of PR is to avoid outrage at their clients, so I don't see any issue with this approach.

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Your mistake is you think it's PR, when it's outright thuggery (at taxpayer and inflation embezzlement expense). Watch out for Martial Law! They expect outrage at the drill sergeant.

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I really hope a martial law situation never occurs.

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It's sort of a hard place to be. On the one hand, all of "us" want to show these people we weren't crazy this past year and a half.

On the other hand, they're too dug in. Anymore I just say nothing unless they bring it up. And when they do - I just say things like:

* They're not vaccines or

* I follow the DATA not "the Science".

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You have to give them the space to open up. Unless you are very good, you can't with this with aggression or force.

I tried to somewhat outline that here (apologies if I linked this already): https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/how-to-end-medical-blindness

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Vaccines (from Latin vacca a cow) are for cows. You're not a cow. Stop it!

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I have decided to allow this. 🧐 You are correct, but one step removed. The term "vaccine" comes directly from Vaccinia, which is the propeller head name for the cowpox virus which was an early cure for smallpox and was -- you guessed it -- the world's first vaccination.

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In my experience they definitely will not listen now. They have been hypnotised and stupefied by the "official" (but false) narrative of the mainstream media to such an extent that they are unwilling or unable to accept that they have been lied to. They refuse to acknowledge irrefutable facts............ They refuse to accept that they have been duped..............

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Perhaps they never will.

Don Maclean.

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We went to a Don McLean concert in June, at Big Top Chautauqua, in Bayfield, Wisconsin. He was amazing!

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Awesome. Saw him around 1984 at a folk fest. He only played about 40 minutes though.

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If you know of anybody that has clot-shot regret, this may help: https://davenarby.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-damage-repair-protocol

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Thank you!

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Ukraine thoughts: that'd be a 'yes' from me.

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BTW - Ukraine is an orchestrated 'war'... energy prices were running wild in Europe months before the 'war'.. cuz we've burned through most of the cheap stuff ...

The PTB do not want us knowing we've run out of cheap energy ... that would set off a panic...

So they organized a War Lite in Ukraine - asked Putin to play the villain ... and blamed inflation on him and the war. This creates the perception that the inflation is temporary ... just need to suffer for a winter and we'll return to normal.

Anything think Russia could not smash backwards Ukraine in a few weeks --- or better still --- shut off their energy supplies? But they don't - cuz then there would be no excuse for the exploding inflation.

The MSM does not give us the truth -- because we do not want it - we cannot handle it -- we prefer lies and fairy tales... we demand them.

Nobody would like being told the truth about the energy situation.

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I do not think the peak oil theory is correct. Thomas Gold's deep hot biosphere gives a very detailed explanation of why.

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If we have plenty of cheap oil remaining then:

1. Why are we steaming oil out of sand in Alberta?

2. Why are we drilling miles beneath the ocean to extract oil?

3. We are we drilling thousands of holes in the ground - dropping in explosives to smash the rock - and sucking out the dregs? To date $300 billion has been burned up doing this


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All I can say is read the book if you get the chance.

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I have read the review and am aware of the theory of abiotic oil.

I do not buy into it -- I will consider reading the book though if someone can answer the 3 questions above.

One further question - can anyone point me to an annual report from an oil major that indicates their prospects are looking good because their oil fields are refilling at a faster rate than expected.

This is probably the best paper I have read on the energy situation. Tim Morgan was head of research at a global energy trading firm. He identified increasing oil production costs as the reason for the GFC.

He was instrumental in helping me understand why the banks nearly crashed the world by offering money to people they knew would not pay them back (Liar Loans of course)...

SEE PAGE 59 - THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel


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One other thing to keep in mind... is that the PTB will go to extreme lengths to convince the masses that we will never run into a bottleneck.

For instance, they will inform us that a breakthrough with anything from fusion to ice crystals is right around the corner https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181119-why-flammable-ice-could-be-the-future-of-energy

They have thrown billions at trying to convince us that we will transition from fossil fuels to solar/wind. That is impossible (see below).

They tell us we will all be driving EVs in 10 years... that is both impossible and ignores the fact that most electricity is fossil fuel generated.

I suspect the abiotic story is just another of these con jobs.

They will (and should) do absolute everything to convince us oil is not a problem -- just think of how unsettling it would be to be made aware that we are on the precipice...

Replacement of oil by alternative sources

While oil has many other important uses (lubrication, plastics, roadways, roofing) this section considers only its use as an energy source. The CMO is a powerful means of understanding the difficulty of replacing oil energy by other sources. SRI International chemist Ripudaman Malhotra, working with Crane and colleague Ed Kinderman, used it to describe the looming energy crisis in sobering terms.[13] Malhotra illustrates the problem of producing one CMO energy that we currently derive from oil each year from five different alternative sources. Installing capacity to produce 1 CMO per year requires long and significant development.

Allowing fifty years to develop the requisite capacity, 1 CMO of energy per year could be produced by any one of these developments:

4 Three Gorges Dams,[14] developed each year for 50 years, or

52 nuclear power plants,[15] developed each year for 50 years, or

104 coal-fired power plants,[16] developed each year for 50 years, or

32,850 wind turbines,[17][18] developed each year for 50 years, or

91,250,000 rooftop solar photovoltaic panels[19] developed each year for 50 years

The world consumes approximately 3 CMO annually from all sources. The table [10] shows the small contribution from alternative energies in 2006.


“To provide most of our power through renewables would take hundreds of times the amount of rare earth metals that we are mining today,” according to Thomas Graedel at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. So renewable energy resources like windmills and solar PV can not ever replace fossil fuels, there’s not enough of many essential minerals to scale this technology up. http://energyskeptic.com/2014/high-tech-cannot-last-rare-earth-metals/

Renewable Penetration https://gailtheactuary.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/iea-primary-energy-suppy-1973-and-2015.png

Renewable Energy’s $2.5 Trillion Problem https://www.technologyreview.com/s/611683/the-25-trillion-reason-we-cant-rely-on-batteries-to-clean-up-the-grid/

Renewable energy 'simply won't work': Top Google engineers

Two highly qualified Google engineers who have spent years studying and trying to improve renewable energy technology have stated quite bluntly that whatever the future holds, it is not a renewables-powered civilisation: such a thing is impossible.

Both men are Stanford PhDs, Ross Koningstein having trained in aerospace engineering and David Fork in applied physics. These aren't guys who fiddle about with websites or data analytics or "technology" of that sort: they are real engineers who understand difficult maths and physics, and top-bracket even among that distinguished company.

Even if one were to electrify all of transport, industry, heating and so on, so much renewable generation and balancing/storage equipment would be needed to power it that astronomical new requirements for steel, concrete, copper, glass, carbon fibre, neodymium, shipping and haulage etc etc would appear.

All these things are made using mammoth amounts of energy: far from achieving massive energy savings, which most plans for a renewables future rely on implicitly, we would wind up needing far more energy, which would mean even more vast renewables farms – and even more materials and energy to make and maintain them and so on. The scale of the building would be like nothing ever attempted by the human race.

In reality, well before any such stage was reached, energy would become horrifyingly expensive – which means that everything would become horrifyingly expensive (even the present well-under-one-per-cent renewables level in the UK has pushed up utility bills very considerably).



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My vote is for thorium nuclear reactors and hydrogen based fuels.

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I don’t know how old you are Eddy, but I’ve seen this play before. I was a young guy during the stagflation 70’s compounded by the Arab Oil Embargo. In some parts of the USA on odd numbered days you needed an odd numbered licence plate to even buy gas, and vice versa. Speed limits nationwide were lowered from 60 to 55 mph and unemployment was widespread. That situation continued until Paul Volcker raised interest rates and broke the financial bubble that was the underlying cause. Mortgage rates peaked in 1981 at 21%! Who the hell could afford a starter home at those rates? Marriage and kids? Out of the question.

Here’s how my friends and I, just out of high school in Ottawa, coped with that situation. My brother moved to Switzerland to work as a pattern maker. My BF Mike went to work as a cook on the DEW line in the high Arctic. My other friend Mike moved to Germany to sell software. I went to sea working on oil tankers in the North Atlantic. We all had to scrimp, make compromises and put up with less than we were accustomed to as kids growing up in the prosperous 60’s, but we all made it through, and we all benefited from the experience in one way or another.

The difference between now and then is simple. Back then you only had newspapers and TV and most people were too busy making ends meet to read or watch them anyway. Now we have the internet 24/7 amplifying every little event into a major crisis, while people check their phones every 30 seconds to see how many liked the latest picture of their cat. It’s completely neurotic behaviour and will end very badly, but it won’t change the outcome as far as the material underpinnings of civilization are concerned. Some will suffer, of that there’s no doubt, but they brought it on themselves. They believed the lying bastards that created this artificial crisis they call the “great reset” but not everyone drank the Koolaid. Serious people are right now working on solutions and are making serious progress. It’s our misfortune that we’re not among them, but then why should they care about us? What have we ever done for them?

HG Wells said: “Civilization is in a race between education and catastrophe. Let us learn the truth and spread it as far and wide as our circumstances allow. For the truth is the greatest weapon we have.”

Words to live by, even if it does seem hopeless, because frankly, we have no other choice.

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We have flying cars now, so there's that.

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To (partly) answer that question, look at large scale mining operations. Ore deposits are not uniform. They consist of rich and poor regions. Typically these are blended to extend the life of the mine, and to standardize the extraction process which depends on a uniform grade.

IMO, the shale industry is a giant scam. Depletion rates are too high to justify long term investment. They are basically stock operations along the same lines as junior mining ventures.

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If not for shale we'd all be dead now... unfortunately that chapter is now ending so....

Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://archive.ph/tjl6J

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I think one of the biggest tells that we're at peak, or soon will be, is Russian arctic navigation. Russia has over 30 icebreakers, 4 of them nuclear powered. Canada has 8, the US has only 4. In addition, as of 2019 they have a floating nuclear power station that can be towed, and are planning to build several more.

You don't build floating power stations if your only goal is to open an arctic shipping channel. They're looking for oil, and they'll find it. Next they'll develop submersible drilling rigs if they haven't already, plus the experience they gain is also applicable to the Antarctic.

Say what you like about Russia (and China) but at least they plan for the future. I don't see us doing that at all anymore.

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[Keep in mind the following is mostly opinion, not necessarily "fact." ]

I agree with some of what you've said, but I think you're dead wrong on a few points.

The world is NOT running out of energy -- fossil fuels or fission. There is enough for many centuries. Virtually all the current and past "shortages" can be laid at the feet of war or other government action. Just as with the "climate emergency," if you've been around for a while, you will note there have been many claims that we were running out of oil (1970s) and the world was going to freeze. No wait, was going to overheat. No wait... My point, if you cannot figure it out, is that many popular perceptions are fanned by the media for dubious ends, and in any case, there is often very little truth behind the panicked claims.

The Ukraine - Russia war is more complex and you're very right -- the media is not giving us the truth. In my opinion, and it won't be a popular one, USA/NATO/Neocons are mostly to blame for the war. Just look at the curious events in 2014 in Ukraine. The USA has a long history of meddling in foreign nations with odd goals if they can be deduced at all.

You're on the right track (e.g. you cannot trust the media). But I think you're also wrong that you seem to imply that Russia wants exploding prices. I surely will agree that EU is facing critical energy shortages. But not because of lack of resources; it's completely due to Western sanctions and most recently, acts of war like sabotaging the pipelines and the bridge. The US (or more precisely, the power groups that rule the US, the EU etc.) have their own agenda, and the welfare of Europe is not high on their list of priorities.

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I think we are far from running out of oil. We keep finding new deposits, even in the Mediterranean. But by far the Arctic holds huge reserves awaiting development. The Russians have been keen to develop them but without the technology and experience it will take a long time. It's true that the easiest oil has declined. Fracked wells generally have a useful period of a year or two before they slow badly. But we are finding they can return to production after a few years. Well costs for fracked oil have declined as skill has improved so they are worthwhile short term. The deep water sources involve much more capital but produce longer.

The market is manipulated by producers to ensure sustained profits but those controls try for a reasonable price. The appearance of US oil changed the marketplace considerably so keeping them off-line has been the goal of major producers. Some of the green efforts are sponsored by those interests.

The logic of using valuable resources for power generation is short term given easy exploitation of nuclear. The French clearly have constructed a viable system based on nuclear, surprised not widely adopted. May the NIH factor is too high. Nuclear plants can have a near indefinite operating lifetime, built correctly. All it takes is national will.

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In a lot of industries, the goal is always to create scarcity in life essential resources so that they can be leveraged in order to control the population.

There are a variety of solutions to the energy issues that could be adopted but have never been brought out because that would break the control that currently exists over the energy system.

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Control of the population implies some sort of central planning. I see an effort to ensure profitable production. Some central planning has been attached to ESG which has reduced investment in oil claiming a dying industry is risky capital. I think that view premature but my thoughts hardly matter to Blackrock.

I do see some kickbacks arriving for the green zealots arriving because they have caused serious damage in pushing unrealistic policy on the world. Even Blackrock is paying attention now.

Adaptation takes time, trying to rush a complex system not fully understood shows how foolish they have been. So the pendulum must slow a bit.

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"The Russians have been keen to develop them but without the technology and experience it will take a long time."

You mean like this?



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That ship looks like a mobile factory. I'd expect to see rigs like https://www.drillingcontractor.org/in-search-of-equilibrium-in-the-north-sea-35864 pictures. That story was from 2015 as operators were facing price declines as part of an OPECtrade war. The drilling business is quite complex and skilled people have become scarce https://www.drillingcontractor.org/will-we-pursue-different-solutions-to-the-same-old-people-challenges-62173 is a US viewpoint. With contractors leaving Russia, I expect they even lack the training staff. Operating the platforms in the arctic likely requires even more complexity.

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Poke around that site a bit and you'll see this has been in the planning stage since the early 90's. Construction of floating power plants confirms that they're ready to go from planning to actual implementation. Russia has a lot of experience building submarines, so this is just the logical extension of that technology.

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As a rule I avoid this topic because it tends to get heated, but here's my 2 kopeks worth anyway:

The biotic vs abiotic debate may be a false dichotomy. Both may be true. Near surface biotic, deep underground abiotic.

Coal can be converted to diesel via the Fisher-Tropsch process.


The energy required can be provided by thorium reactors, with the fuel possibly coming from the coal itself. Thorium is present in coal, which is one of the reasons burning it is a bad idea. This can provide a source of transportation fuel (ships, aircraft, locomotives, heavy trucks) separate from other uses, thus preserving existing reserves and helping to balance markets.

Notice how Russia and the USA are both major oil producers. Something they also have in common is underground nuclear testing. The argument is made that we have to periodically test nuclear weapons to assure their effectiveness. I believe that is cover for the actual use of these tests, which is identifying hydrocarbon deposits, and/or fracturing the rock in which they're located. Outgassing from underground nuclear tests can be seen via satellite, and ground instruments can do seismic mapping, thus shorting exploration times.

That's about all I have to add. I worked in the industry for 8 years and could share some real horror stories, but this isn't really the place for that:)

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I would love to hear them!

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I worked on coastal tankers as an oiler, basically an apprentice engineer. That was in the mid-70's, when the marine environment first appeared on the radar. Ships operating in the Great Lakes were required to clear the engine bilge to the waste tank. That didn't always happen, especially at night. Often it just went over the side. I refused to do it myself, but the engineer on my watch sometimes would. It IS a safety issue in heavy seas, especially on smaller vessels. Too much water sloshing about causes you to heel, especially when light. Still, it's not the North Atlantic (been there). The Lakes are almost always calm, and you get plenty of warning if they're not. No excuse for it. Just too lazy to pump it ashore. Other things, like heavy drinking, as you'd expect. One of my engineers was a terminal drunk a few months from retirement. He never came down on watch. The 3rd was covering for him and he'd sign his name in the log while he was passed out in his bunk. So, for about three months that ship was running 1/3 of the time with a 19 yo kid alone in the engine room who had no idea what he was doing...lol. It's funny now, but it could have been a disaster. Speaking of disasters, had a few of those. Fortunately no one killed, but some pretty close calls. Ship collided a couple of times. Once with the Canso causeway when heavy wind blew us sideways, so not our fault, another in port where we rear-ended a Greek tanker coming in too fast. That one was definitely on us. Lots of other stuff - I could write a book actually.

After that I drove tanker trucks for 8 years, and those are some really scary stories. The industry has improved greatly since then (80s) but only because it was getting too dangerous and had to be done. I went back for a short time, post the improvements. Definitely safer now than when I was doing it. Some thing do actually get better:)

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The war is an attempt to gin up a bigger conflict to cover the USD empire collapse.

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^^^ This!

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A yes from me as well

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Lied about safe.

Lied about effective.

Lied about transmission.

Lied about staying localized.

Lied about duration.

Next shoe to drop?

Lied about lessons symptoms.

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It'd be easier to list all the things they got right:





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That is a good point. I believe that the vaccine initially reduced symptoms for minor cases, but I can also see your prediction coming to pass in the future.

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* Lied about prevented hospitalizations

* Lied about safe for pregnant women (but not pregnant men) 😁

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I have been thinking a lot about their breach of fiduciary duty and the legal options that could open up for their prosecution as individuals.

[T]he acting of one person for another; the having and the exercising of influence over one person by another; the reposing of confidence by one person in another; the dominance of one person by another; the inequality of the parties; and the dependence of one person upon another. In addition, courts have considered weakness of age, mental strength, business intelligence, knowledge of the facts involved or other conditions giving to one an advantage over the other.

Whenever one party places trust and confidence in a second person with that second person’s knowledge, it is possible that a fiduciary relationship is created."

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A lot of people have thought the only way that you can fax the iatrogenic epidemic on the tendency of doctors in the gaslight patients with medical injuries is to directly go after them for prescribing the medication's and not adequately informing the patients of the risks and benefits. However, to my knowledge, I don't know of this approach being implimented.

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I was thinking more of using it to make a case against the FDA and CDC, etc... I'm not interested in scapegoating.

However, you raise an interesting point. I've also been thinking that what we really need right now is "Truth and Reconciliation" hearings. Maybe, "breach of fiduciary duty" could be the basis.

A place where low-level perpetrators can confess their wrongdoings in front of someone who has been victimized by similar (or same) wrongdoings. A place where they can admit their mistakes for the record and submit evidence against their "superiors." A place where a "suitable punishment" in community service is agreed upon so that the perpetrator can pay their debt to society and rejoin the community with their heads up and integrity restored.

This would allow for healing in our society and provide testimony and evidence suitable for use in 'official' court cases, in theory. I don't know how it could work exactly, just feeling it out in my mind.

Thanks for your input.

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We may need a truth and reconcillation approach for the lower level people, but something more serious needs to happen for the administrators who pushed all of this through.

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I agree. ... Good people participated in things they wouldn't have because they were misled and/or succumbed to behavioral management techniques they had no reason to suspect.

They still did bad things and I imagine it is weighing heavily on a lot of hearts right now. I want the good people who did bad things to have a way out. Good people can admit their mistakes, atone, and be welcomed back into the good people fold.

Bad people can't admit their mistakes and are unwilling to pay the price voluntarily... Kinda separates the wheat from the chaff right off the bat.

Providing a process back into the fold for the previously innocent will drain the other side of "supporters" currently stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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Spelling groomer

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Terrific piece. One aspect of vaccine messaging from 2021 was the notion that people of refused Covid vaccines were 1) selfish, and 2) had a “death wish.”

President Biden’s famous quote about “a winter of death” comes to mind here.

The “death wish” messaging becomes especially curious at this juncture, when a fair weight of evidence on the side of harm from mRNA vaccines has accumulated. And yet the notion that continued enthusiasm for re-boosting might constitute a “death wish” has not seriously been proposed.

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Biden's "We're losing our patience" with the unjabbed speech was when I was like, I will NEVER get this vaccine.

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I listened to a version of this from mayor deBlasio summer of 2021 when I was still in nyc. He said something like “we’ve been patient and it’s time to get your vaccine”. Like free choice was an illusion the whole time and everyone was going to “get their shot” it was inevitable. One of the most chilling, unreal and frightening moments of my life. Was I still in America?!? Most people did as nyc has the most draconian vax mandates in the country. Eventually mandates came for me, but I had planned for it—sold my biz of 20 years and moved. I’m still hung up on the mandates how many New Yorkers wanted them and approved of them or had no clue why they were wrong. I tried to explain thru a website—the city of “liberals” has become a city of illiberal conformists and it is an awful shame, one of the toughest don’t take no shit cities…accepting this….I went on here but wanted to underscore how scary it was hearing “leaders” talk to citizens like this. Pitting us against each other. Unforgivable

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glad you got out when you did. here's what you're missing https://tessa.substack.com/p/isolation-camps-new-york

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I have a death wish for the fools who ignore the injurie and deaths and continue to boost :)

I make zero effort to convince them to stop ... that is futile.

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But if, say, 20% of them disappear in the future or become unable to move due to side effects, the rest of us will be in trouble, so let's try to persuade our relatives and close friends appropriately. Even so, let's abandon the useless people as you say.

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The thing is .. I do not believe it is a partial cull... it is an all or nothing proposition...

I've detailed what I think the master plan is here https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

I need to update this to include the hypothesis that they needed to inject billions in order to create a highly contagious mutation -- then they took that to the lab -- tweaked it -- and created Devil Covid -- 80% death rate.

Most people (vaxxed and unvaxxed) die from Devil Covid -- everyone left alive is locked down .. (willingly!) -- told the food trucks will come (they won't) -- and we starve to death.

And the most dangerous species on the planet -- goes out with barely a whimper... cowering at home under a heap of blankets -- watching CNN flash horror stories to ensure nobody ventures out ... while they slowly starve.

No murder - no rape --- no cannibalism... (who wants to eat another human - they might be infected!!!).

Mission .. Accomplished

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Remember the graph I shared here. Things never progress as far as people expect them to.

By any chance were you able to read these two articles?



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Another superb post. I'm a now retired psychiatrist here in New Zealand -- I resigned my position rather than take the inoculation. The corrupt Medical Council here is going after any doctor who has dared to counter the 'narrative' about covid and the jab. New Zealand did NOTHING to treat people, etc. (https://newzealanddoc.substack.com/p/responsibility-and-choice). Your work is very much appreciated.

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"Your work is very much appreciated."........And so is yours, NewZealandDoc!

Especially considering you are working behind enemy lines. We're with you in spirit....

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Fauci: Vaccinated people become ‘dead ends’ for the coronavirus, in May 2021.

But he was singing a different tune in the Annals of Internal Medicine in May 2021:


"Administration of parenterally administered vaccines alone typically does not result in potent mucosal immunity that might interrupt infection or transmission"

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This is a really good point I need to add in. Thank you.

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He's a liar. He lies for a living. He should be shamed into oblivion.

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The vast majority of the herd are both stupid and trusting of the MSM and gov't so as expected they did as they were told - and continue to do so. Even know as they they get a whiff of the vax injuries they are told that they are rare and that the injections have 'saved millions'. Too bad for the suckers who have wrecked bodies -- we have to sacrifice some folks to save civilization.

The thing is...

I had just left Hong Kong when this story hit https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/31/a-man-lies-dead-in-the-street-the-image-that-captures-the-wuhan-coronavirus-crisis

I remember thinking ... if this man was suffering from a severe respiratory illness ... what was he doing wandering the streets in that condition? Was he shopping? Going for a bowl of noodles? Why was he not home in bed... Something was not right.

This was all going as Chinese New Year arrived -- a time when hundreds of millions of Chinese are on the move heading to their villages to celebrate --- I recall reading that millions of residents of Wuhan left (there was not lockdown) and thinking ... this disease was going to rip through the country very quickly. My concern was that the supply chain would rupture.

But nothing happened. Only Wuhan was affected. I have contacts in Shanghai and they confirmed ... nothing out of the ordinary.

I ain't no pandemic expert but this made no sense ... respiratory diseases don't respect city gates... or borders. Flights were still leaving Wuhan for places like Ethiopia (African hub for Chinese workers flowing into China) ... and Bali... the MSM was warning against this... but nothing happened.

It was very obvious to me that this was a psyop... it was a lie..

And not long after Operation Warp Speed was announced... hmmm... I did a bit of research into why we have never been able to make a vaccine against a coronavirus and came up with this https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/

I immediately knew something diabolical was going down... I shared that with a number of people as the vax launch was imminent -- they dismissed it - two of them have severe heart damage as their penance for rejecting my warnings.

The strategies I have used to deal with those who urged (and sometimes insulted) me to get the injection involved:

1. Asking them if they have seen any long term studies on the side effects... specifically I want to know what might happen in 2+ years. Obviously those did not exist (amusingly ... they will soon... and they won't be promising).

2. Citing the average age of a Covid death being 80+ with 3+ co-morbidities... as I'd put it -- we all know it's old people in terrible shape that are dying ... I don't need no vaccine.

These tactics generally stopped the CovIDIOTS from harassing me -- but they did not stop any of them from shooting the endless boosters.

Like I said - they are stupid (and trusting).

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Thank you for sharing what you witnessed!

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Those dropping-dead-in-the-street videos were apparently fake. One was a passed out drunk, another was a victim of a motorcycle accident, at least that's what I read, although I can't confirm. It comports with what I know about China though, where helping strangers in distress is not part of the culture, and people will just step over you if you're lying dead or injured. I read a story years ago, I think in the Bangkok Post, where a young girl drowned in a swimming pool filled with other swimmers, none of who came to her rescue. Not trashing China here. I visited in the late 80's and have several Chinese friends. They're fine people on an individual level, but completely different in large numbers. Not unique to China of course, but given their large population it does tend to stand out.

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One of the interesting things I noticed was that the falling down in the street videos were only shown in China and Iran and then disappeared after a few months.

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I lived and worked in Hong Kong for two decades - lived a year in Shanghai.

Mainland China is the land of 1.3 billion zombies. That is the product of intensive indoctrination by the CCP since 1989.

I am not suggesting the vast majority of the population of other countries are not zombies as well ... it's just that the condition is more severe in China.

I believe Nietzsche used the term barnyard animals.

That's an insult to barnyard animals -- I prefer zombies --- it's also much more difficult to farm zombies (they are quite dangerous - particularly when they form mobs) so more sophisticated methods of control are required.

You do not require a Ministry of Truth to farm barnyard animals....

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I was there during the "Four Modernizations" period. Didn't look too modern, let me tell you. Old folks in Mao suits, young people just figuring out disco and dating. Rusty old buses and broken down Russian trucks everywhere. Not many cars either - only party officials had them. They've come a long way since then in material terms, but the character of the people is still much the same.

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That must have been a fascinating time to be there! I wish I could have seen it.

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I do not believe this is an accurate characterization of the Chinese people. One thing that is important to understand is that the Chinese government is different from the Chinese populous.

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The funny thing is ... when I spoke to mainland Chinese both in China and outside of the country --- asking them if they supported the HK people during the protests of 2019 -- they were generally supportive of the crack down on the pro democracy movement.

They were dismissive of the HK movement and believed it should be crushed.

Keep in mind the reason for the protests was that the CCP was violating the Basic Law which guaranteed the people of HK a range of rights up until 2047.

But that did not matter to these fools - the HKers needed to be smashed.

I have not been back to HK since 2019 but I maintain our head office there and have extensive contacts in the city. I am told that the city has drastically changed since 2019 -- there is a feeling of oppressiveness -- of a crushed spirit.

It is for all intents and purposes just another shit city in China -- the people are like beaten dogs.

And I believe that most of the mainlanders are pleased with this.

Of course they are intensively brainwashed - it is not possible to view any foreign news sites -- forget out youtube ... they are in an extreme bubble fed propaganda by the CCP.

If people thing the MSM is worse than useless in the rest of the world... China is that on steroids.

Worst place I have ever spent time in -- and I have been to 60ish countries and lived in half a dozen.

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I do not believe this is a product of them being brainwashed by the CCP so much as them holding strong nationalist values.

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That's part of the brainwashing :) Same thing goes on in most countries - the main difference is the CCP leadership consists of outright gangsters... (we have much more polished gangsters in the west who for the most part follow rule of law in terms of business practices... because they are smart enough to understand that is a good business practice)

One of my senior managers departed HK with her family for the UK a couple of months ago citing disgust with what was being taught to her two kids in primary school.

A couple of anecdotal experiences with that:

1. We bought the websites of a media company that had operations in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou... the founder was a European. As a media company he needed a local partner - a CCP member -- some years into the business they were hitting serious stride with their print editions -- the CCP member decided to take the company from him - they locked him out of the offices -- zero compensation. No recourse -- which would in any event be a bad idea because that can backfire and they invent some bs to pin on you. The urls of the sites were held outside of China (in a country where rule of law generally applies) so we could buy and operate the sites.

2. We had a business manufacturing and distributing air purifiers in China. As that started to hit stride 'accounting anomalies' suddenly surfaced. We understand these were linked to a China-owned competitor. Our operational partner, a westerner, decided the best way forward was to sell... which we did. He left China soon after and said it was getting very oppressive (he'd lived their 10 yrs..)

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You're not too far off. Nietzsche writes extensively, in several of his books, about "the herd." usually it's tied in with master and slave moralities, the latter is created by the weak of a society to protect against the strong (the powerful, the rulers, the nobles). He'd frequently criticize the Europe and especially Germany of his day (late 1800s) as having been bred into domesticated men, the herd-like citizens of democracy.

Curiously, he'd probably argue that it is The Herd (the "slaves"), NOT the masters/nobles, who are engaging in the attempt at mind control. The Herd is all about conformity and thus being a maverick would be discouraged. In contrast, the Master/Noble is the hero of ancient Greece or barbarian Viking or Teutonic times, the "blond beast of prey," who lived by his own code and, supposedly, enjoyed great freedoms and happiness (I remain skeptical on some of his claims here!) In Nietzsche's world, as I understand it, the Master/Noble is a law unto himself; the slave/commoner/herd too is basically off by themselves.

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Like this fine incident of many people going right by a little girl who was run over (and the drivers just continued on).

There is a Difference in ethical integrity that people are raised with. Don't underestimate what that means for us as we are relying on the veracity of published scientific studies, on the contents of catfood and medicine and food products, on the quality of steel parts required for structural safety, etc. Our moral and ethical upbringing matters and can not be taken for granted as a universal.

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I moved to S Florida this year. I mourn my friends and family left behind. It’s very sad. 2 other of my medical colleagues from WA just moved to FL as well this year. What’s going on in WA is a real problem that I’m not articulate enough to describe at this point, but it is very sad. I was born and raised in NW WA- it took a lot to get me to leave. Now that I’ve moved, I have no regrets- an independent thinker can be tolerated here, maybe even appreciated!

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DeSantos has done a really good job as the governor of Florida.

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I left WA too, after 40 years on and off. It was a really lovely place to live (before too many people & traffic became unbearable)a nd I have too been trying to figure out what in the H, happened to it, as it was a slow and subtle takeover. I think the Tech influence was the real & very dangerous culprit. I had a front and center view at the UW, working with many of the people who were completely and illogically enamored with Amazon, MSFT, etc. etc.

Kool-aid served 24/7 for everyone who would imbibe at the UW where I was. And then if you look at the political connections, Inslee and Gates, and the big bucks and influence peddling.

Very glad I left, my intuition dashboard was totally accurate. But I understand your sadness.

I have some residual of that as well.

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What astonished me right from the outset was the lack of understanding of basic epidemiology on the part of clinicians. I have no medical background, but I studied viruses and the immune system in the 80's as part of a project on information systems I was working on.

One of the things I learned was that you don't mass vaccinate into a pandemic of a respiratory virus because they mutate too quickly, so you are forever playing catch-up. Worse, by vaccinating on a mass scale you are actually selecting for mutations. It's called 'vaccine escape' and is exactly what has happened with Sars-Cov2. On top of that we had John Ioannidis' meta-study which showed a low IFR (.23) later confirmed by other studies. We knew from that to protect the vulnerable, treat the infected with known antivirals plus new ones identified around the same time, and just let everyone else get on with their lives. So, by summer of 2020 I knew it wasn't about public health, but I couldn't understand why people whose job it was to know what I knew just didn't get it. I'm sure they weren't part of any conspiracy (although I do believe there was one at a higher level) so WTF? Why did they all fold so quickly? It was like a mechanic telling you that you never need to change the oil in your engine. Completely absurd.

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That is a great analysis and why they call it drinking the Kool-Aid! All the principles in epidemiology seem to get tossed out of the window when a vaccine can just be thrown at the problem (I view this as a major problem with public health training).

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Wonderful, your experience saved you.

When I read immunology textbooks for medical students in Japan, I think it's only rough theories, and when I read the essays of researchers, their real intentions were "I don't know that either," "I don't know this," "Maybe this way." etc. are overflowing. Therefore, since ordinary doctors studied with such textbooks, there are many doctors who are not familiar with anything other than their own specialty.

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Lots of family docs went along - they are so booked; they don't have or take the time to brush up on their immunology/epidemiology. My primary told me she hadn't had time. I pulled out and handed her some papers with a sticky note on each one (This paper means that the jabs..."), highlighted test as minimally as possible, and did a quick summary as I handed each one over. Then next time I saw her, she said "They want to kill us all," and told me some scary stories. I have been so worried, her hospital made everyone get the Pfizer jabs in May 2021.

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This is a key key point. Everyone assumes doctors read tons of literature, but they don't actually realize how long it takes to do that and how little time they have available to dive into complex subjects. If someone is at least somewhat open-minded, this is an excellent way to approach the problem!

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Granted there was a lot of confusion at the beginning, but one thing that was easy to establish just by reading the safety data was that HCQ is one of the safest drugs we know. HCQ is recommended for travel in malarial regions, and you have to start taking it before you depart. I know this because I took it myself when I travelled to SE Asia. So it wouldn't be unusual for the average MD to prescribe it once in a while, and any MD practising military medicine would also know about it. So sanctioning doctors who prescribed it, along with pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions, was so out of line with normal procedure that it should have raised red flags all over the place. Never mind if it worked or not, it violated the basic principle of using off-label drugs to treat novel pathogens, provided safety can be established and the patient is informed. That was what tipped me off that this wasn't about public health and I'm not even a doctor!

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Wow, you made a difference in communicating with her. Way to go!! Amazed she was able to deal with the truth. You have to admire that.

And yes, they do want to kill us all!!

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I mentioned I worked in the response in 1 country and I was not privy to any high level meetings on inner workings….but my impression so far is many well meaning individuals who were captured by group think including fear and strangely narrow thinking….they refused to accomodate different view points so by their nature they could only pursue the same flawed strategies as other countries.

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Hence you can either go with the mass formation psychosis hypothesis or the vaccine zombie hypothesis, or simply that the amount of information people are being asked to process exceeds their capacities.

I tried to detail the first two here:



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What I found bizarre was this leap in logic:

- the purpose of a vaccine is to train the body to develop antibodies, so *in case that person contracts the sickness, those antibodies will be available to fight it off.*

Even in medical professionals, that very basic concept somehow got convoluted to:

- Vaccination = prevention of contraction and therefore prevention of transmission

Well, if no contraction is going to occur, what's the use of antibodies?

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Big Pharma has always been based on death and fraud:


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I, too faced a wrath of persecution in Washington state for supporting unvaccinated people. It led to me leaving my position as an ICU MD and Trauma Surgeon. The meticulous documentation and thoughts you are providing may well lead to a way forward for our medical community. Thank you for your work on this!

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Before the shots were even available, we had informed surgeons warning the entire department about the dangers. High respect for them.

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Thank you! I think of everything as presented in a levelheaded, reasonable and compassionate way a lot of people will be willing to embrace the message. That is a big part of why I am trying to write the things on here properly. I know you are busy but I miss your comments!

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James - I lived in WA for years and years, and left abruptly when the pandemic was declared.

I feared WA was ground zero. (Kirkland, Bill Gates, etc. etc.) I am now in the Midwest and it is a completely different vibe. But family and longtime friends in WA have apparently not changed their stance or opinions on the so-called virus and the injections. Have lost two healthy family members, yes elderly, but still they had no significant issues until taking multiple shots. There is something very strange (IMO) about how indoctrinated the population at large is in Western WA particularly. Reminds me of Invasion of the Body Snatchers! I'm still very puzzled by it all, but I am much happier and less anxious being away. What do you make of it?

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Aren't there quite a few sections of Washington that are fairly red?

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I think it's more of a rural vs urban thing than red state blue state. I've had a foot in both worlds most of my life and have found rural people are much easier to talk to, as long you don't talk down. Urban people are more competitive, but far less capable where it really counts.

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The state is split more or less - into East / West. The West side of course is Techland, with all of it's tentacles and "faux values" that comes with the proliferation of easy and fast money, consumerism, academia, etc. The East side is more agriculture oriented and conservative, but much less population, and much less influence and panache. Inslee the Gov. has solid ties to Gates. Gov's daughter in law has been on B&M Gates Foundation board for quite a few years. Univ. of WA is highly corporatized, (Boeing, MSFT, Amazon, Alaska Airlines, etc. etc.) and they learned how to do sophisticated & effective marketing to attract $$'s from students as well as big money corporate donations. (That's the in a nutshell story.) IMO - eventually easy money ruins just about everything it touches.

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"Don't sell your soul to the eye on the back of the Dollar Bill."

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Yes indeed. I know (too) many who have. The best advice in 5 words I have ultimately found to be the most useful in the last decade are: "Get OUT of the SYSTEM".....It's taken thoughtful time and effort; a series of small individualized steps but I'm 90% there. For me it looks like: (A personalized 12 step program :).......

1) No debt... 2) No cellphone....landline OK 3) No Amazon... 4) P.O. Box address.. 5) Use cash only or gift card(s) for online purchases..... 6) Do not use email for personal correspondence .....7) Question convenience!!....8) Stock the pantry....9) Don't leave $$'s in the bank......10) Get out in nature as much as possible....11) Build my health (etc) library...

12) Gratitude plus prayer as a daily practice.

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I'm not that hardcore though

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Vaccine that prevents cold caused by coronaviruses or in fact any upper respiratory infection has never been successfully developed. Thus we knew beforehand that this was all a plain scam.


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Correct! I tried to go into that in the article I linked to here.

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Yes. Very interested in your thoughts on Ukraine.

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Thank you!

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