If you think about it there's no cure for most chronic diseases. There's just an assortment of pharmaceuticals masking symptoms, causing adverse effects, or doing absolutely nothing.

More money has been spent on conning the public via mainstream media news than bothering to do real research or "genuine" trials testing heterodox treatments if they're not profitable.

The majority of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment such as masks are manufactured in China where although wages have increased are nowhere as high as unionized wages would be in the US if scoundrel CEO'S were forced to manufacture drugs and medical equipment in America.

Every part of the medical industrial complex is obsessed with profits and not in finding cures so the ill would become "free" of relentless prescription drugs.

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The cure comes from within, if the disease has not over whelmed our number one defense which is a whole and vibrant immune system. The medicine man ignores this basic concept which needs to be properly addressed! In the Western world, the issue is Big Chemo drives Big Food/Agra and the bloated medical industry benefits! The approach to treating patients with Covid/Flu etc demonstrates this very well! Stop the injections NOW! Accumulating trace toxins via the food system creates disease states and negatively impacts the immune system!

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The immune system was another made up pseudoscience. How can I say this? Well, they have no clue about most of it, despite having studied it for decades.

Let's skip basic biology to promote a body that has a war like defense system.

Let's ignore the simple fact, whatever we call the immune system is actually a garbage collection system. If garbage piles up, the "city" is sick.

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I'm of the view 95+% of modern illnesses would vanish if we didn't live in such a toxic industrial/technological age.

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And if we didn't fall for the toxic drugs given to us as a cure for a falsely diagnosed disease.

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It's called IATROGENICS.

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I hope you're aware that RFK has pledged to stop this assault on our health. He has litigated and won countless trials against the CDC, and the NIH. He's our only chance to improve the health of our children and the nation.

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Most of the chronic illnesses can be reduced or eliminated by the correct diet.

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Probably, or eliminating many of the prescribed medications, vaccines, and other external disturbances.

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Hmm, There are a number of ideas coalescing at the moment about chronic disease.

First uncontrolled inflammation is implicated in almost all chronic disease (genetics partially excluded).

Inflammation is aggravated by gut dysbiosis.

Gut dysbyosis is aggravated by nutrient deficiency and bad food, notably sugar, refined seed oils, grain products, most dairy.

Vitamin-D3 with magnesium is one of the most implicated and easy to resolve nutrient deficiencies and is linked to a long list of diseases.


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So in other words, the Food and Drug Administration's approval of unhealthy products is a key factor in what's causing inflammation and thus chronic diseasess throughout the population.

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Agreed Charlotte and I do a deep dive into alternatives. If you are pressed for time just skip to the end section on therapeutics:


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Thank you for the link - looks worth my time. I appreciate how you address both bio weapons - aerosol & syringe.

Going forward, how will we be able to tell what the cause of our dis-ease is? Will it matter for treatment or should we just assume it's c19 related and continue those therapies?

Five months post minor covid infection my husband suddenly became short of breath upon minor exertion. Then he could not breathe at 7000ft while conditioning for a 250mi backpack trip in the mtns...(going to 11,000ft plus) Dr said he'd die if he tried - his iron was so low... had to have 2 iron transfusions. Could not find any reason for the anemia but I wonder if it was covid still at work somehow... and was that a warning that there was ongoing damage? I had hoped that declining the shot would prevent having to think much about our health but alas...

Seems it's going to be a guessing game now and all we can do is stay as healthy as possible in body, soul and spirit.

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I've come across this before from our friend. It sounds like hypoproliferative anaemia as the virus (or vax) can deplete your bone marrow stem cells. This can lead to severe depletion of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and/or leucocytes.

From my notes:


Severe aplastic anemia after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: Causality or coincidence?


Severe Aplastic Anemia Secondary to SARS CoV-2 Infection- A Case Report


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Thank you! Sadly, we are all going to have to devote more time to keeping abreast of this ongoing saga and how to protect ourselves... at least there are enough of you who can condense, educate, and entertain this lay community. Greatly appreciate your time!

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Feb 8, 2024
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Herbs (which are a type of antimicrobial) also work. Recent research at Johns Hopkins indicates that several herbs (cryptolepis, Japanese knotweed, cat's claw, artemisia, black walnut, and Chinese skullcap) are effective at killing borrelia in vitro, some as well or better than the traditional antibiotics cefuroxime and doxycycline. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2020.00006/full. This draws from and expands on the original herbal recommendations given by master herbalist Stephen Buhner many decades ago. More info on protocols for effectively treating and killing Lyme and co-infections can be found at treatlyme.net, if you or someone you know ever need this info.

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Feb 8, 2024
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Yes, he is! So grateful that he shares his knowledge so freely. We have also recently added ivermectin to the mix. I know Dr. Ross is not a huge fan of it, but it seems to have taken us onto a new phase of healing the fatigue and energy, which seems to be the last symptom to go.

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Hmm, weaponized parasites a physiological problem as well as a societal one. 😁

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BVT (Bee Venom Therapy) is the only thing that can possibly rid your tissue of Lyme disease. Babesia too. Other diseases not so much, or at least there’s not been as much research into it.

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Interesting. They say it's a bacterial thing but it seems it's the same with lupus, something off kilter that gets fixed with bee venom.

Another one I've heard that works is low dose naltrexone, probably a similar "reset" of something.

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Antibiotics that are somewhat toxic are what probably cause Lyme disease.

Like other diseases, the cure is worse than the disease. Being diagnosed starts the road to sickness, just like with HIV and con-vid.

Lyme they claim is truly unknown. As if scientists couldn't isolate compounds from the tick to reproduce the disease.

Nah let's just assume it's a bacterial infection cause spooky story about engineered ticks makes sense.

Clown show.

I don't know what bioweapons even worked. Supposedly our middle east ally along with apartheid South Africa were developing ethnic specific weapons.

If they could have made it, it would have been used by either of those apartheid states.

Ft Detrich gets called out for a leak. But did ya know that Ft Detrich has had tons of toxic chemical releases? But no let's ignore that and think virus or bacteria caused it....

These jokers like Ralph Baric were trying to make corona viruses that cause myocarditis, HA, what a convinient story to cover up for the myocarditis from the jabs, cause WE KNOW COVID DOESNT CAUSE MYOCARDITIS.

Covid, which yall think was engineered was like the flu. WHAT DID THEY ENGINEER? THE STORY.


It would also help to look at https://sashalatypova.substack.com posts, she regularly explains that they have never got this to work. Think about it, that's why they had to kill people with protocols and the average age of death before the jabs was around life expectancy. That means 0 years of life lost. ENGINEERED WHAT ???

Let's say you wanna go mainstream. The virus was engineered to spread. Ok, but how was that determined? By inaccurate PCR and antibody tests. Remember the Tanzanian president showing that oil tested positive etc? Yeah, umm it's bullshit.

So what exactly did they engineer? Even Ebola is a joke. A couple of years ago they had to fly Americans from Africa to NYC to get treated. 2 of them got better BEFORE any medicine was given. Perhaps it's in the water, as many places in Africa have toxic water from mining and industry.

Let's stop feeding the fear machine that promotes the cure which is worse than the so called engineered disease.

The emperor has no clothes and no bioweapons that work.



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Feb 8, 2024
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Many Antibiotics are toxic especially when given long term... Which is the treatment for "lyme".

You get diagnosed with a bulls eye rash and put on antibiotics to prevent "lyme".

Said medicine makes you sick. It gets blamed on Lyme. Why do you trust big pharma medicine so much?

Same scam with cancer. Get diagnosed with cancer. Get put on toxic chemo and radiation. Get sicker. When you die it's called a cancer death.

Same with the covid shots, die and it's a covid death.

And here's the best one: HIV crisis. Get diagnosed with HIV, get put on toxic anti virals. Get sicker, it's called AIDS. Funny another immuno condition blamed on a virus not the toxic drugs.

Remember how magic Johnson never got AIDS despite HIV positive? He stopped taking the drugs.

There's also a curious link of Lyme and suburban women. Guess what the highest flu shot taking group is? Middle and upper class suburban women. They also suffer the highest from auto immune conditions like lupus, despite having good food and environmental conditions than inner City people.

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Can confirm personal, familial experience of debilitating Lyme disease without antibiotics ever used.

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Me too. But did they get flu shots or take any other medicines?

For example, statins which are widely used today cause a lot of liver dysfunction and deplete NAC especially in women.

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Feb 8, 2024
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If Lyme is a really distinct disease from other autoimmune conditions and caused by a parasite or bacteria, why haven't they developed a reliable test for it?

If it's infectious like you said, but they have no way to reliably test for it, how are you sure it's caused by Lyme or other factors?

I used to believe in the engineered theory of Lyme but a lot of questions are still murky in lore brought to you by the medical industry that will never admit that there are many clearly toxic factors, like vaccines that cause auto immune conditions that get called Lyme or lupus etc. They also can't figure out what causes lupus for the same reason.

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Thank you for this. Just in time to make a submission about the WHO power grab in NZ before the 18th of Feb. I have begun to think of us all as Free Range Slaves. Free Range Slaves are great because they basically look after themselves but everything they do generates money. The trouble is there is still money that's outside of the system and not going to the Slavers so that poses a threat. Let's pare down the numbers and switch to Barn Raised Slaves so nothing escapes the system.

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This is a great way to look at it. We are all serfs and slaves to our overlords. They now wish to amend the terms.

Time for a Spartacus moment. I do sense word getting out. Articles like this one are immensely helpful.

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excellent analysis Tilly!

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More information in R. F. Kennedy's recent books. You can get audible books quicker.

The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Bruce Wagner, et al.

Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Brian Hooker, et al.

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Very impressive the amount of research and thinking that went into this article. I agree with everything you said but would like to give a slightly different take on the question of bioterrorism. I don't think it is a real threat. Rather it is a part of the ruse to strike fear into the public mind and justify the research and development of supposed vaccines and other countermeasures. I don't think "germ warfare" is a realistic threat because it faces the same limitations that caused poison gas warfare tactics to be abandoned after WW I. There is no way to control it or limit it to designated areas and populations. But the mere threat of it can be used to justify appropriating billions of dollars into efforts to find a preventive or counter measure. I also have my doubts about the technology to "create" a virus or other pathogen in a laboratory. I would like to hear someone explain how a virus can be manufactured in a lab when there is no evidence that a virus has ever been isolated or cultured. If this can't be explained in plain terms, then it is just another bit of hokum being promulgated by those who would like to control the rest of us.

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I've not seen one person provide even one single piece of hard evidence that illustrates that bioweapons have ever killed even one single individual let alone masses of people.

Given the resources that people like RFK, Malone, Kirsch etc. have at their fingertips this should be easy and they would have done so by now multiple times.

What I have seen is copiuos documentation from FOI requests, public health data, hundreds of first hand recorded accounts and on and on of how people were killed by vents, sedatives, mass euthanasia, neglect, midazolam, fentanyl, remdesivir and hundreds (if not thousands of pages) of documentation of how people were misdiagnosed on put on protocols that killed them.

But hey let's keep our heads turned away from reality and keep focusing on this "lab leak" insanity.

If one were a private investigator and were given the very real documentation of what happened in Spring 2020 and they turned that aside and said, "First we need to look into an invisible manufactured microbe", they would be fired on day one.

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How would you explain the outbreak in Iran in Feb. 2020?


Just for the record, I don't believe there was a lab leak either. I think that was a story used to cover an intentional release. Under that scenario, the lab in Wuhan was set up to take the blame for what was effectively a bio-warfare attack on China. Given the high R-naught value of the virus, it could be expected to spread, and the world would blame China, while the 'cure' would be attributed to Big Pharma. US/EU wins, China loses. It's just a theory of course, but it does fit the facts.

The problem I have with the no-lab leak theory, and its no-virus companion is the reaction of the Chinese govt. The draconian measures they undertook suggests they thought they were under attack. Of course they couldn't admit that as they had no solid proof. Iran was in a similar position shortly after the Wuhan outbreak, and most likely harboured the same suspicions, given that some of their top people died.

To make the lab-leak as psy-op theory work, you have to posit both Chinese and Iranian collusion, so how does that work? What would their motive be in supporting a globalist agenda when both nations are highly nationalistic and fiercely defend their sovereignty?

Another point. China has had many viral outbreaks over the years, not just in the human population but in livestock as well. The argument goes that human proximity to livestock enables zoonotic infection, but this begs the question of why always China? You don't hear about outbreaks in Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines or Brazil, all of which have similar conditions. Finally, a bio-warfare agent doesn't have to infect people to be effective because one can also conduct economic war by destroying a nations food supply.


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Please cite credible sources. There was no outbreak in Iran. That was US/NATO disinformation.

The New Yorker does not publish anything in the international arena without it being vetted by government sources.

As far as science publications it is not possible to cite a more co-opted source than Nature which has devolved into industry propaganda- it was always headed this way.

The entire Covid Operation was one of Western intelligence at a time of hot geopolitical economic warfare (w/China and Iran- BRICS etc.) at a time when Western financial systems were (are) in total free fall.

China has not had any "outbreaks."

You are repeating propaganda throughout your comment and have been conditioned to believe these stories.

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"There was no outbreak in Iran. That was US/NATO disinformation."

Please cite credible sources. (see how that works?)

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"Please cite credible sources."

You're the one with the theory, so the burden of proof is on you.

So where is it?

"Allen hasn’t published any posts yet."

About what I expected.

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So y'all just assume the agencies don't lie? Where's their proof a pandemic... Even covid doesn't check out.


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I don't assume anything. The most reasonable approach to the situation was contained in the Great Barrington Declaration right at the beginning, which I supported then and still do. https://gbdeclaration.org/ There was definitely something circulating widely. I caught it myself and I can tell you it was nothing like the flu or anything else I'd ever experienced. Whether it met the definition of a pandemic is debatable, but to deny there was anything at all is simply ridiculous, as is claiming that the deaths in Iran were some sort of US/NATO disinformation when Iran itself admitted they'd occurred. How could they not, when key members of their elite died? Or are you going to tell me that Iran and China and Russia were in bed with US/NATO to pull the wool over everyone's eyes?

As I said, I don't necessarily believe the lab leak theory. My own research suggests it was an intentional release in multiple locations, but I'm not pounding the table insisting I'm right. I offered it as an alternate hypothesis, which is what scientists do when someone puts their hypothesis out. Not my fault if their hypothesis doesn't stand up to criticism. Like I said, that's on the claimant, and if you can't present an air-tight case then you're just blowing smoke.

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You can find evidence here: The Report of the International Scientific Commission for the Investigation of Facts Concerning Bacteriological Warfare in Korea and China (the ISC report)

ISBN: 978-1-7358213-3-7



The accuracy of the ISC Report was confirmed, on the basis of documents not available in 1952, by Stephen Endicott and Edward Hagerman in their book The United States and Biological Warfare: Secrets from the Early Cold War and Korea (Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1998). See also Thomas Powell, "Biological Warfare in the Korean War: Allegations and Cover-up" (2019): http://sdonline.org/73/biological-warfare-in-the-korean-war-allegations-and-cover-up/

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Thanks for that- I've seen it before. It proves nothing. They are doing stuff in labs on the taxpayer dime- that's hardly new.

Bernie Madoff and Enron didn't do what they were advertising on their front door either.

Patents, despite D Martin and R Malone's bloviations mean nothing.

It's all fear mongering and money laundering. And BTW I haven't even gotten into the quackery of genomic sequencing.

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Quackery of genomic sequencing is an appropriate term. I have frequently questioned the technique that claims to have "isolated" a virus and asked for a counter argument with evidence and received none.

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(page not found!!!)

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For your last link

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Agree 100%.

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The absurdity of the Wuhan "coronavirus" laid out in 4 minutes by Nick Hudson:


BTW the photographer that took the pictures in Wuhan was international crisis photographer Hector Retamal who is a known long-time propagandist for Agence France Presse and the alleged “Chinese whistleblower doctor” Li Wenliang (who later died or disappeared) came from “China Change”, an “NGO” funded by the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

The entire Covid Operation was fraud from top to bottom. Doen with intent and for specific purposes. Non-stop chattering about "lab leak" mythology covers up this reality.

Why is it this entire raft of KNOWN crimes aren't being pursued front and center by the "health freedom" celebrities/advocates with the most resources?

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Thanks for that link and the additional details on some of the individuals and organizations involved. It drives me crazy when people who otherwise seem to understand what is afoot accept the reality of "covid" and that it is a health problem. I often tell people to look at Event 201 which laid out the entire scenario a few months before the discovery of the "novel virus". I am still surprised that it hasn't been scrubbed from the internet.

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Pretty wild for sure.

They tell people what they are going to do. They do it pretty much as scripted. They've been doing the same or similar things for decades. It's the same cast of characters involved with the same institutions.

Yet people who claim to be "involved" in a movement against all of this can't figure it out and resort to esoteric explanations based on Reality TV shows in order to explain what happened.

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And it is frightening how persistent some of the nonsense is. It started in earnest with the AIDS scam in the 1980s. The propaganda sparked a fear of blood which has persisted to this very day. Emergency room workers had to be gowned, gloved, and masked lest they be exposed to the viral pathogen. Athletes who sustained cuts or abrasions were immediately whisked off the field or floor and the few drops of blood on their body and/or uniform completely removed by trainers wearing gloves. I was reminded of the persistence of this insanity while watching a college basketball game on TV. A player sustained a very small cut on his elbow and a few drops of red were visible on his uniform. Of course the game was stopped and the player removed. We were then treated to a few moments of close up shots of the red spots while the gloved trainer meticulously blotted away the spots with some sort of solvent. It is a little depressing to see these things become just a normal part of life when it has long been obvious to anyone who cared to check that it was all a scam. And there are still quite a few people taking daily medication for life because they "tested positive" for AIDS.

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It is apparent that you have never worked in or with a Bio-level 4 Virology Lab or have taken care of accidentally infected workers (patients) from a bio-level 4 virology lab. Nor do you have any idea of the isolation methods used in treating these patients.

A bio-level 4 virology lab does not "create" a virus. They take an existing virus from nature and modify that virus with what is now called "gain of function". Gain of function has been used to modify viruses for over 50 years! It just wasn't called gain of function 50 years ago.

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Correct that I have never worked in a virology lab. I had always accepted what I was taught about viruses in medical school 50 years ago and continued through 40 years in medical practice. When the covid hysteria started it was obvious that what was being reported did not agree with what I was seeing and it caused me to research the topic of virology. I then learned for the first time that there were those who denied the very existence of viruses and I searched for responses to their arguments from established virologists. To this time I have not received any convincing counter arguments. That is why I asked for a simple and understandable account of some of the basic principles of virology---for example whether viruses have been actually isolated and cultured and, if so, how was this done. Your statement that "they take an existing virus from nature" is simply an assertion and does not fulfill my request. The "no virus" people maintain that no virus has ever been physically isolated but rather there are multiple computer programs that take a small number of nucleotide chains and spit out a large number of potential "in silico" genomes. Since I have no direct experience in virology, I am anxious to see some definitive proof to the contrary.

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I was trained to care for people feared infected from the virus they were working on at.the Military's bio-level 4 virology lab way back in 1971-1973.

We had an isolation 2 bed unit that when someone was admitted there, the door they went through was sealed shut and to care for them we had to enter through a UV lock. Then go into a room where we stripped down to our underwear and socks and put on scrubs, tennis shoes, shoe covers and surgical hats. Next we went into the "utility room" outside of the patient rooms and put on Tyvek type suits, then a protective mask that was a solid plastic and covered our complete face and was checked, we always went in with a second person, to be sure there were no gaps at the edges of the masks. Next we removed "spin on" filters from a small uv tray like many Barber shops used to place their clippers and scissors in between hair cuts, and spun them on the sides of the masks. Those filters allowed us to breath but filtered out particles many times smaller than any other masks available back then or any masks I used in over 40 years of work both in surgery and isolation units in hospitals in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Oregon, Washington, Tennessee and Ohio. Three of those hospitals were VA Hospitals including the largest VA Hospital in the system.

Once we were all "dressed out" and gloved, one would go into the patients room to care for the patient, the other would stay in the utility room and get everything that came out of the patient's room, except for lab specimens. Other than lab specimens, everything else that the patient had touched was placed in a heavy duty cloth linen bag, which was then placed into a red "bio-hazard bag" and then placed into a steam autoclave that was installed in the outside wall of the utility room. There were controls inside the utility room and outside the utility room for that autoclave. Everything that went out was autoclaved at 247 degrees for 45 minutes. When the autoclave cycle was complete, the outside set of controls was turned to "off" and the outside door was cracked just enough to let steam escape and the contents of the autoclave were let dry for at least 30 minutes. Then maintenance came, dressed in Tyvek with gloves on, removed the bag with the autoclaved items in it and took it to an incinerator where it was all incinerated! The patient unit was designed so all air flow went out through the ceiling and through an incinerator before exiting through a third floor roof vent to the outside.

Once we were ready to exit the unit, we had to go back into the room where we changed into the protective clothing, strip down to our birthday suits, place everything we had worn into a either the trash or a linen bag, take a complete shower and wash our hair, then redress in all new, clean, underwear and socks, put on our duty "whites" and shoes and exit through the UV lock back into the hospital proper.

Besides a treatment protocol that included a special diet, Vit. C infusions etc, if there was a Military, active duty, person who had survived an infection of the virus being "studied" that person was flown to our unit, and that person donated "immune plasma" (remember, this was 1971-1973) and during the time I was there, we did not lose a patient.

Since then I have had the opportunity to talk with more than one person who worked in that bio-level 4 virology Lab, one of them a Physician whose duty time overlapped some of mine.

As I hope you can understand, names and other specifics can not be told, other than what is above.

Now, to address Covid-19: To those of us who worked at that Military unit described above; as soon as the ideas to limit C-19 were put forth by "charlitans" like Fauci, Birx et al, we knew they were bald faced lairs and that the virus was no worse than the common flu virus. However, we also knew that there would be a "bio-weapon" and that bio-weapon would likely be a "vaccine" that would kill many times over what the virus killed. Any deep dive into how hospitals were directed to set up their record keeping of who was vaccinated and who was not; for example-they were unvaccinated until a certain time period had passed after vaccination and boosters, which as a physician, you know that allergic reactions can occur and some cause death in a very short time after injection, as well as knowing it was BS that the vaccine would stay in the deltoid muscle, etc.

In 5th Generation Warfare, there is propaganda everywhere you turn, the ones generating the 5th Generation Warfare feed both sides of the narrative to confuse.

Doc, do not become confused by lies such as "viruses do not exist" spewed out by those who are the deceivers or those who are deceived by the propaganda.

Sadly, the hardest part to realize is that some doc's, such as those on State Medical Boards as well as pharmacists on State Pharmacy Boards, are as susceptible to being corrupted by money and fame as politicians are.

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One critical issue about the WHO proposed power grab that hasn't received sufficient attention is their requirement for abortion services for all member nations. As a feminist and believer in the right of all women to make this decision, my mentioning this might seem incongruous. I know the religious right is fanatical against abortion. I'm prepared to suggest that we use this issue to help end our participation in the WHO proposals. Once Republicans, who support an end to abortion, understand this reality which is built into the treaty, that would likely end the U.S. support for this horrific measure.

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Powerful piece and superbly presented. Thank you.

I am increasingly of the opinion that Humankind is in the death grip of some evil intelligence that transcends mere human cunning and manipulation. There appears to be a unitary evil intellect that has successfully established control over this planet and its inhabitants for its own malevolent purposes - purposes that are certainly anti-Humankind (indeed, anti-Life on this planet). Though we have our own multi-generational parasitic psychopaths oppressing us, it is apparent that they are being directed by more that simple greed, avarice or lust for power. The people in our Ruling Elite 0.001% are obviously fronting for something bigger and darker than they could ever hope to be (most of the fools in the public eye pushing the same death agendas are simply not that bright). Whether this "man behind the curtain" - the choreographer of misery - is a "spiritual" extra-dimensional being or a very real alien species is not clear. I am leaning toward the presence of some alien-to-this-planet beings that have been farming us for centuries. These are not omniscient nor omnipotent beings, IMO, or they would be in the open. Like all parasites, they must hide in the shadows of their host to thrive and survive.

The scales are beginning to fall from the eyes of collective Humankind,.

We shall see...

Thanks again for your voice, MwD.

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Thank you!

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James Roguski is also extremely active in fighting this so-called pandemic treaty.

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It's absolute evidence-free rubbish that lab leak caused anything in Spring 2020.

The biggest problem with accepting and promoting the lab-leak theory is that it reifies the Big Lie that there ever was a "pandemic" caused by a "unique viral pathogen" in the spring of 2020. In so doing, the theory hides the crimes that were committed in the hospitals and nursing homes and provides cover for the criminals who designed and executed this top-down operation.

Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to conceal the fact that this was a mass murder spree set off by policies constructed, orchestrated, and mandated by identifiable individuals, but it also serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid Operation" that benefited the wealthy while steamrolling working people's lives. 

This statement below is 100% absolutely false and the catapulting of this lab leak nonsense must desist. Those in the "health freedom movement" who perpetuate this lie are doing a great service to the bio-security state and much worse an incredible disservice to the public at-large.

"That research is extremely dangerous and regularly leads to disastrous lab leaks which sicken and sometimes kill those exposed to the pathogens. While COVID-19 was the most consequential lab leak, many more preceded it, and prior to the pandemic (where everything got censored), the lab leak issue was widely discussed within the scientific community."

The lab-leak theory reinforces the idea that "the virus" is a grave problem that needs to be solved rather than a fear-based control mechanism. It bolsters the notion that a "deadly" man-made, "novel" virus caused an "unprecedented medical emergency" for which a raft of invasive policies—including the worldwide suspension of basic civil liberties—would become justified.

A further but related result of focusing on the "lab-leak" conjecture is that it shores up the "deadly novel virus suddenly appeared" narrative, which provides the rationale for the biosecurity complex to siphon trillions from taxpayers through the aptly named "pandemic preparedness" industry.

Another consequence of accepting the lab-leak supposition is to distract attention from how the perception of a pandemic/mass panic was conjured with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the meaningless PCR tests that fraudulently manufactured cases and spuriously attributed deaths from other causes to Covid.

This entire issue needs to be confronted head-on in the health freedom movement. Some apparent health freedom advocates who have captured the attention of huge audiences are, wittingly or not, doing the bidding of the bio-security state. By maintaining and heightening the fear factor of the gain-of-function bogeyman, these influencers are creating fertile ground for future psychological "terror" campaigns.

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I just want to note that a lot of people would argue you (and people espousing similar messages to you) are doing their bidding too with messages like this.

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Certainly- but they don't argue with evidence.

Lab leak postulations are truly one of the most divisive, anti-science, anti-evidence and destructive items out there which stands directly in the way of people understanding what ACTUALLY happened in Spring 2020- NOTHING to do with a pathogen of any sort and all to do with mass murder by government policy and mass euthanasia.

Is it possible that the gain-of-function virus story was manufactured to get the public to snap up and swallow the lab-leak bait?

This entire fish tale was dropped into the Covid discourse (in Feb. 2020 BTW which is a clue to those paying attention) to keep the public obsessing over the "origins" of the disease rather than focusing on the policy-induced slaughter of the last three-and-a-half years.

Without the existence of a SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, everything else in the official narrative swirls down the toilet where it belongs, including the contrived Covid-19 case definition, the dodgy non-diagnostic rt-PCR tests, the fake excuses given for lockdowns and masks and social distancing, and the debate between whether the "novel virus" originated with a love match between a bat and a pangolin or from gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan lab.

In other words, the establishment's insistence on pushing the lab-leak theory serves to covers up the actual crimes that were committed on a massive scale and with impunity. 

There was never "a mismanaged pandemic," as some "health freedom" celebrities like RFK have taken to calling it.

The only pandemic was one of violent government and medical assault against billions of people, of false attribution of a made-up disease on death certificates, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus "scientific" studies.

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I cared for my sister and my husband who were sick with covid about a year apart. The similarities in their illnesses, and the characteristics I had never seen before in all my experience with flus over the years, told me that there was something unusual about this illness. Ivermectin is what made the difference in both their recoveries.

That said, I agree to the following:

Covid was not especially dangerous to most people, about like flu.

Most covid deaths were a result of treatment rather than from the illness.

PCR testing was useless and would have been a joke had it not been used to push patients hospitalized for other reasons into treatments that killed them.

There was no pandemic.

There was zero need for anything recommended—masking, distancing, lockdowns, etc., etc.—except for ordinary handwashing.

I didn’t believe in covid as anything special from the beginning. The whole scare was unutterably stupid. But it’s not crazy to acknowledge that scientists in these bio labs are working to make pathogens both more likely to infect humans and more lethal. That is evil and needs to stop.

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Im afraid the lab leak theory is true. GOF research continues. It IS scary. There IS a massive coordinated attempt by Gates/WHO/WEF and the other billionaires behind these organisations to control the world through fear of plagues and environmental disasters. But it's the vaccines, vaccine mandates and lockdowns etc etc which are the actual tools used to control (and depopulate) us. Why is that not enough of a 'conspiracy' for you? Why must you also insist that covid is not real? It makes you sound nutty. It discredits the attempts to get the truth out because most people have experienced a covid infection and thus KNOW it's a real thing, unlike any other disease they've come across before. You make the fight harder with your whacky idea that covid isnt real. Sigh.

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Actually you are aiding the Gates/WHO/WEF complex that you so correctly accused of trying to control the world. No "covid" virus was ever isolated or cultured. Read the initial study---google Wuhan novel virus---and pay particular attention to the methods section. Several short nucleotide chains from a single patient with pneumonia were plugged into computer programs that produced literally millions of possible genomes---called "in silico" genomes---from which one was selected that resembled prior in silico genomes that were said to be corona viruses. These were patented and entered into the registry of viral genomes. This also provides a source for an almost infinite number of "variant"


Every year there are seasonal upper respiratory disorders presumed to be viral in origin. These often trigger a cascade of illness that kills many elderly and immunocompromised people. Some years are worse than others. But the 2020 figures were well within the normal range of variation. That is why the incidence of "covid deaths" was about the same as the reduction in the normal numbers for death triggered by upper respiratory infection (colds and flu).

When you concede that covid is real and a big health problem, you are playing right into the hands of the conspirators.

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But certainly if you believe this to be reality you have some hard evidence to back it up.

How many were killed in the US by this lab created "novel pathogen?"

Where did these deaths occur?

Please cite sources.

I insist that "Covid" isn't real based on four years of non-stop research and having looked at just about every drop of evidence. And I back it up with evidence not make-believe sci-fi movie esoterica.

What is nutty is people hanging their hats on this insanity rather than facing the truth.

You must also believe in PCR tests and lateral flow tests right?

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But there were many people who became very ill. Are you suggesting they had a strain of flu?

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There are always people who get very ill.

There are a multiplicity of reasons.

Given the circumstances of 2020 it would a biological impossibility I would say that more people than ever did not fall ill and in ways they had not experienced.

It's crazy that people think when they get ill it is a sign of some invisible microbe floating through the air and not any number of tangible things which could be the causal factors.

This speaks to how programmed people are and have become- doctors included.

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"There are always people who get very ill.

There are a multiplicity of reasons."

Then your assertion is unfalsifiable. You don't seem to acknowledge any testimony, any death is marked off as no-true-lableaksman, you don't acknowledge that even a penny of the money stated to go to these labs cultivates disease, any report is considered dubious. What, exactly, would count as proof here? What is your null-hypothesis where you can say for certain, "If I see X I will, without further qualification, recant my assertion".

Will you have to personally fund and staff a lab, mass produce a disease culture, then throw it by your own hand into the faces of your neighbors to finally say a lab leaked anything? Lab leaks are practically a tautology, even bakeries and wineries have trouble keeping yeast under control. Wildlife introduction projects have trouble keeping species from going out of planned bounds, etc.

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Produce the evidence- just one shred of it.

You don't have any so you continue to live in your story. Why do you need this mythology?

And we haven't even begun to get into the insane quackery of the Fan Wu garbage that "gave us" evidence for SARS-CoV-2 or the fraud of genomic assemblages.

Your last paragraph is a sign of how desperate your argument is.

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To hang one's hat on the lab-leak theory and the grandiose narrative of the Covid Pandemic requires contorted mental gymnastics and a blind faith in the esoteric. 

Countless incongruities point to the lab-leak theory—and possibly the virus itself—being a myth that should cause any reasonable person to question the lab-leak theory.

There was no observable evidence of contagion in late 2019 or early 2020 that would lead up to a mass death event. In the US and in alleged hotspots elsewhere, the Covid Death Event began to be reported precisely the same week the WHO declared a global pandemic—in mid-March 2020.

Are we to believe a suddenly super-spreading, deadlier-than-flu, gain-of-function virus waited for a government decree to create excess deaths?

Why did this deadly virus cause no mass death in the Chinese city where a lab leak is said to have originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?

Here's someone who argues what you are saying and does so with evidence:

"Since this avian flu fraud billions of dollars have been spent on the propaganda of biodefense and mythology of “pandemic preparedness”. There are few people in the world that are aware that this is based on sci-fi and falsified research. Reality, after all is not what is, it’s what you believe. The majority of people seem to be unable to forming unique, independent thoughts and get through their lives by repeating the words they hear from others. This includes large swaths of those who are nominally considered intelligent, but are simply good at repeating the smart-sounding words, kiss up to their superiors and get diplomas. The sad reality is that repetition of nonsense, myths, sci-fi and outright lies - if done in sufficient daily volume - is all that’s needed to form the “reality” in the heads of the masses, no matter how absurd. The past 4 years are a testament to this."


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Allen, I agree with much of what you’ve said, though I doubt it serves the intended purpose to deny lab leaks occur. Whether lab leak has been the cause of any number of prior outbreaks, the issue is whether that is what happened with COVID-19. And that is where I stand squarely with you.

While I doubt that anyone could ever conclusively prove it to be the case, the circumstantial evidence alone is overwhelmingly in support of the fact that, if COVID-19 was the result of a lab leak - it was quite deliberate. If we are rigorously honest with ourselves, and sincerely seeking to know and honor the truth, we know that we have been subjected to the most sophisticated, technologically advanced, diabolically brilliant psychological gaslighting operation ever perpetrated on mankind. The ‘pandemic’ was deliberately created, deliberately released upon the world, and deliberately used in a globally coordinated and previously rehearsed operation to facilitate simultaneous realization of a number of objectives.

The ‘global pandemic threat’ was, and remains, just one element in a Satanically-inspired strategy, executed by the Fabians and many other like-minded groups, in which the penultimate goal is total global control. The USA was always the principal potential impediment, made frighteningly real to the Globalists by the 2016 election of Trump. His reelection had to be prevented and, while at it, the time seemed ‘right’ to carry out the Fabian pledge; “When I strike, I strike hard.”

We shall see where all this leads, but I agree that attempts to oppose and thwart this great evil that are constrained to speak of it in ‘approved’ or more readily ‘acceptable’ terms, such as a relatively common, bumbling, but innocent ‘lab leak’, will never address the real issues.

Staggering to accept as they may be, those are the evil, criminal, treasonous, corrupt, and/or cowardly actions - and inactions - of high-ranking officials and leaders within every single institution of the United States and many other countries, to eliminate the bulk of unwanted populations, bring down the established order, and create the chaos out of which the long-held dream of a utopian ‘New World Order’ is to emerge.

We are on the precipice of the Apocalypse, and the masses are largely blind to what is happening.

May the true and living God continue to restrain and expose this evil, send revival, and reap a great harvest of salvation in and through His Son, Jesus Christ, that the hearts and minds of men and women around the world, whether of high, or low position, may be renewed and transformed. Because that is the only thing that can possibly thwart what is well underway at this point.

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I agree with Allen and had not read his comments before posting mine. How would our message possibly be doing the bidding of the proponents of the covid and other scams?

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Your patience is remarkable. No point in arguing with "greater minds than mine". As I wander down the paths of various hypotheses, I find myself in tune with your observations and viewpoints.

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I agree that there has been enough suspicion raised that claiming equivocally this is a “lab leak” without giving credence to a growing preponderance of evidence does a disservice to the truth community. There are patents to look at, suspiciously timed investments close to the announcement of the pandemic, and a full-fledged pre-pandemic exercise. There are statements that sound like Malthusianism theory emanating from the elite, not to mention a long history of governments that have no problem with the genocide of its own people.

While none of this generates the sort of “proof” a scientist might require, it should at least give one pause enough to consider it. Because if MWD is wrong—and I believe he is—it is among the gravest of errors. I think it would be much more responsible for him to reserve judgment until such time has passed that we can take a 40,000 foot view. After all, he just discovered people like Meryl. It appears he is still, like most of us, in a stage of discovery and understanding.

It’s much too soon to make equivocal statements about the intentions of our captors.

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A) Let's even assume there "may have been a pandemic", there may have been a "lab leak", there may have been some "toxin sprayed in areas", there may have been deaths "triggered by 5G being turned on" and any other types of hypothetical assaults one wants to allege. Now add up the number of people who were killed in Spring 2020 by one's "pandemic trigger event" de jeur.

B) Now let's look at the number of people we know were killed by public health despotism and draconian policies- ventilators, unilateral DNR's, sedatives, neglect, fear-induced disorders, lockdowns, suicides, economic and social dislocation and other concrete, known events that occurred in Spring 2020- and beyond. Now let's add these numbers up.

Once we subtract from A the total we have in B would there even be anything to talk about? I don't think so- and that's being generous with the assumptions in A for which I've yet to see any convincing evidence- and I do this research full time.

My question is why is it that people seem so attracted to these esoteric theories when concrete evidence is staring them right in the face?

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I assume you are referring at least in part to the work of Denis Rancourt, whose presentation in the Citizens National Inquiry in Canada, using only all cause mortality data, showed that the 2020 “hot spots” in NYC, Italy, and Spain could not have been the result of a virulent highly transmissible virus because the effects largely remained localized. He went on to demonstrate that there were spikes in mortality corresponding to vax and booster rollouts that were not seen outside the hotspots for the two or three applicable months in 2020.

Nonetheless, whatever the cause, some number of people were getting really sick with the symptoms ascribed to Covid. AMD has seen them in their practice. Your arguments about the PCR, hospicide, denial of early treatments, and the thinly veiled bio security state agenda are in lock step with what I understand from reading this stack.

The main question it would seem to be, then, is there really such a thing as GOF research, with lab leak/intentional release prospects/reality, or is it all BS and part of the psyop? You seem to be suggesting psyop from what I understand. However, Lyme disease is a reality, and from the 3 years of research done by a married couple who have Lyme, it was shown that it was created by GOF research mainly in Montana. Their book is titled “Bitten”.

I don’t know the answer to whether Covid has a cause that is viral, or synthetic pathogen (AI type according to Karen Kingston), or poisoning from synthetic venoms or something else, or any combination of the above. I do think they create and deploy bioweapons of various types.

Bottom line: I don’t assume that Medical freedom advocates such as AMD are helping the bio security state by going down any one particular lane. They want to censor/ignore any of these perspectives and steamroll us all toward OneHealth tyranny.

Bottom line: I don’t think

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Ignore the final sentence.

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MDR, i recommend the new book by RFK called Wuhan Cover-Up. He discusses the historical context of the US bioweapons-vaccine-complex and how we got here.

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I pulled a few thing in this article from its references.

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Dear AMD,

Thank you for this in depth overview of what has happened with gain-of-function research. The amount of corruption is overwhelming. GoF must be stopped. I know you said that they don’t intend to do that, but, I believe it is an existential issue and must be stopped. After all, Roe vs Wade was overturned, which I thought could never happen.

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Combine this dear Doctor with Peter McCulloughs stack this morning outlining how much money has been invested in the Mnra platform and stuff in development, and you have to despair.

You are so right on the mark with this.

Totally. Bullseye. We in this country have guttecd anti trust laws, and the first order of business should be to reconstitute it, break up the news and pharma and tech companies, and then pass a law that no NGO or foundations can operate within the confines of the US.

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This is a beyond superb analysis and summary of the situation. Thank you so very much.

I note the link you included to the book "Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons" by Kris Newby. That book came into my hands soon after it was published in 2019. It made me aware of GOF research, a very disturbing history, and it made me very wary of whatever the government was saying about this newfangled thing called covid. This book wasn't the only factor in my thinking about covid and the covid jabs, when they rolled in, but it was among the most important. For me I'd say it was a football-field sized fire-engine-red flag. And throughout the jabs roll out, I noticed very much how this major work and its author seemed to have disappeared into the obfuscating mists. Hmmm, it does come up again now in a Google search.

A note on the dynamics here. I have a professional background in two separate fields, both of which have some of the dynamics you mention here: people moving up the ladder not for the quality of their research / productions (some of which are truly vomitous), but for their ability to hook & reel in government and foundation financing. Indeed there is an astonishing amount of naiveté out there among those making the financial decisions, and they oftentimes have incentives that do not necessarily align with best outcomes for the stated purpose, and there are the bad actors who know how to work it.

And speaking of financial decisions, there is one area where citizens do have at least some influence, and that is on their elected officials, from the local to the state and to the national levels. There is more on this front that can be done, but it takes time, appropriate focus, and dogged, dogged, dogged persistence.

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Written in 2005 to reflect damage already done. But work continued onward despite Nixon in 1969 using the loop holes. Even Obama tried limits but the swamp beat him. Where did those concerned scientists of old go?

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All predicted in Hoppe: "Democracy_The_God_That_Failed". Affirmed in the notion "when the people discover the treasury can give them stuff, they will take it all." Then the ascendancy of a Biden to reign over a corrupt apparatus in the swamp and Congress - they grab what they can and the public trust is gone. We can't elect anybody who might be honest, the press is on the same gravy train so people can never know. Besides the public can't be bothered by honest government.

Perhaps this pandemic abuse will awaken many.

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I think this pandemic abuse has indeed awakened many.

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O migosh, Doc! After reading this, it is clear that we have little to no chance of surviving what the "powers that be" are doing to us. How can we overcome them, unless each of us—each and every one of us—cries "BULLSHIT" and refuses to comply. So, I swear, that is what I will do.

And, the article from The Telegraph, based on how much more CO2 is created by home gardening, was the best illustration of "Begging the Question" I have ever seen. It presupposes as fact that the reader "knows" carbon dioxide is bad for the earth and humanity, and builds its argument on that errant assumption. In fact, isn't it true that the most productive periods in history, when populations grew with plenty of food grown, have been times when CO2 was shown to be at very high levels? Plants (which I've heard are prevalent on farms) love CO2!

Global warming? ... ok, don't get me started. Thanks for another outstanding article.

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This all sounds like the Book of Revelation. 😕

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that's what i said in 2020 and i didn't even believe in it--I said to my mom that "either the book of Revelation really is true, or some psychos are trying to make things look like it's coming true." After 4 years of all the BS, I've changed my beliefs and think Revelation actually is true

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Good for you! 🙌🏻🙏🏻

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All the no-conscience vermin involved in this abominable bio-weapon research do not deserve to even exist. Producing anthrax, ebola, measles, smallpox and other diseases to destroy humanity? What kind of low life are they? What hole did they crawl out of? The same goes for those who created the WMD: All Vaccines

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Ebola has zero to with any pathogen.

Ebola is purely fictional. It's yet another construct of the pandemic industrial complex/biosecurity complex with multiple purposes attached.

Ebola is cover for industrial operations in Africa which produce major pollutants that have no regulations/oversight in Africa—mining, offshore oil exploration and drilling, rubber-tapping,etc.-

Firestone rubber plantation- massive water pollution directly into once potable water that the locals still must drink from as there is no other source of drinking water etc.

The locals curiously then get the same symptoms as "Ebola" after drinking the polluted water.

Plus: Insecticides/Banned Pesticide Dumping in Africa, indoor spraying- walls in West African homes coated with insecticides: carbamates and organophosphates are increasingly important alternatives to pyrethroids for indoor residual spraying.

Toxic Vaccine Campaigns in Africa- Beta-lactam Antibiotics- Pharma Profiteering etc.

Same story in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Congo. Ebola is the cover story.

Cover for good old colonialism- land theft- scramble for Africa etc.

US also uses Ebola/Marburg cover con to justify moving troops into area (AFRICOM) in order to clamp down certain areas- control a restive populace, prevent other competing entities from gaining a foothold on the region etc.

Wake up- you are being conned.

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Feb 8, 2024
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Have what wrong?

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I think the medical industrial complex (including all related complexes - media, politics, military, "liberal" NGOs, Think Tanks, Big Tech, intelligence services etc.) should never be trusted again - this is the only valid conclusion one can draw from the last years.

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It Turns Out

That Doctors Of Medicine

Are The Tin Foil Lunatics.


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