Awesome! You might also find of interest, 1941 Chromotherapy, M. B. De Jarnette, https://sorsi.com/product/1941-chromotherapy-by-dr-de-jarnette/

and Optic Chromatic Anesthesia. https://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article/119/1/177/11450/De-Jarnette-s-Optic-Chromatic-System-of-Anesthesia

I have used the latter to successfully reduce pain by flashing the specific light frequencies into the patient's retina. I have also seen the letter from German surgeons using this method for surgical procedures without chemical anesthesia.

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Hi Doc, thanks for the brilliant synopsis.

Have you heard of Alexander Wunsch?

He does some amazing work as a photobiologist out of Germany.

I'm big into "eating my sunscreen" via cooking shrimp/lobster shells to absorb carotenoids for photoexcitation (EMF) protection:


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Interesting! When I can, I add prawn shells to my bone broth. I was after glucosamine/chondroitin for healing from knee surgery and plantar fasciitis. But - thank you for this! My current bone broth is half prawn shells!

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During the plandemic Fauci strongly advised people stay indoors and isolate. This was not to promote health. And now Bill Gates wants to block the sun to prevent global warming.

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DEMON$ of DePopulation and Death...."they" have vilified the SUN for decades with Fear-mongering !! I live in Maui and we don't wear sunscreen unless in the sun for more than an hour, and then only natural mineral-based (think Badger sunscreens). I see visitors lathered up from head to toe or covered completely. One must use prudence and build up sun exposure slowly.....good news here is ALL chemical concoctions are banned and ONLY mineral-based ones are sold here :) ...SUN is GOOD !

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A couple of years ago on a beach here in UK a young mum had her toddler in a stretchy suit right down to his ankles and wrists, and a hat with a flap at the back to cover the neck, he took it off and chucked it on a rock and she ran over in a flash and thrust it back on. Really brainwashed. It's been cloudy and wet since about then ☹️

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also sunglasses mess up the system i read somewhere.

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Dr Jack Kruse

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Many people burn easily at a different latitude than they're used to, so I can sympathize a bit with tourists using sunscreen... still there are healthier ways to protect your skin IMHO.

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these are only frontmen. thee con is much longer/older.

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Wanting to block the sun smacks very strongly of Caligula wanting to whip the sea though; megalomania at its worst.

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They are EVIL!!!! 👿

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Very glad to see this article! I'm reading a sensational book called "The Light Eaters," which just came out in May and went right to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. It's about plants and what we are learning about how conscious they are, something that science has avoided since Darwin, and they ignored and ridicule his contention that the tap root of a plant is where it's all its functions are organized from, in other words the plant brain. Beautifully written and highly recommended!

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Jun 15Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

"What I found remarkable about this was that the pharmaceutical company which made Rohypnol was able to use its lobbyists to get it (the actual problematic drug) removed from those anti-date rape laws."

Makes me want to move to Mars.

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I see a lot of things like that happen, but that one definitely took the cake.

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your last observation regarding the lies the MSM told about Trump and the so called injecting bleach is spot on. I remember watching it live and it was a statement from a person who just heard something being researched and he found it interesting and could see the potential if successful.

Anyone who comes away with another interpretation is not being honest or is just watching the deceptively edited version but out there by the MSM.

This is what finally opened my eyes to the length the MSM will go to lie about Trump, which is 1000% worse than anything Trump has ever done that is not consider acceptable in polite company.

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He was probably thinking of chlorine dioxide. I have some.

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I don’t the details of what the researcher was describing but Trump was like that’s a cool idea if you could make it work.

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Insanity of beyond horrific things going on accord to this post like JESUS CHRIST everyone BE CAREFUL out there with that and BE WELL.


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That is why being outdoors is very important.

I noticed that I felt better whenever I was outside the house.

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It is infra red and ubv and the quantum particles we need, and we can get them artificially (unless fortunate to live in the Bahamas etc.)


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There is no substitute for the real thing.

Outdoors - does not have to be in Jamaica, mann. Look at those healthy people living in the cold zones.

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a few hours of sun , here in ireland, make a huge difference to me.

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They have also developed complementary and compensatory lifestyle and nutritional habits, to counter the differences in latitudes and solar patterns though. So essentially, the further away, the higher the challenge.😉

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I've learned that people native of higher latitudes (whiter skin) can also use cold exposure to improve mitochondrial function, as well as sunlight.

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Exactly! Which is even more interesting when one looks at the incidence of all cause mortality in migrants to countries like England, Scotland, Norway, Finland, etc.😉

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if one is outside a bit it ads up, unless the skies are grey/ed a lot.

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"They have also developed complementary and compensatory lifestyle and nutritional habits, ...."

The Irish have their cure-all: Guinness.

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Precisely😉 Yet I think Guinness effects, are in conjunction with aspects, and are definitely dose dependent😉🤣😂

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Jun 15Liked by A Midwestern Doctor


Bravo doc😉 Another one knocked out the park. Should cover most of the basics for most to get started on fixing their junk light diets.😉

Re the zeta potentials and liquid crystalline (EZ) water, RBCs and mitochondrial function- two missing pieces of puzzle- look at the microtubules and the lymphatic/glymphatic systems.

The red blood cell draw energy from the sun, to bring light into the body, so that it reflects in the microtubules, raising zeta potential due to the resonance vibrations occurring within the microtubules and the EZ water. Lymphatic system through the fascia, moves the water created by the mitochondria (via ETC and quantum tunnelling of atp) around the body to get into the microtubules. EMR and particularly low levels affect the zeta potential, by opening channels etc, at the wrong time, just as different UV spectrums also do.

The wave genome work of Peter Gariev's showed some of this, along with others like Pollack, Pall and Victor Schauberger, and quite a few others over the centuries.

People will then also understand why eugenics supporter L'Oreal commercialised sunscreen after WW2, and why Gates continues to push for blocking sun technology.🤐🤦‍♀️

#youRlight #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Love this! You must know of Dr Jack Kruse?

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It's high time someone like yourself MidWesternDoctor, gave us an essay exactly like this one, to plainly explain to modern medicine idiot allopaths and their sheep, all about the critical hormone aka Vitamin D3 and key natural sunlight - which the powers that should not be, along with sooper genius Billy 'Eugenics' Gates are screwing with.

Thank you, gratefully yours!

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Jun 15Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Wow what a fantastic article and great resource so much in this. This post is also a great summary and complements your writing very well. Thanks


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Sunlight gives us health and vitality. The eyes section is critical - we need to soak in sun. It is life giving. Morning sun helps set our circadian rhythm for nighttime sleep. Nature provides if we let it - God knew what He was doing. Excellent article; thank you!

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Great Article! My friend Dr William Grant for decades has been promoting the true value of sun light for good health which is opposed by the dermatologists who earn their living by treating the disease states created by deficiencies in Vitamin D. He is in alignment with GrassrootsHealth.net that is trying to educate the masses about the true value of Vitamin D that is being ignored and discredited by the mainstream medical profession!

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Added comment! Was in China at a hospital in Shanghai in 1997 and we were visiting a patients room which was bare bones with a pitcher of water and a basin and an Army cot and no patient! I asked were the patient was! He was in the courtyard receiving a IV and soaking in the sun shine! The Chinese through trial and error over 5000 years figured out how to treat the patient with natural remedies! No money to be made that way in the USA! Also, they don’t over spend on infrastructure!

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Jun 15Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I was able to observe the following because of A Midwestern Doctor's article "What Makes Vaccines so Dangerous." Do six of the twelve Queen Elisabeth 2024 Violin Competition Laureates appear to have a Cranial Nerve VI vaccine injury? https://queenelisabethcompetition.be/en/laureates/ You can see the same condition in the voice and piano laureates post covid. Not as common pre-covid. Group most affected are Asian. The Queen Elisabeth competition is prestigous. All of the laureate will have remarkable careers.

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It's very sad once you start noticing this. It's much easier to detect in person because the dynamic movements of the face get slowed down.

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The violin is an unnaturally lopsided instrument. Unless someone has learned Alexander Technique for correct alignment, the violin will throw people off, and possibly block Cranial VI, as well. There are many ways to get out of balance in this world!

However, this possible explanation does not apply to the vocal competitors, who - appear to be in even worse shape than the violinists!

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Jun 15Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Wow- mind bending. Thank you

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I really want to see what you have to say about part 2 because UVBI completely changes surgical outcomes.

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John Ott was an early expert in time lapse photography. And so he was brought in to an experiment using microscopic time lapse filmmaking that looked at the effects of minute amounts of fluoride on mouse connective tissue cells. It's seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBsDQPRt-5Q

While this was solid evidence of fluoride's toxicity at very minute doses, the effect was not duplicated when the same levels were applied to other body cells. Thus, Ott had a bit of a falling out with the anti-fluoridationists who brought him in to do these experiments.

You being an extremely smart and educated doctor, I can't image you are yourself drinking fluoridated water to prevent tooth decay. But I have not seen you comment on fluoride or fluoridation. Right now in New Zealand the push is on to fluoridate the entire nation, as that what the central government wants. And it will likely happen, despite lots of local opposition and local democratic votes against it.

Your thoughts on this?

I bought an Ott light years ago. I also bought a Ott VHS video tape that had jazz music on it, and as I recall Ott played jazz himself.

At one time I had my glasses made without the UV filter. But since then I got new glasses with the UV filter, and one pair with a variable type of sunglass that gets light in dark areas and dark when outside. Later on I got persuaded by eye doctors that UV filters should be in glasses.

I've read that the atmosphere is changing, and there is now more dangerous amounts of UV light coming down on us. Your thoughts on the changing atmosphere and how it could affect the light we get?

I do get into sunlight as much as possible. I put on sunscreen after some exposure, as a sunburn is bad and should be avoided in my opinion. My dermatologist says I should alway be wearing sunscreen like she does, but I disagree with her on that.

Some decades ago there was a fairly big movement to install full spectrum lighting in office settings. But that seems to have died down. Dr. Mercola says LED lighting is not healthy. Plain old incandescent bulbs may be healthier. But now the U.S. is stopping the manufacturing of plain old incandescent light bulbs. People are encouraged to use fluorescents or LED lights. Your thoughts on the healthiest indoor lighting?

I liked your story on GHB.

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John Otto’s associate for years has tried to get our schools in the USA to use lights that emit the wave length that stimulated Vit D production. No success!

Brain dead educators!

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TMD has definitely talked about fluoride in previous posts.

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What did he say about it?

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If you subscribe you can search. I searched and it brought up 6 posts. He never has anything good to say about it, always bad.

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I wish there was some advice on how to find comments, and respond to comments. I was able to find your comment without much trouble this time. Other times I get to the comment, but not the rest of the string.

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I agree, it is kind of odd. If you click on a response from someone, like I just clicked on yours, it takes me to the comment. But if I go back to thread I end up in no mans land and can't find it again. I also wish there were a search function on comments.

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Thanks. One of the difficult things about sub stack is that after I get an e-mail with a response to a post I made, clicking on the "view comment" does not take me to the comment. I've found it hard to respond to comments as they can become difficult to find.

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OH HECK Doug Cragoe - Australia was fluoride free until 2008 when they decided that the whole country needed it. Our water is connected - it's part of the drought survival plan, so that they can pump water across the country as needed. Ergo, you can't even un-fluoridate a single part of it (our mayor has tried). Additionally, around 2011, the dam nearest me had an "unspecified spill" of fluoride. We got little notices about "contaminants" and to boil the water (which speaks to me of microbes, not fluoride, but okay). I found out about the spill around 2014, after I'd already lost my thyroid. What little I could find, sounded like a major spill, but no way to tell how many people were affected or harmed by it.

I lived in the USA most of my life, and never heard of fluoride spills! (but that doesn't mean they didn't happen!)

Rage, rage for the purity of the water!

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This organization has info and links to lighting. I'm working on this too. I just bought a bunch of chromalux bulbs. Esther van Der Werf and the Bates Method related to eyesight are interesting to look into. https://www.softlights.org/led-debacle/

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Flouride will steal your electrons!!


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Any thoughts on red light therapy ? For skin issues, etc.

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Often very helpful for a lot of thing.

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So what are some good strategies for those of us living way up north? Different lamps at different times of day? IR lamps in the AM and evening and UV lamps during the day?

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There are lots of strategies, both lifestyle, nutritional and technology based, that you can use to improve your light diet.😊 Start with the basics- get free dminder app, to track your outdoor exposure, don't wear sunscreen, contacts or glasses, if you can avoid it, cover up at night (head to toe) if you can't use low incandescent lights, blue block glasses and flux app if your using tech after sunset. Just doing those things for a month will show improvements. Then keep learning about water, light and magnetism😉

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I do a lot of that already, but where I live the dminder app shows zero VitD generated for most of the year. The sun doesn’t get high enough in the sky even when it’s not overcast (which it generally is). So my question was focussed on augmentation of natural light.

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If you getting outside in natural light at various times of day (preferably all day) then your getting full spectrum, even above 35th parallel +. What are you trying to augment? The light or your vitamin D? Traditionally, colder climates utilised fish oils, fermentation and nutritional habits to help Vit D. These days supplements are more common.

The chromotherapy link doc included will give you an idea if your trying to biohack a particular function for a particular issue.😊

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I’m waaay farther North than that. I’m worried about not getting enough UV, IR, and just generally full spectrum.

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Without knowing your lifestyle habits, history, haplo type, and environmental factors that influence normal circadian rhythm that a circadian practitioner would cover, its harder to assess your light diet. If i were consulting (which im not btw) id ask what makes you think your NOT getting enough full spectrum? Even if your above the 50th parallel, or in the article circle, if you see the sun rise and your out in it, your getting full spectrum light. Outside for at least 30 mins at early rise, midday and before sunset, should give your systems what they need, depending on any preexisting health issues and/or genetics. Basic rule of thumb- try to be outside for 1/2 the amount of time you spend inside (inc sleeping time). Our modern, indoor lit, indoor living make this harder, but take up activities that allow you to be outside. I'm a fan of rock climbing myself😉

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Not exactly true Barefoot. Have you accessed the Naval Azimuth calculator? https://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/AltAz

It tells you based on your latitude and the window of time ,on each particular day during which you can actually receive Vit D producing rays of sunlight. There are specific times of day that vary according to the season. You simply will not get any Vit D from the sun in most of North America during the winter months because during that time of the year those important wavelengths are bounced off our atmosphere and never reach us. The calculator does not account, however, for your altitude: at 15,000 feet you will get more rays than at sea level.

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weather mod's been hiding the sun in ireland/uk these 4 weeks almost completely. and the moon! rarely to bee seen in summer.

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Even outside during heavy grey skies, will get you the light ypur body requires. Grey skies will still make 10-30% of vitamin d, during the day, depending on level of skin exposure, duration and skin type. But even covered, if in the morning or late afternoon, you'll still get infrared. We can deal with naturally varying rates of light, as the sun has cycles that only our mitochondria would understand. But we don't get good effects when stupidmy egocentric people with more money than sense, decide to play god and manipulate weather, in an effort to "save us from the sun".😐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

#thanksbillG #stophelpingus

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yes, also, normal in ireland would be clouds moving/blue in between grey, not days/weeks of think grey.

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