"Once Biden won the election, Hotez made a remarkable pivot"


And he wasn't the only one.


In fact, I would go so far as to say that if Donald Trump won in 2020, there would have been no jab mandates, because the left would have reflexively recoiled against them.

Put another way, we only got the mandates because Biden won. And Pharma HAD to know that going in -- which is probably why they delayed announcement that the shot was ready until AFTER the election.

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There is what you thought Trump said

There is who you wished Trump Said

Then there was what Trump actually said


Trump’s fast-tracking the vaccines should never be forgotten. All the side-effects of the vaccine were engineered by Trump. Biden just picked up the ball and continued working for BIG-PHARMA. Trump giving big-pharma & Indian contract labs 'legal immunity' setup the largest criminal poisoning operation in world history;


Never argue with people that are paid to ignore what your are saying.

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I don't forget him fast-tracking the vaccines at all, but what I have a much bigger moral issue with is the mandates. I think people should be able to do whatever they want (without harming others) to increase their lifespans. It was fine that the jab was available to anybody who wanted it -- where we crossed the line was saying you HAD to have it.

I expound more on this difference here:


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YOU MIS-DIRECTING here, the problem was not the mandates had the crap not been poison

The problem is that TRUMP encouraged the INDIA labs to produce toxic poison by failure to put QA in the contracts;


Had this been just a normal VAX-MANDATE ( its happened before no biggy ), but because of the rush & legal immunity it encouraged the biggest assholes on earth to cook up a poison by default because they were all told NOBODY CARES, just ship it

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The mandate absolutely was the problem - even if it had been the most wonderful vaccine the world had ever know!

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I do not understand why this seminal truth is (apparently) so hard to grasp. The ends never justify the means. Never.

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It's the problem for me.

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Had they NOT shipped a contaminated product then nobody would have been hurt, its a big problem, a TRUMP problem


The mRNA in & of itself is not the problem, the problem was the rat-turds, heavy-metals, and ethylene-glycol that was in the vials along with the mRNA which is why reactions are all over the map from sudden death to slow death, to cancer, to advanced cancer.

Japan is the only known country that actually inspected the vials, some 50% were rejected for visible white suspension, rat-turds and visible metal particles; In the USA/OZ/CAN they just jab'd the stuff nobody care by about the QA;

Funny story the rejected mRNA in JAPAN all got shipped to Africa,where they refused it, and it got stocked warm and all went bad :)

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Come on guys, it doesn't have to be one or the other. BOTH things can be bad – the way the vaccines were contracted, AND the mandates.

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All is SATANIC, there fixed it for you;

It's rather boring, but on my site there are like +a dozen posts about how SATAN took control of USSA +500 years ago, back when it was just a penal colony for child-rape.

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Bullshit, Bilbo’s Botch. No medical drug or procedure should ever be mandated to people. Even if it is (and I can hardly bear to type these two words, I’m so damn sick of them) ‘safe and effective’. No exceptions. P.S. There is no such thing as a safe and effective ‘vaccine’…and there never will be. You seem to be believing in some sort of fantasy that the mandates would’ve been fine had the mRNA injections been of some sort of (imagined) high quality. You might want to come back down to Earth.

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I never said it was OK to just jab poison into peoples body's besides you did it in fear of losing your job or in your case your welfare check.


That's right your big man TRUMP said "Its a great Vaccine", guess what he lied.

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Please be civil on these comments.

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Fascinating reply, BB.

I never was jabbed.

I was already retired.

I’ve never been anywhere near a welfare check.

I’ve never liked Trump.

But, hey, you know everything, so…

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I agree with both of you. This was a joint effort to bring the poison jabs to market and then GET THEM IN AS MANY ARMS AS POSSIBLE. I think they knew that the left would recoil from Operation Warp Speed. The necessity of a Biden win may well have been predicated on the bioweapons operation moving forward more than any other factor. They played both sides against each other but the move was to force them all on the same side on this issue and it worked rather well based on uptake. Of course it was combined with unprecedented loss of human rights and financial coercion to do it. Now they have the set up for the same theater to play out all over again between the Trump people who "know" he won and the dottering senile facade of power. In the end the left boot and the right boot are moving in a march towards slavery for the masses...

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Good point how the two sides both ended up on board with the jabs, although not necessarily the mandates. Thank God they're so unsafe and ineffective. If they were safe and effective we'd be in a hopeless situation arguing for medical freedom.

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There is no such thing as a safe and effective vaccine. It’s a myth, to make profits and gain control.

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Trump groupies are as much authoritarian followers as the leftists. Trump is purely an opportunist who latched onto the populist agenda as a vehicle to power. It worked very well, and I'm glad it did because we got the best president in my lifetime. Yes, in spite of having no principles and being an opportunist, he was that good, relative to the others, until the epic COVID fail. That's where his lack of any principles, as well as a lack of intelligence and insight, failed him, and us. I hope I'm wrong, but I see Western Civilization as on an unstoppable decline. Given that, I can cheer for Trump just because he pisses off our worst enemies so badly. He doesn't have what it takes to really turn things around, but who does? Might as well just enjoy their TDS getting the best of them.

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Rather than arguing that he is good because assholes hate him, why don't you argue that he is good because he's a PIMP, Mob bag-man, and pedophile?? Why don't you admit you love him because he was Sheldon Adelson & Epstein #1 groomer for child slavery whorehouses??

Pimp, mob bagman


First degree killer of 100's of millions


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This is the best in your lifetime? SO your saying you were born yesterday?? RIght?


the Orange Conman never apologized for;

bending over backwards 24/7 for Israel

sponsoring Big Pharma (Operation Warp Speed)

not breaking up Big Tech giants like Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (basically all the Covid 'fact checkers' and government propagandists) by continuing to turn a blind eye on their consistent abuse of Section 230. (until the Orange Dumbf•ck was kicked off Tw@tter himself, real 3-D chess... 🤣 )

sponsoring the MIC (record billions spent on 'defense.')

sponsoring Wall Street (hiring Jay Powell and Steve Mnuchin)

not building The Wall

not "locking her up"

hiring neocon fascists (Pompeo, Haspel, Wurmser, Haley, Bolton) and a convicted war criminal like Elliott Abrams

dragging Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London

not Pardoning Assange, Snowden, Manning

hiring Epstein prosecutor Acosta who cut Epstein a sweetheart deal

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I was born long enough ago to remember Eisenhower. I don't include him in my comparison, I was too young to judge him. I never said he was good. I sure as hell don't like him. He was better than the others because they were all THAT BAD. Actually, his policies were pretty much all good for the U.S. until COVID was way beyond his abilities to deal with. Who, exactly do you think was so much better?

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Smedly Butler is the only good guy in USA history that ever got near DC and they destroyed him

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The WORST part of the TRUMP "Legal Immunity" is not that he GAVE the BIG-PHARMA CEO's a "GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD", and made them all TRILLIONAIRES

The Worst part is that TRUMP passed the Legal-Immunity, all the way down to the Janitors sweeping the floor of the bio-labs in INDIA that cooked up the mRNA on UK Contracts;


Had there been LEGAL CRIMINAL demands that the mRNA be "INSPECTED" & QA taken place, there would hardly any "CLOT-SHOT' death that we see where-ever mRNA was deployed ( only in UK commonwealth penal colonys USA,UK,CAN,OZ,NZ,JAPAN,SouthKOR, & Taiwan )

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Please also help save human from the whole Depopulation Agenda.

" Eat the bugs people " have many more tricks up their sleeves.

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Yep just yesterday there was a huge article on substack telling how they're now masturbating into tree holes to bring back the forest around San-Franciso.

Of course drilling holes in trees can't be good for the trees, but the Woke just get mad when you point that truth out to them.


Yes, they have many tricks in their trousers.

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Will we have a Nation left to even worry about who will be our President next ?


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I liken talking about the next USA president as to an argument about what shoes Kardashian is wearing tomorrow, or who will be entering her hole this week.


When our only choice for POTUS is senile old fools, 'what difference does it make, to quote' - HRC

I don't even blame the GOV, or ashkeNAZI for this choice of a gerontology death-wish ran by the electorate.

The problem is that the old-farts have stolen everything from the future, the old don't trust the young and the young know they're going to get the bill. While the old got the beer, & pizza;


Just like the collapse of RUSSIA, same end game the OLD wouldn't release power, because they feared the young would put them in jail.

Same today you have Pelosi, McConnell, Biden, Trump family all fighting to stay out of prison, and staying in power.

Read Dimtry Orlovs "Collapse" about how the gerontology people HELD on to power until RUSSIA collapsed

USA is on same trajectory, nobody can fix USA, because the old farts will not allow change.


In a normal functioning society say '70' a politician should RETIRE, and let young people run the GOV and let 35 year old people make the decisions about their children. Today we have a system where 99.9% of the ENTIRE DC GOV is pedophiles who only see the public as breeders of the next generations of infants to sodomize

SATAN & MOLOCH LOVE THEIR USA, and the rest of the worlds hates it.

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Yes, currencys last 45 years on average, and faux-democracy's 200 years on average,

But that is NOT our problem ( study Sprenglers "Decline of the West" for a complete study of all satanic western democracy's in human history, 1910's German philosopher, two volumes )

The problem is that the people in power will not stop the INSANITY, kick the can, until humpty-dumpty falls off the wall

They don't care every one of them have their bug-outs in Martha's-Vineyard, Hawaii, New-Zealand, Virgin-Isl, once the USA implodes ( VERY SOON ) the people WHO FUCKED up the USA, don't plan on being here;


The problem is IF we had rational humans running the USA, it could be fixed, but we don't ; Unless SATAN is removed from power, and Moloch is destroyed in USA, then nothing new can even be rebuilt from the ashes.


I don't buy the 250 year narrative, this is Civil-War 3.0 today 2025, 1776 was a civil-war with UK, 1871 was UK taking ownership of DC, since 1600's USA is/was a PENAL COLONY of UK, which is what TRUMPS "WALL" is all about;

When you hear BIden say "GOD SAVE the QUEEN", that is how all BilderBerg-GROUP-UK meetings END, they own & Control the USA;


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WOW. Scary but WOW informative.

Will read your comments again tomorrow morning. Thank You.

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Ugh, here we go again…another stupid debate about Trump-Biden. This article isn’t about that! Go discuss your politics somewhere else. I’m talking to you, Bilbo’s Bitch.

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TRUMP is a pedo-pimp, you defending him makes you a pedo-enabler

Biden is a senile old fool that shits in his pants, and in his 'day' he too was a pedophile.


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Good grief, I never even remotely defended Trump. Or Biden.

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While PDJT undoubtedly set the shots in motion with OWS (for which he has yet to answer), the election of 2020 also meant a sea change in the scope and mass of the grifting and fleecing...catapulting would-be tyrants like Tony the Fauch, Hotez, Fidelito Trudeau, and many others into full-blown Banana Republic mode. It's truly sad and horrible...but also predictable given the trajectory of Western Civilization.

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Trump released $12 Trillion USD into the wild with his "WAR ON COVID"

If you don't think that cash affected your list of assholes, then you weren't paying attention, TRUDEAU alone got $500 Mil USD from china for licensing mRNA to them.

Everybody in 2020 GOT RICH, everybody became a billionaires, and some trillionaires

$12 Trillion USD is a lot of money to throw around, A trillion is a million-million, or a thousand-billion, so with just one Trillion Trump was able to create 1,000 new billionaires WHO would dance the cOVID waltz


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BB, I agree with you. PDJT isn't in all aspects the defender of traditional American values and regular 'mericans the alt/conservative media "establishment" paint him to be.

Still awaiting his disavowal of OWS and the shots...still.

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Cold day in HELL like DJT say's "never admit guilt', never say "sorry", never

Morons waiting for TRUMP to admit that he is/was the FATHER of COVID & mRNA will be a cold day in hell, before he admits the 'mistake', as TRUMP never admits a mistake, he's a perfect man, in God's Image.


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I see what you're saying. The fix was in for 2020, and the pharma side already knew it.

The operation was worldwide. Money was definitely NOT the motivating factor. At least not at the highest levels. Like Michael Yeadon said, "If they wanted to make more money, they could have just charged more for the vaccines, but they didn't, or something to that effect. And yet, they still pushed to get as many people vaccinated as possible -- at the low cost. This absolutely removed the money factor.

The only things remaining are:

1) Making people dependent on continuous vaccines/boosters, through immune system alteration/damage, where you have to keep up on shots or risk an AIDS type situation.

2) Killing people off to reduce the population.

I tend to go with the second option, because we know 100% that they were killing people in nursing homes, and hospitals. They were using non-standard protocols, and ventilating people that were still conscious and breathing on their own. There's a reason that they get you off a ventilator as quickly as possible after surgery -- because it causes lung damage! This is nothing new.

At any rate, there's some dark evil shit going on, and most people are too scared to consider it. But we must if we're ever going to make it through this.

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Sleepy Joe is horrible, no doubt. However, given the ease with which Pharma used the CDC and FDA to promote their financial goals, I seriously doubt we would have experienced nirvana--or no mandates--if the Orange Man had become POTUS. Recall, the organizational structure that was supposed to address such issues functions the same way regardless of who is POTUS. (Some people might call that a bug. I call it a feature. Pfizer agrees!) For example, would Dr. Walensky still have promoted boosters, in direct contradiction of the FDA advisory committee's opinion? Yes. Would losers like Hotez have found a way to profitably gaslight willy-nilly regardless of the occupant of the Whitehouse? Yes. And so on and so forth. As much as this wasn't about facts (as we all know) it also wasn't about who was President, either.

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Take a look at that video and tell me it wasn't about who was president........


Think Jay Inslee gets on camera and says the jab could be unsafe if Biden is president already? Think he changes his mind for no reason right after the election?

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That's damned powerful. Thanks for the context! Emperor Cuomo actually said, "this FDA" and "this CDC" as if those organizations are different under POTUS. The gaslighting is amazing. Worse, and it is probably narcissistic of me to say this, is the likelihood that people believe the CDC and FDA are different based upon POTUS.

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Yes, that's a great catch. The people at the CDC and FDA were basically exactly the same, the 'data' was exactly the same -- the only thing that changed was who was giving the 'orders' (mandates).

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Who GOT rich during the COVID-SCAM DEMIC engineered & Fast-Tracked by TRUMP,

We know, we know he's an innocent man, POMPEO (CIA Director) made him do it, made him sign those bad documents, made him hire those bad people. Trump was an innocent babe in the woods led by a leash in nose ring.

Ok, here is the COVID timeline from SUmmer of 2019, and who got rich.


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God Bless Trump, a bigger TEFLON POTUS than even CLinton if that were ever thought possible


Orange Conman never apologized for;

bending over backwards 24/7 for Israel

sponsoring Big Pharma (Operation Warp Speed)

not breaking up Big Tech giants like Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (basically all the Covid 'fact checkers' and government propagandists) by continuing to turn a blind eye on their consistent abuse of Section 230. (until the Orange Dumbf•ck was kicked off Tw@tter himself, real 3-D chess... 🤣 )

sponsoring the MIC (record billions spent on 'defense.')

sponsoring Wall Street (hiring Jay Powell and Steve Mnuchin)

not building The Wall

not "locking her up"

hiring neocon fascists (Pompeo, Haspel, Wurmser, Haley, Bolton) and a convicted war criminal like Elliott Abrams

dragging Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London

not Pardoning Assange, Snowden, Manning

hiring Epstein prosecutor Acosta who cut Epstein a sweetheart deal

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As a medical professional myself (PharmD), once the pandemic hit, I had to wrestle with this question, "where has the innovation in medicine gone?" During the pandemic, looking at the literature, you realize, "why are we making decisions off of baseless and poorly done studies (i.e., vaccine studies stating 95% success rate)?" I saw this with other colleagues that would normally scrutinize other medical data... but for the pandemic medical data, whatever the science says, went.

So during the pandemic, while locked away, and why asking the very important question, "WHY" and not judging any answer that came to mind, but thoroughly exploring them, I came to see the world in a brand new light.

I came to realize that:

1. There is politics in science and there has been for a while. I was educated with political science and I needed to come to terms with that. This political science was called "Scientism"

2. This politics goes back way before anyone practicing medicine today lived. We need to understand the origins of the Flexner report (back in the early 1900s), the Rockerfellers and how THEY shaped the modern medicine we practice.

3. When we follow this trail, we see the power behind grants and how THAT determines what WE practice on our patients. Ex: Statins first use in Cholesterol or Opioids in Pain populations.

As a pharmacist and seeing how pharma shaped medicine by being behind the sidelines and educating doctors to prescribe certain ways, I came to terms with WHY medicine is the way it is.

PS: I wrote this substack to show how our modern world is a result of that political science, known as scientism, which shapes everything we do today: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-religious-tenants-of-scientism

The good news is that I discovered OTHER ways to practice true medicine. I discovered the work of Dr. Mercola, Dr. Thomas Cowan, and many, many others that produced real results -- unlike funded results which need to have certain effects occur. This and many others instances show that while modern medicine today as we know it can no longer offer new and innovative treatments (that are in the patient's best interest), there is an exciting opportunity for new practitioners who do care about the patients best interest to thrive and flourish.

As I go on in my medical career, I look to grow deeper and more versed in this promising, innovative field of medicine and hoping others (practitioners and patients) join in doing the same.

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Great comment!

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Thanks! Thanks a lot :)

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Long ago GRANNY would use small doses of 'tea' made from POT or POPPY's it didn't cause an addiction and the alkaloid property's of both were all that was needed cure most common problems, ergo 'holistic natural medicine'. Small DOSES, diluted were always known to be the best.

Funny during COVID every regular smoker of pot, or people who ate 'brownies' didn't get covid, again natural anti-malarial, even nicotine, they say in the jungles some 25,000 natural substances are known to cure COVID type problems, but you were told not to use IVER, or HCQ, and instead to ventilate and take remesdivir; First degree murder by GOV and its big pharma owners. For 100's of years the British in India put quinine (HCQ) in soda-water to prevent MALARIA; Then suddenly, all human knowledge was lost and the WEST went FULL-RETARD

Just like today with FENTANYL, when you make synthetic that are 10000x stronger than natural you kill people

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Early on in the bioweapon attack, I learned that HCQ taken early or prophylactic could drastically diminish COVID risk and that quinine was the natural version of HCQ. I started drinking tonic water with quinine, but I didn't like the artificial sweeteners and the lack of information on the amount of quinine. So I discovered the Cinchona bark and possibly red grapefruit rinds could be used to make quinine at home. Figured it out, and now it's my daily tonic without the sweetener.

I also confirmed what I already suspected, that the FDA will move to ban any natural substance that is safe and effective if it threatens any pharma profit stream. And that's been going on for almost a hundred years, although they've added with the recent efforts the new and transparent will to kill many of their sucker customers.

I've had enough. Back to nature, back to basics.

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Great comment, James M.

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Goes back to when Rockefeller in 1920's created "OIL BASED PHARMA"

Prior to 1920's 80% of all med in USA was 'holistic', and worked just fine;

Rockefeller MADE holistic illegal, he banned the cultivation of marijuana&opium-poppys, he created the prescription pharma racket, and took over the AMA and turned it into a 'gate keeping operation"

He built 'modern-medical colleges' all over the world, and shutdown 90% of the holistic colleges in USA by 1925;

The oil man became a doctor, just like Bill Gates who stole software as a teen became a 'doctor of vaccines', Gates too took his computer wealth and bought all the worlds patents for biology;

Gates great grandfather wrote the book on eugenics, adopted by HITLER, Rockefeller Brought HITLER to power in 1920's, along with BUSH, FORD, HEARST all same team; Bush was bank of HITLER, his RCA-UK electronics was Hitlers electronic company, just like IBM was Hitlers computer company.

None of this stuff is happenstance.

Rockefeller got his start in 1840's trading whale-oil in Shanghai for Rotschild-London, by 1890 he controlled the USA oil empire, in 1910 they 'broke it up', then he went on to create the world-wide modern medical MONOPOLY.



Complete history in this post


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From my reply to another comment on this post:

"G. Edward Griffin wrote, "A World Without Cancer" some time ago. Hard to find in print, but available in PDF on the 'net. That book is two parts, first covering cancer and vitamin B17 (which was denied vitamin status by FDA) and it's synthetic version Laetrile, second covering the corrupt history of the big pharma cartel starting in German with IG Farben.

"The half of the book covering big pharma cartel corruption is a single reference point to understand the entire grift/scam/attack. It's not as dense as RFK Jr.'s Fauci take-down, but it has the same enlightening effect. What you typed above is like the Cliff's Notes summary of what I learned."

The book covers the complete range of what you described above, but also includes how the corruption was implemented. It explains how the capture of the US 3-letter medical agencies is done, and what their goals are (hint: bury any safe and effective and cheap solution while promoting customer-for-life treatments).

No matter where one goes to learn it, you really must learn THIS history if you want to turn the corner to a more healthy life.

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In 1913 ROCKEFELLER started the ACS - American Cancer Society, at that time Rockefeller owned the OIL BASED world, and his oil business was causing a BOOM in Cancer, so he need to mis-direct cancer research

The rest is history, its like letting Bill Gates create the "American Vaccine Society" in 2019

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Yes! The ACS is such a scam.

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All the modern 3 letter agency's came out of operation-paperclip post WW2, +2,000 Nazi HOMO scientist from former Nazi-Germany brought in to create NSA, CIA, CDC, WHO; NASA, UN all had a name "New World Order", developed by Rockefeller Foundation on assumption that HITLER would win WW2, he failed, but the NWO plan was brought to USA

Like we say

"Germany lost WW2, Nazis Won"

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But how often do you hear about it killing people, while 'oil based big pharma MED klls 1,000's a day'


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G. Edward Griffin wrote, "A World Without Cancer" some time ago. Hard to find in print, but available in PDF on the 'net. That book is two parts, first covering cancer and vitamin B17 (which was denied vitamin status by FDA) and it's synthetic version Laetrile, second covering the corrupt history of the big pharma cartel starting in German with IG Farben.

The half of the book covering big pharma cartel corruption is a single reference point to understand the entire grift/scam/attack. It's not as dense as RFK Jr.'s Fauci take-down, but it has the same enlightening effect. What you typed above is like the Cliff's Notes summary of what I learned.

I was lucky enough to be reading that book in fall of 2019 when the bioweapon attack charade started. That compelled me to research, landing me quickly with A Midwestern Doctor here on Substack (and a number of other honest medical writers).

I think the cartel has overplayed their hand. Even if the bioweapon attack truly is a depopulation event, they've lost the trance state of at least half their customers. Just like Disney, the magic has vanished and only the horrid behind-the-scenes facts remain. And people do not like that view.

Change is coming, in no small part propelled forward from our Midwestern Doctor and the others on our Substack home of free information.

Franklin, thank YOU for waking up, for digging, and for speaking. For every one like me that responds and thanks you, there are literally tens of thousands that appreciate it that you won't see directly. Every voice of reason, compassion, and knowledge is encouraged and inspires hope. Keep it up!

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Big pharma owns the grant system and grifters like Hotez. They want just enough innovation for repeat business. Customers, not cures. Hotez has other talents, though. Like using his pulpit to push jabs that have killed millions, putting him into the mass murderer category along with Little Mengele et al. The ultimate divine irony? He has a vaccine injured child.

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The best part....his unscientific belief that his child wasn't injured by the jab. A real scientist would investigate and form hypotheses and then test. He's a hack bought in to the religion of vaccines.

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"Customers, not cures." Exactly. A study of the pharmaceutical business was one of our cases in business school. It was clear, they mimic the Gillette razor model. They weren't giving away free razors to sell the blades, but close. For them the ideal, profitable customer is one that will need to take the product on a recurring basis, forever. Like statins for cholesterol, and insulin for diabetes.

That's where they invest their research dollars. In the case we studied, the contrast was skin ailments, like rashes. You dab the salve on your skin, cure the rash, and normally, won't need the product again. That's not an attractive thing to invest in.

As a diabetic who uses insulin, I know, if a cure could be invented, it would be like that urban legend we used to hear, about the guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who invented a carburetor that would make a car get 100 miles per gallon of gasoline. In that tale, the oil companies bought out the invention, and hid it away. That's what pharma would do.

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"Like statins for cholesterol, and insulin for diabetes."

Besides the chemicals Big Pharma sells, are the lies they sell! In cahoots with their minions in government, they promote the demonization of cholesterol — one of the most critically important substances in the body! Cholesterol does NOT cause heart disease, it is a repair matetial for damaged arteries. People with higher cholesterol LIVE LONGER!!!! Statins damage and kill people!

And diabetes? Almost all cases of Type 2 diabetes are reversible. But very few doctors are up-to-date on the research. They can't afford to be — treating diabets is too profitable. Curing them is not! Hundreds of billions of disease-management dollars would be saved if doctors kept abreast of the latest info and put it into practice. And think about the lives that would be saved and the incalculable amount of human suffering that would be prevented. IF only . . . !

This is why we HAVE TO educate ourselves — we will NOT get help from the Disease Management System!

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Yes, yes, and YES! And now they peddle a drug to absorb cholesterol in the gut, not a 'statin'. Hum. Gotta wonder what long term use of THAT comes with. Wanted to put an 89 year old with a verry bad ticker on max statins recently (my Dad) AND this drug to drop his cholesterol even lower 170 is not low enough! Go Lower. Mind you, no connection shown between reducing cholesterol AND strokes... not one jot of evidence that I'd be able to believe in.

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170 is already TOO low! Should probably be about 200, optimally. And there IS a connection between cholesterol and stroke — lower cholesterol= more strokes!

The only connection between cholesterol and heart disease, and it is a very weak connection, is in younger men who have already had a heart attack. In older men there is NO connection at all! And neither is there any connection in women! None! In fact, women with the HIGHEST cholesterol LIVE THE LONGEST!!!!

Cholesterol is vitally imprtant for the structure and function of cell membranes, nerve myelin sheaths and neve conduction, brain health and memory and cognitive function, function of the immune system and fighting infections, detoxification, fighting cancers, and being the substrate that most hormones are made from— sex hormones, adrenal hormones and more.

The entire Statin drug premise is a gigantic SCAM that has already made Big Pharma about one TRILLION dollars! You think that gives them an incentive to LIE? And to not care how many people they injure and kill along the way? Nobody should be taking those things! There are far, far better ways of achieving health than taking damaging, useless poisons!

The only benefit any Statin drug confers is from a very slight anti-inflammatory effect. Statistically it requires that man, who has already had a heart attack, taking a Statin drug for FIVE years to gain FOUR DAYS of extended life! That's it! Fish oil or curcumin do much better jobs! The very rare instance of a Stain drug saving a life by "preventing" a heart attack is more than offset by their increasing deaths from infections and cancer! Would you rather trade a quick and relatively painless death by heart attack for a slow-torture death by cancer?

Statins also can cause brain shrinkage, dementia, and peripheral neuropathy, and can cause irreversible muscle injury.

Did your doctor ever explain ANY of this to you? Of course not. Because they generally don't know anything except what the Big Pharma sales reps tell them— all marketing/promotional/sales material. $$$$$$$

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Hi Faith

I really liked your two Posts to this “ A Midwestern Doctor “ stack .

Can you refer me to any decent articles on Cholesterol (good ) Statins ( bad ) and Insulin and Diabetes ?

Thanks in advance . T

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I just read the posting that A Midwestern Doctor linked to just below. That is a very good synopsis. I might just add that some doctors assumed that, because statins interfere with the body's synthesis of Co Q10 that merely supplementing with that valuable nutrient would prevent Statin "side effects", but it didn't work preventing the range of problems they cause, just some of them. Those drugs are dangerous because they seriously interfere with such a large number of critical processes. It is mind-boggling that anyone could have thought introducing such toxic substances into the human body could possibly have been a good idea!

Amazon has a large collection— and growing!— of books now on the misguided war on cholesterol, and the dangers of Statins.

The question of insulin and diabetes is huge and complex. I've been reviewing some fascinating recent material on the subject and I'll try to put together a review for you. It's not at all what most doctors think, nor government guidelines (gee . . . what a surprise!) and certainly not the general public!

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Preach it sister! I knew much of that about statins, but not about the higher levels being beneficial and statins and neuropathy. My mom suffers from that and was on statins till she lost her Gallbladder and her Colon. Now she has extremely low cholesterol, so no statins for her. Her legs don't tingle as much she says. And the doctors didn't understand why her cholesterol was lower (no reabsorption taking place in the gut), LOL, it took the pharmacist to explain it to her.

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Alpha lipoic acid helps a lot of people with peripheral neuropathy, as does high-dose B Complex vitamins. And absorbable magnesium. Hopefully she is NOT taking a calcium supplement or Tums, etc. Quite neurotoxic/excitotoxic.

God save us from those ignorant doctors!

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It’s such insanity. And so evil. All in the name of greed.

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In the late 60s I read a story of a chemist who had found a cure for cancer, was offered a large amount by bigharma, and sold it. He was an honest man, could not afford the commercialisation and waited for the product to come to market. But bigharma put it in the deep freezer never to get it out, and the man was bound to silence. All he was allowed to say was this story. He was very, very sorry because he knew his invention could have saved many lives. Just like Budwig and Moerman protocols being totally neglected by doctors and mocked as quacks.

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Do you know which one this was.

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This happened to Ibogaine in the mid-90’s, too.

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The reason there isn't innovaation is that very poor explanatory theories continue being promoted for decades, because they sell medical services and drugs and surgeries. Stents to keep clogged blood vessels open even though they don't improve survival...statins that are harmful but sold on the completely bogus cholesterol theory of heart attacks, needless and harmful colonoscopies etc etc etc etc

The entire system is now one where they try to sell people medical services until they die. People who promote the same tired wrong theories prevail because the system is a fascist corporate system favoring the huge drug companies uber alles.

I'm a health researcher and I see this literally every day.

Thank you for your wonderful work.

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I really don't think you can blame 'fascism' ( order from disorder )

I just blame the profit based medical system on ASSHOLES, and of course the warren-buffet insurance system is a major part of it, and national-gov med-insurance, in fact all insurance has taken decision making away from doctors and given it to bean counters

This is over-simplification that if all fascists were killed that all MD's would be sudden angels

The entire MD AMA racket is ran by assholes birth to death.

It's a real good anti-fa talking point that 'fascism' is the reason for all wrongs, but if anti-fa ruled the world, I guarantee you we would all be living in caves and make fire by rubbing sticks.

Stents & colonoscopy's are of course a major problem, but its stuff that makes a quick buck that insurance will approve; Cholesterol drugs too


I see it a different way, about 30 years ago a girl I knew went into pharma-sales rep post college, I asked her why, she said her father a doctor said 'that was where the money was', first year out of college she was making $300k, and she wasn't a very smart girl, she married the office manager, and he was doing $1M/yr; By the time she was 25 years old she was living in a $20M USD house

That is why our system is fucked, what was the secret sauce?

All she did was call on doctors give the samples and gave them tickets to Hawaii, Aspen, and AMA meetings in Banff, and in return they just had to write their prescriptions to her product line; Actually she gave travel-vouchers that even included the drinks and whores at the destination resorts.

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Medical research has been fake for the last 50-70 years. Witness the war on cancer started in the early 1970's. $100's of billions wasted and with not much progress. Then again, there is no way the medical mafia wants to cure cancer because that would kill the golden and very costly radiation/chemo goose that supports a good chunk of the $4.5 trillion medical machine that grinds patients to bits.

You cannot have too much innovation since that would help patients to escape the clutches of the medical monsters. They give you just enough hope to keep you coming back for more torture.

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ACS american cancer society was created in 1913 by ROCKEFELLER because in his oil racket so many people were getting cancer they needed to study it, this is like having big-tobacco running the american lung cancer society

Of course Rockefellers a professed 'eugenics' guy was not trying to fix CANCER they were doing GAIN-of-Function reserch on cancer all the way back in 1913 to develop weapons, which were tested on the WW1 battle field.

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I love when a poster has the Freudian typo “support cancer”…

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Always love the "white coat" interviews even with ads pushing meds, supplements, exercise gimmicks, socks, hair dye, tires, lipstick etc. but the best ads have a "white coat" interview and wearing a stethoscope around the neck. Those are the most legit! Sold!

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"I always wear my lab coat when quarantining at home by myself"

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I always wear my lab coat when masturbating, and always hang PHD after my full name when lying.

You remember the old joke about an 'expert' a guy from out of town with a k-mart suit;

Today the expert-Medical guy is a homo-pedophile with his penis in his hand wearing a lab-coat; They write paper when they're not fornicating, per andy-warhol;

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Don't know if you're familiar with Edward Bernays, but he was a famous PR consultant. He actually may have been the father of "Modern PR." Anyways, he was the one who stated on David Letterman, "call me Dr. because people are more trusting of Doctors." I wouldn't be surprised if his tactics is now why everyone TRUSTS white coats:


PS: I have an article called, the "Dark Coat of Medicine" up here in my noggin!

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The story of Bernays is very important for America to hear.

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Yeah, but unfortunately it's the (((story))) that's important to hear.

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And I believe he was a nephew of Sigmund Freud. The history of people like him and Flexner and the Rockefellers needs to be widely disseminated.

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It's a pretty good bet that the guys wearing a stethoscope haven't actually used one on a patient in...forever.

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If ever at all.

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While the unfavorable economics of innovation seem to require that those with financial interests nip any ideas that either threaten the profits of the system or fail to add to them, the problem goes far deeper. Speaking as a physician myself, I have come to find the entire paradigm of "create drug, treat disease" to be deeply flawed. There is no understanding of root causes of disease, and no understanding of the body's homeostatic mechanisms, and how they can be amplified to create a self-healing experience. All we have is biochemical analyses and drugs that modify the internal biochemical milieu of the body. Needless to say, there is no room here for spiritually based illnesses. Yes, they exist, and our sick medical system is perhaps the best example of this kind of illness.

We need to get off the diagnose/pharmaceutical bandwagon, renounce it as failed, and start building a new medical system based on disease prevention -- real disease prevention -- not the faux-prevention, aka disease creation known as vaccination. Diet, exercise, detoxification, avoidance of toxic exposures, creation of healthy family, personal and community relations, and cultivation of a healthy spiritual state, with total minimization of pharmaceutical is a good starting place. We already have many healing modalities, including functional medicine, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, energy medicine, bodywork, herbalism and many many other safe and honest treatments which do not depend on diving for dollars which is what modern research has become. Research is still worshiping Mammon. It must go back to worshiping Veritas.

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Totally agree. What is your specialty?

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I do Integrative Medicine in Providence, RI. I practiced Child Psychiatry for many years, but sniffed out the corruption in the pharmaceutical model and bailed out, first into homeopathy, then nutrition, then herbalism, then Bowenwork, then functional medicine. Now I'm an eclectic, with environmental medicine of necessity surging to the forefront.

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That's wonderful : )

Thank you for sharing. I've never actually ran into someone from RI before...which might be due to the size of your state.

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Love your column. I am anonymous on Substack, having been disciplined by the Department of Health here for telling my patients in a private e-mail in December 2020 not to get the COVID jab until there was better science. Evidently someone (guess who?) hacked into my e-mail and reported me.

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Bowenwork? Family therapy, per Bowen?

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No not Murray Bowen. Tom Bowen, the Australian (1916-1982), who invented a kind of energetic body work in the in 50's and 60's that became all the rage in Australia and is now covered under their national health plan. It's sometimes called "Bowtech".

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I'm so glad this guy was outed and this article is great. i thought the buzz was dying down about him. Oooo.... how the 12 person "study" in France, where all were cured by HCQ, was quickly shot down for being anecdotal. I just happened to luck out seeing it. My other heroes were the family members who dressed up and sneaked into hospitals to give HORSEPASTE to their loved ones. I hope you are correct that the pendulum will swing to good, ethical medicine. And just like i Hope Ashli's murderer is brought to justice, I hope Fauci and others swing. I laugh when I tell people about helpful things and have to write down to ask their PCP because I'm not a medical doctor. Now let's see what all these parasite protocols are about!! At least the people are not making money off these claims. Keep up the great work doc and thanks for pointing us to people in the know.

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A successful swindler in the realm of academic science must be an expert at detecting the "politically correct grift" and then know how to exploit it.

This is an important skill as multinational corporations including the pharmaceutical industry are always looking for ways to expand their profits. Currently, they're pushing "impact investments" mostly falling under the rubric of sustainability.

Here like in biomedicine, investment companies hunt down research scientists from prestigious universities who will publish numerous papers supporting whatever theories are needed to advance the sustainability agenda, hence ensuring profitable investments.

Of course, the "trusted" research scientists are well-funded so they can comfortably conduct the required research.

In the case, of Hotez he found his grift in hookworms. 😁

No doubt, those worms are a pesky problem, especially among immiserated populations where septic tanks are kaput causing raw sewage to leak throughout the soil. Those who walk barefoot into this mess usually contract hookworm.

Interestingly enough, more than "one in three people sampled in a poor area of Alabama tested positive for traces of hookworm, a parasite that was thought to have been eradicated from the US decades ago."

It should be stressed, that in this impoverished area local populations needed a modernized sewage system and not Hotez's ineffectual vaccine.

Nonetheless, clever Hotez is aware of how receptive big pharma is to "new" vaccines, especially if they have the potential for high profit and low risk, like the one's peddled to Third World countries and funded by a "medical IMF" scam. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/05/hookworm-lowndes-county-alabama-water-waste-treatment-poverty needed modernized infr

In fact, all lucrative philanthropic predatory operations deploy pseudo/science to explain a benevolent sounding solution to a "manufactured crisis" ensuring profits while simultaneously exacerbating the initial problem, thus securing an endless flow of cash.

Sort of like injecting more and more boosters which dimishes natural immunity resulting in a slew of ancillary chronic illnesses.

It's the "keep on coming back for more" business model, or better known as Rockefeller's allopathic snake oil medicine.

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Good comment. I'm not really interested enough to dig into what exactly a "vaccine" for a parasite would entail, but I do have some experience with the idea of helminthic therapy. The theory there is that our immune systems evolved synergistically with some parasites; there has actually been success with people intentionally infecting themselves with hookworms or whipworms to deal with autoimmune or intestinal problems. A controlled number of worms, of course, and of a species that doesn't linger in humans but must be replenished occasionally.

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the same awful system fuels the cancer association, diabetic association and all the rest. They get millions in donations, but people forget that these associations will end when a cure is found. So they only find treatments (usually keeping the illness at a point where you are alive but don't get better) and promote meds that don't help. The honest people seem to get out of high posts, as I just discussed with dad, same in politics, science and all. We are still in the Modern Times where the little man gets smashed by the few rich and mighty ones who could not care less if a few hunderd thousand people die.

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"Science should be producing major revolutions, as was the case in the early 20th century when physics revolutions were coming practically annually. Think Einstein, Planck, Bohr, etc. That kind of progress has all but vanished, and I argue that a significant culprit is the very system supposedly designed to foster revolutions — the granting system."

I wouldn't argue with that, but I would point out that the early physicists were picking the low hanging fruit. The periodic table is one example. Once you had a theoretical framework for the periodicity of matter, it was just a question of filling in the blanks. Likewise, once you had the basics of electricity under your belt (Maxwell) it was relatively easy to draw inferences and construct experiments to test them.

Laboratories back then were fairly simple, and much funding came from private sources who had an intellectual interest, besides the obvious financial benefits to be gained. Contrast that with today where you need massive accelerators like CERN, or huge underground arrays (proton decay) or very expensive orbiting telescopes to test your theories. If your work has military applications you'll get funding, otherwise it's beyond the reach of most foundations, never mind private individuals, to finance such work, especially when you can't guarantee a financial return on that investment.

For example, who really cares if magnetic monopoles exist unless you can tell me how to make money off them? So the grift is real, but so is the hesitancy to throw money down a rathole, especially when you're aware that most proposals are exactly as you stated: grifts.

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I agree and disagree because I know of a lot of revolutionary stuff no one is willing to touch.

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For example?

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The things I'm gradually covering here. I can't really list them because that would be extremely time consuming on my end.

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OK, in fairness the topic was "Why Has Innovation Disappeared From Medical Research?" but you did say this:

"Science should be producing major revolutions, as was the case in the early 20th century when physics revolutions were coming practically annually. Think Einstein, Planck, Bohr, etc."

I think you're mixing fundamental science with applied science. The people you mention were interested in the underlying nature of reality, not in applying elements of reality which were already known (if only partially). If the universe is based on consistent principles, such as the various nuclear forces, then once you've 'discovered' those forces and the laws they obey, what's left to do? It's all application from that point, so it follows that there'd be fewer breakthroughs, even without interference from vested interests.

I assume you've read Kuhn on this issue? He suggests that what you're describing is, at its root, a function of human nature, and that the funding process is simply an expression of that. A symptom, not a cause.


In my estimation, there's only one fundamental breakthrough left to make (he said in his best IBM corporate voice). Unification of Gravity. That's a tall order, and may actually be impossible. I'm not holding my breath on that, or cold fusion or room temperature superconductivity, any of which would change the game completely.

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Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying had a good discussion on their Darkhorse podcast this week about the difference between theoreticians and experimenters. Theorizing is relatively inexpensive because it mostly involves using one's brain; experiments are expensive but are akin to following a recipe. Today's system favors the experimenter's because it's more lucrative.

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Good God. His “outsides” completely match his insides.

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Having a career in research is like playing that old PC game mine sweeper. The mines are the topics you're not allowed to research. Accidentally step on the controversial "mine" with your research....... and your career is over.

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Great analogy. I'll admit I played that game quite a few times.

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When the states had to balance their budgets (while the federal government did NOT), they started cutting funding to universities. This occurred over decades while Universities greatly expanded administrative bureaucrats not responsible for teaching or research but for DEI/DIE duties.

University officials started to rely on the federal research $$ to fund their institutions while students relied on federal loans to afford college. At this point it is all one giant mess of the federal government in particular simultaneously responsible for higher costs while reducing novel academic research as so exquisitely outlined in this article (with no checks and balances to reduce costs for students).

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Great point.

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This is so true and so sad. Our company - www.DemeRx.com - has been trying to bring Iboga to FDA approval for opioid addiction. It works and can save 100,000 people a year. But psychedelics are unorthodox and has been very difficult to get funding. Unnecessary deaths. All around.

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Iboga is rather dangerous. There are better psychedelics. I hope psychedelics might remedy addiction to idiotic politics. A friend of a friend once said "I like people who take drugs (meaning psychedelics) because they don't believe anything the government says."

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Iboga is not dangerous at all. It causes a slight QT prolongation in rare instances. Heroin and fentanyl are exponentially more dangerous. The benefits outweigh the risks. Psychedelics are the future of mental health treatment.

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So why not just use LSD, psilocybin, or ayahuasca (dimethyltryptamine - DMT - with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor; typically harmaline)? That said, ibogaine definitely needs SAR (structure-activity relationship) development.

Spiritus contra spiritibus! (sp?)

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Because, for some reason, Iboga stops heroin withdrawals within 30 minutes of ingestion. And then, it gives the person a psycho-religious hallucination that changes their lives forever and they never want to use again. Dr. Deborah Mash, PhD is looking into how it actually works, from a neurological perspective. She is close. She just needs funding. I’m spent.

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One of my psychiatrist friends is a fan of Iboga for the reasons you described. I need to ask them about the heroin withdrawls; that's really interesting and kind of revolutionary if it does that without reinforcing the addiction.

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Please have him look into it. It absolutely will revolutionize drug rehabilitation. The current model is basically a mini prison system; with a 90% relapse rate. And usually when they relapse after detox, they overdose. It’s a net harm where doing.

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Whenever inordinate attention is focused on a specific individual or event, I start looking around for what it is that they don't want me to see.

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