I forgot to include this in the article and have now added this part:
Similarly, because of the toxicity of the mRNA lipid nanoparticle combination, it was very difficult to determine an appropriate therapeutic dose (as the vaccine was either too toxic or not effective—hence why Malone abandoned in). I thus was very curious to see how the doses would be chosen, and then was astonished that Moderna chose a dose that was 3.3X higher than Pfizer’s—something I interpreted as a reflection of the fact all of Moderna’s mRNA products had failed, the company had a sociopathic CEO, and the company was desperate to bring a viable product to market.
In turn, as I showed here, once Moderna came to market, it had a much higher rate of adverse injuries (including deaths) than Pfizer, but was completely left alone by the regulators (which is a gross violation of regulatory standards), and something I suspect was in part due to the NIH having massive investments in Moderna. Likewise, one of the curious things noticed with adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccines was that lot toxicity seemed to directly correlate with sequential lot numbers, suggesting a large scale dose-response study was conducted after the vaccines hit the market.
I had a friend, jabbed with Moderna at least 2x. 63 yo. Developed a fib which he had an upcoming Dr. appt to treat. Before he got to that appt., he died in the middle of the night after returning from a bathroom visit. Collapsed onto the floor. Gone quickly. His best friend from his college days at the funeral confided in me that YES he felt the jabs had led to his early demise!! So sad that many others have already or may die prematurely!
My relative was proud of the fact that this was "the most tested vaccine in the world." He was a phlebotomist, now retired. He and I used to share Mercola info - so I thought he would be smarter. He chose Moderna "most tested in the world", and hasn't spoken to me since.
Thank You, AMD. there is a lot in here, but I will extensively excerpt it and include it in my blog with the link, as I often do with your exemplary research work.
I love your work, always did but dont appreciate your constant desire to sanitize Malone, he will have his chance under oaths someday...not your issue...thank you for your fine work.
he is a big boy, will need answer on his own. your work stands on its own...anyone linked to this mRNA death shot will answer in time. we are working on Trump to ensure it. lots going on I cannot write here. that said, I am a huge admirer of your work. keep it up, we benefit.
as an example, you said he abandoned his work many times in this article for he felt the LNP, in his case liposomes, exosomes as this was what he was studying with mRNA, was toxic...ok, lets assume so, and so it begs the question, why was it Bridle's work with the Japanese biodistribution study that clued the world into the LNP being core to the mRNA being taken far and wide into and across the body? why was Malone silent all this time if as you say, he knew the LNP could not be done in a non-toxic manner? and why is it that Alden et al. and others had to show reverse transcription when Malone knew that too...to only after the fact that he speaks about it. so I apologize, you write glowing about Malone, I know him well, worked with him, he has serious questions to be answered and not based on glowing remarks by these types of stacks. on his own. it will be under oath. all of them linked to mRNA technology and vaccine. there are many questions he will answer under oath, people behind the scenes making it happen, Bourla, Bancel et al. all involved. many questions under oath.
Malone has shared his version of the events with me, I've corroborated them with others (including those who shared them with me before I connected with him), and in my assessment, Malone:
•Genuinely wants to help make things better.
•Did a lot to do that during COVID prior to going public and more importantly prior to COVID-19.
•Was initially hesitant to go public because of the pushback he knew he'd receive but eventually decided to go public as things continued to worsen because he knew he would not be able to live with himself if he did not.
•Has had to navigate a lot of very challenging situations that I do not feel I could have handled if I was in his shoes (which is a big part of why I did not take the path he did despite sharing many values and perspectives with him).
I don't know a lot of the specifics of what happened between him and others, so I don't feel it's appropriate for me to comment on them.
The situation we faced with the COVID vaccines was a monolithic nightmare, and having worked in the vaccine safety space for the majority of my life, for a while, I genuinely did not believe anything could be done to stop it because of how powerful the forces behind the COVID cartel were. The shift we've witnessed in the last 5 years has been extraordinary and completely unprecedented, and a large part of it was because a lot of people (e.g., you and Malone) took on a huge personal risk to continually speak out about it. As such, my focus has been on trying to support those trying to make things right rather than criticizing anything anyone has done I do not agree with.
My time to publish is very constrained as it is and I constantly feel awful about all the important things I want to cover but can't, so I have to prioritize the things I feel will bring the most benefit to everyone and find a sustainable pace to do it at some I don't burn out.
I don’t have any faith in Trump. “They” the ones that allowed Trump to win, have a big plan for him.
How do I know? Because they allowed him to win.
The 2020 election- Trump won by a landslide-75% Trump to 25% - all the rest combined. Vote fraud, vote switching via the electronic machines, enormous ballet fraud, everything they did to make the numbers lower. The fraud was out in the open and desperate. They barely squeaked through for Biden.
In 2016 Trump won by a landslide - 75-80% against Hillary (15%)
This was known in advance by a private poll Hillary paid for before the election.
There was vote rigging for Hillary, but not enough. They underestimated the dissatisfaction of the Americans. They were shocked Trump won. From the very first day of his presidency they filed lawsuits against him to keep him busy and prevent him from working full force on his pro America agenda. Jared Kushner, Mossad agent whispered in his daughter’s ear who passed it on to her dad. He is now present again in his father in laws secret circle.
Not only did Trump not “Lock her up (Hillary) he didn’t “drain the swamp” either. Instead of getting rid of the filth in the FBI and Justice dept, he got rid of his trusted inner circle for garbage like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. Perpetually Blackmailed pedo Lyndsey Graham was the mouthpiece.
He didn’t pardon Julien Assange.
Actually he didn’t do much of anything to dismantle the deep state, he didn’t even know how much power he had!
Remember he obediently followed the deep state at the beginning of COVID? And he bragged that he had hundreds of shiny ventilators on ships!!
Believe me I hope you are right about him.
But the fact “they” “let him win” makes me very suspicious!!
I may not have the knowledge you do, well I don't lol but considering the effectiveness of HCQ and IVM I have no doubt that this whole shot is based around parasites in some way.
Those 2 deal with parasites just fine while including Zinc and Vitamin D as well is a natural parasite destroyer but you must get your level much higher.
I encourage all to listen to this and go get the co-factors and TAKE CONTROL of your health.
On top of that I am of the mind now that HCQ has enormous potential on its own to treat different human issues as does a high dose Vitamin D.
The Vitamin D makes even more sense because its instructions built into our bodies biological systems by our Creator.
"This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”"
Here in Australia proof of the contamination of the blood of jabbed Australians has been revealed and our government will be forced to respond.
Australian Prime Minister receives confirmation: Australian Blood Contaminated with synthetic DNA from Pfizer and Moderna.
A letter has been sent to the Australian Prime Minister concerning the confirmation of synthetic DNA contamination in Australian blood samples. Instead of dismissing concerns, the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) must confront the data and respond transparently.
Dr Day, This was such an excellent article by Kevin. Imagine if it was shouted from the mountaintops?
While I don't want to spread hopelessness, I am watching all earthly authorities ignore the genocide in Gaza, carve up Syria by actual terrorists, destroy Ukraine's soil/air/water with unprecedented bombings and death, and just yesterday Mexico's corn GMO/glyphosate loss to Bayer. The rulers of this earth who continually choose to follow the father of All Lies, including the corrupted media, will ignore any exposure of the unification with darkness...hoping they will not have to bear responsibility for their actions. This is our post-modern "enlightened" world. And the people will do exactly nothing as they pursue their materialistic lives ignoring their very souls while they watch their flying drones over New Jersey.
Well, it's not "everybody", but the great majority of humans, at least 70%, "test reality" by seeing what their neighbors believe. Some of us have sociopathic settings, maybe 3%, and some have independent-analyst settings and believe what they assess, no matter what other people think. We may be 5-7%, and then some folks are intermediate in their set-points.
Do what you see is right. Do it openly, and explain to those who are inquisitive, but you can't convince MOST people with facts and reason.
In certain moments, societal beliefs shift, the "paradigm shift" like happened after Tet-offensive 1968 in Vietnam. Even that took a while, and a lot of people had to be already primed with the basic knowledge, and a solid minority had to have already decided that the war was evil, and stood devoutly by that decision...
Sojourner - Thank you for letting us know that your hope has been restored, at least temporarily. I have a somewhat unusual thesis - that God’s ultimate ambition is for each of us, individually, to choose ‘The Good’. Somehow I believe that the Litmus Test, per se, is OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL SUCCESS in CHOOSING the Brave and the GOOD PATH. For some reason I sincerely believe that what matters most is our individual choices, not our collective success. I do feel very strongly that our individual choices/actions are what is most important, even though I don’t understand completely why... 😁 God Bless. ✝️🕊️
Yes, The Divine offers wise guidance, but the big experiment is that each of us has free choice. Each of us has to decide to choose truth over lies, compassion over coldness, and wisdom over folly ... and stick with it in our ongoing lived actions, to feed the wisdom and compassion, which will reveal more of our paths.
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words. I entirely agree with you! And He Himself has brought different walks of life and varied beliefs to be His Instruments. ☦️ 🌬️
In 2days world it is 2easy2lose hope & bcome pessimistic. Every move I make, every turn I take heartbreak abounds, deception is king & silent screams reverberate. It takes much willpower, insight, openness & humbleness2maintain balance & sanity. Your admission & action r so refreshing & gives me both strength & Hope that Calmness & level-headedness can still b found should one care2look. In my world it's all about Soul Growth & Compassionate Progression & your introspection is at the root of progress. Awareness is the key. Thank u4sharing your vulnerability & insights. Namaste.
That was a very good encapsulation of the population variability by percentages. It seems about right - 70% follow the crowd, around 5-7% can observe dispassionately and act according to their observations, and the rest are somewhere in between those two descriptors.
"Do what you see is right. Do it openly, and explain to those who are inquisitive, but you can't convince MOST people with facts and reason."
Yes!! Stay true to yourself and let others judge you as they may.
As you've alluded to in the next paragraph about the Vietnam War, paradigm shifts do not happen overnight, but they do happen when those who know their truth stand up and consistently speak their truth to power no matter the consequences to themselves.
My guess is that we are near the halfway point now in the next paradigm shift that will hit most people upside the head. Nearly all of those who I tried to reach before regarding these new mRNA products are finally beginning to doubt themselves. The ostracism and hostility that I had faced before has been replaced with a minimum of acceptance, occasionally admiration.
It is so awful that we have to go through these cycles of corrupted power overriding truth every generation or so. The damage visited upon those few who hold to their truth is immense.
Unfortunately, human nature is faulty in this regard, not something we can fix. But what we can do is to keep our history alive so that the next generation will have a model to reference when the next round of massive corruption hits them.
Perhaps the more that madness manifest itself the greater the opportunity becomes4thePeople on the cusp2see theTruth?. I share your burdens & heartbreak & often strive2c theLight instead of darkness & defeat. I do consider this as progress for if we didn't look we wouldn't grow but Look we Must -while seeking the wherewithal to cope with such tragic, evil revelations & truths. Spiritual Warfare requires much from us & it so helps2have the input& support of fellow Seekers &Warriors. Thank u4your post👊
Fascinating (and troubling) article but my question is whether or not the persistence of spike protein ONLY occurs in the vaccinated population?
I believe that I had the original strain of C0VID in December 2019.
I believe that I also had Delta in February 2021. I never actually tested for it as I thought I just had a very mild cold, but I lost my sense of taste and smell for almost eight months and was around a large group of people who all tested positive in that time frame. I was tested in May of that year for C0VID antibodies and had a positive test .
In summer of 2022, when Omicron was raging, I again had a mild cold and thought nothing of it, until I started experiencing significant fatigue, followed by some type of tachycardia that comes and goes at random times, not associated with any activity or environmental factor. Blood work also showed that my long dormant Epstein Barr had reactivated and my numbers were off the charts.
My naturopath put me on Nattokinase, Resveratrol, and Low Dose Naltrexone, and whenever I try to go off of them, my tachycardia/A-fib escalates. I think that it is the spike protein that is causing all of my symptoms, but I never took a single shot. Has this aspect of the virus been researched, and if so, do you have any specific studies or suggestions? I know that I am not the only unvaxxed person who is still struggling, two and even three years after being infected with C0VID!
My brother and SIL both had COVID in Oct 2020. They were ill but neither needed medical care. They had NO COVID vaccines. Both just days ago had COVID antibody tests done through LabCorp. One had an antibody level of 2,300 and the other 2,500. Clearly their immune systems are being triggered by on-going production of spike protein 4.5 years later! The vaccines and the virus are bioweapons.
My husband was around vaccinated people and I too worry about shedding. My husband has has a stroke. He has has shingles, and now he has dementia. We both believe we contracted Covid in December of 2019. Whole town was sick.
I was very ill for over two years. Finally, doc found two tick borne illnesses and it took eight months of antibiotics to rid myself of that and since then my Doctor has died. He wasn’t even forty yet.
I myself went on a ketogenic diet. I’ve now switched to carnivore diet. Put my husband on it to.
His COPD is fifty percent better. His brain is better. He no longer finishes just one side of his plate. He quit drinking beer.
My IBD has cleared up. My arthritis is almost gone. My skin is glowing and I’m better able to take care of my husband.
I’m convinced they really are trying to kill us. Just this week we attended three funerals. One died of cancer, and the other two of heart attacks .
We also have used DMSO to help with healing the brain 🧠
I do know it works well with healing sores. My husband also developed skin picking disorder. He had sores everywhere. I started applying 50 percent DMSO and the sores healed over night. Now I put long pants on him with long sleeve shirt.
All the sores are gone.
This is a hot mess. Grateful to be alive.
Thank you for all you do. Your articles have been invaluable to our recovery.
I also went to Keto then Carnivore diet along with raw milk and feel so much better. It has made a big difference in finally feeling good, along with still taking Ivermectin.
DMSO is really helping me too with joint issues and RLS. Good stuff that I found out about here too.
This substack has been so informative and helpful for me too.
U r unfortunately so correct; yes they r trying earnestly to systematically eliminate us. They have a 25point Age-old, diabolical Plan & r quite xpert in the xecution of said Plan. They have enormous resources, an ironclad devotion & single-mindedness along with the willfully Blind minions2push their diabolical agenda4ward. Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized-Owned. In the end they will lose as evil always turns on & eats itself. Being a Spiritual Being xperiencing a physical xistence is so often confusing & challenging - But it's theRealSeekers such as yourself that make life not only tolerable but promising.
I wonder as well if not only does it persist from the infection but from shedding the unvaccinated face. But more than that, while natto and bromelain and other supplements may help, I am keen for a method to be sure the spike protein can be removed once and for all.
Anna MihalceaMDphD@substack.com writes a lot about what she reads and sees under her microscope. She recommends methylene blue, Vit C and EDTA which she says clears the blood of the self-assembling nanotechnology after her patients take this.
Husband and I have been using Methylene blue for 2 years for mitochondrial health and mental clarity. Removal of nanotechnology would be an added bonus. We didn’t vaccinate, but most in our community did, so shedding is a concern. I have seen her slides and they are scary!
OK. It is my understanding that shikamic acid (fennel, star anise, pine needle) breaks up the spike. IVM transports and removes it. I've been doing this protocol since before the vaccines came out.
For the nanotech, boron/borax kills the communication of the stuff so that it can't grow or transmit. Colloidal gold kills the "chips" (per Dr. David Nixon).
Did you have any flu shots? They can cause issues and might explain why the USA had worse outcomes than the rest of the world which knows that flu shots are useless at best, harmful at most.
My father got ill with low oxygen etc the COVID symptoms but in 2018, which hmm also happened to be a high flu year. We think it was from his flu shot and the aholes tried to say he had a heart condition and put him on statins despite his numbers being fine.
I think I had one flu shot in my entire life and that was probably 30 years ago...the low O2 sats were definitely a problem for a lot of people who contracted the original virus, but thankfully, that was not one of my symptoms. Hope your dad is doing better now!
Dear VikingMom...from one Viking to another...I recently discovered that EDTA chelation restores the structure of red blood cells (disrupted by Covid and vaccines) very quickly, by reversing rouleaux formation (end to end stacking). Also, removal of unwanted metals, and the undoing of polymer formations (likely synthetic fibroid and plaque) is desirable and achievable. Several treatments for me are planned, including IV Vitamin C, Plaquex, and a follow-up with methylene blue. I have had two treatments already, and after Christmas will do two more, for a total of four treatments. After the first treatment, I slept the best I had in ten years, possibly twenty years, and my O2 uptake was incredibly improved. Palpitations almost gone. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea also has this protocol in Volume 2 of her recently published books exposing TRANSHUMANISM if you want to check it out. I gave my books to the Dr. doing the chelation therapy...and he was excited to learn that what he was recommending has recently published by Mihalcea. I will be asking the Dr. to add some DMSO to the chelation also, based upon my own perception, and a tip from someone versed in chelation therapy. All the best to you, and thanks again to AMD for propelling us into the newer, improved health paradigm...honesty in medicine.
I have a similiar situation. I never tested either but lost sense of smell for a short while and had a horrible brain fog. Started IVM right away along with Nattokinase, Vit D, C, Zinc. Never had a horrible URI infection and no problems with O2 Sat. My anitbody levels to Covid indicated I was exposed. I haven't tested lately, probably should. To this day I take IVM weekly or I start feeling bad again along with Nattokinase daily. I never had a shot either but I was in a crowd of people that probably did for an all day seminar. What did they shed on me? It was the strangest disease I have ever had or should I say have.
I have never have had a flu shot either. I had confirmed Influenza A 20+ yrs ago (Tested myself since I am a Med Tech) and never have had the flu since.
I believe that Covid (even mild) is likely to cause the same damage as the mRNA shots.
I read JohnPaul's substack for many years. You may consider reading or subscribing. He provides his work for free. He also provides solutions such as this one (also for free) :
If I may add to MIDWESTERN and I cede to their expertise, my understanding of the science is that it happens too with COVID though vastly more with vaccine in terms of spike, segments, S1 S2 etc. mRNA, fragments etc. but vastly more with vaccine and if we assume virus was real, then with vaccine on top of likely prior infection, then it may be synergistic too...massive spike load...? . But note, I am not sold anymore on virus, I am open to a toxin or poison causing the ILI respiratory pulmonary type severe symptoms...something is/was there. I am not a NO virus person...that is a bridge too far. but not fully this 'COVID' PCR created fake pandemic issue.
My problem with terrane theory is I witnessed my whole town get sick. We all had the same thing. Never saw anything like it. This was late December 2019.
Thanks! It's a bit depressing that I've studied this non-stop for the last 5 years but there are still a lot of things about this I still really can't make sense of.
Indeed, COVID remains an enigma, but it requires collaborative effort to unravel its mysteries. This brings me to a fundamental disconnect I've observed in your approach.
You've repeatedly highlighted the critical issue of deteriorating doctor-patient relationships and the lack of meaningful dialogue in modern medicine - an observation I initially found compelling. However, this stance appears to be more rhetorical than practical in your own engagement patterns.
Despite multiple attempts to establish meaningful dialogue through comments and even personal correspondence, I've encountered either silence or minimal engagement. While I acknowledge your substantial following (over 100,000 subscribers) and professional commitments, my approach hasn't been one seeking dependency or basic guidance. Rather, my comments demonstrate a desire for substantive discourse. The provocative tone in my responses reflects frustration with what appears to be systematic disregard.
The disconnect becomes particularly apparent given your professional background and your articulate critiques of the medical system's communication failures. You excel at identifying and documenting these issues, yet seem to perpetuate the very behaviors you critique.
While you're certainly entitled to choose your engagement partners, your strict anonymity - while claimed to serve transparency - appears more as a shield against meaningful interaction. The pattern suggests a preference for engaging with established voices, choosing dialogue partners based on their potential benefit rather than their potential insights.
True disagreement requires established communication first - something that never materializes in this case. This selective engagement, favoring those with credentials or followings, contradicts the very principles of open dialogue you advocate.
The irony lies in promoting transparency while maintaining barriers to genuine interaction, suggesting that practical engagement takes a back seat to theoretical advocacy.
No. The persistence does not occur only in the vaccinated. This is why this vaccine debacle has completely shifted the weight, causing many unvaxxed who experience the same comorbidities to be left in the dark. In my view, the spike protein narrative is inconclusive and serves as a distraction from deeper truths. The vaccines, and what they’ve triggered, obscure from being able to identify what’s really going on.
My understanding stems from personal experience. Nine years ago, I experienced a bacterial infection that led to tachycardia, chronic fatigue, and shortness of breath within months from the initial infection. This prompted my deeper investigation into allopathic medicine. When COVID emerged, I predicted - before any scientific authorities - that within 4 to 6 months from infection, patients would develop chronic symptoms falling into three categories: neurological, autoimmune, and muscle dystrophy conditions.
The symptoms associated with COVID and its vaccines mirror those seen in previous pandemics and even conditions like Lyme disease and multiple sclerosis. This observation led me to recognize that modern science suffers from excessive compartmentalization - creating countless disease classifications and complementing studies that obscure the underlying patterns. This multiplication of disease names primarily serves corporate interests, as each "new" disease justifies a "novel" drug.
Further investigation revealed that virology and epidemiology rest on the flawed Germ Theory paradigm, which incorrectly attributes sentience and premeditated behavior to microscopic particles (same with “spike protein”). This misconception, though disproven, persists because it serves pharmaceutical and medical industry interests, creating a fear-based environment where people readily accept drugs and vaccines to combat "deadly germs." This has completely eroded individual responsibility, as evidenced by the global response to COVID.
The simpler truth is that these germs are effects of bodily climate changes, not causes. Based on my experiences with both chronic illness and COVID (including loss of smell/taste and prolonged nausea and fatigue), what we call disease symptoms are actually responses to real-time mutations in the human genome. I propose viewing viruses not as enemies but as mutational markers. Mutations themselves are neutral - symptoms arise from the body's ability or inability to accommodate these changes.
Today, while my tachycardia and breathing issues have resolved, my body has transformed. Paradoxically, I'm healthier overall but have acquired new sensitivities (like sound sensitivity and left-side stiffness).
I believe COVID relates to emotional transformation. Through my journey, I returned to breathwork and daily Qi Gong practice, which helped resolve my symptoms. However, true equilibrium requires comprehensive lifestyle changes - emotional and mental habits included - which many aren't prepared to undertake.
I'm skeptical of supplements and medications as standalone solutions. While they may offer temporary relief, viewing them as magic bullets is misleading and reflects our conditioning to seek easy answers rather than embrace self-responsibility.
The key is to cease relying on external solutions and instead confront our challenges honestly. That does not mean one can’t use the help and support of others, but chronic conditions often manifest from unconsciously holding onto patterns that no longer serve us. Good luck.
I wonder the same thing (see Pierre Kory’s posts on shedding). Our unvaccinated school age child had asymptomatic Covid in 2021 and recently had a test for Covid antibodies. Their result was 2,300 which is very high (scale ends at “>2500”. Positive is >0.8). I am eager to learn if this represents excessive circulating spike, or instead represents a healthy and prolonged immune response. A commercial test of free spike would indeed be helpful.
Just finishing up a great book that definitely applies to the malfeasance, greed and incompetence in the medical arena. It also goes into some of it, such as weaponization of the psychological, in detail. The author has fought the good fight on the psych end for a while.
Resisting Illegitimate Authority by Bruce E Levine
One of his major points is that you can spot illegitimate authority by their use of cruelty and exploitation to maintain status quo.
Lots of other great insights too.
Figured I would mention it because I'm guessing most here might both enjoy and benefit from the advice in it.
Good stories about some well known anti authoritarians too.
" I believe one of the reasons why governments frequently do horrible things to their people is because they are put in the position of having to “solve” a problem"
IN democracies particularly, it is the people who demand that governments "solve" problems that government is, by its nature, incapable of solving. In order to stay in power, politicians implement the pretense solutions that characterize our government. Government is incapable of solving people's emotional and spiritual sickness. Taking money from people who earn it and giving it to people who don't cannot solve poverty nor can busing and forced integration solve racism, but the politicians must come up with a program that pretends to solve the problems because people insist on it. Doing so temporarily relieves the people's guilt and anxiety, they feel they are doing something about injustice, which allows them to never look inside themselves for the source of the problems. The evils of government are anchored in the emotional and spiritual sickness of the people. This relationship is one of mutual attraction, the sickness of the people feeds the sickness of the politicians and vice versa.
agreed. I believe the intention of the founders of the US was small distributed government where almost all the powers of government would be at state or local level. I believe they would be horrified to see what has happened to the federal government! How many 3 and 4 letter bureaucracies do we have now in DC that are run by unelected career bureaucrats who wield power over almost all aspects of our lives? I had hope that Trump would shut them all down but there's little hope of that happening. Even RFK doesn't intend to shut down the FDA and CDC. Instead, he plans to "reform" it, which means unelected bureaucrats will continue to wield power over the lives of US citizens in our "free" country.
Yes, liberals believe that, when their programs fail, it is just because they weren't done right. Kennedy is a liberal, although a pretty good one, and probably believes the FDA, CDC, NIH and all the others can be reformed. Liberals are prone to a mechanistic view of life and a focus on what is superficial. They often miss the underlying emotional and spiritual sickness in people or blame it on their favorite villain group, currently strait, white males.
OR - he realises that the entanglement is too entrenched to just rip it out by the roots. Therein lies political (and possibly physical) death, and I reckon he wants to succeed.
It is my hope that the new administration is so concerned about ***LEGACY*** that they accidentally do some good things.
"...the sickness of the people feeds the sickness of the politicians and vice versa." Spot on. Could it be that this manifestation of physical illness is due to humanities poor state of spiritual health? All of these symptoms (tachycardia, HBP, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc) have attached themselves to most of us with no regard to jab status or diet choices (myself included). A new age is coming. Humanity is changing. Someone else commented that what happens to us is up to the individual not the collective. This is true (as I sense it). How many of us are willing to face the dragon within? There are so many wonderful comments here... and I am always amazed at AMDs stamina and determination to share their precious knowledge with us.
Though out my entire work career it seems that when the people in charge mandate a solution to some problem by a certain date they almost always get one. The problem is it seldom solves the problem but allows the solvers to keep their jobs.
As I write this comment, I am printing the article to read in more detail. From the bits I've already covered this appears to be one of the more comprehensive articles on a complex topic. Thank you for taking the time and effort to produce such good well-rounded information. I've come to expect more from other authors because of what you are doing here.
When I read the first part of the title, "Why Does the COVID Vaccine Persist In The Body?," I wondered if it was going to be "Whey Does the COVID Vaccine Persist on the Market?"
Perhaps that could be a companion essay, given the devastation to humanity.
Why in the world are these still being used? A simple question, with a complex answer, to be sure.
Because our government is corrupt, there was a massive investment in this technology and pandemic, and there is a century long ideological belief in vaccination within both the government, the medical profession and those politically aligned with them.
Have you read The Poison Needle by Eleanor McBean (1957). It offers a fascinating insight in the vaccine development and the same corruption that was with the Covid vaccine. It discusses the polio vaccine, other vaccines, the rabies vaccine and Flouride.
It's astounding how everyone remains fixated on surface-level explanations, pointing to "the government" or "big pharma" as corrupt entities. But how can something intangible possess moral qualities?
These institutions aren't sentient beings - they're composed of collections of individuals whose personal moral choices shape institutional behavior. Therefore, if these institutions are corrupt, it is a reflection that the people are corrupt.
The failure to look beneath surface-level analysis prevents from seeing the true mechanism at work. While everyone complains about corrupt systems, they miss the underlying spiritual decay spreading through humanity one person at a time, creating an unopposed vicious cycle that perpetuates itself precisely because it remains unrecognized.
The persistent focus on external corruption while avoiding self-reflection, however, not only reinforces systemic problems but further nurtures a collective victimhood mentality that inevitably attracts more abuse.
Perhaps it's time to examine both sides of this equation, even though it challenges both the comfort zone of readers who find solace in victimhood narratives and the financial interests of freedom advocates who profit from cultivating this sense of victimhood in their audience.
I haven't even finished your article but I just had to rush in and say my gosh!! I haven't heard anyone mention sensitivity or specificity since 2019! And yet when I was getting my MS biostats and took the intro epidemiology course it was introduced as a core concept in the first 1-2 weeks. Just one of those things like informed consent that went, so mysteriously, into the dumpster of history without anyone seeming to notice.
"Just one of those things like informed consent that went, so mysteriously, into the dumpster of history without anyone seeming to notice."
Well put.
Another thing that managed to slip under the radar is the way that the word "vaccination" suddenly got redefined in 2020 from a medical intervention that helped to prevent infection to a medical intervention that might help a few particularly vulnerable people from dying of the infection that they were vaccinated for. Oddly enough nobody could seem challenge this new definition since the word "vaccination" was needed to classify this new product as a trusted intervention in order to get an Emergency Use Authorization issued and then the subsequent universal compliance program instituted.
My main objection with that point is that many other vaccines do not prevent you from watching an infection, but everything just got propagandized so people thought they did...so in that effect the current definition is actually reflective of how vaccines were in the past.
My main objection to your main objection is that we have been taught for decades that vaccines help create herd immunity in the general population. Herd immunity supposedly means that pathogens cannot continue to propagate in a population that is immune to the disease that they cause, they cannot continue to infect others because they hit an impenetrable wall of immunity and therefore die out over time.
It was this concept of vaccines creating herd immunity that justified the idea that these new mRNA products, which they had classified as vaccines, should be mandated for large segments of our population, preferably forced on everybody but our authorities didn’t quite get to that point this time. We were led to believe that if we are going to stop the pandemic we all need to get vaccinated. Great rallying line to support the cause of the common good!! Only bad irresponsible people would fail to get vaccinated and therefore the pandemic was due to their continuing negligence and irresponsibility towards others. Shame on us!
Polio vaccines were not marketed as products that reduced the level of paralysis. They were marketed to the public because they prevented paralysis…, at least in those people who didn’t get hot lots of those injections.
There needs to be another category for preemptive medicine other than the word “vaccine”. Or maybe there should be gradations of “vaccines” so that we can tell which ones are absolutely essential for everyone and which ones would be more elective based on individual vulnerabilities.
It's a really long discussion vaccine by vaccine (which I've written in other articles) so I don't want to try to soundbite it in a comment. The key point is that a lot of vaccines which are marketed as preventing transmission don't.
I finally had some time to read the entire article. Excellent!! You addressed all the points I have encountered elsewhere in a manner that is both elucidating and complete. I now have a more nuanced idea what is going on. This article will be quite a useful document for future reference.
I am making a three-ring binder titled The Forgotten Side of Medicine and will enter this article first. I'll go through the links you've provided here another time and most likely add them to the binder as well. It's much easier for me to read with comprehension if the articles are dated and printed in hard copy.
Again, I want to express my appreciation of the time and effort you take to document and inform your readers. That is very helpful.
As I mentioned elsewhere in this string, it feels like we are about midway through yet another medical paradigm shift.
None of the major changes to our accepted knowledge base have come without a fight. Existing authorities can only maintain their authority if the basis of their authority isn't successfully challenged. Those who raise their challenges are always excoriated for their efforts at first, then eventually grudgingly tolerated, and finally recognized as true leaders in their field, usually a generation or two after their challenges are first raised.
History of Science..., an interest all my adult life. What we see here fits a pattern of what has come before.
Thank you. When I get a break from project overload here I’ll want to review your other articles.
It’s clear to me that you have a genuine well informed well rounded approach to medical issues and your communications are clear and helpful. It’s refreshing to have a source of information that I can trust amidst the shifting turmoil that has become the norm in such matters.
The AMA and the medical colleges were promoted by Rockefeller in order to enrich his coffers with the sale of patented petroleum-based drugs. He got his men on the board of colleges to change the curricula and get rid of any healing modality, except drugs. JDR got doctors to join the AMA by promising them HIGHER INCOME and PRESTIGE. When the primary cause of illness is malnutrition and putting items in the mouth that don't belong...information like this is not taught in med school. Doctors don't know much about nutrition, when 95% of health issues are caused by the wrong foods and one's lifestyle. I have spoken to doctors who have told me that they get their nutrition information from their patients. Med schools don't teach how the Immune system really works.. Its the body's defense mechanism, which wipes out foreign proteins or other invaders that don't belong in the body. The Creator designed the bloodstream to carry nutrients from the food people consume to the organs. Wholesome natural food feeds the organs and keeps them functioning and working. The vax manufacturers claim that their vaccines with toxins that don't belong in the human body... strengthen the Immune System! This is a major lie! Injecting poison into the human body is a STRESS! It damages every organ in the body. How ignorant can these people be! Truth is simple. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, 2500 years ago, taught doctors how to help patients heal themselves...with diet and the right life style. However today, many in the Medical Industry come up with technical information to sound like authorities.. However, the age of mortality for medical doctors was 72.; and its dropping They really are not health authorities
An excellent insight near the beginning of the piece that "the greatest good for the greatest number" is the convenient rationalization for tyrannical control measures that supposedly justify the outright abrogation of individual rights. This collectivist manner of thinking is responsible for the success of measures such as we witnessed during the covid scamdemic and undergirds the whole fiction of "public health". The entire history of infectious epidemics is highly questionable and should be open to re-examination and debate.
A deeply troubling deep dive into the formulation and production of vaccines. Well worth the read. Thank you. Am so grateful for a friend sharing Dr. Pierre Kory’s U.S. Senate testimony in October 2020. I stopped attempting to get in line for the erratic distribution of the Covid vaccine and sought out sources of ivermectin. At age 71, at the time, retired, I could take an independent pathway to good health. Those employed had to comply (get vaccinated) in order to keep their jobs and/or careers. For me, this was a time of awakening. I continue to believe in the goodness of others, but now have a healthy skepticism. Taking command of our own personal health, finding true healers in medicine, and making healthy choices is what we each can do. Blindly following health advice without asking good questions is not a good way to a long and healthy life, as this article confirms.
Excellent review article. It was a long article so did I miss any statement about the use of a healthy baby prematurely removed from its mother’s womb so that it’s kidneys or eyeballs could be harvested to make cell cultures in which to develop, test or manufacture these COVID and other “vaccines?” Unless people refuse to take advantage of human fetal cell cultures, there will be no incentive to discover another platform for developing, testing or manufacturing medications. This platform is kept a dirty secret from the public. It is not part of the informed consent process. It can be difficult for the lay person to research the history of a drug’s development or testing since this information might not be in the package insert, depending on where in the process of the drug’s development it was used. This information must be made readily available and clearly stated on the labeling of all such drugs. We must no longer cannibalize preborn babies!
I forgot to include this in the article and have now added this part:
Similarly, because of the toxicity of the mRNA lipid nanoparticle combination, it was very difficult to determine an appropriate therapeutic dose (as the vaccine was either too toxic or not effective—hence why Malone abandoned in). I thus was very curious to see how the doses would be chosen, and then was astonished that Moderna chose a dose that was 3.3X higher than Pfizer’s—something I interpreted as a reflection of the fact all of Moderna’s mRNA products had failed, the company had a sociopathic CEO, and the company was desperate to bring a viable product to market.
In turn, as I showed here, once Moderna came to market, it had a much higher rate of adverse injuries (including deaths) than Pfizer, but was completely left alone by the regulators (which is a gross violation of regulatory standards), and something I suspect was in part due to the NIH having massive investments in Moderna. Likewise, one of the curious things noticed with adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccines was that lot toxicity seemed to directly correlate with sequential lot numbers, suggesting a large scale dose-response study was conducted after the vaccines hit the market.
I had a friend, jabbed with Moderna at least 2x. 63 yo. Developed a fib which he had an upcoming Dr. appt to treat. Before he got to that appt., he died in the middle of the night after returning from a bathroom visit. Collapsed onto the floor. Gone quickly. His best friend from his college days at the funeral confided in me that YES he felt the jabs had led to his early demise!! So sad that many others have already or may die prematurely!
My relative was proud of the fact that this was "the most tested vaccine in the world." He was a phlebotomist, now retired. He and I used to share Mercola info - so I thought he would be smarter. He chose Moderna "most tested in the world", and hasn't spoken to me since.
Thank You, AMD. there is a lot in here, but I will extensively excerpt it and include it in my blog with the link, as I often do with your exemplary research work.
I love your work, always did but dont appreciate your constant desire to sanitize Malone, he will have his chance under oaths someday...not your issue...thank you for your fine work.
he is a big boy, will need answer on his own. your work stands on its own...anyone linked to this mRNA death shot will answer in time. we are working on Trump to ensure it. lots going on I cannot write here. that said, I am a huge admirer of your work. keep it up, we benefit.
as an example, you said he abandoned his work many times in this article for he felt the LNP, in his case liposomes, exosomes as this was what he was studying with mRNA, was toxic...ok, lets assume so, and so it begs the question, why was it Bridle's work with the Japanese biodistribution study that clued the world into the LNP being core to the mRNA being taken far and wide into and across the body? why was Malone silent all this time if as you say, he knew the LNP could not be done in a non-toxic manner? and why is it that Alden et al. and others had to show reverse transcription when Malone knew that too...to only after the fact that he speaks about it. so I apologize, you write glowing about Malone, I know him well, worked with him, he has serious questions to be answered and not based on glowing remarks by these types of stacks. on his own. it will be under oath. all of them linked to mRNA technology and vaccine. there are many questions he will answer under oath, people behind the scenes making it happen, Bourla, Bancel et al. all involved. many questions under oath.
Malone has shared his version of the events with me, I've corroborated them with others (including those who shared them with me before I connected with him), and in my assessment, Malone:
•Genuinely wants to help make things better.
•Did a lot to do that during COVID prior to going public and more importantly prior to COVID-19.
•Was initially hesitant to go public because of the pushback he knew he'd receive but eventually decided to go public as things continued to worsen because he knew he would not be able to live with himself if he did not.
•Has had to navigate a lot of very challenging situations that I do not feel I could have handled if I was in his shoes (which is a big part of why I did not take the path he did despite sharing many values and perspectives with him).
I don't know a lot of the specifics of what happened between him and others, so I don't feel it's appropriate for me to comment on them.
The situation we faced with the COVID vaccines was a monolithic nightmare, and having worked in the vaccine safety space for the majority of my life, for a while, I genuinely did not believe anything could be done to stop it because of how powerful the forces behind the COVID cartel were. The shift we've witnessed in the last 5 years has been extraordinary and completely unprecedented, and a large part of it was because a lot of people (e.g., you and Malone) took on a huge personal risk to continually speak out about it. As such, my focus has been on trying to support those trying to make things right rather than criticizing anything anyone has done I do not agree with.
My time to publish is very constrained as it is and I constantly feel awful about all the important things I want to cover but can't, so I have to prioritize the things I feel will bring the most benefit to everyone and find a sustainable pace to do it at some I don't burn out.
Insightful & Compassionate strategy👊
I don’t have any faith in Trump. “They” the ones that allowed Trump to win, have a big plan for him.
How do I know? Because they allowed him to win.
The 2020 election- Trump won by a landslide-75% Trump to 25% - all the rest combined. Vote fraud, vote switching via the electronic machines, enormous ballet fraud, everything they did to make the numbers lower. The fraud was out in the open and desperate. They barely squeaked through for Biden.
In 2016 Trump won by a landslide - 75-80% against Hillary (15%)
This was known in advance by a private poll Hillary paid for before the election.
There was vote rigging for Hillary, but not enough. They underestimated the dissatisfaction of the Americans. They were shocked Trump won. From the very first day of his presidency they filed lawsuits against him to keep him busy and prevent him from working full force on his pro America agenda. Jared Kushner, Mossad agent whispered in his daughter’s ear who passed it on to her dad. He is now present again in his father in laws secret circle.
Not only did Trump not “Lock her up (Hillary) he didn’t “drain the swamp” either. Instead of getting rid of the filth in the FBI and Justice dept, he got rid of his trusted inner circle for garbage like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. Perpetually Blackmailed pedo Lyndsey Graham was the mouthpiece.
He didn’t pardon Julien Assange.
Actually he didn’t do much of anything to dismantle the deep state, he didn’t even know how much power he had!
Remember he obediently followed the deep state at the beginning of COVID? And he bragged that he had hundreds of shiny ventilators on ships!!
Believe me I hope you are right about him.
But the fact “they” “let him win” makes me very suspicious!!
Nobody is buying this Mossad bs anymore, goodbye.
Out of all my comments you only heard “Mossad” Too late the cats out of the bag, aren’t I right Avri Shelelgrabber? That is your real name isn’t it?
Interesting how Hasbara has infiltrated substack.
We can’t get away from you, can we?
I may not have the knowledge you do, well I don't lol but considering the effectiveness of HCQ and IVM I have no doubt that this whole shot is based around parasites in some way.
Those 2 deal with parasites just fine while including Zinc and Vitamin D as well is a natural parasite destroyer but you must get your level much higher.
I encourage all to listen to this and go get the co-factors and TAKE CONTROL of your health.
On top of that I am of the mind now that HCQ has enormous potential on its own to treat different human issues as does a high dose Vitamin D.
The Vitamin D makes even more sense because its instructions built into our bodies biological systems by our Creator.
Seems many have forgotten about this as well.
"This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”"
Lets also not forget the anti-parasitic abilities of Vitamin C as well.
Fauci is a POS who should be thrown in solitary for his duration - Period!!!
I was thinking more along the line of execution for his crimes against humanity.
Here in Australia proof of the contamination of the blood of jabbed Australians has been revealed and our government will be forced to respond.
Australian Prime Minister receives confirmation: Australian Blood Contaminated with synthetic DNA from Pfizer and Moderna.
A letter has been sent to the Australian Prime Minister concerning the confirmation of synthetic DNA contamination in Australian blood samples. Instead of dismissing concerns, the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) must confront the data and respond transparently.
Full details here: https://julesonthebeach.substack.com/p/australian-prime-minister-receives
Dr Day, This was such an excellent article by Kevin. Imagine if it was shouted from the mountaintops?
While I don't want to spread hopelessness, I am watching all earthly authorities ignore the genocide in Gaza, carve up Syria by actual terrorists, destroy Ukraine's soil/air/water with unprecedented bombings and death, and just yesterday Mexico's corn GMO/glyphosate loss to Bayer. The rulers of this earth who continually choose to follow the father of All Lies, including the corrupted media, will ignore any exposure of the unification with darkness...hoping they will not have to bear responsibility for their actions. This is our post-modern "enlightened" world. And the people will do exactly nothing as they pursue their materialistic lives ignoring their very souls while they watch their flying drones over New Jersey.
Thanks Sojourner.
Well, it's not "everybody", but the great majority of humans, at least 70%, "test reality" by seeing what their neighbors believe. Some of us have sociopathic settings, maybe 3%, and some have independent-analyst settings and believe what they assess, no matter what other people think. We may be 5-7%, and then some folks are intermediate in their set-points.
Do what you see is right. Do it openly, and explain to those who are inquisitive, but you can't convince MOST people with facts and reason.
In certain moments, societal beliefs shift, the "paradigm shift" like happened after Tet-offensive 1968 in Vietnam. Even that took a while, and a lot of people had to be already primed with the basic knowledge, and a solid minority had to have already decided that the war was evil, and stood devoutly by that decision...
I hope we are getting close. We may be.
Sorry for my pessimism. I allowed myself to be influenced by an article at NakedCapitalism about the ruling against Mexico re: corn.
My heart breaks for the attack on creation and Life.
Hope is central for justice and after attending this morning's Nativity Eve Royal Hours, my hope has been restored.
Thank you for your kindness.
Sojourner - Thank you for letting us know that your hope has been restored, at least temporarily. I have a somewhat unusual thesis - that God’s ultimate ambition is for each of us, individually, to choose ‘The Good’. Somehow I believe that the Litmus Test, per se, is OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL SUCCESS in CHOOSING the Brave and the GOOD PATH. For some reason I sincerely believe that what matters most is our individual choices, not our collective success. I do feel very strongly that our individual choices/actions are what is most important, even though I don’t understand completely why... 😁 God Bless. ✝️🕊️
Yes, The Divine offers wise guidance, but the big experiment is that each of us has free choice. Each of us has to decide to choose truth over lies, compassion over coldness, and wisdom over folly ... and stick with it in our ongoing lived actions, to feed the wisdom and compassion, which will reveal more of our paths.
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words. I entirely agree with you! And He Himself has brought different walks of life and varied beliefs to be His Instruments. ☦️ 🌬️
Yes, attacking the mother-corn-landraces in Mexico is (corn) genocidal evil.
In 2days world it is 2easy2lose hope & bcome pessimistic. Every move I make, every turn I take heartbreak abounds, deception is king & silent screams reverberate. It takes much willpower, insight, openness & humbleness2maintain balance & sanity. Your admission & action r so refreshing & gives me both strength & Hope that Calmness & level-headedness can still b found should one care2look. In my world it's all about Soul Growth & Compassionate Progression & your introspection is at the root of progress. Awareness is the key. Thank u4sharing your vulnerability & insights. Namaste.
great work Dr. Day, I showcase it routinely
Dr John,
That was a very good encapsulation of the population variability by percentages. It seems about right - 70% follow the crowd, around 5-7% can observe dispassionately and act according to their observations, and the rest are somewhere in between those two descriptors.
"Do what you see is right. Do it openly, and explain to those who are inquisitive, but you can't convince MOST people with facts and reason."
Yes!! Stay true to yourself and let others judge you as they may.
As you've alluded to in the next paragraph about the Vietnam War, paradigm shifts do not happen overnight, but they do happen when those who know their truth stand up and consistently speak their truth to power no matter the consequences to themselves.
My guess is that we are near the halfway point now in the next paradigm shift that will hit most people upside the head. Nearly all of those who I tried to reach before regarding these new mRNA products are finally beginning to doubt themselves. The ostracism and hostility that I had faced before has been replaced with a minimum of acceptance, occasionally admiration.
It is so awful that we have to go through these cycles of corrupted power overriding truth every generation or so. The damage visited upon those few who hold to their truth is immense.
Unfortunately, human nature is faulty in this regard, not something we can fix. But what we can do is to keep our history alive so that the next generation will have a model to reference when the next round of massive corruption hits them.
Perhaps the more that madness manifest itself the greater the opportunity becomes4thePeople on the cusp2see theTruth?. I share your burdens & heartbreak & often strive2c theLight instead of darkness & defeat. I do consider this as progress for if we didn't look we wouldn't grow but Look we Must -while seeking the wherewithal to cope with such tragic, evil revelations & truths. Spiritual Warfare requires much from us & it so helps2have the input& support of fellow Seekers &Warriors. Thank u4your post👊
Well done Kika!
Yeah, they swept this under the rug, even though Port Hedland has issued a ban on all mRNA products due to this contamination.
I think the words they used were "fragments" "not adequate quantities to be of concern" and, of course, "safe and effective"
JC, and who could argue with safe and effective, right?
Fascinating (and troubling) article but my question is whether or not the persistence of spike protein ONLY occurs in the vaccinated population?
I believe that I had the original strain of C0VID in December 2019.
I believe that I also had Delta in February 2021. I never actually tested for it as I thought I just had a very mild cold, but I lost my sense of taste and smell for almost eight months and was around a large group of people who all tested positive in that time frame. I was tested in May of that year for C0VID antibodies and had a positive test .
In summer of 2022, when Omicron was raging, I again had a mild cold and thought nothing of it, until I started experiencing significant fatigue, followed by some type of tachycardia that comes and goes at random times, not associated with any activity or environmental factor. Blood work also showed that my long dormant Epstein Barr had reactivated and my numbers were off the charts.
My naturopath put me on Nattokinase, Resveratrol, and Low Dose Naltrexone, and whenever I try to go off of them, my tachycardia/A-fib escalates. I think that it is the spike protein that is causing all of my symptoms, but I never took a single shot. Has this aspect of the virus been researched, and if so, do you have any specific studies or suggestions? I know that I am not the only unvaxxed person who is still struggling, two and even three years after being infected with C0VID!
Somewhat happens with COVID, but dramatically less than vaccine
My brother and SIL both had COVID in Oct 2020. They were ill but neither needed medical care. They had NO COVID vaccines. Both just days ago had COVID antibody tests done through LabCorp. One had an antibody level of 2,300 and the other 2,500. Clearly their immune systems are being triggered by on-going production of spike protein 4.5 years later! The vaccines and the virus are bioweapons.
My husband was around vaccinated people and I too worry about shedding. My husband has has a stroke. He has has shingles, and now he has dementia. We both believe we contracted Covid in December of 2019. Whole town was sick.
I was very ill for over two years. Finally, doc found two tick borne illnesses and it took eight months of antibiotics to rid myself of that and since then my Doctor has died. He wasn’t even forty yet.
I myself went on a ketogenic diet. I’ve now switched to carnivore diet. Put my husband on it to.
His COPD is fifty percent better. His brain is better. He no longer finishes just one side of his plate. He quit drinking beer.
My IBD has cleared up. My arthritis is almost gone. My skin is glowing and I’m better able to take care of my husband.
I’m convinced they really are trying to kill us. Just this week we attended three funerals. One died of cancer, and the other two of heart attacks .
We also have used DMSO to help with healing the brain 🧠
I do know it works well with healing sores. My husband also developed skin picking disorder. He had sores everywhere. I started applying 50 percent DMSO and the sores healed over night. Now I put long pants on him with long sleeve shirt.
All the sores are gone.
This is a hot mess. Grateful to be alive.
Thank you for all you do. Your articles have been invaluable to our recovery.
I also went to Keto then Carnivore diet along with raw milk and feel so much better. It has made a big difference in finally feeling good, along with still taking Ivermectin.
DMSO is really helping me too with joint issues and RLS. Good stuff that I found out about here too.
This substack has been so informative and helpful for me too.
Thanks! I try
And Try, Try we Must..... and You Do It So VeryWell👊📣 MuchoMucho Gratitude. Warriors & Heroes R a scarce commodity these Daze(!) - Thank u4being both.
You excel.
Thank you.
I increasingly see references to your excellent info popping up in many places such as some fb groups I follow
God bless you for your diligence.
U r unfortunately so correct; yes they r trying earnestly to systematically eliminate us. They have a 25point Age-old, diabolical Plan & r quite xpert in the xecution of said Plan. They have enormous resources, an ironclad devotion & single-mindedness along with the willfully Blind minions2push their diabolical agenda4ward. Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized-Owned. In the end they will lose as evil always turns on & eats itself. Being a Spiritual Being xperiencing a physical xistence is so often confusing & challenging - But it's theRealSeekers such as yourself that make life not only tolerable but promising.
I wonder as well if not only does it persist from the infection but from shedding the unvaccinated face. But more than that, while natto and bromelain and other supplements may help, I am keen for a method to be sure the spike protein can be removed once and for all.
Anna MihalceaMDphD@substack.com writes a lot about what she reads and sees under her microscope. She recommends methylene blue, Vit C and EDTA which she says clears the blood of the self-assembling nanotechnology after her patients take this.
Husband and I have been using Methylene blue for 2 years for mitochondrial health and mental clarity. Removal of nanotechnology would be an added bonus. We didn’t vaccinate, but most in our community did, so shedding is a concern. I have seen her slides and they are scary!
OK. It is my understanding that shikamic acid (fennel, star anise, pine needle) breaks up the spike. IVM transports and removes it. I've been doing this protocol since before the vaccines came out.
For the nanotech, boron/borax kills the communication of the stuff so that it can't grow or transmit. Colloidal gold kills the "chips" (per Dr. David Nixon).
Did you have any flu shots? They can cause issues and might explain why the USA had worse outcomes than the rest of the world which knows that flu shots are useless at best, harmful at most.
My father got ill with low oxygen etc the COVID symptoms but in 2018, which hmm also happened to be a high flu year. We think it was from his flu shot and the aholes tried to say he had a heart condition and put him on statins despite his numbers being fine.
I think I had one flu shot in my entire life and that was probably 30 years ago...the low O2 sats were definitely a problem for a lot of people who contracted the original virus, but thankfully, that was not one of my symptoms. Hope your dad is doing better now!
My husband took flu shot in November of 2019, I told him not to, but he was still a true believer. I passed.
Prior to that he hadn’t taken a shot in over ten years. They scared him into taking the one in 2019, because of his COPD.
He refused the C jab.
Dear VikingMom...from one Viking to another...I recently discovered that EDTA chelation restores the structure of red blood cells (disrupted by Covid and vaccines) very quickly, by reversing rouleaux formation (end to end stacking). Also, removal of unwanted metals, and the undoing of polymer formations (likely synthetic fibroid and plaque) is desirable and achievable. Several treatments for me are planned, including IV Vitamin C, Plaquex, and a follow-up with methylene blue. I have had two treatments already, and after Christmas will do two more, for a total of four treatments. After the first treatment, I slept the best I had in ten years, possibly twenty years, and my O2 uptake was incredibly improved. Palpitations almost gone. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea also has this protocol in Volume 2 of her recently published books exposing TRANSHUMANISM if you want to check it out. I gave my books to the Dr. doing the chelation therapy...and he was excited to learn that what he was recommending has recently published by Mihalcea. I will be asking the Dr. to add some DMSO to the chelation also, based upon my own perception, and a tip from someone versed in chelation therapy. All the best to you, and thanks again to AMD for propelling us into the newer, improved health paradigm...honesty in medicine.
I think the effects of EDTA in that context are due to zeta potential effects.
I have a similiar situation. I never tested either but lost sense of smell for a short while and had a horrible brain fog. Started IVM right away along with Nattokinase, Vit D, C, Zinc. Never had a horrible URI infection and no problems with O2 Sat. My anitbody levels to Covid indicated I was exposed. I haven't tested lately, probably should. To this day I take IVM weekly or I start feeling bad again along with Nattokinase daily. I never had a shot either but I was in a crowd of people that probably did for an all day seminar. What did they shed on me? It was the strangest disease I have ever had or should I say have.
I have never have had a flu shot either. I had confirmed Influenza A 20+ yrs ago (Tested myself since I am a Med Tech) and never have had the flu since.
I believe that Covid (even mild) is likely to cause the same damage as the mRNA shots.
I read JohnPaul's substack for many years. You may consider reading or subscribing. He provides his work for free. He also provides solutions such as this one (also for free) :
His work requires a subscription. Just hit the link and it requires a subscription to access. TY
If I may add to MIDWESTERN and I cede to their expertise, my understanding of the science is that it happens too with COVID though vastly more with vaccine in terms of spike, segments, S1 S2 etc. mRNA, fragments etc. but vastly more with vaccine and if we assume virus was real, then with vaccine on top of likely prior infection, then it may be synergistic too...massive spike load...? . But note, I am not sold anymore on virus, I am open to a toxin or poison causing the ILI respiratory pulmonary type severe symptoms...something is/was there. I am not a NO virus person...that is a bridge too far. but not fully this 'COVID' PCR created fake pandemic issue.
My problem with terrane theory is I witnessed my whole town get sick. We all had the same thing. Never saw anything like it. This was late December 2019.
What infected all of us?
again, huge praise MID for your stellar work...we benefit.
Thanks! It's a bit depressing that I've studied this non-stop for the last 5 years but there are still a lot of things about this I still really can't make sense of.
Indeed, COVID remains an enigma, but it requires collaborative effort to unravel its mysteries. This brings me to a fundamental disconnect I've observed in your approach.
You've repeatedly highlighted the critical issue of deteriorating doctor-patient relationships and the lack of meaningful dialogue in modern medicine - an observation I initially found compelling. However, this stance appears to be more rhetorical than practical in your own engagement patterns.
Despite multiple attempts to establish meaningful dialogue through comments and even personal correspondence, I've encountered either silence or minimal engagement. While I acknowledge your substantial following (over 100,000 subscribers) and professional commitments, my approach hasn't been one seeking dependency or basic guidance. Rather, my comments demonstrate a desire for substantive discourse. The provocative tone in my responses reflects frustration with what appears to be systematic disregard.
The disconnect becomes particularly apparent given your professional background and your articulate critiques of the medical system's communication failures. You excel at identifying and documenting these issues, yet seem to perpetuate the very behaviors you critique.
While you're certainly entitled to choose your engagement partners, your strict anonymity - while claimed to serve transparency - appears more as a shield against meaningful interaction. The pattern suggests a preference for engaging with established voices, choosing dialogue partners based on their potential benefit rather than their potential insights.
True disagreement requires established communication first - something that never materializes in this case. This selective engagement, favoring those with credentials or followings, contradicts the very principles of open dialogue you advocate.
The irony lies in promoting transparency while maintaining barriers to genuine interaction, suggesting that practical engagement takes a back seat to theoretical advocacy.
No. The persistence does not occur only in the vaccinated. This is why this vaccine debacle has completely shifted the weight, causing many unvaxxed who experience the same comorbidities to be left in the dark. In my view, the spike protein narrative is inconclusive and serves as a distraction from deeper truths. The vaccines, and what they’ve triggered, obscure from being able to identify what’s really going on.
My understanding stems from personal experience. Nine years ago, I experienced a bacterial infection that led to tachycardia, chronic fatigue, and shortness of breath within months from the initial infection. This prompted my deeper investigation into allopathic medicine. When COVID emerged, I predicted - before any scientific authorities - that within 4 to 6 months from infection, patients would develop chronic symptoms falling into three categories: neurological, autoimmune, and muscle dystrophy conditions.
The symptoms associated with COVID and its vaccines mirror those seen in previous pandemics and even conditions like Lyme disease and multiple sclerosis. This observation led me to recognize that modern science suffers from excessive compartmentalization - creating countless disease classifications and complementing studies that obscure the underlying patterns. This multiplication of disease names primarily serves corporate interests, as each "new" disease justifies a "novel" drug.
Further investigation revealed that virology and epidemiology rest on the flawed Germ Theory paradigm, which incorrectly attributes sentience and premeditated behavior to microscopic particles (same with “spike protein”). This misconception, though disproven, persists because it serves pharmaceutical and medical industry interests, creating a fear-based environment where people readily accept drugs and vaccines to combat "deadly germs." This has completely eroded individual responsibility, as evidenced by the global response to COVID.
The simpler truth is that these germs are effects of bodily climate changes, not causes. Based on my experiences with both chronic illness and COVID (including loss of smell/taste and prolonged nausea and fatigue), what we call disease symptoms are actually responses to real-time mutations in the human genome. I propose viewing viruses not as enemies but as mutational markers. Mutations themselves are neutral - symptoms arise from the body's ability or inability to accommodate these changes.
Today, while my tachycardia and breathing issues have resolved, my body has transformed. Paradoxically, I'm healthier overall but have acquired new sensitivities (like sound sensitivity and left-side stiffness).
I believe COVID relates to emotional transformation. Through my journey, I returned to breathwork and daily Qi Gong practice, which helped resolve my symptoms. However, true equilibrium requires comprehensive lifestyle changes - emotional and mental habits included - which many aren't prepared to undertake.
I'm skeptical of supplements and medications as standalone solutions. While they may offer temporary relief, viewing them as magic bullets is misleading and reflects our conditioning to seek easy answers rather than embrace self-responsibility.
The key is to cease relying on external solutions and instead confront our challenges honestly. That does not mean one can’t use the help and support of others, but chronic conditions often manifest from unconsciously holding onto patterns that no longer serve us. Good luck.
Fauci stated clearly that they had to create a bio weapon to create a cure for it…
…all the GOF was to create the worst Spike Protein to become the best syringe, needle and toxin
Yes, I imagine the original “bioweapon” was created with a resistant fast mutating Spike protein…
I wonder the same thing (see Pierre Kory’s posts on shedding). Our unvaccinated school age child had asymptomatic Covid in 2021 and recently had a test for Covid antibodies. Their result was 2,300 which is very high (scale ends at “>2500”. Positive is >0.8). I am eager to learn if this represents excessive circulating spike, or instead represents a healthy and prolonged immune response. A commercial test of free spike would indeed be helpful.
Just finishing up a great book that definitely applies to the malfeasance, greed and incompetence in the medical arena. It also goes into some of it, such as weaponization of the psychological, in detail. The author has fought the good fight on the psych end for a while.
Resisting Illegitimate Authority by Bruce E Levine
One of his major points is that you can spot illegitimate authority by their use of cruelty and exploitation to maintain status quo.
Lots of other great insights too.
Figured I would mention it because I'm guessing most here might both enjoy and benefit from the advice in it.
Good stories about some well known anti authoritarians too.
" I believe one of the reasons why governments frequently do horrible things to their people is because they are put in the position of having to “solve” a problem"
IN democracies particularly, it is the people who demand that governments "solve" problems that government is, by its nature, incapable of solving. In order to stay in power, politicians implement the pretense solutions that characterize our government. Government is incapable of solving people's emotional and spiritual sickness. Taking money from people who earn it and giving it to people who don't cannot solve poverty nor can busing and forced integration solve racism, but the politicians must come up with a program that pretends to solve the problems because people insist on it. Doing so temporarily relieves the people's guilt and anxiety, they feel they are doing something about injustice, which allows them to never look inside themselves for the source of the problems. The evils of government are anchored in the emotional and spiritual sickness of the people. This relationship is one of mutual attraction, the sickness of the people feeds the sickness of the politicians and vice versa.
agreed. I believe the intention of the founders of the US was small distributed government where almost all the powers of government would be at state or local level. I believe they would be horrified to see what has happened to the federal government! How many 3 and 4 letter bureaucracies do we have now in DC that are run by unelected career bureaucrats who wield power over almost all aspects of our lives? I had hope that Trump would shut them all down but there's little hope of that happening. Even RFK doesn't intend to shut down the FDA and CDC. Instead, he plans to "reform" it, which means unelected bureaucrats will continue to wield power over the lives of US citizens in our "free" country.
Yes, liberals believe that, when their programs fail, it is just because they weren't done right. Kennedy is a liberal, although a pretty good one, and probably believes the FDA, CDC, NIH and all the others can be reformed. Liberals are prone to a mechanistic view of life and a focus on what is superficial. They often miss the underlying emotional and spiritual sickness in people or blame it on their favorite villain group, currently strait, white males.
OR - he realises that the entanglement is too entrenched to just rip it out by the roots. Therein lies political (and possibly physical) death, and I reckon he wants to succeed.
It is my hope that the new administration is so concerned about ***LEGACY*** that they accidentally do some good things.
"...the sickness of the people feeds the sickness of the politicians and vice versa." Spot on. Could it be that this manifestation of physical illness is due to humanities poor state of spiritual health? All of these symptoms (tachycardia, HBP, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc) have attached themselves to most of us with no regard to jab status or diet choices (myself included). A new age is coming. Humanity is changing. Someone else commented that what happens to us is up to the individual not the collective. This is true (as I sense it). How many of us are willing to face the dragon within? There are so many wonderful comments here... and I am always amazed at AMDs stamina and determination to share their precious knowledge with us.
Though out my entire work career it seems that when the people in charge mandate a solution to some problem by a certain date they almost always get one. The problem is it seldom solves the problem but allows the solvers to keep their jobs.
As I write this comment, I am printing the article to read in more detail. From the bits I've already covered this appears to be one of the more comprehensive articles on a complex topic. Thank you for taking the time and effort to produce such good well-rounded information. I've come to expect more from other authors because of what you are doing here.
One of my goals has been to encourage that in the rest of the genre, as I feel if we do that, we will be much more politically effective.
Top award goes to the guy who hosts howbadismybatch.com, which allowed the public to know that the batches of COVID jabs are not uniform.
He's done a lot of other really good work too.
My son, 43 and father of 3 children, looked up his Moderna in howbadismybatch. There were 120 deaths. I pray every day he lives to raise his children.
Sorry that he has that worry but hope he is using what he learned for the benefit of himself and his kids.
When I read the first part of the title, "Why Does the COVID Vaccine Persist In The Body?," I wondered if it was going to be "Whey Does the COVID Vaccine Persist on the Market?"
Perhaps that could be a companion essay, given the devastation to humanity.
Why in the world are these still being used? A simple question, with a complex answer, to be sure.
Because our government is corrupt, there was a massive investment in this technology and pandemic, and there is a century long ideological belief in vaccination within both the government, the medical profession and those politically aligned with them.
Have you read The Poison Needle by Eleanor McBean (1957). It offers a fascinating insight in the vaccine development and the same corruption that was with the Covid vaccine. It discusses the polio vaccine, other vaccines, the rabies vaccine and Flouride.
One can't use one side and always omit the other.
It's astounding how everyone remains fixated on surface-level explanations, pointing to "the government" or "big pharma" as corrupt entities. But how can something intangible possess moral qualities?
These institutions aren't sentient beings - they're composed of collections of individuals whose personal moral choices shape institutional behavior. Therefore, if these institutions are corrupt, it is a reflection that the people are corrupt.
The failure to look beneath surface-level analysis prevents from seeing the true mechanism at work. While everyone complains about corrupt systems, they miss the underlying spiritual decay spreading through humanity one person at a time, creating an unopposed vicious cycle that perpetuates itself precisely because it remains unrecognized.
The persistent focus on external corruption while avoiding self-reflection, however, not only reinforces systemic problems but further nurtures a collective victimhood mentality that inevitably attracts more abuse.
Perhaps it's time to examine both sides of this equation, even though it challenges both the comfort zone of readers who find solace in victimhood narratives and the financial interests of freedom advocates who profit from cultivating this sense of victimhood in their audience.
And they’re gearing up to get everyone jabbed for bird flu. 🤬
"our government" = worldwide. This is not just a USA problem, though I would like to believe that the USA may lead the way out of it.
Australia is building at least 3 mRNA plants, giving money to ModeRNA to do so.
If not the jabs, then what? Food? Farming? Pharmaceuticals? WTF?
I haven't even finished your article but I just had to rush in and say my gosh!! I haven't heard anyone mention sensitivity or specificity since 2019! And yet when I was getting my MS biostats and took the intro epidemiology course it was introduced as a core concept in the first 1-2 weeks. Just one of those things like informed consent that went, so mysteriously, into the dumpster of history without anyone seeming to notice.
"Just one of those things like informed consent that went, so mysteriously, into the dumpster of history without anyone seeming to notice."
Well put.
Another thing that managed to slip under the radar is the way that the word "vaccination" suddenly got redefined in 2020 from a medical intervention that helped to prevent infection to a medical intervention that might help a few particularly vulnerable people from dying of the infection that they were vaccinated for. Oddly enough nobody could seem challenge this new definition since the word "vaccination" was needed to classify this new product as a trusted intervention in order to get an Emergency Use Authorization issued and then the subsequent universal compliance program instituted.
Clever..., in a diabolical sort of way.
My main objection with that point is that many other vaccines do not prevent you from watching an infection, but everything just got propagandized so people thought they did...so in that effect the current definition is actually reflective of how vaccines were in the past.
My main objection to your main objection is that we have been taught for decades that vaccines help create herd immunity in the general population. Herd immunity supposedly means that pathogens cannot continue to propagate in a population that is immune to the disease that they cause, they cannot continue to infect others because they hit an impenetrable wall of immunity and therefore die out over time.
It was this concept of vaccines creating herd immunity that justified the idea that these new mRNA products, which they had classified as vaccines, should be mandated for large segments of our population, preferably forced on everybody but our authorities didn’t quite get to that point this time. We were led to believe that if we are going to stop the pandemic we all need to get vaccinated. Great rallying line to support the cause of the common good!! Only bad irresponsible people would fail to get vaccinated and therefore the pandemic was due to their continuing negligence and irresponsibility towards others. Shame on us!
Polio vaccines were not marketed as products that reduced the level of paralysis. They were marketed to the public because they prevented paralysis…, at least in those people who didn’t get hot lots of those injections.
There needs to be another category for preemptive medicine other than the word “vaccine”. Or maybe there should be gradations of “vaccines” so that we can tell which ones are absolutely essential for everyone and which ones would be more elective based on individual vulnerabilities.
What do you think?
It's a really long discussion vaccine by vaccine (which I've written in other articles) so I don't want to try to soundbite it in a comment. The key point is that a lot of vaccines which are marketed as preventing transmission don't.
AMD (I hope you don't mind the abbreviation),
I finally had some time to read the entire article. Excellent!! You addressed all the points I have encountered elsewhere in a manner that is both elucidating and complete. I now have a more nuanced idea what is going on. This article will be quite a useful document for future reference.
I am making a three-ring binder titled The Forgotten Side of Medicine and will enter this article first. I'll go through the links you've provided here another time and most likely add them to the binder as well. It's much easier for me to read with comprehension if the articles are dated and printed in hard copy.
Again, I want to express my appreciation of the time and effort you take to document and inform your readers. That is very helpful.
As I mentioned elsewhere in this string, it feels like we are about midway through yet another medical paradigm shift.
None of the major changes to our accepted knowledge base have come without a fight. Existing authorities can only maintain their authority if the basis of their authority isn't successfully challenged. Those who raise their challenges are always excoriated for their efforts at first, then eventually grudgingly tolerated, and finally recognized as true leaders in their field, usually a generation or two after their challenges are first raised.
History of Science..., an interest all my adult life. What we see here fits a pattern of what has come before.
Take care.
Thank you! That is my sense too!
Thank you. When I get a break from project overload here I’ll want to review your other articles.
It’s clear to me that you have a genuine well informed well rounded approach to medical issues and your communications are clear and helpful. It’s refreshing to have a source of information that I can trust amidst the shifting turmoil that has become the norm in such matters.
Thank you for your service.
The AMA and the medical colleges were promoted by Rockefeller in order to enrich his coffers with the sale of patented petroleum-based drugs. He got his men on the board of colleges to change the curricula and get rid of any healing modality, except drugs. JDR got doctors to join the AMA by promising them HIGHER INCOME and PRESTIGE. When the primary cause of illness is malnutrition and putting items in the mouth that don't belong...information like this is not taught in med school. Doctors don't know much about nutrition, when 95% of health issues are caused by the wrong foods and one's lifestyle. I have spoken to doctors who have told me that they get their nutrition information from their patients. Med schools don't teach how the Immune system really works.. Its the body's defense mechanism, which wipes out foreign proteins or other invaders that don't belong in the body. The Creator designed the bloodstream to carry nutrients from the food people consume to the organs. Wholesome natural food feeds the organs and keeps them functioning and working. The vax manufacturers claim that their vaccines with toxins that don't belong in the human body... strengthen the Immune System! This is a major lie! Injecting poison into the human body is a STRESS! It damages every organ in the body. How ignorant can these people be! Truth is simple. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, 2500 years ago, taught doctors how to help patients heal themselves...with diet and the right life style. However today, many in the Medical Industry come up with technical information to sound like authorities.. However, the age of mortality for medical doctors was 72.; and its dropping They really are not health authorities
An excellent insight near the beginning of the piece that "the greatest good for the greatest number" is the convenient rationalization for tyrannical control measures that supposedly justify the outright abrogation of individual rights. This collectivist manner of thinking is responsible for the success of measures such as we witnessed during the covid scamdemic and undergirds the whole fiction of "public health". The entire history of infectious epidemics is highly questionable and should be open to re-examination and debate.
Excellent article, again. Thanks
As the great Tom Sowell says, there are no solutions, only tradeoffs.
A deeply troubling deep dive into the formulation and production of vaccines. Well worth the read. Thank you. Am so grateful for a friend sharing Dr. Pierre Kory’s U.S. Senate testimony in October 2020. I stopped attempting to get in line for the erratic distribution of the Covid vaccine and sought out sources of ivermectin. At age 71, at the time, retired, I could take an independent pathway to good health. Those employed had to comply (get vaccinated) in order to keep their jobs and/or careers. For me, this was a time of awakening. I continue to believe in the goodness of others, but now have a healthy skepticism. Taking command of our own personal health, finding true healers in medicine, and making healthy choices is what we each can do. Blindly following health advice without asking good questions is not a good way to a long and healthy life, as this article confirms.
Excellent review article. It was a long article so did I miss any statement about the use of a healthy baby prematurely removed from its mother’s womb so that it’s kidneys or eyeballs could be harvested to make cell cultures in which to develop, test or manufacture these COVID and other “vaccines?” Unless people refuse to take advantage of human fetal cell cultures, there will be no incentive to discover another platform for developing, testing or manufacturing medications. This platform is kept a dirty secret from the public. It is not part of the informed consent process. It can be difficult for the lay person to research the history of a drug’s development or testing since this information might not be in the package insert, depending on where in the process of the drug’s development it was used. This information must be made readily available and clearly stated on the labeling of all such drugs. We must no longer cannibalize preborn babies!