Well, separate from my work at NIH with Fauci, in late nineties I worked with the emerging small nonprofit at Georgetown Univ: Sabin Vaccine Institute. It rapidly grew and I was ousted; Peter Hotez brought in along with GAVI monies. They were pulling together the dengue vaccine initiative. He went to Texas because of the vax trials going on there. I was frequently up close and personal with Hotez. Saw him in action and over time.
He really is a sociopath. Works directly for the Deep State Cabal.
Would you be open to writing a more detailed summary of your observations (I pinned your comment)? I did not mention this in the article, but Peter had his PhD training after residency at Rockefeller University and directed the Sabin institute (where he wrote a glowing review of Gates decades of vaccines program) right before he moved to Baylor.
Hotez was made director at Sabin, which kept its DC office when he moved to Baylor, setting up a second office there. Just needed a nonprofit to launder the $$ through.
I really can't detail any summary, it's just too many things, over too many years, and too many of his tweets on social media, that bring me to my assessment. If you want to examine another vaccine travesty, look at the tetravalent dengue chimera vaccines and how many kids they killed with those trials. Dr. Scott Halstead and col. Dr. Phillip Russell were whistleblowers on the ADE induced by it.
Have been following Phil Harper in his substack. Consider him an actual investigative journalist. You and he have a lot in common and probably could work together (an opinion).
I can’t even compose words to describe how this sort of revolting mess makes me feel.
After my entire adult life of believing that vaccine developers were actually sincerely trying to make the world a better place, these continuing revelations that they actually are not is just sickening. Is there even one single vaccine that has actually truly helped humankind without harming a bunch of people in the process? Just even one? I am starting to think there is not.
I have felt for decades that there truly isn’t a single ‘Big’ fill-in-the-blank Industry that has anyone’s best interest at heart - except their pocketbooks. As someone who has observed and fought against some of these industries (gmos, pesticides, unending wars of aggression for the MI complex, bio labs and gain-of-function ‘read bio weapon development’, factory farming, soil degradation, industrial pollution, etc) it wasn’t hard to see what they were attempting in early 2020. Zika, the swine flu and all the other hyped ‘demics’ were also clues in my mind. What really threw me though was how very well-planned and coordinated all this was - encompassing ngos, countries, governments, and the shadowy figures controlling all of it. So many pieces it’s pretty hard to comprehend much less piece it all together as these people are masters of planning and deception. It’s definitely a huge chunk to swallow. As for vaccines (and the allopathic model of medicine) - I believe they are based on a totally false premise (and Harma knows it) but it’s a money maker and does other things that those-who-shouldn’t-be-in-power want accomplished. The more ordinary, everyday people who can come to terms with this the better chance we have to opt out and build our own systems.
I don’t disagree. Back in the 1970s there was a movement to teach corporations their social responsibility since our constitution with the approval of our citizen, gives corporations the ability to exist, and it should be in the interest of the citizens. A key motivator was a Jesuit priest from Loyola university in Chicago. When he passed early in his life, the social movement also died, and today there is no recognition that corporations only exist, because we as citizens allow them to exist.
Corporations protect owners and operators from any individual personal responsibility for criminal actions and should be abolished. And while you're at it get rid of patent law also - 95% of the first industrial revolution occurred without resort to patent law. The government should not be protecting businesses from competition at all - let alone for 20 years. That should be the business's responsibility.
Control of corporations and corporate greed used to be a thing for democrats. The sturm and drang when the SCOTUS declared basically the corporations were people too filled hours of the progressive radio I listened to at the time. Blah blah all the time about corporations. Of course Dems were always in bed with them--but it’s so much worse now. Red pilled October 2021. Not really GOP either. But punished Dems in November totally. Kind of distrust both now.
When asked by Steve Kirsch if there is any vaccine that is safer than the rest, Dr Andrew Wakefield said with a smile, “well not really, but if I had to allow just one for my kid it would be the Chicken Pox shot”.
I think he's correct in this regard. Most of the issues with the chicken pox one relate to complications later in life that arise from not having had a chickenpox infection in childhood (shingles, increases risk for a few cancers).
The only truly safe vaccine is saline only, maybe with some glucose in it for example. And all for the princely sum of, ooh, I don't know $15.
Doesn't tempt you? Look, I'll do a deal with the government and sell you it for $10 unit price, if they bulk buy a million doses, cash upfront of course. Can't say fairer that that, can I?
Mind you, for some additional industrial waste, I will only add on $2.50 special offer!
Mmm.......rummage round in kitchen....salt cellar, check, sugar bowl, check, cold water tap, check. 5 cents??? I pass on the industrial waste as that is in the water already.
What about rabies? I had a run-in with a bat this summer and had a quick decision to make. I decided to get that course of vaccines (free in Canada). Other than a rapid onset of minor arthritis in one of my knuckles that hasn't quite gone away yet, no significant effects noted (yet).
Rabies vaccine is dangerous, but, it can be taken after a rabies exposure bc the virus is slow progressing. There is a huge difference between taking a harmful substance to prevent a small potential risk in the future (most vaccines) verses taking one to treat an already existing risk. In the case of the latter, it's much more justifiable.
Rabies is a horrible way to die and the only other thing I've ever found that can help is ultraviolet blood irradiation, but that data is quite limited.
Mark, that is an interesting question. In the US it is possible to search for rabies report; I did this for Minnesota, here. Finding NO occurrences of any rabies in THIS county or those directly adjacent I chose NOT to have our cats vaccinated for their yearly regimen-- as we have been doing. Additionally, what is revealing is that I could find that no other rabies carrier other than skunks resulted in rabies in Minn.
After all, if rabies virtually does not "exist" in this area, why take the risk.
Another thing: If I was bit by a wild creature(ie bat) I would also take extreme measures to sterilize the area, whatever it takes, no matter what I eventually chose for vaccination. I figure you DID that.
There's nothing like actual experience to make you think harder about stuff. I was seriously bitten by a neighbor's dog a few months ago. When you're suddenly confronted with the fact that rabies is, at least purportedly, universally fatal, it can find you questioning your priorities. My neighbor assured me their dog had been vaccinated. Even despite my feelings about the rabies vaccine for my own cat, this reassured me. And I'm still alive :)
I used to think that vaccines were of some use, but not for the 'flu as I heard about people getting the 'flu anyway, so what was the point.
It was only in 2020 that I researched it all properly including virology. In 2 months by June that year I realized we had all been scammed by the medical profession etc.
I then understood that the current virology theory was fundamentally flawed. So every time I see reference to a viral disease know that the current understanding of it is wrong.
And that vaccines in any event will not help as they are merely poisons if anything and cannot do anything.
So regarding rabies what we do not know in your case is what would have happened if you had not had the vaxxes. One would need minimum of two people, both bitten with similar immune system status to begin even to assess the situation empirically. One would be vaxxed , the other not.
It could be the vaxxes actually caused the arthritis. The problem with free vaxxes is that they are tempting and you have paid for vaxxes via taxxes (!). This is the problem with supposed free health care. It isn't, it is only free at the point of need.
Big pharma like this as they get a contract via government health departments to guarantee a steady revenue stream.
As pretty-red, old guy says, I would clean the area thoroughly to avoid bacterial infection. I would consider boosting vitamin D and C if necessary although it is the C that acts as anti-oxidant against any neuro-toxins.
If I would get bitten, I´d drink some MMS or CDS, and treat the wound with it. If no MMS or CDS would be at hand, I would use hydrogenperoxide (about 0.3% for drinking); it is quite similar, though a bit more agressive.
I´d give dogs and cats MMS or just a few drops of sodium chlorite in their drinking bowl.
Andrew Wakefiled slated MMR back in the late 1990s.
I don't know what it was but I just believed him.
I bust a gut to get my son the separate vaccines during the early 2000s, it cost over £1,000 which was a lot of money at the time but it was worth every penny.
Ever since the Covid operation hit, I am scared all the time wondering what these monsters are going to do next. Bill Gates openly stated that the next virus would be worse. I have to believe the psychopath since he was smirking when he said it and his profit motive as well as Power motive.
I feel the same way! Start reading Turtles ALL the way Down..
It really sheds light on all of things.
It makes me sick the more I read and learn.
I was one of those nerdy Moms that always made notes on the calendar when they became ill. Fever, ear infections etc, when they went to the Dr. For a checkup. I’m so thankful I do this habit because it has aloud me to connect a lot of dots.
Haha, funny your comment about nerdy mom and the calendar. I am the same, and also allowed me to connect some dots recently.
I just wish I had been willing a long time ago to give a hearing to the folks talking about risks of vacksines. I wish we had never given them to our kiddo. 😓
Indeed, the profound sense of disillusionment and cognitive dissonance is quite unsettling to say the least, but ultimately salutary. As the saying goes, the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
Even Jonas Salk was not quite the hero most people think he was. That honor really belongs to Dr. Klenner, who literally cured polio with "Klenner sized doses" of....wait for it...Vitamin C in the 1950s.
Not one, not a damned one. I used to think vaccines were of some use but not for the 'flu as I noted people were ill anyway. In 2020 at the age of 60 I woke up after researching thoroughly. 2 months solid research and I completely turned round as I realized the awful scam.
And it is far, far worse than just that, for that was only the tip of the iceberg.
I highly recommend everybody Read the book “Turtles All The Way Down” once you have read this book, you will understand the authors who are in the know, had to remain anonymous…
@Dan -the book " What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong" is also eye-opening. It's downloadable for free as an epub file.
I am in the middle of reading it. Have yet to get to that "point" but basically get what you are saying. Others have been vilified who have authored similar whistle blowers.
Back in 1976, my husband was a young college student. His mom threatened to not do his laundry on the weekend if he didn't go get the Swine flu jab. He did and got "the sickest I've ever been in my life. I thought I was really dying". I'd listened to his story many times, over the years, but honestly (unbeknownst to him) I didn't never believed it was the shot that made him that sick. It couldn't have been, vaccines don't make you sick! 😔 Sad to say, I was thoroughly brainwashed. After my own deep dive into "vaccines" of all kinds, prompted by the Operation Warp Speed product and the billions of dollars that were given to scandalous companies (Pfizer, J&J, AZ) and to a company (MODeRNA) that had never even brought any successful pharmaceuticals to market, my eyes were opened and my stomach sickened. I have since apologized to my husband many times over for doubting him. I'm not a big fan of needles so I never got anything that wasn't just practically forced on me. He never got any flu shots due to his '76 experience but was pretty ok with whatever else was recommended, like the tetanus boosters that were pushed by his employer. We've each done our own independent research and like thousands/millions of others, we've been awakened to the entire scam that is known as big pharma. Once you collect the dots and then start connecting them, it's something no resonable person can deny.
Good catch, Baldo. My dad's cardiologist recommended that he get the flu vax annually. Well, when he did, he had the flu TWICE, and pretty bad, too. Probably for the same reason that the fools getting jabbed with the 'rona shot keep getting COVID!! "Salute" from the deep-blue-pilled "sinister" (left) coast of Duh-Merica!
Thank you for that. "Duh-Merica", I have not heard that before, I note with great appreciation!
If I haven't said when I was 15 a long time ago I had BCG shot out of something that looked like a phaser from Star Trek. I was very ill that year with allegedly German measles. The exact timings I have not yet discovered if records exist, but given what I now know the vaccine is the obvious culprit.
Thank you! As usual, when ever a nutrient helps solve a medical issue, for some reason more study is always required and they rely on drugs and etc. Vitamin D has been assailed this way for many decades. Didn't know IV Vitamin C works. Also good for other health issues.
@Tami Berman - the last line is a huge problem with this article, the source being obviously pro-vaccine.
"Until then (referring to more research) may the BLIND FAITH in the tetanus shot may help us!"
Wow! It seems like BLIND FAITH is why we're dealing with what we are now. I remember the global "health" experts reiterating the same idea. "We HOPE these vaccines will..." and then later.
"Well, we THOUGHT the cv would work against.... blah, blah, blah..
•The tetanus vaccine (which provides immunity to the tetanus bacteria’s toxoid rather than the bacteria itself) and the diphtheria vaccine (which does the same thing), are the best examples of this approach.
•For tetanus, this approach, at least in theory, makes sense. The bacteria lives everywhere and is not transmitted from person to person (rather it is transmitted by having tetanus inoculate a deep wound). The only sensible target for a vaccine is thus to prevent the bacteria’s toxoid from causing a fatal complication, and someone becoming immune to the toxin will not influence the bacterial population around us.
Several things have happened to me over the past decade that have completely turned my life upside down.
By far the worst part of it is the fact thatevery single thing I ever thought actually isn't true, for example most parents want the best for their kids yet I have found out that in my family this is not true.
The destablising effect of this is insane but it did prepare me for Covid and the jabs debacle.
But this paper is very recent, published in Nature. Gives the background science on the vaccines and it tries to put a positive spin on the whole field. A good place to start to unravel the threads.
Had. RIP.The way that man was persecuted. Medical and legal knowledge. Brilliant and compassionate. He definitely left a legacy. About the same time he passed legislation went after religious exemptions...2015 2016. Now require a doctor to sign off on them.
Your main question has been already answered. The Covid-19-itself net impact on the number of yearly deaths can be only CLOSE TO ZERO. It is possible to calculate the real number in two different ways. The first way is difficult to readers but the second one, mentioned in Discussion, very easy (=it is enough to show that the average number of chronic conditions is not increased in the group of official Covid-19 victims, against the comparative group, when this number should be strongly increased). ...Unfortunately some of medicals are ignorants and if they do not understand the proof then pretent it does not exist. Another problem is the censorship, so it has to be moved to Switzerland, where the results were no reason to ban the essay.
I think this should also be pinned. Here are highlights from Senator Ron Johnson's Congressional Round Table on the Covid vaccines. After the 10 min video, you can see the full 3 hours also.
Rachel paid twice because of her father's intractable beliefs. One, the vaccine injury itself and Two, many vaccine injured children, no matter the diagnosis improve with alternative therapies by practitioners who have been enlightened over decades of treating vaccine injuries. Dr. Peter Hotez could not go down that road, even if Rachel's health and well-being might improve.
Hotez would be the figurehead for "sociopaths are us" or as most of know the medical industrial pharma complex. Stanley Plotkin for sure and by all rights Paul Offit, but even he doesn't have Hotez's demeanor and eyes. Plenty of women in that group too.
For sure; the Canadian Asian health Ministress, horse toothed Hitlerian New Zealand PM, Frau Fatty in Germany, my ex wife (sorry, threw that accidentally, where was I?)...
I've seen a Paul Offit comment or two to that effect. Hotez has more skin in the game. He's desperately trying to convince himself and his wife (who I suspect deep down knows it was the vaccinations) that Rachel's autism and vaccinations are causal.
Parents whose children have illnesses/conditions (or who have died) that could potentially be linked to vaccines but who refuse to even consider that possibility tend to be the most rabid pro-vaxxers.
Let 's cut to the chase. I suggest we set up possible protocols for Nuremberg II, here, that would include the suggested execution of sociopath/p path vax propagandists/journalists. However this would lapse automatically if they publicly red pill themselves (thus Offitt automatically saved his life). Let's see what Hotez would do.
However actual death dealers like Fauci, Bourla, the four governors, etc. are a different matter.
Personally I think he is quite potty. Anagram of his full name is 'ah er jeez potty'.
'azote hyper jet' is another. azote is another name for nitrogen which I didn't know until just now. Nitrogen cannot take the place of air in supporting life.
Thanks for your support. Yes, I think these videos are a must see. There are 3 Levels to all living things - Vegetable / Animal / Individual which is Spiritual. When we are couch potatoes watching drivel on TV, we are at the Vegetable Level. Most of the general public is at the Animal Level (they will stick to the Herd and the Cabal knows this, so they can be easily manipulated). The third Level is the highest Level. All Great Thinkers who have benefited us like Shakespeare, Einstein, Euler, Abraham Lincoln, Socrates, Martin Luther King, William Tyndale who translated the Old and New Testament, Galileo ... are examples at this third Level. They are expressing themselves as a stream of White Light (no frequency of Light is missing). They have White Light in the Crown Chakra. They speak from the Soul and give us the Truth of Moral Courage. They are Mavericks in the best sense who were willing to Stand Alone.
Wow, he is even worse than I thought! I thought first that he "merely" had vested interests in his own vaccine project, Corbevax, but it looks even deeper than that.
Thanks for writing this. I think your assessment of Hotez is fascinating. Spending most of my adult life within the academic science community, I started to normalize its cult-like tendencies in my mind, but COVID was really a wake-up call. I had always had a bit of imposter syndrome as an academic scientist and realized, when everyone around me fell in line, that I had never bought into the expert worship, group-think mentality that surrounded me. I used to joke about the superficial “fashion trends” that seemed to drive NIH funding priorities (vaccinate for everything would be one of those), and lamented the increasing tendency of my peers to value technological innovation over basic science discovery. On top of that, there is such a focus on “influence” in merit file review -how many talks are you asked to give, how many books and reviews are you invited to write, are you on the editorial board of a journal or president of a scientific society—it is hard to succeed in academic science without tooting your own horn and convincing others that your work is of the utmost importance. You are competing with your colleagues for a limited pool of funding so your work has to be the most important, the most novel, the most cutting edge. Too many people drink their own kool-aid and narcissism is inadvertently encouraged. I think that leads to people like Hotez and Fauci rising to the top of the cesspool.
Having played the academic science game a bit myself (finished a doctorate but didn't continue it as a career), I kinda figured everyone was just playing the game with some of that stuff. Platitudes to be mouthed to keep the funding streams going, etc. It was shocking to see just how decisively the academy broke...
Excellent comment and it leads me to think of my 39 yr career as an engineer in V. large Fortune 500 company in Minnesota. EVERY frickin' year performance appraisals were held. It was an employee's job to toot his own horn to the utmost-- how many patent apps, how many experiments designed/ run, how many manufacturing runs, team efforts, cooperation with others, mentoring. . . on and on. By the end of it you could not understand how the boss could not promote you another level! After years, it finally dawned on me, EVERYONE was doing this, of course. So, some were better at appraisals than others and got promoted despite REAL results.
Yep. If you'd asked me in 2019 what I thought about vaccines, I would have said sure, they're a great idea and only kooks are opposed to them. Now? I guess I've become one of the kooks because I'm strongly opposed to them, except for cases of DIRE need. What changed it for me? Living through the last three years.
All the marbles. It was worth all the marbles for the Democrats and the mad, power addicted, globalists (their intersection is just about complete).
There were 2 defining moment for me in 2020: First, the moment I saw a 50+ year federal employee (Fauci) step on the dais with president trump and utter the words “social distancing”, I knew the power play had begun. Being a retired federal employee myself, I know only too well the psychiatric makeup of federal
Employees who refuse to retire, their entire identity is wrapped up in their federal job and the prism through which they view the world is that government knows best and the masses are merely irritants holding back complete government power. They are sociopaths. I don’t think they necessarily started out that way but the power of their governmental positions over the years damaged Their psyches. I know this because I witnessed this travesty for over and over. And the second defining moment came when I listened to zuckerberg and Dorsey lie to congress that FB and Twitter were NOT censoring the Hunter biden laptop story, while in fact FB and Twitter were so OBVIOUSLY censoring, (even during the very moments that They were testifying!), I realized they were lying because the 2020 election was for all the marbles. You could see it On their faces during their testimony. Every time they lied, particularly zuckerbeg who is a man-child, their faces gave away the tell. Both those moments gave me the cold, pit in my stomach, kind of terror. I knew then.
Psychiatric makeup of federal... You said it! In Ponerology: the Science and Origins of Totalitarianism by Lobascewski, one of several excellent books on the topic, we can learn a lot. 1950s Poland . Freshman university course is taken over by a bumbling socialist prof who had about 6% conversion to the dark side. Objectively analyzed and presented. The slide into socialism, first-hand.
I first witnessed this when I was with U.S. Department of Labor (truly a Department that serves no good purpose and only harms free-markets and small businesses). The pension fraud investigators I worked with had the mentality of "hey, the cost of regulatory compliance is the cost of doing business and if these "people" want to run a business, then too bad, they need to jump when we say jump". I'm not exaggerating. And that is PRECISELY why big corporations love big and onerous regulations: because the big corporations can afford the horrific cost of compliance (hell, they have entire compliance DEPARTMENTS in their companies) and small companies cannot afford it. And it creates a government-caused weeding out of competition. The old idiom, the survival of the fittest? Well, as we know, that natural selection process becomes unnatural through government intervention.
I've heard Thomas Sowell talk about his experience at DOL. He wanted to do a study on how the minimum wage affected unemployment. His higher ups nixed that idea.
When I worked in clinical research I worked on the Sildenafil aka Viagra study. Pfizer has been hoping for another boner of a payday since. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The only sacrifice being made here is us, the vaccine industry will live on.
Insanity reaped its reward when all the loonies were let out in 2020. One must also realize that whilst all the chaos reigns over vaccines, the powers that be are currently scamming right, left and centre on a host of other issues, inc. manipulating the stock markets to make an awful lot of money.
Not that manipulating the stock markets is new, but they have taken it to extremes now.
If they succeed in digitizing the world then they will have full control of everybody. They are a bunch of loonies and we must fight them tooth and nail.
Technically by being an antivaxxer, you are opposing the state monopoly, so that makes you whatever the remaining category is besides communist and fascist.
The more I know the more I actually am anti-vax. NONE work as promised. I got shingles two years after my shingles vaccine. And it was easily treated with antivirals. What a joke. I’ve only had one flu shot in 1999 and that year I got a bad flu. Now I know there’s research showing flu shots increase your propensity to get a respiratory infection. Another joke. I got h1N1 in 2009 and am thankful for the natural immunity. I haven’t had the flu since! The diseases they claim to save you from are either not dangerous (for most) or easily treated with existing medicine. The few that are potentially serious, albeit rare, like tetanus, I’m conflicted about. I might consider that one IF you could find it without the useless pertussis and exceedingly rare diphtheria. And if they’d make it without aluminum. Fat chance. And all inject neurotoxins or carcinogens of some sort. There is no such thing as a “safe” vaccine. So I will gladly give up my retirement years to help my daughter raise my future grandchildren, if it means keeping that crap out of them.
Tetanus vaccine pointless at best. I comment in link. I consider all vaccines (if not saline or similar, how can we tell after all) will cause the disease only and are the biggest fraud ever.
I said to somebody I am not anti-vax just anti-stupid. Sadly there is a lot of it about.....there is a lot of IT about, and I guess that is part of the problem (and solution) too.
In 2018, I took the flu shot. My arm was messed up for years. I found out about 2020 that this is not uncommon. I have not taken a vaccine since. Further, I won't take any medicine that hasn't been out at least three years, perferably more. I would only take an experimental medicine if I were dying and it was the last option.
I'm not a doc but I am a big fan of DMSO. Get some in your medicine cabinet and get the book "Healing with DMSO" by Amandha Vollmer. As with anything, do your due diligence in learning how to use it properly. There's (surprisingly) still videos on YT and alternative platforms.
The DMSOStore (and the horse isle at Tractor Supply!😊) is where I purchase mine. This video is back when 60 Min did investigative journalism.
My arm has been messed up since my last vaccine 13 months ago, it caused me to have to change my sleeping position. However, that was by far the minor side effect of the last vaccine.
The only potentially good side effect is that I've declared that I will never take another flu shot until someone can prove they're safe and effective. The data I've seen says they have mild benefits for some people. However, I wonder suspect the more flu shots one takes, the less safe and less effective they become.
I am happy to say that in the past year, for chronic conditions, I take no prescription meds and no OTC meds. For acute conditions (various surgeries) I also take much less pain relievers than prescribed.
It turns out a good diet is safest and most effective. What a surprise! :-)
As you say re diet, what a surprise!! Mind you you, when I saw the oncologist in January 2020 with my wife after having been mistakenly diagnosed with cancer I asked her if I should change my diet. She said no. This is NHS England by the way.
What I now think about mainstream doctors does not bear repeating here.
However, we did at least change from margarine to butter. I wrote this if you have not looked at the issues in any detail.
“HHS said removing claims of SIRVA, or shoulder injury related to vaccine administration, as a table injury will ease a backlog of cases and allow more timely decisions for other claims.”
Another new "word" for me to learn:SIRVA! I guess I get what I deserva for getting a total of 6 jabs in one year, that last of which was disastrous. Now I plan to see how many years (decades???) I can go before getting another jab.
Keep your immune system healthy. As we age, senesence occurs, but can be largely overcome. There are numerous articles on this site about the immune system, this is one: https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2012/ss/ifcletter Be well!
100% agree. I've been focusing on diet, exercise, sleep in the past 1.5 years, and this year I recovered from major surgery quickly and recovered from minor surgeries much faster than similar operations 30 years ago. The surgeon marveled every time he saw me.
Ironically, preparing for the major surgery for a condition that predated anyone's use of mRNA Covid "vaccines" led me to take the Moderna booster, which in turn led to the need for the minor $urgerie$.
The CEO of the organization I work for received $25,000 from VAERS for what sounds like an identical injury! Imagine! $25,000 because a CVS employee (!) Injected the flu shot in an incorrect place that degraded the shoulder joint. But those suffering injuries from the C19 jab will never see a penny.
Wish I knew. It's too late for me now. As above, the pain developed over time, limited motion, and excruciating at certain movement. Over time has improved, but not as before.
There are many hoaxes in food and medicine.cholestrol, calcium,low-fat, animal fat is bad, glyphosate dessication. Poor Health was the goal to maintain customers.
The End of Food i read sometime around 2014. Between ted talks with Gates pushing depopulation by vaccine. Such depressing reading made going to work a relative joy.
Your response is what the big whigs at the WHO fear the most. They know that their products are inferior and they’ve paid boatloads of money to keep it a secret.
me too. And my mother was a Registered Nurse, which was one of two careers available to women at that time. I have no knowledge of what childhood vaccines I was given, but I did get mumps and measles, thank God. About 50 years ago I swore off all vaccines for myself (and for my cats). I've learned to rely on techniques other than vaccination to boost my immune system, techniques with no negative side effects.
There is a good case to be made that having measels and mumps at a young age actually benefits children (e.g., it reduces their likilihood of certain cancers).
Oh wow! I had both 😄 for the first time I appreciate the misery of the mumps .
I have just subscribed and fyi part of the reason is because, as you wrote, social media allows for the truth to be spread. First you get this squirrely feeling MSM isn't quite giving you the full story. There are too many holes. Then you realise they're not doing the maths right and aren't presenting info fairly or correctly. The Diamond Princess incident being a case in point. Hyped up hysteria when to be honest it showed it wasn't as deadly as initially feared. I think that was my red pill moment. I started to look around on Twitter and found voices of logic, reason and intelligence (it's so reassuring to know there are so many bright VOCAL people on Substack and twitter) and found Substack links like yours...thank you for this article and I look forward to seeing who else I stumble onto as I go 🙏
I saw the abstract of a study, that suggested, that RSV was getting worse for small children, because nearly all young mothers these days did not have measles as a child but just the measles vaccine (measles and rsv seen to be relaxed quite closely)
As a contrary point, I had measles as a child, and my only child had RSV as an infant. He did, however, get all the standard childhood vaccinations so maybe the measles vaccine…?
Could you send me anything that supports it please? I work with (not in) public health and it’s currently relentless in its mmr campaigns - if a child under 12 months is exposed to measles the policy is to offer a vaccination but it doesn’t count toward the childhood series - which seems really off to me. And I still can’t get my head around that if most kids used to be exposed we now can’t allow the exposure…because measles has a high hospitalisation and death rate - but doesn’t prophylaxis help at all? Any links greatly appreciated..
I grew up in the'50's and '60's. We all came down with measles. No one in my personal experience died. In fact, All parents would bring their children around the infected child in the hopes they would contract. it when they were young as they all knew the younger you were the more mild the symptoms. They are snowballing the public with this nonsense.
'measles has a high hospitalisation and death rate'
It would be interesting to see actual numbers on that. I'm 68, and when I was a child everybody got measles and chickenpox (somehow my siblings and I escaped the mumps). I don't remember anybody doing more than maybe going to the doctor for any of that.
I agree they have been working to keep us helpless and fearful about measles and chickenpox. We dont know if the pox injections work so adults may or may not be get pox infections. risk and treatment strategies should be learned from the past just in case.
Bit younger than you but I escaped the measles somehow (possibly just had a mild case) but I remember very clearly my brother had it when we were in nursery school. He got to stay home while I had to go and I loathed the place so the memory is very clear. He was kept in bed with the curtains drawn as his eyes were terribly sensitive. Paracetamol syrup for fevers and back to school in a week
Check out Suzanne Humphries Dissolving Illusions. She has talked about the reason shingles is on the rise in older people is because natural chicken pox has been supressed in the young through vaccines. Adults used to get a natural "boost" by being around youngsters who had active chicken pox, and thus avoided shingles. Now that kids don't get chicken pox, that boost is missing.
We have a pre-existing treatment, developed and tested over millions of years, which is our immune system. Rather than throwing monkey wrenches in it and trying to manipulate and control it (always risky with a complex biological system), it would seem to better serve the public to figure out ways of supporting what we already have.
Of course, since that would involve changing our toxic environment and eating real food rather than profitable crap, under our current system it ain't never gonna happen—at least not on a large, government-supported scale.
Correct. That is why I am studying homeopathy and learning how to treat myself and those interested. People need to vote with their actions and exit the system.
These are the NY state requirements for school. Note - one just needs to have serological proof of measles not necessarily a vaccine. My youngest had one vaccine then I provided serological evidence of antibodies and avoided the 2nd shot.
Requirements for Attendance
Students born on or after January 1, 1957 must submit proof of immunity to measles. Only one of the following is required:
The student must submit proof of two doses of live measles vaccine: the first dose given no more than 4 days prior to the student's first birthday and the second at least 28 days after the first dose; or
The student must submit serological proof of immunity to measles. This means the demonstration of measles antibodies through a blood test performed by an approved medical laboratory; or
The student must submit a statement from the diagnosing physician that the student has had measles disease; or
The student must submit proof of honorable discharge from the armed services within 10 years from the date of application to the institution. The proof of honorable discharge shall qualify as a certificate enabling a student to attend the institution pending actual receipt of immunization records from the armed services; or
If a student is unable to access his/her immunization record from a health care provider or previous school, documentation that proves the student attended primary or secondary school in the United States after 1980 will be sufficient proof that the student received one dose of live measles vaccine. If this option is used, the second dose of measles vaccine must have been administered within one year of attendance at a post-secondary institution.
This study looked at seroprevalence of measles and mumps antibodies in individuals with cancer. It is more of a support piece for vaccines but inadvertently highlights the strength and longevity of natural immunity, while demonstrating waning vaccine acquired immunity.
If you have vaccines for mumps and measles you will get mumps and measles unless the vaccines contain only saline for example. We cannot tell after all.
Vaccines can only ever harm the immune system and I used to think they had some benefit.
As a pharmacist, I never questioned most vaccines until the Gardisil vaccine came out. I looked into that one and flags started going up. When the Covid shot came around, flags went up again and too many things didn’t add up especially how it was being pushed and how the clinical trials which were done. A pharmacist coworker who came from the initial clinical trials and was involved in the research end confirmed so many things I had read plus more he should not have disclosed to me. From there, I’ve been doing deep analysis into all vaccines and learning what I am learning and how not one vaccine has ever been tested against a true placebo confirms we have been duped. I question everything now when it comes to big Pharma.
I heard he had an autistic child. I guess he needs to defend himself against the thought that the vaccines that are his life's work damaged his own child. And the best defense is a good offense and he sure has that down pat.
Completely agree! It's a sad but common trait of human nature. I always appreciate your work on here and I wanted to tell you the recommendation I put up for you has now reached 2500 subscribers! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! :)
Thank you! Most of what I am able to do is because people like you worked tirelessly for decades when very few people cared about this issue to lay the foundation for what we are doing now....so I really want to be able to reciprocate.
You've done infinitely more work on this issue than me and everything you put together on the Anthrax vaccines was really helpful for me.
He announced he had an autistic child during his interview with Joe Rogan. By the way Joe Rogan made mince meat out of Pete. Got him to admit he eats junk food often, doesn’t take supplements.overall. He (Pete) came across as a fool. Not someone I would choose to take medical advice from, ever. Surely any educated person, who has witnessed the ever growing list of vaccines given to children and the massive increase in autism, might at least question childhood vaccines involvement in autism.
A true sociopath would not care if he injured his own child, as long as he himself was well compensated. No rationalizing required. We tend to think they have compassion and remorse like us, but they do not. 1/10 of us are sociopaths. I think they end up in positions of power because that is the only thing they like. The rest of us just get pushed around.
I think it's less than 10% of the population that would qualify as actual sociopaths or psychopaths, but if you throw in the rest of the Cluster B disorders (narcissists, borderlines, etc.), you get even more, on the order of 15-20%. A massive number of people are significantly deficient in empathy. And that's terrifying!
Can definitely recommend Disaffected Podcast/Josh Slocum's work. His mother is cluster B, which he only realized at age 43; now he tries to awaken others.
It's not the Dunning Krugger effect, like commenter said below, as there is definitely a pattern. It's as if there is actually a sorcerer's "spell" on the words. Here are only a few examples of what I've found.
Gen. 23 is about Abraham buying a section or parcel of land for a Buryingplace = Buying Parcel.
In Acts 16, the "lord" opened Lydia's heart in a place called Thyatira = Thy Atria (atria is upper chambers of the heart).
In Acts 13, a Jewish sorcerer goes by 2 names, Elymas Barjesus = Jerusalem Abyss. (Abyss is primordial CHAOS; hell; bottomless pit).
Jewish messiah is Moshiach = Him Chaos.
Judaism = I'm Judas
Ishmael = He Islam.
Esau = A Use (like a scapegoat).
In exchange for Esau's birthright, Jacob gave Esau Pottage = Pet Goat.
Esau (Gentiles) was from Edom = Mode / Demo / Dome (Dome of the Rock. Gentiles will be blamed/scapegoated for the Dome of the Rock destruction, causing major war between Muslims and Christians.
Israelites were supposed to be slaves forced to build the Treasure cities, Pithom and Rameses (Exo. 1). Prior, Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream of a coming 7 yr. famine (read as ancient fake climate change:) Joseph then infiltrated and was put 2nd in command to the Pharaoh, to rule over Egypt, and given a wife, who bore Ephraim. Gen. 45:8, states that Joseph is made father to the Pharaoh, so now they've infiltrated by family ties, as well, through Ephraim. Joseph goes about collecting up ALL the money and food supplies, (Gen 41 & 47), so that when the Egyptians are starving, they must beg Joseph for bread. In exchange for bread, the Egyptians gave up all their animal resources. After that year, and in the 2nd year of the famine, they then are starving again, so Joseph gives them seeds, where they then gave up their land in exchange (read as similar to Monsanto GMO seeds or also think about why he would give them seeds, in the 2nd year, if there was a 7 yr. famine. Why not give them seeds from the start? Also, we see this today, with financial collapses causing us to give up properties or businesses so we can eat to survive. We also see people losing their farms, or committing suicide, b/c they must purchase seeds and glyphosate poisons every year from Monsanto and they find it's expensive). Anyway, the Egyptians can grow seeds, but they must give up 1/5 of all they grow, to the Pharaoh and the priestly classes - the Pharisees and Levites, such as Moses. This is called Usury, which brings me back to the Treasure cities. What are Treasure cities? Treasure = User Rate, much like a bank's profited interest rate on monies, and they must store valuables in a bank, so these treasure cities were holding facilities, much like banks, to store valuables, like food, money, etc. Now to the real meat. Keeping in mind that the "T" represents "T"reasure and even possibly a "T"reaty between Ephraim/Pharisees and Moses/Levites, I must mention one more thing. The word "Rameses" is used 5 times in the Bible, but only misspelled once, in Exo. 1, as "Raamses." I wonder why that was? Well, using the correct "spelling," Pithom and Rameses = "T" Ephraim and Moses. Seriously, what are the chances of that?! Further, the words Pharisees is hidden within. That means they were NOT slaves, b/c as we well know, it was Moses that allegedly led his people out of Egypt. They had formed a pack, and it still is in effect.
Now, look at the back of your dollar bill. There is a pyramid with an all-seeing eye, meaning Pharaoh Sees aka Pharisees. Then, there is the 6-pointed star of David, with 13 stars within, which is Jacob's 12 Tribes, including Ephraim, to make 13. It does not represent the 13 colonies of the U.S. any more than the pyramid has anything to do with us. It shows the pack between the Pharisees, its own tribe, and the Levites, who rule over the other 11 tribes. Further, read this as a statement, Israel as Is Ra El. Ra was the Egyptian god and El was the Canaanite god. Further, Federal = Fed Ra El, which means we are still slaves building their Treasure cities. Federal Reserve = Slave Erred Free or Severe Deferral, which is what happens when we borrow money and have to pay usury.
Deut. 23:20 clearly states that the tribes are to only charge interest/usury to the strangers (Gentiles), but not to their brethren so they can POSSESS the land wherever they go, much like what they did to the Egyptians and are doing today.
Now to a few more:
Flatten the Curve = Vet the Flu Trance.
Omicron = Moronic, (which is what we were to take the jabs).
Omicron Delta = Media Control.
Pharmaceutical = Cephalic Trauma (cephalic means of or pertaining to the head or brain).
Immune System = Enemies Summit (summit can mean the peak of a mountain or the top of a tower. Could even be the top of the head, like cephalic trauma. Corona is crown and a crown is the top of the head).
Scarab Beetle = A Babel Secret, (the Egyptians held this dung-rolling beetle as sacred b/c it points its antennae toward the sun - sun god Ra).
The ascomycete fungi, Tolypocladium inflatum, is found on scarab beetles, and the drug, Ciclosporin, is derived from it. This drug shuts down the immune system, for organ transplants. Further, this fungus also points towards the sun, in order to achieve better disbursement of its spores when it sprays them out. (Notice Ciclo-spor(e)-in). Also, the Ascomycete family of fungi are what's used for leavening bread. Ever wonder why the Israelites were instructed to eat only UN-leavened bread during the passover? Crushed insects were found in one of the Great Pyramid chambers, so perhaps it was crushed scarab beetles, which had the ascomycete fungi growing on it, and was used to leaven bread which killed a lot of Egyptians. Funny, the mummy of Rameses V was found to have the first recorded case of smallpox, and also weird that Ciclosporin can cause pocks, from a listed side effect, Cytomegalovirus (herpes). Now back to the city of Babel and its tower.
Strangely, the story of the Tower of Babel ends at Gen. 11:9, which is 9/11 backwards and also included towers. Further, Babel is located in the land of Shinar = I Sharn, with Sharn meaning dung, manure, muck, and even derives from meaning sharn bug or scarab beetle. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=sharn
So, did the people of Babel disburse or depart in death b/c of being poisoned by something that shut down their immune systems, like what possibly happened to the Egyptians and Rameses V. And are we seeing a repeat of that today?
Build Back Better = Debut Babel Trick...all since the roll-out of the poisonous jabs.
Thank you for the links:) I guess I'm coming at this in a much more skeptical way. In other words, I won't offer my soul, until this is all fully and truthfully explained to me, in the hereafter. I've made that peace offering with whoever is All-Knowing and am not afraid of my decision.
With that said, this is stated in 1 Corinthians 15:45, "And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul (= gull vision); the last Adam was made a quickening spirit, (= inquiring skeptic)." Gull means one easily cheated, a dupe, as in gullible.
Now here are more reasons for my decision.
Thessalonians = Holiness Satan.
Salvation = I Lov(e) Satan.
Resurrection sounds like Raise Erection, and Resurrection = Intercourser. Take away one of the unnecessary double "R's" and Resurection = Intercourse. So, it's strange that Resurrection sounds like Raise Erection and is also anagram for Intercourse/r.
Breaking down the words, Intercourse or Intercourser, Inter means to bury in a grave or confine in a prison. Inter- means between, amid, among, and Course (v.) means to cause to chase after or pursue game and Course (n.) means a customary sequence or a chosen manner of proceeding. So, Courser could mean one who travels through courses of time sequences, such as through the courses of a war, history, or lifetimes, such as reincarnation. It is my understanding that ancient Christians did believe in reincarnation, as well.
Now, the letter "H" looks like two people standing face to face, "H"andshaking, as in agreement of something, much like the letter "S" looks like a "S"nake, the letter "P" looks like a "P"regnant woman, the letter "B" looks like "B"reasts, and perhaps the letter "R" looks like a pregnant woman giving "R"ebirth/"R"eincarnation.
Holy Bible = "H" Obey Bill, with the "H" being that "H"andshake agreement between two factions, of which I believe are the Pharisees and Levites, and the game they've played on us. They "remade" us (our minds) in their Image = I Game or I Mage. A Mage is a magician, wizard, or sorcerer, and like I mentioned in previous comment, there appears to be a sorcerer's "spell" on the words. Magician = Magi Cain. Vatican = Cain Vat, with vat being a vessel. They have been holding us under a spell! That's why John 1 says, "the Word was God." It's the god-complex psychopath's words! The true Creator is innately within us. Everything outside of us is trickery. Perhaps that's part of what we need to figure out, based on our Creator-given instincts and intuition.
When I read the Bible, it did NOT feel right. It was about murder, rape, child abduction and trafficking, cheating, lying, deceiving, etc. That's psychopathy and you can't put lipstick on a psychopath! And like I tell friends, if anyone accused my not-so-perfect earthly dad of only a fraction of what the Bible accuses our True Creator of, I would defend him to the death. But, with that said, we must all find our own path:)
Anyway, here are a few more:
Mark of the Beast = Best of the Karma.
Garden of Eden = Danger of Need.
Moderna = Demo RNA.
Vaccination = Cain Coin Vat (like all those coins/money that pharma makes off their vat/vessel syringes).
Rod of Asclepius = As Rod of Spicule (spicule means a sharp needle-like object, like a vaccine needle that the snake is coiled around, in the medical symbol).
Then we have Santa Claus or Satan Clause (in law, clause means a separate part of a contract). We take our children to sit on the lap of a man dressed up in a red suit, bouncing them up and down on his lap while supposedly granting them their material wishes. Christmas = Crams Shit, which unfortunately can be taken two ways. That's the "clause," we now seem to be facing, with all the sickness in our world, if you get my drift.
Anyway, I have so much more, but that's all I have time for:)
I became aware of Hotez when he made false claims about Sharyl Attikisson, one of the few honest journalists out there. She pushed back and got a retraction from him. From that point on, I knew he was untrustworthy. I
I remember making a comment to the wife, "again?" regarding yet another round of vaccines for our son. Two weeks later, a switch was flipped in his head. He was 2 1/2 and had been developing normally, was talking in short sentences like "can I have some milk please". He didn't talk again until he was 4 1/2 when he started reading the words off of signs, restaurant, insurance, commercial etc. I almost wrecked the car
I'm just an old HS educated blue collar guy but I do have instincts and observation. My gut told me stay away from these jabs, especially knowing the clinical trials are ongoing and it was new tech and observing no mass die off prior to them. My gut also tells me vaccines gave my son autism which is also based on the observation that not a single thing in life had changed except for that round of shots.
I watched the above clip when Dr Pierre tweeted it and my first thought of Hotez was; This man is silly.
I agree! When i saw and heard him i thought the interview was a parody! I feel badly for his daughter and wish he would think through his choices for her and start making better ones.
I thought that too, about his daughter. I mean, at least he ought to recognize the value of quality fats like fish oil for someone with a brain disease. And the importance of good gut health, especially when it is disrupted, as I understand, in autistic people.
yes, gut relies on the bacteria to absorb minerals I understand. Send bacteria to sleep or kill with neuro-toxins then they won't function. Also allows yeasts which provide necessary CO2 for bacteria to flourish and take over causing significant harm. Will be deadly if left untreated.
Yeah, I was going to reply with the GAPS diet as a suggestion. That and chelation therapy to see if it will improve. Catherine Austin Fitts talks about the lifelong financial burden this is (either to the parents or the state).
As for Hotez, he looks like a Minion. I know he wants to be the next Gru, but he's shown himself unable to garner trust.
Oh, goodness, I am 100% certain that Hotez thinks the GAPS diet is bunk, and would cause malnutrition and nutrient deficiency in kids. A waste of time and money, he would probably say.
This has happened all over the world over the past thirty years now but only in vaccinated countries.
This gives two options -
1. You and other parents for the past thirty years have been having conferences where you decide that your beloved child is suddenly showing signs of developmental regression.
Your analysis of Peter Hotez is spot-on, I suspect.
Anyone else get a "Himmler vibe" when seeing this unhealthy-looking man spew his hate? My blood pressure rises when I see a video clip of him or the equally noxious Leanna Wen.
I still remember Leanna saying that the masks never worked but she didn’t apologize for the error or talk about reparations or anything like that, she moved on and just talked about coercing people into “vaccination” by tying privileges to it. She’s absolutely crazy and she’s not afraid to show it.
There was a discussion about her several years ago on a physician-only board. A few people who had gone to med school with her, or done residency with her, chimed in. Seems her path to the top has been by climbing on people around her. I guess that works until you have to climb down again...
The boldness of such virtue signalling is beyond measure. We could think of a societal problem that we might signal, or rant, or rave, or complain about. Many choices abound! Like drunk driving, or leaving a bathroom and the sink is dry... that sort of thing. But we wouldn’t be filled with Virtue, or Anger, or Vindictive Divisiveness over it. Those belong to the Insecure, Godless, baseless, lost, morally confused, uncivilized narcissists who run the show, such is their insatiable lust for those 2 corruptions. Money, power.
My eyes were opened about 10 years ago. When they pushed the HPV vax..on my then 12 year daughter.
I didn’t know it at the time it took until about 2 years after connecting the dots to figure out she had been injured badly from it. When I approached her Pediatrician with my concerns that I think her debilitating migraine episodes and the initial Bell’s palsy episode where we thought she was having a stroke. It was just a vehement nasty response towards me..I was told it could NOT be possible.
I trusted all these experts we went and saw. Pediatric neurologist , MRI. All they wanted to do was put her on migraine medication.
I sought my chiropractor for help. He saved her life!
My eyes were wide open.. I then started reading and learning how things worked..
I stopped any new shot they tried to push.
I could write a novel what I have learned the last 3 years. I just recently started reading Turtles all the way down. I have her shot schedule. I know for a fact after every inoculation she had she had an adverse reactions.. they tell u it’s normal for them to be fussy and just give them Tylenol. Which is criminal and makes it worse!
I’m sickened of the schedule they have for the babies today.
How blind these new parents are. I have been trying to educate so many right now. Sadly, they just don’t think that our Health experts, officials and Pediatricians could lie to them. They think since they have had them they are fine. They don’t see any correlation.
I have had numerous patients who developed migraines immediately after the HPV vaccine. I remember one case where I got in an argument with another doctor I worked with about it, he went and pulled up a study on pubmed that concluded there was no link in the sample that was looked at, and then no matter what I said he'd never change his position.
It's not just the parents that are blind, most of the doctors can't see it either. That is what's so frustrating for those of us who do and it is incredible this is finally being a topic you can broach.
Also prior to the COVID-19 vaccines, I considered Gardasil to be the most harmful vaccine on the market.
Thank you for your response! It actually prepared us for the current battle we have been in for the last 3 years. It was hard this past 3 year’s to protect my family from these mandates. We survived!
I pray for the good Doctor’s like yourself that spend exhausting hours writing, researching and explaining the data and information for us to read. I’m thankful I found this Substack.
Thank you! I really appreciate your hard work and dedication.
Is there any way to treat this? My daughter has had terrible headaches/migraines that we thought were connected to tmj following braces/palate expansion but timing also coincides with her gardasil injection (come to think of it her twin brother also suffers from periodic headaches and also had the shots that I stupidly allowed).
Everyone is different. Whatever ingredients are used in these vaccines. Heavy metals etc. depletes magnesium in my opinion..
Adding reacted Magnesium was a game changer. Get a good quality brand. Whenever she wasn’t taking it her migraines returned. VD3/K2. Changed her diet eliminating sports drinks, junk food and sugary foods.
Chiropractic adjustments and he had this traction device that she used and really helped balance her body out.
We recently tried to add magnesium thanks to a herbal remedy book my sister gave me to combat the headaches. But she stopped taking it because it caused pretty significant diarrhea. Any suggestions for good quality brands? I’m trying on her diet and yes she’s a super picky eater who loves junk food.
Thank you! Just ordered. Fingers crossed that it resolves her migraines and anxiety (which also appears to be a gardasil induced)
Now I struggle with vaccines and my pets. My cat was injured by the quad vax in May and I’ve sworn off ever giving my cats any future shots. Yet now have a puppy who is scheduled to get a booster tomorrow and will probably have to have it so she can be spayed. Yet I’ve done some digging as a firs time dog owner that parvo is serious but has only surfaced in the last couple of decades as a problem. Is that too a side effect of the puppy vax? Virus escape caused by leaky vaccines?
My mom's physician's young son (c. 12/13 yrs old) developed a very serious and debilitating case of encephalopathy. I suspect it was after he got an HPV vaccine. When I asked during a visit if she thought his condition could be related to a vaccine, she shook her head vehemently before I could finish asking the question. She was a very understanding and helpful doc for my mom, but there are some places she just couldn't go.
Ding Ding Ding you win the prize!! Yes, unbelievably, they give HPV vaccines to boys. So many people simply do what their doctors tell them without thinking, unfortunately.
Sadly, most of the pediatricians have zero idea that they themselves have been lied to by the regulators, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the C D C, the F D A, and all the others. Most pediatricians don’t have enough hours in a day to do a lot of independent reading/research, and they simply trust the professional organizations who purport to do the research for them and dispense recommendations based on said research.
It is really a very sad and unfortunate and diabolical problem.
This is exactly right. I’m a pharmacist and of course, you are taught (brainwashed) in college that vaccines are good and prevent death etc. You believe this is all true because it comes from the right organizations—why would one not believe it. This is the same for most physicians—unless start really putting pieces together and doing own research in the right areas, one will not figure out they’ve been lied to. Very sad. I suggest looking for doctors who gave also done work in functional medicine etc and not just a true allopathic doctor.
I appreciate that you read his book and provided a fair assessment. Honestly, when you described your observations of how the children respond to needles and exhibit reactions afterwards, I had to stop, take a deep breath and pray for these children.
A lot of my peer group has shared the common challenge of observing a lot of concerning things around us that everyone else was blind to and not being able to convey our concerns because everyone else would assume we were crazy for claiming any of that could happen.
It is hence incredibly heartwarming people are starting to be open to some of this stuff.
For me, it brought back 40+ yr memories of having my own children forcibly jabbed. 😢 My daughter was TERRIFIED of needles and had to be physically held down to get pre-kindergarten shots. She jerked and the needle broke off in her butt. Makes me even more sick today, than back then, knowing it was unnecessary and probably harmful. I try to remember we didn't know, really had no way of knowing and fortunately, there weren't near as many shots back then. Thank God, the "antivaxxers" movement is growing.
These things always take time. I often felt what the children were experiencing so having to watch this was one of the more challenging parts of my medical training (you cannot challenge it if you want to become a doctor).
My husband relates how our child cried a lot the day after he got his four month shots. I was away at work that day. I never thought anything about it (and I am sure I had my husband give some Tylenol [which is bad, now I know]. But now I too feel sad and regretful about what our child may have been experiencing. 😢
I would say children have a built in sixth sense. They know that injections are not the way things should enter their bodies, breaching the defenses of the defenseless.
Doctor, this has to be one of your most gut-wrenching articles. It was terribly distressing to read.
I was intrigued by your description of the possibility of microclotting in autistic children who were injured by vaccines. I wonder if this has ever been confirmed using the types of tests that are now proposed for COVID injection injuries: D-dimer or troponin. If it could be confirmed, wouldn't that be fascinating? The circle might close on a long trail of suspicion and investigation by parents of autistic children and doctors like Andrew Wakefield.
Hi Doc, what would you look for in the eyes? Asking for personal reasons (my son). He has hypotonia (floppy everything) and other issues and his eyes were my first “giveaway” that something was wrong (when he was a month old I thought he was blind because he wasn’t tracking so in the middle of the night as I was breastfeeding I turned the lights on and he scrunched his eyes shut so I knew he could see). The ophthalmologist said it was the muscles in his eyes that were an issue which led us to every test imaginable (this was 16 years ago).
I think you are amazing... I am grateful for your wisdom and sharing it on substack.
I would like to know what you’d look for in the eyes if you wouldn’t mind sharing.
If possible, find a Neuro-Ophthalmologist (neurology + ophthalmology) near you. Often vaccines (and other) damage the nervous system and muscles of the eyes. And, this is way, way over the head of Ophthalmologists, leading to nowhere'sville. I'm talking from experience here, unfortunately.
Unfortunately #2, depending on where you live, it might be hard to find this rare breed of eye/neuro doctor.
I agree, gut-wrenching. I sent this article to a bunch of people. About 15 years ago my friend had a kid and I recall his cry was incredibly loud and obnoxious. Another friend joked that he sounded like a taradactyl (sp?). 2-3 years ago he was diagnosed with Crones disease. When I heard this, the first thing I said to my wife is “I bet this is from a vaccine.” With the description of the baby crying, my heart hurts for these children. Hitler forced people into concentration camps, and America had perfected the narrative where parents are now willingly bringing their kids.....
Imo when people accuse others of some outlandish things (e.g. vaccine skeptics are mass murderers), then there is also a big element of profession as projection involved
Correct, but I can't accuse him of that because then it creates a circular loop back to me also being guilty of the same thing. I instead just go with presenting exactly what he has clearly shown he does since that is sufficient to make the point he's not trustable.
My ex-husband gave our oldest daughter (age 14 at the time) the C19 jab without my knowledge, in direct violation of our court ordered parenting agreement. I couldnt 'take it back' of course. It was like being stabbed and pummeled when I found out, and he admitted he did so because he knew I wouldn't allow it. That is the ONLY vaccine either of my kids has ever had. It's sickening.
Indeed, we could say when the point the finger, the finger points at them.
Reminds me for some reason of Harry Potter when Voldemort casts the spell that finally destroys himself, the spell cast back by Harry's wand as Harry is protected by Love.
Dr Hotez is clearly not shy in describing his own daughter as a nuisance, difficult to care for, and annoying, and expensive. If he lacks compassion and even self-awareness to express such cold heartedness, we cannot be surprised at the likely contempt he has for the rest of the population.
I have interacted with such efficient and inhumane doctors who treat one as a widget, do not listen, and clearly lack a humane interest in those in their care. No wonder the Medical Industrial Complex has lost so much credibility as do no harm and informed consent has been thrown out the window by many.
"Dr Hotez is clearly not shy in describing his own daughter as a nuisance, difficult to care for, and annoying, and expensive"
Yes. This jumped out at me. It's actually quite common amongst the uber libs/commies that have taken over our country/the world. I'm almost convinced that a good 50-80% of our population is similar; no heart, no soul, no nothing inside of them.
I felt very sorry for his daughter after hearing him, time after time, actually taking shots at her. What a pathetic, unhealthy human being.
Hotez is evil. He runs around the world collecting diseases for which he tries to find a vaccine. Most of these diseases, e.g. from mosquitoes and parasites, can be treated by IVERMECTIN. "Vaccine diplomacy?" "Science Envoy for the Department of State?" He is a very high level spook and a psychopath. There is no place for friendly euphemisms. He is as dangerous as they come. His totalitarian schtick has gone on too long. One should note that he is also at the forefront of shaping the narrates that provide cover for the bioweapons: zoonotic origin, war, climate change are the causes, not those thousands of biolabs and gain of function research.
He's also spent over 20 years trying to produce that vaccine now which suggests its just a cover for whatever he actually is doing (e.g., being paid off).
He is nothing more than, say, a proctologist with a pro-hemmorhoid fetish. The stuff of absurd humour. A junkfood junkie out giving life-supporting advice. The hypocrisy is dumbfounding. Joe Rogan told him so to his face. And, like a typical leftist fool, laughed it off. The way Kalamity Harris cackles.
The great thing about writing on these topics is that I don't need to embellish anything for an audience. Reality is already so surreal all you have to do to attract a following is present what's already there (there is also a twitter account that got pretty famous by doing this).
"He is nothing more than, say, a proctologist with a pro-hemmorhoid fetish. The stuff of absurd humour. A junkfood junkie out giving life-supporting advice."
Reminds me of Rod Serling introducing the Twilight Zone 🤣🤣
Oh I loved it. You are complemented. It is the perfect description for a brain-dead doctor who lives in the Twilight Zone and (we hope) will soon crash into reality.
The new study in Science Immunology details the probable mechanism for the Cleveland Clinic study's findings. Succinctly stated, the multi-vaxxed are producing IgG4 instead of IgG3 antibodies that do little to protect from viral infection. IgG4 antibodies are generated naturally to deal with atopy, not infection.
Midwest Doc,
Well, separate from my work at NIH with Fauci, in late nineties I worked with the emerging small nonprofit at Georgetown Univ: Sabin Vaccine Institute. It rapidly grew and I was ousted; Peter Hotez brought in along with GAVI monies. They were pulling together the dengue vaccine initiative. He went to Texas because of the vax trials going on there. I was frequently up close and personal with Hotez. Saw him in action and over time.
He really is a sociopath. Works directly for the Deep State Cabal.
Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com
Would you be open to writing a more detailed summary of your observations (I pinned your comment)? I did not mention this in the article, but Peter had his PhD training after residency at Rockefeller University and directed the Sabin institute (where he wrote a glowing review of Gates decades of vaccines program) right before he moved to Baylor.
Midwest Doc,
Hotez was made director at Sabin, which kept its DC office when he moved to Baylor, setting up a second office there. Just needed a nonprofit to launder the $$ through.
I really can't detail any summary, it's just too many things, over too many years, and too many of his tweets on social media, that bring me to my assessment. If you want to examine another vaccine travesty, look at the tetravalent dengue chimera vaccines and how many kids they killed with those trials. Dr. Scott Halstead and col. Dr. Phillip Russell were whistleblowers on the ADE induced by it.
Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com
A lot of that looks like non-profit money laundering, but I'm not sure how to prove it either. I will look into that
Have been following Phil Harper in his substack. Consider him an actual investigative journalist. You and he have a lot in common and probably could work together (an opinion).
Too many paywalls.
Phil Harper is very sharp.
I can’t even compose words to describe how this sort of revolting mess makes me feel.
After my entire adult life of believing that vaccine developers were actually sincerely trying to make the world a better place, these continuing revelations that they actually are not is just sickening. Is there even one single vaccine that has actually truly helped humankind without harming a bunch of people in the process? Just even one? I am starting to think there is not.
I have felt for decades that there truly isn’t a single ‘Big’ fill-in-the-blank Industry that has anyone’s best interest at heart - except their pocketbooks. As someone who has observed and fought against some of these industries (gmos, pesticides, unending wars of aggression for the MI complex, bio labs and gain-of-function ‘read bio weapon development’, factory farming, soil degradation, industrial pollution, etc) it wasn’t hard to see what they were attempting in early 2020. Zika, the swine flu and all the other hyped ‘demics’ were also clues in my mind. What really threw me though was how very well-planned and coordinated all this was - encompassing ngos, countries, governments, and the shadowy figures controlling all of it. So many pieces it’s pretty hard to comprehend much less piece it all together as these people are masters of planning and deception. It’s definitely a huge chunk to swallow. As for vaccines (and the allopathic model of medicine) - I believe they are based on a totally false premise (and Harma knows it) but it’s a money maker and does other things that those-who-shouldn’t-be-in-power want accomplished. The more ordinary, everyday people who can come to terms with this the better chance we have to opt out and build our own systems.
Every large business follows the same playbook.
I don’t disagree. Back in the 1970s there was a movement to teach corporations their social responsibility since our constitution with the approval of our citizen, gives corporations the ability to exist, and it should be in the interest of the citizens. A key motivator was a Jesuit priest from Loyola university in Chicago. When he passed early in his life, the social movement also died, and today there is no recognition that corporations only exist, because we as citizens allow them to exist.
Corporations protect owners and operators from any individual personal responsibility for criminal actions and should be abolished. And while you're at it get rid of patent law also - 95% of the first industrial revolution occurred without resort to patent law. The government should not be protecting businesses from competition at all - let alone for 20 years. That should be the business's responsibility.
Control of corporations and corporate greed used to be a thing for democrats. The sturm and drang when the SCOTUS declared basically the corporations were people too filled hours of the progressive radio I listened to at the time. Blah blah all the time about corporations. Of course Dems were always in bed with them--but it’s so much worse now. Red pilled October 2021. Not really GOP either. But punished Dems in November totally. Kind of distrust both now.
Not one.
When asked by Steve Kirsch if there is any vaccine that is safer than the rest, Dr Andrew Wakefield said with a smile, “well not really, but if I had to allow just one for my kid it would be the Chicken Pox shot”.
Read this. There is no safety data for any childhood vaccine. None. Read first chapter and your jaw will drop when you see what they compare vaccines to. Hint.. not a true placebo. https://www.amazon.com/Turtles-All-Way-Down-Vaccine/dp/9655981045
I think he's correct in this regard. Most of the issues with the chicken pox one relate to complications later in life that arise from not having had a chickenpox infection in childhood (shingles, increases risk for a few cancers).
you don't think the MMR given later in childhood is OK? Particularly rubella is so harmful to unborn.
The only truly safe vaccine is saline only, maybe with some glucose in it for example. And all for the princely sum of, ooh, I don't know $15.
Doesn't tempt you? Look, I'll do a deal with the government and sell you it for $10 unit price, if they bulk buy a million doses, cash upfront of course. Can't say fairer that that, can I?
Mind you, for some additional industrial waste, I will only add on $2.50 special offer!
Mmm.......rummage round in kitchen....salt cellar, check, sugar bowl, check, cold water tap, check. 5 cents??? I pass on the industrial waste as that is in the water already.
and, it IS likely to create some positive PLACEBO effect!
Please. The glucose is not necessary or desirable.
Otherwise great comment :)
Bloody street smack is safer than the shit that is the Covid jabs.
What about rabies? I had a run-in with a bat this summer and had a quick decision to make. I decided to get that course of vaccines (free in Canada). Other than a rapid onset of minor arthritis in one of my knuckles that hasn't quite gone away yet, no significant effects noted (yet).
Rabies vaccine is dangerous, but, it can be taken after a rabies exposure bc the virus is slow progressing. There is a huge difference between taking a harmful substance to prevent a small potential risk in the future (most vaccines) verses taking one to treat an already existing risk. In the case of the latter, it's much more justifiable.
Rabies is a horrible way to die and the only other thing I've ever found that can help is ultraviolet blood irradiation, but that data is quite limited.
Mark, that is an interesting question. In the US it is possible to search for rabies report; I did this for Minnesota, here. Finding NO occurrences of any rabies in THIS county or those directly adjacent I chose NOT to have our cats vaccinated for their yearly regimen-- as we have been doing. Additionally, what is revealing is that I could find that no other rabies carrier other than skunks resulted in rabies in Minn.
After all, if rabies virtually does not "exist" in this area, why take the risk.
Another thing: If I was bit by a wild creature(ie bat) I would also take extreme measures to sterilize the area, whatever it takes, no matter what I eventually chose for vaccination. I figure you DID that.
There's nothing like actual experience to make you think harder about stuff. I was seriously bitten by a neighbor's dog a few months ago. When you're suddenly confronted with the fact that rabies is, at least purportedly, universally fatal, it can find you questioning your priorities. My neighbor assured me their dog had been vaccinated. Even despite my feelings about the rabies vaccine for my own cat, this reassured me. And I'm still alive :)
I used to think that vaccines were of some use, but not for the 'flu as I heard about people getting the 'flu anyway, so what was the point.
It was only in 2020 that I researched it all properly including virology. In 2 months by June that year I realized we had all been scammed by the medical profession etc.
I then understood that the current virology theory was fundamentally flawed. So every time I see reference to a viral disease know that the current understanding of it is wrong.
And that vaccines in any event will not help as they are merely poisons if anything and cannot do anything.
So regarding rabies what we do not know in your case is what would have happened if you had not had the vaxxes. One would need minimum of two people, both bitten with similar immune system status to begin even to assess the situation empirically. One would be vaxxed , the other not.
It could be the vaxxes actually caused the arthritis. The problem with free vaxxes is that they are tempting and you have paid for vaxxes via taxxes (!). This is the problem with supposed free health care. It isn't, it is only free at the point of need.
Big pharma like this as they get a contract via government health departments to guarantee a steady revenue stream.
As pretty-red, old guy says, I would clean the area thoroughly to avoid bacterial infection. I would consider boosting vitamin D and C if necessary although it is the C that acts as anti-oxidant against any neuro-toxins.
If I would get bitten, I´d drink some MMS or CDS, and treat the wound with it. If no MMS or CDS would be at hand, I would use hydrogenperoxide (about 0.3% for drinking); it is quite similar, though a bit more agressive.
I´d give dogs and cats MMS or just a few drops of sodium chlorite in their drinking bowl.
SARS-Cov-3 incoming from Mark BC
But you can’t get that one alone. It comes with the MMR so there is no safe one on the market.
I've heard you can request a separate vaccine. Haven't tried it as I don't get any vaccines anyway, but that's what I was told.
Andrew Wakefiled slated MMR back in the late 1990s.
I don't know what it was but I just believed him.
I bust a gut to get my son the separate vaccines during the early 2000s, it cost over £1,000 which was a lot of money at the time but it was worth every penny.
Ever since the Covid operation hit, I am scared all the time wondering what these monsters are going to do next. Bill Gates openly stated that the next virus would be worse. I have to believe the psychopath since he was smirking when he said it and his profit motive as well as Power motive.
If we don’t stop the mRNA push, it will be worse!
He is laughing here with Melinda. Ok, its my meme, but true anyway. Roughly halfway down in post.
I feel the same way! Start reading Turtles ALL the way Down..
It really sheds light on all of things.
It makes me sick the more I read and learn.
I was one of those nerdy Moms that always made notes on the calendar when they became ill. Fever, ear infections etc, when they went to the Dr. For a checkup. I’m so thankful I do this habit because it has aloud me to connect a lot of dots.
So much we have to learn.
Part of what makes this enjoyable for me is that there will always be more and more to learn.
Haha, funny your comment about nerdy mom and the calendar. I am the same, and also allowed me to connect some dots recently.
I just wish I had been willing a long time ago to give a hearing to the folks talking about risks of vacksines. I wish we had never given them to our kiddo. 😓
Indeed, the profound sense of disillusionment and cognitive dissonance is quite unsettling to say the least, but ultimately salutary. As the saying goes, the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
Even Jonas Salk was not quite the hero most people think he was. That honor really belongs to Dr. Klenner, who literally cured polio with "Klenner sized doses" of....wait for it...Vitamin C in the 1950s.
Not one, not a damned one. I used to think vaccines were of some use but not for the 'flu as I noted people were ill anyway. In 2020 at the age of 60 I woke up after researching thoroughly. 2 months solid research and I completely turned round as I realized the awful scam.
And it is far, far worse than just that, for that was only the tip of the iceberg.
I highly recommend everybody Read the book “Turtles All The Way Down” once you have read this book, you will understand the authors who are in the know, had to remain anonymous…
@Dan -the book " What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong" is also eye-opening. It's downloadable for free as an epub file.
I am in the middle of reading it. Have yet to get to that "point" but basically get what you are saying. Others have been vilified who have authored similar whistle blowers.
yep, at 71, I also turned around after similar research and reading.
I had previously take ALL the vaccines ever offered, even took the 1st two Wuhan Virus jabs. No more.
Back in 1976, my husband was a young college student. His mom threatened to not do his laundry on the weekend if he didn't go get the Swine flu jab. He did and got "the sickest I've ever been in my life. I thought I was really dying". I'd listened to his story many times, over the years, but honestly (unbeknownst to him) I didn't never believed it was the shot that made him that sick. It couldn't have been, vaccines don't make you sick! 😔 Sad to say, I was thoroughly brainwashed. After my own deep dive into "vaccines" of all kinds, prompted by the Operation Warp Speed product and the billions of dollars that were given to scandalous companies (Pfizer, J&J, AZ) and to a company (MODeRNA) that had never even brought any successful pharmaceuticals to market, my eyes were opened and my stomach sickened. I have since apologized to my husband many times over for doubting him. I'm not a big fan of needles so I never got anything that wasn't just practically forced on me. He never got any flu shots due to his '76 experience but was pretty ok with whatever else was recommended, like the tetanus boosters that were pushed by his employer. We've each done our own independent research and like thousands/millions of others, we've been awakened to the entire scam that is known as big pharma. Once you collect the dots and then start connecting them, it's something no resonable person can deny.
Good catch, Baldo. My dad's cardiologist recommended that he get the flu vax annually. Well, when he did, he had the flu TWICE, and pretty bad, too. Probably for the same reason that the fools getting jabbed with the 'rona shot keep getting COVID!! "Salute" from the deep-blue-pilled "sinister" (left) coast of Duh-Merica!
I have lost count of how many people I've seen get the flu shortly after an influenza vaccine.
Thank you for that. "Duh-Merica", I have not heard that before, I note with great appreciation!
If I haven't said when I was 15 a long time ago I had BCG shot out of something that looked like a phaser from Star Trek. I was very ill that year with allegedly German measles. The exact timings I have not yet discovered if records exist, but given what I now know the vaccine is the obvious culprit.
It took me all summer to get over the effects.
How about the Tetnus vaccine?
Here is a great article by Tetyana Obukhanych, Phd. https://hisunim.org.il/wp-content/uploads/documents/scientific_literature/tetyana_tetanus_how_do_we_know_that_it_works.pdf.
Thank you! As usual, when ever a nutrient helps solve a medical issue, for some reason more study is always required and they rely on drugs and etc. Vitamin D has been assailed this way for many decades. Didn't know IV Vitamin C works. Also good for other health issues.
A quick look and excellent would be my initial observation, so thank you very much.
@Tami Berman - the last line is a huge problem with this article, the source being obviously pro-vaccine.
"Until then (referring to more research) may the BLIND FAITH in the tetanus shot may help us!"
Wow! It seems like BLIND FAITH is why we're dealing with what we are now. I remember the global "health" experts reiterating the same idea. "We HOPE these vaccines will..." and then later.
"Well, we THOUGHT the cv would work against.... blah, blah, blah..
Please read this substack re the tetanus vaccine. https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/the-silent-killers-a0c
amazing yet another removal of the bricks in the vaccine wall. Great article, thanks Tami!
Midwestern Doc wrote about this already:
•The tetanus vaccine (which provides immunity to the tetanus bacteria’s toxoid rather than the bacteria itself) and the diphtheria vaccine (which does the same thing), are the best examples of this approach.
•For tetanus, this approach, at least in theory, makes sense. The bacteria lives everywhere and is not transmitted from person to person (rather it is transmitted by having tetanus inoculate a deep wound). The only sensible target for a vaccine is thus to prevent the bacteria’s toxoid from causing a fatal complication, and someone becoming immune to the toxin will not influence the bacterial population around us.
Here's a great look at the tetanus vaccine. https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/the-silent-killers-a0c
yes, but it misses the link to IV Vit C therapy in Tami's paper from Tatyana above.
Several things have happened to me over the past decade that have completely turned my life upside down.
By far the worst part of it is the fact thatevery single thing I ever thought actually isn't true, for example most parents want the best for their kids yet I have found out that in my family this is not true.
The destablising effect of this is insane but it did prepare me for Covid and the jabs debacle.
Hi there, could you please share where I could find some information on the tetravalent dengue chimera vaccines and the damage they caused.
Many thanks
The info is heavily censored, of course. I think the Philipines are suing Pharma and that should give lots of negative effects data. https://www.science.org/content/article/dengue-vaccine-fiasco-leads-criminal-charges-researcher-philippines
But this paper is very recent, published in Nature. Gives the background science on the vaccines and it tries to put a positive spin on the whole field. A good place to start to unravel the threads.
Laura Kragie MD
Mothers in Elk Grove Village Illinois had the benefit of Dr. Eisenstein who did not believe in vaccinations. Am I correct?
Had. RIP.The way that man was persecuted. Medical and legal knowledge. Brilliant and compassionate. He definitely left a legacy. About the same time he passed legislation went after religious exemptions...2015 2016. Now require a doctor to sign off on them.
Wow. Was he by any chance related to the philosopher and author Charles Eisenstein?
Your main question has been already answered. The Covid-19-itself net impact on the number of yearly deaths can be only CLOSE TO ZERO. It is possible to calculate the real number in two different ways. The first way is difficult to readers but the second one, mentioned in Discussion, very easy (=it is enough to show that the average number of chronic conditions is not increased in the group of official Covid-19 victims, against the comparative group, when this number should be strongly increased). ...Unfortunately some of medicals are ignorants and if they do not understand the proof then pretent it does not exist. Another problem is the censorship, so it has to be moved to Switzerland, where the results were no reason to ban the essay.
maybe should send this to Ed Doud?!
Wow, interesting.
I think this should also be pinned. Here are highlights from Senator Ron Johnson's Congressional Round Table on the Covid vaccines. After the 10 min video, you can see the full 3 hours also.
"He really is a sociopath." You can see it in his eyes. That is clear even if you don't know who he is.
I just see someone who is a true believer and lacks the mental acuity to puzzle things out. Compliant inept imbecile.
Rachel paid twice because of her father's intractable beliefs. One, the vaccine injury itself and Two, many vaccine injured children, no matter the diagnosis improve with alternative therapies by practitioners who have been enlightened over decades of treating vaccine injuries. Dr. Peter Hotez could not go down that road, even if Rachel's health and well-being might improve.
That is my perspective too.
Hotez would be the figurehead for "sociopaths are us" or as most of know the medical industrial pharma complex. Stanley Plotkin for sure and by all rights Paul Offit, but even he doesn't have Hotez's demeanor and eyes. Plenty of women in that group too.
For sure; the Canadian Asian health Ministress, horse toothed Hitlerian New Zealand PM, Frau Fatty in Germany, my ex wife (sorry, threw that accidentally, where was I?)...
Michael, I did see that Paul Offit has shown some remorse recently, and regrets his actions promoting the vax.
I've seen a Paul Offit comment or two to that effect. Hotez has more skin in the game. He's desperately trying to convince himself and his wife (who I suspect deep down knows it was the vaccinations) that Rachel's autism and vaccinations are causal.
Parents whose children have illnesses/conditions (or who have died) that could potentially be linked to vaccines but who refuse to even consider that possibility tend to be the most rabid pro-vaxxers.
Could you please share this with me for me to add it to the article?
Midwest Doc, I don't have the source, just remember seeing it. Likely was on social media, maybe twitter.
How about this link? https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/12/omicron-dr-paul-offit-is-skeptical-of-boosters-for-all.html
I’ve heard him backpedaling too. CYA, in my opinion.
Much too little, much too late. Damage done by Paul Offit.
this may give some insight. . . ?
Yes!! That's it. Thank you.
Offit is quite reasonable there and I agree with a lot of what he said!
He seems more like a useful idiot than a sociopath to me. Fauci, on the other hand, does strike me as more of a true sociopath.
Perhaps we should give Peter a choice--pick one, sociopath or useful idiot.
Indeed. Neither is flattering, but one is far worse than the other.
Fauci ,let's never forget, is contributory to MURDER!
Let 's cut to the chase. I suggest we set up possible protocols for Nuremberg II, here, that would include the suggested execution of sociopath/p path vax propagandists/journalists. However this would lapse automatically if they publicly red pill themselves (thus Offitt automatically saved his life). Let's see what Hotez would do.
However actual death dealers like Fauci, Bourla, the four governors, etc. are a different matter.
In any successful RICO case, you have to have people rat out the other people for amnesty.
No amnesty for anyone pushing these jabs. They have MURDERED people!
No amnesty, and NO QUARTER!
Personally I think he is quite potty. Anagram of his full name is 'ah er jeez potty'.
'azote hyper jet' is another. azote is another name for nitrogen which I didn't know until just now. Nitrogen cannot take the place of air in supporting life.
Explains things I feel.
Indeed, there is no light at all behind his dead eyes.....
Wow. Thanks. Excellent.
Eye witness testimony evidence is good.
Video of the murder weapon in hand is best.
Crystal ball seems to indicate a Cat 5 hurricane COV19 trials will spill the beans on bad actors.
I think Dr. Kory is trying to be politically correct. Yes, I agree with you.
Please see "5 Psychological Experiments that Explain the Modern World." The regular doctor "cognitive dissonance" I think is here explained, but Hotez is different - https://off-guardian.org/2022/09/03/5-psychological-experiments-that-explain-the-modern-world/
I did not know #4 or #5!
That was great-- #4 & #5-- never had seen before. Excellent.
partially explain social collusion against the Jews in Pre-war Germany.
Thanks for your support. Yes, I think these videos are a must see. There are 3 Levels to all living things - Vegetable / Animal / Individual which is Spiritual. When we are couch potatoes watching drivel on TV, we are at the Vegetable Level. Most of the general public is at the Animal Level (they will stick to the Herd and the Cabal knows this, so they can be easily manipulated). The third Level is the highest Level. All Great Thinkers who have benefited us like Shakespeare, Einstein, Euler, Abraham Lincoln, Socrates, Martin Luther King, William Tyndale who translated the Old and New Testament, Galileo ... are examples at this third Level. They are expressing themselves as a stream of White Light (no frequency of Light is missing). They have White Light in the Crown Chakra. They speak from the Soul and give us the Truth of Moral Courage. They are Mavericks in the best sense who were willing to Stand Alone.
Wow, he is even worse than I thought! I thought first that he "merely" had vested interests in his own vaccine project, Corbevax, but it looks even deeper than that.
Yes, covid vaccines increase death rate https://zenodo.org/record/7463825
Thanks for writing this. I think your assessment of Hotez is fascinating. Spending most of my adult life within the academic science community, I started to normalize its cult-like tendencies in my mind, but COVID was really a wake-up call. I had always had a bit of imposter syndrome as an academic scientist and realized, when everyone around me fell in line, that I had never bought into the expert worship, group-think mentality that surrounded me. I used to joke about the superficial “fashion trends” that seemed to drive NIH funding priorities (vaccinate for everything would be one of those), and lamented the increasing tendency of my peers to value technological innovation over basic science discovery. On top of that, there is such a focus on “influence” in merit file review -how many talks are you asked to give, how many books and reviews are you invited to write, are you on the editorial board of a journal or president of a scientific society—it is hard to succeed in academic science without tooting your own horn and convincing others that your work is of the utmost importance. You are competing with your colleagues for a limited pool of funding so your work has to be the most important, the most novel, the most cutting edge. Too many people drink their own kool-aid and narcissism is inadvertently encouraged. I think that leads to people like Hotez and Fauci rising to the top of the cesspool.
I really appreciate this comment. I haven't done this before but I will pin it and have 2 pinned ones.
Yes, shit floats... especially here in Chinada. 20-24% narcissists across the board. You’ve rubbed shoulders with your share and them some!
Hollywood follows this same model. 🤔🤔
Having played the academic science game a bit myself (finished a doctorate but didn't continue it as a career), I kinda figured everyone was just playing the game with some of that stuff. Platitudes to be mouthed to keep the funding streams going, etc. It was shocking to see just how decisively the academy broke...
Excellent comment and it leads me to think of my 39 yr career as an engineer in V. large Fortune 500 company in Minnesota. EVERY frickin' year performance appraisals were held. It was an employee's job to toot his own horn to the utmost-- how many patent apps, how many experiments designed/ run, how many manufacturing runs, team efforts, cooperation with others, mentoring. . . on and on. By the end of it you could not understand how the boss could not promote you another level! After years, it finally dawned on me, EVERYONE was doing this, of course. So, some were better at appraisals than others and got promoted despite REAL results.
After studying the subject of vaccines, I lost faith not only in vaccines but also the entirety of allopathic medicine.
Yep. If you'd asked me in 2019 what I thought about vaccines, I would have said sure, they're a great idea and only kooks are opposed to them. Now? I guess I've become one of the kooks because I'm strongly opposed to them, except for cases of DIRE need. What changed it for me? Living through the last three years.
This continually leads to wonder what on Earth they felt was worth sacrificing this market for.
I had a career in the military for 23 years.
Received every vaccine known to man except for anthrax. Had a flu shot every year since 1976.
No way will I ever get another shot...someone will have to put a gun to my head and shoot me dead first.
All the marbles. It was worth all the marbles for the Democrats and the mad, power addicted, globalists (their intersection is just about complete).
There were 2 defining moment for me in 2020: First, the moment I saw a 50+ year federal employee (Fauci) step on the dais with president trump and utter the words “social distancing”, I knew the power play had begun. Being a retired federal employee myself, I know only too well the psychiatric makeup of federal
Employees who refuse to retire, their entire identity is wrapped up in their federal job and the prism through which they view the world is that government knows best and the masses are merely irritants holding back complete government power. They are sociopaths. I don’t think they necessarily started out that way but the power of their governmental positions over the years damaged Their psyches. I know this because I witnessed this travesty for over and over. And the second defining moment came when I listened to zuckerberg and Dorsey lie to congress that FB and Twitter were NOT censoring the Hunter biden laptop story, while in fact FB and Twitter were so OBVIOUSLY censoring, (even during the very moments that They were testifying!), I realized they were lying because the 2020 election was for all the marbles. You could see it On their faces during their testimony. Every time they lied, particularly zuckerbeg who is a man-child, their faces gave away the tell. Both those moments gave me the cold, pit in my stomach, kind of terror. I knew then.
Psychiatric makeup of federal... You said it! In Ponerology: the Science and Origins of Totalitarianism by Lobascewski, one of several excellent books on the topic, we can learn a lot. 1950s Poland . Freshman university course is taken over by a bumbling socialist prof who had about 6% conversion to the dark side. Objectively analyzed and presented. The slide into socialism, first-hand.
I first witnessed this when I was with U.S. Department of Labor (truly a Department that serves no good purpose and only harms free-markets and small businesses). The pension fraud investigators I worked with had the mentality of "hey, the cost of regulatory compliance is the cost of doing business and if these "people" want to run a business, then too bad, they need to jump when we say jump". I'm not exaggerating. And that is PRECISELY why big corporations love big and onerous regulations: because the big corporations can afford the horrific cost of compliance (hell, they have entire compliance DEPARTMENTS in their companies) and small companies cannot afford it. And it creates a government-caused weeding out of competition. The old idiom, the survival of the fittest? Well, as we know, that natural selection process becomes unnatural through government intervention.
I've heard Thomas Sowell talk about his experience at DOL. He wanted to do a study on how the minimum wage affected unemployment. His higher ups nixed that idea.
...and becomes the survival of the fattest, the fattest fat cat. Garfield on steroids
Here's a free download of my book about this topic that quotes Ponerology: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/t2feeen29q
It will be out on Amazon within a week, so review it then
Heard you interview recently on Dr. Peter Breggin's podcast. Looking forward to the read.
Thank you for your book.
All theater! Shakespeare said it best, All of life's a stage and we are but actors in a role! Yes ....especially the evil one. A less spotlighted one.
When I worked in clinical research I worked on the Sildenafil aka Viagra study. Pfizer has been hoping for another boner of a payday since. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The only sacrifice being made here is us, the vaccine industry will live on.
For all of you older men, I've never tried viagra, but pine pollen tincture or capsules work just fine.
. . . I'm still laughing!
"boner of a payday . . . !
Insanity reaped its reward when all the loonies were let out in 2020. One must also realize that whilst all the chaos reigns over vaccines, the powers that be are currently scamming right, left and centre on a host of other issues, inc. manipulating the stock markets to make an awful lot of money.
Not that manipulating the stock markets is new, but they have taken it to extremes now.
If they succeed in digitizing the world then they will have full control of everybody. They are a bunch of loonies and we must fight them tooth and nail.
I have been an adament opposer now for 20 some years.
If there is any way possible to create enemies in the western mindset...just tell them you are antivax. There are few other things with that impact.
You are what....
a communist?
a fascist? Hey...no problem...so long as you are vaccinated I am good with the rest.
Technically by being an antivaxxer, you are opposing the state monopoly, so that makes you whatever the remaining category is besides communist and fascist.
"...so that makes you..." sensible is the word you might be looking for.
“Alien Enemy”…Balliwick News update
The more I know the more I actually am anti-vax. NONE work as promised. I got shingles two years after my shingles vaccine. And it was easily treated with antivirals. What a joke. I’ve only had one flu shot in 1999 and that year I got a bad flu. Now I know there’s research showing flu shots increase your propensity to get a respiratory infection. Another joke. I got h1N1 in 2009 and am thankful for the natural immunity. I haven’t had the flu since! The diseases they claim to save you from are either not dangerous (for most) or easily treated with existing medicine. The few that are potentially serious, albeit rare, like tetanus, I’m conflicted about. I might consider that one IF you could find it without the useless pertussis and exceedingly rare diphtheria. And if they’d make it without aluminum. Fat chance. And all inject neurotoxins or carcinogens of some sort. There is no such thing as a “safe” vaccine. So I will gladly give up my retirement years to help my daughter raise my future grandchildren, if it means keeping that crap out of them.
Tetanus vaccine pointless at best. I comment in link. I consider all vaccines (if not saline or similar, how can we tell after all) will cause the disease only and are the biggest fraud ever.
Apart from big pharma drugs generally of course.
I said to somebody I am not anti-vax just anti-stupid. Sadly there is a lot of it about.....there is a lot of IT about, and I guess that is part of the problem (and solution) too.
In 2018, I took the flu shot. My arm was messed up for years. I found out about 2020 that this is not uncommon. I have not taken a vaccine since. Further, I won't take any medicine that hasn't been out at least three years, perferably more. I would only take an experimental medicine if I were dying and it was the last option.
There's a good case to be made this arises from persistent granulomas at the injection site.
Thanks for sharing the word: granuloma. I learn something new every day.
'a glu on arm' is an anagram of granuloma. Makes sense.
A GLUttony of greed ON big phARMa's part. Not quite an anagram, but what's really happening.
Hey Doc, would that be something DMSO could be effective at relieving? Just curious, considering putting DMSO in med cabinet.
I'm not a doc but I am a big fan of DMSO. Get some in your medicine cabinet and get the book "Healing with DMSO" by Amandha Vollmer. As with anything, do your due diligence in learning how to use it properly. There's (surprisingly) still videos on YT and alternative platforms.
The DMSOStore (and the horse isle at Tractor Supply!😊) is where I purchase mine. This video is back when 60 Min did investigative journalism.
My arm has been messed up since my last vaccine 13 months ago, it caused me to have to change my sleeping position. However, that was by far the minor side effect of the last vaccine.
The only potentially good side effect is that I've declared that I will never take another flu shot until someone can prove they're safe and effective. The data I've seen says they have mild benefits for some people. However, I wonder suspect the more flu shots one takes, the less safe and less effective they become.
Please avoid like the plague. Neuro-toxic effects of vaccines and other big pharma drugs will build up over time unless remedial action taken.
I am happy to say that in the past year, for chronic conditions, I take no prescription meds and no OTC meds. For acute conditions (various surgeries) I also take much less pain relievers than prescribed.
It turns out a good diet is safest and most effective. What a surprise! :-)
I am very glad to hear that.
As you say re diet, what a surprise!! Mind you you, when I saw the oncologist in January 2020 with my wife after having been mistakenly diagnosed with cancer I asked her if I should change my diet. She said no. This is NHS England by the way.
What I now think about mainstream doctors does not bear repeating here.
However, we did at least change from margarine to butter. I wrote this if you have not looked at the issues in any detail.
and the cause of my health issues originally.
No more flu vaccines!
I´d recommend you to try CDS. There are many testimonies on healing vax injuries.
at least 7 years:
1/5 medications end up being pulled or getting a black box warning within 7 years.
Safe and effective? or
Chafe and defective?
Thanks. Will remember that.
I would avoid them all myself.
Added to my spreadsheet for future reading. Thanks.
My father had SIRVA after a flu shot... and I found this very suspicious timing...https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/02/04/vaccine-court-rule-change-shoulder-injuries-coronavirus/4307946001/
“HHS said removing claims of SIRVA, or shoulder injury related to vaccine administration, as a table injury will ease a backlog of cases and allow more timely decisions for other claims.”
Another new "word" for me to learn:SIRVA! I guess I get what I deserva for getting a total of 6 jabs in one year, that last of which was disastrous. Now I plan to see how many years (decades???) I can go before getting another jab.
Keep your immune system healthy. As we age, senesence occurs, but can be largely overcome. There are numerous articles on this site about the immune system, this is one: https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2012/ss/ifcletter Be well!
100% agree. I've been focusing on diet, exercise, sleep in the past 1.5 years, and this year I recovered from major surgery quickly and recovered from minor surgeries much faster than similar operations 30 years ago. The surgeon marveled every time he saw me.
Ironically, preparing for the major surgery for a condition that predated anyone's use of mRNA Covid "vaccines" led me to take the Moderna booster, which in turn led to the need for the minor $urgerie$.
Thank you. Added the link to my spreadsheet...
The CEO of the organization I work for received $25,000 from VAERS for what sounds like an identical injury! Imagine! $25,000 because a CVS employee (!) Injected the flu shot in an incorrect place that degraded the shoulder joint. But those suffering injuries from the C19 jab will never see a penny.
Wish I knew. It's too late for me now. As above, the pain developed over time, limited motion, and excruciating at certain movement. Over time has improved, but not as before.
You could try CDS for your vax injury. There is a chapter about that in this document:
Without the pain you might have taken the COVID shots; you could even have died.
For some, the flu shot has been live saving!
There are many hoaxes in food and medicine.cholestrol, calcium,low-fat, animal fat is bad, glyphosate dessication. Poor Health was the goal to maintain customers.
Don’t forget salt! That’s not bad for you either 🤣
As long as you don't have too much of course without water to dilute and balance your electrolytes.
Agreed. And sodium nitrite which caught me out.
The End of Food i read sometime around 2014. Between ted talks with Gates pushing depopulation by vaccine. Such depressing reading made going to work a relative joy.
The Medical Mafia (2002)
~ Ghislaine Lanctôt
Direct link to PDF file:
Many many thanks for those links!!
Downloaded it
Your response is what the big whigs at the WHO fear the most. They know that their products are inferior and they’ve paid boatloads of money to keep it a secret.
In case of die er need would be correct. In other words if you like playing Russian roulette and have a death wish.
Or as vaccines are typically neuro-toxic, a deaf wish!
I used to think vaccines were of some use because I hadn't researched them. I changed my mind.
me too. And my mother was a Registered Nurse, which was one of two careers available to women at that time. I have no knowledge of what childhood vaccines I was given, but I did get mumps and measles, thank God. About 50 years ago I swore off all vaccines for myself (and for my cats). I've learned to rely on techniques other than vaccination to boost my immune system, techniques with no negative side effects.
There is a good case to be made that having measels and mumps at a young age actually benefits children (e.g., it reduces their likilihood of certain cancers).
Oh wow! I had both 😄 for the first time I appreciate the misery of the mumps .
I have just subscribed and fyi part of the reason is because, as you wrote, social media allows for the truth to be spread. First you get this squirrely feeling MSM isn't quite giving you the full story. There are too many holes. Then you realise they're not doing the maths right and aren't presenting info fairly or correctly. The Diamond Princess incident being a case in point. Hyped up hysteria when to be honest it showed it wasn't as deadly as initially feared. I think that was my red pill moment. I started to look around on Twitter and found voices of logic, reason and intelligence (it's so reassuring to know there are so many bright VOCAL people on Substack and twitter) and found Substack links like yours...thank you for this article and I look forward to seeing who else I stumble onto as I go 🙏
I saw the abstract of a study, that suggested, that RSV was getting worse for small children, because nearly all young mothers these days did not have measles as a child but just the measles vaccine (measles and rsv seen to be relaxed quite closely)
As a contrary point, I had measles as a child, and my only child had RSV as an infant. He did, however, get all the standard childhood vaccinations so maybe the measles vaccine…?
All diseases very, very closely related once you start looking closely. In 2020 I did just that and became very, very suspicious.
Could you send me anything that supports it please? I work with (not in) public health and it’s currently relentless in its mmr campaigns - if a child under 12 months is exposed to measles the policy is to offer a vaccination but it doesn’t count toward the childhood series - which seems really off to me. And I still can’t get my head around that if most kids used to be exposed we now can’t allow the exposure…because measles has a high hospitalisation and death rate - but doesn’t prophylaxis help at all? Any links greatly appreciated..
I grew up in the'50's and '60's. We all came down with measles. No one in my personal experience died. In fact, All parents would bring their children around the infected child in the hopes they would contract. it when they were young as they all knew the younger you were the more mild the symptoms. They are snowballing the public with this nonsense.
'measles has a high hospitalisation and death rate'
It would be interesting to see actual numbers on that. I'm 68, and when I was a child everybody got measles and chickenpox (somehow my siblings and I escaped the mumps). I don't remember anybody doing more than maybe going to the doctor for any of that.
I agree they have been working to keep us helpless and fearful about measles and chickenpox. We dont know if the pox injections work so adults may or may not be get pox infections. risk and treatment strategies should be learned from the past just in case.
Bit younger than you but I escaped the measles somehow (possibly just had a mild case) but I remember very clearly my brother had it when we were in nursery school. He got to stay home while I had to go and I loathed the place so the memory is very clear. He was kept in bed with the curtains drawn as his eyes were terribly sensitive. Paracetamol syrup for fevers and back to school in a week
Check out Suzanne Humphries Dissolving Illusions. She has talked about the reason shingles is on the rise in older people is because natural chicken pox has been supressed in the young through vaccines. Adults used to get a natural "boost" by being around youngsters who had active chicken pox, and thus avoided shingles. Now that kids don't get chicken pox, that boost is missing.
In England there is no chickenpox vaccine on the NHS so no-one gets it.
Instead everyone gets chickenpox but yet they are still pushing the shingles vaccine on the older people.
Only thing with chickenpox is toddlers will handle it fine but adults especially men (anecdotal and don't know why) seem to be really ill with it.
Nurses at America outloud podcast said yesterday to use high dose vit a retinol for measles.
https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/67/wr/mm6742a4.htm, here is just one. There are many demonstrating that MMR is failing. Look for Suzanne Humphries lectures. https://rumble.com/v214rri-suzanne-humphries-on-vaccines.html. This is a fantastic talk she gave. I looked up all her PMID numbers and read all the studies she references. This talk is what made me understand that all vaccines are useless. We can't eradicate microbes. They are ubiquitous. The whole paradigm is a fraud. https://www.bitchute.com/video/87Jjr4va0WPm/.
We have a pre-existing treatment, developed and tested over millions of years, which is our immune system. Rather than throwing monkey wrenches in it and trying to manipulate and control it (always risky with a complex biological system), it would seem to better serve the public to figure out ways of supporting what we already have.
Of course, since that would involve changing our toxic environment and eating real food rather than profitable crap, under our current system it ain't never gonna happen—at least not on a large, government-supported scale.
Correct. That is why I am studying homeopathy and learning how to treat myself and those interested. People need to vote with their actions and exit the system.
Yeah but um (whispers) where is the cash in that?
These are the NY state requirements for school. Note - one just needs to have serological proof of measles not necessarily a vaccine. My youngest had one vaccine then I provided serological evidence of antibodies and avoided the 2nd shot.
Requirements for Attendance
Students born on or after January 1, 1957 must submit proof of immunity to measles. Only one of the following is required:
The student must submit proof of two doses of live measles vaccine: the first dose given no more than 4 days prior to the student's first birthday and the second at least 28 days after the first dose; or
The student must submit serological proof of immunity to measles. This means the demonstration of measles antibodies through a blood test performed by an approved medical laboratory; or
The student must submit a statement from the diagnosing physician that the student has had measles disease; or
The student must submit proof of honorable discharge from the armed services within 10 years from the date of application to the institution. The proof of honorable discharge shall qualify as a certificate enabling a student to attend the institution pending actual receipt of immunization records from the armed services; or
If a student is unable to access his/her immunization record from a health care provider or previous school, documentation that proves the student attended primary or secondary school in the United States after 1980 will be sufficient proof that the student received one dose of live measles vaccine. If this option is used, the second dose of measles vaccine must have been administered within one year of attendance at a post-secondary institution.
This study looked at seroprevalence of measles and mumps antibodies in individuals with cancer. It is more of a support piece for vaccines but inadvertently highlights the strength and longevity of natural immunity, while demonstrating waning vaccine acquired immunity.
If you have vaccines for mumps and measles you will get mumps and measles unless the vaccines contain only saline for example. We cannot tell after all.
Vaccines can only ever harm the immune system and I used to think they had some benefit.
As a pharmacist, I never questioned most vaccines until the Gardisil vaccine came out. I looked into that one and flags started going up. When the Covid shot came around, flags went up again and too many things didn’t add up especially how it was being pushed and how the clinical trials which were done. A pharmacist coworker who came from the initial clinical trials and was involved in the research end confirmed so many things I had read plus more he should not have disclosed to me. From there, I’ve been doing deep analysis into all vaccines and learning what I am learning and how not one vaccine has ever been tested against a true placebo confirms we have been duped. I question everything now when it comes to big Pharma.
Good for you!
Sorry to hear that. What happened?
I heard he had an autistic child. I guess he needs to defend himself against the thought that the vaccines that are his life's work damaged his own child. And the best defense is a good offense and he sure has that down pat.
Completely agree! It's a sad but common trait of human nature. I always appreciate your work on here and I wanted to tell you the recommendation I put up for you has now reached 2500 subscribers! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! :)
OMG!! Thank you. As you know, I love your work.
It seems I can only return the favor with 276. But I only recently discovered 'recommendations.'
Keep on telling it like it is!
Thank you! Most of what I am able to do is because people like you worked tirelessly for decades when very few people cared about this issue to lay the foundation for what we are doing now....so I really want to be able to reciprocate.
You've done infinitely more work on this issue than me and everything you put together on the Anthrax vaccines was really helpful for me.
He announced he had an autistic child during his interview with Joe Rogan. By the way Joe Rogan made mince meat out of Pete. Got him to admit he eats junk food often, doesn’t take supplements.overall. He (Pete) came across as a fool. Not someone I would choose to take medical advice from, ever. Surely any educated person, who has witnessed the ever growing list of vaccines given to children and the massive increase in autism, might at least question childhood vaccines involvement in autism.
A true sociopath would not care if he injured his own child, as long as he himself was well compensated. No rationalizing required. We tend to think they have compassion and remorse like us, but they do not. 1/10 of us are sociopaths. I think they end up in positions of power because that is the only thing they like. The rest of us just get pushed around.
I think it's less than 10% of the population that would qualify as actual sociopaths or psychopaths, but if you throw in the rest of the Cluster B disorders (narcissists, borderlines, etc.), you get even more, on the order of 15-20%. A massive number of people are significantly deficient in empathy. And that's terrifying!
Fluoride in toothpaste and drinking water may decrease empathy.
Really? By what mechanism(s). Im curious.. storage? Neurotransmitter inhibition?
As I understand: it causes calcification; then the pineal gland functions less well. How that works, I don't know.
Can definitely recommend Disaffected Podcast/Josh Slocum's work. His mother is cluster B, which he only realized at age 43; now he tries to awaken others.
Sociopaths rise to positions of power because their character traits are uniquely suited.
Because they are emptyheaded of compassion and faith/love/hope/trust and seek the corruptible 2: money and power over others to satisfy a need.
The pride of stupidity...and the stupidity of pride.
It is the original deadly sin
And pride an anagram of 'Dr pie'. I know it seems like an obsession, but it really is in the word and in the beginning was the Word.
And if in any doubt anagrams of 'stupidity of pride'
'Pitt perfidious yd'
'distort yuppified'
'typifies do putrid'
It's not the Dunning Krugger effect, like commenter said below, as there is definitely a pattern. It's as if there is actually a sorcerer's "spell" on the words. Here are only a few examples of what I've found.
Gen. 23 is about Abraham buying a section or parcel of land for a Buryingplace = Buying Parcel.
In Acts 16, the "lord" opened Lydia's heart in a place called Thyatira = Thy Atria (atria is upper chambers of the heart).
In Acts 13, a Jewish sorcerer goes by 2 names, Elymas Barjesus = Jerusalem Abyss. (Abyss is primordial CHAOS; hell; bottomless pit).
Jewish messiah is Moshiach = Him Chaos.
Judaism = I'm Judas
Ishmael = He Islam.
Esau = A Use (like a scapegoat).
In exchange for Esau's birthright, Jacob gave Esau Pottage = Pet Goat.
Esau (Gentiles) was from Edom = Mode / Demo / Dome (Dome of the Rock. Gentiles will be blamed/scapegoated for the Dome of the Rock destruction, causing major war between Muslims and Christians.
Israelites were supposed to be slaves forced to build the Treasure cities, Pithom and Rameses (Exo. 1). Prior, Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream of a coming 7 yr. famine (read as ancient fake climate change:) Joseph then infiltrated and was put 2nd in command to the Pharaoh, to rule over Egypt, and given a wife, who bore Ephraim. Gen. 45:8, states that Joseph is made father to the Pharaoh, so now they've infiltrated by family ties, as well, through Ephraim. Joseph goes about collecting up ALL the money and food supplies, (Gen 41 & 47), so that when the Egyptians are starving, they must beg Joseph for bread. In exchange for bread, the Egyptians gave up all their animal resources. After that year, and in the 2nd year of the famine, they then are starving again, so Joseph gives them seeds, where they then gave up their land in exchange (read as similar to Monsanto GMO seeds or also think about why he would give them seeds, in the 2nd year, if there was a 7 yr. famine. Why not give them seeds from the start? Also, we see this today, with financial collapses causing us to give up properties or businesses so we can eat to survive. We also see people losing their farms, or committing suicide, b/c they must purchase seeds and glyphosate poisons every year from Monsanto and they find it's expensive). Anyway, the Egyptians can grow seeds, but they must give up 1/5 of all they grow, to the Pharaoh and the priestly classes - the Pharisees and Levites, such as Moses. This is called Usury, which brings me back to the Treasure cities. What are Treasure cities? Treasure = User Rate, much like a bank's profited interest rate on monies, and they must store valuables in a bank, so these treasure cities were holding facilities, much like banks, to store valuables, like food, money, etc. Now to the real meat. Keeping in mind that the "T" represents "T"reasure and even possibly a "T"reaty between Ephraim/Pharisees and Moses/Levites, I must mention one more thing. The word "Rameses" is used 5 times in the Bible, but only misspelled once, in Exo. 1, as "Raamses." I wonder why that was? Well, using the correct "spelling," Pithom and Rameses = "T" Ephraim and Moses. Seriously, what are the chances of that?! Further, the words Pharisees is hidden within. That means they were NOT slaves, b/c as we well know, it was Moses that allegedly led his people out of Egypt. They had formed a pack, and it still is in effect.
Now, look at the back of your dollar bill. There is a pyramid with an all-seeing eye, meaning Pharaoh Sees aka Pharisees. Then, there is the 6-pointed star of David, with 13 stars within, which is Jacob's 12 Tribes, including Ephraim, to make 13. It does not represent the 13 colonies of the U.S. any more than the pyramid has anything to do with us. It shows the pack between the Pharisees, its own tribe, and the Levites, who rule over the other 11 tribes. Further, read this as a statement, Israel as Is Ra El. Ra was the Egyptian god and El was the Canaanite god. Further, Federal = Fed Ra El, which means we are still slaves building their Treasure cities. Federal Reserve = Slave Erred Free or Severe Deferral, which is what happens when we borrow money and have to pay usury.
Deut. 23:20 clearly states that the tribes are to only charge interest/usury to the strangers (Gentiles), but not to their brethren so they can POSSESS the land wherever they go, much like what they did to the Egyptians and are doing today.
Now to a few more:
Flatten the Curve = Vet the Flu Trance.
Omicron = Moronic, (which is what we were to take the jabs).
Omicron Delta = Media Control.
Pharmaceutical = Cephalic Trauma (cephalic means of or pertaining to the head or brain).
Immune System = Enemies Summit (summit can mean the peak of a mountain or the top of a tower. Could even be the top of the head, like cephalic trauma. Corona is crown and a crown is the top of the head).
Scarab Beetle = A Babel Secret, (the Egyptians held this dung-rolling beetle as sacred b/c it points its antennae toward the sun - sun god Ra).
The ascomycete fungi, Tolypocladium inflatum, is found on scarab beetles, and the drug, Ciclosporin, is derived from it. This drug shuts down the immune system, for organ transplants. Further, this fungus also points towards the sun, in order to achieve better disbursement of its spores when it sprays them out. (Notice Ciclo-spor(e)-in). Also, the Ascomycete family of fungi are what's used for leavening bread. Ever wonder why the Israelites were instructed to eat only UN-leavened bread during the passover? Crushed insects were found in one of the Great Pyramid chambers, so perhaps it was crushed scarab beetles, which had the ascomycete fungi growing on it, and was used to leaven bread which killed a lot of Egyptians. Funny, the mummy of Rameses V was found to have the first recorded case of smallpox, and also weird that Ciclosporin can cause pocks, from a listed side effect, Cytomegalovirus (herpes). Now back to the city of Babel and its tower.
Strangely, the story of the Tower of Babel ends at Gen. 11:9, which is 9/11 backwards and also included towers. Further, Babel is located in the land of Shinar = I Sharn, with Sharn meaning dung, manure, muck, and even derives from meaning sharn bug or scarab beetle. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=sharn
So, did the people of Babel disburse or depart in death b/c of being poisoned by something that shut down their immune systems, like what possibly happened to the Egyptians and Rameses V. And are we seeing a repeat of that today?
Build Back Better = Debut Babel Trick...all since the roll-out of the poisonous jabs.
If I may say so, at last someone who sees things as I do. All exceeding helpful, thank you very much.
For what it's worth re variants this may enlighten and amuse.
And for anagram I noted 'Vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican' . Icon is a brand or Mark. The Vatican is a beast, hence Mark of the Beast.
Finally history repeats itself.
Thank you for the links:) I guess I'm coming at this in a much more skeptical way. In other words, I won't offer my soul, until this is all fully and truthfully explained to me, in the hereafter. I've made that peace offering with whoever is All-Knowing and am not afraid of my decision.
With that said, this is stated in 1 Corinthians 15:45, "And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul (= gull vision); the last Adam was made a quickening spirit, (= inquiring skeptic)." Gull means one easily cheated, a dupe, as in gullible.
Now here are more reasons for my decision.
Thessalonians = Holiness Satan.
Salvation = I Lov(e) Satan.
Resurrection sounds like Raise Erection, and Resurrection = Intercourser. Take away one of the unnecessary double "R's" and Resurection = Intercourse. So, it's strange that Resurrection sounds like Raise Erection and is also anagram for Intercourse/r.
Breaking down the words, Intercourse or Intercourser, Inter means to bury in a grave or confine in a prison. Inter- means between, amid, among, and Course (v.) means to cause to chase after or pursue game and Course (n.) means a customary sequence or a chosen manner of proceeding. So, Courser could mean one who travels through courses of time sequences, such as through the courses of a war, history, or lifetimes, such as reincarnation. It is my understanding that ancient Christians did believe in reincarnation, as well.
Now, the letter "H" looks like two people standing face to face, "H"andshaking, as in agreement of something, much like the letter "S" looks like a "S"nake, the letter "P" looks like a "P"regnant woman, the letter "B" looks like "B"reasts, and perhaps the letter "R" looks like a pregnant woman giving "R"ebirth/"R"eincarnation.
Holy Bible = "H" Obey Bill, with the "H" being that "H"andshake agreement between two factions, of which I believe are the Pharisees and Levites, and the game they've played on us. They "remade" us (our minds) in their Image = I Game or I Mage. A Mage is a magician, wizard, or sorcerer, and like I mentioned in previous comment, there appears to be a sorcerer's "spell" on the words. Magician = Magi Cain. Vatican = Cain Vat, with vat being a vessel. They have been holding us under a spell! That's why John 1 says, "the Word was God." It's the god-complex psychopath's words! The true Creator is innately within us. Everything outside of us is trickery. Perhaps that's part of what we need to figure out, based on our Creator-given instincts and intuition.
When I read the Bible, it did NOT feel right. It was about murder, rape, child abduction and trafficking, cheating, lying, deceiving, etc. That's psychopathy and you can't put lipstick on a psychopath! And like I tell friends, if anyone accused my not-so-perfect earthly dad of only a fraction of what the Bible accuses our True Creator of, I would defend him to the death. But, with that said, we must all find our own path:)
Anyway, here are a few more:
Mark of the Beast = Best of the Karma.
Garden of Eden = Danger of Need.
Moderna = Demo RNA.
Vaccination = Cain Coin Vat (like all those coins/money that pharma makes off their vat/vessel syringes).
Rod of Asclepius = As Rod of Spicule (spicule means a sharp needle-like object, like a vaccine needle that the snake is coiled around, in the medical symbol).
Then we have Santa Claus or Satan Clause (in law, clause means a separate part of a contract). We take our children to sit on the lap of a man dressed up in a red suit, bouncing them up and down on his lap while supposedly granting them their material wishes. Christmas = Crams Shit, which unfortunately can be taken two ways. That's the "clause," we now seem to be facing, with all the sickness in our world, if you get my drift.
Anyway, I have so much more, but that's all I have time for:)
you're killing me!
the Dunning Krugger effect
Couldn't have said it better! What I was thinking too.
no kidding
Yes, except his offense is against reason and therefore full of holes like a sieve. Full of hot air signifying nothing.
Narcissism is an awful affliction yet the one who has it is not the one that suffers from it - poor Rachel.
I became aware of Hotez when he made false claims about Sharyl Attikisson, one of the few honest journalists out there. She pushed back and got a retraction from him. From that point on, I knew he was untrustworthy. I
Forgot to mention I added this to the article!
Love Attkisson... another one who has left the "reservation" due to intellectual honesty.
I remember making a comment to the wife, "again?" regarding yet another round of vaccines for our son. Two weeks later, a switch was flipped in his head. He was 2 1/2 and had been developing normally, was talking in short sentences like "can I have some milk please". He didn't talk again until he was 4 1/2 when he started reading the words off of signs, restaurant, insurance, commercial etc. I almost wrecked the car
I'm just an old HS educated blue collar guy but I do have instincts and observation. My gut told me stay away from these jabs, especially knowing the clinical trials are ongoing and it was new tech and observing no mass die off prior to them. My gut also tells me vaccines gave my son autism which is also based on the observation that not a single thing in life had changed except for that round of shots.
I watched the above clip when Dr Pierre tweeted it and my first thought of Hotez was; This man is silly.
This is very sad; I've seen it happen numerous times. Please try to watch the video from the autism conference I clipped out.
Silly? He’s dangerous and frankly evil. His poor children.
I agree! When i saw and heard him i thought the interview was a parody! I feel badly for his daughter and wish he would think through his choices for her and start making better ones.
I thought that too, about his daughter. I mean, at least he ought to recognize the value of quality fats like fish oil for someone with a brain disease. And the importance of good gut health, especially when it is disrupted, as I understand, in autistic people.
yes, gut relies on the bacteria to absorb minerals I understand. Send bacteria to sleep or kill with neuro-toxins then they won't function. Also allows yeasts which provide necessary CO2 for bacteria to flourish and take over causing significant harm. Will be deadly if left untreated.
Yeah, I was going to reply with the GAPS diet as a suggestion. That and chelation therapy to see if it will improve. Catherine Austin Fitts talks about the lifelong financial burden this is (either to the parents or the state).
As for Hotez, he looks like a Minion. I know he wants to be the next Gru, but he's shown himself unable to garner trust.
Oh, goodness, I am 100% certain that Hotez thinks the GAPS diet is bunk, and would cause malnutrition and nutrient deficiency in kids. A waste of time and money, he would probably say.
Well said, but I agree with Janet, dangerous and evil. A complete lunatic.
This has happened all over the world over the past thirty years now but only in vaccinated countries.
This gives two options -
1. You and other parents for the past thirty years have been having conferences where you decide that your beloved child is suddenly showing signs of developmental regression.
2. It is the fuicking vaccines.
Umm...2. Can I have a gold star please?
Um let me think about that...............
He may well benefit from a antiparasitic treatment.
See the 3 videos from AutismOne 2014 linked in this document:
Your analysis of Peter Hotez is spot-on, I suspect.
Anyone else get a "Himmler vibe" when seeing this unhealthy-looking man spew his hate? My blood pressure rises when I see a video clip of him or the equally noxious Leanna Wen.
I do not like Leanne Wen either. I try not to dislike public figures, but something about the way she conducts herself really gets to me
Both were very vocal in villifying the unvaccinated. Hotez continues on this path that has lead to very dark places in the past.
I still remember Leanna saying that the masks never worked but she didn’t apologize for the error or talk about reparations or anything like that, she moved on and just talked about coercing people into “vaccination” by tying privileges to it. She’s absolutely crazy and she’s not afraid to show it.
I do not like Leanne Wen either. I try not to dislike public figures, but something about the way she conducts herself really gets to me
Yes, like acting condescending to those of us whom she sees as people to manipulate with totalitarian policies.
There was a discussion about her several years ago on a physician-only board. A few people who had gone to med school with her, or done residency with her, chimed in. Seems her path to the top has been by climbing on people around her. I guess that works until you have to climb down again...
Isn't that the same reason why arseholes end up in power like Prime Ministers and politicians?
I don't know if the rest of the World know about the Shithole formally known as the United Kingdom.
I can also see how supporting totalitarian ideas would help open doors for you in today’s geopolitical world.
She seems cut from the same "Head Girl" cloth as Emily Oster:
That was an interesting take. Great article!
The boldness of such virtue signalling is beyond measure. We could think of a societal problem that we might signal, or rant, or rave, or complain about. Many choices abound! Like drunk driving, or leaving a bathroom and the sink is dry... that sort of thing. But we wouldn’t be filled with Virtue, or Anger, or Vindictive Divisiveness over it. Those belong to the Insecure, Godless, baseless, lost, morally confused, uncivilized narcissists who run the show, such is their insatiable lust for those 2 corruptions. Money, power.
The "Missionary Mind" https://tessa.substack.com/p/emily-oster-the-broken-child-the
Absolute psycho
Right you are, colleague. Unlike that craniorectal inversion Hotez, we chose to spend our time at the cranial end of the alimentary tract.
Sadly his medically-indoctrinated brain is “up where the sun don’t shine”. Tee hee
Well said. I think Peter Hotez suffers from arse-nic poisoning. Someone must have pinched his brain which he likes to sit on.
There are no words to express my sincerest gratitude for having you Midwestern Doctor. Thank you.
Thank you as well for all of your support! I have you have a lovely 2023!
My eyes were opened about 10 years ago. When they pushed the HPV vax..on my then 12 year daughter.
I didn’t know it at the time it took until about 2 years after connecting the dots to figure out she had been injured badly from it. When I approached her Pediatrician with my concerns that I think her debilitating migraine episodes and the initial Bell’s palsy episode where we thought she was having a stroke. It was just a vehement nasty response towards me..I was told it could NOT be possible.
I trusted all these experts we went and saw. Pediatric neurologist , MRI. All they wanted to do was put her on migraine medication.
I sought my chiropractor for help. He saved her life!
My eyes were wide open.. I then started reading and learning how things worked..
I stopped any new shot they tried to push.
I could write a novel what I have learned the last 3 years. I just recently started reading Turtles all the way down. I have her shot schedule. I know for a fact after every inoculation she had she had an adverse reactions.. they tell u it’s normal for them to be fussy and just give them Tylenol. Which is criminal and makes it worse!
I’m sickened of the schedule they have for the babies today.
How blind these new parents are. I have been trying to educate so many right now. Sadly, they just don’t think that our Health experts, officials and Pediatricians could lie to them. They think since they have had them they are fine. They don’t see any correlation.
I have had numerous patients who developed migraines immediately after the HPV vaccine. I remember one case where I got in an argument with another doctor I worked with about it, he went and pulled up a study on pubmed that concluded there was no link in the sample that was looked at, and then no matter what I said he'd never change his position.
It's not just the parents that are blind, most of the doctors can't see it either. That is what's so frustrating for those of us who do and it is incredible this is finally being a topic you can broach.
Also prior to the COVID-19 vaccines, I considered Gardasil to be the most harmful vaccine on the market.
Thank you for your response! It actually prepared us for the current battle we have been in for the last 3 years. It was hard this past 3 year’s to protect my family from these mandates. We survived!
I pray for the good Doctor’s like yourself that spend exhausting hours writing, researching and explaining the data and information for us to read. I’m thankful I found this Substack.
Thank you! I really appreciate your hard work and dedication.
Is there any way to treat this? My daughter has had terrible headaches/migraines that we thought were connected to tmj following braces/palate expansion but timing also coincides with her gardasil injection (come to think of it her twin brother also suffers from periodic headaches and also had the shots that I stupidly allowed).
Everyone is different. Whatever ingredients are used in these vaccines. Heavy metals etc. depletes magnesium in my opinion..
Adding reacted Magnesium was a game changer. Get a good quality brand. Whenever she wasn’t taking it her migraines returned. VD3/K2. Changed her diet eliminating sports drinks, junk food and sugary foods.
Chiropractic adjustments and he had this traction device that she used and really helped balance her body out.
We recently tried to add magnesium thanks to a herbal remedy book my sister gave me to combat the headaches. But she stopped taking it because it caused pretty significant diarrhea. Any suggestions for good quality brands? I’m trying on her diet and yes she’s a super picky eater who loves junk food.
Try the magnesium caps sold by Dr. Mercola on Mercola.com. They do not have a laxative effect. I have taken them for years.
Ortho Molecular Products
Reacted Magnesium
Take at bedtime then if bowels are loose they will go in the morning.
Yes, not all magnesium is created equal. Some is the laxative type.
We all should be take it. So beneficial most of us are deficient in it. Helps with many things.
Thank you! Just ordered. Fingers crossed that it resolves her migraines and anxiety (which also appears to be a gardasil induced)
Now I struggle with vaccines and my pets. My cat was injured by the quad vax in May and I’ve sworn off ever giving my cats any future shots. Yet now have a puppy who is scheduled to get a booster tomorrow and will probably have to have it so she can be spayed. Yet I’ve done some digging as a firs time dog owner that parvo is serious but has only surfaced in the last couple of decades as a problem. Is that too a side effect of the puppy vax? Virus escape caused by leaky vaccines?
My mom's physician's young son (c. 12/13 yrs old) developed a very serious and debilitating case of encephalopathy. I suspect it was after he got an HPV vaccine. When I asked during a visit if she thought his condition could be related to a vaccine, she shook her head vehemently before I could finish asking the question. She was a very understanding and helpful doc for my mom, but there are some places she just couldn't go.
They give HPV vaccine to boys??
Isn't it the cervical cancer jab?
Let me guess, they give it for £££ and to "keep others safe"?
Ding Ding Ding you win the prize!! Yes, unbelievably, they give HPV vaccines to boys. So many people simply do what their doctors tell them without thinking, unfortunately.
Oh la la what did I win?
Sadly, most of the pediatricians have zero idea that they themselves have been lied to by the regulators, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the C D C, the F D A, and all the others. Most pediatricians don’t have enough hours in a day to do a lot of independent reading/research, and they simply trust the professional organizations who purport to do the research for them and dispense recommendations based on said research.
It is really a very sad and unfortunate and diabolical problem.
This is exactly right. I’m a pharmacist and of course, you are taught (brainwashed) in college that vaccines are good and prevent death etc. You believe this is all true because it comes from the right organizations—why would one not believe it. This is the same for most physicians—unless start really putting pieces together and doing own research in the right areas, one will not figure out they’ve been lied to. Very sad. I suggest looking for doctors who gave also done work in functional medicine etc and not just a true allopathic doctor.
Asbestos, cigarettes, WMD in Iraq
If they don't think Governments lie then ask them about these three things.
I appreciate that you read his book and provided a fair assessment. Honestly, when you described your observations of how the children respond to needles and exhibit reactions afterwards, I had to stop, take a deep breath and pray for these children.
A lot of my peer group has shared the common challenge of observing a lot of concerning things around us that everyone else was blind to and not being able to convey our concerns because everyone else would assume we were crazy for claiming any of that could happen.
It is hence incredibly heartwarming people are starting to be open to some of this stuff.
For me, it brought back 40+ yr memories of having my own children forcibly jabbed. 😢 My daughter was TERRIFIED of needles and had to be physically held down to get pre-kindergarten shots. She jerked and the needle broke off in her butt. Makes me even more sick today, than back then, knowing it was unnecessary and probably harmful. I try to remember we didn't know, really had no way of knowing and fortunately, there weren't near as many shots back then. Thank God, the "antivaxxers" movement is growing.
These things always take time. I often felt what the children were experiencing so having to watch this was one of the more challenging parts of my medical training (you cannot challenge it if you want to become a doctor).
My husband relates how our child cried a lot the day after he got his four month shots. I was away at work that day. I never thought anything about it (and I am sure I had my husband give some Tylenol [which is bad, now I know]. But now I too feel sad and regretful about what our child may have been experiencing. 😢
I am really allergic to paracetamol which my old GP "accepted" but the one I have had for three years refuses to.
"Thank God, the "antivaxxers" movement is growing."
May I suggest the "anti-stupid" movement is growing instead. I was once rather stupid (or perhaps rather mentally lazy) and now I not quite so stupid.
Btw Candace Owens, a young mother, has done a series that looks at every single vaccine. She is very vocal about not vaccinating her children:
She is a really sparky! Love her. NOBODY can talk as fast as Candace.
I like Candice Owens very much and noted her early on in the Covid 19 charade. I am not sure that I mention her on my site.
Joe Biden's sister Valerie has the surname Owens by marriage. I doubt there is a connection! I mention Valerie here.
I would say children have a built in sixth sense. They know that injections are not the way things should enter their bodies, breaching the defenses of the defenseless.
Doctor, this has to be one of your most gut-wrenching articles. It was terribly distressing to read.
I was intrigued by your description of the possibility of microclotting in autistic children who were injured by vaccines. I wonder if this has ever been confirmed using the types of tests that are now proposed for COVID injection injuries: D-dimer or troponin. If it could be confirmed, wouldn't that be fascinating? The circle might close on a long trail of suspicion and investigation by parents of autistic children and doctors like Andrew Wakefield.
The most reliable approach is to examine the eyes but very few people do that.
Hi Doc, what would you look for in the eyes? Asking for personal reasons (my son). He has hypotonia (floppy everything) and other issues and his eyes were my first “giveaway” that something was wrong (when he was a month old I thought he was blind because he wasn’t tracking so in the middle of the night as I was breastfeeding I turned the lights on and he scrunched his eyes shut so I knew he could see). The ophthalmologist said it was the muscles in his eyes that were an issue which led us to every test imaginable (this was 16 years ago).
I think you are amazing... I am grateful for your wisdom and sharing it on substack.
I would like to know what you’d look for in the eyes if you wouldn’t mind sharing.
Thank you!
Jumping in here with a suggestion.
If possible, find a Neuro-Ophthalmologist (neurology + ophthalmology) near you. Often vaccines (and other) damage the nervous system and muscles of the eyes. And, this is way, way over the head of Ophthalmologists, leading to nowhere'sville. I'm talking from experience here, unfortunately.
Unfortunately #2, depending on where you live, it might be hard to find this rare breed of eye/neuro doctor.
We saw a neuro-developmental doctor for many years. I’ll look into a neuro-eye doctor. Thank you for the response!
And best of luck to you and your son! I think that's your best shot. eye+neuro doc.
Drop an update every now and then if you can.
He may benefit from a antiparasitic treatment.
See the 3 videos from AutismOne 2014 linked in this document:
My eyes are reasonable but affected by neuro-toxicity. They improved once I realized what was going on. This explains a little which may be of use.
I agree, gut-wrenching. I sent this article to a bunch of people. About 15 years ago my friend had a kid and I recall his cry was incredibly loud and obnoxious. Another friend joked that he sounded like a taradactyl (sp?). 2-3 years ago he was diagnosed with Crones disease. When I heard this, the first thing I said to my wife is “I bet this is from a vaccine.” With the description of the baby crying, my heart hurts for these children. Hitler forced people into concentration camps, and America had perfected the narrative where parents are now willingly bringing their kids.....
My daughter developed Crohn’s in her early teens. I believe it is vaccine induced internal shingles.
My other daughter suddenly developed strabismus (eye turns in) at 4 years old. Now I know it was inflammation after a vaccine.
So sorry that happened. It’s sad we live in a world that wants to harm us under the guise of date and effective.
Imo when people accuse others of some outlandish things (e.g. vaccine skeptics are mass murderers), then there is also a big element of profession as projection involved
Correct, but I can't accuse him of that because then it creates a circular loop back to me also being guilty of the same thing. I instead just go with presenting exactly what he has clearly shown he does since that is sufficient to make the point he's not trustable.
My ex-husband did that
sadly this is very common :(
My ex-husband gave our oldest daughter (age 14 at the time) the C19 jab without my knowledge, in direct violation of our court ordered parenting agreement. I couldnt 'take it back' of course. It was like being stabbed and pummeled when I found out, and he admitted he did so because he knew I wouldn't allow it. That is the ONLY vaccine either of my kids has ever had. It's sickening.
My sincere sympathies. 💔
The exact thing happened to a friend's 9 year old son.
Court orders ignored, thousands of dollars in legal fees, and in the end? "The Needle and (possible) Damage Done".
Which cannot be undone.
Only time will tell.
I wish the very best outcome for both children. ❤
He did that on purpose?
What a wanker.
That is so evil. I am so sorry
Ex being the operative word eh?
"Meglio sola che mal accompagnata."
And, possibly, investment dividends....
Which I think is probably the most perceptive comment of all.
Thanks. I which it were not so.
If it is any consolation, so do I.
Indeed, we could say when the point the finger, the finger points at them.
Reminds me for some reason of Harry Potter when Voldemort casts the spell that finally destroys himself, the spell cast back by Harry's wand as Harry is protected by Love.
Dr Hotez is clearly not shy in describing his own daughter as a nuisance, difficult to care for, and annoying, and expensive. If he lacks compassion and even self-awareness to express such cold heartedness, we cannot be surprised at the likely contempt he has for the rest of the population.
I have interacted with such efficient and inhumane doctors who treat one as a widget, do not listen, and clearly lack a humane interest in those in their care. No wonder the Medical Industrial Complex has lost so much credibility as do no harm and informed consent has been thrown out the window by many.
I wonder if his older children have disowned him yet. It would be interesting to know what that relationship is like.
I noticed the lack of compassion and warm feelings toward his own daughter, too. Psychopath.
"Dr Hotez is clearly not shy in describing his own daughter as a nuisance, difficult to care for, and annoying, and expensive"
Yes. This jumped out at me. It's actually quite common amongst the uber libs/commies that have taken over our country/the world. I'm almost convinced that a good 50-80% of our population is similar; no heart, no soul, no nothing inside of them.
I felt very sorry for his daughter after hearing him, time after time, actually taking shots at her. What a pathetic, unhealthy human being.
Many autistic children are the offspring of Asperger's a Syndrome fathers like Peter Hotez.
Hotez is evil. He runs around the world collecting diseases for which he tries to find a vaccine. Most of these diseases, e.g. from mosquitoes and parasites, can be treated by IVERMECTIN. "Vaccine diplomacy?" "Science Envoy for the Department of State?" He is a very high level spook and a psychopath. There is no place for friendly euphemisms. He is as dangerous as they come. His totalitarian schtick has gone on too long. One should note that he is also at the forefront of shaping the narrates that provide cover for the bioweapons: zoonotic origin, war, climate change are the causes, not those thousands of biolabs and gain of function research.
some links posted at random
https://www.texaschildrens.org/about-us/news/releases/dr-peter-hotez-appointed-us-israel-binational-science-foundation-board-governors https://ghc.fiu.edu/conference2022/about/profiles/peter-j.-hotez.html
He's also spent over 20 years trying to produce that vaccine now which suggests its just a cover for whatever he actually is doing (e.g., being paid off).
He is nothing more than, say, a proctologist with a pro-hemmorhoid fetish. The stuff of absurd humour. A junkfood junkie out giving life-supporting advice. The hypocrisy is dumbfounding. Joe Rogan told him so to his face. And, like a typical leftist fool, laughed it off. The way Kalamity Harris cackles.
The great thing about writing on these topics is that I don't need to embellish anything for an audience. Reality is already so surreal all you have to do to attract a following is present what's already there (there is also a twitter account that got pretty famous by doing this).
"He is nothing more than, say, a proctologist with a pro-hemmorhoid fetish. The stuff of absurd humour. A junkfood junkie out giving life-supporting advice."
Reminds me of Rod Serling introducing the Twilight Zone 🤣🤣
Thank you, Mouzer, i think!
Oh I loved it. You are complemented. It is the perfect description for a brain-dead doctor who lives in the Twilight Zone and (we hope) will soon crash into reality.
Doing imitations like Fauci’s, Rod Serling, mr clintontheinnocent, has become a spontaneously enjoyed pastime!
Have you noticed what a dichotomy most of these leading world "health" experts are? Most of them are sloppy obese! Gross!
The stuff of absurd humour indeed.
You find the Kamal in here - one lump or two. Mmm... she is female so make that two.
The following is very bizarre and convoluted perhaps but suits the bizarre times we live in I feel.
The new study in Science Immunology details the probable mechanism for the Cleveland Clinic study's findings. Succinctly stated, the multi-vaxxed are producing IgG4 instead of IgG3 antibodies that do little to protect from viral infection. IgG4 antibodies are generated naturally to deal with atopy, not infection.
Original study can be found here: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.ade2798?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed
Read Dr.Jessica Rose latest substack concerning IgG4. Holy Shit.