I follow many of the links in your articles, and had missed the one that breaks down the potential harms of the suite of vaccines that are generally required in childhood. I am horrified that I allowed my kids to get all of these vaccines (sans Covid, my antenna were up for that one). But I was fully duped on all the others, including Gardasil. As my kids go on and have children of their own, you can bet I will be sharing your research and paying close attention.

You do such thorough, incredible work. I cannot imagine the hours you spend researching, reading, & aggregating such massive amounts of data, and then writing so clearly on the subject. You have done a great service to mankind and I pray your efforts succeed, for all of our sakes. I only wish you were our family doctor!

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I try really hard to do things properly on here! The risks/benefits of the vaccines article was definitely a lot of work though.

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Your best is very good indeed, and highly appreciated.

These are essays, not mere posts, which one can recommend without hesitation even to those to be conditioned y propaganda on the look-out for 'conspiracy theories' and therefore inclined to reject anything not conforming to the official view.

So well argued and lucid. We owe you an immeasurable debt.

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Ditto ♥️

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We've all been so deceived. God bless the truth warriors as they've been helping wake up the world. Midwestern Doctor is a Godsend! I echo your praises of this Dr.👍🙌🙏

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Gardasil was the one that woke me up...and thank God as I was fully prepared to fight against the CV shots with everything I had in my being...

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I couldn’t agree more! Beautifully said, NeverDull.

This is one of AMD’s best articles, and I’ll be sharing it with many.

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DITTO ♥️‼️

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Ditto 🥰so well said I have decided THIS IS THE ONE SUBSTACK I will send to people who need the most comprehensive overview of all these issues from these past three years ... I can’t thank you enough 🙏🏼😊🥰💋let’s hope one of my idiot friends wakes up .... so appreciate your complete understanding of the subject .... 🥴🙏🏼♥️♥️♥️♥️

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Vaccines did not eliminate disease. All diseases were on the way down when these “miracles” were introduced because of clean drinking water, better food handling and storage and improved personal hygiene. God does it better and without immune fixation/imprinting, ADE, etc.

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In the " olden days" , we elders were constantly " boosted" in immunity by exposure to our kids and grandkids.

That natural immunity has been disrupted by these criminals. Not a single medical person I speak to ever questions how everyone my age (60s) has managed to avoid being killed by these ( previously considered) normal childhood illnesses now touted as life threatening. It's horrifying how brainwashed supposedly intelligent people truly are - my close friend who graduated California Davis veterinary school recently posted how grateful she is for vaccines , in spite of her own immune compromised state as well as her close circle she encouraged to kill themselves , basically , suffering side effects she cannot allow her psyche to acknowledge. Of course her dad was a psyop military guy who regularly abused her financially during her school years , so she was perhaps primed for obedience.

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Well, if there is a silver lining to the covid boondoggle, it's the fact that so many of us woke up to the vaccine industry's lies and "malice aforethought." I sure had gotten fooled. Was lucky to grow up in the days when there were just a few vaxxes. BCG and polio is all I remember.

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Unfortunately I woke up in 1998 after my son and I both were injured , gaslighted , and not reported.

I'm so relieved that others have begun to look deeper , including some in the medical field who now also understand the Game.

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Sadly I’m betting that your veterinarian friend pushes yearly vaxxes for the animals she sees. If the vaccines given to children are not tested for safety then what chance are vaccines for animals tested? Vets used to give vaccines under the skin of the neck, but with so many cancers popping up there they moved them to the leg which can be amputated if they get cancer there. I believe it was Steve Kirsch who investigated the animal vaccines and found a lot of problems with them. If not then there should be many articles about it on the internet. I hope people questioning the jabs for people will look into the animal ones.

My 6 month old lab got parvovirus and thankfully she recovered. But the vet then said that she would need a vaccine for it in the future. I’m thinking that she has immunity to the virus now.

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Would you happen to know the URL of this article?

Funny thing; they don't give dogs the pertussis (kennel cough) shot. Turtles says it's one of three vaccines that actually reduce morbidity. Hey, worked for me! (I don't know what the other two are.)

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I don’t think Kirch wrote the article I’m thinking of, but in this article there’s a link to a book written about pet vaccines.


'Hi Steve, I’m a vet and asked the farmaceutical companies for the safety and efficacy studies. They wouldn’t give it to me because it’s classified and trade secret. I doubt that. The study which I got was done with 12 puppies and they didn’t look at the long term. So no there is no data.'

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Sadly I didn’t save the link to it, but it might have been Steve Kerch who wrote it. I don’t have his substack link either, but I will look for it and if I find it I’ll post it here.

I do have this one.


Kennel cough is mandatory in Utah if you want your dog boarded or groomed. I didn’t get rabies shots for 3 of my 5 dogs, but every one of them died from cancer. I gave them the puppy shots only. And each one has lived less years than the other ones did. I try to feed quality food but who knows how good it really is.

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Thanks. So there is a pertussis (bordatella) -shot- _nasal spray_ for dogs. Apparently rather dangerous in its own right. May work, but something better than a vaccine seems necessary. Is there any legitimate research on rabies treatment?

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Hi again. I found this website and this article on vaccines for pets. I haven’t finished it yet nor looked at the homepage, but it does talk about the kennel cough-pertussis vaccine. Hope you find it helpful.


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From the rabies link:

'Fibrocarcinomas at the injection site. A lot of people know about this problem in cats (that’s why vets often vaccinate cats in the tail, so it can easily be amputated) but it’s just as common in dogs. Fibrocarcinomas can appear in places other than the injection site because the aluminum in the vaccine is carried away by macrophages (immune system cells that detect, eat and destroy damaged cells and other foreign substances).'

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They have only been said to eliminate two diseases--smallpox and rinderpest.


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Nope. Mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus pertusis (a recent review by the NIH showed just how useless the pertussis vaccine is) and of course, polio.

Oh and BTW, what are you going to do now that all of them will be reformulated onto the mRNA platform? Fun and games, right?

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Blood tests showed my childhood rubella vax has actually worn off, though the mumps and measles antibodies are still there. Rubella isn't common. But suppose it was common, why did they mix 3 shots into 1, when the duration varies? You can't get just a rubella vaccine (not that I'd want to). And my dr. said only unvaxxed pregnant women are at risk from rubella--but it didn't seem to occur to him that maybe their immunity is gone too. We don't hear about this waning of rubella immunity.

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Most vaccine immunity wears off eventually.

It's incredibly stupid and dangerous to vaccinate pregnant women. As they're baseline immune suppressed they can't mount an effective immune response to any useless vaccine.

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Dear TGH: The claim that "vaccine" security (immunity) wore off was pronounced as early as 1802 (see White 1885; see Royal Commission on Vaccination 1896). That was just four years after Jenner (1798) had declared that vaccination provided protection for LIFE. By 1811, Jenner conceded that his vaccination did not provide permanent protection - after all, some of his own patients, e.g., Robert Grosvenor, fell ill with smallpox. (See Baron 1838; White 1885). There is no such thing as "vaccine" immunity.

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another doctor who knows the truth. so they are out there. A friend went to her heart specialist, and he told her if she took the covid jab, it would kill her.

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Correct. I should have used quotation marks.

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Pregnant women are immune suppressed? What gives you that idea?

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The blood serology test has false positives and false negatives. The levels do slowly decrease with time, and for some people drop below the arbitrary level considered positive.

However, it has been well established (unless you have developed some immune compromise condition) that if you are re challenged you will mount an effective anamnestic response.

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There are ways of confirming that, but it is rarely done.

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MMR is just one of many unnecessary mixes. Individual tetanus shots are "no longer available" according to all the adult medicine docs -- "Here's your DTaP shot, sir." No thanks.

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i read that the old measles vaccine covered way better before it was put into a mix. They probably think that if you mix whiskey, gin and tequila you get a better result. They should try my recipe once LOL

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Some have talked about that. Dr. Mendelsohn in his book “how to raise a healthy child” for instance

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Fwiw, the pertussis shot may have worked for me. I didn't get kennel cough when everyone else did.

Pretty sure I got the regular. Jim Stone Free Lance Journalist suggests "special" people get antigen-only vaccines with no aluminium adjuvants or other harmful ingredients. I couldn't find his original article when I looked for it.

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Disaster that’s what ‼️😵‍💫

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That was fascinating. I'd never heard of rinderpest before.

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It's ungulate measles.

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Dear FKAS: I am reading Rao (1972). He claimed to have treated over 30,000 "smallpox" patients over 30 years. In his book, he defined 17 types of smallpox, and listed at least 10 "other" ailments as being similar to and often (mis)diagnosed (even by Rao himself) as smallpox.

Whereas Jenner (1798) and others, through the 1880s, defined smallpox virus as visible pus, by 1908 von Prowazek and de Beaurepaire proclaimed that they filtered the virus from the pus. Ebert and Otsuka (1943) declared that the method of von Prowazek and de Beaurepaire had been replicated! (Why is it, up to today, this "science" not touted as proof that viruses exist?).

Even after the 1950s, and after the creation of the cell-culture method of Enders and Peebles (1954), virus were proven, indirectly, via presence of "antibodies" (Rao 1972).

As we now know, no smallpox virus was ever found, nor or isolated, nor proven to cause illness. No "vaccination" campaign ended that which never existed, "a viral, contagious, pathogen". Best

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It still sickens me reading how they mish mashed all kinds of pustules and sores together !!!!

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i am reading lab 257 about the lab on plum island, where the lyme disease carrying tick was obviously created. I am at the part where a new director comes in and finds that the safety procedures have not been followed in years, that the filters supposed to clean the smoke before it leaves the building have not been changed, are placed badly and that germs have been poured out without any control. The new director gets blamed for the facts.

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Dear LNS: I encourage you to watch the doco on Smallpox by Kate Sugak (2022). https://odysee.com/@Happy:9/Smallpox:43

Covid 19 is like HIV 2.0; but HIV is smallpox 2.0!

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many books out there to prove it, and their writers all had a very hard time after they stated the truth.

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Because they are poison.

All vaccines are poison. Vaccines create disease.

Anyone who has studied the topic in depth knows that every aspect of the "vaccine story", starting back in the 1800's up to present, is complete fraud.

Vaccines have done nothing but harm people and line the pockets of the medical establishment.

Vaccines are barbaric- all of them.

There has never been a product of any kind so filled with historical misinformation, purposeful deception and outright fraud.

The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.

From their inception to today's mRNA monstrosities vaccines have done nothing but cause massive and systemic harm to the human biological system.

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and then they say the witches of old killed people. these cauldrons are way more dangerous than the natural ingredients (although I do not say here, that no one ever got killed that way)

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After reading "Turtles all the way Down", and witnessing the Covid -19 clot shot holocaust, I now realize that the concept of "vaccines" was flawed and criminally promoted from the start.

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My Turtles All The Way Down is coming today. I bought the hard copy.

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i read Dissolving Illusions last year and right after it, Death by injection. Eye opening, even when I already knew part of it

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As a former Health Care Provider, 40 years as a CRNA, after 2 years in the Military where I was lucky to land at a post where I was able to assist in vaccine research which led to my being told, as I left the Military, to "never, ever, take another vaccine, other than maybe a Tetnus Toxid." That was 52 years ago. I am in good health today because I will not take a vaccine, even if it means not going to the VA for healthcare because they are currently following Big Pharma's bs.

Back in the 1990's I was doing relief anesthesia in a VA Hospital when the Surgeon asked if I was a Veteran? I replied, Yes, US Army. He then asked me if I knew the definition of a VA Hospital? I replied, No. He said "a VA Hospital is the second chance a Veteran has to give his life for his country!" I laughed then, but now, under Biden and Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin, I fear the joke from some 30 years ago is now a reality. According to a letter I received about a month ago, the VA Hospital system is still mandating masks and other Covid "protections."

Thanks for the time you give to all of us educating us and saving us from being mal-practiced on.


Bitterroot Services

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Bitterroot, Thank you for your service to our country!

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You are welcome!

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That is a great but depressing story. What's the story behind your screename?

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It comes from the part of the country I live in also. I used to give talks around the country, so a screen name gives me the privacy I desire now that I am retired.

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The reason I was wondering was because I've been to the Bitterroot valley before in MT, really liked the area, and was wondering if you were referring to there with your username.

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The Bitterroot Valley is a beautiful place. The winters can remind one of places in the midwest such as an area in Iowa where I have relatives.

Very good guess on your part. I chose Bitterroot from the Bitterroot Mountains on the MT ID border just west of the Valley. For the last 20 years have resided in the mountains near the Bitterroot chain.

Love the area, the freedom and the people here! It is still Real America here and, in my book, a great place to retire!

Best wishes,

Bitterroot Services

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years ago a friend's hubby was VA. She told me it was not allowed to bring herbal teas to the VA, even though he loved them, because it would interfere with their (experimental) treatments of the retirees. my late husband refused to use the VA even though he could

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Hope your friends hubby survived the VA. 30 or so years ago I was on the staff of the largest VA Hospital in the system, it was in Dayton, Ohio. I felt the care provided there, as far as I was able to observe and participate in, was very good.

Sadly the people in charge of the VA Hospital system today, appear to be a brick short of a full load. It is heartbreaking to see the way some Veterans are treated today.

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both of them sadly passed away several years ago already, in a way I am glad they did not have to go through these last 3 years. She was a rather jab happy person too, and he due to some mismanagement at another VA (where they started reanimating too late) was in a wheel chair and speech impaired. He survived her for a few years tho.

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Thanks for the update on your friends. I can understand your feelings that it was good they did not live through the last 3 years. I hope he was not the Veteran in a wheel chair that was stuck in an elevator and was not able to ask for help because of his speech problem. That was an incident several years ago in the Nashville Va Hospital.

You have a blessed day.

Bitterroot Services

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Very enjoyable and profound reading.

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Thanks for sharing BS!. Army Vet here as well (Light Infantry). Currently employed at a VA (Surgery-RN). Prior to Covid, I thought care was pretty good where I worked. Now? Every day feels like I'm hunkering down in my foxhole waiting for the shelling to stop. Not sure how much longer my sympathetic nervous system can hold on.

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I can understand those everyday feelings! Fortunately I am retired and live in an area of the country near the Bitterroot Mountains mentioned in the stories of the Lewis and Clark Exploration. Great part of the country to live in. The VA Hospital in my original comment was the Sgt. Alvin C. York VA Hospital in middle Tennessee.

Here's hope you can hunker down until the shelling stops or you can retire-which ever comes first.

Blessings brother!

Bitterroot Services

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This person is done forever with any vaccine and possibly any medication. Trust not only in Pharma is lost its also lost in the whole medical industrial complex. Thank you for opening a lot of eyes to the evil that we have been subjected too.

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Bravo! All of your work is wonderfully meticulous and informative, but this was perfection.

Thank you SO much!!!

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Thank you; I try!

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Vaccines are the only product on the market that they sell more of, the more they fail. The fact they failed is the justification for why we need more of them;-)

An interesting question to ponder:

Why is it that the only so-called "deadly" and infectious diseases that ENDLESSLY "plague" humanity, are the ones for which there is a steady supply of vaccines on the market? All OTHERS seem to disappear on their own, never to return - unless or until there is a serious famine?

With the right questions, the answers are OBVIOUS. Vaccines have never ONCE "eradicated" anything. In fact, the only infectious diseases we're STILL dealing (on any scale) with are the ones for which they are pushing vaccines.

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Nothing succeeds like failure

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Just today I saw a new patient, a healthy and active 68 year old who acutely developed painful knees several months ago.

He is now only able to walk or drive short distances with the help of high doses of NSAID's.

Despite being a very low risk from Covid (he had a mild infection 14 months ago), his GP has pushed regular boosters.

He is now up to number 6 (which he had last week), and with no other obvious explanation for his knee pain, and close proximity of symptom onset to his 5th jab, the aetiology is clear.

I had a full and frank discussion with him about the jabs (including showing him the Cleveland Clinic graph) which removed the shutters from his eyes.

Unfortunately the GP involved reflects the indoctrinated views of the vast majority of the medical profession here in Australia.

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so sad...

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My friend with COPD, who takes whatever flu vaccine they are serving up *religiously* as he feels flu would kill him, could hardly move and got cortisone shots in his knees. He stopped eating foods fried in seed oils, started using olive oil, and tried to up his fruits and vegs, and now walks 5 miles a day with his retinue of adopted dogs. He still takes the flu vaccines out of superstition, takes a few nutraceuticals. I'm not a doctor by any means, but there is the straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back principle the Midwestern Doctor has described. (If they put mrna in the next flu vax, I am going to have to tie him to the chair, to stop him getting it, which will be difficult given his upper body strength lol)

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My health issues are very minor, but nevertheless at age 61 I cut back on major sugars and white flour in my diet. This alone made some improvement in my lipids (TG, HDL). On April 2 I started a version of Atkins. I'd never tried a diet before. My target was to lose 20 Lbs. I hit that target about Week #12. My lipids improved even more. These benefits are of course very welcome; they are only two of several promises that Atkins and low-carb advoocates make and at least for these two, I can vouch for them (also: sugar of food cravings virtually disappear.)

But here's where it gets interesting: I track food consumption in great (not to say perfect) detail via the Atkins app. I also have a fitness app so I log most of my exercise. I maintain the data in Excel so I can do "reports." For the past 30 days or so, I've had an average net positive energy balance (caloric surplus) of 521 Kcal. ("food calories") per day. I'm eating 20% more calories than I can account for burning. Yet my weight has dropped 2.2 Lb. I'm not claiming this a miracle on par with your friend's improvement. I'm not planning to fly to Lourdes. 🙂Still, tantalizing: I play around with different supplements and I've started to keep a better log of these. I've read enough to know that nutritiion estimates of foods are at best rough -- very rough -- approximations, largely based on 19th century methods. Foods vary enormously in their digestibility by a given person. Thus, even the most meticulous tracking of diet will be an educated guess. With all those disclaimers, I'm still pleased with my diet even though it remains something of a puzzler that those "excess" calories apparently are vanishing into a black hole, rather than being deposited on my belly. I still have the "spare tire" but it's more of a bicycle tube now 😎

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Even after the Cleveland Clinic study every time I sign in to Cleveland Clinic MY Chart it tells me my Covid Shot is overdo. Do they not read/believe their own studies?

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Here's 'Straya's' advice: ( Fully captured by harma)

Incredible, really, that Strayans 'continue' to trust these monsters!

I have no words left......


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As a finance professional it is easy to see, that vaccines are incredibly profitable. No liability, little testing, government subsidizes the purchase price. mRNA vaccines are beyond incredibly profitable. Little development time and new vaccines can be quickly whipped up by AI. There is a single customer (federal government) that the pharmaceutical companies effectively control. The problem with this business model is that in the long run, it effectively kills off its ultimate customer base (humans). Viruses know better. They mutate to survive and not kill their host.

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Might not some viruses be nature’s way of reducing the population of an overpopulated species - especially a species which is destroying the diversity of nature? Could that be the case with H5N1, which renowned virologist Robert Webster predicted in 2006 could greatly shrink our numbers? [https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/AvianFlu/story?id=1724801 and just recently https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-2842567/v1] I would love to hear the good doctor's opinion on this.

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What fantastic work you do - thank you!

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Right on!!! I was told safe (I didn’t need effective because I had the real mumps and measles and was not at risk for HepB) but w/in 48 hours - chronic illness ever since the mmr and hep b vax. It all BS. Measles and mumps would have been gone if they never vaxed in the first place. It’s all a big pile of BS w/ a large $$ sign attached

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Long story short: Because corporations found that fraud was more profitable than real clinical results

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The vaccine industry pumps out new vaccines like there’s no tomorrow, for diseases that aren’t really an issue of scale. At the same time, chronic disease is increasing in all age groups of the population and nothing is being done by the public health agencies to find causes or solutions. It’s like this mad scientist scene from a horror show. Our scientific/medical/public health community has lost the plot.

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You misspelled “vaccines are a centuries old ‘unavoidably unsafe’ criminal iatrogenic racket perpetrated by psychopathic elite eugenicists and fraudster gangsters and should be shut down as a field of human endeavour forever”. Any medically trained professional not speaking in such terms is suspect.

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As always, thank you for your patient evaluation and comments. You had me at Zeta Potential. 😉

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