Vaccines are not needed...it’s a population control tactic created by the Rockerfellers and cabal.

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And "vaccines" are only part of the Rockefellerian project of inventing about one illness a week to cover up poisonings (many of those caused by the Rockefellows' industry):


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If you research way back you see that the incidence and/or rate of most of these diseases was not enough to justify vaccinating everyone. And yet doctors pushed vaccines and generations of humans rolled up our sleeves. (Most of us anyway.)

Candace Owens was showing this with regard to a number of illnesses and I did some minor research on measles and found the, what I guess would be IFR, was extremely low even before the measles vaccine was credited with ‘largely eradicating’ measles.

It’s not easy tracking all this back. On purpose I am sure.

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The incidence rate is a key part of the conversation that is always ignored. The problem fundamentally is that most Americans are not capable of caring about something unless the media primes them too, so as a result you can have some thing which is relatively insignificant (e.g. 20 people die) and something else that is catastrophic (e.g. hundreds of thousands of people die) but if the media only focuses on the former the public will become hysterical about it or if they will be completely apathetic towards the latter. For example, fentanyl overdoses are one of the top causes of death in the USA now and most people are fairly apathetic to it.

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I didn't know fentanyl overdoses were such a big problem. Are they in the top 10 reasons for US deaths? Because it used to be heart disease was the #1 killer in the US.

I did find this fully sourced page with mortality numbers for the world and US. https://pastebin.com/NzR2xZZU

I might have to research this fentanyl thing and do an article on it.

I was actually on a jury for a case where a girl died due to heroin tainted with high levels of fentanyl. She never had a chance of surviving that. There was enough fentanyl in there to kill her 24 times.

Be aware that Pastebin has ways of censoring your content if they don't like it.

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Pastebin censors? :(

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Yes, they will not allow a "paste", or file, to be viewed by the public if it has certain keywords or domains. The paste will be private so no one else sees it. Pastebin was used to share snippets of code, but quickly became a way to share longer text files.

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I read this yesterday and it serves as an example of what you’re saying. I think most of us here know the truth, but this column reminds me there are still so many millions who remain scared to death of Covid.


As far as the opioid crisis goes I think unless it hits home many people see drug abuse as a lifestyle choice or a sign of weakness/moral turpitude, when in reality most people first experience opioids after being prescribed them.

Back in my journalism days I did a number of stories on the pain clinics that popped up in blue collar towns and the doctors who spent all day writing scripts. Even talked to Purdue Pharma exec. For those who haven’t seen the documentary The Pharmacist I highly recommend it.

Have you seen the story about the drugs ozempic and wegovy intended for diabetics now being taken by celebrities and influencers to lose weight quickly?—supposedly causing a shortage that could hurt people who are said to need the drug. Not mentioned is the Elon Musk’s and Kim K’s of the world can’t get the drug without a doctor signing off. Sigh.

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I will need to watch that documentary. I've seen a lot of ones on the opiod crisis but never heard of that one. Have not, prior to your comment I didn't know you could use GLP-1's for weightloss.

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A write up on the pharmacist.


Here’s a look at a google search about weight loss from ozempic. Looks like a cash grab by manufacturer…


I admire your honesty and integrity.

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I can confirm, with documented sources. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/the-measles-vaccine-hoax

There are many cases out there where vaccines were pushed when deaths per capita were dropping fast, not just measles and smallpox. This story uses measles as an example. With hard data and graphs from both the US and UK.

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Thank you Becca! I appreciate your making this accessible.

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This article is full of great information on pre-covid measles vaccine failure in Samoa and how it relates to the covid-1984 plandemic the demons cooked (sorry, I had to use those words):

The Killing Fields of Samoa


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Thank you.

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I had what was termed German measles in 1975 when at boarding school, the same year I had the BCG vaccination like many in the school. I was very ill, temperature of at least 104 F, I believe. No wonder I was ill. Took all summer to get over.

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That is a really interesting link.

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Thank you. I am here to help and serve. And again thank you for what you do. I struggle with keeping tabs on all the good that people do, but I have subscribed to your newsletter for the time being.

I could do with several heads and hands to keep up!

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Baldmichael it’s interesting that you mention this, I had German measles around 75-77 I can’t remember exactly without checking my records.

I wasn’t vaccinated as I was too young at the time, my sister was though, we shared the same bedroom. Looking back at what I know now, I would say my infection was due to shedding after her and her school friends were vaccinated for it.

My older siblings seemed generous like that sharing.

My brother gave me whooping cough when I was only about 6-7 weeks old, doctors said it was impossible for me to have it as I was too young to catch it, unfortunately my mother didn’t breastfeed me for the first few weeks like my siblings, I missed out on those essential antibodies from her.

I did make a point of feeding both my babies myself, I wanted my protection passing onto them. Also asthma and eczema is triggered in my family by baby formula, even those that went onto be bottle fed never had this is if the were breastfed first.

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Thanks for the info Lizzy.

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And now I see ads for once monthly schizophrenia treatment shots and every so often HIV treatment shots and Hep A vax etc and so forth.

And today I heard a podcast saying how dangerous prenatal ultrasounds are. One ultrasound emits as much radiation the researcher said as 250 chest X-rays.

Focus in the reproductive area to help see gender can potentially damage tiny testes and ovaries.

We have been so conned by the pharmaceutical industry and its shills in the AMA.

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This statement "And today I heard a podcast saying how dangerous prenatal ultrasounds are. One ultrasound emits as much radiation the researcher said as 250 chest X-rays" is not true. However, I do think there are potential serious safety issues with prenatal ultrasounds (a few fascinating books have been written on this topic along with a few studies).

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Thanks. I have a grandchild in utero so this subject strikes close to home.

Her ob-gyn was pushing Covid and flu

Vaxxes on her. She said No.

A couple of times and finally got the doc to put in her chart not to ask her again.

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Links to the dangers? My relatives get as many ultrasound scans as they can.

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> And now I see ads for once monthly schizophrenia treatment shots

The twice a month shots were available since the 1990s. My uncle got them. But I think we can imagine that any injectable could possibly be contaminated, like insulin, any other vaccine, etc.

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I would expect paliperidone (Invega - palmitate ester gets injected monthly) to be as hazardous as risperidone at causing metabolic syndrome, and considerably worse than the more notorious olanzapine (Zyprexa). But why bother, when practically free chlorpheniramine (OTC antihistamine) also works, and with far fewer and less severe side-effects?

Don't conflate acoustic, and ionizing electromagnetic, radiation. You may have heard a comparison of radiation exposure from computerized tomography (CT) and ordinary X-ray.

As an aside, bronchial inflammation shown on CT scan was as I recall, the first specific reported diagnosis of COVID-19. IMO, the medical profession greatly over relies on CT scanning. Where are their stethoscopes? I could simply feel it. I'd had pneumonia previously, so could distinguish them. (Pneumonia causes a rattle deep in the lungs. Bronchial inflammation simply chokes, and one can feel the swelling and rigidity.)

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FYI. Written in 1979: How the Rockefellers destroyed medical competition and monopolized medicine. https://archive.org/details/rockefellermedic00browrich/page/n1/mode/2up

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The subservient and brainwashed quacks have also been inventing illnesses at a rate of about one a week in the last 100 years or so:


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i.e. Jews who say they are Jews but are not but are of the synagogue of Satan.

However, don't forget the money and the Jew-els, they love these more than anything.

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Until UVBI be shown effective, they're a therapy for rabies. They are generally not preventive.

But hey, covid jabs are 100% effective at preventing infection. Put anyone who claims a covid infection after having had even a single jab under oath (such as for seeking tax- or insurance-provided drugs for it) and jail him!

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I believe all of the value in vaccines can be found when they are used as therapeutics rather than preventatives.

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Doctor, my wife they are currently Looking through the childhood vaccine schedule and deciding which ones to give our children. Can you pointed any studies that show the effectiveness of certain childhood vaccines, or lack of effectiveness? I have enjoyed reading your sub stack and will be curious about your input.

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Complex topic I can't soundbite. Main points are:

•The risk benefit ratio is very different depending on the vaccine (e.g. HPV is just not worth touching).

•Spacing them out and taking less at one time significantly reduces severe reactions.

•MMR and TDP are the most common ones that cause issues.

•I belong to the school of thought that avoids them entirely.

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Disclaimer: Not a doctor.

SIDS spikes correlate with DPT vaccines given during "well baby" visits at predictable intervals. The Japanese banned all vaccines to children under the age of 2, and the SIDS spike disappeared in that country. So, if you decide to vaccinate your children after all (hard to get them into public school without proof of vaccination), wait until they are older than 2, when they are larger and more robust than babies, and can tolerate the poison better.

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Avoid them all like the plague. I used to think they were of some use. I changed my mind. I am from the UK.


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Not even that. Vaccines are pointless full stop. Except of course for the needle point via which they are delivered:)

Vaccines are defined as provoking a immune response which they do if your immune system is working well. If not...

They also say they 'train' the immune system. This is, to put it politely, rubbish.

If they contain anything else other than neuro-toxins/other toxins they are not a vaccine.

It is however possible for poisons to act as a neutralizer of other poisons such as sodium nitrite and cyanide.


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Sounds like homeopathy to me. :)

Properly-applied homeopathy works, because it invigorates the body's immune responses to specific conditions. Many other methods exist that can accomplish the same, but I am happy as long as something works and does little or no harm (sorry, I don't believe there is free lunch, so there must be a drawback in most therapeutic practices, unless proven otherwise).

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There has actually been a lot of success in using homeopathics as preventative vaccines (Homeoprophylaxis). The difference with that approach to normal vaccination is that there is no risk involved for the possible benefit of preventing a future infectious disease.

All vaccines have risk and I feel that can only be justified when a condition is already there than needs to be treated, as opposed to something that might be contracted in the future.

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Homeopathy certainly activates some of the body's reserves and, if used prudently, it can be presumably directed to perform specific tasks by aiding or regulating the immune system. (However, I don't believe in anything being taken all the time, because that only makes the body lazy to produce what it otherwise would and makes it dependent on the external "help"; Metformin and "blood pressure" pills are good examples). Only experience can tell if a treatment helps or harms more, but everybody's metabolism is different, so it's always a leap in the dark. The multi-threaded poisoning in the "covid" injections have unknown ingredients, which might suggest that the case was the same with previous "vaccines" as well. The manufacturers have nothing to lose, but are owned by the globalist technocrats, so they must be working on a script that was activated on 9/11, but had been tested even prior to that a number of times. As far as I can see, all "vaccines" are toxic with absolutely no benefit and have been used for weakening people's (and animals'!) immune systems. On the other hand, taking a toxin in slowly-increasing doses (depending on the toxin; heavy metals are probably a bad idea to take :) ) can prepare the body to be protected against the same for some time, at least by creating a memory for the immune system that can be later applied, when the need for protection comes.

Bleeding in the Middle Ages was the first crude form of activating the body's reserves, so it often worked, but not because the "bad fluids" departed and the good ones stayed. :)

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•There is a belief is chinese medicine that one should wait to take herbs until they are older and really need them because you will always build resistance to the herbs. You build tolerance more slowly to herbs than pharmaceuticals but it does still happen. I don't think the issue occurs with vitamins or minerals but there might be a few exceptions.

•There is a case that bleeding helps by reducing toxic iron overload.

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As well as the introduction of spike proteins and other things to introduce illness and death years down the road.

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The doctor's articles are some of my favorites, because they always contain hard-to-obtain, but essential information.

I am using this article as a reference in my post on "herd immunity" today:


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How did this article come across as me pushing herd immunity? The point I was trying to make is that the term is not defined so it can be used as ever is needed to promote campaigns, and if you look at each thing which could be relevant to herd immunity, you discover that vaccines are counterproductive to achieving that.

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There is no such thing as herd immunity, hence the problems we face. Each person is an individual with an individual immune system and must be treated as such. Current virology theory is fundamentally flawed.

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I meant no offense and I apologize, if it came out as if I did.

The article is using herd immunity as the basis for evaluating "vaccines." Is it possible to evaluate something that is toxic and harmful to begin with by using a term whose sole purpose is manipulation?

Please, advise, how you think I should rephrase my statement, because it was not meant to demean your work; in fact, I always strongly recommend your articles as some of the best.

Yes, your article accomplishes its goal.

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Great article. The information about influenza and gardisal vaccines should be spread far and wide. That such drugs can be allowed to stay on the market and be more than useless is a testament to the power of the medical industrial complex existing only for making money and not for health.

In the end, lies propel this forward. It was and is all lies, and everyone knows it.


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Thank you

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"Fauci and Birx in contrast adamantly opposed it and demanded perpetual lockdowns, masking, and mass testing throughout Trump’s presidency. " the final year of it however not the entirety ha however it is important information in this article and overall well done cheers

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Do you read the substacks from Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone? About a week ago one of them wrote an article and the top comment was a doctor claiming to have studied the efficacy if a flu vaccine for the NIH. When she found negative efficacy, Fauci sacked her and took away her data.

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I pinned her comment on here!

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I completely forgot about this and added it to this article since it's highly relevant. Hopefully that will get you some readers!

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I was really crunched on time when I wrote this so I didn't have time to take it up and post the link. She however did it for me : )

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"Pinning a comment" on Substack means it comes up on the top of all comments. Cannot see anything like that here. :)

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it is on the earlier substack article.

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Checked it out and responded. :)

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Thank you, my mistake.

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Dr. Judy Mikovits went to jail rather than skew results and do what her boss, Fraudci wanted her to change

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The study was about children

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You're a "must Read" with every article you write.


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The business of medicine prioritizes quantity over quality as they reimburse the same amount regardless of the work that is done. My own philosophy in medicine and other endeavors I care about has always been to focus on quality over quantity, which is part of why I don't write as frequently on here as other authors and I put much more time into each individual piece.

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I wish you were my Doctor.

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I'm pretty sure that if all the articles so far in this Substack were printed out and made into book form, it would rival/exceed even "Turtles All the Way Down." As it is, I'll have to yell to my vaxxed zombie onlookers, "Look! There's a guy called A Midwestern Doctor who laid out the entire truth about the vaxx!" while not sounding crazy.

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Sorry for asking this (I may have asked you before), but did you ever read this article?


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Dissection of motives and "science" is beside the point--these people are psychopaths. Here's a podcast about my new book, Cassandra's Memo: COVID and the Global Psychopaths, and a way to download the book free. This is germaine to your article and summarizes the whole situation.





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I am now a big believer in the phrase "the banality of evil" which I discovered in your writings.

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Thank you for this statement "discomfort one experiences during a fever is not from the heat of the fever itself but rather the internal strain the body is going through as it attempts to increase its temperature."

Helps me to understand what happens to me. Feel like absolute crap with a lower fever...when it ramps up to over 100ish (my normal body temp is low so for me this is higher in reality) I feel great. The only exception was during a horrific TDap vax...103 for 3 days, body beyond aching and completely non-functional....worse "illness" of my life!

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I was struck by that too. I tend to be chronically hypothermic (I have autoimmune thyroiditis due to a terrible toxic chemical exposure when I was in my mid-twenties) and I love the feeling of having a fever. Even 102 degrees F. feels wonderful to me. (Because my habitual temperature is below the average, 102 for me is quite high.) I used to love taking long, dry (not steam) saunas at the gym too, for the same reason.

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Low thyroid function is now an extremely common problem. There are some people who believe it's due to iodine deficiency (in conjunction with excessive toxic halogens in our diet such as fluorine and bromine) and others who think it is due to EMFs or excessive positive ions. One of the most interesting things about this is that the average human body temperature is has dropped over the last few hundred years.

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So interesting. I wonder how much of the obesity epidemic is at least partially caused by this. I've no doubt the explosion in the numbers of people who are obese is a multifactorial problem, but I'd bet that widespread hypothyroidism contributes to it.

I also wonder if we've made life too comfortable for ourselves in the last hundred or more years, and our bodies have to some degree lost the ability to work to stay warm, because we insist on keeping ourselves more or less comfortable all the time. Perhaps in the past, being physically cold stimulated our thyroid glands to get to work, to produce more thyroxine, because our literal survival was at stake. Contemporary people go from a heated house or apartment to a heated car to a heated office building or other work space, and back (maybe stopping at a heated grocery) and are rarely if ever seriously challenged by cold temperatures. I imagine that the indigenous peoples who live in the far north produce a considerably higher amount of thyroxine than most of us do. They must. How could they possibly survive in the arctic otherwise?

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I sincerely believe comfort makes you weak.

There is also a case made that EMFs cause obesity not by decreasing thyroid function but by directly decreasing mitochondrial activitiy (although decreased thyroid hormone also decreases mitochondrial activity)

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Yes...I remember your story from some other post when you wrote about it...horrible! Also autoimmune...hashitoxicosis...so I guess we have 2 autoimmune data points on this phenomenon.

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Not only that! I was given the TDaP vax against my will a few years ago (2019) while in a Kaiser ER because I had multiple broken bones after having nearly been run over by a car. At the time, I thought my extended (months long) sickness was due to the criminally bad treatment I was give for the broken bones. (That's a very long, painful, incendiary story I can't begin to go into here.) Now I realize that the TDaP vax was at least partly responsible for how very sick I was for so long. As with every significant, serious illness I've ever experienced since that toxic exposure in my mid-twenties, I never fully recovered.

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They always push the TDaP vaccine on people in the ER.

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Thank you for your wise perspective. We can only hope our brothers and sisters wake up to the propaganda being pushed before we face intentional annihilation.

- A concerned, cancelled, mother and grandmother.

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Hope you appreciated the lawsuit!

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What a pleasure it is to read your articles.. I especially like this one. I have learned more in the last 2 years then in all of the previous years in my long life because of you and others who stand up for true science and integrity.

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I am so grateful for your work! Thank you for the time and talent you put into each of your writings. I read from many authors on Substack but yours is the one I look forward to most. This is another excellent post!!

Curious if you could ever cover some other medical controversies? The more I read, the more I am coming to understand that there is so much in the medical establishment that is done for profit instead of the best health outcomes for patients...ie pre-diabetes diagnosis, the lack of utility of colonoscopies, controversy over the establishment of bone density levels and the screening for it.

I am curious your opinion and insight!

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Thank you very much. I am planning to. The basic issue on my end is that my time is limited and I want to write quality posts, so I am trying to prioritize issues I think are immediately relevant and not much has been written about. Additionally, many of the things I want to mention require other subjects to be explained to provide the necessary context, so a lot of thought goes into the sequential order I write at.

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I appreciate the response and the time you commit to each post. I have told my husband many times that I wish you would write a book. I am grateful for the knowledge you are imparting on so many of us regarding the fallacies of vaccination and the medical establishment’s valiant effort to cover their crimes. Keep up the great work!

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One of the reasons I didn't want to write a book was because I felt by the time I published it, I'd disagree with some of what I'd written before and want to republish it. Substack is a really nice platform for me because I can continually edit and revise what I write. At some point I'll probably turn these articles into books, but it's still way to early for that.

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Thank you for sending; will try to listen to it.

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Thank you for sharing this. I had not listened to this interview.

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I’ve only listened to 1/2 b/c I work in medicine and have had my blinders on. Hard to digest. But excellent interview

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I am in healthcare too and I was slapped awake during COVID. It is tough to comprehend the level of lies surrounding the health of our citizenry at the expense of profits for certain industries.

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I’m absolutely distraught by all of it. Can’t believe I’ve been so naive. Politics have always been involved in healthcare but on a sneakier level than mandating injections for everyone to keep their jobs. That was the breaking point for me.

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Me too! Keeps me awake at night. The JRE podcast you recommended is outstanding. I was sick to my stomach learning more details about the Stackler family and the corruption that led to our deadly opioid crisis.

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Pre-diabetes: I can give you my personal experience.

Being diagnosed with a medical condition I've done a great many water fasts in the past 15 months.

It hasn't cured my condition yet but it has brought my pre-diabetes back to just over the middel of the normal range.

It has also lowered my high blood pressure to normal and I'm sure my cholesterol level will be fine.

When I was 40 years younger I fasted weekly a minimum of 48hrs (Sun night to Tue night) and regularly 72hrs (Tue night-Fri night). My doctor had never seen such low cholesterol levels.

I was tired of fasting and stopped 22 years ago. Very stupid. I'm 75 now.

Was funny: a London doctor found at that time that his inmates patients had very low cholesterol levels.

He concluded there must be a correlation between low cholesterol and a criminal mind according to a news paper article I read at that time.

It made me smile; I am the opposite.

I saw a video recently about a US health farm. Diabetes patients fast under supervision for as long as it takes (weeks) till cured.

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I am a big fan of water fasting!

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Fasting would be another good topic to cover. I have read about the benefits for Type II diabetics from Dr. Fung.

The controversy surrounding diabetes is the definition of pre-diabetic and are the markers for this being manipulated to force more people into the diagnosis of diabetic in order to pump out more prescription drugs.

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"Markers" have become such a scam. They don't even have to diagnose a disease anymore, but if you have the marker (created with absurd statistics), then you begin treatment.

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It's much easier to sell surrogate marker changes than actual cures

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Dearest Midwestern Doctor: your writing gives me goose-bumps. I'm unsure if you were designed to be a writer or a doctor (or maybe both) but your writing is absolutely phenomenal and it gets better each time you write. Thanks a million for putting so much thought into your latest post. I have bookmarked it for posterity. You are a voice for those of us that don't have one. Thanks a million times over for all your hard work and brilliant mind to put this together. You deserve an award for this! Kind thoughts to you from me.

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My goal on here essentially is to be a voice for people I know who were injured and were ignored. I've been learning how to do this on the fly and trying to have less typos which is surprisingly challenging.

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Wow. About 20 years ago I was suffering from an inexplicable full body rash (except for the face) that was incredibly itchy and irritating. For 6 months or so doctors (including 1 holistic doctor) could offer nothing more than a cortisone cream. Eventually my partner dragged me into a Chinese herbalist. I was 100% sceptical for about 5 days after which the rash just disappeared.

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Excellent article!

I just want to point out something that is obvious to many but not to others, that before vaccines were widely distributed and mandated, pharmaceutical companies only made money off of ill people so they had limitations for industry growth. Once vaccines were brought to the general public and pushed on everyone, the pharmaceutical companies had essentially found a way to tap into a market that included every living being on the planet, ill or healthy, with guaranteed zero liability. And of course, this was all predicated on a false premise that vaccines were responsible for eradicating dangerous diseases and had no or “rare” side effects. This is a huge financial win for the pharmaceutical industry to be able to force their “cures” and every single citizen regardless of their health status. The profit motivation of this business model of forcing “cures” on healthy people seems to be ignored because of the promised magical societal benefits (which benefits you dispel in your article here)

Turtles All the Way Down and Dissolving Illusions are two excellent books outlining many of these problems of vaccination claims of safety and efficacy that most people are unaware of. Highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t read them but is looking for good resources.

Here is a link to a study (below) that was done early on in the pandemic. I found it interesting regarding the flu shot aspect of the equation.

There are so many unknowns but what I can see, when I step back, is that in general, the overall health of the population in developed countries is not improving despite all the “medical and scientific advancements”. The more vaccine are introduced, especially with accompanying mandates, the higher the levelS and rates of chronic illness are, to the point that the average expected lifespan has begun to make a downward trend. This is the elephant in the room that is ignored by nearly all people involved in the medical/public health fields. If you mention this paradigm, people think you are a crazy conspiracy theorist, although less so now under the current conditions.

Thanks again. This information is excellent and very appreciated.


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A lot of famous figures over the years have pointed out that the pharmaceutical industry will create diseases and then make money off of selling the cures for them. Both Pfizer and Moderno are now doing that for treatment to mRNA vaccine reactions.

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Thank you so much for this very insightful article!!As a parent that is growing in concern about not wanting to Put more V’s in my child, I need to be aware of details like what you share here. Why so many resist knowing the truth about these matters is beyond me. I guess if people really understood the repercussions of having been blind to what was really going on, they would feel shame about what they’ve put in their children and in themselves. Still...people need to wake the f--k up!!!!!!

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Not to mention the doctors who have put these toxins in millions of people for years, the shame runs deep! But you can heal shame, our human bodies can’t afford more toxic impact!

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Very interesting. It is a long read which made me less inclined to start reading it. But I am really glad I did. There is a treasure trove of information in this and the links. You could spend a whole day or longer on this fully absorbing it all.

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I realized with this one I couldn't really split it so I had to go on the long end.

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I am so glad that I get to read this. I will read it more thoroughly coming up. I do much appreciate what you are doing. Because I live in the midwest myself, I just imagine that you work around here, and this encourages me.

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I also live in the Midwest, and hope to learn someday that you practice near where I live. I appreciate all your writings.

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