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Sounds like homeopathy to me. :)

Properly-applied homeopathy works, because it invigorates the body's immune responses to specific conditions. Many other methods exist that can accomplish the same, but I am happy as long as something works and does little or no harm (sorry, I don't believe there is free lunch, so there must be a drawback in most therapeutic practices, unless proven otherwise).

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There has actually been a lot of success in using homeopathics as preventative vaccines (Homeoprophylaxis). The difference with that approach to normal vaccination is that there is no risk involved for the possible benefit of preventing a future infectious disease.

All vaccines have risk and I feel that can only be justified when a condition is already there than needs to be treated, as opposed to something that might be contracted in the future.

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Homeopathy certainly activates some of the body's reserves and, if used prudently, it can be presumably directed to perform specific tasks by aiding or regulating the immune system. (However, I don't believe in anything being taken all the time, because that only makes the body lazy to produce what it otherwise would and makes it dependent on the external "help"; Metformin and "blood pressure" pills are good examples). Only experience can tell if a treatment helps or harms more, but everybody's metabolism is different, so it's always a leap in the dark. The multi-threaded poisoning in the "covid" injections have unknown ingredients, which might suggest that the case was the same with previous "vaccines" as well. The manufacturers have nothing to lose, but are owned by the globalist technocrats, so they must be working on a script that was activated on 9/11, but had been tested even prior to that a number of times. As far as I can see, all "vaccines" are toxic with absolutely no benefit and have been used for weakening people's (and animals'!) immune systems. On the other hand, taking a toxin in slowly-increasing doses (depending on the toxin; heavy metals are probably a bad idea to take :) ) can prepare the body to be protected against the same for some time, at least by creating a memory for the immune system that can be later applied, when the need for protection comes.

Bleeding in the Middle Ages was the first crude form of activating the body's reserves, so it often worked, but not because the "bad fluids" departed and the good ones stayed. :)

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тАвThere is a belief is chinese medicine that one should wait to take herbs until they are older and really need them because you will always build resistance to the herbs. You build tolerance more slowly to herbs than pharmaceuticals but it does still happen. I don't think the issue occurs with vitamins or minerals but there might be a few exceptions.

тАвThere is a case that bleeding helps by reducing toxic iron overload.

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Thank you, that made me realize how little I know! :)

Maria Treben was an Austrian herbalist some time around 1980. Her book, called something like "Herbs and Spices from God's Pharmacy" was a best-seller. A few year later, her liver gave in; all the stuff "from God's Pharmacy" was too much for it... Chinese smokes and mirrors do the same more often than not and when they work, it's probably mostly the placebo effect. Sometimes I wonder why people want to go through all this hassle; after all, we all die sooner or later. Instead of survival, wouldn't it be a better idea to focus on the way one lives?... :(

It would be nice to see a comprehensive list of supplements that are actually necessary (although I wouldn't trust pharmaceutical products, no matter what), including their priorities, dosages, interactions, and proper ways to take them for absorption.

The iron overload makes perfect sense, and people should be warned about cooking in cast iron, just like they shouldn't use microwaves or store food in plastic.

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I am a big believer in chinese herbs, but to use them properly, it has to be custom tailored to each person rather than just having an empiric program anyone can follow.

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Personalizing care is where the trouble starts, because there is no unquestionable medical paradigm for what a human being is. While the Chinese have a long tradition of herbal medicine, their Taoist folklore also includes a lot of superstition (e.g. pulverized tiger balls recover lost virility, where the placebo effect kicks in, as it does most, if not all, of the time). Still, there must be certain laws based on physics, chemistry, and biochemistry that affect supplements. My problem with any intervention with the body's functions can hinder the natural healing process and the maxim I have found to be true that "there is no free lunch."

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You might like this on my experience with sodium nitrite, it provides the chemical reason of neutralization in very basic form.


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