Fasting would be another good topic to cover. I have read about the benefits for Type II diabetics from Dr. Fung.
The controversy surrounding diabetes is the definition of pre-diabetic and are the markers for this being manipulated to force more people into the diagnosis of diabetic in order to pump out more prescription drugs.
Fasting would be another good topic to cover. I have read about the benefits for Type II diabetics from Dr. Fung.
The controversy surrounding diabetes is the definition of pre-diabetic and are the markers for this being manipulated to force more people into the diagnosis of diabetic in order to pump out more prescription drugs.
"Markers" have become such a scam. They don't even have to diagnose a disease anymore, but if you have the marker (created with absurd statistics), then you begin treatment.
Fasting would be another good topic to cover. I have read about the benefits for Type II diabetics from Dr. Fung.
The controversy surrounding diabetes is the definition of pre-diabetic and are the markers for this being manipulated to force more people into the diagnosis of diabetic in order to pump out more prescription drugs.
"Markers" have become such a scam. They don't even have to diagnose a disease anymore, but if you have the marker (created with absurd statistics), then you begin treatment.
It's much easier to sell surrogate marker changes than actual cures