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If you research way back you see that the incidence and/or rate of most of these diseases was not enough to justify vaccinating everyone. And yet doctors pushed vaccines and generations of humans rolled up our sleeves. (Most of us anyway.)

Candace Owens was showing this with regard to a number of illnesses and I did some minor research on measles and found the, what I guess would be IFR, was extremely low even before the measles vaccine was credited with ‘largely eradicating’ measles.

It’s not easy tracking all this back. On purpose I am sure.

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The incidence rate is a key part of the conversation that is always ignored. The problem fundamentally is that most Americans are not capable of caring about something unless the media primes them too, so as a result you can have some thing which is relatively insignificant (e.g. 20 people die) and something else that is catastrophic (e.g. hundreds of thousands of people die) but if the media only focuses on the former the public will become hysterical about it or if they will be completely apathetic towards the latter. For example, fentanyl overdoses are one of the top causes of death in the USA now and most people are fairly apathetic to it.

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I didn't know fentanyl overdoses were such a big problem. Are they in the top 10 reasons for US deaths? Because it used to be heart disease was the #1 killer in the US.

I did find this fully sourced page with mortality numbers for the world and US. https://pastebin.com/NzR2xZZU

I might have to research this fentanyl thing and do an article on it.

I was actually on a jury for a case where a girl died due to heroin tainted with high levels of fentanyl. She never had a chance of surviving that. There was enough fentanyl in there to kill her 24 times.

Be aware that Pastebin has ways of censoring your content if they don't like it.

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Pastebin censors? :(

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Yes, they will not allow a "paste", or file, to be viewed by the public if it has certain keywords or domains. The paste will be private so no one else sees it. Pastebin was used to share snippets of code, but quickly became a way to share longer text files.

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I read this yesterday and it serves as an example of what you’re saying. I think most of us here know the truth, but this column reminds me there are still so many millions who remain scared to death of Covid.


As far as the opioid crisis goes I think unless it hits home many people see drug abuse as a lifestyle choice or a sign of weakness/moral turpitude, when in reality most people first experience opioids after being prescribed them.

Back in my journalism days I did a number of stories on the pain clinics that popped up in blue collar towns and the doctors who spent all day writing scripts. Even talked to Purdue Pharma exec. For those who haven’t seen the documentary The Pharmacist I highly recommend it.

Have you seen the story about the drugs ozempic and wegovy intended for diabetics now being taken by celebrities and influencers to lose weight quickly?—supposedly causing a shortage that could hurt people who are said to need the drug. Not mentioned is the Elon Musk’s and Kim K’s of the world can’t get the drug without a doctor signing off. Sigh.

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I will need to watch that documentary. I've seen a lot of ones on the opiod crisis but never heard of that one. Have not, prior to your comment I didn't know you could use GLP-1's for weightloss.

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A write up on the pharmacist.


Here’s a look at a google search about weight loss from ozempic. Looks like a cash grab by manufacturer…


I admire your honesty and integrity.

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I can confirm, with documented sources. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/the-measles-vaccine-hoax

There are many cases out there where vaccines were pushed when deaths per capita were dropping fast, not just measles and smallpox. This story uses measles as an example. With hard data and graphs from both the US and UK.

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Thank you Becca! I appreciate your making this accessible.

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This article is full of great information on pre-covid measles vaccine failure in Samoa and how it relates to the covid-1984 plandemic the demons cooked (sorry, I had to use those words):

The Killing Fields of Samoa


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Thank you.

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I had what was termed German measles in 1975 when at boarding school, the same year I had the BCG vaccination like many in the school. I was very ill, temperature of at least 104 F, I believe. No wonder I was ill. Took all summer to get over.

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That is a really interesting link.

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Thank you. I am here to help and serve. And again thank you for what you do. I struggle with keeping tabs on all the good that people do, but I have subscribed to your newsletter for the time being.

I could do with several heads and hands to keep up!

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Baldmichael it’s interesting that you mention this, I had German measles around 75-77 I can’t remember exactly without checking my records.

I wasn’t vaccinated as I was too young at the time, my sister was though, we shared the same bedroom. Looking back at what I know now, I would say my infection was due to shedding after her and her school friends were vaccinated for it.

My older siblings seemed generous like that sharing.

My brother gave me whooping cough when I was only about 6-7 weeks old, doctors said it was impossible for me to have it as I was too young to catch it, unfortunately my mother didn’t breastfeed me for the first few weeks like my siblings, I missed out on those essential antibodies from her.

I did make a point of feeding both my babies myself, I wanted my protection passing onto them. Also asthma and eczema is triggered in my family by baby formula, even those that went onto be bottle fed never had this is if the were breastfed first.

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Thanks for the info Lizzy.

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