Because an executive branch agency was forced to create VAERS, it should not be the entity/branch operating or overseeing it. This is like asking a parolee to be his own parole officer while still being paid by the criminals he works for. Though there may be many ways to deal with the issue, IMO the GAO (Government Accountability Office), which is an investigative agency of congress, should be the ones managing VAERS.

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Great comment; pinned it!

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The video uploading issue happened again (despite my best efforts to prevent it). The issue essentially is that if I load a video into the post and then duplicate the post, Substack's server will lose the video at some point after the post is duplicated (so the copied post will shift from having the video to saying it can't load video). I re-uploaded the video but it's not in the email that was sent out so I'll include it in the upcoming open thread.

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Jeff Childers of Coffee & Covid fame solves this problem by including the link in a CLIP notation. See an example here: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/spooked-friday-november-23-2023-c (search for the word CLIP). I hope this helps.

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In just three short years I've gone from "Vaccines have saved the world! Give me more!" to "Vaccines are the most successful psy-op in world history and, overall, do far more damage than good." The proliferation of censorship, lies, and deceit are expertly designed to prevent more from taking my trajectory. The gaslighting will continue until more of us begin to question everything.

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Have used your comment as intro to the good docs when I sent it to 60 others. Well stated, succinct and honest. Thanks

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Delighted. Thank you!

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DR. GASLIGHT. A doctor causes his patient to question her own sanity. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/dr-gaslight

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Great! the music is so cool, compelling and interesting with all the mode and chord changes, i hardly listened to the words at first but they are great too! I loved the adverse-curse-worse trio of rhymes.

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Good stuff. I like the musicality, too. Nice use of what I think are minor keys, but feel free to correct me.

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It begins in a minor key and then starts alternating between major and minor.

Get my FREE PDF with links to all my music videos and original audio demos. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/add-ons-to-final-master-video-collection

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That's the reason I like your music. My brain waves need minor keys in music for me to like the sound. It's weird, but annoying. When I "converted" my 6,000 songs from 500 CDs and LPs to i-Tunes, I only converted about 1,300--the rest of the songs were just "noise" to my brain.

It's annoying because there is so little music I truly love. The closest I can get in terms of genre is Nuevo Flamenco, a subcategory of, I think, "smooth jazz," which I like more of then any other genre. The classic for me is one of the live versions of Trista Pena by Gipsy Kings. Yet, much of their music I truly dislike. Another: I dislike most Beatles, but the early Beatles are mostly loved, especially Devil in her Heart. I'm weird.

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Well some are in minor keys and some are in major. Here's one in a minor key written during the lock down.

Edgar Allan Poe meets the specter of Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine in Turfseer’s lockdown dirge “NEVERMORE.” Listen to it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/nevermore.

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I read through this thread and resonate with your comments, though I started down the "vaccine risk awareness" rabbit hole in 2016, not long after I received an "Asperger's" diagnosis and was then told that the whole "autism epidemic" was due mostly to genetics, which made no sense to my mind. That, plus having spent time digging into other conspiracies throughout my adult life, made me mostly immune to the PSYOP-19 madness, though I must admit my embarrassment at falling into the fearmongering in the first couple of months of 2020 before I came back to my senses. Thankfully, my research over the years has had the result that most of our grandchildren are now mostly or fully "un-jabbed."

One of the most stunning, surprising, and disturbing journeys I've been on in this time was to read, early in 2020, and again just a couple of months ago (the new edition) the book VIRUS MANIA, which traces the history of virology and "viral" epidemics over the past century or so. PSYOP-19 is not the first time "they" have pulled such a stunt. They've done this many times over the decades. FLUVID was simply the biggest and most destructive example. It's an amazing expose of medical malfeasance and mass hysteria (the new edition has been updated to include PSYOP-19), and I recommend it wholeheartedly.

Thank you for your work in the world, speaking up as you have in your world and with your clients. That comes with some potential risk, and is a big deal. My own focus is on psychology and trauma and mass formation hysterias. How do mass hysterias come about? And how do we act to counter them? Speaking out, as you are doing, is a key.

I also follow and collect all the data points I can which show that, in fact, the people of this world ARE awakening to the lies and the madness. It's a slow process, to be sure, with lots of pain and fear to metabolize as we go along. But from my perspective, this is all coming out, and on a quick timescale compared with previous revelations, and there is much for which to be thankful and hopeful. Just the sheer number of lawsuits slowly springing up like mushrooms is evidence enough of bigger things coming, to my eye.

Again. Thank you.


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fantastic! spread your story! I think people may listen better to those who used to be on the other side than from those of us who always doubted/disbelieved the govt.

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What's weird is I always questioned authority, especially government. As a long-time free market economist, I even understood regulatory capture, where the regulated capture (control) the regulators. What did not dawn on me was the utter lack of integrity among those in the private market--I had no idea it was anywhere near as bad as it is.

I was a little bit naive. Ok, a lot, considering I really should have known better.

You'll like this, too: I even mocked Andrew Wakefield as a likely alcoholic. Only a person with distortions of perception and memory, endemic to alcoholics, could have believed anything other than "vaccines saved the world." How wrong I was, and I sincerely apologize to someone I now view as among the greatest heroes ever: Andy Wakefield.

This is also the reason I consider the vaccine mythology to be the greatest psy-op in world history, even outdoing the absurd idea that property is the root of all evil. At least those living under Marxism didn't really believe in that contemptible, evil system. But nearly everyone believes in vaccines.

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Well, good... you give me hope for others to change their beliefs. Why did you change your mind - was it gradual or a bolt from the sky?

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Very few minds change instantly. It took a while. In 2020 I was fortunate to be a regular reader of Karl Denninger's Market-Ticker page. Brilliant guy with many very smart commenters. Both caused me to go down numerous rabbit holes about the dangers of masks, prophylactics and prophylaxes (IVM, hydroxy, et al), the history of viruses (they spread; everyone will get it) and enough on the history of vaccines to know I wasn't going to take this one (the least amount of time testing in animal trials was mumps, over five years).

I wasn't yet looking at other vaccines. I was too focused on what I view as the greatest mass hysteria in history, which is saying a lot (there have been plenty of such hysterias). I was also determined to be ready for the virus. By mid-2021 I had a stock of IVM, hydroxy, budesonide, etc. and learned about the other essentials (zinc, quercetin, NAC) and added my own (massive dosing of Vitamin C and beef bone broth--which works for bronchitis so I figured why not this, too).

I think it was early 2022 when I stumbled upon a key factoid: there were mass protests against mandatory smallpox vaccinations in the late 1800s. I asked a simple question: why were there mass protests against a vaccine that purportedly protected people from a disease with a 30% kill rate? I discovered the mass inoculations were causing mass outbreaks. From there I began to question all other vaccines.

Knowing a bit about the history of medicine also helped. I knew "carbs good, fats bad!" was a lie; I knew a bit about the idea that lobotomies were "the science" for mental illness. And I knew the story of Ignaz Semmelweis, which perhaps was key. I understood the arrogance of "experts;" it took a bit to admit, or realize, that too few have the integrity to admit their life's work might be inverted (as the "Inversionism" here on Substack but more on X might put it).

Another area of knowledge about which I knew little was propaganda. As an INTJ I'm a natural skeptic and never thought I could succumb to propaganda. And normally, I don't. But coinciding with my deep dive into everything Virus, I began inadvertently studying propaganda and found it was in every nook and cranny of medicine. Its breadth is truly a marvel.

Longer than you asked for, no doubt, and a bit rambling, in the nature of long comments (except for naturally good writers, which I am not).

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Good job! My scientist husband (and navy brat;) was not in any way inclined to believe poorly of science or the govt... whereas I had been raised on such ideas as the illuminati, club of rome, jekyll island .... so my initial response is distrust, wait and observe. I spent a good part of the first yr and a half of covid researching all the science articles to counteract what he was reading on msm... but I think it was when his Russian PhD colleague adamantly refused the vax that made him finally wake up and think twice.

I hope you can find many opportunities to share your story with those on the fence!

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Well, I do what I can. I wrote about the insanity of the lockdowns in my client letter in mid-2020 and, realizing you can't fight a mass hysteria and remain alive (or, in my case, keep all my clients should I say too much counter to the propaganda/narrative), stayed silent until a few weeks ago when I included one little thought at the bottom of the last page of the latest letter:

"A Note on the 'Vaccines'

"If you or someone close to you has been injured by the 'vaccine,' I urge you to save health-related documentation both before and after taking the vaccine. I believe the Vaccine Trials will be to the tobacco trials what a trial of a serial murderer would be to a trial over a parking ticket. Having good records may be crucial in the event you want to pursue legal action later and collect compensation for injuries or deaths. For once, I will support the trial lawyers."

I've got hundreds of tax clients (I'm an Enrolled Agent). I heard from one so far, who raved about a related part of the letter (I named my top ten Substacks in an explanation of "Substack"). Hopefully, the old adage that for every one who comments there are 250 others thinking the same thing will hold true. We'll see.

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Speaking of propaganda… When advertising prescription medication on tv (and magazines) was made legal, pharmaceutical companies became the leading source of revenue for tv stations. This essentially allowed pharmaceutical companies to influence what news reports were or were not allowed to be aired and, I personally believe that pharmaceutical companies probably have a very strong say in which politicians get taken out during the primaries. No politician who intends to rein in the most corrupt industry on earth is going to be allowed to make it into the general election.

So people think that the government is pushing the propaganda but I estimate that pharma is really behind government sponsored propaganda as well as anything coming from media corporations.

I took my red-pill about vaccines in 2018 when one of my children asked me to research it out to see if I thought they were safe for children. I can’t even explain my shock and horror as I uncovered the truth. I regret every injection I let them give my babies but at least my grand babies are protected. The silver lining to the pandemic response is that many people now know how badly we have been lied to. Some are still stuck in the lies.

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"pharma is really behind government sponsored propaganda"

Absolutely. That is part of "regulatory capture." The underlying problem, however, is that a mechanism exists whereby the "regulated" get a regulator to do their bidding. The regulators--the three-letter alphabet soup agencies--need to be abolished.

And yes, in the long run that silver lining may save the world. We only need to survive to see it.

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Nov 26, 2023
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Prevagen? For memory, but for eyes? Or prev... something else? I have not heard of this, but there is so much more to learn!

I added beef bone broth to my regimen (irregular when well; daily or more when fighting off anything or actually sick) when I discovered it stopped bronchitis. It is amazing.

They refuse to understand because of cognitive dissonance, low self-esteem and a lack of integrity. I don't convince them with any eloquence; they need time. And, as we can see, time is often not long enough.

I just turned 70. Welcome to the club, Junker, when you get there.

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Jessica Rose has done a phenomenal job analyzing and presenting VAERS data - she puts Steve Kirsch to shame and makes him look like a rookie!! THANK YOU for all you do and post!

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Agreed! Everyone on this thread should be reading Jessica Rose's Substack. Her analysis and tireless work on the VAERS data is bar none. Period!

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Thanks for this series on the evil vaccines AMD. Excellent work.. ALL OF THEM! Two books cover vaccines and their BS in great depth. Turtles All The Way Down and The Real Anthony Fauci. Two MUST READS.

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These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time, and they are certainly not original with myself. They can be found on the ineternet through searches. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Ideally get them posted on scool classrooms. Thank You.

The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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Two pertinent comments:

1. The military has always used soldiers as their lab rats. Excerpt from my book:

The winner of Ugly award besides the killer goes to Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes who started out his career as a young Army Medical Corps doctor at the Edgewood Arsenal where biological experiments took place. They included a drug called CAR-301,060 (also known as cis-2-Methyl-3-quinuclidinylphenylcyclopentylglycolate or just by its code number 301060) is a potent and long lasting anticholinergic deliriant drug, related to the chemical warfare agent 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB). It was developed under contract to Edgewood Arsenal during the 1960s as part of the US military chemical weapons program, during research to improve upon the properties of earlier agents such as QNB. Dr. Hayes downplayed his involvement by saying “a few dozen well-informed volunteers tested the safety of atropine.” The word deliriant is a code word for the word “hallucinogen.”

This was just one of the many experiments at Edgewood carried on from 1958 to 1975 and involved hundreds of drugs and about 7000 soldier volunteers, to determine how mind-altering drugs would affect soldiers and others under various conditions.

2. Dr. Kessler was the last FDA Director who believed he had the job of protecting American citizens from harm. The Tobacco lobby successfully pushed Dr. Kessler and Dr. Koop out of their positions because they wanted tobacco products to be considered a drug since they delivered nicotine which is harmful overtime.

Excerpt from my book.

Dr. Kessler, who was in charge in the 1990’s, only one of the two FDA Commissioners I remember that truly put patient safety first, stated he believed that only 1% of ADR’s are ever reported. The actual death toll was truly much greater and a factor of 20 is very plausible. The same issue is true in 2022, when the VAERS system has reported by October of 2022 that about 32,000 have died from mRNA injections. The question we cannot answer, is how many deaths were caused by Zomax and the death certificate indicates something else such as Steven’s Johnson syndrome and they do not connect it to the drug. Also, the lack of reporting of ADR’s is a major factor.

My view is that the FDA is OVERWHELMED with adverse reports on the mRNA injections and the input is not up to date because of LACK OF REVIEWERS TO PROCESS THE RAW DATA. In turn, the data being released is just the tip of the Medical Titanic Iceberg and the truth is being hidden and will not be known for years! They will NOT allocate more labor to the VAERS system!

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1) I never heard about that drug!

2) I was also a fan of Kessler and feel the same way you do (minus him "approving" the anthrax vaccine for military)

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That's partially what the book is about. How they kept the drug Zomax under the radar screen to minimize the financial damage. The book is called Seven Innocents. My research on the Cyanide tainted Tylenol murders.

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Tylenol itself is toxic especially to the liver.

Could this cyanide story be a distraction from that?

There were times when they were going to pull it from OTC market because acetaminophen was causing many issues...

I'm still flabbergasted why doctors and medical groups still promote taking it, when there are better replacements that are way less toxic.

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All covered in my book. J&J is an expert marketer and knows how to spin the narrative.

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Thomas - Where is your book available? I would like to read it.

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Fallout from Reye's Syndrome. Odd, since Paracetamol and related drugs simply do not work. (They aren't analgesics, though perhaps febrifuges in some people.) Use Aspirin if you have H. pylori under control (perhaps ibuprofen, too) and don't mind antipyresis; otherwise Vioxx, short term only! Possibly angelate and tiglate esters.

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Paracetamol works as a painkiller for me, perhaps because I use it only occasionally and sparingly and so build up no tolerance. If it wasn't an analgesic I think people would have noticed by now. It can't be just a placebo.

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When my wisdom teeth were extracted, ibuprofen wasn't allowed me. My dad gave me 4 acetaminophen tablets. I'd NEVER used it before, so tolerance can't be a factor. They didn't do a thing I could detect. (I didn't check liver function.) It's not an analgesic. But he also considered phenacetin to work for him.

Fwiw, I exhibit very little placebo effect.

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can't find on thriftbooks or amazon.. out of print?

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Coming soon! Stay tuned!

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Walking the tight rope of science and politics is a tricky job!

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Footnote: In early 1918 it was reported that the Rockefeller foundation ran a vaccine experiment in Fort Riley, Kansas with a vaccine to prevent bacterial meningitis. Army personnel were their lab rats.

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Something else happened at For Riley recently (2014) aka covid jab testing...:


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Would not surprise me. This whole covid episode was preplanned.

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Cigarette smoking is quite harmful, nicotine by itself, not so much. Look into the pilot studies showing nicotine patches can help elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment. (The reason they have never gone beyond pilot experiments should be obvious to us all by now - no money in nicotine patches for big pharma.)

It was observed quite a long time ago that smokers didn't get Alzheimer's at anywhere near the rates nonsmokers did, then some studies tortured the statistical results by "controlling" for things that shouldn't have been controlled for (if I remember right), and presto, change-o, cigarette smokers did indeed get Alzheimer's!

There are a lot of way's to mangle statistical results.

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Yea! Lost a friend from addiction to nicotine gum. Doctors couldn't figure out why he had tremors! Uncontrollable shaking. Way overdosed! Should not be available OTC and on Rx only, but that is not how you maximize your profitability!

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I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. That has to be pretty rare though, or else there would be a warning on the boxes. There was a big scare about popcorn lung on vaping, which turned out to be from the flavors (additives) in some of the vapes, and of course there are warnings on boxes of laundry "pods" to not EAT THEM, of all things.

I guess it would be physically pretty easy to eat several of those pieces of gum and get the equivalent of several packs of cigarettes in a short time span. I tried chewing one of those things, and boy it releases a load pretty quickly. You don't notice anything like that with the patches.

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Vape ingredients are still pretty much unregulated. I've had people insist in the comments here on substack that "unregulated" is a good thing. In this case, no, it really isn't. You don't know what you're taking into your lungs when you vape. It could quite literally be anything.

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i like the book you're holding (:

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"Hallucinogen" is such an ambiguous word, I do not object to deliriant.

While habit forming, the harm of nicotine is minor in comparison to "tar". (Minute globules of combustion residue. Those dirty up your lungs and cause holes in them from residual leukocyte elastase.) Cytisine might be better. (More suitable duration of activity)

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Losing your eye sight may change the smokers mind.

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Marvelous summary takedown of the VAERS program. Thank you.

Bureaucracy. Incompetence. Greed. Shame. Ease of implementation. A deep belief that vaccines are an "unquestionable good." A willingness to act out the notion that "the ends justify the means." All of these are major factors at different levels of organization which explain why things are as they are. Yes.

BUT... after having my head in the vaccine question for six years now, and having spent most of my adult life looking into the more general question of "why the world is as it is right now," I have grown convinced that there exists a hidden control level, a group of entities which works behind and above the layers of government, media, and medical professions we see at work in the world, people whom the conspiracy researcher Michael Hoffman calls "Cryptocrats," for whom "harm" is the very point of all of this.

This is why I began using the word "evil" some years back, as squeamish as I felt doing so.

No other world seems to fit.

I think you already know this.

You take care. Thank you for your good work.


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I joined the US Navy in 1977. Soon after the 1976 'scare' of an impending epi/pan-demic. On joining, I was vaccinated up the ying-yang for anything on the radar at the time, maybe for some things not so 'on radar'. I don't know.

For the next ten years, I endured the yearly, mandated, injections. From what I remember back then, there were no 'exemptions' available, you took the jab(s) or you went up on charges. Because of this, and other issues with what the military wanted, I left.

Now...wondering what those ten years of jabs, plus getting the Shingles jab, a yearly flu jab and the J&J C19 jab, might have done to my immune system. My overall health.

I'll never take another vaccine, period. Federal or state 'mandates' be damned.

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"I'll never take another vaccine, period. Federal or state 'mandates' be damned."

A very good move. Good job. Even more so for children who rely on us adults to guide them. And we should not take any vaccine when in the next year or 5 "they" (who is 'they'?) come out with a re-branded vaccine. "Next Generation Vaccine". A 'Safe' Vaccine. Run, as fast as possible, from any expert blathering about $safe vaccines$. I can't think of anybody at this time who would be stupid/crooked enough to actually say this? Because, a safe vaccine is impossible. Literally.

"Now...wondering what those ten years of jabs, plus getting the Shingles jab, a yearly flu jab and the J&J C19 jab, might have done to my immune system."

Here's the problem. And it's a problem that all the "Frontline Doctors" could straighten out in a heartbeat and explain to us Peons, but they wont.

It's not just the 'immune system' damaged by vaccines/meds/chemo, it's that we are damaging or slaughtering our whole CNS (Central Nervous System). CNS = tip of head (brain) to toes. ligaments/tendons/eyesight/muscles/blood/all organs/chemistry blah blah. CNS is a SuperComputer. Always working for us, 24/7.

This is nothing short of huge and yet I'm still waiting for a "Frontline Expert" to explain this to the uninformed. "Immune System" vs CNS and how vaccines/meds destroy 'it'. They won't and .. never will.

Shingles, who many on here have said is a safe and effective vaccine, has a Black-Box Warning on it. "May cause GBS" or Guillian Barre Syndrome. This is a nasty, disabling, painful disease. What 'they' leave out is that it causes many other illnesses besides GBS. As do all vaccines.

1) In the 1980’s, Ronald Reagan actually said to the companies, “Why don't you just make the vaccines safe?' And Wyeth (which subsequently merged with Pfizer) said, 'Because vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,' and that phrase, 'unavoidably unsafe,' is in the preamble to the Vaccine Injury Act." of 1986.

2) Bombshell Oxford Study: Less than 6% of “Approved” Medical Drugs Are Backed by “High-Quality Evidence” to Support Their Benefits – “Harms” are Significantly Underreported Across the Board

Snip: "According to a newly released study by the University of Oxford, a jaw-dropping 94% of recently approved medications are not supported by high-quality evidence that demonstrates their benefits. What’s more, just like with the experimental Covid-19 ‘vaccines,’ side effects and adverse reactions to these drugs are being severely underreported across the board.

When looking at medical drugs that have been approved since 2008 under the Cochrane reviews – a “leading” international journal and database that is endorsed by over 100 organizations worldwide, including the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -researchers determined that just 87 of the 1,567 medications (6%) had clinical data that met the “high-quality” standard"

1) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0895435622001007#!

2) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/bombshell-oxford-study-less-6-approved-medical-drugs-backed-high-quality-evidence-support-benefits-harms-significantly-underreported-across-board/

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It is time. All of the US based 'public health' agencies need to be either abolished out right (given over to state agencies?), or, drastically de/re funded and re-governanced - still, likely not a fix. They serve no purpose other than promoting injurious policies and products and lining the pockets of them and their pharma overlords. There is no reason the US taxpayer should be funding this debacle.

At the same time, the US, at least, needs to abandon the UN/WHO, no funding whatsoever and no adherence to 'policy' from these unelected socialist bodies.

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In truth, the government never wants to have to tell the truth about ANYTHING. It is very hard to force it to do so and VAERS is not even close to presenting the entire picture. That is because it is in the hands of one of the most long term nefarious government agencies ever invented...The CDC. If you are expecting the truth from the government, you are going to have to pay to get it...or what pretends to be it.

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Truth is the first casualty of war, and the U.S. have been at war with everybody (We're all Germans now) since 06 April, 1917. HJR-192 was done under its auspices via the 1917 Trading With the Enemy act.

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I have been totally unsuccessful in submitting any of my reports to VAERS.

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I can’t find the words to describe how disgusted I am after reading your articles. I have spent the day reading your past articles that you linked to and this just flabbergasted me:

"Many other agencies within the federal government, including the CIA and the NIH, have their own foundations that were also created by Congress to allow them to access corporate bribes donations that are not subject to legal oversight such as freedom of information act requests)."

I have found out how for decades congresses have passed legislation that legalized criminal activity and crimes against humanity just so that a select class of people can get rich no matter the cost to we the people. And of course the actions of big pharma are just the tip of the iceberg because every industry has done the same things. Bought our government so it serves the donors at our expense.

Anyone who thinks that we can vote our way out of this corruption needs to wake the F up.

Thank you for exposing all of this . This seems so inadequate to say how much I appreciate your work.

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Thank-you for your post. Over time, many people have been tricked.into thinking that vaccination was safe for adults as well as children. I do remember over the years many of issues with different vaccines. If some doctors were calling out safety and efficacy issues with vaccines in the 70s and 80s, it likely explains some health issues with generation X and below.

Over the years, I have lost trust in big pharma and in the medical profession for that matter.

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yes - like the fact that the millenials (and younger) seem to just get sick regularly - like it is just normal to get sick every few weeks. I have been noticing this for many years.

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I want to share this comment with you from another substack about fraud occurring in VAERS. The comment isn't that long, but it explains a lot of what happened with COVID. The article is good as well. The link is at the top.


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Thank you.

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Marketing and bribes trump science:

"When injuries nonetheless occur that no one can deny were linked to a vaccine, they are viewed as acceptable collateral damage for the greater good of vaccination—even if in reality there is no “greater good” to begin with."

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