I am hard at work on the DMSO article (it's a huge subject to unpack) and I am planning to release it next weekend.

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Thank you for all your work !!

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Looking forward to the article. I had a neck spasm that lasted 5 weeks and only got better after my wife had recommended I try the DMSO that I bought last year that was just sitting thereon the shelf. A Warning to the people that try this stuff out: It will make you itch like you wouldn't believe but it is at least fairly short lived 30 min or so. Do not put it on your back between your shoulder blades or you will be imitating a bear trying to scratch against any corner of a wall....

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and make everyone around you eat LOTS of garlic!

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There are several excellent books available on archive.com

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Did you mean archive.org?

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Yes, sorry and thank you for correcting that.

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I'm very glad you are covering this. I have had and seen great benefit from DMSO but for some reason it seems be overlooked, even by fairly forward-thinking, open-minded people. Peptides like BPC157 (which I have also had success with) seem to get lots of attention but humans seem to disrespect things which are cheap and easy.

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I don’t know about those peptides. Could you point me in the direction of more info about them?

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Information on Peptides is rather scattered. They are naturally occurring for the most part so there is little commercial attention given to them. For general discussion, Dr. Elizabeth Yurth’s podcasts which can be found at boulderlongevity.com have great info, and for BPC specifically, a starter set of info can be found on the peptide sciences site ( a seller of peptides) at https://www.peptidesciences.com/bpc-157?size=5mg . There is a lot of discussion about them on athletic and health forums.

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Dear MD,

I would be curious to know what you think of this interview and information about our hidden body system or aura as some refer to it as and how they've captured this part of our anatomy without our knowledge or consent via the internet of bodies. Sabrina is highly intelligent and a victim of mk ultra. If you have time, this is mind boggling imo.


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I have friends who've shared having gone through similar things. I feel this is beyond the scope of what I should be covering here.

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Thanks and I'm looking forward to the DMSO article. I have a book about it, but am a bit fearful to use it.

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Squirt your eyes and if there is a blank background you can see the aura just behind the shoulders and around the head. It should be 1-3 inches and they all look unique if you’re intuitively guided.

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Sorry, I posted it twice.

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I’m no doctor or health professional, but it’s my firm belief that all these modern medical disorders didn’t exist 150-200 years ago. It’s my lay opinion that our food, water, air have been poisoned. Vaccines are the nail in the coffin

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Absolutely agree with this. I am old enough to have witnessed my grandmother and her friends live to an advanced age without cancer, dementia, Alzheimer's, cataracts, macular degeneration, and all the other degenerative diseases ruining lives today. There was no assisted living; they did not have five specialists, nor did they have a cabinet full of Rx drugs, or have joints replaced ... knees, shoulders, hips. There was no childhood cancer. Now every major city has a children's hospital full of children with cancer. No one asks why.

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Sadly, I witnessed this in 2004 with my normal four year old son after routine jabs. He received the MMR, dtap, and the Hep B. He regressed into autism over a four week period. It was so profound that I couldn’t deny what was happening to him. It was like the lights went off completely. You’re right about the eyes and one side of the face issues. Also, after he would eat his eyes would roll up into his head like he was having a seizure. He had severe constipation . I was lucky to find a DAN doctor who was able to reverse it. The main treatment that yanked him back was a cod liver (vitamin A ) treatment. I now have no doubt that the MMR he got that day was the huge issue. Vitamin A (cod liver oil) is an old treatment for measles. We also used Chinese golden thread herb (Berberis) for the gut. Keeping the constipation under control and healing the gut were also important. My son recovered from it but it was nothing short of moving a mountain. He is amazing hardworking productive young man who contributes to society. He is a police officer and loves his job. I thank God everyday because I witnessed a miracle.

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Thank God that you got help! My grandson had lesser symptoms, but also was oblivious, couldn't connect actions to results of his actions and coped with a lot of anxiety throughout his life. He died last year at age seventeen. Your son was truly blessed to have a parent who believed that there was help for him, and was determined to find it.

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I am so sorry regarding your grandson. The anxiety in are youth now is over the top.

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YES! Part of it is lexicon - when someone feels uncomfortable now, the first word on their lips is "anxiety."

When I'm working with people, I encourage them to use more physical descriptive language - my belly flops, my hair standing on end, I want to leave this place, those words hurt, jumping in my skin - any number of descriptors to pull them out of the "anxiety" pit.

Having it be an official DSM diag-nonsense doesn't help, and absolves people of responsibility for how they feel: "It's my anxiety." (notice how they ***own*** it?)

And children? Since when are children anxious? What have we done to our children? EGADS. Is this learned behaviour? Or is it poisoning?

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I am so happy that you were able to rescue him from this injury. I pray others will see this and know that there is hope.

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BIG thank you! This is what I was taught in my chiropractic training 50 years ago. Nice to see it reemerging.

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Thanks for saying that, sir. Those in the holistic world have known this for decades, and that's why they've been on the pharma "attack" list along with parents of vax-injured children.

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When people are shown this diagram, the usual refrain is ‘We need to do something’

The Men Who Run the World are doing something. They are poisoning us with vaccines and processed foods that contain copious amounts of sugar, seed oils, and other nefarious garbage.


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Aug 18
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Big thanks!

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Interesting to note that a book, Dr Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm

by John P. Thomas, has been scrubbed from Amazon and not much about it from Google either. This type of censorship only gives credence to the work of the brave but unfortunate truth-teller, Dr Moulden.

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I had mutual friends with Moulden so I understand his work quite well.

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Dear AMD,

I truly appreciate these shorter, very shareable articles. Paring down an article to its essential points is almost as difficult as writing and researching the original long form piece, I know! So thank you!

I would love a simple, clear to lay people like me, definition of zeta potential. A short “Cliff’s Notes Definition of Zeta Potential for Dummies” paragraph near the beginning of articles that focus on zeta potential would really help (apologies if I missed it).

I looked up a definition in Wikipedia and came up with this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeta_potential . But I needed a physics weed whacker to cut through it. (Physics was not my best subject.) HELP!

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Thank you for this request. I'm not the brightest bulb in the room, and I struggle to grasp it. Something about ions and flow.

While I recognise that all people are different, I would like to have a flow chart for improving zeta potential. I reckon I can improve it, even if I don't quite understand it. I suspect that a ***lot*** of my practices move in the right direction - standing barefoot on ground, walking in sun, potassium, qigong & tai chi, deep breathing, meditating. But I'd like to do as much as I can in the right direction!

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We’re all dumb bulbs trying to become brighter — myself especially!

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Is any of Andrew Moulden’s (or Jeff Bradstreet’s) written work available? I tried to find it a year or so ago and wasn’t successful. It was as if it had been scrubbed.

A propos not too much. I recently had Hair Mineral Analysis and was surprised to find I had high levels of Arsenic, Aluminium and Lead. I can rule out all the obvious causes. And that left me thinking that it could be chemtrails (which seem to be more of an issue in my area).

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Try looking at used book sites- or used book stores. I'm not sure book stores exist anymore...not where I live, anyway. I'm a book nerd, so I go to thrift books dot com and many others online.

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Wow thank you for sharing!

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Thank you. MSB ❣️

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How very kind of you. Thank you so much.

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What's really scary is that many pediatric practices would IMMEDIATELY go out of business if they didn't push the childhood jabs...


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Bet the veterinarians would, too.

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Excellent synopsis. Thank you. I never vaccinated my 3 kids and they were all super healthy! And I’d never touch the bogus plandemic jab in a million years!

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I’m guessing that you are (or have) homeschooled them. All the government schools require the CDC’s long list of vaccines before entry, “to protect the other kids,” of course.

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You can get exemptions (except in cali). Mine went to school on religious exemptions...

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Brilliant- and helps explain why so many young people seem to have such a vast range of health problems from allergies to autism, and maybe being overweight? In the whole of my schooling I can only remember one child who in retrospect might have been autistic- I am getting on in years!

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When I was a kid, the occasional "chubby" kid was rare as well.

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Sep 25Edited

I was watching an old movie (1950's). And the kid who was "the fat kid" was "normal" by today's standards.

I think about the "fat kids" growing up, and the fat kids today - and.

OK, I used to live in the fattest state in the USA (Indiana). We got so that we would measure obesity by "how many people it is." My brother is 3 people big. I'm around 1.25 people. Going to the state fair, it was a game - "how many people are in that person?" Sometimes you see one who is 4-5 people big.

Growing up, 1.25 people was super-fat. Now, it's pushing 2-3 people big. (I hope my terminology isn't too confusing)

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Yes absolutely- I can only remember one or two “fat” kids in my whole primary schooling- and nowadays they would be considered the norm! And nowadays at closing of school the supermarkets are flooded with school kids stocking up on chips, chocolates, drinks etc to stuff their faces on the way home before no doubt having a dinner of some other fried delights!

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MANY of us were "neurodiverse" by loose definition, but we weren't corralled into labelling boxes for it. (additionally, tom-boys weren't offered "affirming care")

I remember one "hyperactive" boy in the 70's. ONE. I can think of a lot of my friends who were "different," but - it wasn't disabling.

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What if the entire idea of vaccines training the immune system is flawed because they do not present at an immune system barrier but injected internally by traumatic puncture. How is it possible for intramuscular injection to prepare an immune response to a respiratory molecule that would trigger T-cell response in a naturally occurring encounter?

Looking at antibodies when a boatload of adjuvants are enough to irritate an immune system shouldn't count as a proxy for immunity no matter its roaring success in the grant circuit!

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I have no formal medical training. Just years of getting screwed by "experts." This is what I hear when I listen to vaccine promos by experts & devotees:

"We understand the human immune system and disease xyz so well that we have come up with a concoction that we inject you with, and it will become an invisible, internal condom."

Just a regular person here, but the entire premise is absurd in my book. 😊

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BTW, have you noticed the mainstream news reporting the serious increase of childhood myopia since COVID (Scamdemic in my verbiage)? No reports that I can find yet distinguish between this epidemic increase between the vaccinated and the un. Fundamentally bad "science". But I am just a lowly DC.

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Thanks again! Yes I am familiar with Bruce and many others. A few decades of dedicated focus and intent to understanding the fundamentals of true healing.

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Fascinating as always. I’d love to read more on grounding (earthing) and how direct contact with the earth’s electrical fields impacts the body. I do think many aspects of nature have healing properties for the human body such as negative ions from sea spray and foresting. I’ve written lightly about these things but would like to learn more.

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Dr. Andrew M was young and healthy, and in the process of launching an autism-recovery clinic in the southeastern corner of the U.S. when he died suddenly and unexpectedly. He was a relentlessly courageous voice that rang out loudly and without apology, "EVERY vaccine causes harm." Videos of his talks, demonstrating the science and presenting the evidence behind this statement can probably still be found on the internet. The last video that he did was all about his new clinic....and then he was suddenly gone.

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One of my friends knew him and had access to all his research papers. I believe the approach I am advocating for is similar to what he had intended to do.

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Phenomenal. And now, perhaps there are finally so many people with eyes that see and ears that hear, there will simply be far too many courageous tongues wagging for the collaborators to kill them all.

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Thank you for this article. I’m new to this substack:)

Very interesting re children perhaps with mini strokes. And how would we know as brain scans & complete diagnostics are probably not typically conducted. And the blood sludge thing makes sense. Many injectables are suspect to cause an autoimmune reaction (injectables to include from the syrringes of mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, as well).

I have questioned for years the aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury (NO-there is not a good & a bad type of mercury that the powers that be try to say, all are neurotoxin), animal goo (monkey, dog, cow, aborted fetus…). Of course, even questioning or putting forth concerns re vaccines is VERBOTEN. Anything that could effect the bottom line $$$ with the big pharm cartel?

The ONLY candidate running for office who is open to these type of medical discussions & who has discussed health in general as a grave concern, & who has challenged the covid narrative is Rfk jr. He has had to defend himself & state that he & his family have been vaxxed (not with the covid vax, & now he questions that the flu vaccine might have caused his voice condition, spasmodic dysphonia, which is apparently listed as a side effect of flu vaccine).

If the red & blue team don’t knock Rfk jr to the side (they are trying very hard!), 82% of people are now said to be registered as Independents. A lot of people are sick of the 2 party fighting & welcome a unity party. Here are some of the antics we are seeing being used against Rfk jr (he has some big corps, like pharm, that do not want him in the race. All major tv stations won’t have him on (Fox, a few times) so there’s some obvioius shunning & promoting of others.

Please read re the race & do share:


And his website: https://www.kennedy24.com/policies

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I'm not medically trained (nor did I sleep at a Holiday Inn Express - to absorb the knowledge - sorry, old commercial).

First off, THANK YOU for the WHY's. Did I miss the parts about how to reverse the (already implanted) lowered zeta potential beyond just avoidance to Aluminum? (and it's included in salt??)

(I'm not sure if I worded that correctly, because in another article you mention the confusion behind lowering potential (making it more negative) is more positive.

I'm trying to slog through other articles you have, and it seems grounding, elevated temperatures (exercise? Near-awake sleep, 3000nm infrared light), electrolytes (and not just tap water to excess), avoiding caffeine? (presumed because of the loss of water), sunlight, digestion of gel-state chia seeds and cucumbers, coconut water, turmeric, a probiotic, and tulsi, B12 and other things listed here: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/how-to-improve-zeta-potential-and

Am I getting this right? (perhaps a simple list of things that you'd feel comfortable suggesting (not recommending, as that has legal implications for doctors).

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THANK YOU ....now please, please tell us more about how we can detox from this; and also about our pets. so many places require all dogs (for example) to be Injected with 3 or 4 pathogens just to be boarded at a kennel etc.

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Home pet care. You can hire a service, or a neighbour kid (we're lucky to have a set of 3 homeschooled children who look after our pets while away).

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Virtually all forms of over the counter aspirin contain carcinogenic ingredients like titanium dioxide and alum. Aspirin can be extremely.helpful ad a cheap anti-inflammatory agent but pharmaceutical companies insist on wreaking it toxic fillers. You can buy pure aspirin by the pound at the feed stores-- horse owners don't want to give their animals poison. It costs around $20 for a lifetime supply as far as dosing goes, probably 50 mg is a lot, you have to experiment a bit. The late Walter Last recommended taking some copper with aspirin as it increases its potency about ten times. He recommended boiling a copper wire in a double boiler but I just use some copper gluconate or take some chlorella supplement.

Also, I wanted to mention that

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At some point I need to write about pharmaceutical excipients and mast cell disorder.

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Could you also write about possible treatments for MCAS?

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Yes, please.

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I buy my aspirin from Dollar General. The ingredients are aspirin and cornstarch. No titanium dioxide, no artificial colors or fillers. I don’t know how harmful the cornstarch might be, but this aspirin is the best I could do.

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That sounds a lot better than most products. However, I do not know if pharmaceutical products allow items to be added that are not required to be listed on the label-- that is accepted practice in the food industry.

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Sodium Salicylate is a pure form of aspirin, less acidic that is available from chemical supply companies like United Nuclear and you don't need to be a scientist to order. In Europe you can buy much safer aspirin. People glup aspirin down like cough drops never giving any thought to the added ( and totally unnecessary ingredients)

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I see Wikpedia says "Sodium salicylate also acts as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), and induces apoptosis in cancer cells and also necrosis."


An anagram of 'Sodium salicylate' is 'medical autolysis' which seems to be essentially what Sodium salicylate is about.

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A good natural aspirin is White Willow Bark extract. Works like a charm!

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Ivermectin for horses was the purest tested (saw a study comparing from USA, India, and veterinary supply).

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It is also the cheapest,hence even more reason for big pharma to go bat shit crazy when humans use it . I order all mine mail order from online feed stores paying less than ten bucks for a tube that is usually enough for about six doses. If you order over$100 of products they give you free shipping. Also I keep my horse med in the refrigerator which extends its lifespan up to several years. And I always felt the ivermectin they nade for horses was safe as the horse aspirin that far exceeds the adulterated brands available for human consumption.He haw!!

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