A lot of people ask me why I've called the COVID mRNA injections vaccines. Essentially, I think that they were both "experimental gene therapies" (too many words) and vaccines, but more importantly, because the vaccine brand was used to push the COVID vaccines, it should be tagged to the fallout from them.
Clotshot is most apt. I also sometimes use spikeshot, vax, jab, cooties injectibles, poison, bioweapon, and just "crap." May those who perpetrated this horrific crime against humanity be held accountable before the law.
Yes. Clotshot. I had my first uvbi treatment last week. The nurse took one look at my bright red blood and commented on healthy looked, saying that these days she sees a lot of sludge blood.😪
It's good strategy to tie the word "vaccine" to a method of "pre-contact exposure treatment" that is dangerous and ineffective. In the long run, transferring the stigma of the obviously dangerous mRNA shots to the less-obviously-but-still-actually-dangerous (other) "vaccines" is a smart idea. Because they're all dangerous stuff (which we pretty much all got before we woke up)... :(
If a substance is injected with the intent to prime the immune system to recognize and fight off a virus, I can see it falls within a broad definition of vaccine. Differentiating between vaccines using a person's genetics versus one using an inactivated virus is essential, however, for informed consent, which all were denied. Only the vigilant managed to inform themselves. However, I came to the conclusion that, regardless of the vaccine type, if I can't sue for harm caused me, I see no reason to permit that product in my body.
"Gene therapy" has a nice ring to it: it has a positive connotation, anyway, where the term "therapy" implies doing good for the patient. The term I prefer is "biological warfare agent." It's doing good for somebody, but it's not the patient.
we fa with the truth..... like using the name "biden" to denote the covid years. Joe had nothing to do with what happened during his "term" in office.... we need a new designation.
Some people have pointed out that if you dropped the p's from both words, it becomes project war seed or "war on the seed" or just invert it or say it backwards as most evil like to twist things to seed war.
That's a good point, however it should be connected to the most accurate name being "countermeasure". It was through the authority of the USA Patriot Act of 2001 and the PREP Act of 2005 to function as a military response "countermeasure" with immunity from liability. This helps to clarify its origin as an experimental genetically modified organism without FDA approval and without informed consent with many of the possible bad effects known by the FDA as listed before public use by manufacturers.
I remember having conversations with people about it being a "countermeasure" which they laughed at - then I just uploaded the receipt (the literal DoD invoice, available online, which says "countermeasures"), and there was no comment. I just pointed out that the word countermeasure is not used in medicine.
What also gets people's wig in a twirl is to point out the difference between the VICP and the CICP. The former is for vaccine injuries. The latter is for covid "vaccines"— which are clearly called not vaccines but "countermeasures" (as in for biological weapons). These are both US government websites.
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (does NOT cover covid shots)
Good catch on the actual name for the CICP. It's amazing, actually, that they named it that!
I understand that the VICP has paid out billions maybe even since it was set up, but the CICP has I think only paid out a few thousand. Clearly the powers that be couldn't deal with the even already very difficult process at the VICP being in place for the "countermeasures" ... because they knew from beforehand that there would be tons of injuries. All the mRNA and LNP research ended up with "all the cats died" if memory serves.
This was a corporate action utilizing Congressional legislation. The slippery hill of experimental medicine made into a national project utilizing the old sales technique of switch and bate. In essence, "countermeasure" has become a medical term by its use as medicine and a therapy.
Thank you so much for this substack, it's been such a wonderful resource for those vax injured like myself who no longer trust the Rockefeller allopathic "sick care" system nor ever will again. Your knowledge is literally life-changing.
One thing I'd like to mention is that while I totally understand your reasoning for using the term "vaccine", it's actually a bioweapon that was created to kill, not save lives. The vaccine manufacturers making billions was icing on the cake.
Here, Dr David E Martin formally accuses the WHO of genocide, racketeering and murder at a UN Expert Hearing on Covid-19 in Strasbourg in Sept of 2023. He brings proof and leaves no doubt that this was a depopulation event and a planned genocide.
however that can give people the wrong impression that they have some "upside" compared to the traditional ones BEFORE they changed the definition when they do not appear to do any significant good vs the obvious bad ha
My opinion of doctors in general and those of many people I know has gone down dramatically because they mindlessly (or worse) went along with pushing the vaccines when at the very least it was impossible to know if they were long term safe. I see 90% of doctors now as lazy and uninterested in thinking for themselves. They are now just cogs in a broken system. I fear needing serious medical attention or going to the hospital. I will otherwise avoid the system.
Yep. I'm almost 64. Currently have no PCP and the only docs accepting new patients in my true blue area are senior residents or newly minted post-residency. I googled one and her specialty was listed as "Covid-19". Great! Last spring I was told that, despite the mask mandate dropped here in MA, many doctors would wear masks during my physical exam as their "personal choice". The patient had the choice to mask or not mask. Ugh. I said to myself "Forget it" and I have yet to start the part-time job of finding an old school PCP or a functional M.D. who is a) accepting new patients b) has not been indoctrinated during the Covid-19 era and/or c) is not lazy or scared.
I don't really *want* a PCP as I know they'll push prescription meds (I don't take any), will tell me I need 5 "vaccines" (not gonna do it) and copious surveillance testing (not doing that anymore). Yet I work in healthcare and I've seen what can happen to people who need emergent and follow-up care if they don't have a PCP. It's an evil system, for sure.
Not all of us PCPs are like that, even if we work in systems that encourage us mindlessly follow "evidenced-based medicine" that few actually evaluate beyond reading guidelines and position statements. Many are realizing the systematic problems. Some of us actually exhibit the virtue of humility. If you find one of us, then let them know how much they are appreciated as it can be difficult to buck the system. Hold fast to your standards/criticisms and voice them with your providers, but if you abandon the system completely, then your voice is never heard.
I was thinking of that. I recommended a GP to a friend, and the GP harmed her (poor prescribing - gave prednisone to a bipolar!).
The GP will NEVER know, because - my friend will just never return.
They never get the feedback to know when they harm someone. Since she's my GP, I may tell her. But honestly, I'm frightened to, I don't want to get fired.
I agree with you. I empathize with what PCP's are up against today. My prior PCP who retired at age 65 in 2021 was adored by many. His replacement had big shoes to fill and I think he meant well and cared. However, he denied me a valid and copiously researched medical exemption request from the "vaccine" in fall 2021, after consulting with a neurologist who never met me. That neurologist, incidentally, said he could virtually guarantee that I would not have an adverse reaction to the "vaccine". How did that guy get through medical school? I realize my new M.D./PCP was threatened in late July 2021 by the FSMB if he provided anything deemed "misinformation" re: the "vaccine". I was told "You do NOT meet CDC guidelines for exemption". Wow. That's a new one. He left the practice a year later.
I'm not going to abandon the system yet I do not think it is too much to ask that my 28 year old PCP is not wearing a useless surgical mask during my visit. It's not too much to ask that my PCP actually "lays on hands" and does a proper PE with visual examination and palpation. Prior to 2020, no PCP in MA wore a surgical mask unless with a patient known to have a communicable respiratory disease. But now, every human, even healthy ones, has been deemed a threat. "Thank you, Dr. Fauci "...by the way, everyone should watch this amazing documentary by Jenner Furst.
It is important to point out that surgical masks were never meant to stop viruses. KN95's?...whatever. Reportedly they had to be fitted by an OSHA professional, not taken off or fiddled with. If this masking stuff continues, it is going to be tough for senior citizens to communicate with M.D.'s or any provider wearing masks. Being able to see and feel emotions via facial cues - without a face covering - helps to build trust as well. Thanks again, you sound like one of the good ones!
Be sure to print out & take with you to the dr the literature that mentions those lovely masks contain titanium dioxide https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35169246/ (only dangerous if you breathe it in - LOL)
I'm in MA, also. I have looked into functional med also. Not too many in the area, and many independent doctors do not accept medicare. I rely on that.
I have to say, I really hate what has become a behometh medical corporation here in Boston. Just awful. But I am lucky to have a longtime pcp who never gave me grief about not taking the counermeasure. She knows just how I feel.
I also instructed her, with signed form, to put a "no remdesivir, no ventilator" in my medical records. (for all the good it will do)
She does not push meds on me. She might suggest something, but it is always up to me. So I've been lucky on that score.
But, all in all, I stay away from hospitals as much as I possibly can.
I just tell them I get vaccinated at Walmart. Shuts them up. But I have found a nice laid back doc who asks if I want to do something and does what I ask. Generally. But I rarely ever go there.
I left medicine in 2022 because I did not want to enable this criminal activity. I am fairly certain that if I returned to my old hospital I would find that very few have opened their eyes--even now. Do all that you can to avoid the medical system. Exercise, good nutrition, adequate sleep, sunlight...
Like the late President Reagan once said: "Trust, but verify." My MD is a caring, decent man, but I still don't entirely trust what he tells me. Here is a real world example: recent lab work indicated to him that I had an underactive thyroid. He prescribed a synthetic T4 hormone. Pre-COVID I would have accepted that at face value. I did some of my own research, and discovered that this was not the whole story. First, several sources suggested that the TSH test used to diagnose the condition is woefully inadequate. It tells the physician little about the important issue of converting T4 to T3. It also doesn't take possible iodine deficiency into account. Further, Synthroid (which was what he prescribed) is what Pharma has conditioned doctors to prescribe, regardless of whether it helps the patient. I'll be interested to see what he says when I ask him to switch me to Armour Thyroid, which is derived from pig hormone and contains T3. Thankfully, skepticism in this instance wasn't immediately life-threatening. Like you, I pray I can avoid hospitals. (I have an even more hair-raising story regarding air travel and medical emergencies. It's a story for another day.)
The 90% that are lazy and uninterested in thinking for themselves are the best case scenario Drs. At some point, they have to become aware of the danger associated with the shots they're pushing and then they cross the line to evil.
THIS EXACTLY be careful people. And this blog is VERY STRANGE with many articles paragraphs such as "•Before high school, I accidentally figured out how to use sleep to facilitate the long-term retention of information. This “lifehack” allowed me to memorize large volumes of information in very little time, and was the main reason I was able to get through the academic system while simultaneously teaching myself a separate curriculum (e.g., I spent more time studying things I was not assigned to learn during medical school than the material I was expected to learn). I mention this because the rules I discovered through experimenting with my “lifehack” matched what Walker’s own data demonstrated (although some of them also went beyond the scope of what Walker looked at).
NOT MENTIONING anywhere this lifehack or if it exists so WHAT IS THE POINT OF INCLUDING THAT? And the paid blogs with comments off, it is crazy VERY STRANGE with much of that so BE CAREFUL PEOPLE HAHA
I still think there was so much money to be made that they lusted after the almighty dollar. Would like to see DOGE take a look at individuals who profited and how much they raked in.
Bill Gates made more than $300 million from the mRNA vaccines by purchasing Pfizer shares six months before the pandemic started and then liquidating them at the height of the vaccine mandates.
Oh, but he's a GOOD billionaire! He cares deeply about people/the planet and is saving millions of lives via vaccination! How dare you suggest he's in it for the money when he's clearly a do-gooder! #sarcasm
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: We talked about numbers in animal labs and why lipid nanoparticles with royalties in Canada should never have been used for anything. And they should now never be used to go into pork or cows or anything in the world. They just shouldn't. We should get real about this.
And it does have a Canadian aspect to it. This company Acuitas and the foundations that supported it, and I invite people to look very carefully at which foundations, a foundation that specifically profited from backing Acuitas and continues to profit with every shot. I leave it to lawyers and RCMP folks, to look into who supported this nefarious research and ultimately nefarious research in Canada.
The 21st Century Cures Act that President Obama signed included the Minimal Risk Clause that allows enrollment of people into clinical trials without their knowledge or consent if those running the trials are convinced, along with an independent review board, there is minimal risk to the patient. I heard a lot saying humanity was experimented on during covid.
Of course, what constitutes minimal risk is a matter of conjecture as a trial is, by definition, the testing of a new substance. So, I guess all you need to say is, we thought there was minimal risk and the FDA agreed -- even if you could actually sue them for any vaccine, particularly with the extra indemnification for the covid junk. Won't matter how much they made, though I agree we need to find some way to rein this excess in.
The Pfizer trials alone blew all safety signals out of the water, but they went ahead anyway, maybe the billions in profits had something to do with it
Consider that doge is egod backwards and is being run by the guy that believes that we should be neuralgically connected with his brain implant and that our next god will come from AI.
I need to reread the excellent post, Dr Midwest,, since I speed-read it first.
I wanted to tell you about a book I'm reading, The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton PhD.
The author shows how backward medicine is, they are still treating and making drugs under Newtonian science. Meanwhile, the cells of our bodies are intelligent and operate at the level of quantum mechanics.
Hello Phil Davis. Mr. Lipton is correct. The autoimmune system is Quite nonlinear and in fact, a quantum construct. Anyone denying quantum field realities should examine how mammalian fetus self-assemble with no *apparent* outside influence.
A human embryo self-assembles ALL essential bone structures, major organ components, blood vessels, neurological networks and functional brain features, in less than nine months.
Medical ghouls fail to consider the absolute mystery of how this is even possible...
You may wish to view this stunning interview. Quantum Information Panpsychism Explained | Federico Faggin >>> Federico Faggin >>> January 31, 2025
Having mindlessly accepted what I was taught about viruses in medical school over 50 years ago, I had to rethink the whole subject when it became obvious that the covid episode was a fraud. After reading the arguments of those that claim viruses don't exist and looking to the virology literature for counter arguments, I am left with a number of questions that remain unanswered:
Has anyone ever physically or biochemically isolated a virus?
Has a virus ever been grown in tissue culture?
Has a virus ever been "created" in a lab?
Has any virus ever been shown to be transmissible between people and/or animals?
As far as I have been able to tell, the answer to all is no.
If that is true then how is it possible to prepare a vaccine using live, dead, or attenuated viruses?
Is virology a scam science based on the construction of fictional DNA or RNA genomes generated by computer programs from small fragments of genetic material?
Because of the size involved, while they can be grown and cultured, 100% purification is impossible. However:
•A virus exists which is large enough to see with an optical microscope and has been observed in real time to damage cells.
•Certain viruses are very pathogenic and have a very unique and unmistakeable look (e.g, ebola).
•Bacteriophages beyond killing bacteria, also reliably function as antibiotics for infections, and have a very unique and distinctive look.
•"Has any virus ever been shown to be transmissible between people and/or animals?" is a matter of semantics on how you define "shown" and "transmissible."
Conversely I believe;
•Many illnesses are attributed to viruses which are not actually due to viral infections and that overuse has invited a significant degree of skepticism on the entire concept.
•Exactly what viruses are is a lot more ambiguous than our current science recognizes.
Thank you for such an immediate response. I always thought of viral illnesses as something of a "default" diagnosis in disorders of otherwise unknown cause and for which there was no effective treatment. I have read descriptions of a number of studies starting with the "Spanish Flu" epidemic and proceeding through a few more decades where investigators took purulent secretions from sick people or animals and applied them to the respiratory mucosae of healthy people or animals but did not result in illness. This negative result may not be conclusive but it is peculiar. I also have trouble accepting the claim that a nonliving particle consisting of a specific single nucleotide chain enclosed in a protein coat can be constructed in a chemistry lab. I also had to question how a relatively unstable molecule such as RNA with an extremely short half-life could remain intact in some of these particles. I guess I will remain somewhat agnostic on the general topic of viral existence. But it does make for a convenient tool for those who wish to find a way to confuse and scare the general public in order to promote their ends.
I mostly stopped discussing this subject because I found the proponents weren't arguing in good faith and it just eats up a lot of time, but I know you do so I was happy to reply!
Hello A Midwestern Doctor. Thank you. The "no virus" theory has become an inflated net zero argument, and most arguing the "no virus" theory have never observed an scanning electron microscope result, nor performed thousands of laboratory processes defining inter-cellular structures. "No virus" has become a political meme, rather than a valid examination of evidence. Best regards.
Excellent article. We were all witnesses to a level of corruption and evil in medicine that laid waste to "first do no harm". I know that I will never be the same.
But now my prayer is that with RFK Jr and an awakened public the next generation of children will be spared the devastating effects of 72 or more vaccine shots. May God bring good out of all this evil. Thanks to all of you good doctors who were unafraid to speak up.
Documentation proves that DARPA directly ordered and oversaw the pharmaceuticals' Covid Vaxx production. In China biochemists in university and BSL4 labs work side-by-side with the military - am sure it's the same here. BSL4 is the highest security bio lab for weapons development. Wuhan was a BSL4 lab, with various security breaches in its past.
"Gain-of-function" is not "research for your own good to stop pandemics"- it is Bioweapon development.
This, by the way, is one reason Putin "invaded" Ukraine. I saw with my own eyes just after the "invasion," a map on the US Embassy in Ukraine's website, which showed NATO's BSL4 Labs in Ukraine. There were nine up against the Russian border. Have since read there were 20 or so more scattered about. A week later that map was gone.
If China put BSL4 labs up against our border, what would we do? And if they also armed and trained Mexico's army? And wanted it to join a Chinese mutual defense treaty?
The Ukrainian Neo-nazis (Zelensky was installed by the CIA to degrade Russia) had also been shelling the Donbas region filled with Russian speaking Ukrainians (ethnic cleansing) since 2014 killing 14,000. The NATO neoconservative (globalists, full spectrum dominance, big money, WEF) strategy was to pull Russia into an indirect war to weaken it so they could then go after China. No wonder the Donbas and Crimea regions voted to join Russia; 96% voted in favor.
My thinking is that the FDA and CDC may have been studiously ignoring inquiries looking into their perfidy because they were not, are not, ultimately (legally) responsible. The Pharmaceuticals may be DOD's arms-length cut-out.
Which may be why the DoD documentation refers to their Covid Vaxx as a "military countermeasure," not a vaccine. WHO also changed their definition of vaccine to accommodate the mRNA technology under the 1986 vaccine liability protection umbrella.
Bioweapons are big around the world with stockpiles equivalent to nuclear weapons, but they are hidden under layers of secrecy "to protect you." The media, 90% owned by hedge funds and big banks who also own Pharma and the Defense Contractors, never report on the Bioweapons in your backyard.
We live in an engineered virtual reality of Lies so thick we can't comprehend that it's all lies all the way down.
Medical Fascism, that is, the interference of government and it support of certain companies, the scientific processes involved, the distortion or outright subversion of the actions of regulatory agencies, is far worse than any virus.
As is THIS:
"Note: one of the biggest lies that emerged at this time was that the COVID vaccines stopped viral transmission (which in reality they had never been tested for, and based on the vaccine’s design was unlikely to happen)."
That lie convinced me, despite grave reservations (pun intended), to get one shot and the booster a few months later. After the first shot, for reasons I do not understand, I felt a feeling of euphoria for the remainder of the afternoon and am convinced that they put something in there for that effect. After the second shot I got what seemed like a mild cold which had me in bed a few days, a blood test a few months later showed Covid-19 antibodies which I think were likely a result of the second shot.
What we have seen here, the vaccine passports, the censorship, the mandates, the lockdowns, the school closures, the nonsense about social "distancing" which was based on no science at all....that is as close to the world of the "Great Reset" that I ever want to see or experience.
I was PERMANENTLY BANNED from the "Civis" newsgoup of ArsTechnica for daring to make several posts praising RFK Jr.'s book on Fauci, "The Real Anthony Fauci". The reason given in an email sent to me specifically mentioned that book and told me to "read better books".
My wife had an Aortic Aneurysm a year and a half after the shot and survived the repair operation after we were airlifted to Tampa General Hospital, and now gets about with a walker. We have no idea if the two Pfizer shots had anything to do with that and I'm pretty sure there's no way to prove it if they did.
My God, people WERE ARRESTED, IN A CHURCH, for failing to wear masks while having a meeting. We, ALL OF US, must ensure that this sort of thing never ever happens again.
We live in a crazy world where Democrats label the people fighting against medical tyranny as "fascists" while supporting ACTUAL fascism in the form of vaccine mandates for "the greater good."
In regard to your wife’s aortic aneurysm, there were HUNDREDS listed in the Pfizer trials side effects. I saved every screenshot. Wish SS let us post them and I could show you.
There is no way to connect the dots without spending thousands of dollars on tests and months of research. We may suspect a connection with the vaccines but unless its 200 years in the future and we have test devices like Dr. Flox on Star Trek has, no definitive results can be asserted.
You need fairly direct proof to get anywhere in a court lawsuit.
I don't think tests are necessary to connect the dots.
Last year I heard of 3 women in my area that went to doc not feeling well.
All 3 had stage 4 cancer.
One was 39. Perfectly healthy. During her cancer treatment they found an autoimmune issue (had to stop treatment for a bit) AND myocarditis!! How about that for a trifecta.
She and one other of the women are doing fine today after treatment.
The third woman, 51 years old, survived 2 months after diagnosis.
Two people I know that were cancer free for over 12 years both contracted cancer again. One is on transfusions now, and one passed away 2 weeks ago at 62 years of age
Another friend has inoperable appendix cancer. And a fellow I knew for years, in is fifties, just passed away from throat cancer. I know two other fellows with tonsil cancer.
I could go on and on. Of course I do not have medical proof, and I am not God, or a doctor, but I believe the shots are killing and injuring people.
I watch CHD Vaxxed, and am a member of React 19. I cannot help but connect dots.
By connect the dots, I meant establishing proof that the vaccines were directly responsible.
I agree, the cases you gave were quite suspicious and would seem to point to the Covid-19 vaccine as a proximate cause. But those examples would not be sufficient to prove legal liability.
Sorry, yes, I understand. Attempting to prove liability for any "vaccine" injury is injurious in itself from the stories I have hears.
What I meant by the lack of connecting dots are the people in my circle who just don't get it. Or don't seem to. Maybe they do get it and just aren't saying.
I was permanently banned from RFK Jr's site CHD for asking why he thought that damage to the UNBORN BABY via maternal vaccines was the worst crisis of medical ethics in history, but dismembering, decapitating and burning alive the same UNBORM BABY should be a civil right and only the 'mother' could make that decision. RFK is just another brick in the wall.
As an injured pfizer victim, I am obviously angry at the regulators and pharma. I don’t blame doctors as they knew nothing. They were given no guidance or required to record all complaints after the shot. It’s unbelievable no independent, active data collection was implemented to follow signals. Here in the GTA you were given an option to be part of follow up after the shot. I volunteered. I would love to know who holds that data. A company was hired, I believe by the province, to collect the data. I answered the initial survey and two weeks later filled out the second survey recording an ocular side effect. They immediately emailed me for my phone number, which I gave and waited for the call. Sometime later I received an email that said they weren’t doctors and to go see my doctor. 5 Months later I got a call from these people, she apologized profusely for taking so long and said they were just so busy. I was under the naive belief that I had to prove my injury through a diagnostic test. Nothing came of that or my filled out signed by my doctor questionnaire by pfizer.
In all I saw 9 doctors, the first two didn’t believe the shots would cause an injury. In fact one ophthalmologist exclaimed that he couldn’t understand why I hadn’t noticed the vision loss before after me telling him repeatedly that it happened after the shot. 7 doctors all believed I was shot injured but couldn’t help me. The ENT believed it because of the uptick in patients with tinnitus and hearing loss complaints he was seeing. He believed it was neurological. What I don’t understand is all of these doctors who believe in the injuries and that’s just from my experience, why there has not been an investigation. Why do doctors live in fear? The same old propaganda is spewed that vaccine injuries are rare or very rare. When 5 doctors in the GTA died within 2 weeks of the 4th shot the Toronto star immediately proclaimed that the deaths were not related to the shots. With no diagnostic tests how can a newspaper make that unequivocal claim? They of course had no evidence to back that up, but people believe it. Getting that shot was the biggest mistake of my life, and everything I’ve learned since makes me so angry.
Excellent discussion! All you have to do is look back on all the prescription drugs that have been recalled because they caused death and permanent injury since World War II. Major ones that come to mind are Fen Phen for weight loss, Vioxx, OxyContin, and of course, the mRNA. In all these cases the study periods were too short and or the side effects were hidden or ignored. don’t recall how many died from the weight loss drug but from Vioxx it was somewhere between 50 and 100,000 people OxyContin over 20 years with 600,000 people and if the truth is known, it is probably the same amount for the MRNA injections.. and if you want to dig deeper, just look up the amount of fines paid by big Pharma for pushing deadly drugs and it has a mounted to over $30 billion and we still don’t want to admit that the third major cause of death in United States is caused by medicine! That is the task that Robert F Kennedy Junior has before him!
Yes. According to NPR on 5/09/17 in the Before Times, "One Third of New Drugs had Safety Problems after FDA approval". More than 70 drugs approved by the FDA from 2001 to 2010 ran into safety concerns that prompted withdrawals from the market, "black box" warnings or other actions.
Unfortunately, mRNA products have yet to be recalled. I fear that this mRNA "vaccine" problem is Too Big To Fail due to the global nature of the mass "vaccination" of many millions (reportedly). The mRNA/lipid nanoparticle platform gene therapy products should be pulled immediately yet here in the U.S., CDC continues to recommend THREE mRNA injections to infants by 6 months of age.
To add to your list of drugs that harm people there's also the list of banned drugs that help people. The FDA says to shoot up as much oxycontin as you can afford until you die but how dare you try to use a Miracle berry to sweeten your tea or GHB to get a good night's rest.
Yea! Our DOJ went after the Distributors and Drug chains and told the states how to sue them up the Gazoo! 30 billion in fines. The crooks who started it all are settling for 7 billion.
Dr Paul Marik "If you think about it. The pharmaceutical companies design the study and they design it for whatever outcome they want. They then conduct the study and conduct it in a way that it will give them the outcome. They then evaluate the outcome so that they get the outcome they want. They analyze the data so it creates the outcome they want and then they get ghost writers to write the paper producing the outcome they want. It's a completely bogus system and till there is more transparency and we change the way clinical studies are done - Unfortunately, I don't think you can really believe anything you read."
I do not want to "blame" them - I want Justice not tempered by Mercy to come upon them for their participation in the Premeditated Depraved-heart Mass Murder of Millions by denying Real Treatment for covid to obtain the FDA Emergency Use Authorization EUA for mRNA and create the Fear! Fear! Fear! necessary to drive the forced EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Product mRNA injection campaign.
My Decree is that just as they pass from the screen of life at the end of their current embodiment - they be seized and bound and taken for judgement lest they slip away to return to their pit of hell and increase their evil from there and plot their return to embodiment.
Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
A Midwestern Doctor -- you say Pfizer's Covid injection was ultimately fully approved in 2021. That's not correct and this is an important point. To this day, the only Covid injection masquerading as a vaccine that ever has been approved and licensed is Comirnaty. Importantly, Comirnaty never was made generally available to the American public. To this day, the only Covid injections ever made available to the general public are the Pfizer and Moderna jabs (and jabs from some from other companies), but they were only "authorized" under an emergency use authorization that bypassed the usual safety studies -- they were never "approved" and they were never "licensed." The "approval" of Comirnaty was a dog and pony show intended (i) to cause the public to falsely believe they could get a jab that actually had been licensed and approved and (ii) to make it possible to impose the deadly and illegal jab mandates.
A lot of people ask me why I've called the COVID mRNA injections vaccines. Essentially, I think that they were both "experimental gene therapies" (too many words) and vaccines, but more importantly, because the vaccine brand was used to push the COVID vaccines, it should be tagged to the fallout from them.
I like ClotShot 🤑
Clotshot is most apt. I also sometimes use spikeshot, vax, jab, cooties injectibles, poison, bioweapon, and just "crap." May those who perpetrated this horrific crime against humanity be held accountable before the law.
I was partial to depop clotshot or quackzine, but I've also heard "harm in the arm"!
I like quackzine....but that applies to all of them.
Cooties! 😆
man, that brings me back to the early 60's.
Yes. Clotshot. I had my first uvbi treatment last week. The nurse took one look at my bright red blood and commented on healthy looked, saying that these days she sees a lot of sludge blood.😪
It's good strategy to tie the word "vaccine" to a method of "pre-contact exposure treatment" that is dangerous and ineffective. In the long run, transferring the stigma of the obviously dangerous mRNA shots to the less-obviously-but-still-actually-dangerous (other) "vaccines" is a smart idea. Because they're all dangerous stuff (which we pretty much all got before we woke up)... :(
If a substance is injected with the intent to prime the immune system to recognize and fight off a virus, I can see it falls within a broad definition of vaccine. Differentiating between vaccines using a person's genetics versus one using an inactivated virus is essential, however, for informed consent, which all were denied. Only the vigilant managed to inform themselves. However, I came to the conclusion that, regardless of the vaccine type, if I can't sue for harm caused me, I see no reason to permit that product in my body.
It's in the patents as "gene therapy"
"Gene therapy" has a nice ring to it: it has a positive connotation, anyway, where the term "therapy" implies doing good for the patient. The term I prefer is "biological warfare agent." It's doing good for somebody, but it's not the patient.
"Gene therapy" anagrams to 're hype agent'. It is not all it is hyped up to be.
Also in the SEC filings.
Isn't he a pop star? :)
I like "bioweapon injections".
... words are another way
we fa with the truth..... like using the name "biden" to denote the covid years. Joe had nothing to do with what happened during his "term" in office.... we need a new designation.
But also Trump was enthusiastic about Project Warp Speed. Neither of them knew what was happening in the ranks below them, I don't think.
True, but for completely different reasons.
Trump had no control of the people under him (45 term).
Biden had no control of his own mind.(46 term)
Yes. Unelected people in his office helped kill and maim many. The unelected pseudo President(s).
Some people have pointed out that if you dropped the p's from both words, it becomes project war seed or "war on the seed" or just invert it or say it backwards as most evil like to twist things to seed war.
That's a good point, however it should be connected to the most accurate name being "countermeasure". It was through the authority of the USA Patriot Act of 2001 and the PREP Act of 2005 to function as a military response "countermeasure" with immunity from liability. This helps to clarify its origin as an experimental genetically modified organism without FDA approval and without informed consent with many of the possible bad effects known by the FDA as listed before public use by manufacturers.
I remember having conversations with people about it being a "countermeasure" which they laughed at - then I just uploaded the receipt (the literal DoD invoice, available online, which says "countermeasures"), and there was no comment. I just pointed out that the word countermeasure is not used in medicine.
What also gets people's wig in a twirl is to point out the difference between the VICP and the CICP. The former is for vaccine injuries. The latter is for covid "vaccines"— which are clearly called not vaccines but "countermeasures" (as in for biological weapons). These are both US government websites.
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (does NOT cover covid shots)
Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (for covid jabs, aka "countermeasures")
For those interested in getting compensation for injuries, it seems both are kinda like trying to get blood out of a turnip.
Good catch on the actual name for the CICP. It's amazing, actually, that they named it that!
I understand that the VICP has paid out billions maybe even since it was set up, but the CICP has I think only paid out a few thousand. Clearly the powers that be couldn't deal with the even already very difficult process at the VICP being in place for the "countermeasures" ... because they knew from beforehand that there would be tons of injuries. All the mRNA and LNP research ended up with "all the cats died" if memory serves.
The person who knows the details on this would be Wayne Rohde. He writes on Substack at "The Vaccine Court"
This is a remarkable resource. Thank you for that. They've now paid a death "benefit"!
This was a corporate action utilizing Congressional legislation. The slippery hill of experimental medicine made into a national project utilizing the old sales technique of switch and bate. In essence, "countermeasure" has become a medical term by its use as medicine and a therapy.
Thank you so much for this substack, it's been such a wonderful resource for those vax injured like myself who no longer trust the Rockefeller allopathic "sick care" system nor ever will again. Your knowledge is literally life-changing.
One thing I'd like to mention is that while I totally understand your reasoning for using the term "vaccine", it's actually a bioweapon that was created to kill, not save lives. The vaccine manufacturers making billions was icing on the cake.
Here, Dr David E Martin formally accuses the WHO of genocide, racketeering and murder at a UN Expert Hearing on Covid-19 in Strasbourg in Sept of 2023. He brings proof and leaves no doubt that this was a depopulation event and a planned genocide.
however that can give people the wrong impression that they have some "upside" compared to the traditional ones BEFORE they changed the definition when they do not appear to do any significant good vs the obvious bad ha
Clever 👏
My opinion of doctors in general and those of many people I know has gone down dramatically because they mindlessly (or worse) went along with pushing the vaccines when at the very least it was impossible to know if they were long term safe. I see 90% of doctors now as lazy and uninterested in thinking for themselves. They are now just cogs in a broken system. I fear needing serious medical attention or going to the hospital. I will otherwise avoid the system.
Yep. I'm almost 64. Currently have no PCP and the only docs accepting new patients in my true blue area are senior residents or newly minted post-residency. I googled one and her specialty was listed as "Covid-19". Great! Last spring I was told that, despite the mask mandate dropped here in MA, many doctors would wear masks during my physical exam as their "personal choice". The patient had the choice to mask or not mask. Ugh. I said to myself "Forget it" and I have yet to start the part-time job of finding an old school PCP or a functional M.D. who is a) accepting new patients b) has not been indoctrinated during the Covid-19 era and/or c) is not lazy or scared.
I don't really *want* a PCP as I know they'll push prescription meds (I don't take any), will tell me I need 5 "vaccines" (not gonna do it) and copious surveillance testing (not doing that anymore). Yet I work in healthcare and I've seen what can happen to people who need emergent and follow-up care if they don't have a PCP. It's an evil system, for sure.
Not all of us PCPs are like that, even if we work in systems that encourage us mindlessly follow "evidenced-based medicine" that few actually evaluate beyond reading guidelines and position statements. Many are realizing the systematic problems. Some of us actually exhibit the virtue of humility. If you find one of us, then let them know how much they are appreciated as it can be difficult to buck the system. Hold fast to your standards/criticisms and voice them with your providers, but if you abandon the system completely, then your voice is never heard.
I was thinking of that. I recommended a GP to a friend, and the GP harmed her (poor prescribing - gave prednisone to a bipolar!).
The GP will NEVER know, because - my friend will just never return.
They never get the feedback to know when they harm someone. Since she's my GP, I may tell her. But honestly, I'm frightened to, I don't want to get fired.
I agree with you. I empathize with what PCP's are up against today. My prior PCP who retired at age 65 in 2021 was adored by many. His replacement had big shoes to fill and I think he meant well and cared. However, he denied me a valid and copiously researched medical exemption request from the "vaccine" in fall 2021, after consulting with a neurologist who never met me. That neurologist, incidentally, said he could virtually guarantee that I would not have an adverse reaction to the "vaccine". How did that guy get through medical school? I realize my new M.D./PCP was threatened in late July 2021 by the FSMB if he provided anything deemed "misinformation" re: the "vaccine". I was told "You do NOT meet CDC guidelines for exemption". Wow. That's a new one. He left the practice a year later.
I'm not going to abandon the system yet I do not think it is too much to ask that my 28 year old PCP is not wearing a useless surgical mask during my visit. It's not too much to ask that my PCP actually "lays on hands" and does a proper PE with visual examination and palpation. Prior to 2020, no PCP in MA wore a surgical mask unless with a patient known to have a communicable respiratory disease. But now, every human, even healthy ones, has been deemed a threat. "Thank you, Dr. Fauci "...by the way, everyone should watch this amazing documentary by Jenner Furst.
It is important to point out that surgical masks were never meant to stop viruses. KN95's?...whatever. Reportedly they had to be fitted by an OSHA professional, not taken off or fiddled with. If this masking stuff continues, it is going to be tough for senior citizens to communicate with M.D.'s or any provider wearing masks. Being able to see and feel emotions via facial cues - without a face covering - helps to build trust as well. Thanks again, you sound like one of the good ones!
Be sure to print out & take with you to the dr the literature that mentions those lovely masks contain titanium dioxide https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35169246/ (only dangerous if you breathe it in - LOL)
and/or graphene oxide https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8233064/
Foreign docs, too - I plead: I'M DEAF, I can't understand you through that mask thing!
I'm in MA, also. I have looked into functional med also. Not too many in the area, and many independent doctors do not accept medicare. I rely on that.
I have to say, I really hate what has become a behometh medical corporation here in Boston. Just awful. But I am lucky to have a longtime pcp who never gave me grief about not taking the counermeasure. She knows just how I feel.
I also instructed her, with signed form, to put a "no remdesivir, no ventilator" in my medical records. (for all the good it will do)
She does not push meds on me. She might suggest something, but it is always up to me. So I've been lucky on that score.
But, all in all, I stay away from hospitals as much as I possibly can.
Try a direct primary care practice. Might want to start with the New England chapter of the Free Market Medical Assc.
Thanks Bill! Just what I was looking for
Thanks for this. I will check it out.
I just tell them I get vaccinated at Walmart. Shuts them up. But I have found a nice laid back doc who asks if I want to do something and does what I ask. Generally. But I rarely ever go there.
MA is morally bankrupt and fallen
I left medicine in 2022 because I did not want to enable this criminal activity. I am fairly certain that if I returned to my old hospital I would find that very few have opened their eyes--even now. Do all that you can to avoid the medical system. Exercise, good nutrition, adequate sleep, sunlight...
I left my Doctor in 2021 and have done just that. Doctor myself.
Me,too. In 2009.
Like the late President Reagan once said: "Trust, but verify." My MD is a caring, decent man, but I still don't entirely trust what he tells me. Here is a real world example: recent lab work indicated to him that I had an underactive thyroid. He prescribed a synthetic T4 hormone. Pre-COVID I would have accepted that at face value. I did some of my own research, and discovered that this was not the whole story. First, several sources suggested that the TSH test used to diagnose the condition is woefully inadequate. It tells the physician little about the important issue of converting T4 to T3. It also doesn't take possible iodine deficiency into account. Further, Synthroid (which was what he prescribed) is what Pharma has conditioned doctors to prescribe, regardless of whether it helps the patient. I'll be interested to see what he says when I ask him to switch me to Armour Thyroid, which is derived from pig hormone and contains T3. Thankfully, skepticism in this instance wasn't immediately life-threatening. Like you, I pray I can avoid hospitals. (I have an even more hair-raising story regarding air travel and medical emergencies. It's a story for another day.)
The 90% that are lazy and uninterested in thinking for themselves are the best case scenario Drs. At some point, they have to become aware of the danger associated with the shots they're pushing and then they cross the line to evil.
THIS EXACTLY be careful people. And this blog is VERY STRANGE with many articles paragraphs such as "•Before high school, I accidentally figured out how to use sleep to facilitate the long-term retention of information. This “lifehack” allowed me to memorize large volumes of information in very little time, and was the main reason I was able to get through the academic system while simultaneously teaching myself a separate curriculum (e.g., I spent more time studying things I was not assigned to learn during medical school than the material I was expected to learn). I mention this because the rules I discovered through experimenting with my “lifehack” matched what Walker’s own data demonstrated (although some of them also went beyond the scope of what Walker looked at).
NOT MENTIONING anywhere this lifehack or if it exists so WHAT IS THE POINT OF INCLUDING THAT? And the paid blogs with comments off, it is crazy VERY STRANGE with much of that so BE CAREFUL PEOPLE HAHA
I still think there was so much money to be made that they lusted after the almighty dollar. Would like to see DOGE take a look at individuals who profited and how much they raked in.
Bill Gates made more than $300 million from the mRNA vaccines by purchasing Pfizer shares six months before the pandemic started and then liquidating them at the height of the vaccine mandates.
Oh, but he's a GOOD billionaire! He cares deeply about people/the planet and is saving millions of lives via vaccination! How dare you suggest he's in it for the money when he's clearly a do-gooder! #sarcasm
We need something like that badly in Canada Trudeau raked in hundreds of millions from the mRNA shots I believe
Source video:
Unveiling the Risks: Dr. Chris Shoemaker Exposes the Dangers of the COVID Vaccine | Ottawa Day Three | NCI National Citizens Inquiry CA [Canada]
Sworn testimony, May 19, 2023. Posted on rumble May 20, 2023.
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: We talked about numbers in animal labs and why lipid nanoparticles with royalties in Canada should never have been used for anything. And they should now never be used to go into pork or cows or anything in the world. They just shouldn't. We should get real about this.
And it does have a Canadian aspect to it. This company Acuitas and the foundations that supported it, and I invite people to look very carefully at which foundations, a foundation that specifically profited from backing Acuitas and continues to profit with every shot. I leave it to lawyers and RCMP folks, to look into who supported this nefarious research and ultimately nefarious research in Canada.
The 21st Century Cures Act that President Obama signed included the Minimal Risk Clause that allows enrollment of people into clinical trials without their knowledge or consent if those running the trials are convinced, along with an independent review board, there is minimal risk to the patient. I heard a lot saying humanity was experimented on during covid.
Of course, what constitutes minimal risk is a matter of conjecture as a trial is, by definition, the testing of a new substance. So, I guess all you need to say is, we thought there was minimal risk and the FDA agreed -- even if you could actually sue them for any vaccine, particularly with the extra indemnification for the covid junk. Won't matter how much they made, though I agree we need to find some way to rein this excess in.
The Pfizer trials alone blew all safety signals out of the water, but they went ahead anyway, maybe the billions in profits had something to do with it
Oh, that couldn't be! 😏
Consider that doge is egod backwards and is being run by the guy that believes that we should be neuralgically connected with his brain implant and that our next god will come from AI.
Exactly. Discussed this with husband this morning.
I need to reread the excellent post, Dr Midwest,, since I speed-read it first.
I wanted to tell you about a book I'm reading, The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton PhD.
The author shows how backward medicine is, they are still treating and making drugs under Newtonian science. Meanwhile, the cells of our bodies are intelligent and operate at the level of quantum mechanics.
I highly recommend this book.
Hello Phil Davis. Mr. Lipton is correct. The autoimmune system is Quite nonlinear and in fact, a quantum construct. Anyone denying quantum field realities should examine how mammalian fetus self-assemble with no *apparent* outside influence.
A human embryo self-assembles ALL essential bone structures, major organ components, blood vessels, neurological networks and functional brain features, in less than nine months.
Medical ghouls fail to consider the absolute mystery of how this is even possible...
You may wish to view this stunning interview. Quantum Information Panpsychism Explained | Federico Faggin >>> Federico Faggin >>> January 31, 2025
I’m a fan of Dr. Lipton! Good interview of him on a podcast called Feel Better Live More Dr. Chatterjee.
Having mindlessly accepted what I was taught about viruses in medical school over 50 years ago, I had to rethink the whole subject when it became obvious that the covid episode was a fraud. After reading the arguments of those that claim viruses don't exist and looking to the virology literature for counter arguments, I am left with a number of questions that remain unanswered:
Has anyone ever physically or biochemically isolated a virus?
Has a virus ever been grown in tissue culture?
Has a virus ever been "created" in a lab?
Has any virus ever been shown to be transmissible between people and/or animals?
As far as I have been able to tell, the answer to all is no.
If that is true then how is it possible to prepare a vaccine using live, dead, or attenuated viruses?
Is virology a scam science based on the construction of fictional DNA or RNA genomes generated by computer programs from small fragments of genetic material?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Because of the size involved, while they can be grown and cultured, 100% purification is impossible. However:
•A virus exists which is large enough to see with an optical microscope and has been observed in real time to damage cells.
•Certain viruses are very pathogenic and have a very unique and unmistakeable look (e.g, ebola).
•Bacteriophages beyond killing bacteria, also reliably function as antibiotics for infections, and have a very unique and distinctive look.
•"Has any virus ever been shown to be transmissible between people and/or animals?" is a matter of semantics on how you define "shown" and "transmissible."
Conversely I believe;
•Many illnesses are attributed to viruses which are not actually due to viral infections and that overuse has invited a significant degree of skepticism on the entire concept.
•Exactly what viruses are is a lot more ambiguous than our current science recognizes.
Thank you for such an immediate response. I always thought of viral illnesses as something of a "default" diagnosis in disorders of otherwise unknown cause and for which there was no effective treatment. I have read descriptions of a number of studies starting with the "Spanish Flu" epidemic and proceeding through a few more decades where investigators took purulent secretions from sick people or animals and applied them to the respiratory mucosae of healthy people or animals but did not result in illness. This negative result may not be conclusive but it is peculiar. I also have trouble accepting the claim that a nonliving particle consisting of a specific single nucleotide chain enclosed in a protein coat can be constructed in a chemistry lab. I also had to question how a relatively unstable molecule such as RNA with an extremely short half-life could remain intact in some of these particles. I guess I will remain somewhat agnostic on the general topic of viral existence. But it does make for a convenient tool for those who wish to find a way to confuse and scare the general public in order to promote their ends.
I mostly stopped discussing this subject because I found the proponents weren't arguing in good faith and it just eats up a lot of time, but I know you do so I was happy to reply!
Thank you. I am amazed at how much work you do and still find the time to address questions.
and I thank you too Doc, for patiently taking his questions; I have had all those same ones for 3 yrs now.
I sure appreciate your answers too.
Based on them, I have to say I feel justified in my belief there IS room to doubt--like ENC.
Hello A Midwestern Doctor. Thank you. The "no virus" theory has become an inflated net zero argument, and most arguing the "no virus" theory have never observed an scanning electron microscope result, nor performed thousands of laboratory processes defining inter-cellular structures. "No virus" has become a political meme, rather than a valid examination of evidence. Best regards.
Than you!
thanks for asking; all those questions I have too!
Excellent article. We were all witnesses to a level of corruption and evil in medicine that laid waste to "first do no harm". I know that I will never be the same.
But now my prayer is that with RFK Jr and an awakened public the next generation of children will be spared the devastating effects of 72 or more vaccine shots. May God bring good out of all this evil. Thanks to all of you good doctors who were unafraid to speak up.
Mistakes were not made in relation to the Plandemic. All was 'planned.' https://timothywiney.substack.com/p/what-if
Yes. All people need to do to confirm that is look at Event 201 where the whole thing was gamed out in advance and in great detail.
Absolutely, it looked like a stock pump and dump when you study the stock price of each pharma company involved in the ClotShot.
The 100 dollar question? Would it be that the FDA has nothing to do with injections developed out of DARPA called countermeasures?!🇨🇦
That question is worth more than $100.
Documentation proves that DARPA directly ordered and oversaw the pharmaceuticals' Covid Vaxx production. In China biochemists in university and BSL4 labs work side-by-side with the military - am sure it's the same here. BSL4 is the highest security bio lab for weapons development. Wuhan was a BSL4 lab, with various security breaches in its past.
"Gain-of-function" is not "research for your own good to stop pandemics"- it is Bioweapon development.
This, by the way, is one reason Putin "invaded" Ukraine. I saw with my own eyes just after the "invasion," a map on the US Embassy in Ukraine's website, which showed NATO's BSL4 Labs in Ukraine. There were nine up against the Russian border. Have since read there were 20 or so more scattered about. A week later that map was gone.
If China put BSL4 labs up against our border, what would we do? And if they also armed and trained Mexico's army? And wanted it to join a Chinese mutual defense treaty?
The Ukrainian Neo-nazis (Zelensky was installed by the CIA to degrade Russia) had also been shelling the Donbas region filled with Russian speaking Ukrainians (ethnic cleansing) since 2014 killing 14,000. The NATO neoconservative (globalists, full spectrum dominance, big money, WEF) strategy was to pull Russia into an indirect war to weaken it so they could then go after China. No wonder the Donbas and Crimea regions voted to join Russia; 96% voted in favor.
My thinking is that the FDA and CDC may have been studiously ignoring inquiries looking into their perfidy because they were not, are not, ultimately (legally) responsible. The Pharmaceuticals may be DOD's arms-length cut-out.
Which may be why the DoD documentation refers to their Covid Vaxx as a "military countermeasure," not a vaccine. WHO also changed their definition of vaccine to accommodate the mRNA technology under the 1986 vaccine liability protection umbrella.
Bioweapons are big around the world with stockpiles equivalent to nuclear weapons, but they are hidden under layers of secrecy "to protect you." The media, 90% owned by hedge funds and big banks who also own Pharma and the Defense Contractors, never report on the Bioweapons in your backyard.
We live in an engineered virtual reality of Lies so thick we can't comprehend that it's all lies all the way down.
yes, and a "military countermeasure" makes the mandates (almost) make sense.
I am glad you post this for all to read. It's true.
Medical Fascism, that is, the interference of government and it support of certain companies, the scientific processes involved, the distortion or outright subversion of the actions of regulatory agencies, is far worse than any virus.
As is THIS:
"Note: one of the biggest lies that emerged at this time was that the COVID vaccines stopped viral transmission (which in reality they had never been tested for, and based on the vaccine’s design was unlikely to happen)."
That lie convinced me, despite grave reservations (pun intended), to get one shot and the booster a few months later. After the first shot, for reasons I do not understand, I felt a feeling of euphoria for the remainder of the afternoon and am convinced that they put something in there for that effect. After the second shot I got what seemed like a mild cold which had me in bed a few days, a blood test a few months later showed Covid-19 antibodies which I think were likely a result of the second shot.
What we have seen here, the vaccine passports, the censorship, the mandates, the lockdowns, the school closures, the nonsense about social "distancing" which was based on no science at all....that is as close to the world of the "Great Reset" that I ever want to see or experience.
I was PERMANENTLY BANNED from the "Civis" newsgoup of ArsTechnica for daring to make several posts praising RFK Jr.'s book on Fauci, "The Real Anthony Fauci". The reason given in an email sent to me specifically mentioned that book and told me to "read better books".
My wife had an Aortic Aneurysm a year and a half after the shot and survived the repair operation after we were airlifted to Tampa General Hospital, and now gets about with a walker. We have no idea if the two Pfizer shots had anything to do with that and I'm pretty sure there's no way to prove it if they did.
My God, people WERE ARRESTED, IN A CHURCH, for failing to wear masks while having a meeting. We, ALL OF US, must ensure that this sort of thing never ever happens again.
We live in a crazy world where Democrats label the people fighting against medical tyranny as "fascists" while supporting ACTUAL fascism in the form of vaccine mandates for "the greater good."
In regard to your wife’s aortic aneurysm, there were HUNDREDS listed in the Pfizer trials side effects. I saved every screenshot. Wish SS let us post them and I could show you.
Well there's the question of when they happened, and a thousand variables to consider. But thanks for letting me know.
sign me up.
Me too.
Very healthy neighbor in his 50's had an aortic aneurism. Airlifted also. Then they found an embolism.
He's not on a walker but it's been a looooong road back.
I know a good number - stroke, turbo cancer, re-occurring cancer that was in remission for years, bells palsy, lung disease.
Still, very very few connect the dots. Most don't.
There is no way to connect the dots without spending thousands of dollars on tests and months of research. We may suspect a connection with the vaccines but unless its 200 years in the future and we have test devices like Dr. Flox on Star Trek has, no definitive results can be asserted.
You need fairly direct proof to get anywhere in a court lawsuit.
Well, I respectfully disagree.
I don't think tests are necessary to connect the dots.
Last year I heard of 3 women in my area that went to doc not feeling well.
All 3 had stage 4 cancer.
One was 39. Perfectly healthy. During her cancer treatment they found an autoimmune issue (had to stop treatment for a bit) AND myocarditis!! How about that for a trifecta.
She and one other of the women are doing fine today after treatment.
The third woman, 51 years old, survived 2 months after diagnosis.
Two people I know that were cancer free for over 12 years both contracted cancer again. One is on transfusions now, and one passed away 2 weeks ago at 62 years of age
Another friend has inoperable appendix cancer. And a fellow I knew for years, in is fifties, just passed away from throat cancer. I know two other fellows with tonsil cancer.
I could go on and on. Of course I do not have medical proof, and I am not God, or a doctor, but I believe the shots are killing and injuring people.
I watch CHD Vaxxed, and am a member of React 19. I cannot help but connect dots.
Disagreement welcome !!
By connect the dots, I meant establishing proof that the vaccines were directly responsible.
I agree, the cases you gave were quite suspicious and would seem to point to the Covid-19 vaccine as a proximate cause. But those examples would not be sufficient to prove legal liability.
Sorry, yes, I understand. Attempting to prove liability for any "vaccine" injury is injurious in itself from the stories I have hears.
What I meant by the lack of connecting dots are the people in my circle who just don't get it. Or don't seem to. Maybe they do get it and just aren't saying.
I was permanently banned from RFK Jr's site CHD for asking why he thought that damage to the UNBORN BABY via maternal vaccines was the worst crisis of medical ethics in history, but dismembering, decapitating and burning alive the same UNBORM BABY should be a civil right and only the 'mother' could make that decision. RFK is just another brick in the wall.
Nattokinase certainly has a good reputation.
I take one at night before bed, 1 in the morning (Doctor's Best brand, 2,000 fu per tablet. Been doing that for about 2 years now.
As an injured pfizer victim, I am obviously angry at the regulators and pharma. I don’t blame doctors as they knew nothing. They were given no guidance or required to record all complaints after the shot. It’s unbelievable no independent, active data collection was implemented to follow signals. Here in the GTA you were given an option to be part of follow up after the shot. I volunteered. I would love to know who holds that data. A company was hired, I believe by the province, to collect the data. I answered the initial survey and two weeks later filled out the second survey recording an ocular side effect. They immediately emailed me for my phone number, which I gave and waited for the call. Sometime later I received an email that said they weren’t doctors and to go see my doctor. 5 Months later I got a call from these people, she apologized profusely for taking so long and said they were just so busy. I was under the naive belief that I had to prove my injury through a diagnostic test. Nothing came of that or my filled out signed by my doctor questionnaire by pfizer.
In all I saw 9 doctors, the first two didn’t believe the shots would cause an injury. In fact one ophthalmologist exclaimed that he couldn’t understand why I hadn’t noticed the vision loss before after me telling him repeatedly that it happened after the shot. 7 doctors all believed I was shot injured but couldn’t help me. The ENT believed it because of the uptick in patients with tinnitus and hearing loss complaints he was seeing. He believed it was neurological. What I don’t understand is all of these doctors who believe in the injuries and that’s just from my experience, why there has not been an investigation. Why do doctors live in fear? The same old propaganda is spewed that vaccine injuries are rare or very rare. When 5 doctors in the GTA died within 2 weeks of the 4th shot the Toronto star immediately proclaimed that the deaths were not related to the shots. With no diagnostic tests how can a newspaper make that unequivocal claim? They of course had no evidence to back that up, but people believe it. Getting that shot was the biggest mistake of my life, and everything I’ve learned since makes me so angry.
During the COVID democide, the FDA was just a shell being run by the DoD/CIA
Excellent discussion! All you have to do is look back on all the prescription drugs that have been recalled because they caused death and permanent injury since World War II. Major ones that come to mind are Fen Phen for weight loss, Vioxx, OxyContin, and of course, the mRNA. In all these cases the study periods were too short and or the side effects were hidden or ignored. don’t recall how many died from the weight loss drug but from Vioxx it was somewhere between 50 and 100,000 people OxyContin over 20 years with 600,000 people and if the truth is known, it is probably the same amount for the MRNA injections.. and if you want to dig deeper, just look up the amount of fines paid by big Pharma for pushing deadly drugs and it has a mounted to over $30 billion and we still don’t want to admit that the third major cause of death in United States is caused by medicine! That is the task that Robert F Kennedy Junior has before him!
Yes. According to NPR on 5/09/17 in the Before Times, "One Third of New Drugs had Safety Problems after FDA approval". More than 70 drugs approved by the FDA from 2001 to 2010 ran into safety concerns that prompted withdrawals from the market, "black box" warnings or other actions.
Unfortunately, mRNA products have yet to be recalled. I fear that this mRNA "vaccine" problem is Too Big To Fail due to the global nature of the mass "vaccination" of many millions (reportedly). The mRNA/lipid nanoparticle platform gene therapy products should be pulled immediately yet here in the U.S., CDC continues to recommend THREE mRNA injections to infants by 6 months of age.
To add to your list of drugs that harm people there's also the list of banned drugs that help people. The FDA says to shoot up as much oxycontin as you can afford until you die but how dare you try to use a Miracle berry to sweeten your tea or GHB to get a good night's rest.
Something like 75-90% (sorry can't remember exact figure) of oxycontin overdoses were:
1. Street fentanyl, and
2. Mixed with benzos.
It was a media circus, and yet still people died.
Yea! Our DOJ went after the Distributors and Drug chains and told the states how to sue them up the Gazoo! 30 billion in fines. The crooks who started it all are settling for 7 billion.
The pharmaceutical company "gold standard" study.
Dr Paul Marik "If you think about it. The pharmaceutical companies design the study and they design it for whatever outcome they want. They then conduct the study and conduct it in a way that it will give them the outcome. They then evaluate the outcome so that they get the outcome they want. They analyze the data so it creates the outcome they want and then they get ghost writers to write the paper producing the outcome they want. It's a completely bogus system and till there is more transparency and we change the way clinical studies are done - Unfortunately, I don't think you can really believe anything you read."
Dr Paul Marik at 49:20 into the video below
Epidemic of Fraud: Exposing Hydroxychloroquine Censorship
Independent Medical Alliance (Formerly FLCCC Alliance)
Yeah, but them new drugs are worth about $100,000,000 at least - you can hardly blame them for jiggering the results. Right?
I do not want to "blame" them - I want Justice not tempered by Mercy to come upon them for their participation in the Premeditated Depraved-heart Mass Murder of Millions by denying Real Treatment for covid to obtain the FDA Emergency Use Authorization EUA for mRNA and create the Fear! Fear! Fear! necessary to drive the forced EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Product mRNA injection campaign.
My Decree is that just as they pass from the screen of life at the end of their current embodiment - they be seized and bound and taken for judgement lest they slip away to return to their pit of hell and increase their evil from there and plot their return to embodiment.
well said James.
I like the metaphor and the image . . .
I will second the "James Kringlee Decree"
Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
. . . and thus, bound on earth it is!
It is done.
A Midwestern Doctor -- you say Pfizer's Covid injection was ultimately fully approved in 2021. That's not correct and this is an important point. To this day, the only Covid injection masquerading as a vaccine that ever has been approved and licensed is Comirnaty. Importantly, Comirnaty never was made generally available to the American public. To this day, the only Covid injections ever made available to the general public are the Pfizer and Moderna jabs (and jabs from some from other companies), but they were only "authorized" under an emergency use authorization that bypassed the usual safety studies -- they were never "approved" and they were never "licensed." The "approval" of Comirnaty was a dog and pony show intended (i) to cause the public to falsely believe they could get a jab that actually had been licensed and approved and (ii) to make it possible to impose the deadly and illegal jab mandates.
That's what I remembered to, but when I looked into it, it is possible order Cominarty now so I didn't go into that.
Oh, interesting. They slipped that one past me! 👍
It was still a bait and switch when a vast number of people were getting these things.
The COVID vaccine mandates in 2021 were Big Pharma's ultimate wet dream. Now with RFK Jr in the HHS, Big Pharma's worst nightmare is about to start.
They need to wait for Drs. Bhattacharya and Makary to be in position.
Still waiting for arrests and military tribunals.
Is mass murder and generational injury a crime?
Me too. Where are those!? Will never happen.
All the players must be in position before any major moves.