The surest way to stay healthy and live a long life is to never see an American doctor (except perhaps a holistic dentist), to stay out of American hospitals, and to never take any medication (except natural herbs, along with having a healthy lifestyle and eating organic foods). Like most industries is the US, the "healthcare" industry is not merely a profit-at-all-costs driven industry, it is a criminal racket.
American doctors have become primarily blanket drug pushers and have no interest in offering individualized and actual care. They won't even leave their desk to examine a patient. "Just try this medication, and if this doesn't work we will try something else next week". A trained chimpanzee could offer this kind of "care".
I completely cured a case of colitis myself with natural remedies after meeting with a gastroenterologist whose most obvious "specialty" was a typical display of arrogance and incompetence.
While in part I agree with you, it all depends on the doctor as well as the specialty. My doctor doesn't believe vaccines are good to take generally, is against antibiotics except in serious circumstances, and has even told me to take a homeopathic treatment (that worked), but he is of course very careful what he says to whom and especially what he puts in writing. Getting checkups makes sense as well, regardless of who or what treats a condition after that.
One must use informed discretion, certainly not paint all doctors, all medications and treatments (or any group for that matter) with one color of paint. For me to reject medicine or doctors enmasse is as unreasoning as following whatever an authority says without question.
Every person is different and must choose how to live his or her life and accept the consequences. I decided to take responsibility for my own health early on (when I was a teenager), rather than rely on a so-called professional. Of course, if I broke my arm, I would have to see a doctor. Otherwise, I do all I can not to need them, which means having a very healthy lifestyle and some knowledge of herbs, etc, as well as a good intuition.
Being healthy was not popular when I started, and I was called a "health nut" many times. Some of the people who called me that eventually got sick and suffered an early demise, which, given their habits and diets, was sadly predictable.
In my almost mid 60's, I currently do not have a PCP. Why? They retired, left the practice, they tried to assign me to a newly out of residency PCP whose specialty was listed as "Covid-19". I was told she would be masked even though the mask mandate here was lifted. Nope.
I'm paying thousands yearly via the ACA for healthcare I do not use. Working in healthcare/insurance/workers comp for 40 years, I realize the dangers of not having a PCP. Recently had a case: 30's female hit by a car on a sidewalk while on a "wellness walk" during her work break. She was hospitalized with several fractures but could not get a visiting nurse group to "accept" her upon discharge as she did not have a PCP. And why did she not have a PCP? No one here in the medical mecca of Boston is accepting new patients. Yet the alternative of not having insurance is to risk a hospital bill of 500K as is likely in the above case.
It is a racket, and one that costs many innocent people their health and their lives, so it is actually criminal...not to mention the roughly 250,000 people who die in U.S. hospitals every year due to "mistakes" (negligence?) in care.
Evey person is unique from his brothers and sisters but not different from the others here on the planet. Ask your doctor where their schooling and accreditation occurred.
Perhaps a better question would be: what did you think about the quality of your training? If you asked Midwestern Doc, you'd be told they felt it inadequate, and they had to supplement their training with their own research. THAT's the kind of doc I want.
There is a difference between saying never see an American doctor and avoiding having to see a doctor. Many doctors in other nations are pretty awful, not just Americans.
I think most here, myself included, try to post clearly, but we all miss at times. Like you, I have for many years focused on health, chuckling when some said to me they don't believe in vitamins or whatever. As if that is some sort of religion based on faith rather than science-based.
Have you heard of the exceptions that confirm the rule?
I have meant a couple of good doctors in my life, mostly foreigners, during, as Dr Vernon Coleman put it, "the dark old days of medicine, when objective judgements were made based on a skillful and knowledgeable interpretation and assessment of a mixture of symptoms and signs. Doctors made diagnoses relying on their own senses, rather than bowing to extremely fallible machines. They relied on experience, instinct and intuition. They used X-rays and laboratory tests to help them confirm their diagnoses."
Today, medical care could be provided by robots and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Pretty soon we'll be able to test that claim. I can't remember where I read this, but a study was done with several hundred people listing symptoms of illness for AI to diagnose. 87% of the time it was wrong. Just makes you feel so warm and fuzzy.
You are very lucky to have found a doctor like that. Used to have one yrs ago before we moved. Personally, now, you couldn't pay me to go to a doctor. Good news is we've learned a lot about how to treat ourselves.
I am not "lucky," and I actually find your statement that I am offensive. I chose to take care of myself, which meant going to a good deal of effort to find a doctor such as the one I have and refusing to act like some victim because it was difficult. A doctor is no different than a consultant or anyone else one may hire for a job. Then you decide whether or not to accept their solution. We have all had bad service, whether cars, medical, home repair, etc. That's life.
I choose to take care of myself as well - responsibly. Not sure what your issue is....had some great doctors and now I can't find any. I've personally saved my insurance company tons of $. Still alive. What is your point?
Search on alternative and integrative physicians in your area. I have to travel some to see my doctor, and I know people come from other states to see him.
The underlying theme of victimhood, where only luck saves us, because of this or that authority is offensive and a cop-out. I see it in many posts here.
Reiterate: You are lucky. I would have to fly across the country to get UVBI, for example. My integrative docs are frequently hounded by AHPRA for their alternative practices. Ergo - they are not always practicing or available to be my PCP. (I'm in Australia). You are lucky to find ONE. Just one. They are extremely rare. I'd put that up there with finding a lyrebird in the bush. Lucky.
Taking authority and power over your own health is the exact opposite of victimhood. Some ppl really like "authority" in the costume of a white lab coat. I don't. But then again I don't like any authority or experts. But you do you. Just let me do me.
There is however a difference between a plumber and a doctor: when you see a doctor, your life is potentially on the line, which means that a doctor has much greater responsibilities.
A plumber might choose his or her trade exclusively to make money, but to be a doctor is a greater calling which implies greater care and responsibilities, and those who cannot assume such responsibilities because they lack in honesty or skills should choose another profession, such as perhaps working full time as sales people for the pharmaceutical industry.
Of course there is a difference, duh. The point is having found a "good" doctor does not then transfer all responsibility to that doctor. And that is exactly the attitude I see in many of these posts. And, BTW, when you have your car repaired, your life is also potentially on the line. And because it is easier to find information about medical issues, IMO my life is more on the line for the mechanic if they aren't any good. Meh
You are trying to get into an argument with me to "prove" me "wrong"...the way I look at this, at your attempts, is with amusement, as I do with all that concerns the ego and its desperate and misguided claims to be offended by different world views.
Enjoy your world, and I will enjoy mine. I will not try to change your point of view. I advise you to let go of your attempt to force it on sounds terribly arrogant.
at one point in this last year I suggested to MWDoc to contact Hillsdale College and offer to head a new medical department. What a great combination: Hillsdale C. an independent college with objective courses and completely NON-woke with the MW Doc! Whew. Imagine the docs coming out of that. However, no takers.
I would give thousands to Hillsdale if they hooked up with the MW Doc.
Thank you. Of course I checked my pricey "cadillac" health plan and they aren't covered. And its illegal to go uncovered in my commie state. (Not that my beloved normie wife could tolerate being uncovered anyway)
I will simply keep paying the vig to the medical mafia but avoid their docs like the effing plague.
I pay mine as he does not accept health insurance. I forgo other things to do it. And I have insurance as well.
My commie state blocked the ability to order blood tests myself a few years back, which most other states permit. I used to pay for them myself to check certain issues like Vit D and other and share it with my doctor. But now to get the tests I have to go through a doctor. While I pay for the doctor, the insurance covers the tests.
Such a doctor is not doing anything beneficial for you. Monitoring standard health markers leave you with the feeling that you are prudent, but without providing any actual care or advice, especially since MDs can lose their licenses easily. I'd suggest looking up the types of markers that you should monitor, educating yourself, and making sure you get those blood tests.
The only meds I take now are 2 types of eyedrops for glaucoma and 2 inhalers for COPD (which I alternate daily). I do try to eat healthy foods, sleep deeply and get plenty of sun. I am almost 80, so it's working pretty well! I also thank my body for its good health every morning before I get up and last thing at night!
Could you elaborate on how you did this? I have a family member [ 31] with UC on stelera. He is very sick. Lyme is a possibility and definitely vaccine injured. Even if you have some links. I fear he will die.
Please check my responses to Jonathan Christie below, in the same choice of treatment was extremely unconventional, some people might not believe it possible, but it worked...I didn't just treat but cured the colitis. When choosing natural cures, we need to look at food as medicine, and be very consistent and patient when working with nature.
Thank you so much. Family member almost needed a blood transfusion by the time they told me what was going on. Had to go to the ER stat! I was truly terrified now that I know what's in the blood of most people.
I just want to point out that I am not a healthcare professional, nor would I pretend to be one, so I will only relate my own experience.
I got colitis early in my 20's from stress at work, working under a crazy boss. One doctor wanted to give me some sort of a tranquilizer. I refused, along with any other treatment.
Instead I did some research. Being able to understand French, I did some research about old European remedies.
The first I found was about green clay (see the out of print book The Healing Clay by Michel Abehsera). I had access to some other French books as well, one of them written by an old time doctor, from the 1950's, that thoroughly explained the healing powers of green clay, taken internally.
The other remedy was even more ancient and as unconventional. The Roman legions used it to heal battle wounds. It is as simple as green clay. It was used in Germany for many decades to cure gastro-intestinal problems, including ulcers. It is raw Savoy cabbage.
How I used green clay: one teaspoon of clay dissolved in a glass of water, left to sit overnight, drunken first thing in the morning (after stirring it to drink the clay), at least half an hour before breakfast, and avoiding fatty foods while using this treatment.
Savoy cabbage (organic preferably): Take it in the form of fresh juice, without anything else mixed in, as well as eating it raw (chew well). It will burn your mouth a little, as well as the area that is inflamed in your digestive track from the colitis or any other problem, but this is a sign of healing and that it is working. Again, avoid fatty food while doing this.
To speed up the cure, I did this while fasting for a week. I alternated cabbage juice with carrot juice and also eating raw carrots, which is also good for the digestive track. Then I did this while fasting two days a week. After several weeks I was cured.
It's simple, cheap, and all it takes is a bit of discipline. Eating raw cabbage all by itself (no dressing of any kind, which would neutralize the healing power) is not pleasant, but neither is colitis, an ulcer, etc. Just avoid social contacts for a week...bad breath, although you could eat raw parsley as well and it would help with the breath!
I am glad you will try and I hope it works. But make sure you get French green clay, the darker the color the better. If you cannot find savoy cabbage, green cabbage will work, but organic as well. If you want to try eating nothing but raw green cabbage and raw carrots (very well chewed) and drink plenty of fresh cabbage juice and some fresh carrot juice (along with clay in a glass of water in the morning) for a few days in succession or one or two days a week, the healing will happen faster.
But either way keep going and give it time, nature works slowly (but surely). Have faith in the healing powers of nature and of those of your own body.
Thanks again Raphael. I had figured on settling for just any bentonite clay but now will search for the darker, French green clay as you suggest.
and, I will try your quite simple protocol for two days/ week-- for a few weeks, apparently. I may have to wait until we can grow the Savoy cabbage this summer though. I doubt we will find much here in MinnEsnowta grocery stores.
I have been working my way slowly out of this rut of SIBO for 3 years and seen some changes for the better. It has been all ME though. I have zero faith in docs; unuseful experience even with a naturopath. Mostly have been watching the foods, significant increase in fermented ones, removal of sugar(mostly), processed crapp, most dairy, increased occasional use of "elemental" diet powder drinks and much more fruits. It is a very complicated problem with SO many variables, adjustments have to be done one at a time to learn what works!
Same here, I do not trust doctors...I saw an old Chinese herbalist many years ago, he knew what he was doing (ancient Taoist knowledge). Some native Americans herbalists ("Medicine men") also used to know a few things...but probably not anymore, the ones who had the knowledge and the skills are long gone.
I hope you get better! You might have to follow the protocol for 6 months. I got fast results by doing it while fasting for an entire week (no other food but cabbage and juice, carrots and clay), but that's not easy.
The "specialist" did recommend this...which gave me more determination to cure it myself.
Most medical procedures consist of taking out body parts, as if the body was a mechanical device whose parts could be eliminated or replaced by other parts. This comes from a mechanistic outlook, a Cartesian outlook that sees the body as a machine rather than from a holistic understanding....and it is deadly.
The last time I saw a gastro doc it was some young woman, younger than either of my two kids, wearing a friggin' surgical mask. Me being an actual expert in filtration of all kinds and, having worked for the main manufacturer of this 3rd tier face-diaper, I had to ask her if she really thought wearing the mask was useful. Oh man, she went on and on justifying her zero knowledge. . .
Her 1st thing to solve my problem: another colonoscopy. buh, bye.
It is mind blowing to see how some professionals can be so educated and yet so ignorant. The more specialized they are, the more ignorant they become (tunnel vision).
I always feel sorry for the people who are waiting in line at the local grocery store or drugstore to get they daily medications (these poisons that ultimately destroy their livers and other organs) from the pharmacist.
It’s so much worse than just that. They even offer 15% off your groceries for getting them at times (this is known as a “tell”), because they are running studies on the participants. It has absolutely nothing to do with health and is incredibly evil. It has to do with this:
Thanks for the links! Personally, I haven't taken a single medication in over 60 years...since I was a young child...not even aspirin. The result: I never get sick, I weight the same as when I was 20, and I have almost as much energy, and more than most people in their 20's today.
I remember a nurse from Elmhurst (NYC) hospital posting that they even had a dentist (!!!) doing the dirty job, and the overdoses from which she saved a few patients were lethal...
Definitively! And yes, they tend to disliked being challenged...from a mixture of personal interests (kickbacks as you said), arrogance and some authoritarianism.
Given that incentive equals outcome in scenarios like these, all one has to do is start with the outcome and look back 180 degrees to find the motive. In this case the motive was as clear as day: transform hospitals into killing fields to murder as many Americans as possible.
It really is that simple, and the doctors who went along with this obvious democide will pay for their actions either in this life or the next.
In the UK it was largely the same:
What the Hippocratic Oath has devolved into: First do no harm to my mortgage, career, license & registration, salary, holidays, private schooling for my kids, my reputation, and my yacht.
300,000 UK doctors all believed the nonsense government COVID narrative, and now think that kids having strokes is perfectly normal? Not a chance. But 300,000 of them went - and are going - along with it. God is watching the massive harm being caused by their shut wide eyes and fat pocketbooks.
“ Medieval executioners were at least shunned, but the current brand has been celebrated by the globalist-owned media and applauded even by passers-bye.”
Let’s get back this for the current brand of executioner for hire.
I stayed healthy during COVID taking 20,000 mg of Vit C a day+1 lemon and a gallon of natural springs water. I did get sick after the shots came out and got hydroxychloroquine + Z pack + steroids , worked like a charm. Unfortunately I had to pay cash for the hydroxychloroquine because the doc wasn't allowed to order it. Not everyone knew someone who could get it for them.
It became apparent to me as a nurse, watching how treatments that could work were suppressed and putting folks on a vent with sedatives killed them, the purpose of covid was population reduction.
It was an obedience test - note how patently absurd some of the orders were - and we failed, with extremely few exceptions. In our area there are still a significant number of people wearing cloth masks or "paper" masks of some kind. We were the exceptions in our area which was quite difficult at times because everyone became a compliance officer. Milgram experiment writ large.
It was definitively an exercise in global obedience (getting the entire world in lockstep), a test in the power of aggressive, non-stop, terror-inducing propaganda, a test in how far despotism could be pushed with little or no resistance, a test in the power of censorship. Unfortunately, these tests were a huge success, humanity failed and the sociopaths won.
Hospitals are in business to make money...not save people in the first place. They are run by business people; not by people who know anything about health.
A Hospital would be the last place, I would want to go...I have visited people a number of times in what is considered one of the top hospitals in the Los Angeles area...and was appalled by what I observed. The people who run hospitals know absolutely nothing about health. It is a miracle when a patient can get out of them alive, even without remdesivir.. Nurses have no time to take care of patients as they are too busy doing paperwork. My ex was in a well known hospital and told me that he was totally ignored, when he needed help. He was freezing and couldn't get a blanket. The air condition units circulate bacteria-riddled air. There is no place that has more unhealthy bacteria than hospitals. Then, there is the fluorescent lighting, which is ultra unhealthy. It stresses the human body. Most people know that hospital food is bad and creates malnutrition. I visited a few times, when people were given a meal. A dear friend had a heart operation and was served some kind of Mexican food wrapped in aluminum foil. My ex was served chicken with watery yellow gravy on mashed potatoes. I never saw any fruit or decent vegetables served to the people I visited. My ex-husband's expensive Beverly Hills doctor...who my ex told me would save his life...handed him a can of Ensure (first ingredient high fructose corn syrup)...He told him that he needed to drink a lot of it...He was dead three months later...The high carbs in it, fed and accelerated the growth of a tumor, which previously had been brought down to almost zero by our daughters feeding him right. From what I've observed, the Medical Industry knows nothing about Health Care!
How sad about your ex. That is shocking that HFCS is the first ingredient in Ensure!!!
Someone in my life is addicted to Coke, the soft drink. I've been trying to warn him about HFCS and so far, to no avail. He put on about 30 lbs after a serious injury. I've told him he'd drop half of that weight if he just ditched the soda. He is still young enough to prevent health problems if he could address his sugar fix and remove this toxin from his diet but so far he's not interested. It is frustrating.
I learned about "nosocomial infections" in my R.N. training in the early 80's. The lighting/lights, the uncomfortable beds/pillows, the constant noise/beeping, the horrible food, the harried staff working under bad conditions, interns/residents writing orders with little sleep - avoid hospitals at all costs!
Most of us have taste buds that get addicted to the specific taste of certain products... manufacturers know this and add items that will addict consumers to their products; sugar in various forms, salt and fat. My son's pediatrician back in 1957 told me to use corn syrup in a formula. I had intended to breast feed, but a nurse in the hospital scared me...into taking some unknown pills. When I asked her what they were, she snapped at me, "Take them!" I swallowed them, then cried for three days, when I found they dried up my milk.
The formula with corn syrup and canned evaporated milk had NO nutritional value...and my baby screamed for his first three months of life...He was being starved to death and I didn't know anything about nutrition. I learned later how bad corn syrup was, when I started studying nutrition in 1961...I stopped depending on the doctor for nutritional information, when he put my 4-1/2 year old son on tranquilizers, because he was hyperactive....from the sugary foods he told me to give my son from the start. In 1961 I opened my first health book and learned that SUGAR CREATED HYPERACTIVITY. and TRANQUILIZERS STUNTED THE DEVELOPING ORGANS OF CHILDREN... After, I learned this more trust in doctors. I saw we had paid for erroneous information that had almost killed the child...along with the vaxes that he had been given, where he screamed for 16 hours and ran a 106 degree temperature... When my ex-husband's doctor handed him the Ensure, I quietly said to him, "Isn't the first ingredient high fructose corn syrup?" The doctor got kind of huffy and replied, "He needs to gain weight.!" My ex yelled at me all the way back to our daughter's home where he was staying. "You dared to speak to my doctor! You can never come with me to another chemo session." He would not listen to me about the chemo either. I told him that it was toxic and broke down the immune system. Well, within three months...he was gone!
What a tragedy. My heart hurt so much for the God given food for your baby - stolen from you by this evil system. My mother [ thank God ] resisted the pressure to bottle feed. Sadly. she had already been cheated out of any sort of normal happy life by the allopathic system years before, so just a partial win.
We, the people of the United States of America request the Attorney General's assistance in opening an investigation to the Federal crimes that were committed against humanity in hospitals across the nation. We, the people are alleging that the hospitals used the Covid-19 mandated government incentivized protocols where known toxic and deadly drugs were administered to sedate, cause organ failure and ultimately hasten death. These patients were given a deadly combination and an overdose of various drugs.
I have been following your Substack for quite awhile and as a former Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncturist in practice for 25 years, I am in complete agreement with all that you have been writing about. I became a patient during COVID and got to experience the non-sense that is going on in both the hospital setting and in the offices of general practitioners and specialists alike. I could barely navigate our convoluted medical system, and I was at least somewhat coherent, had a partner that was my advocate, and I was a doctor. Without all of that going for me I am confident, as you bring out in your article, I would not have survived and had I taken the advice of so-called experts, I would be in worse shape than I am today.
I was espcially touched by the part of your article on the legal efforts to get hospitals to administer Ivermectin. "Of the 80 lawsuits filed by lawyer Ralph Lorigo, in 40 the judge sided with the family, and in 40 with the hospital. Of those, in the 40 where patients received ivermectin, 38 survived, whereas of the 40 who did not, only 2 survived—in essence making suing a hospital arguably the most effective medical intervention in history. Yet rather than take this data into consideration, the profit-focused hospitals banded together to develop an effective apparatus to dismiss further lawsuits."
I checked myself out of the hospital ER with Pneumonia and COVID after having a fever each evening of 105 for almost 3 weeks. Thankfully, a colleage of mine suggested that I start on Ivermectin and within 2-3 days my fever finally broke and I was able to escape the death spiral I was in. I want to publically thank you and all the brave doctors like McCullough and Kory, who have had the courage to stand up against incredible opposition.
I let my licenses go because the medical board in my state was requiring me to get vaccinated for COVID, even though I almost died from it. They were not allowing medical or religious excemptions, nor was there any discussion on natural immunity. I had one foot out the door and my illness and the resulting COVID myocarditis ended my career.
Thank you for being a guiding light with your incredible articles and compassionate insight. I too am excited to get to work and take advantage of an opportunity to improve the American Healthcare System.
"I let my licenses go because the medical board in my state was requiring me to get vaccinated for COVID, even though I almost died from it. They were not allowing medical or religious excemptions, nor was there any discussion on natural immunity."
You mean that the medical board in your state required you to get the shot as a condition of license renewal?
Regarding myocarditis, have you been following the literature Dr Ardis refers to regarding nicotine for long COVID, myocarditis, glioblastimas and more? 7mg nicotine patch
Eliminate the root causes of inflammatory diseases that is 90% of all health issues.
Let's start with C Diff which is totally under discussed that causes 30,000 Americans to die each year and accounts for 500,000 adverse health events. Those number in my opinion are just the tip of the ice berg and our health system is burying the issue and not taking responsible to eliminate the root source of the problem. I just lost a dear friend that was a victim! It should NEVER have happened if the hospital did the right thing!
I've been using it. Go 20 Mule Team! (remember when they banned it for laundry?) I also take Boron as a 6 mg supplement. My magnesium bath also has a cup of borax in it.
In addition, I use a salt shaker to "salt" my water with it. Small amounts of borax also sever and negate the "arms" of the nanotech we are all exposed to.
My mom had clostridium difficile (C. diff) after taking antibiotics for another condition, I cannot remember what. Lord, it was nasty. God rest her soul.
First, they accumulated $130k for eight days of treatment (which by the way, saved my life, but it could have been done in my home for no more than about $1.2k), and after that, they wanted to treat me to death, but I knew when to stop. :)
They would not let me stay at hospitals. I don't have anything for them to bleed. It's wonderful not having insurance. It makes me very knowledgeable in finding out what to do to cure myself....not treat what ails me.
OMG you put all the pieces of the puzzle together and you healed yourself in record time! Amazing! In the book Doctors are More Harmful than Germs by Harvey Bigelson MD he says disease is caused by the following things: fluids flows in the body are blocked/obstructed (he talks alot about scar tissue blocking the flow - here's where DMSO may come in handy), mis-alignment of the body (he talks alot about the cranial nerves, face/head/neck), hidden infections in teeth (he calls out root canals as being the prime suspect), and trauma (can be emotional). He does have some case studies in the book and his healing process for them...He also says there is always a catalyst that triggers the process.
It was a great book, I highly recommend. It definitely gave me some paths to explore in my healing journey. His other book Holographic Blood is also fascinating.
I would love reading it. I read constantly and love knowing stuff. DMSO helps me all the time. In fact, DMSO is only second to Chlorine Dioxide. They are both used together quite a bit.
Thanks for the book recommendation.
(ps. the man who healed himself is Klimer) Amazing story tho. Makes perfect sense.
I had a little skin horn on my finger. Just a rough snag that I could feel. I put 1% DMSO on it, and it "flaked off" forming a small crater. The crater took a week to heal, but the horn is much smaller and less intrusive (it is still there, and I'm still treating it regularly when I remember).
It seems medicine is a big business model, short visits not long enough to really discover the issue, bill the insurance company as you are ensured payment, and move on to the next patient and try to figure out quickly what drug to prescribe. The average person cannot afford to pay exorbitant insurance premiums monthly and then pay concierge doctors who are outside the insurance system, but also, they charge a lot. As far as studies are concerned, Dr. Avrum Bluming has written an excellent book 'Estrogen Matters' where he exposes the cognitive dissonance that exists in the medical community due to faulty studies and a host of other biases.
I don't know what that means. Is it just paying cash at the visit? How does that differ from paying the copayment? My functional doctor stopped taking insurance, she only takes patients who join her membership. It is $15,000 for four visits a year. She will take many calls between. Even so, that is an awful lot of money on top of paying for insurance. Oh, I forgot to mention on my previous comment that Dr. Avrum Bluming is very thorough on the issue of HRT, however, I think he may be wrong when he said in his book that there are many studies proving that vaccines don't cause autism.
This is not to do with covid but it really bothers me that Pentoxifylline which is an excellent agent to improve Microcirculation has been pushed to the side by the CHEST guidelines . Pentoxifylline is off patent and works to help with diabetic foot infections , wound healings, claudication as it improves the delivery of oxygenated blood to distal areas that may not get adequate blood flow to bring in fresh blood and nutrients. I have seen a patient who was about to have his toes amputated and as one last resort was tried on Pentoxifylline and did not end up having the amputation as the circulation to the digits was improved so the antibiotics he was given could actually get to the site where they needed to reach . When patients have peripheral arterial disease/ very poor circulation the antibiotic often times does not reach where it needs to go and is these scenarios Pentoxifylline should be considered. So many diabetic docs , ID docs and vascular docs don’t know this information as they are following “ the guidelines!” I have seen it help wound healing. I have seen it help claudication. Even if does not help what’s the harm in trying as it’s so safe. It makes me feel very upset that such an inexpensive safe medicine has been pushed to the back burners and the young providers would have not even heard of it or they were taught in their curriculums that is does not work . Not only can it work it also has cardiac benefits… one meta analysis showed 4 fold reduction in mortality in heart failure patients but it did not gain it’s needed glory after it came off patent .
Hi help me stay sane in am insane health care world. As a nurse I am constantly disgusted by hospitals, administrators insurance carriers blah blah blah. But the most evil cabal is HHS Medicare our own government writes the death sentences they control the game I.e., the purse strings and it has NoTHING to do with patient care but rather their own coffers being filled whether it’s mental or financial. Simply put the prisoners are running the prisons!
Thank you AMD. I keep seeing “protocols “ in your writings. I marvel sadly how they became what we followed before I retired. Who would have thought it that they were actually making it the old expression “one shoe fits all!”
How much wiser I am now and when I say nurse the ears prick up. What a mistake JACHO made requiring a fall in line health care protocol. Please don’t suggest I go back to work! I did my best loving patinas seeing them get well. Then along came protocols. Evidence based care. Please! Back to Honest Medicine!
Thanks for bringing up meds that work. I lather DMSO on my pains!
Also glad we have a new association coming out of the original FLCCC! Yes! Bring on RFK jr. IMA! Love it. Keep working and present your findings. We must work together for the good of the people. We the people spoke.
Back to the basics! Please! Closer to 80
than 70 and finally seeing a change going forward! Thank you AMD for making a difference. I am wound up tonight! My work was not in vain! Yes!
Dang Gale, guess you missed that who GW Bush administration (Jan 2001-Dec 2008) invasion of Iraq, torture camps, illegal wiretaps, banking-housing crisis.
And the 1970s were great, Nixon-Ford-Carter funding coups and terrorists (e.g. Chile, Vietnam, Cambodia, Angola, South Africa, Brazil), petro-dollar, Indonesia, creating al-Qaeda/mujahedin, drug war (phase I) ...
Or have we all missed the Constitution ousting the Articles of Confederation in order to get what we’ve now got? If you don’t think so, I highly encourage anyone interested in Liberty to take a look at Michael Gaddy’s (Substack @rebelmadman) work from source documents. The anti-federalist were right – We the People are all on The Jones Plantation!
Another exception to the incentive for short hospitalizations are psychiatric hospitalizations. Since premature discharge has the risk of safety issues (patient could harm themselves or other people if their condition is still too severe) or prompt re-admission, both which negatively affect quality metrics. Unfortunately, there was a report last fall that gained publicity highlighting a hospital that may have held patients for excessive periods due to such financial incentives:
I have noticed the push to move along patients admitted to internal medicine services, The residents involved tended to view it as making space for newly presenting patients perceived to have more severe illness compared to patients who had already had some stabilization after several days of admission.
To many this might seem irrelevant to the topic but it seems relevant to me. When a (1-5 +/-) chicken, pig or cow is said to have, let's say bird flew, is there a logical reason to kill the whole population, supposedly to stop the supposed illness from spreading? From my layman's perspective it seems to be the type of situation that inspired the term "over-kill".
Is it a fear tactic or is it a reasonable approach to address the issue?
They are doing this to invoke famine. The attack on our food supply is grotesque and global. They want holodomor 2.0 to get a better grip on us. Here is what the fake pandemic purposely did to food stocks:
Control the food supply, control the people --Kissenger
It's also being totally defiled, and if someone doesn't yet have a good relationship with their local farmer this video should fix that:
The surest way to stay healthy and live a long life is to never see an American doctor (except perhaps a holistic dentist), to stay out of American hospitals, and to never take any medication (except natural herbs, along with having a healthy lifestyle and eating organic foods). Like most industries is the US, the "healthcare" industry is not merely a profit-at-all-costs driven industry, it is a criminal racket.
American doctors have become primarily blanket drug pushers and have no interest in offering individualized and actual care. They won't even leave their desk to examine a patient. "Just try this medication, and if this doesn't work we will try something else next week". A trained chimpanzee could offer this kind of "care".
I completely cured a case of colitis myself with natural remedies after meeting with a gastroenterologist whose most obvious "specialty" was a typical display of arrogance and incompetence.
While in part I agree with you, it all depends on the doctor as well as the specialty. My doctor doesn't believe vaccines are good to take generally, is against antibiotics except in serious circumstances, and has even told me to take a homeopathic treatment (that worked), but he is of course very careful what he says to whom and especially what he puts in writing. Getting checkups makes sense as well, regardless of who or what treats a condition after that.
One must use informed discretion, certainly not paint all doctors, all medications and treatments (or any group for that matter) with one color of paint. For me to reject medicine or doctors enmasse is as unreasoning as following whatever an authority says without question.
Every person is different and must choose how to live his or her life and accept the consequences. I decided to take responsibility for my own health early on (when I was a teenager), rather than rely on a so-called professional. Of course, if I broke my arm, I would have to see a doctor. Otherwise, I do all I can not to need them, which means having a very healthy lifestyle and some knowledge of herbs, etc, as well as a good intuition.
Being healthy was not popular when I started, and I was called a "health nut" many times. Some of the people who called me that eventually got sick and suffered an early demise, which, given their habits and diets, was sadly predictable.
In my almost mid 60's, I currently do not have a PCP. Why? They retired, left the practice, they tried to assign me to a newly out of residency PCP whose specialty was listed as "Covid-19". I was told she would be masked even though the mask mandate here was lifted. Nope.
I'm paying thousands yearly via the ACA for healthcare I do not use. Working in healthcare/insurance/workers comp for 40 years, I realize the dangers of not having a PCP. Recently had a case: 30's female hit by a car on a sidewalk while on a "wellness walk" during her work break. She was hospitalized with several fractures but could not get a visiting nurse group to "accept" her upon discharge as she did not have a PCP. And why did she not have a PCP? No one here in the medical mecca of Boston is accepting new patients. Yet the alternative of not having insurance is to risk a hospital bill of 500K as is likely in the above case.
What a ridiculous racket.
It is a racket, and one that costs many innocent people their health and their lives, so it is actually criminal...not to mention the roughly 250,000 people who die in U.S. hospitals every year due to "mistakes" (negligence?) in care.
Evey person is unique from his brothers and sisters but not different from the others here on the planet. Ask your doctor where their schooling and accreditation occurred.
Why? All the schools are cookie-cutter.
Perhaps a better question would be: what did you think about the quality of your training? If you asked Midwestern Doc, you'd be told they felt it inadequate, and they had to supplement their training with their own research. THAT's the kind of doc I want.
That's just the conversation I want to spark.
There is a difference between saying never see an American doctor and avoiding having to see a doctor. Many doctors in other nations are pretty awful, not just Americans.
I think most here, myself included, try to post clearly, but we all miss at times. Like you, I have for many years focused on health, chuckling when some said to me they don't believe in vitamins or whatever. As if that is some sort of religion based on faith rather than science-based.
You are truly & richly blessed & found a one in many million doctors. Yes, the broad paint brush stroke has been earned.
My own doctor and others like AMD disprove the broad paint brush mindset. So why use it?
Have you heard of the exceptions that confirm the rule?
I have meant a couple of good doctors in my life, mostly foreigners, during, as Dr Vernon Coleman put it, "the dark old days of medicine, when objective judgements were made based on a skillful and knowledgeable interpretation and assessment of a mixture of symptoms and signs. Doctors made diagnoses relying on their own senses, rather than bowing to extremely fallible machines. They relied on experience, instinct and intuition. They used X-rays and laboratory tests to help them confirm their diagnoses."
Today, medical care could be provided by robots and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Pretty soon we'll be able to test that claim. I can't remember where I read this, but a study was done with several hundred people listing symptoms of illness for AI to diagnose. 87% of the time it was wrong. Just makes you feel so warm and fuzzy.
In my view AI stands for Artificial Idiocy.
Exceptions disprove the rule. Or maybe you are right: all those exceptions to the mRNA shots prove it is safe and effective.
You are very lucky to have found a doctor like that. Used to have one yrs ago before we moved. Personally, now, you couldn't pay me to go to a doctor. Good news is we've learned a lot about how to treat ourselves.
I am not "lucky," and I actually find your statement that I am offensive. I chose to take care of myself, which meant going to a good deal of effort to find a doctor such as the one I have and refusing to act like some victim because it was difficult. A doctor is no different than a consultant or anyone else one may hire for a job. Then you decide whether or not to accept their solution. We have all had bad service, whether cars, medical, home repair, etc. That's life.
I choose to take care of myself as well - responsibly. Not sure what your issue is....had some great doctors and now I can't find any. I've personally saved my insurance company tons of $. Still alive. What is your point?
Search on alternative and integrative physicians in your area. I have to travel some to see my doctor, and I know people come from other states to see him.
The underlying theme of victimhood, where only luck saves us, because of this or that authority is offensive and a cop-out. I see it in many posts here.
Reiterate: You are lucky. I would have to fly across the country to get UVBI, for example. My integrative docs are frequently hounded by AHPRA for their alternative practices. Ergo - they are not always practicing or available to be my PCP. (I'm in Australia). You are lucky to find ONE. Just one. They are extremely rare. I'd put that up there with finding a lyrebird in the bush. Lucky.
Taking authority and power over your own health is the exact opposite of victimhood. Some ppl really like "authority" in the costume of a white lab coat. I don't. But then again I don't like any authority or experts. But you do you. Just let me do me.
There is however a difference between a plumber and a doctor: when you see a doctor, your life is potentially on the line, which means that a doctor has much greater responsibilities.
A plumber might choose his or her trade exclusively to make money, but to be a doctor is a greater calling which implies greater care and responsibilities, and those who cannot assume such responsibilities because they lack in honesty or skills should choose another profession, such as perhaps working full time as sales people for the pharmaceutical industry.
Of course there is a difference, duh. The point is having found a "good" doctor does not then transfer all responsibility to that doctor. And that is exactly the attitude I see in many of these posts. And, BTW, when you have your car repaired, your life is also potentially on the line. And because it is easier to find information about medical issues, IMO my life is more on the line for the mechanic if they aren't any good. Meh
You are trying to get into an argument with me to "prove" me "wrong"...the way I look at this, at your attempts, is with amusement, as I do with all that concerns the ego and its desperate and misguided claims to be offended by different world views.
Enjoy your world, and I will enjoy mine. I will not try to change your point of view. I advise you to let go of your attempt to force it on sounds terribly arrogant.
Sigh. I was a normie before the CV19 bs. Now I believe the world is run by evil secret societies.
Can't we have a secret society of doctors and patients who are committed to actual health and not the pharma racket?
That's a secret society I would join!
Where can one find a doc like yours?
at one point in this last year I suggested to MWDoc to contact Hillsdale College and offer to head a new medical department. What a great combination: Hillsdale C. an independent college with objective courses and completely NON-woke with the MW Doc! Whew. Imagine the docs coming out of that. However, no takers.
I would give thousands to Hillsdale if they hooked up with the MW Doc.
Search for alternative and integrative physicians in your area.
Thank you. Of course I checked my pricey "cadillac" health plan and they aren't covered. And its illegal to go uncovered in my commie state. (Not that my beloved normie wife could tolerate being uncovered anyway)
I will simply keep paying the vig to the medical mafia but avoid their docs like the effing plague.
I pay mine as he does not accept health insurance. I forgo other things to do it. And I have insurance as well.
My commie state blocked the ability to order blood tests myself a few years back, which most other states permit. I used to pay for them myself to check certain issues like Vit D and other and share it with my doctor. But now to get the tests I have to go through a doctor. While I pay for the doctor, the insurance covers the tests.
Such a doctor is not doing anything beneficial for you. Monitoring standard health markers leave you with the feeling that you are prudent, but without providing any actual care or advice, especially since MDs can lose their licenses easily. I'd suggest looking up the types of markers that you should monitor, educating yourself, and making sure you get those blood tests.
The only meds I take now are 2 types of eyedrops for glaucoma and 2 inhalers for COPD (which I alternate daily). I do try to eat healthy foods, sleep deeply and get plenty of sun. I am almost 80, so it's working pretty well! I also thank my body for its good health every morning before I get up and last thing at night!
Gratitude is so underrated! I do the same!
I thank my body for healing me, and protecting me…also underrated.
Our bodies are miracles of a Force nearly unfathomable to a human being.
I thank my Lord and Savior for granting me another day.
That sounds like a good program and attitude!
Do we have a catalog of preferred physician/Doctors/Naturopaths recommendations by country/state and province? If yes where and if not why not?
For Naturopaths in the US:
And yet, “they” still use the same universal symbol of “doctors”.
Could you elaborate on how you did this? I have a family member [ 31] with UC on stelera. He is very sick. Lyme is a possibility and definitely vaccine injured. Even if you have some links. I fear he will die.
Please check my responses to Jonathan Christie below, in the same choice of treatment was extremely unconventional, some people might not believe it possible, but it worked...I didn't just treat but cured the colitis. When choosing natural cures, we need to look at food as medicine, and be very consistent and patient when working with nature.
Thank you so much. Family member almost needed a blood transfusion by the time they told me what was going on. Had to go to the ER stat! I was truly terrified now that I know what's in the blood of most people.
Wow please share how you cured your colitis, that's incredible!?
I just want to point out that I am not a healthcare professional, nor would I pretend to be one, so I will only relate my own experience.
I got colitis early in my 20's from stress at work, working under a crazy boss. One doctor wanted to give me some sort of a tranquilizer. I refused, along with any other treatment.
Instead I did some research. Being able to understand French, I did some research about old European remedies.
The first I found was about green clay (see the out of print book The Healing Clay by Michel Abehsera). I had access to some other French books as well, one of them written by an old time doctor, from the 1950's, that thoroughly explained the healing powers of green clay, taken internally.
The other remedy was even more ancient and as unconventional. The Roman legions used it to heal battle wounds. It is as simple as green clay. It was used in Germany for many decades to cure gastro-intestinal problems, including ulcers. It is raw Savoy cabbage.
How I used green clay: one teaspoon of clay dissolved in a glass of water, left to sit overnight, drunken first thing in the morning (after stirring it to drink the clay), at least half an hour before breakfast, and avoiding fatty foods while using this treatment.
Savoy cabbage (organic preferably): Take it in the form of fresh juice, without anything else mixed in, as well as eating it raw (chew well). It will burn your mouth a little, as well as the area that is inflamed in your digestive track from the colitis or any other problem, but this is a sign of healing and that it is working. Again, avoid fatty food while doing this.
To speed up the cure, I did this while fasting for a week. I alternated cabbage juice with carrot juice and also eating raw carrots, which is also good for the digestive track. Then I did this while fasting two days a week. After several weeks I was cured.
It's simple, cheap, and all it takes is a bit of discipline. Eating raw cabbage all by itself (no dressing of any kind, which would neutralize the healing power) is not pleasant, but neither is colitis, an ulcer, etc. Just avoid social contacts for a week...bad breath, although you could eat raw parsley as well and it would help with the breath!
thanks, I might try both the cabbage and the clay for my SIBO. . .
I appreciate your details here!
I am glad you will try and I hope it works. But make sure you get French green clay, the darker the color the better. If you cannot find savoy cabbage, green cabbage will work, but organic as well. If you want to try eating nothing but raw green cabbage and raw carrots (very well chewed) and drink plenty of fresh cabbage juice and some fresh carrot juice (along with clay in a glass of water in the morning) for a few days in succession or one or two days a week, the healing will happen faster.
But either way keep going and give it time, nature works slowly (but surely). Have faith in the healing powers of nature and of those of your own body.
Thanks again Raphael. I had figured on settling for just any bentonite clay but now will search for the darker, French green clay as you suggest.
and, I will try your quite simple protocol for two days/ week-- for a few weeks, apparently. I may have to wait until we can grow the Savoy cabbage this summer though. I doubt we will find much here in MinnEsnowta grocery stores.
I have been working my way slowly out of this rut of SIBO for 3 years and seen some changes for the better. It has been all ME though. I have zero faith in docs; unuseful experience even with a naturopath. Mostly have been watching the foods, significant increase in fermented ones, removal of sugar(mostly), processed crapp, most dairy, increased occasional use of "elemental" diet powder drinks and much more fruits. It is a very complicated problem with SO many variables, adjustments have to be done one at a time to learn what works!
Same here, I do not trust doctors...I saw an old Chinese herbalist many years ago, he knew what he was doing (ancient Taoist knowledge). Some native Americans herbalists ("Medicine men") also used to know a few things...but probably not anymore, the ones who had the knowledge and the skills are long gone.
I hope you get better! You might have to follow the protocol for 6 months. I got fast results by doing it while fasting for an entire week (no other food but cabbage and juice, carrots and clay), but that's not easy.
". . . whose most obvious "specialty" was a typical display of arrogance and incompetence."
. . . and an offer for yet one more COLONOSCOPY!" . . . I'll bet.
The "specialist" did recommend this...which gave me more determination to cure it myself.
Most medical procedures consist of taking out body parts, as if the body was a mechanical device whose parts could be eliminated or replaced by other parts. This comes from a mechanistic outlook, a Cartesian outlook that sees the body as a machine rather than from a holistic understanding....and it is deadly.
I have to laugh.
The last time I saw a gastro doc it was some young woman, younger than either of my two kids, wearing a friggin' surgical mask. Me being an actual expert in filtration of all kinds and, having worked for the main manufacturer of this 3rd tier face-diaper, I had to ask her if she really thought wearing the mask was useful. Oh man, she went on and on justifying her zero knowledge. . .
Her 1st thing to solve my problem: another colonoscopy. buh, bye.
It is mind blowing to see how some professionals can be so educated and yet so ignorant. The more specialized they are, the more ignorant they become (tunnel vision).
Doctors are essentially employees of the pharmaceutical and insurance companies. Here Pfizer paying them off:
Here they put ads on craigslist to hire unskilled people to push the covid killshots (how does this not rampantly violate the law?):!CraigListAdsForPayingPeopleToPerformCOVIDTestsOnTheirFriendsFamilyAndNeighborsNovember2022.pdf
Anyone that trusts these clowns this late in their fraud/genocide game is hopeless.
I always feel sorry for the people who are waiting in line at the local grocery store or drugstore to get they daily medications (these poisons that ultimately destroy their livers and other organs) from the pharmacist.
Thanks for the links!
It’s so much worse than just that. They even offer 15% off your groceries for getting them at times (this is known as a “tell”), because they are running studies on the participants. It has absolutely nothing to do with health and is incredibly evil. It has to do with this:
Dr. Ardis Exposes the Influenza (Flu) Shot Fraud - If You Take IT YOU Are a Lab Rat:
And this:
Predictive Programming: Video Game from 2005 Nakedly Exposes Globalist Vaccine Plan:
People seriously need to stay away from this garbage.
Thanks for the links! Personally, I haven't taken a single medication in over 60 years...since I was a young child...not even aspirin. The result: I never get sick, I weight the same as when I was 20, and I have almost as much energy, and more than most people in their 20's today.
Great to hear, well done!
Outstanding links!
I remember a nurse from Elmhurst (NYC) hospital posting that they even had a dentist (!!!) doing the dirty job, and the overdoses from which she saved a few patients were lethal...
Definitively! And yes, they tend to disliked being challenged...from a mixture of personal interests (kickbacks as you said), arrogance and some authoritarianism.
Given that incentive equals outcome in scenarios like these, all one has to do is start with the outcome and look back 180 degrees to find the motive. In this case the motive was as clear as day: transform hospitals into killing fields to murder as many Americans as possible.
It really is that simple, and the doctors who went along with this obvious democide will pay for their actions either in this life or the next.
In the UK it was largely the same:
What the Hippocratic Oath has devolved into: First do no harm to my mortgage, career, license & registration, salary, holidays, private schooling for my kids, my reputation, and my yacht.
300,000 UK doctors all believed the nonsense government COVID narrative, and now think that kids having strokes is perfectly normal? Not a chance. But 300,000 of them went - and are going - along with it. God is watching the massive harm being caused by their shut wide eyes and fat pocketbooks.
Excerpt from (AMD, this is right up your alley):
Exactly. Hospitals were/are killing fields.
Thanks for putting that together. It is excellent. Will be sending it out.
Did they actually believe or they were the hired killers they were hired to be? ...
That article is outstanding, thank you Ray.
“ Medieval executioners were at least shunned, but the current brand has been celebrated by the globalist-owned media and applauded even by passers-bye.”
Let’s get back this for the current brand of executioner for hire.
I stayed healthy during COVID taking 20,000 mg of Vit C a day+1 lemon and a gallon of natural springs water. I did get sick after the shots came out and got hydroxychloroquine + Z pack + steroids , worked like a charm. Unfortunately I had to pay cash for the hydroxychloroquine because the doc wasn't allowed to order it. Not everyone knew someone who could get it for them.
It became apparent to me as a nurse, watching how treatments that could work were suppressed and putting folks on a vent with sedatives killed them, the purpose of covid was population reduction.
It seem that it was a very ‘Targeted’ Reduction in Population, DEFINITELY Not, population reduction across the board.
I think that it also was a test, a Practical Exercise if you will, in teaching mass population obedience.
It was an obedience test - note how patently absurd some of the orders were - and we failed, with extremely few exceptions. In our area there are still a significant number of people wearing cloth masks or "paper" masks of some kind. We were the exceptions in our area which was quite difficult at times because everyone became a compliance officer. Milgram experiment writ large.
‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.’
Margaret Mead
It was definitively an exercise in global obedience (getting the entire world in lockstep), a test in the power of aggressive, non-stop, terror-inducing propaganda, a test in how far despotism could be pushed with little or no resistance, a test in the power of censorship. Unfortunately, these tests were a huge success, humanity failed and the sociopaths won.
Hospitals are in business to make money...not save people in the first place. They are run by business people; not by people who know anything about health.
A Hospital would be the last place, I would want to go...I have visited people a number of times in what is considered one of the top hospitals in the Los Angeles area...and was appalled by what I observed. The people who run hospitals know absolutely nothing about health. It is a miracle when a patient can get out of them alive, even without remdesivir.. Nurses have no time to take care of patients as they are too busy doing paperwork. My ex was in a well known hospital and told me that he was totally ignored, when he needed help. He was freezing and couldn't get a blanket. The air condition units circulate bacteria-riddled air. There is no place that has more unhealthy bacteria than hospitals. Then, there is the fluorescent lighting, which is ultra unhealthy. It stresses the human body. Most people know that hospital food is bad and creates malnutrition. I visited a few times, when people were given a meal. A dear friend had a heart operation and was served some kind of Mexican food wrapped in aluminum foil. My ex was served chicken with watery yellow gravy on mashed potatoes. I never saw any fruit or decent vegetables served to the people I visited. My ex-husband's expensive Beverly Hills doctor...who my ex told me would save his life...handed him a can of Ensure (first ingredient high fructose corn syrup)...He told him that he needed to drink a lot of it...He was dead three months later...The high carbs in it, fed and accelerated the growth of a tumor, which previously had been brought down to almost zero by our daughters feeding him right. From what I've observed, the Medical Industry knows nothing about Health Care!
How sad about your ex. That is shocking that HFCS is the first ingredient in Ensure!!!
Someone in my life is addicted to Coke, the soft drink. I've been trying to warn him about HFCS and so far, to no avail. He put on about 30 lbs after a serious injury. I've told him he'd drop half of that weight if he just ditched the soda. He is still young enough to prevent health problems if he could address his sugar fix and remove this toxin from his diet but so far he's not interested. It is frustrating.
I learned about "nosocomial infections" in my R.N. training in the early 80's. The lighting/lights, the uncomfortable beds/pillows, the constant noise/beeping, the horrible food, the harried staff working under bad conditions, interns/residents writing orders with little sleep - avoid hospitals at all costs!
Most of us have taste buds that get addicted to the specific taste of certain products... manufacturers know this and add items that will addict consumers to their products; sugar in various forms, salt and fat. My son's pediatrician back in 1957 told me to use corn syrup in a formula. I had intended to breast feed, but a nurse in the hospital scared me...into taking some unknown pills. When I asked her what they were, she snapped at me, "Take them!" I swallowed them, then cried for three days, when I found they dried up my milk.
The formula with corn syrup and canned evaporated milk had NO nutritional value...and my baby screamed for his first three months of life...He was being starved to death and I didn't know anything about nutrition. I learned later how bad corn syrup was, when I started studying nutrition in 1961...I stopped depending on the doctor for nutritional information, when he put my 4-1/2 year old son on tranquilizers, because he was hyperactive....from the sugary foods he told me to give my son from the start. In 1961 I opened my first health book and learned that SUGAR CREATED HYPERACTIVITY. and TRANQUILIZERS STUNTED THE DEVELOPING ORGANS OF CHILDREN... After, I learned this more trust in doctors. I saw we had paid for erroneous information that had almost killed the child...along with the vaxes that he had been given, where he screamed for 16 hours and ran a 106 degree temperature... When my ex-husband's doctor handed him the Ensure, I quietly said to him, "Isn't the first ingredient high fructose corn syrup?" The doctor got kind of huffy and replied, "He needs to gain weight.!" My ex yelled at me all the way back to our daughter's home where he was staying. "You dared to speak to my doctor! You can never come with me to another chemo session." He would not listen to me about the chemo either. I told him that it was toxic and broke down the immune system. Well, within three months...he was gone!
What a tragedy. My heart hurt so much for the God given food for your baby - stolen from you by this evil system. My mother [ thank God ] resisted the pressure to bottle feed. Sadly. she had already been cheated out of any sort of normal happy life by the allopathic system years before, so just a partial win.
Please consider signing this petition.
We, the people of the United States of America request the Attorney General's assistance in opening an investigation to the Federal crimes that were committed against humanity in hospitals across the nation. We, the people are alleging that the hospitals used the Covid-19 mandated government incentivized protocols where known toxic and deadly drugs were administered to sedate, cause organ failure and ultimately hasten death. These patients were given a deadly combination and an overdose of various drugs.
Reposted on main SS page. Thank you.
Dear Midwestern Doctor,
I have been following your Substack for quite awhile and as a former Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncturist in practice for 25 years, I am in complete agreement with all that you have been writing about. I became a patient during COVID and got to experience the non-sense that is going on in both the hospital setting and in the offices of general practitioners and specialists alike. I could barely navigate our convoluted medical system, and I was at least somewhat coherent, had a partner that was my advocate, and I was a doctor. Without all of that going for me I am confident, as you bring out in your article, I would not have survived and had I taken the advice of so-called experts, I would be in worse shape than I am today.
I was espcially touched by the part of your article on the legal efforts to get hospitals to administer Ivermectin. "Of the 80 lawsuits filed by lawyer Ralph Lorigo, in 40 the judge sided with the family, and in 40 with the hospital. Of those, in the 40 where patients received ivermectin, 38 survived, whereas of the 40 who did not, only 2 survived—in essence making suing a hospital arguably the most effective medical intervention in history. Yet rather than take this data into consideration, the profit-focused hospitals banded together to develop an effective apparatus to dismiss further lawsuits."
I checked myself out of the hospital ER with Pneumonia and COVID after having a fever each evening of 105 for almost 3 weeks. Thankfully, a colleage of mine suggested that I start on Ivermectin and within 2-3 days my fever finally broke and I was able to escape the death spiral I was in. I want to publically thank you and all the brave doctors like McCullough and Kory, who have had the courage to stand up against incredible opposition.
I let my licenses go because the medical board in my state was requiring me to get vaccinated for COVID, even though I almost died from it. They were not allowing medical or religious excemptions, nor was there any discussion on natural immunity. I had one foot out the door and my illness and the resulting COVID myocarditis ended my career.
Thank you for being a guiding light with your incredible articles and compassionate insight. I too am excited to get to work and take advantage of an opportunity to improve the American Healthcare System.
Thank you. We really need people like you in the healthcare system, so I hope you can find a way to get back into it!
"I let my licenses go because the medical board in my state was requiring me to get vaccinated for COVID, even though I almost died from it. They were not allowing medical or religious excemptions, nor was there any discussion on natural immunity."
You mean that the medical board in your state required you to get the shot as a condition of license renewal?
Regarding myocarditis, have you been following the literature Dr Ardis refers to regarding nicotine for long COVID, myocarditis, glioblastimas and more? 7mg nicotine patch
Eliminate the root causes of inflammatory diseases that is 90% of all health issues.
Let's start with C Diff which is totally under discussed that causes 30,000 Americans to die each year and accounts for 500,000 adverse health events. Those number in my opinion are just the tip of the ice berg and our health system is burying the issue and not taking responsible to eliminate the root source of the problem. I just lost a dear friend that was a victim! It should NEVER have happened if the hospital did the right thing!
Mr. Braun, what to you think about using borax to treat arthritis:
Supposedly it was banned in 30 countries because of its enormous health benefits…
Never was aware of that treatment!
Go to Look up Borax. See all the testemonials. Every ailment and natural remedies you can imagine and then some.
Alas—it works as claimed, that is not surprising in the least.
Use it daily, amazing. Just a pinch.
I've been using it. Go 20 Mule Team! (remember when they banned it for laundry?) I also take Boron as a 6 mg supplement. My magnesium bath also has a cup of borax in it.
In addition, I use a salt shaker to "salt" my water with it. Small amounts of borax also sever and negate the "arms" of the nanotech we are all exposed to.
My mom had clostridium difficile (C. diff) after taking antibiotics for another condition, I cannot remember what. Lord, it was nasty. God rest her soul.
When I nearly died in August, 2023, I experienced it first-hand:
First, they accumulated $130k for eight days of treatment (which by the way, saved my life, but it could have been done in my home for no more than about $1.2k), and after that, they wanted to treat me to death, but I knew when to stop. :)
Sadly I've seen hospital bills go far far higher than that :(
For eight days for a CT and regular IVs?
You should take a look at this too. Amazing.
They would not let me stay at hospitals. I don't have anything for them to bleed. It's wonderful not having insurance. It makes me very knowledgeable in finding out what to do to cure myself....not treat what ails me.
Not Your Typical Heart Disease Story
OMG you put all the pieces of the puzzle together and you healed yourself in record time! Amazing! In the book Doctors are More Harmful than Germs by Harvey Bigelson MD he says disease is caused by the following things: fluids flows in the body are blocked/obstructed (he talks alot about scar tissue blocking the flow - here's where DMSO may come in handy), mis-alignment of the body (he talks alot about the cranial nerves, face/head/neck), hidden infections in teeth (he calls out root canals as being the prime suspect), and trauma (can be emotional). He does have some case studies in the book and his healing process for them...He also says there is always a catalyst that triggers the process.
It was a great book, I highly recommend. It definitely gave me some paths to explore in my healing journey. His other book Holographic Blood is also fascinating.
This book will be good read as well.
Judas Dentistry: How Dentists Scorn Science, Break the Hippocratic Oath, and Wreck Their Patients' Minds and Bodies
I would love reading it. I read constantly and love knowing stuff. DMSO helps me all the time. In fact, DMSO is only second to Chlorine Dioxide. They are both used together quite a bit.
Thanks for the book recommendation.
(ps. the man who healed himself is Klimer) Amazing story tho. Makes perfect sense.
Christina, I am thinking of dmso for what I believe is a scar tissue issue from surgery back in 2021.
I am wondering how dmso (or any modality) can break up the tissue. I thought I would try the gel or roll on.
If anyone out there has exerience with scar tissue and dmso (or other means you've tried) I'd love to read it
Thank you.
I had a little skin horn on my finger. Just a rough snag that I could feel. I put 1% DMSO on it, and it "flaked off" forming a small crater. The crater took a week to heal, but the horn is much smaller and less intrusive (it is still there, and I'm still treating it regularly when I remember).
It seems medicine is a big business model, short visits not long enough to really discover the issue, bill the insurance company as you are ensured payment, and move on to the next patient and try to figure out quickly what drug to prescribe. The average person cannot afford to pay exorbitant insurance premiums monthly and then pay concierge doctors who are outside the insurance system, but also, they charge a lot. As far as studies are concerned, Dr. Avrum Bluming has written an excellent book 'Estrogen Matters' where he exposes the cognitive dissonance that exists in the medical community due to faulty studies and a host of other biases.
That's a big part of why cash pay is often a much better deal.
I don't know what that means. Is it just paying cash at the visit? How does that differ from paying the copayment? My functional doctor stopped taking insurance, she only takes patients who join her membership. It is $15,000 for four visits a year. She will take many calls between. Even so, that is an awful lot of money on top of paying for insurance. Oh, I forgot to mention on my previous comment that Dr. Avrum Bluming is very thorough on the issue of HRT, however, I think he may be wrong when he said in his book that there are many studies proving that vaccines don't cause autism.
This is not to do with covid but it really bothers me that Pentoxifylline which is an excellent agent to improve Microcirculation has been pushed to the side by the CHEST guidelines . Pentoxifylline is off patent and works to help with diabetic foot infections , wound healings, claudication as it improves the delivery of oxygenated blood to distal areas that may not get adequate blood flow to bring in fresh blood and nutrients. I have seen a patient who was about to have his toes amputated and as one last resort was tried on Pentoxifylline and did not end up having the amputation as the circulation to the digits was improved so the antibiotics he was given could actually get to the site where they needed to reach . When patients have peripheral arterial disease/ very poor circulation the antibiotic often times does not reach where it needs to go and is these scenarios Pentoxifylline should be considered. So many diabetic docs , ID docs and vascular docs don’t know this information as they are following “ the guidelines!” I have seen it help wound healing. I have seen it help claudication. Even if does not help what’s the harm in trying as it’s so safe. It makes me feel very upset that such an inexpensive safe medicine has been pushed to the back burners and the young providers would have not even heard of it or they were taught in their curriculums that is does not work . Not only can it work it also has cardiac benefits… one meta analysis showed 4 fold reduction in mortality in heart failure patients but it did not gain it’s needed glory after it came off patent .
Hi help me stay sane in am insane health care world. As a nurse I am constantly disgusted by hospitals, administrators insurance carriers blah blah blah. But the most evil cabal is HHS Medicare our own government writes the death sentences they control the game I.e., the purse strings and it has NoTHING to do with patient care but rather their own coffers being filled whether it’s mental or financial. Simply put the prisoners are running the prisons!
Thank you AMD. I keep seeing “protocols “ in your writings. I marvel sadly how they became what we followed before I retired. Who would have thought it that they were actually making it the old expression “one shoe fits all!”
How much wiser I am now and when I say nurse the ears prick up. What a mistake JACHO made requiring a fall in line health care protocol. Please don’t suggest I go back to work! I did my best loving patinas seeing them get well. Then along came protocols. Evidence based care. Please! Back to Honest Medicine!
Thanks for bringing up meds that work. I lather DMSO on my pains!
Also glad we have a new association coming out of the original FLCCC! Yes! Bring on RFK jr. IMA! Love it. Keep working and present your findings. We must work together for the good of the people. We the people spoke.
Back to the basics! Please! Closer to 80
than 70 and finally seeing a change going forward! Thank you AMD for making a difference. I am wound up tonight! My work was not in vain! Yes!
Thank you! : )
Sadly 3 Obama terms completely screwed the USA.
Dang Gale, guess you missed that who GW Bush administration (Jan 2001-Dec 2008) invasion of Iraq, torture camps, illegal wiretaps, banking-housing crisis.
And the 1970s were great, Nixon-Ford-Carter funding coups and terrorists (e.g. Chile, Vietnam, Cambodia, Angola, South Africa, Brazil), petro-dollar, Indonesia, creating al-Qaeda/mujahedin, drug war (phase I) ...
Or have we all missed the Constitution ousting the Articles of Confederation in order to get what we’ve now got? If you don’t think so, I highly encourage anyone interested in Liberty to take a look at Michael Gaddy’s (Substack @rebelmadman) work from source documents. The anti-federalist were right – We the People are all on The Jones Plantation!
Please see the research cited and discussed at: and .
Another exception to the incentive for short hospitalizations are psychiatric hospitalizations. Since premature discharge has the risk of safety issues (patient could harm themselves or other people if their condition is still too severe) or prompt re-admission, both which negatively affect quality metrics. Unfortunately, there was a report last fall that gained publicity highlighting a hospital that may have held patients for excessive periods due to such financial incentives:
I have noticed the push to move along patients admitted to internal medicine services, The residents involved tended to view it as making space for newly presenting patients perceived to have more severe illness compared to patients who had already had some stabilization after several days of admission.
Thank you for the comment. Great to see you here again!
...something like 70% of suicides happen within 48 hours of discharge from hospital.
However - psychiatric hospitalisations are not "good for mental health" usually worsening the condition (correlating to the above statistic).
To many this might seem irrelevant to the topic but it seems relevant to me. When a (1-5 +/-) chicken, pig or cow is said to have, let's say bird flew, is there a logical reason to kill the whole population, supposedly to stop the supposed illness from spreading? From my layman's perspective it seems to be the type of situation that inspired the term "over-kill".
Is it a fear tactic or is it a reasonable approach to address the issue?
Yeah; it starves people (and tortures animals to death).
They are doing this to invoke famine. The attack on our food supply is grotesque and global. They want holodomor 2.0 to get a better grip on us. Here is what the fake pandemic purposely did to food stocks:
URGENT: UN - In Five Months We Have Undone 20 Years of Progress -10 Weeks of Wheat Left In the World:
Control the food supply, control the people --Kissenger
It's also being totally defiled, and if someone doesn't yet have a good relationship with their local farmer this video should fix that:
Yeah, over-kill sorta like COVID 19. Kill us all. COVID wasn't even deadly, so figure that out huh. Shut up and take your jab. Hahahaha