"Coming out" as vaccine injured sounds much like coming out as gay in the 1980s. It took courage, and damaged relationships, but in the end it was not worth living a lie. The power of so many people telling the truth was that it disrupted false preconceptions most people had about the subject and in time made those preconceptions disappear. As more vaccine-injured people have the courage to speak the truth about their injuries the myth of the "safe and effective" vaccines may also wither. To borrow a phrase from the 1980s, Silence=Death.

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Great comment; pinned it.

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This is one reason I transcribe so many videos of jab injury testimony. Fortunately, sites such as react19.org and a number of others are doing a great job to gather testimonies and provide support for the jab-injured. There are now uncounted numbers of testimonies out there on the Internet; unfortunately the censorship and shadow-banning remain ferocious.

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I need to talk to you about a post I'm working on (that I might want to include your list in).

It's about this person's list: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16ailcn/2_years_of_compiled_reddit_data_on_vaccine_side/

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Anytime. I can be contacted at transcriberb@swisscows.email

I do not know that person on reddit, but I am aware of his or her research via the JMG dreamwidth forum, posted this week. It tooks to me like a genuine and important effort to research and compile an archive of jab-injury reports and discussion (and it seems this person also tried to help jab-injured people directly).

About my List of Transcriptions, if you have not already seen these:

*What's this all about?


*Q & A by with Transcriber B by Bill Rice Jr.


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You provide an unique viewpoint with your transcripts, Transcriber B.

The jab injured are of particular concern to me. Videos can be (and are) deleted. Transcripts last...

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Totalitarians rely upon people being afraid to speak up, to go against their propaganda. And if the people think the propaganda is actual news as in today's left-wing ideologue corporate media (who are also sold out to Big Pharma Ad money), then the gaslit people are not afraid to condemn anyone who questions the narrative, even their friends and even when the evidence is clear.

It's more important to speak up in times like these, otherwise you will find yourself sadly quoting Martin Niemöller.

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Nailed it, too.

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And a common denominator in both those time periods was, wait for it…..


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That's an excellent point! Fauci discouraged off-patent treatment to AIDS patients in the 1980s and then advocated treating them with toxic patented AZT to maximize pharmaceutical profits. He also used AIDS to increase his personal power and agency budget. RFK Jr pointed out Fauci followed a similar script years later during COVID-19. It surprises me so many gay men venerate Fauci for being "America's doctor" during Covid, completely forgetting that SILENCE=DEATH was originally a protest against the government's and Fauci's horrific mishandling of the AIDS crisis.

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Collective memory is short it seems! Plus that was 30-40 years ago and many of the younger generation don’t remember. I do, because I had a gay business partner who died of AIDS in the early 90’s (or perhaps more accurately, died of the treatment for it?)

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It really is.

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As I understand it, people do not die of AIDS, they die with it. Same idea with COVID; people don't necessarily die of it, they die with it. Or as you and MDJD pointed out, sometimes they died because of the boneheaded "treatment" and other factors, not because of the pathogens that show up after a person is already weakened in some manner.

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Exactly. That appears to be their business model!

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Correction. I should have written "HIV" instead od "AIDS."

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Great point

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On the other hand, normalizing homosexuality and it becoming mainstream has encouraged "progressivism" to the point that we accepted disgusting bathhouses as okay, where sex of all kinds, with multiple partners all the time, gave the country AIDS. Then pride parades and now a whole month to celebrate gay sex. We must now also accept scantily clad men in S&M outfits walking down main street whipping each other in front of children as normal. It has "progressed" so far that we have trans everything to the point that we are now forced to accept that men can give birth. Who'd have thunk that 10 years ago? The next step is we must accept minor attracted persons (MAPs). In other words, pedophilia will be be normalized. I said this would happen over a decade ago. It just takes time to worm its way into our society and slowly the majority of people will get on board as they did with gay rights which was then co-opted and perverted. Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it.

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please realize there are many wonderful gay people in long term committed

relationships who are horrified by the trend toward pedophilia.

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YES! I have one in my family -not effeminate at all- and he deserve respect. Nice guy also! I love him!

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Gays Against Groomers was started to put those voices forward and fight the insanity we see right now.

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That happens with lesbians, but not gay men. Gay men have nearly universally large numbers of partners. Actually, most of the men you say are in committed relationships are with one person, but they have sex with many other men. But you are right, many gay men don't support pedophiles. However Patti's point is quite valid. Accepting gays has led to basically Ru Paul's Freak Show, which was not the agreement. I am now anti-gay, because of what gays have brought us. Now it seems the original anti-gay ideas had a lot of validity.

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Heterosexual men have universally large numbers of partners also. They just happen to be women. Other than their wives and girlfriends.

Accepting heterosexuals has basically let to strip joints and s and m clubs.

But it's heterosexual so I guess that's OK.

Well, in fact, it IS ok, because live and let live, but the hypocracy is astounding.

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I had a boss who was gay. I have a great deal of respect for him, and I like him a lot as a person. It doesn't speak to the nature of desire and behavior however. Thankfully, we can change desire and behaviors. Otherwise, who could overcome?

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What I was wishing for is that people tell the truth about their vaccine injuries. Sorry if you disagree. And you mistake being gay for being "progressive." They are very different things, although I can understand your confusion. The gay community has done itself a disservice by allowing itself to be used by the "progressive" movement that has perverted and corrupted everything it touched. Your anger is justified but just remember that the whole point of "progressive" politics is to make people stop thinking and start hating. Don't let them win.

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Very good response.

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Recently in Australia we have a lesbian group who wanted to use a specific LGNTIQ+ space to have a private party and we’re denied because they weren’t “ inclusive “ - would be funny if it weren’t so serious.

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With full respect, I don't understand your point. It's not about the label progressive. There are probably some things under the label progressive I agree with. It is about where lines are drawn and truth and evidence.

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With respect in return, I also agree with some progressive ideas and strongly supported them in the past. The problem with "progressivism" is tactical. It starts with an appealing idea (racial equality, equal rights for women and gays, etc) then it inevitably pushes it to a grotesque extreme. Racial equality eventually becomes anti-white racism and violent riots, equality for women and gays inevitably becomes "transitioning" children with drugs and surgery, "election integrity" becomes election manipulation, "protecting free speech" becomes censorship, "protecting grandma" means injecting children with experimental mRNA drugs, etc. So I agree with you that it is about where lines are drawn, but the point of progressive politics is to inevitably erase all such reasonable lines and boundaries. It has become the enemy of the noble causes it pretends to support.

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We all know regular homosexuals who live their life quietly without imposing dumb parades with leather bound fatsies. Thing is thed had to create the Gays against grooming organisation. Classic, the gay movement has been infiltrated by the satanic commies, and they it inside-out like they do with every good movement. Those infiltrators never heard of Live-and-let-live.

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I suspect that under all these restrictions, new world order, etc. is a severe case of what I call "womb envy". Males pretending to be female as they 'explore their ..... whatevers'. Tech nerds trying to create live babies in cubicles, trying to destroy Nature and all that is natural, efforts to separate us from our bodies, feelings and intuition, merging us with machines, etc.

Under this obsessive desire for control lies great fear and hatred of all that is female and fully alive.

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Yeah, I think pandora's box has been opened, and it is disturbing to see that in some circles attempts are being made to float the idea of pedophilia being normal.

The logic is the same: if being same-sex desire is immutable, any sexual desire, including same-sex desire, is immutable.

But, that is clearly not the case. It is cruel to those suffering and has serious societal consequences. The solution is to define the problem, solve the problem, like any other problematic behavioral impulse that can relatively easily be overcome with consistent effort. That is the compassionate way, not to mention the intelligent way.

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Exactly. Hate the sin but love the sinner.

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Yes, sin is missing the mark, which we all do, but we shouldn't whine about difficulties in becoming solid bowmen. Also, we shouldn't think of ourselves as better than anyone else. Define the problem, solve the problem, pray.

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John Campbell has a video on human trafficking and pedophilia:

According to the video, 12 million children are trafficked each year. Mostly it is for sexual exploitation, but also for slavery/forced labor/sometimes in harsh and poisonous work environments, and for organ harvesting. Sometimes the child progresses through each of these stages. Many of these are pre-adolescent, even babies. The average number times raped per child per year is 1,500. This is clearly a real life horror show.

Some people may not think that mores and culturalization foments behavior, but it does. Increase the demand, and you will increase the supply. This should be a national news 24-7, all-hands on deck, drop everything else until it is completely irradicated moment.


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You nailed it. Thanks.

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I have friends who are homosexual. One struggled in therapy back in the 60's to try to change. The notion, especially back then, that someone "chose" that life ignores the actual physical, emotional, and financial harm visited on them at the time and even to some extent today. After nine years, his psychiatrist recommended he accept who he is, stop beating himself up, and get on with living. Another left his study for the priesthood because the church taught against homosexuality: he would not stay and lie about who he was.

To lay all the sex-based stuff we see today on one group ignores that it comes from both the homosexual and heterosexual crowds for a variety of reasons. For some it's financial, others for political, and for some from mental illness.

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Normalizing homosexuality did not cause flamboyant behavior.

That is individual.

There are plenty of flamboyant heterosexuals. Good lord, just watch the Grammy's.

I am very careful about confusing the agenda (Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, Trans, GreenSustainability) that is created by the powers that be to keep us hating each other

with people who just want to live their lives whatever color, sexuality, culture, religion, non religion, nationality they are.

You are right - rights have been co opted and perverted. For a reason.

Be careful of what THEY wish for.

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yes it did and does.

I did mention my musculoskeletal pain that began after the second pfizer shot, to an ortho doctor here in No Va. A young new guy. I was surprised he did not blink an eye. Same with the NP guy I had to see a week later for new pain. The NP told me they have seen many patients the past two years with an inflammatory sort of arthritis.

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"Inflammatory" being a very key word....

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Absolutely but nowadays it’s no longer called inflammation but inflation.

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Now even inflammation is inflated! ; )

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If he did not blink an eye, that means he is likely not trying to figure out the cause. Sorry to say.

If people know this, I am not saying you do, why do they still go to Drs? Just to complain?

If it were my pain, I would want answers , written answers and solutions.

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I have been to many doctors over the past two years.

None of them have given me any disrespect at all. If I did encounter that sort of treatment, I would leave immediately and not pay.

Anyway, I have had a lot of tests done.

I went to the ortho doc because after spending two months packing and moving my father and mothers belongings out of their fancy apartment I developed horrific SI joint pain, so much so, I could not walk. I was offered a cortisone injection into the joint which I took eagerly.

Now that my father has passed away, I need to focus on my health. something I have had a difficult time doing over the years. Being a caregiver to your parents is a blessing and a gift, but they also become dependent on you

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Well the pain meant the vaccine was working, so they said. Sheesh.

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What is stunning to me is that it all seems to be happening again as if the last three years were just a dream. A "new and improved" vaccine, again untested, is being released by the same perpetrators and purchased by the same gov't and we are told once more that we all need to take it or face covid death. So the injuries will continue until profits dwindle....or not. All they need to do is change the name to another virus such as RSV or flu and everyone lines right back up for more of the same garbage in their veins.

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And somehow it is hard to believe that people still line up and roll up their sleeves for this untested poison. I honestly believe that there is something in this poison that totally brainwashes the individual who receives it. Because why else would you continue to take it over and over again. And then when they are diagnosed with some turbo cancer they can't believe it. I can't believe there are so many brainwashed people out there and the fact that they want to inject this into babies and the parents who allow it is horrific. Read the book Turtles all the way down. It's very informative and eye-opening.

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This article like so much of what you write reminds me of the experience that Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez went through with his non-toxic extraordinarily effective protocol for curing all types of cancers.

I was his patient for 25 years before he passed away having originally seen him when I had a bronchial cancer that metastasized to the liver in 1989 that his protocol quickly cured.

All he ever wanted to do was to test his protocol against standard cancer treatment. He got his wish even though it turned out to be a nightmare when the NIH funded a trial comparing his protocol to chemotherapy around the year 2000.

Having been previously a journalist he wrote a 700 page book ‘What Went Wrong’ how big Pharma and big academic medicine conspired to corrupt the trial to demonstrate that has therapy was not effective.

I was reminded in reading your story about a conversation I had with him one day when I asked him whether any well-known people in politics, the media or Hollywood were his patients.

He indicated that quite a number were and yet not one of them was willing to go public because they were afraid of being ridiculed and worse.

They were all so averse to publicity that Nick had to come into the office on Saturday to treat them so no one would be in the building who could recognize them.

(He also told me about a long conversation he had with Steve Jobs after Jobs contracted pancreatic cancer about his protocol. He realized as the conversation went on that Steve was convinced that he knew as much about cancer and health as he did about computers and phones and so he decided to pass up on being a Gonzalez patient. Had Steve decided to be a patient and been willing to tell the public the world would be very different and much better these days.)

If even one or two of them had been willing to go public with their incredible success stories it might’ve changed everything and the Gonzalez protocol would be an accepted if not preferred part of cancer treatment.

The social pressure to conform, the fear of losing status, position and income are incredibly powerful forces to enforce a status quo that brings such unnecessary harm and suffering to millions as you eloquently describe.

Your writings and your work are so important that I can only hope that someone somewhere in a position of power and influence will hear about them and act accordingly.

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Thank you. A few people I know had very good experience's with Gonzalez's protocols, especially for pancreatic cancer.

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Thank you for mentioning Gonzales. I lost track of him over the years and had believed his treatment did not pan out (like Burzynski's). Glad to hear that it did.

When the govt began to assign funds to study "complementary medicine" for cancer, I had though it was for real. Finally we'll know what works and what does not! Only took a few years of the nonsense to realize it was just another scam to keep the mainstream paradigm going.

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Gonzalez was able to get a trial from the NIH because the then Director of the alternative cancer program had integrity and believed in Gonzalez. Not long after the trial started he left and the person who replaced him was a typical main stream opponent of anything that was unorthodox and could not be patented.

That’s when Columbia University and the feds ganged up to make sure that the trial was essentially sabotaged. It broke Gonzalez’s heart and he passed away not long after a victim I’m convinced of the heartless yet effective campaign to demonize him and his therapy.

While the therapy is still being offered today by a small number of courageous doctors it takes someone with a lot of courage and or desperation to do the program Given the stigma against it.

One can’t overestimate the consequences of the campaign against the program in lives lost and in the continuation of largely ineffective toxic and expensive therapies that dominate cancer treatment

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Would you be open to writing this up in detail at some point with the references to support it (as best as you can) so I could turn it into an article? I know the NIH also did the exact same thing to Laetrile.

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Aha! That thought came into my mind a month ago--was laetrile perhaps acctually an effective treatment? I recall tales of folks flying down to Mexico to get it. Husband pointed out that there were scare stories about how dangerous it was---and my response.....bet those stories were created by the parties who would stand to lose by an effective alternative treatment.

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I just saw your comment now Oct 22 sorry for not responding sooner. Yes I would be happy to. You can reach me at Hrb885@gmail.com

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thanks for bringing the Gonzalez protocol forward. . .

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a number of years ago The New Yorker did a pretty comprehensive and complimentary article about him, that was before the NYer went all NWO . I think they have archived all of their articles online so you should be able to find it. let me know if you can't I will revive my Cut Rate subscription just for that

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Herb talked with him in person so he will have extra details and can put everything together; that's why I wanted him to do it.

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I was at a college football game tonight when one of my patients called me distraught that her 48 year old healthy son in law died suddenly today while bicycling with his 5 year old son. I asked and yes, he did get the new XBB Covid-19 booster this last week. Neither of us said anything else but we both knew. I am deeply saddened and truthfully angry, but grateful that I have already communicated my recommendation NOT to take any further Covid-19 shots to my patients. It is because they are precious to me and I care more about them than paying homage to my crippled profession.

Thank you for your words, MWMD!

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So sorry to hear this. Thank you for posting here. Thank you for standing for the truth and for your patients.

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Big thanks for your courage!

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Like Royal Rife and a foultitude of other people who created cures. No money in cures!

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I know. Terrible, heartless. Can you describe what protocol he put you on? I remember he used a lot of enzymes...

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"He indicated that quite a number were and yet not one of them was willing to go public because they were afraid of being ridiculed and worse. "


This is the power of a narrative. It becomes reality that very few are able to question against:


Great topic by the way. Hopefully more and more continue to come out and speak on this.

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Yes, the books he published should be read by all. What Went Wrong is an indictment of the system, the conclusion is a brilliantly written summary of everything wrong with it. He advised ethical doctors, scientists & researchers to simply not bother, but run in the other direction.

He also I believe wrote the 2 volume case series as a direct response to the group of "skeptics" that were harassing, ridiculing & potentially reporting his practice to authority. People still around today, like Gorski. The first volume of the case series which was published posthumously, specifically focused on breast cancer cases, the direct area of "expertise" of breast cancer surgeon David Gorski.

I was aware of the Steve Jobs story in relation to Gonzalez, but take careful note how Jobs use of alternative treatments/"quackery" was used by the skeptics in order to further marginalize alternative treatments.

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Same old, same old.

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Sounded interesting and of value til I read that the protocol includes twice daily coffee enemeas.

Gimmee a break.

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That was the Gerson one.

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Either way, it still stinks. Blaaaa! : )

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What turns you off about it ? The coffee or the enema?

I guess poisoning people by radiation or chemicals is a much more appetizing prospect to you.

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Coffee enemas were actually in the Merck Manual for many years. Interestingly I am quite sensitive to caffeine so he had me take enemas with chlorophyll instead.

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I think I'd be sensitive to enemas!

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Look at Eric Clapton. One of the greatest guitarists of all time. He was partially paralyzed, unable to play, and sick for weeks from the shot. All he did was share what happened to him after the shot. He was ostracized, demonized, discarded, laughed at and ignored. That should tell us all something,, even skeptics, about the mouthpieces for big Pharma those on the political left have become.

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Just for fun, Eric Clapton at last weeks #Kennedy24 fundraiser - https://rumble.com/v3k79xv-eric-clapton-kennedy24-fundraiser.html

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this is the operation of the enemies of truth. It is pretty disgusting and disappointing

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Yes. The only logical explanation for an attack on all of humanity - including everything in the environment that humans need in order to live and thrive - is that there is a hostile non-human species that wants us dead.

Yesterday's demons are today's ETs.

And today's ETs are tomorrow's "interdimensional intelligences".

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No other possibilities at all huh? Please - we don't need any further fear mongering. There's too much of already for many to handle.

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I'm willing to hear another logical explanation if you have one. (I don't find "human greed" a logical answer because the path they have chosen is ultimately self-destructive.) But it's not fear mongering to hunt for the driver of a threat to our well-being. Denying that there's a threat, because we don't want to scare people, will get us nowhere fast.

And if I'm correct about the driver, then the same place where I learned that offers a way to fight back as well. It's actually an antidote to fear.

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Thanks for the reminder.

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I don't think he was shunned by any great numbers afterwards. Maybe a few paid talking heads but the population did not and does not shun a person's pain and paralysis especially a star such as him.

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sadly, the bashing started as soon as he shared his story, and continues to this day. Here are some headlines a quick search revealed:

Eric Clapton's Covid vaccine conspiracies mark a sad final act

Surprised Eric Clapton is a conspiracy theorist? Don’t be

What happened to Eric Clapton?

The guitar legend has long been inscrutable, but his covid turn has friends and fans puzzled like never before.

Let's talk Eric Clapton: why does anyone like this guy?

So a lot has come out about Clapton being a piece of shit, and being vocally anti-vax. I get the disappointment that comes when an artist you love turns out to be a garbage human being.

Eric Clapton’s Anti-Vaccine Diatribe Blames ‘Propaganda’ for ‘Disastrous’ Experience

There were dozens like this. And then this:

Eric Clapton Feared He ‘Would Never Play Again’ After COVID Shot, Slams Vaccine ‘Propaganda’

“Needless to say the reactions were disastrous, my hands and feet were either frozen, numb or burning, and pretty much useless for two weeks, I feared I would never play again, (I suffer with peripheral neuropathy and should never have gone near the needle.) But the propaganda said the vaccine was safe for everyone.”

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I don't read or see any of that crap. And I do not watch TV because it is brainwashing propaganda. So maybe that is why I did not see the brainwashing propaganda. I saw only good caring mention for him. And I am no delusionist. Just a realist.

If everybody ignores and puts on their thinking caps, it will not be an issue.

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I read a funny comment that said something like “conspiracy theorists are nothing more that those who find out the truth six months (or two years!) before the rest of you.”

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That is the truth!

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Yea, me neither. However this is what most of the people I know are watching/listening to...

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Interesting comments by the person that does not watch TV due to brainwashing propaganda. When I see the lies from the talking heads, it actually galvanizes my resolve to fight this propagandistic malarkey.

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Interesting. My head explodes so I cannot afford any more any more explosions. I research and investigate a lot of serious and complicated areas and it takes an enormous amount of time. Not to mention the time to help educate and get the word out. Not enough hours in the day. There is zero time for me left to listen to Bull Sh ..it.

Besides it makes things confusing and slows down my progress of uncovering things in real time.

It takes all kinds though to fight these evils. Different techniques are a good thing. I think if we all do something, anything, continually, we can win and maintain our freedom.


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To quote Peterson, who is uncomfortable with the descriptor of 'heroic'; It is my fear of what will happen from not speaking what he knows to be true, that would torment him.

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On the money .... as they say Doc. I got out of the Pharma biz in 1993. Too dirty. As a Hospital District Manager and Then the Director of Government Sales for a J&J division I saw first hand where pharma was headed. When the FDA authorized tv, radio and magazine marketing of Rx drugs, the nature of the beast changed quickly. It was about profits before then but after the marketing approval it ramped up.

Big pharma discovered that most docs would prescribe a drug that a patient asked for unless they thought it would harm the patient. Side effects were always down played (see OxyContin marketing).

Why will you do that doc? Because if I don’t, the patient will find a doctor that will. So, the docs caved just as pharma knew they would.

Terrible to indict the entire industry however it is justified. Pfizer, Merck, BW and J&J leading by example.

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And don't forget Eli Lilly!

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just like on tv "Ask your doctor about . . . . "

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I always really appreciate hearing stories from drug reps.

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Except they don't/won't hand out narcotic pain meds to legitimate pain patients. After they callously flooded the market w disastrous effects the states then sued large chain pharmacies (who are only guilty of filling prescriptions) for millions or billions w the monetary awards going to STATES NOT VICTIMS! WTF???

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That is a ridiculous excuse. Let them then. If they have to go to 3 who say no first, they will get pretty tired and you won't get sued for the bad/inappropriate prescription.

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Sep 23, 2023
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I actually think it's quite ignorant and comical. If you listen to an entire commercial the side effects are usually worse than whatever it is that you're trying to cure. Basically they're saying "BUYER BEWARE". It's really common sense.

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Sep 24, 2023
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They need to grow a pair, speak up, stop being so greedy. I have no sympathy for the ones involved.

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Sep 24, 2023
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The problem is most Drs don't know how to talk to patients especially educated or informed patients. I'm a very proactive patient and they don't like that. Guess what? That's too dang bad. It's my body and I know more about it than they do. Let them try to keep up w other modalities so they are better informed. They don't have all the answers so they should stop pretending they do.

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All patients should be well informed.

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This reminds me of Spencer Tracy movie regarding the Holocaust. It may have been Judgment at Nuremberg. He approached an elderly German couple on the street and asked them, "Did you know?" They started by saying no. After some questions about whether they noticed that people were disappearing and the Jews were gone they broke down and admitted that they knew. But they couldn't speak about it. They said that if they did it would come upon them. All of that and what we went through came from the government. Only, of course, to keep us safe. That is how tyrannies are successful. Only to keep us safe.

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I've been learning about the context in Germany during Hitler's time, also about the Holocaust. All started with an article about Anne Frank....

My understanding of history has been completely turned on its head in the space of a couple of weeks of late night reading. The experience is quite bizarre, disorientating.

My outlook from here onward is forever changed (especially when the Holocaust is referenced.)

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Yes it's quite a shock to learn so many things we grew up believing were lies.

It's sadly yet amusingly ironic that our generous host here is red pilled on the vax yet blue pilled on the holocaust. Just like the doctors who are in too deep to admit they've been killing people, he's in too deep to admit his tribe continue to perpetuate the greatest hoax of the 20th century against the Christians who have been generously hosting them for so long.

Wake up, AMD, we're waiting for you! 🙂

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This steep learning curve has taken me aback. Strange yet understandable too how some learning you're not inclined to shout from the rooftop :-)

Generally, I've a sense that AMD is a good/ethical individual. Such a rabbit hole requires curiosity and time...I suspect he's also simply too busy and focused on his important work here.

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You should have been taught this in school, but they are too busy teaching more than 2 genders...

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In my 40s so missed that!

But it does start - or rather is maintained/consolidated - at school curriculum level.

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It was "Judgement at Nuremberg" - watched it yesterday. Very powerful depiction of moral vacuity. Most distressing part for me was the revelation that what the indictees are being punished for - standing by when horrific criminality was being enacted which they knew all about - was very ironic to say the least; the fact at the end which confirmed certain US states did not stop certain eugencist policies until the late 1960's was shocking and very very sobering.

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Good reminder of another great movie - so prescient of today. Recently re-watched 12 Angry Men. Another reminder of the high cost of the foibles of human nature. with regard to the pharmaceutical industry: The Constant Gardener (2012 I think.)

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Fear is a powerful thing.

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There were no death camps in Germany, so your story is merely fiction.

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Pauline: Great link. Thank you.

I didn't know about anything!!! I just assumed that the NatSocs had pressurized gas in tanks, and pumped it into the 'chambers' with varying pressure based on the ambient temperature etc. And then they had a precise method to evacuate the gas from the room.

Nope. They just dropped pellets in, and then waited 'a bit'...

The lie is so very blatant that it's unbelievable!

And yeah, the louse-borne typhus is why they introduced ZyklonB in the first place. They tried to save the lives of their charges, and were rewarded by becoming the most reviled people in history.

No good deed goes unpunished...


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I didn't know about the deadly louse-borne typhus epidemic.

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And silent.

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I used to think or believe that I was a fairly moderate person, however now I feel that I am being an extremist.

Discussing vaccine injury with doctors is always touch and go.

For myself, it destroyed my immune system. I am not sick a lot but my joints are a mess.

I am hoping to personally address this over the next few months. My dad went to Heaven in June (he was 99.5 but gosh I miss the heck out of him) and I just want (after ten years of caring exclusively for my parents) to start taking better care of myself and my hubbs.

I also feel those weird heart things and have an appointment with Virginia Heart this week ahead.

As always, I greatly appreciate your brilliant searching and discovery and sharing in a very honest and understandable approach.

As an aside, I love reading the studies and information from Geert Vanden Bossche but he is waaaay over my simple nursing degree obtained long ago. HAHA He could greatly use an "interpreter" with some of his exemplary calculations and findings. LOL. just kind of kidding there

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Dr. Yeadon is good and to the point although he has as much depth of knowledge as the Vet. Geert. Remember, if I am not mistaken, Geert is a Veterinarian by degree.

Also Dr. Peter McCullough, most published Cardiologist in North America. Excellent for cardiac.

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Where's Sucharit Bakhdi nowadays? He was always one of the best teachers. I was red pilled really early in 2020 and back then I only remember him and Mike Yeadon speaking out about it.

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Dr Bakhdi also saved me from the jab. He was put on trial for antisemitic remarks (he had criticized the Israeli government for allowing Pfizer to experiment on its citizens). Fortunately he was acquitted by the German courts not that long ago. I assume he is resting now and keeping a low profile.

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He said he was fed up with Germany and going back to Thailand. Did he?

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Yes, I agree. He explains things so simply ( when they are not at all ) and not condescendingly, but warmly. Two amazing people.


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Dr Kevin McCairn is also very good. His recent stream with Christie and Yohanna is a favourite. Educational gem. Serious, deeply unsettling times we live in.

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Interesting. Crazy long intro .... The take home for me was the HERV - Human Endogenous Retroviruses.

Well well, so now it sounds like they are starting to find/admit that the " viruses " ( not viruses then ) are endogenous. So pushing out the virus germ theory. This in the big picture, if true ( a lot of virologists are going to start screaming because - how are they going to make grant money if they can't scare people into thinking they are contagious ) means we have everthing with us and when we stress our bodies in various ways without the nutrients we are supposed to have every day, that gets us into trouble/sick. I made some leaps here but not any that haven't been made before.

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Geert is teaching a course starting next Wednesday. His writings are difficult to follow at times (for me), but his verbal explanations/teachings have been way easier to follow (again, for me)

Should be a great course, 12 weeks, one 90 minute session per week


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Thanks for that info.

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incredibly infuriating that doctors just dismiss symptoms or claim that the drug or vaccine "does not do that". I believe you recommended The Statin Damage Crisis by Dr. Graveline. It was maddening to read of him telling his cardiac doctor about the symptoms he was having and his standard reply was "Statins don't do that." Aaarrgghh! And now it's orders of magnitude worse with the injuries from the covid experimental injections. Not only do you have doctors saying, "Vaccines don't do that", but you have to deal with the possibility of losing friendships, of being excommunicated from your tribe. What a horrible horrible mess... :-(

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You got to wonder how many other millions of victims are dead or sufferered irreparable damage after injecting the experimental mRNA gene therapy jab:

"An Ohio mother is speaking out about her 12-year-old daughter suffering extreme reactions and nearly dying after "volunteering" for the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine trial.

Stephanie De Garay told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Thursday that after reaching out to multiple physicians they claimed her daughter, Maddie De Garay, couldn’t have become gravely ill from the vaccine.

"The only diagnosis we've gotten for her is that it's conversion disorder or functional neurologic symptom disorder, and they are blaming it on anxiety," De Garay told Tucker Carlson. "Ironically, she did not have anxiety before the vaccine.

The Ohio mother added her daughter experienced additional symptoms that included gastroparesis, nausea, vomiting, erratic blood pressure, heart rate, and memory loss.

'She still cannot digest food. She has a…tube to get her nutrition, She also couldn't walk at one point, then she could…I don't understand why and [physicians] are not looking into why...now she's back in a wheelchair and she can't hold her neck up. Her neck pulls back.'

The response with the person that's leading the vaccine trial has been atrocious, she said. 'We wanted to know what symptoms were reported and we couldn't even get an answer on that. It was just that ‘we report to Pfizer and they report to the FDA.’ That's all we got."


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this is heart crushingly horrible.

I feel very sad for this family

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Yep, it's heartbreaking.

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Didn't the Pharma company Maddy volunteered for remove her from the test under the stated reason that she opted out and didn't finish the test, rather than including her damage in the test data?

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This is what Stephanie de Garay testified about that:

US Senator Ron Johnson Holds Expert Panel On Federal Vaccine Mandates - Nov 2 2021

Posted February 6, 2022


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Stephanie de Garay's daughter Maddie, in a wheelchair and with a feeding tube taped to her nose, sits next to her mother as she testifies.



STEPHANIE DE GARAY: Hi, my name is Stephanie de Garay and this is my daughter Maddie. When she was 12 years old she participated in the Pfizer covid vaccine trial for 12 - 15 year olds at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. This is the first trial any of my kids have ever been in. I never had considered ever putting them in a trial before, but this seemed like, you know, when they asked if they could be in it, it seemed like a win-win, you know?

So it's been over 9 months since she got her second dose. She can't walk. She's in a wheelchair. She has an NG tube for all of her nutrition. She has constant pain in her stomach, back, and neck. She was over there laying on chairs because she can't make it through this. She can't feel her legs. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

When she got her first dose, her reaction was typical. She had fever, body aches, and fatigue, and it went away in a couple days.

When she got her second dose she had immediate pain where she had gotten the injection, and the first thing she told me when she, because her dad took her, was, that didn't happen, that hurt way more than the first time. Like, enough to point it out.

In less than 12 hours she developed severe abdominal pain, horrible nausea, painful electric shocks on her spine and neck. Her hands were ice cold when you touched them. She had— and on her feet. Pain all over her body. Her vaccine arm went numb. And I'm finding more and more stuff is, I, I, you forget stuff because so much has happened to her. Like, as I read through the things, I I keep redocumenting everything.

She had chest pain, severe chest pain. The way she described it, it felt like it was being, her heart was being pulled out of her neck. Tachycardia that was actually seen on an EKG. And she was extremely dizzy so she felt like she couldn't stand up.

So those were her reactions.

I just want to walk though, give you everybody a better idea of what happens in a trial because I did not know. My kids had never been in a trial before, so I went in trusting the drug companies, the FDA, CDC, the hospital where the trial was held, Cincinnati Children's, a very reputable hospital.

So when you enter the trial, everybody uses a trial app. And there are slides and they'll be available later so that you can see more detail. It's called Trial [inaudible] and they log the reactions for 7 days after each dose, that's it.

The app only allows you to record solicited adverse events like fever, redness, injection site pain, swelling, headache, vomiting, and other typical, expected reactions. That is it. And you do, say, mild, moderate, severe. Severe means that you had to go to the ER. You record your fever, like the actual amount and the swelling. So that's all the details. There's no freeform at all to fill in any other reaction that you have beyond the typical nonserious adverse events other than, well that's it. Shock.

So there's a full list on realnotrare.com slash about that will be available.*

What you have to do if you have any other type of adverse event is, you have to call the study doctor or the principal investigator, and that's the only way to record this. There's no way to have any unbiased way of entering it in and documenting it.

I'm sorry, I'm going off track.

So we did what we were told. We called the study doctor and they told us to go to go to Cincinnati Children's ER where the trial was held to check for appendicitis. She did not have appendicitis. They couldn't even find her appendix.

What made it into the trial record is unclear. And and yes, we did ask, several times and have it documented. We still don't know what was actually reported.

So basically as you can see this leaves a lot of room for human error, and concern of recording bias coming from the principal investigator, which was Dr. Frenck** in her case.

So what was said about Maddie? The next slide. If you go then to the documentation.

2:04:18 [slide appears on screen]

STEPHANIE DE GARAY: So, the New England Journal of Medicine article about the covid, the Pfizer covid vaccine in adolescents. So first take note the principal investigator for Maddie's trial is the lead author for the New England Journal of Medicine article.***

The adverse event section has 308 words, 76 of those were dedicated to describing one single patient that had simply a temperature greater than 40 degrees. Not great to have but that, you know [inaudible]. There is absolutely no mention of any of Maddie's adverse reactions in that article. Zero.

In the EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] amendment Maddie's adverse reaction was reduced to 5 lines that they claimed was eventually diagnosed as functional abdominal pain. It's a stomach ache.

By the data cut off for the trial, on March 13th, Maddie experienced over 35 adverse events, different things happening to her, very similar to all the stories that you're hearing here. This happened during the trial. Some examples are blood in her urine 7 times. Decreased vision. Loss of feeling from her waist down, dizziness, fainting, tremors, muscle weakness, and more. They're all available in the slides, all of her reactions. None of these were mentioned in either document.

She went to the ER 9 times and was hospitalized 3 times for a total of 63 days, and this was by June 1st. Look at the dates of the article and around when this was approved. Maddie was in the hospital when the EUA was approved for 12 to 15 year olds. The doctor did not even know it.

So let me ask you this. Functional abdominal pain. Stomach ache. Does your child, when they have a stomach ache, does that put your child in a wheelchair? Does your child's stomachache require a feeding tube? Does your child spend 64 days in the hospital for the stomach ache? If they did a urine test when they have a stomach ache, would there be blood in their urine? I don't think so.

I thought that Maddie would be in the best hands possible in the rare chance she had a severe reaction. That was not the case. They did everything in their power to hide everything that happened to her. And that is why this happening to all these other people and kids.

So my question is, you're hearing my story, Maddie was not kicked out of the trial, so, she's still in it. By the way, so is my son Lukas who did not, he was in the placebo group, and he did not get the vaccine. So they have one person, if you want to know that that they can— and he hasn't had covid.

If they minimalized Maddie's reaction to the vaccines like this, I wonder what really happened to those in the clinical trials who had a reaction to the first dose, they never got to have the second dose, that means they're out of the trials, they're disqualified. I wonder what else was hidden in either the Pfizer trial or any of the other ones. Because I know there was things, there were things they didn't— Thank you.


US SENATOR RON JOHNSON: Thank you, Stephanie. I've got a quick question. Obviously, we invited the CEO from Pfizer or some representative from Pfizer. Nobody showed up. You, because you had the courage to come forward in June**** you have had some media attention, not by the mainstream media, but Pfizer has to be aware of you. Have they reached out to you since June?

STEPHANIE DE GARAY: Neither Pfizer, the FDA, or the CDC has ever talked to us or attempted to. We have never heard anything from them, ever.

US SENATOR RON JOHNSON: That is outrageous.

STEPHANIE DE GARAY: Filed it in VAERS* also, still didn't hear anything.

US SENATOR RON JOHNSON: So that is outrageous. I mean, not only totally cast aside but I think what you describe in your testimony would, I would determine as a coverup. But thank you. Maddie, God bless you.



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*Maddie de Garay's entry, with links to other testimony and interviews with her mother Stephanie de Garay, can be found at https://www.realnotrare.com/post/maddie-de-garay

**Robert W. Frenck, Jr., MD.

*** "Safety, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 Covid-19 Vaccine in Adolescents", Frenck et al., New England Journal of Medicine, May 27, 2001 https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2107456

**** Stephanie de Garay gave her testimony about her daughter Maddie's injuries in the Pfizer trial for Senator Ron Johnson's roundtable discussion on June 29, 2021. For a transcript of that testimony and relevant links, see https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/85369.html . The video of the roundtzable is at https://rumble.com/vj79qt-press-conference-with-families-speaking-out-about-adverse-vaccine-reactions.html

CLIP (different camera, better sound): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4X6VMdTK8Y

*The CDC's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. https://vaers.hhs.gov/about.html

(Note: https://openvaers.com/covid-data provides VAERS data in a more reader-friendly presentation)

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This is another testimony Stephanie de Garay gave as part of Senator Ron Johnson's press conference.

Press Conference with Families Speaking Out About Adverse Vaccine Reactions

June 29, 2021


CLIP (different camera, better sound): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4X6VMdTK8Y


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Stephanie de Garay's daughter Maddie is seated next to her. Maddie is in a wheelchair and has a feeding tube attached to her nose.

STEPHANIE DE GARAY: First thank you Senator Johnson for the opportunity to share Maddie's story, and to all of you for your willingness to listen. This isn't easy for me, and it's, this has been very clearly emotional. So I'm going to read what I've written so I don't lose track.

My name is Stephanie and this is my daughter Maddie. And we live in Ohio. On January 20th Maddie received her second dose of the Pfizer covid vaccine as a participant in the clinical trial [voice breaks with emotion] for 12 to 15 year olds.

All three of our kids volunteered and were excited to participate in the trial as a way to help us all return to normal life. My husband works in the medical field and I have a degree in electrical engineering. We are pro-vaccine and pro-science which is why we agreed to let Maddie and her two older brothers volunteer for the trial.

Before Maddie got her final dose of the vaccine she was a healthy 12 year old who got straight A's

and had lots of friends. She had a life. She was energetic. She was not like this. Although she does still have lots of friends.

Upon receiving the second shot Maddie immediately felt pain at the injection site and over the next 24 hours she developed severe abdominal and chest pain. And the way she described the chest pain, and I quote, it feels like my heart is being ripped out through my neck.

She had painful electrical shocks down her neck and spine that forced her to walk hunched over. She had extreme pain in her fingers and toes. It actually made them turn white and they were cold whenever you touched them. She had edema.

So my husband immediately took her to the ER, as instructed by the vaccine child nurse administrator, which is what we were instructed to do. Her blood was taken for a renal profile and tested. She was checked for appendicitis, which she did not have, and given an IV with some medicine and sent home. However, in the discharge papers from the Children's Hospital ER that she went to, the diagnosis stated, adverse effect of vaccine initial encounter. This would be the only time that that was written in her medical charts. But it's in there.

Over the next two and a half months her abdominal muscle and nerve pain became unbearable. She had developed additional symptoms that included gastroparesis, nausea and vomiting, erratic blood pressure and heart rate, memory loss, she mixes up words, brain fog, headaches, dizziness, fainting, she fell and hit her head, and then seizures. She had verbal, she had developed verbal and motor tics. She had loss of feeling from the waist down and muscle weakness. Drastic changes in her vision. Urinary retention and loss of bladder control. Severely irregular and heavy menstrual cycles. And eventually she had to have an NG* tube put in to get nutrition.

All of these symptoms are still here today. Some days are worse than others.

Our greatest challenge came when her doctors began to consider an alternative diagnosis. Well she really didn't have one before so it was the first one. So like everybody else, she had lots of tests but not nearly as many tests as everybody else when she's a child. Why didn't they do this all those tests on her?

[Overcome with emotion] Sorry.

So because they couldn't figure it out, one physician labeled her as having functional neurologic disorder, saying it was due to anxiety. This concerned us and we didn't agree with it because she doesn't have anxiety. Look at her. I mean, what 13 year-old can sit here calmly okay, if they have anxiety or mental issues? At one point they even tried to admit her to a mental hospital.

So we did seek additional medical opinions, some of which came from this group.

In June we connected her neurologist with another doctor that's doing research on adverse reactions like Maddie's. She was finally provided but they finally gave her an MRI, did an MRI of her brain an MRV and a bunch of additional blood tests. It took five months to get that done. Over the past five months Maddie has been into the ER nine times and has been hospitalized three times for a total of two months in the hospital.

What I want to ask, Maddie volunteered for the Pfizer trial, why, why aren't they researching her to figure out why it happened, so other people don't have to go through this? Instead, they're just saying it's mental. Anybody's mental, it's me.

So today our journey's end to help our daughter Maddie continues. All we want is for Maddie to be seen, heard, and believed because she has not been. And we want her to get the help she desperately needs so she can go back to normal.

Why is she not back to normal? She was totally fine before this. She did the right thing, trying to help everybody else, and they're not helping her. Thanks.


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Maddie de Garay's GoFundMe page offers more information about her case, including links to more testimony by her mother.


*Nasal gastric tube "A nasogastric tube (NG tube) is a type of medical catheter that’s inserted through your nose into your stomach. It’s used for limited periods to deliver substances such as food or medications to your stomach or to draw substances out." source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/24313-nasogastric-tube

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Big pharma was enthusiastic about her volunteering, but when she had severe adverse reactions she was shunned. God forbid her horrific experience revealed to the public that the experimental vaxx was far from safe or effective.

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Unless it's a choice of that or starving to death, never volunteer for any medical study.

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I once did. It went well. It depends on what is being tested. But yeah... I might not volunteer today, the way things have gone.

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I love reading your work. I happen to own a busy retail store in a small town in So Cal i talk to a lot of people all day long. Everyday someone comes in and tells me that their so and so passed, unexpectedly, cancer, heart attack, blood clot, etc.

My reply is pretty standard.. " ohh, I am so sorry to hear that, so many of our customers are passing gosh, everyday someone has a story, its so strange don't you think, have you noticed , something seems terribly terribly wrong". ..Then I shut up.. they usually look at me with a blank stare.. but at least i said something in hopes of triggering something inside of them to see the truth.

Thank you for all your hard work. I always share with my group of like minded friends.

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Thank you. I try to put out the things I feel can most help everyone.

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Do you ever actually get to see the penny drop? It must be quite a special moment. Feel free to share ☺

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If they’re like minded the conversation usually turns to vax injury , in this case they get it. If someone comes in all masked up , nope, blank stare , no response , change the convo , continue with biz as usual . I try to tell this story too : in the span of two months five people that touch me in someway , ie: friend ,customer , someone’s loved one all got sudden brain cancer , all passed .. FIVE people .. it’s insane that that amount of people in that short time that I know.. all with brain cancer .. somethings wrong . Im hoping it turns on a tiny piece of their turned of common sense brain !

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I too find myself in such conversations. I mention a young person who died suddenly after his second jab and in my mind, I see title of Ed Dowd's book blinking in 100 ft tall red-hot neon letters. And the other person is just like, oh, that's so sad-- and they change the subject. It begins to take self-control for me not to make air quotes around the words died suddenly. Unfortunately most people I know took multiple jabs, and they believe their covid infections, which many of them came down with both before and after the jabs, gave them all their newly acquired health problems (myocarditis, neurological issues, food and skin allergies, mainly)-- or else it's just coincidence because that's what their doctor told them.

My frustration with this helps fuel my determination to keep on transcribing. I do it for future historians mainly, but I also hope that someone somewhere might start getting a clue, in private, on their own time, when they come upon and read through some of the testimonies.

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Exactly . So many of my jabbed friends are having problems : open heart surgery, triple by passes , weird nose bleeds, vision problems, headaches, internal stomach problems, sudden stomach cancers, suggest any cancer .. blood clots .. it’s so frustrating that they can’t connect the clots .. ughhh ..

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Doctor. Thank you. Your a fresh breeze of sanity in this insane world.

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Thank you.

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I have lived in Colorado all my life, not far from Boulder. The hard-left cult that occupies that community is indeed firmly entrenched. They have one foot in America and the other in a form of communism.

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I’m not sure they even have a foot in America anymore, seems more like just the pinky toe of one of those glove like shoes that were all the rage a few years ago...

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I avoid seeing a doctor now for just about everything if possible. My trust in our GPs is now at zero. Two years ago when I went for my annual RA review with a rheumatology consultant, I told him he could remove his mask, which he did. I then went on to tell him I declined the covid vaxx. Not a word. I justified my decision with the fact that there were NO covid vaxx studies done on the autoimmune impaired adults, still not a word. I don’t think I realised, at the time, this man jeopardised his medical career, his license to practice medicine, his livelihood if he even hinted that he agreed with what I said. I left that visit feeling disturbed. Disturbed at the wall I hit, disturbed at his refusal to acknowledge my concerns. Here in the UK, except for a handful of well known antivaxx doctors, nothing has changed. The autumn booster is in full swing and so many older people I know are rushing in to get their top up, despite many of them being injured from their previous covid jabs.

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Dowrick, this is (one of) the reasons why I no longer see ‘regular’ doctors. I realized years ago that they do nothing to improve my health. And that, after all, is why we make doctor appointments, correct?

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Every single one of these doctors who knew and did not speak up put their own livelihood far above their patients' lives. Kind of defeats the point of being a doctor now, doesn't it?

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Great article!

As you stated, power abuse is not a new problem.

Jesus addressed it in Luke 22:25 But he said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who have authority over them have themselves called ‘Benefactors.’

26 “It is not to be like that among you. On the contrary, whoever is greatest among you should become like the youngest, and whoever leads, like the one serving.

Billy Graham said that pastors are most often corrupted by sex, money, and power.

But Mere Christianity, producing revival, has historically radically changed the culture.

May it be so again, in our day.

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I always wondered how people let the Holocaust happen. Now I see it was very easy. We haven’t learned very much.

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MM: The holocaust didn't happen.

And, had it happened, according to the stories that the jews tell, it would have been one of the most excruciating experiences in history... for the *perpetrators*. I mean, in the stories, the jews got off easy. The real victims would have been the Germans.

Now... I realize that you won't believe this... but we *did* just watch almost the entire world fall for a stupid 'virus trick' that didn't even exist, as such. Imagine how much easier the tricks were back when information was strictly controlled.


(Edit: our own host, Midwestern, who is also jewish, has suggested -- not said -- that he, too, knows that the 'holocaust' didn't happen)

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Just to be clear I directly know people who lived through the Holocaust and I believe it happened.

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MidWestern: Ah, thank you. I very, very much appreciate your tolerance.


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Holocausts have happened, but the one we've heard most about did not go down the way we've been taught. In fiact, I suspect the perps were blaming others for what they were doing themselves and that's a tactic as old as it should be transparent.

Very sad that many people still parrot old war time exaggerations and propaganda but I will say it does lower both their credubility as well as their respectability in my eyes.

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He has? Sorry I thought AMD was blue pilled on that one.

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Leo: Sorry that I can't be specific, but a few months ago AMd wrote an article where he kvetched a bit about the NatSocs. In the comments, a reader mentioned that there was ample evidence that the holocaust is a hoax. AMd said that he had discussed that with colleagues of his, and found the evidence compelling -- but that, of course, it's outside the scope of this substack.

He seems very honest, so I suspect he would become redpilled after a few hours of research.


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It is truly easy to judge others, that is why judging is a double edged sword. Sibling love

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MM, normalcy bias of life and goals is hard to overcome.

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Thank you so very much, for all you have done for the people. This is a very short sentence, because there are really no words to express the magnitude of my gratitude and appreciation.

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Thank you!

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These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Thank You.

The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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Hmm... sounds like you're talking about how normal people view the National Socialists. I wonder if there's some propaganda involved in that story?

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I think they go back long before the twentieth century. They are just what any propagandist Eudora.

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