Thanks Doc. I pray that everyone will take 10 minutes to print their letter along with their indictment letter and mail to their state AG. And also to spread the word about this important and worthwhile effort.
I followed the instructions and easily produced a letter which I will mail tomorrow.
We need to stop the vaccines from going into children and potentially damaging them for their entire lives.
There has been so much fear and propaganda that it has taken time to finally build the case that those who were responsible should be held accountable. If they had now used the spike protein which many say is the worst protein ever seen in humans, they might have been able to pull off their crime.
I had not noticed how bad the nano particles are in the vaccine until Naomi Wolf's presentation a few days ago at the weekly update. "Post-Vaccine Fertility, Political Homelessness and Censorship: FLCCC Weekly Update (August 17, 2022)"
Who released the "illegal gain of function bioweapon"? Was it China? Dr "King of Quacks" Fauci and the NIH developing illegal bio weapons in Ukraine? Bill Gates? Our government? Has the virus been isolated? Why hasn't the CDC provided a sample of the virus? Where/Who did Big Pharma get samples of the virus to make the vaccines? If it was a bioweapon why were certain groups in America exempt from the Clot shots? If it is a bioweapon shouldn't everyone get the vaccines? If it was a bioweapon why was/is our Southern Border wide open to dirty 3rd world people? Why would we let more potential contagious people into our Country? If it was a bioweapon than why weren't masks treated as a biohazard?
Are we sure it was/is a bioweapon? Can you tell me why we had less than 2000 cases of the flu in 2020/21? Can you tell me why a test (PCR) was used to inflame the the PLANdemic when it's inventor said "it should never be used to determine sickness"? Can you tell me how Hospitals/Doctors tested for the so called Covid variants when there are ONLY a few labs in the US that have a Gene Sequencing machine to test for virus variants? We were told a million people died in the US from Covid but why didn't the death rate increase dramatically in 2020/21 (it stayed the same). Why did our government pay hospitals for every Covid patient? What was the reasoning behind this?
Could it be we were lied to so the Sheeple would take the Clot shots.......A depopulation event? I THINK SO!!!!!
American Otolaryngologist Says Covid Is Flu Re-Branded
I love this article. My main concern with the story of "CDC and FDA rank-and-file workers were so upset with political interference" and the White House essentially making them into charlatans is this:
By NOT doing this they became complicit in poisoning millions. My sympathy to these "frustrated employees" is thin.
And yes this includes Marion Gruber and Phil Krause.
I was worried about being boxed into a position like that (having to choose between ethics or my economic livelihood) so I was very proactive in making sure I got a job that did not have that issue. I'm honestly not sure how to feel about those who didn't plan ahead in that regard; I fully recognize the situation is very difficult for them but at the same time I cannot help but hold contempt for them.
I have a general opinion (which I expressed elsewhere):
All people who see serious wrongs committed, regardless of position, should STAND UP and declare their OPPOSITION.
I did just that. For a year I was writing about Covid vax, made $0.00, spent an enormous amount of time with NO personal benefit. I am happy that I did it. I would be ashamed if I did not.
You did the same thing. You informed thousands of people. You made no money. (it would be okay if you did -- but not making money leaves no doubt as to your motives).
Gruber, Krause, and thousands of other "frustrated CDC workers" did NOT do it. Gruber and Krause retired comfortably and made a few vague passes at what was a massive crime in progress.
The "CDC and FDA workers" soon will come out in droves, feigning indignation, hoping that coming forward will keep them from being investigated or improve their career. But in the darkest hour, NONE of them blew the whistle.
Too true, and Solzhenitsyn is rolling in his grave at our plight. I felt his spirit during 5 nights in the bitter cold of the Trucker protests. Naturally I did not take the injection.
That's wonderful. I am really happy one of my readers was there. By any chance did you see the original article I wrote about smallpox here? I was inspired to write it because of the truckers and tried really hard to get it out to them.
I've read all of your work. I don't know if the truckers received it. I am but a lowly laptop-grunt, not a trucker myself. But I'll always remember who stood up for Canada.
Lowly grunts are often the ones who change things because everyone needs them but they aren't invested in the system so they are often the ones willing to fight it or sacrifice their position in it to do what is needed to reform things.
I did a thing. I thought a small thing, turned out a big thing. I am just one person, imagine if everyone did one thing. Thank you and Igor and Jess and Josh and Mathew for your voices.
I left my job late in 2021 because I refused to be vaccinated. Before doing so, I tried to talk sense into management to not mandate the vaccines, masks, etc. Initially, a few other employees did not get vaccinated. I'm pretty sure they all eventually got shot up though.
Fortunately, I had started preparing this reality in early 2020. I have zero sympathy for those that in any way played a part in mandating shots.
What about all of those people who not only didn't make money over their opposition to the covid me-too freakout, but instead lost money. All those workers who were fired or resigned over the evil mandates. Workers who may still be unemployed and still discriminated against when applying for new jobs. I truly pray for those people as they stood up to the madness and put everything on the line to say the truth, and are now mostly forgotten. God help those truth fighters, and I know He will.
I was in a very odd position that I benefitted from the changes in my work that were created lockdowns and mandates, but was also strongly opposed to them because I thought they were evil. I found most people's support was based on their economic interests.
I agree with both of you (Doc and Igor), but there's also another problem. Even if these former govt. employees had tried to complain, the media would have shut them down and branded them as fools and heretics. Doesn't completely excuse them, but I do understand that they saw which way ALL the winds were blowing!
At issue is personal integrity. In my career I worked in test & evaluation of systems. The contractors and the system buyers always had a stake in proving performance. The pressures to not do certain things were always there but our test team was as objective as possible. I can recall the pressures on my job but I was able to clear them. I do recall being fearful as I'm sure many of the NIH staff were afraid. I found when you stand up for yourself, those who threaten typically back down. They actually can't risk exposure.
But the honest NIH researchers who did resign didn't cause an internal reflection. Not sure why. It was covered over quickly and the media moved on sticking to the narrative. The alarms never sounded. But as the public learns and understands how they have been misled, anger builds. I don't think shuffling the desk chairs will work.
At issue is why so few resigned in protest. I think Fauci has been able to harm people after they leave, but how can that be proven? As I recall only two investigators left, retiring in protest with hardly a whimper.
Because for the most part they are unemployable in the private sector or at least would not receive anything remotely like the pay and fringe benefits the government lavishes upon them at taxpayer expense.
The simple truth is about 1/2 to 2/3 of Federal Government employees are not needed for the functions of their department to be met, and that is before weeding through the departments and getting rid of those that are wholly unnecessary and exist based on the "general welfare" clause in the preamble to COTUS but clearly go against the text of the Amendments.
The "squeaky wheel" gets the grease, with the grease being cast out into a world they are wholly unprepared to exist in if they make noise contrary to the agenda. Where will those at the CDC and FDA go work if they are blacklisted from the entire big pharma incestuous family?
I suspect their hands are legally tied, among other things. If I was running a deeply corrupt organization, I would definitely have all my employees sign NDAs, at the very least...
I think those are called "unconscionable contracts". Too bad nearly everyone (Merry Cats, anyhow) is subject to them. Read the signature line on a tax form. The Congress is culpable for allowing NDAs and the national security state.
I know a lot of people who tried to speak up were demonized and censored. Still, the overwhelming number of people who put their career or livelihood ahead of the welfare of millions of people is mind-boggling. This is of course nothing new. There is the well-known example of Nazi supporters. To paraphrase Upton Sinclair, it is difficult to get a man to recognize something, when his salary depends on his not recognizing it.
Given the overwhelming majority of those who went along, the devil's advocate in me can't help wondering if we skeptics are merely deluded, or if the truth, as with so many things, is somewhere in between.
If you really had no insight, like you are a janitor, then no. If you had a bad feeling, and an ability to figure it out, but chose not to look, then I would not approve of that
Yes, and you and a few others here have been doing good things to keep the perspective of good alive.
Between you and Dr Malone you have been the sources for me to keep hammering to friends and relatives of the evils coming down and how to try to ameliorate the damages.
I found since an article regarding a “SARS-2 virus” first was noted on Sept.17, 2019 of a serious coronavirus near Wuhan.
Certainly the CDC, NIH and FDA kept up their stream of nonsense but another group who should not be allowed to escape the coming savaging of the perpetrators from the alphabet groups is most assuredly the news media who listened to Goebbels and Pelosi to the extent of keep repeating the lies over and over and soon the people will begin to believe them.
They should not be allowed to now switch around their stories and suddenly slink away into the darkness along with the alphabet soup gang.
Not sure how to bring pain and suffering to them as their continued ignorance of facts and subterfuge against solutions offered for C-19 were denigrated by their incessant ignorance and refusal to ask tough questions.
I believe they deserve as much disdain as those who are running for the hills and should be slapped and somehow treated in the same manner as they treated the public and those who used to believe the MSM.
Interesting to hear your thoughts on this. I kept wondering what was going on in the minds‘ of those who knew. I kept thinking that I would rather quit and work for minimum wage at an honorable job than work for pharma, the industrial medical complex, or a public health agency. But I never had to make that decision so easy for me to say.
I was also thinking about how if everyone on “team reality” quit, what then? The people using reason and logic would have been gone. (I assume this was the reason for the mandated vaccines- purge the non-compliant).
Maybe everyone who knew could have stopped this mess by speaking up and quitting. Maybe not. But if we have to measure, I think the media is far more responsible. They are supposed to be the watchdog for the people and instead they were the lap dog of pharma. Thank goodness for alternative media.
Fortunately, I knew some of pharma’s manipulations before the pandemic hit so I figured out what was going on fairly early but it still shook up my worldview to see how intentional, coordinated and depraved it all was this time. It’s
mind blowing. It’s no wonder so many people still don’t want to join “team reality”.
This is likely a large part of why vaccine mandates were pushed through so many key institutions; this gave a way to get all the good people we need for those institutions to work out.
I completely agree. People who have a conscience or who are at all aware of the corruption and danger of mRNA injections have been forced out. People who just aren’t into complying for the sake of complying are out too. It’s a pretty brilliant plan. Or perhaps it’s just a happy coincidence for the people pushing this agenda.
If you know anyone who has high level whistle blower information, the whistle blower stands to make a substantial sum in a qui tam case (they are long shots though). Send them to this guy for a confidential consultation:
Thank you for this podcast! Only two minutes in, already in awe of the amount of relevant truth you pack into a clear and concise format. Thanks again.
Great broadcast. Agree that most people can't fathom that there could be a "separate species" that possesses these odious traits. In fact, I think that is the explanation for why it is so hard to get through to people. Mass formation may have explained the original reaction, but now that there is less fear, why aren't more people waking up? In psychoanalysis there is a defense mechanism called identification with the aggressor. Victim or perpetrator? Which would most rather be?
Health officials at Colleges/Universities must be held accountable.
Many are now 'acting' in those roles where they are simply continuing the policies that are in violation of the Nuremberg Code. They also have nameless automatic e-mail and phone applications that track student's vaccine status. I think this is to shift blame.
Of course they are, and they'll mandate any future shot Bill Gates "suggests" to them via donations. I live right next to a liberal arts college that received a $10 million donation from the Gates foundation. Masks are still required there too 🙃
Yes. They are a very good organization and doing a lot of work on this and are looking for help. They assisted us with locating a lawyer who was able to advise us when filing an exemption for our son.
This is really egregious and disgusting in my opinion. As these vaccines clearly do not stop transmission or infection, to mandate them in exchange for access to education is bordering on criminal. Or are the decision makers at these august institutions quite stupid (not a good sign).
It really is (egregious and disgusting.) It must be a combination of funds received - research $ and/or government $ - for implementing the mandates. Also, the administrators can be legends in their own minds for single-handedly eradicating covid <cough cough> by forcing young, impressionable kids to take an experimental injection. How virtuous they (the administrators) are <gag.>
Bill Gates was declared as the leader of the global vaccine plan 2012-2020, although he has no medical qualifications whatsoever, and according to his own words, is into vaccines because of the astronomical monetary gains. Gates' fortune exploded to over a 100,000,000,000 USD thanks to dealing vaccines.
Gates also became the main donor of the WHO, effectively controlling it, which means the entire world is literally ruled by Bill Gates.
What these whistleblowers from the World Health Organization and the United Nations expose, is that private entities have created a worldwide system that allows them to use the excuse of "health emergencies of international concern" to rob humanity of all rights and freedoms, and implement a totalitarian regime.
they are leaving, because their task is fulfilled, the damage they did, while applying GENE THERAPY with ~600mln. doses to huge portion of Americans alone, will give jobs to all the MD's (including the ones who are apparently against the establishment), who all knew, they are GENETICALLY MODIFYING HUMANS, and they did not do ANYTHING to warn their patients about exactly that issue. All the MD's conveniently 'adopted' the FDA re-definitions of basic medical concepts, while annihilating humanity to its core, including themselves in many cases, while becoming equally GMO'ed because of prestige, money, greed, fear..
That's just my point of view, which definitely won't be 'liked' by many on this platform...
I don't disagree with your observations. My own primary physician was asleep at the wheel to all outside observation once COVID hit, but he did take the initiative to retire early, so it may have been a personal struggle for him to "look the other way".
But may I point out the population of the US is 338 million?
thanks for correcting that! I ment 600mln. doses of the shots... What is scary to me, are the newest patents, treatments, preparations for GENE THERAPIES in every aspect of medicine. The gene therapies cause cancers, exactly what now is ready to be applied for supposedly 'healing' them, using gene therapies.. What is the no 1 of the by Pfizer admitted side effects, which were supposed to be revealed in 75 years? 1p36 gene deletion... Is it connected with the most recently confirmed change no of ribs in new bornes? Who knows.
from all what I see, the gene therapies are on the go.... Just could never get it, why the MD's do not choose a solution which is NOT patented? Why they can't uncouple from the Rockefellers based system and finally really do what they supposed to: 'do no harm'?
they will one day, when they need help themselves and realize, they are helpless with all what they've learned.... Sorry if I upset you, an MD, with my above comment, but that's what I think.
It's a bit irritating that I get blamed for all the typical stuff orthodox MDs do (when it should be clear I don't practice outside of that model), but outside of that nothing on this subject bothers me. I am at peace with most things in this world. It's the only way you can handle much of what we deal with and stay sane.
Each of us, as physicians, who have made career sacrifices in calling this Bete Noir by its true names (Greed, Corruption, Toadying Sycophancy, and dull-witted lazy complicity) must continue to commit to speaking gently, yet firmly, to our colleagues who blamed & shamed us, ostracized us, and subjected us to Star Chamber revocations of our Licenses and Board Certifications. They must be made to gaze in the mirror and confront their sins of both commission & omission.
We must bombard the editorial boards of our most sacrosanct Journals, either rejecting their roles in perpetuating this Fear-Mongering campaign to selectively discredit repurposed medications or banishing them from positions of honor & esteem. Simultaneously, we must never allow their reinforcing of a disastrous corporate narrative which reinforced garbage while calling it SCIENCE. Peer review must either be utterly revised or done away with completely, and the dissemination of medical lies must never be passed off as "Evidence Based Medicine" ever again.
Lastly, we must "cast a cold eye" on the presence of Pharmaceutical Influence in our midst. We must become better at being well educated Citizen-Physicians, taking our responsibility to understand the moral, ethical, scientific and intellectual weight of the precarious lives we hold in our hands ever day as a public trust, and avoid ennui, burn-out and indifference from corrupting the sacredness of the Hippocratic Oath and understand how much 'Good Will' and "Trust" has been squandered by lazy, path of least resistance, behavior.
Physicians, corporate medicine has come to own you, will you continue to take your stipend, close your eyes and go along to get along?
Perhaps a better choice would be to go in to the physicians, who advocated "The JAB" to them, explaining that they refuse to be treated by algorithmic automatons who put their patients' health at grave risk... mindlessly doing what they were told. If enough people demanded better from their doctors, maybe then they could move on to demanding culpability of their politicians and truth from their expert class.
Excellent quote: “ If enough people demanded better from their doctors, maybe then they could move on to demanding culpability of their politicians and truth from their expert class.”
Anyone who has looked at the data in the CDC Mortality database knows that the fraud is comprehensive including virtually all of the "Covid deaths" that were coded as such in violation of Federal law.
99% of people falsely certified as having 'died from covid' actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and 'public health' despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.
From the CDC itself 7/16/21:
"Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021). A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record.
Most patients who died from COVID had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions."
Translation: No one has 'died from covid' as "covid" is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, "flu" and many other disease conditions.
People were not harmed/killed by a virus they were killed by policies and through medical mandates that killed hundreds of thousands in the US alone.
In March 2020, the CDC abruptly changed how death certificates were recorded. While this might seem like a mere formality, the CDC only made this change for one type of death — COVID-19 — and circumvented multiple federal laws to do so.
This is an excellent presentation strongly suggesting how tens of thousands of nursing home residents or elderly died in the UK - receiving fatal doses of midazolam and morphine …
Yes, we cannot let up now. Those who used their position to hurt us for whatever reason, are showing signs of weakness. They are on the ropes and have their gloves up, trying to protect their head. There is still a lot of time before the bell and we must not let up. If they are permitted to go to their corner without us having delivered the strongest thrashing we can muster, they will only begin to recoup strength and strategize. They will then return to the ring with renewed vigor and perhaps finish the job that they started previously.
Don't give up the fight. It's not over until all who are responsible have been held accountable for any and all crimes against humanity. Today, we still do not yet even fully realized the entire scope and extent of damage that they have actually caused.
The real problem lies in the emergency act, which basically removes all of our rights and grants the government absolute authority. The fact that HHS & DOD have effectively merged means that the decision making and enforcement falls to the military. This is an intolerable situation and must be rectified. And the Smith Mundt act must be reinstated — thanks to an Obama EO, the government can now lie to us with impunity. We must focus on the foundations that allow people like Fauci to manifest their evil intent. I highly recommend following Bailiwick News for all things legal — Ashe has compiled a list of people responsible for the destruction of our country and the laws they used to do so —
That news clip is one for the ages. I wonder how many times the artist and his family have had Covid since their jabs? Are they still wearing their masks? Did they take paxlovid after they came down with Covid, even though the vaccines prevent severe cases? Of course, we won't speculate whether this young man developed autism because of previous vaccines.
I will admit was a bit on the fence about posting it but ultimately felt I had to. I am over 99% certain they will never be open to considering where his autism came from.
Once upon a time, I was neutral or even skeptical that all of these vaccines could be leading to the obvious spike in autism that has occurred in recent decades. Now, I am almost certain there is some cause-and-effect with many children "on the spectrum." I just happened to watch this documentary on the subject. The man who produced the documentary seems very even-handed and credible to me. It's worth a watch for those who have an hour or so.
(I'm going to make my wife watch it before we let any of our two small children get any more vaccines).
Autistic or not, the claims/statements of fact contained in the young man's presentation didn't age well.
Correct. Most of the now-common food allergies (peanuts, many more) were very rare before the vaccination mania. I've only had one food allergy; to cantaloupe, and grew out of it in my teens. I don't know what, if any, vaccines other than Salk polio I'd had before developing it.
I couldn't even finish the video because it was just sad that this likely vaccine injured child was clamoring for more vaccines while his parents stood silently next to him.
Much like Greta Thunberg, who also is on the spectrum. They have latched on to a concept they don’t ready understand but are usually influenced and encouraged by a parent.
"As time progresses, the issues with the vaccines will become more evident and harder to ignore." Despite this, the people I know who have been vaccinated by and large are still blissfully unaware and not open to vaccine criticism...and they will be likely lining up for the fall boosters...what is going to happen at that point, as they will now be mixing spike proteins in the new reformulated shots?
What Should Be Done Next is not allowing it to morph into nuclear war over the Ukraine, Taiwan, or whatever. The real question is why nearly all States went along with this nonsense. They typically gave following CDC guidelines as an excuse for their malfeasance.
Thanks Doc. I pray that everyone will take 10 minutes to print their letter along with their indictment letter and mail to their state AG. And also to spread the word about this important and worthwhile effort.
I pinned your comment, please do not edit it.
I followed the instructions and easily produced a letter which I will mail tomorrow.
We need to stop the vaccines from going into children and potentially damaging them for their entire lives.
There has been so much fear and propaganda that it has taken time to finally build the case that those who were responsible should be held accountable. If they had now used the spike protein which many say is the worst protein ever seen in humans, they might have been able to pull off their crime.
I had not noticed how bad the nano particles are in the vaccine until Naomi Wolf's presentation a few days ago at the weekly update. "Post-Vaccine Fertility, Political Homelessness and Censorship: FLCCC Weekly Update (August 17, 2022)"
I will do my part.
This is amazing. Thank you. I wrote a letter already, but will send another one. And share your link!
Who released the "illegal gain of function bioweapon"? Was it China? Dr "King of Quacks" Fauci and the NIH developing illegal bio weapons in Ukraine? Bill Gates? Our government? Has the virus been isolated? Why hasn't the CDC provided a sample of the virus? Where/Who did Big Pharma get samples of the virus to make the vaccines? If it was a bioweapon why were certain groups in America exempt from the Clot shots? If it is a bioweapon shouldn't everyone get the vaccines? If it was a bioweapon why was/is our Southern Border wide open to dirty 3rd world people? Why would we let more potential contagious people into our Country? If it was a bioweapon than why weren't masks treated as a biohazard?
Are we sure it was/is a bioweapon? Can you tell me why we had less than 2000 cases of the flu in 2020/21? Can you tell me why a test (PCR) was used to inflame the the PLANdemic when it's inventor said "it should never be used to determine sickness"? Can you tell me how Hospitals/Doctors tested for the so called Covid variants when there are ONLY a few labs in the US that have a Gene Sequencing machine to test for virus variants? We were told a million people died in the US from Covid but why didn't the death rate increase dramatically in 2020/21 (it stayed the same). Why did our government pay hospitals for every Covid patient? What was the reasoning behind this?
Could it be we were lied to so the Sheeple would take the Clot shots.......A depopulation event? I THINK SO!!!!!
American Otolaryngologist Says Covid Is Flu Re-Branded
Published on August 24, 2022
I love this article. My main concern with the story of "CDC and FDA rank-and-file workers were so upset with political interference" and the White House essentially making them into charlatans is this:
By NOT doing this they became complicit in poisoning millions. My sympathy to these "frustrated employees" is thin.
And yes this includes Marion Gruber and Phil Krause.
They should ALL be ashamed and ALL are complicit.
I was worried about being boxed into a position like that (having to choose between ethics or my economic livelihood) so I was very proactive in making sure I got a job that did not have that issue. I'm honestly not sure how to feel about those who didn't plan ahead in that regard; I fully recognize the situation is very difficult for them but at the same time I cannot help but hold contempt for them.
I have a general opinion (which I expressed elsewhere):
All people who see serious wrongs committed, regardless of position, should STAND UP and declare their OPPOSITION.
I did just that. For a year I was writing about Covid vax, made $0.00, spent an enormous amount of time with NO personal benefit. I am happy that I did it. I would be ashamed if I did not.
You did the same thing. You informed thousands of people. You made no money. (it would be okay if you did -- but not making money leaves no doubt as to your motives).
Gruber, Krause, and thousands of other "frustrated CDC workers" did NOT do it. Gruber and Krause retired comfortably and made a few vague passes at what was a massive crime in progress.
The "CDC and FDA workers" soon will come out in droves, feigning indignation, hoping that coming forward will keep them from being investigated or improve their career. But in the darkest hour, NONE of them blew the whistle.
Too true, and Solzhenitsyn is rolling in his grave at our plight. I felt his spirit during 5 nights in the bitter cold of the Trucker protests. Naturally I did not take the injection.
That's wonderful. I am really happy one of my readers was there. By any chance did you see the original article I wrote about smallpox here? I was inspired to write it because of the truckers and tried really hard to get it out to them.
I've read all of your work. I don't know if the truckers received it. I am but a lowly laptop-grunt, not a trucker myself. But I'll always remember who stood up for Canada.
Got it. Thank you.
Lowly grunts are often the ones who change things because everyone needs them but they aren't invested in the system so they are often the ones willing to fight it or sacrifice their position in it to do what is needed to reform things.
I did a thing. I thought a small thing, turned out a big thing. I am just one person, imagine if everyone did one thing. Thank you and Igor and Jess and Josh and Mathew for your voices.
We all appreciate all of you being moral upstanding doctors looking out for your fellow man...thank you can’t be enough.
You’re all fantastic, we have been through a lot together. Thank you for all your tenacious support which helped everyone and myself hugely.
I left my job late in 2021 because I refused to be vaccinated. Before doing so, I tried to talk sense into management to not mandate the vaccines, masks, etc. Initially, a few other employees did not get vaccinated. I'm pretty sure they all eventually got shot up though.
Fortunately, I had started preparing this reality in early 2020. I have zero sympathy for those that in any way played a part in mandating shots.
What about all of those people who not only didn't make money over their opposition to the covid me-too freakout, but instead lost money. All those workers who were fired or resigned over the evil mandates. Workers who may still be unemployed and still discriminated against when applying for new jobs. I truly pray for those people as they stood up to the madness and put everything on the line to say the truth, and are now mostly forgotten. God help those truth fighters, and I know He will.
I was in a very odd position that I benefitted from the changes in my work that were created lockdowns and mandates, but was also strongly opposed to them because I thought they were evil. I found most people's support was based on their economic interests.
I agree with both of you (Doc and Igor), but there's also another problem. Even if these former govt. employees had tried to complain, the media would have shut them down and branded them as fools and heretics. Doesn't completely excuse them, but I do understand that they saw which way ALL the winds were blowing!
I agree with your sentiment but do not agree with your comment. These workers would have enormous impact even if the Press tried to silence them
A major lesson from all of this is how important it is to have independent sources of employment that are not tied to a corporation or government.
Government workers never bite the hand that feeds them, that’s WHY they’re gubment werkers.
I disagreed. When the Press silences you, you are invisible.
You nailed it perfectly.
At issue is personal integrity. In my career I worked in test & evaluation of systems. The contractors and the system buyers always had a stake in proving performance. The pressures to not do certain things were always there but our test team was as objective as possible. I can recall the pressures on my job but I was able to clear them. I do recall being fearful as I'm sure many of the NIH staff were afraid. I found when you stand up for yourself, those who threaten typically back down. They actually can't risk exposure.
But the honest NIH researchers who did resign didn't cause an internal reflection. Not sure why. It was covered over quickly and the media moved on sticking to the narrative. The alarms never sounded. But as the public learns and understands how they have been misled, anger builds. I don't think shuffling the desk chairs will work.
The gallows for nearly all the media workers and executives, too!
Paul Alexander mentioned many in the HHS and the vaccine companies confided that they serious reservations about all of this (I covered it in here: )
At issue is why so few resigned in protest. I think Fauci has been able to harm people after they leave, but how can that be proven? As I recall only two investigators left, retiring in protest with hardly a whimper.
Because for the most part they are unemployable in the private sector or at least would not receive anything remotely like the pay and fringe benefits the government lavishes upon them at taxpayer expense.
The simple truth is about 1/2 to 2/3 of Federal Government employees are not needed for the functions of their department to be met, and that is before weeding through the departments and getting rid of those that are wholly unnecessary and exist based on the "general welfare" clause in the preamble to COTUS but clearly go against the text of the Amendments.
The "squeaky wheel" gets the grease, with the grease being cast out into a world they are wholly unprepared to exist in if they make noise contrary to the agenda. Where will those at the CDC and FDA go work if they are blacklisted from the entire big pharma incestuous family?
Not sure about the exact numbers but I agree with the general sentiment.
I suspect their hands are legally tied, among other things. If I was running a deeply corrupt organization, I would definitely have all my employees sign NDAs, at the very least...
The FDA already has plenty of "confidentiality arrangements", including with the WHO (
FDA has gagged employees for a long time (SSRI story is a good example).
I think those are called "unconscionable contracts". Too bad nearly everyone (Merry Cats, anyhow) is subject to them. Read the signature line on a tax form. The Congress is culpable for allowing NDAs and the national security state.
I know a lot of people who tried to speak up were demonized and censored. Still, the overwhelming number of people who put their career or livelihood ahead of the welfare of millions of people is mind-boggling. This is of course nothing new. There is the well-known example of Nazi supporters. To paraphrase Upton Sinclair, it is difficult to get a man to recognize something, when his salary depends on his not recognizing it.
Given the overwhelming majority of those who went along, the devil's advocate in me can't help wondering if we skeptics are merely deluded, or if the truth, as with so many things, is somewhere in between.
Time will tell.
in case you missed it, Gruber went to IAVI (started by the rockefeller foundation).
correct, agree 100%. no allegiance to USA/the people. frustrated in this case means "hey, don't blame us..."
If you really had no insight, like you are a janitor, then no. If you had a bad feeling, and an ability to figure it out, but chose not to look, then I would not approve of that
Thank you. We are all just fellow human beings trying to do the best we can.
Yes, and you and a few others here have been doing good things to keep the perspective of good alive.
Between you and Dr Malone you have been the sources for me to keep hammering to friends and relatives of the evils coming down and how to try to ameliorate the damages.
I found since an article regarding a “SARS-2 virus” first was noted on Sept.17, 2019 of a serious coronavirus near Wuhan.
Certainly the CDC, NIH and FDA kept up their stream of nonsense but another group who should not be allowed to escape the coming savaging of the perpetrators from the alphabet groups is most assuredly the news media who listened to Goebbels and Pelosi to the extent of keep repeating the lies over and over and soon the people will begin to believe them.
They should not be allowed to now switch around their stories and suddenly slink away into the darkness along with the alphabet soup gang.
Not sure how to bring pain and suffering to them as their continued ignorance of facts and subterfuge against solutions offered for C-19 were denigrated by their incessant ignorance and refusal to ask tough questions.
I believe they deserve as much disdain as those who are running for the hills and should be slapped and somehow treated in the same manner as they treated the public and those who used to believe the MSM.
It never ceases to amaze me how often history is rewritten. Big tech is definitely the main or one of the largest offenders in all of this.
I appreciate the self-reflection and candor. It helps to hear your story, as it provides the shading/nuance that gives meaning to the overall picture.
Interesting to hear your thoughts on this. I kept wondering what was going on in the minds‘ of those who knew. I kept thinking that I would rather quit and work for minimum wage at an honorable job than work for pharma, the industrial medical complex, or a public health agency. But I never had to make that decision so easy for me to say.
I was also thinking about how if everyone on “team reality” quit, what then? The people using reason and logic would have been gone. (I assume this was the reason for the mandated vaccines- purge the non-compliant).
Maybe everyone who knew could have stopped this mess by speaking up and quitting. Maybe not. But if we have to measure, I think the media is far more responsible. They are supposed to be the watchdog for the people and instead they were the lap dog of pharma. Thank goodness for alternative media.
Fortunately, I knew some of pharma’s manipulations before the pandemic hit so I figured out what was going on fairly early but it still shook up my worldview to see how intentional, coordinated and depraved it all was this time. It’s
mind blowing. It’s no wonder so many people still don’t want to join “team reality”.
This is likely a large part of why vaccine mandates were pushed through so many key institutions; this gave a way to get all the good people we need for those institutions to work out.
I completely agree. People who have a conscience or who are at all aware of the corruption and danger of mRNA injections have been forced out. People who just aren’t into complying for the sake of complying are out too. It’s a pretty brilliant plan. Or perhaps it’s just a happy coincidence for the people pushing this agenda.
If you know anyone who has high level whistle blower information, the whistle blower stands to make a substantial sum in a qui tam case (they are long shots though). Send them to this guy for a confidential consultation:
It's really sad how much our government has been gutted by activists in the last few years (particularly the military over the last decade).
Fauci and Birx should both be charged with fraud corruption and crimes against humanity
Speaking of that, as a rather abstract meandering for those who are inclined, this post has a bit of find-the-Fauci:
Fantastic synthesis. Yes we must stay frosty as these “people” running the show will never give up. See here to learn about psychopaths in general:
When the prime minister of Denmark, Rasmussen, exited his national political career, he promptly reemerged as Secretary General of NATO.
Why stay with the CDC when you could be, for instance, bulldozing national health policies everywhere for every person with WHO?
it's a conspiracy network of sociopaths
Thank you for this podcast! Only two minutes in, already in awe of the amount of relevant truth you pack into a clear and concise format. Thanks again.
I don't get a lot of feedback and appreciate your kind words. Here's another one that is yet to go live:
I appreciate all the work you put in!
I featured your podcast in an article today:
Let me know if you didn't want it referred to yet!
USE any of my work with or without attribution any time anywhere.
Great broadcast. Agree that most people can't fathom that there could be a "separate species" that possesses these odious traits. In fact, I think that is the explanation for why it is so hard to get through to people. Mass formation may have explained the original reaction, but now that there is less fear, why aren't more people waking up? In psychoanalysis there is a defense mechanism called identification with the aggressor. Victim or perpetrator? Which would most rather be?
My own opinion is that the American people often extremely passive and many factors in their environment appear to exacerbate these traits.
I wrote a song called transevil to the pink Floyd melody of the wall...
We don't need no "Vaxxxxination"
We don't need no mind control
No doctor fauci in the white house
Hay Pfizer.....leave us kids alone
All in all it's just another kick In The balls
We don't need no segregation....
That's well done!
I liked your latest piece too
I only had to time to glance thru
The hacksxxxxxines will be eliminated as part of the past follies of Womanity., May it be so
Health officials at Colleges/Universities must be held accountable.
Many are now 'acting' in those roles where they are simply continuing the policies that are in violation of the Nuremberg Code. They also have nameless automatic e-mail and phone applications that track student's vaccine status. I think this is to shift blame.
Colleges and universities are still mandating the vaxx.
Of course they are, and they'll mandate any future shot Bill Gates "suggests" to them via donations. I live right next to a liberal arts college that received a $10 million donation from the Gates foundation. Masks are still required there too 🙃
"Don't sell your soul to the eye on the back of the dollar bill." is on top of this with letters you can send and with a long list of colleges and their vax statuses.
Yes. They are a very good organization and doing a lot of work on this and are looking for help. They assisted us with locating a lawyer who was able to advise us when filing an exemption for our son.
This is really egregious and disgusting in my opinion. As these vaccines clearly do not stop transmission or infection, to mandate them in exchange for access to education is bordering on criminal. Or are the decision makers at these august institutions quite stupid (not a good sign).
It really is (egregious and disgusting.) It must be a combination of funds received - research $ and/or government $ - for implementing the mandates. Also, the administrators can be legends in their own minds for single-handedly eradicating covid <cough cough> by forcing young, impressionable kids to take an experimental injection. How virtuous they (the administrators) are <gag.>
Bill Gates was declared as the leader of the global vaccine plan 2012-2020, although he has no medical qualifications whatsoever, and according to his own words, is into vaccines because of the astronomical monetary gains. Gates' fortune exploded to over a 100,000,000,000 USD thanks to dealing vaccines.
Gates also became the main donor of the WHO, effectively controlling it, which means the entire world is literally ruled by Bill Gates.
What these whistleblowers from the World Health Organization and the United Nations expose, is that private entities have created a worldwide system that allows them to use the excuse of "health emergencies of international concern" to rob humanity of all rights and freedoms, and implement a totalitarian regime.
Meanwhile they are making trillions of dollars...
Dealing vaccines is a great phrase. I need to use that in the future.
Literally disgusting
I don't think that's a good governmental model.
That, and world depopulation. I guess he did a really good job with vaccines!
they are leaving, because their task is fulfilled, the damage they did, while applying GENE THERAPY with ~600mln. doses to huge portion of Americans alone, will give jobs to all the MD's (including the ones who are apparently against the establishment), who all knew, they are GENETICALLY MODIFYING HUMANS, and they did not do ANYTHING to warn their patients about exactly that issue. All the MD's conveniently 'adopted' the FDA re-definitions of basic medical concepts, while annihilating humanity to its core, including themselves in many cases, while becoming equally GMO'ed because of prestige, money, greed, fear..
That's just my point of view, which definitely won't be 'liked' by many on this platform...
I don't disagree with your observations. My own primary physician was asleep at the wheel to all outside observation once COVID hit, but he did take the initiative to retire early, so it may have been a personal struggle for him to "look the other way".
But may I point out the population of the US is 338 million?
thanks for correcting that! I ment 600mln. doses of the shots... What is scary to me, are the newest patents, treatments, preparations for GENE THERAPIES in every aspect of medicine. The gene therapies cause cancers, exactly what now is ready to be applied for supposedly 'healing' them, using gene therapies.. What is the no 1 of the by Pfizer admitted side effects, which were supposed to be revealed in 75 years? 1p36 gene deletion... Is it connected with the most recently confirmed change no of ribs in new bornes? Who knows.
Part of this is that they need new therapies that can be patented because most of the easy to make chemical drugs have already been discovered.
from all what I see, the gene therapies are on the go.... Just could never get it, why the MD's do not choose a solution which is NOT patented? Why they can't uncouple from the Rockefellers based system and finally really do what they supposed to: 'do no harm'?
Periodically throughout history the populace will get really upset with their allopathic doctors and almost no one in medical field grasps this.
they will one day, when they need help themselves and realize, they are helpless with all what they've learned.... Sorry if I upset you, an MD, with my above comment, but that's what I think.
It's a bit irritating that I get blamed for all the typical stuff orthodox MDs do (when it should be clear I don't practice outside of that model), but outside of that nothing on this subject bothers me. I am at peace with most things in this world. It's the only way you can handle much of what we deal with and stay sane.
They are leaving as phase 1 of the Great Reset is now in place. Worse folk will take their places.
Each of us, as physicians, who have made career sacrifices in calling this Bete Noir by its true names (Greed, Corruption, Toadying Sycophancy, and dull-witted lazy complicity) must continue to commit to speaking gently, yet firmly, to our colleagues who blamed & shamed us, ostracized us, and subjected us to Star Chamber revocations of our Licenses and Board Certifications. They must be made to gaze in the mirror and confront their sins of both commission & omission.
We must bombard the editorial boards of our most sacrosanct Journals, either rejecting their roles in perpetuating this Fear-Mongering campaign to selectively discredit repurposed medications or banishing them from positions of honor & esteem. Simultaneously, we must never allow their reinforcing of a disastrous corporate narrative which reinforced garbage while calling it SCIENCE. Peer review must either be utterly revised or done away with completely, and the dissemination of medical lies must never be passed off as "Evidence Based Medicine" ever again.
Lastly, we must "cast a cold eye" on the presence of Pharmaceutical Influence in our midst. We must become better at being well educated Citizen-Physicians, taking our responsibility to understand the moral, ethical, scientific and intellectual weight of the precarious lives we hold in our hands ever day as a public trust, and avoid ennui, burn-out and indifference from corrupting the sacredness of the Hippocratic Oath and understand how much 'Good Will' and "Trust" has been squandered by lazy, path of least resistance, behavior.
Physicians, corporate medicine has come to own you, will you continue to take your stipend, close your eyes and go along to get along?
Patients can help too by dumping their insurance.
Perhaps a better choice would be to go in to the physicians, who advocated "The JAB" to them, explaining that they refuse to be treated by algorithmic automatons who put their patients' health at grave risk... mindlessly doing what they were told. If enough people demanded better from their doctors, maybe then they could move on to demanding culpability of their politicians and truth from their expert class.
Excellent quote: “ If enough people demanded better from their doctors, maybe then they could move on to demanding culpability of their politicians and truth from their expert class.”
The Federation of State Medical Boards and the IAMRA are another link in this web of centralized corruption, which you can see here:
They are all in this scam together.
Thank you for yet another superb and well-reasoned contribution.
There was no pandemic.
Anyone who has looked at the data in the CDC Mortality database knows that the fraud is comprehensive including virtually all of the "Covid deaths" that were coded as such in violation of Federal law.
99% of people falsely certified as having 'died from covid' actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and 'public health' despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.
From the CDC itself 7/16/21:
"Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021). A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record.
Most patients who died from COVID had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions."
Translation: No one has 'died from covid' as "covid" is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, "flu" and many other disease conditions.
People were not harmed/killed by a virus they were killed by policies and through medical mandates that killed hundreds of thousands in the US alone.
In March 2020, the CDC abruptly changed how death certificates were recorded. While this might seem like a mere formality, the CDC only made this change for one type of death — COVID-19 — and circumvented multiple federal laws to do so.
This is an excellent presentation strongly suggesting how tens of thousands of nursing home residents or elderly died in the UK - receiving fatal doses of midazolam and morphine …
Very persuasive documentary effort IMO.
Yes, we cannot let up now. Those who used their position to hurt us for whatever reason, are showing signs of weakness. They are on the ropes and have their gloves up, trying to protect their head. There is still a lot of time before the bell and we must not let up. If they are permitted to go to their corner without us having delivered the strongest thrashing we can muster, they will only begin to recoup strength and strategize. They will then return to the ring with renewed vigor and perhaps finish the job that they started previously.
Don't give up the fight. It's not over until all who are responsible have been held accountable for any and all crimes against humanity. Today, we still do not yet even fully realized the entire scope and extent of damage that they have actually caused.
The real problem lies in the emergency act, which basically removes all of our rights and grants the government absolute authority. The fact that HHS & DOD have effectively merged means that the decision making and enforcement falls to the military. This is an intolerable situation and must be rectified. And the Smith Mundt act must be reinstated — thanks to an Obama EO, the government can now lie to us with impunity. We must focus on the foundations that allow people like Fauci to manifest their evil intent. I highly recommend following Bailiwick News for all things legal — Ashe has compiled a list of people responsible for the destruction of our country and the laws they used to do so —
That news clip is one for the ages. I wonder how many times the artist and his family have had Covid since their jabs? Are they still wearing their masks? Did they take paxlovid after they came down with Covid, even though the vaccines prevent severe cases? Of course, we won't speculate whether this young man developed autism because of previous vaccines.
I will admit was a bit on the fence about posting it but ultimately felt I had to. I am over 99% certain they will never be open to considering where his autism came from.
Once upon a time, I was neutral or even skeptical that all of these vaccines could be leading to the obvious spike in autism that has occurred in recent decades. Now, I am almost certain there is some cause-and-effect with many children "on the spectrum." I just happened to watch this documentary on the subject. The man who produced the documentary seems very even-handed and credible to me. It's worth a watch for those who have an hour or so.
(I'm going to make my wife watch it before we let any of our two small children get any more vaccines).
Autistic or not, the claims/statements of fact contained in the young man's presentation didn't age well.
Family members and friends I know under 30 have crazy food allergies or ailments. Definitely vax induced.
Correct. Most of the now-common food allergies (peanuts, many more) were very rare before the vaccination mania. I've only had one food allergy; to cantaloupe, and grew out of it in my teens. I don't know what, if any, vaccines other than Salk polio I'd had before developing it.
If you're interested in the topic I suggest you give this a watch (if you have not yet seen it)
I couldn't even finish the video because it was just sad that this likely vaccine injured child was clamoring for more vaccines while his parents stood silently next to him.
Much like Greta Thunberg, who also is on the spectrum. They have latched on to a concept they don’t ready understand but are usually influenced and encouraged by a parent.
"As time progresses, the issues with the vaccines will become more evident and harder to ignore." Despite this, the people I know who have been vaccinated by and large are still blissfully unaware and not open to vaccine criticism...and they will be likely lining up for the fall boosters...what is going to happen at that point, as they will now be mixing spike proteins in the new reformulated shots?
The only vaxxed people I know are my sister and her family. They are true believers and there’s nothing I could say to persuade them.
Unless it is printed on the front page of the Boston Globe, she’ll never believe it.
What Should Be Done Next is not allowing it to morph into nuclear war over the Ukraine, Taiwan, or whatever. The real question is why nearly all States went along with this nonsense. They typically gave following CDC guidelines as an excuse for their malfeasance.
Zachary Mogavero gives ASD a bad name.