The two articles I am currently working on are one about breast feeding and infant formula (which will be release next weekend) and the second half of DMSO and Cancer series (which will be released the following weekend).

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DMSO is popular around my knee, sun damaged skin, friends and family.

I think most people's hearts would be well served to eat fresh vegetables, cook with olive and or coconut oil, eat butter and cheese from grass-fed cattle, take vitamin-D and Vitamin K2.

I have seen about 1/3 of people get adverse reactions to statins, and I enter it as a diagnosis, to help protect them from coercion.

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It's great to hear that you are looking out for your patients regarding statins. We all would like to ind a physician who is as well informed, and cares that much about their patients.

NO ONE should ever be subjected to coercion to accept any medical product or procedure.

Even better than olive oil is cooking with beef tallow, bacon fat, butter, or other animal fats. The molecular structure that makes oils liquid at room temperature also makes them oxidize rapidly. This includes fish oil, cod liver oil, and olive oil. And olive oil is often mixed with cheap seed oils - deceptively labeled as "vegetable" - or is just seed oil dyed and chemically treated to resemble olive oil.

The mafia has found this profitable, and less risky than dealing in illegal drugs, as counterfeiting food is rarely investigated, and almost never prosecuted.

Coconut oil, which is solid at room temperature, is a better choice than liquid oils, yet it contains none of the fat-soluble vitamins so important for good health. It also contains plant sterols, which are similar enough to cholesterol to get incorporated into cell structures in place of cholesterol - and different enough to reduce cell function. Most people don't absorb much sterols, but some do, plus those with 'leaky gut'.

Dr. Paul Mason - 'The Hard Science on Heart Disease'


Hopefully you will let your patients know that fresh-frozen vegetables are as good as, or better than, fresh produce at the supermarket, and more affordable. Frozen produce is often more ripe when it's frozen- than produce picked early to withstand shipping and display in stores before it spoils.

Of course, it's always best to grow our own vegetables, or purchase them from local growers when possible. Ditto for eggs, meats, grassfed milk, cheeses, etc.

Info and sources for 'unfooled around with' milk: https://RealMilk.com

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Ditto the fish oils. I do t trust they are not rancid on the shelf, and reports are they are. If people dropped PUFA levels and ate properly there would be no need to slam fish oils.

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Excellent discussion as always! What is  not addressed is the fact an inflammation of the arterial wall from a myriad  of toxins ingested, and or pathogens is the root cause. In turn the immune system creates plaque from cholesterol to stop the spread. American physicians were never told that Co Q 10 should be prescribed if they write a Rx for a statin. Europe demands that it be prescribed! Recently a research paper was published that discredits this! I wonder why? Also, they had 100 prisoners back in the early 1980’s agree to an experiment where they removed 50% of their small intestines. Voila! Cholesterol levels dropped in half. Sad commentary on the medicine man’s push to create Rx drugs for profit!

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Amen DRK!

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I felt much less digestive upset when I ditched vegetables and fruit, potatoes and rice. I figure my Neanderthal ancestry from Northern Europe makes me better adapted to meat and fish. My LDL went up and that earned me the talk about lowering cholesterol with the God awful meds but I figure it's where it should be.

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You might check a CT Coronary Calcium score, which is non-invasive, to see if you have coronary artery calcifications or not, and see what you want to do, if anything.

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Chelation took out my calcification had a doctor in their looking . Calcium is a soft metal so it gets gone.

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Doc, how does one apply dmso to a spine area for pain? Pour, rub on, apply with a soft cloth? How? What quantity, etc.?

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I use the 99% gel for horses from Tractor Supply Company, muself, and just apply it and wait for it to dry. It can irritate the skin a bit for 15 minutes. YMMV.

(This is not medical advice ;-)

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I clean and dry my hands and apply 70% DMSO in aloe vera gell using my fingers. My wife is sensitive and gets very itchy so since DMSO helps her I have been applying it lately to her back and hip at night time when she is sleeping and the itching doesn't bother her.

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Keep fighting for your patients!!

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Thank you, Doctor. Am sure you know many of us are so very thankful for the knowledge you share, and recognize the great amount of research time put into each essay. You have made a great difference in how my extended family now approaches maintenance and improvement of their health. This information is even more important to us lay people today, given that there is complete distrust in the traditional ‘healthcare’ model. Thank you for educating those of us responsible for finding information for informed consent when required.

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Oh!OH! Could you please include anything known (or surmised) about a nursing mother taking DMSO for the benefit of her infant (indirect dosage) - in particular a wee one born with Down Syndrome (and the medical staff were SO cruel and dismissive) . . . . .

Thank you!

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Down Syndrome children are special angels on Earth. Medical staff are ignorant.

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Do you know they are finding out that Downs Children are often Telepathic? They are testing them and they are often very good. I think although they may be missing something, Universe has given them other things to compensate. They are also some of the kindest people on earth!

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It should be mandatory to test all mothers to be for vitamin D deficiency and make sure that their blood value is above 50ng’s and not 50 nanograms which is only 40%( 20 ng’s) of 50NG‘s. It is necessary to ensure the mother can breast feed adequately to bring a healty new life into this world!

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I can’t tell you how many people I’ve warned about statin use. Some listen but most become indignant. “Are you a doctor???” My response is that they are not trained in considering alternatives to pharmaceuticals. Then I always jokingly say “have you seen your doctor walking on water lately?”

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DMSO - I can testify that DMSO has had an immediate benefit to me as I have suffered a spike in arthritis and/or inflammatory response in several joints - it has to be reapplied for sure but the effect , for me, is undeniable - all down to me reading your magnum opus article on DMSO - many thanks. I’m in the UK - our NHS is totally compromised top to bottom by Statins gaslighting medics who when their rubbish dogma about Cholesterol and saturated fat is trotted out retreat fast ( as in recent episode with MOH) . DMSO is not a prescribed by UK GPs as far as I can tell - as with Ivermectin …

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Looking forward to reading those!!!

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We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.

We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.

They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.

The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.

From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.

The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.

We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.

Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect.

When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help.

We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.

When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future.

Excerpt from the Rockefeller Secret Covenant: THE SECRET COVENANT: https://tritorch.com/degradation/TheSecretCovenantRockefellerRothschildWeWillPoisonTheirChildrenCovenantOfGlobalists.pdf

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Every word is truth. Sad, sad, sad, but still truth. BUT we that know better can avoid their poison and try and lead others to do the same. Most will not listen, but some will.

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Someone we know had mercury fillings put in all their molars at age 12. The dentist told the parents it was to PREVENT cavities.

The father of someone else we know found out that the x-rays use to 'show' that they had cavities and needed fillings - mercury, of course - was from someone else. The father was angry, but sadly did not sue.

The toxicity of mercury when used in mercury-silver dental amalgam has been known for at least 100 years.

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I had all my mercury fillings and root canals removed over two years ago

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Good for you!! Done properly, by a dentist who knows how to minimize the patient's exposure to mercury during the removal process, it's a good idea for most everyone who had mercury filings to have them removed.

Root canals, too, as they harbor bacteria that can be dangerous to health.

Glad to know you are rid of those impediments to vibrant health!

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What's better?

Keeping the root canal tooth if there are no issues.

With removal the only option after that is an implant which IMHO is worse than a root canal tooth.

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I’m 77. I had 1 root canal go bad 12 years ago. I have several others. I’m just fine. Most mercury fillings were gone long ago replaced with crowns.

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Yes, for sure.

Isn't it incredible the scientists of dental colleges recommended mercury those years ago?

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Read “Judas Dentistry” by Robert Yoho, MD. These mercury fillings being removed can improve many health issues, including Parkinson’s, ALS, diabetes, etc

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Wow, diabolical. Makes my heart break 💔.

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This is how I feel almost every time I try to tell someone these types of things. It's frightening to me that they still are stuck in the delusion. This video very accurately describes how I feel with many family and friends!


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Shoshone refrain:

"Over here, over there, everywhere,

Today, tomorrow, always:

Bad men there are.

Hate you, they do.

Kill you they will.

Watch out you better!"

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Amen! The hidden side of BigPharma--- exposed!

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I am so grateful for your insight. My husband recently had an episode of afib- was pretty scary and he spent 2 days in the hospital. The last Dr. That come to see him never examined him, touched him...asked how he was doing, but, she noted that he needed to be on a statin. So, I asked if they had done a cholesterol panel and she said no- it was from his record from 2 years ago when he was eating exclusively carnivore. She was so cavalier in telling him to take a statin- which he would NEVER do, but points to the larger problem of our education to doctors. I am truly grateful for everything you do!

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Tell your husband to look into Chelation EDTA and Serrapeptase. They helped me . Now 12 years without heart problems. No meds . I’m on carnivore also.

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Please be aware that when you restrict carbohydrates to the degree you currently are (I ate a carnivore diet for 2 1/2 years, and am currently attempting to undo the resulting damage), the lack of glucose will result in a number of negative effects. #1, your adrenal glands will produce excessive amounts of cortisol, urging your body to release more glycogen from your liver, kidneys, and muscles. #2, When your adrenals are active, your thyroid shuts down. In actuality, your body begins to consume itself. The weight you lose, is not so much fat, as muscle. Please don’t take my word for it. I was completely sold that carb restriction was the way to go. It took me four years to learn the truth, I pray you do also before you suffer the consequences that I have.

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If people consume enough animal fat, the body easily makes the tiny amount of glucose it needs. Otherwise, the human body will 'burn' fat easily for fuel.

Common mistakes a lot of people make when switching from the SAD (standard America diet) to the ancestrally & physiologically appropriate animal fat & animal protein based diet:

-Restricting total food intake, including "portion control".

-Not lowering carbohydrate intake enough to allow the body to switch to burning at for fuel instead of sugar & starch.

-Not eating enough animal fat. (Liquid oils are toxic, and should be avoided.)

-Modest amounts of low carb (above ground) vegetables are OK, but any sugar or starch - which are metabolized the same - including root vegetables, will stop the body's ability to burn fat. For most people, this also includes 'zero calorie' sweeteners. The sweet taste triggers insulin release, in anticipation of a blood sugar rise. Insulin blocks the metabolic pathway to burn fat.

-Even those who have a lot of body fat to burn usually need to eat more fat than the may be used to, to help their body to make the switch back to burning fat.

-'Cycling' in and our of fat-burning mode - nutritional ketosis - is NOT helpful. It takes adults who grew up eating the SAD at least 2 weeks to switch back to burning fat for fuel.

Studies by Phinney, Volek, and other researchers have shown that adaptation continues for months, with some athletes and ordinary people reporting improvements in performance & health up to 12 months after beginning to eat few enough carbs to allow their bodies to switch into ketosis.

-Bone density & muscle mass usually increase, even with no change in activity level, which weigh more than fat. The steady weight or even a small increase while excess body fat is being lost confuses some people.

-Muscles 'marbled' with fat may look smaller as the fat inside the muscles is converted to energy, while the actual muscle mass remains the same, or increases.

MANY people have switched to very low (<25 grams/day) to essentially zero carbs for years, even decades, without any of the problems you describe.

These include Dr. Tim Nokes, Dr. Stephen Phinney MD, PhD, Dr. Jeff Volek, PhD, Dr. Ben Bikman, PhD- a scientist who studies metabolism, Dr. Gar Fetke, and many, many more. Some became essentially or totally carnivore, including Dr. Paul Mason, Dr. Ken Berry, and Dr. A. Chaffee, among others.

Many of these have had themselves and/or their patients or study subjects scanned for muscle mass & body fat percentage before and after being on a very low carb/ketosis or carnivore diet - clearly showing loss of excess body fat, not muscle mass. None have seen the issues you describe.

Several of these, and others, consult for high performance athletes and/or conduct research for elite military personal like Navy Seals. Peak health, muscle, and performance is essential for these people.

Dr. Jeff Volek shares info from his extensive research on very low carb / ketosis eating on human health & performance:


Dr. Barry Groves, PhD, nutrition researcher, shares his research and others, on 'What We are Designed to Eat' - including info on numerous human populations that thrived on near or total carnivore diets for thousands of years:


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You probably got rabbit starvation. Too much lean meat chicken is ok in small amounts on carnivore. But high fat cloven foot meat is best . All those ancient Eskimos in ACU from carnivore, NOT . I lost weight from not understanding the proper way to do carnivore. And if you think drinking beverages with sugar is carnivore. It probably from global warming lol

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I ate 50% fat, 50% protein (primarily rudiment meat and eggs. And I did not eat eggs from the store) no dairy, black coffee, reverse osmosis water…PERIOD. My metabolism and mitochondria were completely destroyed, in time. If you choose to believe only those who live extremely active lifestyles as examples of the success of carb restrictive diets, you are close minded. Read the book, “How to Heal Your Metabolism”, by Kate Deering. She was an athlete, who ate a carb restricted diet, and it resulted in serious consequences. Carb restriction does not work for everyone. And, I know Dr Ken Berry. Funny you did not mention Dr Paul Saladino, author of “The Carnivore Code”.


Initially, after watching this exchange, I thought Paul Saladino was crazy. I now know exactly what he is talking about. And he is absolutely correct. At some point in time, carb restriction will backfire. It is different for everyone. Good luck to you, and God bless

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Carb restricted means keto . 50% fat would give you diarrhea. Even Ice cream makers have a limit on the dairy fat . I eat only hamburg with high fat content 28% and ribeyes,eggs, bacon ,sausage seafood baked or sautéed

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I did not have diarrhea. None of you understand that every single body responds differently to every single thing.

“Low-carb diets are not healthy in the long term. Carb restriction cripples your cellular energy production. You need balanced carbs for your brain and body health. Long-term low-carb diets release stress hormones and are harmful. When you do not eat enough carbs, your body must create glucose from your muscles. This is dangerous, especially as you age. There are widespread misconceptions about insulin resistance and carbs. Glucose, not fat, is the optimal fuel for your mitochondria. Long-Term Carb Restriction Harms Your Metabolism The long-term benefits of low-carb diets are not well-studied or supported. Over time, a low-carb diet decreases your cellular energy. Prolonged carb restriction is very risky for your health. Most adults need at least 200–350 grams of carbs every day to create enough cellular energy.”

Your Guide to Cellular Health: Unlocking the Science of Longevity and Joy, by Dr Joseph Mercola

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Sounds like what works for me.

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“Standard ketogenic diet (SKD): This is a very low carb, moderate protein and high fat diet. It typically contains 70% fat, 20% protein, and only 10% carbs”

Once again, you are incorrect

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Agreed. 12 years low carb, keto, IF, OMAD, led to serious under eating and nutritional deficiencies. Anxiety, crashed thyroid, thinner bones (2 major surgeries in 3 years, one a hip replacement after a fall) . I eventually could not sleep and was wracked by anxiety. I am in a group of hundreds trying to recover from this fallacy and fad. You feel so good for a long time and then the damage appears. I also began gaining all my lost weight back in just plain flab. Beware. We need carbs—decent ones like fruit, potatoes, etc.

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I believe (don't know it, but believe it) that carb restriction/keto is useful for detox and cleaning things out. But it's not sustainable.

Some say 1-3 months a year keto (depending on your needs), the rest of the time normal diet. This is how it's used in epilepsy, for example. It's not forever.

Fasting = same.

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Janet, I am inspired by engaging with another person that had the same results to severe carb restriction that I did. How long have you been back on carbs, and have you achieved some quality of life again? After four years I feel that I still have a long way to go

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It depends on the person's bodily make up. My body didn't consume itself on a carnivore diet, but I did lose 15 pounds of ugly fat.

If I eat any fruits or vegetables, it's strictly as small doses of condiments. I feel so much better without them. (And being so much less gassy has been wonderful..for those around me.) One thing we forget is that most plants don't want to be eaten, thus they produce lectins/phytotoxins. GMO plants can be worse, for instance tomatoes. Finally so many plants have histamines, which trigger migraine.

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Genesis 29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.

Do you believe that God would create plants that are meant to be eaten, if they were going to poison the consumer? Really?

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You seem to have forgotten that after the Fall a lot of life got dangerous. Eve usurps Adam’s authority and gives him the forbidden fruit. All hell broke loose because of that. Yeah, I believe a lot of fruit and vegetable foods are now toxic to greater or lesser extent depending on the physiology of the consumer. Eating a potato with a green skin exposes you to solanine, a pretty bad phytotoxin. There are many other examples.

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Zade, you eat whatever you believe is best for you, and I will do the same

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Keith, based on the research that Dr Joseph Mercola did on Serrapeptase, I ingested it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, after a very serious emotional occurrence in my life showed my BNP to be in the very dangerous area of leading to heart failure. Inside of less than two months my BNP levels were cut in half. I still consume it several years later. Best Insurance I’ve ever had!

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Thank you SO much!

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It was the same with my father. He had very low cholesterol, but had a minor heart attack. In hospital they started him on statins and other cardiac meds. I asked the doctor who came along why he was prescribed statins when his cholesterol was not high, and she got very angry with me, saying that 'we know that statins reduce the risk of heart attacks'. Oh really? Where's your evidence? And Dad was 78 years old! On a good note, his GP immediately stopped the statin on his next appointment.

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Statins also increase EMF sensitivity for that reason, since they lower cholesterol, and our myelin sheath (neural wiring) is made of...cholesterol! When we can't fire electrical signals efficiently, any outside electrical influence is even more damaging:


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“Low-carb diets are not healthy in the long term. Carb restriction cripples your cellular energy production. You need balanced carbs for your brain and body health. Long-term low-carb diets release stress hormones and are harmful. When you do not eat enough carbs, your body must create glucose from your muscles. This is dangerous, especially as you age. There are widespread misconceptions about insulin resistance and carbs. Glucose, not fat, is the optimal fuel for your mitochondria. Long-Term Carb Restriction Harms Your Metabolism The long-term benefits of low-carb diets are not well-studied or supported. Over time, a low-carb diet decreases your cellular energy. Prolonged carb restriction is very risky for your health. Most adults need at least 200–350 grams of carbs every day to create enough cellular energy.”

Your Guide to Cellular Health: Unlocking the Science of Longevity and Joy, by Dr Joseph Mercola

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Tell the Eskimos that. Decades ago was an article in Alive about a fellow in England, maybe in the 1800's or early 1900's who presumabley ate the classic meat and potatoes and bread diet and who had myriad health problems. He came and lived with the Eskimos, ate nothing but fat and meat, and all his problems disappeared. Ok, anecdotal, but interesting.

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The big cholesterol scam! At my most recent blood test, the doc recommended statins for a 185 cholesterol count. She pulled out that handy dandy 'Pfizer calculator' entered my age, weight (163) spot blood pressure (126/80), non-smoker status, and total cholesterol number and wha-laa, recommended statins! Just like that. She never ask anything about my lifestyle (workout 6 days a week), my healthy diet (mostly single ingredient, well-balanced, healthy proteins, plenty of fresh vegs and fruits, no seed oils, supplements, no junk). She even stated that the European heart assn was lowering its threshold to total cholesterol of 170 as being high. I smiled and said no thanks, while in my mind reflecting on MWD's previous statin post. That experience was just as MWD described!!

Thank you MWD. I am spreading your word and knowledge to all who are deceived by this pharma narrative and scam. Shame on doctors who refuse and are too lazy to do their own research, and harm so many in their blind acceptance to established medical norms.

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I'd quit that doctor

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Never went back

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That was wise.

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OK - I agree. However, how is that doctor going to know that their practice is faulty?

When we leave a doctor, we should tell them why. Otherwise, they just think "business as usual, didn't see TE anymore, so they're probably fine."

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Statins also increase EMF sensitivity since they lower cholesterol, and our myelin sheath (neural wiring) is made of...cholesterol! When we can't fire electrical signals efficiently, any outside electrical influence is even more damaging:


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Fascinating. Thx.

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Please be aware that statins are apparently being prescribed for adult patients, no matter the age, if a TIA is suspected (TIA is a temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain). During ongoing hospitalization after fall and spiking high blood pressure, my mother at age 98 was placed for the first time on 40 mgs of Lipitor a day upon discharge into rehab without our being informed. She developed grave confusion, extreme increasing weakness, muscle pain, and emotional distress and had at least one additional fall. Fourteen days later we discovered this additional medication, and had it stopped immediately, but it has badly affected her recovery, and she is now in skilled nursing care full time, quite debilitated. The drug's effects on this fragile 98-year-old were devastating. Thank you for your work and for this really important information.

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Lack of understanding of how RxDrugs impact the quality of life.

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Agreed!! From a 43+ year career as an RPh .

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That is terrible. Awful. You have to watch your loved one like hawks to protect them from this insanity.. Glad you discovered this medical abuse. I hope she fully recovers- so unfair to her.

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Have her eat high fat beef . She can recover .

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Lamb is another good choice for a high fat red meat. If it's from NZ or Australia, it's almost certainly 100% 'grassfed' and grass finished. Watch for 'managers specials'.

We can ask the butcher at the supermarket to add more fat to our ground beef. I like at least 30% fat. Dr. Anthony Chaffee, MD likes hi ground beef to have 50% fat - which is the traditional fat to lean ratio in sausage. And in traditional pemmican.

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Especially grassfed, which is high in DHA - a critical omega 3.

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Oh goodness...as an RN who works in medical wards where most patients are elderly, the amount of prescribed medication really boggles me. Particularly the 95+ with multiple comorbidities. My own Mum is 98 and is still taking a statin among other things, and she's miserable. I'm am in NO way saying that these people should die. But....many of them are not living happily. When is it time to say enough is enough? I don't want to take my pills anymore. Mum also recently had a period of delirium when she was very distressed, and barely responsive. I had to battle to have her prescribed an anxiolytic because 'she's a high falls risk'! She is indeed, but her distress needs attention, and it's not going to make her any worse if we give her a benzo!

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I want to thank the Lord for my health. I spent about 17 years a pretty heavy drinker of Alcohol and drugs. I went through a very hard time and through it the Lord came and delivered me. I am 17 days from 70 yrs old and do not take any drug for anything and have not for years. I have never been on any medication for a long period of time even before I made many lifestyle change beginning in 1990 at the age of 35. I am on a plant based diet, with eggs and a little fish every now and then. I walk 2-5 miles almost everyday. I get all the sunshine I can in warm weather, but make sure i do not get a sunburn. A also go to be early and get up early and thank God that I am a country boy. I also grow a lot of my own food, organically. I have almost no stress because I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not unto my own understanding so that in all my ways He will direct my path. I am not wise in my own eyes and have departed from evil. And it is health to my navel and marrow to my bones. See Proverbs 3:5-8.

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Amen brother! The key is "trust in our Lord Jesus Christ!". I can vouch for that right with you.

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Amen to you also brother !!

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Bravo to you!!! Keep it up! Love hearing stories like yours.

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Thank you !!

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How do you get iron, because plant iron sources are not very well absorbed? Non-heme. I put myself in anemia after some time without meat. Do you supplement?

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I do not worry about deficiencies. I eat mostly fruits, veggies, beans and grains and nuts. More veggies than fruit. Lots of broccoli, and other green veggies. I also eat a fair amount of White potatoes and Sweet potatoes. White potatoes are not the poison that people make them out to be. [ My A1c is in normal range.] I do use eggs on a regular basis from local grown chickens, and some fish. Mostly Salmon. Very few supplements, and nothing for iron. I do take a vit. B and C most days and a formula for my prostate. The prostate formula is for prevention.

My last blood work showed normal Iron and B12. I do take a B12 a few times a week. I also make sure I am getting sufficient protein. I shoot for 60-90 grams a day.

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Lots of iron in mussels I think, if you want semi-vegetarian source

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I have been thinking about your low iron. From my understanding a woman that is still on your menstrual cycle is more prone to iron deficiencies than a male or a woman that is past that stage. You may keep that in mind.

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The best source of iron is from beef liver. I’m not crazy about it but I make an effort to eat it about once a month. It’s important to buy from a supplier who sells grass fed beef.

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Statins are COMPLETE and UTTER poison. PLEASE read "Statins toxic side effects – evidence from 500 scientific papers" by David Evans. Read Chapter 19. It's ILLUMINATING. A friend of mine reached out to me because I have a robust supplement protocol for cancer (involving medicinal mushroom extracts among other things) and the dad of a friend of theirs had been diagnosed with stage IV prostate cancer. My immediate concern was how he got it. I asked about lifestyle/diet. Nothing of note. I was told he'd had a heart attack in 2017. SEVEN YEARS LATER he was STILL on Atorvastatin + betablockers + DPT (dual platelet therapy) -- Complete medical malpractice. Anyway, look up "prostate cancer" in the PDF for that book and let your mind be blown. No doubt in my mind that that's what caused his cancer. And now, despite STRONG advice from me, I bet he'll undergo conventional cancer "therapy" and continue taking the statins... Most doctors are just unwitting killers at this point.

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Anyone facing cancer, who knows someone who is, should listen to this presentation by Dr. Thomas Seyfried, PhD, cancer researcher:


Instead of "treating" cancer conventionally, with highly toxic chemicals & harmful radiation, Dr. Seyfried recommends supporting the body - and starving the cancer.

Few physicians are really free to practice medicine anymore. 'Protocols' and treatments required by the hospital or corporate medical group they work for, promoted by pharma corporations, and what corporate insurance or government will pay for essentially controls the "medical care" we are offered. Or have access to.

Better options:

- EDUCATE OURSELVES by reading ever article A Midwestern Doctor has posted.

- Find an independent physician. The American Assoc. of Physicians and Surgeons offers resources for independent practitioners, and a list to help patients locate one.


- https://www.goldcare.com/about

- https://www.joincrowdhealth.com/

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Your article confirms what I have felt about statins (and most pharmaceuticals). My doctor wanted to put me on them, I gave him a straight out NO. Doctors, in my opinion, are licensed to kill with no consequences.

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My father had an Appliance Store for 60 years . He would always say. I have to fix all my mistakes, but doctors just bury theirs .

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I am a physician with a quandary about my own health. I had a heart cath July 2024 which showed several 10% lesions in several coronary arteries after a false positive Exertional MPI which I completed prior to high altitude mountain climbing in the near future. 10 years prior to that, I went on low dose Rosuvastatin for Primary prevent given my Dad's history of ASCAD. In the spring of 2023, my AST/ALT elevated (mildly) and my CK was significantly elevated and my BUN/Creat were elevated despite low to normal BP (90-110/60-70). My Internist wanted me to lower the dose of Rosuvastatin but given my reading about Statins prior to this, and being an informed skeptic who, up until these lab abnormalities, had no symptoms of Statin toxicity, I elected to STOP statins. Given the elevation of BUN/CREAT, my Internist ordered the ANCA titers which revealed really high MPO which has remained elevated now for almost 2 years. My kidney, liver and muscle appear to be normal now. I received two COVID vaccines (DEC 2020, Jan 2021) without any adverse "symptoms". My quandary is this: is the elevated MPO due to Statins or the mRNA (Pfizer)? For the record, you could make the argument I should have had my head examined for getting the vaccine in the fist place (at the time was intubating COVID patients in the ICU on a weekly basis and had a spouse who was thought to be high risk given an autoimmune issue), but anyone getting the mRNA now for a head-cold-disease, should see a competent psychiatrist.

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Doctor, May I suggest that you seek out the care of an anthroposophical medical doctor, or a functional medical doctor. Make sure that they are both trained intensively for at least a decade in this healing art.

If you are inclined to seek out an Anthropological MD here is some information and if I can help you any further, don’t hesitate to ask


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As a non-physician, I must confess that I have more faith in the ability of the body to thrive than in pharma and lab tests.

Have you looked at all cause mortality for the various tests you have had, rather than lab reference ranges, or pharma drug recommendations tied to test results?

Since cardiovascular disease is a concern for you, you may find Dr. Paul Mason's presentation, 'The Hard Science on Heart Disease'. A brilliant physician, Dr. Mason has a gift for analyzing research papers, which he combines with a deep knowledge of physiology to provide practical information we can apply to our lives.


Regarding the Pfizer BioNTech product that does not fit the medical definition of a vaccine nor the CDC's definition of one - until they changed that definition in 2021 in response to that inconvenient fact being pointed out - I would respectfully ask, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!

When a national "health emergency" was declared five years ago this month, there were a number of 'red flags' that signaled that things were not exactly as we were being told. The obliteration of our Constitution and actions taken by governments frightened me more than any natural virus. The possibility of an infectious agent that had been altered in a laboratory was much more concerning, but 'elites' who ignored "lockdowns" and who only put on masks for the cameras were among the clues that the end of the world had likely not yet arrived.

Regarding the jabs - a novel technology, with animal studies skipped, and clinical trials rushed meant that WE were the guinea pigs in a giant experiment. EUA products are by definition "investigational". Illegal to coerce or even use "undue influence" to get anyone to accept - or to administer without "legally effective" fully informed consent, including informing them of their right to refuse; yes, under the PREP Act.

No, thank you.

For more on the legal aspects:


Add to that the fact that mRNA is routinely incorporated into DNA via reverse transcription... and the STUPIDITY of meddling with the fundamental aspects of nature - whether splitting atoms or hijacking cells with synthetic genetic instructions - there was no way I was going to accept having that injected into me.

That said... aerosol versions have been developed, among with other ways to manipulate our genes and physiology.

A group of physicians have developed a protocol for those who have had the synthetic modified mRNA product fraudulently labeled as a "COVID-19Vaccine" injected into them designed to reduce the risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease:


Hope some of the above will be helpful to you.

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This is an excellent review and I agree with every point.

For me, the biochemistry trumps all the trials—these toxins block a key pathway that produces other important substances. Cholesterol itself is vital for cell membranes, synaptic transmission, immune response, and is the backbone for synthesis of vitamin D, cortisone, aldosterone, and the sex hormones.

The “cholesterol-heart hypothesis” has also been thoroughly disproven by countless observations such as those many individuals with high cholesterol and no coronary disease and those with “normal” or low cholesterol who do have coronary artery disease.

Statins cause enormous harm: ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), dementia (that has they call “brain fog”), and heart failure, among others.

They should never be prescribed and those on them should get off!

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Agreed- biochemistry and physiology, basic science, is more reliable than trials.

Trials that pharma corporations design & conduct or pay another company to conduct for them, use "run in" periods to remove those with serious adverse events within the first X number of weeks on the drug from the trial, use mismatched statistical framing to exaggerate any benefits and downplay harms....

Even if such trials are RCTs - randomized controlled trials - they are suspect, at best.

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Extremely well put, my friend.

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I believe it was Barbara O'Neil that said 100 years ago a cholesterol level of 350 was protective against Alzheimer's. Your brain is made of cholesterol. On every side and around every corner we are being diminished until we are literally lobotomized. Here is another piece of the total take down of our species. The devil plays the long game. We have to live in 24 hour increments.


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Mine as a 77 yo woman is around 180 to 215 or higher. I’ve changed my low carb diet to adding clean carbs and my cholesterol went down. . I’m happy with my levels but I don’t freak out if higher. Low cholesterol is a marker for increased mortality the data shows. . I’ve stayed away from seed oils for 12 years.

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Midwestern Doctor, you might find this interesting. A friend I know is taking a "news literacy" class in college since it's a general education course, and he had to watch a bunch of videos of people defending the medical orthodoxy. One of these videos is astounding because it talks about how corporations can hijack science, but in the same video it slanders "anti-vaxxers" and claims that they're casting doubt on vaccines "for no valid reason". However, the video completely omits Big Pharma's extreme manipulation of vaccine science, such as the fabrication of vaccine clinical trials.


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Sounds like a classic example of "cognitive dissonance".

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Thanks for this article. I'm an insurance broker of some 37 years, so we deal with plenty of sick clients. Through my wife's pancreatic cancer 7 years ago, we were alerted to the importance of Vit D3 (her reading - the way we measure it in New Zealand, was just 26 during her chemo). She started using D3 drops with K2 and noticed an almost immediate improvement. Prof Angus Dalgleish who I was privileged to hear and speak with late last year, suggested that my wife's continuing remission was due to her supplementation with D3. I've recommended testing and supplementation if low, to a number of people over the last few years. One, a good long term friend about 6 months ago who said that he had lost all motivation to drag himself to work. Most unlike him, for the 50 years I've known him, he has always been 'Dr Dynamo'. We talked about Vit D, he got a test the next day and lo and behold, his reading was just 22. Took him round some D 3 drops and within a week or so he was sleeping better and his motivation had returned. Sorry long intro - what has this to do with Statins? Well my friend has always had a quite high total cholesterol reading - 6.9 at his last set of bloods at the time. The reading I had done suggested that people with high cholesterol generally had low Vit D. Given that (layman's understanding here...) D3 apparently uses cholesterol to metabolise, I speculated that correcting this chap's D3 level, may have a positive effect on his cholesterol readings. His Doctor has been gagging for years to get him on statins. Incidentally, despite the shockingly low D3 test being copied in to his GP, the chap never received a call to discuss the chronically low reading... My pal has been taking just 1000IU of D3 K2 daily and a couple of weeks ago went for repeat bloods (6 months after starting to use D3 drops). His BP had improved considerably, his D3 was now 67 and his total cholesterol had dropped from 6.9 to 6.1. The D3 drops being the only change he had made. Do correct Vit D levels threaten the Statin industry, hence the campaign against it (Pierre Kory)?

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I had extreme Gastro intestinal distress for years, I finally was on vacation and quit taking the statins cause I had forgotten them within a week. My horrible reflux disease disappeared about 90% then I started studying this issue and after about 2000 hours of research I came to the same conclusions. The Midwestern Dr has come to. It’s very sad. The medical profession believes this garbage.

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Because Cholesterol is a Transporter of all kinds of thing all through your body. Statins block that, which is very bad for your health,....you body desperately tries to get around those drugs,....but it's very hard. To me it is very, very sad,.....as the body tries desperately to do it's job of keeping the Body functioning, it is not allowed to do it! Statin are evil.

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True!!! Our bodies make cholesterol anyway because we need it, nutshell. Why block it.

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Just yesterday I wrote a substack on the recently published study that suggested butter increases mortality. As part of that post, I noted that in the U.S., statins are now being prescribed for children as young as 8 years old.

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Ridiculous isn’t it. Have they given up on the eggs are the devil yet? That lie still oozes out of the medical primordial mud regularly.

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They want us medicated and injected from birth to death. I don't understand how most people don't see through it-that it has nothing to do with health.

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