I am watching the hearing. It is rough, and it seemed to me the Senators who got the most money from pharaceuticals are the ones going the hardest at RFK Jr. You can always tell when they aren't interested in knowing anything, instead they launch a barrage of questions and interrupt the nominee.


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Bernie Sanders sure stayed-bought by big pharma.


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Bernie is such a Marxist fool. Not only has he given in to the corruption but he can't recognize irony. I watched this interview where he was as usual, pushing his Marist views of collectivist governance and he said how he had made millions from his 2 books. A Marxist bragging about capitalization. It is rules for thee but no for me.

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I found it horrible how a lot of the Democratic senators spewed out obvious lies about RFK Jr. only to interrupt him when he tried to refute the lies.

I also wonder if those two protesters who interrupted the hearing were pharmaceutical lobbyists, but I guess we'll never know.

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First thing that crossed my mind was they were pharma shills.

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Most likely

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Sure, the food producers hired the cigarette scientists to make food more addictive when cigarettes were getting crushed.

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Really rough, a bit of a bloodbath, and very difficult to hear the acrimonious, even hateful challenges. What was worse was watching RFK say - more than once - that he supports vaccines, and even specifically that he supports the measles vaccine and the polio vaccine. The most shocking of all was when he said he supports the childhood vaccine schedule - i am not sure of the exact wording he used for that. I know he has been and is under INTENSE pressure, but i do not know what kind of pressure would induce him to cave in such a way.

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That was surprising. Still, I think he is a good choice. I never followed him in detail, but thought most of his complaint was about the adulterations like mercury in them. If he insists on good science, they will be shown what they are one way or the other.

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unfortunately "science" these days can always be bought or buried.

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the scientists can be bought not the science so even when you've purchased a scientists or 12, the fake work they produce still has to be guarded so no scientist you do not own can look to closely at it and discover it's bogus.

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Sure. But not all. I believe we need, instead of having these superficial text-only peer reviews, the whole data should be required. If that isn't done, maybe there should be some sort of label required on the review, like on movies showing the level of crap that's included.

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He showed aluminum is a known neuro toxin to the brain. Dr Chris Exley. Mr Aluminum will confirm that. All ingredients are toxic

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He has always said that he is not anti-vaccine but pro good science. He says that he wants safe vaccines. He also said he would not take vaccines away from those who want them but is against mandates. He's a smart man and knows vaccines are unsafe. Once the science is revealed, people will refuse to vaccinate their children.

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He said he was against mandates and yet he also said he was for the childhood vaccine schedule which state governments use to list what drugs you must have given to your child before they can enter school that or tax dollars fund and in some states your only alternative to that may be private school which is unaffordable for most. That is definitely not pro-choice on vaccines. I am all for RFK and hope he gets in and puts a hurt on #BigPharma and #BigFood but that one contradiction he made irked me.

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Maybe. But it presupposes that enough people are rational. Most people don't seem to be very rational these days, especially if they're subjected to psychological warfare.

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Yeah that was not good but you have to wonder if he turned just to get in. It would not shock me since I don’t trust a single person on the planet his history is questionable but I thought vaccines won’t be under his department?? Our only hope is to make the moms in MAHA grow to huge numbers. That is the only way we will win the vaccine war. Kennedy has nothing to lose . A mom has only her child. They have to make vaccines pro choice for schools. Then we will win

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Is there anyone truly qualified? Is there anyone not tainted? Is there anyone who will fall on their sword for the children? Doubtful in Washington We need to cleanse Washington and get rid of the lobbyists. Any bribes caught loss of chair period. Terms for all even Supreme Court. Can’t die in your chair. Think the hags Pelosi and Waters. Serve two terms max. And no pension till 65 just like us. We have let these politicians create this place and like George Carlin said. You don’t belong. Find this person then you will find a better America

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The problem there is most young women, 30 and under, have had their minds poisoned by modern feminism and so their busy chasing college, then a career and party time with as many men as they can instead of getting married and becoming a mom. We don't have that army of moms that we did 2 generations ago.

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as head of HHS, as i understand it, vaccines would absolutely be under his purview - which is why they are fighting tooth and nail.

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Look at it like this, if you want to continue to rely on your gar you must maintain it via oil changes, tire rotations and regular maintenance. If these corrupt Uniparty members want to ensure that re-election campaign $$ keeps rolling in then they must maintain teh beasts that provide that $$. if they allow RFK to be nominated, and he keeps his word like Trump is doing, those #BigPharma dollars will stop coming in and once that happens party leadership will want the Senator replaced because that hurts the party's general campaign funds. In our crooked system, the Senator/Reps who bring in the most $$ get the preferred appointments. Schumer and McConnel weren't the Senate heads b/c they were the best Senators for the job from each party but b/c they were the top campaign funds earners. There's more to it then just that but it is a HUGE factor. Both parties don't want anyone who can't bring in the $$ and in the case of teh Democrat party, they don't want anyone who will not tow the party line.

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I encourage you to do this - in Australia we stopped the evil misinformation legislation by contacting our senators - I didn’t think there’d be enough of us but there was.

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They still managed to bring in other legislation in Australia, like the under 16 social media ban. They are desperate to implement the agenda no constituent wants. Whilst the majority of Aussie’s are not interested in politics, politics is sure interested in them.

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For awhile I was the "crunchy" one - buying local regenerative farm eggs and meat, cooking with duck fat and tallow from good sources, making my own tallow skin care. For me, it started 15 years ago (slowly, not overnight) when I found out I had celiac. Now my adult kids are all "crunchy" (well, my grandsons still get Goldfish, of course!) and their friends are, and they willingly pay more for it at stores and go out less so they can eat at places that are more expensive but healthier. Almost everyone I know has or is in the process of cutting out seed oils and additives and at least scaling back the junk. Covid really started the ball rolling, both in terms of the crazy overreach, but also because so many people who hadn't cooked at home started doing it.

We NEED RFK jr to be confirmed, but no matter what happens so many people's eyes are open now and that genie isn't going back in the bottle.

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I completely understand where you’re coming from; my journey began about 15 years ago as well. It was a heart-wrenching time when my little girl was experiencing seizures for no clear reason. Determined to protect her from medications that could harm her liver—something irreplaceable—I embarked on a mission to find a better way. Today, I’m grateful to say she is a thriving, healthy 24-year-old with no seizures, and I truly believe that her well-being is a result of the decisions we made during that challenging time.

The healthcare system and the food available to us often left me feeling let down. As I delved into research about her sleep, her diet, and every aspect of her life, I realized just how important it was to make informed choices. It was disheartening to see how many unhealthy options are accepted in our society, especially when it comes to what we feed our children. I’m so thankful I was able to redirect her path. With the right guidance and commitment, she has flourished, and I hope that others in similar situations find the support they need for their families. When RFK started talking, it was music to my ears. Finally, someone else knew what I knew. Finally I wasn’t the overprotective crazy mom. Finally people might start doing their own research instead of just taking people’s word for it.

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He is exactly correct about everything he’s saying, look it up.

Those vaccines that have been forced on our children more and more every year are not as simple as they’re trying to make it sound. The ones we took as children had minimal ingredients. The ones our children have to have include unnecessary ingredients that will affect their lives for years to come. Under no circumstances, should our children have products from another human being put into their body that will alter them.. they’re taking things he said and changing them and making them sound simple and uneducated and they are not. They did not want us to reproduce. They want to de-populate the world, the last administration thought they were above us (you could tell by the way they treated American people in North Carolina ) they planned for their own survival while we were just extra mouths to feed. They were exhausting every means to ensure their illusion that it was an individualistic choice to not reproduce by putting something in their water, or in their birth control pills that could change their mating ability which would be a bonus for them. That’s what we were headed for. That’s what we were looking at. I cannot see that as a better alternative.

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Not sure when you were a child, but even in the 1950s they reportedly were putting SV40 (simian virus 40, known to cause cancer) in the polio vax, and there were many other bad vaccines like small pox and DPT, including mercury in some. The 1950s is when dyslexia and ADD/ADHD started to skyrocket, and those were just the more obvious changes - all of us were damaged by those vaccines. Granted, even if the recent pre-covid mandatory childhood vaxxes are no worse than earlier vaccines, the huge numbers of them forced on defenseless young humans is appalling, and the concommitant rise in autism, immune dysfunction and allergies is not surprising.

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I was trying to be understand the lady's perspective. If you take a moment to listen to Bill Gates' speech from a few years back, he discusses some intriguing ideas about population control through vaccines, fertility, and food. It really seems like there’s a plan behind it all. I’ve noticed a lot of sugary ingredients in our food all the while having the information about white sugar feeding cancer they’re just feeding the pharmaceutical companies us on a platter, as well as the concern about pollution in the air. It’s quite thought-provoking, and I feel strongly about it. I'm also curious about the covenant that was read to us years ago with a whole laid out plan from the feelings in our mouth to the poison in our air it sounds like they’ve been quite strategic in their approach. I’d love to hear your thoughts on these matters as well!

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I recently read the book that was attached to one of AMD’s vaccine articles. You can’t get it anymore so I printed out a copy and put it in a binder because I don’t like reading books on a screen. It’s called “vaccination social violence and criminality, the medical assault on the American brain” by Harris L. Coulter. The theory of the author makes total sense. Vaccines have been damaging people for decades. I wonder if there is anyone who hasn’t at least suffered minimal brain damage from vaccines?? Many examples in the book made me wonder about several family members. For example, my husband had dyslexia as a child. Was he damaged by the DPT but then outgrew it because his brain was not assaulted by more shots? With today’s schedule kids never get a break!! My oldest daughter would sleep a lot more after her shots as a baby and later she had difficulty sleeping and seemed hyperactive at times but luckily was fine at school. Now she has autoimmune thyroid which is better on a gluten free diet. She may be celiac which was mentioned in the book. My second daughter has seasonal allergies that started when she was around 3 and she needed speech therapy. I did not allow the Hep B birth dose and skipped some of the shots like rotavirus and prevnar. But I think my children were still damaged by the shots they did get. I stopped vaccinating when my son was 1 1/2 and my

oldest was 5. I am so grateful I did because I think their brains were able to recover from most of the damage! My son probably would have been autistic cause he was staring a lot and just didn’t look right. And he never even got the MMR or chickenpox. The Coulter book was written in 1990. The damage to individuals and society as a whole is so much worse now! I really don’t know how to mentally and spiritually deal with this realization!

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Aside from the huge issue of damage to our children (and all of us too), i think the hardest thing for people to come to terms with is the fact that this is being deliberately done. Most people who habitually watch and therefore believe the MSM just cannot wrap their minds around this chilling reality. And it's the same with the massive damage being done to all humanity with the rollout and mass adoption of wireless tech (cellphones, wifi, baby monitors, laptops, security systems, etc.) People just don't wanna know, and even most substack authors will hardly touch the subject. Big Pharma and Big Telecom, hand-in-hand.

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Attacks on Americans either directly or on their rights and freedoms started the day after we declared independence. It;s just that as of more recent the attacks have intensified. A century ago they were trying to use the justification of eugenics to rid society of what the upper-class people considered undesirables. Those with wealth and power who see them selves as above the rest of us peasants have been attacking America/Americans since day 1 b/c Americans did something that could not go unpunished for it showed that a nation doesn't have to be the tax mule of another. Anytime a nation in recent history has tried to break free from the ruling classes control the nations leader(s) found themselves the victim of an attack (usually by America) and or a coup or similar. Sadam wasn't a threat, there were no WMD's. he was trying to break free of a couple of dependency circles his nations was in and so America was tasked with replacing him under the guise of WMD's. Kahdafi tried to break free and also found himself replaced.

The ruling class who control centralized banking don't like it when a slave tries to break free of their monetary control. I'm no fan of either Sadam or Kahdafi but I can see BS as well as smell it.

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DPT had aluminum adjuvant. I should love the allergies, asthma, etc. ensuing thence?

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it;s a bit more nuanced than that SaHiB, are you worried about aluminium bioaccumulation? If so there are a plethora of modalities to encourage heavy metal detox and elimination from the body.


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Aluminium is not one of the heavy metals. They are basically lead, mercury and cadmium.

They all have their own harm profiles with aluminium and others. The detox techniques often differ though.

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Arsenic too, though technically a metalloid.

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right on both points

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that may be true, Michael, but as someone heavily vaxxed in the 1950s & 60s, i have found using extreme modalities like DMSA chelation to be incredibly toxic and damaging.

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Avoid ingesting aluminum, and drink silica water. (Preferably defluoridated.)

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Yep. Starting with Millennials all the attacks from all sides on the general public were increased. From the propagandizing of grade school students to crap they put in our food and beverages that are illegal to use in most 1st world nations. That and social media are why there is such a clear difference between GenX and Millennials.

Working together, #BigFood & #BigPharma can bring about global dependency circles. That is where 2 or more person or entities become so dependent on teh other that none can break free. If you were to try and rid America of the Income TX the largest pushback you'd get to that would come from those industries dependent on the income tax and that's not the government but tax lawyers and tax accountants. #BigFood poison's us via cheaper ingredients and manufacturing processes which means more $$ for them and they create a sizeable customer base for #BigPharma.

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I believe the most important qualification for this role is a genuine commitment to our children’s well-being, rather than being swayed by the interests of big pharmaceutical companies. This individual truly cares about our kids, especially in a time when too many have overlooked their struggles amidst political agendas. When Last administration watched children disappear, and didn’t even do anything about it.

From my perspective, it seems that those who fully trust vaccines often oppose him, but for many of us who have witnessed the negative impact of vaccines firsthand, we deeply appreciate someone who is dedicated to making a difference. The uncertainty surrounding vaccine effects can be daunting, as we never know how each child might be affected.

For example, my daughter developed epilepsy after her routine vaccinations. We endured years of navigating the medical and educational systems just to maintain a semblance of normalcy for her until she eventually outgrew it. Now, with my son, I faced a heartbreaking situation where his father insisted on his vaccinations for kindergarten. This decision nearly led to him being committed to a mental health facility due to the neurological damage that resulted. Thankfully, I now have full custody, and I’ve decided not to vaccinate him for middle school. As much as I do not want to involve lawyers, they’re leaving me no choice I’m not sacrificing my child's well-being for anyone and that little boy just wants to play soccer for his school with his friends and he’s gonna lose that. We even obtained a federal exemption from all vaccines, yet our state medical board just denied it without asking a single medical question.

It’s clear that while some people are deeply invested in this issue, others may not understand the gravity of the situation unless they experience it themselves. Compassion and understanding are essential in these discussions, as each family’s journey is unique and often filled with challenges.

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He is unqualified for the job. Just look it up.

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I did look him up. His wiki page is very impressive! The man is truly committed to environment and health. The lefties used to celebrate him. Now they hate him... maybe because they are in bed with Big Pharma now?

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If you can find a way to navigate through recovery of a heroin addiction, I truly admire your strength. Climbing that ladder despite knowing the difficulties and negativity that will get thrown your way demonstrates incredible resilience. It takes great courage to keep pushing forward when others might not understand your journey. Your ability to face these obstacles is truly commendable, and I have deep respect for anyone who can do that.

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Read his book. Then try again.

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you're unqualified

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Look it up where? Mainstream media? 😆

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You could even listen to some of his interviews such as with Joe Rogan or Dr. Phil. Also Children’s health TV defense has shows where Kennedy interviews people on different health topics. Then you can really see his great critical thinking skills.

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And what exactly are the qualifications for this job because unless those are "you must be a political puppet" then I bet no one nominated for that position in the last 50 years was "qualified"

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You will never have to consider vaccines for your school-age children if you Homeschool. It's worth it in so many ways.

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We homeschooled and my kids are like geniuses compared to their public school peers. They are however not well versed in activism , Climate Change Gender Ideology and they aren't good at protesting, or gluing themselves to the floors of museums or roadways so they'll never be qualified to be in the Democrat party, not the one of today.

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Yes it is. Bless you if you can. My kids were vaccinated and both have issues. They were not given the 78 that they get now. They didn’t exist. We were so blind back then. Thank God for the wisdom of today. I don’t have a doctor anymore. I am my doctor. The ones that I recently went to were terrible. I gave up. God bless the children of the world. They will surely need him to watch over them against greed and corruption the two most important things to humanity

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Americans are poorly educated as is, do you want them educated even less by leaving it to "moms and pops?"

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Angelina, you are correct in that "Americans are poorly educated" . . . I'm an 89 year old Australian who has lived and worked around the world. The company I help found had a head office in London (where I lived for 15 years) branches in Antwerp, Cologne, Nice, Hong Kong, New York, and I am now settled in the USA . . . . But you are ill-informed on the notion that American children would be "educated even less by leaving it to "moms and pops."

Apart from the fact that wonderful resources are available for Home Schooling Parents to ensure their children win . . . the actual statistical facts show home schooled kids are academically superior to what the US Governmental system is producing.

I wrote the book "How to Learn-How to Teach: Overcoming the Seven Barriers to Comprehension." I have researched educational matters internationally. It is a subject I am somewhat expert in.

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Roger, I see your point. However, leaving education entirely in their parents hands (vs. in addition to school), could lead to more troubles than we already got. Not all parents are suited to teach (nothing wrong with it), not all parents are educated well, so it would be the blind lead the blind, and as a parent, I do see many issues with above situation, and while it could be excellent in some cases, it also could be a disaster in the wrong hands. I think we'd be better off to raise an educational standard across the country, having the best textbooks (competition written) from the best teachers, etc. It's not so difficult to raise this standard, the precedents of raising educational standard even from illiteracy already exist. The US should not be too proud to learn how it was done in other countries.

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Angelina, you evidently are 'under-educated', and unfamiliar as to how 'home-schooling' actually works? Yes, there needs to be competition,.. particularly, public funding attached 'to-the-student',.. rather than 'to-the-school-district' (and teacher's unions control), which would immediately solve the competition for better education FOR the public school students. But the data (and my own personal experience with family and friends who are home-schooling) shows that home-schooled are much better prepared, better-educated, more socialized, and have better moral-judgment.

That doesn't mean we should abandon Public-Education, which until the last 50-70 years of John Dewey's 'progressive' (Socialist-Statist) influence, and the DNC-NEA-Teacher's Unions collusion-corruption ,..Public Education in the US. was pretty good.

I understand your concern for home-schooling parents, who are actually paying 'twice' for educating children, since their tax-dollars are still funding the unworkable public education/government-schools, politician-teachers unions 'shell-game'.

However, parenting choices are still imperative in the education of their children. We have not yet been completely CO-OPTED by the Statist-Communist-Socialist ethos.

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I was referring to the public school textbooks, which could be selected based on the national competition to write the best textbooks.

The problem is that Americans are so severely under-educated, that they don't even know how bad the state of education is.

Wow... "your family and friends experience" - lol - how very impressive!

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I'm sorry that you believe experience is not important? I assume you discount my familiarity with home-schooling? Don't you think that's being just a little bit arrogant.? Do you actually know anyone who home-schools, or home-schooled individuals? Perhaps your public-school 'education' has not made you especially empathetic about other viewpoints?

Textbooks alone will not address the deeper moral abyss of public education. Textbooks can not replace parents, or parent's choices for their children.

By the way, who chooses which textbooks are used? What is their moral ethos? What is your view of John Dewey's (Socialist-Statist) influence on public-education?

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Homeschooled children consistently outperform their public school peers. There is no way I would recommend any parent send their children to public ‘indoctrination’ schools.

“Homeschooled students score about 72 points higher than the national average on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The average American College Test (ACT) score is 21. The average score for homeschoolers is 22.8 out of a possible 36 points. Homeschoolers are at the 77th percentile on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.”

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To 'outperform" the American public school peers is not hard, and means absolutely nothing, and the above point system is meaningless. The real question is how do they perform against the students from the countries with known high standards of education?

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Parents do well homeschooling. Kids are smart. They pick up and understand and reading material very quickly. My homeschooled daughter graduated from MIT.

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Congrats! Happens. Even a broken clock shows correct time twice/day.

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No, it doesn't just "happen" twice a day when you spend the time with your children.

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That's just wrong. Yo clearly are not aware of what homeschooling is today.. It;s not some kind of free range learning as some people have experimented with. We homeschooled our girls' grades 1-12 and my oldest easily got accepted to one of the most recognized colleges in TX. My youngest who is in 11th grade and already taken college level courses, is on the same track.

There are definitely school districts that as they are today would produce outstanding high school graduates but they are becoming the few. Even if we raised the standards on education we still have the threat of the ideologues in teh system poisoning our kids mind; trying to convince them their gay or queer. They could still indoctrinate while simultaneously proving the required education.

The system is a lost cause with as badly corrupted as it has become. It's not just about educational standards. You still have the terrible teachers unions to contend with and they are not going anywhere. The system is also a huge money pit. We spend more per student than other nations and still produce the worst outcomes. You would need to adress all of the bellow before you could even get to a point where the system is acceptable:

1) Fed Dept of Ed - This may finally end

2) ALL teacher unions. Public unions should be illegal since there is no competition but more importantly because these unions are corrupt

3) Raise education standards/requirements

4) Put and end to the violence tolerated by certain ethnic groups in the name of fighting racism

5) The administrative state within the education system. The buck should stop at the school superintendent. Every district should have minimal guidelines from the state and otherwise allowed to execute education the way those living in the district want.

6) End the discrimination against boys and the drugging of them to change their behaviors. The system has been modified to be pro-girl and anti-boy. They drug boys to make them more like girls b/c boys are naturally more rambunctious

The problem is much broader then just education standards

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Public schools are liberals and predators playgrounds. Where else can you groom children to change their sex to match their drag queen teacher Or give them books to read that teach sodomy in kindergarten and grade school. Under the democratic rule the children were targets for every evil that came down the road. And all behind the parents backs. That was your Kamala and Joe. You know the people are not educated when they were willing to toss their kids into the fire because they hated Trump. All colleges are just as bad if not worse. The professors get to spew their hatred for anyone upon their students. Most are communists. We always seem to have a shiny new young communist party every year. Very expensive grooming going on in college. They interview them on campus. They don’t even know what country they are in or how many states there are. We are in a sad state of affairs

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Americans are poorly educated because public schools suck. Waiting for reforms? Hah. Taking it into one's own hands is the way to go. Raise them to be self-learners, and their future looks bright. :-)

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People do not realize how much misinformation and propaganda there is in a public school education. Not going to spark debate by giving details, but it will finally start to come out in the next few years. The same holds true for university education in many fields. I studied the public health system in my MPH program and almost no one knows the history of medicine in this country. Certainly not 95% of doctors. Today, a professor would be dismissed for teaching what I was able to learn at Boston University in the 90's. Our medical education system is a study in corruption, and it started well over 100 years ago. At any rate, education is a complex topic, and there is no easy solution. However, before solutions are made, what we teach needs to be entirely revamped, and it needs to address an entirely different set of values. For example, every child should be learning life skills, such as cooperation, negotiation, conflict resolution, meditation, and health, as examples. By health I mean true health, the kind of thing you read here in AMD's columns, not the pharmacy-funded misadventures you get from universities, journal articles and government agencies.

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I just saw a Baptist minister who is going after the school board for the books in the school. I have watched lots of parents go to the schools about books. You know the school is a shit show when drag queens reading to children. When they have LBTQXYZ grooming the kids to change their sex without the parents. That happened to Elon Musk. I will take home schooling. Thanks

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This is an excellent example that proves the politicization of our education system. I used to think this was a very recent phenomenon until I started going down some rabbit holes and educating myself. Once you do that, there's no turning back, and you find that our entire education system, not just public, but also including private universities, was politicized from the start. What people need to know is WHO started our educational systems. This includes medical schools, dental schools and vet schools. They also started the AMA. You will find it's the same people who own our banking system, Wall Street, the FED, and have control of many (most?) other societal systems as well. To think they would be objective and have no agendas in setting up public school education of our children would be naive. For anyone who thinks this sounds a little too conspiracy theory, I suggest you first focus on educating yourself about the history of education in this country before deciding how you want to educate your children. If you don't know this, if you, yourself, aren't educated about the system itself, you can't make informed decisions.

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That's ignorance talking. The idea that homeschooled means being less educated then going to public school is a conspiracy theory started by those in the public education system who are dependent on forcing as many people as they can, to send their kids to government indoctrination camps we call public schools as they can. Are there homeschooled kids who are less educated? Absolutely but those are the exceptions, the outliers.

My wife who was a public school teacher when we met, left that b/c she saw teh changes being made and did not want our kids to bed public school educated so we worked to get to where she could be a stay at home mom who homeschooled. Thus teh decision to homeschool wasn't made out of ignorance but intelligent foresight and by a college graduate so there goes the idea that we're just 2 dumb rednecks that don't know better.

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Really? Just get the American "home-schooled" to test against their Chinese, Russian, or Japanese peers, then we talk.

This argument that the American "home-schooled" do better than the American "public-schooled" is really pathetic, because the measuring stick is so low.

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When I first read this I thought it was sarcasm; humor. But you seem serious. The Chinese and Russians are hoping as many of our kids are public school educated as possible as it will make us easier to conquer because we'll be an even more dumbed down society then we already are. If you think public school educated kids can compete with the Russians and especially teh Chinese educated kids then you aren't living in the same reality as the rest of us.

What's pathetic is that even today we still have to combat ignorance about home schooling. if I had to guess Id say your also college educated.

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I hope you realize I meant that the comparison is not in favor of the American kids; home-schooled or public schooled. Sad reality. Period.

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I did which is why I replied to correct you. Homeschooled kids on avg are NOTHING like their public school/indoctrination camp peers

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I don’t think that is correct. My son home schools his children. It isn’t what you think. They have a program where they are online with an actual teacher. I have sat with my granddaughter and was extremely impressed. They are rigged and don’t fool around. She kept them busy and the subject matter was excellent.

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@Roosevelt - I'm not disputing individual successes in home-schooling. What I am saying is that a normal, well-rounded program in the public schools should be enough. At the moment, American kids are self-boiling in their own juices, without being exposed to their international peers, to see the deficiencies.

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Yes. In today’s schools, and with access to knowlege anytime at your fingertips, absolutely!😊

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If we had any sort of decent press in America, this article would be blazing on the front page. Well done, AMD!

The plan, as it were, was to de-populate and concentrate the populace in cities to live in someone's digital fascist state. Mind you, fascists could have a D or R by their name. Money is the party they work for.

Anecdote: my husband worked a contract at Roche. By Dec 2023 he heard in an all-staff meeting that mgmt already knew that turbo cancers would be a future money stream now that the C19 jab push ended. Hmm, why did they know that? Because hobbling people, all while making them pay along the way, *is the plan*.

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No doubt.

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Excellent article!! I have called my senators and several “ on the fence” Senators. Praying for RFK Jr’s confirmation. Fortunately he can handle controversy and shines with true facts and figures. He is a class act and we need him more than ever.

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Who's on the fence?

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Todd Young (IN-R): (202) 224-5623

• Jerry Moran (KS-R): (202) 224-


• Bill Cassidy (LA-R): (202) 224-


• Thom Tillis (NC-R): (202) 224-6342

• James Lankford (OK-R): (202) 224-


• Susan Collins (ME-R): (202) 224-


• Lisa Murkowski (AK-R): (202) 224-


Tulsi Gabbard is expected to receive resistance from Senators Collins, Young, and Moran.

RFK is expected to receive resistance from Senators Cassidy, Lankford, Murkowski, and Tillis.

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Thom Tillis has come out in approval for RFK, Jr.

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Yes, too many of the "charities" touting they are engaged in or trying to find a cure are deceitfully quite the opposite.

Though, on close inspection their names can be the give-away . . .

As an example, notice it is not the "American Anti-Cancer Society," but the "American Cancer Society."

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It never ceased to amaze me how effective that tactic was

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My husband's mother was dying of cancer and asked ACS for help. She was told she would not be a success story. Are you aware when ACS is at a trade show and 3000 people attend the trade show, ACS has now informed 3000 people on cancer (it doesn't matter if only 14 stopped at their booth). Only a few cents of your $ donated goes to fund cancer anything. CEOs who are accused of stealing in one state soon end up as CEO in another state (can't make this up - it's in headline news if you ever followed it). Once I learned this and much more, I have never given another penny to ACS (or any of the big 3 help yourself charities).

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The pharma / big agriculture brothel working boys and girls like Pence and Warren are creatively saying "I'm being paid way to much money to confirm RFK, Jr.". Warren's creativity ginned up 170 questions for RFK, Jr. as her smoke screen. She does not care that the system is broken. Her only concern is the promised campaign donations from the lobbyists. Similarly Pence. RFK, Jr.'s background and intelligence makes him perfect for directing our broken H.H.S..

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If you are waiting for government to make you healthy, then you do indeed need a doctor.

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Here's a other tiny but significant example of how philanthrocapitalists can hire PR firms to create public opinion about health: wine. Most people likely won't care, because most people now believe moderate wine drinking is bad for your health. Here in the Napa Valley, we are watching families lose their livelihoods because Bill 💸 Gates, Open Philanthropy, GiveWell, Movendi, Bloomberg and other NGOs are funding PR agencies to craft the narrative. Meanwhile, I could show you hundreds of studies that show moderate wine drinking supports good health.

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Wine contains catechin that is an antioxident and cancer preventative. Why is it difficult to access information from scientific papers and studies published in the scientific literature?

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Resvertrol as well.

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Reveratrol is listed as anti-bacterial, anti fungal; grapes have vitamin C, calcium, chromium, fiber, pectin and zinc as well.

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I'd wondered why all the fuss. Medscrape, too. Worst I know about wine is it contains quercetin glycosides, which inhibit aldehyde dehydrogenase. (IOW, have an Antabuse effect.)

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Thank you for your exhaustive work here. I just wrote to my representatives ! Please everyone go to the link and let truth be told and heard!!

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Thank you.

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Just learned (5:15PM) the betting odds on RFK Jr. confirmation rose by 30% after his testimony at the hearings. Learned there are 7 Pharma lobbyists for every member of congress (both houses) Elizabeth Warren is one of the largest beneficiarie$ They just make you hate them.

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The greatest threat to the Uniparty Deep State is transparency. A transparent government and the Uniparty Deep State are incompatible. That is the core issue with Kennedy (same as Trump FYI). He wants transparency. The Medical Industrial Complex wants to operate without accountability in the dark and without any questioning from those who live outside the Complex (aka just shut up and believe the MIC experts).

A fundamental tenet of our fascist government Uniparty is the absence of transparency, accountability and justification for their actions.

This is NOT about public health, abortion, vaccines, food supply, or any other red herring narrative.

It is purely about the Deep State wanting to maintain the status quo.

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Praying fervently for RFK, Jr's HHS confirmation as we desperately need him to begin to change the disastrous health trajectory we've been on, & bring full disclosure to the American people about C19 & so many other things.

However, contacting the profoundly corrupt, bottom-feeding swamp creatures who 'serve' NJ in name only, Senators Booker & Kim, would simply be a waste of key strokes.

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Same in Michigan, both senators are Democrats. Gary Peters and Elissa Slotkin.

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Wrote to both senators and included a link to this article. Thanks Doc.

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Thank you

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I feel very strongly about this as well, and you did a most excellent job of laying it all out. My wife and I are both actively using DMSO and mms thanks to your DMSO articles and your recommend of Dr. Yoho. We've both been struggling with health issues for many years and I feel a new real hope again for both of us. Apparently RFK Jr. said at his confirmation, to paraphrase "healthy people have many dreams, sick people only have one".

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Midwestern Doctor Please read: DMSO testimony.

DMSO TESTAMENT that I've been meaning to submit...

I fell with my lower leg away from my body, hitting my knee and sustained an injury (maybe hyperextended knee?). I also cut my leg as well. I didn't get it checked but immediately started DMSO. I had it on hand as I tried it for my arthritis. Anyway, after a week and a half of DMSO therapy, the swelling went away, the pain went away, and I felt that it really worked for me. Icing on the cake was that my cut (which was really a gash) healed like new!!

2nd testimony: I have severe arthritis in my lumbar spine as well as SI joint disfunction and an acquired rotary scoliosis. I know better but got carried away in a yoga class and did a spinal twist that made me tear up in pain (btw I received PRP 8 months ago and I had not had any pain since--thanks for that recommedation:). So I pulled out the DMSO and started treatment and sure enough, after 6 days I am pain free again. I really appreciate your research and bringing these therapies to the public. And I appreciate this article that you have submitted today.

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Thank you so much! Will add to the list.

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