Of course, you knew the comments would attack you from both sides, and also those in the middle who don’t know much, who appreciate “nuance.”

I write this with a rock in my heart.

I deeply appreciate your work. And a lot of this is very informative on different areas providing background.

But I don’t understand how you can write Israel has been wanting to settle the land of the Palestinians. Palestine was not a sovereign country for hundreds of years. It had no currency. There was no ethnic Palestinian People: Anyone in the region, whether Jew, Muslim, or Christian, was called Palestinian. Surely, you know was a wasteland before Zionists immigrated and started working the land. Many Arabs immigrated there when it seemed like a better economic opportunity than what they had. So no, there was no Palestinian People who ruled themselves.

In 1947, the UN gave the Arab Palestinians a choice - a beautiful state, and to accept Israel as well. The Palestinian Arabs rejected this. Surrounding Arab countries told them to leave their homes, that they would obliterate Israel, and then the Palestinians could return.

Against all odds, fighting for its very survival completely alone (other than God), Israel won.

Throughout the last 75 years Israel has fought many wars. Wars they did not instigate (please tell me you have read this history). And yet, when they gained land in these wars they did not instigate, they were told to give it back. When they retaliated in these live-or-die wars and started winning, all of a sudden the world called for restraint.

In the early 2000s was the second Intafada, when Israelis were blown up on busses, in cafes, and at weddings. In 2005, in the greatest peace gesture in its history, Israel gave the Palestinians the Gaza Strip. Israeli soldiers forcibly removed Israeli families from their homes, for Palestinians to live there.

Hamas razed these homes, and the big productive greenhouses left behind. And now, to thank Israel for its offering, Israelis are routinely showered with rockets from this area, and occasionally kidnapped.

And yet we play by the world's rules.

The world says Israel is an apartheid state, even though many Arabs are integrated into Israeli society. They are doctors, judges, and even in the parliament. Arabic is an official language in Israel.

Rules that say: Yes you’ve given concessions - well, that’s proof that the Palestinians deserved all of that. They’ve murdered you - well, that’s proof that you’ve done something that justifies their anger.

Rules that say, even though Gaza rules itself, and spends its aid money on weapons rather than its poor - it's an open-air prison and it's Israel's fault.

Rules that say Israel should provide free electricity and other care to Gaza. No matter that Egypt also shares a border with Gaza but wants nothing to do with them.

Rules that say even when they infiltrate your communities and smash your baby's head in front of you before killing you too (2008) there must be something you can do to appease them.

Rules that say: Although they dance in the streets when you are kidnapped, tortured, and killed, and their children learning hate with their mother's breastmilk, all you have to do is negotiate more.

Rules that say: Although they chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," it doesn't really mean that. They want to live side by side with you, of course.

Rules that say: Even though they laughingly went into your homes and butchered complete families, even though Israel gives detailed instructions for Palestinian civilians to flee, Israel is still in the wrong.

A world that condemns Israel more than China, Iran, and North Korea combined.

The fascinating thing about Jew-hatred is that it can take the form of whatever one doesn’t like. Over the centuries, Jews have been hated for nearly every trait known to man.

If people resented welfare, they found poor Jews to hate. If they resented capitalism, they found wealthy Jews to hate. If they resented communism, they found socialist Jews to hate. If they resented elitism, they found intellectual Jews to hate. If they resented depravity, they found immoral Jews to hate. If they resented morality, they found religious Jews to hate. If they resented weakness, they found submissive Jews to hate. If they resented perseverance, they found successful Jews to hate. If they resented colonialism, they found victorious Jews to hate.

Right now, Israel is expected to somehow respond to an enemy that would celebrate Israel's total, anguished destruction. An enemy that hides behind its own children. An enemy that sees might as a sign of glory and compassion as a sign of weakness, in a world that sees compassion as a sign of virtue and might as a sign of evil.

You write that “One of the most common things which breeds fundamentalism and wars has been poor living conditions.” Please take a look at Brigitte Gabriel’s story. She is a Christian from Lebanon, and told of how radical Muslims indescribably tortured those who disagreed with their way of life. The country devolved from a Christian beacon to a Muslim war pit. Hers is a fascinating story. https://www.c-span.org/video/?194639-1/because-hate

Please realize what you have contrasted.

On the one hand, the extreme Palestinian views says “some have felt that Israel should not exist, to the point many are willing to give both their lives and their children’s lives in the hope it will destroy the Israelis.”

While the Israel extreme view says, “the two state solution represents an extreme danger to Israel and Palestinian statehood must be restrained in order to protect Israeli (e.g., not provided with the autonomy that a single state gives) in order to protect Israeli lives.”

So one wants its enemy destroyed, while the other wants its enemy kept at bay.

It’s much more than you have wrote, that one side places higher value on the lives of its citizens. Israel goes out of its way to try targeting only military bases, while Hamas hides behind children and hospitals. Israel places higher value on Palestinian lives than Hamas does. This distinction is crucial.

They have voiced this out loud, just this week. “The difference between us and them, is that for them they think life begins. For us, we believe that death begins.” https://twitter.com/emily8275/status/1712489784453779794?s=46&t=t9yvoFCjS9phCwIVYtu9lg

So yes, there are many peripheral points to know, which I do appreciate your article for. But the most important factor cannot be overlooked.

Thank you.

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I tried very hard to cover all the key points in a non-biased way.

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You did. I have two points not addressed. All governments fear the 2nd amendment. They are afraid the people will rebel and assassinate politicians when they do something horrible like jabbing everyone with bio-weapon that will kill them.

So the Israelis locked up their weapons in armories in the kibbutzes and they were released in only one. That kibbutz lived. The others died. The Israeli government is so fearful of its own citizens they created the opportunity for this attack to succeed.

Safe from their own citizens, they jabbed them all in a short time frame. In his book, "The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic," Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche explains how jabbing most of a population with non-sterilizing jabs will inevitably put population level evolutionary pressure on a rapidly mutating virus and cause it first to become more highly contagious and will soon create a virus that will break through the weakly bonding, non-sterilizing antibodies and kill the victim.

Assume a very contagious, highly virulent virus can appear. Normally a virus that kills its host quickly does not spread. But before that virus can appear a highly contagious, non-virulent virus only one mutation away from the kill virus can spread through highly jabbed populations. The Covid jabs have set up highly jabbed populations for disaster.

The Israeli's are a prime example of a quickly, and highly jabbed population that is at risk from numerous, spontaneous, highly contagious, highly virulent viruses wiping out most of the people that have been jabbed. with the Covid19 bio-weapons.

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Excellent point!

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Thank you for being unbiased, and giving President Trump his due. As a Trump supporter, I'm impressed, because I'm pretty sure you're not MAGA. 🫡

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You did an excellent job.

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The essential issue with this article was that it was 10,000 words (so it was already twice as long as what people normally want to read) so I could not go into all the granular details. All of the points you present essentially boil down to "many Israelis believe the land belongs to them rather than the Palestinians" so they aren't stealing it from anyone. While this is one widely held view, many disagree with it, and thus view the settler's actions as theft. I mentioned the entire point because it's one of the primary reasons the Palestinians feel Israel has wronged them and they want revenge.

I fully agree that Israel's enemies made a variety of very bad decisions, and if those decisions had not been made, a very different world would exist now and they would have a lot more territory. The question however becomes what should be done now. Essentially you can argue Israel is historically entitled to what it has now, but at the same time since many don't agree, it is a constant source of conflict. My point was to highlight the source of the argument rather than saying which side was right. I think the whole thing is a mess and very few people who have strong feelings about the conflict really understand how much of a mess it is.

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There has to be a factual basis to claims.

1) Almost every country in existence conquered land from a different country or people, including the US, yet no one demands that they give that land back except in Israel's case. For instance, no one demands that the US give back lands to the Indians or France give back Alsace-Lorraine to Germany, or Spain give back land to the Basques or Russia give back land to the Georgians and Tatars, or Turkey give back land to Cyprus etc.

2) It is a fundamental error to think that Jews only started coming to "Palestine" in the 1800s. They have continually tried to come back since the Destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE. In every century since, they established communities in the country, but were murdered/driven away/preyed upon by the Romans, Byzantines, and various groups of Muslims since Mohammed's times who controlled the area. Only since the 1800s has their attempt to return to the land seen success. There are many Jews in Israel who are 10th-15th generation descendants of Jews living here since the 1500s-1600s. Conversely, many of the Arabs presently living in Israel were immigrants from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, the Balkans in the 1900s. The fact that the Ottoman Muslims over the centuries were successful at decimating the local Jewish communities doesn't bequeath them fundamental rights or ownership to the land.

3) No country called Palestine ever existed. It was merely a geographical province ruled by the Romans, Byzantines, and Muslims. The British conquered Palestine from the Ottoman Empire and instituted the British mandate which lasted 20 years. When they left in 1948, a battle ensued for control of the land between the surrounding Muslim countries and local Jewish residents, with partial victory going to the Jews.

4) The State of Israel respects any West Bank land which belongs to a private Palestinian and will not take their land away. Numerous court cases established this and the State has even destroyed Jewish homes built on such land. All other land is state land which the state can do with it as it wishes. On these lands, Jewish settlements were built.

5) Every year, numerous archaeological findings are found in the West Bank including ancient Jewish structures and numerous Jewish artifacts due to the fact that Jews lived continuously in this land from 1270 BCE until 450 CE, and sporadically in small towns and villages thereafter (which were continuously destroyed and rebuilt). No Palestinian artifacts have ever been found since no people by this name ever lived here.

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The world is full of lands who believe part of their neighbor countries should belong to them.

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I tend to think the "mess" is deeply spiritual in nature. I mention in my Stack how Arabs and Jews lived in Palestine for millennia before the zealotry of supremacist, Zionist AshkeNAZI Jews thought it time to force the rebuilding of the third temple wherein they, as the Scribes, Pharisees and moneychangers of Christ's day, intend to establish themselves, Exceptionalist Israel, as rulers over the whole earth under their religious head (false Christ) who sits in the temple demanding to be worshipped by all who wish to live.

https://risingdawn360.substack.com/p/from-a-biblical-perspective-the-present day state of Israel is Illegitimate.

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I would like to see a big WALL built, and either all the Israeli's or all the Palestinians flown to the other side of the WALL. Compared to all the lives that have been lost in their battles since the end of WW II, and all the deaths, anguish, and money the rest of the world has experienced because of both of these people, I think it would be well justified.

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Beautifully written and on point! The Jewish people cannot win no matter what they do. So, they might as well do what’s necessary to survive or be killed by their many enemies! Wake up World!!!

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I think this is a truer summary of the situation. I am a Catholic (whose people abused the Jews living in Europe) and have no "skin in the game." I just see that somehow the Palestinians demonstrating all over the world are blaming the victims for the brutality committed against them. And the nitwits are agreeing with them. Seriously?

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If the Palestinians didn't exist, Jew-hatred would have to invent them. In our most atavistic aspects of self, we want to subjugate and dominate. Women, particular ethnic groups, children have been vulnerable to this over long time, and Jews have been vulnerable to this, but Jews were also always envied, and Robert Sapolsky says those whom we envy, we really persecute when in us/them states. The enraging thing about Jews and Israel is, in one respect, the fact that Israel deprived the world of their historical scapegoat in a time when subjugation of minorities and women is more and more illegal. And the forces arrayed against us, making war on us from an invisible nexus of power, are using all the weapons at their disposal to trigger every division and every primitive descent they know of. Who wins in this war? No one save the invisible power.

Israelis will be devastated on so many levels and Palestinians too, as perpetrators and as victims, both. It isn't an accident that we are hit with demands based on Net Zero or climate to live much smaller lives and eat bugs because the goal is to trigger violence that rises in us when resources are scarce, going back millions of years. I could not be more for the Jews having a homeland, and I do not think the Nakba is equivalent to the history of persecution of the Jews, but the intractability of this is being engineered and peace is always thwarted as Midwestern Doctor so thoroughly describes.

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Best comment ever. I wish I could like it 1000 times.

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Thank you for your excellent summary of the situation, which reflects what I have learned from other places. Back in 1981 I travelled to Israel (on the hippy trail from SE Asia and India) and I was inspired by what they were doing to "make the desert bloom", and to explore new ways of living in community, in kibbutzim. And I also read about the history of the region, and the repeated efforts of the neighbouring Arab countries and settlements to wipe them out, and refuse to negotiate or compromise.

More recently, I found myself more and more sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza - but that has all changed in the last 2 weeks. Even trying to remain neutral and balanced, I have been horrified by the number of people - who I had considered thoughtful and intelligent people, many of them resisting the mass hypnotism of the past 3 years - who have refused to condemn the recent Hamas massacre, instead minimising, denying and justifying it as a "jailbreak" by a persecuted and oppressed people.

So I have been reviewing the history and the dynamics - again trying to stay neutral, but unable to move past the sheer brutality of people who can torture and kill other human beings face to face.

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This is very good and reflects my experiences in Israel, as a tourist speaking to Israelis.

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I appreciate the additional information you have provided. Very well stated.

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Fantastic post. I'll add two points:

1. The statement by Midwestern Doctor that, “One of the most common things which breeds fundamentalism and wars has been poor living conditions” is simply wrong. Twenty years ago, Gaza was known as Gush Katif. It was part of Israel, but sadly given away in 2005 as Land for Peace.

This beautiful coastal region provided an enormous economic opportunity for the "Palestinian" people, most of whom were refugees from surrounding Arab lands.

Instead of building on the existing green houses and farms the Israelis had built from scratch, the new "Gazans" burned these properties down and created a terrorist camp.

We certainly have the "poor living conditions" that Midwestern Doctor speaks of, but he's clearly unaware of the history. And even if he were, the tone of his article makes it clear that he'd underplay it.

For example, over $90 million in international relief funds were used to build terror tunnels into Israel. Yet he speaks of poverty. I think it's pretty clear where he's coming from.

2. Name one Muslim country where a Jew or Christian can live freely. Contrast that to Israel, where freedom and religious tolerance reign. This is not a war based on poverty. It's based solely on ideology. For Jews in Israel, it's about survival.

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Hi, it looks like Substack's comments fixed themselves, so there is no longer a need to reply to this comment (you can leave a new one).

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Brilliant! Not many understand both medicine and geopolitics. I doubt that Hamas will ever kill as many Hebrews as Bibi with his jab mandates. This Judas betrayed his people for 30 pieces of silver from Pfizer. I think you are low when you say Ukraine has lost 100,00 killed. I think they are closer to 600,000 killed and over a million more wounded so far.It does feel like the imbeciles and neocons in the White House are sleepwalking us into WWIII, a war we will lose with Gen. Austin running things.

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That was an old figure (from March). The exact estimates are hard to get so I just gave a lower figure.

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The 2nd of September there came a report, and another on 180 sides the 17th, and the results showed that 13.25 billions of injections, and by number of died by the injections measured in many countries, the 17 millions dead by injection. And thereby for 800 injections 1 dead person. And with i 2021 then 7,888 billions peoples then 1 out of 470 of the peoples died by Covid-19 injections.

There is much more about the killings by the injections, which according to the laws not allowed to be called vaccines, which beside they never have been, but the WHO and CDC changed the meaning of the word "vaccine".

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Andrei at smoothiex12 on YouTube has more recent figures. As you are a midwestern doctor do you advise betting on Indiana and taking 33 points vs Michigan today? Go Hoosiers!

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Some of my patients are really into sports but I feel sports betting is a bit outside my knowledge base.

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I'm glad you concentrate on medicine and geopolitics for now, until the world is safe again.

I don't bet on sports either.

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Congratulations for being the first person I've seen online making any mention of the conflict between Native Americans and the descendants of European immigrants in the context of what's been going on between the Palestinians and the founders of Israel since the large scale return of Jews to that part of the world in the aftermath of the Holocaust and World War II. The raid out of Gaza last Saturday reminds me of what happened in the Dakotas with the intense fighting in the 1870s between the Sioux and Cheyenne on the one hand against the United States military on the other, starting with what is often referred to as "Custer's Last Stand." Those who are not familiar with or no can longer recall that part of our own history can see, for example, https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-ushistory2/chapter/the-battle-of-little-bighorn-and-the-massacre-at-wounded-knee/

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You are a true renaissance man (or woman?) with unparalleled knowledge of a great many topics. You are appreciated and valued.

I do worry, however, that there is a bigger picture that you are not confronting, in that many believe there are puppet masters pulling the world’s strings. I’m sure you are aware of this belief that is held by many people, who offer actual documentation, videos, quotes, and history to put these ideas more into a “fact” category and less a “conspiracy theory” category.

It seems to many (some very learned and scholarly, and for many others, it’s more intuitive) that the globalists are recreating the world to their liking, and thus, everything that happens is part of that greater plan. Every cataclysmic event, in other words, is a means to an end. And I don’t think the powers that be are hiding it. We are experiencing the effects of a totalitarian regime, more so each and every day that passes. The Great Reset is a book, after all, written by Klaus Schwab, which spells out their intentions.

To the wise and awake, it makes total sense that our puppet masters were behind the Hamas attacks. The globalist world leaders are constantly shuffling the board, perched to swallow up land and resources in alignment with their plan. Very little seems random at this point.

And I do have to say, this quote of yours was a bit off putting: “ Finally, in the same way Hamas miscalculated how much their actions would upset the Israelis….”

How could anyone miscalculate alleged beheadings, burning people alive, invading a festival of young people on paragliders and chasing them through the desert with guns for hours? We have seen the carnage of babies, if truth is being told.

Upset the Israelis? How about upset most of humanity (or anyone with a heart)? That sort of carnage was ordered and carried out with perfect intention. Miscalculated? How does one miscalculate the effects of such evil?

It was planned and had the desired effect, not just in Israel, but in most people who still behold reason and the sanctity of life as foundational to survival.

Hamas knew exactly what it was doing. And I submit those orders came somewhere much higher up than Hamas.

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I am aware of a lot of ideas and theories that I consider on a daily basis. The ones I discuss on here are the ones I feel I can prove as I feel being credible is critical for everything else.

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By upset the Israelis I meant doing so to the degree Israel was willing to mobilize and wipe Hamas off the map.

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I'd suggest that their biggest miscalculation was they expected the Israeli response to be quicker and more effective. Their hit squads were thus given more of a free rein than was anticipated, and killed and kidnapped far more than expected. Once they were sent across the border, they had no control over them, and trusted the Israeli response to drive them back over the border after a moderate bloodbath, maybe even a bunch of new martyrs trapped and killed in the kibbutzes rather than escaping into Gaza. It got out of control, and now they have to face the creature they have awakened.

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Well said. To that I would add an overlooked motivator which was/is on full display - the spiritual priorities of Hamas and Iran. They are on a 'divine mission' to conquer the world for Islam, following the barbaric example of their 7th-century prophet.

In fact, the Hamas leaders uploaded a video from Doha that shows them prostrating themselves in worship and giving thanks to the god of Islam for the slaughter in Israel.

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I’m not fond of what is unraveling in front of my eyes because I know it's the result of human ignorance. And yet, I am not so keen on ״isolation״ type of rhetoric either.

People tend to color reality in terms of good and evil; that “we must fight darkness with light”. But this is all subjectivity. I am a profound dualist and I understand that there is no light without darkness and there is no darkness without light. (actually, in terms of pure physics, it is known that light comes from darkness, not the other way around). So it’s not really about one or the other.

Those who say “war is bad; killing is bad”, and “peace is good”, and how the former must be eradicated, show lack of acceptance and understanding of the duality that exists in what it is to be human.

You can't take away the killer monkey that is within each of us because this is not for us to choose. These vehicles, our bodies, are able to make love as well as to maim and kill. It’s predetermined in the specifications of the vehicle before we inhabit it. All our civilizations and the privilege we’ve come to enjoy today are a byproduct of bloodshed, killing and death as well as peace, love and birth. One goes with the other. It's the wheel of life of what it is to be human. It is what it is.

It's exactly this belief that one should, and can be isolated from the other, - the desire to reach permanence of goodness and peace - is what leads to distortion: The madness of humanity. It was never about denying our bestial qualities within, but being able to accept and see them for what they are, and by that, transcend them.

It all comes down to ignorance.

The heresy here is that killing someone may be entirely correct when it is a derivative of right action (Dharma). This is frightening, however, from the perspective of tribal values (morality), because it insinuates lack of control and therefore, lack of order. But when one is living their Dharma, they do not need to be controlled or organized. They become a law in itself.

Only the not-self - the prevalent existence in which Man does not know himself; in which he’s controlled by whims and desires that change as the wind turns direction - needs rules, threats and promises of salvation as a means of control.

Everything we see in the world, like dictators, ruthless rulers, provocateurs, petty tyrants and other things we have learned to color with subjective bias as “bad” and “undesired things”, are merely reflection of the cumulative level of awareness in humanity at large. One creates the other.

Nonetheless, they’re allowed to exist because they serve as a counterpoint to the not-self trapped beast in a cage.

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Of course what you say is true, but it is also true that some beings on our planet are way more evolved than others.

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You might find this video regarding Israel interesting

The legal case for Israel


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Alastair Crooke, with a lot of Mideast experience, explains in the first 15 minutes why Al Aqsa Storm happened last Saturday, which was not known to governments or the "soldiers" showing up for another weekend training session. (Was the effect intentionally facilitated by Israel? I don't know.) https://youtu.be/0IKCo3MVW1o

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The key event that has pushed this all forward to warp speed was when Congress voted to consider corporations as having the same rights as individuals. Think Blackrock, Vanguard and more! Flood gates for control by the sociopaths was now wide open. We have always had a conflict between over achievers who become CEO's and their ability to use middle management to insulate themselves from harm when they do wrong. One of the best was Donald Rumsfeld who used any means to achieve the goals that he embraced for himself or his boss. Within and out of Government. Gilead, Searle and more. Being Secretary of Defense twice was undeniable wrong. Absolutely correct that M/I complex and Big Pharma have much in common in how they manipulate to achieve their goals. Negative impact on society is ignored. Covid con is a prime example that hood winked 75% of the population. Anybody know a number that is correct? Have not got a clue how to reverse what I see transpiring.

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100% agree!

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I appreciate this and feel naive on the topic. I remember news controversy with this decision, but had life troubles at the time. Where do you suggest I read about this, or what phrasing can I use to internet research? I’d appreciate your suggestions. Thanks.

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Try search engine! “ what year did congress approve US corporations to have the same rights as US citizens’

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Beautiful - so many choices with that search. Thanks!

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Congress, too? I'd thought SCOTUS did that. And see Dyett v. Turner.

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Was it challenged and SCOTUS upheld the law?

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Don't know. Heard it was a clerk's interpretation which became dicta.

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Midwest Doc has now been targeted. The TRUTH is hurting! Get Warning message not to open for comments!

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I think it was a system wide substack glitch.

I tried multiple accounts/browsers/pages and got the same issue plus I saw someone post about it.


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I see why you wanted me to read this article.....you hit on a bunch of the topics we were discussing the other day! I am also deathly afraid that this is going to spiral out of control, and that specific people want it to.....

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Thank you.

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Pretty good summary, the only thing that I think you missed that might have been important enough to include in a summary of in-depth topics like this article is, is that Hamas is a creation of Israel itself, and I mean that quite literally. Just as the US put Sadam into power and created the mujahideen which eventually became ISIS, and even trained Osama Bin Laden, Israel funded Hamas as opposition to Yasser Arafat's PLO. The creation of what goes on to be your "enemy" seems to be a common theme with both the military industrial complex and the pharmaceutical industry.

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the difference being that it's much easier to lose control of militant groups than pharmaceuticals (but in both cases you still do)

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I think Hamas was initially a charity group helping the deprived, poor, victimized, etc. That's how a lot of organizations with nefarious agendas get their foot in the door.

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Another thought...these things are bound to happen if you take God out of everything! That void must be filled with something no matter how loony that something is.

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A lot of people think that is the underlying problem with the modern age.

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So true. I'm not religious myself, didn't grow up with it and I can't ignore that religious people believe whatever they're indoctrinated into. IOW, devout Christians would be devout Jews, Hindus, or Muslims if they were born in Isralel, India, or Saudi Arabia for example. But two unmistakable truths - Christianity has been the best influence on human society ever, as far as I can tell. It provided a wonderful framework around which to build a society. Secondly, when religion is tossed aside, the vast majority of people, needing some guidance and unable to rely on their own resources, adopt far worse ideologies like leftism, wokeness, climate insanity, something, anything, to give guidance and meaning. Christianity for all its failings was so, so much better. We seem to be totally screwed without it. I am not an atheist btw, just think it's way above my pay grade to figure out such ultimate truths. And I have zero inclination to follow a path because I'm told to by authority figures. They are usually full of you-know-what, in case you haven't noticed.

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Don't forget that they can also be indoctrinated with "the science"

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Ah yes, how could I forget "the science"? It works beautifully on the least scientific people.

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Oct 15, 2023
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They sure could do worse. Not only has it been the best foundation for building a society, it's provided the same for individuals. The best thing that could happen is a resurgence of Christianity, the bigger the better.

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Yes 1000 percent correct. We all have a God shaped hole in our hearts.

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What an excellent summary you have provided. The parallels between the pharmaceutical industries and the military industry complex is very well explained and well written. Your in-depth description of the Israel-Hamas fight is based on solid facts. As always, another insightful article.

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Thank you.

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"Israel’s “reason for existing” is largely to protect the Jewish people from another Holocaust and one of the soundbites that has emerged since the attack is that this was the largest loss of Jewish life in a day since the Holocaust.."

If the above is the case, then why did Netanyahu eagerly allow the Israeli population to be used as test animals for Pfizer's experimental mRNA toxin not once, but multiple times.


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I pointed that out in the article.

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Because people wanted that. I've traveled to Israel this summer. Everybody with whom I've talked believed in covid vaccines.

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Mass formations make things that otherwise seem impossible possible.

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That's because they were propagandized by a corrupt leadership who for some odd reason wanted to use Israelis as an experiment.

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It's possible, but I'm not sure. Many very smart people In US got the shot, for example Paul Marik (FLCCC). If he didn't know any better, how Netanyahu was supposed to know. I wish our Midwestern Doctor explains this.

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I've covered that in a lot of previous articles. Essentially there are different types of intelligence, and the type of intelligence classically considered to make one "smart" does not protect them from mind control or propaganda.

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So the are still 3 questions still unanswered,

1. Initially, were BIbi and Trump corrupt, cowards, or mind controlled ?

2. After a year, of vaccination that did nothing to prevent Covid waves , could be mind control be still an excuse for our leaders, or the only explanation was corruption and cowardliness.

3. When Trump continues to say that his vax saved millions of people , what is it ?

Just gasighting ?

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Refusal to admit he was wrong? He certainly was misled!

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Or common sense??

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Well, if your experience in life is warfare and politics, how would you possibly be an expert on medicine and the millions of chemical interactions going on in the human body? Of course, as a smart person, Netanyhahu would defer to an expert (experts).

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Not only were the Israelis propagandized, but the jabs were mandated. In fact there was a "Green Pass" system, which granted certain privileges to citizens who had all doses of the vaccine.

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I know, that was terrible. However how would you explain Trump pushing vaccines, and pushing FDA to speed up approval? Useful idiot? Corrupt?

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DS propaganda. Trump vax was THERAPEUTIC HCQ NOT MRNA.

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Although Trump is a big mouth when it came to opposing big pharma and the DOD he was a coward.

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One would think if Democrats truly believe the world will rapidly become unlivable due to “climate change”, they would rabidly be AGAINST war. For what can be a bigger waste of resources than weapons and destroying nations only to have to rebuild them after war is over. Yet all the green big whigs are silent it seems...

Unless loss of life really is their biggest goal?

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There are a lot of examples of where they "green leaders" endorse policies that hurt the environment...

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I certainly agree that we should prioritize human life over profit. Knowing how to do that in a complex world is another thing. For instance, in this fallen world peace is most often found in strength, so a well equipped and trained military is the first order of business. Then you need an enemy who desires peace. I clearly remember Yasser Arafat at Camp David with a peace agreement on the table. He did not sign it. Why? “You cannot make peace with those who come to kill you.”Golda Meir

Still we must work for peace, through strength and with a sharp eye for those not really wanting peace. How does one seek righteousness in a fallen world with evil just waiting for an opportunity? Hamas found that opportunity the other day. They appear to have taken great joy in it.

We have found evil. Now what to do with it.

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Murray Rothbard in his "Power and Market" has the best discussion of this dynamic I've ever come across. Economic versus political power. Markets are not inherently exploitative., coercive or predatory. Only when ecomomic power is married to policial coercion do the problems start. Thats the definition of fascism.


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A friend of mine used to be married to someone in the oil industry (he sold one (!) of his businesses to buy her a very nice house when they divorced). One of us asked her if he or any of his associates ever thought about the effect of their decisions on the people who worked for them, and she said 'Some of the wives do'.

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Bottom line- unless people who do bad things are held accountable (including big corporations but especially government), bad things will continue to happen. This is why we must hold the Covid crazies accountable no matter what! Great piece as usual!!!

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I long ago realised what most believing people make of a religion comes from their own heart, not the religion. They then cite it as authority for their behavior. And, along with that, most people, shown by Stanley Milgram's experiments, are already in some "mass" primed to obey authority: the majority will obey even to dealing death and serious harm to others even as they weep while they obey. IMO it comes down to: who or what do you believe is the ultimate authority and why do you accept what the authority demands?

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I agree with what you are saying, but there is a piece of the puzzle you are leaving out. This started with the Arab Spring and ISIS being stood up and armed thanks to Obama. Then the Afghanistan withdrawal and Taliban armed thanks to Biden. If you aren't following the story about Robert Malley, envoy to Iran for Obama. He works for Biden as well and has gotten a person a job as Assistant Chief of Staff in Special Operations in Division. Her true job is too look out for the best interests of Iran. They just decided they were going to reduce the number of Special Operators by 3,000 as well. Thankfully Congress is looking into this. We can write a story about Quatar where the money is being held as well. They were cut off from the Arab world during the Trump presidency because he told them to crack down on terrorism. They all sanctioned Quatar. Biden takes office sanctions are lifted. Any honesty from them on that money?

Here is link to the pdf file about the letter sent to state department about Malley. I wrote about it when it came out.


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This article was about twice as long as the normal max people read, so I avoided going into a lot of tangental points.

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It was a good article, but spies being infiltrated into our government from Iran with all that is going on. I don't believe in coincidence. It is more than money. It is part of changing the world dynamic along with ours. Iran just happens to be at the center of it I believe.

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I no longer pick sides because I don’t stand with governments or ruling militias - period. I stand with the innocent men, women, and children who are harmed by what the governments and ruling militias do to further their agendas. When one picks sides they’re just lending support for them to do more of the same.

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That's my focus here was on presenting the information rather than picking a side.

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