There was no pandemic. You need to stop perpetuating this lie. As long as good people continue to assert that this manufactured crisis was in fact an actual epidemiological event the ghouls that concocted this lie will have fertile ground to create the next one- which rest assured is in the pipeline.

"Covid" is the engineered destabilization of the global economy.

"COVID-19", the operation, is essentially a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion.

"Covid-19", the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes.

All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies this past year were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product- mRNA “vaccines” which they plan to roll out as the new medical “miracle cure” for a variety of “ailments”, e.g. new line of “cancer vaccines.”

The plan is for the mRNA "vaccines" to be Pharma's new cash cow and launch an entirely new Bio-Tech wave of financialized "disease management."

It's worth noting that in the USA, disease management pumps almost $6 trillion/yr into the economy. Disease has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep the economy going.

And here we are though these phony pandemics date back to the early 1990's and Fauci's first crimes, the AIDS/HIV scandal.

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Agree completely. Further support for the pandemic fiction is found in the all cause mortality data — COVID-19 produced no excess deaths; it was, instead, a normal year with a normal number of influenza-related deaths. The excess deaths do not appear until the introduction of the “vaccines.”

I remember one of the dissenting doctors at the beginning stating that we had a “pandemic of testing” — that if we had conducted similar test protocols during any normal ‘flu season, we’d have gotten the same results. I also remember pointing out to Covidiot friends as the death data accumulated that the numbers were no worse than an average ‘flu season, a statement that was met with a mixture of disbelief and disgust, as if I were callously discounting the lives lost, and dancing on the graves, rather than trying to assert a less emotional, more rational perspective.

The results of the constant fear porn are still evident today in people who ought to know better. “So-and-so has COVID” is akin to saying that someone has stage 4 cancer. People my age are at risk from any flavor of ‘flu — our expiration date is just over the horizon. The mystical power that’s been attached to COVID carries an extra layer of anxiety that is undeserved and counterproductive. And stupid. We should stop using the term altogether — “the ‘flu” is just as accurate and far less psychologically charged. We also need to stop referring to the gene therapy injections as “vaccines” — they are not. At the same time, the definition of “vaccine” needs to revert to its pre-mRNA form, not the alteration to the meaning applied so the gene therapy injections would qualify as “vaccines.” Small things, but language matters.

Then we can move on to the trials and the executions.

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Excellent comment.

There is one part of your comment that is not precisely true. There was excess mortality in the US for the 6 week period in March/April that was cited as "the first wave" of the "pandemic."

However there are two problems with those using this to illustrate the existence of such a "pandemic." The first problem is that this excess mortality can only be found in 8 states. The other 42 states had no difference in their excess mortality off the 5 year baseline average. Those 8 states ALL marched lockstep with the same policies which takes us to problem 2 of the phony narrative.

Problem 2 is that those "excess deaths" were located in nursing homes, hospice, care centers et al in those 8 states and were the direct result of those policies. In short it was mass murder of the elderly and fragile for a concentrated period by means of remdesivir, ventilators, neglect etc. These deaths had zero to do with any aberrant viral event.

As an aside as you allude to there was another time frame when excess deaths occurred in the US, this number was much greater than the March/April 2020 "excess" and that time frame was an 8 week period comprising late 2020/early 2021. That coincides with the vaccine rollout being given to the elderly. I have the exact data if you want it.

As an aside there was another wave of "excess death" in the US which occurred at the end of 2021/early 2022. We can speculate on the various reasons for this.

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I lived in Manhattan during the nursing home culling (there’s no other way of describing what Cuomo and his indemnified nursing home CEOs did to the fragile elderly). God knows why, but the hospital protocol of venting and IV remdesivir persists — why one would use an antiviral when the disease had progressed to a bacterial infection, especially when that drug had failed in prior clinical trials killing some 50% of subjects, is illogical and possibly criminal. (I appreciated RFK, Jr’s anecdote that gave us the nurses’ name for remdesivir — lrun-death-is-near.”)

This “health crisis” has smelled wrong from the beginning. I appreciate your much more accurate input — thanks!

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Whitmer is also a mass murderer, here in Michigan

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You don't need God to tell you why. There were substantial financial bounties in place for these hospitals who now needed the money since everything non-covid and non-acute disappeared.

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Agree with all you said.

One point however is that vaccines have been the cause of “pandemics” always, even of the 1918 flu epidemic. After pre/post WW1 mass vaxx campaign, only those who had been vaxxed caught this flu, you know the one created in a Kansas military base! Look into the book “The Poisoned Needle’ by Eleanora McBean. Her autobiography of her parents being anti-vaxers and as a child they didn’t let her be vaxxed. They treated many hundreds ot thousands of cases of 1918 flu without wearing masks and never got sick. All vaccines are evil and then as now, The saying was “if you get sick it’s a good thing you had the VAX or it would’ve been worse”.

This Cov 19 crap is no different.

By the way the word anti-VAXer should not be a bad word. They are all simply snake oil designed to make you sick and even die, as we know Cov 19 shots are.

Also there is no such thing as an asymptomatic carrier of Covid. You either have symptoms and are sick or you don’t and are not sick.

The writer is still unconvinced of this. She is WRONG!!

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I agree with what you are saying, and I would add in what I stated here:


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Exactly. I’ve come to believe that vaccines are the foundation of the elite eugenicists population control agenda. And it’s worked like a charm, causing dramatically decreased fertility as well as disabilities, chronic disease, cancer and death. No one should take a vaccine ever.

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Stay away from vaccines............ALL OF THEM!!!

The Truth About Vaccinations – History and Hoax


Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Secrets


The Poisoned Needle - Eleanor McBean:


Dr. Andrew Moulden: All Vaccines Cause Ischemia (Impaired Blood Flow) Which Blocks Oxygen Delivery Leading to Chronic Disease




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I just wanna point out you can hold the position that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can be dangerous, and vaccines can also be dangerous. Just because both these issues have been highly politicized does not mean it has to be one or the other for each.

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First you have to believe that the virus exist.........I DO NOT!!!!!

"SARS-CoV-2, the specific virus, does not exist. Viruses, including coronaviruses and all other manner of viruses, occur cyclically in the population and are a result of man’s environmental pollution of all types. I implore you to look up the available statistics, and you will see this up and down yearly fluctuation. But even these are fraudulent in one major way: the death rate of flu is much lower than they claim. COVID was propagated and used as a weapon to usher in world government, period. This is its main purpose. That agenda takes many forms, and the so-called pandemic just so happens to accomplish almost every agenda they have and then some. How coincidental. It would be just as simple for them to pick out a particular flu virus, and play upon it in the same way to accomplish their goal."


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look, the problem with that article is that the author provides no proof whatsoever for his claim, except this statement "In late 2020, when the news came out that flu is at an all-time historical low, I began to look for death rates to study the graphs and try to determine what is going on. I could not find any rates for the year 2019. They did not exist.", which doesn't really prove the argument open and is not correct (statistics for 2019 exist, and if you look at the charts, it is clear that a significant number of flu cases were re-classified as Covid, but there was also brief periods of an overall increase that coincided with peaks of the epidemic).

Everything else he is saying is a mixture of theories and assertions that Covid must not exist because it is compatible with his theories. I am extremely familiar with each of the concepts the author is referencing, but it is a very common trap people like this get stuck in where they assume everything that supports their hypothesis must be true solely because it supports their hypothesis. I try to give things a fair shot (so I'm not immediately dismissing what is written there based upon the contents and writing style… Which is what nearly any independent reader would do), but I cannot take extreme positions unless actual evidence is presented to consider them. I typically change one to two things I assert in each article on here after commenters point out areas where I messed up, so I am not averse to admitting I was wrong or considering a different perspective. However to do that there needs to be proof, and as I have tried to say here over and over, the people who are convinced viruses do not exist have not offered any proof for that claim rather they have said that the proof that has been provided for viruses is not acceptable, and unless you can provide acceptable proof (which I don't think will ever be possible to do for a hostile audience) you must admit viruses do not exist. This is equivalent to me being required to prove to a religious zealot that their God does not exist, and being expected to convert to their religion if I cannot prove their God does not exist, even though no form of proof that could be presented that would ever be deemed acceptable to refute the existence of their God.

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Covid is a LIE..........PERIOD!!! There is NO proof that it exist.......NONE!!!

My bottom line on the existence of the virus, its isolation and sequencing


Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid

The PCR "Covid-19 Confirmed Cases" are Meaningless. The Multibillion Dollar Antigen and Home Test Project is Fake



Updated June,13th, 2022


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There are a few diseases where the symptoms are minimal, yet people carry and spread live virus. As I recall, they are generally sexually-transmitted.

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Doubt it. We get widespread colds, despite no vaccines.

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Ok but I DID get Covid, as a 34 year old healthy male it was palpably worse than the flu. All I could think of was how bad it would be if you were: A) overweight B) old. I got OVER Covid just fine. Still a shitty experience. As Nazi-like and wrong as the pandemic response was, it was still a pandemic, whether brought on by China, Gates, or whoever.

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The bioweapon is very real... things were made worse by the fact that early treatment was suppressed... My bro got it too (delta) and it was really bad... IVM (for instance) would still be a very effective prophylactic, if "health' was the goal of the criminals running the country... I still hope to see them on trial and sentenced for what they did!

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Delta?!?!?!? How did they test for Delta? The PCR test? Please tell me you haven't fallen for this BS!!!! There are only a few labs in the United States that can perform the genomic testing needed to find a variant. The PCR testing for regular Sars-Cov-2 also requires an additional genomic sequencing that most labs cannot perform and have not perform for the past two years.

On top of that most labs are highly inexperienced in PCR but forced to run it due to the massive demand for hundreds of millions of Covid tests.

The only real way to test for any variant is in a lab with a Gene Sequencing machine, there are no tests for specific variants in a clinic or hospital........NONE!!!!!!!

ALL THINGS COVID ARE A LIE.................100% of it

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Samples were sent from hospitals to the CDC for sequencing.

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The CDC does NOT do genomic sequencing

Stop with you're LIES!!!!

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One of us is telling lies....

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Not all were

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How did you know it was Covid? The PCR test? The PCR test is a LIE!!! You had the flu......PERIOD!!!

CDC admits PCR tests are a fraud… so what about the last two years, then?


PCR tests once again proven fraudulent


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_Moderate_ covid is easy to diagnose and it doesn't take a PCR test to diagnose moderate covid.

It is difficult to diagnose _mild_ covid.

Try to understand the difference between _mild_ and _moderate_ covid.

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Additionally, mild Covid and asymptomatic Covid is likely where the massive misclassifications occurred. Moderate and severe Covid are very different diseases.

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Most of the eccentric who throw out baby with bathwater in denial of a pandemic have made their decisions on some sort of irrational basis.

I look at all sources of data, including the CDC. Sometimes the CDC produces a baby and sometimes bathwater.

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Big Pharma finances over 50% of the CDC's budget. They are NOT to be trusted..............PERIOD!!!

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Surely. Silent hypoxia is a symptom unique to moderate covid. Severe covid has some varying symptoms...sometimes PE, sometimes cytokine storm, sometimes sepsis, sometimes stroke....

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Again, HOW do you know it is Covid? The PCR test was NEVER meant to be used to determine if you are sick. STOP BELIEVING THIS LIE!!!

CDC admits PCR tests are a fraud… so what about the last two years, then?


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Antigen tests and PCR tests are different!

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And you know as well I as I do, doctors and hospitals are STILL using the PCR test for this LIE called Covid!

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Meh, even antigen tests (RATs) are hardly reliable.

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I have already explained this elsewhere in this thread.

You lot are quick to throw out the baby with the bathwater, I'm sorry to say.

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How do you assert there was a pandemic? Simply false by all data.

I got sick once in 1999 in a way that I had never experienced. That proves nothing.

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I am 770% sure that there was a pandemic.

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Being overweight and/or old increases the chance of vitamin D deficiency.

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I'm sorry you were sick, but that doesn't make it a pandemic. A pandemic, at least previously, had a very specific definition. I'm pretty sure the Covid numbers were inflated in order to be able to declare a pandemic, and even if that's wrong, we've certainly exited pandemic status since then. Yet it continues.

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The numbers were so skewed by CDC. But we all know that. The majority of deaths were in the nursing homes, assisted living facilities and hospitals. We all have had different experiences in the the last 2-3 years. We can all share here, right?

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Each state has its own database and each state sends its figures to the CDC and these are then compiled into national numbers. It's easy to check the CDC figures and lots of people do.

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Alexander, that's interesting, had you been jabbed before you got Covid? I got it in my mid 60s, in March 2020, unjabbed obviously, and it was certainly worse than any flu I'd had, but then I'd never had flu at that age, if you follow me, and I was very tired before it developed properly. Knocked out almost completely for two weeks, unable to speak for coughing for two days, about three months of feeling wiped out after.

I'm not very fit, and I have some other issues, so I wasn't surprised. But I would have expected you to be through it in a few days. I notice those who have been jabbed before getting it seem to get it quite badly.

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I remain a Pureblood, unjabbed.

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I so agree! I also detest it when "news" outlets and "journalists" blame the pandemic for clearly nonsensical unproven measures such as lockdowns. The "pandemic" did NONE of this damage.

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Are you still spreading your SPI-B propaganda?

I see you have increased your sock puppet count.

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I have to agree 100% with you, this was the equviliant of a Bird Flu year, made worse by Medical Malpractice down on purpose for population reduction and Profit.

All the food recalls were done on purpose. Did Biden order it, or was it lack of Essential Maintaince workers in food production plants? We know in the case of Abbott, 15,000 inspections were not done from Jan. 2020, to Nov. 2021, when Abbott was working at 41%. Then all the food recalls started. Bird Flu 38 Million birds with eggs, we know major producers are not the best at sanitations. Swine Flu. But the FDA inspectors even hit up Homesteaders, who free Range their birds, only 1, tested positive, but the entire flock was destroyred. Paid not to produce big farm Ag. This is a long issue, to keep the market at a certain level of income. Drought, because idiots like Newsom would not build a Desalination plant. Wild Fires due to 'Enviroment' BS. Floods, heat waves, in Kansas we shilled as Climiate Change, 2,000 cattle plus their Spring born claves died of the heat.

Then you had seeds not grow, what was wrong with commercial Fertiliazers. Cereal like Tricks had food dye issues. Some one exceeded the set limit. Children got sick. That I can relate to as Red food dye often makes children and adults sick.

This popped up in my Recall news catch.

Livestock shipping strikes again: Death and cruelty on the high seas

54% of livestock carriers 40+ years old; 79% are conversions, not purpose-built


As did this article on Long Covid. Patients with long Covid are growing increasingly depressed – and even suicidal – due to a lack of support and care, experts and campaign groups have warned.Research has shown that anxiety and depression are much more prevalent in people suffering from persistent coronavirus symptoms than the general public, while polls point to a rise in suicidal ideations among patients.Long Covid symptoms are adversely affecting the everyday lives of 1.4 million people, according to estimates from the Office for National Statistics, with 398,000 reporting that their ability to undertake normal activities had been “limited a lot”.


While disability from vax injuries limits normal activity, depression is a Shrinks dream, more anti-depression drugs, that cause Sucidial or Homicidal tendency. We throw these down mainly boys throats, because these young teachers don't know how to cope with a boys need for activity once known as Recess to run off excess energy. We just created another Cash cow.

Vaccines that don't work RFK Jr says GARDASIL IS A COMPLETE FRAUD. With horrid side effects, up to killing, crippling, and life long Autoimmunes RA/FIBROMYALGIA. Plaquenil or Hydroxychloroquine is still the #1 RA drug....you can add LUPUS to it's use.

I just picked up my 'New GERD' med, the same one that is on my Reaction list PRILOSEC, or Protronix, or Previcid, the Gastro didn't read. No more that he read my health history as it is counter indicated on several levels. He did state that the barely working now OTC Nexium was only 10 mg not 20 mg, I could of told him that. I was taking 40 mg script Nexium which did work, until Tricare Life quit covering it. And it went OTC. For the Love of God READ my health history, I make a better doctor, never having been to medical school.

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The best way to handle the pandemic that never was, was to ignore it.

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Of course there was a pandemic. The virus and the disease it causes is not faked in any way. The origins are most likely accidental lab release, but the purposes of the research which created the original strain, and the exact nature of its escape, are not yet known.

Far too many doctors are clueless about nutrition and the immune system. They focus on vaccines, drugs, monoclonal antibodies, lockdowns and masks. The same is true of most critics of the pandemic response.

The virus would never have spread in a pandemic fashion, or initially, probably at all, if everyone had proper circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels.

Immune cells rely on circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D at 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L (1 part in 20,000,000 my mass) or more for their intracrine (inside each cell) and paracrine (to nearby cells) signaling systems to work properly. With lower levels, these signaling systems cannot work well, so the cell's ability to respond to its changing circumstances is limited. This results in weaker innate and adaptive immune responses to bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens and to greater risks of self-destructive inflammatory (indiscriminate cell-destroying) immune responses, which drive severe COVID-19, sepsis, Kawasaki disease, MIS-C etc.

These signaling systems are unrelated to the one hormonal function of the vitamin D compounds: a very low level of circulating 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, produced by the kidneys, to regulate calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. Unfortunately, intracrine and paracrine signaling is not well understood by medical professionals or even by many vitamin D researchers. Nor is the 50 ng/mL requirement (Quraishi et al. 2014 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1782085) widely enough appreciated.

There's very little vitamin D3 cholecalciferol (which the liver converts to circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D) in food or multivitamins. It can be produced by UV-B skin exposure, but this always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer. Supplementation is the only way most people can maintain 50 ng/mL or more 25-hydroxyvitamin D all year round.

For 70 kg 154 lb bodyweight, without obesity, 0.125 to 0.175 milligrams (5000 to 7000 IU) vitamin D3 a day will attain the desired 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in most people after about 3 months. "5000 IU" sounds like a lot, but it is a gram every 22 years, and vitamin D3 costs USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.

Official recommendations to supplement 400 to 800 IU vitamin D3 are based on the recommended daily allowance calculation of the US-Canadian Institute of Medicine 2011 report. Their calculation was completely erroneous (Heaney et al. 2015 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1782085) but has never been corrected, so many doctors still believe it is valid.

For rapid repletion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in clinical emergencies such as COVID-19, a single high (e.g. 10 mg 400,000 IU) dose of vitamin D3 works in about 4 days. For 70 kg bodyweight, a single oral dose of 1 mg calcifediol (the pharma name for 25-hydroxyvitamin D) raises levels safely over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours.

Please read the research articles cited at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ .

In addition to those nutrients mentioned, magnesium is also vital for immune system and calcium-bone health. Magnesium deficiency is common and easily corrected. Magnesium oxide is poorly bioavailable and magnesium citrate can cause GI distress, so the the chelated forms are probably best.

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Thanks Doc. Appreciate your work.

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Yes, and people have little idea of their risk of D deficiency. I know of a doctor in the East End of London, herself Asian, who was astonished to find that elderly white women could be D deficient. She had not previously ordered tests for them. A friend of mine, in her 40s, fit, active, sun-loving, has just been astonished to find she is D deficient despite taking D supplements - at too low a level, of course. There is a long, long way to go in Britain on this.

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I played tennis and rode my bike in the Florida sun six days a week and I was deficient in vitamin D, when I was in perimenopause and I have olive skin.

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While D3 should be supplemented based on body weight (50 units per pound), calcifediol should be supplemented based on blood volume. There is no competition from adipose tissue.

The average adult has 5 liters of blood, iirc.

To achieve 50 ng/ml of calcifediol, this requires 0.25 mg, assuming 100% absorption and bioavailability. Since there is going to be some loss, 0.5 mg will probably do the trick.

I was reading up on magnesium bioavailability and it looks like, based on some recent research, that taking magnesium in your drinking water gives the best results, as slow and constant seems to win the magnesium race. As long as the form of magnesium dissolves well in water, this plan should work.

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Regarding vitamin D3 for long-term 25-hydroxyvitamin D repletion to 50 ng/mL or more 50 IU/day/ pound bodyweight is 110 IU/day per kilogram, which seems good to me. Those suffering from obesity need a higher ratio. You cite no supporting research and here is not the place for me to go through the details. Please see the research articles cited at https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#06-ratios and the three ranges of ratios described there - and let me know any critique or suggestions in this comment system or by email.

A single oral dose of calcifediol for 4 hour repletion in clinical emergencies also needs to be done as a ratio of bodyweight. Since the risk of toxicity is zero (unless the person is already borderline toxic due to long-term excessive vitamin D supplementation) it is OK to not bother with higher ratios for those suffering from obesity. Likewise, please read and comment on: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/calcifediol-to-boost-25-hydroxyvitamin and https://vitamindstopscovid.info/04-calcifediol/ .

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"Those suffering from obesity need a higher ratio." Why? Bodyweight dosing covers obesity.

I have read pretty much all of your writings, which I heartily recommend.

"as a ratio of bodyweight"

50 ng/ml is a mass-to-volume concentration...where does bodyweight factor in?...you might check with Wimilawansa about your claim

"A single oral dose of calcifediol for 4 hour repletion in clinical emergencies"

Calcifediol can be used for an urgent supplement any time that an immune event occurs--which can even include a case of poison ivy or any autoimmune event, or any vaccination.

Calcifediol is useful for supplementing in the case of liver dysfunction or gi malabsorption. If you want to drink alcohol, take calcifediol to cover you while your liver is busy clearing the alcohol.

You might find the following article interesting about a woman who was taking 50,000 units of D3 weekly and had undetectable levels of 25OHD.

"Five years before the admission to our hospital, the patient discontinued follow-up but continued to take regularly the weekly dose of cholecalciferol (50,000 IU). Careful reevaluation of biochemical data revealed that serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] were low (<10 ng/mL) or undetectable during the 5 years prior to the admission, associated with increased levels of PTH and alkaline phosphatase."


Calcifediol worked in the malabsorption case when D3 failed.

There are a few categories where calcifediol is to be preferred for supplementation over/in addition to D3.

D3 and calcifediol have "storage tanks" in adipose tissue (D3) and the blood (calcifediol). In some cases it makes sense to top off each tank.

If someone has severe hypovitaminosis D (<10 ng/ml), then giving a bolus dose of 0.5 mg will be of tremendous benefit.

If someone has hypovitaminosis D (between 10 and 20 ng/ml), then giving a bolus dose of 0.5 mg will be of substantial benefit.

If someone has vitamin D insufficiency (between 20 and 30 ng/ml), then giving a bolus dose of 0.5 mg will be of some benefit.

If someone has vitamin D levels >30 ng/ml, then giving a bolus dose of 0.5 mg will be of slight benefit.

If someone has vitamin D levels >70 ng/ml, giving a bolus dose of 1 mg might result in mild toxicity.

Problems with vitamin D toxicity occurs mostly with people using skin preps high in vitamin D to treat skin diseases like eczema. Occasionally there are people who oversupplement.

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Hi Tom, Thanks for the link to the Brancatella article, which was particularly interesting. The last 50 cm of the ileum could absorb calcifediol perfectly well, but could not absorb much or any vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. Vitamin D3 is oily and hydrophobic and so generally relies on fat-based absorption mechanisms - micelles and/or chylomicrons. 25-hydroxyvitam D has an extra hydroxyl group which makes it less hydrophobic, though its solubility in water is also extremely low, it may be absorbed by simple diffusion across cell membranes, rather than relying on the fat-based mechanisms.

In obesity the amount of 25-hydoxylation enzyme in the liver (and elsewhere in the body) is diminished and this significantly reduces circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. Other mechanisms behind the well recognised 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficit in people suffering from obesity include vitamin D3 and/or the 25-hydroxyvitamin D being absorbed by the excess fat cells, and not returned to circulation. I just wrote an account of the latest research on this for an email discussion list I run - the Nutrition for Immune System Health (NISH) list: https://nish.groups.io. You and anyone else who is seriously interested in discussing the latest research are welcome go join. Members include leading vitamin D researchers, some of whom are MDs. We have one Registered Nurse so far. Other members, myself included, have no formal qualifications. If you email me at rw@firstpr.com.au I will send you what I wrote about this.

In the long term, 1 mg calcifediol (if taken over days or weeks) raises circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels about as much as 4 mg 160,000 IU of vitamin D3 cholecalciferol taken over the same period. A perfectly healthy bolus vitamin D dose for 70 g bodyweight would be 400,000 to 600,000 IU (10 to 15 milligrams). So a single oral dose of 1 mg calcifediol can't be a toxicity risk, unless perhaps the person already has potentially toxic 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. 150 ng/mL is the level above which toxicity may occur. This is much harder to attain than you might at first think, since there are self-limiting mechanisms for 25-hydroxyvitamin D. See https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ and https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/calcifediol-to-boost-25-hydroxyvitamin .

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Minor point: Rather than "hydrophilic" I think you mean "hydrophobic."

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May not be so easy. While the New York Times says refrigerated Vitamin D was still good after 10 years, I'm not so sure I believe that. As a diene, it is very reactive to oxygen, olefins, etc., and is also geometrically unstable. It should be stored cold under inert gas, and used within a week of exposure to air. https://drmikemerrill.typepad.com/vitamin_d/2005/05/shelf_life_of_v.html I suspect seasonality may be due to people effectively having little or none a couple months after last exposure to effective UV-B.

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Jun 23, 2022
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D3 is not a hormone. Calcitriol, a vitamin D analog, is used to regulate calcium--in that capacity, it functions as a hormone. Calcitriol is produced in the kidneys from calcifediol and is released into the blood. Calcifediol is produced in the liver from D3.

Calcitriol is also produced by immune cells from calcifediol for local use in immune signaling.

It turns out that calcifediol itself has some bio-activity and it is in the blood at much higher concentration than calcitriol, typically.

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A hormone is a substance which, by its level (concentration) in the bloodstream, controls or affects the behaviour of cells in any part of the body. It is a long-distance, blood-borne (also potentially in the cerebrospinal fluid) signaling molecule.

The very low level of calcitriol in the bloodstream, produced and maintained by the kidneys, is functioning as a hormone. The calcitriol produced in immune cells is functioning as an intracrine or paracrine agent - not a hormone. All this should be clear once you read https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#02-compounds .

In the past "hormone" meant "signaling molecule", apparently with the unstated assumption that all such molecules (neurotransmitters are excluded from this classification) do so via the bloodstream.

It is incorrect to state that calcitriol is a hormone. It can function as a hormone, but it has other roles too. Neither vitamin D3 cholecalciferol nor 25-hydroxyvitamin D calcifediol (AKA "calcidiol") function as hormones. The circulating level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D is very important for immune system function, but this level does not signal anything. It is a supply to the immune cells which, when particular conditions are detected for that cell (the conditions vary from one cell type to the next) convert it into 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D calcitriol, which acts as an intracirne and/or paracrine agent.

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It is a common mistake among healthcare professionals and even among many people who write research articles on vitamin D to think that "vitamin D is a hormone".

Here is not the place to explain and cite the research which shows this to be mistaken. Please see: Why “Vitamin D” is not a hormone, and not a synonym for 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D, its analogs or deltanoids, Reinhold Vieth,

J. Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2004-06-30, https://sci-hub.se/10.1016/j.jsbmb.2004.03.037, https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#02-compounds and https://vitamindstopscovid.info/02-intracrine/#02-nothorm.

There is one hormonal function of the three vitamin D compounds (vitamin D3 cholecalciferol, 25-hydroxyvitamin D calcifediol and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D calcitriol): the very low level of circulating 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D produced by the kidneys to regulate calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism.

Contrary to widespread incorrect beliefs, this hormonal 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D does not affect the immune system. Immune cells create 1,25-dihdroxyvitamin D internally for their intracrine and paracrine signaling systems, which do not affect the hormonal 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D.

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It was good to see the FLCCC change from calcitriol to calcifediol in their hospital protocol. Now if they would just consider it for some special cases in their outpatient protocol.

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Very interesting, thank you.

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No; treat it properly. Most has been published ad nauseam elsewhere. Add peppermint oil or like for acute, choking bronchial spasms. This was only slightly different than most other "pandemics", like colds, flus, RSVs, etc. Why was SARS-CoV-2 permitted to get such "special" treatment? Just to precondition sheeple to take mRNA (or other spike) kill shots? A better response would be to abolish all gummint "public health" anything. I'm surprised they didn't require everyone to take weekly calomel pills and blood-letting! Oh, those are "off-patent"!

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It was intentional on their part obviously, and interesting articles however very STRANGE with missing punctuation and words in these so BE CAREFUL all!

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It certainly would have been better that what we did. Though early treatment and prophylaxis would have been even better still.

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Like Belaruse!

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Your article is, as always, completely on target. The bumbling was monumental. Your doctor's perspective on effectiveness of these measures is most valued.

But I just wanted to make a somewhat unrelated comment: the people who are pretending to be saving us, were the same people who financed virology and specifically project DEFUSE, with Sars-Cov-2 likely developed at UNC by Ralph Baric.

The virus they designed, has many lab features (HIV inserts) adding extra pathogenic pathways, like infecting T-cells and monocytes through mechanism other than ACE2 or TMPRSS2, like HIV does.

These are also the same people who covered up the research that led to design and release of SC2, instead of helping us understand what kind of virus we are fighting.

It is not completely clear to me, and I mean this sincerely, as to whether we are witnessing their attempts to help us that are a bit misguided, or whether perhaps we are witnessing monumental corruption, or perhaps something even more sinister.

Several known facts (Event 201, CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG in the Moderna Patent, giving a "vaccine candidate" to Ralph Baric on Dec 12 2019) are concerning enough to at least entertain the possibility that this pandemic was not quite a surprise.

ICENI (Spartacus) on substack posted a few articles exploring this topic, among others.

When I mention "sinister" possibilities, please know that I do not think that it would take many people to conspire to perpetrate evil: just 3-5 billionaires and 3-4 scientists would be enough. Every other public player could possibly be "bumbling" and "misguided", with a healthy dose of corruption and herd mentality mixed in.

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I did not go into that because it's beyond the scope of this (as I'm sure you know). On that topic, could you read the addendum I added to this article? It is the eight paragraphs before the introduction, specifically in reference to the GP 120 and Maraviroc. https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/adverse-reactions-to-covid-vaccines

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I also only engage on the outskirts of this topic for many reasons. Partly because this topic needs to be addressed from outside in (like onion). Once you peel one layer of the onion, other layers become visible.

I do find myself mostly agreeing with your bulleted list.

Do you know if doctors who run routine CBC panels noticed anything unusual with lymphocytes or other bloodwork of boosted patients?

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I do not know. I have not looked into it or have anyone who does those types of tests share their observations with me.

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The pathologist with AFLDS, Ryan Cole, may have some of that info. I noticed high blood glucose levels in non-diabetic vaxxed patients. Very high.

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You're too kind to the perps. Granted, you don't want to be open to libel prosecution in a rigged system.

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"just 3-5 billionaires and 3-4 scientists would be enough."

I agree. That is all it would take. 👍 Infact, I don't think it could happen any other way.

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Before even reading this, the first mistake is that there never was a pandemic. Let’s start there. The rest pretty much works itself out once you know that.

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I make no case the virus isn’t real. I believe based on the patent history it is a manmade bioweapon. I still stand by the statement there was never a pandemic. A fraudulent PCR test, which could not differentiate between corona, flu and other viruses, was used to exaggerate case and death numbers. The handful of globalists who control a vast majority of our media, social media and politicians, paid for this narrative to be pushed. The flu just disappeared during covid. Amazing. Effective early treatments that would have prevented a pandemic announcement were dismissed and canceled.

It helps I already knew not to trust the politicians, the media and the medical field. I have been immersed in these topics for over 20 years. I am always open minded to admitting I am wrong but no one has thus far been able to provide the proof this ever was an actual emergency.

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"I felt they(the tests) had no medical value if you were asymptomatic." By asymptomatic, I think you mean you WEREN'T sick. What better way to keep a false pandemic running than to say you are sick because this bad test says so even though you are completely fine. You are now "asymptomatic", not healthy. I have monkeypox right now. My skin looks smooth and clean but this test says I'm asymptomatic. See how it works? You're right about the stupid temperature testing. I sat in my hot car prior to my dental appointment reading a magazine article. I went inside, they took my temp and said I had a fever. I said wait 15 mins while I sat in the air conditioned room. I was then fine. Testing and temp taking all pure baloney just like the entire covid creation.

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Both terms are equivalent in my eyes because I said being asymptomatic invalidates the PCR test.

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"Asymptomatic" means the person has no symptoms, but can still be a carrier of the virus. However in the real world, I think actual COVID symptoms were really rare. But we didn't have a test that would find COVID antibodies very accurately and the PCR test was rigged to be far too sensitive to be useful at all. That means it would say you had COVID but you didn't and you weren't a carrier. The antibody test can take years to make it even 70% accurate.

Normal flu spreads because the person is more contagious in the first 5-7 days they get the disease, AND that's where they have no symptoms. The symptoms take 5-7 days to appear as the body's immune system starts up to identify and attack the unknown invader. The symptoms are mostly how the body reacts to fighting off the flu. So quarantining people with symptoms does nothing, they are past the "high spreader" phase. All it does is make the sheeple "feel better", but it's not based on science.

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No, asymptomatic was a creation of the virologist priesthood. They had no sample of covid when they released the PCR. How can you test for a specific virus when you have no sample as your standard? You can't so every positive is pure BS. You are fine but a test says you're not. You aren't a carrier of anything. No one yet has produced the proof of Covid19. Symptoms are your body dumping toxic overload, not fighting off anything. Very little of this covid sh*t show is based on any science.

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To handle by whom?

Only those in power were able to change the course and they made sure they did that for the worse, obeying their puppeteers.

For the average person, instead of watching TV, looking around and refusing the muzzle would have worked.

People started dying only after the injections... There was no "pandemic." Pandemics can be imitated by mass poisonings, but not by "viruses," because the particles called viruses do not cause illnesses or infections... The "covid" symptoms indicate radiation sickness during and after the 5G installations, but nobody knows what was in the chemtrails and the mysterious "disinfectants." The muzzles, however, contained graphene oxide and carcinogens, while the fraudulent "tests" posed mortal danger and stole people's DNA (that's what the original patent was for), while giving them lessons on obedience by torturing and humiliating them...

Instead of trusting their own judgments, people relied on fake authorities, because they didn't want to take responsibility for their decisions. What they didn't realize that the usual game of taking advantage of good advice and blaming the party who give them bad advice is not costing their humanity, health, dignity, freedom and, eventually, their lives...


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Of course. My contribution was meant to clarify and, perhaps, complement.

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Important history you bring up about how propaganda campaigns have worked in the past to draft the public into service to some manufactured cause.

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I don't think the pandemic was mishandled, I believe it was handled in such a way as to produce a desired set of outcomes. We have all seen the little video clips of Fauci in the past saying that masking is laughable, and to take care of your immune system, and that natural infection produces the best immunity. The science really didn't change, his advice for this particular virus did, to fulfill a predetermined outcome.

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interesting idea about the small useless efforts to convince the actor for the campaign

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I appreciate the diversity of thought here. However, according to what I witnessed, There was definitely a pandemic. I am a therapist who works in ICU. There definitely was a pandemic. My hospitals were bursting with COVID patients. There has never been a flu the likes of what saw. Lots of people died. Horribly. All alone as family wasn’t allowed to visit. Gasping for breath for weeks until death. Many - probably about a 1/3--weren’t over 60.

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Hopefully you can empathize with the approach I am taking to address this issue.

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"I have often wondered if the hand-washing campaign for pandemic compliance was specifically chosen to recruit the neurotic members of society to fight for the pandemic policies."

Oh, wow! Of course. Well done, AMWD

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The UK Challenge Trial showed a large number of people who never became infected despite intentional exposure. We saw that in the couple on the Princess Cruise ship stunk in Japan in early times; the husband become ill, the wife did not despite being in confined quarters. Some hidden evidence from USN ships where some never become ill in a confined area. We conclude we do not share a com,on vulnerability.

Data from many SubStack writers now show that none of the mitigation steps did much to slow or stop the spread. Containment only works when you actually can contain the infected people; we lost containment early on and the lockdowns were pointless partial measures. But we already we aware that mitigation was unlikely to work.

The real obscenity was the engineered attack on the Great Barrington declaration which suggested trying to keep those at risk out of the the public. That mitigation effort actually had a chance to work had there been an attempt to try it.

I do hope there is a non-partisan assessment of all that was done. The politics seriously interfered with the response. I still see people knocking Trump's speculation about bleach when he was asking if some form of disinfectant might help. Of course, various disinfectants used as mouthwash may help stop virus replication early in the mouth and nose. The old remedies of salt water can really help.

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Thank you for the many thoughtful insights. Until those in control give up their love affair with power accorded by the pandemic and the 'emergency' it poses, we will forever drown in it. I wake up every day thinking "are they going to stop it NOW?" What will we do to stop it? How do we save people from the death shots? We are going to jab BABIES? How do we save people who already got the shot and are terribly sick? When will doctors stand up against the machine? I write to politicians regularly. I speak to my doctors; they think my injuries are an anomoly. I think about all the doctors who must be harmed. Do they know what did it, or are they gaslighting themselves now? They have had lots of practice with that. I post my injuries in as many places as possible hoping it will save just one, but I keep waiting for the masses to stand up and put an end to this! I suppose it's a gift that I will never trust our health agencies or government again. Hearing 'trust the science' makes me want to vomit now. I hope there is something/someone good left in these institutions to spur the masses and overcome this nightmare.

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The best way to handle it would be to investigate the origin, then have trials and executions for everyone remotely complicit with tinkering with technology that could end the human race. If that were 100k bureaucrats and scientists spread across the world that would be a small price to pay to leave a definitive message. "though shalt not engage in biological tinkering that could extinguish the human race". With splicing, editing, and modeling SW improving exponentially this tinkering can't be allowed. Do it and be executed! That is the best way to handle it.

Failure to do this means with time and decrease in cost/equipment needed to genetically engineer viruses an extinction event is inevitable. It would be like having the worlds largest Nuke within reach of anyone with $50k and an empty garage, and have no prohibitions against it.

The only thing that is going to sear it into people's brains are trials and public executions of a large number of people. It would be the most responsible thing we could do.

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I believe a treaty needed to be passed to ban bioweapon development with tangible enforcement after the fact.

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If COVID was a pandemic, the flu disappeared

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...along with the common cold.

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There was no pandemic.

"Where Is The Pandemic? According To The BC Government Records Hospitalizations and ICU admissions in BC During the Covid-19 Pandemic Did Not Increase Compared to the Previous Years

A Pandemic of Deceit ":


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