One thing you don’t mention here with respect to wildfires is what happens once the fire is extinguished. I lost my home to the most extensive and catastrophic wildfires (deliberately set) ever experienced in the country where I live in 2017. We were completely cut off by the fires in our forested mountain valleys. Yes there was the smoke for the duration of the fire but there was a whole year afterwards of breathing in fine particulate incinerated matter with every step you took on the land in the subsequent clear up and rebuilding. In my experience that constituted more of a health impact than the relatively few (comparatively) hours of smoke. And yes, no public health authority even so much as thought to screen us ...
Thank you. Actually it was an extraordinary experience and one for which I’m profoundly grateful. Awe-inspiring and utterly humbling for demonstrating the incomprehensible power of such forces. Enlightening for what the fire could strip away of the ‘stuff’ of modern life , the ‘stuff’ of modern ‘self’ and the ‘stuff’ of modern ideas about the nature of existence to reveal a far deeper, richer and more essential way of being. The desecration to the ecosystem was utterly heartbreaking but now, 7 and a half years later, you would almost never know unless you looked carefully. The rebuilding was a pain in the butt for sure, but it brought community relationships to the forefront and the strength of those relationships is priceless. I could never hope to recover the financial amounts I lost. But that doesn’t matter. It isn’t what life is all about.
While not as direct as nebulized glutathione, you can take N-acetyl cysteine orally and that increases glutathione levels in the bloodstream. It also increases the activity of the cilia in the lungs which speeds up clearing of the lungs. And it substantially decreases the risk of lung cancer in smokers (maybe even by half) so I would guess it could be protective for those exposed to wildfires. Just thought I'd add this because it's easily accessible and fairly inexpensive.
I'm not sure how to obtain that (not a clue how to) but anyone can buy NAC capsules and the literature seems positive, that's all. You may very well be right
Oh, interesting -- this reminds me of those who have a gene that means they can't metabolize folic acid into folate. I'm glad you're informed and know about it!
I remember when the sky as far down as the south turned orange becoming more tan as it moved farther away from the forest fires in Canada. I bought two air cleaners which helped and began taking NAC, which is reported to help the lungs.
I get mine from Life Extension that tests their supplements and also reviews the literature along with runnign their own studies. They are known for their quality. It works fine. I don't have COPD, using it for another reason on my doctor's recommendation.
Not every business is a cheat, not every Fed is lazy, not everyone in private industry is hardworking, and not every broad statement is fully true.
The source doesn't seem to matter; the manufacturers are all linked. When I was nearly dying and it was all the same, I tried it, and it helped for a week or two. After that, the symptoms became worse than without it:
Using the media's term "wildfire" unconsciously links the fires to something natural in the environment. The older term was "forest fires," which is more neutral. "Wildfire" is also more fear inducing; and we see certain attempts to explain the origin of these fires as a consequence of, you know, Global Warming.
I grew up about three miles from Altadena in California, and periodically there were large fires in both the Verdugo Hills and the San Gabriel mountains. Presumably, in those days, they were natural (or could have been good old-fashioned arson). Those fires, though large, usually didn't burn houses -- with the exception of the Bel-Air fire, when was it, about 1961. But now we see these new fires burning up a lot of houses all over the place. I'm wondering whether in the case of Altadena it was two fires: one on the mountain and the other in town, with different origins. The burned houses resemble what we see elsewhere these days, and many are of the opinion it's not an accident, but rather reflects how houses burn when subjected to an outside incendiary force, like, well, DEWs. If you want to clobber a region with fire, like Dresden, you can do it with round the clock bombing, but it's obvious how it happens. Nowadays, with improved technology (most of technology is destructive) you can be more stealthy and also avail yourself of alibis ("plausible deniability" I think is the term I was searching for). Arson-war? Don't be silly; it's Global Warming! The Global Warming did it!
What it really looks like is another instance of disaster capitalism. At the time of the fire in Altadena there was another fire nearby, in Castaic. The nwo boys want their 15 minute camps (I mean cities, sorry) linked by high speed rail. If you look at a map you can conveniently link Sacramento, say, with Phoenix, using existing easements, via Los Angeles, where both Altadena and Castaic are right on the line of fire, so to speak. If I were living in Sierra Madre or La Canada I'd be worried about the next one.
COPD is most likely one of the results of radiation sickness, although there are plenty of other options these days, when industrial poisoning is covered up by invented illnesses, out of whose only the symptoms exist, and diagnostics is a joke (
Rumor said it was blue roofs, but others vouched for "smart" meters. Does it matter? It was mass murder, and nobody has done anything about it. That's all about being "red-pilled." Well, not quite, because if one believes that two airplanes can bring down the Twin Towers and "office fire" can bring down Bldg. 7, they need to have their heads examined. Oh, well, there is nobody out there to do the job in a way that looks at least halfway honest:
Look, I don't know whether the fires were deliberate, accidental, urban planning for redevelopment, or what. I'm pretty certain that my COPD is from 50+ years of smoking. I saw the low dose CT scan of my lungs. (The scarring from pneumonia and the progress of emphysema convinced me to quit.) Not everything has to be a conspiracy. Sometimes it's just stupidity or willful blindness. I will wager that my pulmonologist will shake her head and wrinkle her nose at a mention of nebulized glutathione, which is why I'm here. The Trelegy Ellipta I take reduces my breathlessness considerably, but it cannot halt progression and it costs around $6K/per year. COVID conditioned me to be cautious about what I mention to what doctor. That's a real conspiracy we al have to contend with in some way!
Thank you for this very informative article. I’m in Central Oregon so the states epicenter of air pollution worse than China during wildfire season and prescriptive burns. I’m also an inflammatory disaster from GI issues. How do I find more info on utilization of glutathione nebulization at home? On my 3rd port & self cannulate, so I’ve had to be mine own advocate because I’ve lost most faith in my medical team.
"Forest" fires? Fires that melt glass and metal are usually not "wild"...
You could say like Hitlery Clinton "what difference does it make?", but some sources claim that fine particles were sprayed to make things more... microwaveable.
What if those powders explain, at least partially the toxicity of the whole?
I am puzzled why you discuss nebulized glutathione at some length, but then at the very end, you switch to talking about liposomal glutathione? Can taking liposomal glutathione help with COPD? If so, how much? It is very frustrating to keep hearing about all these helpful treatments but not have a physician to go to in order to use them.
"Note: the lack of awareness of using *liposomal* glutathione to treat COPD is both extraordinary and predictable as chronic diseases of the respiratory tract are the fourth most common cause of death in the United States, which makes them a vital monopoly to maintain (e.g, in the United States alone, 24 billion dollars was spent on COPD in 2023)."
I was a bit confused by this as well. As far as I could tell from researching on-line, liposomal glutathione is sold for oral use and not recommended for nebulizing. Reduced glutathione in bulk powder form was recommended for nebulizing. More specific info. and how to prepare it for use this way would be most helpful. I have COPD and would very much like to try it!
It's sad that so many have been harmed by these wildfire....and little money went to them, because the illegals needed it more. Healing does stem from feeding the cells right...and not breathing in toxic remnants still suspended in an area. However, I have seen miracles happen with one's trust in our Creator...and in just following what Hippocrates taught 2500 years ago. ..."Let Food be your Medicine...." It along with prayer and avoidance of toxic matter in the environment...will bring about healings. Rodale wrote "Our Poisoned Earth" in the sixties...and now it is hard to find any place that has not been harmed by poisonous pesticides...Organic Farming should be the only way farming should be done earth-wide; so everyone would have decent food to eat. .
I have mostly focused on treating those types of infections without surgeries due to the complications they can create and I am much less familiar with how to fix them after the fact (have ideas but no direct experience in it).
Viruses are tiny--you need an electron microscope to see them, optical microscopes are not powerful enough. Most practical masks are useless in blocking such small particles.
Air pollution is particulate matter that is much larger, and therefore a properly designed and used mask can block a lot of those particles. An N95 respirator is probably the minimum that will work (typical surgical masks leak out the sides and so block very little of anything).
N95 masks do block particulates, provided they are well fitting when they often are not. They also stop some amount of virus but you can't count on them 100% because some still gets through.
One thing you don’t mention here with respect to wildfires is what happens once the fire is extinguished. I lost my home to the most extensive and catastrophic wildfires (deliberately set) ever experienced in the country where I live in 2017. We were completely cut off by the fires in our forested mountain valleys. Yes there was the smoke for the duration of the fire but there was a whole year afterwards of breathing in fine particulate incinerated matter with every step you took on the land in the subsequent clear up and rebuilding. In my experience that constituted more of a health impact than the relatively few (comparatively) hours of smoke. And yes, no public health authority even so much as thought to screen us ...
God bless you - what a horrid thing to live through.
Thank you. Actually it was an extraordinary experience and one for which I’m profoundly grateful. Awe-inspiring and utterly humbling for demonstrating the incomprehensible power of such forces. Enlightening for what the fire could strip away of the ‘stuff’ of modern life , the ‘stuff’ of modern ‘self’ and the ‘stuff’ of modern ideas about the nature of existence to reveal a far deeper, richer and more essential way of being. The desecration to the ecosystem was utterly heartbreaking but now, 7 and a half years later, you would almost never know unless you looked carefully. The rebuilding was a pain in the butt for sure, but it brought community relationships to the forefront and the strength of those relationships is priceless. I could never hope to recover the financial amounts I lost. But that doesn’t matter. It isn’t what life is all about.
While not as direct as nebulized glutathione, you can take N-acetyl cysteine orally and that increases glutathione levels in the bloodstream. It also increases the activity of the cilia in the lungs which speeds up clearing of the lungs. And it substantially decreases the risk of lung cancer in smokers (maybe even by half) so I would guess it could be protective for those exposed to wildfires. Just thought I'd add this because it's easily accessible and fairly inexpensive.
I am not sure if anything besides directly applying gluthanione to the lung lining is helpful.
I'm not sure how to obtain that (not a clue how to) but anyone can buy NAC capsules and the literature seems positive, that's all. You may very well be right
I have issues when I take NAC directly, and my genetics say I can't process it right. Acetyl glutathione is recommended for me.
Oh, interesting -- this reminds me of those who have a gene that means they can't metabolize folic acid into folate. I'm glad you're informed and know about it!
God bless you Midwestern Dr. for all you do.
Turns out…having your house burned down is bad for your health
Probably depressing too. Would be for me.
I remember when the sky as far down as the south turned orange becoming more tan as it moved farther away from the forest fires in Canada. I bought two air cleaners which helped and began taking NAC, which is reported to help the lungs.
NAC is produced by the same manufacturers as the killer injections; you'll never know what's in it and how it will affect you in the long run:
I get mine from Life Extension that tests their supplements and also reviews the literature along with runnign their own studies. They are known for their quality. It works fine. I don't have COPD, using it for another reason on my doctor's recommendation.
Not every business is a cheat, not every Fed is lazy, not everyone in private industry is hardworking, and not every broad statement is fully true.
The source doesn't seem to matter; the manufacturers are all linked. When I was nearly dying and it was all the same, I tried it, and it helped for a week or two. After that, the symptoms became worse than without it:
And yes, not everything is fake that looks like one:
I'm truely sorry it didn't work for you. I hope you get better. Not every body reacts the same despite studies showing benefits.
I have issues when I take NAC directly, and my genetics say I can't process it right. Acetyl glutathione is recommended for me.
What has improved after taking the acetyl glutathione?
Using the media's term "wildfire" unconsciously links the fires to something natural in the environment. The older term was "forest fires," which is more neutral. "Wildfire" is also more fear inducing; and we see certain attempts to explain the origin of these fires as a consequence of, you know, Global Warming.
I grew up about three miles from Altadena in California, and periodically there were large fires in both the Verdugo Hills and the San Gabriel mountains. Presumably, in those days, they were natural (or could have been good old-fashioned arson). Those fires, though large, usually didn't burn houses -- with the exception of the Bel-Air fire, when was it, about 1961. But now we see these new fires burning up a lot of houses all over the place. I'm wondering whether in the case of Altadena it was two fires: one on the mountain and the other in town, with different origins. The burned houses resemble what we see elsewhere these days, and many are of the opinion it's not an accident, but rather reflects how houses burn when subjected to an outside incendiary force, like, well, DEWs. If you want to clobber a region with fire, like Dresden, you can do it with round the clock bombing, but it's obvious how it happens. Nowadays, with improved technology (most of technology is destructive) you can be more stealthy and also avail yourself of alibis ("plausible deniability" I think is the term I was searching for). Arson-war? Don't be silly; it's Global Warming! The Global Warming did it!
What it really looks like is another instance of disaster capitalism. At the time of the fire in Altadena there was another fire nearby, in Castaic. The nwo boys want their 15 minute camps (I mean cities, sorry) linked by high speed rail. If you look at a map you can conveniently link Sacramento, say, with Phoenix, using existing easements, via Los Angeles, where both Altadena and Castaic are right on the line of fire, so to speak. If I were living in Sierra Madre or La Canada I'd be worried about the next one.
To be fair, if you use the term forest fire, people often won't associate that with cities getting burned down.
COPD is most likely one of the results of radiation sickness, although there are plenty of other options these days, when industrial poisoning is covered up by invented illnesses, out of whose only the symptoms exist, and diagnostics is a joke (
It's difficult to imagine a wildfire that burns cars, but not trees...
In fairness COPD was recognized since at least 1679, and EMFs did not exist then.
Sure, and in HI it was difficult to understand why a fire burned in a straight line ruining some property and leaving others untouched.
Rumor said it was blue roofs, but others vouched for "smart" meters. Does it matter? It was mass murder, and nobody has done anything about it. That's all about being "red-pilled." Well, not quite, because if one believes that two airplanes can bring down the Twin Towers and "office fire" can bring down Bldg. 7, they need to have their heads examined. Oh, well, there is nobody out there to do the job in a way that looks at least halfway honest:
Look, I don't know whether the fires were deliberate, accidental, urban planning for redevelopment, or what. I'm pretty certain that my COPD is from 50+ years of smoking. I saw the low dose CT scan of my lungs. (The scarring from pneumonia and the progress of emphysema convinced me to quit.) Not everything has to be a conspiracy. Sometimes it's just stupidity or willful blindness. I will wager that my pulmonologist will shake her head and wrinkle her nose at a mention of nebulized glutathione, which is why I'm here. The Trelegy Ellipta I take reduces my breathlessness considerably, but it cannot halt progression and it costs around $6K/per year. COVID conditioned me to be cautious about what I mention to what doctor. That's a real conspiracy we al have to contend with in some way!
Yeah, difficult to imagine . . . uh-huh
Thank you for this very informative article. I’m in Central Oregon so the states epicenter of air pollution worse than China during wildfire season and prescriptive burns. I’m also an inflammatory disaster from GI issues. How do I find more info on utilization of glutathione nebulization at home? On my 3rd port & self cannulate, so I’ve had to be mine own advocate because I’ve lost most faith in my medical team.
Thanks Ronda
Please reply with glutathione and formula preparation instructions, in addition to names of suppliers of the latter that is likely in liquid form.
"California just experienced a devastating set of wildfires "
"Following the Maui fires"
None of the above "wild" fires...
What would be a better word to use?
"Forest" fires? Fires that melt glass and metal are usually not "wild"...
You could say like Hitlery Clinton "what difference does it make?", but some sources claim that fine particles were sprayed to make things more... microwaveable.
What if those powders explain, at least partially the toxicity of the whole?
Please watch this:
Forest fires implies it's only in forests and not affecting cities.
... then use the right term: arson!
I am puzzled why you discuss nebulized glutathione at some length, but then at the very end, you switch to talking about liposomal glutathione? Can taking liposomal glutathione help with COPD? If so, how much? It is very frustrating to keep hearing about all these helpful treatments but not have a physician to go to in order to use them.
"Note: the lack of awareness of using *liposomal* glutathione to treat COPD is both extraordinary and predictable as chronic diseases of the respiratory tract are the fourth most common cause of death in the United States, which makes them a vital monopoly to maintain (e.g, in the United States alone, 24 billion dollars was spent on COPD in 2023)."
That was a typo I fixed
I was a bit confused by this as well. As far as I could tell from researching on-line, liposomal glutathione is sold for oral use and not recommended for nebulizing. Reduced glutathione in bulk powder form was recommended for nebulizing. More specific info. and how to prepare it for use this way would be most helpful. I have COPD and would very much like to try it!
That was a typo I fixed
It's sad that so many have been harmed by these wildfire....and little money went to them, because the illegals needed it more. Healing does stem from feeding the cells right...and not breathing in toxic remnants still suspended in an area. However, I have seen miracles happen with one's trust in our Creator...and in just following what Hippocrates taught 2500 years ago. ..."Let Food be your Medicine...." It along with prayer and avoidance of toxic matter in the environment...will bring about healings. Rodale wrote "Our Poisoned Earth" in the sixties...and now it is hard to find any place that has not been harmed by poisonous pesticides...Organic Farming should be the only way farming should be done earth-wide; so everyone would have decent food to eat. .
I have damaged sinus lining due to many years of infection and surgeries. Is it possible nebulized glutathione would help sinuses?
I have mostly focused on treating those types of infections without surgeries due to the complications they can create and I am much less familiar with how to fix them after the fact (have ideas but no direct experience in it).
Is there a brand of glutathione that you recommend? How much do you use per neb treatment?
But if masks don't work for viruses, why do they work for air pollution?
Because air particulates are much larger.
Viruses are tiny--you need an electron microscope to see them, optical microscopes are not powerful enough. Most practical masks are useless in blocking such small particles.
Air pollution is particulate matter that is much larger, and therefore a properly designed and used mask can block a lot of those particles. An N95 respirator is probably the minimum that will work (typical surgical masks leak out the sides and so block very little of anything).
N95 masks do block particulates, provided they are well fitting when they often are not. They also stop some amount of virus but you can't count on them 100% because some still gets through.
For those interested, The Hotshot Wakeup Substack offers insider information on wildfire issues: