When they were able to convince people that healthy individuals were transmitters of disease- "asymptomatic spread"- I knew we were in deep trouble.

The other one that could be considered the prime symbology of the entire fraud was The Mask.

When they were able to convince large swaths of people that putting a mask over your breathing apparatus was a legitimate health intervention (as if trapping fungal colonies, bacterial colonies on your face and increasing CO2 were good for one's health) I knew we were deep into cultic thinking.

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definitely a cult. More than 40 studies show that masks do not work for stopping covid. CDC now KNOWS covid is airborne and does not need droplets to travel from one person to another. Pores on a mask are orders of magnitude larger than the virus, so the virus just goes right thru the mask! (And around it unless you have it glued to your face.) But the cult has a firm grip on people. I still see people wearing masks OUTSIDE!

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I do; for mold and pollen. (Probably thanks to childhood vaccinations.) Some stores and libraries quite irritatingly didn't like me taking it off inside to dry out. The Establishment knows that; I suspect most covid (now variants) is spread via biotrails.

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My husband used to have very bad respiratory and skin allergies. These are almost gone now and he is off all pharmaceuticals and allergy shots for these conditions.

Great remedies we’ve found in the past year include Saline Nasal Rinse / Gargle (NeilMed), no more vaxxes including flu and Covid (of course), Vit D and other supplements, and coconut oil for skin allergies/irritation. When we feel a respiratory viral disease coming on or have been in contact with others, we use Povidone iodine gargle/rinse.

Masks can be useful for large particles, if properly changed and fitted. But rinsing after exposure is an awesome solution (pun intended)! Also, showering after being outdoors and snorting out your nose in the shower really help (sorry to be gross, but this is important stuff for the inquiring reader).


NeilMed Nasal Rinse: https://www.amazon.com/NeilMed-Sinus-Rinse-Complete-Premixed/dp/B092HVFBB2 (also available at Costco and many drug stores) You can get refill packets online too.

Povidone Iodine: https://www.americaoutloud.com/dilute-povidone-iodine-nasal-oral-washes-for-the-prevention-and-treatment-of-covid-19/

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Useful stuff, thank you. You are 'snot' being gross. :)

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My wife and I also have pollen allergies, and she did find that during pollen season the mask reduced her symptoms. So maybe I'm rushing to judgment about the mask wearers outdoors. (But prior to covid I can't remember seeing anyone wearing a mask outdoors ;-)

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Prior to covid, the only time I saw a mask recommended was in the doctor's waiting room. A sign said "If you're coughing/sneezing, please wear a mask while waiting." That made sense to me, but in reality, probably made no difference.

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I think the main thing is it can make others feel better to know one is snot (!) putting yucky stuff into the atmosphere quite so obviously. Fear causes immune system energy to drop.

In reality there is no harm physically as such. The individual concerned coughing/sneezing or not has to boost his/her own immune system and look after themselves as best they can to reduce internal diseases (which cannot be passed on, although poisons can).

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When I worked on a crew that trimmed shrubs and grasses on medians and in parks, we all wore N95 masks and earplugs, partly because supervisors required it. Blow your nose after doing that work maskless and you'll know what the masks are for.

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right! masks are for keeping out particulate matter, they do a great job at that. Wearing a mask while sanding sheetrock, or sanding anything, is another useful application. Wearing a mask to keep out free floating viruses which go right thru the pores of a mask may be not the best use of a mask ;-)

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I think they [popular masks, e.g., N95s] *might* work to keep a droplet-spread illness from spreading, and when I was getting over a cold, many years ago, and had to get on a transcontinental flight, I appreciated the way a paper mask kept my nose in a zone of humidity. The nasal membranes are part of the immune system, and need to be kept moist.

And I believe that the studies done on masking show that they don't stop the spread of COVID.

And I've seen a couple presentations by an industrial hygienist who says you need air filtration for the whole space, and that masks do essentially nothing. He's been addressing health and air quality issues for decades.

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I also had one of those masks that fit around the face with rubber parts and have replaceable filter modules. I used the VOC filters when spraying herbicide, and found that with the mask on, I couldn't smell the stuff, so I figured it was working pretty well. With just the P-100 particulate filters, VOCs come through, but according to NIOSH, the reason the spec on those is for 100% of 0.3-micron particles is that smaller particles are *easier* to filter, due to the way particles interact with air at that scale. So I felt safe going into spaces with possible sick people (before I decided that my nutritionally-supported immune system was up to the task of fending off this virus). The downside of those masks, public-health-wise is that they don't filter exhaled air particularly well.

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My wife has pollen issues and found vitamin C has helped a lot. We have boosted our vitamin D too. C-ovi-D


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Prior to covid, people sometimes asked if I had an infection.

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Thanks for your perspective, very helpful. I would say your allergies related to vaccines but there are many other toxins around too. Most big pharma drugs neuro-toxic for a start.

As regards Covid this is the 'flu renamed to help big pharma make more money. It is essentially an internal process of the individual's body exacerbated by the very many external poisons.


There are sub-links included on various issues inc. variants.

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Here in Chiang Mai 99+% are wearing masks, while I do not, exept if visiting hospital, need to wear mask, but the same persons which I each day see, don't calculate and wonder why I never is sick or have died. And all knows that I not have been vaccinated, while for them 4 - 5 injections, and waiting for the next injectings as they againg and again are told PCR+.

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Vitamin C unavailable in Thailand? If they can get it, why don't they take a gram every half hour when sick with covid or the like?

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The same problem as all over the World, persons don't think. Remember when FDA told "I am not a horse so I don't take Ivermectin", or "If You are hit by Covid-19 don't take Vitamin D3 as then You will die", and so on. And doctors blindly trust medical firms, and people blindly trust both doctors and medical forms. So during now 20 yers out here, against nearly all of the doctors I have been fighting as result of their missing knowledge/thinking.

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Very well said.

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One should get plenty via fruit and and veg. Supplements should really not be required.

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Bins of rose hips and acerola cherries. Takes a gram every half hour during active infection.

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Rose hip liquid was available at chemists once and people made it at home too which no doubt is better.

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Concerning vitamin C, we often read 3 gram a day, and its halfing time 1/2 - 3 hours, and Linus told that normaly around 10 gram a day - and 100 when fealing a dicese comming - which fits with big animals body produce around 8 gram a day, while for humans 0 gram.

Around 6 years ago I and my wife visited a doctor, and by a accident, concerning vitamin C and daily health, I mentioned a case with a women who by 45 grams vitamin C a day, after few months had cured herself from cancer (we have around 240 cancers). The doctor was choked, thought hearing wrong, and I repeated, and then he gave me paper and pen, and I wroute down 45 grams. So he had heard right. A year later we came back to the hospital and was told that this 45 year old, and very rich docter, had died by cancer!

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Does that mean the doctor didn't take it?

I usually take 3-4 grams a day when well. Reduces susceptibility to allergies. While I take over 40 grams a day when ill, I'm pretty sure 100 would give me severe "gurgles".

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Actually a couple of times I in books read about a doctor who tok 200 grams a day when he though he could be hit by disease.

When I was child, and as still today, most daily multipill we only get 0.080 gram vitamin C.

Back in 1971 I then bought Linus famous book about vitamin C and the common flu. And then the medical firms made researches showing that vitamin C don't helps, they didn't tell that they gave less than 1 gram to the test persons.

There is enormos much writings about vitamin C, but still also bad books. But by reading also in internet sendings I met in the past year, tellig, that only increase 1 gram a day, untill the body say stop, resulting in running to the toilet, and get up to 10+ if sick. Vitamin C is one of the topfigters against virusses.

But concerning health, among other, we especially have the sun the vitamin D (D3 is 3 - 4 times "stronger than D), and during 100 years the doctor with knowledge as Hippocrates, say "Are you sick? Then out n the sun". 200 diseases are in relation to this. With 80 ng/ml in the blood the nearly 0% change in sick, dead, by Covid/19, while with < 20 (less than) then around 100% change to dy by Covid/19.

There is enourmus much writings about all this. Vitamin K2 together with D3.

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It is a cult. At work, all the hens could chatter about was: how will I get the vax? When will I get the vax? What is my timing with vax and booster and oh, flu shot to be EXTRA safe this winter? What will I wear? Who will pick me up? Did you have any side effects? I felt x y or z as my side effects, the vax MUST be working, yippie. Yes, working to kill you idiots. They gasped when I said I wasn't vaxxing - 'arent you afraid?' Nope, as I think the risk of dying is less than that of driving to work and getting killed in a car crash. Jaws dropped. Plus, then I'd add ' and you do know that the Cosmos, Fate, God can take you any time any place and any way they see fit. Millions die every single day... of all sorts of causes... not Covid.' Much muttering and then they'd move away from me. I got called on the carpet for taking my mask off and masquerading as a vaxxed (only the vaxxed could unmask). I flat out lied. Then I told them it was none of their biz. They backed down. (Because I didn't vax through the gov't clinics - I told them I would do it privately if at all...) And here I am today, unvaxxed, exposed (my Dad has it now) and socializing. And to me its like any other day. But my brother (Covidiot CNN watcher extreme) says 'I never worried about catching a virus or bug or disease from someone next to me and now I do'. And I said God, they've f'ed up these poor people so badly they can no longer live in a free society and enjoy their lives with human dignity. No, they are too pathologically worried about dying. How self absorbed are THEY?

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PS. I need to add, I have a cupboard full of Ivm, HCQ, Fluvoxamine, Steroids, and Azith. And yeah, I know I know... it might not work. But then again, what if it does? So I use it for early treatment. Going to get me more IVM shortly, and looking for a place for HCQ. Anyone know who prescribes I can get it from? Willing to pay. Keeping it JIC. In the meantime, Black Seed Oil and NAC and Quercetin and D3 with K, and Fish Oil...

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Lucky you! The horsy med definitely works if taken right away, at least it did for some close friends I have. I should have purchased some when I could have, now its way expensive and hard to find.

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I've followed the Great C-19 Pandemic Program develop from it's earliest days in China, where it was allowed to reach epidemic proportions through bureaucratic malfeasance then transferred to the US and Canada in late December as the respective governments demanded release of all their citizens then under lockdown in the PRC. I then watched as NOTHING was done for three months (other than members of Congress revising their stock portfolios). When at last the death toll was of usable proportion, the immediate treatment it was already clear was a necessary component of disease mitigation were each and every one not just ignored but actively suppressed to push for a sufficient level of terror in the masses they would flock for rescue.

It was a classic propaganda campaign, aided an abetted by an appalling level of cynicism and disdain for morality from government and "health care" professionals I firmly believe are guilty of mass murder. #CapitalismKills☠️

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The whole thing has been a psyop using fear and propaganda to weaponize the 'flu and make huge amounts of money for big pharma etc. It was abetted by an awful lot of stupidity which I call Stupid 20.



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SARS-CoV-2 is NOT influenza, which is caused by an entirely different virus. If you want to stop people from being terrorized via disinformation, then don't spread it yourself. It is a very real new variant of the SARS virus that can be deadly if not properly treated from the very start of the infection. It was precisely because they were denied that treatment so many people ended up hospitalized—and died.

Furthermore, the virus can cause the same kind of blood-clotting and cardiac damage as the vaccines, for the logical reason that those side effects are caused by the virus's spike protein those vaccines emulate. Dismissing it as "flu" is just as bad as making people believe it's the Black Death.

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Yes, a classically criminal campaign. So blatantly right under our noses, that a distracted terrified populace bought it, hook, line, and sinker!

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IVM from your local feed store. I buy the 1% sterile injectable solution for cattle/swine (NOT the pour-on ivm) and take it orally. 50ml for $32.50. 1ml per 110lbs per FLCCC. Hubs takes it 2x wk as a prophylactic, me, just when I feel something coming on like a scratchy throat. That and the vit a, vit c, vit d, and zinc. I haven't been sick since early 2021 I got covid from the hospital doing an investigatory colonoscopy/

endoscopy. (Their "test" showed I was "covid-free" upon admission.) I used to get at least 2-4 colds a year, every year.

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May I ask did investigatory colonoscopy involve any added chemicals? I see NHS will give a laxative - I suspect that would be the problem, messed up the bowels.

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Thank you

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I got HCQ from alldaychemist dot com. It will ask for your prescription, but you can leave it blank. Took about 3 weeks.

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Got my HCL from myfreedoctor dot com. Had a Nevada pharmacy fill the script and ship to me. That was about 6 months ago.

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You can get it through IndiaMart

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Yep, the obsession with asymptomatic spread… we have never ever freaked out about this with respiratory diseases.

The only asymptomatic diseases that were previously screened for were STDs. Oh, and TB among healthcare workers. Makes me wonder if those screenings are actually legit, or mostly a way to use more drugs to treat positive tests. I truly don’t know. Haven’t looked into it v

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There is no such thing as asymptomatic spread let alone symptomatic spread as internal diseases cannot be passed on. The allegation that they can which I once though was true before 2020 is a whopping great lie.

Bacteria and fungal spores, parasites and poisons can be but not diseases, carefully labeled to make the medical profession look superior than the masses.

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One day at work last spring while taking a break, a group of 10 or so people jumped up and scattered like chickens in a storm after one lady got a phone call saying her husband had tested positive, again . I sat where I was and pointed out the absurdity of the asymptomatic transmission, the collective cry of alarm was hilarious to hear. Now, the mask is like a helpful sign telling me everything I need to know about the person😄

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Love your moniker.

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Yes you can tell a mask-ist a mile off!!

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Engineering viruses for “Asymptomatic Spread” is expressly forbidden in the World Bio-manipulation blah blah Agreement. That is a mark of a bio-weapon.

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And that is Covid. The spike is dangerous and manipulated. That is the excuse for the jab, which is deadly. It causes your body to make the spike all day long. And leads to VAIDS. Which they knew of course. And IGg4 overexpression (the embalmers clots), and lowered fertility (cannot carry to term), and myocarditis and sudden death for young men (all races), and autoimmune diseases for everyone. All of which they 'treat' but none of the treatments can 'cure' you because you've altered your body to produce the spike ... for LIFE. Oh, and its been transformed and uptaken in your liver cells to express in your genomic / somatic cells. Eg IF YOU HAVE AND FIND YOU CARRY CHILDREN, they WILL BE DAMAGED TOO! Born sickly, born to get turbo cancers early (leukemia in kids anyone?) Genocide... all these people, slowly or quickly dying and not being able to have children (they will find this out soon). And the kicker is, the fastest and ONLY growing (still) population in the world is AFRICANS. Every one else all continents are *decreasing*.... And why is that? Well might be the culture, yeah, but definitely is the fact they've not been EXPOSED to all the vaxxes... YET. Just wait. Soon, soon now. Of course the elites feel they need a supply of organs and blood so maybe they'll just starve the Africans and let the beasts eat them... If I did not know better I'd say this is the Reptilian aliens attacking or, you know, what the bible said: Demons and Satan. Either way, whomever it is, they HATE LIFE, THEY HATE YOU, THEY HATE HUMANS. It is bull shit that we cannot control our numbers on our own, that we cannot feed everyone (we can do so easily, but the system doesn't let us), that we cannot improve lives AND preserve lands... that is just the elite psychos and sadists and truely insane life hating people .... telling you that lie. And lie it IS....

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Keep rockin’!

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Thank you for your amazing work! I look forward to reading your Substacks as soon as they are delivered. Can’t wait to learn more from your hard work in 2023!

As a dentist who woke up to the massive corruption in 2020, I am just now embarking on the harms of fluoride. What boggles my mind is the number of patients I serve that don’t use any type of fluoride and only shop Whole Foods who then lined up for these injections and multiple boosters. I can’t wrap my head around the insanity that surrounds us!

My favorite of the idiotic videos you posted is the Stephen Cobert. He’s front and center in this lie of a skit....something that will not age well!

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Cobert is a nasty human being with a dark side ( family friend works for the ass) .

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Interesting take. Can you share any details on Colbert’s dark side? I used to be a Colbert fan when he was on CC and back when I was a democrat. I once heard a pastor say, during a sermon on the role of prophecy in the Christian church, that Colbert and Stewart could be regarded as modern day prophets bc “they spoke truth to power”. To me, Colbert showed his dark side when he so disgustingly promoted the COVID shots. Never again.

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I do not think that pastor understands the biblical meaning of a prophet... I suppose Colbert and Stewart could be considered false prophets. The Bible does talk a fair amount about those.

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Maybe that pastor understands perfectly. Many of the clergy are false prophets. Many are evil. The Catholic Church's woes make that very clear.

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As a Catholic I will say, the rot started shortly after Jesus died and they started wrangling and brangling over 'theology'. And I'll add one last thing Peter was the rock on which the Church was founded. And Peter will be the last rock as the Church approaches the End Times. Malachi predicted all the popes, and he said the last would be from Peter, and the current Pope's father is a Peter. So make of it what you will. Certainly the book of revelations is pretty accurate if you look around at our current Western Civ..

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That's interesting, thanks. I can't imagine how devasted many Catholics must have been by what came out.

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Jesus was the Rock on which the Church was founded. Peter was Petros in Greek or Petroc in Cornish. Pet roc or Pet rock. Peter was the heavenly Father's pet rock, a stone from the Great Block of Jesus Christ.

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Interesting Zulu prophecies from 1993. He talks about the last pope.


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Indeed. And 'vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican'.

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Well said!

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And don't forget they make a false profit too. Let him who has an ear to hear let him hear.

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I’m going with this.

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The person said he is extremely spoiled and demanding as well as moody. Different when the cameras are running .. phony SOB they said .

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Yes, same for me exactly! I was such a Colbert/ Stewart fan back in the day when I was such a “good” democrat...

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Jimmy Kimmel has a streak of meanness towards those who question the safety and efficacy of vaccinations which would rival Richard Widmark pushing the old lady in the wheel chair down the stairs. Look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oesSyvh76g That is Jimmy Kimmel to a "T"

Also Democratic Oregon Rep Dr. Maxine Dexter who was so excited to be jabbing 5-year olds. She still is pushing the jabs on children.

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I can absolutely believe this!

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I have an aunt that is one of those Whole Foods-types but even more die-hard. She has been eating organic and using natural products since the 80's...before it was even a thing. Has always used homeopathy, did not vaccinate her son. And astonishingly she is COVID vaxxed and boosted 🤪 She's a regular listener of NPR so I imagine she is constantly being gaslit and fed all of the cultish propaganda.

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It demonstrates how truly upside down the world is right now AND the powerful effect of propaganda. We have amazing teaching tools at hand to educate our children in real time how easy it is for a few powerful people to control the narrative.

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I have a friend like that. I know she had the first jab because she was terrified of long covid . I've never asked if she had any more. It's weird what happened to people's minds.

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I know a lot of people like that who sent their kids to a Waldorf school and didn't vaccinate their kids.

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NPR National Pharma Radio or National Progaganda Radio is the absolute worst. They have been that way since about 2000 when Merck was one of their corporate underwriters.

When you hear someone on the left fluent in derangement, you can bet they listen to Morning Edition and All things Not Considered.

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How bizarre. One would have thought the aunt would have more sense.

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Your anti fluoride patients remind me of my daughter’s pediatric neurosurgeon who, immediately prior to the pandemic was culminating her lifelong dream of having Mass General Hospital build an outdoor natural space for healing for children as she believed that children heal best outdoors in nature. When I called her to request an exemption for my daughter for the shot, her response: “absolutely not. Your daughter NEEDS this vaccine”. I just quietly hung up and backed away from the phone: I felt like I was in a horror movi. If “they” could get into this wonderful and brilliant Woman’s psyche, they could get into anyone’s.

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It has been impressive to see illuminated how totally illogical and inconsistent people are through this whole thing.

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Chilling. Yes. A horror film of minds and bodies and souls taken over by something. If you start thinking of it that way it’s very clear and creepy. People wearing masks have looked creepy to me for a long time. Especially children. We flew last week and there were more masks. Flight crew wore them but didn’t see any children as I recall.

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Wonderful and brilliant? She is neither and had you fooled. Still does it seems.

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She saved my daughter’s life. Literally. But I can compartmentalize -she is an excellent neurosurgeon. But for the rest of it, it’s a shame.

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(Editing for brevity). We had a talented neurosurgeon who believed the covid shots prevented acquiring and spreading the illness, and made somewhat of a scene about it. 2 months later the hospital switched to a stringent policy of all staff needing to test every other day regardless of shot status. I'm guessing he feels rather bashful about that moment now.

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I wouldn't count on it. You sound smart enough I bet you have your doubts too.

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I think this guy is clever enough, he's figured it out. Staff policy also changed 2 months later requiring all staff to test every other day -- sort of a silent collapse of the sand castle without having to explicitly admit defeat out loud.

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OK, you have every right to be biased! Loyalty can be a bad thing when misplaced. Not the case here. I hope your daughter is doing well.

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Sadly, the last thing my daughter's neurosurgeon said was that if we were concerned about mrna technology being safe, we shouldn't be concerned, as that technology had been used in people for at least a decade. THAT'S what made me hang up quietly and move away from the phone (like in a horror movie). Because that's when I realized she was either incredibly uninformed or lying. Either way, tragic.

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Wow. A blatant liar, she never read or heard that about mrna tech yet stated it as fact. You seem extremely well informed. You've probably read that psychopathy is common in surgeons. They don't really care a whit about their patients (or they wouldn't be psychopaths) but still do a lot of great work, since it's to their own benefit. Possibly the case here.

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Used in people for a decade. Uh-huh.

That’s why we’ve heard so much about it.

All the doctors who claimed it was “tested and tried” technology, “it’s not new; it was used in RSV vacccine candidates” showed their absolute absence of critical thought. If the stuff was used, where are the successful vacccines?

Either it was used and found ineffective or harmful or both.

Or, it wasn’t used.

Because we have no prior successful and safe products using this technology.

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We thought our paediatrician had lost it when he said his kids are covid vaxxed.

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Ah, it's 'The Invasion of the Body Snatchers' all over again.

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He’s also on my list of “I never want to see or hear you ever again”. Unfunny and pathetic. Always has been.

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The last dentist my kids went to was really pushing the flouride toothpaste. We are looking for another one.

Also we filter our drinking water.

Can you share what you have found?

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I let my kids' dentist think they are using flouridated toothpaste and drink flouridated water.

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Good for you! My families that admit to me that they don’t use fluoride have better dental health than those who do. Of course there are other confounding factors but I have found it quite interesting to observe.

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We're overseas and they really don't even think about putting fluoride in the water (eastern Europe, Middle East - think water poor country). We never went with the fluoride tablets the health unit was offering, even now my kids are on the fluoride free toothpaste that I go out of the way to stock up on - they never tried the fluoridated one. When in the US I'm very strict on not drinking tap water.

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Wow, how fascinating!

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Withholding information from medical professionals will become quite prevalent until folks find new providers they trust. An unfortunate consequence from the obliterated trust in medicine. I have faith that the medical community is full of good thinking providers, nurses, and techs and will make their own path clear and accessible for anyone to use/afford. I am hopeful but it will take decades to build. Just in time for me to retire LOL

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Why not change dentists or help him understand why you disagree?

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Himalaya botanique simply peppermint toothpaste is great I order on Amazon

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I am going to try making some of my own toothpaste from organic ingredients. Just not sure how to get it in a tube 😂.

Started making my own body lotion and facial scrubs. Amazingly simple if you have access to the proper ingredients.

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Sets me wondering whether they still make those once ubiquitous metal tubes of yore, where you could easily unroll their 'back door' 🤔

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I like xyli-white. A NOW product. It’s coconut oil and xylitol. Two great things for mouth health. I’ve been using it since 2019 with great results. I do eat very little processed food though. No fluoride in it. Amazon.

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Mostly my research has been on the babies and kids. Fluoridated water has been shown to decrease IQ in those exposed prior to the age of 5.

UNC is about to do a fluoridated water study on an impoverished minority population in NC. Fluoride Action Network has put up billboards in the town to warn the parents of the harm.

I suppose it wasn’t enough for UNC to employ Ralph Baric and bring us a weaponized spike protein 👿

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I so glad now, that the extra charge for "fluoride treatments" for my children were completely out of my budget as a young, single mom. It was difficult to afford just the dental checkups back then. I felt guilty about that for a long time. (I wish I hadn't been able to afford childhood vaxes but "health" insurance covered those.😦). I guess that's why I'm hearing radio commercials about the importance of at-school dental treatments for "low-income" children.

*After hearing that commercial, my husband quipped, " I guess "higher-wage earning kids" are immune to cavities. Just put your toddlers to work sooner at better jobs and the problem is solved!"🤣🤣

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Krispy crème donuts are (almost) as bad for you as vaxxes.

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Krisy Kreme dodos don't modify your DNA to produce a toxin that kills your immune system nor will just one or two give you myocarditis.

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💝you’re absolutely right💝, just trying to lighten things up.

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Which you are absolutely right to do.

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That’s ok. Yesterday I was reading Igor’s stack and just had to stop and stream Emily in Paris for awhile. Overwhelming at times. 😵‍💫

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Not even close! 😝

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And having tried them frankly taste pretty disgusting. Not as bad as some Hershey's chocolate though. It tasted like sick and when I researched it I found they actually try to make it that way!!!


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Search for “biological dentist” or “holistic dentist” in your area. You may have to drive a while to get there but totally worth it.

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Dr ,

From millions of us : TY for challenging your entrenched beliefs about fluoridation. I’ve met very few dentists who listen to people like me about the history of fluoridation. Ty!!!

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Yay for waking up, painful as it is.

I want to read more about fluoride too.

And yes, I was stunned by the numbers of friends and acquaintances who eschew GMO food, but raw milk and organic food, yet quickly subjected themselves to this giant GMO experiment. I mean, not only was it NEW, it was freaking GENETIC. The marketing was very effective.

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So they also become a GMO organism. Hit ‘em with that someday.

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It was mind-bogglingly boggling.

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Good for you. There is a lot out there. Not sure if this will be of any use, but at least you know there is one more with you.


And for some light relief.


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I was that guy....remember the friend you had in 2004 who wouldn’t shut up about a “housing bubble” and kept trying to present proof to anyone who’d listen? I got very accustomed to being laughed at and disregarded. Of course, the bubble was legit, popped hard and took the world economy with it. This time, I started out tapping away with all my arguments against getting an experimental shot. For a few months people were open to listening and debating. But soon, in the face of billions of dollars of propaganda they shut me out, looked down their noses at me, and started saying I should be fired and barred from venues and my kids kicked out of school. It got personal fast. Midwestern Doctor (my FAVORITE Substacker) says only 5-10% of people are capable of critical thinking and going against the tide. It’s a lonely world trying to follow reality.

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I have had a lot of debates on where the % lies. Most people with similar observations say 5-10%.

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Anecdotally, I’d say closer to 30%. I look at those who refused the shot and those who were forced to take it kicking and screaming. Shockingly even 30% (if accurate) was not enough to stop the madness. And therein lies the evidence that the New World Order is already in place. I think we have been fooling ourselves by saying that the reason we were not able to overcome the government’s madness is because there were too few of us. I think the truth is far more terrifying: even if it was 80% anti-c19 vax, we still would not have been able to overcome the evil power of whomever is pushing the real levers of power. God, I pray every night and every morning when I awake, that I am WRONG.

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Things are looking up, its just that it is coldest before dawn and the light comes.


Really we are in a Groundhog Day and when the world comes to realise it is unconditional love that matters between God and Mankind and between our neighbours then the spell is broken.

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One thing that makes it hard to tell is that many people clam up to protect themselves; it seems they're going along, that they agree, but actually they are not and they don't. This clamming up can be, for some people, in some circumstances, a wise choice when other people, especially those with authority, are insistently saying and enforcing nonsense, and when there are serious consequences for noncompliance.

My own guess lands at about 10-20%, depending on the issue.

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The number I'm most familiar with, that I've heard since the 60's (I'm 72) is 3%. I think it varies depending on what you're talking about. More than 3% are not gullible fools who fall for the propaganda every time. So yes, 5-10 is accurate for certain criteria, 30% for other criteria, or at any rate the percentages vary depending on what you are measuring. 3% refers to always trying to be rational and think critically and having the ability to do so. Being human "trying" is the best we can do.

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See Asch 1951 experiment 60% plus went along with a clearly wrong answer. See Millgram experiment 1961, 65% would follow orders of an authority figure in thinking they were shocking a person up to 450 volts.

Look how many people followed the lie “experts agree the vaccine is safe and effective”. About 61% of Americans fell for it. Then Biden started the Hitler type propaganda accusing non vaxxed of harming or killing others, stoking fear and hate. If he persisted, you would have seen physical attacks on unvaxxed. Since on 60% +/- Biden had to use mandates that he swore he would never do, to coerce the other 40%, which is a direct violation of US law based upon the Nuremberg code to not allow coercion in experiments on people. Hitler use to call the Jews vermin spreading disease. Sounds like Biden, people believe then really start viewing someone as a threat to their life. Disgusting. Biden, Fauci et al need to be in prison.

I educate my children to see the evil that is going on. I teach then the lies and manipulations if tyrants. I told all 4 of them to never submit to a shot for any reason. I said if a nurse shows up with pizza tell them to call me, I’ll be right down to take care of it. I told my children that they will need to kill me to inject me.

I knew that unprecedented vaccines like this would take at least 12 years to prove safe and effective. It was one big lie to tell people that is was safe and effective. Then when it proved not to work they started the next lie that it protects you from serious illness, hospitalization and death. The vaccine were never tested for any of those things, but people keep buying it. What I see in America now is sad. We are no longer a govt of the people and for the people. We now have tyrants that are against our best interests. We have a corptocracy where our govt is by the corporations and for the corporations.

By the way I was taught to think critically in college back in the time they taught that, not the indoctrination they now have.

Midwestern doctor you should publish a book on this subject of propaganda. Document it as a public record. Include your knowledge of vaccine injuries. It would be a best seller to all the critical thinkers out there.

Thanks for all you do.

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3% was true at my hospital. Initially 40% refused the vax. Then they were threatened with being fired. It dropped to 3-4% refusal. Interestingly some who took the first 2 shots then refused the booster (which was mandated the same way, around feb 2022).

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If it is 3 percent, I'll consider myself much smarter than I am. It was and is so so obvious the lies they told. Starting with masks lying around with germs that are so so dangerous - well where are the hazmat bins for disposal? Crickets. Then there is the fact I didn't see hospitals busy, no they were so far from busy they were DEAD. I had to get a rabies series due to exposure at this time. Our big hospital parking lot was EMPTY. The hospital was EMPTY. Where were all those 'covid' people? And then there was the if you aren't vaxxed you are putting others at risk. Well if its a real vax then once you get it you are IMMUNE and you are not at risk from ME the non jabbed. And yet, I was told, if I didn't jab, the other person's jab wouldn't work?? Well clearly then this is not a real vaccine, this is a 'treatment'. And of course once they vilified HCQ (which Fauci had written about regarding MERS about 2015, as working..) well.. then my hackles REALLY were up. Hum.. I smell fraud, I smell shutting down other treatments, I smell the lovely ripe smell of corruption, bribery and money money money!!!

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Midwestern Doctor is my ABSOLUTE favorite substacker as well. I have learned so much.

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I was still on another social media platform at the beginning, and when I posted links written by scientists and folks asking questions and presenting possible harms like ADE, I was asked why did I think I knew more/better than the infectious disease experts telling us to get them.

I said that I was not saying that I knew more but simply that there appeared to be questions that were unanswered and that people needed to do their own research.

It was really bizarre how most people were not interested in conversation whatsoever.

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As a biomedical engineer by training, it didn’t take near the extent of my education to grasp that a 1/10 micron virus would escape even the exalted N95 masks. I had a paper slapped down in front of me with the statement “people far more intelligent than you disagree”. So I read the article - and the conclusion...IN THAT VERY ARTICLE... masks don’t prevent viral transmission. People have joined teams and just like high school, will fiercely defend their team even when the evidence shows losing. It’s beyond time to start acting adult.

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I mean, how about this: sprinkle glitter on the outside of whatever mask you wanna use. Just on the outside.

Now, how long before you start finding glitter on the other side of that mask?

And people were removing their glitter-laden masks, folding them neatly and placing them into pockets and purses, and expecting the glitter to remain stuck only to the mask. No way at all would it transfer to their hands, or their clothes, or anywhere else, or become airborne and end up on somebody else’s hands or face or mask.

No further study necessary. A kindergarten student can predict the outcome.


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Or perhaps, part of this phenom, where so many journal articles these days have a title that does not reflect the findings/data presented.

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Yes, it's beyond time. But we'll never stop waiting for that since most are not able to act like an adult.

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I took only 1 immunology course in my studies, but it was enough for me to say, “mRNA...what could go wrong?!!!!” - it’s been an odyssey discussing my simple critical thoughts with family, friends and neighbors.

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Yes. Look at the psych experiments by Milgram .. people would shock another person to death - but in the presence of someone who objected or walked away, the number who would do so dropped. And if more than 2 walked away, they'd stop shocking altogether . I would say 75 percent of people are socially compliant enough to comply while 25 will hold the line and use their brains. And this doesn't change. It might be why the PTBs wanted at least 70 percent vaxxed. As it is, I think they have penetrated only to about 50 percent. I think alot of people only got one, or got saline or paid off the vaxer. That has to be more common than we know...

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Paying off the vaxxer is probably common among the rich and famous. Among normal people, most would have a hard time doing that. I think just forging vax cards is far more common. Many don't stop to think that many of those mandating, especially employers, just want everyone to seem to comply so they're off the hook, they don't care if they really got vaxxed or not. And, the power players pushing the travesty want the jab to appear popular, so they're not all that worked up about fake cards either. It's only idiotic, zealous believers who care when people lie about it.

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Which in itself is a huge huge clue to the fact it was/is a scam of epic level (or a cover up of who released what where and when, sponsored by the good ole DOD and Deep State - didn't want anyone to know where the stuff came from OR that they had had controlled releases prior to China release).

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Jason, Lonely are the Brave. You've earned all your merit badges.

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Which is why I'm surprised by Midwestern Doctor's optimism of society's trajectory going forward. I don't share it, precisely because the 5-10% will inevitably be overwhelmed by more foolish groupthink. How an it be otherwise? Regardless of how effectively the truth is presented, they are hardcore suckers for propaganda.

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After spending all of my adult years in the medical device industry - many 510k and PMA trials - I was completely shocked to see how FDA managed this “vaccine” roll out. Their “...horse wormer...y’all ...” post sums it all up - should be #1 document to the effort of public manipulation. Made me insane with anger.

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Has anyone thought back to the story about the couple in Arizona who supposedly drank fish tank chloroquine, killing the man? I wonder if that was a real story or a set-up stunt?

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Me, too! So arrogant! Where’s the “youse guys” one?

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"The vaccinated are better lovers." I am at a loss for words, and this rarely happens!!

Also, to add to your collection.


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Added :)

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Cool, I am glad I could help. :) And not glad those insane ads have been made. Happy New Year!!!

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Maybe you could do a follow up article, with all the best memes and videos from our side?

If so, you definitely have to include the satirical rap video "Dear Fauci". Genius.


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That guy is really good!

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OMG this is very good, thank you for this.

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Epic!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌

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Also to add for your collection: SNL: "Boomer's got the V....x" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hekDuCBxCc

Soo glad I don't watch TV anymore ;)

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I can't believe I didn't see this before. I am going to add this one in. I will admit I am genuinely confused by this one.

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Think of the demographic...

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Damn. That is cringe AF

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Oh wow. this is such treachery, on so many levels

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Highly doubtful that they are better lovers...the Jab has messed with people’s (both sexes) libidos, and interfered with their brain chemistry in the one critical area that generates love, empathy and caring for another...it has made The Jabbed ‘emotionally flat’!

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SSRIs are also well known for doing this.

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And those are all those anti-depressants people are taking?

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Yes, thank you for bringing that up. The damage done to brain tissue from micro clotting and tissue damage is HUGE and will make them more compliant, less empathetic and essentially less human... I keep thinking of Rawanda .... and the genocides perpetuated there, knowing that Africa was one, IS one of the Deep States favorite experimental research areas... to try things out to use on us...

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I thought they just turned a blind eye to what was happening. Is there any proof more was done there?

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Creating Electronic Rage

What the Hercules crew had just achieved has been an open secret since the late fifties, when researchers accidentally discovered that there is a precise “control” brain wave for literally everything we do, and for everything we feel. The problem back then was that each of these control brain waves [rage, fear, panic, lethargy, vomiting and so on] had to be transmitted with an accuracy taken out to three decimal places, or they simply did not work at all. But as the years rolled by, and with the advent of transistors and microprocessors, the operational application of precise control brain waves became practical reality.

It is important to note here that the lethal trick repeated hundreds of times by the C-130 Hercules in Rwanda during April – July 1994, was not “classic mind control” in the ultimate conspiratorial meaning of the term, i.e. where people claim to hear complicated messages inside their heads, or where it is feared that the NSA [or similar] intend to turn everyone into helpless Zombies by implanting electronic chips in their arms or necks. What the C-130 crew were actually engaged in was “electromagnetically augmenting” a pre-existing state. Remember that the agents and security service personnel first had to point the Hutu tribesmen in the direction of the Tutsi, induce reasonable anger, and make sure they were appropriately armed. Only then could the C-130 go to work with the precise control brain wave of “rage”, augmenting and thus upgrading crowd behavior from that of angry demonstrators to uncontrollable genocidal maniacs. Although not “classic”, this was and is unquestionably mind control, for the simple reason that external means were being used to force an irresistible change in behavior.

For those who really want to know how governments or agencies change public behavior on a whim, the explanation is not too complicated, though obtaining details of the classified control brain frequencies is all but impossible. Various academics have actually demonstrated some of these effects quasi-publicly over the years, which provides hard reality for skeptics.

One of the leading lights in this field is Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise, who was a nuclear scientist and researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and at Stanford Research Institute, Professor of Physics at John F. Kennedy University of California, research consultant to NASA and the U.S. Navy, and a member of IEEE, APS, AAAS, MAA, ANA, AAMI. Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise identified specific frequency effects to induce nausea, happiness and many other behavioral states decades ago. Clearly, Dr. Rauscher-Bise is an enthusiast: “Give me the money and three months”, she boasts, “and I’ll be able to affect the behavior of 80 per cent of the people in this town without their knowing it. Make them happy – or at least they’ll think they’re happy. Or aggressive.”

Unlike many researchers in this field, Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise tends to be open about her work, has demonstrated the effects many times in quasi-public forums, and claims to experiment only on fully informed people. Many years ago during one memorable demonstration in California, she turned a specific brain wave on all students in the left-side of her auditorium, whereupon their teeth started chattering collectively and uncontrollably. When the unaffected students on the right-side of the auditorium suggested this might be some sort of trick, Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise calmly turned the specific brain wave on them instead. The right-side now suffered exactly the same fate, watched by the stunned, but no longer affected students on the left-side.

Extra Low Frequencies (ELF)

The main problem lies in the delivery of the these brain waves to the target, because they all lie in the extremely low spectrum, between 0.1 and 25 Hertz [Cycles], with all control brain waves in an even narrower central band between 0.6 and 10.2 Hertz. These are effectively the same as “earth” frequencies, meaning that they are very hard to direct via conventional radio transmission. Remember that in order to be effective in selective crowd behavior augmentation, you must be able to restrict delivery to clearly defined crowds in clearly defined areas. This is achieved by using an extremely high frequency microwave beam, which is then amplitude modulated at exactly the same rate as the desired control brain wave. This is much easier to explain with pictures, so take a good look at the diagram below.

The complete article with its citations (as such) https://www.auricmedia.net/operation-crimson-mist-electronic-slaughter-in-rwanda/ Some will claim nutso, but I do believe we've seen that our government has been hotly in pursuit of this type of technology and science for well decades and decades. I'm inclined to believe this technology does exist. BUT it can only be used as they say to "amplify" already existing states of emotions not to create from scratch as it were.

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Yes. And don’t forget prion diseases- dementia. What a charming state of affairs. The human race has largely fallen into a state of insensitivity and brutality yet so many people just don’t see it. That’s the most shocking thing for me to grasp. It can only be that they don’t recognise this brutality because they have been desensitised themselves. They don’t feel and see what they should be seeing and feeling. It continues to astound me.

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Interesting. Have you actually seen many jabbed people become ‘flat’?

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Well…since I am In the ‘un-jabbed’ camp and have a ‘partner’ who is the same I can verify that he is not at all emotionally flat! And most of the people I have close personal interactions with, didn’t get the Jab either, so they seem the same.

My only experience with people who are likely jabbed up, is out in public and I noticed that people are walking around in a zombie like state, and when you interact with them it takes a minute for them to click in that they are being spoken to or they have a kind of far off, foggy aura and vibe about them or are still wearing a mask, which is a whole other deal. Also there’s LOTS of really bad drivers out there now.

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I am in the same boat, so I can only go off what I hear from others.

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Glad you’re not jabbed. I’m not either. We were warned by the good doctors about a ‘zombie apocalypse’ when the injections were first rolled out. So far they have been fairly accurate in their predictions. Time will tell whether this phenomenon eventuates or not but I suspect if it does eventuate then it will not take many years for us to see it. Just look at the amount of cancers now taking off rapidly.

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"The vaccinated are better lovers." Maybe it's ''this could be the last time"?? https://youtu.be/HX6VL033JMk

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I was amazed that NOT ONE public health expert spoke of trying to improve your individual health via losing weight, exercise, proper diet, vitamins/supplements, plenty of fresh air and sunshine, quality sleep, etc, to MAYBE prevent you from getting ill to begin with or at least lessen your symptoms! The "junk food for vax" and literal bribery campaigns topped it off. All we heard was isolate yourself, stay inside your house and watch TV to stay up-to-date of the horrors happening outside your doors, be scared of EVERYONE you come in contact with, constantly use antibacterial hand santizer (for a virus?), cover your face and breathe your own waste, even while alone, don't dare go to your church, just live in FEAR until on a medical miracle called a "vaccine" is created to "protect" you. Fear inhibits your immune system, along with every other thing the CDC recommended. It was NEVER about saving any lives!

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How different would "COVID" have been if, from the outset, the messaging was as follows:

"COVID is a treatable and survivable illness."

"99.95% of people survive COVID, 99.99% when treated early. See your GP and get ivermectin now!"

"Unwell? Stay home, get early treatment and stop worrying! It's a treatable illness."


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Like they did during "flu season" every year prior? (Except the ivermectin part)

They needed covid to kick off the Great Reset.

With what I now know about ivermectin, I don't believe I'll ever suffer a 7-10 day cold/flu ever again. 👍

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Well, even with ivy our cold/flu/Virus lasted far longer than a week this summer.

But yeah, definitely worth having in your cupboard!

My MIL is recovering from a three week long cold (sadly, she is injected, although not boosted, thank God), and I wished that we had gotten some ivy to her at the beginning.

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It truly, truly was absurd.

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It was shocking how many churches bent to the propaganda

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Yes. I am still shocked. Thinking about my church during Covid is still upsetting. I had to change parishes, even though still in the same diocese, my parish was extra over the top. It was so depressing and horrible. My thoughts were and still are, if we believe what we say we believe, why all the fear? I’m not saying we do nothing, but the same as every other flu season. Why keep people out and away, especially if we believe what we say we believe. Why was preventing transmission at all costs the most important thing we could do, despite the fact it is impossible to do so. Why were we playing God? Where were the messages of trust and let go of your fear? Where were the messages of hope and what separates us as Christians? I’m still very upset about it. Even now, there isn’t any church leadership admitting any mistakes or anything about how ridiculous the pandemic was handled.

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They were paid to sell the narrative.. as were schools.

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Thank you! Been saying this very thing for 3 years now!

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Such a good roundup. I was an antivaxxer preCOVID so I thought I was ready but wow there were some real jaw dropping idiotic moments. The donuts! The online dating badges! The D-listers in TikTok! Stephen Colbert!

I saw a billboard in Houston in May

-Avoid the “you can’t come to our wedding” drama


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That Hawaii ad is wild! Eat healthy ? nah just injeckt babby with liability-free pharmaceutical products

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The one thing and only thing I have to give to Hawaii is that people rarely follow through on their new year's resolutions, so this one was at least more likely to be done.

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Are there any specific examples you can share from that website? (I don't have time to dig through it)

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I didn’t even look at the site it’s just what the billboard said. I just thought it was nuts anyone would roll up their sleeves and get irreversibly injected with a liability-free pharmaceutical product without long term safety studies to avoid wedding drama

Here’s the pic I took https://ibb.co/87Qnt3q

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People did that so they could go on vacation too. 😓

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My Dad convinced my Mom with that argument. He boosted, too. She didn't. Guess who has Covid age 89? Yup. Dad. Mom? Covid free so far.

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I pretty much won’t be going lots of places now because of various requirements. Although to be honest, there are other reasons besides the injections for me not to vacation in far away places. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I told a friend I wasn’t going to a local museum because they required masks (this was back in the height of it all, once stuff reopened), and she was shocked. She also was considering vaxxing her *6 year old* so he could continue his acting with her in a local ballet and musical theater. 😡

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Thank you, added it.

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Just insane! It makes my blood boil

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It started when they claimed they could develop a "safe and effective" vaccine at "warp speed" when we know the process takes around 10. I started out at "red alert" stage and it just magnified from there.

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With $10B+ dollars given up front to the vax manufacturers to "hopefully" create a vax in record time, I knew then, that they would "succeed". Reminded me of the 2008 "Too big to fail" scam. Now we know the vax existed prior to "the virus". Funny how that worked. How many BILLIONS of profit dollars has just Pfizer made in the last 2 yrs? $57B or so? And that's all taxpayer money for the "free" vaccines! We got zero return on our investment but Bill Gates makes 20-1.

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It is insane what we fund.

And now normal young people with college degrees can't even afford to buy a house.

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Agree. No one needed to do ANY research. The name alone is a gigantic red flag. I knew about vaccine fraud before 2020 but nothing prepared me for this atrocity.

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“Ludicrous Speed...Go!” -Lord Helmet, Spaceballs

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Haha! That’s awesome. It feels like we’ve been living in Spaceballs the last three years.

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💯 “Keep jabbing, a$$holes!” Paraphrased of course

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I share your same sentiments. It was a huge red flag 🚩! “WARP SPEED”!

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And how about when everyone just happily closed the airports, when during Ebola -- everyone dies miserably in hours -- not a care given; and no testing / restrictions / media attention regarding antibiotic-resistent Tuberculosis set to dismantle all antibiotic progress of the last century -- come on through the gates..... and bring the bedbugs too......

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I thought the propaganda campaign was brilliant. It appealed to the right crowd. I hope they all take their boosters, twice.

It’s the mandates that are the problem.

Please, don’t keep Colbert or Kimmels audience from getting 5 boosters. They’re absolutely doing the right thing.

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Scrolling through that was demoralizing. I could have gone my whole life without seeing how ridiculous our society is and been happier for it. I never would’ve have believed it if I hadn’t seen it.

I was in the grocery store yesterday and a lovely commercial came on reminding all of us shoppers that we needed to remember to get the new bivalent booster so that we can all be “safe and protected this winter“. I considered walking up to the pharmacists and asking them if they knew the “vaccine” was only tested on 8 mice and then asking if they were taking personal responsibility for injuries. I didn’t because I’m pretty sure that only a small handful of the people in that big ole store probably were still getting boosters. I did wonder if the pharmacists have been humbled knowing that it’s all garbage or if they still have faith in their profession.

I’m not exactly sure how to proceed through life knowing that most of the messages we hear are completely fake, manipulative, and intended to herd us around. The covid virus is scary (for a small portion of the population) but the way humanity reacted was far more frightening and will have far longer lasting repercussions. Looking back over my life’s time, I fell for many lies. I believe nothing coming from mainstream sources now.

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It is very disorienting to walk around with such a level of basic distrust now.

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This!!! It feels like living a version of Jim Carrey’s character from The Truman Show and now I’m aware. And, at the same time, it feels like most people are still living “Truman’s reality“ so it’s hard to relate to anyone that I formerly thought of as friends but are still trapped. Very bizarre. Would it have been strange of me to look for the hidden cameras when I heard the commercial for the bivalent booster at the store? That’s kind of the feeling I got.

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It's shocking to me that people I considered intelligent and perceptive didn't heed a major red flag in the beginning - the measures purported to control the virus were more likely to make it spread.

Melbourne had one of the longest and strictest lockdowns. For months on end, we were allowed outside to exercise for an hour per day with a face mask on. My husband, a highly cited researcher and university professor in a scientific discipline, wore his fully fitted when we were by ourselves on a deserted beach. I had a pretty good idea back then that this city was in big trouble, not because of any virus.

Joe Rogan also picked up something I noticed here - the lack of advice to reduce sugar intake. The long lockdown would surely increase the incidence of comfort eating and alcohol consumption. When I went to get wine, I'd give my phone number for the membership discount and the cashier joked he should know it by heart. I joked back that I blamed it on the lockdown. He said, "You wouldn't be alone in that".

We knew early on obesity was a major risk factor for hospitalisation. Just as Berenson said happened in NY, playgrounds were taped up here too. Melbourne has a lot of medium/high density housing and a significant population who have darker skin. Mid 2020, the MSM put out an article referring to a flaky study discrediting vitamin D as a protective factor against Covid. That was the clincher for me, that what was going on was deliberate and heinous.

It's been going on for a long time.

The sugar industry paid three Harvard professors to demonise saturated fat, leaving the population deficient in fat soluble vitamins A and D, which are partners and should be high normal. This heinous lie has IMO done more damage to our health than anything, a major driver in the increase in heart disease, cancer and autoimmune conditions.

Statins are a trillion dollar industry and it's easy to see how pharma worked out the most lucrative strategy was medicating healthy people. These past two years, they've achieved the ultimate goal of turning most of the world's population into patients, including healthy children.

This is part of an email I received from the TGA in response to my question, asking for robust data that the benefits of the mRNA drugs outweigh the risks for children:

“As background, the TGA’s provisional approval pathway was introduced to enable earlier access to promising new medicines while data on longer term efficacy and safety are still being gathered. Use of this pathway balances the benefits in enabling earlier access for patients against the potential risks inherent to the fact that additional data are required”.

The TGA is saying it’s OK to give what Pfizer and Moderna’s SEC filing documents say the FDA considers to be gene therapy to healthy children as young as six months; a therapy that, according to their own documents, wasn’t tested for safety in genotoxicity, carcinogenicity or reproductive health.

My husband has always been a stickler for safety. He got irritated a year ago when I kept trying to talk to him about Maddie de Garay. He said if they stopped at one case, they'd never get a product out. I asked if he understood the key difference - that we're not talking about getting medicine to desperately ill children but giving it to healthy ones. (I'd already sent him a link to the John Hopkins study). He said something non committal.

Melbourne was out of lockdown in time for the racing carnival and since then, respiratory infections (in summer) have become so common people don't bother to test any more. Triple, quadruple jabbed relatives and friends are repeatedly coming down with infections.

My husband finally looked at Pfizer's six month data, listened to the FDA ADCOM on boosters and no longer believes the Covid shots are safe and effective. He hasn't had a booster and wrote in capital letters on the form that he didn't want his father to have any more shots either.

Just now, I told him what I was writing about and repeated the most shocking thing he'd said a year ago:

"You'd need about ten Maddie de Garays".

I asked him if he could now see how insane that was and he said, "Not from a statistician's point of view". (He had originally told me what he said was from a medic's point of view, that I needed to understand how doctors think).

I think the most difficult thing for people like my husband to accept, those who called people like me insane (as my husband did but has since apologised) is that all along it was the other way around.

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Before I read your essay (always informative and well written ) ... wishing you and your family A wonderful happy healthy blessed New Year 2023 and always 🤗.

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Thank you! I really appreciate your presence here too

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If it wasn't for America being insanely armed i belive they would have tried the Rawanda model. Thank God for Mutually Asuured Destruction. It works for nations as well as neighbors.

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I was listening to RFK Jr in an interview w Meghan Kelley, in which he articulated the ways that EVERY SINGLE amendment in our bill of rights was upended in the pandemic response, except the 2nd.

Well, maybe the did nothing differently te the 9th and 10th, aside from however they have been being ignored for quite some time now.

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Well done Midwest Doc. It will make for a good chapter in your future book of 'lessons learned from recent history.'

The term for your proposed governance is 'Subsidiarity' from Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville:

"Decentralization has, not only an administrative value, but also a civic dimension, since it increases the opportunities for citizens to take interest in public affairs; it makes them get accustomed to using freedom. And from the accumulation of these local, active, persnickety freedoms, is born the most efficient counterweight against the claims of the central government, even if it were supported by an impersonal, collective will."

- Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com


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When I saw the title of this article, I knew I had to jump in:

Perhaps the most recent insane piece of vaccine propaganda I've seen was that "study" that seemed to purport that vaccinated people get into less accidents.

I mean...seriously!


The so-called "study" is titled, "COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash," and while I haven't yet read it, I did watch this takedown:


Here's a more complete takedown (though I haven't watched it):


More takedowns can be found here:


There are probably some others I can mention (such as how the initially-reported 95% efficacy is a relative figure, not an absolute one), but really...this one is so bizzare that it deserves to stand as its own comment.

I will say, though, that if I do read this study, and come to the same conclusions as others, then not only is the 'study' itself appalling, but it's a stain on the field of scientific literature.

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The authors of the car crash article should be banned from publishing. The journal amjmed should be forever rejected in the scientific community.

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Well yes. But then again, it likely IS the other way around right?

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I read an article that stated that the people who got the vaccine in early 2021 had XYZ percent protection left, those who got it recently had ABC percent, and "of course, the unvaccinated are completely unprotected." The statement literally denies the existence of the human immune system!

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