"”It's really hard to find new drugs, and it's getting harder and harder," Rost, representing himself, not Pfizer, said in an interview. "There is a lot of low-hanging fruit out there that has been picked off. It is very, very difficult to really find a breakthrough." Instead, Rost says, drugmakers focus on tweaking existing drugs to make money, not to advance science.”

That quote seems like a motive for Pfizer conducting mRNA “research.” They’re not concerned about the efficacy or safety of their covid mRNA vaccine, yet it was revealed by Jordan (through Project Veritas) that they are working on mRNA oncology products. He hinted that there are others mRNA products, but he didn’t specify which.

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Bingo. That's been one of my leading theories from the start about what could have possibly motivated them to push such a dangerous trial product onto the market.

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Great essay ! Pharmaceuticals is a disgusting and shameful industry. I’m glad to say , I’ve written very few scripts in my 30 plus years in practice! 🌞

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I can imagine that created quite a few challenges for as an OB-GYN within the system.

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Private practice was a blessing , however the drug reps knew I challenged them and very good discussions and truths came out. The turnover with drug reps is plentiful, surprised more aren’t whistleblowers!

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I saw a scientist in a TED-type talk to industry executives, who was extolling the exciting new drugs for EVERYTHING that would be made with mRNA. And ONLY mRNA! The wave of the future!

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Another tsunami of death, how nice. :(

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Exactly the role of Malone and Cole - to position the technology as working ever though no one else seems to find any thing organic in the vials. The crispr inventor said we can knock out genes but we can’t put them in. Cole and Malone speak like the technology works it’s just not here. They are doing PR and a lot of it. Definitely chaos agents.

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I have friends who have known Cole for a long time. He is taking a lot of risk to try to himself to try and fix things here, but he is also making a big effort to not have any messages be pushed out that we can't back up and will discredit us.

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Similarly, even though I touch on a lot of very controversial subjects, much of what I believe I don't share here because I feel the damage it will cause is much greater than any benefit that arises from sharing it.

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I feel those trying to discredit Dr Malone & Dr Cole are the chaos agents. They have done a lot for our cause & have stepped into the needed leadership at a great sacrifice

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Anytime you are in a leader role people will try to attack you. I am relatively sure if I publicly came out and assumed that role regardless of how well I tried to handle things, I would do things that upset people and I would have to deal with a lot of daggers and accusations. That is one of the major reasons why I never want to put myself in that position and instead just put out ideas I think can benefit the movement here and then let people decide if they make senes on their own.

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If I may say so, very wise. Jesus says "Nor are you to be called leaders, for you have one leader, the Christ."

The word leader might be translated 'teacher' or similar but the point is correct.

The word is 'kathēgētēs' in Greek. An anagram is 'the gates ek'.

So don't have (Bill) Gates as your leader also!!!

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I thought so until I watched the video of Cole at Sweden wondering why he is so adamant that there’s no nano tech in any of the vials whereas that’s what has shown up for all the other researchers. So which is it? This pair are telling the truth or all the other small independent researchers. I think it matters. I don’t think that Cole started out there, just happened to be the right person in the right place. Malone was placed there, he has the patents to benefit mRNA tech useage in perpetuity. Until covid, this was going to be high end cancer treatment, now it’s pretty worthless, hardly anyone even wants a booster.

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I asked people at the event about what happened, and I do not think it is being portrayed correctly or that Cole was being a bad person. Everyone at that event felt it went really well (and this it was possibly the best conference they'd had so far). I try to stay out of infighting between people in this movement since I believe almost all of them are good people who are genuinely trying to move things in a positive direction.

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I agree

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Can’t there be disagreements without having them “placed” there? Disagreements like you & me? You’ll never have a movement where everyone agrees on everything. Internal search for the truth is a good thing

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I haven't looked at Mr Cole, MD but I am aware of Mr Malone, MD. It is important that doctors are not turned into gods. Entitling them, entitling anybody, is what got us into the mess we are now in, at least in part.

There are those chaos agents as you say trying to discredit what these two men say about vaccine harms etc. I am not a doctor but a building surveyor (retired hurt at 60 years old), but I worked out what was going on in June 2020 and now know far more than many doctors merely by using my God-given brain and persisting at digging for the truth despite being unwell.

So I am aware that there are issues with Mr Malone and the information he gives. He is certainly not as aware as I am of all the issues or if he is he is stringing things out. It looks as though it might be for money which I understand he definitely doesn't need.

As to Mr Cole I cannot say at this stage.

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I respectfully disagree. What specific information do you disagree with Dr. Malone about? How do you know he is not as aware as you? That is a very self inflating statement

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Agreed. Chemicals redact information but do not add it.

Our cells contain DNA, the blueprints. Poison injected for example are like spilling coffee so the cell workers cannot read it and so produce fault products including new cells.

Such new cells are faulty, and will replicate themselves an cause what is called cancer.

I don't discuss that here as such, but the chemical poisoning is part of my alleged cancer issue.



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Really interesting you should say this. Lost trust in Malone.

Unsure about Project Veritas also now; Andrew Huff too.

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Project veritas is founded by very rich conservatives who are ideologically opposed to a lot of things the new liberal movement is pushing forward.

Recently, those people have decided they are really upset with what has been done with the vaccines and PV is one of the platforms they've used to bring public awareness to this issue.

A lot of people (on both sides of the political spectrum) who have way too much money decide to use some of it to advance whatever ideology they hold, and it just so happens that the libertarian conservative's interests align with ours on the vaccine issue. Beyond PV, they've played a major role behind the scenes in getting a lot of the mandate stuff pulled back such as by cutting off their large annual donations to hospital systems pushing the vaccines.

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Thank you for this. Everyone has been acting like PV is so great, but I don't like their honeypot and "gotcha" techniques, and know they've been for a lot of things I wouldn't have been in the past. Rost's technique w Pfizer was more skillful and professional, less sensational.

I think Dr Cole may have worried Steckelberger's (sp?) fixation on graphene oxide would take away from the evidence the conference presented, much as Dr Sherri Tenpenny's testimony in the Ohio Legislature was discredited over a similar fixation on a tangential issue. That said, S gave valuable testimony to Reiner Fuellmich 2 yrs ago about what she saw while working for the WHO - about Bill Gates gaining control, etc.

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The planting of divisive rumors is one of the most common tactics used in psychological warfare.

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I know right, and yet I though the sun shone right out of his Ryan Cole’s butt for the last few years! And Malone and Kirsch. And I still have it for McCullough. Mike Yeadon is probably going to turn out to be the one telling the truth.

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They’re all good people trying to do the right thing

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The trouble is it is all a story with twists and turns and so everyone playing their part. Rather like an Agatha Christie crime thriller, a who dunnit, suspect everyone, trust no-one!. Even Mike Yeadon doesn't have everything right.

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Really liking Mark Kulacz, Kevin McCairn, JJ Couey, John Beaudoin also. And, recently - much smeared esp by Malone - George Webb...listened to his recent twitter space discussion and found it incredibly instructive and moving.

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Look up Astrid Strucklebergers talk at the Sweden event last week and decide for yourself.

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It’s not just a theory. It’s coming. It’s already in the works. This is the groundwork for mRNA everything.

Not unlike Hiroshima and Nagasaki for the Manhattan Project—a field test, on a massive scale, with a whole slew of parallel agendas and motives rolled into one.

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It seems that the ball is rolling faster than the bad effects it bypasses can be observed. Are we that enthralled with technology that mucks around in barely understood human systems? I'm sure Malone above all is curious and concerned about how the lipids that encase the vector molecules have solved the problems he observed over the years. Maybe the problems haven't been solved, yet.

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Not solved. More like hacked and faked. The pseudouridine is one example. The inconsistent mRNA composition found in some of the vials is another. The far-flung biodistribution another. The long persistence of the induced protein another. Induced autoimmune reaction is another. Reverse transcription to the DNA is another. It goes on and on.

So many of these, it’s beyond caprice. Wanton recklessness, heedless of consequences.

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more than agree. near criminal relentlessness.

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I wonder how many people are reacting to the lipid shell?

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This is an interesting story about one mom’s journey to find the answer to her son’s injury. https://open.substack.com/pub/amothersanthem/p/the-shot-heard-around-the-world?r=nzeud&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Malone worked for many years to try to solve the lipid. He consulted on the issues for another 10 years. I'm sure he would be concerned. The issue IMHO has not been resolved.

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The same point was made by Marcia Angell, MD, a former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine in her book,

The Truth about the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do about It

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The real shame is that there are a ton of products that could be FDA approved and would help a lot of people, but they threaten too many vested interests.

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The products out there are called untainted food and water. Add in clear air for good measure, plus sunshine not blocked by toxic clouds. These were freely made originally but big pharma and others don't like free. I have said elsewhere but:

"There are natural herbs and spices that will do the same thing without the nasty side effects. Big pharma take natural things, refine them/break them down into the one particular thing that is supposed to have the desired effect.

They then add bulking agent to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!"

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“Ton of products” that “would help a lot of people…”

Hmmm 🤔 Care to share what some of these little diamonds in the rough are?

Of course this would not be medical advice… just interesting tidbits for us to research… Thanks doc… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽👍🏽

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That's my goal once I'm done with the COVID stuff that needs to get written.

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👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽😁 I am just starting to scratch the surface of naturalistic therapeutics… Fascinating stuff! But this subject is so LARGE it’s completely mind-boggling… God has provided us with so much! 😊

Usnea tincture and colloidal silver are the flavor of the week right now… 👍🏽

Looking into oil pulling for the teeth… Looks promising 👍🏽

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Colloidal silver is great. The argentyn 23 as far as I know is the best brand.

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I would be very grateful if you would look into and comment on the Minnesota Starvation Experiment and the study Dr. Abul Dulloo conducted afterwards (my apologies if you have done so already). You mentioned in your Alzheimer post that: "I have seen numerous cases of individuals who could eat large amounts of unhealthy food for decades without gaining weight" and also you mention that 'the brain can be starved of nutrients, especially when stomach acid is low' (from lack of food).

I am fascinated to know your thoughts on whether we as modern western people just don't eat enough (esp. with the craze for extreme 'thinness' and extreme diets that have appeared in the last 20 years). I live in France and the amount that people eat here is incredible (and it's not all what we would term today as healthy food), they are on the whole extremely robust and not overweight despite the fact that the pharmaceutical industry is very aggressive towards vaccinations, drug prescriptions etc.

On a personal note, I am right now re-feeding from 30 years of orthorexia (with bouts of anorexia) and have been eating 3-4,000 calories a day of any type of food I crave for 11 months now. I have also done no exercise during that time. Junk food, I have been told, gives the most immediate nutritional availability. I had lots of chronic issues that are now rectifying, including bone and teeth problems. I have followed a protocol based originally on the second recovery phase of the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. I have gained a lot of weight but my body is slowly rebalancing and the pounds are now starting to drop away, although I have not reduced my eating levels.

It seems that this idea is TOTALLY against what the $$$$ diet and exercise culture would have us believe (when it seems that in history we were primarily worried about malnutrition) and is based on the fact that no matter what intellectual ideal we impose on ourselves, our body has a 'set point' it will always return to eventually.

I have read that scientists are now understanding fat to be an organ that is deployed in times of crisis to control hormone balance and metabolism and that the body can restore itself from most imbalances given time and the nutrients it needs (no extra supplements/medication needed).

What I would really like to know is whether obesity is really caused in part by over-medication and not over-eating and that restriction causes a lot of damage (no matter what body size we are) as you alluded to in the two quotes above. Sorry for the long post but I would love you to comment on this if you are able to in the future when you are writing about all your healing protocols and products. Thank you so much.

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That is a really big topic I sort of have to write an article on bc of all the nuances. I do believe one of the major issues in the american diet is that the soil has been demineralized and the food is lacking in nutrients, so people often have to eat a lot to get what the body is nutritionally craving (so best option is to have high density nutritional foods). I also think animal fats are good for you, and I think that explains a lot of the french paradox.

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I will look forward to this - have you read 'Medical Nihilism' by Joseph Stegenga?

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I read some of it but never finished it

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That's one of the things I will gradually do here!

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@GBA. James Sloane's herbal cures seem to be among the best available. I have a bunch of them listed at http://l00k.createaforum.com/h/. James has a private Facebook group called Science Based Natural Healing. Facebook banned me 3 times, so I can no longer read the group. By the way, I think homeopathy and applied kinesiology etc are also good. See https://youtube.com/watch?v=TBxxlj41S80. Spencer Feldman has a lot of interesting health info at https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Spencer+Feldman.

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Greenmedinfo.com already did that

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I read a lot of their database but never had the time to finish it.

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When Malone et al cracked bypassing the immune systems and made mRNA possible, it was heralded as the cure for everything, as you could ‘reprogram’ the body to ‘fix’ anything. Big Pharma tipped billions in over the next 20 years, bailing after NO product passed Phase 1 trials due the appalling side effects and rate thereof. This left minor players like BioNTech and Moderna tinkering in the vague hope of success. Two decades of research showed the technology did not work and was extremely dangerous; everyone in mRNA knows this, hence the childhood schedule and liability shield. Confected or not, COVID ‘crisis’ gave some seriously malign people the chance to get mRNA approved and cash in on all the 90s hype. This is why they pushed so hard for FDA to approve mRNA as a framework last year, so they can change the ‘package’ without any trials to further expose how unsafe and ineffective it is for any other disease.

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Question. I share the same understanding as you of this, but I have never been able to find any references of the disastrous phase I trials during that 20 year period with the mRNA technology. Do you have the ability to compile that and send it to me?

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@MidwestDoc. Email him. You have his email address if he's a subscriber. When you edit your posts, click on "Edit email header and footer". Then at the top of the page will appear "Posts Podcast Subscribers Stats Recommendations Settings". Click on Subscribers to find Dan's email address.

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I don't email people on here anymore because then my email address gets filled with spam and added to a lot of lists. I've had to dump multiple emails because people weren't respectful for it.

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Malone and Cold are the front line PR guys. I share your view.

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Indeed. Too toxic for cancer.

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wow, this is really eye-opening, thank you.

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When Mom died in 2018,

She had hundreds of prescription pill bottles in the house. She'd been doctored for fourty years, always saying she's finally now was getting the good one, until the next.

I could not be raised by her.

I went to speak to the doctor who wrote her death certificate.

He was so busy, with dozens waiting to be prescribed....

Finally I got the picture and gave up and left.

I wanted to know why she died.


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A lot of people have told me that people age very differently now than they used to in the past.

Every once in a while I meet someone who is old and still has a brightness in their eyes, the vitality remaining in their skin, and is cognitively intact. In all cases they tell me they never touched pharmaceuticals.

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I'm 75, and my mind has never been better! My neighbors think I'm 15 years younger, my skin in perfect, and I have the humor and liveliness of a young person. And lots of wisdom.

I take Ambien for sleep, thyroid meds, and an occasional pain pill for the usual aches of age.

I don't feel like an old person.

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I am only 62 (nearly 63). I have the heart and mind of a teenager.

But he can't have them back! :)

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I will l print out this comment and stick it on my bathroom mirror so I can see it every morning and night for the rest of my life. Thank you.

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I have to give the caviet a few are necessary, but anything you take on a chronic base to change a physiologic process often cause problems.

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Years ago, I learned that the ancient Greek word, "pharmakeia", meant two things: the practice of sorcery, and the use of drugs (from medicines to poisons) - both in the service of a particular idol.

I was skeptical about connecting that pagan history with our modern secular, science-based, public-minded pharmaceutical industry. Until the mRNA scandals, which opened up a lot of pharma history most of us were never aware of.

Thank you for your outstanding documentation. It proves the need to fact-check our own doctors, who may turn out to unwittingly (?) be the sorcerer's apprentice.

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I love that you say that. I am approaching 73, medication free my entire life, eat low carb and I feel great. I teach yoga and can still do a damn good flow. My mom, soon to be 96 is medication free as well. One of my doctors, decades ago told me short term drugs might be ok, otherwise stay off of drugs. I thank God for her frequently.

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I can believe that. Big pharma drugs are destroying human life.

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I see how hard this must have been for you. I wish the doctors that "cared" for your mom cared. My mom was found driving her car in a parking lot in her PJs stoned on narcotics. When I found out she had multiple docs prescribing narcotics (she had oral cancer post treatment related pain...so it was real on some level to need meds), I wrote a letter to every doctor and told them if they didn't stop, I would write the board that licensed them and call "Help Me Hank" (TV reporter who exposes scams). It helped but it was a battle. It took my mom time to wean off narcotics and it was my walking away from her that accomplished that. Docs were no help! So I know how hard it is when you want "health and wellness" for a loved one and the system seems stacked against that goal. I had a lot of forgiving of myself and her doctors to do. I wish you peace in your history with these times that plague us.

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My sister was overdosed with chemotherapy. The doctor who wrote the death certificate said so. I told my brother-in-law to sue the doctors. He wouldn't. He believes they did everything right. He also took all the covid shots - so there's that. Some people will love the medical industrial complex to their deaths.

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It is always sad to see that, but I know exactly what you are talking about.

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you know what...you are right...it's a good motto to explain how people think..."Some people will love the medical industrial complex to their deaths."

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Agree! It happened to my FIL. Idiopathic lung fibrosis after the vaccine. Hospitalized less than week after his booster. “Died with COVID.”

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I am so very sorry, it is so sad when the truth is revealed to us and even sadder knowing that there was probably never anything we could have done to stop it. The system is against us and that is what we need to hold in our minds at all times.

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You can always boycott.

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There was always something we could do about it but we didn't know the raw truth. I only realised in 2020 at age 60 so I was a bit slow, and I apologise for this.

But I had had no reason to investigate in depth as in general I avoided big pharma drugs. Until 2020 that is when immuno-therapy damaged my pituitary gland and affected my thyroid levels. If I had not done this I would not have understood the truth.

Now I do, I can do something about it along with all you lovely people.


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What immune therapy was that?

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Nivolumab, sold under the brand name Opdivo. Ingredients in product info put conveniently in the smallish print right at the bottom under side effects. I have yet to analyse in detail but will do so and do a post.

They put 40ml (I think that was figure) of the product into a 100ml saline solution for intravenous injection over about 1.5 hours.

However the 'lovely' ingredients as listed are these I gather.

"What are the ingredients in OPDIVO?

Active ingredient: nivolumab

Inactive ingredients: mannitol, pentetic acid, polysorbate 80, sodium chloride, sodium citrate dihydrate, and Water for Injection. May contain hydrochloric acid and/or sodium hydroxide."

These are remarkably similar to vaccine carriers.

Secret ingredient Nivolumab not defined. No surprises there of course.

However, as 'bon Valium' is an anagram and Valium was what was prescribed to my mother for depression in 1960's (she managed to wean herself off it after 7 years or so I understand), and bon or good is not how I would describe Valium, perhaps this was a bad omen.

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Nivolumab is a Anti PD-1 monoclonal antibody according to Brave search.

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Thank you. But what does that really mean? When you start looking at all the side effects and know as I do that the cancer industry is a scam, what are they playing at?? And what really is the chemistry at work. They don't know as always.

As regards my health and symptoms Nivolumab Wikipedia link says side effects include

"... immune-mediated hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism."

This ties in with my issues of reduced energy and messed up thyroid levels.

Anyway, thanks again.

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More jobs posted for "funeral ", over 3500 now this week.

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I have come to deeply admire you and what you do reading your stacks since you started writing them. I started out skeptical but your work is unassailable, your prose is tight, and your reasoning is sequenced and logical. There is clearly a mountain of work in each piece you put out. Many thanks for doing this. It is clearly a labor of love.

One other point needs to be made. This kind of article shines an (appropriately) ugly light on Pfizer and pharma in general -- well deserved. But these are for profit companies and most of us watch for these kinds of things as we can. They are, however, at least in part trying to fulfill their business mission. The real culprits remain the government and all the three letter agencies. They get paid to do NOTHING but to keep the game honest and to make sure that the urge to cheat does not overwhelm all else. The have a 100% (literally) failure rate at this. Those are people that WE are paying to do this and they just laugh in our faces. That is where the real blame needs to be focused.

Throwing pharma under the bus leaves in place all of the people that created and sustained the environment that has allowed all this to happen. That is why I fully expect some pharma folks to be thrown under the bus -- so the bureaucrats, really the epitome of self-dealing evil, can escape. If the more-than-intelligent readers of this stack want to remember anything, I think that should be high on the list as this all plays out.

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I had no plans to do something like this because of how many problems it can create for you and (what I work on publicly I believe is very important for medicine and the would but would get sunk if I mixed it with this work). It just kind of happened so I am trying to be as responsible as I can with it.

I find it enjoyable to write these once I feel I am able to present the picture I am trying to paint which is a large part of what motivates me to put the time I do in (if I was writing 3-4 mediocre articles that were more likely to get traffic rather than a single one I felt good about, I would lose my interest in doing this quite quickly).

One of the big goals I've had is not to assert anything here that is potentially false unless I preface it with being my belief. That's surprisingly hard to do since we always carry a large number of false assumptions we never questioned and thusfar I've had 3 mistakes I remember having to correct here (misreading something in the disability data...I republished the article with a retraction to the previous one+mixing up the story on the PR campaign for the origins of bacon I just edited in the article because I didn't think it really mattered and a third one I can't remember anymore).

I try to explain my thought process and how I arrived at each conclusion so who I am is irrelevant to evaluating the point I am making. I know a few "experts" I will trust on almost anything I ask them, but in general I hate that form of epistemology so I try to do everything to go in the opposite direction of it.

In regards to your point, my own belief is that corporations function as armies of the US government, so like armies of old, they need to have a bit of a yoke on them to keep them inline, but at the same time, they need them to do what they are doing which includes a lot of bad illegal things. I wrote more about that here: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-current-protests-in-china-are

That said, I'm just trying to stick to the medical issues rather than going into the military industrial complex (my relatives have seen a lot of horrible stuff happen overseas such as some of the black-ops done to enrich domestic investors so I feel very strongly on this issue...truthfully more so than medicine..what happens in war is on a completely different scale from anything the medical cartel does...but I just don't feel it can reach as large an audience). If you spread your focus too broadly it gets diluted and you don't really do anything. I wrote a 15 page article on War and Ukraine I've gone back and forth on publishing for months but never put out for that reason.

My general hope is that all of this COVID stuff ends so I can switch over to writing about the forgotten side of medicine that is important to me.

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Would love to read your article on war/ Ukraine!

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I like how you present your approach. Armies are the stick to beat the masses with. If armies don't work, then they use leggies!!

As regards Ukraine and the deceit I wrote this if you haven't seen and are at all interested in your very busy schedule. It is quite long, but in part humorous due to the staged manner of much that is going on, but my summary and intent are serious.


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"They are, however, at least in part trying to fulfill their business mission. "

A mighty poor defense there, doc. Especially when their actions expose their real mission(s).

"The real culprits remain the government..."

It would be tough to argue that the government is not an enabler, but it would be even more difficult to show that they're not all in it together.

I'm betting it tur(d)les all the way down.

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See my reply. I think the US gov needs the corporations to do it's dirty work but simultaneously has to keep them on a leash. It's virtually identical to the situation previous empires had with each of their armies.

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It seems pretty obvious that the international/globalist mafia uses both large corporations and the government to impose their psychopathic agenda on the rest of us and have for a long time. In fact, those who opposed the constitution, the “anti-federalists,” were both correct in their misgivings and nearly 100% correct in their predictions of where it would take us.

Also, Maj General Smedley Butler, though curiously late to the party, summed the big picture up quite well with this…

“… I spent most of my [33 years in the Marine Corps] being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers.

In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for [crony] capitalism.”

Major General Butler USMC, War is a Racket, 1935


I’ll admit that he showed himself to be soft on Communism, which was very fashionable at the time (especially among some of the financial “elite,”) and that he had to know who was behind that front, i.e., the biggest parasites of the time. The question is why, and the answer, though simple, takes a bit of explaining.

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All good. I think explanation in summary not too hard or long but unraveling the detail takes a lot of time and effort.


The banksters as others call them are the final group I refer to in that link, such as the Rothschilds or children of wroth.

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Amazing polly is amazing and she's obviously done the homework and connects the dots as well as the culprits.


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Quick glance and sounds excellent, so thank you very much. Re mafia, I daresay you may be aware that Fauci has family ties to Sicily.


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I agree. Not giving anyone a pass. But I expect in business, like sports, less-than-good actors are always trying to cheat. It is why there are referees/umpires/you name it in sports and, putatively, especially in health care, an impossibly expensive bureaucracy FOR WHICH WE ARE PAYING that is not beholden to the shareholders but to us. That is a far bigger lie/failing to me -- if one is ranking failings. Also, Pfizer cannot MAKE me do anything -- the government can and does.

So yes, clearly Turtles (love your variation) all the way down. But the people least likely to ever get any negative repercussions from this are all on the government side which is supposed to be "our" side -- and that is just an outright lie. That is just wrong.

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Agreed. However, even the government cannot strictly make you do anything. It might have its minions fine or incarcerate you etc.

As big businesses 'own' governments in many cases, indirectly Pfizer for example do make you do things, subject to my rider above.

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Dr. K. “Also, Pfizer cannot MAKE me do anything -- the government can and does.”

How one responds to the government is still a choice. We can choose to “play The Game” or we can choose to not. Yes, there will be consequences, most likely ones we don’t want.

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I'm with you here. See the Nock quote I posted.

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& it’s the largest lobbying group in Washington DC.

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Throw them all under the bus.

Or preferably a steam roller, slow but sure. Here's my flattening of Fauci to add to others efforts.


And Walensky for good measure.


There are plenty of minions too.

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@Dr. K. The large corporations own the government, so I think it's appropriate to go after them too. Some of the corporate crooks are higher up the "chain of command" than are the government crooks.

I'm recommending that concerned citizens learn the law and start lawsuits against all corrupt actors in business and government. I wrote about that lately at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/help-file-lawsuits-against-covid. I'm taking a fairly cheap law course so I can learn how to do that, but I'd like to collaborate with others so we can work as a more effective team or teams.

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I would note that if one does not sue the individuals one will be merely suing the corporation or taxpayers and nothing will really change.

Suing the corporations may be like suing the taxpayers if they write off claims against them against tax bills. They have this worked to a fine art.

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Great point. This is why Flemming says we have to do criminal prosecution rather than civil.

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What type of lawsuit? Class-action?

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That I can't say as my legal knowledge in that regard is very limited.

But I suspect that there are things going on to sort out matters that we don't see, so in part it may be academic.

Nevertheless the lawsuits help expose the ghastly fraud in what ever form they take, the more public the better of course.

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Great article, everything and more of what I suspected goes on.

A footnote on those “me too” drugs: the “opioid crisis” was in part driven by one of those drugs, OxyContin. This was oxycodone repackaged in a patented time release delivery mechanism. It’s another example of how the FDA rubber stamped the approval and allowed it on the market, based on fraudulent data. Sure, non-addictive. Uh huh. Right. Another problem created by government that needed another government program. Strap in for another ride on the Federal Perpetual motion machine.

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Totally! I can't cover all of them, so I try to go with the topic people can most relate to and then let them see how the same underlying truths flow into everything else too.

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Understood. I respect and appreciate the effort and self control it takes to produce such a tightly coupled, focused piece. As I read, my brain goes off into the connections I make, things I know to be true and how the pieces of the puzzle fit together. If I attempted to write such a story, I’d never finish it. Thank you for what you do.

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My mind does the same!

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Well, we all write our chapters. It will be a very big book!

"Once upon a time, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."

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Thank you for this comment!

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Don't forget Darvon, the 1960s "non-addictive substitute for morphine", which turned out to be VERY addictive, and drove my little brother to skin-popping heroin to get relief for a severe nerve injury from a car accident. He had gotten up to 6 prescriptions to get the same pain relief it had given him initially.

He was doing OK, with minimal heroin, but one day, he either hit a vein or got some very high potency heroin, and died.

Wasn't taken off the market until 2010. He died in 1972.

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I've actually never heard of that one...

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Oh, Darvon. Given out like candy in the late sixties seventies for things like menstrual cramps to 16 year old females.

Seems our three letter friends show up everywhere when pharma is involved. From of all places, Wikipedia:


Dextropropoxyphene was successfully tested in 1954 as part of US Navy and CIA-funded research on nonaddictive substitutes for codeine.

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Wow, thank you for understanding. Many, many people have no idea of the havoc this wreaked in families.

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"One of the many red flags raised here is Pfizer’s tendency to repeat the same criminal activity"...

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Typical criminals get caught because they repeat the same crime. Once you are a corporation it's a different ball game.

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Here's the root problem:

As long as there is no personal responsibility and liability where executives are personally afraid of going to jail...

There is no such thing as a corporation, there are only people, and unless people know that they will be held accountable they will not be afraid to act badly.

A corporation can be fined or put out of business but the executives will just walk away with their golden parachutes laughing all the way to the bank.

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I agree....and would say as long as we, as a society, can't tolerate being sick/in pain/anxious/tired/uncomfortable (meaning stop whatever it is I am experiencing because I am not willing to work to have it resolve or learn to live with it), this system will thrive. When you walk in the docs, obese, have sleep apnea, anxiety, depression, and back pain, the doc doesn't suggest changing eating so that these root problems can be addressed and remedied. They prescribe a goat of meds. And you are asking for a solution and most of us want the quick solution...pharma answers that. I am not against meds for a legit reason, don't get me wrong. But what if we looked to how we live as the solution?

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But that is so much work! The TV told me to ask the doctor about this drug.

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A lot of work has gone into conditioning the public to be loyal pharmaceutical consumers.

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You nailed it.

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"Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility."

- Ambrose Bierce

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I have repeatedly heard the US Supreme Court claims corporations are people. Haven't seen the decision but I think it was in the last 5 years or so

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That is the official legal fiction

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Thanks. I'd love to see the decision if anyone has it.

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Wow, you could have gone on much more. Reading this gave such an insight into how deeply corrupted Pfizer and Big Pharma actually is. I knew they were bad, but seeing the millions upon millions they have been fined and still rake in huge profits shows the fines are not enough penalties and more needs done. Sadly, too many are hooked on drugs to ‘improve’ their life without realizing the damage. Drug commercials becoming legal was a huge mistake and needs reconsidered.

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Completely agree on the last point. That also was what made the media stop covering pharmaceutical misdeeds as they started getting so much money from the industry they were unwilling to question them.

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I hate those drug ads! I can’t stand to watch television at all anymore. It’s one big drug commercial! 🤮

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Just wait till you see the tv programs in hospitals and health care facilities. They are basically those ads 24/7

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I mute the commercials, or my husband gets tired of me yelling about the side effects they endlessly list.

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Great comment!

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My wife and I (UK) got rid of telly when it went digital. That may be part of why we weren't hypnotised. Lots of subliminal messaging.

The Parallax View was a film I recall re such things.


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Then don't. Or get a Tivo. I suggested to a physicist brother to make and sell low pass filters for digital televisions to make altering brain waves (hypnotizing viewers) more difficult. (It could still be done with traditional methods.) Sad to say, I'm not good enough at electronics (circuit design, vision, dexterity, etc.) to do it myself.

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I don’t but interesting idea! Lol

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I’ve been commenting on Jeopardy YouTube channel about that since Moderna became their sponsor.

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Thank you!

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Big pharma was never needed in the first place and should be destroyed.

There are natural herbs and spices that will do the same thing without the nasty side effects. Big pharma take natural things, refine them/break them down into the one particular thing that is supposed to have the desired effect.

They then add bulking agent to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!

It has always been about the money and not about health. The original products were cheap or free but big pharma does not like free as it does not suit its business model.

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I'd just as soon abolish "intellectual property" other than trademark. (So others can't claim credit for your accomplishments, or worse yet, sell ringers, while blaming you for whatever go wrong.) Small, individual development seems quite adequate, as was done with cromolyn* and Alexander T. Shulgin's psychedelics.

* WickedPedia sez: "Cromoglicic acid has been the non-corticosteroid treatment of choice in the treatment of asthma, for which it has largely been replaced by leukotriene receptor antagonists because of their convenience (and perceived safety)." Fwiw, zafirlukast (Accolate) was initially obtained as a gum, so could not be formulated for use in inhalants. I crystallized it, and they did.

Roger Altounyan was admired at that company for doing the SAR (structure-activity relationship) work on himself. Who needs Big Pfharma?

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No, Ruth H, but should logically have required reversal of Durham-Humphrey.

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We’ve known for an extremely long time how bad Pfizer is.

And all of the other big Pharma players too.

How much more evidence is required?

Even as large as it is, Pfizer is the tiniest tip of the iceberg of corruption and deception. What we’ve seen and experienced dwarfs Pfizer’s shortcomings and crimes by many orders of magnitude. The corruption, fraud, and complicity is at every level of society.

Time to call it all out to the mat. If Bourla goes down, or Fauci retires, or Pfizer’s profits tank, or a few sanctions are levied, or even a few people actually go to jail (gasp—not likely), nothing will change. This is just frosting on a poison cake. Sweet and gratifying, but the bakers and the bakery continue operations, unfazed.

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My proposed solution is enshrining medical freedom in law.

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And to give back liability to the pharmaceutical companies for injuries

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I think I sense the subtext beneath those words. I understand the desire to be non-confrontational. Really, I do. It’s a completely understandable reaction.

But this thing we’re all staring at, this thing that preoccupies us, will not be fixed by passing laws, as comforting as that may feel.

It is already painfully evident that the law will be ignored, it can be twisted, manipulated. Many (not all) courts are compromised. This is of utmost importance for people who stand against this to come to grips with.

There is no simple fix for this thing.

This is not just about medical freedom.

This is not just about misrepresenting statistics.

This is not just about manipulated data.

This is not just about vague diagnostic criteria.

This is not just about flawed diagnostic testing.

This is not just about corrupted clinical trials.

This is not just about corporate profits.

This is not just about corporate-government revolving doors.

This is not just about pharma malfeasance.

This is not just about compromised journalism.

This is not just about corrupted legislators.

This is not just about bad national health policy.

This is not just about the lack of informed consent.

This is not just an example of government overreach.

This is not just an example of a flawed plan or faulty execution.

This is not just an example of fear, out of control.

This was planned. In advance, with knowledge aforethought.

And the plan is still moving forward. Now.

It is everywhere. Turn over every stone, and you will find it already there, staring back. We can go on and on, documenting and illustrating all of the ways this thing has manifested deception and corruption, reacting to every story and reveal that drops, like chum thrown into a shoal of sharks.

The threads and tendrils of this monstrosity connects to the bodies that control the very fabric of society. At the national level, the executive, the judiciary, congress, federal agencies, law enforcement, the looming shadow of the national security state. And beyond that, global capital and finance, global governing bodies, international health organizations, non-governmental organizations.

It is, and will, ripple outward into daily life: food, energy, money, freedom of movement, privacy, choice.

There is no simple fix for this thing because the problem is not simple.

It is entwined and entangled. It has infected the basic systems so deeply, there is no tweaking at the margins that will suffice.

This is absolutely uncomfortable…but it is the reality. We have to grapple with the whole thing and not be distracted by efforts to attach a limited form of blame to any one part.

The time for these kind of hangouts is done.

There is no time left to dawdle in the acceptable margins.

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Violent revolutions always end in disasters for the people who try to orchestrate them. The legal approach can be extremely frustrating but every other option is much worse.

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Nothing was said of violence. Violence is a dead end—completely agreed.

The solution isn’t going to come from violence, but neither is it going to be legislated.

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Yup. Dramatic, "heroic," and romantic violent revolutions consistently have a way of getting co-opted if not snuffed from the start. The Am Rev, despite the feel good that we've been taught, in fact has more of the characteristics of a "civil" war waged for the benefit of "THE" people (i.e. our owners in the George Carlinian sense) than a revolution waged for the benefit of "the people," ( i.e., "we" the proles).

Probably the only real revolution is a revolution of the spirit, but even those seem to, inter alia, degenerate over time and as a response to circumstances. They take a lot of effort and discipline, so they are rare as well. So a key point is that we must take care not to delude ourselves and wait around for some money bag messiah(s) and his/their "revolution" to deliver us some crumbs of freedom.

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Very true.

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Not just "passing laws"; putting it into the Bill of Rights.

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I bid you examine the history of the Bill of Rights.

In fact, it's we the proles who pay the bill while the rights belong to the scum floating at the top. We musn't kid ourselves; that's the way it's always been and we must therefore act accordingly.

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That's why I feel our goal should be an ammendment.

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There seem to be precious few, if any, political solutions to moral problems. And moral problems we have. People have consistently flouted even common decency when they think they can get away with it to their advantage.

However, I don't blame folks for thinking that laws and amendments will do the trick when even Zeus and Yahweh and whonot thought that laying down the law would solve what ails us, but we can all see how much success even the various almighties have had with a species such as us.

“Anacharsis, accordingly, on learning what Solon [the famous lawgiver] was about, laughed at him for thinking that he could check the injustice and rapacity of the citizens by written laws, which were just like spiders' webs; they would hold the weak and delicate who might be caught in their meshes, but would be torn in pieces by the rich and powerful.”

Plutarch, Solon Chap 5


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Ya gotta love this...

It was Anacharsis, too, who said,...that he was amazed to find that among the Greeks, the wise men pleaded causes, but the fools decided them.

1 In Plut. Sol. 5 and Plut. Sol. 6.

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Medical freedom is vital, no argument there; but it is just one aspect of this. Just as Pfizer or Fauci are singular points. The iceberg is so much larger, and the clock is ticking.

An amendment will be a near impossibility. Equally vital and important proposals for amendments have been made before.

We cannot even rest assured of the amendments that exist now. We have to be frank: the Bill of Rights has been shredded. Isn’t that evident? Especially since 9/11, the Bill of Rights has been completely trampled upon, repeatedly for decades. No signs of stopping at all.

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The vaunted BoR was never intended to really mean anything of value. It was tacked on as an afterthought as a way to entice some of the states to ratify the constitution so the usual parasites could impose the thing on the rest of us.

Unfortunately some states got suckered into signing the stupid thing, so it got enough ratification to be considered legit. The BoR was tacked on as window dressing then ignored thereafter. The criminal empire was now on greased skids yet the feel good mythology of the abomination survives to this day!

SImilar self adulating mythmaking took place as far back as ancient Greece and it undoubtedly goes much further back than that. A very interesting read is Plato's "Menexenos" which satirizes the process.

Here is one of the many choice quotes from it.

"Every form of knowledge, when separated from justice and the other virtues, appears as mischief and not wisdom."

- Plato, Menexenos 246 e7-a2

Same can be said of ignorance, methinks!!!


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Rights are not the issue, but responsibilities. Bills of Rights and laws do not work unless people's hearts are right.

If people's hearts are right we don't need Bills of Rights or laws

Until people grasp that in essence we must love God and love our neighbours as ourselves there will be no change. That is the only 'law' strictly guidance that is required.

As God poured Himself into His creation then to love our neighbours and ourselves in the right way is part of how we can love God.

Not putting vaccines into people will be a start...

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Is this a reference to Adam Smith's "Theory of Moral Sentiment"?

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I have never read it but had a quite look at the summary in Britannica.

In any event though the answer would be No. It is a reference to the Law of Love as recorded in the Bible which, despite a lots of people's thoughts on it, is rather better than can appear at first sight.

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Have you taken a look at Congress lately?

That approach is going to be dead on arrival.

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Congress never passes bills that support the public interest over corporate interest. However, they also never have had to deal with the groundswell of public outrage they are facing now, so we aren't exactly going through the normal legislative process.

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To even propose an Amendment requires a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. These margins do not favor such an amendment coming into being.

Even if it did, medical freedom, while vitally important, isn’t enough—it has been leveraged as a point of social control, but the issues are much deeper and broader.

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Does "lately" mean since 1791? I can't imagine how we got a few good laws from the Church Commission! But laws seem to be meant to be broken. Even the Bill of Rights, save possibly a narrow interpretation of the third, seems to be illegal.

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Since well before 1791. Laws don’t serve abstract truth. They serve the powerful that craft them and benefit from them. And they are ignored in the same vein.

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Pfucking Perpfect! Pfigures too. Pfraudsters


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"I like working for Pfizer"

Wonder how many of those would've checked "I like getting paid to be a sociopath", or "I like working for psychopaths"?

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A lot of people believed Pfizer is amazing, especially in the past.

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At my daughter’s school, my daughter told me the kids who received the Pfizer jab would brag, & somehow getting the Pfizer jab was considered the coolest (she’s in high school & I would not allow her to get it. At one point she told me it would be “easier” to just get it🤪)

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Thank you! Was that you on twitter too?

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I see it quoted on twitter

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Great recap of Rost and other whistleblowers. I am glad you featured Allen Jones too. Whistleblowers are needed and should be protected especially when they bring forward fraud. They risk their personal livelihood for doing the hard right, not easy wrong.

I will never forget meeting Jaime Reidy shortly after my husband Woody died of Zoloft induced suicide. He told me all about the shenanigans happening inside Pfizer sales with both Viagra and Zoloft. They were the hottest drugs on the market. My late husband was in sales and so the games I heard from Jaime were not shocking but should never be done for drugs that have potential for death. Remember this was happening at the same time Pfizer was deep in litigation with Zoloft and suicides. The games they play.

The lies and deception continue to this day. Thanks again for your great substack. I’d love to connect sometime. Www.Kimwitczak.com.

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Hello! Thanks for sharing this.

Do you know any of the Zoloft shenanigans he saw? He didn't really go into that in his book.

Also I wrote these two pieces a while back if you ever have time to read them:



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Pharma funds the government. Until that trough of cash is drained, the pigs will continue to drink.

More than 2/3 of Congress got a campaign check in 2020 from Pharma:


Pfizer vowed to give no contributions to politicians who refused to certify the 2020 election. Pfizer gave millions to Joe Biden's inauguration celebration. Biden, in gratitude, illegally mandated the jab.

The FDA is funded in part by pharma: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/08/27/fact-check-some-fdas-budget-does-come-industry-funding/5572076001/

Turn on any mainstream news and you will see they are supported by Pfizer.

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Oh my, I never knew this: "Pfizer vowed to give no contributions to politicians who refused to certify the 2020 election."

Do you have a source?

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Thank you

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Thank you. Reuters link won't work unless copied into browser FYI.

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Works for me both ways. Try right click for open link in new tab? (I use Brave browser as it is more private.)

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Not disagreeing with any of your comment. I just believe that the Gates of Hell should be added. He also makes sure to "contribute" to the majority of Congressmen and he also pays the news networks. They just don't advertise that they get his money, too.

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Pfizer and other drug pushers fund medical "journals," "studies," and "educational" venues for brainwashing physicians as well.

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That's why we can't trust these studies anymore without our own research. I noticed studies on natural immunity seemed all to have a catchall statement at the end, unsupported by any of their study, that taking the jab would improve the outcome or some thing like that. It was clearly to get published.

I tend to trust studies that are unrelated to drugs and older studies that are repeated from many angles by other researchers. Drugs.com is great because it collects information on many drugs and seems to be genuine.

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One of the things we are all trained to look for in evaluating papers now is how many catch all statements of narrative cliches they contain.

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MWD, if you (I/me) combine your article with Marc Giradot's recent article and then combine all that Steve Kirsch has done by exposing how corrupt ALL of medicine is (nobody will go on record with him, in fact they run), makes it a lot easier for me, and I'm sure many others, convincing the blind what we are truly up against.

Great article. Although it's so sick how corrupt Pfizer (all Big Pharma and our Health Agencies) are. And come to think of it, how many doctors/hospitals/clinics are also neck deep in similar corrupt behavior. The losers? All 'patients'.

Here's Marc Giradot's article from yesterday:

"Have Public Health Authorities Been Sacrificing Our Children on the Altar of Vaccines ?"


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I wrote a long series on this topic. I apologize if you saw it before.


The big challenge I face is hitting the "too long didn't read" point. I thus always have to cut things out and I also can't write about everything so I try to only cover things I believe are important but have not become part of the conversation.

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Yep, I remember reading this article and the sick video of the baby getting stuck. Horrific.

I'm glad you posted this link. I had forgotten some of it. So, re-read the whole article and I will send this one on (again).

Understand about the 'too long to read'. Personally, the more objective data that is presented, the better; no matter how long. But I do know I'll forward long (good) articles to 30 or so others and maybe, if lucky, 5 will actually read the whole thing. The others will read 1/2 the headline, 1/2 of the first para and then the last 2 sentences of the last para.

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I also get to see a lot of the stats on how much people watch for twitter posts so I have to consider the limited attention spans. I have a lot of contradictory targets I'm trying to meet with these so it's a fun challenge to do that, but I simultaneously accept I will never get all of them.

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I like to do long and short posts (and ones in between of course).

Executive summaries are good or at least an end summary and indicating such at the beginning is helpful for long pieces. I find breaking text into short paras say 3/4 lines only best, plus bullet/numbered points and suitable headings.

Humour and pictures inserted help break up long screeds.

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I like your long articles: I find essays much more satisfying and educational than brief posts.

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"Have Public Health Authorities Been Sacrificing Our Children on the Altar of Vaccines ?"


We are 'patients' because we wait for mainstream doctors to do anything to actually help us to get well. But as it is not in their financial interests to do so they don't. Even the NHS in the UK where I am from is essentially useless.


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Link = excellent.

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I was hoping for a mention of Brandy Vaughan in one of these two whistle blower pieces - though perhaps she doesn't qualify as a whistle blower having already left the industry?

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1) She deserves her own article.

2) She didn't work for Pfizer and if I expanded this to include every company it would be too long.

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Thank you for your work!

And yes, she didn't work for Pfizer, she worked for Merck.

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Merck of the Beast! See below.


I must note Brandy Vaughan.

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Very funny mark of the beast piece Baldmichael! Macron the wanker!

I went to retrieve some of Brandy's best talks on youtube for you - but they've been pulled in the past year!

Here are three that are still here:




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You are kind! I copied the links - I have a word doc waiting for such info, thank you very much.

Oppressed news link not working??

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It timed out completely last night - after actually making sure it worked for you!

This morning here in US it is working albeit slowly. The first few minutes of the video will give you chills.

Here is an alternative link for that video.


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You have a great perspective on Big Pharma, it is clear from the pattern of corruption also that the regulatory captured agencies were as much a part of the grand deception as companies like Pfizer. From a position of 38 years in the defense industry, I observed no direct corruption (being in engineering) but inferring from executives during "competitive proposal" efforts that "we didn't have to work too hard on this one because it was our turn to win" didn't pass the smell test for a meritocratic award process. I do not believe all contracts went this way, but many did, and it was clear this process was under the control of the politics filtering down through the DoD. I was told more than once by our contractor oversight team, even half-way through billion-dollar contracts, that "as long as Gen XYZ is Chief of the Army that this program is dead".

I have zero doubt that Big Media, Big Retail, and Big Entertainment are all as deeply corrupt at their core as Pharma and the MIC - it hardly requires gub'mint collusion, but that just makes everything easier to whitewash.

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Yes they all cause harm in their way. The only thing is that big p-harm-a have harm in the name which the others don't.

And the chemical poisons set the scene for the others to exploit.

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If you are not in lock step with the goals of the corporation such as Big Pharma, you are odd man out and to blow the whistle means you are personna non grata and will be punished for life. I see it being played out across the US when astute medical professionals speak out. Fauci punished those who disagreed with his methods of managing AIDS. This has been transpiring for years in Big Pharma.

The book by Kaminsky spells it out "Science in the Private Interest. My chapter on Zomax in the early 1980's gives a similar story. Two McNeil executives were fired when they demanded that McNeil withdraw Zomax from the market place becasue it was killing the patients.


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Can't believe I'd never heard of that NSAID

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Nsaids are the drug category with the most adverse reactions. If interested, this is my Medical History lesson on the checker past of NSAIDS and the drugs that have done great harm and are no longer on the market.


Your welcome to be a critical reader and point out any inconsistancies.

PS: McNeil had two nsaids that were removed from the marketplace.

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The umbilical cord between the $ funding and the regulators must be cut. Defense, medical, elections, etc... legislation similar to separation of church and state must be passed; with criminal charges forthcoming for collusion, bribery, coercion, intimidation, etc.

The US government really needs to get back in the business of protecting the citizens rights first and foremost. Wow, how it’s lost its way from its original intent.

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"Wow, how it’s lost its way from its original intent."

Not to be contentious, but it was only sold as a means to protect the citizens. It's true purpose was always to protect the big money parasites.

"The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. <b>The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.</b>

It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)"

Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle


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I just want to say in fairness that it was much better than anything that preceded it, and I believe the American revolution was one of the only revolutions in history that improved rather than worsened the lives of those who participated.

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Sorry doc. That's the comforting myth of the whole thing. It's hard to believe it wasn't rotten from the start and I state that without a trace of bitterness.

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It's very easy to take a nihilist view, but so much of what we have today (e.g., basic human rights) we take for granted and assume is the way things always were, but if you look at the broader scope of history, things used to be so so so much worse.

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Nihilist? I prefer to call it realist.

Easy? What's easy is to accept the comforting palaver of our dreams. Kant tells us the obvious when he says, below, that it's easy to be immatue.

Here are just two other sources of views which I bet you would find thought provoking.

"You evidently believe that, a certain paper, called the constitution,* which nobody ever signed, which few persons ever read, which the great body of the people never saw, and as to the meaning of which no two persons were ever agreed, is the supreme law of this land, anything in the law of nature—anything in the natural, inherent, inalienable, individual rights of fifty millions of people—to the contrary not withstanding."

LYSANDER SPOONER, “Letter to Grover Cleveland,” Boston, May 15, 1886


* I just recognized that he, like myself, does not capitalize the "c" when referring to the document.

“Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why so great a proportion of men, long after nature has released them from alien guidance (natura-liter maiorennes), nonetheless gladly remain in lifelong immaturity, and why it is so easy for others to establish themselves as their guardians. It is so easy to be immature.”


An Answer to the Question:

What is Enlightenment? (1784)


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Sad. That may even be true. The AoC look written with the intent they'd fail. Such as defining buildings as "land".

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Undoubtedly true. As it is of most things that are in fashion at the time. It's all pious lies from the same crowd to snare and exploit the unwary and unfortunate until something better comes along to serve the interests of the scheming, thieving opportunists.

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"The AoC look written with the intent they'd fail. "

That is durn perceptive, mate!

And it doesn't sound like hyperbole either especially considering that the successor to it was obviously intended to either be a bludgeon or to be ignored depending on what the mafiosi of the time could get away with.

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Mmm...I'm not sure the indigenous people of the USA would agree there.

But then I don't suppose they participated in the revolution much.

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Very good. Government is in essence a protection racket dressed up as Prince Charming.

"We will protect you from Nazi neigbours (with whom we liaise at times to say 'How about attacking us and we manipulate the markets and sell arms etc to make a killing whilst killing the useless eaters?)."

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"Dressed up as Prince Charming." I love it.

"You are a devilish conscience rascal! I am a free prince, and I have as much authority to make war on the whole world as he who has a hundred sail of ships at sea and an army of 100,000 men in the field; and this my conscience tells me! But there is no arguing with such snivelling puppies, who allow superiors to kick them about deck at pleasure."

— Captain Bellamy, quoted by Captain Charles Johnson (1724) , A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates

The concept was known since ancient times.

In the "City of God," (Civitatis Dei) St. Augustine ( around the 5th century AD),tells the story of a pirate captured by Alexander the Great who knew the score.

The Emperor angrily demanded of him, "How dare you molest the seas?" To which the pirate replied, "How dare you molest the whole world? Because I do it with a small boat, I am called a pirate and a thief. You, with a great navy, molest the world and are called an emperor." St. Augustine thought the pirate's answer was "elegant and excellent."

I think most of us would agree with both the pirate and St. Augustine of, "Oh. Lord make me celibate, but not just yet!" fame.

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Very good, thank you!

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Now we need to find a treatment to save our really really excellent author and many similar fine people. We must avoid teating the symptoms only but must deal with the cause.

No bandaids this time.

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Pfizer should be liquidated completely

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Together with those people who have benefited from the evil otherwise they will continue to do the same.

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