What a teaching moment the Dictator of Canada provided to the world yesterday with his weigh-in on the SCOTUS decision!:
"No government, politician, or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. I want women in Canada to know that we will always stand up for your right to choose."
Hey Trudeau! I'm a woman and I say, "I CHOOSE to NOT take your Globalist clot-shot 'vaccine' into MY body!!!"
I was just thinking about Trudeau's quote again. What a flaming hypocrite to even utter the word "right" after the outrageous way he treated law-abiding Canadian citizens in Ottawa during the trucker Freedom Protest!!!!
Those graduates of Schwab's Young Global Leaders program need to be arrested for treason, since every one of them are acting to destroy the very soverignty of their countries and subsume them into the unelected Globalists' New World Order of feudalusm and the end of human rights.
The hypocrisy and stupidity of Justin are breathtaking and dangerous. What's been mentally challenging and exhausting is having to listen to public officials perpetually make and support unethical, contradictory (and immoral) statements. They're not just gaslighting. They're flamethrowerlighting and burning down what's left of any modicum of decency, common sense and rationalism to the ground. And they're not backing down.
Too many of them are outright traitors. They can't back down because if they can't maintain the upper hand they will end up hunted down, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, and ?
First, a general comment. Your writing is simply some of the best on Substack. As an English Major, a former attorney, and a secondary editor of 2.5 books (the author died before he finished the 3rd one, maybe I’ll try and finish it someday) I have at least some expertise to opine that your technical writing style and ability is outstanding. I know the effort and amount of time it takes to craft even short missives. To do it well, takes a whole other level. I believe I am not alone in saying thank you for your devotion in ensuring you publish quality pieces than not only inform, but cause people to think and reflect.
Second, I found this interesting: (You wrote).
“As time has progressed, I have become gradually more and more unnerved by how much less life is valued now than it was even a decade ago”.
In response I would say as a general matter, I tend to agree. However to my way of thinking, Covid exposed the dark underbelly of the cognitive dissonance suffered by so many in regards to death. Lacking (I believe) any shred of true spiritual well being, their fear of death was exposed by Covid. Lining up for multiple jabs, continuation of mask wearing (even today when any semi intelligent person knows they don’t work), refusing to associate with the unjabbed, destroying families and friendships, the list is endless. A lot of this, in fact I would say most of it, has been driven by my generation. The Boomers. I’ll leave the stinging missive that there has been no worse generation in the country’s history for another day. I will only say that, in general, their fear of death and their seeming desire to fight aging at every turn, has led to outcomes that would otherwise never have occurred.
Thank you very much. I tested out of English in college, so I have never actually taken a formal writing class and I was quite surprised to see how well a lot of my writing has been received… Normally whenever a concept comes to mind for me, I tend to think it through along with all the corollaries that are attached to it, and then try to make sure I include the ones that seem pertinent to the point. I've been fortunate to study under a few "good "teachers along with many many more poor ones, and I've always noticed how the good teachers make an effort to structure everything so that it will make sense to the audience, whereas the poor teachers throw information at the audience over and over in the hope that some of it will stick. The same thing comes naturally to me (I have to force myself to do lectures without any preparation), and as much as possible, I try to dictate these posts off the top of my head (otherwise it's too hard on the wrists). I also spent way too much time thinking, so I often put the concepts I come across together in my mind in a way that makes sense... that all said, I probably spend around 10 hours writing each article I put up on here because I don't wanna have anything I'll have to delete later or redo.
I am fairly sensitive, and I normally avoid visual or audio media because so many things beyond the actual information is layered into the presentation (lots of subliminal stuff, plus the broadcast is always trying to emotionally pull you into the story). The same problem extends to reading written text for me, so whenever I read other peoples work, the emotional state they were carrying when they wrote it always comes through to me (so for example a lot of times, I find it aggravating to filter out all of the emotion that was layered onto the information), and my guess is that a large part of why what I've been writing has been well received has been because it comes from a good emotional place (likewise, I don't have a external need or what I write to be red, so I don't have to layer that desperation into my writing and instead I can just focus on saying when I feel needs to be sad).
I believe that most human disciplines can both be approached as an art (where in many cases there is a large amount of flexibility and subtlety to what occurs that can be optimize for a high-quality product that elevates the human spirit) and as a spiritual practice where you can leave your spiritual presence into whatever you do and have that create a much more profound piece. I still feel like I don't really know what I'm doing from a writing standpoint, but one of the main lessons I have taken home so far from doing this is that there is definitely a spiritual art to writing, because I'm touching on a few aspects of it, the sub stack has been really well received.
A different way to paraphrase all of the above is that in my writing style, it's really important to me to both be truthful and to not cut corners with assessing and presenting the truth (this is actually the harder thing to do) and that has been part of the quality that goes beyond the specific words into the writing that a lot of people are resonating with.
Not sure if you have any thoughts on that since you likely have way more experience than I do in writing.
I have to applaud you, I think you were the first boomer I have come across who has stated their generation is responsible for the issues we face (typically the complain everything is wrong due to the boomers comes from people in later generations). I always put a much stronger way on statements that come from individuals who have a natural conflict of interest that goes against what they are saying.
Your pieces are still satisfying my almost insatiable hunger for medical knowledge that rings true. Thank you. My husband has had to listen - and read - hours of your work with me. He said last night that MWD HAS to be a team. I think you are one person with a lot of mighty people behind and around you, from your past and present. ***** I take great exception to denigrating any age group by their derogatory marketing label. Don't care whether its Xers , millennials, boomers or"greatest". All marketing terms serve to divide us further. Really stupid. I also think those of us born between roughly 1945 and 1965 have had our own historic traumas. Boomers are the first to be born into a world that contained the threat of supposed instantaneous atomic/nuclear world wide annihilation, teLIEvision as an effective mass propaganda tool, rampant psyops on civilian populations, and the pervasive chemical/biological warfare from the waste stream of WWII on crops, in labs, and in our waters. How many boomers have cancer inducing SP40 in us from our f***ing polio vaccines? And the damned illegal federal reserve bank had already had thirty years to infect. Every generation of our beautiful species has always been traumatized for thousands, millions? of years as far as I can tell.
Thank you very much. I originally did this by myself because I wanted to get one message out, I did not expect for this to takeoff, and since that time I have gradually recruited people to help me with parts of this project because there's a lot to do here.
As far as I've been able to tell from looking at this historically, there are three vaccines which seem to really spike cancer in the population, the smallpox one, the contaminated polio ones and the mRNA ones.
Does this mean only *some* batches of the polio vaccine were contaminated or do you think they were all contaminated? I also want to thank you for your work and all the time you put into these writings- you are touching and helping so many people- I have learned so much from your substack.
Thank you. I know a lot of the polio vaccines were contaminated and this issue was not addressed well after people started complaining about it, but I have no way to estimate what % were affected.
I used to think (and maybe still do), that my mother may have had four young children to contend with but she hadn't been messed around with child psychology and guilt.
Yes, you are doing a great job and an extremely valuable and vital service to humanity to be one of the truth-teller heroes disseminating such important information. I have been wondering how you find the time to do it . . . you are still practicing medicine, aren't you?
I have two full-time positions outside of doing this blog. I'm just really good at squeezing things in where there's space to do them but I have gotten a bit behind on some of my normal work responsibilities to work on this.
Well, at least you've got your priorities straight!!!! Standing up against this tyrannical attack on the human race has to be our focus, or we stand to lose everything. Then what good will any job do us? The U.S. looks like it is heading right into the jaws of catastrophe, and if this does turn out badly, there won't be any jobs, anyway. The USD may soon lose its preeminence as the world reserve currency and the Petrodollar, then the whole house of cards will come crashing down. Add in to the mix food shortages (exacerbated by fertilizer shortages, drought, and outrageously expensive diesel fuel), enerygy shortage with possible disruption to the power grids, the rising gas prices, threats from China, open borders and illegal alien invasion, all the deaths and injuries from the COVID shots, etc. This is anything but a normal time we are living through.
It's human nature to double down rather than admit that you were conned regardless of the evidence that's there. A big part of what I'm trying to do here is to gently create a space for those people to be able to open their eyes because that is normally a very very difficult process and you have to have a lot of things go wrong before you start considering doing it.
I think it would be helpful to just about anyone who's trying to get factual information out to the "Sheeple" to look at Mattias Desmet's videos where he discusses "Mass Formation Psychosis/Hypnosis". Logic just doesn't work on the masses who are under the mind-control Psychosis. Desmet has some valuable insight on how to deal with those people, but many of them are just too far gone.
That might make them even angrier. Cognitive dissonance and denial makes them less likely to believe anything they read or watch. The cognitive dissonance I have witnessed is of an olympic level, if that makes any sense.
My former husband doesn't respond to my emails and texts on this topic, so I am not sure if he has seen the light or understands what is taking place, not even behind the scenes. He's rather arrogant because of his schooling and secondary education. I feel like I'm wearing the pants in the family -trying to save my 4 daughters and him from death or disability and preparing for the future. Whether they decide to join me in this effort, or not, remains to be seen. I cannot remain silent and have not since mid-2020.
Save your daughters. You may or may not be able to "reach" your ex. Everyone makes their own choices, and has their own "life path" to follow. As women we are especially vulnerable to wanting to rescue or "save" everyone, but many people are (very probably) unreachable, as Desmet's research shows. And, ultimately, it's okay. The soul is immortal and no harm will come to those who make "bad" choices that get them out of here sooner.
I think a big reason people fear covid (and as a consequence death) so much is the lack of religion in their lives: I do not go to church, but I believe in God and life after death. For me, death is not the end of everything, but the start of something new. Therefore, I am not afraid of death. In my experience, the people most afraid of covid are the least religious.
This is a much longer topic I will cover later, but you are extremely accurate and have described a lot of the direction and pitfalls of western culture over the last future.
Unfortunately, there is a vast chasm between religion and spirituality. Religion is the attempt to explain things related to the spirit, often as a result of a teacher being here who helped people connect with their spiritual aspect. But over time, what the teacher actually did (foster a connection to the higher vibrational energy) degenerates into dogma. And all religions in order to continue must accomplish certain things: they must convince people to believe a certain way and that there will be negative consequences if they fail to accept the narrative, and if it is a religion that involves a priesthood, temples, churches, or other facilities that need to be maintained, then the followers of that religion must donate resources to maintain it, monitarily or through their efforts. And the adherents must believe that the priest class has some special authority or connection to their diety: that they must be respected and obeyed. The result of this is to actually separate people from what should be their own spiritual connection, because if they were experiencing that connection, they would not need anyone to "explain" it to them. In fact, no one could explain it. One is either connected or one isn't. But people tuning into their own higher selves would not "follow" the edicts of a religion and support it, so that religion would disappear. Christianity for instance, exists because the church leaders have convinced the Christians that if they don't believe a certain way that they will go to hell. Their religion is actually a religion of fear and a death cult, worshipping torture and blood and death and thinking there is something holy about it. There isn't. Jesus was a living Master who gave his followers a living experience of a powerful connection to Source energy. What he did was for his followers in THAT time. Today people believe that professing to "accept" Jesus as their "savior" will be their ticket to heaven, and that if they don't, they are bound for hell. It's all propaganda from the early church leaders. The experience of connection to Source cannot be extracted from a book any more than you can eat the pages of a cookbook. And Jesus was not by any means the only teacher who came to facilitate that connection.
Many people are afraid of death BECAUSE of religious beliefs they were taught. If you think you are a "sinner" and are afraid of going "to hell", of course you will be afraid to die. But, in reality there is no such thing as death, there is only the exiting of the body, which puts you right back where you were before you entered it in the first place. Consciousness is non physical. It exists outside of time-space. Check out the voluminous Near Death Experiences that have been recorded. There is another whole state of existence beyond this one. I've been there.
This Yuval Noah Hirari certainly gives one a wake up call. If you don't hurry up and work things out for yourself then you will get his transhumanism foisted on you.
I wondered if you have thought about the SCOTUS decision as it relates to transhumanism? In other words, if the agenda is mass depopulation, the decision makes no sense. Yet if jabbed pregnant women are forced to deliver a genetically modified child, this accomplishes the agenda….
I have but in regards to your specific question I do not believe they would specifically prohibit abortion for the purpose to having a woman deliver a GMO child (doesn't make sense for a lot of reasons).
Agree. It’s anecdotal of course. But looking at my own small family, those of us who have stood in the breach from the start believe in something greater than ourselves. The rest of them worship at whatever altar is the most current ‘thing.’
I don’t think religiosity makes a person better. The people that I know that are afraid of dying from Covid are the ones that lack substance and faith.
I am not a religious person (recovering Catholic) but I am a person of great faith and spirituality. I didn’t take any shots and I’m not afraid of dying. I’m afraid of being alive and not allowed to live, like majority of the Chinese population. I’d rather move onto the next phase.
So agree with almost of all your comment. Especially "their fear of death and fighting aging at every turn". But I have seen this in every generation and have believed for many many years that the human fear of death is the single issue responsible for all evil. Greed, wars etc. The probable causes of the "boomers" fears and vanity may be that we are the first to be born into a world that contained the threat of supposed instantaneous atomic/nuclear world wide annihilation, teLIEvision as an effective mass propaganda tool, rampant psyops on civilian populations, and the pervasive chemical/biological warfare from the waste stream of WWII on crops, in labs, and in our waters. I have never fit in with my peers. Most of my life I've been with (human) children or elders, plants, trees and animal people.
It's quite ironic, isn't it, that Boomers (and I'm an early one) started out under threat of nuclear catastrophe (the Cuban Missle Crisis), and here we are nearing the end of our lives right back full circle in that kind of a nuclear threat. Only now Russia has a vastly improved missile arsenal that far exceeds the current capability of the U.S., plus they have teamed up with China who is now in the process of preparing for an all out war: first Taiwan, and then us? That's what they claim they want to do! Armageddon, anyone? I hope all you smart people reading this Substack are sensible "preppers". What's probably coming will make a lot of the people who made fun of preparedness quite sorry that they missed the signals and continued to trust a crumbling system that cannot take care of them. When the dollar collapses (probably inevitable), and when the power grid goes down (probably inevitable), and we can't get gas or diesel fuel or food from the stores, we may find ourselves in a real "Mad Max" scenario. Russia won't even need to nuke us. They will just sit back and watch us implode.Then China is coming in and it will be worse than Mad Max.
Cheery thought? The present world system with its Satanism and pedophilia and central banks with their Ponzi Scheme fiat currency manipulations robbing everyone blind, all controlled by a small and very evil totalitarian Globalist cartel, has to be destroyed for a new, human-oriented, enlightened future to emerge. The current system is unfixable. We are witnessing the Turning of the Age. It might be a pretty rough ride, but the number of people being "woken up" by COVID and the poison shots is just extraordinary. We are going to make it---humanity, that is. Us older members are very unlikely to see the end of this transition, this "birth process", but guess what folks? We WILL be back! Souls don't take on a body just once. That woud actually be pretty dumb, to have this physical creation here and not take advantage of it, not come back again. We have come in and gone out again many times. If the soul can do it once, it certainly can do it again. It's just certain religions who deny it because of their desire to exert control over their members. They want people to believe that this is a one-time trip so you had better do what they say and get it right. But even the Bible shows that Jesus understood that reincarnation is the reality. That's why he asked John the Baptist if he was Elijah who had come back again. The church scholars who edited reincarnation out of the Bible missed that one.
That is an interesting perspective: "the fear of death mitigated by having progeny". Maybe that would help someone who already believes that death is the end of existence, and that the best they can do to "make their mark on the world", to give their life some meaning, is to leave a little part of themselves "behind" in the form of their genetics. But that seems like a pretty paltry solution to to the problem. I don't see how, if they firmly believe death is the "end", that anything they do here really matters, including passing on their genetics.
When they come to realize that death of their physical body is not "the end of them", they no longer need a crutch like the idea of their DNA getting passed on to give them a sense of importance or meaning. Yes, it's a nice thing to do, but we are much, much more than our DNA. And if the Globalists get their way, there will be a whole lot of DNA on the planet that dead-ends. They have already set an extinction event in motion, between the sterilizing COVID shots and the famine and collapse they are fomenting. If they get their way, we might even see their dream of WWIII manifest!
If you don't fit in with your peers, perhaps it's because they weren't really your peers. I had the same experience of not fitting in, during high school at least, and, frankly, it was because most of my classmates seemed pretty dumb. Especially the straight "A" students: mostly very compliant, hard-working sheep who seemed to lack creatively and out-of-the-box thinking skills. But look at the origin of our public school system--- wasn't it specifically designed to turn children into mindless, obedient robots for The State? Of course you fit in better with those who maintained more of a connection to what's real: children who hadn't yet been subsumed into the system; elders who have come to see beyond it, and things of Natural Intelligence including people attuned to it.
My take on evil and greed? I suspect the main underlying cause is just profound ignorance of Self. Disconnection creates fear, and fear is the driver of so many negative feelings and behaviors: greed, hatred, jealousy, despair, the desire to control others. ("Feelings" drive behaviors.) When people go beyond the distracting constant chatter of mind and quiet themselves enough to connect with their Source energy, everything changes. We exist within a universe of Conscious energy. Opening up to THAT opens the heart to love and compassion that is the antidote to the lower vibrational energies of fear, helplessness, anger, etc.
I too take exception to your edict on the Boomer population in which I reside. Each group has its pros and cons. I don't look at mine this way and I can tell you from a nursing perspective, most people are afraid of the unknown; the fear of dying. In my 31 years, I've personally seen the rare few who are really ready. Usually it's those who are suffering greatly and are at peace with it. My dear mother, who lives with us, will be 88 in July. My father passed 15 years ago. She is afraid of dying even though she feels she's in the way and not wanted in her role now and is ready to be rejoined with the love of her life. I think she's in the majority.
I’ve said it from the very beginning!! How hypocritical the “ my body my choice- EXCEPT for the vaccines “!! Makes me sick. When I ask a hard core vaxxer why ? They either look at me with confusion or give the excuse of “Well- this is different because people spread disease not abortion” bullshit. Unbelievable.
The woman in the background of the first interview states regarding mandates "one saves lives (eg the v), the other is a choice (eg abortion)". No words. It would have been interesting if the interviewer would have turned around her words back to her and see what she had to say. The hypocrisy is palpable.
What we are seeing is a fundamental shift in society. The traditional ethical construct, informed by morality of religion has been displaced. The new religion is a dystopian Malthusian form of collectivism which demands personal autonomy be subverted to a select few. Population control is a major goal.
My hope is that something can be done to stop that. I don't know if I can personally do anything against this tide, but I am doing what I can in the hopes it might matter.
Others need to be made aware. Right now the fear of COVID and economic uncertainty has people off balance. They need to know that what is happening is planned
As Faith observes earlier (https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/what-roe-vs-wade-teaches-us-about/comment/7357533) "a vast chasm between religion and spirituality". Organized religion which is rapidly being rejected by society may have many flaws, but has been the place where the moral lessons were being explained by teachers of faith. Those teachers have been removed from all public education as part of the incorrect interpretation of state involvement in religion. We now have many who are ignorant about even the simplest maxim of the Golden Rule. Schools attempting to socialize children who have no concept of the utility of "please" and "thank you" are struggling with the basics. Many in society actually have a disdain for religion and reject the notion of God given rights. Their moral relativism allows for actions once thought demeaning and wrong. Once "Thou shall not kill" went away we see a disturbed person kill children something that was exceedingly rare before the late 1960's.
We see people adopting "woke" as a replacement for the huge hole in their heart. Many others simply check out of life via slow suicide using drugs. These things remove our common humanity. By becoming so progressive and modern we destroy society.
Teaching morality and ethics is vital, but the foundation has ti be awareness of their spiritual connection. That is a real and powerful experience, not belief or concept. Religion points the way, that as humans we need that anchoring of spirituality, but religious BELIEF itself isn't enough and can lead people down some pretty dark "rabbit holes". Just look at the Spanish Inquisition or the Dark Ages witch hunts.
One doesn't need to believe in spirit as a concept; one needs to maintain connection with that core aspect of ourselves. That experience solves a whole lot of problems all by itself.
And, by the way, I heard a Biblical scholar say that "Thou shall not kill" is a mis-translation, that it actually says, "Thou shall not commit murder". That is a big difference, such as having to kill in self defense or to protect someone.
The entire concept of collectivism is flawed the way the Globalists and other tyrants promote it. Collectivism works in a situation like all the cells of a body functiong for the good of the whole, to maintain life and functionality, but with humans pushing any kind of a collectivist agenda, what they really mean isn't a collective (that would have to include them if it truly were); it's a totalitarian hierarchy with themselves at the top dictating to the masses whom they parasitize. It is a completely abnormal structure. Those at the top do not have the best intersts of those "below" them at heart and tend to be denigrating and abusive. But we are all human and all have equal value (just not according to the tyrants). Therefore, when the upper echelon devalues those whom they are lording over, they are actually devaluing themselves. This is a point that they do not grasp or they would never seek to subjugate others in the first place. But in spite of whatever psychological mechanism(s) they employ to justify their behavior, the fact remains that they do not recognize the intrinsic value of a human being, and that precludes them from recognizing their own value. To believe that they have value while other humans don't requires a high level of cognitive dissonance and disconnection from reality. This fundamental orientation leaves them vulnerable to making mistakes, because refusal to face reality impairs the ability to respond appropriately to their environment and circumstances.
Agree that hubris reigns among those who would be in control. It’s difficult to rule by brute force. People can however be deceived and are susceptible to the cudgel of the new morality. Failure to agree with the moral standard earns one the label of oppressor. Victimhood is the nascent form of virtue. The tantrums and vitriol occur when this new religion is challenged . It’s no a longer a mere difference in point of view on issues .
Abortion advocates have gone beyond being satisfied with legally permissible pregnancy termination. They demand we approve and recognize as a “right”
We could only be stunned and then laugh at the ludicrous display of PM Trudeau's righteous indignation. The man who said women's bodies cannot choose to board a plane or train and cannot choose to continue to enter federal workplaces because they refused to consent to their bodies being injected at least twice with experimental unsafe ineffective gene treatments ordered by PM Trudeau, even if their bodies were pregnant and the gene treatment could kill the baby, is gonna make sure we CAN choose to terminate a pregnancy we choose not to complete. I see.
Excellent analysis and spot on! "An odd situation that has arisen in American politics is that the party that supports the right to abortion also supports mandatory vaccinations. Regardless of how you dice it, it is very difficult to use the same logical standards regarding bodily autonomy to support both positions. "
Doc, I feel that this is an appropriate point to cut to part 2 since this is more of an "introduction."
Part 2 must be really good, because this was an excellent primer.
As my community pharmacy career progressed, I found it becoming harder and harder to trend on the morality side of the equation due to pressures from, well, everywhere. But especially re-imbursement, and of course, management.
Metrics, it is all about metrics!
And metrics were all about management's "bonus" which was seemingly the only concern ever acknowledged, besides lawsuits.
But we want you to "tab" through these drug utilization reviews and patient allergy screens really really fast because there is a slew of oxycodone scripts and hydrocodone scripts and Xanax scripts and Viagra scripts just jumping up and down in the cue, and you must get them verified and out before they turn RED and ruin my district manager's "metrics."
To get away from this kind of thing, you will have to work for a small shop, or your own shop. Corporations (and most all businesses) are there to make money. Yes, provide a service, but without income, the business soon fails. So, that's why the incentives are the way they are.
If its your own shop, you can decide if its not moral to fill that oxycodone script... and you can decide to forgo the income... as its your business, and your income. In the corporate pharm world, there is a chain of employees, managers, and owners, all depending on the next sale, and the next quarterly report.
Its a business... and there are many stakeholders involved.
Perhaps one longer one, that might be shareable. (Especially, for potential sharing, if you feel that, at least within some parameters of time, the difficult choice to have an abortion should belong to the woman, not the state).
I understand why some would want no abortions, ever. But I don't think that's viable or fair policy.
But the double standards are tremendous. It's one thing to protest on behalf of women in states that would ban or severely restrict, it's another to demand abortion be OK and no problem anytime, no matter how late. (Of course medical exceptions should be honored. As they should be with other things).
But they didn't protest on behalf of those whose jobs or school forced them to take injections with significant risk of being left with debilitating health problems.
And the language some are inserting here of "and people who can get pregnant / pregnant people" is absurd. If a man is going to bend reality itself to get pregnant, the right to then terminate the pregnancy is a totally different thing. Then again, he may realize he's in a medical disaster and need to terminate the pregnancy. All the more reason to not even try - and support the networks of adoption, and more emphasis on adoption as an alternative to abortion should be OK to talk about, (without shame).
Once again, Ron De Santis is a voice of reason on this, as well as covid. Restricting abortion to only until the 15th week should be enough time to know that one is pregnant. As well as support for adoption. They'll frame it as banning, but that's not the same. Some other red states have restrictions much sooner. (Barely enough time to know you're pregnant).
Looking forward to reading the rest of your article, trusting it will be a welcome voice of balance and respect for all.
I believe something sacred begins at conception, a spark of life that is still residing in another person (woman). The framing of it being something so simple, on demand and without apology!, like nothing has happened, does not feel right.
We are missing informed consent, with everything. Vaccines. Covid non-vaccines. Puberty blockers. and abortion not being spoken of with the magnitude of a deep and difficult decision, that there may be alternatives for, yet, like other things that reach inside bodies, the state should not dictate nor forbid. Yet as the months go on and the fetus is closer to a baby ... it's a different conversation ...
Given that abortions can be done medically with pills and there is no state in the country that does not border a state that supports abortion, I think functionally the only result of this policy will be the late term abortions becoming much rarer, and part of me wonders if the entire push to get Roe versus Wade overturned what was a result of the right getting really upset over democratic states passing laws that legalized abortion through the time of birth (which I believe in turn was done and retaliation to Donald Trump.... It's fascinating to see how these things bounce back-and-forth).
Your wondering was actually in one conservative Twitter post I saw - "if you Democrats hadn't wanted abortions at 9 months, we could have still had safe, legal, and rare abortions." Appreciate shorter length, to establish your direction. Also, I believe Tacitus made some statement that as a society is corrupted, it passes more & more laws, about everything. The hypocrisy of being on board with on-demand abortions but opposing freedom of choice in COVID treatment/vaccines just staggers me.
Is that really true, or a misinterpretation? I know that any "fact check" - anything from the mainstream media - may be as full of bullshit as their "fact checks" on covid treatments or "vaccine" "safety". But does that mean everything from there is opposite of reality? I don't know, and that seems like a dangerous assumption also.
(Interesting that Buffy Wicks was a sponsor for one or more of the horrible CA bills taking away "vaccine" choice).
" . . . A representative for Wicks quoted her as saying about the online claims: “Anti-abortion activists are peddling an absurd and disingenuous argument that this bill is about killing newborns, when ironically, the part of the bill they’re pointing to is about protecting and supporting parents experiencing the grief of pregnancy loss.” “No person should face prison time for a tragic pregnancy outcome, and this bill will ensure that prosecutions and investigations have no place in reproductive health care.”
The representative said Wicks filed amendments to the bill on Monday to further clarify the language and clear up misinterpretations that “perinatal deaths” meant anything other than mothers losing their babies due to pregnancy-related causes.
The amendment would change the wording of section 7a to read: “Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights under this article, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause”.
Dr Anne Richardson-Oakes, director of the centre for American legal studies at Birmingham City University, makes it clear that infanticide would relate to a separate law.
“Whatever the definition of ‘perinatal’ the offenses of murder and infanticide will be separately defined offences under California’s criminal law,” she says.
The California penal code states: “Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.” (here)
The bill doesn’t define what is meant by perinatal death. The Miami Standard reckons it is a fatality up to seven days after birth.
University College London Hospital clinical lecturer in infertility and a leading voice on medical ethics, Dr Francoise Shenfield, told Reuters: “Definition of perinatal death is stillbirth, plus early neonatal deaths under seven days.”
Rather, the bill seeks to protect parents from legal prosecution if that perinatal death is the result of accidental causes, she said.
Farah Diaz-Tello, J.D., Senior Counsel & Legal Director at If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice, told Reuters, “The bill as written reinforces existing California law that protects people from being criminalized based on an accusation that something they did or did not do during pregnancy caused a certain pregnancy outcome.”
She says that as written the bill “acknowledges, as do many other statutes across the country prohibiting criminalization of pregnancy outcomes, that sometimes an incident that occurs during pregnancy leads to the loss of the baby after it is born.”"
I was wrong with my earlier post that third trimester is only for medical reasons, and it's being misrepresented. Maybe that's true in New York, but looks like CA and Maryland allow up to 35 weeks(???!!??)
Something that's tearing the country apart, where a middle path compromise could unite, and not derail the movement toward Republican majority - essential for investigation / prosecution of covid / pharma criminals.
I am going to go into this later, but in your response you have essentially described wedge issues and why political parties always push for them in their opposition.
Is legalized abortion through time of birth really true, or is that only if there is a medical reason where the life of the baby or mother is in danger? (Or is that loophole being exploited)? Do the laws permitting abortions after 24 weeks specify only if there is a danger to the life of the baby or mother?
(Then again, everything said by the mainstream media is suspect, of course.)
If abortions besides serious medical exceptions are not permitted after 6 months even in the most abortion friendly states - that's not the same as saying legalized through time of birth.
It's certainly a fair argument that 24 weeks is unethically late, and a backlash around that. But still not the same as legalized through time of birth. Or is there more info about this that I'm not understanding?
Just like in the other direction - a state that restricts the time frame an abortion can happen is not the same as a ban. (Although the 6 / 8 week time frame can be before pregnancy is realized . . Then again, they can ask people to test for covid every few days, it's certainly reasonable to encourage and provide access to pregnancy tests.)
cutoff on abortion varies state by state. as i understand it, late term abortions are uncommon outside of instances where there is incurable fetal illness or deformity, or danger to the mom.
Does it seem like on one side, there's conflation of banning abortion *after (a differing amount of time), but allowing them early (or early + medium) term, with banning them completely,
and on the other side there's conflation of allowing third trimester / or up to birth abortions only with serious medical reasons with just allowing them at any time?
i think the positive here is that there is room for legitimate discussion rather than just the status quo. but also i think we need to keep our eye on the ball and not let ourselves be sidetracked from the big battle. we can't debate abortion if we're all dead from the kill shot
- Maryland, also saw California, up to 35(!) weeks. "Case by Case basis" after 28(!) weeks, but not exactly clear language about only in serious medical situations.
Yes, room for discussion and compromise. Bodily autonomy (until the fetus becomes another body), without hypocrisy.
I find it amazing that on facebook you see all these people who are <apparently> either full bore "pro choice" or full bore "pro life" when in the US only about 13% of the adult population is full bore one way or the other.
Social media and Twitter particularly provide the public with a highly distorted viewpoint of white popular sentiment is, and a lot of people have written about how problematic this is for our democracy (especially given the tendency of tech platforms to censor narratives they do not agree with).
Kansas HAD a law with a loophole so big any abortion could fit. It said an abortion could be done if the health of the mother was required. Dr. George Tiller would do these abortions and had another doctor sign off on them saying the mother's mental health was at risk - no other paperwork was necessary. Dr. Tiller was quite notorious for these late term abortions, and as a result was murdered in church in 2009. I honestly don't know if there are any other doctors who will do late term abortions on healthy infants.
I believe Kansas tightened up its laws a little and restricts the late term abortions to those where the fetus is severely deformed or the mother's physical health is endangered.
On what grounds would the medical board go after him? I know he "botched" one abortion done on a baby girl who was healthy and about ready for birth. She was born alive but had brain damage and was blind from the abortion, and died at age 5. There was also a mother who died. She had Down's Syndrome and probably did not give consent to the abortion on her own.
His church was ELCA Lutheran. I am very disappointed that they let Dr. Tiller take communion and be an usher. My husband and I are Missouri Synod Lutheran members currently, which is a much more conservative denomination.
This resonated with me - I am a retired hospital RN - thank goodness I retired because the mandatory vaccine requirement would have forced me to quit. I am having a hard time finding “my people” (politically and personally) because I do believe in my body my choice-I believe no mandatory vaccines, no mandatory pregnancies, responsible gun ownership. I believe people, for the most part, without government interference, will make the best choices. I have generally voted a straight political ticket, but these days and nights have me unsure of my loyalty. If you think like me, how do you personally figure this out?
Answer is that I never felt compelled to identify or affiliate with a specific tribe. I have always noticed that around 10% of the population has the ability to directly perceive things and see them for what they are, so typically I end up associating with those types of people. What is the things people often fail to appreciate with highly politically charged issues is the only way you could have a large number of people fervently believing opposite positions is if there is a certain degree of truth to each position. For this reason, political issues often get divided up between the left and the right so that certain things that are true our beliefs of the left and other things that are true our beliefs of the right. As a result, if you try to peg yourself to either party it is always going to come up short for you and I believe in general it's much more important to focus on the individual politician or policy rather than the group just salt that goes with it. That all being said, in recent times something very bad has happened to the Democratic Party where they are now aggressively pushing for deadly technologies to be forced on the population, and because of that there is actually a clear benefit to supporting the Republican Party over the Democrat party.... Or put differently, vaccine mandates are one of the few issues that would make me vote entirely for one party over the other irrespective of all other policies they hold.
I, like the retired RN, find I could check the boxes she describes. And finding those who think like this is a challenge. I keep asking, where is the community where I can live simply, live without overreach, carry a gun (if I choose to), not take a medical intervention, take a medical intervention, and just be. The bible quote is one that resonates with me and I feel is lacking in the world at large. Where I struggle is knowing the middle way is the place to dwell, and having so many people telling you that their way is the only way (left or right of center on an issue). I feel like I am in that 19% that sees it for what it is. Where are the other 10%ers? I would not even give it 10%. I thi k probably 1-5% is more accurate.
Activated this topic with a lot of people, and depending on the criteria you set it's between 1 to 10%. I just say 10% because it's better to be more inclusive and not necessarily productive to hold everyone to a very high standard of self-awareness.
Much of that stems from a very corrupt sociopathic doctor who joined with elements of a party leadership to politicize the pandemic response. Anything is OK if it damaged a populist who was not subject to either set of tribal rules and not particularly captured by the legal bribery schemes. He was a clear and present danger to all they stood for - their own graft.
OTOH, not sure why the world at large was so captured as well. Maybe the WEF played a part behind the scenes as the ultimate technocrat.
I'm a retired LVN, and also thankful that I didn't have to lose a job over the fake vaccine issue.
I think the most important thing happening through this entire crisis is that millions of us are discovering that we are not isolated "voices in the wilderness", but that we are a majority, or close to it, and that the radical, irrational people who want to riot and burn down our cities, and who support all manner of totalitarian impositions are very noisy but ultimately will not win this.
I love how many incredible people, including so many doctors, scientists, and lawyers, are speaking up and taking positions of leadership to spread truth about COVID and the deadly depopulation shots, and waking us up to the evil agenda being enacted. People are finding their strength to stand up for humanity on a level never seen before in our lifetimes. If humanity survives this difficult transition, the authors of history books will have plenty of amazing people to write about!
I was reading through the comments before commenting, to see if anyone was going to say what I was thinking, and you did: people should be allowed to be themselves for the most par
I have always been pro choice about abortion, but after having my first child I also became anti-abortion (you can both at the same time). With my second pregnancy we faced a tough weekend's decision because it looked like the baby might have severe abnormalities (turned out not to) -- just the agonizing exercise of thinking my way through this and ultimately deciding there was no way I could ever kill my baby, no matter what.... led me to be even more firmly "pro choice" because I felt it was so important that this be my husband's and my decision, and no one else's. Definitely not in favor of abortion to be used as casual birth control, but how on earth can we force rape and incest victims to go full term? My pro-choice position absolutely carried forward to the vaccine mandates -- it's the wrongest thing ever to coerce people to take these experimental injections. It's bizarre to be pro choice for one thing, but not for the other. It's because people were wrongly led to believe that their vaccine would protect grandma by contributing to both herd immunity and that they would then not be able to spread illness.
I talked to my son last night about how times and technologies have changed since 1973. We live in a different world now, and what might have seemed to make sense then does not necessarily make the same sense today. We have new forms of birth control we did not have back then.
Ultimately, bodily autonomy is paramount, and of course I hope that people take procreation seriously and not casually, because that's a life right there. We can start changing our language.... "aborting a baby" rather than "an abortion." I know that not everyone wants to see it that way, so it's like a thought experiment.
My prediction is that somewhere in the future, abortion will be viewed as a barbaric practice that deserved to be ended, similar to the barbaric practice of slavery, and war.
His take is that the Supreme Court is no longer finding a "right to bodily autonomy" in our Constitution, also that "this Supreme Court decision is just the latest and the most obvious example of how the government’s pandemic overreach has badly backfired. And the backfiring isn’t done yet — not even close"
Indeed I did. And yes it should. But, as I frequently would tell my kids as they were growing up “Occasionally I am incorrect, but I’m never wrong.” LOL.
Now that they are 35 and 30 they frequently toss it back at me. Live by the sword, get skewered by the sword. LOL.
Good catch from a clearly close reading. Which is nice in and of itself. Substack is just nice that way.
I just found your substack recently and I am really enjoying it. You have new slants on things. I prefer articles to be in parts. I wished that with your long but fascinating article from yesterday.
What a teaching moment the Dictator of Canada provided to the world yesterday with his weigh-in on the SCOTUS decision!:
"No government, politician, or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. I want women in Canada to know that we will always stand up for your right to choose."
Hey Trudeau! I'm a woman and I say, "I CHOOSE to NOT take your Globalist clot-shot 'vaccine' into MY body!!!"
I was just thinking about Trudeau's quote again. What a flaming hypocrite to even utter the word "right" after the outrageous way he treated law-abiding Canadian citizens in Ottawa during the trucker Freedom Protest!!!!
Those graduates of Schwab's Young Global Leaders program need to be arrested for treason, since every one of them are acting to destroy the very soverignty of their countries and subsume them into the unelected Globalists' New World Order of feudalusm and the end of human rights.
The hypocrisy and stupidity of Justin are breathtaking and dangerous. What's been mentally challenging and exhausting is having to listen to public officials perpetually make and support unethical, contradictory (and immoral) statements. They're not just gaslighting. They're flamethrowerlighting and burning down what's left of any modicum of decency, common sense and rationalism to the ground. And they're not backing down.
Too many of them are outright traitors. They can't back down because if they can't maintain the upper hand they will end up hunted down, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, and ?
Yeah, he is an absolute Tyrant in a suit. Just looking at his smug face makes me want to….we’ll you know. I think about running to Africa every day.
I agree
First, a general comment. Your writing is simply some of the best on Substack. As an English Major, a former attorney, and a secondary editor of 2.5 books (the author died before he finished the 3rd one, maybe I’ll try and finish it someday) I have at least some expertise to opine that your technical writing style and ability is outstanding. I know the effort and amount of time it takes to craft even short missives. To do it well, takes a whole other level. I believe I am not alone in saying thank you for your devotion in ensuring you publish quality pieces than not only inform, but cause people to think and reflect.
Second, I found this interesting: (You wrote).
“As time has progressed, I have become gradually more and more unnerved by how much less life is valued now than it was even a decade ago”.
In response I would say as a general matter, I tend to agree. However to my way of thinking, Covid exposed the dark underbelly of the cognitive dissonance suffered by so many in regards to death. Lacking (I believe) any shred of true spiritual well being, their fear of death was exposed by Covid. Lining up for multiple jabs, continuation of mask wearing (even today when any semi intelligent person knows they don’t work), refusing to associate with the unjabbed, destroying families and friendships, the list is endless. A lot of this, in fact I would say most of it, has been driven by my generation. The Boomers. I’ll leave the stinging missive that there has been no worse generation in the country’s history for another day. I will only say that, in general, their fear of death and their seeming desire to fight aging at every turn, has led to outcomes that would otherwise never have occurred.
Thank you very much. I tested out of English in college, so I have never actually taken a formal writing class and I was quite surprised to see how well a lot of my writing has been received… Normally whenever a concept comes to mind for me, I tend to think it through along with all the corollaries that are attached to it, and then try to make sure I include the ones that seem pertinent to the point. I've been fortunate to study under a few "good "teachers along with many many more poor ones, and I've always noticed how the good teachers make an effort to structure everything so that it will make sense to the audience, whereas the poor teachers throw information at the audience over and over in the hope that some of it will stick. The same thing comes naturally to me (I have to force myself to do lectures without any preparation), and as much as possible, I try to dictate these posts off the top of my head (otherwise it's too hard on the wrists). I also spent way too much time thinking, so I often put the concepts I come across together in my mind in a way that makes sense... that all said, I probably spend around 10 hours writing each article I put up on here because I don't wanna have anything I'll have to delete later or redo.
I am fairly sensitive, and I normally avoid visual or audio media because so many things beyond the actual information is layered into the presentation (lots of subliminal stuff, plus the broadcast is always trying to emotionally pull you into the story). The same problem extends to reading written text for me, so whenever I read other peoples work, the emotional state they were carrying when they wrote it always comes through to me (so for example a lot of times, I find it aggravating to filter out all of the emotion that was layered onto the information), and my guess is that a large part of why what I've been writing has been well received has been because it comes from a good emotional place (likewise, I don't have a external need or what I write to be red, so I don't have to layer that desperation into my writing and instead I can just focus on saying when I feel needs to be sad).
I believe that most human disciplines can both be approached as an art (where in many cases there is a large amount of flexibility and subtlety to what occurs that can be optimize for a high-quality product that elevates the human spirit) and as a spiritual practice where you can leave your spiritual presence into whatever you do and have that create a much more profound piece. I still feel like I don't really know what I'm doing from a writing standpoint, but one of the main lessons I have taken home so far from doing this is that there is definitely a spiritual art to writing, because I'm touching on a few aspects of it, the sub stack has been really well received.
A different way to paraphrase all of the above is that in my writing style, it's really important to me to both be truthful and to not cut corners with assessing and presenting the truth (this is actually the harder thing to do) and that has been part of the quality that goes beyond the specific words into the writing that a lot of people are resonating with.
Not sure if you have any thoughts on that since you likely have way more experience than I do in writing.
I have to applaud you, I think you were the first boomer I have come across who has stated their generation is responsible for the issues we face (typically the complain everything is wrong due to the boomers comes from people in later generations). I always put a much stronger way on statements that come from individuals who have a natural conflict of interest that goes against what they are saying.
Your pieces are still satisfying my almost insatiable hunger for medical knowledge that rings true. Thank you. My husband has had to listen - and read - hours of your work with me. He said last night that MWD HAS to be a team. I think you are one person with a lot of mighty people behind and around you, from your past and present. ***** I take great exception to denigrating any age group by their derogatory marketing label. Don't care whether its Xers , millennials, boomers or"greatest". All marketing terms serve to divide us further. Really stupid. I also think those of us born between roughly 1945 and 1965 have had our own historic traumas. Boomers are the first to be born into a world that contained the threat of supposed instantaneous atomic/nuclear world wide annihilation, teLIEvision as an effective mass propaganda tool, rampant psyops on civilian populations, and the pervasive chemical/biological warfare from the waste stream of WWII on crops, in labs, and in our waters. How many boomers have cancer inducing SP40 in us from our f***ing polio vaccines? And the damned illegal federal reserve bank had already had thirty years to infect. Every generation of our beautiful species has always been traumatized for thousands, millions? of years as far as I can tell.
Thank you very much. I originally did this by myself because I wanted to get one message out, I did not expect for this to takeoff, and since that time I have gradually recruited people to help me with parts of this project because there's a lot to do here.
As far as I've been able to tell from looking at this historically, there are three vaccines which seem to really spike cancer in the population, the smallpox one, the contaminated polio ones and the mRNA ones.
Does this mean only *some* batches of the polio vaccine were contaminated or do you think they were all contaminated? I also want to thank you for your work and all the time you put into these writings- you are touching and helping so many people- I have learned so much from your substack.
Thank you. I know a lot of the polio vaccines were contaminated and this issue was not addressed well after people started complaining about it, but I have no way to estimate what % were affected.
I used to think (and maybe still do), that my mother may have had four young children to contend with but she hadn't been messed around with child psychology and guilt.
Yes, you are doing a great job and an extremely valuable and vital service to humanity to be one of the truth-teller heroes disseminating such important information. I have been wondering how you find the time to do it . . . you are still practicing medicine, aren't you?
I have two full-time positions outside of doing this blog. I'm just really good at squeezing things in where there's space to do them but I have gotten a bit behind on some of my normal work responsibilities to work on this.
Well, at least you've got your priorities straight!!!! Standing up against this tyrannical attack on the human race has to be our focus, or we stand to lose everything. Then what good will any job do us? The U.S. looks like it is heading right into the jaws of catastrophe, and if this does turn out badly, there won't be any jobs, anyway. The USD may soon lose its preeminence as the world reserve currency and the Petrodollar, then the whole house of cards will come crashing down. Add in to the mix food shortages (exacerbated by fertilizer shortages, drought, and outrageously expensive diesel fuel), enerygy shortage with possible disruption to the power grids, the rising gas prices, threats from China, open borders and illegal alien invasion, all the deaths and injuries from the COVID shots, etc. This is anything but a normal time we are living through.
"jaws of catastrophe"
We have been living a long time beyond our means https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2022-06-17/why-food-inflation-only-getting-started.
Good listing Faith.
You must be a woman! 🤓
Multitasking is not a male trait, in my experience. ;)
Much of your writing is painful to read, and I sometimes might have to have two goes at an article.
(Edit - I am grateful that you left open the option that your room-mates images might be a hoax.)
Facing up to reality is painful, and I push myself to try and do so.
A lot of the clotshotted cannot face reality, it might destroy them. I can understand that; when they have been unrectifiably conned.
It's human nature to double down rather than admit that you were conned regardless of the evidence that's there. A big part of what I'm trying to do here is to gently create a space for those people to be able to open their eyes because that is normally a very very difficult process and you have to have a lot of things go wrong before you start considering doing it.
Well said, again by MWD.
I think it would be helpful to just about anyone who's trying to get factual information out to the "Sheeple" to look at Mattias Desmet's videos where he discusses "Mass Formation Psychosis/Hypnosis". Logic just doesn't work on the masses who are under the mind-control Psychosis. Desmet has some valuable insight on how to deal with those people, but many of them are just too far gone.
All of the articles I have been writing recently were meant to set up a review of his book I was requested to do.
That might make them even angrier. Cognitive dissonance and denial makes them less likely to believe anything they read or watch. The cognitive dissonance I have witnessed is of an olympic level, if that makes any sense.
My former husband doesn't respond to my emails and texts on this topic, so I am not sure if he has seen the light or understands what is taking place, not even behind the scenes. He's rather arrogant because of his schooling and secondary education. I feel like I'm wearing the pants in the family -trying to save my 4 daughters and him from death or disability and preparing for the future. Whether they decide to join me in this effort, or not, remains to be seen. I cannot remain silent and have not since mid-2020.
Save your daughters. You may or may not be able to "reach" your ex. Everyone makes their own choices, and has their own "life path" to follow. As women we are especially vulnerable to wanting to rescue or "save" everyone, but many people are (very probably) unreachable, as Desmet's research shows. And, ultimately, it's okay. The soul is immortal and no harm will come to those who make "bad" choices that get them out of here sooner.
I think a big reason people fear covid (and as a consequence death) so much is the lack of religion in their lives: I do not go to church, but I believe in God and life after death. For me, death is not the end of everything, but the start of something new. Therefore, I am not afraid of death. In my experience, the people most afraid of covid are the least religious.
This is a much longer topic I will cover later, but you are extremely accurate and have described a lot of the direction and pitfalls of western culture over the last future.
Unfortunately, there is a vast chasm between religion and spirituality. Religion is the attempt to explain things related to the spirit, often as a result of a teacher being here who helped people connect with their spiritual aspect. But over time, what the teacher actually did (foster a connection to the higher vibrational energy) degenerates into dogma. And all religions in order to continue must accomplish certain things: they must convince people to believe a certain way and that there will be negative consequences if they fail to accept the narrative, and if it is a religion that involves a priesthood, temples, churches, or other facilities that need to be maintained, then the followers of that religion must donate resources to maintain it, monitarily or through their efforts. And the adherents must believe that the priest class has some special authority or connection to their diety: that they must be respected and obeyed. The result of this is to actually separate people from what should be their own spiritual connection, because if they were experiencing that connection, they would not need anyone to "explain" it to them. In fact, no one could explain it. One is either connected or one isn't. But people tuning into their own higher selves would not "follow" the edicts of a religion and support it, so that religion would disappear. Christianity for instance, exists because the church leaders have convinced the Christians that if they don't believe a certain way that they will go to hell. Their religion is actually a religion of fear and a death cult, worshipping torture and blood and death and thinking there is something holy about it. There isn't. Jesus was a living Master who gave his followers a living experience of a powerful connection to Source energy. What he did was for his followers in THAT time. Today people believe that professing to "accept" Jesus as their "savior" will be their ticket to heaven, and that if they don't, they are bound for hell. It's all propaganda from the early church leaders. The experience of connection to Source cannot be extracted from a book any more than you can eat the pages of a cookbook. And Jesus was not by any means the only teacher who came to facilitate that connection.
Many people are afraid of death BECAUSE of religious beliefs they were taught. If you think you are a "sinner" and are afraid of going "to hell", of course you will be afraid to die. But, in reality there is no such thing as death, there is only the exiting of the body, which puts you right back where you were before you entered it in the first place. Consciousness is non physical. It exists outside of time-space. Check out the voluminous Near Death Experiences that have been recorded. There is another whole state of existence beyond this one. I've been there.
This Yuval Noah Hirari certainly gives one a wake up call. If you don't hurry up and work things out for yourself then you will get his transhumanism foisted on you.
My life goal is to help people become more human not less human.
And thank you for this.
I wondered if you have thought about the SCOTUS decision as it relates to transhumanism? In other words, if the agenda is mass depopulation, the decision makes no sense. Yet if jabbed pregnant women are forced to deliver a genetically modified child, this accomplishes the agenda….
I have but in regards to your specific question I do not believe they would specifically prohibit abortion for the purpose to having a woman deliver a GMO child (doesn't make sense for a lot of reasons).
Agree. It’s anecdotal of course. But looking at my own small family, those of us who have stood in the breach from the start believe in something greater than ourselves. The rest of them worship at whatever altar is the most current ‘thing.’
I don’t think religiosity makes a person better. The people that I know that are afraid of dying from Covid are the ones that lack substance and faith.
I am not a religious person (recovering Catholic) but I am a person of great faith and spirituality. I didn’t take any shots and I’m not afraid of dying. I’m afraid of being alive and not allowed to live, like majority of the Chinese population. I’d rather move onto the next phase.
Neither an English major, nor an attorney and I feel exactly the same way about the doctor’s writing skills! Her/his posts, are music to my ears.
Nor an attorney...
Hi Myriam,
Do you know that one can do edits to comments by clicking on the ellipsis.
Unless you prefer the greater emphasis of a separate correcting comment.
Best wishes to you.
Thank you, Cairn.
I do know that, but it is not an option on the app on my phone, which is what I have been using. I am now sitting at my computer.
I dictate most of my responses, so there are a lot erroneous words or phrases in my responses that were not my intent :)
"And deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery" (Hebr 2,15).
Better to "die on your feet than live on your knees"!!!!!
So agree with almost of all your comment. Especially "their fear of death and fighting aging at every turn". But I have seen this in every generation and have believed for many many years that the human fear of death is the single issue responsible for all evil. Greed, wars etc. The probable causes of the "boomers" fears and vanity may be that we are the first to be born into a world that contained the threat of supposed instantaneous atomic/nuclear world wide annihilation, teLIEvision as an effective mass propaganda tool, rampant psyops on civilian populations, and the pervasive chemical/biological warfare from the waste stream of WWII on crops, in labs, and in our waters. I have never fit in with my peers. Most of my life I've been with (human) children or elders, plants, trees and animal people.
It's quite ironic, isn't it, that Boomers (and I'm an early one) started out under threat of nuclear catastrophe (the Cuban Missle Crisis), and here we are nearing the end of our lives right back full circle in that kind of a nuclear threat. Only now Russia has a vastly improved missile arsenal that far exceeds the current capability of the U.S., plus they have teamed up with China who is now in the process of preparing for an all out war: first Taiwan, and then us? That's what they claim they want to do! Armageddon, anyone? I hope all you smart people reading this Substack are sensible "preppers". What's probably coming will make a lot of the people who made fun of preparedness quite sorry that they missed the signals and continued to trust a crumbling system that cannot take care of them. When the dollar collapses (probably inevitable), and when the power grid goes down (probably inevitable), and we can't get gas or diesel fuel or food from the stores, we may find ourselves in a real "Mad Max" scenario. Russia won't even need to nuke us. They will just sit back and watch us implode.Then China is coming in and it will be worse than Mad Max.
Cheery thought? The present world system with its Satanism and pedophilia and central banks with their Ponzi Scheme fiat currency manipulations robbing everyone blind, all controlled by a small and very evil totalitarian Globalist cartel, has to be destroyed for a new, human-oriented, enlightened future to emerge. The current system is unfixable. We are witnessing the Turning of the Age. It might be a pretty rough ride, but the number of people being "woken up" by COVID and the poison shots is just extraordinary. We are going to make it---humanity, that is. Us older members are very unlikely to see the end of this transition, this "birth process", but guess what folks? We WILL be back! Souls don't take on a body just once. That woud actually be pretty dumb, to have this physical creation here and not take advantage of it, not come back again. We have come in and gone out again many times. If the soul can do it once, it certainly can do it again. It's just certain religions who deny it because of their desire to exert control over their members. They want people to believe that this is a one-time trip so you had better do what they say and get it right. But even the Bible shows that Jesus understood that reincarnation is the reality. That's why he asked John the Baptist if he was Elijah who had come back again. The church scholars who edited reincarnation out of the Bible missed that one.
yeah it's crazy how much the world cycles and everyone forgets the past.
Great rant Faith. Enjoyed it.
Best wishes to you.
Lol! Yes, I do get accused of ranting!
To what extent is the fear of death mitigated by having progeny.
In nature (ignore human-kind here for a minute), the drive to procreate explains the struggle for survival being worth the effort.
How is the depop agenda going to affect this basic need in humans.
If they cannot have children, then death is the end.
That is an interesting perspective: "the fear of death mitigated by having progeny". Maybe that would help someone who already believes that death is the end of existence, and that the best they can do to "make their mark on the world", to give their life some meaning, is to leave a little part of themselves "behind" in the form of their genetics. But that seems like a pretty paltry solution to to the problem. I don't see how, if they firmly believe death is the "end", that anything they do here really matters, including passing on their genetics.
When they come to realize that death of their physical body is not "the end of them", they no longer need a crutch like the idea of their DNA getting passed on to give them a sense of importance or meaning. Yes, it's a nice thing to do, but we are much, much more than our DNA. And if the Globalists get their way, there will be a whole lot of DNA on the planet that dead-ends. They have already set an extinction event in motion, between the sterilizing COVID shots and the famine and collapse they are fomenting. If they get their way, we might even see their dream of WWIII manifest!
If you don't fit in with your peers, perhaps it's because they weren't really your peers. I had the same experience of not fitting in, during high school at least, and, frankly, it was because most of my classmates seemed pretty dumb. Especially the straight "A" students: mostly very compliant, hard-working sheep who seemed to lack creatively and out-of-the-box thinking skills. But look at the origin of our public school system--- wasn't it specifically designed to turn children into mindless, obedient robots for The State? Of course you fit in better with those who maintained more of a connection to what's real: children who hadn't yet been subsumed into the system; elders who have come to see beyond it, and things of Natural Intelligence including people attuned to it.
My take on evil and greed? I suspect the main underlying cause is just profound ignorance of Self. Disconnection creates fear, and fear is the driver of so many negative feelings and behaviors: greed, hatred, jealousy, despair, the desire to control others. ("Feelings" drive behaviors.) When people go beyond the distracting constant chatter of mind and quiet themselves enough to connect with their Source energy, everything changes. We exist within a universe of Conscious energy. Opening up to THAT opens the heart to love and compassion that is the antidote to the lower vibrational energies of fear, helplessness, anger, etc.
Boys didn't try to be goody goodies like the girls did.
Can see why masculinity had to be branded as *toxic*.
I second your post. Excellent.
I too take exception to your edict on the Boomer population in which I reside. Each group has its pros and cons. I don't look at mine this way and I can tell you from a nursing perspective, most people are afraid of the unknown; the fear of dying. In my 31 years, I've personally seen the rare few who are really ready. Usually it's those who are suffering greatly and are at peace with it. My dear mother, who lives with us, will be 88 in July. My father passed 15 years ago. She is afraid of dying even though she feels she's in the way and not wanted in her role now and is ready to be rejoined with the love of her life. I think she's in the majority.
Uh oh! You left yourself open for this one:
"I’ll try and finish it someday" really ought to read, " I’ll try TO finish it someday"!
(LOL! Sorry! I just couldn't help myself!)
I’ve said it from the very beginning!! How hypocritical the “ my body my choice- EXCEPT for the vaccines “!! Makes me sick. When I ask a hard core vaxxer why ? They either look at me with confusion or give the excuse of “Well- this is different because people spread disease not abortion” bullshit. Unbelievable.
The woman in the background of the first interview states regarding mandates "one saves lives (eg the v), the other is a choice (eg abortion)". No words. It would have been interesting if the interviewer would have turned around her words back to her and see what she had to say. The hypocrisy is palpable.
They KNOW they are full of shit but when you’re supported by MILLIONS of like minded sheep suddenly your shit don’t stink.
Their circuits are smoking as they try to hold to opposing opinions.
They like to gang up on people, that's all.
Yea makes no sense. And abortion directly takes a life. That fact seems to be overlooked quite a bit.
The vaccines have directly taken thousands of lives and injured many more.
My bullshit detection meter imploded multiple times in the past two years!
What we are seeing is a fundamental shift in society. The traditional ethical construct, informed by morality of religion has been displaced. The new religion is a dystopian Malthusian form of collectivism which demands personal autonomy be subverted to a select few. Population control is a major goal.
My hope is that something can be done to stop that. I don't know if I can personally do anything against this tide, but I am doing what I can in the hopes it might matter.
Others need to be made aware. Right now the fear of COVID and economic uncertainty has people off balance. They need to know that what is happening is planned
I talk about it to anyone who will listen. I start off small and slip something in that they must question.
As Faith observes earlier (https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/what-roe-vs-wade-teaches-us-about/comment/7357533) "a vast chasm between religion and spirituality". Organized religion which is rapidly being rejected by society may have many flaws, but has been the place where the moral lessons were being explained by teachers of faith. Those teachers have been removed from all public education as part of the incorrect interpretation of state involvement in religion. We now have many who are ignorant about even the simplest maxim of the Golden Rule. Schools attempting to socialize children who have no concept of the utility of "please" and "thank you" are struggling with the basics. Many in society actually have a disdain for religion and reject the notion of God given rights. Their moral relativism allows for actions once thought demeaning and wrong. Once "Thou shall not kill" went away we see a disturbed person kill children something that was exceedingly rare before the late 1960's.
We see people adopting "woke" as a replacement for the huge hole in their heart. Many others simply check out of life via slow suicide using drugs. These things remove our common humanity. By becoming so progressive and modern we destroy society.
Teaching morality and ethics is vital, but the foundation has ti be awareness of their spiritual connection. That is a real and powerful experience, not belief or concept. Religion points the way, that as humans we need that anchoring of spirituality, but religious BELIEF itself isn't enough and can lead people down some pretty dark "rabbit holes". Just look at the Spanish Inquisition or the Dark Ages witch hunts.
One doesn't need to believe in spirit as a concept; one needs to maintain connection with that core aspect of ourselves. That experience solves a whole lot of problems all by itself.
And, by the way, I heard a Biblical scholar say that "Thou shall not kill" is a mis-translation, that it actually says, "Thou shall not commit murder". That is a big difference, such as having to kill in self defense or to protect someone.
That's in pt. 3
The entire concept of collectivism is flawed the way the Globalists and other tyrants promote it. Collectivism works in a situation like all the cells of a body functiong for the good of the whole, to maintain life and functionality, but with humans pushing any kind of a collectivist agenda, what they really mean isn't a collective (that would have to include them if it truly were); it's a totalitarian hierarchy with themselves at the top dictating to the masses whom they parasitize. It is a completely abnormal structure. Those at the top do not have the best intersts of those "below" them at heart and tend to be denigrating and abusive. But we are all human and all have equal value (just not according to the tyrants). Therefore, when the upper echelon devalues those whom they are lording over, they are actually devaluing themselves. This is a point that they do not grasp or they would never seek to subjugate others in the first place. But in spite of whatever psychological mechanism(s) they employ to justify their behavior, the fact remains that they do not recognize the intrinsic value of a human being, and that precludes them from recognizing their own value. To believe that they have value while other humans don't requires a high level of cognitive dissonance and disconnection from reality. This fundamental orientation leaves them vulnerable to making mistakes, because refusal to face reality impairs the ability to respond appropriately to their environment and circumstances.
Agree that hubris reigns among those who would be in control. It’s difficult to rule by brute force. People can however be deceived and are susceptible to the cudgel of the new morality. Failure to agree with the moral standard earns one the label of oppressor. Victimhood is the nascent form of virtue. The tantrums and vitriol occur when this new religion is challenged . It’s no a longer a mere difference in point of view on issues .
Abortion advocates have gone beyond being satisfied with legally permissible pregnancy termination. They demand we approve and recognize as a “right”
Limiting abortions interferes with the ability of the Satanists to freely practice their homicide rituals.
We could only be stunned and then laugh at the ludicrous display of PM Trudeau's righteous indignation. The man who said women's bodies cannot choose to board a plane or train and cannot choose to continue to enter federal workplaces because they refused to consent to their bodies being injected at least twice with experimental unsafe ineffective gene treatments ordered by PM Trudeau, even if their bodies were pregnant and the gene treatment could kill the baby, is gonna make sure we CAN choose to terminate a pregnancy we choose not to complete. I see.
Excellent analysis and spot on! "An odd situation that has arisen in American politics is that the party that supports the right to abortion also supports mandatory vaccinations. Regardless of how you dice it, it is very difficult to use the same logical standards regarding bodily autonomy to support both positions. "
Doc, I feel that this is an appropriate point to cut to part 2 since this is more of an "introduction."
Part 2 must be really good, because this was an excellent primer.
As my community pharmacy career progressed, I found it becoming harder and harder to trend on the morality side of the equation due to pressures from, well, everywhere. But especially re-imbursement, and of course, management.
Metrics, it is all about metrics!
And metrics were all about management's "bonus" which was seemingly the only concern ever acknowledged, besides lawsuits.
But we want you to "tab" through these drug utilization reviews and patient allergy screens really really fast because there is a slew of oxycodone scripts and hydrocodone scripts and Xanax scripts and Viagra scripts just jumping up and down in the cue, and you must get them verified and out before they turn RED and ruin my district manager's "metrics."
It is all a forking joke, but the joke is YOU!
To get away from this kind of thing, you will have to work for a small shop, or your own shop. Corporations (and most all businesses) are there to make money. Yes, provide a service, but without income, the business soon fails. So, that's why the incentives are the way they are.
If its your own shop, you can decide if its not moral to fill that oxycodone script... and you can decide to forgo the income... as its your business, and your income. In the corporate pharm world, there is a chain of employees, managers, and owners, all depending on the next sale, and the next quarterly report.
Its a business... and there are many stakeholders involved.
Best wishes, from a former CPA, now retired.
Perhaps one longer one, that might be shareable. (Especially, for potential sharing, if you feel that, at least within some parameters of time, the difficult choice to have an abortion should belong to the woman, not the state).
As Toby Rogers says, there's a need for compromise ... https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/how-the-scotus-abortion-decision/comments
I understand why some would want no abortions, ever. But I don't think that's viable or fair policy.
But the double standards are tremendous. It's one thing to protest on behalf of women in states that would ban or severely restrict, it's another to demand abortion be OK and no problem anytime, no matter how late. (Of course medical exceptions should be honored. As they should be with other things).
But they didn't protest on behalf of those whose jobs or school forced them to take injections with significant risk of being left with debilitating health problems.
And the language some are inserting here of "and people who can get pregnant / pregnant people" is absurd. If a man is going to bend reality itself to get pregnant, the right to then terminate the pregnancy is a totally different thing. Then again, he may realize he's in a medical disaster and need to terminate the pregnancy. All the more reason to not even try - and support the networks of adoption, and more emphasis on adoption as an alternative to abortion should be OK to talk about, (without shame).
Once again, Ron De Santis is a voice of reason on this, as well as covid. Restricting abortion to only until the 15th week should be enough time to know that one is pregnant. As well as support for adoption. They'll frame it as banning, but that's not the same. Some other red states have restrictions much sooner. (Barely enough time to know you're pregnant).
Looking forward to reading the rest of your article, trusting it will be a welcome voice of balance and respect for all.
I believe something sacred begins at conception, a spark of life that is still residing in another person (woman). The framing of it being something so simple, on demand and without apology!, like nothing has happened, does not feel right.
We are missing informed consent, with everything. Vaccines. Covid non-vaccines. Puberty blockers. and abortion not being spoken of with the magnitude of a deep and difficult decision, that there may be alternatives for, yet, like other things that reach inside bodies, the state should not dictate nor forbid. Yet as the months go on and the fetus is closer to a baby ... it's a different conversation ...
Yet for many it is all or nothing ..
Given that abortions can be done medically with pills and there is no state in the country that does not border a state that supports abortion, I think functionally the only result of this policy will be the late term abortions becoming much rarer, and part of me wonders if the entire push to get Roe versus Wade overturned what was a result of the right getting really upset over democratic states passing laws that legalized abortion through the time of birth (which I believe in turn was done and retaliation to Donald Trump.... It's fascinating to see how these things bounce back-and-forth).
Your wondering was actually in one conservative Twitter post I saw - "if you Democrats hadn't wanted abortions at 9 months, we could have still had safe, legal, and rare abortions." Appreciate shorter length, to establish your direction. Also, I believe Tacitus made some statement that as a society is corrupted, it passes more & more laws, about everything. The hypocrisy of being on board with on-demand abortions but opposing freedom of choice in COVID treatment/vaccines just staggers me.
it gets even worse. there are bills in the california and maryland legislatures which would make "postpartum abortion" a thing.
i think that rvw is just the latest issue to be weaponized in the ongoing divide-and-conquer program, now is not the time for us to get distracted.
Is that really true, or a misinterpretation? I know that any "fact check" - anything from the mainstream media - may be as full of bullshit as their "fact checks" on covid treatments or "vaccine" "safety". But does that mean everything from there is opposite of reality? I don't know, and that seems like a dangerous assumption also.
With that caveat, and not having time to research the laws or how they, or lack of clear definitions have been / may be misused, but (sorry!) posting this from the (ugh), "fact checkers" - https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-california-law-idUSL2N2W30U8
(Interesting that Buffy Wicks was a sponsor for one or more of the horrible CA bills taking away "vaccine" choice).
" . . . A representative for Wicks quoted her as saying about the online claims: “Anti-abortion activists are peddling an absurd and disingenuous argument that this bill is about killing newborns, when ironically, the part of the bill they’re pointing to is about protecting and supporting parents experiencing the grief of pregnancy loss.” “No person should face prison time for a tragic pregnancy outcome, and this bill will ensure that prosecutions and investigations have no place in reproductive health care.”
The representative said Wicks filed amendments to the bill on Monday to further clarify the language and clear up misinterpretations that “perinatal deaths” meant anything other than mothers losing their babies due to pregnancy-related causes.
The amendment would change the wording of section 7a to read: “Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights under this article, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause”.
Dr Anne Richardson-Oakes, director of the centre for American legal studies at Birmingham City University, makes it clear that infanticide would relate to a separate law.
“Whatever the definition of ‘perinatal’ the offenses of murder and infanticide will be separately defined offences under California’s criminal law,” she says.
The California penal code states: “Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.” (here)
The bill doesn’t define what is meant by perinatal death. The Miami Standard reckons it is a fatality up to seven days after birth.
University College London Hospital clinical lecturer in infertility and a leading voice on medical ethics, Dr Francoise Shenfield, told Reuters: “Definition of perinatal death is stillbirth, plus early neonatal deaths under seven days.”
Rather, the bill seeks to protect parents from legal prosecution if that perinatal death is the result of accidental causes, she said.
Farah Diaz-Tello, J.D., Senior Counsel & Legal Director at If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice, told Reuters, “The bill as written reinforces existing California law that protects people from being criminalized based on an accusation that something they did or did not do during pregnancy caused a certain pregnancy outcome.”
She says that as written the bill “acknowledges, as do many other statutes across the country prohibiting criminalization of pregnancy outcomes, that sometimes an incident that occurs during pregnancy leads to the loss of the baby after it is born.”"
wondering how long it's gonna be before the cdc redefines "perinatal" just like they redefined everything else
fair point ...
I thought that late term abortions would become more frequent because of the decision, and probably more deaths of women.
I was wrong with my earlier post that third trimester is only for medical reasons, and it's being misrepresented. Maybe that's true in New York, but looks like CA and Maryland allow up to 35 weeks(???!!??)
"Case by case basis" after 28(!) weeks, but not exactly clear language about serious medical reasons only. https://abortionclinics.org/frequently-asked-questions/
Something that's tearing the country apart, where a middle path compromise could unite, and not derail the movement toward Republican majority - essential for investigation / prosecution of covid / pharma criminals.
I am going to go into this later, but in your response you have essentially described wedge issues and why political parties always push for them in their opposition.
I heard after birth as well, in California. Land of the most deranged.
Is legalized abortion through time of birth really true, or is that only if there is a medical reason where the life of the baby or mother is in danger? (Or is that loophole being exploited)? Do the laws permitting abortions after 24 weeks specify only if there is a danger to the life of the baby or mother?
(Then again, everything said by the mainstream media is suspect, of course.)
If abortions besides serious medical exceptions are not permitted after 6 months even in the most abortion friendly states - that's not the same as saying legalized through time of birth.
It's certainly a fair argument that 24 weeks is unethically late, and a backlash around that. But still not the same as legalized through time of birth. Or is there more info about this that I'm not understanding?
Just like in the other direction - a state that restricts the time frame an abortion can happen is not the same as a ban. (Although the 6 / 8 week time frame can be before pregnancy is realized . . Then again, they can ask people to test for covid every few days, it's certainly reasonable to encourage and provide access to pregnancy tests.)
Hoping for accuracy, and compromise ...
cutoff on abortion varies state by state. as i understand it, late term abortions are uncommon outside of instances where there is incurable fetal illness or deformity, or danger to the mom.
Does it seem like on one side, there's conflation of banning abortion *after (a differing amount of time), but allowing them early (or early + medium) term, with banning them completely,
and on the other side there's conflation of allowing third trimester / or up to birth abortions only with serious medical reasons with just allowing them at any time?
i think the positive here is that there is room for legitimate discussion rather than just the status quo. but also i think we need to keep our eye on the ball and not let ourselves be sidetracked from the big battle. we can't debate abortion if we're all dead from the kill shot
I hear you .. and I was wrong that up until birth abortions are misrepresented. https://abortionclinics.org/frequently-asked-questions/
- Maryland, also saw California, up to 35(!) weeks. "Case by Case basis" after 28(!) weeks, but not exactly clear language about only in serious medical situations.
Yes, room for discussion and compromise. Bodily autonomy (until the fetus becomes another body), without hypocrisy.
Yes, people always do this.
I find it amazing that on facebook you see all these people who are <apparently> either full bore "pro choice" or full bore "pro life" when in the US only about 13% of the adult population is full bore one way or the other.
Social media and Twitter particularly provide the public with a highly distorted viewpoint of white popular sentiment is, and a lot of people have written about how problematic this is for our democracy (especially given the tendency of tech platforms to censor narratives they do not agree with).
Kansas HAD a law with a loophole so big any abortion could fit. It said an abortion could be done if the health of the mother was required. Dr. George Tiller would do these abortions and had another doctor sign off on them saying the mother's mental health was at risk - no other paperwork was necessary. Dr. Tiller was quite notorious for these late term abortions, and as a result was murdered in church in 2009. I honestly don't know if there are any other doctors who will do late term abortions on healthy infants.
I believe Kansas tightened up its laws a little and restricts the late term abortions to those where the fetus is severely deformed or the mother's physical health is endangered.
I wonder why the medical board never went after Dr. Tiller…
On what grounds would the medical board go after him? I know he "botched" one abortion done on a baby girl who was healthy and about ready for birth. She was born alive but had brain damage and was blind from the abortion, and died at age 5. There was also a mother who died. She had Down's Syndrome and probably did not give consent to the abortion on her own.
Him saying the abortions were medically necessary on account of psychological issues and being in a pro-life state.
That law still is on the books in KS. We vote in November whether to keep it or get rid of the law
His church was ELCA Lutheran. I am very disappointed that they let Dr. Tiller take communion and be an usher. My husband and I are Missouri Synod Lutheran members currently, which is a much more conservative denomination.
This resonated with me - I am a retired hospital RN - thank goodness I retired because the mandatory vaccine requirement would have forced me to quit. I am having a hard time finding “my people” (politically and personally) because I do believe in my body my choice-I believe no mandatory vaccines, no mandatory pregnancies, responsible gun ownership. I believe people, for the most part, without government interference, will make the best choices. I have generally voted a straight political ticket, but these days and nights have me unsure of my loyalty. If you think like me, how do you personally figure this out?
Answer is that I never felt compelled to identify or affiliate with a specific tribe. I have always noticed that around 10% of the population has the ability to directly perceive things and see them for what they are, so typically I end up associating with those types of people. What is the things people often fail to appreciate with highly politically charged issues is the only way you could have a large number of people fervently believing opposite positions is if there is a certain degree of truth to each position. For this reason, political issues often get divided up between the left and the right so that certain things that are true our beliefs of the left and other things that are true our beliefs of the right. As a result, if you try to peg yourself to either party it is always going to come up short for you and I believe in general it's much more important to focus on the individual politician or policy rather than the group just salt that goes with it. That all being said, in recent times something very bad has happened to the Democratic Party where they are now aggressively pushing for deadly technologies to be forced on the population, and because of that there is actually a clear benefit to supporting the Republican Party over the Democrat party.... Or put differently, vaccine mandates are one of the few issues that would make me vote entirely for one party over the other irrespective of all other policies they hold.
I, like the retired RN, find I could check the boxes she describes. And finding those who think like this is a challenge. I keep asking, where is the community where I can live simply, live without overreach, carry a gun (if I choose to), not take a medical intervention, take a medical intervention, and just be. The bible quote is one that resonates with me and I feel is lacking in the world at large. Where I struggle is knowing the middle way is the place to dwell, and having so many people telling you that their way is the only way (left or right of center on an issue). I feel like I am in that 19% that sees it for what it is. Where are the other 10%ers? I would not even give it 10%. I thi k probably 1-5% is more accurate.
Activated this topic with a lot of people, and depending on the criteria you set it's between 1 to 10%. I just say 10% because it's better to be more inclusive and not necessarily productive to hold everyone to a very high standard of self-awareness.
Yes...I can see the usefulness of the wider range....
Let's hope that they don't bait and switch.
Much of that stems from a very corrupt sociopathic doctor who joined with elements of a party leadership to politicize the pandemic response. Anything is OK if it damaged a populist who was not subject to either set of tribal rules and not particularly captured by the legal bribery schemes. He was a clear and present danger to all they stood for - their own graft.
OTOH, not sure why the world at large was so captured as well. Maybe the WEF played a part behind the scenes as the ultimate technocrat.
I'm a retired LVN, and also thankful that I didn't have to lose a job over the fake vaccine issue.
I think the most important thing happening through this entire crisis is that millions of us are discovering that we are not isolated "voices in the wilderness", but that we are a majority, or close to it, and that the radical, irrational people who want to riot and burn down our cities, and who support all manner of totalitarian impositions are very noisy but ultimately will not win this.
I love how many incredible people, including so many doctors, scientists, and lawyers, are speaking up and taking positions of leadership to spread truth about COVID and the deadly depopulation shots, and waking us up to the evil agenda being enacted. People are finding their strength to stand up for humanity on a level never seen before in our lifetimes. If humanity survives this difficult transition, the authors of history books will have plenty of amazing people to write about!
The rolling on the ice asked isolate the awake members of the population, because if they ever come together the ruling elite loses their power.
I was reading through the comments before commenting, to see if anyone was going to say what I was thinking, and you did: people should be allowed to be themselves for the most par
I have always been pro choice about abortion, but after having my first child I also became anti-abortion (you can both at the same time). With my second pregnancy we faced a tough weekend's decision because it looked like the baby might have severe abnormalities (turned out not to) -- just the agonizing exercise of thinking my way through this and ultimately deciding there was no way I could ever kill my baby, no matter what.... led me to be even more firmly "pro choice" because I felt it was so important that this be my husband's and my decision, and no one else's. Definitely not in favor of abortion to be used as casual birth control, but how on earth can we force rape and incest victims to go full term? My pro-choice position absolutely carried forward to the vaccine mandates -- it's the wrongest thing ever to coerce people to take these experimental injections. It's bizarre to be pro choice for one thing, but not for the other. It's because people were wrongly led to believe that their vaccine would protect grandma by contributing to both herd immunity and that they would then not be able to spread illness.
I talked to my son last night about how times and technologies have changed since 1973. We live in a different world now, and what might have seemed to make sense then does not necessarily make the same sense today. We have new forms of birth control we did not have back then.
Ultimately, bodily autonomy is paramount, and of course I hope that people take procreation seriously and not casually, because that's a life right there. We can start changing our language.... "aborting a baby" rather than "an abortion." I know that not everyone wants to see it that way, so it's like a thought experiment.
My prediction is that somewhere in the future, abortion will be viewed as a barbaric practice that deserved to be ended, similar to the barbaric practice of slavery, and war.
We all are multitasking and have a finite time to absorb an avalanche of daily excellent information. Shorter format very helpful. Thank you!
Some interesting comments on the Roe vs Wade decision at https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-saturday-june-25?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
His take is that the Supreme Court is no longer finding a "right to bodily autonomy" in our Constitution, also that "this Supreme Court decision is just the latest and the most obvious example of how the government’s pandemic overreach has badly backfired. And the backfiring isn’t done yet — not even close"
Another great piece. Thanks!
Indeed I did. And yes it should. But, as I frequently would tell my kids as they were growing up “Occasionally I am incorrect, but I’m never wrong.” LOL.
Now that they are 35 and 30 they frequently toss it back at me. Live by the sword, get skewered by the sword. LOL.
Good catch from a clearly close reading. Which is nice in and of itself. Substack is just nice that way.
I'm looking forward to reading tomorrow's article.
So much boils down to the Golden rule.
Thank you.
I just found your substack recently and I am really enjoying it. You have new slants on things. I prefer articles to be in parts. I wished that with your long but fascinating article from yesterday.