Doc, another well thought out thesis. When I was selling pharmaceuticals the training department stressed finding the 10% of the doctors on our call list that were “early adopters.” And then find the early adopters that were area “thought leaders.” Call on them as often as you can with your new products. That was the way to get faster market penetration.

It works. The 10% early adopters also tend to be boisterous about what they did used in their practices, especially the specialists. They knew that they could influence family practice docs and get more referrals. We knew who would refer to which specialist and therefore could also target those family practice docs.

10% early adopters, 70% followers and 20% never change from what they learned in residency.

I think you went through your essay without using the word “courage.” I think the Docs like you, Miller, Kory, McCollough etc have courage in your DNA. It is so rare. And thank you for being courageous and thoughtful. Wish there were more of you around.

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I need to pin this comment, I completely forgot about the point you raised. Thank you.

I also forgot to go into courage, which is partly because it's a very complex topic I think needs its own essay.

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It is likely the value most needed and least distributed today.

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Hasn't courage always been in scarce supply? My understanding is that's why humanity hero-worships, they show the scarcity.

Or, how many of us are ever really courageous?

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I would never blame the non courageous though - I would only have compassion.

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If you take the cowardly path you become cowardly. If you take the courageous path you become courageous. But that’s not the whole story. We all need to adopt courage as a virtue and try to be more courageous.

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Flipping that, adopting virtues would have led to courageous behaviour I guess, you stand for a standard.

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I agree, but I think courage is improved by practice as well as becoming flaccid through disuse. Virtue is indeed lacking and is being intentionally debased.

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Another very complex topic which you addressed in your piece, is that of "intelligence."

The word needs to be stricly defined since the way it's commonly used is naive, simplistic, and almost totally useless. Besides that, it's a sad joke to think the characteristic can be meaningfully measured by some simple minded multiple choice "tests."

The concept of intelligence, in my opinion, includes the capacities to observe and think neither of which is an evident strength of most of today's physicians at least as far as I can see. Therefore, most have not shown themselves to be "intelligent", so maybe that myth needs to die along with the one about their trustworthiness and good judgement.

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The concept has been known for at least a century.

"If, for example, the impression takes root that [IQ] tests really measure intelligence, that they constitute a sort of last judgment on the child's capacity, that they reveal "scientifically" his predestined ability, then it would be a thousand times better if all the intelligence testers and all their questionnaires were sunk without warning in the Sargasso Sea. One has only to read around in the literature of the subject, but more especially in the work of popularizers like McDougall and Stoddard, to see how easily the Intelligence test can be turned into an engine of cruelty, how easily in the hands of blundering or prejudiced men it could turn into a method of stamping a permanent sense of inferiority upon the soul of a child. It is not possible, I think, to imagine a more contemptible proceeding than to confront a child with a set of puzzles, and after an hour's monkeying with them, proclaim to the child, or to his pax-ents, that here Is a C— indlvidual. It would not only be a contemptible thing to do. It would be a crazy thing to do, because there is nothing in these tests to warrant a judgment of this kind. All that can be claimed for the tests is that they can be used to classify into a homogeneous group the children whose capacities for school work are at a particular moment fairly similar."

- Walter Lippmann, The Abuse of the Tests, The New Republic, November 15, 1922, p. 297


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If you do that topic, I remember coming across an article about war ; acts of courage ; and psychopathy. Courage can also be a lower fear response!

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Dear CN: McCullough and Kory are germ theorists, and believe in ALL other vaccines (though Kory might now realize that he poisoned his own children - see comments on The Highwire). Regardless, MOST people are followers. Few people question. Most allopathic MDs think that they have been given ALL knowledge there is, so their own arrogance leads them to poison people.

But this writing was NOT another well-thought out thesis. AMD was ALL over the place, throwing out labels about liberals and anti-war, conflating generations, to be absurd. MLK Jr., was anti war and demanded reparations for Blacks. He was assassinated by the MIC. The strategy of non-violence was taught by A Philip Randolph, because he knew that they were out-manned and outgunned and had to win allies. It was a strategy, not an absolute necessity. Regardless, it was hardly a coherent piece.

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It might be helpful for you to read the other comments here.

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Dear AMD:

There are over 700 comments. Any in particular of which you believe I might benefit?


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One cannot argue with "authorities," especially those who think they know everything already, which is almost a defining characteristic of today's physicians.

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AMW is a demanding writer. There is a mountain of material which AMW parses through carefully. This piece is a summary-type piece which helps pull some of the geography of the mountain together. If you read an AMW article without reading *all* the links, you are missing out. As a drones-eye view of AMW's work, this is an excellent piece.

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Dearest JC,

I am not sure what you are trying to say. I do investigate the links and or know much of the material and references to which AMD offers.

What is excellent in this article? I know that most allopaths are not critical of "the science." They push Rx drugs, eschew nutrition, pimp vaccines, and think that exogenous, viral contagions are real.

So ... what am I missing? Thanks for the assistance. (Always happy to learn and be informed).

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I am only an egg, I comprehend about 20% in AMD's technical articles (currently digesting "liquid crystalline water" and had to delay Cell Danger Response until my brain has room for it). But what I do perceive is this is like the Eiffel Tower. The view from the top, scoping around the ranges - is amazing. But even more amazing, when you comprehend the supporting structure and history.

So AMD's articles build a thing up from the ground - and this article is like the view from the top. Meh, you say, I've seen this view before. Ok.

But I had to climb here to appreciate it. I guess, that's all.

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I try really hard to show both the forest and the trees!

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.substack.com

I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.

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Jun 4, 2023
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Courage can be practiced, just like cowardice. Healthy cultures actually raise children so they specifically practice bravery. The United States sadly isn't one of those cultures.

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Helicopter parenting prevents it.

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Didn’t see your comment before I posted a similar one.

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Either you live it or you turn a blind eye to the heart in tricks of the mind.

The use of DNA run a coding for Spirit, life, or being, that thinking dissociates as if to judge, take apart and control/usurp.

If physical determinants are the only reality then experience is a puppet-robot to a blind universe of death.

The structuring of frameworks of beliefs and values sets frameworks that are then experienced as 'reality' or world. The ability to look on thoughts to undo such a default habit of perception-response is 'awake' in that response pattern, but may yet be ignorant of innumerable other expressions of the same pattern.

No amount of analysing the wigs or branches will undo a false root UNLESS there is a shift to discernment of pattern recognition in all fallacies or deceits.

That we want to manipulate our experience is part of our attempt to grasp, possess and control, rather than partake of the whole in all its parts.

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You're forgetting that mysterious reality called Epigenetics, where your original DNA changes in subtle ways as a result of your choices.

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Jun 4, 2023
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The unqualified statement about courage in your DNA -- "you either got it or you don't," did indeed sound like -- "you are either born with it or you're not."

But glad to know that's not what you meant.

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Jun 4, 2023
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Your choice of words was poor.

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What is with that take, VERY STRANGE considering the different stories that courageous people have had. It can be acquired or the opposite, JESUS Christ people BE CAREFUL WITH THAT KIND OF RHETORIC because that is VERY STRANGE AND OFF POINT. SIMILARLY, it is EXTREMELY STRANGE and looks silly with how many paywalled articles there are and ones not shown in full, VERY STRANGE WITH MANY OF THAT SO BE CAREFUL PEOPLE.

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Yes, when I heard Dr. Gotzsche (I've followed him since the 00's) say it's in your genes, I couldn't help but to hear Bruce Lipton whispering in my ear about epigenetics....

It's more than just genes, as Hickory points out.

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I’m not sure what made me “awake”? I’ve never cared what people thought of me, since being a child. I was raised pretty much hands off being the youngest of three girls by 6 and 8 yrs. They were the pleasers. I was happily the rebel. Then I started researching vaccines after my 20yo son developed minimal change disease (a rare chronic kidney disease) after a Dtap and flu shot. Once you go down that rabbit hole there’s no going back. So it was easy to say “NO” to an experimental shot for a disease with a less than 1% death rate.

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What really surprised me were the people I saw who opposed childhood vaccines but ended up getting the COVID vaccines bc of all the partisan propaganda.

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Or those who were screeching "NO WAY, do I get this 'untested' shit shot!!!!! NO WAY!!!!"

* Only to buckle within the first one or two months of it being rolled out.

* Get sick from the first one - and then

* Go back and get the 2nd one, with even worse results.

* A nd then hearing their reasons for the 1st, then the 2nd, often #4-28 or whatever we are at now. They made NO sense. At all. Ever. Never. Period. Insanity.

Holy Smokes. Scotty, beam my miserable ass up.

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I argued with my ex husband (divorced in 1990 after a brief marriage) and had started a text conversation in the Spring of 2021 at his instigation) that he needed to stop getting the jab. His politics (always very blue, a lawyer who lived in NJ all his life) seemed to inform his decision to get the shots even though his health made him a bad candidate. He argued with me and by Fall of 2022, got the booster. Died “suddenly” of a heart attack. His legal assistant called 911 but he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

I have always questioned authority and needed, even as a kid, a rational explanation before I would do it. As a young adult at 29, left the religion of five generations because I woke up and realized it was a complete fabrication. It was a huge experience for me. I didn’t realize I traded one Kool Kids Klub for another until I woke up again in August 2016 and saw the political Klub in the same light as I had the religious Klub. I experienced shunning by family, friends and church members with the first separation, and years later, some family, more friends, and professional colleagues (I am in a smaller town with a legal bar of about 500 attorneys). I am inured to the shunning but it makes me sad to lose so much in family relationships, friendships, and professional association. I will retire soon and move out of my current state to another, I hope, more welcoming to my POV.

Back in college, as a Freshman at BYU, I had a dorm RA share something with me that I have never forgotten, “I wish I could go back and be the person I used to be, but I have lived and learned so much, the little thoughts don’t fit me any more.”


Keep your eyes open, pay attention, never be afraid to look at the wizard behind the curtain. Most of all, do not be afraid. THIS is what we are here for. Stand Up.

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Love this whole comment....it was very hard to lose family and friends over this, but like you, I feel very proud to have held the line, and not given in, or given up.

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The shunning. This one (COVID) feels even different to that. Like a split in the evolutionary tree and their branch is moving away from ours and right now, we can still see them and talk to them, but not for long.

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Nice ! people are way to deferential in many areas

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It is so bizarre. I suppose the first shot might have changed body chemistry to make them more susceptible to carrying on with 'shooting' themselves. You may have seen but I attach just in case. Very short.


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My husband went along with the first two vaccinations (we respected each other's decisions), feeling it was the right thing to do, I think. But changed his mind, and has not had any more.

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Mine too. And he had no idea the grief I went through knowing that was in him. I was in tears for 24 hours around each one. Like your husband, he sees them as "stupid" (he still doesn't believe the injuries and deaths can be attributed to vaccine, "people just die,") and won't take any more.

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My husbands eyes have since been opened wide.

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.substack.com

I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.

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Which is a great relief to hear, thanks for that, it is encouraging.

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Isn't it more likely that the act of commiting to the first creates a psychological predisposition to continue, lest you are shown up as fool

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That is fair, although I would like to think (I may be optimistic!) that if the first jab made them ill, being made to seem a fool to take the first one should have been the last of their worries.

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This goes back to Desmet ( others ) for me. If such powerful ( down right unsettling) psychological forces were at play ( the mass formation type) then we better get the word out!

It's not like his theories came from nowhere...

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”

Gustav Le Bon, The Crowd.

Did error seduce everybody again? Progress has given us a solution! I want to believe:)

But look, it ( vax ) probably didn't help a lot of people's brain chemistry!

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.substack.com

I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.

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Your first point is truth. I've seen it too many times to blow it off. Even going 25+ years following folks only taking the flu shot. Same thing. I think you are on to how all crapshots destroy the brain (CNS).

Your link: :-)

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.substack.com

I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.

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The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of dis-figuration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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I never saw ONE person who opposed vax for their children, yet took any mRNA shots.

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Given that you are a lawyer, what do you think that means logically?

(For context, I and many other people observed this happen)

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Right, but the partisan game switched up quickly, with Harris and Biden scoffing at anyone getting an untested "Trump" vaccine, into full-bore "our patience is wearing thin" maximum injection intensity. That alone should have tipped people off.

(There are a million "that alone"s that, even in the aggregate, somehow never ended up creating a critical mass of evidence for most, sadly.)

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Yes, that was a definite eye opener!

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I've always cared what people thought of me to an excruciating degree that's kinda ruined my life (thanks, Dad). It competed with my personality, which is to seek the truth and to value freedom and to speak my truth. I'm so glad my nature won out over my nurture. We should all be deadset proud of ourselves :)

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Good for you, Sue! You overcame it.

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Thanks, Cathleen. You too :)

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I’m sorry to hear about your son. I’ve been wondering how many of these rare childhood conditions are precipitated by the vacksines.

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I believe it's a very high amount.

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AMD, my brother recently became a father. His pregnant girlfriend, who is 37, was ‘required’ to visit the OB doc once every SEVEN (!) days throughout her pregnancy, due to her being a ‘high-risk’ pregnancy (geriatric). The harassment she has endured because they refused all shots for the pregnant mom, and now the newborn baby, is astounding (and criminal, in my book). Their descriptions of the doctor appointments sound like constant visits with a high-pressure salesman. This has been especially stressful for the mom, as she’s a rather timid and submissive type.

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I’m starting to suspect that as well. Unfortunately most pediatricians will never even have the slightest consideration. It’s a travesty what we have done to our precious children.

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I’m willing to bet the farm, that every last disease today can be attributed to a vaccine. I’ve never understood why folks thinks injecting your body with poison will cure you or prevent disease. It’s like chemotherapy, you got a nurse standing there in a Hazmat suit with a drip bag of serious poison and you really think it’s going to cure you? Okay.....

I’m the odd duck, it does not compute, lol 😆.

Like Cheeky, I was never a follower and always the rebel, I’m a truth seeker and don’t hold anything back.

Yes, I’ve been beat up for my views, just makes me stronger, but the icing on the cake is when what I’ve said or posted is proved to be the truth. I won’t lie, it’s hard not to scream I told you so! Lol 😝

Sad I’ve never received any apologies or hey you were right comments, not even a go to hell, lol 😂.

Not that I need them anyway. I’m at peace with myself and my thinking, and I’m not afraid to do the hard work to do the research.

Yet, I never realized my thinking was that uncommon. Who knew?

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People don't realize that the ordinary vaccines are poisonous. I never did.

Or, if they acknowledge that formaldehyde, etc is in them, as I suppose I did, they believe, as I did, that our body has ways to get rid of waste. I mean, we all have been taught since elementary school about the wonders of our kidneys and liver for eliminating unwanted stuff. Of course, we don't know or understand the intricacies of that process, nor the relevance of the ingestion vs injection scenario (eg, w aluminum - an allegedly safe ingestion amount does not equate to safe inJECtion, yet this is the argument made).

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Hey you were right 😇

Don't be sad, and don't go anywhere shady, much less hell 🤸

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I believe I would have gone along except that I was harmed by surgeries & psychiatric drugs. In escaping psychiatry, I learned that studies are not what they seem. Robert Whitaker, Ben Goldacre, Peter Breggin (yes, THAT Peter Breggin), David Healy - so many who helped me break free. This started for me in the 00's. (and yes, I looked briefly at vaccines, thinking how thankful I was that I didn't have children and I didn't have to make that decision).

My law? All medical professionals are partners. I refuse to be intimidated by a medical professional. I have the right to say no. Pharmaceuticals = fine, if they've been tested for 7-10 years, preferably if you can find older than 20 years, is better.

There was an experience - "awakening"? (the term spiritual awakening comes to mind) - where I had to smash everything I believed before and build something new. (likely, a fulcrum)

To realise that I was not "bipolar," I was human, with moods and feelings. This is not a happy process, but I've had to do it before to escape a cult/narcissist - so I realised how delusional "belief" is, and the importance of where I invested my attention. Sadly, this awakening separated me from loved ones as I became the "unmedicated crazy one" (that is, being myself).

The COVID experience was much more extreme - but if I hadn't had this previous conditioning, I might have said "baa," and gone on along. ***Especially*** when I was psych-drugged into complete passivity.

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There but for the Grace of G-d go I.

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Re: the rare chronic kidney disease, check out Grant Genereux, Garrett Smith & Anthony Mawson.

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Why? The only thing I can find in them pertains to Vit A toxicity. My son was vaccine injured and has never taken Vit A.

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Genereux and kidney disease. Vit A is everywhere. You'd be surprised.

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Nope it was 9 mos after those shots. Shots that are cultured on canine kidney cells. But thank you for your opinion.

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Absolutely brilliant article! I recommend that the title be revised to "What made A SMALL MINORITY doctors do the right thing during Covid-19". I also saw right through the covid bull crap from day 1. I tried to wake people up, but most thought I was crazy when I spoke up. Some friends and co-workers stopped talking to me. I have been a chemist for 30 years working for big pharma. When it came to the vaccine mandates at my company, I resigned from my job after 27 years of service. I don't regret walking away from my good job. I'm unvaccinated and still have my good health. No prestigious job is worth it if you have to take the poison shots. Thank you for writing this article 🙏.

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Thank you! I have to keep the titles from being too many words.

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I am not a doctor but none of it ever made sense. I was afraid for my children at the very beginning but quickly knew that it didn't "add up". I retired from the government because of the vaccine mandate. I was in a position to retire but many weren't.

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I feel really bad for all the people who really had no choice except to go along with the mandates.

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This is what many forget when they bash those that went along, our systems mean that many would be destitute ( with debts , families , etc) if they refused. There has to be compassion for this.

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Absolutely. I hate it when people talk about the 'sheeple'.

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Would love to hear more from a chemist’s side who works for pharma

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This is one of the things that has made me shake my head during the pandemic. How can a person see through the Covid propaganda so sharply but still ignore other questionable things. RFK jr. has been correctly questioning vaccine safety for years but cannot bring himself to question any of the climate change stuff. I turned to Alex Berenson very early in the pandemic, he was right on almost all the issues but on the subject of rigged elections he becomes insulting. Is it that much of a stretch to believe that a government that would mandate very badly manufactured and harmful vaccines also be capable of cheating in elections? Isn’t it possible that scientists that can’t model a viral outbreak also can’t model something as complex as the world climate system too? It would seem that the 10 percent changes the line up based on the subject.

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All I can say is everyone has blind spots and I frequently meet individuals who really "get" it in a lot of areas, but simultaneously really miss it in others.

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Yes, I have observed this as well, and I think even people with a well developed fulcrum can still fall prey to scams for some period of time due to the segmented nature of each one of our unique blind spots.

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I’ve listened to AB from the beginning of this bullshyte. He’s done some great work, but his dismissal of IVM makes me question him.

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AB also did a lot of good work to expose the pharmaceutical industry decades ago.

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The determination to seek the truth wherever it leads is, of course, a completely different impulse from making your money for doing controversial arguments on media platforms. The mysterious impulse to transcend the tendency to be a contracted, fearful separate self is what underlies deeds that are truly “great.”

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The truth is more important to me than being successful or making money.

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There are facts. Facts change. There is truth. Truth is eternal.

Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

John 14:6

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this article about the cultish ways of the herd is very basic in nature. It’s very easy to see. It’s simple herd psychology for initiates. Watch the Matrix and They live for a simpleton explanation.

Now that you have noticed mass formation behaviors.

I told you I Can show you another world 🌎 that’s real but unknown to the herd . It will warp your understanding of your current beliefs of our reality here.

How will you know what you don’t know?

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The warping of mind generates a distorted perversion of reality-experience that is 'survived' or persisted in, adapted to and propagated in thought word and deed.

The true Mother or Matrix is Nature - but not as we judge it through a glass darkly.

Hypnosis is part of the way our minds operate. But if we are out of accord with (our true) Nature, the dissonance alerts us. Unless we use the dissonance as a way to generate a blocking response to the Call to heal. Which is a complex way of saying 'Not now - I'm busy' (solving problems, fighting wars, having fun - whatever).

Noticing our OWN mind of thought and emotion is the key to release of a false or conflicted way of compartmentalising & dissociating thought to a reintegrative appreciation. But we meet the dissonance beneath the masking as part of the 'territory' of its undoing.

True appreciation of reality is a direct recognition.

But a split mind is predicated to survive by masking adaptations to its family, society and world.

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Very true!

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I wonder about IVM after listening and reading the studies Tim Truth puts out there on Rumble. A really interesting one yesterday.

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This? https://rumble.com/v2rtfks-ivermectin-is-a-toxic-mutagenic-depopulation-agent-live-in-2-hours-attentio.html

First I've heard of him/his ideas, but I avoid IVM like I do all meds; prescrip & OTC - and of course, vaccines. I had IVM - didn't take - all now expired.

I have no clue as to his claims. I did watch the first 17 mins and then quit. But meds are meds are meds are meds. I'd like someone to call in and talk with him. Did they in the vid above? And, have these warnings been with Ivermectin dating back to the beginning of its time? Or, since 2020/21 ?

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He also went after Malone, seemed unnecessary at the time?

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I’m not discrediting the efficacy of Iv

But the liquid supply is heavily tainted with nano Tek

The Liquid Iv supply sat idle in 2020 as they quit shipping bottles to bottle the Iv to the manufacturers

Then all of a sudden , it came back online an was available.

There’s definitely nano luc/ luciferase tech in it.

It not only has cells that glow in it.

They flash on and off indefinitely.

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Lots of things can trigger a symptom suppressive response - that may buy time at a critical timing.

The banning of IVM was necessary to the spiking agenda. There had to be no 'official' pharma treatment for what I see as a hysterical nocebo effect assigned 'treatments, measures, and bio-in-security status.

I often use the term psychic rather than psychological. The latter term is itself a psychic distantiating defence. Monopolised psychic energy operates fake science as the intent to possess and control.

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and scientists are typically just as easy to buy-off and coerce as politicians, so why wouldn't one expect fraud in both fields?

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and Ukraine. He is on the Ukrainan side. I even stopped my subscription until he stopped writing about it. I might still cancel him.

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I find this curious as well. Blind spots in the midst of clarity.

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I also listened to Alex Berenson early on. Then he got booted off Twitter and disappeared up his own backside. He's still there. Sad when people get in their own way to such an extent ...

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If I might add one mindset that has helped me: I try to cultivate a "falsifying" mindset (in the Karl Popper sense). Whatever I think is true (with a healthcare decision, with an ideological position, with an investment decision), I make sure to deliberately seek out information that contradicts my current position.

I find most people do the exact opposite of this (which is confirmation bias of course).

I think I learned this from my investing career, where there's a famous saying: "There's always somebody on the other side of your trade." By definition if you want to buy a stock, somebody has to sell it to you. So what's that person thinking--and what if they're right and you're wrong??

So I find that the more I purposely seek out contra-ideas, contra-views to my own, the *less* subject I am to consensus thinking and the "gravity" of the herd.

Thanks as always for your work here.

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Thank you. I always try to do both and have them debate each other in my mind to see which one ultimately feels more "true"

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Yes, this was one of my key thoughts during the pandemic decision making. What if I'm wrong? What does the other side of that decision look like? What if it turns out I'm mistaken about this?

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I run into this problem all the time when I write here.

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You believe by standing in or embodying. The result of that step is a perspective or result by which to know our alignment. Dissonance at core is a conflicted self - Garbage in; garbage out. So we take a journey of reintegration to an integrity of being - that has no claim of moral superiority over - for integrity of being is the healed or true nature of all, regardless the current masking structure of 'defences'.

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This is what real scientists have to do all the time. It’s why we have so do many “control” experiments to rule out any alternative explanations. It’s a pity that most students are not trained to think critically in this way.

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It's very sad.

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When money comes in the door

True science goes out the window

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The problem is that lots of money is required to do research. In the best case, it’s grant funding awarded through meritocracy. But nowadays scientists are having a harder time getting grants and therefore looking to industry. This causes perverse incentives.

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Critical thinking is a lost art. I see it in the law too.

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Great comment!

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I am driven by looking for ways to reperspectivize everything. Is there a different way to frame it? What looks and feels different with different perspectives? What fulcral pieces come into play and how when you shift bigger and smaller pieces. I am fascinated by people. I think knowing others is a path of intellectual freedom because, through others, you get access to the gestalt of another experience. I love to puzzle over people, try to understand them, try to actually feel what it feels like to experience and perceive and find meaning how they do. I tell myself I am trying to "get the ghost", as though their essence is a spirit that I can invite to stand with me, so I can sort of imaginatively be them. I try to "be" multiple people, and be able to have the meta-imaginitive conversation of them within myself. I include in this even Pele who are not even real: made up people or perhaps people I've known through their intellectual work, even if long dead. I think this curiosity has helped me, but, there is still something fundamental which does not really change, and I feel completely safe to jump into the waters of other people and perspectives without worrying that they will take me over or influence me unduly or even attack and destroy me. I love being with unusual people and in the middle of very different perspectives. I've noticed many people take it so personally that they cannot tolerate the presence of different people, so it is very curious. Because of this, though, I find that people tend to tell me things as though I am friendly to them, so they like to explain what they think and who they are, and I really want to know. My mother thought I was brain washed by conspiracy theorists over the pandemic and similar topics, so it is very curious how easy it is to tie up a bunch of stuff in an untouchable bundle, which is a very common pattern throughout this. I consider this behavior perhaps to have some innate sense to it (maintain your strength and sacredness and tribe by defense and otherization, hold yourself intact in relation, and other dynamics) but to also, for me, to indicate that the person is to some degree being denied access to their own self. I say this because I have worked with children, humans, of all ages, and I feel that I have observed the development and construction that goes on within children, even from infancy or before, to establish them to move in some ways and not in others. I always wonder, what if their movement had more possibility? What if they were more available to themselves? What would that look like, and what would follow from it?

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Yes, I think many who didn't get sucked in had some of this trait ( training ? ), although I though all those 'science' professionals would come out on mass !

Is this same as a 'Steelman' argument?

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Yes, the Desmet interview was fantastic. Tucker basically just let him talk. I had heard of Desmet a couple of years ago, but wasn’t too intrigued by what seemed to me an obvious theory. But he amazed me in this interview. So smart, articulate, and compassionate.

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Thank you for watching the whole interview!

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and they did try to silence him with a so-called medical mistake he would have made (not reporting a crime - which was in fact euthanasia before it was legal in Belgium). My esteem for him rather went up

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"euthanasia before it was legal"

Not true. Ivo Poppe was found guilty on multiple counts of murder. He was a serial killer.


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In some ways but I found the language or pronunciation barrier to be a major turn-off as with Geert. Very hard to constantly try to comprehend what people of thick accents are saying.

Also "mass psychosis" is name-calling, which we've had too much of in the hideous Trump age, also attacking people's sanity is a ploy of con-artists and the weak minded. Surely intelligent people could come up with better words and phrases.

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Desmet didn't coin the term "mass psychosis" for exactly that reason. It was someone else's term that he doesn't use. His term is mass formation.

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Doesn't really matter whose term it was originally, most people associate him with the term. And the big legal battle between Dr. Malone and the Breggins is over his theory, so very divisive type of rhetoric to slam people as "psychotic". Malone clings on to ideologies such as Plato as an ideological remedy for the scientific crisis, but he's not a philosopher, he should focus on his specialty and not promote areas he is not skilled in, he's a virologist not a renaissance man as if there are any today.

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It does matter if you suggest that he coined it, how is he responsible if people pick up on a term and it takes off?

I'm ok with the term....

[serious mental illness characterized by defective or lost contact with reality often with hallucinations or delusions.]

Yep, sounds about right 🤣

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Correct. So glad you made this exact point. Thank you. It needed to be made.❤️🙏

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It somewhat seems to me that mass psychosis is actually a rather kind way of viewing it. Otherwise we are left with “evil” as the reason behind these behaviors. If a mom kills her infant and it’s determined she was suffering from post partum psychosis at the time generally she will be granted a fair amount of leniency. But if not, she’s labeled an evil baby killer and they throw the book at her. So in someways mass psychosis may be an easy out. For some actions your only viable options are crazy or evil (although rarely you do get the crazy and evil combo).

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If psychosis is a loss of contact with reality, isn't humankind then psychotic?

As none of us can ever perceive reality. :)

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Jones townism?

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Haha, koolAiditis

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I really don't understand how pointing out the mass formation is name calling or victim blaming or anything like that. This is something Dr. Breggin pushes IIRC. I normally appreciate his work, but this seriously worries me. If someone is mentally unwell and we identify them as having depression, is that name calling too? Or is it pointing out a fact? What are we supposed to do if we can't bring attention to a dangerous society-wide mental condition?

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I think it wasn't so much victim-blaming that was the issue, but the fact that "mass formation" was (in the interviews I have heard) largely presented as a self-assembling phenomenon, like a typhoon, and that Desmet didn't focus enough on the clear orchestrators and coordinators and willful liars and oppressors of the covid debacle (and many others).

It's like studying how sheep behave, without mentioning the existence of wolves.

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This is a reasonable critique which I am fine with. I would even say I agree, except I don't want absolutely everyone focused solely on the perpetrators. There are many aspects to the Plandemic and all the other crap going on right now, so it's useful for the many researchers to have separate focuses.

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You "don't understand". To call people "psychotic" is to call them crazy, insane., mentally unstable, etc.. And that's not name calling? The divisions in society are getting wider and wider, treating people as a part of crazy groups just makes this a lot worse.

I see this a lot in the 12 step groups where labelling is very common, judging people based on whether they are loyal members of the program with sponsors and those who follow group think or not. Critical thinking is not appreciated. This is profoundly dehumanizing.

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I haven't heard Desmet use "psychotic" though. He's pretty clear that it's just "mass formation" without "psychosis". Pretty sure he talked about that on his Highwire interview. The "...psychosis" was an addition by Dr. Malone on a Joe Rogan podcast (something like that, I forget the details) which has unfortunately gone viral. If you need to be mad at someone for this, I think you should be directing it at Malone, not Desmet.

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Even "mass formation" sounds like Germanic or European rhetoric. Collective confused mindless obedience or obsequience, we should be able to come up with the right term.

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What would you call it?

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"Idee fixee", ischemia induced cognitive disability, cognitive overload, cognitive paralysis, etc.. See the person not as having real volition but being robotic looking for a "leader". Real choice is often overstated, especially with those without real histories of making moral choices, being rather passive entities. 2/3 or more of people just go along to get along especially disempowered minorities. "Psychosis" is a heavy and fraught word, most people do not have the intellectual or cognitive capacity to qualify. The US is more of a commercial or corporate fascist system without much in the way of real volition, than a moral, choice driven society. People behave as animals behave, responding to stimuli perceived as advantageous or necessary.

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This is a definition of idee fixe I found....

"the obstinate conviction of a psychotic person regarding the correctness of a delusion"

So 'idea fixe' would be a symptom of psychosis or a synonym for it?

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Stereotypical thinking is predominant and very hard to shake.

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Fair enough, people certainly don't seem to get to 'choose' much about their world.

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Thanks for your response.

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I would say at the beginning of the pandemic, I was fortunate enough to have a weird debaucle prevent me getting the vaccine. On the 2nd try, my apptmt was cancelled, due to blood clots being reported in association with the J&J shot. Two red flags. The third was the rising groundswell of censorship, which was infuriating. We allegedly live in a country that values free speech, yet here was FB itself blocking discussions about the vaccines and other topics, and many FB users buying into the narrative. When you are being forced down a certain path, you have to ask yourself what is going on here. I should have the right to choose and the right to think and discuss freely.

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I'm happy that debacle happened to you.

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Thanks, AMD. It was frustrating at the time, but as it turned out, it was certainly a blessing. So, when things seem to not be going our way, maybe there is a reason for it and we should just take it in stride and see what happens.

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.substack.com

I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.

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Of course your readers are all fascinated to learn why we are the way we are. ;)

In the summer of 2020, I was de-friended and "othered" for expressing a wait-and-see perspective on a vax that wasn't even available, yet. It only went downhill from there.

There were so many inconsistencies! No shopping emporium or concert house or employer ever cared about vaccination status, before. People who understood/accepted the risk of catching the flu became deathly afraid of covid. Medical staff would humbly care for other people who brought their health problems on themselves such as drug addicts, but they refused care to the unvaccinated.

There were so many lies! Masks are needed out-of-doors. Masks are needed when standing in a restaurant but not when sitting. The unvaccinated pose a health risk to the vaccinated.

There were so many smears! Anti-lockdowners only care about economics and want Grandma to die. Anybody wanting to discuss anything was a misinformation spreader. Many people actually wished death upon the unvaccinated.

For three years, I have been completely obsessed with the illogical behavior of the 90%. I simply can't make sense of it. Whatever happened to common sense?! And kindness?

You're saying that there has always been a 90%, that covid merely provided a unique opportunity to observe the painful divide. "Hard times produce [very few] strong men." It sounds like you have helped some people wake up. I hope that you have an opportunity to write a post with advice on that score.

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Thank you. A big part of my goal in writing this Substack is to plant the seeds that make it possible for that to happen.

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I have to agree with the personality traits you mentioned in the article. I share them and was not one of the “sheeple”. But interestingly, when other doctors listened, they quietly agreed. I can’t believe for a minute they are not reading about the vaccine injured, support Big Pharma, and don’t know this was nothing more than a Plandemic. What I do believe is they sold their soul to the devil for the sake of paying their mortgage, etc.

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A lot of doctors genuinely believe the narrative.

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That’s very sad. It implies they do not read the literature and assume the CDC and FDA are transparent despite many previous drugs that had to be taken off the market.

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I dunno.

I think a lot of them don’t have the mental or physical space to pause to think. So many are so swamped with paperwork plus patient work, they barely have time to see all their patients in a day. Plus the ongoing continuing ed, and whatever else. They aren’t given time to think.

I think you’re right about some, although if they’ve sold their souls, then honestly they probably don’t care enough how the plandemic came about to give the “planned” part the time of day.

The power to repress unpleasant information or unwanted information is very, very strong. Especially if it threatens the very heart of what you have devoted your life to doing.

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"I think a lot of them don’t have the mental or physical space to pause to think. So many are so swamped with paperwork plus patient work, they barely have time to see all their patients in a day. Plus the ongoing continuing ed, and whatever else. They aren’t given time to think."

This is one of the many things that sustains and reinforces the narrative.

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This is true of lawyers too.

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Jun 3, 2023
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Could you provide a source for this? I'd really like to see it.

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"I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives."

-Leo Tolstoy

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Ca plus change !

Many classics should be 'compelled' reading, better than compelled speech lol

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Many are arrogant, and the price of arrogance is foolishness.

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My brother-in-laws cardiologist straight off pointed to the mrna for his bout of myocarditis.

If he wasn't just a lone wolf, this must mean that the staff in a major cardiology debt. knew the score early on.

So how many knew? It's a major problem of trust now surely across the board

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"Interestingly, a market research study found 10% of the population was self-directed (meaning to sell them things, you had to justify the product on its merits), while 90% were not and bought products based on being repeatedly told to buy them. I was shown this study years ago, and I believe MIT or Harvard conducted it, but I could never find it."

Hmm, I thought MIT is where Chomsky/Epstein manufactured consent.

But with all seriousness, I tend to think most are specifically "awake." In that they might be skeptics about some stuff, but are gullible about other things. Yes, there's some who are skeptical about everything.

In the case of the scamdemic which originally seemed like a medical issue, but was quickly revealed to be a political agenda it was imperative to orchestrate it so that all the musicians were synchronized to play only "one" tune. So even if medical workers were aware something was amiss, they were too intimidated to speak up or diverge from the narrative, especially if they feared losing their license.

To put it simply, the more you were invested in the medical industrial complex the more difficult it became to bite the hand that fed you. That being said, those who were aware the jab was extremely toxic and fearful of suffering severe adverse reactions bit the bullet and quit their jobs, or were terminated as no amount of money is worth being irreparably sick or succumbing from a stroke.

As for those not employed by the medical industry it was just a question of who bought the relentless propaganda, or didn't want to be shunned by those who were following "Fauci's science."

Nonetheless, COVID was actually a "great eye opener" as it revealed how many political organizations, public health institutions, education facilities, private universities, celebrity influencers, and international ruling elites had been co-opted by the national security state and were willing to die on the COVID alter literally and figuratively as a DARPA/big pharma experiment in order to serve Global Empire.

The scamdemic also revealed the extreme lengths bankster/ gangsters and trillion dollar asset management fiirms will go to push a worldwide economic restructuring. Which when all is said and done, will be a technocratic biosecurity transhumanist neofeudal hellscape.

Oh btw, did you hear the FDA just approved Musk's Neuralink, so don't be surprised if there aren't folks lining up at a neighborhood doughnut shop waiting to be "chimp chipped." I'll have the banana cake.😁

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covid was definitely an eye opener for me. Prior to covid, I did not trust the government regarding the wars, lying about the wars, the false flags, etc. I knew that the government was lying about 9/11 and the JFK, RFK, and MLK murders. But I had no idea how deep were the tentacles of Pharma into the medical community, the government, the media, the "intellectuals" at all our universities, and the "prestigious" medical journals like the Lancet, NEJM, and JAMA. As a result of seeing the pervasiveness of Pharma's control AND the utter illogic of the covid response and the "vaccine" mandates, I now know that our universities are compromised, the media and medical community is compromised, science is compromised. I used to believe that humans are warming the planet due to burning fossil fuels. I now see that as another scam pushed by governments, by the global elite, by the universities and by the media. In a comment on another article I stated that since covid I have a new rule. "Rule" is probably the wrong word, it's more like an axiom. It goes like this: If governments around the world are pushing a narrative that will

1) give them more control over the people, and/or

2) give them an excuse to raise taxes or steal land from the people,

they are LYING!

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The other issue is that the corruption keeps on growing, so now it is blatant and in a lot of areas you never previously thought it could appear in.

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Just today someone posted this article on twitter that reports on a study that concluded that from 2009 to 2019 the Antarctic Ice Sheet has expanded and added 661 gigatons of ice! https://tc.copernicus.org/articles/17/2059/2023/

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Hope you liked the previous series I wrote on that topic!

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Yes, the latest "GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM" is well on it's way:


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The scamdemic also revealed the deep tentacles of DARPA and the DOD and how the West's supposed adversaries China and Russia are all-in on the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

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I believe the fourth industrial revolution will dramatically reduce the joy and meaning of being alive on this planet.

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It's hard to imagine joy in being alive as experienced by the children put to labor in the early factories. I find it difficult to find long-term benefits for society from the industrial revolution(s).

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Thank you for sharing all of this.

I will need to read that approval at some point.

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I agree.

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Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

John Adams

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Another version of this is "when a society loses its virtue it makes laws."

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It seems like we are experiencing some unsettling times that resemble the dark periods of history such as Nazi Germany or even the East German Stasi era. It's worth noting that the Germans developed advanced methods of monitoring their citizens, and Obama's administration went even further by allowing the US government to spy on its people and use propaganda against them.

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That is precisely why I think we need to address the underlying factors that give way to mass formations.

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During an interview on May 25th, the esteemed American lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich, conveyed a message of optimism. He stated that it is possible to take legal action against those who have committed heinous acts.



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I’ve felt for a long time that some people aren’t actually real. They say things but it’s like there is no conviction in their thoughts or words. The parrot what they think they should say. They exhibit low or no emotion about anything.

Trying to discuss anything with with them is like conversing with an end table.

It’s a frightening concept.

I did not get the clot-shot. The entire concept and the media etc. shoving it in our faces seemed very suspect from the beginning to me. I’m glad I didn’t get it.

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That in a nut-shell in the NPC meme.

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TV is another thing that has lowered the mentality of the people watching it...helping them become passive viewers. Radio was totally different. People listening to the radio drew images in their minds of the action occurring. it was a far more creative activity. Most doctors today grew up in homes where TV viewing occurred regularly. it probably was a factor in not developing the ability to think more critically. "As the twig is bent, so shall the tree grow." In addition, all the men in white coats promoting "wonder drugs' could have affected their thinking, too.

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That is a great point I never thought about (radio verses television).

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Please take this image into consideration: https://imgur.io/S21Nf52?r. Have you seen how trees can grow through fences, from inhospitable cracks in a rock or concrete? I live on a farm, and I think my powers over the trees have some severe shortcomings. There is much hope in the resilience and ingenuity of the "tree."

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Yes! And the former investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts points out they use entrainment technology on TV. She notes the people who listen to her tend to be independent thinkers who don't watch TV.

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.substack.com

I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.

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With gratitude to many with high profiles, whose voices of opposition to the mass formation were amplified, let’s acknowledge and remember the legions of the awake and anonymous who waged extremely lonely battles from the get go, and paid a heavy and ongoing social price to oppose the insanity that descended on all of us. Those are wounds that may never heal.

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I think they can heal if each individual remains open inside themselves

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