I enjoy your articles focusing only on health issues; the veer to politics was a turn-off as I was disappointed in how you can support this ticket of doom. RFK Jr may be an excellent source for vaccine information & harm, but he’s a solid Democrat with liberal & progressive views that will only continue to harm our nation. He would be outstanding as Director of CDC or NIH, but that’s his only redeeming value. His book about Fauci was excellent, but not his political views. Just my humble opinion.

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There's only four or so huge issues that animate me these days:

1) The Capture or death of real science. IMO no one has done more than RFK, Jr. to highlight this issue.

2) The death of real free speech and the growth of the Censorship Industrial Complex. This is another issue that Kennedy has been highlighting for many years and knows about first-hand.

3) The growth of the Military Industrial Complex (and the neocon agenda that says America is the "exceptional nation" and must spread democracy by force and coercion.) Kennedy is definitely not a neocon and is fighting this trend, which leaders in both parties endorse.

4) The growth of the Security and Surveillance State, embodied by the nefarious acts of the CIA, FBI and dozens of other "intelligence" agencies. Kennedy is definitely skeptical of these organizations and, indeed, seems to think the CIA plotted to kill his uncle and maybe his own father. If you read his books, you see that he thinks the CIA, Military Intelligence Complex and Science Industrial Complex have all merged together - along with all the big key companies (which is "fascism.") So Kennedy gets an A+ for highlighting this threat to real democracy as well.

I'm sure Kennedy doesn't embrace some of my Ron Paul libertarian views, but on the big issues he's not only right, he's leading the way trying to fight these trends. Basically, there's a reason the entire Establishment fears him and is trying to defeat him.

P.S. I also think he now fully gets the threat of illegal immigration (just like Trump long has).

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I think there's a 5th: one of America's greatest threat ls is the national debt. Only RFK seems to have a plan for this: Cutting military spending and cutting health care spending by getting Americans healthier

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Good addition. I just consider it a given that no president would actually cut spending - Kennedy included.

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I appreciate your thoughtful and reflective comments, Bill.

Bobby Jr. clearly needs to support Palestinian Rights to gain my vote.

Why has he not done so? This is why Dennis Kucinich left his campaign, right?

Will he do so before the election?

Does he have a blood-oath not to cross the Zionist lobby from the days following the assassination of his father?

Did JFK Jr. break such an oath before his (Kennedy tradition) airplane crash?

"Inquiring minds want to know."

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Name another candidate is prepared to go this particular extra mile

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I am wearing a "Jill Stein MD, President 2016" dark green on light green t-shirt as I write this. I made 100 and gave them away in 2015-2016, including a "small" to Dr. Stein, herself, who seemed delighted.

I'll vote for her again. She has earned it again.

Chase Oliver and Cornel West are also peace candidates.

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Kennedy still needs to commit to exiting the WHO! WHO = Climate Change.

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Kennedy would nix the influence of the WHO in a second. The WHO despises and fears Kennedy. I'm currently reading "The Wuhan Cover-Up" by RFK, Jr. In this book, he quotes Dr. Meryl Nass over and over. Dr. Nass is a great friend and ally of Kennedy ... and she's leading the effort to scuttle the WHO ... so I think Kennedy is with her 100 percent on this project. If he wasn't, Dr. Nass wouldn't be such a big supporter of Kennedy.

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If we could fuse the good traits of one candidate with another!

I wish Bobby Kennedy would do a deep-dive into “climate change.” There are many books & articles refuting the hysteria over the climate, but no one who has a national audience. Our entire economy is being turned upside down over the theory of climate change. So many are invested (politically & financially) in the narrative that it is almost impossible to legislate against it, much less voice opinions questioning the hypothesis.

However, the negative effects of climate change “remedies” are becoming more obvious. Whales dying & birds belong torn to bits from wind farms are the well-known examples. It seems that people who profess love for our environment care more the political cause of the environment than the living things in our environment.

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It's also quite clearly essential to the plot to micro-manage everyone's existence and restrict our choices, and it's another aspect of making us unhealthy by promoting GMO, fake meat/food, restrict us from eating good meats, and on and on.

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Absolutely AGREE! DITTO. Love MWD, but you MUST expand your research on who exactly these people are…and always will be. RFK is a tremendous voice to expose Big Pharma corruption….but that is it.

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I am disappointed too. AMD and Yoho are the only people I know of willing to stick their neck out for an alternative view of medicine and treatments. That's why I am here. Opinions on politics are dime a dozen.

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I’m pleased that you included the reference to Dr Yoho .

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Adding political views to a Substack that focuses on health can alienate half of the listeners. My husband & I have a medical office. Politics is never mentioned for that reason.

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As though politics isn't one of the most important issues regarding health? Corrupt politics = very sick society. Could it not be more obvious?

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Okay, so you feel RFK Jr. is:

1) "An excellent source for vaccine information & harm"

2) "Would be outstanding as Director of CDC or NIH"

3) "His book about Fauci was excellent."

But you still can't abide by him, because of his political views. Could you please enumerate what you find so distasteful about him besides his Zionist mania.

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One of his highest priorities is climate change. Even if man made climate change were real, ruining our economy in some vain attempt to fix it while China and India keep on keeping on is not going to help anything

I am always astounded that RFK has the ability to see through the vaccine hoax but is fooled by the climate change hoax

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I also see RFK's and the stance of his vice presidential pick on climate change activism as crucial. Climate change is a major weaponized tool of the WEF agenda to subvert governments and take control of food production. Just look at how Blackrock is positioning itself to get a corner on the carbon credit market through building carbon dioxide pipelines. I am skeptical that Kennedy can wake up to this threat.

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agreed. but then who?

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There are currently only two electable candidates. Nose pinching time.

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It is not a priority, find me a direct quote from him that says that, you won't....he has said countless times that the Climate Agenda has been coopted by the elites and globalists, yes his is an environmentalist, but that has nothing to do with the obviously engineering climate agenda and those who wield it for power.

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""Despite Kennedy’s recent claims of standing against government censorship, he has in the past called for conservative opponents of top-down responses to climate change to be jailed. During an interview at the 2014 People’s Climate March, he said that “treasonous” billionaire businessmen Charles and David Koch “should be enjoying three hots and a cot at The Hague with all the other war criminals.” In the same interview, Kennedy said that he “wish[ed] there was a law you could punish them [politicians who disagreed with him] under.”

“Do I think the Koch brothers should be prosecuted for reckless endangerment? Absolutely. That’s a criminal offense and they ought to be serving time for it,” he added.

Kennedy subsequently addressed the comments in a 2014 post on the site EcoWatch, asserting that he “support[ed] the First Amendment.” He also said that “corporations which deliberately, purposefully, maliciously and systematically sponsor climate lies should be given the death penalty” and have their charters revoked.""


He seems to have downplayed climate change recently. But according to the Washington Post, he still believes that climate change is cause by human activities and the climate crisis is real.

So perhaps it is not a top priority any more. But that is a world apart from where Trump stands. He believes it's a non issue, which is closer to what I believe.

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The Washington Post? That bastion of truth and reliability? I think it's pretty crucial that it's no longer a priority...says a lot about his willingness to shift gears and his commitment to get things right. For that matter, have you not changed your opinion on anything important in the last 10 years?

Bobby departs dramatically from the WEF agenda in saying specifically (I think this was in his podcast with Jordan Peterson last year) that he does not believe carbon emissions are the biggest threat to the planet and would not prioritize controlling them. He says pollution is the biggest problem because it impacts environmental and thus human health. He is wide awake to the totalitarian agenda of the elites on every front. Every person I've seen online who complains about his supposed "climate change agenda" cites this soundbite from 10 years ago. Listen to what he is saying NOW. The WEF threat has grown exponentially since then and RFK Jr. is wide awake to it and to its strategy, and is the only candidate with the knowledge, courage, and temperament to effectively challenge it.

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That's a fair comment Leah. Trump has also changed his opinions on major policy items such as abortion and gun control. So you are entirely correct that people evolve over time. I am admittedly a bit tough on RFK because it is the standard Democratic playbook to campaign as more of a centrist and then govern as more of a leftist. His pick for VP (a woke person) is informative in this case. It shows where his mind is at. As well, I am skeptical of the EPA altogether. While they do some good things for the environment (I assume), my feeling is that most of their leadership are drunk on power and will do anything and everything to enact programs that are costly to the economy without really doing anything to improve the environment and an RFK presidency would empower the EPA in a big way. Under Obama they wanted to enact a program that would have given them jurisdiction over any water feature on any property that was as small as a puddle, all in the name of saving the environment, telling farmers what they can and cannot do on their own land. Those same bureaucrats who were behind it then are the very same people who are gung ho for climate change and are just waiting until they can mandate that everyone drive an electric vehicle, whether they are ready for prime time or not. I just can't trust that a former eco warrior will be able to reign in an environmental machinery that is hell bent on ruining the economy over some phantom boogy man (CO2).

It's a shame too. RFK's position on foreign wars, the deep state and censorship are very attractive. But the environmental baggage is just too much for me. And that is also a shame. Many people on the right are concerned about the environment, but that movement has been entirely coopted by the climate change grifters and any resources that might go to sensible environmental policy, like clean water, has been hijacked by them, and will get diverted to the climate change cause instead of where it really belongs

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i hope you're right - do you have backup info?

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Not true. His priority is not "climate change," it is environmental pollution. He sees the biggest threat to global health to be the toxic pollutants with which we are killing the planet and poisoning the people who live on it. And he's not wrong about that. He is totally awake to the elitist agenda of the WEF, with their propaganda about the threat of carbon emissions, and he is the most likely candidate to effectively derail them as he knows how to challenge institutional corruption and succeed. He has a 40 year career of holding the criminal exploiters to account. The rightwing ecosphere is trying to paint him as a typical radical leftist on climate based on a soundbite from a decade ago. If you listen to him on the topic in real time—he's been making the podcast rounds for months—you can hear him explain it yourself without the partisan filter.

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So true. RFK Jr sees through the pharma hoax but he hasn’t done a deep-dive into the climate narrative. And he won’t.

Our default is to regard beliefs that are part of our political heritage & dismiss others.

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S U N. you make a seriously valid point here .

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It’s the top political office he’s running for, so of course his political views are what I look at. 🤦‍♀️

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Health issues are political. Our government is simultaneously destroying and ignoring our health, while profiting off the disaster. Neither Biden or Trump will fix it. Only Kennedy will. He needs to be president to do it. There are many other threats to humanity that both Biden and Trump will do nothing about. Same with our lame self serving Congress. That includes microwave radiation pollution and AI, which is one of Shanahan's many strong points. That is her expertise. We need both of them. They make a great strong and solid team, unlike their shallow competition. Try hard not to be tribal. In order for them to succeed in saving this country, they need to unite it. That means appealing to the people that your TV is grooming you to hate and blame all this country's problems on. It is a divide and conquer strategy. See through and rise above it.

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I rarely watch TV, so your idea that I’ve been groomed is irrelevant. Maybe you should rise above it.

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If RFK actually could manage to be elected, he would be thwarted at every turn.

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Then turn your back on one of the most amazing researchers who has been reporting the truth for years. You reveal so much of what is wrong in America. Everything is either black or white, right or wrong, donkey or elephant, divide, divide, divide.

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Not at all. Kennedy makes many important points, and I am glad he is out there, influencing people. He is just not a viable candidate for the presidency.

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Seems you’re the one revealing what is wrong. I admire his research, but because I don’t like RFK Jr’s liberal progressive political views on many issues, you declare me the problem. 🧐

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This might be there first time I've clocked someone being "sort of" ratio'ed on substack :D

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Judging from the comments, you have apparently alienated a vocal portion of your right wing base. I applaud you for the honesty and bravery.

I for one really appreciated your analysis of her speech. And your desire to see these issues raised to a national level. We need to unite to see that happen.

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I understand why that happened, but my goal on here was to never have to censor myself. I fully understand why they feel that way, but I also believe that response illustrates one of the key points I was trying to make.

Shanahan will appeal to liberal voters much more than conservative voters, so her nomination greatly helps them in 2024 because now RFK will primarily pull votes from Biden.

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"Biden" will win unless the deep state begins to consider him too much of a liability. The same people who cheated before are still there ready to cheat again. Sheesh...

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I disagree. I think Trump will win as long as he tones down his "my beautiful vaccines" nonsense. Kennedy is going to pull in the disaffected democratic vote, not the MAGA Republicans.

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No way can Trump win. The deep state will make sure of that

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Remember "It's the Economy, Stupid"?? I think by now Americans are fully aware that their income is worth 30% less, and everything costs 30% more. Americans can see with their own eyes, the open border and the criminal illegals murdering and raping citizens. By this alone, even with massive cheating, I think Trump will win. Intelligent Americans know that Biden was the cause of the Ukraine war, the Oct 7 Hamas attack, and all know the Afghanistan catastrophe. Then I haven't mentioned the abject Biden corruption of which more will be revealed with the impeachment hearings, and before the election Hunter should be in jail.

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Well said. I am with you on all of it. But then I talk to my mother and she says "yes I know some of his policies were good, but I just hate that asshole". And I hear the women complaining about Roe V Wade and how they are going to get revenge on the Republicans and I start to wonder if Trump can get past all that.

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Shitlibs on daily kos want to know why Biden doesn’t assassinate Trump. They actually went there.

It shows how doc is right about how much the left has changed since democrats joined with republicans on war and big business/banks / the military industrial complex and big pharma. Obama killed the anti war left when he continued and then expanded the wars he inherited. But it was their switch to supporting the intelligence agencies and big pharma that blew me mind.

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With God all things are possible. Our nation is on a ventilator.

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I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. This is not to say I don't understand your position, I just don't think they'll succeed. the landscape is different.

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I would much rather you be correct on this, my friend

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It's all fake anyway... meet the bosses of the Deep State (don't get me wrong... I fully support this system -- unlike the elites from England who ran the world before this mob... I have done quite well because these emperors don't care about your surname + they reward merit).

I have a rabid opponent of democracy ... all one has to do is take a spin around the supermarket and peer into the trolley of the average MORE-ON... stacked with bad choices... or better still -- look at how 6 billion MORE-ONS fell for the PR campaign urging them to shoot up an experiment.

The Protocols Of Zion

Published 1903

* Place our agents and helpers everywhere

* Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans

* Start fights between different races, classes and religions

* Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way

* Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials – see this https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/90966 https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/91036

* Appeal to successful people's egos

* Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail

* Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us

* Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary

* Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism

* Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect

* Rewrite history to our benefit

* Create entertaining distractions

* Corrupt minds with filth and perversion

* Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor

* Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.

* Introduce a progressive tax on wealth

* Replace sound investment with speculation

* Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments

* Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Nathan Rothschild https://twitter.com/KirbySommers/status/1567945974537936897

“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” — Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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where was this published in 1903?

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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, to use its correct name, is a fiction made up by the Russian state in 1903 and perpetrated by Henry Ford, one of the most vicious and destructive antisemites of American history. Ford contributed significantly to the Holocaust, indirectly.

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If you read through the summary of the protocols.... please let me know which of them has not come true.

One can imagine that if one was a modern day descendant of the Elders... and one controlled the MSM social media governments etc.... one would plaster the planet with 'they are fake' messaging...

Oh right - check it out hahahahahaaha

About 4,600,000 results (0.32 seconds)


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Repeat a lie 4.6 million times...

And the lie becomes truth


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and what I call The Protocols of the Learrned Elders of Rockefellers.. thru rense.com https://ia804602.us.archive.org/4/items/tsc_7/TSC.pdf The Rockefeller Covenant In Print Form (Pdf)

The Rockefeller Secret Covenant Plan To Crush

And Control The World - Just Like The Protocols

Of Zion The Entire Plot Is Laid Out - Watch


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Pool Shark,

This time, I've copied and saved the post you made. It's parallel to the Extreme Oath of the Society of Jesus (aka Jesuit Secret Society) Chilling stuff, and every bit reliably true! Thanks Eddy! Do some research to learn of the hierarchy that exists in the dark places. Jesuits are, in terms of control status, higher than the Freemasons. Just FYI.

Yours in the fight,


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Slo Joe and his running mate are the perfect sock puppets for the Korporates/Transnationals and dull/lazy thinkers who love watching TV commercials. I know a few.

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Thanks. yes.

But i wish people could see beyond their own right left dogmas and understand we will need to unite around these issues.

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Unfortunately, divide & Conquer and partisan politics supercede the common good. Few see this.

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There will be no election. I told you this before. You are deluded

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good point. remaining on "tender hooks" for sure

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I think the term is "tenter hooks".

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Oh thanks. I never really knew the meaning of that. My english is still kind of bad being multi lingual. I gues I should find out meanings before just saying "catchy phrases" LOL thank you Lynda

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There is another thing about this. Because of RFK's covid stance, many of us conservatives have been keeping an interested eye on him. I've certainly had a friendly eye on him. After this, if he plans to run next time, I would not trust him with a broken penny. In my mind, he's joined all the unserious looney lefties out there. Stick a fork in him.

As far as his VP, who is going to listen to her speeches? A VP pick of a clearly unserious candidate? People don't usually listen even to the real VP picks... LOL

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Regarding RFK’s Covid stance, I read that he had a Christmas holiday party and required that all guests be Covid vaccinated to attend. If true, I believe it may have been his wife’s requirement and he simply gave in. It does not inspire confidence.

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His wife is a Hollyweird-tied proponent of the vax. I don't care for all the AI data collection going on w Ms. Stranahan among other things.

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so RFK sleeps (I assume) with a person who has been vaxed to the max. and, as "shedding is real. see rense.com and jeff & erica shows on right column", we can assume he has to some degree been spiked himself. He said, protesting the Covid 'vaccines' that he has always been furiously pro vaccine, i wonder what he would think about the shedding issue. (and, of course, that tribe who ARE the institutions now, who cannot be named, but I call the jews)

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Nah ... most Jews have no skin in the game... it's like saying all the Brits ran the world in the 1800's...

These are very small elites.. that just happened to be British - or Jewish.

Anyway I'd rather have this than democracy. Democracy would be an immediate disaster

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Too much msm? Idk where you get your misinformation and better yet how you believe such nonsense.

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He's probably fake too.

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I'm curious; how many people really vote on the basis of a VP pick? I'd wager not many really do.

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After Pence, and Harris, most of us do keep an eye on it.

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:-) Who is "us"? On here perhaps, but how much of that i representative of the general public?

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I was thinking of conservative voters.

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i was just trying to remember who the current VP is lol

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We always need to view the VP choice as having a very real possibility of becoming President.

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RFK Jr’s running mate’s views has nothing to do with Forgotten Medicine. Why was it the focus of this article?

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Perhaps it is all part of a plan. My tinfoil hat is suggesting that this VP pick was a strategic move to pull votes from JB. If Trump wins he will hopefully appoint RFK Jr to head one of the 3 letter agencies responsible for the “health” of the nation. I have hope that if this is the case, RFK Jr will accept and work to lead us out of our current health nightmare. If nothing else, RFK Jr’s campaign has brought the health/vax issue to the forefront.

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Unless they cheat like the last time

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it's not cheating -- it's orchestration - it's all fake

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I support Trump but I also support RFK. His ascension will force people to pay attention to vaccines and any stick in Biden's eye is fine by me. Better Trump vs. RFK in the actual election then anything else.

I felt similarly with Bernie in 2016. I'd never vote for the guy but I thought Trump vs. Bernie was a true reflection of what the nation wanted to see, not Hilary.

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Put him in charge of the FDA to dismantle it

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and the FCC.

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no point anything while the jews run the Fed. they killed his Uncle largely because he was going to bypass it with treasury notes. Thus in part what Andrew Jackson said about his term 'I killed the bank'

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Oh, Now I know why people disliked Jackson...

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I like the fact that RFK Jr. platform is focused on discussing the issues facing our nation and not mudslinging! I agree with what he has expressed about our bloated healthcare industry that grows and grows because of the policies allowed to exist with Big Chemo, Big Agra, Big Food and Big Pharma which are the driving forces of our 4 TRILLION dollar plus (and GROWING) annual sickcare industry. If you google "https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29035175/" you will discover the best research article elucidating what is the root causes of healthcare crisis in the USA. Lifestyle Medicine: A Brief Review 2017: The continued push to create more RNA injections is just compounding an already healthcare crisis that will just accelerate. Pushing climate change initiatives is more of a money game than anything else. As long as RFK Jr. is excluded from having his views expressed in the mass media, it is a two-horse race. The fact that Biden will NOT provide SS security to him is unforgiveable.

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it hasn't started yet, the mudslinging. This entire summer and fall will be full mud and lots of it.

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And the pigs will like it.

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the pigs love it. they make it and invite any and all.

You do not need an engraved invitation that is certain!

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Putting lipstick on the pig. (Of the Kennedy nomination.) Malone did one earlier today.

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Robert Barnes is doing the same.

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Sounds coordinated does it not.

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Or sounds like they genuinely support a candidate who they know will actually address the biggest threats to our nation. You people are blow me away jesus.

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malone invented the mrna, knew of the problems, was told over the phone they were solved 'safe and effective' and says he took two jabs himself. with Dracula I would trust more if the vampire sucked some of his own blood, but not with this.

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He runs a good stack, and seems to care about the health freedom movement. That's all I know about him. Why would I trust someone I don't really know?

Oh, and he likes horses and emus. :-)

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I hope his chooks turn into emus and kicks his (controlled opposition) dunny (outside toilet ) down. I have zero tolerance of "oops" from experts.

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Better oops than doubling down.

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Malone's work with the technology was still experimental, no one was injected with any of it then. When the shots came out, Malone really didn't know where they were with the technology, and even he was fooled into believing they were successful. But he was vaccine injured too.

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injured? link for that? did he ANY research? apparently not, just took some dudes word for it over the telephone. the work was on animals back to 2005, and it was not good for the animals. you cannot give a man credit for expertise but then be ok with him being fooled by a phone call.

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It's well known, he's made numerous public statements that he was vaccine injured. I do find it incredible that such an intelligent man got the clot shots. Another sharp guy, Steve Kirsch, also got the shots.

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Yes, and frankly, the fact that these people got the shots makes me trust their "insights" a whole lot less. I'm not a scientist or doctor, but I had read about mRNA and its prior failure, and given the nature of what I'd been reading for the year before the shots came out and how none of what they were saying made sense, I developed a very real mistrust of them and was resolved to not get them, thank goodness.

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Agree totally toolate..... I loved her refreshing take on important issues, they sure resonate with me even if I don't entirely agree with her way of approaching them. Incredibly shocking to see a national discussion about what we all know to be true. Red pills for all lol

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One can make a career out of seeking the truth and not giving f789s about what anyone thinks

The thing is ... I have found that most people do NOT want the truth. Particularly if it does not involve a Hollywood ending. They much prefer to be fed hopium (e.g. renewable energy and EVs come to mind).

And last but not least ... people for some bizarre reason are unwilling to change their mind.... even when the facts demonstrate they are wrong. I do not get this -- I am pleased to admit I was wrong ... cuz that means that I am ultimately always right.

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I see a lot of people who want to be told what to think. Maybe they don't want the truth, but certainly they don't want to bother to research anything with a skeptical eye.

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'Another stringer loaded with logic and truth from the "Shark!" Good post, friend!

Yes, there is such seemingly insanity prevalent in this day and age! But I think that the condition can be seen elsewhere in history as well, only in different forms. Scripture identifies the culprit to be "exceeding wickedness in the heart of man." It's probably multi-faceted; diverse in its structuring, but in a real sense, can be attributed to a common denominator: "Self." It has been written that "Self" is the most difficult hurdle to clear. And with its obtuse, anti-Christian tenet, it pervades our modern world fully.

How many of us are invested in it?


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ego and me me me for sure, though self, in Jungian terms and others, is a wholesome concept. a unity of conscious mind and the unconscious MIND (dream world) and , speculatively the collective spiritual (holy ghost, or ghosts, lol). Pink floyd welcome to the machine, what did you dream, we told you what to dream.

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And did they get you trade: Your heroes for ghosts

Hot ashes for trees

Hot air for a cool breeze

Here's the cut and paste:

So, so you think you can tell

Heaven from hell?

Blue skies from pain?

Can you tell a green field

From a cold steel rail?

A smile from a veil?

Do you think you can tell?

Did they get you to trade

Your heroes for ghosts?

Hot ashes for trees?

Hot air for a cool breeze?

Cold comfort for change?

Did you exchange

A walk-on part in the war

For a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here

We're just two lost souls

Swimming in a fish bowl

Year after year

Running over the same old ground

What have we found?

The same old fears

Wish you were here


I think we can deduce who "They" are by now.


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RFK Jr Picks Soros Advocate Nicole Shanahan as His VP Running Mate


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Just Another Trojan Horse Candidate


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He's also a Zionist:-(

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And what's wrong with that?

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Eh, if the jews would just stand on their own two feet, no one would care about zionism. As it stands though -- greatest evil in history.

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No, that would be Islam.

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I am not allowed to like this comment so I will type it out. LIKE 👍 🎯

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I admire your willingness to like a comment from someone who blocked you.

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Is it personal? My impression elsewhere was that Substack allows the block of a particular comment the author of the substack disapproves of, so that other readers cannot tell it's become popular. But I don't know for sure...

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Soros Advocate??

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She didn't say whether she is a Soros advocate or not.

It's not a lie just because of your opinion

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So, a far-left President Nicole Shanahan (in the worst case), who made her money by marrying a billionaire, would use AI to solve our problems? This choice by Kennedy shows he is not a serious candidate. No matter how much I like and respect RFK Jr. on health issues, he could not be trusted on numerous other issues that matter, such as the 2nd Amendment. The best case scenario is that he is in it to be a Biden spoiler.

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Here are some significant issues on which I personally prefer RFK Jr's position: 1 Censorship industrial complex. He is the only canidate to have been censored by both Trump and Biden. This in and of itself is a strong reason to consider supporting him.

2 Opposing CBDC.

3 Supporting freedom of transaction as well as freedom of speech.

4. Opposing WHO "accords" as well as the imminent International Health Regulations and "One Health".

5. Publicly identifying the entities responsible for The Assassinations.

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Kennedy supports the WHO. He said "they do good things for poor countries."

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He has countless times in the past 4 years said the WHO should basically not exist, what are you talking about.

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AI is the future, can be used for good and evil, depends on the levers.

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Depends on the owners and how they program (teach) the AI.

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AI is just manipulated code. As a retired software engineer, I can confidently say you will never know that its results have been manipulated. The only thing I can see it being good for is learning how to spot things in large datasets (like reading scans for medical problems like cancer), but even that will not be immune from being manipulated. E.g., Do you think that Google or Microsoft AI will ever "find" mRNA in heart muscle or other places we were assured it could not go?

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"As a retired software engineer, I can confidently say you will never know that its results have been manipulated."

The Gemini debacle says otherwise.

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These comments are indicative of how polarized America is. So much aggression, defensiveness, anger and othering. So much knowing and so little questioning. So much certainty in the midst of great uncertainty.

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Well said! Exactly my thoughts on reading these comments. Minds are made up, and sealed shut. It’s disheartening to see on “our” side; I had hoped “we” the questioners would be more open-minded.

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So amazing and disheartening that Oct 7 and Hamas barbarism is rarely mentioned.

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100%, i am very disappointed in so many people that read midwesterndoctor can be so incredibly narrowminded and tribal, I'm flabbergasted to be honest.

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The problem with Kennedy is although we won't have tyranny driven by vaxtards we'll have tyranny driven by envirotards instead.

No thanks.

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There will also be vaxxtards. Kennedy approves of vaccines.

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This is an absolute lie once again. The guy that co-wrote Vaxxed-Unvaxxed "approves vaccines" gotcha

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my concern too.

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Neither Kennedy nor Shanahan is showing much "compassion" for the health and well-being of the children of Gaza. In fact, Kennedy has been a sophomoric bigot showcasing one of the most ridiculous and repugnant Zionist cretins on the planet, "Rabbi" Schmuely. Kennedy showed promise at first, but his stance on Israel has shown him to be a completely ignorant dishonest actor, and vitiates the entire rest of his "platform." No thanks. I am really disappointed you are this credulous.

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For context, no leading candidate is speaking out for the children in Gaza, including Biden (despite the fact a lot of his base does not agree with what's happening there).

I could say a million things on this, but my own opinion was that after Biden became president, there was pressure from the defense contractors to make up for lost arms sales during Trump's presidency (hence why Biden nominated a Raytheon board member to run the DoD). Because of this, we have had a constant stream of gruesome conflicts emerge under suspicious circumstances during Biden's presidency that have conveniently required a lot of US Arms.

My belief is that both Trump and RFK are opposed to starting conflicts to sell weapons, whereas the Biden administration fully supports doing so. Because of this, I feel it is very likely once either of them becomes president the bloodshed will significantly decrease since there will no longer be a motivation to sell arms. Conversely, I also believe a key reason why both of them have been constantly attacked by the media is because they do not support feeding the military industrial complex.

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it's true that Biden, Trump and RFK are all Zionists, so if those are the choices, we should go with the one who's least likely to get us into new wars. That would probably be RFK. I think every subscriber to your substack likes the fact that RFK has taken a stand against vaccines and Pharma, but there's concern about hist position regarding the globalist climate agenda. It's hard to get everything we want in just one candidate.

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Remember there were no new wars under Trump and he was preparing to get out of Afghanistan. He certainly would not have ended up with the horrifying debacle that Biden endorsed.

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But he (Trump) didn't get out of Afghanistan. He dithered. He left it to someone else.

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I believe he tried, but Congress wouldn't let him. I didn't follow what was going on very closely because Congress did everything they could to prevent Trump from doing anything, so I may be mistaken about this. It may be as you said, he dithered. And how could Congress have stopped him anyway? POTUS is commander in chief of the military.

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You think the motivation to sell arms is going to decrease under RFK? He has repeatedly and disgustingly come up with every specious reason under the sun why there shouldn't be a ceasefire. He has stated unabashedly that the US must support Israel no matter what. He even referred to the Palestinians as "spoiled" when it comes to aid, not realizing or caring that the only way they can eat is because of aid, since Israel has them locked in and bombs them if they try to fish in the sea or collect rainwater (and that far preceded 10/7). Good god.

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Yes, I very much believe RFK would decrease US arms sales and that the arms sales are the root cause of the problem. The thing I think you aren't appreciating here is that we continually start conflicts in a lot of parts of the world to sell arms and while there is a currently a focus on the Palestinians (so people are understandably upset about what is happening to them), the reality is that they are far from the only victims of those conflicts because the media almost never covers them because that would threaten their sponsor's bottom line.

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How many innocent children and mothers died in the non-stop bombing and drone strikes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.? How many people died of starvation or disease or perished because of economic dislocations or while trying to flee to other countries?

Before that, how many innocent people died in Vietnam - local residents and our own troops (not just in the years of the conflict but from cancers caused by agent orange or suicides years later)?

These are hard truths most of us can't handle. It's better to not look or think about those massive numbers of deaths and debilitating injuries. I also wonder how many innocent alleged "terrorists" the CIA has tortured or imprisoned in the last 40 years.

None of those deaths needed to happen to protect our "freedoms." Not one of these nations would have invaded and conquered America. Right now, what government is eviscerating our rights and liberties? It's not the government of Iraq, Iran or even Russia.

The real enemy isn't who we've been told. Nor was a respiratory virus a great public health threat. The threat was the response .... created by our government and all its crony captured, corrupt partners.

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True. Yemen was attacked and blockaded for 8 years and who knows how many hundreds of thousands died from starvation. The media rarely covered the genocide there because it went against their bosses' interests.

We starved 40,000 Venezuelans and gawd knows how many Syrians have died because of our draconian sanctions.

And remember Albright saying that it was indeed worth it for our sanctions on Iraq to kill 500,000 children.

No wonder our rulers are okay with the mRNA genocide. None of the others have touched their hearts.

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I don't agree....they don't have hearts in the first place, let alone ones that can be touched.

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Of course I'm aware of all that. All of us here commenting are well aware of that. Not one of us is focusing solely on Palestine. I'm completely aware RFK says he is against regime change wars and our dishonest involvement in the sovereign affairs of every country in the world. But to say that while showing not the slightest awareness of the history of Palestine, or the history of Zionism, or the way the state of Israel was founded on daily Zionist terrorism against the British and the Palestinians (well attested in British and Palestinian press at the time), a terrorism that has continued for 100 years without abatement, propped up financially and militarily by the US for 75 years, tells me he has no clue about what is good for people of the US or the world. He has repeatedly echoed Biden on how US interests depend on our having a source of power in the Middle east--this is the Carter Doctrine dreamed up by Zbigniew Brzezinski--a policy so stupid, immoral and toxic it is responsible for the deaths of millions both in the Middle East and here at home. That you can advocate for the good sense of a man who picks as his "advisor" on Israel a man so absurd, mentally ill, unqualified and grotesquely immoral as Schmuely is just jaw-dropping.

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My fundamental reason for advocating for RFK is because he is a candidate who is bringing attention to key issues I feel are important (the health of the country) and doing so in an effective manner. That is very different from me expecting him to have positions I universally agree with (which is exceedingly rare for presidential candidates).

My most frank opinion on the Israel situation is that the entire thing is a mess, and it is unlikely there will be a US president who is willing to fix it.

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I really do support you in your efforts to educate and somehow reach some people who have their minds set, no matter the facts. The throwing of insults and arguing back and forth is tedious.

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Actually, it's not a mess. Very soon Hamas will be destroyed. Arab states and Israel resume close cooperation, Gaza will be demilitarized, similar to West Bank. Eventually Palestinians will accept their defeat in attempt to get rid of Jews in the Holy Land and will build demilitarized state.

"US president who is willing to fix it." Trump almost fixed it. He will finish the job.

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Goodness me- you really do need to read and discover some actual truth around this alarming and sad situation.

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Shall I give you a 50 book bibliography? I am well versed in the history of Palestine, of Zionism, and of the state of Israel. Also the archaeology of the Levant. You?

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Linda H.,

Zionism has always been somewhat of a question in my mind. It has been my learning that the "Zionists" are not what they claim to be, or to be from. And I naturally do not buy into the "Biblical, Prophecy" idea, of Israel being God's favored people and nation. I'd surely like to know more, but time constrains me, and also, there seems to be such strong opinions re the issue, that it becomes difficult to know what to trust and what to flush. Usually, things of this nature, have SOME truth mixed into both sides, but rarely are fully one way or the other.

My natural slant is to look at what the msm portrays, and assume an opposite position.


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There are many excellent books to read, a lot of them by Israeli academics who became disgusted with what they were seeing and experiencing. If you have time for only one book, read State of Terror by Thomas Suarez. It is massively sourced from mainstream media of the time as well as the records of Zionist terror organizations. It was suppressed to such an extent that it's now almost impossible to get, but you can read it free online at Internet Archive.


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"My belief is that both Trump and RFK are opposed to starting conflicts to sell weapons, whereas the Biden administration fully supports doing so."

What war(s) was started by the Biden administration? I don't see any evidence that they expected such long war in Ukraine. They are not that smart. Nobody was that smart. Look, I don't like Biden, I don't like Trump, my guy (DeSantis) lost, but still let's don't get crazy.

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I am shocked at this massive oversight; it is inconceivable to me given his clarity in general.

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It's plenty conceivable. Considering the rest of his family was assassinated I'm certain that we're not seeing 100% RFK in his public statements.

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I completely agree.

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And nor are the inhabitants of Gaza showing compassion for or interest in the children of Gaza either and are intentionally using them as weapons and excuses to cry "poor us...look how we are being slaughtered".

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Would you rather they didn't tell us what was happening? Listen to yourself. There is NO evidence of anyone using children as "weapons" in Gaza, unless you consider letting people know about thousands of dead children "weapons." I'm sure it would be much more comfortable for YOU if they did not show us what was going on, and much more comfortable for Israel if we didn't have massive evidence of what they have done for the last 100 years, bombing and slaughtering Gazans every couple of years just for the hell of it. This is a disgusting take.

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My wife spent 9 years in Israel, and sides strongly with them. But what actually does that infer, or prove? Nothing, really, except that their msm did its job. If she would have spent an equal time in Gaza with the Palestinians, maybe she'd take on a different tack, but again, what would that prove? Not much. Emotions are not a good barometer to ascertain truth.

So I'm left with not knowing what the real situation is over there. I just know what the situation is over "here" which is all I can stomach, and so try to make a slight difference in the minds of the few who read these posts. We struggle and juggle the temporal with the spiritual and try to find some solid ground to rest our hopes upon.



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I read as many books as I can by historians, archaeologists and reporters who have spent years in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel and the Middle East in general. Chris Hedges spent 15 years as the Middle East bureau chief of the New York Times--he is a good one among many to follow.

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"There is NO evidence of anyone using children as "weapons" in Gaza, "

This is only weapon Hamas has. Listen to yourself.


WATCH: IDF finds rocket launchers next to children's playground in Gaza

"This is further proof," the IDF said, "of Hamas's ceaseless use of the civilian population as a human shield for terrorist purposes."

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Mar 28Edited

Totally agree that RFK's stance on Gaza/Israel is disappointing to say the least, and frankly, appalling. So which candidate is better than RFK in that regard, and in general?

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no one who can win. Jill Stein and Cornell West are the only anti-Zionists who are running.

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Cornell West is a flaming Farakhan racist.👎🤮👎

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Nobody is showing any "compassion" whatsoever for the health and well-being of the children of Haiti. On another hand many Jew haters use fake numbers of dead children in Gaza, to help Hamas. Obviously, Jew haters don't care about children in Gaza or any other place in the world. Hamas started this war only because they know that Jew haters and useful idiots will use fake stats provided by Hamas to start propaganda war against Jew in the West.

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Sorry, Jacob. All my sources are Israeli historians, Israeli newspapers, or British newspapers. Most of the current journalists I follow are of Jewish heritage, several of them children of Holocaust survivors. Hamas wasn't even in existence when the Stern Gang and Irgun (and other Ziionist terrorist militias) terrorized Palestine almost daily during the 1930's and 40's, blowing up and murdering Palestinians, police, British officials and uncooperative Jews. Hamas was not in existence when during partition ben Gurion and other Zionist officials said publicly they would accept partition but just take the rest of Palestine later. Hamas was not in existence when Zionist terrorists butchered, raped and burned their way through 500+ Palestinian villages, driving out 750,000+ survivors and poisoning their wells so they could not return.(The film Tantura, made by an Israeli, interviews some of those terrorists in old age. They were delighted to talk about what they did during the Nakba.) However, Netanyahu and other Israeli officials are on record confessing they have promoted and funded Hamas from 1980 to the present. That too has been reported in a number of Israeli papers. So I guess the real Hamas supporters you should be mad at are governing Israel right now.

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I'm not interested in discussing of history of the three thousand years of the Holy Land including the war of independence. The bottom line, on Oct 7 the de facto Government of Gaza, Hamas broke 26 August 2014 ceasefire agreement. and committed horrible atrocities against Israeli people including women and children. Israel declared war against Hamas. with the goal of destroying Hamas military forces and infrastructure and capture or kill Hamas leadership. Are you saying that Israel doesn't have a legal or moral right to destroy Hamas, or you are saying that Israel is using too much force and there is a way to destroy Hamas with less civilian casualties?

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Of course you are not interested in any context: that would poke holes in your carefully constructed narrative delusions. The fact that you say Oct. 7th broke a "ceasefire agreement" is risible. Israel has broken so many ceasefire agreements it would make your head spin, including since Oct. 7. If there was a ceasefire agreement in 2014 that Hamas was "breaking," then why did Israel attack Gaza multiple times since then, including in 2018 and 2020? Why did Israel sit on the border wall and shoot hundreds of Gazan protesting during the Great March of Return? The Israeli press reported that IDF soldiers had contests to see how many kneecaps they could shoot out in one day. These were people, women and children included, who were hundreds of yards away from the wall, many with their backs turned toward the soldiers.

You also are not interested in the fact that Israel promoted and funded Hamas because it suits their narrative to have a boogeyman they can trot out for propaganda purposes. How is it they have a "moral right" to destroy the thing they helped create? But the crux of the matter is that Israel according to International Law does NOT have the right to destroy Hamas, and they certainly do not have the right to kill civilians while pretending to do it (and Israeli officials have made no bones about the fact that they are killing civilians deliberately, even the women and children because they are "all Hamas)." International Law states that an occupied people have the right to respond with violence to their occupiers, but the occupier does NOT have the right to take revenge on them for doing it.

Now let's talk about the "horrible atrocities" Israel suffered at the hands of Hamas. Every single atrocity Israel has trotted out that "happened" on 10/7 has been shown to be just so much bunk. No beheaded babies, no burned babies, no pregnant woman ripped open, no evidence of rapes, etc. etc. Israel has had to walk back every one of these claims. Yet interestingly, every one of these atrocities has been committed in spades in Gaza by the IDF. And even IN Israel on 10/7 many of the Israelis killed were killed by the IDF itself with fire from helicopters and tank rounds firing into kibbutz houses. This has been attested by Israeli whistleblowers who survived the Israeli bombs and incendiaries. All of this has been in the Israeli press. Poster children for Hamas atrocities in the kibbutzes have turned out to have been killed by Israel. The only two "babies" killed on Oct. 7th were killed by crossfire between the IDF and Hamas, not deliberately killed by them. The IDF bombed people trying to escape from the rave, killing hundreds of people, civilians and Hamas alike. People were bombed in their cars with incendiaries. Again, we have the footage from the helicopter pilots and their testimony that they bombed people indiscriminately. We have the testimony from the hostages that Israel bombed the cars and trucks they were in on the way into Gaza. A number of hostages were killed that way, not by Hamas.

Now let's talk about why Hamas conducted the raid in the first place. (And Netanyahu knew about the plan a year in advance, and then was warned FOUR times in the week leading up to it, both by Egypt and by the CIA, yet mysteriously all defenses were "down" that day.) Israel has a policy called Administrative Detention that means they can simply grab people off the street or out of their beds with no charge and keep them indefinitely without trial. Israel takes thousands of these hostages every year, including women and children, who are never charged with anything (note it only "counts" though if Hamas does it, not if Israel does it). In administrative detention in Israel people are beaten, tortured, raped, have their bones broken and left untreated, and can be deliberately starved. All of this is attested by independent human rights agencies--Israel is on every human rights watchlist. On 10/7, the goal of the Hamas raid was to take hostages to exchange for the thousands of Palestinian hostages being held by Israel. But to you Palestinian hostages don't count, right? Only Israeli hostages count.

Now let's talk about "too much force." In the act of getting rid of "Hamas," Israel has bombed every mosque, hospital, university and school, every business, and destroyed all infrastructure and 80% of the homes in Gaza. They have deliberately targeted journalists and their families, every university professor, every doctor and health care worker. They have bombed people lining up for flour, multiple times. They have deliberately prevented food aid from getting to people. They have bombed refugee camps where they told people to go for "safety." They have admitted their goal is to wipe out every Palestinian or push them out of the country. Israel is even now going around the US selling Gaza beachfront property to American Zionists, property they do not own. They have bombed desperate people trying to fish off Gaza's coast. They have seized Gaza's oil fields and reached an agreement with BP to take the profits from them. They have a public plan to create a large shipping canal in the north of Gaza, the "Ben Gurion Canal" to compete with Suez. None of this has anything to do with "fighting Hamas."

Now let's talk about the West Bank, shall we? There is no "Hamas" there. Yet Israel has killed and kidnapped hundreds of people from the West Bank daily since 10/7. The IDF is helping settlers destroy Palestinian homes and seize Palestinian property, a criminal act that has been ongoing for years, but has sped up horrendously since 10/7. None of this has anything to do with Hamas. I could go on and on and on.

There is no legitimacy to your argument--Israel is a mafia state based on terrorism and war crimes, and it has been from the beginning. That is why it is necessary to talk about racist, exceptionalist Zionist ideology as it was formulated in the ferment of 19th c. German nationalism, the same environment that produced Nazism. Zionism makes the same claims about racial purity and "chosenness" as Nazism does, and it discounts the rights of any others in the same way Nazism did and does today. These ideas were stated quite openly by the original Zionists and certainly by the founders of the state of Israel. They felt Palestinians were simply not as important as they were, and certainly not worth as much--they wrote this in surviving documents and said it in public. They openly used Hebrew Bible quotes about seizing the land of Canaan and destroying those occupying it. They made up fictions about Palestine being "empty," and Palestinians being "just nomads who could live anywhere," or "recent arrivals," all of which were manifestly untrue and ridiculous. These same fictions are being mouthed by Israelis today, even though they are easily proven false. Palestinian ancient DNA is Canaanite, proving they have lived in Palestine for at least 3000+ years. Palestine was a thriving economy with a rich history long before European Zionists descended on it and declared it was theirs. The had the INTENT over 100 years ago to kill and drive out Palestinians, and seize all the land of "eretz Israel," and that included Jordan, Lebanon and much of Syria, which is why Israeli wars of aggression have seized parts of those lands and they continue to be targeted as we speak. Where is the "Hamas" in Syria and Lebanon as they are being bombed today?

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Thank you for your honesty. Basically, Jews are rapists of Palestinian land from the river to the sea and the land has to be cleansed from dirty Jews by any means necessary. Go ahead, try. But remember,

And it is this (the Torah) that has stood by our ancestors and for us.

For not only one (enemy) has risen up against us to destroy us,

but in every generation, they rise up to destroy us.

But the Holy One, Blessed be He, delivers us from their hand.

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Here we go--to the Zionists, Palestinians are rising up against them, when Zionists are the ones who actually did the showing up and rising up. Note that Palestinians did nothing to destroy European Jews (the Zionists). That was European Christians who did that. Palestinians, 10% of whom were and are Christian, lived perfectly happily with Sephardic Jews for centuries. In fact, it was Muslims who allowed Jews back into Jerusalem after Christians had kept them out of it for 600 years. European Jews could have been moving back to Palestine for a millennium without any issues, but they didn't. I wonder why not?

To the Zionist mind, Palestinians are supposed to just sit there and be happy to be relieved of their land and their existence, because they are inferior, right? They are not "chosen." You said it yourself. ROFL. Newsflash: we don't assign countries based on 2500 year old religious texts. Nor do we allow people to show up many years later in a country their distant ancestors lived in and claim it is theirs, otherwise, all of us could claim land anywhere. Given the thousands of distant ancestors we all had, it's ridiculous. I myself could claim land in ten different countries, including Palestine.

Furthermore, when the so-called "disapora" happened, most Jews did not leave Judaea. Only the most powerful who had been driven out of Jerusalem left. The peasants stayed. Over time, many converted to Christianity when Christianity took over the Roman world. Then after Islam conquered Palestine, many more converted to Islam because there were financial advantages: it was simply easier to succeed if you were Muslim, because you weren't heavily taxed. So it's quite possible, indeed probable, that today's Palestinians are the descendants of Jews from Hasmonaean Judaea. This was well-known 100 years ago; in fact, David Ben Gurion even wrote a scholarly article about it. That was before Zionists decided it was better propaganda to pretend Palestinians were nomadic Arab tribespeople.

But I don't even really need to say any of this. Your own comment speaks for itself.

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It's a joke to say that Kennedy is against wars. He applauds the genocide that is happening in gaza right now. He is a supporter of the apartheid racist state of Israel, which is led by zionists. He's afraid he will lose the money that he may receive from the zionist/Israel lobby. Anyone who supports the genocide will never get my vote no matter who it is. And all of the doctors who are against the vaccines have not spoken out about this genocide but they speak out about everything else. I guess they're afraid they're going to lose some of their sub stack money.

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Yet again, there is no "genocide" in Gaza. It's a war against Hamas, and Hamas inflates the casualty numbers by factors of 2-3 times. The IDF bends over backwards to protect civilians. They drop leaflets. They telephone. Of all wars the civilian casualties in this war are the lowest in all of history. That's in spite of Hamas hiding in hospitals, schools, using human shields.

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I hear you about what's going on in Gaza. Sadly, though, Biden and Trump are both Zionist supporters. So who's left? Jill Stein and Cornell West.

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It's the right thing to do to support Israel. With a 3500 year existence in Israel, the Jews have the most historical right to live there, there were no "Palestinians" but just some Arabs when Israel was created by UN mandate in 1948. Israel was perfectly willing to live in peace next to Gaza and Arabs in the West Bank, but the Muslims want all of Israel, they want every Jew and infidel dead, there is no logic or reasoning with Islamic Jihad.

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That's a version of history that I have never read. Frankly, I do not believe it.

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Do your own research

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Israel was willing to live in peace?!! hahahaha. Good one. You know Israel started the 1967 war, right?

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No, Egypt started the war by blockading waterways to Israeli ships.

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so that's why Israel attacked Syria and Jordan? Because Egypt.

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Syria and Jordan attacked first, after Israel attacked Egypt

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spoken like a true Zionist. THEY ARE OUT TO GET US, WE MUST KILL THEM ALL!!!

You know that Christians, Jews, and Muslims lived peacefully side by side in Palestine for hundreds of years, right? The trouble began when the UK, the US, and European Jewish Zionists decided they needed to ethnically cleanse Palestine of those brown skinned natives (i.e. the local Christians, Muslims, and Jews).

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We know that there has never been a "Palestine" for hundreds of years

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so? you want to argue about semantics? You can call it whatever you like, it doesn't matter what you call it, what matters is that Christians, Jews, and Muslims were living peacefully side by side in that area for hundreds of years. Then the white Zionist European Jews and the UK and the US decided that the brown skinned people who had homes there, who had lived there for generations had to be expelled so the white European Zionist Jews could move in a take over. 700,000 were forced to leave. And now 2 million more are being bombed, starved, and likely forced to leave..

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The many battles for Israel took place for hundreds of years, the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem was not in any way "peaceful". The Arabs that left were urged to voluntarily leave by the Arab state. You don't know history. The Gaza war would not have happened at all if Hamas didn't attack Oct 7. Israel was trying to live in peace with Gaza, even had Gazan workers commuting into Israel for jobs, we found out many of these Gazans were spies to obtain information for the attack. With most Gazans supporting Hamas, I find it hard to shed a tear for them

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The trouble began when Muslims started doing the things the Quran tells all Muslims to do. BTW, most Israelis are brown-skinned.

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Yes, the Jewish people who lived there before the UK and the US decided to give their country to someone else--those Jews were brown skinned. But the Israeli's who are from Europe and the US are not brown skinned.

I would say the trouble began when Yaweh told the Jews to slaughter every man, woman, and child, and sometimes even the goats and sheep. Yaweh told them to do that over and over during the several thousand years of Jewish history. Who the hell is this Yaweh anyway? Doesn't sound like a god I would want bow down to, a being that is ruthless, blood thirsty, and egotistical

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Yes but sadly neither one of them have a chance of winning.. Therefore I will not vote for anybody. If I didn't have kids in this country I'd move to russia.

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funny you say that about moving to Russia! I too have considered that, except for the fact that I've gotten to where I just don't like the cold. But I do have a kind of romantic fascination with the far north, and Russia just may be the one country that escapes the Globalist madness.

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Actually, I'm just expressing my frustration when I say I might move to Russia. But I hope to visit sometime.

I'm just so disappointed in the leadership of this country. Such a far cry from what the founders envisioned.

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indeed. You know the American revolution had a lot to do with the corruption of Parliament by the East India Company. As a result, the Founders of the US had a deep distrust of corporations and corporate power. They should have banned them altogether in the new republic. Instead, they severely limited them by disallowing one corporation to own another corporation, disallowing LLC's (i.e. no corporate shield), and corporations had to renew their charter every five year. They should have know that the rich would buy out the legislators and get the laws changed which they did and here we are today with a corporate controlled oligarchy.

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A form of totalitarianism. And now technology will make it even easier for them to have much more control over us.

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Main factors, by their importance (in my opinion):

1. Vaccines

2. Chemicals in food, air and water

3. Lack of excercise and sleep

4. Low quality food, lacking in nutrients and vitamins

5. Stress

There's are no pathogens in this list. 'Germs' do not cause disease. No vaccine has saved ever, anyone. Not just one life. They all have been detrimental to health, with zero benefits.

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It's a hard list to make!

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you missed off heavy metals and EMF toxicity

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You are definitely correct.

Plus the drugs.. pharmaceutical and otherwise.

I'll update the list accordingly :)

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Why do you give aluminum a pass, while condemning iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, and tin?

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yes aluminium is a toxic metal - a neuro toxin found in vaccine adjuvants.

i included it with the heavy metals....but should have written toxic metals maybee.

thanks for the pedantry though....helped mw clarify my point

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But aluminium isn't a toxin; exploding massive stars, not biological organisms, make it. And what's "heavy" about it?

Aluminium (along with beryllium, and barium, whose name means "heavy metal") is only exceptional amongst toxic metals in not being chalcophilic.

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I only learned in 92 how damaging vaccines were in my homeopathic vet training. Could NOT cure a chronic case without taking vaccinosis into account. I tell my clients and now readership it’s the #1 decision they need to be wise about. I saw Shanahan barely mention them, but I think that’s probably wise at this point. Too polarizing to get labeled an “anti-vaxxer” at this early stage. But I’m confident RFKJr will route Big Pharma and ablate the ridiculous schedule that’s putting our young people into lifelong chronic disease.

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You missed a big one - ubiquitous and incessant wireless radiation which is nearly impossible to completely escape at this point - and is ramping up day by day. Yes, i mean our precious (and seemingly essential) hand-held devices and all the infrastructure that suppports them.

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I cannot support RFK Jr. because of his ongoing support for the genocide of the people of Gaza. And his running mate is a billionaire Silicon Valley operative.

We deserve much better.

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Totally agree with you about RFK's stance on genocide in Gaza. So which candidate is better than RFK in that regard, and in general?

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There is no genocide in Gaza. That is nothing but Hamas propaganda. Are you going to believe an entity responsible for the atrocities of 10/7?

DARVO = Deny, accuse, reverse victim and offender.

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good point. Trump and Biden are both staunch Israel supporters. Jill Stein and Cornell West are the only ones running who are not, but does either have a chance in hell of winning?

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How many wars did we have under Trump?


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I hope not.

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Jill Stein is against the Gaza genocide: https://www.jillstein2024.com/pledgetostopgenocide

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Good find, although I think her chances are probably 10x smaller than RFK's already infinitesimal chances. But anyway just curious since I'm not too familiar, how do her positions compare to RFK's overall?

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I agree, SEF, on Jill Stein's infinitesimal chances. I have voted for her before, knowing she had no chance of winning, but refusing to cast my vote for "the lesser of two evils."

Here is a summary of her positions: https://www.jillstein2024.com/principles

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I often notice people say they 'deserve better'.

Yet, what if we have the Government we deserve?

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but you're OK with the genocide of Jews?

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One of the most powerful points RFK, Jr. made in "The Real Anthony Fauci" is that "public health" rapidly deteriorated in the 50 years Anthony Fauci worked for the NIAID. Chronic diseases of every variety have become ... far more "chronic."

IMO the reform that would most improve the health of the public is to abolish all of these counter-productive public health agencies. We need real doctors, like AMD, who can practice medicine as they think it should be practiced - without worries about being attacked by the captured Science and Medicine Establishments.

It is a good thing RFK, Jr.'s running mate is going to make this one of the central themes of her coming campaign speeches.

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I really like him although he does not have what it will take to take down the swamp nor the knowledge to do so that Trump has and has learned in the last term. In my humble opinion, she is part of the swamp and holds key relationships with the people who stifel our freedom of speech. I would never vote for that

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Trump IS the swamp. He has every “attribute” of the antichrist. People are so naive to think he is their hero.

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We have no candidates who AREN’T the swamp or beholden to the Global Parasites

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Weak people need heroes.

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BINGO! And that applies to almost everyone in the US. Sorry, people believe stories, that's the problem and has been since before the pyramids.

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Trump has demonstrated beyond any doubt that he has learned NOTHING. He is proud of his ignorance

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It takes one...

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I think he does have the knowledge base to do more to drain some of the swamp than any other public figure. He's spent more than a decade educating himself on the corruption of the Science/Medical Complex. He doesn't need typed-out talking points to expound on numerous bogus studies and false scientific "consensus." He's also put these thoughts into action by: 1) creating a non-profit (CHD) committed to investigating and exposing vaccine harms to children. 2) creating a journalism organization that writes or publishes stories the MSM will never cover. 3) Writing two incredibly-important and bold best-selling books. 4) Filing or funding numerous potentially important lawsuits that few other law firms are willing to file.

And now he's running for president, probably because he knows none of the changes he wants to happen will happen unless the leader of the government has these same beliefs.

As a Kennedy, he also knows how government works so he's not politically naive. Who is funding his campaign? It's NOT Big Pharma or the Military Industrial Complex ... or Zuckerberg ... or the MSM, which is censoring him and ignoring his campaign.

I think RFK, Jr.s even more of an outsider than even Trump, who actually supported the Fauci/Big Pharma solutions.

A president Kennedy would probably frighten the Establishment more than a President Trump.

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Mar 28Edited

Wait a minute, you are saying we should trust Operation Warp Speed Trump over RFK? Trump who signed off on JANUARY 13, 2020 for Moderna to collaborate with the NIH to develop an experimental mRNA vaccine for "the novel coronavirus", BEFORE a single case of the virus was even in the US?



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Does Trump have support (investors in the wings) from people he did favors for when he was President? Pfizer comes to mind. After all, the Warp Speed program to develop a vaccine so quickly was Trump’s baby, and Pfizer (and Moderna) benefitted greatly. Pfizer did drop a million bucks on Trump for his inauguration. And Trump absolutely refuses to admit the vaccine is a catastrophe. He still pumps it up.

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Midwest Doc,

Why are you supporting Kennedy? He wanted to put ME into a concentration camp back in 2020 because I fought against all covid mandates, especially the lockdowns. He campaigned aggressively for the Green New Deal scam. He has participated in election fraud for decades! He is a TRAITOR. He should be tried, convicted and sent to Gitmo.

Do not be duped and gaslighted by this man.

Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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1) I saw the clip you are referring to. I do not believe putting people like you in camps was his intent or desire.

2) This is based on my observation of the clip and that I have numerous mutual friends with RFK Jr.

3) I think the most important thing about RFK Jr. are the messages he is getting out and the influence he is having on the Democrat party. That is the basis of my support for him.

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There will be NO Democrat party in the very near future. It is evil. There is no remedy or redemption. If these are your friends, you are in very very bad company

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Kennedy was pushing to put lockdown opponents into a concentration camp? Wouldn't he be arguing to put himself into such a camp as he railed against lockdowns as much as any other public figure, or more. He wrote chapters in the Real Anthony Fauci showing that lockdowns would be a disaster.

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2020 versus 2024. Lifetime of zealous government control measures. The Fauci book is no redemption. He just wrote what was soooooo obvious by then. He is a snake in the grass, slithering into your psyche with his lies and hypocricy.

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If what he wrote was so obvious, why hadn't anyone else written it by then? If someone had developed these points, hardly anyone read those books. "The Real Anthony Fauci" was critically-important not only because it was so well-written and provocative (with 2,200 supporting footnotes), but because more than one million people actually bought it and read it. The book was the No. 1 non-fiction best-seller in the world for months ... despite the fact no mainstream newspaper or magazine ever even reviewed the book and few independent book-sellers would even stock it.

That's how you begin to change some dubious public health/science narratives. You write a book that millions of people read and talk about. I read it and learned many things I didn't know.

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i was kind of amazed that amazon stocked it - it was totally unavailable in my so-called "liberal" town for months until they finally got ONE copy and called me. It was a tough read but SO important.

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This is one of the best-known book stores in the Southeast - because it's located in one of the most popular beach towns in the Southeast (SeaSide). This book store didn't/doesn't stock "The Real Anthony Fauci." I looked and asked. The clerk had never even heard of the book.


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bill, i think you are wasting your breath, biomedwork is unhinged

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Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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I'm glad you did, but your book didn't sell as many copies as RFK, Jr's book. If one is trying to change or challenge dubious and harmful narratives, the number of people one reaches is kind of important. Kennedy somehow broke through the gatekeepers of the news and challenged about 50 dubious assertions of Fauci and the captured Public Health/Science Complex. That's no trivial accomplishment.

FWIW, Kennedy would have changed the thinking of far more people if his thoughts and books weren't so heavily censored. With his presidential campaign, he's now speaking all over the country and is being interviewed by hundreds of alternative media information sources. This has allowed him to reach even more people. Which is All Good, Man.

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FWIW I am determined to get him convicted and sent to Gitmo for treason. You are clearly deluded.

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Kennedy can't talk because he is 'eating his words.' He has psychological symptoms, reflecting the deception within.

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The Schmuley Zionist,

RFK, Jr., picked a techno/fascist for his running mate.


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Thank you for sharing the Whitney Webb link.

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This time I want smart people in the White House. I will not be voting for the 2 old guys. I would have voted for DeSantis if he was the nominee but instead I will vote for Kennedy. It doesn't matter how much money you have if you are not healthy. Kennedy and Shanahan will work on so many ways to make our people healthier. Happy to see a candidate who is talking about the dangers of EMF and so many other environmental things that are hurting us. Also with Biden or Trump, the covid vaccines will not end, they are both for them and will take money from Big Pharma to promote them.

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I am wondering if the Silicon Valley elite are starting to realize their health is more important than their money.

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no such luck. it's all about the UN one health scheme, agenda 2030 and the SDGs. digital ID, tracing and tracking everything that moves https://www.fao.org/3/cc5067en/cc5067en.pdf

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YES! I think they are.

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In one way, they always have. Haven't most of the "longevity" and "immortality" come from them? That's not the same as health, obvious to anyone with at brain. They've frozen their brains, too. And now they'll download everything to a computer and make you an AI, per the WEF leaders. It's all sci-fi and will remain so, they are just blowing smoke out their a**. Finding the fountain of youth. It's an old story.

How about normal good health and a normal life span. That has disappeared.

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There's Bryan Johnson, eccentric 'health obsessed' billionaire. It's hard to say how sane or not his routines are. He has good gym numbers but a lot of what he claims to do seems excessive or useless.

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i wish . . . a close relative (longtime in Si valley tech), early 40s, just told me a close friend of his (same age & occupation) is basically planning his own memorial now. This same relative actually looked at Arthur Firstenberg's "Radio Wave Packet - Some Biological Effects of Radio Waves" https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org › wp-content › uploads › 2022 › 08 › Radio-Wave-Packet.pdf , a copy of which i had lying around.

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Agree with you, but I don't trust DeSantis either. his "Grand Jury Investigation" of Pfizer and Moderna appears to be a farce and this was quite predictable even early on.

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What other governor was railing against lockdowns in the spring and early summer of 2020 to the extent DeSantis was? What other governor brought the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration to his state and had a 2 1/2-hour panel with these contrarian experts. He invited all the press. His surgeon general has done more than any other state's leading public health officials to warn about vaccine dangers.

Basically, we don't trust the politicians who do the things we would have done if we were a governor?

If DeSantis didn't say anything about lockdowns or vaccines, we'd criticize him. But he did say a whole lot about these travesties ... and most conservatives ... criticize him, but I don't know why they do/did.

The president who is still proud of the warp-speed death shots and lobbied for the lockdowns is the hero of half the country. I don't get it.

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I like DeSantis,too, and hope he runs in 2028.

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Any time a politician goes against the accepted narrative, I perk up and notice ... because it's so rare. DeSantis did this over and over. He also took on all-powerful (and Super Woke) Disney, which must be the biggest employer in his state (perhaps after the government).

He seemed to relish these sparring sessions and was good at punching back. So, I admit, I was very surprised when the narrative, almost overnight, became "DeSantis Bad - a fraud, a neocon, Jeb Bush clone," etc.)

Whoever sets the narratives - and then changes them so quickly as needed - is very good at what they do.

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Mar 28Edited

Yes, but actions speak louder than words. I'm looking for ACTIONS on the mRNA vaccines and the excess deaths since their rollout, NOT on the crowd-pleasing easy targets like overblown political football "lockdowns", maaaaasks, etc. This isn't 4th grade, this is life and death. The first report from the "Grand Jury Investigation" shows that it is turning out to be a farce and nothing of value will be discovered regarding mRNA vaccine deaths. If they can't deliver then they can't, but they shouldn't deceive people by pretending they are trying when they're really not. I'll be happy to be proven wrong.

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Yes, he invited many "health dissidents" er, intel controlled oppo. Looks good, but it won't work in the long term.

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