In my first career as a chemist, water and colloids were my thing. I’ll never forget the preface to my Fluidics text, which said that the text would deal with the behavior of all fluids EXCEPT WATER; water’s behavior was too difficult to explain. After years of frustration with the ossified, political and repressed world of science, I went back to school and became a pharmacist. There, I found even greater ossification and repression. Everything we learned was controlled by Big Pharma-- the top student received the Pfizer Award, f’gawdsake. To my shame, I grew tired, gave up the fight and just put in my time until I could retire as early as possible. GREAT article, Doc! Thank you and keep ‘em coming!

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Thank you for leaving this comment! I really appreciate it and it's great to think about.

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Toad. Yes, great article! Question. We have all failed to hit the mark (that is basically the Koine Greek word we translate as sin, but can't use that anymore! But here's a thought: Why not use your experience redemptively? Start a blog? Somehow use your training. John Newton, author of Amazing Grace, did precisely that. He murdered perhaps as high as tens of thousands of human souls in the slave trade. But when God saved him, he turned that experience over for good, and the abolishment of the slave trade.

Wonder what God can do with you, however old you are. Newton at the end of his life said that "Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.” And his protege William Wilberforce, looked the same (there is a great movie, well done, on that about 5 -10 years ago)

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I read Kollerstom's documented history of Newton.

The supposedly sacred history of Science (in its own canon of literature is anything but).

I see sin as the persistence of protected self-illusion operating as an attack on truth. So its apt to false witness or lies given power. But so abused by moralising bigotry and terrorising controls as to lose currency. The undoing of the lie releases the one who persists in a mis taken or false inheritance.

We stand on the shoulders of giant mistakes!

But because they are erros they can be corrected.

The idea of sin as irrevocable sets its own 'standard' of a 'fallen reality' as 'settled and beyond dispute or question - or the herd projects their sins onto the heretic to reset their conscience!

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I know the feeling, I spent countless hours defending Homeopathy and later, Acupuncture.

I would have spent the time better by getting a horse and lance and going after a windmill (apologies to Cervantes).

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Regarding your observation about science, that "whenever a complex phenomenon exists, science will typically default to comprehending it through a model that artificially simplifies the phenomenon into something that can be easily defined within a more rigid framework":

You might enjoy my recent post on "expert ignoramuses" and President Eisenhower's prescient warning about them. https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/first-principles-expert-ignoramuses

Most of what is called "science" consists of disciplined studies that employ science in parts but are way too complex to be science as a whole; too complex to have rigorously controlled experiments that get identical results every time, within an insignificant margin of error (the first stage of the scientific method).

So they keep simplifying the situation until they get at a model they can handle. Then, many pretend they have solved the larger problem, when in fact all they have done is know more and more about less and less. That's why I call them expert ignoramuses.

Worse, when they get government or media backing, they then can exercise great power to rule us ignorantly and destructively. How else do we get "America's top expert in infectious diseases" who doesn't treat anyone for any infectious disease, and stomps on those who do during a pandemic?

They lack meaningful standing as experts. Deny them standing to rule our lives. Organize for social impact.

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The problem is there are no such things as infectious diseases, I used to think there were until 2020 and I saw a comment on YouTube to that effect. After researching I realised that the commenter was right.

One can pass on bacteria, fungal spores, parasites and poisons but not what are called infectious diseases which are merely the symptoms of internal poisoning.

Big pharma/mainstream medics lumps various symptoms together to from invented diseases to try and make themselves look clever, but in reality they are dimwits.

No wonder the western world is so sick. The neuro-toxic big pharma drugs merely add to poisons.


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Excellent post! Thanks for sharing.

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I believe Bret Weinstein is one who is constantly reminding us about complex systems.

The problem with Western medicine is not its reliance on reductionism, but its insistence on extrapolating that reductionist understanding to its model of a complex system. Which is what you described in your first paragraph. Hubris.

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100% agree.

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Right on. You might appreciate my post on expert ignoramuses and President Eisenhower's prescient warning about them. https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/first-principles-expert-ignoramuses

You can read my comment to MWD that appears about 2 hours after yours.

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>>>>denial of complexity

This is very important. I say it is the combination of human ego with (usually) the addition of testosterone (sorry ladies) that drives scientists to want to feel that they can "explain" it all. Hence the huge motivation to deny complexity.

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Institutions are frozen behaviours...We all know where we stand...

Security, the searching, striving for Security is the biggest driver of behaviours...

It explains Wars. It explains why we put up with shit at work, why parents compel their kids to

bear years of schooling - to get them ready to get jobs that will provide (financial) Security...

National Security....Biomedical Security...The Biosecurity state...

President Bush #2 couldnt open his mouth without utterinG "Security"...

What was it that one of the most protected persons on the planet, surrounded by layer after layer of Security, was frightened of ? (Inner Demons ?)...

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Predictive control becomes technologism. It seeks models of application to tasks or goal, not truth or significance within an integrative body of corroborated experience.

So simple versions are used that mostly apply to most situations as serving systems of control. That they are wrong doesn't matter if the math works - with extra workarounds for known anomalies.

Reductionism is useful to give a basic overview to a field, but quickly becomes a mainstream version that reduces life to false or incomplete 'explanations'. With the accretion of anomalies, or contradictions, the mainstreaming PR for 'the science' hires celebrities to front banalities, absurdities and models that are unscientifically provable (or simply sci fi).

The gold rush mindset operates (as now for biotech) as a variation of war, by pushing all other considerations aside in order to be first or get a preferable insider position to the new market.

Status in a hierarchy also pertains. Challenging nobel prize winners is a risky venture - unless they step outside the narrative to be excluded, but then they are not engaged with.

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If a "nobel" prize winner is not willing to face challenges, then I guess the prize must be nothing but dynamite royalties?

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Yes I get the reference.

It is often used to leverage narratives

Those who are accorded authority may or may not use it to cow others, and are quite capable of facing challenges, but that the social order crystallises around them and challenging this can result in smear, ridicule or stonewalling exclusion.

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Well, it seems to me you have a "new" idea, a "good" one, then it will either resonate and stand the test of time or it won't.

But, if all it is is an echo chamber of self-fulfilling ideas and rewards....well, the peasant's know, that is worthless and not laudable. Peasants got more wisdom then old pompous ones 8 days a week.

So, if you think you have a good idea, and even if you get accolades, be willing to defend it, because if not - you are just part of the narrative and really why should that be rewarded when we all ought know - old ideas proven wrong after a long time of obfuscation....well, of course, they die hard, but die they will.

After that, and before that you want my opinion - let the best ideas prevail.



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What I see is that real discovery is suppressed to eventually be rediscovered (if we come out of this nosedive) while selected ideas are framed in such a way as to define the research into the field, while incentivising the right results. Ie CO2 research that receives the benefits of the gravy train.

So it is not a free market for the best ideas, but a politicised corporately captured science running under both hierarchical command and peer pressure of invested stakeholder in the established order.

When Bruce Lipton's research undermined the prevailing gene dogma he was literally stonewalled. (His mentor confided - "It's not what we are thinking"). Genes are more akin to gonads than brain/controller.

When Dr Klemmer documented his cures and reversals of polio with IV VitC treatments the polio vax campaign was already ready to roll. Stonewalled.

So the best idea to the parameters of acceptance, recognition and investment may be a plausible cover story for toxic damage that would involve huge fallout of loss and even prosecutions, AND provide a basis for huge profits as a boost to the vaccination industry - which is a protected and securitised narrative, and not open to scientific principles.

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Sad but true I suppose.

Speaks to the power of mammon - it diminishes new ideas to hold onto bad ones already proven wrong.

Why does it do this - well it must be ego I reckon and dollars in the pocket provided by mammon.


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I'm gonna agree with the "ego" part of that, but as for complexity, that is subjective.

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Another fabulous article that is way over my head. You are excellent at explaining deep concepts, but my old brain can only absorb so much at a time. I very much enjoyed the videos linked in the article, particularly the Viktor S. What amazing work! Years ago, as a homeschool mom, I was preparing a chemistry unit based on water, and became increasingly confused. From what I was reading about the different types of bonds, water should not be able to do some of the things we took for granted. I ended up calling a chemist (I found an 800 number on the back of a detergent bottle and called it. What could it hurt?), with whom I had a fantastic conversation...but the ultimate answer was, he had no idea why water was able to behave the way it does. This common element that we take for granted has always fascinated me, but I do not have the education necessary for this level of learning. I am looking forward to further articles on the subject. Thank you for the time and effort you invest in these. I also appreciate the lucid comments from your intelligent readers.

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Thank you for this great comment : )

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I personally think he is all wet.

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I have a major complaint against this substack: every time I read an article, it adds to my "to watch videos" list and to my "to read books" list, which is already quite long :p But, I suppose there are worse criticisms!

MWD, if you could expand upon this: " and we have found treatments aimed at improving a patient’s colloidal dispersion (which depends upon negative charges) mitigate symptoms of vaccine injury.", I know I and others would be much obliged. If you feel like you can not or do not want to, that is fine. Does it have anything to do with the graphs you showed in your piece on Thomas Riddick here: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/why-does-every-vaccine-often-cause?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 ? I know some of those may be ingested...again, if you do not feel comfortable expanding, I understand.

Thank you so much for the Pollack TED talk it was fascinating:


At 19:40, I could not help but be reminded of the Andrew Moulden videos you linked to. (Thank you for those, by the way, they are terrifying viewing but necessary and even more detailed than Forrest Maready's arguments). Moulden keeps hinting, especially through the third video that the answer is "water". I feel like what Pollack says at 19:40 of the ted talk is absolutely related...but what is this special water Moulden kept hinting at? Distilled? Negatively charged? Water high in silica? If you have any ideas or hints here, I would be very curious. Is the answer in one of Pollack's books?

Lastly, you mentioned Russian researchers several times. Not everything has been translated, as is often the case...if ever you hear of an article that has not been translated from Russian and are really curious as to what it says, I may know a guy who may know a guy, just let me know :)

Thanks again!

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I am going to try to get to that in part 3 (I've been working on this for months now).

I've also been sharing a lot of what I know in this regard with doctors treating COVID-19 vaccine injuries and having them report back to me which things seem to help and not help.

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Looking forward to it!

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I groaned when I saw how long this was, and WITH embedded videos.

But then I read it. And watched the vids.

Utterly fascinating.

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I try to only cover high yield material here

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Pollack TED Talk - made the statement that we don't understand the social behavior of water.

I stopped the video and pulled off my shelf the book "With Microbes: From wittnessing to withnessing"

"...we decided this was time to edit a volume of ethnographic encounters with microbes"

We have more microbes than cells in our body, but most people are afraid of microbes. Interesting articles about how other cultures live with microbes.

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That is a very complex article. I will struggle to follow it all without sitting down and analysing in detail.

However, the main thing I pick up is the vortex of water and fluids. In essence this is like a helix structure similar to DNA. Light must act in the same way which is why it is considered as both wave and pulse.

I mentioned that here for what its worth.


What I have also just realised is that the action of a screw being driven into a piece of wood must be more efficient than a nail for the same helical reason. Climbing a steep mountain slope is the same.

There is unity in the universe which is hardly surprising. But DNA is the connection in the body. As it is the reverse of AND and AND is a great conjunction, it connects the cells with each other!

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For remarkable and artistic interpretations of "The Secret Intelligence of Water: Science, Art & Consciousness," I have been fascinated with the photographic work of Veda Austin. I learned about her from a recent Weston A. Price Foundation podcast. The videos available on Austin's website opened my mind to another unique view of ye olde reality. :>)


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Fascinating! Thanks for sharing!

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On one of the greatest quantum healing modalities...lewrockwell.com /2018/11/no_author/water-and-homeopathy-latest-discoveries-at-sciences-cutting-edge/

Water and Homeopathy

By Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH and Lionel Milgrom, Ph.D., RHom, MARH

If the common physician, scientist and educated consumer were to believe Wikipedia, they would assume that there is absolutely no research that shows the efficacy of homeopathic medicines in the treatment of any ailment. Furthermore, they would conclude homeopathic medicines are so small in dose, there is literally “nothing” in a homeopathic medicine.

And, if you are this gullible and vulnerable to Big Pharma propaganda, then we’ve got an island to sell you for $24! According to The Washington Post, Wikipedia’s article on homeopathy and Jesus Christ are the two most controversial on that website in four leading languages (English, French, German and Spanish)...Homeopathic Conference at the Royal Society of Medicine

July 14, 2018, we attended a groundbreaking conference in London entitled “New Horizons in Water Science — ‘The Evidence for Homeopathy?'” in the hallowed halls of the U.K.’s Royal Society of Medicine.

Held at the behest of (Lord) Aaron Kenneth Ward-Atherton, who organized and chaired the event, Ward-Atherton not only is a practicing homeopath and integrated medical physician, but also has been a formal adviser on integrated medicine to a member of the U.K. government’s Department of Health and Social Care, and had ongoing support from various peers in the British House of Lords.

This conference will no doubt have sent shockwaves around the world, as delegates from over 20 countries listened in awe to two Nobel Laureates (Cambridge physicist Professor Emeritus Brian Josephson and AIDS virus discoverer, Dr. Luc Montagnier) and several world-class scientists of equal academic stature from the U.S., U.K., Israel and Russia.

And what they were saying was pure heresy to conventional medicine! As it turns out, research in water science seems to support the notion there is a significant difference between the biological and physical actions of homeopathic medicines and plain ordinary water.

We should point out that this special conference did not try to review the body of clinical research (above) that verifies the efficacy of homeopathic medicines, nor did it seek to describe all the basic science studies that show that homeopathic medicines have biological or physical effects.

Instead, this conference chose to focus on more fundamental questions: Does the process of remedy production in homeopathy (i.e., dilution and succession — vigorous shaking — of a medicinal substance in water/alcohol) have an effect on the water’s long-range structure that is different from simple pure water? And, second, are their sound and plausible explanations for how homeopathic medicines persist in water solutions despite multiple dilutions?

Because most physicians and scientists are completely unfamiliar with the fascinating and amazing qualities and abilities of water, their assertions on what is and isn’t possible with homeopathic medicines represent an embarrassingly uninformed viewpoint.

Such assertions are at best unscientific; at worst, they simply represent sheer ignorance. The best scientists are humble in their assertions due to the fact that they know their knowledge is always limited. The average physician or scientist, however, may tend to arrogance, particularly on those subjects which they actually know nothing about.

Biomolecules Communicate Over Distance

Brian Josephson Ph.D., of University of Cambridge, U.K., was the first speaker. He echoed remarks he had made in the magazine New Scientist, saying:

“Simple-minded analysis might suggest that water, being a fluid, it cannot have a structure of the kind that such a picture would demand. But cases such as that of liquid crystals, which while flowing like an ordinary fluid can maintain an ordered structure over macroscopic distances, show the limitations of such ways of thinking.

There have not, to the best of my knowledge, been any refutations of homeopathy that remain valid after this particular point is taken into account.”

Josephson powerfully critiqued generally accepted theories of how biomolecules react with their substrates. Conventionally, these are thought to “match” like a lock and a key, but only when they are in direct physical contact. Not so, says Josephson.

Like his famous predecessor, Jacques Benveniste (who Josephson hosted at Cambridge’s Cavendish Laboratory back in March 1999), he argues that they can “communicate” over some distance long before they come together, and that such interactions are best described by quantum theory and electromagnetic signaling.

Josephson also lambasted those scientists who demand that homeopathic medicines need to get “chemically analyzed.” He asserted that applying chemical analysis to homeopathic remedies will tell you no more about their properties than applying chemical analysis to a CD will tell you what music is on it. Chemical analysis is too limited a tool for either.

Further, Josephson went on to show some remarkably beautiful photos and videos that provide powerful evidence of how hypersensitive water is to sound. Using an impressive new technology called cymascopy (developed by acoustics engineer John Stuart Reid),12 Josephson was able to demonstrate the incredible influence sound has on water using this technology, producing stunning dynamic wave patterns in water that follow changes in a sound’s pitch.13

This video shows dramatically how the dynamic structure of water changes as music is played. And for this to occur, there has to be an ordering of molecules within the water to give it that dynamic structure, what is commonly referred to as a “memory.”

“Such is life,” Josephson concluded. “Order arises spontaneously. Creation of order (ordering) is a part of nature. Order includes disorder (fluctuations), so order requires order to be present. With crystals, the order is static; with life it is dynamic. There we have ordering within activity. Up until now, our present understanding of all this is qualitative and limited, but this must be the next step for science.”

Finally, Josephson wryly responded to the chronic ignorance of homeopathy by its skeptics saying, “The idea that water can have a memory can be readily refuted by any one of a number of easily understood, invalid arguments.”

Physical Properties of Aqueous Systems

Next to speak was Vladimir Voeikov from the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia. A world expert on the chemical and physical properties of aqueous systems and their key role in the vital processes of living systems, Voeikov also took aim at critics who scoff at homeopathy’s plausibility.

He then launched into a description of the extensive and highly detailed work on the biological effects of ultrahigh dilutions (or UHDs) that has been ongoing in Russia since the 1980s.

One of the unfortunate side effects of the perennial distrust existing between Russia and the West has been access to research like this, mainly because it has appeared only in Russian (i.e., Cyrillic) journals. Consequently, Voeikov had a lot of ground to make up — which he did in no uncertain terms!

And, much to the audience’s surprise, it turns out that Benveniste (who in 1988 was so pilloried by scientists, skeptics and the journal Nature, his reputation was trashed and he lost his laboratories and his funding) was by no means the first to suggest that solutions diluted and strongly agitated to the point where there couldn’t possibly be any molecules of the original substance left could still exert biological effects.

Delving back into the literature, it had been announced around a century before Benveniste. In 1955, a review had already been published into the action of UHDs.

Drawing on his and his Russian colleagues’ work, Voeikov concluded that conventional ideas of how water dissolves substances is actually incorrect. Until now, when something dissolves in water, its particles were thought to be randomly distributed throughout the solvent. As the solution is continually diluted, these particles simply reduce in number until at a certain dilution (known as the Avogadro limit) they disappear completely...

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Great comment. Water information is slightly beyond the scope of what I am going to try to cover in this series.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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What a great comment, essay. Thank you!

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(Lord) Aaron Kenneth Ward-Atherton

Does this "Lord" have no pull?

I mean the conference was in 2018, and yet we find ourselves where we find ourselves?

The peasants demand a response from those given the title "Lord"....if none is forthcoming or the "lord" has no pull, then don't blame the peasants when they burn the house down metaphorically speaking and such.

Thanks for your post,


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I recruited a young dentist to read this article and discuss it.

He passed his dental boards but has not yet graduated from Ohio State Dental College.

Neither he nor the dental professor had heard about the fourth phase of water. They sure know about surface tension, but not the material in this article.

I asked him to read this article and watch the videos and we will discuss it when I go back in a couple of weeks.

I also shared a hunch about his future. I mentioned that if there had been more problem solving by doctors the "pandemic" would have been handled by known medicines and medical care. In dentistry, they now take your temperature. My hunch is that in the future there will be these wide spread vax injuries and they will be found by dentists much more often than heart issues through blood pressure measurement.

I was able to catch him at a transition time. Finished with formal coursework and not yet graduated nor into a new job and I made him get to this substack and read it. Spreading the word.

Very few people in my circle that can tackle an article like this. I am also going to use this as a means to make contact with a retired thoracic surgeon friend who I have not seen in a few years.

Thanks for an outstanding article

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Thank you. Part 1 is the introduction; the other parts are what I really wanted to share

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pt2 Water&Hpathy Consequently, if a solution is diluted beyond this limit, as there are apparently no particles left, such UHDs cannot possibly exert any effects, let alone on biological systems. Therefore, homeopathy (which sometimes uses dilutions of substances way beyond the Avogadro limit) must be complete bunkum. So much for conventional thinking.

What Voeikov and his colleagues have shown time and again is that the process of homeopathic dilution and agitation, even down past the Avogadro limit (so that no particles are supposed to still be present), does NOT get rid of all the dissolved substance.

Instead, microscopically tiny “clumps” of the dissolved substance — known as nanoassociates — remain behind and these are biologically active. What’s more, various analytical techniques can be used to track these nanoassociates, and they affect water in many ways that make it different from pure water, e.g., electrical conductivity and surface tension. So, a solution diluted and agitated beyond the Avogadro limit is anything but pure water.

Nanoassociates Violate Conventional Laws of Behavior

If that wasn’t enough, Voeikov and his colleagues have shown that so-called ordinary solutions — the kind that we make up every day and that have not been sequentially diluted and agitated as homeopaths do — also contain nanoassociates, violating what has for years been understood as “laws of behavior” prescribed in standard textbooks on aqueous solutions.

So, not only are all those skeptics and naysayers going to have to get used to homeopathic dilutions and their effects being real, they will have to completely reassess their understanding of what happens when ANY substance is dissolved in water. Those whose solemn duty it is to rewrite textbooks are going to have a field day!

Barely able to catch our breath, we were then treated to one of the most inspirational talks of the whole conference, delivered by Jerry Pollack, Ph.D., professor of bioengineering at Seattle’s University of Washington. Pollack is probably best known for his 2014 book, “The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor,” in which he outlines in highly readable terms some of his and his team’s amazing discoveries about water.

Exclusion Zone Water May Have Significant Implications for Homeopathy

Chiefly, these concern what happens to water when it is in contact with a surface, e.g., a membrane. And for any doubting Thomas out there we should point out that Pollack’s amazing discoveries about water have been independently verified many times.

It turns out that the water molecules closest to the membrane surface form an almost crystalline alignment that has the effect of excluding any dissolved particles in the water. And these exclusion zones — or EZs, as they are called — have properties that are totally different from the bulk water, and whose consequences will have profound effects not only on our understanding of water, but how we use it.

For example, depending on the nature of the membrane surface, charge separation occurs between the EZ layer and the bulk water phase. Pollack showed us how this phenomenon could be used, not only to produce an incredibly simple battery powered only by radiant energy, but how it could be the basis of a water desalination system. At the moment, this last application would need to be scaled up before it could be of any practical use, but if it could, there must surely be a Nobel Prize in the offing.

In addition, bearing in mind that blood is mainly water being pumped through tubes of biological membranes, Pollack suggested that the same charge-separating mechanism that powered his radiant energy battery might also assist in pushing our blood through narrow vessels far removed from the pumping action of the heart. If so, such a discovery will have huge ramifications for our understanding of physiology.

It turns out that Pollack’s semi-crystalline EZs cannot only be separated, they are able to electromagnetically store information in their molecular structure. And, as the preparation of homeopathic remedies also involves water solutions in contact with surfaces, it is quite feasible his new EZ discoveries will have a huge impact on our understanding of water memory and homeopathy.

In fact, Pollack asserts that water has a HUGE capacity to store information. Further, he notes that homeopathic process of succussion (vigorous shaking of water in glass) creates increased avenues for EZ water that then creates increased water storage.

Classic Homeopathic Methods Optimize Storage of Information in Water

The founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), was both a physician and the author of a leading textbook for pharmacists of his day. His many experiments attempting to reduce the harmful side effects of medicinal substances, led him to a method of dilution and agitation which homeopaths use till this day.

Intriguingly, what the new science presented at this conference is telling us is that Hahnemann’s method seems to optimize storage of medicinal information within the very structure of water itself! Even after more than 200 years, Hahnemann’s discovery of homeopathy and his contributions to medicine and pharmacology are still being uncovered...

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Public funding and regulation destroy everything they Midas touch, science and medicine included.

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Buckminster Fuller in his Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth has repeatedly said that specialization as Pollack says too, has squandered our creative thought processes. I highly recommend this short book for all. Performing a word search of the book for 'specialization' results in 22 instances. A brilliant man far ahead of his time.

Thanks Doc, for this really great piece - my water bottle is in the freezer now and a timer has been set. 😀

Life is so amazing and I can not understand how anyone could ever be bored. I am in my seventh decade but still thriving and loving it all.


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That's how I feel about life too!

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A man while out for a stroll one night encountered another staring intently at the ground beneath a lamp post.

“Hullo there! What are you doing?”

“Oh, hello. I am looking for my wallet. I seem to have lost it.”

“Oh, my. Out here by the street? Where do you last remember having it?”

“Oh, no. I lost it over yonder down the way.”

“Er, at the risk of sounding daft, might I ask why you aren’t looking over yonder?”

“Why, of course! The light is better over here!”

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Off Topic but important

First - yesterdays hearing when Jim Jefferies exposed that the head of CDC, Redford, was not in the discussions when Fauci and head of the NIH cooked up the story that the virus came from a bat. The people in the US and the rest of the world will be angry to learn that the corona-19 virus was made in a lab with funding from the US.

Second - a detailed about what happened in the first crisis of the virus in Italy. It happened in an area with the worst air and terrible system. Another incident in the complex, convoluted, sorted, history of the "pandemic"

"Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s Ground Zero

Was there a pandemic?"


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