Pierre Kory recently cross posted this article. In that cross post, he meant to send this article out. I apologize for any confusion.


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We greatly appreciate you both - no apology needed!

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Cell “Stress” is the basic issue! I have a colored photograph of a human cell hanging on a wall in my office. It shows the complexity of the human cell and it is

Difficult to comprehend that most human cells have the genetic code of life that contains 25000 genes required for new life. The push to inject RNA to reprogram cellular function is experimental and amateurish to say the least. The complexity you have expressed clearly indicates the need to stop going down this rabbit hole or risk the extermination of life on earth.

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But they don't "risk extermination", they are ENGINEERING EXTERMINATION!!!!!

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Well, Doc, I do believe that is the end game, exterminate every form of life.

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I’ve played with a few genomes.

There’s always mutations in the progeny.

Especially when you remove the Y chromosome

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Isn’t the immune system part of the self correcting mechanism to maintain homeostasis? Only works when immune system is whole and vibrant and not overwhelmed with toxicity? Aren’t the RNA injections interfering and is reflected in the 1000 plus adverse reactions reported by Pfizer and totally ignored? Biotech has plunged deep into the genome and is focused on narrow biotech processes because the goal is proprietary profitable injections?

Cellular function is vastly complex and for every action that interferes there is a reaction.

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Seem so far everyone is chasing vaccines and drugs.Wished someone do research on relationship between CDR, Zeta Potential, anxiety, emotions,fasting,meditation,Physical and Mental exercise for all lifestyles.

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Zeta potential is related to structured water in the cell. The structure of water IS AFFECTED BY MIND/CONSCIOUSNESS/INTENTION and VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY of the person!

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Thanks for the input. It confirm that mind is important for Zeta potential. What type of mind set is the best for best Zeta potential? Any information?

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The Fourth Phase of Water by Gerald H. Pollack

Fascinating book I read several years ago. Recent discoveries just reinforce his ideas☺

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Yes. Water holds, and is affected by, conscious energy. Its structure depends on the energetic environment it is in.

Our cells' cytoplasm is a jell of structured water

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Why do you think it happens especially when the Y is removed?

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Haha nice question 🙋

By repression of the genes that are responsible for sexual assignment

You can suppress male or XY expression in the progeny

This suppression of XY expression leads to a certain percentage of the feminized population expressing hermorphaditic tendencies I.e. mutations

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Aside from xenoestrogens in the environment, I wonder if the massive microwaving of the population is contributing to this effect (suppression of the XY expression), thus the great increase in intersex or hermaphroditic humans.

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This is phenotypical expression of humans due to exogenous influences.

Yes most certainly it inhibits testosterone expression

Endocrine disrupting hormones are rampant in modern society

Estrogen is everywhere

But what I was doing was deliberately removing all males from plant populations for research purposes

Better living through chemistry is what they use to say

That was before CRISPER/ Cas-9

Pandora’s box has been opened in 2021

It will take decades to see the full extent of the needle and the damage done to humans

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The clots are growing.

The immune systems are attacking self.

The cancers are dividing unchecked.

How will this end? "Terminator"?

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Now we find ourselves in a world of zombies, mention the word vaccine and their eyes glaze over, the fight or flight response is triggered. They bolt or attack, blind to reason. Once their blood lust is satisfied the zombies retreat to the safety of the herd. A place with no questions and unchallenged beliefs they wallow in their ignorance.

More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/the-psychological-war-in-your-mind

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They are definitely ... on edge now....

One heavily vaxxed family member let me know a year ago that discussion of the Rat Juice involving negativity was off limits (we are all boosted - kids are boosted - we are fine - why do you know so many people with vax problems????) is jumpier than a meth addict these days...

A mutual friend surfaced last week looking for $$$ cuz he's got Turbo Cancer and had a heart attack (that's two people I know with the double whammy)... he'll be fully Rat Juiced cuz he's in a mandated industry.

I thought I'd let said family know of this tale of woe... so I sent the link which has a photo of him in hospital looking like death warmed over... If there was no name attached and that was sent to me I'd have no idea who it was -- he's 50 but looks 80... just shocking.

Response -- rapid fire --- the smoking caught up to him. Funny thing is he was one of these guys who has a smoke when he has a drink ... he was not a chronic... but hey - anything but the vax right?

Same family member -- I mentioned a few months back that another mutual friend - former pro hockey player -- works as a scout -- heart attack --- we both know he is a fit individual and does not fit the profile for this --- response --- silence. No asking -- how is he doing ... nothing ... silence...

Reality is slowly intruding on the CovIDIOTS... they are feeling the heat... anxiety is creeping in on them... but they are holding strong ... anything but the vax --- anything but the vax...

To acknowledge the vax did it -- particularly when they have 'boosted the kids' --- would drive them out of their minds.

They must retreat into their safe spaces... flick on bbccnn... and be comforted with more catch phrases insisting the Rat Juice is safe - and effective.

Zombie MORE-ONS.

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Jun 27, 2023
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3 Vaxxers have come clean to me - no major injuries but they report lack of energy since the jab. The common denominator is 'I just don't feel the same'

One of them - a rabid Vaxxer - was a daily gym goer -- an addict --- he has completely stopped... he is otherwise functional but is lacking energy.

I wonder how many of the Vaxxers feel the same but will not admit it - all of them?

One family member who is 4x Rat Juiced who was also very active told me that he didn't get out on his bike even once last summer -- various excuses made -- but not acknowledgement of lack of vitality since the Rat Juice (and he'd get really pissed off if I referred to the vax as Rat Juice so I don't hahaha)

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RAT JUICE!! you nailed it, tho i don't think our furry little friends would appreciate the slur. (The jab probably would have been much safer had it actually BEEN rat juice! (:

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Jun 28, 2023
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There was ZERO quality control or GMP (Good Manufacturing Processes) in development, manufacturing and distribution of the jabs. There's no way to tell who got what or how much of what exactly. The best (and only) tracker I've seen is HowBadisMyBatch.com but it's self-reported so only people who can/have faced the truth are entering their info. I don't believe that 75% of the first jabs were saline, saline LOOKS different than the real jabs and that would've been much too expensive to do. These people are all about ROI (Return on Investment). If anything, they were chock full of LNPs and degraded mRNA and who knows what else. We are just beginning to see the fallout of the first rounds. When the jabs were first released, many doctors predicted catastrophic results in 3-5 yrs. We're only into this about 2.5 yrs, calculating from the public release date of Dec 14, 2020.

Follow Sasha Latypova for an ongoing explanation of what's been found in the jabs, how they were produced according to the contracts and follow Katherine Watt for an explanation of how our public laws and regulations have been changed over time to make all of this sham "legal".

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Jul 21, 2023
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Jul 22, 2023Edited
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Please send report. That’s me!! Pleural effusion, bleeding under skin, stiffness. No answers

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Jul 22, 2023
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Yes. I’m a joyful person. The pleural effusion took 2 years to diagnose ( largely cuz it was dismissed) but after a friend with post vax stuff passed away from massive heart attack I got more demanding .. good news is my heart may outlive the rest of me. “ they “ think I have autoimmune and that the purpura/ petechia are “ age” BUT THEY SHOWED UP IMMEDIATELY AFTER MODERNA #2. As did pleural effusion symptoms, Then stiff neck etc. oh. And we still got Covid. Jabs were worse

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“The awake have truth on their side, but are heavily outnumbered.Now we find ourselves in a world of zombies.”

At last are the few, whose delight is in meditation and understanding, who yearn not for good, nor for victory , but for truth and wisdom. Those are the awake, pushed aside and unused by the world.

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Well said!

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We have a fragmented society and there are literally dozens of things in the daily worry and news cycle confusing people. Alpha intelligent types can process a lot more information usually, but they are the exception.

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“The awake have truth on their side, but are heavily outnumbered.Now we find ourselves in a world of zombies.”

At last are the few, whose delight is in meditation and understanding, who yearn not for good, nor for victory , but for truth and wisdom. Those are the awake, pushed aside and unused by the world.

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I agree and to be honest I’m really sick of dealing with these folks. I’m ready to just pack up my car and go live in the wilderness. Unfortunately, with my luck I’ll be lunch for some wild beast. So for now I’ll do my best to avoid these creatures.

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Thank you, Doctor for another very informative article, written in terms that non-doctors can understand.

I'm curious about your thoughts on one of the long covid symptoms, the loss and/or distortion of the senses of taste and smell. Do you think the cells responsible for transmitting taste and smell to the brain could be stuck in this CDR mode, and are functionally impaired? Do you know of any successful treatments to restore their functionality?

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I've seen (and used) a few different approaches that fixed the smell loss. Depending on how long it's been there, you have to do more (including treating the CDR).

Some of the context for this will only make sense after I put the other two parts out, so ask me this again after I post the 3rd part (which should happen sometime this week).

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Thank you for this article and looking forward to your next ones! 🤗

After 22 years with ME/CFS, your article is a light in the horizon.

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Has zinc been part of your Tx protocol?

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I have been having luck with benfotiamine, a water soluble form of thiamine. Anosmia for 4 years, finally coming back. Zinc did not help me.

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I am so interested in this answer!!

Can we add reoccurring rounds of hair loss to it too !?

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Yes, timed release hair loss 18 months after astra-zen jab (1) caused by spike protein induced autoimmune attack on hair, scalp. Think of treating spike protein /autoimmune illness as a severe allergic reaction.

Used NAET treatment to neutralize and stop it. Am taking some liquid trace minerals to help regrow the hair. Turns out you can regrow your hair if you replenish trace minerals.

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Natural infection. Reoccurring rounds of hair loss since October 2021!

Would love to know more about the NAET treatment and the liquid trace minerals ?! 🤗

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Actually it's more complicated than NAET and the liquid trace minerals. For many, their digestive tract is under attack so repairing, replenishing the gut biome helps see:



and the liquid trace mineral is called IONIC and sold by: https://www.bodepro dot com/featured/ionic

Unfortunately, their flagship product, the 'Ionic' got remarketed by a family member of the inventor who formulated 'Ionic' and so bodepro is one those marketing (pyramid) companies that will try to sell you on their complete line of products.

You probably will need to do a 3 phased approach:

1) improve your gut bacteria and you may even need to do something like a fecal transplant (sounds gross) to restore your gut bacteria with a doctor's supervision. Turns out that many Parkinson's patients have been helped by having fecal transplant which helps restore their gut biome and I've seen photos that shows that regrowing hair appears to be a positive side effect. check out: http://www.revolutionguthealth.com For many of us, investing $600 to $700 ($400 for microbiome analysis. It provides a very comprehensive and functional understanding of the gut microbiome status and $250-300 for consultation) would pay off huge dividends if this helped you avoid parkinsons/alzheimers/dementia/ALS. and of course you get your hair to grow back.

2) Find an experienced and recommended NAET practitioner who can muscle test you to see if you are in fact suffering from an auto-immune illness which has changed your hair line and caused so much hair loss in the past 2 years after you started getting your vax jabs/booster.

3) try a good trace mineral supplement like bodepro's IONIC, I have noticed my hair growing back in and not losing so much hair and my hairline with the hairloss hat got changed by the spike protein induced autoimmune is starting to grow back in, hair by hair.

Lastly, if you did get vaxxed or even if you didn't, I highly recommend drinking pineneedle tea daily to help reduce inflammation from the experimental 'vaccines' and helps neutralize the spike protein a bit, it is a good source of vit C and is anti-bacterial to a degree as well. If you managed to avoid getting vaxxed, well guess what? looks like all the unvaxxed are getting exposed to the spike protein and nanotech garbage in these injections because the vaxxed are so overwhelmed that their bodies are shedding spike protein via their breath and when they talk to others.

Hope this helps.

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BTW: i'm on week 3 of the Ionic liquid minerals. If you surround yourself with wireless devices and smart temp and smart house, phone and smart crap, then you're making recovery and self-healing much harder. So, you'll need to remember to avoid sources of wireless microwave radiation/EMFs like turning off your wifi at night, opting out of your smart meter if you have one (or more), turning off your mobile phone and other wireless devices off at night as much as possible.

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i couldn't agree more. i neither have nor use any wireless devices.

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Thanks - i took a look at your first link, The Microbiome and Hair Loss: A Scientific Review:


primarily because i became very interested in the microbiome when I started to drink a lot of kefir last january (2024) - like at least a quart a day. Not for any particular reason - my store was out of my favorite yogurt, of which i had been eating a cup or two a day for decades. So i bought kefir. Kefir's effects have been very different than yogurt for me. It has been amazing - first it helped me to gain much-needed weight, back to my normal weight of 20 yrs ago - and more recently i have noticed definite hair growth - my hair had seemingly stopped growing the last 10+ years, and was gradually getting thinner too. (i am female). Plus with the kefir i started to sleep better. Oh also it improved my digestion dramatically and basically eliminated gas. I think maybe someone might try kefir as a first thing for hair loss - they might not need something as drastic as a fecal implant.

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Oh my goodness for some reason my email didn’t notify me of this comment!!! THANK YOU so much for taking the time to respond!!!! ❤️🙏

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you're welcome, to learn more about downside of unsafe mobile phone exposure, here's a good resource, plus they have plenty of other helpful information/articles about WiFi, 5G, etc.


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For hair loss try MSM. It’s fantastic. My hair started falling out when I was caring for my Mom with cancer and trying to handle my family at the same time with no help, the stress was off the charts, sans the hair loss. I started drinking 2 tbsps with 2 tbsps of powered vitamin C in an once or two of warm distilled water each night and within a few months all hair loss stopped and I now have a full head of beautiful thick hair and beautiful healthy nails 💅.

I’m not gonna lie, it tastes awful, yet if you drink it fast it’s not that bad and today the taste doesn’t even bother me. It’s also great for your joints.

Look into it, you may even be able to find a capsule form. I prefer the crystal form, but that just my preference.

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Thank you so much !!! I just ordered and it’s on its way !! 🙏❤️

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do you know a good vegetarian source of MSM?

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MSM is not an animal product.

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Be careful with MSM is you have any issues with sulfur metabolism. I have a CBS SNP that upregulates sulfur metabolism. When I took MSM in any significant quantity, it disturbed lots of things.

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Nov 1Edited


Mix DMSO (or MSM?) with Grape Juice, and - if not mixing in too much, say < 15ml) the juice will taste better! I have not tried with MSM, but with DMSO the grape juice fixes the taste.


Regarding the less than pleasant smell of breath, try mixing DMSO (or MSM) with honey. Only a small amount of honey is needed to make a difference. Try reducing the amount of honey from 1/5 and lower until the smell comes back again.

Honey also reduces itching and rashes when DMSO is applied topically. Honey has a healing effect, and it also seems to enhance the effect of DMSO, and vice versa.

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Dr Been on Youtube takes much of this research and puts it in terms that people (including doctors) watch to understand these very complex issues. He did one a couple months ago about a study that showed that loss of taste and smell then resulted in what may be permanent brain damage. So much of the brain is tied to those receptors that when they are shut down for long, brain cells start to die. He mentioned that there were treatments and that they needed to be started asap, but didn't mention what they were. I would watch the video and see if there have been further mention of the treatment in the comments.

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Try aroma therapy. I had complete loss of smell (and of all the tastes we experience due to smell). And 2.5 months later i could barely smell things or taste food. It didn't improve much until i started to do smell therapy with essential oils every day - especially lemon oil, ravensara, clove, cinnamon leaf, bergamot, ylang ylang, and thyme/ajwan.

Then there was rapid improvement - within a week i could smell things and food started to taste good. I continued the intense aroma therapy treatment (inhaling through the nostrils each of these essential oils once or twice a day from drops on a handkerchief) for several months and my sense of smell/taste continued to improve greatly, but wasn't very good until about a month ago. Now - 10.5 months later - it's about 95% of my previous normal. I have heard that lemon oil and thyme oil are 2 of the most effective, but there is also a theory that having 5 or 6 oils with different characteristics is important, which is what i did.

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Rosemary is another excellent essential oil for aroma therapy. So many dismiss the real power of these wonder oils, such a shame. For me they are a daily part of my life. Instead of using a handkerchief, try an inhaler, you know those tubie things you stick up your nose and inhale. I have several I use depending on what I need that day. They are cheap, easy to use and refillable. My favorite is peppermint, it gives you a nice wake up sensation.

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I love rosemary too, and it was one of the oils i used at times during my intense daily aromatherapy to cure 'anosmia' - and still do fairly frequently - plus the herb is known to help the mind as you probably know - "rosemary for remembrance". I've never tried the inhaler tubes, but i think they would help prevent the oils from being fairly quickly lost to evaporation (versus my handkerchief method).

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Thank you very much for the information. It's my daughter in law that's afflicted with this. I'll give her this information. In fact, I'll get her the essential oils. I hope it helps her.

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Fabulous. I am so glad to hear that. The thing with anosmia (lack of the ability to smell) is that it is a type of blindness - it feels like you are groping about in the darkness - and thus cannot make order out of chaos. I am so glad that my experience may be able to help someone else.

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I wonder if this would help an elderly person (93) who started losing the sense of smell several years back, like maybe a decade ago? She's at least, 2x vaxed now, too, so I'm sure that didn't help. She's part of the family that REFUSES to acknowledge that "vaccines" are not what they've believed for decades. But, if I could approach just addressing the anosmia, maybe it would help overall? Thoughts?

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Concerned granny: I would try it - it's amazing how effective it is for loss of smell/taste. Plus, the only downside is buying the essential oils and taking a minute or two, twice a day, to inhale their glorious scents (though they won't smell like much until your senses start coming back). Even once a day would probably be effective (in case this is someone who cannot do it themselves or who might forget). And, their mind will probably become clearer also.

It's an easy thing to have the tiny little bottles of essential oils on a bedside table and smell them upon arising in the morning and before retiring at night. For convenience, you can just put drops of oil on facial tissue for inhaling. Inhale each oil separately, one at a time.

I have heard that lemon oil and thyme oil are two of the most effective, but there is also a theory that having 4 or 5 oils with different characteristics is important to stimulate all of the receptors, which is what i did.

I primarily used lemon oil, ravensara, clove, cinnamon leaf, bergamot, ylang ylang, and thyme.

If an oil is not available, just substitute another one of somewhat similar quality - like rosemary or eucalyptus could replace ravensara; some other strong floral could substitute for ylang ylang, etc. The main thing is to have several oils of distinctly different qualities in order to stimulate all of the receptors.

Wishing you and your dear one all the best - and the best outcome of all might be increasing mental clarity!

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Thank you. I'll see if she's interested.

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Thanks, I'll pass that along. (I was immune to Covid it seemed.)

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Many thanks for your recommendation for aroma therapy which I will try. My sense of smell has gradually crumbled, year on year. I know this because I grow scented roses and it all began in 2010. I suspect a combination of stress and toxic chemicals deliberately included in laundry liquid and similar products.

I will definitely follow your suggestion.

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Dr Been summarizes published studies. That makes his findings (good or bad, it's just the way it is) 12-24 months after the actual doctors treating patients have found out things.

The cutting edge is from the doctors in the front lines, treating patients.

For recovery of olfactory sense this means:

- clear up the microvasculature (nattokinase, lumbrokinase, serrapeptase, flushing niacin)

- downregulate the (auto) immune reactions (high dose vitamin D, high dose Vitamin C, with Zinc and zinc ionophores such as EGCG and quercetin phytosome)

- BDNf boost (lion's mane, zinc, curcumin, gingko biloba, whole coffee cherry extract)

- mitochondrial energy boost (d-ribose, creatine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10 in ubiquinol form, PQQ, citicoline or alpha-gpc)

- cellular clean up , autophagy & mitophagy and apoptosis (pure water + electrolyte fasting , no juices!) This is also good for resetting the immune system cells, slowly build up to 72 hours , that's the magic marker for most

- support for cellular clean up and breakdown of remaining protein fragments (glutathione pref in liposomal form, or just N-acetyl-cysteine + glycine 2-3 times a day)

- refolding of misfolded proteins (sauna therapy, heat/cold contrast therapy to stimulate heat/cold shock proteins that do the trick)

- minimum inflammation diet (low or zero carb, with plenty of essential fats, esp. cholesterol and full amino acid profile proteins and electrolytes)

- plenty of olfactory and gustatory stimulation (plants, essential oils, foods, etc)

- enough of long deep sleep with proper sleep architecture , i.e. waking up refreshed, at least 8 hours / night (use high dose melatonin and supplemental taurine if sleep is an issue)

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Rex - please see my response to Cindi's response to you re this, below.

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Regarding "early spread" of the novel corona virus, what did President Trump NOT know … and why didn’t he know this? Did his key scientific advisors conceal important information from him that might have called off the lockdowns? FWIW, here’s what SHOULD have happened in the history-changing first 75 days of 2020:


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11 days before leaving office...think about that...let that sink in.

His belongings were being boxed up and staff packing their bags...



Why did O'Vomit gave the OK to fund ‘Gain of Function research’ right before he left office?

Oshitstain-Fauci Covid False-Flag?

January 9, 2017:

O'Vomit White House Lifts U.S. Ban On Pathogen Gain-of-Function Research.


January 10, 2017:

Fauci Says “No Question” Trump Will Face “Surprise Outbreak”.


January 20, 2017:

President Trump Takes Office.

Major scientists told the world Gain of Function research had no useful purpose and was a major risk. O'Vomit stopped it, and THEN financed it behind the scenes in China and 11 days before Trump took office reauthorized Gain Of Function research.

This is a Crime Against Humanity and demands justice be served!

This WAS THE PLAN TO REMOVE Trump in 2020...........

IT IS ALL COMING TO LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is not a stretch; it a truly logical view of the reality of high crimes by the Fraudsters, Fauci and Obama. Yes, they had a plan to destroy Trump and much of the world populace. Thank you,Russ. Too many people are not looking into this criminal setup.

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Thanks, Rex. I had read that one - which is on the exact same topic.

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Excellent article.... restores my hope for the future of health care! 🙏

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Thank you.

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"Mitochondria orchestrate the CDR by first detecting a threat and then switching from powering the cell to shutting it down to protect the cell from danger. Many complex illnesses result from a chronically sustained CDR that prevents the cells from their normal functionality."

What I find fascinating, is while precision medicine is being pursued by one group of medical researchers more than 100 different pharmaceutical labs around the planet are manufacturing mRNA vaccines providing a "one-size fits all" approach to curing disease.

So where does the future of biomedicine lie? Is it in actually curing diseases or as a DOD tool for controlling populations? Or, maybe the answer ultimately depends on whether you're traveling through life in a first class compartment as opposed to steerage.

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". . . providing a "one-size fits all" approach to curing disease."

What a sick joke! The LNPs THEMSELVES are unacceptably toxic! And ANY genetic drug (mRNA injection) will invariably trigger an autoimmune response against any and all organs that will be increasingly devastated over time. These drugs are KILLERS and CANNOT be made safe! The entire concept/platform is a FAILURE and MUST be immediately and permanently HALTED! It is probably impossible to drive the body to produce billions/trillions of foreign proteins without autoimmune consequences. What these drugs are doing is in effect turning self into NON-self, just as if all of a person's organs had been TRANSPLANTED from somebody else! Now the shot recipient is in virtually the same situation as someone who got an organ transplant and will have to take anti-rejection drugs for life (and will be highly vulnerable to infections). It just so happens that it was sheer IGNORANCE of basic immune function that made scientists think that this genetic manipulation could ever work. Now we know that it does not and probably CANNOT.

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The mRNA injections should stop, but none of the COVID criminals were held accountable so they're brazenly building hundreds of mRNA production facilities around the planet.

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You are absolutely right. They WILL NOT stop, until they are STOPPED! It is their religion, to destroy humanity. Conning people into accepting deady bioweapon shots by calling them "safe and effective" "vaccines" is their latest Satanic ploy. They seem to get off on being outright evil and seeing how far they can "pull the wool over the eyes" of the dumb Sheeple.

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Right, under the guise of the "speed of science". Just put whatever pathogen is needed inside some LNPs and "shoot it straight into the veins of little kids" as Bill Gates said. No need for that long-drawn out process of growing stuff in eggs. Chickens produce CO2, don't ya know?!?

The entire vaccine industry is built on a foundation of sand. We need to be the tide that washes it away, bringing the entire house of cards DOWN!

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Yes, the pharmaceutical industry is operated like a gangster-like cartel.

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context... be nice

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Great summary. I had read a bit about CDR before - but this article nicely explains a lot I did not know about CDR and how it can lead to many health issues and why certain things help some people with CFS. Reminds me of a book I just ready "The Clot Thickens" that explains a similar theory for heart disease with many possible things causing damage to the epithelium and that being the trigger for the deposits inside the artery linings and hence narrowing and making heart attacks more likely.

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Thank you.

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I just finished that book as well. Further confirms the statin scam.

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Yes, "The Clot Thickens" is a very good book that I also highly recommend.

Vitamin C is super important in cardiovascular health because it contributes to the strength/structure of arteries and helps to prevent the weakness that can initiate lesions of the endothelium, the beginning of plaque formation to "plug up" the damaged spots.

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An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. I am totally into the spiritual (never joined any religionus organization) and would never have taken the lousy injections. I don't go along with the thinking of mankind, which has totally lost its connection with our Source. The only one who has answers is our Creator. Hosea 4:6 "My people perish through lack of knowledge, because you have rejected (my) knowledge I will also reject you." Who has the knowledge? Where did Solomon get his wisdom? Our world is on the brink of destruction right now...and in order to survive...needs to get back to basics. Those who seek the truth. have to do their own research. Truth is simple...health is within the hands of every human. Check out Hippocrates...2600 years ago he knew more than many educated doctors knows today. Truth is simple. Lies are complex.

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Yes but lies are comforting and soothing

As the truth is cold, brutal and discomforting

The truth table has <5%!! Of the people

The other comforting lies table of bread and circuses is full with happy dumb people cutting into the line with western entitlement

This is

Another truth to swallow.

In 10th grade this dude told me I was smarter than my teachers.

To me he was just a psychologist on adderal giving me another test.

He said most of the world would be hard to relate to. He was so


After seeing the cruel “othering “ behaviors of the mass formation psychosis behaviors of the herd

You need to realize less than 5 % will “get it”

The numbers speak for themselves

99% juice rate in Australia

That was the ultimate IQ test

We saw Dunning-Kruger on steroids

We saw the aush line experiments emphasized

We saw The Stanford prison experiments

The Milgam experiments all proven fact

Most don’t want to know

Many can’t understand

Other can’t get past cognitive biases

Knowing much truth is a lonely calling

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"National turtling" as quoted from the Brownstone Institute.

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I have been following Naviaux's work for a while. In the late 90's I was disabled with CFS. Every latent virus the tested me for had activated/re-activated; I also detoxed poorly and developed severe cognitive impairment from toxins (mercury, fluoride.) The root cause for me was mold. I genetically don't remove mycotoxins well and was clearly in CDR3. (My push into that may have been triggered by a Hepatitis vaccine, and didn't have another vaccine until Covid.) After removing the mycotoxins with binders, I recovered from CFS and all the other issues and have been well for a decade.

After much pressure I had 1 Pfizer shot, felt terrible for a few months with what seemed to be EBV re-activation, then developed a very aggressive cancer. Fortunately I only got the one shot, and so far the cancer appears to have been localized to the tumor and I haven't shown signs of metastasis.

You didn't mention hormones, specifically thyroid. The authors of "The Thyroid Debacle" clearly lay out the application of CDR to thyroid disease. Most view thyroid as being master controlled centrally by the HPT, when in fact it is individual cells in CDR which are rejecting the thyroid they are being given, in an attempt to slow down and recover. Giving thyroid replacement when you have cellular hypothyroidism due to CDR is counterproductive. Given your interested in CDR you may be interested in reading that book.

Of course the most interesting part of the CDR is what causes the body to get stuck between phases. If we can figure that out that will be a game changer. The doctors I know that are treating chronic illness (and now long Covid with the same techniques) are finding best success using things like peptides and LDN to modulate the immune system, rather than the old focus on trying to kill pathogens. Detoxing and re-wiring the CNS (limbic/vagal systems) also seem to be critical.

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Thanks! I think it will be much easier to figure out how to unfreeze the CDR as opposed to knowing exactly why some people get stuck in it.

A lot of people who work with thyroid touch on that issue with the T3/reverse T3 issue, but I wanted to keep this from being too long.

Note: I'm not actually sure if it's abbreviated at the CDR, I just did that to make the writing flow better in the article.

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Yes: Polyvagal theory seems to explain a part of many physiological disruptions.

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While mold is, mercury and fluoride aren't toxins. They're elemental. (And I don't mean earth, air, fire and water.)

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☝️You sir are a fucking idiot.

Go put a gram of mercury combined with aluminum and Floride in your eye 👁️ if you have one

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Neo, can we please be a little nicer? SaHiB obviously doesn't know that many (inorganic) elements are toxins, but being ignorant is not a crime. We all have our shortcomings!

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It’s a chatbot

They don’t have feelings

Humans aren’t this stupid

Does it really pass your turring test?

My Apophenia says no

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My what test???

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This explains so much! Thank you for the detailed explanation and for giving me some hope for healing ❤️‍🩹 I really appreciate your hard work and I look forward to hearing how to treat myself! Not only do I have reactivated EBV but I have parasympathetic excess and sympathetic withdrawal, extreme fatigue and pain that all seems like what you’re describing. 🙏🏻

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the polio virus scam explained....http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO12July2022.php

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Jun 24, 2023Edited
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My mother fell and got a rug burn. Notice people have to be walking to fall.

Nursing home ambulance took her to the hospital .

They seruptitiously gave her a TDAP in the hospital after I as her court appointed guardian said absolutely no biologicals

I went into to see her the next day

She couldn’t walk or talk.

The doctors lied and said they only gave her ibuprofen

I found the billing code for TDAP down in billing

The doctors wrote down encephalopathy

She was the mayor of the city

But the attorneys said no way I could win. This state covers for their doctors “practicing “ mistakes

She never recovered and had to be moved to a much more expensive home with much more care before she died holding my hand

I was paying $150000.00 outta pocket per year after the TDAP shot to keep her alive

Go ahead and look into Maxine induced polio making a nice comeback

I hate cult Doctors

I hope we see Nuremberg 2.0

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It is hard to believe that a polio shot could have worked that fast. In this AGE of Deception and Real Conspiracies just about everywhere, we must remember that there ARE still some actual coincidences left!

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The Stress of Life. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956, ISBN 978-0070562127

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Anything that goes against the C industrial complex is suppressed.

People have been healing c with simple cheap approaches since the 1930s that I know of

I have a lady pulling up w neck tumors

She will have a good progress report

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Positive thinking helps☝️

She just left.

She had current MRI scans of her neck tumor and sure enough there’s a significant reduction of the neck tumor in the imaging

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I have come to the conclusion that perhaps 75% of the successful reversal of a cancer is based on ENERGY and mental processes/the subconscious belief systems. Energy being affected at ALL levels: microvoltage of the cell, plus qi/chi/prana energy of chakras/acupunture meridians, including "spiritual" energy/vibrational frequency.

"Physical energy" related to nutrient levels, health of mitochondria and the efficiency of the electron transport chain, function of cell membranes and receptors, etc. account for the other approximately 25%.

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Oh yeah

I pray for these people for them to heal with all the help they can get

I said a prayer with the lady with neck tumors today

I’m a hard bastard.

But I still 🙏 pray


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Haha I just got a text from her today saying the t umor is shrinking

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You are very insightful.

There’s much more happening in the body , mind and spirit than we are told.

I’ve seen Japanese healing centers heal tumors with their words and a group of people holding their hands over the patient in real time while chanting the word Auwsu in Japanese with MRI monitors on to document the healing power of human intention.

I absolutely know that these anti parasitics and simple plants and vitamins 🌱 are having a huge anti tumor and anti cancer effects on these people.

I saw an MRI today of a ladies neck tumors with significant improvement.

She has 500k tic tok followers

The word will get out eventually

I’ve never had social media.

We would be living in the age of Newton if Einstein had face book and Twitter

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Maybe Einstein would have been smart enough to know that social media was designed to screw with people! Lol!

I'm not on either. Substack Comments can be bad enough! But at least they can be highly educational.

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Substack is honestly a mental respite from from constantly reading quantum mechanics, particle physics and materials research papers

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The word they said in Japanese to heal their patients sounded like auwsu or awe sue

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I suppose it might be more the intention than the actual word.

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I told the class I was in that the video could have been CGI as well🥳

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Thank you

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Great article. Reading about protein misfolding reminded me of some blogs I read long ago about trehalose, a sugar that apparently helps proteins fold properly as well as encouraging autophagy. Fortunately they are still online with the references.



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Thanks! Have you read about tardigrades?

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I just did. Fascinating.

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