Intramuscular injection for an upper respiratory viral infection is next to useless. It cannot stimulate adequate mucosal and thus cellular immunity.

The premise that we are born defective and require the injection of diseases and toxins to acquire or maintain good health is ludicrous and defies all common sense and logic. It is the terrain, both inner and outer, that determines our good or bad health.

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indeed. and healthy soil that grows healthy food. without poisons sprayed on ground and veggies and animal feed. without injections for cattle and fish. Back to 100+ years ago before rockefellers and co decided we needed poisons so they could fill their pockets even further. before gates and co decided that we are too much and must be eliminated

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I'm reading "the intelligent gardener" by Steve Solomon and plan to implement his methods this spring. It's about growing nutrient dense foods by soil testing and amending your soil.

It is very interesting and thought id share if anyone else here is into growing their own food.

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thanks for the tip ! I have read Wendell Berry and Masanoby Fukuoka on farming and gardening and hope to find this book too

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Fukuoka is next on my list :)

I will have to check out Berry.

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Take a look at what Homesteaders are doing for their crops. Something to note, I'm old enough to remember when milk tasted better. Then Holstein dairy became the #1 cow, it was bitter, and the larger globules were harder to digest, over the Jersey/Guernsey dairy cows we grew up with. I was forced to drink it till I left home, never have since. Get my calcium from supplements. And have to agree that the Heavy metal toxins in ALL FOOD, are not good for you. Not even some natural ones. Carrageen is a seaweed, thickener, heavily used in baby, and dairy products, and will give GASTRO patients hobble GERD. Since it's 'natural it doesn't have to be listed. The same goes for the KETO stuff.

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Jersey cows are important because they have A2 milk.

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All goats are A2 as well.

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We are fortunate in Aus & NZ - we can buy pure A2 milk. They've spoken of expanding it to US, but I don't know how far it's gotten.

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Everything old is new again :) I just started getting milk from some jersey cows down the road and am starting my own homestead. I describe the fresh Jersey milk as "Luxury milk." Especially with the amount of cream I get off the top, well worth the price.

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It's a blessing to have local access to raw jersey milk!

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Few people need calcium supplements. Diet generally has plenty. Magnesium (malate or citrate) is much more important to supplement. Maybe potassium too.

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For me it was essential. I've reversed OP back to Ostepina with just Vits/Mins, the drugs were terrible. Just the hips still have more than I'd like, but that was 3 years ago.

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was talking to an old time butcher who said that he always use to see a sheen of minerals around the organs when butchering cows, but not since the 6's and 70's...I knew what he was talking about, its like an oil slick with the iridescent purples and blues and greens, because I get it on my tinctures, basically you can see the copper and zinc etc coming from the mineral rich herbs.

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@Gail Honadle

“The same goes for the KETO stuff.” To what KETO stuff are you referring?

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Any Keto food, but especially commercial made. Chrons and Celiacs especially. Our dietary needs differ from those without digestive diseases. Mine is Gastroparesis, the Vagus nerve was damaged from a fall.

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Ah ok I missed the context, you were talking about those with gastro issues.

Keto products I agree aren’t good for anyone. Sourcing high fat from a good source is important such as real olive oil, grass fed cows, etc.

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No one over the age of, say, four, should drink milk. All you "naturists" should understand "nature's" purpose for milk (hint for the obtuse: IT'S FOR BABIES). Oh, and if any of you "naturists" agree, but then eat cheese, then you're hypocrites. Cheese is--oh my god--100% man-made!

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I have enjoyed the pleasure of all forms of dairy my entire life. I am 56. You may live to 120, denying yourselves the gift of great food, and I may die at 56 having enjoyed the moment. I have been present (as in being a very good dad) for my children and now very present and involved with my grandkids. I have been present and faithful to my wife. And I am present for myself. I would rather die of a heart attack making love to my wife or climbing a mountain rather than live for 120 years and not to have lived at all. And this is not advocating overindulgence. I am grateful to God for such an amazing world full of the most wonderful things.

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Lead arsenate and other nasties were already in long use. Hey, Cover The Earth! (Sherwin-Williams paint company was the primary supplier.)

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And the saddest thing… even if the orchards now adopt organic practices… if the trees were ever sprayed… it’s in the soil and trees and the apples and apple juices are still testing positive for these chemicals -decades later

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I've covered that before but I didn't feel it was applicable here since that the intramuscular injections they have received were for diseases besides RSV.

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I considered vaccines to be at least one disease in a vial pre-covid. I wondered why formaldehyde was listed as an ingredient in a flu vaccine I looked at a couple of years ago. A substance that has been used in the embalming of dead bodies. If I understand things correctly regarding vaccines, and I think I do on this respect. Depending on the substances in the vaccines. They can be either used for healing diseases and/or minimizing suffering; or they can be useful for spreading, or accelerating death and disease.

And if anyone with no knowledge in chemistry can arrive at this conclusion. Chemists and people knowledgeable in chemistry Im sure are totally aware of my conclusions on the matter. And those we are not hearing from on this truth will keep their mouths closed. Their jobs and their lives are a stake. No doubt of that on this end.

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I would argue its because preservatives are put in everything (e.g. nitrites in meat), which both prevent bacteria from growing and are toxic....and there is a general lack of thinking on the scientific field's part that if something can serve as a preservative to living organisms it may not be the best for the human body.

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Intramuscular injection for an upper respiratory viral infection is ... not entirely useless! It is a boon for big pharma precisely because it is medically useless. We must not forget the ground zero of this whole useless mess: Saving Private Pharma, a new film by Steven S. to be released soon. Does BigPharma need saving? I believe the logical answer is YES:


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Big pharma needs to commit suicide.

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Drugs (though not the best) for tetanus are available. Dunno about shingles. AMD seems to think UVBI efficacious against rabies. Gotta love you put your Myers-Briggs personality type in your profile.

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To be more precise, UVBI is the ONLY thing I have ever found besides the rabies vaccine which can potentially treat rabies. There is a difference between it's a definitive treatment verses its an option.

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Dang AMD,

Rabies vaccine? Wow, guess that you have NEVER read anything about the fraud of Pasteur. Where is the logic of injecting some toxic crap in the name of preventing harm from a bite that might introduce toxic matter into the bloodstream?

As a child, I endured three deep puncture wounds from dog bites. Obviously, my jaw was locked for three years, and I died of starvation and was sent to the sanitarium for my mental illness. Oops, I forgot - I did nothing, and the wounds healed.

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Why did the dog have a mouth full of horse manure? That's how you get tetanus!

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Dear SaHiB,

Can you share some literature on that? Thanks.

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I only knew about that by word of mouth, so here's the first Bing search hit (you can search further with your favorite search engine):


"Clostridium tetani bacteria, thrive in soil contaminated by horse and cow manure and are ever present in the typical horse environment." (So, I suppose cow manure as well. I'm quite certain my grandfather's family had cows.) "Clostridium tetani bacteria, thrive in soil contaminated by horse and cow manure and are ever present in the typical horse environment."

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Mine in INT/FJ

Give me an exam, you'll talk to the INTJ. Give me a live human being and a moral or emotional life choice, it's the INFJ that wins!

Meyers-Briggs is fascinating. 👏

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We must congregate to Substack; at least to AMD and similar. Too bad Wicked Pedophilia ruined the M-B articles. (They once had an individual article for each of the 16 major groups. Might be on the Wayback Machine; I haven't checked.) Must be closer to politics and Big Pharma than to giraffes.

While I may put a few words in their mouths, Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers showed why mass delusions are so prevalent. 90% of people have allowed themselves to be persuaded to be S Myers-Briggs types, and at least half SJ. Religions generally push their congregants towards ESFJ, though will tolerate small numbers of I and T.

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Those who can see further than others, I presume?

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Perhaps. I saw something about WP's biases. Can't recall the example bad topic, but it said WP is fine if you want to know about giraffes. (Actually, anything esoteric, or at least not socially or politically important.)

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Thanks. To me though, Giraffes see further than most all land animals and are pretty tough. You don't want to mess with a Giraffe! Also they have huge hearts.

So I do consider myself slightly Giraffe-like, but socially and politically relevant none-the-less.

; ))

Of course mainstream would denigrate the species, calling them irrelevant.....as they do anything and anyone truly connected into the amazing world around us, imho. It's certainly not the "relevance" they seek.

BTW, for the lovers of Nature out there, watch "Animal Communication, Full Documentary" on Rumble or YouTube, if you can find it, with Anna Brietenbach. (I think.)

Will blow your mind.

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Nov 21, 2022
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I did say the drugs may not be ideal. Anti-tetanus immunoglobulin, also known as tetanus immune globulin (TIG), sounds promising, but I'll leave commentary to AMD. A grandfather had tetanus around 1900. He said they had to pry his mouth open with a crowbar. My point was, all vaccines have side-effects, though some more so than others. I listed those diseases (2 frequently lethal) for which vaccines seem to be the preferred treatment. Community spread may be the best "vaccine" for shingles.

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Dear SaHiB:

The PRIMARY reason that anyone had seizures and or could not open their mouth is that they were harmed by "smallpox vaccines."

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He didn't tell me whether he'd had a smallpox vaccine. This was about 1900, in Ephraim (small town) Utah. I strongly suspect his family had horses.

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So true! Only the misinformed and fear-mongered will choose to believe otherwise.

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Ok, well some of your philosophical argument is correct, but your premise seems to be that health is a relationship only with nature. But it isn't, not anymore. It may not even be mostly so. Most of our bad "diseases" in the last 500+ years are a mutation from man's filthy, brutish manipulation of nature for whatever selfish reasons. Now, it's too late to go back to nature; society is stuck with manufactured cures to manufactured ills. Seriously, ma'am, should we just let arson-lit forest fires burn because it can happen in "nature"? Sadly, though, this cycle is all too easy to leverage into pure evil. Thanks to the Scamdemic, we now know just how cynical and maniacal BigPharma is: they literally invent disease in order to sell the cure. Not unlike the virtual disease industry, that is, computer viruses. Who do you think writes that code? 14-year-old high school dropouts who all look like Matthew Broderick? Or maybe...NATURE? (But I digress). Anyway, don't worry, ma'am, I'm never taking the Clot Shots; but it's not because, um, I'm a naturist. It's because I saw the scam from a million miles away! 90% of the planet did not. That percentage of "stupid", by the way, is a naturally occurring ratio in every gene pool. So we should probably stop wasting trillions of tax dollars annually trying to educate the genetically predisposed to be stupid--in that regard, I agree with your "harmony with nature" philosophy.

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Yes, they invented a number of diseases in order to sell the cure--many shots over the past 25 years or so; this cynical approach to medicine that goes back to Rockefeller/Flexner and probably beyond. There are some drugs where the benefit clearly outweigh the costs, but as Gary Null and others have demonstrated, modern medicine is one of the leading causes of death in the US., if not when they are all totalled up, THE leading cause.

I once made a chart once of the main categories of disease, and the drug "remedies." Anti-inflammatories, anti-this and anti-that in one column, and their main "side effects" of each class of drug in the second. These drugs are largely attempts to suppress by interfering with particular biochemical pathway(s). At best they trick the body and provide temporary relief, pushing the imbalance down--but like whack-a-mole, it comes up somewhere else, and the true cause is never sought out no less addressed.

What struck me was how the major side effects of each category of drug often include the dis-ease itself. Anti-cancer chemo and radiation cause cancer and so on. I saw this pattern across the breadth of allopathic medicine.

They program you with fear of death and disease, and their white coats we are taught to revere like demi-Gods. (The providers are programmed as well, except for those exceptional ones who lift their heads up and accept the truth around them). You go in and because what they do doesn't resolve the cause, you become a long time drug customer. Drug interactions are poorly researched, especially when you get beyond two drugs, so you not only get side effects, but toxic chemical interactions. When seniors are taken off all their meds, their cognitive issues suddenly melt away.

One of the more deplorable things I see is "I guess we need to increase the dose." As Peter Breggin documented over and over, people put on psych meds find their situation got worse, as caused BY the drug, and often the psychiatrist et al will say, I guess we need to adjust the dose higher. The rebound effect if the person decides to go off that med becomes worse. What this does to people's minds--you see the clear connection that Pharma never wants to admit that these drugs are behind so many of the mass public shootings--how many other murders of a single person, which don't draw as much attention have the meds as a contributing factor.

True evidence based medicine would probably eliminate 95% of all medications, and if they were honest, the use of drugs would be replaced by cooking classes, gardening classes, exercise classes...and I agree with you, the hole has been dug deeper with bioweapon/Gain of Function research. But people are so habituated to the doctor being the only one who can save them, they see no where else to turn.

The secret is, turn away from toxic medicines and learn how to foster health in your own body. It's work, but the payoff is health, the ability to hold down a job, joy, more creativity, and a stronger connection with the life force.

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Nov 21, 2022
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I would be honoured to read your paper.

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Prove you wrote it.

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thank you for explaining it in plain English. Like Gwyneth I would love to read the whole story

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Nov 22, 2022
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I replied to someone else's post regarding a paper they had written. I, myself, have not written a paper.

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IMO a factor for the decrease in strength of the immune system is also that the lymphocytes are too busy destroying the body-cells that produce spike to prevent infection with viruses.

Arne Burkhardt found large numbers of lymphocytes in nearly every tissue when he did autopsies on vaccinated people, even when their last shot was half a year ago.

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That is very possible. I put that under immune dysregulation because this makes sense to me, but I'm not sure how to "prove" that would cause immune suppression.

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As someone who worked for a medical distributor for 20+ years I can tell you I sold 2 boxes of flu test kits in 2020. I typically sell over 1,000 so the fact remains the vast majority of POL’s simply weren’t testing for influenza.

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This doesn't surprise me. I was working in a clinic and they wouldn't let us test for influenza. The director said that they were testing inpatients. Since they weren't finding any positives in the inpatients their conclusion was that there was none in the community. We didn't even have the reagents so the only way to test was as a send-out and that was discouraged. No testing=no cases.

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Added these to the article!

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Had a coworker go to the hospital because he had a fever. They tried to intubate him and out him on a vent because it was most definitely COVID. He fought them until a doctor relented and tested him for other stuff.

Stage 3 lung cancer.

How many flu and RSV patients did they do that to?…

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Wow that is scary.

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This will happen especially if unvaccinated. Presumed covid is enough since you are pureblood. Another vector of eliminating the control group.

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Nov 25, 2022
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Too much alcohol from Thanksgiving? You misunderstood my comment. Reading is fundamental.

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Nice discussion of the different possibilities!

I also wonder if the covid vaccinated mother's breast milk (which is now known to transfer the vaccine mRNA to infants)* is another contributor to the decline of the hematopoietic stem cells. So the youngest got hit with the decline of the HSCs because of their covid vaccinated mothers while they were in the womb. Then they get it again because of the breast milk.

I mean we don't even know the effects of the vaccine mRNA in the breast milk. Perhaps it's just another stressor for the baby which again is another load on their immune system. But cumulatively it becomes too much.

I also think the 'regular' shedding is still a possible contributor. I am a healthy covid unvaccinated man and I still notice the effects of shedding with every covid vaccine wave when I am in crowded public places like public transportation or a mall. The worst were associated with the first two doses last year, but when people were getting their 'boosters' recently, I encountered the same symptoms again. For me, the 'booster wave' symptoms were annoying but relatively mild, and easily treatable with 1g-2g of vitamin C and short-lived. But scale down to an infant's size, and the amount of exosomes they are inhaling may actually be quite huge relative to what they can handle. Especially if they are living with multiple family members who are all covid vaccinated.

*Reference for the breast milk study: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/jama-vaccine-shedding-in-breast-milk

*Reference for covid vaccine exosomes (see figure 2 chart E: https://journals.aai.org/jimmunol/article/207/10/2405/234284/Cutting-Edge-Circulating-Exosomes-with-COVID-Spike)

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I completely forgot that one. Will add it in. Thank you.

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There are honestly too many studies exposing the horrific side effects of these products to keep track of. Every week there is something new and worse. It's just an endless highway of disasters.

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Yup. And those of us with functional critical thinking skills knew it would be exactly that.

So then the question is, "are they that stupid or that evil!"

And then when you look at all the decade(s) if pre-planning, you go, "yes, they are that evil."

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Sadly that is a great way to hide from liability since if the liability is split in so many directions it's hard to prove any of it.

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The proof is in the pudding.

And the pudding is curdled, mouldy, and stenchly.

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Had a patient come in to get RX this week for medrol dose pack and asked him something I don’t now remember and he told me he was diagnosed with Ramsay-Hunt syndrome. Since I’ve only recently learned of this very rare diagnosis (thanks Justin) I immediately asked him if he had the Covid vax (no) or any vax recently (no). He admitted that everyone at the ER came and looked at him since it’s so rare. I’m now kicking myself for not asking him if he lives or works with people who are Covid vaxed. It can’t be a coincidence that we are now seeing these types of previously rare things more often can it?

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RFK Jr The Defender Podcast discusses this topic "Doctors Discuss RSV", many of these professionals come to the same potential reasons as outlined here. One of the guests mentions her husband is an ER Doc seeing children with extreme RSV which he had never seen before. Here's the show on Spotify if anyone is interested. Thanks again Doc for your contribution!


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Added this to the article!

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I had youtube CC ISSUE BEING SWITCHED TO BLACK THIS MORNING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BlOApH8z3k

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Have you seen the newest video by Prof Arne Burkhardt? (the pathologist who became famous for doing autopsies of suspected vaccine-deaths)

It is from September this year.


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Thanks, hadn't seen it.

Unfortunately the introduction is in German. Will try to access with subtitles.

Unfortunately only German subtitles are available when you click the "CC" function.

Found an interview with Laura Lynn Thompson though.

Arne Burkhardt, who came out of retirement to study this issue: in English.


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Easier to understand than the Mistletoe, Immunoregulation, Temperature and Cancer video. :( Talk about needing subtitles!

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If anyone wants to volunteer to subtitle it, I will happily reupload/post that version!

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That will require someone with better hearing (or amplifier/speaker system) than I have. I can understand the German Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt video. Has very clear audio. It already has subtitles; or did you want English translation?

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@AMidwestDoc. If you're talking about https://youtu.be/npTAchFzx0Q , it already has subtitles. Or, if you need it redone, I could possibly do it. If you want to reply to this, I'll receive the reply.

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Is there a version with English subtitles?

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Not that I was able to find anywhere.

This will help though. In English.


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The two of us came down with something this week that we haven't been able to identify. At first, it began with a bout of vomiting, aches, chillls and feverishness that was originally attributed to some bad oatmilk. After a couple of days, the other one got it, not having tasted the suspicious expired drink. Same pattern. Horrible aches, impossible to relax, praying to the porcelein god all night. That part ended after 2-3 days, but then gave way to a persistent sore throat, with occasional sinus irritation, and continued fatigue. These lingering symptoms continue after a week.

The symptoms respond well to even a small dose of IVM, which we've started to take with caution due to limited supply. This works well, but whatever-it-is returns the next day.

We're both unquaxxed, but this sickness coincides with an unusually prolonged menstrual cycle for the appropriate partner, similar to the suspected shedding incident from earlier last year. This is very unusual. So this has had us chasing our tail: did we get shed on again, food poisoning, stomach flu, RSV, or...what?

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Sounds like stomach flu to me.

Firstly, consult with a qualified physician.

Get an exam.

Google your symptoms with alternative search engine. I use duckduckgo.

Also: vitamins+minerals for immune sustenance.

Start reading. :)

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Duckduckgo aggressively censors "misinformation" now so it's no longer good for that. It started with the Ukraine war.

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I've had good luck with MetaGer search engine.


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I have not heard of that one. I will need to check it out!

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Medical/health stuff, too?

OK. I'll be careful.

Thanks for the heads up.

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Pardon, but there is no such thing as a "qualified physician" for the unquaxxed. In fact, where I live, there probably isn't one who wouldn't try to jab us.

An exam? For what? So they can say, "um, probably stomach flu" and prescribe a handful of meds?

And, thank, you, we have done plenty of reading. Strangely, no article explains why anyone would get a stomach flu and a prolonged menstrual cycle at the same time...

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Sometimes I don't do sarcasm properly.

Mea culpa.

Do lookup information, tho.

Be leery of Google as it censors actual facts. :)

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"Prolonged menstrual cycle after COVID jab";

"Immune depression after COVID jab".

Use multiple search engines.

"Vitamins/minerals/nutrition for immunity"

The answers are out there.

Just ask the Oracle. :)

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Nov 21, 2022
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Good point.

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Now that you mentioned vaccination against influenza, I am wondering whether anyone verified the correlation between covid complications/long covid in persons with long-term history of seasonal flu shots (and thereby destroyed immune systems)? After all, from the economic/industrial perspective, flu is same as covid -- a similarly benign respiratory infection, with disproportionately inflated numbers via PCR tests (this is why flu "disappeared" in 2020 -- it was never real to begin with, the numbers were always as fake as with covid, and those deaths which would normally be attributed to flu were assigned to covid instead), and a lot of profit in zero-liability vaccine sales. The only difference I see is that the equally useless influenza vaccine seems to be at least somewhat less harmful than the current generation of covid mutagens, but even that is now under question, on the long-term time scale.

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I saw a lot of things that suggested it.

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Thank you again for your thoughtful writing.

This information may explain why I was susceptible to suffering from long covid since the end of 2019. In the beginning of November 2019, I got the first of two Shingrix shots and a flu shot (my last one ever). Regretfully I did not know then what I have learned through much reading now.

Those shingle shots made me very sick for days. No wonder I couldn't fight off covid when it snuck in to infect me then. As a responsible mom over the years, I took my children to get their shots as per schedule thinking I was doing the right thing. I now repeatedly warn them (three are adults now) to never get any shots of any kind ever again.

Lay people like myself benefit so much from professionals like you who take the time to write down and share what you know with us. Thank you.

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I try to illustrate my thought process and show where I am uncertain rather than claiming I know the truth because I am a doctor.

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Can you go through your college medical books and mark which statements were true and false? Or can you at least estimate what percentage of statements were false?

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It is stunning to me beyond imagination that people cannot see what is going on here. There are so many assumptions that are accepted without question. So much information totally ignored. This is the information:

1. Deaths increasing dramatically since the vaccine including within the young and healthy

2. Covid not identified - ever.

3. Terrain theory totally unmentioned

4. The field of virology totally debunked - scientifically.

5. Viruses have never been proven to exist

6. The idea that flu is the body's way of ridding itself of damaged or poisoned cells.

7. The biological dangers of wifi radiation

8. The installation of millions of 5G cell towers all over the world

9. The inclusion of graphene oxide in the quackscenes (pardon my cynicism)

10. The similar effects of wifi radiation poisoning to flu conditions.

None of these factors are ever even mentioned let alone considered. Why the ignore-ance? What kind of a world are we living in when whatever is said is totally ignored? This is a world of ignore-ance and when ignorance becomes acceptable, then insanity prevails. I don't want this kind of world anymore, I want a world where we address someone when they speak. If there is a disagreement on a point, it is debated. Not never mentioned! Or banned. Or blocked. Or censored. This idea of censorship keeps us all down. It takes us down into the depths of despair and ignorance. It gives others dominion over ourselves for holding information at their discretion and information is absolutely key, for, not only our health, but also our evolution and awareness.

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some people make money from poisons. as long as that happens we will be poisoned

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And that has sadly been true since the dawn of time.

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Yes so why are people lining up to be poisoned? And why do they keep going to doctors and hospitals? Is this how the human gene pool cleanses itself?

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some people seem to like to go to doctors. I know several who spend 2 or 3 afternoons in doctor's offices. Always remember this sentence from Tolstoj, that people go to their doc if their priest is not doing his job.... if your soul is not at ease, your body cries out. I think one should only go in case of broken bones (and even then natural healing is better, but where to find a natural healer?) or things that need surgery, like appendicitis etc

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Don’t think the shattered ball of my femur would have healed on its own. I thought as you and Denise did until I was in an accident recently and required a replacement surgery. I was frightened but I appealed to God for protection as I had experienced fierce pushback on resisting the jabs. All in my small local hospital were kind and helpful. I only got a quick Covid test and wasn’t even asked about the jab. No masking. All my needs were catered to for my comfort. I received no bloods. Don’t let anger and suspicion harm you in unforeseen ways or make medical decisions in spite. But yes I don’t trust much now as well. Terrible crimes are being committed but I prefer to walk well at 74 into my future. Take care. Your comments are always cogent and heartfelt. Blessings.

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My experience has been that the small rural hospitals although having less impressive technology and prestige do a much nicer and patient focused/humanizing form of medical care.

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Yes. It is connected to a much larger system but I find the local part of the system here in my town “user friendly “ so to speak. I was surprised my surgery was done here and not the monster hospital closer to Chicago. I had probably the best orthopedic surgeon in the Chicago burb and beyond area. He’s busy! Ha. Have a wonderful Holiday Season, Doctor. I’m so grateful for so many people and more.

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Yes, "don't ... make medical decisions in spite." Excellent comment. Hard not to, though.

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But, if the crooked system didn't have a monopoly on various therapies, many more non-medical surgeons etc could be in business, and do a lot more for public health and much more affordably.

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in your case, Janet, that is one time you do need to go to a hospital ! and indeed, not all hospitals are the same. I have a fairly decent doc who respects my feelings about medical items.

I am not sure about our local hospital but there is one a bit further away, very small, that has a great reputation. Blessings to you too ! I hope you will walk well past 74 !

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Yes I'm so with you. People keep going to third parties to fix what is intrinsically a personal milestone waiting for them to cross, that will strengthens them. It's one thing to go to a doctor for broken bones (which like you, I probably wouldn't go to them for either) but to go to anyone to fix something that is intrinsically from within, that is part of our personal growth. It can never be healed from an outsider, thus the constant grasping for appointments and remedies.

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That is the power of social conditioning

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Copenhagen (and Patty Hearst) syndrome. I'll leave it to people like AMD, Igor Chudov, and Eugyppius to decipher why humans seem so susceptible.

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It's quite the challenge!

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So far I have only blocked one person on here and it was for a reason unrelated to any of the common controversial subjects.

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I salute you. Usually I am blocked. The only places I get to comment on are the ones that don't block. Because I don't mince words. I have two criteria for censoring - one is snitches - they either deal with me on an equal basis as I cannot compete with violence, or not at all. That's one time I will use censorship as that, and identifying them and/or ostracizing them, are the only solutions for them. Currently we don't like to identify them so it allows snitches to walk amongst us and enjoy more advantages than us who deal with people on an equal footing. Anyone who calls in a thug squad is reason to have nothing to do with. Of course the thug squad is always too ready to be of service to snitches. And second reason to censor - anyone who physically or financially threatens my livelihood. Never would I censor someone for challenging my opinions. That is infantile and unbelievably everyone is doing it except the very few. Whom I salute!! And you are one of us! I appreciate that you uphold freedom of speech. It will be fundamental to know who does soon, when all the chips are down. We will not know how else to trust anyone, because artificiality and virtual reality is close to reality. There are only those who uphold freedom of speech who will shine the path in the coming times.

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Doctors are 100% invested in the lie that is germ theory and that investment is killing them off. Once the vast majority are dead humanity will finally move past this doctor insanity

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Yes it is a very brilliant way of cleansing the gene pool. We really cannot have this level of ignorance in the human species. It not only endangers themselves but every human and even more - the very life on earth. What the schemers are planning to do to us is unimaginably heinous. And they need doctors and nurses to carry it out and police. But if people do not ask questions like what is in the quackscenes, then they won't know it's graphene oxide and they won't know what they are being swayed to do. They just go along. It's too dangerous for humans to "just go along". This is what has caused all the horrors in the past and now in the present. But this time, they will wipe themselves out. The ones who didn't take the poison dart are healthier and will withstand what is to come.

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It's a fact that toxic bacteria can be deadly. I addressed the issue of viruses as damaged genetic material a few posts back. I don't assume I'm infallible and I suggest that others do likewise, if they're not God.

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Viruses clean up damaged material. I can't go back in posts. But you can always quote parts of your works.

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@Denise. I disbelieve your claim that viruses have not been proven to exist. The entire human genome has been sequenced and it contains all of human DNA. We know DNA and RNA exist. We know that they code for the production of proteins etc. We know that they are capable of being damaged. It's likely that damaged genetic material is capable of being replicated. And such uncontrolled replication is likely to be harmful. Damaged genetic material is basically a virus. Therefore, viruses surely exist.

I have a paper called PROOF OF VIRUSES at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/publish/post/83110166 . It's not thorough so far, but it's a good start.

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Dear Len,

A what? Reason by analogy much? Just tell us HOW to isolate and purify a virus; then show, via inhalation, that said exogenous, material, is contagious, infectious, and pathogenic.


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We have all been played! I pulled my head out of the sand, now it is your turn!

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Why do you disbelieve that viruses are not proven? What is your reasoning? Did you watch the video I provided? Which part do you disagree with? You can't just say you disagree like you're pulling something out of your hat - you have to back up your statements otherwise it's just bloviation showing you simply have opinions. We all have them, but opinions need a sound basis for existing.

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No, I don't see a video link under your name. And I did give a link to part of my reasoning. I haven't seen any of your statements proving anything.

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Ahh my apologies, must have put it in another lot of comments. Here it is and there are plenty more videos backing this. Your link is inaccessible to me because it's a private substack.


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Okay. I'm checking it out.

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I noticed that the script narratived a disappearance of all ailments that weren't covid Flubah in 2020.

Round here the Flubah hit me and a few others all at same time, around the second jab pushed thru, and I mean we many got ill who were not injected.

I believe shedding is real and dangerous, while melatonin is safe therapy, and not yet demonized tooo

Gotta feel for the poor and often dead babies who " injected" breastmilk and died, we heard around the time gates of hatred Bill was pushing labbreastmilk

Finally, I am worried most about Depopulation.


War in nUkraine replaced scamdemic, remember. But that war is failing to change focus of dead injectees....


Many women are not conceiving who wanted to do so, babies if born are not making it...


They took out the old first, now the young.

Those of us who were able to question enough reality to be within it. , are gonna be left with the task of preventing the slavery of Womanity that seems to be the nearly achieved goal.

Regards from sf Killafornia

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About a year ago, the Australian Government corporation announced it had come to an agreement with Moderna to build a mrna plant in the State of Victoria. First in the southern hemisphere. They actually list rsv as something they will be doing, along with cv & influenza shots. The livestock sector is another lucrative market for them as the State of New South Wales has announced it aims to have animals jabbed against FMD by midway through next year.

It is a sad state of affairs indeed, & at this point it appears to be a runaway train, little chance of stopping it. Australia is one of the most heavily regulated countries in the world when it comes to health, both for humans & animals. What this really means is that we have been a corporate paradise for ages. Available for endless exploitation & harm, under the guise of "safety".


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Great point

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Question to Geert Vanden Bossche:

Children's hospitals in the USA are experiencing a major surge of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Parents are worried. It seems that the infectious disease specialists and other "experts" have little or no understanding as to why this is occurring. Why is this happening and should we be concerned? 


Although I do acknowledge the current surge in RSV cases, I don’t think it’s a critical priority. I’ve written several contributions on other epidemics/pandemics (including RSV) that I predicted to occur as a result of mass C-19 vaccination.

In my opinion, the reason for the surge is that vaccinees now serve as an asymptomatic reservoir for RSV and other viral infections.

Of course, the part of the population that has weakened or untrained innate immunity and is not vaccinated will suffer most from the higher infectious pressure caused by the C-19 vax’ed segments of the population (i.e., young children and elderly people). Furthermore, young children may start out developing asymptomatic infection due to their innate immune protection. However, re-exposure at a time where they’re still sitting on nonneutralizing polyreactive IgM (as a result of previous asymptomatic infection) may increase their susceptibility to RSV infection (due to IgM Ab-mediated enhancement of viral infectiousness) and is therefore likely to cause more serious disease symptoms. The likelihood of re-exposure to RSV shortly after the first asymptomatic infection increases with higher RSV infection rate and the latter increases with higher rates of asymptomatic RSV transmission which, in turn, is high in highly C-19 vaccinated populations.

So, both enhanced asymptomatic transmission and enhanced susceptibility to RSV subsequent to previous asymptomatic infection are linked to mass vaccination.


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Aggressive cancers following covid vaccinations are growing. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones with fenbendazole. Read the Case Reports here https://fenbendazole.substack.com

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Great article! RSV appears to have more plausibility than monkey pox as the next big germ…

In Canada, I do not recall ever having tested an adult for RSV. I do not know what the state of things is in the US, but would wonder if perhaps intensification of RSV testing has occurred in adults?

With regard to children, two datapoints: a peds RN observed a lot of RSV, several months too early; peds ICUs overcapacity (although not with intubations) in a couple of regions in Ontario, while adult ICUs are at usual level of busyness for time of year.

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Yes. It's very concerning...

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