No one over the age of, say, four, should drink milk. All you "naturists" should understand "nature's" purpose for milk (hint for the obtuse: IT'S FOR BABIES). Oh, and if any of you "naturists" agree, but then eat cheese, then you're hypocrites. Cheese is--oh my god--100% man-made!
No one over the age of, say, four, should drink milk. All you "naturists" should understand "nature's" purpose for milk (hint for the obtuse: IT'S FOR BABIES). Oh, and if any of you "naturists" agree, but then eat cheese, then you're hypocrites. Cheese is--oh my god--100% man-made!
I have enjoyed the pleasure of all forms of dairy my entire life. I am 56. You may live to 120, denying yourselves the gift of great food, and I may die at 56 having enjoyed the moment. I have been present (as in being a very good dad) for my children and now very present and involved with my grandkids. I have been present and faithful to my wife. And I am present for myself. I would rather die of a heart attack making love to my wife or climbing a mountain rather than live for 120 years and not to have lived at all. And this is not advocating overindulgence. I am grateful to God for such an amazing world full of the most wonderful things.
No one over the age of, say, four, should drink milk. All you "naturists" should understand "nature's" purpose for milk (hint for the obtuse: IT'S FOR BABIES). Oh, and if any of you "naturists" agree, but then eat cheese, then you're hypocrites. Cheese is--oh my god--100% man-made!
I have enjoyed the pleasure of all forms of dairy my entire life. I am 56. You may live to 120, denying yourselves the gift of great food, and I may die at 56 having enjoyed the moment. I have been present (as in being a very good dad) for my children and now very present and involved with my grandkids. I have been present and faithful to my wife. And I am present for myself. I would rather die of a heart attack making love to my wife or climbing a mountain rather than live for 120 years and not to have lived at all. And this is not advocating overindulgence. I am grateful to God for such an amazing world full of the most wonderful things.