The amount of your work that went into this piece doesn't go unnoticed - truly a terrific article

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Thank you. With things like this, I think it's important we get a quick response made to them rather than letting competing factions and misinformation settle in. I don't like criticizing anyone within the movement (e.g. those who don't believe in viruses) so I try to avoid doing it, unless I think it's needed and it can be done in a fair and understanding manner.

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Am I alone in thinking that the "Died Suddenly" creators' intention was to contrast the large blood clot in the beating heart segment with the fibrous clots shown by the embalmers? It wasn't skillfully presented that way, but it seemed to be the point.

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I may be wrong but that is how I interpreted that scene. As disturbing as that scene was to watch, I thought it was added to illustrate that clots do happen naturally and can be addressed without killing the patient. It was very clear that that "naturally" occurring clot looked nothing like the rubber pieces they spent the 30 minutes prior demonstrating.

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Even if so, clarity is so important.

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It's really unfortunate - the false piece included. I wonder how it made its way to the editors/producers? Given all the solid actual footage available. Thanks.

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agreed. from all the hundreds of athletes dropping dead in the field, they chose one who did not die (thankfully for him but very sad for the film makers). I am sure that, if they had asked any of the doctors who, like you MIdwestern Doc, have tirelessly and at great risk fought for truth, you would all have watched and corrected where needed.

I still think lots of people who see even a bit of it, will start to think, though, and others will discuss it. Any publicity is better than no publicity.

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"any publicity is better than no publicity" - i strongly disagree. people don't want to look stupid by forwarding false stuff.

i have a friend i've been working on for a long time, on the fence. he was forwarded a video, said he's finally red pilled, forwarded it around. turned out it was fake, he was embarrassed, and immediately went back to the blue pill. he will never, ever look at another piece of evidence, even peer reviewed. he dismisses EVERYTHING as conspiracy theory. it's easier to trust fauci, and his friends don't make fun of him that way.

integrity matters. stew peters has none.

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exactly... we have to cross check and recheck and verify everything and even then we're sometimes wrong.... I try to frontload any info I pass on with some statement to the effect -- I question everything everything everything, and here's just one more thing to think about, it could be false but is there a kernel of truth somewhere in there. I think one problem is people are getting very tired of anything covid... which is probably right where the globalists want us - weary.

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and those that got jabbed and just want to 'move on' are even worse. they won't examine anything at all, while we who have been staring at every word, will probably be wary of everything now.

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That is a really great way to articulate it.

I forwarded the Fauci documentary to friends, with a similar disclaimer. I said, do NOT buy anything (not unless you really really want to), and that I had misgivings about the producer Jeff Hays. He strikes me as an opportunist, and some of his previous work wanders off into conspiracy land. Nonetheless, the info in the documentary has been triple checked, and all the speakers are legit experts. And it worked!...the film red pilled a few of my liberal friends.

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He has NO integrity? None? If that is not an entirely true and verifiable statement then you are doing the very thing you battered Peters over. Or is impugning character not important? So, c'mon. Let's take a breath, correct errors where we see them and state what is true.

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Let's try this out and see how ridiculous it sounds:

"Stew Peters has a moderate amount of integrity. He's not man of integrity, but he has more than zero integrity. Maybe average or below average integrity. Therefore I highly recommend his content." Absurd.

In my world, when you *publish* something (like a snake venom video, or a blood clot video full of errors), and don't IMMEDIATELY retract, apologize, and correct errors when they come to light, then you don't deserve a platform.

I think you & I would probably agree, in principle at least, that ad hominem arguments should not be used. But I'm not attacking or ignoring his content based on his personality - I'm attacking his integrity based on his content. Publishing things that you know are false exhibits a lack of integrity, that's pretty much a dictionary definition. Or, as a journalist, if he's just lazy and doesn't check his sources, well I can't exactly call that a ringing endorsement either.

If you can show me his retractions I'm happy to revise my statement.

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Yes, the draw of collectivism is very strong for the collectivists. Unfortunately for them, that gene turned down a cul-de-sac in the early 21st century.

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well this is not false stuff. if it were just one item, like some clips from collapsing people, I would totally agree. I have not forwarded these unless I saw it from several angles, like the saudi speaker in Egypt and several news readers. I think the people you mention are the hopeless cases. I might be wrong, though. We will have to watch and see.

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Nov 27, 2022
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Agree -- I can't pass on anything from him or Ruby or Medej -- it's like clickbait. From the beginning I've looked at some of what they were stating and it just didn't hold up. The idea of the vaxxed having a MAC code would be an amazing accomplishment - how could you get a tiny MAC into each shot? How could you get 6 into one bottle? What if the needle took up all 6? It just defies logic. There are still people around me who have logic - they just don't have the right facts so their logic leads them down the path that the evildoers want. If I can plant a few of the right facts, via questions, then seeds are planted -- well maybe. I'm finding that as time goes on people hardening in their ideas, like cement hardening rather than workable soil.

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Have you tested scanning for MAC addresses in your office? I did, it was alarming.

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They are everywhere -- coffee maker, printer, thermostat

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the MAC code grows. It's not in the shot until it reaches the right temp & conditions to grow a nanochip & filaments.

I did test this at a recently dead section of cemetery (as I've heard others got results doing this), and only got a few nearby cars. So I don't have definitive proof.

I've seen vids of the growing nanobots though. Like seeing fibrin clots in the circulatory system, they are concerning. Still holding out for more proof - but taking precautions anyway. EM is the devil, I reckon.

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Yes. I have examples he and Jane doing this same type of thing elsewhere, like their talk show. Taking pictures or stories unrelated to covid and using them as a covid story. The bad thing is that as the doctor stated in this article it discredits the whole freedom health movemen things can just be easily debunked.

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Have you seen the work of Walter M Chesnut? "My Current Assessment of SARS-CoV-2: It Is One Of Ralph Baric's Experimental Congestive Heart Failure Coronaviruses That Was Being Further Researched In Wuhan" https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/my-current-assessment-of-sars-cov

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Great job ! Great timing !

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Does it look like the clotting is going to occur in essentially all vaxed individuals?

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Depends on batch

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No one knows because no one has followed up everyone to check.

I suspect quite a few have clots..maybe the majority, but as Dr. McCullough says, it is sub clinical...can't be found without hard looking. I suspect also that individuals vary depending on the composition and quality control of the specific vial...but one thing I do know, no one practically speaking can say what will happen in future. Today we know about blood clots/heart attacks/thrombycytepenia/embolisms, and we also are seeing Turbo cancers emerge. We do NOT know long term if the jabbed will develop auto-immune disease, or other effects, like shortened life-spans...because never before have we tracked any vaccine/jab past 10 years. WE KNOW the polio stuff we drank as kids develops into cancer in later life....we know from Dr. Judy Mikovitz that a murine leukemia virus has polluted most of our blood supply from all the rest of the jabs they insist kids have before entering school...but what we do NOT know would fill the world. And it is going to.

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And can I gently remind anyone that the experimental period for this jab lasts at least until this coming March 2023?

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And have any been tested _scientifically_ and legally (Nuremberg Code) by even the scam vaccine approval rules, NO! All vaccines, even "approved" ones, are effectively experimental because no vaccines have been _scientifically_ proven to work and be safe, despite mass propaganda otherwise. Any approval will be an obvious fraud, and any attempt to mandate, or otherwise coerce, acceptance of any vaccine will be a crime. Simply refuse to sign/approve (accepting a contract) for anything related to accepting a vaccine, stating that it violates the Nuremberg Code, including for not supporting fully informed and willing consent.

It has been discovered that mortgages (contracts) are effectively void if not signed by both sides, in person, at the same time, despite corrupt court staff obstructing challenges to mortgage validity when this has clearly not occurred. This qualification may well apply to all contracts, and all assumptions of de facto consent to contract are probably fraudulent because of this. Contracts can also be legally voided if onerous (unreasonable) content is found and challenged.

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No argument here. No vaccine has been tested for more than 10 years, and never against a placebo. No aluminum has ever been tested for harm...they just use the amount you can swallow and apparently it will pass through. Totally different than shooting it into your bloodstream.

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Judy Mikovitz is an unrepentant virologist, so although helpful in raising concern pre-C19-vaccine, is useless for describing the harm of vaccines, because viruses are such obvious BS! Virology looks like a cover for chemical, and possible genetic, weapons development, with most researchers probably being useful idiots. Most/all harm from vaccines probably comes from these deliberate weapon capabilities. What was so bad about the C19 vaccines was the use of new experiment ingredients, including possible genetic modifiers, which are far more dangerous.

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Can anyone connect our good doctor here w kirsch or Peter's or others.

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I found this via an article Kirsch linked to. So he knows.

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Steve Kirsch is in the documentary. And yes, he also made a substack post asking readers to comment on the doc.

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Sadly, Vimeo only appears to only allow access to that "NOT YET RATED" excerpt video when logged in, and I'm reluctant to create any new login unless I see a significant need.

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I suspect that people who look to Google or the Trusted News Initiative to fact check Died Suddenly are not the people who are going to watch Died Suddenly.

The people who watch Died Suddenly probably already know people who have died or been injured, and have already realized that Google and TNI and (misnomer) MSM are lying.

So these people will be where a lot of us were a long time ago: sifting through lots of conflicting information.

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Yup. It's always about how this affects the people in the middle. The brightside is that this is likely to interest a lot of people who were on the fence about the subject because it's designed for shock value and grabbing attention, but I'm not certain its the attention we want.

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Do you know what got me off the fence back in 1988? A book by the late Eustice Mullins entitled "Murder By Injection, the Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America". And for that matter, today, the world. I figure that the Terrain Theory is correct and that the Rockefeller backed medical mafia institution is there for one purpose. PROFIT. Well people don't make for good customers.

As for "Died Suddenly", my wife asked what I thought people who have BEEN vaccinated will think about it. Needless to say, they will be praying that it isn't true.

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My friend knew Mullins. It was a very different world years ago when people were first trying to bring attention to all these issues.

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"People who have BEEN vaccinated" - Oh, like me?

The "me" who ended up in ER with a pulmonary embolism (PE) just about 5 months to the day after having been vaccinated (under threat of termination by my employer if I refused)? The "me" who was on 35000 units of heparin a day for 3 days? The "me" who was "|-|" - that close to needing surgery for the PE?

Pretty ticked off and wondering who I can sue, given that the pharma companies have immunity. Wondering just how long I'm going to have to stay on blood thinners and anticoagulants.

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I would be angry too! When my sister had a PE (maddening story w/ incompentent drs) I was surprised to be told that the blood thinners do not dissolve clots - the body does that. The meds are to prevent more. I'd be going to a trusted alternative doc or following the great docs doing the long covid treatments - it's not something one can do on their own. Were you aware the lawsuits against companies have started? I believe it's getting close to 1000 but moving slowly. Sorry I don't have the link but I think it's on Jeff Childers Coffee & Covid.

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I think Tess Lawrie has a few as well. There is a link in one of her substacks to another doc who does long covid treatment.

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It's sad when people don't stand up as individuals against such treatment, because everyone suffers in the end.

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Prove fraud, and their immunity goes away.

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Keep in mind we don't have to go from one extreme to another... you can have both germ and terrain. If the terrain is top notch, the germs don't do much to ya.

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i think you are right. if you are healthy (the terrain clear) the virus won't harm you. but when you are not you get sick. That does make sense doesn't it ?

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Makes sense to me - but what do I know? I'm not an "expert"... lol I do know that I caught everything going around for years.... then found out my D was at 11.... once I got that up I rarely catch anything and if I do it's gone in 24hrs.

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may be we are the experts because we learned to listen to our own bodies. Yes now and then a doc comes in handy, but people who trust their health and life to a doc are not the smartest imo

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Me too!

Next is Vitamin C, iodine and Selenium.

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that is a great book. I bought it after one of the substackers, maybe even you, wrote about it. Lot of the people in it are no longer there but still very worth while reading. Before that I had read dissolving illusions and that too is worth reading.

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Another great book from past is “The Poisoned Needle” by Eleanor McBean. A real Eye Opener.

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How can we help you get your excellent substack out about these clots so we can stop the madness? Can we connect you to the producers.? What would you like to see happen? We can't just ignore your points...

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"but I'm not certain its the attention we want."


There is not a "we".

That's the giant elephant in the room.

There is no cohesive and unified idea of what this mythical "we" even is.

There are disparate factions on Jabs Bad Island. A we this does not make.

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There is also no "we" in die hard The Beatles fans. Some of them might like different songs more, or one band member over another. Some might believe that Paul is dead, and think anyone not believing it is a total moron.

Yet something ties them together - to different effect in different scenarios, but there is a tendency.

I.o.w. this goes for everything. Perhaps even Catholics.

When the squads of forced inoculators come, the "no viruses!" people around you might actually fight with you (the real ones, not the topic tarnishing trolls), because all else is a lot less relevant in that scenario.

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There's no reality behind an ideological or class-based 'we' identity.

There is a genetic one though. :)

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The apparent self-conception of e.g. nobility vs. underlings would seem to contradict that notion.

Similar with people shouting "Alloha Snackbar!" or something, which are not strictly ethnic (but also not free from it as the pol correct of today like to make it seem).

If there is genetic hardware to make you realise a "we" based on looking similar, why not also from having similar ideas making you feel similar.

After all, this is never absolute, but maximally expressed in the presence of "the others", providing a clear contrast and lines of demarcation. Lacking those, the Alloha Snackbar slit each other's throats as much as those who have same skin tone and hair growth.

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Perception doesn't necessarily align with reality.

Nobility only has historic legitimacy if their subjects are the same ethnicity.

The Shia Snackbar may convert to Wahabi but the reality of what he is hasn't changed.

The ideas you carry may change.

Only ethnicity is identity. That is what you are.

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I seriously doubt anyone will watch the film other than people who were already against the vaccine. You don't find certain segments of the population venturing onto the Rumble platform or conservative news sites which are the only places the film is being shown.

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Nah. I am pro vaccine and I watch all of the right wing documentaries hoping to find 'the truth.' I know about Big Pharma corruption, I know about the history of scientists being paid by corporations to make bunk claims to sell their products. I want the truth. And the fibrous blood clots was the most compelling part of the documentary. But, the author is 100% correct. All of the other dumb, provably false information kept getting in the way of the data. They never discussed any of the academic research that this post did, all they said in the Movie was 'yeah there's these weird clots, crazy huh'? Without a doctor sitting down and telling us what those clots are and if the vaccines caused them. Instead the film focused on...random videos of people passing out on TV (some of them never even died. Some of them died before covid even happened.) Hell, they had some guy come on and say 'the vaccines have caused 3 types of cancer rates to increase. And then....just showing us news articles of celebrities who died of cancer'. Lile...okay? There were a lot of problems with this movie and the left is going to jump on those parts to discredit the entire movie, and it's their own fault for putting that dishonest stuff in the movie.

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And yet you still identify as pro vax. Why? My pro vax neighbor told me yesterday that she now realizes the potential harm and that they don't even test them on humans anymore, but she is ready to get her fourth booster. She even described in great detail all her family issues from the vax. Her father even ended up in the hospital with complications. Dr Fauci is her God and she doesn't care about the risks. I compared her beliefs to the push from Canada promoting child suicides. She seemed shocked, but didn't get the connection. I'll never understand cults.

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That's just not even true lol

They are still continuously testing the vaccines. Where are you getting the information that they aren't?


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"Some guy" came on and talked about certain cancers . . . that "some guy" is Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist from Idaho. He owns and operates Cole Diagnosics, an independent lab. He sees the tests, he knows if certain unusual cancers are suddenly spiking.

These people aren't autopsied, so the embalmers are the only ones seeing the evidence. That also was clearly explained. So you need to hear it from a "doctor"? After the last three years, you need a "doctor" to tell you the truth?

I can't stand Stew Peters' over-the-top, tacky sensationalist approach either. But the point of the film is solid. There's no denying that, and your pompous, dismissive tone is off-putting.

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Wait what? Bro. The movie has this doctor on there talking about how this has been happening since the creation of good and evil, just stating that cancer rates are being increased due to the vaccine...his evidence? Literally nothing, he just says it. They literally provide zero evidence, they don't even give us the cancer rates pre & post vaccines.

THEN, they just show news headlines of celebrities that died of cancer. You can't just point at a thing and then point at another thing and go, see they're connected without any evidence. You would think that if they were trying to warn the public about things that are PROVABLY happening, then they would provide a single shred of evidence to back any of it up.

I need a 'doctor' to tell me things? Yes. If someone is making a claim about medicine, then I would like someone who actually knows what they're talking about to provide me empirical data to prove it. I'm not some sheep that just believes anything that some random dude on a video tells me to believe.

That's like me going, uhhh yeah I know that crocs are causing heart attacks. And then just showing random news clippings of people that had heart attacks, and then going, see? Told ya.

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There are plenty of "doctorly" articles out there about this.

Here's a start: https://sagehana.substack.com/p/storefront-the-genomics-cure-cancer

or this:


If you want something more mainstream, try this:


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"I'm not some sheep that just believes anything that some random dude on a video tells me to believe."

Right, but the bat sneezing in China killing the guy in New York, well that's totally believable.

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Such documentaries are never scientific presentations. They're made to be narratives for popular consumption. Most people couldn't understand science if they got forced into a STEM program at a university.

What such documentaries provide is interviews with practitioners, scientists and victims.

Following many biopsies, he noticed an upward trend in women’s cancers, including endometrial and cervical cancers, among older individuals.

“After I reported those, I had tons of oncologists coming forward and saying ‘Yeah, I’m seeing the weird cancers "

Cole pointed out that the COVID-19 vaccines turn off some of the toll-like receptors (TLRs) in human cells, compromising the immune system’s alert mechanism. The deactivated receptors include TLR7 and TLR8, which detect viruses, and TLR3 and TLR4, which keep cancer in check.

In his direct clinical experience, Dr. Cole says he’s seen a dramatic increase in the number of people coming into his practice with gynecological cancers, including a “20 times increase” in endometrial cancers compared to what he typically sees on an annual basis.

Cole explained that cells have “little pattern receptors” that are responsible for communicating with the immune system. The mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines downregulates these cells – meaning the number of surface receptors they have decreases.

When more and more of a vaccinated person’s cells experience downregulation due to the mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccines, their risk of cancer spikes upward.

“A couple of these downregulated receptors are responsible for keeping cancer in check,” said Cole.

This vaccine-induced “killer T-cell” suppression, Cole goes on to warn, is generating a major uptick in cases of endometrial cancer, melanomas, herpes, shingles, mono, and even human papillomavirus (HPV) when “looking at the cervical biopsies of women.”

Breakdown by cancer type in the VAERS data:


One of the scientific papers cites is here:


Of course it's not just Dr. Cole pointing to the cancer link:

Sigurdson also pointed to an article by the Daily Expose, which cited data from the U.S. government showing that those vaccinated against COVID-19 are a shocking 143,233 percent more likely to be diagnosed with cancer compared to people vaccinated against the flu.


Attorney Thomas Renz: "We saw an almost 300 percent increase in cancer over the five-year average,” he stated.




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Maybe they didn't realize it was dishonest stuff. You can find all kinds of miss information on the web that has twisted the truth or added in something that isn't true. Some is done intentionally some isn't. For instance the mass murder of civilians in Syria video outtake from the Bald Knob machine gun shoot. Someone had done that on purpose to deceive. I'm not going to say that Peters was doing ANYTHING purposefully to deceive.

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Did you watch his other film? Watch the Water? It was all about how Covid 19 was actually snake venom...oh and also the vaccines were ALSO snake venom.

Come on. Why would you give him the benefit of the doubt? It's far too charitable.

The ONLY compelling thing in Dies Suddenly was the blood clots, everything else was bull.

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And you think it's a good idea to take health advice from people who say the planet has too many people.

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When you say, "the left," I presume you are referring to the Pharma-captured elites of Team Blue, who are all about exploiting the working class rather than representing them. And thus, really, not left but pseudo-left.

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The modern Left and Right are all about divide and conquer, via politician prostitutes, including significantly via blackmail, of the current faux democracy, which is really oligarchy in disguise. The very wealthy control both wings from the shadows.

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Sure is how it seems.

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An accurate description, Richard.

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A very good faith response lol

Whenever you want to have an actual discussion without being a total bell-end, let me know.

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You first.

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Tita Ti_me On Twitter - Replying to @Doctor_Eric_B

"Hey, Doc, which Covid-19 vaccine were you personally injected with - Pfizer, J&J or Moderna? It would be interesting to know what studies you relied on before you decided to be personally injected with a specific manufacturer's Covid-19 vaccine."

Here's Dr Burnett's critique on your substack article:


It'll be interesting to see if he gives a straightforward answer to the question posed by Tita Ti_me, ... Lol.

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That's a good point. There are so many things that we once believed to be true that turned out not to be so. Documentaries do tend to have a certain focus and will provide footage to support it. They are like story books, not so much fictional, but they tell a story toward a conclusion. Overall, while I did recognize just a few parts of this doc to point to stuff that had appeared elsewhere with a different angle, I think it's worth the discussion. Even the documentary, "Plandemic", got a lot of flack from so-called experts. We all have to use discernment, do our own research, be willing to explore other points of view, and the best we can, come to our own conclusions. In a world of mixed messages, topzy turvy, what was once right is now wrong, we will tend to shuffle along as we "sift through lots of conflicting information."

People want to put to rest the "there's no such thing as a virus" and yet even that is something we should be aware of if not thoroughly look at. To me, that's true science and critical thinking and a lot of that has been lost.

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How much time would you spend with someone who said "there's no such thing as an integrated circuit?"

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Yep well, compile your evidence and share what you got, and if someone has an interest in the subject, share it.

Course there are some pieces of evidence that land you in jail, so be careful with those.

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Perhaps Peters, like David Icke, wants to be perceived just crazy and fringe enough to not be Suicided.

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Nov 29, 2022
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There’s cancel culture

Then there’s snuff culture

Breitbart, Seth Rich, RIP

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Trusting that a bat sneezing will wipe out mankind is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?

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Seems you got the attention of Dr Eric Burnett on Twitter on your article...


It'll be interesting if Burnett answers the question posed by TitaTi_me. Lol.

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If there are a couple of flaws in a movie that otherwise sheds light on the dramatic findings of embalmers, we skeptics are wringing our hands over how mendacious fact-checkers will pounce on these errors.

On the other side of the fence, the 'authorities' are advising people to inject toxic garbage into pregnant women and ingest expensive and pointless meds and take psych pills based on a theory cooked up by a marketing dept and get failed ebola drugs for covid and all the other follies of medicine. They don't seem to worry overmuch about it though.

One set of errors here causes death and ill health, and the other causes what harm? Embarrassment?

I, too, would prefer very carefully vetted presentations of evidence, but they simply won't penetrate the veil of official myths for most people. The most effective part of the movie is the part where they show the fibrous clots being pulled out from the recently deceased in the context of these clots being shown in many vials pulled from many corpses. The live removal shows that it isn't just some mystery substance that someone faked.

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That's what the grossly skewed playing field *is*, w/ a massive power thumb on one plate of weighing scales. The luxury to choose fairer grounds is simply not here—we'd better be aware. You play the hand you've been dealt. Hence the different standards 🤷

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You're a national treasure

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I really appreciate your take on Died Suddenly. My wife and I watched it last night and even though I’ve been very aware of these clotting issues, it was still shocking to see them being pulled out of dead bodies. I know there are some mistakes made in it (esp that huge clot being removed from the beating heart), but the facts of grainy micro clots and those long fibrous clots shouldn’t be ignored, and I’m hoping it gets more people’s attention maybe waking more up to the truth of these mRNA shots. Unfortunately the fact checkers and mainstream media will focus on the few mistakes and probably succeed at discrediting it.

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Listen carefully to what they say during the removal of the clot from the beating heart. The speaker said "look at this and tell me if it's the same way." It's dark red instead of looking like marbled fatty meat.

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Ahhh, got it! Good point! Thank you for clarifying that!

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I do have to wonder if I'm right about that, but if it was an operation from before the vaccine came out, obviously the vaccine didn't cause it. If it is from before, it's good for comparison. A few seconds more is on the original video and that thing is honking huge. But it is entirely dark red.

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If you've worked in the field, it's pretty clear he's doing a surgery for a saddle embolus, and its easy enough to search youtube for a saddle embolectomy and find it. I had a similar one come up where people were sharing a video of a huge tape worm being pulled out of someone's mouth in the OR and it was labeled as "massive living vaccine clot pulled out of woman's mouth" and shared as such until I found the original video on youtube and sent it to the people sharing it.

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Very delighted to have missed that one.

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It is so important that only the truth is shared with those who need to be awakened or the message is lost and they become more entrenched in their delusion.

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thanks ! i saw that but did not think it to be anything else but photoshopped

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Well, of course the one coming out of the beating hear is dark red. They pulled that one out of a blood vessel that still had blood flowing through it. I wonder what it would have looked like if they had rinsed it off. The important thing to keep in mind here is these things were not seen prior to the jabs coming out. And also, no one knows for sure yet what they really are, and they say so. But they all know that they're not normal. There's still a lot of work to be done to find out what they are. But had the embalmers not told us about them, it might have taken a lot longer to find out about them.

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Nov 26, 2022
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I hope that they edit that for clarity. They did say that "this is a beating heart" so you have that, it was not being pulled out of a cadaver.

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There are a lot of beating hearts in cadavers. Just look around at Walmart and other places in public. Brain dead zombies everywhere.

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you got a point there LIon. These are beating hearts but the blood is not going to the brain cells it appears !

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I had the same impression. The creators seemed to be trying and failing to make a stark distinction between a typical pathological blood clot and these fibrinous (fibrous?) clots. It was a point worth making, but poorly done. It's also bad form to not credit the sources for that clip plus many others in this video.

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They needed to be very careful about giving credit.

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My husband and I said the exact same thing about this documentary. Should have shortened it to focus on the most compelling parts, which are the concerning and unusual clots found by embalmers. Starting the documentary with a Grateful-Dead-inspired-psychedelic-big-foot-intro made me cringe. I could see how my medical friends/colleagues could total dismiss the whole thing on this alone, would just stop watching. As a RN I do believe we’ve got to bolster our cause with as much fact based/data based material couched in compelling packages. I’m afraid this documentary is only more fodder for the fire of ‘Oh those crazy antivax conspiracy theorists.’ The Died Suddenly title also didn’t prove itself out during the film as we saw maybe a dozen or so people falling out with no further information on their outcomes or deaths. We didn’t hear the back stories on any of it. While it was a good start we need to do better. I feel like Del Bigtree at High Wire has done an excellent job of delicately balancing the facts and the compelling emotional component of the COVID topic. Anyhow, Thanks for your work sir! I am grateful to know I still have fellow critical thinking medical professional colleagues. Most days I feel like a lonely anomaly!

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Thank you so much; I completely agree with your sentiments because people make so many of their decisions off emotions rather than logic! I'm happy we have lots of good RNs out there :)

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Excellent piece, thank you doctor. I don’t feel that Stew Peters needs to be treated quite so gently. He is an inflammatory host and peddles all kinds of crazy stuff like the “snake venom theory” debunked beautifully by the great Dr. Pierre Kory in his substack. But even worse, he is so hyper-partisan, that he turns off the “Blue Anon” crowd we so seek to red-pill. Both the Trump and Biden administrations have made grave, clownish errors throughout this entire pandemic and both still hawk these dangerous genetic biologic injectables. Being more politically balanced in one’s approach while making a movie THIS important, is absolutely critical. I wish Stew Peters would get over himself. He’s really not the person to advocate for the medical freedom movement.

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In order for this movement to progress forward (become more well known), people will need to be able to make money off of criticizing the vaccine. Money motivates people to do the work that brings attention to this and I believe there will be a lot of opportunists as time goes forward.

For that reason, my focus is more on correcting the message rather than attacking anyone because this is something else we need to bring this issue to the public. That said, based on some of the other interviews I've seen (e.g. his with Malone) I would never go on his show.

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Glad to hear it, that you’d never go on his show. I just think it was a gigantic missed opportunity to avoid making this a partisan issue and the people who made the movie, failed miserably on that point. And that does need criticizing. If we are going to progress in this movement as you say, this is exactly the way NOT to do it. Money making in an ethical manner is always best. Always.

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Yes the political partisan issue should not matter when all people are affected by the product. He's also partisan about religious belief which imo is mostly irrelevant to the subject at hand. Maybe Peters thinks everyone who watches him shares his own religious belief system. Or maybe he's appealing by implication, a tip off to Christian Supremacists'. I don't really know. But I see it as opportunistic, discriminatory against anyone who doesn't share his faith, and certainly unnecessary to the harm being done to all people of all religions and all political persuasions. I admit he's not the only one who sermonizes their religion. I'm offended by them too; many being healthcare professionals. But at least some (not all) of them have some credibility about what the product is doing. Religious biases can be a trigger that could affects my trust in them. However, I'm not opposed to briefly bringing up the subject of spirituality as long as it doesn't discriminate.

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My faith and spirituality is the primary focus of my life (rather than say medicine). Despite that, I've never stated what my religion is here because I don't feel its appropriate to prosthelytize

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Wholeheartedly agree here, Suzy. Thanks for your post. I’m always reticent to criticize fanaticism wherever it rears its head, especially in politics or religion in particular. You are right about Peters on both counts.

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Peters has some flaws.

But, he has courage... which in this case, was and IS necessary.

Sure, the production has flaws, and should have been fact checked by the small group of physicians with courage (and willing to put their medical licenses and board certifications at risk).

However IT IS EFFECTIVE in presenting some of the dangers of this intervention.

This whole episode has made me totally re think vaccination. I will be waiting some years for the next one (if ever), and lots of research from varied sources before offering myself and loved ones up as possible subjects/victims.

I guess the lesson here (among others), is do not be first in line for any new medical procedure.

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I told everyone I was going to wait and see what happened when they rolled out to us seniors. I said that for several months until I knew what WAS happening. I had read Dissolving Illusions by then. But had figured out the mRNA was a no by the end of summer 2020. I am going to show my hubby the clip. He got 1 JNJ and won’t get more. No more flu shots either.

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Wait. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine isn't an mRNA vaccine though?

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No. But it was one of the first that reported cardiac issues along with AstraZeneca . Not really as traditional as they said. No vax is better. My hubby seems less vibrant and is shuffling around more. Pains. I believe that to booster the JNJ you had to get the mRNA jabs. So he didn’t booster. Won’t get flu shots anymore either. He won’t credit me with info I gave him however. He won’t go that far to validate my warnings. Thought I was nuts at first.

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? Uhhh no. Do you know the difference between mRNA vaccines and other vaccines? Do you know what a 'booster' is?

Why would getting a booster of J&J be an mRNA vaccine? It's not. Where are you getting this information from?

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When speaking of this mRNA injection, you keep alluding to vaccine, as do so many others. Please articulate exactly how this qualifies...please.

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I have a lovely chart here from the Global Vaccine Safety Project (funded by CDC, WHO & Pfizer, so these rates will be conservative)

I wish I could post pictures, but thank goodness we can't devolve into meme-ing here.

So I'll retype the chart.

Moderna 1 dose = 3.78x chance of brain & spinal cord swelling

AZ = 3.23x chance of blood clots

AZ one dose = 2.49x chance of Guillain-Barre

Pfizer one dose = 2.78x chance of myocarditis

Moderna one dose = 3.48x chance of myocarditis

Moderna one dose = 1.74x chance of pericarditis

Pfizer 2nd dose = 2.86x chance of myocarditis

Moderna 2nd dose = 6.1x chance of myocarditis

AZ 3rd dose = 6.91x chance of Pericarditis.

Pfizer 3rd dose = 2.09x chance of myocarditis

Moderna 4th dose = 2.64x chance of pericarditis

Moderna 3rd dose = 2.01 chance of myocarditis.

I don't know - with the dosing - whether this is cumulative and how these stats might stack onto one another (because if you've taken a 3rd dose, you've likely taken the first 2, too)

I believe this is from either a Steve Kirsch or John Campbell slide that I took a picture of.

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Misfolding can occur, LNPs allow crossing the blood brain barrier, saRNA helps keep churning out of spike protein (or an approximation thereof, given the demanding storage requirements and manufacturing quality); moreover, pH and temperature can change the shape of a protein as it moves within the body.

=> Do not comply.

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This is brilliant, and totally understandable, and, importantly, doesn't provoke cognitive dissonance shielding (learned that from Rounding the Earth). I wonder if it would be possible for someone to make an addendum with imagery, since that can be pivotal as you say, using your explanations and your transparency around errors? However, even if the presentation was utterly perfect, absolutely without error, Goliath would find an angle to attack it from. I also think your insight about the paradigmatic shift that occurred in plate tectonics when the Navy got pictures of the rifts might really shed light on what we are up against---a paradigm, a false one, like the sun revolves around the earth, purposefully constructed and maintained daily, hourly, through the media and whatever other more obscure mechanisms. Remember in Thomas Kuhn those two old Eastern European scientists who spent their own money every summer to go to sea to try to disproved plate tectonics after it became orthodoxy? I think the paradigm is shifting though the powers that be are like hundreds of thousands of those two old scientists trying to shore it up as what comes next (whatever that is) hinges on the unshakeability of the paradigm.

Someone could even read this on a video as an addendum. I'm terrible at comprehending medical information and you explained this so I could digest it and integrate that understanding. That's a lot! Thank you for all that you do !

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Thank you! You've described a lot of what I try to do here.

You raise a lot of good points, I hope someone does some of that.

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Great information here, thank you. Yes, they screwed up some of the info in the movie but until our non-bought-off scientists come out and start producing compelling and accurate documentaries, this is what we have. We are relying on the amateur sleuthers to try and figure this out because our professional organizations have abandoned science or don't have the balls that Stew Peters has to come out with it. I'm hoping this creates more public demand for the answers and accountability that we have been so sorely lacking.

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Much improved video. Without flashes of MKUltra, Big Foot, Tom Hanks, etc.

I received harsh criticism in Celia Farber’s and Kirsch’s substack comments because I dared bring up the gratuitous and false statements made in the film- including interpretation of Gates and the heart clot. How unprofessional and deceitful the producers were, willing to deliberately lie for “views.”

This angered people. What angered me was taking a great opportunity to effectively spread the truth and then ruining it.

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Agree. Since I am anonymous, I have a lot more freedom to just honestly state how I feel about things without having to worry about aligning with one factor or another.

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AMD , I believe by staying anonymous, you state the facts and your beliefs , that are backed by facts . You can move right on professionally , to the next topic , without any hidden agenda. I also believe placental research is being neglected by pathologists and would be of great service to prove clotting issues ( both microscopic and macroscopic ), so unfortunate and a true disservice to pregnant women.

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Those photos of post shot placentas that Dr. Thorp showed! You have seen those already, I am sure.

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Yes , interested in pathologists evaluation with special stains , especially as it pertains to abruptions.

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"What angered me was taking a great opportunity to effectively spread the truth and then ruining it."

Yep, me too.

"This angered people."

F*ck 'em.

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Now THIS is an extremely fair and helpful critique of "Died Suddenly". (Unlike another critique, supposedly from a writer on "our side", and who shall remain nameless, which trashed the movie under the pretext of being a "friendly" critique.)

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Thank you!

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I don't imagine I'm alone in being put off by the association of this film with Stew Peters, who appears to be more of an entertainer or grifter than sincere advocate for the truth. That's just my impression though, and I realise I could be wrong.

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Spike Protein is the litmus test.

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Here's a question that's been bugging me for months. What does all this clotting and spike protein mean for our blood supply? Here in Canada approx 80% of the population took two or more shots, as the coercion and propaganda was terribly effective. Many of them donate blood. I foresee another blood scandal in the making. What do you think?

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No one knows. I've had a lot of interesting conversations with Jehovah's witnesses about this and why they will never receive blood transfusions and how they make that work. Presently I know 1 person and only 1 who developed very bad reactions to an emergency transfusion of vaccinated blood.

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My husband donates blood to Red Cross every 6-8 weeks. It’s apparent from the questions they do/do not ask him that the blood supply is not separated by jabbed/unjabbed folks. Same for people who have/have not had Covid19. Not that the blood supply didn’t already have issues...for example, they don’t test it for tickborne diseases...does anyone here have a list of what blood collectors such as Red Cross DO test for?

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Blue Cross has admitted to mixing vaxed and non-vaxed blood.

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When I first learned of JW's I thought the blood transfusion thing was weird.

Now I'm thinking of declaring JW - so that I don't get any bad blood. Except then I'd have to put up with the dogma & doctrine that I just can't sink my teeth into.

When I have tried to pre-bank my own blood for major surgery, I was refused. They just didn't want to deal with it. They claimed it would "weaken me before surgery" but that sounded like, "we're not gonna, and we don't wanna."

Keeping an eye on saline products, too. I reckon most medical products are now adulterated with some such stuff.

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Thank you so much for all of your wonderful articles!

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Thank you for you support too!

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In my opinion, unfortunately, the production 'mistakes' in the documentary appear to be intentional. If we look at their previous work with the snake venom water hoax, it becomes apparent these people are controlled opposition.

I find it very worrying that they would go as far as doing this, as it entails that if they really have a major depopulation effort on the way, then they have other ways of achieving their goal.

The main purpose of this film is to bring terror to the population.

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The other possibility is that they just don't know and don't have a medical background or anyone they can consult to explain why the ideas are nonsensical. I take it for granted that it should be easy to tell that, but that is largely a result of me having a medical background many others do not.

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