I have experience with UCI. I was a professor in the school of medicine and director of their medical ethics program, spent 16 years there (20 years if you include my residency in psychiatry). In 2021 I filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging their covid vaccine mandate on behalf of individuals like me with natural immunity. In retaliation, the university fired me. https://aaronkheriaty.substack.com/p/farewell-university-of-california

The case you recount here is terribly tragic. But sadly this is par for the course for this institution, which has been entirely captured by vaccine-industry propaganda.

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Can I send your contact information to Steve Kirsch for a potential interview?

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Aaron Kheriaty is quite famous. The case has been well-covered in Epoch Times.

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He also writes for Brownstone. I find it difficult to believe he's an MD (i) because he's got a brilliant mind that can communicate things in a reader-friendly manner; and (ii) because he possesses superb critical thinking faculties. Well, like AMD.

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Just FYI: When sharing a web link, you can delete the question mark and everything following it, and the link will still work.

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Yep, that makes a clean link, and prevents analytics on a site from knowing the referring data of the incoming visitor.

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Good to know!

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Thx! For us non techs struggling to keep up, it's a great help.

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Wow! Is that right? Thank you so much for that tip!

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Thank you, Bianca. Glad you liked the book.

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I liked it too.

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Thank you! Very kind.

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Steve is a friend, he already reached out about this.

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I have your book Aaron. Reading Hayek and will get to yours soon. Thank you for all that you do for the cause of truth, justice and human decency.

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If you read Charles Richet's 1913 Nobel Prize speech, he states very plainly that any injection of a foreign protein causes anaphylaxis. A second shot maims or kills. This is not rocket science, and it's not complicated. Why don't you read his speech? He also happened to be a eugenicist.

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I keep trying to comment, but they don't show up.

I wondered why you didn't mention Vitamin C in the article, but did on "X"?

"Does anyone know if she has been evaluated for Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)?

"It's a recognized vaccine reaction that would explain her presentation and can be treated. Also many doctors in the past found these severe reactions (ie. from DPT) were helped by taking vitamin C (ideally intravenously).

"Archie Kalokerinos MD and Raymond Obomsawin did a lot of work with this in the past (ie. giving vitamin C orally or IV would often save many children who would otherwise die from the DPT vaccine). The essential issue was that the vaccines would deplete the body of vitamin C (especially if a pre-existing deficiency was there) and one of the major consequences of that was damage to the blood vessel's lining which in turn would cause internal bleeding.

"Article summarizing their observations in thread (as they related to the subject of sudden infant death syndrome)"


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vitamin C is a joke. Get off it

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I can't speak for the effectiveness of vitamin C for *this* specific health issue. But I had intravenous C over 25 years ago for a terrible cold and sore throat (which I would get maybe a couple of times a year and which would last up to 10 days). As the sole breadwinner, and not wanting to be off work any longer than was necessary, I asked the new "alternative" doctor in town if I could try an IV-C drip, as I had read in several places that it could reduce a cold/sore throat to just a few days duration. He agreed to the drip, and by the time the process was completed (maybe 50 minutes or so?), my sore throat was GONE. I was shocked. It was clearly not the placebo effect, since my expectation was that I might get well in 3-4 days instead of the usual 7-10. I'm a believer.

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Vitamin C with EDTA chelation has been used effectively to detoxify toxins. It will never be an accepted allopathic protocol because there's no money in it and it often works.

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Stop being so obnoxious.

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Have you ever thought to yourself.

What might have caused Steve’s recent medical episode??

I believe I can see through it and say.

There are thousands of cases that on vaers like his

Highly likely that He got the juice 🧃

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Steve has said that he got the shots when they came out. I can't remember if he said he was, or people he knew closely, were vax injured and that is what started his quest to out the vax as harmful.

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Idk that!!!

Thank you.

I knew his medical episode closely coincides with juice 🧃 effects

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He’s admitted that. He’s a tool of farma.

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I always thought he may be!!!

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He knows. He speaks openly about it.

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Steve is pro vax and not on our side.

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Steve is incredible - 100% fact-based, vax skeptical. Just take 10 minutes and skim through his Substack - he's one of the biggest heavy hitting heroes, exposing vaccine problems, and sifting through country-wide data multinationally and demanding answers.

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nope. He started out pro-vax, but when several people who worked for him had horrible reactions to the covid vax, he started looking into it and quickly came out against the covid vax and the vax mandates. Later he began looking into all vaccines and now he's convinced they are poison.

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Every one of them pimaCanyon. As far as I'm concerned. Anything besides vitamins, amino acids, minerals, essential fatty acids and healing herbs including clean water and healthy foods don't belong in plants, humans or animals. I think that living in a body that overly toxic is what is feeding and causes so many diseases. But we're all expected to be so ignorant to believe that meds and vaccines will solve the world's health problems. I don't think so.

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totally agree, they are all poison. And one of the biggest cons that's ever been pulled off on nearly the entire population of the "developed" world.

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OK. Sounds to me like he’s trying to redeem himself or is being repurposed.

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nothing to redeem. He flipped on the covid vaxxes soon after the rollout. He also started Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. He's the kind of person who latches onto something and won't let go. It's probably how he invented the optical mouse. He's now hyper focused on vaccine safety issues, and has been for the past 3 years. Check out his substack, hundreds of articles.

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You sadly have no hope.

Thinking this man is going to usher in safe vaccine testing on children. There no such thing

He’s so ahead of the herd it’s fascinating.

He’s surrounded himself with the same paradigm of simpleton thought that poisoned him.

He will have to do many backflips to impress OGs that throughly warned people before they offered themselves up for

Self extermination






Not a dr John

et. al.

All controled whores

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You're dead wrong, start to finish, about Kirsch. How many more of us need to tell you that?

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Have you read his substack, listened to him? Sounds like you need to revisit your assessment of him.

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Keep up

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Also you should connect with Jason Miller. Your account sounds very similar to what happened to him at his hospital (which the CDC used as the product launch point for remdesivir).

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I wondered why you didn't mention Vitamin C in the article, but did on "X"?

"Does anyone know if she has been evaluated for Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)?

"It's a recognized vaccine reaction that would explain her presentation and can be treated. Also many doctors in the past found these severe reactions (ie. from DPT) were helped by taking vitamin C (ideally intravenously).

"Archie Kalokerinos MD and Raymond Obomsawin did a lot of work with this in the past (ie. giving vitamin C orally or IV would often save many children who would otherwise die from the DPT vaccine). The essential issue was that the vaccines would deplete the body of vitamin C (especially if a pre-existing deficiency was there) and one of the major consequences of that was damage to the blood vessel's lining which in turn would cause internal bleeding.

"Article summarizing their observations in thread (as they related to the subject of sudden infant death syndrome)"


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I have been researching about vitamin C in IV form after listening to an old video on YouTube from a man cannot remember his name Doctor Who said that cancer can be healed by high doses of IV vitamin C. So this makes sense thank you so much!! something this simple should not, be hidden.

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I did my undergrad at UCI and loved my experience then. I respond to every alum request for donations saying its insane vax mandates, including firing you, ended all my support for my alma mater.

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Amen! I moved out of SoCal when they passed legislation that the govt could revoke a physician's license for not adhering to their twisted agenda and dictates. Communist, much? Thankfully, that one got canceled by totally-recalled Newsome on the eve of being repealed. However, there are still scores of Communist and immoral laws being pushed and passed there every month. So glad I escaped. Weather isn't everything!

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THAT actually might get more attention than any lawsuits!

I used to work for the Indiana University Foundation which tracks alums & donations, and they PAY ATTENTION to things which reduce their donations.

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Did they really know what they were doing? Did they really know that all this stuff was gonna take away all their support, and did they ever think that if it did take their support what would they do? They didn’t think that far out!!! So sad and very blood boiling!!!

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I would suggest this story might be much bigger than an alleged adverse, albeit massive, reaction to a series of vaccines. Full disclosure- I'm in opposition to all vaccines as they are all toxic and should never be injected or swallowed into any biological system.

That said, let's look at a drug treatment that is in question- that drug is Novartis' FABHALTA® (iptacopan) which received FDA fast track approval on August 8, 2024. It is advised as the "first oral monotherapy for adults with PNH." The risk profile for this drug is not good and they require vaccination with it.

Lexi’s sister stated that a nurse mentioned giving her a different medication outside of the vaccine vials and it was also mentioned in the interview w/Polly at CHD that some doctors laughed and were saying she was a "scientific experiment."

Analysts at Jefferies predicted that Fabhalta could hit $3.6 billion in peak annual sales IF it gets approved for all its target indications, which along with PNH and IgAN include atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS), C3 glomerulopathy (C3G), and idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN).

It still has a long way to go to reach that objective. In the second quarter, sales from PNH were $22 million, with Novartis pointing to "encouraging early launch indicators" with the rollout.

Over a two-year span, Pakbaz’s clinic, which served solely benign hematology patients, registered a significant demand that crossed various zip codes and cities. Huh? How did this happen? What was the process?

Were Pakbaz and associates fishing for subjects and shaping diagnoses to fit the objectives of the drug trials? Was Alexis caught up in this "sweep?" Are certain hospitals/clinics programming EPIC software to create this diagnosis to prime the pump for an accompanying financial windfall?

Pakbaz highlighted the logistical challenges in implementing this therapy, particularly its prohibitive cost, ($550,000 a pop- that's not a typo) and drew attention to the ongoing negotiations with insurance companies to ensure patient access to these innovative treatments and stressed the invaluable role of Non-Malignant Hematology Clinics in enhancing patient outcomes and the "remarkable potential" of gene therapies to heal diseases that were once deemed incurable.

Gene editing therapy, CRISPR, etc. are all the rage in the medical industry and with their financial backers- the BioPharma frontier. The investors and the Pharma cartel only wait so long before they need to see a return on their investments.

This "new era of therapeutic options", as the investors and Pharma PR flacks call it, lies on the horizon for individuals with non-cancer blood disorders. More of these people must be located (invented) for this noble cause.

HOW was Alexis diagnosed with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), in January 2024?

WHO did the diagnosis and WHERE was it done? WHAT were the mechanisms and processes that were employed for this diagnosis?

BTW In July 2020, Novartis agreed to pay $678 million to settle allegations that the company violated the False Claims Act and Anti-Kickback Statute by paying physicians to induce them to prescribe certain of the company's drugs. Novartis allegedly spent hundreds of millions of dollars on fraudulent speaker programs that served as a means to bribe doctors with cash payments and other extravagant rewards.

"FABHALTA is only available through a program called the FABHALTA Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS). Before you can take FABHALTA, your health care provider must: Enroll in the FABHALTA REMS program. Counsel you about the risk of serious infections caused by certain bacteria. Give you information about the symptoms of serious infections. Make sure that you are vaccinated against serious infections caused by encapsulated bacteria and that you receive antibiotics if you need to start FABHALTA right away and you are not up to date on your vaccinations."

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Hi Aaron. I remember you from the Primary Care Psychiatry Fellowship at UCI. Hope you are doing well.

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Hi Aaron. I remember you from the Family Practice Psychiatry Fellowship I was in at UCI. Hope all is well with you.

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I’ve done enough to be comfortable with my assessment

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Yes. That’s what informed my comment.

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Sep 18Edited

My dad had a great experience with UCSD, Sulpizio Center, shortly after they first opened. Open minded residents and specialists that helped figure out a complex situation, but it took months. He did not have to pay for any of it, and he had no insurance at the time - they joked he was the million dollar man. Not sure how that happened, but it was right around when Obamacare started. His experience was not at all tied to vaccines tho, which is probably why UCI is dropping the ball. They know what they did. I was his advocate all the way too though; advocates are crucial at these places. Fascinating analysis of Alexis' situation - I've timelined out my own medical record with vaccine interventions and subsequent visits for issues and it all tracks - literally every issue I've gone to the doctor for was within days/weeks/months of a shot. Worst one was HPV (of course): that's when I got my first and only chronic disease diagnosis, all of sudden! huh. Would be cool if more instances of vaccine timing/injury/medical records/bloodwork were laid out like this to wake more people up.

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The timeline of Dr. Visits/Vaccines/Injury is precisely what is looked at in an integrative/functional medicine first visit. Unfortunately, these doctors are typically 'out of network" and rarely take insurance so that they are actually ALLOWED to ask the right questions and do the correct labs.

What you describe also happened to our family when I finally brought my 9 year old daughter to see an integrative MD (after 9 years of wasted doctor visits through our insurance and Children's Hospital. The non network integrative med doc had us bring all of her doctor/hospital/vaccine/antibiotic/everything that had ever happened to her medically, even in utero, to this first visit, and to put it all in chronological order. THAT is when you see the pattern of WELL VISIT, then INFECTION (within a week to 10 days) after every well visit. I had no idea. I was slow to figure it out. I think others figure it out sooner.

I simply did NOT KNOW there was this two-tiered system of medicine going on. You really have to be extremely knowledgeable to navigate the current medical system when it's covered by insurance. It can be a dangerous place.

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Cheryl I understand all too well well what you’re saying about well visits and illness. I woke up after my son at a serious reaction the same day of his jabs. He was four years old. After going to integrative doc it was eye opening to see the correlation of illness and well visits for all three of my children. Please know that we were indoctrinated to this believe system . We did the best with the knowledge at the time. I am so thankful to know the truth. It was a hard pill to swallow at first as a mother. I have been speaking out about since 2004. I pray one day no mother will have to live with what you and I have figured out.

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Remember that Ole saying about you get what pay for? I think that applies to allopathic medicine. With the increasing yearly health insurance premiums people are paying. We should be covered for integrative/functional medical services and natural medicines as well.

I would probably have to spend more money out of pocket for the services of FM/integrative medical treatments in the short term. Seeing how seeking allopathic medical treatment usually works out for people these days. Seems to me that there's more suffering and money spent long term going that route.

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Truth! Look back at the last 50 years of allopathic medicine. Exploding autoimmunity. Exploding cancer. Exploding childhood illnesses. Nothing has improved.

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Insurance companies have the data and the financial clout to take on big Pharma, but I think they are afraid of being suicided.

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I would love it if some ambitious researcher could get hold of all the anonymised ICD10 records with dates and see how many chronic disease conditions PRECEDE vaccine administration and how many are SUBSEQUENT. A competent statistician could work out if when a vax injury is more likely than an idiopathic condition. Here are some quirky ICD-10 codes I found. There are over 70'000 of them to choose from.

ICD-10:T50B95A Adverse effect of other viral vaccines, initial encounter

ICD-10:T50Z95A Adverse effect of other vaccines and biological substances, initial encounter

ICD-10:T63111A Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter

ICD-10:T71113A Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, assault, initial encounter

ICD-10:T8052XA Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination, initial encounter

ICD-10:T8062XA Other serum reaction due to vaccination, initial encounter

ICV-10:T8853XA Unintended awareness under general anesthesia during procedure, initial encounter

ICD-10:V00152A Heelies colliding with stationary object, initial encounter

ICD-10:W44F1XA Bezoar entering via natural orifice, initial encounter

ICD-10:Y35832A Legal intervention involving a conducted energy device, bystander injured, initial encounter

ICD-10:Y376X1A Military operations involving biological weapons, civilian, initial encounter

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This is a horrific story. What all of us need to know is that we have the right to refuse any medical intervention when being admitted to a hospital and that includes not consenting to vaccines. Further, a hospital can NOT refuse treatment and may not use coercion to force patients into taking these vaccines, nasal swab tests or even pain killer IVs for example. There is a "Patients Bill of Rights" or similar, in every hospital and in every state. We need to use this document to our advantage and not allow this heinous and disrespectful treatment, forcing these things onto people who are frequently in dire situations and trusting of what Doctors and Nurses say. Thank you for covering this. I hope this young woman is able to recover and that this hospital is put up as an example of a failed system and that it makes change happen. The change may be we all take responsibility for our own health and do not rely on the medical system at all.

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I was admitted to the ER a few months ago after a minor car accident left me with a concussion and whiplash. Next thing I know, they’re pulling out the swabs to test me for Covid. I was disgusted with this abuse of “authority” and attempt to slam my insurance for unnecessary testing. I asked the nurse, do I have to do that? She said no, you don’t have to do anything, so I refused. A younger more naive me would have just submitted.

This poor girl was coerced into unnecessary medical interventions that nearly killed her and she’s still far from safe. My heart breaks for her.

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Next time ask them to bring their administrator with a copy of your patients rights.

Point out that you have the right to treatment without any harassment, coercion or discrimination.

Then point out you have the right to refuse suggested procedures.

Before you sign the hospital waiver on the digital keypad. Ask them to print out the release form.

You will see it says they can juice you up like they did the girl this article is about.

Cross out the things you don’t agree with on the consent form and then sign the hard copy.

Then be careful as they come in at night with bags of remdisavir they hook up to you when no one is around and your sleeping. This happened to my friends wife after they said absolutely no remdesivir .

The eugenics book on population control written by the polio savior - Jonás Salk was entitled:

The Survival of the Wisest.

Jonas Salk was a eugenics proponent while making polio vac for the “ useless eaters” as the elites have called us.

Be wise

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In my experience, simply asking for a paper consent form and then reading it and crossing things off will automatically generate extreme hostility from all medical staff. After reading this, I think I'll have to begin doing it anyway, but I know they retaliate for the smallest things. If you want, for instance, to wait for hours after hitting the nurse call button, all you have to do is ask for a paper consent form.

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yeah, you are really at their mercy -- which is why hospitals are so scary.

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Isn't also possible that they may act more carefully/attentive with you since they know your are more apt to take legal action against them if they don't follow your dictates?

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Was in the ER 2 months ago with serious symptoms. Chest pain, high troponin, high glucose. high CRP. high BP, high heart rate, high d- dimer and fever. No diagnosis. no fluids. I was there for 3 1/2 hours and never got a cup of water even though I asked 3 times. Five minutes on google researching cytokine storm gave me my diagnosis. I had been flu like for several days before. I have an autoimmune disorder and my meds should have been a red flag to look deeper into my symptoms. I have been in the hospital for more times than I would like and knowing what I know now, I am surprised I wasn't a statistic long ago. The sheer incompetence, ignorance and indifference that I remember [ now looking through a much clearer lens ] was enough to kill me even without the toxic egos that were involved.

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Cousin Clem, the more medical knowledge the better. Wise up everyone. This last medical debacle needs to cause everyone to be a patient advocate. Be kind but strong for your family. I don’t hide my medical knowledge anymore when my husband needs help. We have only one life folks! Ask questions!

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I agree that you should know all you can. And that includes changing the patient contract if you don't like what is in it. I was just saying that once you do speak up/change the contract, they might red flag you as someone not to take for granted. Of course, it could work the other way as some have pointed out. As seen in the covid fiasco, more medical knowledge doesn't always mean correct medical knowledge. There was a lot of false information floating around coming from both sides. Best one can do is try to avoid all medical facilities as much as possible unless absolutely necessary. Skip annual physicals, don't run to doctors at every cold, flu, ache or pain.

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I agree that you should know all you can. And that includes changing the patient contract if you don't like what is in it. I was just saying that once you do speak up/change the contract, they might red flag you as someone not to take for granted. Of course, it could work the other way as some have pointed out. As seen in the covid fiasco, more medical knowledge doesn't always mean correct medical knowledge. There was a lot of false information floating around coming from both sides. Best one can do is try to avoid all medical facilities as much as possible unless absolutely necessary. Skip annual physicals, don't run to doctors at every cold, flu, ache or pain.

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And what if you're really sick and alone? If you are in the ER, it's already not good AND it's an EMERGENCY. Who's thinking about the little digital thingy when they hover over you saying " Just sign here and we can get you comfortable" Heh Heh.

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Speaking of Salk, he was yapping and promoting the idea of a flu vaccine nearly 50 years ago.

“Unless we make control of influenza a national goal, this disease will linger as a chronic threat. It will be the cause of endless debate whenever it is proposed that some effort be made to take another turn on the year-in, year-out flu-virus roulette wheel, as we guess what strain will come up next and whether we can act in such an emergency.”

- Jonas Salk, The Ultimate Flu Vaccine, The Saturday Review, November 27, 1976, pp. 18-19

The Great Vaccination Flap

The Ultimate Flu Vaccine

Declaring war on all types of influenza by Jonas Salk The Saturday Review, November 27, 1976, pp. 18-19


Also remember the Cutter incident where only weeks after the Salk vaccine had been declared safe, over 200 polio cases were traced to lots contaminated with virulent live polio strains manufactured by the Cutter Laboratories in Berkeley, California.

In the rush to vaccinate the public, the federal government had not provided proper supervision of the major drug companies which produced some 9 million doses of vaccine.

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Sep 18Edited

As we know.

History is damned to repeat itself.

The last sentence in your comment sounds familiar.

Only replace the word millions with billions.

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List remdesivir as a severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic-you almost died). And I agree about the waiver but be sure to initial any changes u make.

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Excellent advice.

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Neo good advice!!

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That book costs 400.00 used. Coincidence? Is there pdf to print it?

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Not that I’m aware of.

Here’s 2 video reviews on SURVIVAL OF The WISEST



That’s how many books 📚 are that involve sensitive subjects that elites like to follow

The endless scientific publications I’m addicted to reading cost :$30-$1500 to read one ☝️ single scientific paper.

This is to keep high brow science out of reach for most

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Thanks so much!!

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Never take any PCR test.

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Why, though? I have lupus sle and emphysema, and my experience with PCR is I have only ever tested positive for covid once, when I experienced undeniable covid symptoms (fever, parosmia, tachycardia, weird and scary 02 drops, 103 degree fever). Every other time I tested negative. I used the proof that I had had covid in order to force my provider to monitor me for blood clots, as a relative of mine had severe clotting in her brain that disabled her for life after her 2020 infection. I am not pro vax and I live in sheer, abject terror of dying from the ones I got in 2021. I beg God at night to spare my life and the the lives of my jabbed lober ones. But surely it might be a good idea to take a test if you are exhibiting symptoms of a particular virus you for which you will need specific monitoring of complications? The only reason I would avoid a test is if what Karen Kingston says is true about how the ruling elite poisoned all the swabs, which scared me terribly when I first read her but I found out later that would be practically impossible to do, thank God.


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Please familiarize yourself with Kary Mullis (the inventor of the PCR test). There are many old videos of him, where he says that a PCR test should never be used to diagnosis anything. Kary also said that if you performed more than 35 cycles on it, you could find everything you want to say in it. Kary was NOT shy in his total disgust for Fraudci. Kary wanted to be able to debate Fraudci & be interviewed with him. Fraudci refused all invites. Kary was a very healthy & fit guy (with no close relatives) who supposedly died of a heart attack 2 months before Fraudci started using his test to diagnosis co19. How convenient for Fraudci? The dead inventor could not prevent Fraudci from misusing this test. In addition, there have been many scientists in the world who have been able to prove that the swabs (made in China) have many dangerous chemicals in them, as well as nano technology in them. The Spanish Scientists (Comusav) were able to go to an open field in Mexico & prove that the patients who got the nasal swabs were being actively tracked in a govt database. They then went to a cemetery & saw pinging in that database from the recently buried graves. Those swabs have PEG in them. That aids in the tracking. So Cait, you have a tracking device in your body. Only God & the globalists know what the plan is.

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I tested it under the microscope 🔬

After soaking it in distilled water.

I used a magnetic 🧲 current to steer the microscopic particles suspended in liquid phase .

Under the microscope the magnetic particles look like a clear gel.

It’s definitely magneto electric responsive

Also the fibers are hollow. I found some wild looking “anomalies “ in the fibers.

I know many big words to use here .

But what I said is enough to convey something odd is afoot

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The swab?

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From what I understand now, living in a state of "sheer, abject terror of dying from.....X, Y, Z" is relatively just as toxic as anything else.

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There is also talk of nanotech on the tip of the swab, so that you get interfered with, whether you like it or not. Can't prove it, can't disprove it.

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I Can prove that the components are there. The HG is magneto 🧲 electric and visibly controlable with the right activation energies under high magnification.

I think it’s biosensors for electroceuticals.

The solution I soaked the swab tips in formed orthogonal structures resembling circuits.

Cows or vaccas in Spanish are vaccinaed with nasal swabs. The word quackcine is based off the cow puss or vacca puss in Spanish they injected into people during its inception

Be wise mate

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This is fine. You got a PCR test as a confirmatory test when you had undeniable symptoms. That's correct usage of the test. You weren't using it to diagnose (your clinical presentation was the diagnosis) -- the test was just confirmatory.

It's mass testing of healthy populations with PCR tests that is wrong.

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Hi, I was asked to take a PCR rest in late summer here in the UK in response to information I had entered in the ZOE app. It made me so tearful I had to stop driving away from the test centre. The result came back inconclusive and I was asked to go back for a retest - I did not.

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When are y'all gonna tweak that the apps are spies?

My mates in karate all have those biometric smart watches to track heart rate & blood pressure & sleep patterns, etc.

Feeding the AI. Teaching it what a human body is like. OH NO.


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And I gave the best years off my life to a profession that now does this? This is horrific. Thank you AMD for adding to Dr. Kirsch’s story. I also agree to take responsibility for our own health! I like the idea of using smaller hospitals but that’s out where I live. This is so sad for my medical mind to wrap around the end results of malpractice!

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NO MATTER what type of visit, urgent care, or hospital, I always write down, NO BIOLOGICS, NO VACCINES on every form (either digital or print). Some hospital admissions papers, when signed, authorize them to vaccinate you without you knowing that is what you've signed. Nobody reads ALL of the boilerplate language. You can add other language as well, depending on your preferences. When giving birth in a hospital, it is especially important to give a written birth plan if you don't want them to vaccinate your baby on day 1.

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I’ve done this and got fucked.

In 2017 my mother fell down on a rug floor.

She was taken to the hospital without me there.

I was there within an hour of her arrival at the hospital.

She couldn’t speak properly and she never walked again after that ER visit.

I demanded to know what they gave her. They said nothing.

All she really needed was a bandaid

I went down to the billing department to go through her insurance billing codes.

Of course it said TDAP was administered.

After the ER.

It cost me $170k a year for her rent in a home that had the level of care she needed.

My mother was the former mayor of the city

A TDAP shot that was surreptitiously administered killed my mother

No attorney wanted to take my money. They were man or woman enough to tell me that I couldn’t win in court. They said I would pay more in attorney fees than would be awarded from a lawsuit that could take 10+ years

What the specialist did to the girl that this article is about.

It happens all the time the world over.

The reason it goes unnoticed is because they hide their misdeeds well and are legally protected.

And 99% of people didn’t relate the injured to the juices. Doctors say the injuries are always something other than the juice. It’s not new. Circa 1800s have the same stories

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What an AWFUL experience. Absolute gut punch. I'm so sorry. No words really. I hope her horror woke up a few people in your world. That is our only hope. That people Wake Up and stop this madness!

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Neo, I am so sorry for you & your poor Mom. I had a similar experience with a hospital & nursing home. They got away with murder.

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This infuriates me. Not that I can change anything, but as a friend once said to me, "When they light the fires in hell for these people, I want a front row seat."

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Please forgive my ignorance, what are bilogics, and why are they dangerous? TIA.

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Biologics is the medical term used for a vaccine

within the medical system.

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Sounds so fruity - like who wouldn't want want bio =logic in their bodies

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Thank you.

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thank you

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I had to look it up - it also applies to monoclonal antibodies (all those -mub -mab drugs).

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“Anti”bodies says it all.

Eugenically speaking that is.

Antibodies are very shady science cloaked in secrecy on the the testing end for antibody titres(or levels). The testing serums are highly guarded IP secrets.

The anti body response they are measuring comes from a cellular response that the poison adjuvants impose on the individual lipid cell surfaces and the globulin and immunoglobulins produced as a result from the chemical assault.

Having quackcine antibodies in your blood means the cells have been assaulted and this is what the tests say. They give absolutely no protection to invisible boogie man viruses(?). They are evidence of a cellular assault.

Antibody science is like virology. It’s BS

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The term Biologics give big Pharma a legal blanket of protection. They are never tested for safety or efficacy (just like so called vaxs).

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Thank you for the explanation.

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I'm sorry to hear both about your accident and the subsequent whiplash and concussion. I had a mild concussion in March and it was a nightmare to deal with as my job involves lots of texting clients. I hope you are feeling better.

I am raising the question not to be contrary but just to ask, isn't it possible the hospital tested you for covid because they were experiencing a surge in cases and wanted to know whether they needed to don PPE in your room? I'm asking bc I am trying to think of benign reasons. I say this as someone who lives in abject, utter terror of dying suddenly from the 3 covid jabs I got in 2021 (no, I didn't get placebo) and who spends every free moment emailing my loved ones who keep jabbing articles like this one, because I am terrified THEY will die suddenly- I beg God on my knees every night to spare them. I only mention this so you know I'm not a pro jab CNN watching sheep or anything.

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The reality is, no, they were not experiencing a surge. I know because I asked. Thankfully, the attendant nurse I got that night was not a loyal zombie. I asked her if Covid cases were up because that’s what I was hearing in the local news. She said no, not at all. I told her I would wear a mask if that made her more comfortable. She “pshhh’d” that suggestion and flat out said, “I don’t wear a mask. I’ve never had Covid and I’m not afraid of getting it.” It was then I knew I was in good hands.

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I wish I could stop being afraid of getting it. I wish I knew why God made it so some people had horrible nightmarish symptoms and others the sniffles. The past four years have totally destroyed my life. All I do is wait to die from the virus or the jab or in the horrible concurrent collapse event or to feel like ending it all when all who I love die from their jabs. Someone told me eventually a frequency will force the jabbed to hunt the unjabbed and I cry at night begging God not to let that be true. I've never felt more hopeless in my entire life. I wish I could go back to before it happened and have God just make it like it was then, it was still hard but I wouldn't be hurting like this I know it.

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I too, was afraid of it, but took action. Fortunately, I can read people (well, a-holes) and when Fauci stood with an expression of dumb insolence behind President Trump when he mentioned HCQ, I had my anti-doctor. I always did the exact opposite of what Fauci recommended. It worked. Why was HCQ effective? I searched. It was an ionosphere for zinc. Transports the large zinc ion through cell walls so it can effectively suppress viral replication. I searched for zinc ionophores. Quercetin is a natural substance that is also a zinc ionophore.

Story shortened. It all worked. Vitamins C&D, quercetin, and zinc slowed viral infection so much that my innate, cell based immune system found and destroyed the infected cells before the virus could replicate. I awoke from an amazing fever sweat, just drenched in sweat. Fever is from your immune system kicking into high gear, an all out defense against an invader.

I have no antibodies against the COVID-19 variants. Tested twice. My adaptive immune system was never triggered, so no antibodies were developed. I have something better. Much better. A well-trained, innate immune system that has taken on and destroyed Omicron and its variants without me ever being sick or having another fever. Yes, I felt some very mild symptoms that kept me awake for an hour as an Omicron variant was destroyed.

Take action. Winter is coming, little sunshine. You need Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2 supplements. Vitamin D3 can increase the amount of calcium in your blood. Vitamin K2 will make sure that calcium is used in your bones and does not cause hardening of your arteries. Read, search. Inform yourself. You need >40ug/ml of vitamin D in your blood to fight viruses.

Don't like to waste money on supplements? Then buy that $9.95/month life insurance, so your family can afford a funeral.

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When it comes to supplementing, I've observed better performance using the "power of 3" approach. In regards to your D3/K2 example, add a Mg (citrate, glycinate, taurine).

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Listen, I understand, I really do. Luckily I didn’t get the jab because I was already well aware of the corruption at the CDC, and I was a chronic Lyme disease patient that had been misdiagnosed, misled, and maligned by the allopathic medicine.

Much of what you are likely experiencing is what I have myself experienced although I think the spike protein is much more insidious. I myself got “spiked” by a massage therapist 3 years ago and henceforth have suffered with kidney pain and adrenal insufficiency. Every time I’m around crowds of the jabbed I get weird symptoms and don’t feel well.

What I would suggest you focus on is liver support, mitochondrial health, and nutrition. Drink distilled water, get sunshine and fresh air every day, learn vagus nerve exercises, turn off bad news, eat real food, try something as simple as milk thistle for your liver. There’s so much you can do and try to heal your body.

I pray you find answers. 💜

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Yes, I am grateful my massage therapist is unjabbed. My prior one was, and I felt I was absorbing too much on the table. There are so many brilliant massage therapists out there, but 90%+ of them here in Australia took it. Wouldn't let them touch me with a 10 foot pole.

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So, a replication competent highly engineered virus is now a thing then.

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I can’t tell if you’re serious, but if you are, I’d like to offer that I’ve been there, with symptoms to match my fears. After advancing through all the stages of psychology and working hard to heal my body, I finally decided that this is just a different mask on the same beast, the beast of uncertainty. All of us are going to die. None of us know exactly when. We have expectations, but we never had guarantees. Walk through the valley; fear no evil. Also, I now firmly believe that we live in a metaphysical medium, maybe an electromagnetic field that tunes the simulation, and while we cannot control a whole lot, we were granted some degree of sovereignty over our own little space. You can influence the invisible; you can tune your space. Free will is the tool. I go on long runs and pay all of my suffering and striving as tribute to Aten, and he rewards me with health and the strength to endure the slings and arrows. Others pray, believe, imagine, sing, paint, write … reading more and more studies about spike protein won’t do it. You have to activate what science and rationalism tried to kill. The sun will rise.

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Have you looked at the following data I collected and you can see much of this concern is avoidable.

It is a lot but just skim over it and look at the bold text. Once you boil it all down covid was only a danger to the aged, co-morbid and those with inadequate Vitamin-D3 and magnesium.


If you want to see how much Vitamin-D3 I supplement based on my research you can look at the page with my bio and dose tables. with links to the relevant studies.


Then if you are wanting to prepare for the time you might get it you can stock up on a few remedies.

Check out the best and cheapest ones on the following site. Many are spices, supplements and simple techniques (sleep, exercise, nasal irrigation) you can do without any doctors oversight, just your own better

judgement. I like the COST PER LIFE SAVED chart a lot.


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I take 2,000 to 10,000 IU of D3 daily (liquid) and get as much sun as possible. I wear white undershirts (T-shirts) outside to get as much UV as possible. I do wear a hat. My serum D3 as of July '24 was 64 ng/mL.

Never tested for COVID, NO ONE is going to put a stick up my sinuses. There are many injuries reported from improper use of that procedure, publications will confirm injuries. If what you are testing for is in your sinus mucus it is in you saliva as well. I knew the PCR test was junk, I have used it for over 20 years to confirm types of anaerobic bacteria in contaminated soil (original use of PCR) Cycle Thresholds must be less than 35 to be published and better if it is around 25 CT. The PCR for COVID was running CTs of 42 and greater. They were just reporting junk to scare you.

As for FEAR; using the King James Bible, there are 54 verses that contain the exact phrase "be not afraid" One will find similar results using other Bible versions.

Finally, Aaron's Blessing (Num 6: 24-26) NET English version

The LORD bless you and protect you; 

The LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; 

The LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

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Agree Julia, we need to inform ourselves, to advocate for ourselves.

The problem now though is the extreme divisiveness of this issue, fuelled by Big Pharma obfuscation of the harms that convince vax enthusiasts they're 100% safe, and the media propaganda that convinces the same people that anyone opposing them is 100% evil.

And humans with an axe to grind engage in retribution and retaliation.

The medical profession long ago ditched "do no harm" and we saw that in all its horror with the biased treatment of the non-vaxxed during Covid, where they walked in under their own steam and died, alone, drugged and on a ventilator, 3 weeks later.

This incident will surely force some of them to question their preconceptions, but for many, no amount of evidence will ever be enough to break through that wall (not to mention the entire tangled phenomena of enthusiasts becoming angry and resentful at anyone exhibiting vax injury).

The combination of poor critical thinking skills, refusal to accept the cause, blind adherence to cookie-cutter 'protocols', and entrenched psychological bias, exposes this patient to grave risk. I can only hope the intense social media scrutiny on this, and now having an informed advocate, may ultimately be her saving grace.

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Re: "....fuelled by Big Pharma". No doubt corporate commercial interests and directives serve as the tip of the spear in this tragic story, but I can imagine a deeper and more pressing issue pertaining to "Regulatory Capture" and, perhaps most important of all, ideological capture within the minds of those who seek to rule.

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The owners of Substack should consider moving headquarters closer to where AMD lives. San Francisco is too expensive.

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"Ideological capture within the minds of those who seek to rule" big and small. From the highest Pharma CEO, to coalface healthcare admins, whose unquestioning blind faith is going to march us right into a mandatory Adult Vaccination Schedule.

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Re: "mandatory Adult Vaccination Schedule". We shall see. Most medical centers continue to conform to a policy of mandatory flu vaccination for all "health care workers". Those who decline still submit when we willingly sign the exemption form for medical or religious reasons. I have decided that I can no longer abide by this policy. See how life goes being a medical heretic.

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Not to mention those on our "side" who are telling those injured by the shot that they deserve what they got. We have some very poisonous elements in 'our' camp. Best to clean that out and call that out before we move ahead.

This comment in the article:

"Note: many of my awake colleagues joke that idiopathic denotes individuals being too idiotic to recognize the obvious cause of a disease."

should have been left out.

Walk away if you have to. Let them alone in their error if you must, But never without an open door to return just in case they perceive the situation correctly - even if the realization comes because they have done great harm. This division is not from above, but is earthly and devilish.

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I was actually taught by some pharmacology prof or other (possibly medicinal chemistry prof he was brutal) that idiopathic means the doctor is an idiot and the patient pathetic because he has an idiot for a doctor. It’s not a woke thing it’s an overused word for lazy or ignorant and that has been known since the term was coined. It’s well I got nothing else to add here we can just say idiopathic— see vaccine injury. Can’t be the vax! It’s idiopathic.

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"The terms idiot, imbecile, moron, and their derivatives were formerly used as technical descriptors in medical, educational, and regulatory contexts.

The Greek adjective idios means “one’s own” or “private.” The derivative noun idiōtēs means “private person.” A Greek idiōtēs was a person who was not in the public eye, who held no public office. From this came the sense “common man,” and later “ignorant person”—a natural extension, for the common people of ancient Greece were not, in general, particularly learned.."

It is none the less mockery and rarely is it redemptive. I want to spit at these people too, but that adds nothing or worse to the paradigm that has developed. Like I said. Walk away if you need to.

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Unfortunately, Mayo and other medical institutions still demand that their employees get the RNA injections. I only know of the Ohio University Medical system and the State of Florida stating they don't recommend the injections. What is not known is what medical adverse conditions exist within a body that causes the adverse reactions that results in a horrific death of an individual when injected. Alexis horrible condition reminds me of the Stevens-Johnson syndrome that is induced on occasion by NSAIDS. That is the challenge a physician faces when ordering treatment. I believe there are many root causes of the degradation of the immune system and the detoxify organs which include the kidneys and the liver. One example is that the chronic consumption of overdosing on pain relief drugs can have a negative impact on both detoxifying organs. It may take years before these detoxifying organs become severely compromised. Here is a mother's statement to what happened to her son: This did not take years.

On April 18th 1995 my son Marcus said to me. “Oh Ma. I think I'm going to die” I told him I would never let that happen. I had no idea at that time how serious his medical condition was or that it would continue to get worse.

A few weeks before our son had injured his wrist. He had a severe sprain and was prescribed acetaminophen with codeine by our family physician he took the medication for the prescribed time when the prescription was finished. He continued to have some pain and purchased an OTC acetaminophen product during this time. We spoke to Marcus frequently. These calls were to “How's your wrist? How do you feel? How are you eating?” He said his wrist didn't hurt as much but he wasn't feeling well and wasn't very hungry when we spoke to him on Friday before Easter. Marcus said he thought he was getting the flu. He said he was nauseous, had body aches and a temperature. We found out later that these are also symptoms of acetaminophen toxicity! At this point he purchased an OTC liquid flu remedy. On Easter Sunday he felt bad enough to go to a local hospital. After being in the 1st hospital for two days Marcus was transferred to another hospital and put on the organ donor list. On April 24th, 8 days after entering the hospital and with no donor liver available we stood next to our 23 year old sons hospital bed. We watched and listened as he slowly slipped from our lives. I and my husband and my other two sons watched as Marcus face drained of color when his heart stopped. Our previously healthy happy son was gone when we found out that the cause of death was liver failure due to acetaminophen toxicity! We didn't know what to think. Our search for an answer started. We found out that acetaminophen is leading cause of drug overdose and death in United States and the United Kingdom we learned that the number of deaths per year are in the hundreds and the adverse events are over 100,000 per year. We also found out that it was as much a factor as alcohol when combined with acetaminophen to cause liver failure.

The mother appeared before a Congressional committee in DC and pleaded with them to make changes in the marketing of acetaminophen so that others don't die. Her words fell on the deaf ears of the FDA.

Today, 80 metric tons are produced globally and support a 350 million dollar drug market.

It is readily prescribed as the pain reliever of choice and is part of the medical protocol for treating Covid patients. It is accepted that 3 Grams daily can be tolerated in a 500 mg dose every 4 hours. When I refuse Tylenol/Acetaminophen when it is recommended by the physician, I get a strange look. J & J expert Marketing has sold the medical profession on the use of this drug for pain.

How often is there a flu diagnoses and in reality it is a diagnosis of acetaminophen poisoning that impacts liver function as well as kidney function. In turn, they prescribe acetaminophen for pain! Flu deaths disappeared during the Covid crisis. Why? In 2018, Fauci declared 88,000 died of the flu and then back tracked and claim it was less than 60,000. Considering the fact that 160 million got the flu shots for that season and the deaths were higher than ever spoke volumes that flu shots don't work. The CDC claims only 450 people die from acetaminophen poisoning which is vastly under reported just as the number of Americans who have died from RNA injections. Someday, they will document that the majority of those who died from the the Covid crisis actually died from the RNA injections and/or the medical treatment prescribed and that acetaminophen was a contributing factor.

It has been documented that over 50% of the liver transplants in the USA that exceed 10,000 are caused by acetaminophen and/or the combination of the drug and alcohol. Other drugs taken concurrently may also contribute. It is a complex set of factors that destroys the glutathione which is essential for normal hepatic function. NAC IV is the antidote and the ER physician miss diagnosed the root cause of Marcus's problem and should have immediately ordered an IV.

The Marcus death is explained in more detail in my up coming book. Seven Innocents and the Trail of Death.

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Just want to point out that Alexis did not die, she is in the ICU now. You mentioned her death when talking about Stevens Johnson syndrome.

Tylenol/acetaminophen is so routinely prescribed yet the potential for disaster is never discussed. People think it is safer than aspirin and infants are pre-dosed with it before vaccinations and then to continue it afterwards for the 'discomfort' from the shots.

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This topic has long been a personal pet gripe. Overdose of acetaminophen happens because nanny-state Governments have stripped us of all effective over-the-counter pain medications, so that people in severe pain take more, and more, and more - never easing their pain, and only damaging their liver and kidneys.

Once, not so long ago, you could buy codeine over-the-counter. Then it was banned due to some story about drug dealers deconstructing the pills and cooking up the codeine.

So for that, we all now have to suffer and be treated like children.

Doctors are now paranoid about prescribing it (which is ridiculous because it had been freely available without a prescription for decades).

And you have next to no chance of getting anything stronger or more effective.

You would think, with the billions in profits, and the hundreds of thousands of different pills Big Pharma churns out, that it could come up with an effective, non-prescription, pain killer.

It almost seems like they don't want to.

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No almost about it.

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Acetaminophen is known already from studies in late 2020 to make covid outcomes worse.


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Fact check is stating that the 3 vaccines that Alexis was not the trigger. Considering vaccines cause a immune system response and are design to create an immune system response, it is logical that it can trigger adverse reactions. Horribly true with the RNA injections which were named a vaccine when they are not and reprogram cellular function against normal cellular programming. Deranged medicine man is playing with the blue print of life and it needs to stop.

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Antibiotics also cause SJS.

So do other drugs.

I agree with the similarities in this case with SJS

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what is SJS?

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Oct 5Edited

Stevens Johnson syndrome

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I agree we have rights. However, invoking those rights and getting legal help to ensure the rights and treatments are upheld can take a long time. Hospitals know this and patients can die or cave in while the legal system wrangles over that enforcement. Increasingly in this country, laws and rights are simply being ignored and very little, if anything is being done. The question stands: if your government ignores its own laws and does what it wants, how do you stop them?

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Yes, this is what happened to Alexis Lorenze. She was coerced into taking 3 jabs in n fear of otherwise not receiving lifesaving care.

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Amen Julia about not relying on the disease system. Thanks to God and natural medicines. Even though I was fearful at times. I did myself a service by not adding more contaminants to my body while I was trying to fight off something. It is mentioned in the Book Of Revelation that the leaves are for the healing of the nations. I still can't figure out why some people refuse to realize that they are nothing more than Cash cows for a system that profis off disease. And whether you heal or not. They've made their money. Excluding surgeries, lab tests or emergency care. I can treat most things with herbs and nutrition for a fraction of the cost of western medicine. So far with no side effects or additional health issues and diseases to live with.

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Very true. Unfortunately “informed consent” is often interpreted as understanding the procedure/risk/benefit, and leaves out the all important right to decline!

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So it might be good for us to print this out and have it with us when admitted to the hospital. Can we find this online?

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I am referring to Patient's Rights

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As usual your scholarship is stunning as is your humanitarianism. Thank you for your work and your goodness. We can only pray that the masses are being woken up by esteemed doctors like you and Dr Humphrey and God Bless all of you I am

Also grateful to Steve Hirsch and those like him. Prayers for Lexi and thank you Lexi for getting your story out there so we all start getting loud about the negligence and the lack of conscience that is rampant in health care institutions AKA our government HHS. They are a criminal cabal intent on both expanding chronic illness and or depopulating those they see as useless eaters

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Well said.

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Thank you have a terrific day

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I am originally from Orange County, (OC) California and know of UCI Hospital...you DO NOT go there if your are ill...my brother-in-law runs acute care hospitals in California and he knows how bad they are...The word in OC is "if you want to die go to UCI!"...they are understaffed and over-zealous with procedures...LOOK at their COVID DEATH RATE ! It was WAY higher than any other local hospital due to "intervention$$$"....Big Medicine is a JOKE ! ..PS.. in the early 90's my mom was at UCI Hospital under a protocol/clinical trial study for a now common Chemo breast cancer drug...my mom had aggressive Ovarian cancer; her doc was world renowned Dr. Philip J. DiSaia & the nurses did NOT check her chemo IV...my beloved mom got 4th degree chem chemical burns from a faulty IV on her "good arm" !!! The sh-t hit the fan, as Dr. DiSaia was not pleased ! If my mom under his care could not even get good care who could ?!? I learned really quick as a young 26 year-old you MUST have an advocate OR be your own staunch advocate ... and DO NOT trust Big Medicine, and try first Natural/Holistic Healing Modalities always !!! She stopped Chemo POI$ON (NOTE: the #1 Money$$ maker for a Hospital) shortly after that happened and died; I think the CHEMO killed her:( !

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Could you link me to the data on their COVID death rates?

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I will try....my brother-in-law had access to them...all the CMO/CEO's etc.. of all the local hospitals in OC had weekly zoom calls & shared information throughout the "plandemic"...he may not be able to share it, but I will ask

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Bill Clinton was treated at UCI Medical in October 2021 for a “non-COVID related infection.”

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Horrific. Hope she recovers!

As far as vaccine injuries go, the other day I saw a headline touting the new booster "and what to do to avoid side effects" -- I wanted to strangle somebody.

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Oh they’re admitting to side effects now?? 🫠

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Just casually!

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They always did. They normalized the 2-3 days post Vx when people felt like they were going to die. Told everyone to expect that. I have a friend who was a prior junkie that told me it was worse than detoxing from heroin.

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Oh sure!!! A sore arm is the big one! 😉. Maybe some muscle aches. Take some Tylenol ™️. Bunch of garbage.

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Probably just so they can sell more drugs to address them.

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Sep 18Edited

Hello simulation commander.🫡

I’ve had people of many different religions come to me.

I ask them to pray to their sky daddies for help on their quest.

I’ve had atheist tell me they don’t believe in God or a creator.

This is when I ask them to pray with me to the simulation commander. It worked and now they thank God 😇

True story

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Every person should bookmark this link. Be informed on “possible” or likely side effects:


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Do you think novavax is ok to take? I may have to get another jab and I'm terrified of more mrna. Covid almost killed me in 2022 and I am in a desperate nightmare of terror and despair trying not to die suddenly from virus or vax. I feel so hopeless.

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dear, why do you feel you "must" get jabbed? and-- why seek a man-made defense? I mean if that's all that's available, I can see it; but usually there is a natural alternative.

I'm just a "crunchy mom" who reads a lot, in rural minnesota. But I am finding that there usually is a simple

or natural way to tackle things.

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you should be able to get an exemption

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As with most medical decisions, this has to be a personal risk/reward assessment. I would personally not take it, but I'm a healthy 40-something with very little to fear from covid.

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Let me help you!!!

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I live in Dallas and it is commonly known within the chronically ill community that UTSW is not some Mecca on the hill in terms of advanced medical care. In fact it is quite the opposite. Maybe once upon a time these academic hospital systems were elite, but now they feel bureaucratic, overly conservative, and woefully unprepared for anything outside of the mainstream.

I feel so bad for Lexi. Thank you for putting your energy behind this.

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Overly "conservative?" I thought authoritarian eugenics was "progressive!"

These words have lost their meaning. Orwellian.

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Dear TNB, touche. The progressives, starting with imperialist Teddy Roosevelt, and permeating through halls of power to impose a draft, give away billions to Wall Street, expand forced sterilization, set up the Federal Reserve, etc., were all about using the coercive power of government to expand the wealth and power of the rich.

They stepped over the bums in the street, and patted each other on the back about vaccinating "liberated" Filipinos. Orwellian indeed.

I only wish that people who call themselves conservative would bother to understand the meaning of that word.


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Slainte, Doc.

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TNB: Some words have multiple meanings. In this case, conservative means purposefully low. My point is they are washing their hands of it by not treating! Just like they did with Alexis. Other than jabbing her and giving her the required blood transfusion, they did nothing to solve the problem they caused. Maybe it’s just ineptitude but it feels like the new mandate is to provide as little actual medical care as is possible.

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I worked at Parkland for many years!! Small world :)

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The package inserts for all three vaccines clearly states that an MD must give informed consent. There is a list of adverse events including anaphylaxis, neurological and potential autoimmune issues from all three vaccines. Also, there is no safety data for administering all three together. I don’t have a medical degree but I can read and common sense directed me to read the package inserts. I think this MD needs to face a medical malpractice lawsuit. There are some wonderful MDs but we should have zero tolerance for this behavior. As far as I’m concerned this is murder.

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Have you ever received informed consent for a vaccine before? Because I haven’t. I’ve suffered for years with what’s been deemed “chronic Lyme” or ME/CFS and I’m starting to believe that I’m just another vaccine injured human, because around the time of my demise, I was participating in company sponsored vaccine drives. If I could go back and undo anything in life it would be that.

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Me too, some 40 yrs ago, was unwell after smallpox cholera and typhoid vaxes all given at once and then had strange issues a few months later diagnosed ME. I’ve never been the same and only now I see it was the smallpox vax

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Yep. I think they invented a lot of diagnoses to cover the V injuries!

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There is absolutely no safety data for administering more than one vaccine at a time for any of them.

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Dear Crixcyon, no evidence that any injections (aka vaccines) provide any benefit. As the pro-vax ignoranti are wont to say, "correlation is not causation". We can see over 300 years of clear-eyed critique of variolation and inoculation. Injecting people with toxic nonsense or biological soup is no way to promote health.

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I used to get a terrible flu each year I took the flu shot for work . Since the last 4 yrs I did not get any more flu shots and no more flu . They were weakening my immunity. These mandates have to end

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Dear SoaJ, I am glad that your eyes are open. I had a similar awakening about 35 years ago. Please share the good news, and encourage any one and everyone to REJECT all vax, and Rx allopathic poisons. Organic food is a must, along with healthy water and REAL salt. Best

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People go deaf when citing hard science.


I like 8th grade level Materials to convey what’s happening on a cellular level inside newborns and adults

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Bro, I showed this very video to my kids in NE China. I never took Chemistry in HS nor studied it in college. My knowledge of chemistry and bio-chemistry is from self-study and this super university Library offered with the name "the internet" (internets as GW Bush might say).

Have you also looked at transmutation of elements? (The Structured Atomic Model?) Thank you for the reference. Best

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This is what powers cern

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Dear Alison W, "wonderful MDs"? Allopaths, who believe in exogenous, contagious viruses? Who inject babies with vax? Who dole out Rx poison? Who have NEVER researched nutrition and the findings of Weston Price, Max Gerson, Alfredo Bowman? Hmm.

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West price use to extract teeth from diseased patients and surgically insert the diseased teeth under the rabbits skin.

The rabbits would then contract the same disease and die

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90, very healthy!!! NEVER Vaxed!!!!! Brilliant DR. back then. Healthy food, carrot juice, etc.

Thank you for YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Never vaxxed...the essence of true healthy living! May you have another good decade ahead of you.

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Or two or three!

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I’m an RN. Stuck myself with a pts needle in 1999. Went to the ER where I got a tetanus shot. Next day had trouble walking. Long story short got 2 autoimmune diseases from that shot. Took me years to get where I am now. I will never take another vaccine after doing extensive research on how they are not safe and not effective.

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Dear RN Tortoriello, how many mothers and babies have you protected and assisted since 1999? Thanks

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When I worked in the hospital we didn’t give any vaccines. I tell my story to people but most didn’t listen until Covid. That debacle woke up many people to how the medical establishment is not trying to make us healthier. Have to take your health into ur own hands and figure things out yourself.

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Even tetnaus??? I've had 2 tetanus boosters in my adult life, how scared do I need to be???? My last one was in 2021 after I stepped on a rusty nail. First one was in college when a cop dragged me shirtless off a fence when me and some buddies broke into a pool (dumb drunken senior prank). They got away, I didn't. I remember feeling uncomfortable for a day after the jab and very very sore but I thought it was from the cop roughing me up...

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Cait everybody is different. Every person responds differently to medicine/vaccines. I always got bad reactions to any shot I took. Would always be sick after I got one…thank goodness I’m old and didn’t get too many. Nobody needs a tetanus shot. Tetanus is anaerobic…meaning it can’t live in the presence of oxygen. Just let your cut bleed and you won’t get tetanus.

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Tetanus shot is just as dangerous and unproven and unhelpful as all the rest. Stop doing them. Has to be a rusty piece of metal laying in animal feces to have any possibility of harm. And as the nurse states below, make sure it bleeds, then leave it alone.

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Thank God for Steve Kirsch’s valiant effort to help Alexis. I hope more people who are in positions of influence, and have the financial means, follow Steve’s lead.

In a way, I envision the possibility of something akin to a real-life Avengers team forming to throw their weight around for altruistic purposes, and acting as a catalyst to accelerate desperately needed change.

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This is a call to those of you under the age of 45 who were not taught that it is wise to Question Authority with a Trust But Verify manner, but instead were taught to memorize test answers instead of using logic and developing critical thinking.

This does not mean to Rage at Authority in the manner of the militant Democrat Party Action Forces of Antifa and BLM and PussyHat Girls. It means simply to learn to look for totalitarian tendencies.

STUDY the 2020 Covid response from most government 3-letter authority bureaucracies, media figure authorities, university and school authorities, and doctors and hospital authorities. Then you will learn to discern when to seek out 2nd and 3rd opinions and/or Resist Authority of those who DEMAND that you set aside your Constitutional Rights or set aside common sense and succumb to their authority.

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I am 45 and yes the whole strategy of school was study, regurgitate, dump, repeat. Logic…what’s that? I went to Physician Assistant school in the early 2000’s and there too, my classmates would study and dump and carry on. I paid quite a bit for very poor preparation. I did many pre-op physicals with patients having gallon size zip lock bags of medications and statements such as here they are, none of them do me any good but doc keeps putting me on them. ????? That was my first wake up call that medicine needs help, dearly. But also, a good friend had an issue with her child at school but didn’t want to go to the principal in fear of the school retaliating against her child and her being labeled as “that parent.” I was dumbfounded.

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Dear Gary, I am a SUPER liberal. I was fired or booted from teaching jobs at the university level as well as public high schools - ONE reason, I encouraged kids to think, and to question "authority." I was told, repeatedly, that such was dangerous. Universities are NOT too liberal, they are institutions where obedience is largely the rule.

By contrast, literacy, numeracy, and logical thinking ... not really so important.

(Thank you, Richard Grove - I love that Trivium; and my dissertation advisor, John Nelson was great too)

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There is now major confusion in terms (probably intentional) between libertarian, liberal and progressive. There are lots of libertarian and liberal minded people who have been abandoned to the middle or right by progressives moving further and further left: https://www.realityslaststand.com/p/my-political-journey

Hillary came of age in the 1960s when Question Authority was being used to question the Military-Industrial Complex's war in Vietnam and later other places. NOW she and many of those her age have become absolute totalitarians who believe that they know better than the "deplorable" 95%, the "less educated flyover-country people." They control the media and Institutes of Higher Indoctrination and K-12 and they call anyone who dares to call them out or disagrees with them "a threat to our democracy" (The USA IS A REPUBLIC!!!), Racist, somethingphobe, Nazi, Hitler or "right-wing crazies" and believe it is their duty to destroy that dissent by whatever means necessary - see lawfare against Trump and his attorneys and associates and the Left's sick disdain for anyone who has not attended an Ivy League College or has traditional family values (KC Chiefs kicker).

They are the ones who forced the lockdown, came up with jab mandates, jab passports, weaponized the DOJ, FBI, and CIA against their political enemies, proposed (and carried out in some places) arresting and jailing the "Dangerous Unvaccinated," have jailed J6 people for 4 years without due process and trials, have demanded for people to "Trust the Science" while refusing scientific methods of debate and scientific proof, and now want to pass laws that gut the 1A and 2A rights of Americans and pack the Supreme Court to approve those laws and want the tens of millions of people who they arranged for to break our laws to get here who do not want to respect our culture, to stay here to be able to vote for Hillary and her ilk so they never lose their control.

I am beyond astonished that these types of people cannot see that they have become totalitarians that are a few rungs short of Stalin and Hitler. Their progressivism has become their religion, and they will stop at nothing for their Jihad towards total control and the demand for obedience as you have experienced.

The only two ways to stop it is for Trump to win despite massive leftist cheating and for the people of the USA to personally return to its Judeo-Christian based spiritual roots of faith in God which has proven to be way more tolerant than these people have become in their Progressive Jihad.

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Well said!!!

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Wow Gary, you lost me at the "Judeo-Christian" based ...

Those Christians who passed law in support of slavery? Criminalized miscegenation? Jews and Christians passed laws in SUPPORT of usury. And the Black codes. They also slaughtered the indigenous peoples of the Continent. G. W. Bush called himself a Christian AND a Conservative. Bombs away in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Obama too! Hail YHWH.

I mean control freaks and thugs are bad. They can call themselves progressive or liberal - so what? I can call myself a Martian ... but I am not. You can call me a Satanist, but I am not that either.


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Dear Dr. Jones.

I will call you doctor because you proclaim that you are. Shall I also judge you based upon the many sins of PhD holders in history? The ones sexually who prey upon their students? Who evilly use their university tenure to abuse or destroy the careers of those who seek the terminal degree in their field or seek to also become tenured? Should I also judge you as an attorney based upon all the sins of any and every attorney in history before you? How about damning your character for the actions of the hundreds of thousands of corrupt judges in history who knowingly sent innocents to their death, gulags, or jail? You could be one of them so should I then lump you in with those people and judge you by their sins? Is this not the logic you employed above?

Christ may be calling you Dr. Jones. He likely wonders why you judge him and his hundreds of millions of followers who do much more good in their lives for the human race than the ones who are say they follow him but are unrepentant in their sins. He may wonder if you would have him also judge you as harshly for your sins and the sins of all the previous professors, attorneys, and judges in the same way you judge Christians.

It is not up to me and what I think about you or what I may call you. May you make the best decision here as it will decide your eternity.

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Dearest Gary,

Well, I actually do have a PhD and a JD - both from the University of Iowa. But, in comparison to modern Christianity, I dare say that I never proclaim, to naive innocents, that their soul is at risk if they fail to obey me and or submit to abuse. But I digress ...

Core tenets of Christianity include PRO-slavery and ANTI-usury. I condemn both slavery and usury. But hey, I am just a human.

In re, eternity ... hmm, I encourage you to read the Greek (Ammon Hillman teaches many), ionic life is NOT eternal life. Best

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You failed to answer the questions I offered, ignored that logic, and only offered back more of the same old tired: "Yeah, well, past and present Christians have done these bad things, so all Christians and Christianity is bad as well."

Seriously? Maybe this tactic is why you were fired...

It is highly doubtful that you are a scholar of the tenets of Christianity and your statement is certainly untrue, sounding like shallow talking points learned in college.

You have many books you can choose from of skeptics who were smart like you and set out to prove Christianity is a hoax or cult, etc., but maybe you should start by researching the life of Apostle Paul.

Good luck with your plan of telling your Maker, "I mean hey, how was I supposed to believe in Christ and the eternal life He spoke of when some people who said they followed Him did all of these bad things. It's like, I had a good friend who got married and his wife cheated on him, so marriage is not for me."

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Sigh. The totalitarian stuff will stop much faster when both “sides” realize that all of us are protesting the same core issues. I’m a disillusioned Dem who got fired for not taking the vax, I also knitted many pussy hats and did a BLM march. The same programmed blindness talked about in this article extends to these kinds of issues. Just as it’s impossible to get people to have an open mind about harms of vaccines, those issues are also more complex. We are so programmed to condemn and attack on BOTH sides.

Most individuals are truly trying to do the right thing.

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So getting fired was the 2nd best thing to ever happen to you - the first was not taking the jab.

Hopefully, a congratulations is in order for thinking, "I see the media and government lying to me about a "safe and effective" jab. I wonder what else they have lied to me about? Which politicians are on the side of censoring resistance to their narratives?"

Hint: Biggest Witch Politician: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/09/17/hillary-clinton-gone-wild-with-disturbing-comments-on-trump-and-free-speech-n2179414

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All my family under 30 follow all "orders" and question nothing. I blame their parents.

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Blame the indoctrination centers as much if not more. Some parents do a fine job but become overwhelmed by the schools and cultural sewage that purposefully targets their children. As an example. Musk's son disowned him. No parent is perfect and the current toxic culture hypes any flaws to recruit the children away from their families.

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Our Constitutional Rights, including the Bill of Rights, can be denied at anytime our Government deems there to be an “emergency” or “threat”. This includes the First Amendment!

“In 1919, the Supreme Court of the United States voted unanimously to uphold the conviction of Socialist Party activists whose only crime was distributing a pamphlet critical of conscription during American participation in the First World War, even though the pamphlet did not advocate any lawbreaking — not even civil disobedience.”


In this podcast CJ also discusses how the military draft violates our 13th Amendment of involuntary servitude. I highly recommend the Dangerous History Podcast…you will be enlightened!

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I'm around that age (a little older), and didn't really learn in public school or college to question anything until I went to law school...I know there are many bad lawyers out there pushing, or inadvertently facilitating, a totalitarian agenda, and i wonder HOW so many of them (particularly those in Congress) can let our constitutional rights disappear through their actions or inactions...but the legal education I got 20 years ago was gamechanging...Ponder motives, think critically about all statements, evidence, facts, etc., every word counts, what's REALLY going on here? Constuitutional rights are supreme...

I no longer practice but the education was invaluble. Now I homeschool (chuckle).

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Gary! Great advice! I wish every under 45 would read this!

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Doesn't the package insert for the vax have this statement to only vaccinate healthy people or do not vaccinate unhealthy people? She was not health and thus should not have been vaccinated for things she was not at immediate risk for. Tetanus? Does the hospital use rusty needles? No. So no need for that. Same goes for the other ones. This is clearly mal practice and they know it, but after the fact.

I have had so many friends that go into hospitals for either needed procedures or ones that are for quality of life (hip/knee replacement type of things) and every single one of them- Every Single One of them, the doctors/surgeons have screwed up and the patient suffers immensely for it.

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See my post below...UCI is notoriously under-staffed....ALL big hospital$ are....bigger Profit$ and/or they can't find staff to staff them...they cut corner$ and PU$H procedure$ that are not needed...during COVID I had patient advocate friends who literally kidnapped people out of places like UCI before they killed them with "Covid Protocol$" ! The stories they could tell read like an episode of the TV show "24"; these hospitals would NOT release nor transfer these patients and they were held hostage by them (most of these patients could not advocated for themselves as they were intubated etc....)..some of these hospitals were in OC, California !!! YOU MUST have a Patient advocate overseeing any care you have at any hospital !

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But they found enough staff to add in 3 jabs....

(I have a feeling it's inefficiency as much as "understaffed," and then again - how many people did they fire over mandates?)

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I been reading everything I can get my hands on regarding vaccines and informed consent, no warnings of severe injury/death...(nurse)

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when I was growing up, & when my kids were small, the teaching was "only vax a healthy person". the LOGIC behind that was, you want an immune response to the vax, so if the body is already fighting off something, it won't produce the needed response.

Fast forward 20 years & now they vax even if you are very sick !!!! the true reason behind that is, $$$. They were finding that due to various colds, parents didn't keep their small ones on the rigid vax schedule wanted by Big Pharma.

And of course if baby had a cold already, parents can't easily tell if the post-vax misery is from the cold or the shot...& will assume "it'll be fine". 😢

It is heartbreaking. Even though now it's other people's kids and not

mine, it breaks my heart.

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Awe …Give them a break.

They’re just “practicing” medicine on you

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Prayers for Lexi and ALL the vax injured and their families… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 May we all see justice soon in this lifetime… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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My uncle had ITP before Covid, standard healthcare failed him and an alternative doc discovered he had ridiculously high lead levels. After lots of chelation, he stabilized. Then along came Covid, and he did NOT take the jab, but something happened that triggered his ITP again along with a low hemoglobin (he is surrounded by jabbed relatives), and this time he ended up admitted. During his stay, he was transfused more than 5 times with packed RBC's (which I am sure came from jabbed individuals). Now he struggles to keep his platelets and hemoglobin levels remotely normal, even with chelation.

We are all prisoners of a shit system. I am so sick of it. And now my daughter in law is brainwashed, and I have to watch my 4 month old grandbaby get 6 VACCINES every damn 2 months!!!!

I have prayed more in the last 4 years. It is all so maddening.

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You are welcome to ask me for my phone number and I can tell her of my 4mo who got full body hives, raging fever, encephalytic scream (brain swelling) and seizures post 4mo shots. He is okay now, but it took a LOT of work- money and time- to get where we are today at 17yo. I'm lucky I stopped when I did. Doctors wanted me to keep going. I didn't know about the scream indicating encephalitis. He would have died of "SIDS" next time he got a vax. I'm actually shocked he did not that night knowing what I know now. Very grateful. And let's add on the four anaphylaxis food allergies.... life isn't safe. food is much more prevalent and something to be worried about than a virus that is rarely if ever harmful. Pharma has short circuited out risk awareness mechanisms.

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"A doctor who recommends a healthy kids get the vaccine is making a mistake. I think it rises to the level of malpractice because doctors should understand that you don’t mess with healthy people unless you have proven they have net benefit."

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Find a clinic near you that treats injured children.

Take her into the waiting room on a busy day to see the children with helmets on and speak with the parents

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How horribly sad for your grandchild. Perhaps some vaccine books will prompt her to read. Kirches charts on autism etc is a quick ‘see’ if she wont read. He has one that definitely shows the rise of autism with vaccines in babies/children. Stand now for that grand baby, or you will be regretting you didn’t if that child suffers with side affects.

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The prospect of a transfusion frightens me.

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Thank-you, witnessed horrific injuries/deaths after Covid shots that a blind person could not deny, now witnessing multiple code blues per day and new pandemic of preeclampsia with NICU admissions. It's shocking to watch the system continue as if nothing is happening. (hospital nurse)

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