Please familiarize yourself with Kary Mullis (the inventor of the PCR test). There are many old videos of him, where he says that a PCR test should never be used to diagnosis anything. Kary also said that if you performed more than 35 cycles on it, you could find everything you want to say in it. Kary was NOT shy in his total disgust for…
Please familiarize yourself with Kary Mullis (the inventor of the PCR test). There are many old videos of him, where he says that a PCR test should never be used to diagnosis anything. Kary also said that if you performed more than 35 cycles on it, you could find everything you want to say in it. Kary was NOT shy in his total disgust for Fraudci. Kary wanted to be able to debate Fraudci & be interviewed with him. Fraudci refused all invites. Kary was a very healthy & fit guy (with no close relatives) who supposedly died of a heart attack 2 months before Fraudci started using his test to diagnosis co19. How convenient for Fraudci? The dead inventor could not prevent Fraudci from misusing this test. In addition, there have been many scientists in the world who have been able to prove that the swabs (made in China) have many dangerous chemicals in them, as well as nano technology in them. The Spanish Scientists (Comusav) were able to go to an open field in Mexico & prove that the patients who got the nasal swabs were being actively tracked in a govt database. They then went to a cemetery & saw pinging in that database from the recently buried graves. Those swabs have PEG in them. That aids in the tracking. So Cait, you have a tracking device in your body. Only God & the globalists know what the plan is.
Please familiarize yourself with Kary Mullis (the inventor of the PCR test). There are many old videos of him, where he says that a PCR test should never be used to diagnosis anything. Kary also said that if you performed more than 35 cycles on it, you could find everything you want to say in it. Kary was NOT shy in his total disgust for Fraudci. Kary wanted to be able to debate Fraudci & be interviewed with him. Fraudci refused all invites. Kary was a very healthy & fit guy (with no close relatives) who supposedly died of a heart attack 2 months before Fraudci started using his test to diagnosis co19. How convenient for Fraudci? The dead inventor could not prevent Fraudci from misusing this test. In addition, there have been many scientists in the world who have been able to prove that the swabs (made in China) have many dangerous chemicals in them, as well as nano technology in them. The Spanish Scientists (Comusav) were able to go to an open field in Mexico & prove that the patients who got the nasal swabs were being actively tracked in a govt database. They then went to a cemetery & saw pinging in that database from the recently buried graves. Those swabs have PEG in them. That aids in the tracking. So Cait, you have a tracking device in your body. Only God & the globalists know what the plan is.
I tested it under the microscope 🔬
After soaking it in distilled water.
I used a magnetic 🧲 current to steer the microscopic particles suspended in liquid phase .
Under the microscope the magnetic particles look like a clear gel.
It’s definitely magneto electric responsive
Also the fibers are hollow. I found some wild looking “anomalies “ in the fibers.
I know many big words to use here .
But what I said is enough to convey something odd is afoot
The swab?