I'm sorry to hear both about your accident and the subsequent whiplash and concussion. I had a mild concussion in March and it was a nightmare to deal with as my job involves lots of texting clients. I hope you are feeling better.
I am raising the question not to be contrary but just to ask, isn't it possible the hospital tested you for c…
I'm sorry to hear both about your accident and the subsequent whiplash and concussion. I had a mild concussion in March and it was a nightmare to deal with as my job involves lots of texting clients. I hope you are feeling better.
I am raising the question not to be contrary but just to ask, isn't it possible the hospital tested you for covid because they were experiencing a surge in cases and wanted to know whether they needed to don PPE in your room? I'm asking bc I am trying to think of benign reasons. I say this as someone who lives in abject, utter terror of dying suddenly from the 3 covid jabs I got in 2021 (no, I didn't get placebo) and who spends every free moment emailing my loved ones who keep jabbing articles like this one, because I am terrified THEY will die suddenly- I beg God on my knees every night to spare them. I only mention this so you know I'm not a pro jab CNN watching sheep or anything.
The reality is, no, they were not experiencing a surge. I know because I asked. Thankfully, the attendant nurse I got that night was not a loyal zombie. I asked her if Covid cases were up because that’s what I was hearing in the local news. She said no, not at all. I told her I would wear a mask if that made her more comfortable. She “pshhh’d” that suggestion and flat out said, “I don’t wear a mask. I’ve never had Covid and I’m not afraid of getting it.” It was then I knew I was in good hands.
I wish I could stop being afraid of getting it. I wish I knew why God made it so some people had horrible nightmarish symptoms and others the sniffles. The past four years have totally destroyed my life. All I do is wait to die from the virus or the jab or in the horrible concurrent collapse event or to feel like ending it all when all who I love die from their jabs. Someone told me eventually a frequency will force the jabbed to hunt the unjabbed and I cry at night begging God not to let that be true. I've never felt more hopeless in my entire life. I wish I could go back to before it happened and have God just make it like it was then, it was still hard but I wouldn't be hurting like this I know it.
I too, was afraid of it, but took action. Fortunately, I can read people (well, a-holes) and when Fauci stood with an expression of dumb insolence behind President Trump when he mentioned HCQ, I had my anti-doctor. I always did the exact opposite of what Fauci recommended. It worked. Why was HCQ effective? I searched. It was an ionosphere for zinc. Transports the large zinc ion through cell walls so it can effectively suppress viral replication. I searched for zinc ionophores. Quercetin is a natural substance that is also a zinc ionophore.
Story shortened. It all worked. Vitamins C&D, quercetin, and zinc slowed viral infection so much that my innate, cell based immune system found and destroyed the infected cells before the virus could replicate. I awoke from an amazing fever sweat, just drenched in sweat. Fever is from your immune system kicking into high gear, an all out defense against an invader.
I have no antibodies against the COVID-19 variants. Tested twice. My adaptive immune system was never triggered, so no antibodies were developed. I have something better. Much better. A well-trained, innate immune system that has taken on and destroyed Omicron and its variants without me ever being sick or having another fever. Yes, I felt some very mild symptoms that kept me awake for an hour as an Omicron variant was destroyed.
Take action. Winter is coming, little sunshine. You need Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2 supplements. Vitamin D3 can increase the amount of calcium in your blood. Vitamin K2 will make sure that calcium is used in your bones and does not cause hardening of your arteries. Read, search. Inform yourself. You need >40ug/ml of vitamin D in your blood to fight viruses.
Don't like to waste money on supplements? Then buy that $9.95/month life insurance, so your family can afford a funeral.
When it comes to supplementing, I've observed better performance using the "power of 3" approach. In regards to your D3/K2 example, add a Mg (citrate, glycinate, taurine).
Listen, I understand, I really do. Luckily I didn’t get the jab because I was already well aware of the corruption at the CDC, and I was a chronic Lyme disease patient that had been misdiagnosed, misled, and maligned by the allopathic medicine.
Much of what you are likely experiencing is what I have myself experienced although I think the spike protein is much more insidious. I myself got “spiked” by a massage therapist 3 years ago and henceforth have suffered with kidney pain and adrenal insufficiency. Every time I’m around crowds of the jabbed I get weird symptoms and don’t feel well.
What I would suggest you focus on is liver support, mitochondrial health, and nutrition. Drink distilled water, get sunshine and fresh air every day, learn vagus nerve exercises, turn off bad news, eat real food, try something as simple as milk thistle for your liver. There’s so much you can do and try to heal your body.
Yes, I am grateful my massage therapist is unjabbed. My prior one was, and I felt I was absorbing too much on the table. There are so many brilliant massage therapists out there, but 90%+ of them here in Australia took it. Wouldn't let them touch me with a 10 foot pole.
I can’t tell if you’re serious, but if you are, I’d like to offer that I’ve been there, with symptoms to match my fears. After advancing through all the stages of psychology and working hard to heal my body, I finally decided that this is just a different mask on the same beast, the beast of uncertainty. All of us are going to die. None of us know exactly when. We have expectations, but we never had guarantees. Walk through the valley; fear no evil. Also, I now firmly believe that we live in a metaphysical medium, maybe an electromagnetic field that tunes the simulation, and while we cannot control a whole lot, we were granted some degree of sovereignty over our own little space. You can influence the invisible; you can tune your space. Free will is the tool. I go on long runs and pay all of my suffering and striving as tribute to Aten, and he rewards me with health and the strength to endure the slings and arrows. Others pray, believe, imagine, sing, paint, write … reading more and more studies about spike protein won’t do it. You have to activate what science and rationalism tried to kill. The sun will rise.
Have you looked at the following data I collected and you can see much of this concern is avoidable.
It is a lot but just skim over it and look at the bold text. Once you boil it all down covid was only a danger to the aged, co-morbid and those with inadequate Vitamin-D3 and magnesium.
If you want to see how much Vitamin-D3 I supplement based on my research you can look at the page with my bio and dose tables. with links to the relevant studies.
Then if you are wanting to prepare for the time you might get it you can stock up on a few remedies.
Check out the best and cheapest ones on the following site. Many are spices, supplements and simple techniques (sleep, exercise, nasal irrigation) you can do without any doctors oversight, just your own better
judgement. I like the COST PER LIFE SAVED chart a lot.
I take 2,000 to 10,000 IU of D3 daily (liquid) and get as much sun as possible. I wear white undershirts (T-shirts) outside to get as much UV as possible. I do wear a hat. My serum D3 as of July '24 was 64 ng/mL.
Never tested for COVID, NO ONE is going to put a stick up my sinuses. There are many injuries reported from improper use of that procedure, publications will confirm injuries. If what you are testing for is in your sinus mucus it is in you saliva as well. I knew the PCR test was junk, I have used it for over 20 years to confirm types of anaerobic bacteria in contaminated soil (original use of PCR) Cycle Thresholds must be less than 35 to be published and better if it is around 25 CT. The PCR for COVID was running CTs of 42 and greater. They were just reporting junk to scare you.
As for FEAR; using the King James Bible, there are 54 verses that contain the exact phrase "be not afraid" One will find similar results using other Bible versions.
Finally, Aaron's Blessing (Num 6: 24-26) NET English version
The LORD bless you and protect you;
The LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
I'm sorry to hear both about your accident and the subsequent whiplash and concussion. I had a mild concussion in March and it was a nightmare to deal with as my job involves lots of texting clients. I hope you are feeling better.
I am raising the question not to be contrary but just to ask, isn't it possible the hospital tested you for covid because they were experiencing a surge in cases and wanted to know whether they needed to don PPE in your room? I'm asking bc I am trying to think of benign reasons. I say this as someone who lives in abject, utter terror of dying suddenly from the 3 covid jabs I got in 2021 (no, I didn't get placebo) and who spends every free moment emailing my loved ones who keep jabbing articles like this one, because I am terrified THEY will die suddenly- I beg God on my knees every night to spare them. I only mention this so you know I'm not a pro jab CNN watching sheep or anything.
The reality is, no, they were not experiencing a surge. I know because I asked. Thankfully, the attendant nurse I got that night was not a loyal zombie. I asked her if Covid cases were up because that’s what I was hearing in the local news. She said no, not at all. I told her I would wear a mask if that made her more comfortable. She “pshhh’d” that suggestion and flat out said, “I don’t wear a mask. I’ve never had Covid and I’m not afraid of getting it.” It was then I knew I was in good hands.
I wish I could stop being afraid of getting it. I wish I knew why God made it so some people had horrible nightmarish symptoms and others the sniffles. The past four years have totally destroyed my life. All I do is wait to die from the virus or the jab or in the horrible concurrent collapse event or to feel like ending it all when all who I love die from their jabs. Someone told me eventually a frequency will force the jabbed to hunt the unjabbed and I cry at night begging God not to let that be true. I've never felt more hopeless in my entire life. I wish I could go back to before it happened and have God just make it like it was then, it was still hard but I wouldn't be hurting like this I know it.
I too, was afraid of it, but took action. Fortunately, I can read people (well, a-holes) and when Fauci stood with an expression of dumb insolence behind President Trump when he mentioned HCQ, I had my anti-doctor. I always did the exact opposite of what Fauci recommended. It worked. Why was HCQ effective? I searched. It was an ionosphere for zinc. Transports the large zinc ion through cell walls so it can effectively suppress viral replication. I searched for zinc ionophores. Quercetin is a natural substance that is also a zinc ionophore.
Story shortened. It all worked. Vitamins C&D, quercetin, and zinc slowed viral infection so much that my innate, cell based immune system found and destroyed the infected cells before the virus could replicate. I awoke from an amazing fever sweat, just drenched in sweat. Fever is from your immune system kicking into high gear, an all out defense against an invader.
I have no antibodies against the COVID-19 variants. Tested twice. My adaptive immune system was never triggered, so no antibodies were developed. I have something better. Much better. A well-trained, innate immune system that has taken on and destroyed Omicron and its variants without me ever being sick or having another fever. Yes, I felt some very mild symptoms that kept me awake for an hour as an Omicron variant was destroyed.
Take action. Winter is coming, little sunshine. You need Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2 supplements. Vitamin D3 can increase the amount of calcium in your blood. Vitamin K2 will make sure that calcium is used in your bones and does not cause hardening of your arteries. Read, search. Inform yourself. You need >40ug/ml of vitamin D in your blood to fight viruses.
Don't like to waste money on supplements? Then buy that $9.95/month life insurance, so your family can afford a funeral.
When it comes to supplementing, I've observed better performance using the "power of 3" approach. In regards to your D3/K2 example, add a Mg (citrate, glycinate, taurine).
Listen, I understand, I really do. Luckily I didn’t get the jab because I was already well aware of the corruption at the CDC, and I was a chronic Lyme disease patient that had been misdiagnosed, misled, and maligned by the allopathic medicine.
Much of what you are likely experiencing is what I have myself experienced although I think the spike protein is much more insidious. I myself got “spiked” by a massage therapist 3 years ago and henceforth have suffered with kidney pain and adrenal insufficiency. Every time I’m around crowds of the jabbed I get weird symptoms and don’t feel well.
What I would suggest you focus on is liver support, mitochondrial health, and nutrition. Drink distilled water, get sunshine and fresh air every day, learn vagus nerve exercises, turn off bad news, eat real food, try something as simple as milk thistle for your liver. There’s so much you can do and try to heal your body.
I pray you find answers. 💜
Yes, I am grateful my massage therapist is unjabbed. My prior one was, and I felt I was absorbing too much on the table. There are so many brilliant massage therapists out there, but 90%+ of them here in Australia took it. Wouldn't let them touch me with a 10 foot pole.
So, a replication competent highly engineered virus is now a thing then.
I can’t tell if you’re serious, but if you are, I’d like to offer that I’ve been there, with symptoms to match my fears. After advancing through all the stages of psychology and working hard to heal my body, I finally decided that this is just a different mask on the same beast, the beast of uncertainty. All of us are going to die. None of us know exactly when. We have expectations, but we never had guarantees. Walk through the valley; fear no evil. Also, I now firmly believe that we live in a metaphysical medium, maybe an electromagnetic field that tunes the simulation, and while we cannot control a whole lot, we were granted some degree of sovereignty over our own little space. You can influence the invisible; you can tune your space. Free will is the tool. I go on long runs and pay all of my suffering and striving as tribute to Aten, and he rewards me with health and the strength to endure the slings and arrows. Others pray, believe, imagine, sing, paint, write … reading more and more studies about spike protein won’t do it. You have to activate what science and rationalism tried to kill. The sun will rise.
Have you looked at the following data I collected and you can see much of this concern is avoidable.
It is a lot but just skim over it and look at the bold text. Once you boil it all down covid was only a danger to the aged, co-morbid and those with inadequate Vitamin-D3 and magnesium.
If you want to see how much Vitamin-D3 I supplement based on my research you can look at the page with my bio and dose tables. with links to the relevant studies.
Then if you are wanting to prepare for the time you might get it you can stock up on a few remedies.
Check out the best and cheapest ones on the following site. Many are spices, supplements and simple techniques (sleep, exercise, nasal irrigation) you can do without any doctors oversight, just your own better
judgement. I like the COST PER LIFE SAVED chart a lot.
I take 2,000 to 10,000 IU of D3 daily (liquid) and get as much sun as possible. I wear white undershirts (T-shirts) outside to get as much UV as possible. I do wear a hat. My serum D3 as of July '24 was 64 ng/mL.
Never tested for COVID, NO ONE is going to put a stick up my sinuses. There are many injuries reported from improper use of that procedure, publications will confirm injuries. If what you are testing for is in your sinus mucus it is in you saliva as well. I knew the PCR test was junk, I have used it for over 20 years to confirm types of anaerobic bacteria in contaminated soil (original use of PCR) Cycle Thresholds must be less than 35 to be published and better if it is around 25 CT. The PCR for COVID was running CTs of 42 and greater. They were just reporting junk to scare you.
As for FEAR; using the King James Bible, there are 54 verses that contain the exact phrase "be not afraid" One will find similar results using other Bible versions.
Finally, Aaron's Blessing (Num 6: 24-26) NET English version
The LORD bless you and protect you;
The LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.