The status quo in our profit driven medical community are doing their best to not change the direction of medicine! The actual number of those who died from the Covid virus are much less than what is being reported as being in 1.2 million. That is because there was a profit motive to designate anyone who died during that period as dying from Covid because there was a monetary reward.! Criminal beyond my comprehension! It is all about changing the mindset to accept injections as a new form of medical treatment to treat all diseases! Wrong!
I am also a pharmacist. We didn’t lose one patient to covid. We had a few with multiple co morbidities who were weak and died with covid, and they were both very sweet people. However, they wouldn’t have survived the flu either. Unfortunately, all the fear got to my daughter and she died of a sudden cardiac arrest after she took her 4th Pfizer jab. She was only 29 years old. She was a very healthy nurse. I never went back to the pharmacy after she passed away. Next month it will be two years. 💔💔💔
I am so sorry for your loss because it is difficult when you lose a child and it should never have happened. My children all bought into the Covid con because they thought they were protecting myself and others who are elderly in the family. I told them that their immune systems were healthy and they did not have anything to fear. I never got the injections and had Covid twice and the first time was for 21 days and the second time was for seven days because my immune system built antibodies! I think I had it the third time it lasted maybe one day. All my children’s immune systems have been degraded by the injections and they have had health issues especially my son. It is criminal beyond my belief that this is transpiring and we can’t get it stopped.
It was so evil. Since when are children are supposed to sacrifice for our old arses? We have had our lives. I’m sure the grannies in the Warsaw ghetto didn’t push their children and grandchildren out the front door while they ran out the back. I will never forget nor forgive.
You make a good point. Since when do we throw our children to the sharks to preserve our own tired old butts? Dammit that bothered me through the whole thing: pharma twisting altruism into something really ugly.
I am so so very sorry. I am terrified for my youngest daughter who took two shots to stay in a damn medical internship. She knew better. She experienced eye issues almost immediately after. A hole in her retina had to be repaired, and the floaters and shimmering lights still plague her. From my research, she is not alone with this injury, and it is likely due to micro blood clotting in her eye. .She never had health problems before. I pray every day that the Lord will have mercy and not allow any further injury.
My ophtalmologist told me at the time that she could see in her patients' eyes whether they had covid or were "vaccinated". The optical blood vessels would have micro blood clots. Vaccination causes more clots and these do not respond well to anti clotting agents.
My sister in her 60’s is experiencing similar eye issues. She’s had every one of those evil things. Other sis has constant migraines and pain. My closest sister died before her second original Pfizer. My brother and I did not vax.
I’m so sorry for your loss. My 3 kids all bought into the Covid con out of love for their parents! I told them they had nothing to fear because they are healthy! I never got the shots and survived two rounds o f Covid. 21 days first time and 7 days the 2nd time because my immune system system as designed built antibodies.
I’m very sorry for your loss, but you must understand Covid does not exist. It is a lie. And the mRNA injection is a chemical weapon made to depopulate the Earth . You could know more make a baby in one month with nine women then you could make a so-called therapeutic gene therapy in 8 to 10 months, which would normally take 6 to 12 years. What people were injected with was pure poison,.Period
Where I come from asshole those are fighting words and I doubt you would have the courage to say that to my face and if you did, you would be spitting your fucking teeth out all over the floor. I’ve got a name. I’ve got a number you can come visit my studio anytime but be assured you walk through my door. I’m gonna lock it right behind your dumbass.
I think shooting me might make you as a murderer, if you hit your target well. Nevertheless, my number is 858-382-4517. If you need any help loading your gun I can be of assistance by the way what you just said is it terrorist threat
I am very sorry, MJ Bowlen. There is no way to heal this loss. The only comfort existing on Earth is found in Jesus' promise...His Spirit is also known as the Comforter. I wonder that my son has met and loves your daughter and all those we have lost here from Earth, and are in Heaven, away from the trouble that is coming. The pain of losing your loved child is like no other...some respite is found in helping others. I have prayed that would God bless you, and comfort you MJ. All the best.
My GP seems to be that way. At my last annual physical they refused my request for an antibody script (required here) but did offer me a flu shot, a shingles shot, a pneumonia shot and a Covid shot,all at the same time. My reply was no, no, no and NO. I don't think they want me to be healthy at all.
Good for you Fred! Outside of surgeries and/or emergency care. There are lots of things, clean (antioxidants, herbal medicines, etc) that we can take, hopefully before it's too late, that can spare us from worse suffering, unwanted side effects, if we get started on time. Think I did read something about detoxing on this post today. Doesn't matter to me if the detox is mild, medium or hard-core. I think that's one of the best ways to heal and/or stay healthy.
Allopathic medicine in big Pharma are the most evil entities ever to exist. They took an oath never to harm their patience and that is exactly what they do every day cripple kill and sterilize and now they’re doing it absolutely on purpose with the mRNA injection. A purpose driven chemical weapon to depopulate a vast majority of the earth and sterilize, a huge number of females. Don’t cut these scum any slack they’ve had 4 1/2 years to figure out what they are injecting into their patients and almost no one has stepped forward. I can count them on one hand. They’re all my friends for more physicians, the rest of them to hell with them , either cowards or their stooges either way they’re guilty as fuck for the murder of millions upon the Earth
The Hippocratic oath is a modern day myth. It is no longer a part of modern medicine. It is just not sworn to anymore. Rockefeller replaced his lost oil monopoly with allopathic medicine. Maybe DOGE will get done early and they can follow the money on modern day medicine.
I'm really sorry to burst your bubble, but if you think they will fix anything, you are most likely deceived. Their job is to bring in the nwo and to make sure conservatives and Christians are on board. That's the only reason Trump is back in office. The Hip Oath is an oath to a small g god. Doge is e god backwards. These satanist elite use inversion to pervert everything. Almost everything I've seen this admin do so far will never help the people esp true Christians. I've attached a short video. I hope this helps you.
Not cutting any slack for anyone or making excuses for anyone about anything. Myself included. Even before the covid bioweapon. I realized as far back as the 1970's that western medicine was being used to murder people.
My email stated you replied to my comment Christine. Not sure you did since I don't recall mentioning holistic medicine on this post today. Anyway, I can't argue about some scammers that have entered into the holistic field these days. However, I think most of us who are old enough realize that we better never invest any type of trust with the wrong person or people.
The truth is, no one died from Covid because Covid does not exist. It is a completely fictitious virus as all viruses are no virus has been scientifically proven to exist. Covid was nothing more than mine control. If they can program your subconscious mind to believe you were sick you will get sick if you had the detoxification That we called the flu they called Covid, with the exact same symptoms, but the flu suddenly disappeared all over the Earth. That’s ridiculous. They murdered old folks in hospital and old care facilities with Meddazaln and morphine combined with mechanical ventilators to induce fear into the population. Absolute medical murder.
Do you even know how they claim to prove the existence of a virus? If so, many people haven’t been murdered over the last four years it would be comical.
What the last 4 1/2 years proved is almost everyone on the earth is under complete mind control. Very frightening that the so-called intellectual elites are so easily persuaded to do whatever they’re told without any appeal to logic or reason as to why. Very frightening that the so-called intellectual elites are so easily persuaded to do whatever they’re told without any appeal to logic or reason as to why. fear and inability to think correctly dominates the so-called intellectual class
Chris, I really share many of your views concerning covid and viruses, etc. But to think that this was all done mentally is as giant a leap as their comical virus "proofs". This was indeed a very virulent and purposely designed biological weapon (read the patents) used as a tool (read the government definitions) against all populations across the world as a tool by eugenicists to decrease populations (read the Humanist Manifestos and study Margaret Sanger) and (search the Fauci video mentioned below) to use "fear" to convince the masses to be injected with a "trans-humanist" payload with many unfortunate outcomes, not because the people are too abundant but because they are too uncontrollable. Fauci was accused of this for his role in HIV/AIDS 35 years ago by Dr. Robert Milner and a video proving this can still be found online. All of this and more was foretold in Scriptures. These maniacs have only begun. Give your heart to God and keep your blood pure, for the life is in the blood and the body is the temple of His spirit. Psalms 91 for a refuge and courage.
I've only had flu 3 times as an adult, but what I had in November 2020 wasn't influenza or a cold. The symptoms just didn't fit.
I was a contrarian from early on. I stumbled on a treasure trove of research in spring 2020 showing masks didn't work against flu, and I realized they likely wouldn't work against covid either. The push to bury and demonize hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin made zero sense. If we really were in a deadly pandemic, we should be using every existing, reasonably safe medicine that showed some effectiveness, instead of banning those that were working.
Pfauxi was saying we needed "one to two years of clinical trials" on the use of HCQ, an FDA-approved medicine with a known safety record, against covid. Yet there was a wild rush to get a "vaccine" out in a few months, with barely any testing. Did not compute.
My husband, grown son, and I all came down with fairly mild covid one after the other, within a few days. There was no "mind control" or psychosomatic illness there. I'm usually the one who doesn't get sick when everyone else does; they (and my daughter) all got flu every year from 2009-2012, but I didn't. My husband developed pneumonia from what you call "mInD cOnTrOl" (he's older and has comorbidities), despite not expecting to. How's that work?
I can't even with virus deniers. Scientifically illiterate people who have closed their minds to any and all evidence contrary to their faith. I've changed my mind about a lot of things over the years--vaccines, the role (or lack thereof) of cholesterol in heart disease, calorie counting vs. a low-carb or ketogenic way of eating. I'm open to actual evidence, but virus deniers can't ever come up with anything.
The only thing I can agree with you about is that they did indeed commit medical murder with Midazolam, morphine, and ventilators.
I was out and about during the Pandemic as my business was exempted from the lockdowns. I never contracted covid which I credit to the 15 or so vitamins and supplements I take. I am also striving to eat mostly organic foods as they become more available. I have only been sick once in the last 8 years and it wasn't covid. Hope that helps some.
Very clearly, you have never looked as to how virologist claim to prove the existence of any virus. It is complete fraud, putting a monkey kidney cell in a petri dish and then poisoning it with two types of kidney destroying antibiotics and then they starve the cell now what do you think would happen if you poison something and starve it? I think it would probably die. This is their proof of any virus that is completely ridiculous to even a non-medically trained person such as myself I live by pure reason that is enough to see that their experiment is complete fraud. ? I think it would probably die. This is their proof of any virus that is completely ridiculous to even a non-medically trained person such as myself I live by pure reason that is enough to see that they’re experiment is complete fraud. I cannot prove viruses do not exist, because you cannot prove a negative, but I can prove that they have not proven the existence of viruses.
Animals, from rats to humans become ill for a myriad of reasons, but not because of non-existent viruses or Real bacteria. The thing about mind control is if someone is under it, you cannot convince them they are under mind Control.
About right. Except my mind has been changed about the keto and carnivore diet except for therapeutic use. As a lifestyle, definitely not. It will eventually harm your metabolism big time. I know this personally. I also had something very strange after traveling at Christmas. My husband too. It wasn’t nice. I eat healthy and my Vit D level is 90.
I don't think I could do carnivore or full-on keto for an extended period, but I can see its usefulness as a reset. I do low-carb, but not no-carb, and have fasted intermittently (twice a week) for almost 6 years. I weigh now what I did as an 18-year-old college sophomore.
No, so-called virus has ever been proven to scientifically exist, ever. All illness is either a detoxification of the body or an injury like in paralyzation from so-called polio, which was actually caused by lead arsenic poisoning or DDT. Most people on this earth, simply do not understand the power of subconscious programming. Summon the government understand us very well, and they can make you sick by just speaking to you in certain ways. Think of it as modern voodoo suppress your ego. Don’t let it get the better of you. You didn’t have Covid. You didn’t have a virus that doesn’t exist, you were either detoxify. God knows what you made. I believing you were ill.
Holy god! Get out of conspiracy land! Does not exist? It’s the brainwashed people like you that are a major issue! I guess polio and the measles are non existent as well! Deplorable.
I will allow others to provide the arguements on it. Right now I still believe in viruses.. probably not in the way others do though. Can you see it under a microscope? No... so what is it...
It is cellular debris from necrosis, cell death cell death not brought on by infected tissue in the culture, this has been proven, but by two renal toxic antibiotics that were placed upon the monkey, kidney cell and by starvation of the cell. That experiment is not science by its pure definition. This does not prove the existence of any virus, from SARS, polio, to HIV, to Zika, to chickenpox, measles, mumps, or rubella none of them have been proven to exist in any scientific experiment
The definition of a liar is someone who intentionally deceives people. I hate liars, and I would never do such a thing. I will leave that to the world, economic forum, and the rest of the governments as for you, sir, you sound like a homosexual, soy boy, real man don’t talk like you talk, I suspect you are a chemically iemasculated , Closet homosexual
I suspect most of the dying from actual CoViD-19 (as opposed to iatrocide) had already been done before the profit motive for so designating was inserted. Ask Bill Rice, Jr.
Thankyou for a well written and clear description of the mechanics of the Covid Vax saga.
I am sending to my children who were forced by their employers to take the jab. I was fortunate that my wife figured out the C-19 vax was no good in the Spring of 21 and came to me saying "we are not taking that s__t!"
I was a nurse until my second jab left me with an anaphylactic reaction and subsequent loss of the ability to do my job. The company I worked for didn't care. I lost my job and was left to piece my life back together (no insurance by the time my doctor's referral to a neurologist came through). Thank God I was only a few years from early retirement. I worked in a hardware store to pay the bills till then. It hasn't been easy, but I am surviving with poverty level social security. The sad thing is I was disabled but had no resources to apply for disability. (You have to have numerous doctors visits and tests ) I struggled with brain fog and lost my language abilities. An avid reader prior to the life changing incident, I could not get through a page much less a book. Time, word games, not giving up, and a particular OTC supplement have improved things greatly but I don't think I will ever be the same. I did do a VAERS report with no satisfaction. I have completely lost faith in our medical system. I'm sure I will never be compensated.
Another horrific & heartbreaking outcome…& it was forced upon you. Truly criminal to have no recourse, as yet. I hope & pray for proper acknowledgement of guilt, as well as compensation to you & everyone adversely impacted. We must not give up the fight for what’s right. Stay strong & keep trying alternative healing approaches until you find the ones that work! 🙏🏻❤️🩹
Yes, that sounds horrible. Certainly, you were poisoned by the supernational powers that mean to depopulate the earth. And the allopathic medical community was certainly not spared. My personal conversations with Dr. Mike Eden, former vice president of Pfizer he does not know of any way to detoxify of the lipid nano particles which are certainly causing the problems I would eat as clean as you can mostly raw foods, build up your strength as much as you can and program your subconscious mind with joyous thoughts
Neither I nor my husband took the jabs. I have said it several times we did get the Delta variant in July 2021. I had a fever for 3 days. My husband lost his taste for quite a while. Then he recognized he couldn’t remember things he should have. He was on a roller coaster with several health issues. May 2022 was horrible. This was a weaponized virus. I have many years of nursing to back what I know and am so disappointed with the most trusted field to work in to help people get well. I knew there would always be sick people but not like this has been. Closer to 80 than 70. Husband is 89. Mom is 99 years 3 months 8 days!!!! She took one jab in assisted living. Apparently not required in our state.
Thank you AMD for the truth. I stand amazed how you just keep moving on, reminding us what happened and one day justice will come. God always has the last word!!
I just want to see the injured compensated. I am so sad for the young people as well as the good elderly people we lost. Oops! Time to go to bed!💤😊
Again thank you thank you! Keep
Working for the good of our people. So glad RFKJR is in the position to help bring truth to light!
Every time I see these poor people I just hurt for them.... I have seen a lot of injury in my profession ( health care) from the shots but I don't see the people who can't even make it into the clinic. This breaks my heart as there is no amount of justice in any form that can undo the harm and pain that has been inflicted. Thank you AMD for continuing the fight......
Thank you for this discussion. I have watched the Epoch TV coverage on this situation.
I arrive here after years as a Social Security Security disability examiner. SSD qualification (which presents its own issues) but does provide monthly benefits and Medicare coverage to the patient and family. When I see Mattie and read about coverage for vaccine injured, I see it as an extreme travesty.
I'm glad there has been some support and relief developed.
On the other hand I have avoided Covid and Flu shots. I did get civid. My present trust level for HHS, WHO, most Doctors is nominal and verify before trusting.
IMO vaccine need, development, verification, administration needs a thorough examination and rework. A legitimate program dealing with vaccine injury needs to be established and in place. I am personally for no EUA for trial and population delivery.but
I feel like u described my whole life. Abandonment by everyone and everything.
Once successful..worked all my life. Now im broke, barely getting by. And i have a 7 yr old son i raise practically on my own. And u described that accurately too. He is the sweetest; always trying to help. And extra considerate, protective. Opening doors for me. Etc.
This is such a great article. Cant wait to see the documentary. Im def gonna share this with family
Tears flowed as I read I-too have loved ones and friends who are suffering …Iknew for sometime what was happening …
I tried so hard to get through to my children and anybody I knew to not take the poison, but to no avail…It only took 80 years for this
reset these psychopaths planned!!…
I saw my eldest and two of my grandchildren last nov. It’s been 6 yrs… the others I’ve yet to see. It’s sad for all those who’ve not been able to talk honestly or see their families as a result of gaslighting. I cry for so many in documentary and others suffering.
I pray for them and for all of us.those who feel so are not alone. GOD is there. For me as a child I always ended my prayer with …Peace on Earth🙏🏻
Your articles come across as trying to understand the various situations (CV vaccine injury, for one) as ultimately deriving from a) lack of sufficient scientific knowledge, or b) improper tradeoffs in the engineering phase, or c) bureaucratic bungling -- sometimes with a slight reference to profits, and hence (indirectly) something involving greed. That's one way of looking at it. We might go so far as to call it a paradigm. The hidden assumption, which is seldom examined all by itself, is that the overall system -- science + technology + governance -- is at least trying, however unsuccessfully, to do the right thing. The right thing in this particular case being to protect the overall health of the population, including individual patients.
That's not the way I look at it these days; so I might say I have a different paradigm altogether. As it happens, I don't believe in Enlightenment Philosophy, so I don't automatically believe in various subsets of Enlightenment Philosophy that most people, especially most educated people, usually take for granted. That the system is working for what might be called "goodness" is one of those subsets. I think that is mighty unlikely. What's missing is a consideration of sin. It recalls A Clockwork Orange, where Dr. Brodsky, as we fondly remember, at one point called out to Alex: "What's all this talk about sin, boy?" An issue like that has gone out of fashion these days. But I can't help thinking we can't get a true picture of what has been happening without looking into that aspect of reality.
What does the system look like; or how is it structured? We have health maintenance organizations, various categories of government (CDC, NIH, congress, etc.), drug companies, insurance companies, individual doctors: a wide variety of persons and organizations. The thing is, most people don't recognize social groups beyond that of the Nation-state. But there is something out there, operating above the level of the Nation-state: you know, the UN, the BIS, the BOE, the Bilderbergers, and so on. Let's just call them the NWO boys. They are the ones who really call the shots, establish policy, and make things happen. If you read over their manifestos they are, or say they are, concerned with carrying capacity (they've studied ecology, you see). And they repeat ad nauseum how the earth is overpopulated. So are they going to just sit there and twiddle their thumbs, and do nothing? No, they're going to try to do something about it, and looks like they have been. They push things that lower the birth rate. And now it looks like they are doing things that increase the death rate (like dangerous vaccines). They're doing it on purpose; they're eugenicists. Now it might be that a), b), and c) (above) are true, but even if they are true, they're nearly irrelevant. The NWO boys want to kill people, according to their theories and calculations. But they might be confusing themselves, at least at the lower or middle levels of their organization. But one wonders what those at the tip of the power pyramid are doing, and why.
So that's where we have to get back to the issue of sin. There are plenty of people even in these latter days who are familiar with greed, for instance. And some will tend to point their fingers at the drug companies for being lax in their safety protocols just to make more money. It's probably true. But it seems to me that what we're dealing with is pride (which is worse); specifically pride among the upper echelons of the NWO boys. In the old days (before Enlightenment Philosophy) there were some who considered this issue. And their conclusion was that if a person "progresses" to greater and greater manifestations of pride, in the end they will desire the annihilation of the being of others, on general principles, or sort of for the fun of it, as it were. That's what we're seeing manifested with not only the CV, but a host of other things these days. It's not faulty engineering or bureaucratic bungling. It's MALICE. Times like these try men's souls, eh?
As for vaccinations, I have no cognitive dissonance whatsoever in considering them to be all bad, and bad from the very beginning, and moreover knowingly so. The early ones caused anaphylaxis in acute form, and allergies and autoimmunity in attenuated form. Later, as adjuvants were added (Hg) they caused brain damage. Now we have the new and improved mRNA ones that do whatever you want: myocarditis, sudden death, doctors are baffled, heart attacks, stroke, turbo cancers, you name it. Times like these try men's souls.
“Vaccines are more complex to dose than standard medications because they work by creating a permanent immune response, and hence persist long after being given to the recipient. Since people’s immune systems vary, the degree to which they persist varies greatly. As a result, it is much harder to find vaccine doses that have an acceptable balance of sensitivity and specificity (efficacy and safety). Because of this, the “solution” has been to declare all vaccines ‘safe and effective’ and then simply bury the inevitable injuries that come up.”
If vaccines created permanent immunity, boosters wouldn’t be necessary.
What’s worse though, is not addressing the “science” behind vaccines:
An aggressive overstimulation of TH2 using highly toxic adjuvants in order to create antibodies to injected antigens, and antibodies are NOT immunity.
IMMUNITY is derived when TH1 is activated, naturally, with TH2 coming in later, with antibodies.
Like with measles. Get it once, TH1/TH2 activated, lifelong immunity.
MMR vaccine - only TH2 activated, immune system destroyed, kid can get it again and again.
Who is blamed?
The unvaccinated.
This argument about medicine and dose doesn’t hold up in relation to vaccines.
Vaccines don’t confer immunity, and have never conferred immunity.
Children lived on in spite of being poisoned by vaccines, not because of it.
AND, natural medicine rarely needs to worry about DOSE as TOXIC!
As an example:
High dose Vitamin C has CURED every disease there is a vaccine for. Including polio.
ALL vaccines should be banned. None are useful, or necessary.
High doses of Vitamin C are used when someone is very ill. The dose is set according to gut and how much one can take w/o a bad reaction of diarrhea. There are no lethal doses. I used 22gram a day when very ill but lowered the dose as I got well. That is how high dose is administered, by tolerance level in each person. You are very hostile here on this thread and your tone proves it. PLus you are quite ignorant of some facts. Do not reply to me with your hostility!
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends that adults should not consume more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C per day, which is known as the Tolerable Upper Limit. I had a Dr try to tell me to take 5,000 units when I first got Covid in August of 2024. The same Dr that did not believe in the virus nor the vaccine and ended up in ICU almost dying from it. Do not call me ignorant and rude. I am tired of people who are against any pharmaceutical drug. Some of those medications are life saving for people.
An idiot? Because I will not consume high doses of vitamin c? And my assertions are wrong that a moronic Dr I once had almost died? Ok sure pal. You are part of our country’s problem.
Which scientific proof is there that in immune system even exist? has science ever proven the existence of even one virus no, not ever not one. So why would there be a metabolically expensive immune system if there was nothing to be immune from?
Re: oxygen: You might be interested to know that blindness in premature infants was found to be caused by duration of exposure to oxygen in the 50s.
"In this instance, the persistence of an individual ophthalmologist against considerable obstacles is notable. He was openly discouraged by an outstanding consultant in the pathology of the eye who believed he was on a mistaken lead. Using at first his own resources, he sought clinical and laboratory facilities to try out his theory. As a physician in private practice, he found time to explore the subject. He has set a standard for other practitioners by his undiscourageable search."
I just thought you'd be interested in that discovery, which I think highlights your point about dose and patient. And in addition, the ophthalmologist went against considerable pressure to rescue those babies from harm. He didn't "accept the science"!
Covid, etc "vaccines" = TROJAN HORSE for elites' depopulation agenda IDEOLOGY. They CHOSE this, instead of PROSPERITY FOR ALL, when they was deciding on a plan for the future of this world, a few years ago, 2012 I think, or earlier. I think it was Dr Ardis who pieced together this. I can't remember now. Anyways, my power against them is, "NO IMPLIED CONSENT", I refused to comply with their demands and I refused their 'implied consent' that they thinks I gave them. I state categorically, NO IMPLIED CONSENT to their various depopulation agendas, whatever methods they use. NO IMPLIED CONSENT! PERIOD.
This generation that consented isn’t the real tragedy…it’s the babies that were maliciously attacked by wolves in sheep’s clothing that’s heartbreaking…every veterinarian will tell you to NEVER vaccinate a newborn until at least 5 months old or you wipe out their immune system! Doctors/salesmen have no ethics. Never to be trusted again…
Why is the issue of intended depopulation relegated to such a brief mention, AMD. I have studied diligently and concluded the fake pandemic was designed, executed, covered up as much as possible, and will be repeated. It was and is a fact that the care of the elderly, the sick, and the burgeoning population is a problem for those deemed in charge...because of unfunded they resort to murder. Indiscriminate murder. All of the evidence, the preponderance of the evidence, leads to one conclusion. It was done on purpose...and they are proud to have accomplished their goal. They are busy with the next stage. God will judge them.
Depopulation probably was the primary motivation. Profits, sure, but that's tail-eating, as they come from taxation and medical insurance premia, while debilitating much of the population. Grabbing all the land may constitute the same thing.
The status quo in our profit driven medical community are doing their best to not change the direction of medicine! The actual number of those who died from the Covid virus are much less than what is being reported as being in 1.2 million. That is because there was a profit motive to designate anyone who died during that period as dying from Covid because there was a monetary reward.! Criminal beyond my comprehension! It is all about changing the mindset to accept injections as a new form of medical treatment to treat all diseases! Wrong!
I am also a pharmacist. We didn’t lose one patient to covid. We had a few with multiple co morbidities who were weak and died with covid, and they were both very sweet people. However, they wouldn’t have survived the flu either. Unfortunately, all the fear got to my daughter and she died of a sudden cardiac arrest after she took her 4th Pfizer jab. She was only 29 years old. She was a very healthy nurse. I never went back to the pharmacy after she passed away. Next month it will be two years. 💔💔💔
I am so sorry for your loss because it is difficult when you lose a child and it should never have happened. My children all bought into the Covid con because they thought they were protecting myself and others who are elderly in the family. I told them that their immune systems were healthy and they did not have anything to fear. I never got the injections and had Covid twice and the first time was for 21 days and the second time was for seven days because my immune system built antibodies! I think I had it the third time it lasted maybe one day. All my children’s immune systems have been degraded by the injections and they have had health issues especially my son. It is criminal beyond my belief that this is transpiring and we can’t get it stopped.
It was so evil. Since when are children are supposed to sacrifice for our old arses? We have had our lives. I’m sure the grannies in the Warsaw ghetto didn’t push their children and grandchildren out the front door while they ran out the back. I will never forget nor forgive.
Agreed. many allowed themselves to be mind controlled into it, recently did a podcast on that topic with Jason Christoff.
You make a good point. Since when do we throw our children to the sharks to preserve our own tired old butts? Dammit that bothered me through the whole thing: pharma twisting altruism into something really ugly.
I think you are communicating from there. Sad.
They have health issues? And you can prove this is vaccine related? Come on already!
Stop the rudeness. It helps no one.
I'm noticing lots of people with drama issues on this post today. Not everyone is looking for an argument. Just posting opinions or facts.
Opinions and facts are good, as are questions, thoughts, feelings. Rudeness and a lack of empathy is destructive.
Yeah there is some pretty convincing proof.
How many jabs have you had for COVID?
Show me the proof! Hmm you can’t!
Go back to bed, Christine.
Go to hell conspiracy nut 🌰
I am so so very sorry. I am terrified for my youngest daughter who took two shots to stay in a damn medical internship. She knew better. She experienced eye issues almost immediately after. A hole in her retina had to be repaired, and the floaters and shimmering lights still plague her. From my research, she is not alone with this injury, and it is likely due to micro blood clotting in her eye. .She never had health problems before. I pray every day that the Lord will have mercy and not allow any further injury.
My ophtalmologist told me at the time that she could see in her patients' eyes whether they had covid or were "vaccinated". The optical blood vessels would have micro blood clots. Vaccination causes more clots and these do not respond well to anti clotting agents.
Melatonin for blood clots. I know. Do your own research.
Oh for the love of god just stop the nonsense! This is truly pathetic. You do realize Covid alone minus zero vaccines can cause thrombosis?
My sister in her 60’s is experiencing similar eye issues. She’s had every one of those evil things. Other sis has constant migraines and pain. My closest sister died before her second original Pfizer. My brother and I did not vax.
MJ - I am deeply sorry for your profound loss. My heart and prayers go out to you.
I’m so sorry for your loss. My 3 kids all bought into the Covid con out of love for their parents! I told them they had nothing to fear because they are healthy! I never got the shots and survived two rounds o f Covid. 21 days first time and 7 days the 2nd time because my immune system system as designed built antibodies.
I’m very sorry for your loss, but you must understand Covid does not exist. It is a lie. And the mRNA injection is a chemical weapon made to depopulate the Earth . You could know more make a baby in one month with nine women then you could make a so-called therapeutic gene therapy in 8 to 10 months, which would normally take 6 to 12 years. What people were injected with was pure poison,.Period
Chris, if you watch Peter McCullough, in one of his presentations he notes that DARPA started work on SARS/COVID in 2012. Cheers
Just STFU, liar!
Where I come from asshole those are fighting words and I doubt you would have the courage to say that to my face and if you did, you would be spitting your fucking teeth out all over the floor. I’ve got a name. I’ve got a number you can come visit my studio anytime but be assured you walk through my door. I’m gonna lock it right behind your dumbass.
Show up and I'll shoot you, murderer!
I think shooting me might make you as a murderer, if you hit your target well. Nevertheless, my number is 858-382-4517. If you need any help loading your gun I can be of assistance by the way what you just said is it terrorist threat
I am very sorry, MJ Bowlen. There is no way to heal this loss. The only comfort existing on Earth is found in Jesus' promise...His Spirit is also known as the Comforter. I wonder that my son has met and loves your daughter and all those we have lost here from Earth, and are in Heaven, away from the trouble that is coming. The pain of losing your loved child is like no other...some respite is found in helping others. I have prayed that would God bless you, and comfort you MJ. All the best.
I am so very sorry. My heart goes out to you.
What "Pfizer jabs" in March 2020? The original pandemic strain ended in April 2020.
There was no pandemic
Correct! But Covid exists and so did the flu, but the medicine man was rewarded for classifying all deaths as Covid including natural death.
Sorry and thanks for spreading the word!
I am so sorry - the heartbreak of this is indescribable. God bless you and keep you.
Pretty reckless for a pharmacist to say!
I’m sorry about your daughter! But how did they prove it was the vaccine??
As many people can see. Allopathic medicine isn't in the good health and healing business. It turned into another money making business one day.
My GP seems to be that way. At my last annual physical they refused my request for an antibody script (required here) but did offer me a flu shot, a shingles shot, a pneumonia shot and a Covid shot,all at the same time. My reply was no, no, no and NO. I don't think they want me to be healthy at all.
They are being graded on their ability to push injections! You are replaced if you don’t perform well! Corporate medicine for profit not good health!
Good for you Fred! Outside of surgeries and/or emergency care. There are lots of things, clean (antioxidants, herbal medicines, etc) that we can take, hopefully before it's too late, that can spare us from worse suffering, unwanted side effects, if we get started on time. Think I did read something about detoxing on this post today. Doesn't matter to me if the detox is mild, medium or hard-core. I think that's one of the best ways to heal and/or stay healthy.
All offered at the same time - good grief. Sounds like your GP has lost any ability for critical thinking.
Allopathic medicine in big Pharma are the most evil entities ever to exist. They took an oath never to harm their patience and that is exactly what they do every day cripple kill and sterilize and now they’re doing it absolutely on purpose with the mRNA injection. A purpose driven chemical weapon to depopulate a vast majority of the earth and sterilize, a huge number of females. Don’t cut these scum any slack they’ve had 4 1/2 years to figure out what they are injecting into their patients and almost no one has stepped forward. I can count them on one hand. They’re all my friends for more physicians, the rest of them to hell with them , either cowards or their stooges either way they’re guilty as fuck for the murder of millions upon the Earth
The Hippocratic oath is a modern day myth. It is no longer a part of modern medicine. It is just not sworn to anymore. Rockefeller replaced his lost oil monopoly with allopathic medicine. Maybe DOGE will get done early and they can follow the money on modern day medicine.
I'm really sorry to burst your bubble, but if you think they will fix anything, you are most likely deceived. Their job is to bring in the nwo and to make sure conservatives and Christians are on board. That's the only reason Trump is back in office. The Hip Oath is an oath to a small g god. Doge is e god backwards. These satanist elite use inversion to pervert everything. Almost everything I've seen this admin do so far will never help the people esp true Christians. I've attached a short video. I hope this helps you.
Get yourself close to God. Government will never help you so don’t expect it to. This is prophecy as being lived. God bless you.
or this (part 1 of 2)
Not cutting any slack for anyone or making excuses for anyone about anything. Myself included. Even before the covid bioweapon. I realized as far back as the 1970's that western medicine was being used to murder people.
Oh and the billionaires are not? Hmmm 🤔 ok
Greed, yes. But, increasingly, pride.
Umm you don’t think people make money pushing alternative holistic medicine! It’s the biggest scam out there!
My email stated you replied to my comment Christine. Not sure you did since I don't recall mentioning holistic medicine on this post today. Anyway, I can't argue about some scammers that have entered into the holistic field these days. However, I think most of us who are old enough realize that we better never invest any type of trust with the wrong person or people.
Mary I do agree with that point. Thank you for bringing a rational voice.
The truth is, no one died from Covid because Covid does not exist. It is a completely fictitious virus as all viruses are no virus has been scientifically proven to exist. Covid was nothing more than mine control. If they can program your subconscious mind to believe you were sick you will get sick if you had the detoxification That we called the flu they called Covid, with the exact same symptoms, but the flu suddenly disappeared all over the Earth. That’s ridiculous. They murdered old folks in hospital and old care facilities with Meddazaln and morphine combined with mechanical ventilators to induce fear into the population. Absolute medical murder.
The flu magically took a year off…🤔
It did? Hmm I recall flu cases. But with people on lock down and distanced yeah the flu was not as prevalent. Use some common sense.
Call interferon "magical" if you like. It was viral exclusion because SARS-CoV-2 was so virulent.
Do you even know how they claim to prove the existence of a virus? If so, many people haven’t been murdered over the last four years it would be comical.
What the last 4 1/2 years proved is almost everyone on the earth is under complete mind control. Very frightening that the so-called intellectual elites are so easily persuaded to do whatever they’re told without any appeal to logic or reason as to why. Very frightening that the so-called intellectual elites are so easily persuaded to do whatever they’re told without any appeal to logic or reason as to why. fear and inability to think correctly dominates the so-called intellectual class
Chris, I really share many of your views concerning covid and viruses, etc. But to think that this was all done mentally is as giant a leap as their comical virus "proofs". This was indeed a very virulent and purposely designed biological weapon (read the patents) used as a tool (read the government definitions) against all populations across the world as a tool by eugenicists to decrease populations (read the Humanist Manifestos and study Margaret Sanger) and (search the Fauci video mentioned below) to use "fear" to convince the masses to be injected with a "trans-humanist" payload with many unfortunate outcomes, not because the people are too abundant but because they are too uncontrollable. Fauci was accused of this for his role in HIV/AIDS 35 years ago by Dr. Robert Milner and a video proving this can still be found online. All of this and more was foretold in Scriptures. These maniacs have only begun. Give your heart to God and keep your blood pure, for the life is in the blood and the body is the temple of His spirit. Psalms 91 for a refuge and courage.
I've only had flu 3 times as an adult, but what I had in November 2020 wasn't influenza or a cold. The symptoms just didn't fit.
I was a contrarian from early on. I stumbled on a treasure trove of research in spring 2020 showing masks didn't work against flu, and I realized they likely wouldn't work against covid either. The push to bury and demonize hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin made zero sense. If we really were in a deadly pandemic, we should be using every existing, reasonably safe medicine that showed some effectiveness, instead of banning those that were working.
Pfauxi was saying we needed "one to two years of clinical trials" on the use of HCQ, an FDA-approved medicine with a known safety record, against covid. Yet there was a wild rush to get a "vaccine" out in a few months, with barely any testing. Did not compute.
My husband, grown son, and I all came down with fairly mild covid one after the other, within a few days. There was no "mind control" or psychosomatic illness there. I'm usually the one who doesn't get sick when everyone else does; they (and my daughter) all got flu every year from 2009-2012, but I didn't. My husband developed pneumonia from what you call "mInD cOnTrOl" (he's older and has comorbidities), despite not expecting to. How's that work?
I can't even with virus deniers. Scientifically illiterate people who have closed their minds to any and all evidence contrary to their faith. I've changed my mind about a lot of things over the years--vaccines, the role (or lack thereof) of cholesterol in heart disease, calorie counting vs. a low-carb or ketogenic way of eating. I'm open to actual evidence, but virus deniers can't ever come up with anything.
The only thing I can agree with you about is that they did indeed commit medical murder with Midazolam, morphine, and ventilators.
I was out and about during the Pandemic as my business was exempted from the lockdowns. I never contracted covid which I credit to the 15 or so vitamins and supplements I take. I am also striving to eat mostly organic foods as they become more available. I have only been sick once in the last 8 years and it wasn't covid. Hope that helps some.
Very clearly, you have never looked as to how virologist claim to prove the existence of any virus. It is complete fraud, putting a monkey kidney cell in a petri dish and then poisoning it with two types of kidney destroying antibiotics and then they starve the cell now what do you think would happen if you poison something and starve it? I think it would probably die. This is their proof of any virus that is completely ridiculous to even a non-medically trained person such as myself I live by pure reason that is enough to see that their experiment is complete fraud. ? I think it would probably die. This is their proof of any virus that is completely ridiculous to even a non-medically trained person such as myself I live by pure reason that is enough to see that they’re experiment is complete fraud. I cannot prove viruses do not exist, because you cannot prove a negative, but I can prove that they have not proven the existence of viruses.
Animals, from rats to humans become ill for a myriad of reasons, but not because of non-existent viruses or Real bacteria. The thing about mind control is if someone is under it, you cannot convince them they are under mind Control.
Your subconscious mind will produce absolutely real physiological illness without the need of any fake viruses or unicorns
About right. Except my mind has been changed about the keto and carnivore diet except for therapeutic use. As a lifestyle, definitely not. It will eventually harm your metabolism big time. I know this personally. I also had something very strange after traveling at Christmas. My husband too. It wasn’t nice. I eat healthy and my Vit D level is 90.
I don't think I could do carnivore or full-on keto for an extended period, but I can see its usefulness as a reset. I do low-carb, but not no-carb, and have fasted intermittently (twice a week) for almost 6 years. I weigh now what I did as an 18-year-old college sophomore.
Conspiracy nut 🌰
I've had the flu. What I had wasn't flu.
What you had was my control
No, so-called virus has ever been proven to scientifically exist, ever. All illness is either a detoxification of the body or an injury like in paralyzation from so-called polio, which was actually caused by lead arsenic poisoning or DDT. Most people on this earth, simply do not understand the power of subconscious programming. Summon the government understand us very well, and they can make you sick by just speaking to you in certain ways. Think of it as modern voodoo suppress your ego. Don’t let it get the better of you. You didn’t have Covid. You didn’t have a virus that doesn’t exist, you were either detoxify. God knows what you made. I believing you were ill.
🤣 Quite a silly assumption on your part.
Shelly, I think you mean scientific. Do you know how they claim to prove the existence of a virus now that is silly
Covid exists it is GOF! My Gail and I acquired it at the same time twice and I know what flu is and this was not traditional flu.
Holy god! Get out of conspiracy land! Does not exist? It’s the brainwashed people like you that are a major issue! I guess polio and the measles are non existent as well! Deplorable.
I've heard that claim, but not really believing it.
Why think you need to dive a little bit deeper
I will allow others to provide the arguements on it. Right now I still believe in viruses.. probably not in the way others do though. Can you see it under a microscope? No... so what is it...
It is cellular debris from necrosis, cell death cell death not brought on by infected tissue in the culture, this has been proven, but by two renal toxic antibiotics that were placed upon the monkey, kidney cell and by starvation of the cell. That experiment is not science by its pure definition. This does not prove the existence of any virus, from SARS, polio, to HIV, to Zika, to chickenpox, measles, mumps, or rubella none of them have been proven to exist in any scientific experiment
Liar! Guess I'll have to mute you to spare me your aggravation.
The definition of a liar is someone who intentionally deceives people. I hate liars, and I would never do such a thing. I will leave that to the world, economic forum, and the rest of the governments as for you, sir, you sound like a homosexual, soy boy, real man don’t talk like you talk, I suspect you are a chemically iemasculated , Closet homosexual
Wow now you are putting down homosexuals? Man can tell u are an RFK diehard and trumpet. Useless.
You're muted. Why do I see this mendaciousness?
Absolutely all about the internal conversation we have with ourselves - mindset is medicine!
I suspect most of the dying from actual CoViD-19 (as opposed to iatrocide) had already been done before the profit motive for so designating was inserted. Ask Bill Rice, Jr.
I'm that exceptional? It could have killed me. One can die when one can't breathe.
Sure, if you hold your breath for about 10 minutes you’ll be dead for sure. Ever heard of pneumonia.
Thankyou for a well written and clear description of the mechanics of the Covid Vax saga.
I am sending to my children who were forced by their employers to take the jab. I was fortunate that my wife figured out the C-19 vax was no good in the Spring of 21 and came to me saying "we are not taking that s__t!"
I was a nurse until my second jab left me with an anaphylactic reaction and subsequent loss of the ability to do my job. The company I worked for didn't care. I lost my job and was left to piece my life back together (no insurance by the time my doctor's referral to a neurologist came through). Thank God I was only a few years from early retirement. I worked in a hardware store to pay the bills till then. It hasn't been easy, but I am surviving with poverty level social security. The sad thing is I was disabled but had no resources to apply for disability. (You have to have numerous doctors visits and tests ) I struggled with brain fog and lost my language abilities. An avid reader prior to the life changing incident, I could not get through a page much less a book. Time, word games, not giving up, and a particular OTC supplement have improved things greatly but I don't think I will ever be the same. I did do a VAERS report with no satisfaction. I have completely lost faith in our medical system. I'm sure I will never be compensated.
Another horrific & heartbreaking outcome…& it was forced upon you. Truly criminal to have no recourse, as yet. I hope & pray for proper acknowledgement of guilt, as well as compensation to you & everyone adversely impacted. We must not give up the fight for what’s right. Stay strong & keep trying alternative healing approaches until you find the ones that work! 🙏🏻❤️🩹
Yes, that sounds horrible. Certainly, you were poisoned by the supernational powers that mean to depopulate the earth. And the allopathic medical community was certainly not spared. My personal conversations with Dr. Mike Eden, former vice president of Pfizer he does not know of any way to detoxify of the lipid nano particles which are certainly causing the problems I would eat as clean as you can mostly raw foods, build up your strength as much as you can and program your subconscious mind with joyous thoughts
Full of shit u are Chris.
anaphylactic is literally the only proof of vaccine injury and it can happen with any shot or medication. 💊
Neither I nor my husband took the jabs. I have said it several times we did get the Delta variant in July 2021. I had a fever for 3 days. My husband lost his taste for quite a while. Then he recognized he couldn’t remember things he should have. He was on a roller coaster with several health issues. May 2022 was horrible. This was a weaponized virus. I have many years of nursing to back what I know and am so disappointed with the most trusted field to work in to help people get well. I knew there would always be sick people but not like this has been. Closer to 80 than 70. Husband is 89. Mom is 99 years 3 months 8 days!!!! She took one jab in assisted living. Apparently not required in our state.
Thank you AMD for the truth. I stand amazed how you just keep moving on, reminding us what happened and one day justice will come. God always has the last word!!
I just want to see the injured compensated. I am so sad for the young people as well as the good elderly people we lost. Oops! Time to go to bed!💤😊
Again thank you thank you! Keep
Working for the good of our people. So glad RFKJR is in the position to help bring truth to light!
Craziness You are taking health info from a man who claimed to have a brain 🐛 ok good for you
Interesting. I had original, Omicron, and JN.1, but not Delta. You say the unjabbed could get Delta?
Every time I see these poor people I just hurt for them.... I have seen a lot of injury in my profession ( health care) from the shots but I don't see the people who can't even make it into the clinic. This breaks my heart as there is no amount of justice in any form that can undo the harm and pain that has been inflicted. Thank you AMD for continuing the fight......
I feel bad for all the lives lost from Covid. No vaccine in volved.
Thank you for this discussion. I have watched the Epoch TV coverage on this situation.
I arrive here after years as a Social Security Security disability examiner. SSD qualification (which presents its own issues) but does provide monthly benefits and Medicare coverage to the patient and family. When I see Mattie and read about coverage for vaccine injured, I see it as an extreme travesty.
I'm glad there has been some support and relief developed.
On the other hand I have avoided Covid and Flu shots. I did get civid. My present trust level for HHS, WHO, most Doctors is nominal and verify before trusting.
IMO vaccine need, development, verification, administration needs a thorough examination and rework. A legitimate program dealing with vaccine injury needs to be established and in place. I am personally for no EUA for trial and population delivery.but
Have you been seeing people with disability from the COVID vaccines come to your examinations?
I’ve known more people disabled with long covid. Yes long covid is real!
STFU! Both are spike protein poisoning.
Haha! Ridiculous
So is long vaccine.
Never said that could not be the case I was looking for proof no one can provide it
I feel like u described my whole life. Abandonment by everyone and everything.
Once successful..worked all my life. Now im broke, barely getting by. And i have a 7 yr old son i raise practically on my own. And u described that accurately too. He is the sweetest; always trying to help. And extra considerate, protective. Opening doors for me. Etc.
This is such a great article. Cant wait to see the documentary. Im def gonna share this with family
Tears flowed as I read I-too have loved ones and friends who are suffering …Iknew for sometime what was happening …
I tried so hard to get through to my children and anybody I knew to not take the poison, but to no avail…It only took 80 years for this
reset these psychopaths planned!!…
I saw my eldest and two of my grandchildren last nov. It’s been 6 yrs… the others I’ve yet to see. It’s sad for all those who’ve not been able to talk honestly or see their families as a result of gaslighting. I cry for so many in documentary and others suffering.
I pray for them and for all of us.those who feel so are not alone. GOD is there. For me as a child I always ended my prayer with …Peace on Earth🙏🏻
Your articles come across as trying to understand the various situations (CV vaccine injury, for one) as ultimately deriving from a) lack of sufficient scientific knowledge, or b) improper tradeoffs in the engineering phase, or c) bureaucratic bungling -- sometimes with a slight reference to profits, and hence (indirectly) something involving greed. That's one way of looking at it. We might go so far as to call it a paradigm. The hidden assumption, which is seldom examined all by itself, is that the overall system -- science + technology + governance -- is at least trying, however unsuccessfully, to do the right thing. The right thing in this particular case being to protect the overall health of the population, including individual patients.
That's not the way I look at it these days; so I might say I have a different paradigm altogether. As it happens, I don't believe in Enlightenment Philosophy, so I don't automatically believe in various subsets of Enlightenment Philosophy that most people, especially most educated people, usually take for granted. That the system is working for what might be called "goodness" is one of those subsets. I think that is mighty unlikely. What's missing is a consideration of sin. It recalls A Clockwork Orange, where Dr. Brodsky, as we fondly remember, at one point called out to Alex: "What's all this talk about sin, boy?" An issue like that has gone out of fashion these days. But I can't help thinking we can't get a true picture of what has been happening without looking into that aspect of reality.
What does the system look like; or how is it structured? We have health maintenance organizations, various categories of government (CDC, NIH, congress, etc.), drug companies, insurance companies, individual doctors: a wide variety of persons and organizations. The thing is, most people don't recognize social groups beyond that of the Nation-state. But there is something out there, operating above the level of the Nation-state: you know, the UN, the BIS, the BOE, the Bilderbergers, and so on. Let's just call them the NWO boys. They are the ones who really call the shots, establish policy, and make things happen. If you read over their manifestos they are, or say they are, concerned with carrying capacity (they've studied ecology, you see). And they repeat ad nauseum how the earth is overpopulated. So are they going to just sit there and twiddle their thumbs, and do nothing? No, they're going to try to do something about it, and looks like they have been. They push things that lower the birth rate. And now it looks like they are doing things that increase the death rate (like dangerous vaccines). They're doing it on purpose; they're eugenicists. Now it might be that a), b), and c) (above) are true, but even if they are true, they're nearly irrelevant. The NWO boys want to kill people, according to their theories and calculations. But they might be confusing themselves, at least at the lower or middle levels of their organization. But one wonders what those at the tip of the power pyramid are doing, and why.
So that's where we have to get back to the issue of sin. There are plenty of people even in these latter days who are familiar with greed, for instance. And some will tend to point their fingers at the drug companies for being lax in their safety protocols just to make more money. It's probably true. But it seems to me that what we're dealing with is pride (which is worse); specifically pride among the upper echelons of the NWO boys. In the old days (before Enlightenment Philosophy) there were some who considered this issue. And their conclusion was that if a person "progresses" to greater and greater manifestations of pride, in the end they will desire the annihilation of the being of others, on general principles, or sort of for the fun of it, as it were. That's what we're seeing manifested with not only the CV, but a host of other things these days. It's not faulty engineering or bureaucratic bungling. It's MALICE. Times like these try men's souls, eh?
As for vaccinations, I have no cognitive dissonance whatsoever in considering them to be all bad, and bad from the very beginning, and moreover knowingly so. The early ones caused anaphylaxis in acute form, and allergies and autoimmunity in attenuated form. Later, as adjuvants were added (Hg) they caused brain damage. Now we have the new and improved mRNA ones that do whatever you want: myocarditis, sudden death, doctors are baffled, heart attacks, stroke, turbo cancers, you name it. Times like these try men's souls.
This is an incorrect assertion:
“Vaccines are more complex to dose than standard medications because they work by creating a permanent immune response, and hence persist long after being given to the recipient. Since people’s immune systems vary, the degree to which they persist varies greatly. As a result, it is much harder to find vaccine doses that have an acceptable balance of sensitivity and specificity (efficacy and safety). Because of this, the “solution” has been to declare all vaccines ‘safe and effective’ and then simply bury the inevitable injuries that come up.”
If vaccines created permanent immunity, boosters wouldn’t be necessary.
What’s worse though, is not addressing the “science” behind vaccines:
An aggressive overstimulation of TH2 using highly toxic adjuvants in order to create antibodies to injected antigens, and antibodies are NOT immunity.
IMMUNITY is derived when TH1 is activated, naturally, with TH2 coming in later, with antibodies.
Like with measles. Get it once, TH1/TH2 activated, lifelong immunity.
MMR vaccine - only TH2 activated, immune system destroyed, kid can get it again and again.
Who is blamed?
The unvaccinated.
This argument about medicine and dose doesn’t hold up in relation to vaccines.
Vaccines don’t confer immunity, and have never conferred immunity.
Children lived on in spite of being poisoned by vaccines, not because of it.
AND, natural medicine rarely needs to worry about DOSE as TOXIC!
As an example:
High dose Vitamin C has CURED every disease there is a vaccine for. Including polio.
ALL vaccines should be banned. None are useful, or necessary.
I think you misread what I wrote.
In medical school, they used to call the doctors who were teaching about the so-called immune system, “the black magicians “
Ummmm high doses of vitamin C can be lethal. Get your facts straight!
High doses of Vitamin C are used when someone is very ill. The dose is set according to gut and how much one can take w/o a bad reaction of diarrhea. There are no lethal doses. I used 22gram a day when very ill but lowered the dose as I got well. That is how high dose is administered, by tolerance level in each person. You are very hostile here on this thread and your tone proves it. PLus you are quite ignorant of some facts. Do not reply to me with your hostility!
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends that adults should not consume more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C per day, which is known as the Tolerable Upper Limit. I had a Dr try to tell me to take 5,000 units when I first got Covid in August of 2024. The same Dr that did not believe in the virus nor the vaccine and ended up in ICU almost dying from it. Do not call me ignorant and rude. I am tired of people who are against any pharmaceutical drug. Some of those medications are life saving for people.
YOU ARE AN IDIOT. Your assertions are wrong. You are hard headed and wrong on many levels.
An idiot? Because I will not consume high doses of vitamin c? And my assertions are wrong that a moronic Dr I once had almost died? Ok sure pal. You are part of our country’s problem.
All animal illness is either a detoxification of the body or outright injury as in paralyzation from so-called “polio “
And your proof?
Which scientific proof is there that in immune system even exist? has science ever proven the existence of even one virus no, not ever not one. So why would there be a metabolically expensive immune system if there was nothing to be immune from?
You are way down the rabbit hole dude!
Re: oxygen: You might be interested to know that blindness in premature infants was found to be caused by duration of exposure to oxygen in the 50s.
"In this instance, the persistence of an individual ophthalmologist against considerable obstacles is notable. He was openly discouraged by an outstanding consultant in the pathology of the eye who believed he was on a mistaken lead. Using at first his own resources, he sought clinical and laboratory facilities to try out his theory. As a physician in private practice, he found time to explore the subject. He has set a standard for other practitioners by his undiscourageable search."
That was part of why I said arguably. There are people have spent long periods in high pressure hyperbaric without issues.
I just thought you'd be interested in that discovery, which I think highlights your point about dose and patient. And in addition, the ophthalmologist went against considerable pressure to rescue those babies from harm. He didn't "accept the science"!
If pressurized regular air, was it over 5 atm?
Covid, etc "vaccines" = TROJAN HORSE for elites' depopulation agenda IDEOLOGY. They CHOSE this, instead of PROSPERITY FOR ALL, when they was deciding on a plan for the future of this world, a few years ago, 2012 I think, or earlier. I think it was Dr Ardis who pieced together this. I can't remember now. Anyways, my power against them is, "NO IMPLIED CONSENT", I refused to comply with their demands and I refused their 'implied consent' that they thinks I gave them. I state categorically, NO IMPLIED CONSENT to their various depopulation agendas, whatever methods they use. NO IMPLIED CONSENT! PERIOD.
"Primitive people" had to trust their experience or they died.
"Primitive people" were entangled with the earth
How can we experience the gifts from the earth?
A start is to celebrate trillions of microbes which allow us to live another day.
My favorite parts of Covid:
Trust is not in the pharmaceutical business model anymore.
And soon, neither will be doctors.
This generation that consented isn’t the real tragedy…it’s the babies that were maliciously attacked by wolves in sheep’s clothing that’s heartbreaking…every veterinarian will tell you to NEVER vaccinate a newborn until at least 5 months old or you wipe out their immune system! Doctors/salesmen have no ethics. Never to be trusted again…
Why is the issue of intended depopulation relegated to such a brief mention, AMD. I have studied diligently and concluded the fake pandemic was designed, executed, covered up as much as possible, and will be repeated. It was and is a fact that the care of the elderly, the sick, and the burgeoning population is a problem for those deemed in charge...because of unfunded they resort to murder. Indiscriminate murder. All of the evidence, the preponderance of the evidence, leads to one conclusion. It was done on purpose...and they are proud to have accomplished their goal. They are busy with the next stage. God will judge them.
1) It's a tangent and I can't make these articles be too long (length is most frequent complaint).
2) There's no way to know if it was the primary motivation for what happened.
3) I've written detailed articles on the subject and vaccines which I linked to there.
Thanks for your efforts AMD.
Depopulation probably was the primary motivation. Profits, sure, but that's tail-eating, as they come from taxation and medical insurance premia, while debilitating much of the population. Grabbing all the land may constitute the same thing.