The truth is, no one died from Covid because Covid does not exist. It is a completely fictitious virus as all viruses are no virus has been scientifically proven to exist. Covid was nothing more than mine control. If they can program your subconscious mind to believe you were sick you will get sick if you had the detoxification That we c…
The truth is, no one died from Covid because Covid does not exist. It is a completely fictitious virus as all viruses are no virus has been scientifically proven to exist. Covid was nothing more than mine control. If they can program your subconscious mind to believe you were sick you will get sick if you had the detoxification That we called the flu they called Covid, with the exact same symptoms, but the flu suddenly disappeared all over the Earth. That’s ridiculous. They murdered old folks in hospital and old care facilities with Meddazaln and morphine combined with mechanical ventilators to induce fear into the population. Absolute medical murder.
What the last 4 1/2 years proved is almost everyone on the earth is under complete mind control. Very frightening that the so-called intellectual elites are so easily persuaded to do whatever they’re told without any appeal to logic or reason as to why. Very frightening that the so-called intellectual elites are so easily persuaded to do whatever they’re told without any appeal to logic or reason as to why. fear and inability to think correctly dominates the so-called intellectual class
Chris, I really share many of your views concerning covid and viruses, etc. But to think that this was all done mentally is as giant a leap as their comical virus "proofs". This was indeed a very virulent and purposely designed biological weapon (read the patents) used as a tool (read the government definitions) against all populations across the world as a tool by eugenicists to decrease populations (read the Humanist Manifestos and study Margaret Sanger) and (search the Fauci video mentioned below) to use "fear" to convince the masses to be injected with a "trans-humanist" payload with many unfortunate outcomes, not because the people are too abundant but because they are too uncontrollable. Fauci was accused of this for his role in HIV/AIDS 35 years ago by Dr. Robert Milner and a video proving this can still be found online. All of this and more was foretold in Scriptures. These maniacs have only begun. Give your heart to God and keep your blood pure, for the life is in the blood and the body is the temple of His spirit. Psalms 91 for a refuge and courage.
Do you even know how they claim to prove the existence of a virus? If so, many people haven’t been murdered over the last four years it would be comical.
Honestly, I can’t figure out why you’re on the sub stack because every one of your comments is to criticize instead of trying to be helpful. If you cannot be helpful, and you must criticize then go somewhere else. You sound like an obnoxious little prick!
I've only had flu 3 times as an adult, but what I had in November 2020 wasn't influenza or a cold. The symptoms just didn't fit.
I was a contrarian from early on. I stumbled on a treasure trove of research in spring 2020 showing masks didn't work against flu, and I realized they likely wouldn't work against covid either. The push to bury and demonize hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin made zero sense. If we really were in a deadly pandemic, we should be using every existing, reasonably safe medicine that showed some effectiveness, instead of banning those that were working.
Pfauxi was saying we needed "one to two years of clinical trials" on the use of HCQ, an FDA-approved medicine with a known safety record, against covid. Yet there was a wild rush to get a "vaccine" out in a few months, with barely any testing. Did not compute.
My husband, grown son, and I all came down with fairly mild covid one after the other, within a few days. There was no "mind control" or psychosomatic illness there. I'm usually the one who doesn't get sick when everyone else does; they (and my daughter) all got flu every year from 2009-2012, but I didn't. My husband developed pneumonia from what you call "mInD cOnTrOl" (he's older and has comorbidities), despite not expecting to. How's that work?
I can't even with virus deniers. Scientifically illiterate people who have closed their minds to any and all evidence contrary to their faith. I've changed my mind about a lot of things over the years--vaccines, the role (or lack thereof) of cholesterol in heart disease, calorie counting vs. a low-carb or ketogenic way of eating. I'm open to actual evidence, but virus deniers can't ever come up with anything.
The only thing I can agree with you about is that they did indeed commit medical murder with Midazolam, morphine, and ventilators.
I was out and about during the Pandemic as my business was exempted from the lockdowns. I never contracted covid which I credit to the 15 or so vitamins and supplements I take. I am also striving to eat mostly organic foods as they become more available. I have only been sick once in the last 8 years and it wasn't covid. Hope that helps some.
Very clearly, you have never looked as to how virologist claim to prove the existence of any virus. It is complete fraud, putting a monkey kidney cell in a petri dish and then poisoning it with two types of kidney destroying antibiotics and then they starve the cell now what do you think would happen if you poison something and starve it? I think it would probably die. This is their proof of any virus that is completely ridiculous to even a non-medically trained person such as myself I live by pure reason that is enough to see that their experiment is complete fraud. ? I think it would probably die. This is their proof of any virus that is completely ridiculous to even a non-medically trained person such as myself I live by pure reason that is enough to see that they’re experiment is complete fraud. I cannot prove viruses do not exist, because you cannot prove a negative, but I can prove that they have not proven the existence of viruses.
Animals, from rats to humans become ill for a myriad of reasons, but not because of non-existent viruses or Real bacteria. The thing about mind control is if someone is under it, you cannot convince them they are under mind Control.
About right. Except my mind has been changed about the keto and carnivore diet except for therapeutic use. As a lifestyle, definitely not. It will eventually harm your metabolism big time. I know this personally. I also had something very strange after traveling at Christmas. My husband too. It wasn’t nice. I eat healthy and my Vit D level is 90.
I don't think I could do carnivore or full-on keto for an extended period, but I can see its usefulness as a reset. I do low-carb, but not no-carb, and have fasted intermittently (twice a week) for almost 6 years. I weigh now what I did as an 18-year-old college sophomore.
So if people don’t believe what you believe, they are somehow a conspiracy nut. You need to get off the sub stack and take your bullshit somewhere else because you’re not being helpful to anyone.
No, so-called virus has ever been proven to scientifically exist, ever. All illness is either a detoxification of the body or an injury like in paralyzation from so-called polio, which was actually caused by lead arsenic poisoning or DDT. Most people on this earth, simply do not understand the power of subconscious programming. Summon the government understand us very well, and they can make you sick by just speaking to you in certain ways. Think of it as modern voodoo suppress your ego. Don’t let it get the better of you. You didn’t have Covid. You didn’t have a virus that doesn’t exist, you were either detoxify. God knows what you made. I believing you were ill.
I will allow others to provide the arguements on it. Right now I still believe in viruses.. probably not in the way others do though. Can you see it under a microscope? No... so what is it...
It is cellular debris from necrosis, cell death cell death not brought on by infected tissue in the culture, this has been proven, but by two renal toxic antibiotics that were placed upon the monkey, kidney cell and by starvation of the cell. That experiment is not science by its pure definition. This does not prove the existence of any virus, from SARS, polio, to HIV, to Zika, to chickenpox, measles, mumps, or rubella none of them have been proven to exist in any scientific experiment
Holy god! Get out of conspiracy land! Does not exist? It’s the brainwashed people like you that are a major issue! I guess polio and the measles are non existent as well! Deplorable.
The definition of a liar is someone who intentionally deceives people. I hate liars, and I would never do such a thing. I will leave that to the world, economic forum, and the rest of the governments as for you, sir, you sound like a homosexual, soy boy, real man don’t talk like you talk, I suspect you are a chemically iemasculated , Closet homosexual
The truth is, no one died from Covid because Covid does not exist. It is a completely fictitious virus as all viruses are no virus has been scientifically proven to exist. Covid was nothing more than mine control. If they can program your subconscious mind to believe you were sick you will get sick if you had the detoxification That we called the flu they called Covid, with the exact same symptoms, but the flu suddenly disappeared all over the Earth. That’s ridiculous. They murdered old folks in hospital and old care facilities with Meddazaln and morphine combined with mechanical ventilators to induce fear into the population. Absolute medical murder.
The flu magically took a year off…🤔
What the last 4 1/2 years proved is almost everyone on the earth is under complete mind control. Very frightening that the so-called intellectual elites are so easily persuaded to do whatever they’re told without any appeal to logic or reason as to why. Very frightening that the so-called intellectual elites are so easily persuaded to do whatever they’re told without any appeal to logic or reason as to why. fear and inability to think correctly dominates the so-called intellectual class
Chris, I really share many of your views concerning covid and viruses, etc. But to think that this was all done mentally is as giant a leap as their comical virus "proofs". This was indeed a very virulent and purposely designed biological weapon (read the patents) used as a tool (read the government definitions) against all populations across the world as a tool by eugenicists to decrease populations (read the Humanist Manifestos and study Margaret Sanger) and (search the Fauci video mentioned below) to use "fear" to convince the masses to be injected with a "trans-humanist" payload with many unfortunate outcomes, not because the people are too abundant but because they are too uncontrollable. Fauci was accused of this for his role in HIV/AIDS 35 years ago by Dr. Robert Milner and a video proving this can still be found online. All of this and more was foretold in Scriptures. These maniacs have only begun. Give your heart to God and keep your blood pure, for the life is in the blood and the body is the temple of His spirit. Psalms 91 for a refuge and courage.
Call interferon "magical" if you like. It was viral exclusion because SARS-CoV-2 was so virulent.
Do you even know how they claim to prove the existence of a virus? If so, many people haven’t been murdered over the last four years it would be comical.
It did? Hmm I recall flu cases. But with people on lock down and distanced yeah the flu was not as prevalent. Use some common sense.
Honestly, I can’t figure out why you’re on the sub stack because every one of your comments is to criticize instead of trying to be helpful. If you cannot be helpful, and you must criticize then go somewhere else. You sound like an obnoxious little prick!
I've only had flu 3 times as an adult, but what I had in November 2020 wasn't influenza or a cold. The symptoms just didn't fit.
I was a contrarian from early on. I stumbled on a treasure trove of research in spring 2020 showing masks didn't work against flu, and I realized they likely wouldn't work against covid either. The push to bury and demonize hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin made zero sense. If we really were in a deadly pandemic, we should be using every existing, reasonably safe medicine that showed some effectiveness, instead of banning those that were working.
Pfauxi was saying we needed "one to two years of clinical trials" on the use of HCQ, an FDA-approved medicine with a known safety record, against covid. Yet there was a wild rush to get a "vaccine" out in a few months, with barely any testing. Did not compute.
My husband, grown son, and I all came down with fairly mild covid one after the other, within a few days. There was no "mind control" or psychosomatic illness there. I'm usually the one who doesn't get sick when everyone else does; they (and my daughter) all got flu every year from 2009-2012, but I didn't. My husband developed pneumonia from what you call "mInD cOnTrOl" (he's older and has comorbidities), despite not expecting to. How's that work?
I can't even with virus deniers. Scientifically illiterate people who have closed their minds to any and all evidence contrary to their faith. I've changed my mind about a lot of things over the years--vaccines, the role (or lack thereof) of cholesterol in heart disease, calorie counting vs. a low-carb or ketogenic way of eating. I'm open to actual evidence, but virus deniers can't ever come up with anything.
The only thing I can agree with you about is that they did indeed commit medical murder with Midazolam, morphine, and ventilators.
I was out and about during the Pandemic as my business was exempted from the lockdowns. I never contracted covid which I credit to the 15 or so vitamins and supplements I take. I am also striving to eat mostly organic foods as they become more available. I have only been sick once in the last 8 years and it wasn't covid. Hope that helps some.
Very clearly, you have never looked as to how virologist claim to prove the existence of any virus. It is complete fraud, putting a monkey kidney cell in a petri dish and then poisoning it with two types of kidney destroying antibiotics and then they starve the cell now what do you think would happen if you poison something and starve it? I think it would probably die. This is their proof of any virus that is completely ridiculous to even a non-medically trained person such as myself I live by pure reason that is enough to see that their experiment is complete fraud. ? I think it would probably die. This is their proof of any virus that is completely ridiculous to even a non-medically trained person such as myself I live by pure reason that is enough to see that they’re experiment is complete fraud. I cannot prove viruses do not exist, because you cannot prove a negative, but I can prove that they have not proven the existence of viruses.
Animals, from rats to humans become ill for a myriad of reasons, but not because of non-existent viruses or Real bacteria. The thing about mind control is if someone is under it, you cannot convince them they are under mind Control.
Your subconscious mind will produce absolutely real physiological illness without the need of any fake viruses or unicorns
That attitude is so dangerous to patients who are in need of help for real problems. Doctors have to have phenomenal imagination to practice medicine.
About right. Except my mind has been changed about the keto and carnivore diet except for therapeutic use. As a lifestyle, definitely not. It will eventually harm your metabolism big time. I know this personally. I also had something very strange after traveling at Christmas. My husband too. It wasn’t nice. I eat healthy and my Vit D level is 90.
I don't think I could do carnivore or full-on keto for an extended period, but I can see its usefulness as a reset. I do low-carb, but not no-carb, and have fasted intermittently (twice a week) for almost 6 years. I weigh now what I did as an 18-year-old college sophomore.
Conspiracy nut 🌰
So if people don’t believe what you believe, they are somehow a conspiracy nut. You need to get off the sub stack and take your bullshit somewhere else because you’re not being helpful to anyone.
I've had the flu. What I had wasn't flu.
What you had was my control
No, so-called virus has ever been proven to scientifically exist, ever. All illness is either a detoxification of the body or an injury like in paralyzation from so-called polio, which was actually caused by lead arsenic poisoning or DDT. Most people on this earth, simply do not understand the power of subconscious programming. Summon the government understand us very well, and they can make you sick by just speaking to you in certain ways. Think of it as modern voodoo suppress your ego. Don’t let it get the better of you. You didn’t have Covid. You didn’t have a virus that doesn’t exist, you were either detoxify. God knows what you made. I believing you were ill.
🤣 Quite a silly assumption on your part.
Shelly, I think you mean scientific. Do you know how they claim to prove the existence of a virus now that is silly
No! GOF is for real!
Covid exists it is GOF! My Gail and I acquired it at the same time twice and I know what flu is and this was not traditional flu.
Corona NL63 is believed to have existed in Japan during the 13th century in the Kamakura period, based on molecular clocks and ancient documents.
Therefore, the Japanese who survived were able to incorporate Corona Virus resistance into their natural immunity.
Maybe the mortality rate is lower than that of Westerners? (As of 2020, when there was no vaccination)
I believe that SarsCov2 is a leak or intentional leak of GOFs funded by MERS or SarsCov1's WohanInst.Virus and Fauci.
I've heard that claim, but not really believing it.
Why think you need to dive a little bit deeper
I will allow others to provide the arguements on it. Right now I still believe in viruses.. probably not in the way others do though. Can you see it under a microscope? No... so what is it...
It is cellular debris from necrosis, cell death cell death not brought on by infected tissue in the culture, this has been proven, but by two renal toxic antibiotics that were placed upon the monkey, kidney cell and by starvation of the cell. That experiment is not science by its pure definition. This does not prove the existence of any virus, from SARS, polio, to HIV, to Zika, to chickenpox, measles, mumps, or rubella none of them have been proven to exist in any scientific experiment
Holy god! Get out of conspiracy land! Does not exist? It’s the brainwashed people like you that are a major issue! I guess polio and the measles are non existent as well! Deplorable.
Liar! Guess I'll have to mute you to spare me your aggravation.
The definition of a liar is someone who intentionally deceives people. I hate liars, and I would never do such a thing. I will leave that to the world, economic forum, and the rest of the governments as for you, sir, you sound like a homosexual, soy boy, real man don’t talk like you talk, I suspect you are a chemically iemasculated , Closet homosexual
You're muted. Why do I see this mendaciousness?
Wow now you are putting down homosexuals? Man can tell u are an RFK diehard and trumpet. Useless.