Fantastic work, as always. Nobody can accuse these folks of being anti-vaxxers, can they?

FYI I covered Augusto's story in a post after speaking with him. The post has links to more extensive write-up of his case with additional evidence on Dr. David Healy's blog:


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I first learned of Augusto's case through your write up!

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Who in the Hell puts their kid in a Big Phrauda drug trial!?? Blows my mind!

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I can't find it now, but there is an article on pressure to be a good person and volunteer for these trials back around 2020. It is even shown in the little ad where children are heroes. I beleive it is the same mindset that took the jab so granny wouldn't get sick.

Often the assumption is the drugs were previously tested so they won't be that bad. And these were, after all, "vaccines" so who hasn't taken one, there shouldn't be any big problem. Of course, no one told them this is a different "vaccine," not what you got before. I suspect few if any nowadays will want to test experimental drugs unless that is their last potential chance to live.

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I pray the silver lining in the whole Plandemic fraud is the END of Any belief in these Dirty drug pushers!

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Thank You and I will have a look

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I included the ad (although this one was after the trials completed)! Were you able to read the previous one on the HPV vaccines?

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I’ve probably earned the equivalent of a PHD by now considering how many rabbit holes I’ve gone down in trying to understand the Absolute Insanity of ALL the destruction that’s been orchestrated not only with The Covid crap but HPV, HIV, Oxy epidemic…..it goes on and on! I just recently listened to a young man on Joe Rogan speak of his experience working for Big Pharma! What he explained about the Gigantic part Big Insurance plays in All this Evil I hadn’t heard about before! It was quite an eye opener! I would love to see more light shed on those Bastards and their roll in the “attempted “ take down of this country!

Thank you Doc for all the great info you bring to the world!

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POLIO, and "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson. This is not a new event.

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The interview I mentioned was with a man named Brigham Buhle! It was rather lengthy but very well worth a listen!

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No, but I saw them on TV and remember them well, thinking should I get one, except it turns out I was too old. (Whew)

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"take the jab so that granny wouldn't get sick" is short for "innocent until proven guilty." And clearly pharma was not willing to be guilty, so they labeled their trials successful and beneficial. There's the fraud. We've been had by the very govt. our taxes support and which we've been told to trust.

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The truth is this has been going on for decades. For example the army has been used as guinea pigs and thousands harmed. This is unadulterated evil and must stop. and the perpetrators bought to justice.

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Yes I know it has! My prayer is that their hoax has backfired in that this knowledge is being brought to more and more people and with that hopefully allow for the tide to turn! Taking a deep dive into how absolutely Evil The Government of our Beloved country is shocking and a lot to process!

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The hoax has backfired in one sense and yet deliberately so in another way. It is a combination of Satan having a cunning plan to take over the world once and for all with his dark angels and God the heavenly Father and all the faithful light angels saying 'ya, boo, sucks! and turning it to good as always.

The hoax was too big and bound to fail as it were, so Covid 19 came to deal with the terminally dim and redeem the faithful once and for all.

There is still a way to go and as ever we must continue fighting until it all all quite completely done and dusted.

I think of this

Then Elisha said, “Take the arrows!” So he took them, and Elisha said to the king of Israel, “Strike the ground!” So he struck the ground three times and stopped. But the man of God was angry with him and said, “You should have struck the ground five or six times. Then you would have struck down Aram until you had put an end to it. But now you will strike down Aram only three times.”

I will strike the ground for ever if necessary, not just 5 or 6 times!


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Another commenter recommended this Dr to me, and I found this interview with him. It is long, but I could not stop watching it. If you haven't seen it, you will find it worthwhile and even though you are aware of all this, as was I, it adds yet another layer to the evil and corruption, and the history of it for covid goes way, way back: https://www.ourfreedomtube.com/watch/2021-jul-09-fauci-pharma-rico-usa-manufactured-illusion-dr-david-martin-with-reiner-fuellmich_sn6gucPS1RehyXm.html

I sent the link to one of the few politicians who has been looking into this plandemic and severely attacked for it. I hope he acts on it. Despite my lack of faith in much of government, there are still a few brave souls seeking truth. IMHO we need to encourage them as they have the ability to reach many people, whereas most of us do not.

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Thank you very much, it is very long! It is a pity there aren't summary headings and times so that one can pick up the gist.

There is a phrase "Cast your bread upon the waters; after many days it will return to you."

Cast the truth where you will and those who attack you will be guilty and will bow to you in due course.

P.S. I have now skimmed through. The bit I pick up particularly is the patent issue near the end, the EU and Germany at about 1:19:30. As you say adds another layer or piece in the puzzle where I have understood the whole, but not the details which is what we are all here for, so thank you again.

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I listened to it in stages, marking the time where I was last. I recommend actually hearing the whole thing, if you can. I prefer reading to videos as they do tend to be over long, so I usually skip them.

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Same here. I have referenced the link for future use, analysis. I struggle at the moment as my energy is still not that good due to various issues but improving nevertheless. As the world wakes up I get better and vice versa.

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The NFL **cannot** allow testing of Hamlin, or others for heart damage. Why?

a.) If a players heart is bad, out goes a zillion dollars in lifetime player earnings

b.) If the shots are bad, the NFL will get sued a gazillion dollars for forcing their players to get it.

Expect more lies, gaslighting and the usual "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" schtick

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The Journal of the American Heart Association Research, in Occurrence and Features of Childhood Myocarditis: A Nationwide Study in Finland published in 2017, here, https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.116.005306 stated the background rate of myocarditis in youth, was four cases per million per year. Assuming 60 million American children, the background rate for myocarditis would be 240 cases a year. So how many cases of myocarditis have been reported to VAERS following COVID injection so far? 16,918 as of December 3, 2021. https://openvaers.com/covid-data And of course, it’s increasing several hundred to a couple of thousand every week.

“Doctors have never seen so many cases of myocarditis," Peter McCullough says. "It is frequent, and it is severe. My fear is, some of these kids who develop myocarditis will be in the 13% category where they have progressive left ventricle dysfunction and heart failure.” According to McCullough, 86% of youth who develop myocarditis in response to the jab are sick enough to require hospitalization. In fact, per Defender, here https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/deaths-vaers-covid-shots-vaccination/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=05cdb832-6ac0-4222-a830-9d80794471ca 21% of deaths reported to VAERS after Covid shots occurred within 48 hours of getting shot. For further reading, here’s where McCullough discusses an “astronomical” rise in myocarditis from the shot – here looking at a national study in Finland, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. Sitting next to him is the UK’s top doctor, Aseem Malhotra, who supported the shot… until he looked at the data. The background deaths per million is 4 before Covid; then it went to 62 cases per million, then a UC Davis study showed 250 cases per million…. Then a Kaiser Permannte study showed 527 cases per million… and as of early Jan. 2023, the Mansanguan et al study, along with one other study found 2,500 cases per million.

************That’s a 62,400% increase. ****************

Don't believe me. Here's the Mansanguan, et al study, Cardiovascular manifestation of the BTN16b2 mRNA Covid Vaccine in Adolescents https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288/

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The question of the century. And now we have parents injecting their 6 month olds EVEN after all the data out there, including the most widely available of all: the damn things don't even work! What parent after nearly 2 years, being able to see kids aren't affected, would put this in their child? It's mind boggling.

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If their pediatricians recommend it? If the jabs are on the childhood vaccine schedule, it is probably done without the parents even thinking about it. People here follow this stuff closely, but most people don't and might not even be aware of the implications of the schedule.

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My point was you had to live on another planet to not know they don't work, or that kids were at risk at all. That's if you literally do no research but just look around you. And they were getting jabbed long before the FDA and CDC put them on the schedule (BTW, that won't last)

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I understood your point. I agree with it. Not everyone is as observant as you or others here. In fact, some of them are actually below average---that's how you get an average.

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So, the internet means nada. However, below are SOURCE REFERENCES from the original studies, so you can verify (leave the fake news to CNN, MSNBC, Morning Joe -kster), CBC in Canada, PBS ad nauseam.

Dr. Makary at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Medicine with other scientists teamed up with the non-profit FAIR Health group to look at the insurance data of 48,000 children diagnosed with Covid between April 2020 and Aug. 2020. Not ONE of the children who died were free of pre-existing medical conditions such as cancer https://www.naturalhealth365.com/zero-covid-death-among-children-3920.html and here https://www.theburningplatform.com/2021/10/06/covid-jabs-could-potentially-kill-thousands-of-kids-former-hhs-epidemiologist/ .

And this is true in Germany, too, where a massive study late fall showed ZERO – there’s that word again – deaths from Covid among healthy German kids, as reported by Alex Berenson here, Dec. 2, 2021, https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/huge-new-study-shows-zero-covid-deaths . Or see a the details in a late 2021 German study https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.11.30.21267048v1.full.pdf (collating evidence from three sources 1) a national seroprevalence study (the SARSCoV-2 KIDS study), 2) the German statutory notification system and 3) a nationwide registry on children and adolescents hospitalized with either SARS-CoV-2 or Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS)) reported that there were zero (0) deaths in children 5 to 18 years old across the period of study. Ditto in Sweden - Swedish data by Ludvigsson https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33406327/ reported on the 1,951,905 children in Sweden (as of December 31, 2020) who were 1 to 16 years of age who attended school with largely no lockdowns or masks. They found zero (0) deaths. “Despite Sweden’s having kept schools and preschools open, we found a low incidence of severe Covid-19 among schoolchildren and children of preschool age during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.” If you include kids with serious morbidities, there were six deaths.

In Germany, out of a total population of 80 million, around 10 million school age kids. Even serious illness was extremely rare, 1 in 50,000. See Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s SWEDEN AND GERMANY: NO DEATHS IN CHILDREN DUE TO COVID https://brownstone.org/articles/sweden-and-germany-no-deaths-in-children-due-to-covid/ for more reading, or this article which notes that German scientists found that no healthy child 5-17 years of age died of COVID in Germany https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/autopsy-study-ties-deaths-to-covid-vaccine/

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So, the internet means nada. However, below are SOURCE REFERENCES from the original studies, so you can verify (leave the fake news to CNN, MSNBC, Morning Joe -kster), CBC in Canada, PBS ad nauseam.

Dr. Makary at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Medicine with other scientists teamed up with the non-profit FAIR Health group to look at the insurance data of 48,000 children diagnosed with Covid between April 2020 and Aug. 2020. Not ONE of the children who died were free of pre-existing medical conditions such as cancer https://www.naturalhealth365.com/zero-covid-death-among-children-3920.html and here https://www.theburningplatform.com/2021/10/06/covid-jabs-could-potentially-kill-thousands-of-kids-former-hhs-epidemiologist/ .

And this is true in Germany, too, where a massive study late fall showed ZERO – there’s that word again – deaths from Covid among healthy German kids, as reported by Alex Berenson here, Dec. 2, 2021, https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/huge-new-study-shows-zero-covid-deaths . Or see a the details in a late 2021 German study https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.11.30.21267048v1.full.pdf (collating evidence from three sources 1) a national seroprevalence study (the SARSCoV-2 KIDS study), 2) the German statutory notification system and 3) a nationwide registry on children and adolescents hospitalized with either SARS-CoV-2 or Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS)) reported that there were zero (0) deaths in children 5 to 18 years old across the period of study. Ditto in Sweden - Swedish data by Ludvigsson https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33406327/ reported on the 1,951,905 children in Sweden (as of December 31, 2020) who were 1 to 16 years of age who attended school with largely no lockdowns or masks. They found zero (0) deaths. “Despite Sweden’s having kept schools and preschools open, we found a low incidence of severe Covid-19 among schoolchildren and children of preschool age during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.” If you include kids with serious morbidities, there were six deaths.

In Germany, out of a total population of 80 million, around 10 million school age kids. Even serious illness was extremely rare, 1 in 50,000. See Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s SWEDEN AND GERMANY: NO DEATHS IN CHILDREN DUE TO COVID https://brownstone.org/articles/sweden-and-germany-no-deaths-in-children-due-to-covid/ for more reading, or this article which notes that German scientists found that no healthy child 5-17 years of age died of COVID in Germany https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/autopsy-study-ties-deaths-to-covid-vaccine/

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Excellent compilation.

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Thanks. Key thing is to verify (leave the fake news with PBS, CNN, NYT) then pass on to others. There's more of us than them, and if we can just wake people up, we will win....

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It's criminal.

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Which is putting in mildly. Satanic I prefer, snake oil/poison.

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Very legitimate question. That is what needs to be asked across the board.

Thought most drug trial participates are in need of Cash and are 18 and older.

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This is a case where I would be happy to contribute to Give, Send Go for them or other politically neutral support group.

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One of my friends put her teen twin daughters in the trial. She bragged about it on Facebook all proud of her daughters making such an important decision. She told her daughters they could keep the money if they chose to do it. They both received the vaccine in the trial. She worships science and still wears a mask.

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I hope her kids will be OK.

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It's easy to say that from your position. I wouldn't do it either. But we know that "big phrauda" :-) are criminal gangsters.

Many (most?) people still (even today) believe that big phrauda is in the business of offering safe, life saving treatments and that participating in a trial is just a way to help mankind and get the safe and effective treatment before it's generally available.

It's all a question of the information available to people.

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Maybe they thought what they were doing was for the greater good?

You have to remember the intense military and government psyops that told us we were going to die. We would kill grandma.

I try not to be too harsh - although I disagree with children being involved.

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It seems many are missing my point. The approval for children 6 months to 5 years old, was way later than any issues you mention. It was nearly 2 years into the jabs and over 2 years into the data showing children were not at risk. Moreover, it was over a year after everyone knew that jabbed people were getting covid anyway. The timing for these small children is very relevant to my original point.

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They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, although the word hell actually means 'light' or 'fair' so misplaced. So unwittingly perhaps they did it for the greater god, the god of this world who is as evil as they come.

Bizarre perhaps but 'greater good' is an anagram of 'ego garroted'. Fitting under the circumstances.

In fact ego comes up frequently in the anagram phrases. People have put their ego before God Most High and paid the price for not double checking first. Very sad.

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The psyops we're totally against any 7th grade science class. So in this country most people went up to 9th or 10 the grade.Were those who believed the psyops, actually in class?

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What crappy country do you live in?

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Probably same Country as you.

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Thank you for writing this article. It is most valuable. I shall share this with as many friends as I can.

I think most people assume that science research is always done in a very "clean" and ethical manner. The truth is unfortunately quite often the opposite. Personally I know of 4 friends or relatives who worked as researchers or research assistants in the science / biomedical field. Of the 4, 3 of them left a position at one time due to the fraud they encountered being beyond what they could abide by.

I do not know how others will take your fortune cookie anecdote, but I really liked it.

The intellect is useful tool but is not everything and sometimes, it somehow simply fails us.

It certainly seems to have failed a lot of mainstream doctors.

Intuition is a most valuable skill to master. Empathy and Love more so.

I really enjoy reading your articles. They are so interesting and thought provoking. Please continue.

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Thank you :)

I love your username too!

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🗨 The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.

↑↑ What took a genius to perceive a century back, is increasingly evident to many an ordinary citizen of our ailing planet 🤷

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I doubt if anyone can prove whether someone's thought is intuition or impression. I learned early not to trust impressions. They're wrong at least as often as they're right.

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Your 2nd to last line hits the nail on the head!!

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Masterpiece. I would argue that the column be renamed to garner the attention it deserves, something like: "How Trends in Clinical Research Fraud are reflected in COVID-19 Vaccine Trials/ Studies."

I like the book "Turtles all the Way Down," for how it reveals many of the common tricks for soft fraud--which litter the landscape of ALL of the childhood schedule vaccines, but the effort you put into this piece clearly shows. Your writing is eloquent, with moving examples, with the added plus of hearing, directly, the voices of people who were injured as a result.

Kudos all the way Up!

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Thank you. I had to use a shorter subtitle because otherwise it was clipped in Twitter embeds (as the video part is at the start of the subtitle) but since that is locked in now, I changed the title.

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God bless all the Hero Whistleblowers who have paid a great price to come forward to save lives.

You saved my life & my children & grandchildren from taking the evil Medical Cabal’s poisonous shots.

Unfortunately several family & friends would not listen & took the covid shots, I refuse to call it a vaccine because it is not!

We are watching in horror & agony as many of our friends, family & neighbors who took the Covid shots be injured, sick & died suddenly!

It has made most of us fearful of ever trusting our doctors & hospitals again!?!

I’m a cancer survivor & I called my doctor & was told their protocol & the hospitals protocol in my state & almost every state was to get jabbed & if you went to the hospital sick with Covid they would put you on Remdesivir & a ventilator if necessary & no other treatments were available!

Thank God for doctors like you who came forward early, I purchased Ivermectin early to have at home in case we got Covid.

So far we have not gotten sick but watch many vaccinated around us get sick with Covid over & over again!

God bless the Hero Whistleblowers❣️🙏🏼

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We owe them a lot!

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@ Sheila. But vaccines aren't vaccines either. They suppress immunity, instead of improving it.

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It is a vaccine only much more poisonous than normal. All vaccines have been utterly pointlessness at best but cause harm and sometimes death.

I was misdiagnosed with cancer which was in fact sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning. It toxic effects have been known about for over 100 years yet still they put in it processed meats quite unnecessarily. The chemical leads to nitrosamines, a far more toxic product. This has been known about for around 40 years and the stupid oncologists etc. never once asked me about my diet.

These are my links on these matters if you are interested.



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At this stage, the overwhelming majority of people in academia generally, and in such disciplines particularly, are not researchers, but rather crooks and impostors. The reason behind this is simple -- these people are what the selection process is skewed toward. It has been happening for a long time, and at this stage the mankind is reaping what it has been sowing for the past several decades

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This is less of a problem in less competitive/elitist institutions, and I have been fortunate to have been at less prestigious smaller institutions which lacked many of these issues.

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At prestigious places, there are two hidden "tiers" of the faculty. The first tier are those who are known for solving an important problem, or making an important discovery, or some other great contribution, and these were typically "poached" from wherever they worked at the time they made their accomplishment. The second tier are those who are kept around for their "ability" to acquire funding, and these usually rise from a junior position through promotion ranks at the place itself. At the current stage, the latter vastly outnumber the former, which has become a problem

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My cousin Kim Holland is complicit. She loves her job as a drug rep at Merck. Forbid her daughters from taking the Gardasil jab. Won’t discuss it.

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I know of one case where a Pfizer sales rep who aggressively pushed all vaccines possible (and bragged about giving his daughter Gardasil) showed up to my friend's clinic begging for a medical exemption to this vaccine.

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She is merely a product of the current selection process, which favors zero integrity. It will change once everything is destroyed

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I don’t know how she sleeps at night, guess she sold her soul for financial prosperity.

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Her conscience has been seared… 🔥🔥🔥

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My only sibling has sold out completely too, vice president of an insurance company in Cooperstown New York.

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Sorry to hear that. She is guilty of grievous bodily harm at least. I suppose she loves the money.

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Jan 17, 2023
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The Sacklers are a very, very evil family. They should be destroyed for what they did to thousands of people.

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Thanks. Will check it out. My dad had a botched back surgery, he trusted the doctors. He was on fentanyl during the crisis and suddenly he had to get off the pain killers and take suboxone , it was very cruel. I’m glad he wasn’t around to witness what’s going on now.

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Jan 17, 2023
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Methadone and suboxone are both neuro-toxic. It is the nitrogen in the chemistry every time. One just has to look up the substance and the diagram on Wikipedia for example. N for nitrogen.

They are pain relief: an anagram of nitrogen is 'int negro' so internal black, it brings the night as it were, but leads to permanent night and thus death.

Most big pharma drugs are neuro-toxic and pointless, they are over refined and toxic and addictive to many.

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My dad’s first back surgeon went to prison briefly, upstate New York. Later he simply moved to New Jersey and set up practice again. His nurse was writing prescription for pain medicine and wasn’t a citizen so she sang like a bird to cover herself.

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The commercial with the Superhero kids was perhaps the most heartbreaking of all, especially immediately preceding the video of Superhero Maddie deGaray.

Thank you for taking the time and care to assemble this article. Yet another labor of love for humanity.

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Yeah. This one was a lot of work but I felt I had a duty to do it correctly.

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You did your duty and then some! Great work and many thanks.

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I found the commercial sickening, exploitation of the innocent.

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"I tried to research it [HPV vaccine] but nothing could be found." This really resonated with me as I had been struggling with whether or not to vaccinate my first child in 2009. I loved our sweet pediatrician who convinced me the naysayers were nuts (there's always a handful of nuts out there right?), but I also did what I felt was a deep dive on the internet, among other things. I had no idea that back in 2012 Google was nothing less than the total amount of information known to man and completely uncensored. No wonder I couldn't find anything on the ills of vaccines other than strong articles debunking "anti-vaxxers." Absence of information in information too right? And so I vaccinated him.

This is how it works. A highly controlled, secretly-policed information patrol. I wish I had known then what I know now. Hopefully this Covid event shed a light on this for millions as it did for me.

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"I wish I had known then what I know now". I can't tell you how many times over my lifetime I've said that exact phrase. Unfortunately, our learning curve tends to peak around mid-life. That's when we really open our eyes and recognize that we've been hood-winked. At least you recognized it, as most do not! Thanks for your input. You and I both vaccinated our children with questionable products. Now we both have to live with that knowledge.

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Too true. You say "I loved our sweet pediatrician". The problem is outward appearances. I have seen very sweet female doctors in my local surgery, but they were of no use in diagnosing my facial palsy.

In the end I was misdiagnosed with cancer which I only discovered when after pointless and harmful immuno-therapy with it turns out similar ingredients to the vaccines that I had sodium nitrite poisoning. This was no thanks to the NHS.

The worst of it is that the issues with sodium nitrite ave been known about for over 100 years And not one doctor or anybody in the NHS asked me about what I ate. Despicable!


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Oh I forgot to put that in the first part!

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“Heart's wave could not curl and break beautifully into the foam of spirit, unless the ageless silent rock of destiny stood in its path.”

― Hölderlin

a line from the Amores by the Roman poet Ovid, "Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim. (Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.)"

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”A dose of adversity is often as needful as a dose of medicine.”

Hard work and long days build strong bodies and minds. The human body is a masterpiece, and it's built for adversity, as it grows from it. Sheltering the body from every element robs it of the fullness of life.

For that very reason, 2/3 of the USA population was cowed into yearning, or simply accepting, that the toxin billed as a vaccine would protect them. Pioneers did discover that therapeutics had efficacy; pioneers did discover that the clinical disease was not ARDS. Pirates shut them all down.

How did civilization long ago view and deal with pirates and piracy? There were some things you just didn't do, even if you were on the other side of the planet in a vast ocean, for civil society somehow caught up to you. Today, the pirates run it all. Why? Because, civil society believes the law will administer medicine and cure the ailments. Forgotten is that the law was instituted by those who suffered through adversity.

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I don't know where this originated...but it keeps coming back to me.

“Hard times create strong men.

Strong men create good times.

Good times create weak men.

And weak men create hard times.”

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Great comment!

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The body's exterior is close to a masterpiece, but the interior is mostly disgusting, except at the microscopic level. I don't identify with my blood and guts and junk like that.

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We are fearfully and wonderfully made both inside and out. Mind you, with all the junk food people eat I daresay the inside is not so great now.

You must remember that most of the body functions are automated otherwise you would have be consciously telling your heart and lungs to keep working. So I wouldn't call it disgusting, it might seek revenge on you, Montezuma or otherwise!

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Jan 13, 2023
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Do you have a reference for that?

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I recommend checking-out Dr. Joseph Mercola's in-depth analysis article on fluoride in public utilities water systems. If you go to mercola.com, you can search for this topic in the archives of his articles on his website.

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I know fluoride affects the endocrine system.

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Are you sure? I thought they'd lowered the recommendation from 1ppm to 0.7ppm.

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Fluoride is still toxic and quite unnecessary just like vaccines. Ozone should be used but of course it is more expensive and anyway bi pharma need somewhere to dump their hazardous wast.


The key to understanding the toxicity of compound sis the ending in this case -ide, such as found in suic-ide, patric-ide and matric-ide.

-ide is an anagram of die. Thus it kills of course.

An anagram of fluoride is 'dire foul'. A warning to the wise.

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Chlorine persists longer in water distribution systems, so can get things like giardia cysts ozone can't. Generally better, however. Fluoride is more commonly a waste product of phosphate fertilizer production. "ide" just means negative charge with no external oxygen present, such as oxide (water), chloride, and iodide. Not all, such as cyanide, are quite so safe. I can't think of any anions ending in "cide".

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Thank you for the information. The -ide's still kill things. Beware the Ides of March, it meant death for Julius Caesar!

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My guess is the reason for engaging in "soft" fraud vs. "hard" fraud is because hard fraud is far easier to spot, and impossible to deny.

Soft fraud is obfuscatory, requiring work to uncover, can be dismissed as error, can be exacerbated by delaying tactics, etc. I personally think it should be dealt with just as harshly (if not more harshly) than hard fraud.

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Yep. They always want to leave room for plausible deniability. We are living in a world where common definitions are being changed, contradictory narratives from scientists and medical experts are censored, personal stories of vaccine injury are censored and rampant institutional corruption/hyper-politicization of agencies, etc, are the new normal. If they actually cared about the public and wanted to keep us "safe," like they said they do, these vaccines would have been pulled from the market a long time ago. It very much appears like we are the targets.

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"It very much appears like we are the targets."

Always have been.

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We are incidental. The target is $$$$$$$$$$.

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It's both. They don't want to pay pensions for the "useless olds".

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At one time that was certainly a prime motivator and still is for the under-tiers of these systems, but those at the very top who make these things happen already own everything. I don't believe money motivates them at all any longer, except insofar as it manipulates those "beneath" them.

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Exactly. They have a cadre of psychopaths that do their bidding... As long as they get paid, and as long as they think they're safe. They'll be getting less of both.

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Well, there is the game of who has the most toys. As far as I know, it is still played.

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That is also very possible.

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Agreed 100%.

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Heartbreaking story of Moderna trial participant.

This has been happening in clinical trials for long time. Trials are about getting product on the market. The antidepressants trials were riddled with miscoding of suicidal ideation as emotional lability. There were games played with the calculations to show marginal benefit over product. Much of the Paxil and Zoloft clinical trial fraud came out in litigation after suicide deaths and millions and millions taking “safe and effective” products.

Unfortunately these jab manufacturers were given complete legal immunity. This was a huge red flag for me from beginning.

Thanks for your important post.

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Interestingly the main negative piece of feedback this series has received was on criticizing the antidepressant trials.

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This was another hard read. 💔

Giving trial participants the legal right to sue pharmaceutical companies for compensation if the severe adverse reactions they experience are not included in the final trial report seems a minimal expectation in a humane society. How devastating that it seems like an unrealistic goal.

My favorite fortune cookie message ever: beware of cookies bearing fortunes! 🥠

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i told my gf over and over again, not to take this shot... well, she didn't listen, she even got the first booster... i know she did it because she couldn't stand up to the the abusive social ostracism propaganda campaign that was organized and sponsored by big pharma, elected gov, and admin gov... i think maybe very many felt obliged or intimidated to take the vax... some were forced to do it to maintain a paycheck... this was a conspiracy from the beginning... now that death rates are skyrocketing, she's getting very nervous... if she's lucky, she only got saline or an inert batch both times... time will tell

i hope hundreds, if not thousands are hanged for committing this evil

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Go to howbadismybatch.com and look up the number of adverse events associated with the lot numbers she took.

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👀 💉💔 Conspiracy diagnosis - a short parody video filled with coincidental sound and fury ... (2 minutes)

In case you need a wry laugh today, this medical diagnosis commercial for [the actually fake medical group] Kaufman Institute for Coincidence is BRILLIANT: https://youtu.be/hZZFnNwdgqQ

Transcript from the YouTube video:



Are you or a loved one suffering from a medical coincidence?

You want proper medical care, but you don't want people sniffing around asking a whole bunch of questions about what might be causing your problem?

At the Kauffman Institute for Coincidence, we won't look into the cause of your heart or other problem.

We'll just fix it!

That's right.

We promise to only look at your symptoms.

We won't get all curious looking for causes because that could get your employer or your doctor into some legal hot water.

And nobody wants that!

At Kaufman, we understand that coincidence is now the leading cause of death.


Operate at the speed of science!

There's no time for looking for causes, no pesky questions about drugs or vaccines you may have been given.

At Kaufman, we specialize in the effects and leave the causes to the conspiracy theorists.

And let's be honest: we know the cause anyway.

It was a coincidence, right?

For each new patient, Kaufman's talented team of doctors strap on their blinders and look directly at the problem area, usually the heart just like the CDC


Our main campus now treats myocarditis, blood clots, heart arrhythmia, stroke, heart attack, magnetic skin, difficulty breathing, full body blisters and burning, convulsions, kidney failure, memory loss, cancer, sudden death, and much much more.

Give your coincidence the attention it deserves -- but not the wrong kind of attention -- at Kaufman.

Schedule your appointment today at KauffmanCoincidence.com and receive a doctor's note with a real sciency sounding explanation to provide to your anti-vaxx friends, proving to them it was definitely not the vaccine that caused your coincidence.


Because coincidence has happened pretty much all the time.

Official medical coincidence partner of the NFL.


For more parodies like this, check out https://www.youtube.com/@iwantlibertees

Note: KauffmanCoincidence.com is not a real website. Darn! (But it is available as of 1/17/2023).

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I just got this in my news feed about how HPV has gone down in North America. Let's herald the HPV Vaccine!!! (Not) Unbelievable how Pharma controls the narrative: https://globalnews.ca/news/9414113/cervical-cancer-canada-us-dropping-hpv-vaccine-experts/

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A lot of datasets show the opposite.

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Yes, the datasets show the opposite, yet the MSM narrative heralds the HPV vaccine (great advertisement!). I personally know of only one woman, 60 years-old, who was diagnosed with cervical cancer -- all my life! Well, it was a "pre-cancer". Anyway, she had the surgery, no chemo, and developed lymphedema 5 years ago post-surgery which has never resolved to this day. Other than that, I've never known any woman to have cervical cancer -- and my career is in a sector where I am in personal contact with about 500 clients/year and in such a personal nature that they also talk about their families and friends. So, that's like 5,000 people if everyone has 10 close friends/family.

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"Experts think they know why". This sort of phrase is always used. Disgusting. They only 'think', they don't know but in reality they are liars and frauds and will pay dearly for this.

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Yes, and who exactly are the "experts" being quoted? Are they public health experts? The same ones that know nothing about microbiology, immunology, vaccinology or epidemiology? Are those the so-called "experts"?

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