You missed the low hanging fruit. This is from Hormone Secrets, my book about bioidentical hormones. Your readers can download it free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/p7dvqow83g

This sells on Amazon and has 100 five-star reviews.

Women who use estrogen get less Alzheimer’s disease, and some studies say it is 80 percent preventive. But this robust scientific support is unknown to the mainstream. The current standard is to wait until after the disease has advanced, then use toxic, heavily promoted, fantastically expensive patent drugs. Even the academics who are paid to study these understand they are dubious.

AD is tragic and epidemic. Eleven percent of those over 65 have it, and it kills more people than breast and prostate cancer combined. Sixty-seven percent of Medicare long-term care payments are related to Alzheimer’s, more than $250 billion a year—it is the most expensive disease in US healthcare. Our patients are being criminally mistreated.

A similar literature underpins the beneficial effects of growth hormone and testosterone for Alzheimer’s and other diseases of the aging brain for both sexes.

Appendix C has over 50 citations supporting all this. Stop here and spend two minutes scanning them. If you understand this story, the rest of the book will be transparent and credible. Properly referencing every hormone subject would have required dozens of books. --Robertyoho.substack.com

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Estrogen deficiency (along with the progesterone ratio) is one of the things Bresden repeatedly mentions in his model for type 2 Alzhiemer's, but he does not place as big an emphasis on it as you do.

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DHEA is such a wonderful hormone and yet very few people will advocate for it. Love the work by Cherniske.

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DHEA is precursor to many steroids. Low doses are very good for postmenopausal woman and aging men can take a bit higher doses.

Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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Actually a simple blood test should determine if DHEA is warranted regardless of age or menopausal status.

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A test for what exactly?

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the amount of DHEA circulating in blood. I order my test from Life Extension once a year.

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I took that for awhile but noticed I became very down in my mood, so I stopped.

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I could not disagree more about estrogen deficiency. In fact, there is a progesterone deficiency. Estrogen itself is carcinogenic and is a useful hormone but only when low. It encourages run away cell growth.

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My mother started bio identical HRT in her mid 50s and is now 85. At the time she started, the recommendation was to supplement for no more than a couple of years, just to alleviate some menopause symptoms. But she never stopped. Her doctor coordinates with a compounding pharmacist; once a year she has her hormone levels checked and adjusts her dose as needed. Her mind is as sharp as ever and she is in good physical shape. I’ll admit it may have been so without HRT but because dementia shows up in every generation of our family tree, I am following her lead.

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I, like your Mom, started bio-identical HRT when I was 50. I just turned 70! I get mine from a compounding pharmacy, also.

I ‘adjusted my dose’ years ago and have stuck with it for 20 years. My mind is sharp and I’m in good physical shape for a person my age. (I never have my hormones levels checked!) I would not give up my HRT for anything! I highly recommend it...also I think more Docs need to talk to men about HRT for ‘andropause’. It could solve a lot of their aging issues like ED, memory, and stamina/strength issues!

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Proof positive! Well done you Mum & you too!

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Holy moly . . . more than 250,000 Millionaires could be created instead of Medicare long term care payments. There goes my wonky thinking again!

Now, setting that aside Robert, looking into estrogen therapy sounds like a pretty reasonable consideration for women.

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Yes, the brain needs estradiol, especially after trauma. However the brain itself can make the steroid from circulating precursors. Same with progesterone, it is a neurosteroid synthesized in brain and retinal tissues from precursors. Note, blood levels are NOT indicative of tissue levels. see https://biomedworks.substack.com/p/estrogen-helps-heal-traumatic-brain

Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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Thank you!! I just subscribed. I also do the HRT and keep a pretty low carb diet - feel great - don't think about my age (68) unless someone else brings it up but I will confess it is a bit lonely not having friends that can really participate much in the activities I enjoy. I am at that stage where everyone is on blood pressure, statins, anti-inflammatory medications. Personally I think most of it is sugar - the slow rot of the body which creates the majority of health issues.

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Thank you Paula. I agree, sugar is the culprit. I do like intermittent fasting, because it allows the body to reset its metabolism, clear out the glycosylated proteins. To stay young, try hanging out a while with the little ones. Their microbiome keeps you youthful, too.

Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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I worry about my daughter because after an eating disorder, her periods ceased. She's gained her weight back but the periods have not returned. I had taken her once to my OBGYN who had suggested birth control pills but she didn't want to take those, not to mention that she also gets migraines.

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I think birth control pills or any other birth control device that alters a woman's natural hormones are not a good idea. There are lots of studies showing that cancer risks are much higher for women who use these.

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I agree. Just trying to find something to help her cycle return.

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Maybe look up Dr. Lara Briden.

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She can try taking homeopathic pulsatilla 30 once daily to regulate her periods. There is homeopathy for everything. Check out Joette Calabrese's blog.

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Look into Dr. Mindy Pelz’s information, using intermittent fasting to create health, reset your cycle, and autophagy.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2mQOGzHtQc is a good interview.

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We test the levels in our saliva. Both doctor and pharmacist prefer using that method though I don’t recall why that was supposed to be better.

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They realize there is no precision or accuracy benefit using serum, so saliva is a quick and dirty way to get a rough estimate of circulating 'steroid' (very very difficult to precisely identify steroids... Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry required with careful calibration and super pure standards.

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Bioidentical hormones are just a marketing term for synthetic hormones. They help many women through menopause but can cause serious side effects as well. Botanical tinctures as well as homeopathy can be just as effective and are, most likely, the healthier option.

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When I had my full Hysterectomy, I woke up PUKING acid with an Estrogen patch on my shoulder. Adhesives like that hate my skin. Everyone tried had side effects that were intolerable. Even Black Cohosh hated my GI tract and shut my bowel down. I'm one of those people sensitive to a ton of meds. Never had any of the effects of no hormones until in my 60s. Vaginal dryness was the worst of it.

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I use a BHRT crème made by a compounding pharmacy…that I put on nightly on my ‘nether parts’. No side effects…use a very small dose, but it’s enough to keep things going. I still have my uterus, but I am missing one Fallopian tube (the other one was removed due to an ectopic pregnancy in 1983.) Otherwise all reproductive organs in place. Have had no full term pregnancies or children. No problems with vaginal dryness issues, either.

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Remove the ovaries and it creates a big difference, I don't regret it, as pre-cancer cells were found in the Cervic. I'd had 2 natural births and 2 C-sections which created the problems, adhesions, cysts, fibroids, and Endometriosis. Already had tubes tied when the 2nd C-Section was done. At 74 don't miss the lack of frustrated male unfunctional sex, as the hub is 82, and even those ED pills don't work. We still can cuddle, and hold hands.

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I totally understand. I have recently re-entered the dating world at 70 after being in a long term relationship, that was not fulfilling, in so many ways if you ‘catch my drift’. Have met a wonderful man (74) and we finally ‘consummated’ the deal. The same issues that your hubs faces, so does he. But we have figured out some ‘work arounds’, and have done a lot of cuddling and holding hands.

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I've had a few patients with erectile dysfunction I treated by addressing zeta potential.

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I do not agree with you about BHRT

being a “marketing term for synthetic hormones”. I have a 20 year experience with using them. So you can say I have been in a 20 year ‘trial’, with them. What are these ‘serious side effects’ that that you speak of?

I can’t say that I’ve had any ‘serious side effects’ while using them.

I know what it is like to not be using them in between prescription lapses. So I know how I feel when I use them and when I don’t. I prefer how I feel when I do use the BHRT. That’s kind of how I judge for myself, if any given Treatment is working, or not for me. My BHRT is not made by Big Pharma. It is made by a small local compounding pharmacy where I live.

I also use herbs, tinctures and flower essence ‘remedies’ on a daily basis as part in my daily healthcare regimen, as well

as use alternative healthcare practitioners for my healthcare needs, to address my physical, spiritual and mental well being issues.

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Apparently, Estrogen can become increasingly carcinogenic until a woman has a baby and breastfeeds a baby, and if done young enough, she becomes protected, because the breast tissue properly matures before becoming damaged; see a book called "Breasts", possibly this one https://www.amazon.com/Breasts-Natural-Unnatural-Florence-Williams/dp/0393345076.

Unfortunately, "female empowerment" has caused many women to significantly delay having children, so they become at far greater risk of breast cancer, so adding more Estrogen, at/after menopause may not be such a great idea!

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low dose topical ESTRADIOL is safe and effective. Do not lump 'estrogens' together. They are NOT the same. Very large Scandanavian study showed this.

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I must tell you I have been on Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) therapy for 20 years now. (Estradiol, Estriol, Estrone, Pentoxifylline, Progesterone, Testosterone.) My ‘prescription’ (from a compounding pharmacy) has traveled with me through several PCP’s. If they won’t renew my prescription I go to one who will! I am also on a natural thyroid medication Naturethroid (previously I took Amour thyroid) when diagnosed with Hashimotos, for the past 20 years. I just turned 70, I am in relatively good health, with no major illness or chronic conditions. I have good energy levels for a person my age, I still have sexual desire, and my memory is holding up. I would not give up my BHRT for anything! I think more men should check into BHRT...could solve a lot of their aging issues, like ED, memory, and physical stamina decline. I signed up for the free download of you book.

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I used to take Naturethroid, but had to switch to Armour, as NatureThroid became unavailable...where/how are you getting it?

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I still get Naturetroid in CA where I live…I used to take Armour, then went off Amour when it became unavailable for a time (now it’s back I see), but Armour is more expensive than Narurethroid. The whole porcine thyroid deal is a big mess, because Big Pharma doesn’t want people to use it or docs to prescribe it. They want you to use Synthtroid, which I tried years ago for about a week when I first was diagnosed with Hashimotos and I did not like it! But I have to ‘shop’ my prescription for the best price, as my Medicare supplemental insurance won’t pay for it!! It’s not on the ‘drug schedule’!

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Thanks for the reply. I was on Synthroid for years (back when I went to ‘conventional’ doctors), because no doctor would prescribe anything but that. Finally I found my functional medicine doctor, who immediately stopped the Synthroid and prescribed Naturethroid. Isn’t the Naturethroid made of a plant or something, and not porcine? The Armour seems to work OK, but yes it’s gotten so expensive. And yeah, no insurance covers the ‘natural’ thyroid meds (what a disgrace). I’m in Wisconsin. I didn’t know availability might depend on which State you’re in?

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I just looked at my Thyroid meds…it says NP thyroid (which may be the generic form of ‘naturethroid’) but I’m not sure.

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my dr helped me get a balance hormone profile but then I had increased uterine thickness because of estrogen. Had to quit or have hysterectomy. Never knew that downside. So my goal of preventing AD gone.

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many misconceptions in your note and your doctor is ignorant, sorry. Read Hormone Secrets (amazon or free ebook download here) and find a real hormone doctor. You likely need progesterone, which will thin your uterine lining.

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had progesterone on board, lots of it and couldnt absorb so took in pill form

Please don’t insult. Our dr is not mainstream and has helped me in other amazing ways etc.

Thanks anyway. Read the book years ago.

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What about those of us who can't take hormones because of the side effects?

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Have you tried bioidentical hormones? I had terrible side effects from the Big Pharma garbage my OB/GYN prescribed, zero side effects from the bioidentical hormones from the compounding pharmacy.

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So agree..see my posts in this thread!

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And, what is sad that progesterone and estrogen cremes are available over the counter.

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Dr Yoho massive thanks for your free Hormone Secrets book.

Hugely appreciated.

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MWD you really do a phenomenal job. I have no idea WHO you are BUT. You are brilliant. I am in contact with so many physicians around the world that I highly respect that set your SubStack on a unique pedestal. Well deserved. Your deep dives as in this post are amazing. Keep up your work.

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I am pretty sure I know quite a few of them (once in a while a colleague sends me an article here). I apologize for having to be a ghost but it gives me a lot more freedom to write what I think is true without having to censor myself.

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You’ve nothing to apologize for. Let’s hope for the day when things change so that you no longer have to remain anonymous. Thank you so much for this wonderful newsletter.

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Thank you! I've read a lot of your work over the years ("Unexpected magnetic attraction:

Evidence for an organized energy field in the human body" has comes up a lot recently, in contrast to the small luxemborg study that was done [https://z3news.com/w/study-on-the-electromagnetism-of-vaccinated-persons-in-luxembourg/]...at this point I only have 1 patient who developed this side effect and I have no idea if it preceded vaccination).

At some point would be open to writing a deep dive on ozone therapy I'll post here under your name? I would like to present it properly here but I do not have the same background you do with it.

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AMD, I look forward to an article on Ozone IV therapy. I am doing it right now (via my functional medicine MD). I don’t completely understand how it works.

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Thank you, Dr. Thorp, for all of your fantastic research. So thrilled that a doctor with your integrity and intellectual stature is in the area. I have sent your articles, videos, etc. to several young women - including the article that Dr. Ana bade us to disseminate. Again, huge thanks!

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Midwest, this is the type of open minded inquest that gives me hope. Not knowing what we know (Rumsfeld said it best LOL) is step one.

I think the most interesting thing is that I know many people who lived to a ripe old age (late 80s early to mid 90s and beyond) that stayed agile and sharp as a tack. They knew nothing of "proper" diet and they also lived through WW1 as a child and WW2 as an adult. And through the spraying of every toxic chemical possible to control mosquitos etc. Some were veterans who spent 6 years in abysmal conditions fighting. Also, many holocaust prison camp survivors lived long and without cognitive decline.

Exercise was something weirdos did LOL. There must be some clues there - one thing in common they seemed to have was a propensity to understand that the world is a crappy place full of evil, and they would not spend any time worrying about what they couldn't change. Oddly internally serene if I may put it that way, and able to brush off the madness of the world and laugh at it.

Same with the latest corona hysteria - the folks who did not succumb to the madness, treated it as ridiculous, did not isolate or hide or mask or jab, sailed through it with no sickness or just a "common cold". The multi jabbed are getting repeatedly sick and increasingly mentally unwell, clinging to covid hysteria like a shipwrecked person clinging to a piece of wood.

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I've thought long and hard about what caused this decreasing vitality, and the issue I've repeatedly found is that people always focus on one specific thing rather than trying to see the broader picture.

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As with so many things, it's no doubt multifactorial. I think the one specific thing would most likely be "modern environment and lifestyle".

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Yes one needs to look at one’s total ‘health picture’...one’s diet, lifestyle, the quality of one’s relationships with others, one’s mental and spiritual ‘health’ ...they all play a huge part of what is going on with one’s general ‘health & well being’.

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Spot on. Seems to me the focus is always on finding precisely one "Silver Bullet" that's going to fix this, or going to fix that. Media constantly announcing that researchers have "found" something something something....and of course it goes off to fail and disappear (that is, it used to disappear but real trials and oversight has gone to die due to grift). The human body is unthinkably complex, as is the way each individual lives and treats it, yet here we are.

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I am just gonna say that not all of us who refused to be afraid of The Virus and refused the injections sailed through natural infection with “just a cold.” Some of us, even with appropriate early treatment and preceding good nutritional and supplement support and habits, still experienced lingering after effects. I hate to think what it would have been like for us were we without early treatment and pre-existing good diets, great vitamin D levels, etc.

Mindset absolutely is terribly important. But we have to be careful to not be arrogant about our good fortune, as there obviously are additional factors at play. Including years’ prior exposures to toxins and vaccines and such. Plus the ubiquitous 5G that many of us are forced to experience by virtue of our geography. 😠

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At 82, I did hide for a time - actually avoided crowds when shopping. I masked where I was forced to. Got 2 jabs b/c I trusted the limited data. So I was wary and alert, not particularly afraid. OTOH at a certain age fear of death isn't top of mind. I worry more about cleanup after I go. I could walk more than I do and observe muscle decline at a faster rate each year. I just know when I've completed my lessons I'll be called home with the hope of connecting to my past.

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Look into Ivermectin for Alzheimer's and dementia. It works.

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I believe that

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Is it safe to assume that Ivermectine should be taken with all the viral's like colds and flus??

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I would disagree. If one has any head trauma IVM can be neurotoxic. I’ve experienced it myself. Not sure why but IVM made my neurological symptoms worse.

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Sounds interesting. Any links?

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My mother has had vascular dementia for a decade. She's just turned 90. Early 2021 she was practically a vegetable... eating little, losing weight, sleeping heaps not responding. Then i read about a woman who reversed her husbands alzheimers with coconut oil.... the totally erratic clockface test became almost normal after a month or so!

I had been giving (trying to) smoothies couple times a week.... So i started to put in some coconut oil and more regular smoothies......

Within a few days she said the first word in months!

She started eating more....and less than 2 weeks later she spoke her first sentence in a couple years!! (it had been a struggle for her to finish the sentence)

She became more and more alert... the workers at the resthome asked what i had done!! She would keep grabbing their attention to ask them questions haha

Then we had another lockdown and i was thinking oh no she's gonna revert without my smoothies..... yet a few weeks later when they opened up again.... she wasn't back to where she had been... just a little fractious and confused.... which quickly changed when i started feeding them to her again!

So this seems to me it makes more permanent changes other than just being the ketones (the perfect fuel for her withered braincells ha) There must be other substances in there providing benefit....!?

In august for 3 days running i noticed another major change...... she suddenly started to put those thoughts together and make connections like a regular conversation would go!!!!!!!!

We were actually able to converse....ask questions....give a thoughtful response!!!!

Then our evil uncaring P.M. ardern (new zealand) imposed yet another lockdown much longer and i was never able to get her back there..... and the cure for vascular dementia shall never be known to humanity haha (fuckit)

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I am so sorry about the lockdown. We have suffered so unnecessarily and against our wills.

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I’m really glad to hear that the coconut oil works.

It could be that her brain was missing healthy fats, and cholesterol.

The overuse of cholesterol lowering medication has been indirectly, linked with increase in Alzheimer’s. And that’s because those medication‘s are so powerful they remove all cholesterol, and the brain is the main consumer of cholesterol. Our nervous system needs it!

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She has never been on those meds... and for the previous 8 months she'd been living in a resthome where they love to feed them lots of meat so she'd probably been getting a good dose of cholesterol... plus I'd boil her her favourite soft boiled eggs at least once a week...about 4 at a time haha.... before that I was feeding her a good diet at home for a few years with eggs sardines, butter and cheese... both grass fed coz I'm lucky to live in NZ...... and yet she still slowly declined......

I'm sure it must be more than just the ketones bcoz 3 weeks without didn't affect her much....

AND remember I said there was another sudden change in her thinking processes.... to putting thoughts together and thinking things through and having an actual conversation!!!

Could that really be just the result of ketones.... after having them for several months...?

I feel like there must be something else in coconut oil as well..... unless it just takes that long for ketones to change the brain cells.....hmmmm

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I’m really glad that you found a solution that really helps your mother have a better quality of life. !

It could also be that the diet that you had her on, had her in a fasting state.

Fasting state after about 16 to 18 hours – – autophagy kicks in. Which means miss folded, proteins, and damaged proteins in the body, are consumed and taken away.

Autophagia can also be prolonged by keeping proteins to 20 g or less per day and carbohydrates less than 50g per day.

Throwing ketones means that autophagy is happening.

So it could be her will be when she is in a ketotic state, the old and damaged proteins in her body are being dumped.

And then she is more clear minded because the damaged protein sludge is being removed.

I wish I could remember the link to the study was… But they found that when people did the 20 G protein / 50 g carbohydrates for one week per month, it had the same effect as a 5 day water fast.

A 5 day water fast, after the 48/72 hour mark, starts stem cell regeneration. Many chronic diseases are alleviated when doing this.

If she likes chocolate, you could make a Keytone bomb: 125 mL coconut oil, 125 mL of peanut butter melted. Then at around 4 tablespoons of cocoa. Then once it’s melted, pour into little tiny cupcake holders and put in the fridge. They’re good for about two weeks.

I usually take a Pyrex cup and put OB first to 125 mark, then coconut oil to the 250 mark. Then stick it in a pan of boiling water to melt. then I add cocoa once melted and blended. I also add a little bit of Himalayan salt. It’s a nice touch.

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I didn't really have her on a diet.... she was just eating regular and not skimping on the protein or carbs.....

And she had vascular dementia where the blood vessels are restricted not allowing enough blood to replenish brain cells.... not tanged tau 😂

It MUST be the coconut oil !

She died march this year thankfully... at 90 ...her time had come....

But I'm gonna try these ketone bombs for sure😋😊

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Oh I’m sorry to hear she passed away. :(

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We believe that part of the resolution of pathophysiological process requires a correction of energy deficiencies. This reversal of a pathological process requires the momentum reversal as MWD eloquently described in this post. The further the disease process has progressed the more difficult it is to reverse.

Our creator endowed us with EVERYTHING we need to maintain our health and this does not include vaccines.

In the case of COVID19 “vaccines” there is a diversion of critical energy AWAY from normal molecular - cellular functions to the abnormal production of spike protein.

Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Walker PR.

Aether, fields & energy dynamics in living bodies - Part I. G

Med Sci. 2021; 2(5): 014-025.


Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Walker PR.

Aether, fields & energy dynamics in living bodies - Part II. G

Med Sci. 2021; 2(6): 001-020.


Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Walker PR.

Aether, fields & energy dynamics in living bodies - Part III. G

Med Sci. 2021; 2(6): 021-047.


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I have bookmarked your links for future reading and consideration.

How do you approach this idea with family (or in your case patients) who are so accustomed to seeing through the mechanistic, “this causes that,” and often fatalistic conventional approach? In a way that allows them to consider the alternate (and likely better) ways toward health?

One family member who is absolutely committed to doing all he can to maintain and optimize health in the face of a specific chronic condition, using a counterful of supplements, probiotics, etc, believes that because organ scarring is part of the underlying condition, there is “no way to reverse scarring,” is very committed to a functional med mindset promoted (often with success) by a particular dr, and just doesn’t seem curious about additional alternative paradigms such as homeopathy (an energy-based medicine). He just wants to know when presented w case studies of effective homeopathy for his condition, “well, what kind of diet were they eating?” I just wish he would be open to adding this energetic perspective to his arsenal.

Another family member continues to attribute her worsening chronic fatigue and brain fog to age. As though it is inevitable. I just wanna scream and say that no, age does not have to equal decline, certainly not of the sort this person is experiencing (and no, not injected with The V, although has of course had other usual geriatric ones).

It’s just so hard to break out of the conventional mode.

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One of the reasons I spend so much time studying medical history is so I can have the context to see how things we accept as normal are not normal.

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Three points.

First, since you refer to Dr. Bredesen frequently, you might want to spell his name correctly.

Second, a detailed protocol for preventing and reversing AD has been developed (https://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/59311). It is a subset of a more general protocol for preventing or reversing any chronic disease (http://www.publichealthtoxicology.com/Prevention-and-reversal-of-chronic-diseases-A-Protocol,144538,0,2.html). Our latest findings show that the approach may be applicable to preventing infectious diseases as well (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34485092/; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34779496/). All of these approaches require, at their core, removal of the many tens/hundreds of toxic factors that contribute to the chronic disease of interest (many of the factors identified contribute pervasively to the development of multiple chronic diseases).

Third, modern medicine is structured along the lines of diseases/symptoms. Specialists in these diseases are trained to provide treatments that will ameliorate the symptoms. The treatments are not designed to prevent or reverse the disease, only to manage the symptoms (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/our-medical-system-is-not-structured-for-prevention-and-reversal-of-disease.-d0ec2a52). Therefore, they will guarantee a steady revenue stream until the patient expires.

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Thank you for catching that!

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Brilliant post Midwestern Doc. The medical industrial complex has destroyed the healthcare system.

Thorp KE, Thorp MM, Thorp EM, Thorp JA. COVID-19 & Disaster Capitalism –

Part I. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1):159-

178. https://www.doi.org/10.46766/thegms.medethics.22071901

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I am hoping we are hitting the point that their greed through disaster capitalism is too much and it will jeopardize the long sustainable markets which were created.

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I had two parents die of this awful disease 5 years apart. They were the same age, and my mom, with a genetic predisposition to longevity, did every possible thing to cut her life short. She ate junk food daily, took a pill for everything and got zero exercise. She still lived to be 83, but those last years weren't really living, and her mother, who had a much more active lifestyle, no meds and a decent diet, lived to the age of 96 without dementia until the last year of her life. My dad did better, although he had an earlier history of heart disease and none of the men in his family made it out of their 60's to early 70's, while he was more proactive in his health and made it to age 88. But he had bad medical/dietary advice and didn't tell us about an early dementia diagnosis just after my mom died, until 3 years later, when it became obvious that he could no longer manage his own affairs and was being scammed out of his hard earned money. By Stage 4-5 on the Alzheimer's spectrum, it's just about impossible to reverse to any degree, but once I moved him in with me, I started him on a ketogenic diet, gradually got him off all his meds with the help of his physician, and got him on a regular exercise and social routine. He was off statins and 2 BP meds, and with this diet and routine, he was doing markedly better. Not enough to be independent, but everyone noticed it and we were able to maintain his function for quite awhile. Then the lockdowns happened, all his activities stopped, and he went on a rapid downhill slide that ended in his death 3 months later. Mind you, he never had Covid - that would have been kinder than what happened to him. Denying early treatments, "social distancing", lockdowns and masking did no one any favors. We are locked in the Stone Age, and I cannot believe the cruelty and antagonism toward real science that has become normal in our healthcare system, schools and elsewhere.

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I have lost count of how many stories I have heard like yours. The sad part is most people would not be willing to admit what you did helped his cognitive decline (and hence was why he received none of it during the lockdowns).

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Thank you. My mom died alone, pretty much locked in her room (as were all of the others in an assisted living facility during the lockdown of 2020) at the age of 94, making a massive downhill slide with her dementia in a few short months. Besides the powers that be deciding to take away estrogen supplementation about 20 years ago(?) and her being on blood pressure medicine since around the age of 50, she really didn't start complaining about her memory until about a year after a doctor put her on statins after she had a stint placed in an artery at around age 83. She also started about that time complaining about aches especially lower back, and started getting one UTI after another. It took about 10 years to take an active, bright 83-year-old to a frightened, lonely old woman. I tried to get them to take her off of the statins and the high-blood pressure medicine those last several years.

I now feel that most of the time these lifelong medicines only make the doctor feel better.

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My husband had a heart attack March 22, 2022! Stents! Every BP and a statin and baby aspirin. I have spent every day of my life the last almost 4 years researching and reading books. After 1 month, I saw a decline. I took him off statins and blood pressure meds. Changed his diet and he is back to his old self. He is 64 but is more active than men half his age. He also went back to full time Mechanic work after less than a month. Had he sat around. Recouping like they wanted, he would be dead. I firmily believe that. We have the same Primary and I fired the cardilogist. He had him on 2 metroprolol meds at the same time. Called him out on that, he never looked past his computer, thats when I knew!!!

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Thank you very much A Mid Western Doctor. Brother Ken Thorp MD or I would be honored to work with you.


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How about the quackcines, filled with aluminum, mercury and other toxic chemicals?

We are administering more of them each year, and the children are more and more ill every year.

You'd think if the vaccines were safe and effective, the vaxxed would be healthier, right?

Well, surprise, surprise.. the more vaxxes you take, the sicker you get.

Including Alzheimer's..


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We provide a recent publication relevant to this post. Midwestern Doc is spot on with this post.

Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Thorp EM, Thorp MM, Walker PR. COVID-19: Energy, Protein Folding & Prion Disease. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): http://www.thegms.co/neurology/neuro-rw-22083101.

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That link is broken.

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AD in elderly is autism in reverse, aka Brain Damage most likely from Aluminum.

Its in deodorant, cooking pots, many pHARMA drugs, va$$ines.

Study by Dr Chris Exley in UK, showed removing Aluminum, lessons the effects of

AND autism. Drink spring mineral water with high amounts of Silica which attaches to Aluminum in the body and you urinate it out. FIJI and Volvic waters have high amounts of natural silica!

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As a lay person, I cannot thank your enough for your research, evaluation of the material, and clarification for those of us without a scientific background.

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I’m 68, unvaxxed and my rheumatoid arthritis is in remission. I take vitamin D, zinc, boron, fish oil and black seed (nigella sativa) oil daily. Haven’t had a respiratory infection for years

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