My husband had a heart attack March 22, 2022! Stents! Every BP and a statin and baby aspirin. I have spent every day of my life the last almost 4 years researching and reading books. After 1 month, I saw a decline. I took him off statins and blood pressure meds. Changed his diet and he is back to his old self. He is 64 but is more active…
My husband had a heart attack March 22, 2022! Stents! Every BP and a statin and baby aspirin. I have spent every day of my life the last almost 4 years researching and reading books. After 1 month, I saw a decline. I took him off statins and blood pressure meds. Changed his diet and he is back to his old self. He is 64 but is more active than men half his age. He also went back to full time Mechanic work after less than a month. Had he sat around. Recouping like they wanted, he would be dead. I firmily believe that. We have the same Primary and I fired the cardilogist. He had him on 2 metroprolol meds at the same time. Called him out on that, he never looked past his computer, thats when I knew!!!
My husband had a heart attack March 22, 2022! Stents! Every BP and a statin and baby aspirin. I have spent every day of my life the last almost 4 years researching and reading books. After 1 month, I saw a decline. I took him off statins and blood pressure meds. Changed his diet and he is back to his old self. He is 64 but is more active than men half his age. He also went back to full time Mechanic work after less than a month. Had he sat around. Recouping like they wanted, he would be dead. I firmily believe that. We have the same Primary and I fired the cardilogist. He had him on 2 metroprolol meds at the same time. Called him out on that, he never looked past his computer, thats when I knew!!!