Pfizer is a serial felon, convicted on over 70 occasions and has paid to date around $10 billion in fines comprising just about every corrupt practice known in the book of corporate fraud.

Not sure what more one needs to know. Looking at Pfizer's record, one thinks of the phrase 'habitual criminal.'”

Why hasn't Pfizer been shut down and it's top executives put in prison?

That's the larger question.

It's an operation- The Pharma Cartel makes a lot of money for massive investment firms and the Pandemic Business Model is one of the more lucrative investment strategies for these firms.

It's all fraud.

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Pharma also keeps the FDA flush with cash. That’s the big reason they will never get shut down. And they also provide massive cash flow to the media, secondary education, politicians, medical journals and all the other industries that suck from their teat. They essentially own modern civilization, along with the banking cartel.

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If they do "own" modern civilization, it may be because anti-trust has failed to secure our support.

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That and also, people generally are happy to put their health in the hands of big pharma, instead of taking control of their health through diet and lifestyle. If masses of people became so healthy that they didn’t need to take multiple pharmaceuticals daily, big pharma would wither in the vine.

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Well it's sure a good thing that their cohorts in the food industries have spent decades corrupting food with similar practices (seed oils, the food pyramid, sugar industry lies, fats being bad etc), and now people are fat and diabetic and unhealthy as never before.

It's all a freaking racket.

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True. But the responsibility lies within each of us to know what we are eating and to make responsible choices. The reason the food industry gets away with it is because people keep buying it. People keep buying it because it’s convenient, cheap, and addicting. If people stopped buying and eating disease causing food, they wouldn’t sell it and it would take away their power. Same with pharmaceuticals.

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Your comment deserves many "likes." You have hit the nail squarely on the head.

It's not likely to happen any time soon, but people would do well to grow up and grow spines, quit taking the easy way out and start taking responsibility for themselves and their families. And that's just for starters.

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& largest lobbying group in Washington!

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Maybe the anti-civ contingent has it right? Burn the sucker to the ground.... no other way...?

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The only other way I know to take back our civilization is for people to take back their health from big pharma. If people became healthy, and stopped buying their poison (as much as possible, which I estimate at about 80% or more of their sales), they would go bankrupt and have to reorganize to fit the market and they would have almost no power/profits. This seems unlikely so... it’s either your idea or we just keep suffering from whatever diseases and “cures” they offer us.

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Absolutely! People need to stop taking "legal" drugs and stop running to the medical industrial complex for every sniffle and ache. Also, time to learn a little mortality as well. Newsflash society - we are all going to die someday. I think the minute we sanitized death, the "legal" drug culture replaced it.

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True. And replacing real food with cheap, industrialized counterfeits just lead us like children following the pied piper.

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The concensus psuedo science of allopathic medicine is fraudulent. Time to retrieve what little is of value and incorporate real science and naturl resources back into our practices of personal and corporate medicine.

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Ah. So sickening. It's psychopathy all the way down.

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Why are you even asking ‘why...’? C’mon, we all KNOW why.

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when you understand the corruption of Pharma coupled wiith CDC/FDA corruption, you understand the medical model is corrupted absolutely.

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Pfizer has done other non-Pharma damage - their desire to build an HQ in New London, CT, by razing an existing neighborhood led to the Keli v. New London 2005 US Supreme Court eminent domain case. The neighborhood lost, the houses were demolished, and the developer later change its mind. The space is now empty - no houses, no HQ

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Unreal. I have thought about going back to waiting tables. Years ago, I interviewed for a Pharm Rep job. I am glad I was not chosen. Could they sense I had a soul? One of my closet friends is a Pharmacist. I like wine. He likes bourbon. Stay healthy folks is all I can tell ya.

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I hear ya! I Fantasize about working at Trader Joe’s or Costco.

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Costco is well known for treating their workers well and the CEO specifically said they do that to have an edge in the industry.

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Lol I didn’t get hired at Trader Joe’s.

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I thought they hired everybody!

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Obv not.

Sigh. I felt such a failure.

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take it as a compliment. they hire oddballs.

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I interviewed for a sales position with Pfizer about 20 years ago. I remember one of the sales managers saying he thought I'd be successful if I fully bought into what they're selling. I turned them down for a 3rd interview. I ended up working for two different pharmaceutical companies. I was young and now know better. I would never work in the industry again, no matter how much they promised to pay me.

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Probably. Being not the "right fit" is code for "not compliant enough for our bullshit."

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It takes a leap of faith to agree with Gotzsche's assertion (in the video embedded in the tweet you shared) that the courage of whistleblowers is due to genes they possess that are absent in non-whistleblowers.

In a previous post you wrote, "Most of the doctors who have spoken out against the vaccine are practicing Christians who have said not violating their devotion to God is more important than the repercussions of speaking out against the vaccine."

I suggest that the source of courage, love, inspiration - all virtue in fact - is God. As someone famously said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free!"

Highly recommended as a follow up to your post, "Why Do Doctors Close Their Eyes to Medical Injuries?" is this film about the vaccine injured and the heroic doctors trying to whistleblow on their behalf.


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Anecdotal accounts can be incorporated into a form of research known as case studies. A collection of case studies, while limited in its ability to generalize over a population, provides a solid basis for designing larger studies with greater statistical power. Don't let anyone tell ya that anecdotal evidence has no value....

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After years of insurance dictated doctors, an integrative medicine doctor who prays with me is helping me actually heal. I had a booster shot for work in 2001, suddenly had so many autoimmune issues. The irony is, I was working as an assistant for an autistic kindergarten.

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Bless you! Love that you worked with children with autism!

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I had to have another part time job because it didn’t pay much, but it was the most rewarding job I’ve ever had! Absolutely the best.

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Juliet, that would be a great follow topic you’ve suggested: "Why Do Doctors Close Their Eyes to Medical Injuries?"

I hope A Midwestern Doctor writes it!

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AMD has already done so. See: Why Can Doctors Not Diagnose Medical Injuries? on this substack.

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He already did. Look through his past articles.

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Midwest Doc,

You should know that almost all of senior execs at Pfizer are members of the Chinese Communist Party. The company is just a front for the CCP/China. That is also where they get the funds to take over the other pharma firms and startups. They are are a major player/member of the Deep State Cabal.

As a whistleblower myself, all you report is very familiar. I refused severence at one company because I would not sign their outrageous separation agreements. However, it was Fauci and Collins at NIH who actually sent their black operative contractors out to threaten me (physically). Fought back. Been fighting the Cabal ever since.

Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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That's why I try to help promote you on here! You've given a lot to try and make things right.

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And as you have reported here.... so have many others.

We all fight on.

Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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I suspect that the CCP is just a front for and a tool of the international banking and trading cartels. Just as the type funded the Soviets, they also funded Mao. They were also behind FDR and Churchill, and it should be obvious that the US government is still one of their tools to this day.

Mao was apparently a Yali (yes, that's the correct spelling) and it’s worthwhile finding out what that means. Also look up such names as Anna Louise Strong, (the Red daughter of a “Christian” pastor and a cousin of the character, Maurice Strong”), Frank Coe, Israel Epstein, Elsie Fairfax-Cholmely, and Solomon Adler. All of them knew Mao on a personal level. Coe was one of the people likely responsible for the Great Leap Forward and the famine which killed forty million people. It’s worthwhile looking into all of them.

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Yes, exactly right. CCP is a member /arm of the cartel. And the US is now breaking off from it. That is the war we are fighting currently.

Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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It's probably too late since "we've" already pretty much given away the farm by de-indutrializing ourselves and appear to be heavily dependent on the Red Chinese for a lot of things critically necessary for society like ours.

Our "leaders" began the process around WW2 by supplying the Soviets with anything and everything needed for them to industialize according to Major Jordan. Here's a tiny example of what I'm talking about.:

"Take the case of copper. American copper resources became so critical during the war that bus bars of the metal, on electric panel-boards, were replaced with conductors of silver, borrowed from the Treasury’s vaults at West Point. Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, was scarce enough to warrant serious debate over substituting steel in shell cases. With such facts in mind, Lend-Lease shipments of copper, brass and bronze to the Soviet Union, divulged in the Russian lists, seem terrifying. They aggregated 642,503 tons, valued at $283,609,967"

-G. R. Jordan, From Major Jordan’s Diaries, p 69


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Much is going on behind the scenes. Has been for decades, but especially for the last 6 years. Be patient, keep the faith. The world will change dramatically, soon.

Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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I like that.

Another big key is to not panic. These sorts of things have been recurring for ages and they shall continue to do so, yet here we are!

And another thing...our great "leaders" also supplied the Soviets and probably the CCP with whatever it took to jump start their nuclear programs and many other things as well. We continue to be sold out by our precious money men.

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Be patient???

I've been warning people about this stuff since at least the mid '70s.

Patience? It's practically my middle name, but thanks! :)

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How would I prove that so others may be convinced that Pfizer executives are members of the CCP?

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Due to your excellent question, I have just started down this rabbit hole so I have not had a chance to vet the particulars but the claim, below*, does not surprise me a bit. In fact, the USA has been dominated by very wealthy Reds for over a century and it’s been that way because the international mafiosi have wanted it that way as Bella Dodd (School of Darkness) and many others have experienced.

Famous names, Vanderbilt, Lamont, Whitney, Morgan, mingled with those of communist leaders. The Russian Institute was so respectable that it was allowed to give in-service courses to New York City schoolteachers for credit.

-Bella Dodd, School of Darkness, Chap 11

*US companies riddled with members of Chinese Communist Party: Devine


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I looked up each member of the Pfizer Board of directors but found no obvious CCP membership. They do however have academic and business pedigrees from very liberal institutions. Pfizer does have many underlings that I am sure are part of the CCP as they are Chinese and work in Shanghai but again I can’t prove it about the board.

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"...from very liberal institutions."

Key concept there.

Actual CCP members do not have to infiltrate our institutions directly since it's pretty obvious that we have been undermined from within and for a very long time as I'm sure most of us already know.

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Amazing Polly has great videos linking all the players and organizations. She has done the investigative work.


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Just finished this.:


She's a genius and has done her homework.


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A great source of additions to the rabbit hole. Just looking at the titles tells me a lot. Now to find the time to check it out!


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It may not be Pfizer, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was. Anyway, The Highwire episode out today mentions Peter Daszak(sp) of EcoHealth Allliance as having ties to the Wuhan lab starting at about 1:00:00 (one hour). I'm not much for videos, but I watched the whole thing and higly recommend it. Jaxen is excellent as always and the last part with the EcoHealth whistleblower is stunning as well.



True to form,"our" government apparently gave away tons of viral research info to the Wuhan lab.

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Executives are, but Board of Directors are decoration. They are for access eg. the FDA commissioners. If not CCP, then for sure WEF. The Boston group was all CCP/Chinese. Flew back and forth freely. You should also see video posts from Dr Shiva about the Cambridge players being the center of evil.

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"Flew back and forth freely. "

Karen Kwiatkowski reported years ago that certain foreign agents had the run of the Pentagon as well.

"… an incident occurred that was seared into my memory. … [in the Pentagon, the leader of the pack of Israeli generals] surged ahead…as they sped to Undersecretary Feith’s office … Once in Feith’s waiting room, the leader continued at speed to Feith’s closed door. An alert secretary saw this coming and had leapt from her desk to block the door. “Mr. Feith has a visitor. It will only be a few more minutes.” The leader … demanded, “Who is in there with him?”

… I asked the secretary, “Do you want these guys to sign in?” She raised her hands, both palms toward me, and waved frantically as she shook her head. “No, no, no, it is not necessary, not at all.” Her body language told me I had committed a faux pas for even asking the question. [We]chatted on the way back … about how the generals knew where they were going (most foreign visitors to the five-sided asylum don’t) and how the generals didn’t have to sign in. I felt a bit dirtied by the whole thing and couldn’t stop comparing that experience to the grace and gentility of the Moroccan, Tunisian, and Algerian ambassadors with whom I worked.

-Karen Kwiatkowski, Open Door Policy


I hope the link still works.

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Geoff, Yes. Excellent sleuthing!

- Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.susbstack.com

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Thanks much. I wish I had time to explore this however, there are so many rabbit holes to explore...!

Anyway, for those interested, here's another...

Mrs. Lane's experience is fascinating and profoundly helpful. She describes vividly her friendliness with Communists in New York, her enlightening encounters with socialist bureaucracies in Europe, and her observations and discussions with simple villagers and primitive communists in Russia during the early years of the Soviet regime. One finds laughter, surprise, excitement, and shock in this personal story. It will grip and hold any reader's interest.

Rose Wilder Lane Give Me Liberty 1936,1954


Among many others, such as Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley, Dodd's book and Lane's writings are excellent and highly recommended for those curious as to how we've arrived at this tragic situation.

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I’m sure you already know but Rose Wilder Lane is the daughter of Laura Ingalls Wilder of the Little House on the Prairie book series fame.

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Yup. Funny thing tho is that I've read a ton of stuff that Rose wrote, but none of what her mother did. Now you've motivated me to examine from whence Rose arose. I would appreciate any suggestions about where to start.

The reading list ever grows exponentially larger!!

Thank you.

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I saw this info posted online after Trump announced he would deport any Chinese visa holders who belonged to the PLA. There were 300K 'students' from China in academia, government and industry, doing 'advanced training.' Pharma, NIH and FDA especially. That's when CCP membership was declared? Brennan was outed then too. Many are also WEF global fellows/associates. Boston, DC were saturated with CCP members.

Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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I used to think we were better off because of certain advances in medicine. Crazy as it sounds ...Now I’m not so sure...don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water...what’s the solution here? For individuals we need to do our utmost to stay healthy...but these companies in cahoots with the bankers will continue to steal and defraud.

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The sad truth is we never were better off if only because the ill health many suffer is due to the toxins introduced by big pharma in the first place.

Many birth defects big pharma drugs induced.

What is useful is chemistry and chemists where we understood the risks and benefits of chemicals. The rot set in deep when pharmaceutical came along.

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"Speaking out in the pharmaceutical industry is extremely challenging as it immediately blacklists you from future employment in the industry (and relatively few employment options exist outside it). For this reason, even though there are many well-intentioned people within the industry it is very difficult for them to speak out."

Very true, you end up in this hyperspecialized field that is nonsensical in other settings. By the time I've had colleagues come to the range of realizations outlined above the omerta becomes evident, but I think it is akin to covering eyes and ears, though I don't have insight to the highest tiers.

Mortgages, lifestyles, commitments, even cars are provided for some roles, it can feel like extending yourself like a tree branch, then not seeing a way down apart from a steep fall or a very slow and tedious untangling which hopefully does not take too much of what you've tried to build with it.

On the other hand I would say the overwhelming majority maintain no awareness and simply internalize these taboos and perspectives. I recently heard a colleague discussing protests against a company she worked at in a large group, speaking as if the protesters were crazy for getting so close to them driving in and out of these facilities.

No mention on what they may have been protesting and I'm not sure the year, but it does not take a stretch of imagination to guess what it could have been.

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One of the things that really helped me avoid this trap was understanding what I was walking into when I became a doctor so I never became invested to the point I was forced to follow its paradigm.

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How did you come to that understanding at such a relatively young age?

As for myself, I escaped the trap out of pure dumb luck and a little native orneriness.

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By the time I was in middleschool, I noticed that most people around me (despite being incredibly privileged to live in the United States) were not living lives they were satisfied with. Trying to avoid that fate, led to me recognize that most of the superficial things we were fed did not have any real depth to them, and without that depth, it was unlikely they would bring you any real meaning.

Because of this perspective, I often saw through things to what they were and realized a lot of medicine was about putting on a charade so that you could provide the illusion a mastery over health was present when in reality it was not.

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Thanks for that.

I was never perceptive enough to recognize that others were not satisfied, but I was fortunate enough to recognize that what others were striving for were valueless or worse. Not through any moral superiority or smarts on my part, but I just was never impressed with the glitz and baubles. Dumb luck.Thank goodness!

Bless you !

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My daughter works at one of the big mRNA vaccine makers. They have protesters outside the building. The company reinforces the concept that these are crazy conspiracy theorists in emails to employees, either exhorting them to be fearful of them (they might harm you if they know you work here) or commanding them not to talk to them. My daughter believes what her employer tells her, as do most of these good hearted employees who do believe what they are doing is helping. They are not seeing the harms because honest discussion is discouraged. Follow the company line.

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I'm so sorry; that's hard for a parent to deal with. My two adult daughters drank the Kool-Aid and took the jabs, and my two children, of whom I don't have custody of, were jabbed as well.

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The earmarks of a religious cult...

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I would venture to say that such protests may even stroke the egos of some. Any attention, including negative attention is exhilarating than being an invisible cog. The protests show that the employees have power over the protesters, however little or indirect. At least for those who tend sociopathic in a sociopathic organization (most ?)

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Thank you so much. I feel blessed to have discovered Substack last spring. I confess to having doubted and disparaged this whole Covid thing since its beginning, but with your essay another layer of scales is falling from my eyes.

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I ain't just Pfizer and Pharma. From my personal experience I know there is also lots of illegal activity in the tech industry... no one cares.

At one of my employer's a whistle blower reported the company's conduct to the government. The company responded by suing the employee for millions of dollars because the employee did not follow company policies. Company policy was that if you are aware of any illegal conduct you must report it to your manager. Your manager would then evaluate the validity of your complaint.

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Thanks for sharing Dr. Peter Gotzsche. I found him in 2016 (after I'd been poisoned). What a blessing. He's one of the strengths and reasons I was "suspect" going into this whole Plandemic. This ain't my first rodeo, y'all ; ) lol. I lived to fight another day and I've been doing so since Warp Speed Ground Zero Day One of this neferious malfeceant iatrogenic atrocity.

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My son too been/being poisoned by psychiatry. I and my husband did our own digging(taking 7 years) and found many books and finally found Dr. Peter Breggin in March 2020 and his book on psych med withdrawal. Then found Gotzsche on Mad in America’s FB page. Purchased his book also on psychiatric med withdrawal in 2022 as soon as it was published. Before finding those books we have found only two places in U.S. where a person can go to that will help with psych med very slow tapering. Alternative to Med Center in Sedona, AZ and Inner Fire in Vermont. Expensive & of course, insurance doesn’t pay anything. Insurance only partially reimburse for rehabs that keep a person on the neuro toxic drugs.

I thank God for Peter Gotzsche and Peter Breggin.🙏❤️

Our son is currently at ATMC & finally down to one med, continuing to taper, after being put on multi psych drug cocktail(5)…along with other meds for side effects. I just keep praying all goes well.🙏🙏🙏

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Any idea how to get off benzos? I have tapered and tapered, but the 1 mg of lorazepam is near impossible to get off. Every time I try, my sleep falls apart...

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Work on nutrition (especially research nutrition that aids sleep) exercise, go really slow. My sleep was interrupted terribly when I tapered off of Ativan. I cleaned up my eating, worked with a functional md, had massage to reduce anxiety and adopted good sleep hygiene. It took quite a while (a year, six months taper and six months after) but I sleep fine now.

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So sorry you are struggling. In reading about withdrawals from psych meds I know it can be very challenging.

There is a book by Peter Gotzsche- Mental Health Survival Kit and Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Also Peter Breggin, MD has a book- Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. They have recommendations on how to taper each type of psych med.

Some orthomolecular doctors that may be able to help-Mensah Medical in Illinois. They have outreach clinics in a few states. They also did tele health these past 3 years, possibly they still are. The will prescribe specific nutrients for you after you do some labs based on results. They will recommend supplements to help with sleep also. Amy Yasko-has a website. She has you do DNA testing and then can tell you which supplements that may help.

Also: Mad in America- has a website and you can find a group of people on their site to chat with who are trying to taper off same type of med and they will share advice with you.

You could see if lorazepam comes in a liquid. If so, you can taper using liquid measuring slightly smaller and smaller amounts every couple of weeks or month at a time.

Hope these are helpful. Good luck and God bless!🙏❤️

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Breggin's book tapers too fast.

We have had Surviving Antidepressants (survivingantidepressants.org) members spend a lot of money at Mensah Medical with mixed results. There are orthomolecular practitioners who are cheaper.

Nutritional support is important. The most important ones are Fish oil ("lubricates the nervous system, improves flow") and magnesium (supports so many cascades in the body, plus - relaxing, as a bonus).

Sometimes orthomoleculars and naturopaths "fiddle" neurotransmitters just as much as MD's. Gentle changes are best. If you try a new supplement, only one at a time. You are an experiment of N=1. You have to control the variables. One at a time.

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Tapers are too large. Microtaper. Tiny tiny cuts. Some people cut 1-2% per week for a month, then rest a month. (Some people did not sleep for 3 years, only taking cat naps! Benzos can be hard). Most people down at the 1 mg level have to make a liquid: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/2693-how-to-make-a-liquid-from-tablets-or-capsules/ and http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/235-using-an-oral-syringe-and-other-tapering-techniques/

There are some liquid taper videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJIEBnZOloY

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Thank you very much! I am off benzos, finally. Microtapers did not work, because anything less than 1 mg lorazepam does not work for me. And that was true even in the days before I got hooked, when I used it very intermittently.

What finally worked was to go back to intermittency. First only once in several days. Then, only once once a week. Then 10 days. Plus... just biting the bullet, not being afraid that I won't sleep, just getting my body through via sun exposure and exercise. Letting go. Yay! :-)

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I was on many prescriptions including clonazapam and was able to taper off. Like comments here, gut biome and supplements helped. Blood work to see what supplements would help. A few years later I started seeing an integrative medicine doctor. My leaky gut has taken 7 years to heal ( many other issues slowly healing). Sleep will balance out. Don’t give up.

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I am so encouraged by the comments here. Not one of the "health care" people I have been seeing suggested that I deal with my nutrition and gut. All they do is milk my insurance.

I have started on the SCD diet, I already feel a little better. :-)

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Non gmo food, reverse osmosis water and organic when possible, supplement’s recommended by my integrative medicine doctor based on my blood work has helped me tremendously! And getting off of lots of prescription meds ( I stayed on my thyroid medication) . Keep learning and healing!

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I was on clonazapam for a decade)

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Additionally I worked on my micro biome as it was totally whacked from poor nutrition and Benzos. You might want to look into that as well as our microbiome aids sleep.

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Very important info for folks who have never worked for pharma..or a bank..or any corporation ...many are run only for benefit of ceo and the invesdtment banks behind thrm

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As a former investment banker, I agree.

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You must know about Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer U.K. V.P? He blew the whistle since 2020.

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Yes, he pops on here now and then. He was really spot on.

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There are parallels between your description of Peter Rost's experiences and those of nuclear industry whistle-blower Arnie Gundersen. Controlling people - particularly those who 'know', goes along way toward controlling the narrative. I'm sure this is this is taught in 'Oligarch 101'.

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Whistleblowers are in general treated like trash, across the spectrum.

When they act bravely, they pay the price... Alone, forgotten, bankrupt.

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Did you see the brief video I posted with the whistleblower study being discussed?

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Raoul Wallenberg wasn't A whistleblower. But kinda similar scenario. He saved 100k Jews .. Unbelievable acts of heroism. Then Germany, Israel, Sweden, US, Hungary betrayed him, as he spent decades in Russian prison. These countries were most involved.

Rest of world stood silent, mostly.


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Same with several of our Founding Fathers, dying in utter penury.

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You rarely get credit or recognition for doing the right thing.

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I work for one of Brook's attorneys. She is so brave to have come forward, and I wish more whistleblowers would stand up!

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Hope you enjoyed this series. We owe her a lot.

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